Glossary and Vocabulary for The Spells Taught by the Magician Bhadra (Fo Shuo Xuan Shi Ba Tuo Suo Shuo Shen Zhou Jing) 佛說玄師颰陀所說神呪經

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 9 suǒ a few; various; some 中間為蛇所齧
2 9 suǒ a place; a location 中間為蛇所齧
3 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 中間為蛇所齧
4 9 suǒ an ordinal number 中間為蛇所齧
5 9 suǒ meaning 中間為蛇所齧
6 9 suǒ garrison 中間為蛇所齧
7 9 suǒ place; pradeśa 中間為蛇所齧
8 9 dōu a pocket; a pouch 兜勒
9 9 dōu to wrap up in a bag 兜勒
10 9 dōu to accept responsibility 兜勒
11 9 dōu to circle around 兜勒
12 9 dōu a kind hat; a battle helmet 兜勒
13 9 dōu to decieve 兜勒
14 9 dōu a chair-litter 兜勒
15 9 dōu a vest 兜勒
16 9 dōu to solicit 兜勒
17 9 dōu Tusita 兜勒
18 9 to rub 須摩菟
19 9 to approach; to press in 須摩菟
20 9 to sharpen; to grind 須摩菟
21 9 to obliterate; to erase 須摩菟
22 9 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 須摩菟
23 9 friction 須摩菟
24 9 ma 須摩菟
25 9 Māyā 須摩菟
26 7 luó Luo 因呵羅
27 7 luó to catch; to capture 因呵羅
28 7 luó gauze 因呵羅
29 7 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 因呵羅
30 7 luó a net for catching birds 因呵羅
31 7 luó to recruit 因呵羅
32 7 luó to include 因呵羅
33 7 luó to distribute 因呵羅
34 7 luó ra 因呵羅
35 6 he 摩呵
36 6 to scold 摩呵
37 6 a yawn 摩呵
38 6 ha 摩呵
39 6 yawn; vijṛmbhā 摩呵
40 6 la 摩呵
41 6 wéi to act as; to serve 中間為蛇所齧
42 6 wéi to change into; to become 中間為蛇所齧
43 6 wéi to be; is 中間為蛇所齧
44 6 wéi to do 中間為蛇所齧
45 6 wèi to support; to help 中間為蛇所齧
46 6 wéi to govern 中間為蛇所齧
47 6 wèi to be; bhū 中間為蛇所齧
48 6 tuó steep bank 時玄師颰陀隨
49 6 tuó a spinning top 時玄師颰陀隨
50 6 tuó uneven 時玄師颰陀隨
51 6 tuó dha 時玄師颰陀隨
52 5 lēi to tighten; to strangle 兜勒
53 5 lēi to lift upwards 兜勒
54 5 a cud 兜勒
55 5 a calligraphic technique for horizontal strokes 兜勒
56 5 Le 兜勒
57 5 to control a horse-drawn carriage 兜勒
58 5 to restrict; to limit 兜勒
59 5 to command 兜勒
60 5 to compel; to force 兜勒
61 5 to engrave; to write 兜勒
62 5 lēi exertion; prayatna 兜勒
63 5 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 復為鬼神所著
64 5 閱叉 yuèchā yaksa 閱叉梵
65 5 self 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
66 5 [my] dear 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
67 5 Wo 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
68 5 self; atman; attan 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
69 5 ga 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
70 5 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
71 5 relating to Buddhism 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
72 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
73 5 a Buddhist text 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
74 5 to touch; to stroke 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
75 5 Buddha 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
76 5 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
77 5 xiàng to observe; to assess 賊賊更相劫
78 5 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 賊賊更相劫
79 5 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 賊賊更相劫
80 5 xiàng to aid; to help 賊賊更相劫
81 5 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 賊賊更相劫
82 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 賊賊更相劫
83 5 xiāng alternately; in turn 賊賊更相劫
84 5 xiāng Xiang 賊賊更相劫
85 5 xiāng form substance 賊賊更相劫
86 5 xiāng to express 賊賊更相劫
87 5 xiàng to choose 賊賊更相劫
88 5 xiāng Xiang 賊賊更相劫
89 5 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 賊賊更相劫
90 5 xiāng the seventh lunar month 賊賊更相劫
91 5 xiāng to compare 賊賊更相劫
92 5 xiàng to divine 賊賊更相劫
93 5 xiàng to administer 賊賊更相劫
94 5 xiàng helper for a blind person 賊賊更相劫
95 5 xiāng rhythm [music] 賊賊更相劫
96 5 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 賊賊更相劫
97 5 xiāng coralwood 賊賊更相劫
98 5 xiàng ministry 賊賊更相劫
99 5 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 賊賊更相劫
100 5 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 賊賊更相劫
101 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 賊賊更相劫
102 5 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 賊賊更相劫
103 5 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 賊賊更相劫
104 4 yīn cause; reason 因呵羅
105 4 yīn to accord with 因呵羅
106 4 yīn to follow 因呵羅
107 4 yīn to rely on 因呵羅
108 4 yīn via; through 因呵羅
109 4 yīn to continue 因呵羅
110 4 yīn to receive 因呵羅
111 4 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 因呵羅
112 4 yīn to seize an opportunity 因呵羅
113 4 yīn to be like 因呵羅
114 4 yīn a standrd; a criterion 因呵羅
115 4 yīn cause; hetu 因呵羅
116 4 zhě ca 相增者復為相劫
117 4 shí time; a point or period of time 是時有一異比丘
118 4 shí a season; a quarter of a year 是時有一異比丘
119 4 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 是時有一異比丘
120 4 shí fashionable 是時有一異比丘
121 4 shí fate; destiny; luck 是時有一異比丘
122 4 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 是時有一異比丘
123 4 shí tense 是時有一異比丘
124 4 shí particular; special 是時有一異比丘
125 4 shí to plant; to cultivate 是時有一異比丘
126 4 shí an era; a dynasty 是時有一異比丘
127 4 shí time [abstract] 是時有一異比丘
128 4 shí seasonal 是時有一異比丘
129 4 shí to wait upon 是時有一異比丘
130 4 shí hour 是時有一異比丘
131 4 shí appropriate; proper; timely 是時有一異比丘
132 4 shí Shi 是時有一異比丘
133 4 shí a present; currentlt 是時有一異比丘
134 4 shí time; kāla 是時有一異比丘
135 4 shí at that time; samaya 是時有一異比丘
136 4 lái to come
137 4 lái please
138 4 lái used to substitute for another verb
139 4 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect
140 4 lái wheat
141 4 lái next; future
142 4 lái a simple complement of direction
143 4 lái to occur; to arise
144 4 lái to earn
145 4 lái to come; āgata
146 4 jié to coerce; to threaten; to menace 復為賊所劫
147 4 jié take by force; to plunder 復為賊所劫
148 4 jié a disaster; catastrophe 復為賊所劫
149 4 jié a strategy in weiqi 復為賊所劫
150 4 jié a kalpa; an eon 復為賊所劫
151 4 ba 時玄師颰陀隨
152 4 to scold loudly; to curse; to abuse; to denounce
153 4 ha
154 3 chí to grasp; to hold 邏持鬼神摩呵
155 3 chí to resist; to oppose 邏持鬼神摩呵
156 3 chí to uphold 邏持鬼神摩呵
157 3 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 邏持鬼神摩呵
158 3 chí to administer; to manage 邏持鬼神摩呵
159 3 chí to control 邏持鬼神摩呵
160 3 chí to be cautious 邏持鬼神摩呵
161 3 chí to remember 邏持鬼神摩呵
162 3 chí to assist 邏持鬼神摩呵
163 3 chí with; using 邏持鬼神摩呵
164 3 chí dhara 邏持鬼神摩呵
165 3 gēng to change; to ammend 賊賊更相劫
166 3 gēng a watch; a measure of time 賊賊更相劫
167 3 gēng to experience 賊賊更相劫
168 3 gēng to improve 賊賊更相劫
169 3 gēng to replace; to substitute 賊賊更相劫
170 3 gēng to compensate 賊賊更相劫
171 3 gèng to increase 賊賊更相劫
172 3 gēng forced military service 賊賊更相劫
173 3 gēng Geng 賊賊更相劫
174 3 jīng to experience 賊賊更相劫
175 3 gēng contacts 賊賊更相劫
176 3 zài in; at 適在
177 3 zài to exist; to be living 適在
178 3 zài to consist of 適在
179 3 zài to be at a post 適在
180 3 zài in; bhū 適在
181 3 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 不得其便
182 3 便 biàn advantageous 不得其便
183 3 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 不得其便
184 3 便 pián fat; obese 不得其便
185 3 便 biàn to make easy 不得其便
186 3 便 biàn an unearned advantage 不得其便
187 3 便 biàn ordinary; plain 不得其便
188 3 便 biàn in passing 不得其便
189 3 便 biàn informal 不得其便
190 3 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 不得其便
191 3 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 不得其便
192 3 便 biàn stool 不得其便
193 3 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 不得其便
194 3 便 biàn proficient; skilled 不得其便
195 3 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 不得其便
196 3 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
197 3 shǒu head 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
198 3 shǒu Kangxi radical 185 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
199 3 shǒu leader; chief 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
200 3 shǒu foremost; first 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
201 3 shǒu to obey; to bow one's head 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
202 3 shǒu beginning; start 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
203 3 shǒu to denounce 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
204 3 shǒu top; apex 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
205 3 shǒu to acknowledge guilt 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
206 3 shǒu the main offender 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
207 3 shǒu essence; gist 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
208 3 shǒu a side; a direction 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
209 3 shǒu to face towards 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
210 3 to bind; to tie 為繩索所縛
211 3 to restrict; to limit; to constrain 為繩索所縛
212 3 a leash; a tether 為繩索所縛
213 3 binding; attachment; bond; bandha 為繩索所縛
214 3 va 為繩索所縛
215 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 是時有一異比丘
216 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 是時有一異比丘
217 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 是時有一異比丘
218 3 zhòu charm; spell; incantation 欲為呪
219 3 zhòu a curse 欲為呪
220 3 zhòu urging; adjure 欲為呪
221 3 zhòu mantra 欲為呪
222 3 yán to speak; to say; said 玄師颰陀即白佛言
223 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 玄師颰陀即白佛言
224 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 玄師颰陀即白佛言
225 3 yán phrase; sentence 玄師颰陀即白佛言
226 3 yán a word; a syllable 玄師颰陀即白佛言
227 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 玄師颰陀即白佛言
228 3 yán to regard as 玄師颰陀即白佛言
229 3 yán to act as 玄師颰陀即白佛言
230 3 yán word; vacana 玄師颰陀即白佛言
231 3 yán speak; vad 玄師颰陀即白佛言
232 3 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 汝所呪莫令有傷害
233 3 lìng to issue a command 汝所呪莫令有傷害
234 3 lìng rules of behavior; customs 汝所呪莫令有傷害
235 3 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 汝所呪莫令有傷害
236 3 lìng a season 汝所呪莫令有傷害
237 3 lìng respected; good reputation 汝所呪莫令有傷害
238 3 lìng good 汝所呪莫令有傷害
239 3 lìng pretentious 汝所呪莫令有傷害
240 3 lìng a transcending state of existence 汝所呪莫令有傷害
241 3 lìng a commander 汝所呪莫令有傷害
242 3 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 汝所呪莫令有傷害
243 3 lìng lyrics 汝所呪莫令有傷害
244 3 lìng Ling 汝所呪莫令有傷害
245 3 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 汝所呪莫令有傷害
246 3 guó a country; a nation 於竹園去羅閱祇國
247 3 guó the capital of a state 於竹園去羅閱祇國
248 3 guó a feud; a vassal state 於竹園去羅閱祇國
249 3 guó a state; a kingdom 於竹園去羅閱祇國
250 3 guó a place; a land 於竹園去羅閱祇國
251 3 guó domestic; Chinese 於竹園去羅閱祇國
252 3 guó national 於竹園去羅閱祇國
253 3 guó top in the nation 於竹園去羅閱祇國
254 3 guó Guo 於竹園去羅閱祇國
255 3 guó community; nation; janapada 於竹園去羅閱祇國
256 3 to go back; to return 復為鬼神所著
257 3 to resume; to restart 復為鬼神所著
258 3 to do in detail 復為鬼神所著
259 3 to restore 復為鬼神所著
260 3 to respond; to reply to 復為鬼神所著
261 3 Fu; Return 復為鬼神所著
262 3 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復為鬼神所著
263 3 to avoid forced labor or tax 復為鬼神所著
264 3 Fu 復為鬼神所著
265 3 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復為鬼神所著
266 3 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復為鬼神所著
267 3 zéi thief 復為賊所劫
268 3 zéi to injure; to harm 復為賊所劫
269 3 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 復為賊所劫
270 3 zéi evil 復為賊所劫
271 3 zéi thief; caura 復為賊所劫
272 3 shā sand; gravel; pebbles 曜沙難
273 3 shā Sha 曜沙難
274 3 shā beach 曜沙難
275 3 shā granulated 曜沙難
276 3 shā granules; powder 曜沙難
277 3 shā sha 曜沙難
278 3 shā sa 曜沙難
279 3 shā sand; vālukā 曜沙難
280 3 duàn to judge 斷口
281 3 duàn to severe; to break 斷口
282 3 duàn to stop 斷口
283 3 duàn to quit; to give up 斷口
284 3 duàn to intercept 斷口
285 3 duàn to divide 斷口
286 3 duàn to isolate 斷口
287 3 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 時玄師颰陀隨
288 3 xuán black 時玄師颰陀隨
289 3 xuán Kangxi radical 95 時玄師颰陀隨
290 3 xuán incredible; unreliable 時玄師颰陀隨
291 3 xuán occult; mystical 時玄師颰陀隨
292 3 xuán meditative and silent 時玄師颰陀隨
293 3 xuán pretending 時玄師颰陀隨
294 3 xuán Xuan 時玄師颰陀隨
295 3 xuán mysterious; subtle 時玄師颰陀隨
296 3 摩訶 móhē great 摩曜摩訶
297 3 shī teacher 時玄師颰陀隨
298 3 shī multitude 時玄師颰陀隨
299 3 shī a host; a leader 時玄師颰陀隨
300 3 shī an expert 時玄師颰陀隨
301 3 shī an example; a model 時玄師颰陀隨
302 3 shī master 時玄師颰陀隨
303 3 shī a capital city; a well protected place 時玄師颰陀隨
304 3 shī Shi 時玄師颰陀隨
305 3 shī to imitate 時玄師颰陀隨
306 3 shī troops 時玄師颰陀隨
307 3 shī shi 時玄師颰陀隨
308 3 shī an army division 時玄師颰陀隨
309 3 shī the 7th hexagram 時玄師颰陀隨
310 3 shī a lion 時玄師颰陀隨
311 3 shī spiritual guide; teacher; ācārya 時玄師颰陀隨
312 2 to bewitch; to charm; to infatuate 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
313 2 a fan; an enthusiast 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
314 2 mi 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
315 2 to be confused; to be lost 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
316 2 to be obsessed with 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
317 2 complete; full 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
318 2 to confuse; creating illusions; māyā 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
319 2 luó to patrol 邏持鬼神摩呵
320 2 luó a patrol guard 邏持鬼神摩呵
321 2 luó a mountain border 邏持鬼神摩呵
322 2 luó la 邏持鬼神摩呵
323 2 five 被五納衣若露地坐
324 2 fifth musical note 被五納衣若露地坐
325 2 Wu 被五納衣若露地坐
326 2 the five elements 被五納衣若露地坐
327 2 five; pañca 被五納衣若露地坐
328 2 wǎng to go (in a direction) 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
329 2 wǎng in the past 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
330 2 wǎng to turn toward 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
331 2 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
332 2 wǎng to send a gift 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
333 2 wǎng former times 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
334 2 wǎng someone who has passed away 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
335 2 wǎng to go; gam 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
336 2 Qi 其摩呵
337 2 letter; symbol; character 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
338 2 Zi 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
339 2 to love 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
340 2 to teach; to educate 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
341 2 to be allowed to marry 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
342 2 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
343 2 diction; wording 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
344 2 handwriting 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
345 2 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
346 2 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
347 2 a font; a calligraphic style 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
348 2 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
349 2 fàn Sanskrit 閱叉梵
350 2 fàn Brahma 閱叉梵
351 2 fàn India 閱叉梵
352 2 fàn pure; sacred 閱叉梵
353 2 fàn Fan 閱叉梵
354 2 fàn Buddhist 閱叉梵
355 2 fàn Brahman 閱叉梵
356 2 tōu to steal 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
357 2 tōu a burglar; a thief 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
358 2 tōu to steal; muṣita 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
359 2 to pull up; to pull out 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
360 2 to select; to promote 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
361 2 to draw out 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
362 2 to exceed; to excel; to surpass 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
363 2 to seize; to capture 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
364 2 to change 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
365 2 to eliminate 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
366 2 tail of an arrow 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
367 2 tearing out; luñcana 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
368 2 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 俱歸命佛一切皆解脫
369 2 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 俱歸命佛一切皆解脫
370 2 to be near by; to be close to 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
371 2 at that time 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
372 2 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
373 2 supposed; so-called 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
374 2 to arrive at; to ascend 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
375 2 一切 yīqiè temporary 障蔽汝眼令不見一切人
376 2 一切 yīqiè the same 障蔽汝眼令不見一切人
377 2 白佛 bái fó to address the Buddha 玄師颰陀即白佛言
378 2 hài to injure; to harm to 毒毒更相害
379 2 hài to destroy; to kill 毒毒更相害
380 2 hài a disaster; a calamity 毒毒更相害
381 2 hài damage; a fault 毒毒更相害
382 2 hài a crucial point; a strategic location 毒毒更相害
383 2 hài to hinder; to obstruct; to be unfavorable 毒毒更相害
384 2 hài to fall sick 毒毒更相害
385 2 hài to feel; to sense 毒毒更相害
386 2 hài to be jealous of to envy 毒毒更相害
387 2 hài causing harm; hiṃsā 毒毒更相害
388 2 無有 wú yǒu there is not 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
389 2 無有 wú yǒu non-existence 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
390 2 yào glorious; radiant 曜沙難
391 2 yào one of the seven planets 曜沙難
392 2 yào to show off; to flaunt 曜沙難
393 2 yào light from a celestial object 曜沙難
394 2 yào to illuminate 曜沙難
395 2 yào dazzle with light 曜沙難
396 2 yào sunlight 曜沙難
397 2 yào radiant; illustrious; virāj 曜沙難
398 2 羅閱祇 luóyuèzhǐ Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
399 2 病痛 bìngtòng slight illness; indisposition; ailment 病痛如是
400 2 shù tree 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
401 2 shù to plant 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
402 2 shù to establish 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
403 2 shù a door screen 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
404 2 shù a door screen 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
405 2 shù tree; vṛkṣa 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
406 2 rén person; people; a human being 使不知人處
407 2 rén Kangxi radical 9 使不知人處
408 2 rén a kind of person 使不知人處
409 2 rén everybody 使不知人處
410 2 rén adult 使不知人處
411 2 rén somebody; others 使不知人處
412 2 rén an upright person 使不知人處
413 2 rén person; manuṣya 使不知人處
414 2 zhī to go 當爾之時便呼言
415 2 zhī to arrive; to go 當爾之時便呼言
416 2 zhī is 當爾之時便呼言
417 2 zhī to use 當爾之時便呼言
418 2 zhī Zhi 當爾之時便呼言
419 2 desire 欲為呪
420 2 to desire; to wish 欲為呪
421 2 to desire; to intend 欲為呪
422 2 lust 欲為呪
423 2 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲為呪
424 2 zhǐ to stop; to halt 佛言止止颰陀
425 2 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77 佛言止止颰陀
426 2 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to suppress 佛言止止颰陀
427 2 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay 佛言止止颰陀
428 2 zhǐ to rest; to settle 佛言止止颰陀
429 2 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner 佛言止止颰陀
430 2 zhǐ foot 佛言止止颰陀
431 2 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha 佛言止止颰陀
432 2 Ru River 汝所呪莫令有傷害
433 2 Ru 汝所呪莫令有傷害
434 2 to go; to 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
435 2 to rely on; to depend on 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
436 2 Yu 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
437 2 a crow 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
438 2 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使不知人處
439 2 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使不知人處
440 2 使 shǐ to indulge 使不知人處
441 2 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使不知人處
442 2 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使不知人處
443 2 使 shǐ to dispatch 使不知人處
444 2 使 shǐ to use 使不知人處
445 2 使 shǐ to be able to 使不知人處
446 2 使 shǐ messenger; dūta 使不知人處
447 2 佛說玄師颰陀所說神呪經 fó shuō xuán shī bá tuó suǒ shuō shén zhòu jīng Spells Taught by the Magician Bhadra; Fo Shuo Xuan Shi Ba Tuo Suo Shuo Shen Zhou Jing 佛說玄師颰陀所說神呪經
448 2 poison; venom 毒毒更相害
449 2 poisonous 毒毒更相害
450 2 to poison 毒毒更相害
451 2 to endanger 毒毒更相害
452 2 to lothe; to hate 毒毒更相害
453 2 a disaster 毒毒更相害
454 2 narcotics 毒毒更相害
455 2 to harm 毒毒更相害
456 2 harmful 毒毒更相害
457 2 harmful 毒毒更相害
458 2 poison; viṣa 毒毒更相害
459 1 當令 dānglìng to be in season; seasonal 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
460 1 to go; to 珊于兮披拔陀
461 1 to rely on; to depend on 珊于兮披拔陀
462 1 Yu 珊于兮披拔陀
463 1 a crow 珊于兮披拔陀
464 1 hòu after; later 後當國國相攻伐
465 1 hòu empress; queen 後當國國相攻伐
466 1 hòu sovereign 後當國國相攻伐
467 1 hòu the god of the earth 後當國國相攻伐
468 1 hòu late; later 後當國國相攻伐
469 1 hòu offspring; descendents 後當國國相攻伐
470 1 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後當國國相攻伐
471 1 hòu behind; back 後當國國相攻伐
472 1 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後當國國相攻伐
473 1 hòu Hou 後當國國相攻伐
474 1 hòu after; behind 後當國國相攻伐
475 1 hòu following 後當國國相攻伐
476 1 hòu to be delayed 後當國國相攻伐
477 1 hòu to abandon; to discard 後當國國相攻伐
478 1 hòu feudal lords 後當國國相攻伐
479 1 hòu Hou 後當國國相攻伐
480 1 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後當國國相攻伐
481 1 hòu rear; paścāt 後當國國相攻伐
482 1 hòu later; paścima 後當國國相攻伐
483 1 shān coral 珊于兮披拔陀
484 1 shān coral 珊于兮披拔陀
485 1 four
486 1 note a musical scale
487 1 fourth
488 1 Si
489 1 four; catur
490 1 mud
491 1 earth; clay
492 1 paste; plaster
493 1 to make dirty
494 1 to plaster
495 1 mud; paṅka
496 1 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 訶多
497 1 duó many; much 訶多
498 1 duō more 訶多
499 1 duō excessive 訶多
500 1 duō abundant 訶多

Frequencies of all Words

Top 886

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 9 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 中間為蛇所齧
2 9 suǒ an office; an institute 中間為蛇所齧
3 9 suǒ introduces a relative clause 中間為蛇所齧
4 9 suǒ it 中間為蛇所齧
5 9 suǒ if; supposing 中間為蛇所齧
6 9 suǒ a few; various; some 中間為蛇所齧
7 9 suǒ a place; a location 中間為蛇所齧
8 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 中間為蛇所齧
9 9 suǒ that which 中間為蛇所齧
10 9 suǒ an ordinal number 中間為蛇所齧
11 9 suǒ meaning 中間為蛇所齧
12 9 suǒ garrison 中間為蛇所齧
13 9 suǒ place; pradeśa 中間為蛇所齧
14 9 suǒ that which; yad 中間為蛇所齧
15 9 dōu a pocket; a pouch 兜勒
16 9 dōu to wrap up in a bag 兜勒
17 9 dōu to accept responsibility 兜勒
18 9 dōu to circle around 兜勒
19 9 dōu a kind hat; a battle helmet 兜勒
20 9 dōu to decieve 兜勒
21 9 dōu a chair-litter 兜勒
22 9 dōu a vest 兜勒
23 9 dōu to solicit 兜勒
24 9 dōu Tusita 兜勒
25 9 to rub 須摩菟
26 9 to approach; to press in 須摩菟
27 9 to sharpen; to grind 須摩菟
28 9 to obliterate; to erase 須摩菟
29 9 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 須摩菟
30 9 friction 須摩菟
31 9 ma 須摩菟
32 9 Māyā 須摩菟
33 7 luó Luo 因呵羅
34 7 luó to catch; to capture 因呵羅
35 7 luó gauze 因呵羅
36 7 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 因呵羅
37 7 luó a net for catching birds 因呵羅
38 7 luó to recruit 因呵羅
39 7 luó to include 因呵羅
40 7 luó to distribute 因呵羅
41 7 luó ra 因呵羅
42 6 zhū all; many; various 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
43 6 zhū Zhu 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
44 6 zhū all; members of the class 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
45 6 zhū interrogative particle 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
46 6 zhū him; her; them; it 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
47 6 zhū of; in 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
48 6 zhū all; many; sarva 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
49 6 a laughing sound 摩呵
50 6 he 摩呵
51 6 to scold 摩呵
52 6 a yawn 摩呵
53 6 ha 摩呵
54 6 yawn; vijṛmbhā 摩呵
55 6 la 摩呵
56 6 wèi for; to 中間為蛇所齧
57 6 wèi because of 中間為蛇所齧
58 6 wéi to act as; to serve 中間為蛇所齧
59 6 wéi to change into; to become 中間為蛇所齧
60 6 wéi to be; is 中間為蛇所齧
61 6 wéi to do 中間為蛇所齧
62 6 wèi for 中間為蛇所齧
63 6 wèi because of; for; to 中間為蛇所齧
64 6 wèi to 中間為蛇所齧
65 6 wéi in a passive construction 中間為蛇所齧
66 6 wéi forming a rehetorical question 中間為蛇所齧
67 6 wéi forming an adverb 中間為蛇所齧
68 6 wéi to add emphasis 中間為蛇所齧
69 6 wèi to support; to help 中間為蛇所齧
70 6 wéi to govern 中間為蛇所齧
71 6 wèi to be; bhū 中間為蛇所齧
72 6 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆令安隱無有
73 6 jiē same; equally 皆令安隱無有
74 6 jiē all; sarva 皆令安隱無有
75 6 tuó steep bank 時玄師颰陀隨
76 6 tuó a spinning top 時玄師颰陀隨
77 6 tuó uneven 時玄師颰陀隨
78 6 tuó dha 時玄師颰陀隨
79 5 lēi to tighten; to strangle 兜勒
80 5 lēi to lift upwards 兜勒
81 5 a cud 兜勒
82 5 a calligraphic technique for horizontal strokes 兜勒
83 5 Le 兜勒
84 5 to control a horse-drawn carriage 兜勒
85 5 to restrict; to limit 兜勒
86 5 to command 兜勒
87 5 to compel; to force 兜勒
88 5 to engrave; to write 兜勒
89 5 lēi exertion; prayatna 兜勒
90 5 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 復為鬼神所著
91 5 閱叉 yuèchā yaksa 閱叉梵
92 5 shì is; are; am; to be 是時有一異比丘
93 5 shì is exactly 是時有一異比丘
94 5 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是時有一異比丘
95 5 shì this; that; those 是時有一異比丘
96 5 shì really; certainly 是時有一異比丘
97 5 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是時有一異比丘
98 5 shì true 是時有一異比丘
99 5 shì is; has; exists 是時有一異比丘
100 5 shì used between repetitions of a word 是時有一異比丘
101 5 shì a matter; an affair 是時有一異比丘
102 5 shì Shi 是時有一異比丘
103 5 shì is; bhū 是時有一異比丘
104 5 shì this; idam 是時有一異比丘
105 5 I; me; my 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
106 5 self 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
107 5 we; our 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
108 5 [my] dear 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
109 5 Wo 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
110 5 self; atman; attan 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
111 5 ga 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
112 5 I; aham 四輩弟子當令無有害我者
113 5 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
114 5 relating to Buddhism 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
115 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
116 5 a Buddhist text 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
117 5 to touch; to stroke 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
118 5 Buddha 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
119 5 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛遊於羅閱祇國中鸚鵡樹間
120 5 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 賊賊更相劫
121 5 xiàng to observe; to assess 賊賊更相劫
122 5 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 賊賊更相劫
123 5 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 賊賊更相劫
124 5 xiàng to aid; to help 賊賊更相劫
125 5 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 賊賊更相劫
126 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 賊賊更相劫
127 5 xiāng alternately; in turn 賊賊更相劫
128 5 xiāng Xiang 賊賊更相劫
129 5 xiāng form substance 賊賊更相劫
130 5 xiāng to express 賊賊更相劫
131 5 xiàng to choose 賊賊更相劫
132 5 xiāng Xiang 賊賊更相劫
133 5 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 賊賊更相劫
134 5 xiāng the seventh lunar month 賊賊更相劫
135 5 xiāng to compare 賊賊更相劫
136 5 xiàng to divine 賊賊更相劫
137 5 xiàng to administer 賊賊更相劫
138 5 xiàng helper for a blind person 賊賊更相劫
139 5 xiāng rhythm [music] 賊賊更相劫
140 5 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 賊賊更相劫
141 5 xiāng coralwood 賊賊更相劫
142 5 xiàng ministry 賊賊更相劫
143 5 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 賊賊更相劫
144 5 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 賊賊更相劫
145 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 賊賊更相劫
146 5 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 賊賊更相劫
147 5 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 賊賊更相劫
148 4 yīn because 因呵羅
149 4 yīn cause; reason 因呵羅
150 4 yīn to accord with 因呵羅
151 4 yīn to follow 因呵羅
152 4 yīn to rely on 因呵羅
153 4 yīn via; through 因呵羅
154 4 yīn to continue 因呵羅
155 4 yīn to receive 因呵羅
156 4 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 因呵羅
157 4 yīn to seize an opportunity 因呵羅
158 4 yīn to be like 因呵羅
159 4 yīn from; because of 因呵羅
160 4 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 因呵羅
161 4 yīn a standrd; a criterion 因呵羅
162 4 yīn Cause 因呵羅
163 4 yīn cause; hetu 因呵羅
164 4 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 相增者復為相劫
165 4 zhě that 相增者復為相劫
166 4 zhě nominalizing function word 相增者復為相劫
167 4 zhě used to mark a definition 相增者復為相劫
168 4 zhě used to mark a pause 相增者復為相劫
169 4 zhě topic marker; that; it 相增者復為相劫
170 4 zhuó according to 相增者復為相劫
171 4 zhě ca 相增者復為相劫
172 4 shí time; a point or period of time 是時有一異比丘
173 4 shí a season; a quarter of a year 是時有一異比丘
174 4 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 是時有一異比丘
175 4 shí at that time 是時有一異比丘
176 4 shí fashionable 是時有一異比丘
177 4 shí fate; destiny; luck 是時有一異比丘
178 4 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 是時有一異比丘
179 4 shí tense 是時有一異比丘
180 4 shí particular; special 是時有一異比丘
181 4 shí to plant; to cultivate 是時有一異比丘
182 4 shí hour (measure word) 是時有一異比丘
183 4 shí an era; a dynasty 是時有一異比丘
184 4 shí time [abstract] 是時有一異比丘
185 4 shí seasonal 是時有一異比丘
186 4 shí frequently; often 是時有一異比丘
187 4 shí occasionally; sometimes 是時有一異比丘
188 4 shí on time 是時有一異比丘
189 4 shí this; that 是時有一異比丘
190 4 shí to wait upon 是時有一異比丘
191 4 shí hour 是時有一異比丘
192 4 shí appropriate; proper; timely 是時有一異比丘
193 4 shí Shi 是時有一異比丘
194 4 shí a present; currentlt 是時有一異比丘
195 4 shí time; kāla 是時有一異比丘
196 4 shí at that time; samaya 是時有一異比丘
197 4 shí then; atha 是時有一異比丘
198 4 lái to come
199 4 lái indicates an approximate quantity
200 4 lái please
201 4 lái used to substitute for another verb
202 4 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect
203 4 lái ever since
204 4 lái wheat
205 4 lái next; future
206 4 lái a simple complement of direction
207 4 lái to occur; to arise
208 4 lái to earn
209 4 lái to come; āgata
210 4 jié to coerce; to threaten; to menace 復為賊所劫
211 4 jié take by force; to plunder 復為賊所劫
212 4 jié a disaster; catastrophe 復為賊所劫
213 4 jié a strategy in weiqi 復為賊所劫
214 4 jié a kalpa; an eon 復為賊所劫
215 4 ba 時玄師颰陀隨
216 4 to scold loudly; to curse; to abuse; to denounce
217 4 ha
218 3 chí to grasp; to hold 邏持鬼神摩呵
219 3 chí to resist; to oppose 邏持鬼神摩呵
220 3 chí to uphold 邏持鬼神摩呵
221 3 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 邏持鬼神摩呵
222 3 chí to administer; to manage 邏持鬼神摩呵
223 3 chí to control 邏持鬼神摩呵
224 3 chí to be cautious 邏持鬼神摩呵
225 3 chí to remember 邏持鬼神摩呵
226 3 chí to assist 邏持鬼神摩呵
227 3 chí with; using 邏持鬼神摩呵
228 3 chí dhara 邏持鬼神摩呵
229 3 gèng more; even more 賊賊更相劫
230 3 gēng to change; to ammend 賊賊更相劫
231 3 gēng a watch; a measure of time 賊賊更相劫
232 3 gèng again; also 賊賊更相劫
233 3 gēng to experience 賊賊更相劫
234 3 gēng to improve 賊賊更相劫
235 3 gēng to replace; to substitute 賊賊更相劫
236 3 gēng to compensate 賊賊更相劫
237 3 gèng furthermore; even if 賊賊更相劫
238 3 gèng other 賊賊更相劫
239 3 gèng to increase 賊賊更相劫
240 3 gēng forced military service 賊賊更相劫
241 3 gēng Geng 賊賊更相劫
242 3 gèng finally; eventually 賊賊更相劫
243 3 jīng to experience 賊賊更相劫
244 3 gèng again; punar 賊賊更相劫
245 3 gēng contacts 賊賊更相劫
246 3 zài in; at 適在
247 3 zài at 適在
248 3 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 適在
249 3 zài to exist; to be living 適在
250 3 zài to consist of 適在
251 3 zài to be at a post 適在
252 3 zài in; bhū 適在
253 3 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 不得其便
254 3 便 biàn advantageous 不得其便
255 3 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 不得其便
256 3 便 pián fat; obese 不得其便
257 3 便 biàn to make easy 不得其便
258 3 便 biàn an unearned advantage 不得其便
259 3 便 biàn ordinary; plain 不得其便
260 3 便 biàn if only; so long as; to the contrary 不得其便
261 3 便 biàn in passing 不得其便
262 3 便 biàn informal 不得其便
263 3 便 biàn right away; then; right after 不得其便
264 3 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 不得其便
265 3 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 不得其便
266 3 便 biàn stool 不得其便
267 3 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 不得其便
268 3 便 biàn proficient; skilled 不得其便
269 3 便 biàn even if; even though 不得其便
270 3 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 不得其便
271 3 便 biàn then; atha 不得其便
272 3 如是 rúshì thus; so 聞如是
273 3 如是 rúshì thus, so 聞如是
274 3 如是 rúshì thus; evam 聞如是
275 3 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
276 3 entirely; without exception 佛俱往
277 3 both; together 佛俱往
278 3 together; sardham 佛俱往
279 3 shǒu head 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
280 3 shǒu measure word for poems 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
281 3 shǒu Kangxi radical 185 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
282 3 shǒu leader; chief 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
283 3 shǒu foremost; first 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
284 3 shǒu to obey; to bow one's head 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
285 3 shǒu beginning; start 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
286 3 shǒu to denounce 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
287 3 shǒu top; apex 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
288 3 shǒu to acknowledge guilt 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
289 3 shǒu the main offender 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
290 3 shǒu essence; gist 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
291 3 shǒu a side; a direction 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
292 3 shǒu to face towards 僧深味尼欝遮梨首利拔提
293 3 to bind; to tie 為繩索所縛
294 3 to restrict; to limit; to constrain 為繩索所縛
295 3 a leash; a tether 為繩索所縛
296 3 binding; attachment; bond; bandha 為繩索所縛
297 3 va 為繩索所縛
298 3 yǒu is; are; to exist 是時有一異比丘
299 3 yǒu to have; to possess 是時有一異比丘
300 3 yǒu indicates an estimate 是時有一異比丘
301 3 yǒu indicates a large quantity 是時有一異比丘
302 3 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 是時有一異比丘
303 3 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 是時有一異比丘
304 3 yǒu used to compare two things 是時有一異比丘
305 3 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 是時有一異比丘
306 3 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 是時有一異比丘
307 3 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 是時有一異比丘
308 3 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 是時有一異比丘
309 3 yǒu abundant 是時有一異比丘
310 3 yǒu purposeful 是時有一異比丘
311 3 yǒu You 是時有一異比丘
312 3 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 是時有一異比丘
313 3 yǒu becoming; bhava 是時有一異比丘
314 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 是時有一異比丘
315 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 是時有一異比丘
316 3 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 是時有一異比丘
317 3 zhòu charm; spell; incantation 欲為呪
318 3 zhòu a curse 欲為呪
319 3 zhòu urging; adjure 欲為呪
320 3 zhòu mantra 欲為呪
321 3 yán to speak; to say; said 玄師颰陀即白佛言
322 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 玄師颰陀即白佛言
323 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 玄師颰陀即白佛言
324 3 yán a particle with no meaning 玄師颰陀即白佛言
325 3 yán phrase; sentence 玄師颰陀即白佛言
326 3 yán a word; a syllable 玄師颰陀即白佛言
327 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 玄師颰陀即白佛言
328 3 yán to regard as 玄師颰陀即白佛言
329 3 yán to act as 玄師颰陀即白佛言
330 3 yán word; vacana 玄師颰陀即白佛言
331 3 yán speak; vad 玄師颰陀即白佛言
332 3 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 汝所呪莫令有傷害
333 3 lìng to issue a command 汝所呪莫令有傷害
334 3 lìng rules of behavior; customs 汝所呪莫令有傷害
335 3 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 汝所呪莫令有傷害
336 3 lìng a season 汝所呪莫令有傷害
337 3 lìng respected; good reputation 汝所呪莫令有傷害
338 3 lìng good 汝所呪莫令有傷害
339 3 lìng pretentious 汝所呪莫令有傷害
340 3 lìng a transcending state of existence 汝所呪莫令有傷害
341 3 lìng a commander 汝所呪莫令有傷害
342 3 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 汝所呪莫令有傷害
343 3 lìng lyrics 汝所呪莫令有傷害
344 3 lìng Ling 汝所呪莫令有傷害
345 3 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 汝所呪莫令有傷害
346 3 guó a country; a nation 於竹園去羅閱祇國
347 3 guó the capital of a state 於竹園去羅閱祇國
348 3 guó a feud; a vassal state 於竹園去羅閱祇國
349 3 guó a state; a kingdom 於竹園去羅閱祇國
350 3 guó a place; a land 於竹園去羅閱祇國
351 3 guó domestic; Chinese 於竹園去羅閱祇國
352 3 guó national 於竹園去羅閱祇國
353 3 guó top in the nation 於竹園去羅閱祇國
354 3 guó Guo 於竹園去羅閱祇國
355 3 guó community; nation; janapada 於竹園去羅閱祇國
356 3 again; more; repeatedly 復為鬼神所著
357 3 to go back; to return 復為鬼神所著
358 3 to resume; to restart 復為鬼神所著
359 3 to do in detail 復為鬼神所著
360 3 to restore 復為鬼神所著
361 3 to respond; to reply to 復為鬼神所著
362 3 after all; and then 復為鬼神所著
363 3 even if; although 復為鬼神所著
364 3 Fu; Return 復為鬼神所著
365 3 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復為鬼神所著
366 3 to avoid forced labor or tax 復為鬼神所著
367 3 particle without meaing 復為鬼神所著
368 3 Fu 復為鬼神所著
369 3 repeated; again 復為鬼神所著
370 3 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復為鬼神所著
371 3 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復為鬼神所著
372 3 again; punar 復為鬼神所著
373 3 zéi thief 復為賊所劫
374 3 zéi to injure; to harm 復為賊所劫
375 3 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 復為賊所劫
376 3 zéi evil 復為賊所劫
377 3 zéi extremely 復為賊所劫
378 3 zéi thief; caura 復為賊所劫
379 3 shā sand; gravel; pebbles 曜沙難
380 3 shā Sha 曜沙難
381 3 shā beach 曜沙難
382 3 shā granulated 曜沙難
383 3 shā granules; powder 曜沙難
384 3 shā sha 曜沙難
385 3 shā a; ya 曜沙難
386 3 shā sa 曜沙難
387 3 shā sand; vālukā 曜沙難
388 3 duàn absolutely; decidedly 斷口
389 3 duàn to judge 斷口
390 3 duàn to severe; to break 斷口
391 3 duàn to stop 斷口
392 3 duàn to quit; to give up 斷口
393 3 duàn to intercept 斷口
394 3 duàn to divide 斷口
395 3 duàn to isolate 斷口
396 3 duàn cutting off; uccheda 斷口
397 3 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 時玄師颰陀隨
398 3 xuán black 時玄師颰陀隨
399 3 xuán Kangxi radical 95 時玄師颰陀隨
400 3 xuán incredible; unreliable 時玄師颰陀隨
401 3 xuán occult; mystical 時玄師颰陀隨
402 3 xuán meditative and silent 時玄師颰陀隨
403 3 xuán pretending 時玄師颰陀隨
404 3 xuán Xuan 時玄師颰陀隨
405 3 xuán mysterious; subtle 時玄師颰陀隨
406 3 摩訶 móhē great 摩曜摩訶
407 3 shī teacher 時玄師颰陀隨
408 3 shī multitude 時玄師颰陀隨
409 3 shī a host; a leader 時玄師颰陀隨
410 3 shī an expert 時玄師颰陀隨
411 3 shī an example; a model 時玄師颰陀隨
412 3 shī master 時玄師颰陀隨
413 3 shī a capital city; a well protected place 時玄師颰陀隨
414 3 shī Shi 時玄師颰陀隨
415 3 shī to imitate 時玄師颰陀隨
416 3 shī troops 時玄師颰陀隨
417 3 shī shi 時玄師颰陀隨
418 3 shī an army division 時玄師颰陀隨
419 3 shī the 7th hexagram 時玄師颰陀隨
420 3 shī a lion 時玄師颰陀隨
421 3 shī spiritual guide; teacher; ācārya 時玄師颰陀隨
422 2 to bewitch; to charm; to infatuate 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
423 2 a fan; an enthusiast 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
424 2 mi 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
425 2 to be confused; to be lost 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
426 2 to be obsessed with 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
427 2 complete; full 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
428 2 to confuse; creating illusions; māyā 語斷諸迷斷諸病痛
429 2 luó to patrol 邏持鬼神摩呵
430 2 luó a patrol guard 邏持鬼神摩呵
431 2 luó a mountain border 邏持鬼神摩呵
432 2 luó la 邏持鬼神摩呵
433 2 five 被五納衣若露地坐
434 2 fifth musical note 被五納衣若露地坐
435 2 Wu 被五納衣若露地坐
436 2 the five elements 被五納衣若露地坐
437 2 five; pañca 被五納衣若露地坐
438 2 ruò to seem; to be like; as
439 2 ruò seemingly
440 2 ruò if
441 2 ruò you
442 2 ruò this; that
443 2 ruò and; or
444 2 ruò as for; pertaining to
445 2 pomegranite
446 2 ruò to choose
447 2 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to
448 2 ruò thus
449 2 ruò pollia
450 2 ruò Ruo
451 2 ruò only then
452 2 ja
453 2 jñā
454 2 ruò if; yadi
455 2 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 後當國國相攻伐
456 2 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 後當國國相攻伐
457 2 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 後當國國相攻伐
458 2 dāng to face 後當國國相攻伐
459 2 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 後當國國相攻伐
460 2 dāng to manage; to host 後當國國相攻伐
461 2 dāng should 後當國國相攻伐
462 2 dāng to treat; to regard as 後當國國相攻伐
463 2 dǎng to think 後當國國相攻伐
464 2 dàng suitable; correspond to 後當國國相攻伐
465 2 dǎng to be equal 後當國國相攻伐
466 2 dàng that 後當國國相攻伐
467 2 dāng an end; top 後當國國相攻伐
468 2 dàng clang; jingle 後當國國相攻伐
469 2 dāng to judge 後當國國相攻伐
470 2 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 後當國國相攻伐
471 2 dàng the same 後當國國相攻伐
472 2 dàng to pawn 後當國國相攻伐
473 2 dàng to fail [an exam] 後當國國相攻伐
474 2 dàng a trap 後當國國相攻伐
475 2 dàng a pawned item 後當國國相攻伐
476 2 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 後當國國相攻伐
477 2 wǎng to go (in a direction) 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
478 2 wǎng in the direction of 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
479 2 wǎng in the past 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
480 2 wǎng to turn toward 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
481 2 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
482 2 wǎng to send a gift 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
483 2 wǎng former times 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
484 2 wǎng someone who has passed away 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
485 2 wǎng to go; gam 見佛爾時即往到是比丘所
486 2 his; hers; its; theirs 其摩呵
487 2 to add emphasis 其摩呵
488 2 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其摩呵
489 2 used when making a request or giving an order 其摩呵
490 2 he; her; it; them 其摩呵
491 2 probably; likely 其摩呵
492 2 will 其摩呵
493 2 may 其摩呵
494 2 if 其摩呵
495 2 or 其摩呵
496 2 Qi 其摩呵
497 2 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其摩呵
498 2 letter; symbol; character 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
499 2 Zi 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者
500 2 to love 我字因偷諸欲病者害人者


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
dōu Tusita
  1. ma
  2. Māyā
luó ra
zhū all; many; sarva
  1. ha
  2. yawn; vijṛmbhā
  3. la
wèi to be; bhū
jiē all; sarva
tuó dha
lēi exertion; prayatna

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
东晋 東晉 100 Eastern Jin Dynasty
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵摩 102 Brahma
佛说玄师颰陀所说神呪经 佛說玄師颰陀所說神呪經 102 Spells Taught by the Magician Bhadra; Fo Shuo Xuan Shi Ba Tuo Suo Shuo Shen Zhou Jing
罗阅只 羅閱祇 108 Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
竺昙无兰 竺曇無蘭 90 Tan Wulan
竹园 竹園 122 Bamboo Grove


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 14.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
露地坐 108 staying outdoors
纳衣 納衣 110 monastic robes
神咒 115 mantra
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
一异 一異 121 one and many
怨家 121 an enemy
阅叉 閱叉 121 yaksa