Glossary and Vocabulary for Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論, Scroll 10

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 118 zhī to know 若智生知他眾生他人心心
2 118 zhī to comprehend 若智生知他眾生他人心心
3 118 zhī to inform; to tell 若智生知他眾生他人心心
4 118 zhī to administer 若智生知他眾生他人心心
5 118 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 若智生知他眾生他人心心
6 118 zhī to be close friends 若智生知他眾生他人心心
7 118 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 若智生知他眾生他人心心
8 118 zhī to receive; to entertain 若智生知他眾生他人心心
9 118 zhī knowledge 若智生知他眾生他人心心
10 118 zhī consciousness; perception 若智生知他眾生他人心心
11 118 zhī a close friend 若智生知他眾生他人心心
12 118 zhì wisdom 若智生知他眾生他人心心
13 118 zhì Zhi 若智生知他眾生他人心心
14 118 zhī to appreciate 若智生知他眾生他人心心
15 118 zhī to make known 若智生知他眾生他人心心
16 118 zhī to have control over 若智生知他眾生他人心心
17 118 zhī to expect; to foresee 若智生知他眾生他人心心
18 118 zhī Understanding 若智生知他眾生他人心心
19 118 zhī know; jña 若智生知他眾生他人心心
20 109 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 云何退分智
21 109 zhì care; prudence 云何退分智
22 109 zhì Zhi 云何退分智
23 109 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 云何退分智
24 109 zhì clever 云何退分智
25 109 zhì Wisdom 云何退分智
26 109 zhì jnana; knowing 云何退分智
27 97 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 非問分智品第四之二
28 97 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 非問分智品第四之二
29 97 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 非問分智品第四之二
30 97 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 非問分智品第四之二
31 97 fēn a fraction 非問分智品第四之二
32 97 fēn to express as a fraction 非問分智品第四之二
33 97 fēn one tenth 非問分智品第四之二
34 97 fèn a component; an ingredient 非問分智品第四之二
35 97 fèn the limit of an obligation 非問分智品第四之二
36 97 fèn affection; goodwill 非問分智品第四之二
37 97 fèn a role; a responsibility 非問分智品第四之二
38 97 fēn equinox 非問分智品第四之二
39 97 fèn a characteristic 非問分智品第四之二
40 97 fèn to assume; to deduce 非問分智品第四之二
41 97 fēn to share 非問分智品第四之二
42 97 fēn branch [office] 非問分智品第四之二
43 97 fēn clear; distinct 非問分智品第四之二
44 97 fēn a difference 非問分智品第四之二
45 97 fēn a score 非問分智品第四之二
46 97 fèn identity 非問分智品第四之二
47 97 fèn a part; a portion 非問分智品第四之二
48 97 fēn part; avayava 非問分智品第四之二
49 94 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非問分智品第四之二
50 94 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非問分智品第四之二
51 94 fēi different 非問分智品第四之二
52 94 fēi to not be; to not have 非問分智品第四之二
53 94 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非問分智品第四之二
54 94 fēi Africa 非問分智品第四之二
55 94 fēi to slander 非問分智品第四之二
56 94 fěi to avoid 非問分智品第四之二
57 94 fēi must 非問分智品第四之二
58 94 fēi an error 非問分智品第四之二
59 94 fēi a problem; a question 非問分智品第四之二
60 94 fēi evil 非問分智品第四之二
61 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 比丘修此定已
62 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 比丘修此定已
63 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 比丘修此定已
64 89 dìng to decide 比丘修此定已
65 89 dìng certainly; definitely 比丘修此定已
66 89 dìng to determine 比丘修此定已
67 89 dìng to calm down 比丘修此定已
68 89 dìng to set; to fix 比丘修此定已
69 89 dìng to book; to subscribe to; to order 比丘修此定已
70 89 dìng still 比丘修此定已
71 89 dìng Concentration 比丘修此定已
72 89 dìng meditative concentration; meditation 比丘修此定已
73 89 dìng real; sadbhūta 比丘修此定已
74 65 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 無復生處云何比丘知受
75 65 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 無復生處云何比丘知受
76 65 chù an office; a department; a bureau 無復生處云何比丘知受
77 65 chù a part; an aspect 無復生處云何比丘知受
78 65 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 無復生處云何比丘知受
79 65 chǔ to get along with 無復生處云何比丘知受
80 65 chǔ to deal with; to manage 無復生處云何比丘知受
81 65 chǔ to punish; to sentence 無復生處云何比丘知受
82 65 chǔ to stop; to pause 無復生處云何比丘知受
83 65 chǔ to be associated with 無復生處云何比丘知受
84 65 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 無復生處云何比丘知受
85 65 chǔ to occupy; to control 無復生處云何比丘知受
86 65 chù circumstances; situation 無復生處云何比丘知受
87 65 chù an occasion; a time 無復生處云何比丘知受
88 65 chù position; sthāna 無復生處云何比丘知受
89 58 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 知色知色集知色滅知色
90 58 miè to submerge 知色知色集知色滅知色
91 58 miè to extinguish; to put out 知色知色集知色滅知色
92 58 miè to eliminate 知色知色集知色滅知色
93 58 miè to disappear; to fade away 知色知色集知色滅知色
94 58 miè the cessation of suffering 知色知色集知色滅知色
95 58 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 知色知色集知色滅知色
96 58 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名退分智
97 58 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名退分智
98 58 míng rank; position 是名退分智
99 58 míng an excuse 是名退分智
100 58 míng life 是名退分智
101 58 míng to name; to call 是名退分智
102 58 míng to express; to describe 是名退分智
103 58 míng to be called; to have the name 是名退分智
104 58 míng to own; to possess 是名退分智
105 58 míng famous; renowned 是名退分智
106 58 míng moral 是名退分智
107 58 míng name; naman 是名退分智
108 58 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名退分智
109 54 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是名如是姓如是生
110 51 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
111 51 shòu to transfer; to confer 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
112 51 shòu to receive; to accept 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
113 51 shòu to tolerate 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
114 51 shòu feelings; sensations 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
115 50 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 云何住
116 50 zhù to stop; to halt 云何住
117 50 zhù to retain; to remain 云何住
118 50 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 云何住
119 50 zhù verb complement 云何住
120 50 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 云何住
121 47 color 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
122 47 form; matter 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
123 47 shǎi dice 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
124 47 Kangxi radical 139 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
125 47 countenance 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
126 47 scene; sight 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
127 47 feminine charm; female beauty 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
128 47 kind; type 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
129 47 quality 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
130 47 to be angry 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
131 47 to seek; to search for 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
132 47 lust; sexual desire 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
133 47 form; rupa 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
134 46 shēng to be born; to give birth 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
135 46 shēng to live 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
136 46 shēng raw 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
137 46 shēng a student 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
138 46 shēng life 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
139 46 shēng to produce; to give rise 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
140 46 shēng alive 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
141 46 shēng a lifetime 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
142 46 shēng to initiate; to become 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
143 46 shēng to grow 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
144 46 shēng unfamiliar 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
145 46 shēng not experienced 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
146 46 shēng hard; stiff; strong 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
147 46 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
148 46 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
149 46 shēng gender 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
150 46 shēng to develop; to grow 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
151 46 shēng to set up 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
152 46 shēng a prostitute 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
153 46 shēng a captive 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
154 46 shēng a gentleman 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
155 46 shēng Kangxi radical 100 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
156 46 shēng unripe 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
157 46 shēng nature 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
158 46 shēng to inherit; to succeed 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
159 46 shēng destiny 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
160 46 shēng birth 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
161 46 shēng arise; produce; utpad 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
162 41 xiǎng to think 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
163 41 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
164 41 xiǎng to want 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
165 41 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
166 41 xiǎng to plan 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
167 41 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
168 40 method; way 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
169 40 France 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
170 40 the law; rules; regulations 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
171 40 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
172 40 a standard; a norm 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
173 40 an institution 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
174 40 to emulate 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
175 40 magic; a magic trick 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
176 40 punishment 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
177 40 Fa 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
178 40 a precedent 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
179 40 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
180 40 relating to a ceremony or rite 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
181 40 Dharma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
182 40 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
183 40 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
184 40 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
185 40 quality; characteristic 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
186 40 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 云何解分智
187 40 jiě to explain 云何解分智
188 40 jiě to divide; to separate 云何解分智
189 40 jiě to understand 云何解分智
190 40 jiě to solve a math problem 云何解分智
191 40 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 云何解分智
192 40 jiě to cut; to disect 云何解分智
193 40 jiě to relieve oneself 云何解分智
194 40 jiě a solution 云何解分智
195 40 jiè to escort 云何解分智
196 40 xiè to understand; to be clear 云何解分智
197 40 xiè acrobatic skills 云何解分智
198 40 jiě can; able to 云何解分智
199 40 jiě a stanza 云何解分智
200 40 jiè to send off 云何解分智
201 40 xiè Xie 云何解分智
202 40 jiě exegesis 云何解分智
203 40 xiè laziness 云何解分智
204 40 jiè a government office 云何解分智
205 40 jiè to pawn 云何解分智
206 40 jiè to rent; to lease 云何解分智
207 40 jiě understanding 云何解分智
208 40 jiě to liberate 云何解分智
209 40 Kangxi radical 71 無一智退分住分智
210 40 to not have; without 無一智退分住分智
211 40 mo 無一智退分住分智
212 40 to not have 無一智退分住分智
213 40 Wu 無一智退分住分智
214 40 mo 無一智退分住分智
215 38 to gather; to collect 知色知色集知色滅知色
216 38 collected works; collection 知色知色集知色滅知色
217 38 to stablize; to settle 知色知色集知色滅知色
218 38 used in place names 知色知色集知色滅知色
219 38 to mix; to blend 知色知色集知色滅知色
220 38 to hit the mark 知色知色集知色滅知色
221 38 to compile 知色知色集知色滅知色
222 38 to finish; to accomplish 知色知色集知色滅知色
223 38 to rest; to perch 知色知色集知色滅知色
224 38 a market 知色知色集知色滅知色
225 38 the origin of suffering 知色知色集知色滅知色
226 38 assembled; saṃnipatita 知色知色集知色滅知色
227 37 extra; surplus 若餘智見
228 37 odd; surplus over a round number 若餘智見
229 37 to remain 若餘智見
230 37 other 若餘智見
231 37 additional; complementary 若餘智見
232 37 remaining 若餘智見
233 37 incomplete 若餘智見
234 37 Yu 若餘智見
235 37 other; anya 若餘智見
236 36 rén person; people; a human being 若智生天耳過於人耳
237 36 rén Kangxi radical 9 若智生天耳過於人耳
238 36 rén a kind of person 若智生天耳過於人耳
239 36 rén everybody 若智生天耳過於人耳
240 36 rén adult 若智生天耳過於人耳
241 36 rén somebody; others 若智生天耳過於人耳
242 36 rén an upright person 若智生天耳過於人耳
243 36 rén person; manuṣya 若智生天耳過於人耳
244 36 知行 zhī xíng Understanding and Practice 知行知行集知行滅知行滅
245 36 xīn heart [organ] 無量心等明照
246 36 xīn Kangxi radical 61 無量心等明照
247 36 xīn mind; consciousness 無量心等明照
248 36 xīn the center; the core; the middle 無量心等明照
249 36 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 無量心等明照
250 36 xīn heart 無量心等明照
251 36 xīn emotion 無量心等明照
252 36 xīn intention; consideration 無量心等明照
253 36 xīn disposition; temperament 無量心等明照
254 36 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 無量心等明照
255 36 xīn heart; hṛdaya 無量心等明照
256 36 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 無量心等明照
257 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase; to grow 云何增長分智
258 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase, grow 云何增長分智
259 34 增長 zēngzhǎng augmentation; paustika 云何增長分智
260 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase; vṛddhi 云何增長分智
261 34 增長 zēngzhǎng fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha 云何增長分智
262 34 增長 zēngzhǎng Virudhaka; Virudhaka Deva King of the South 云何增長分智
263 33 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 若智非聖善
264 33 shàn happy 若智非聖善
265 33 shàn good 若智非聖善
266 33 shàn kind-hearted 若智非聖善
267 33 shàn to be skilled at something 若智非聖善
268 33 shàn familiar 若智非聖善
269 33 shàn to repair 若智非聖善
270 33 shàn to admire 若智非聖善
271 33 shàn to praise 若智非聖善
272 33 shàn Shan 若智非聖善
273 33 shàn wholesome; virtuous 若智非聖善
274 33 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 云何退分智
275 33 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 云何退分智
276 33 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 云何退分智
277 33 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 云何退分智
278 33 退 tuì to give back 云何退分智
279 33 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 云何退分智
280 33 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 云何退分智
281 33 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 云何退分智
282 33 退 tuì obsolete 云何退分智
283 33 退 tuì to retire; to resign 云何退分智
284 33 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 云何退分智
285 33 退 tuì parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate 云何退分智
286 33 退 tuì retreat; apakram 云何退分智
287 32 知識 zhīshi knowledge 知識知識集知
288 32 知識 zhīshi an acquaintance 知識知識集知
289 30 wèi taste; flavor 知色味
290 30 wèi significance 知色味
291 30 wèi to taste 知色味
292 30 wèi to ruminate; to mull over 知色味
293 30 wèi smell; odor 知色味
294 30 wèi a delicacy 知色味
295 30 wèi taste; rasa 知色味
296 29 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 定定方便
297 29 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 定定方便
298 29 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 定定方便
299 29 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 定定方便
300 29 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 定定方便
301 29 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 定定方便
302 29 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 定定方便
303 29 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 定定方便
304 29 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 定定方便
305 29 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 定定方便
306 28 過患 guòhuàn suffering and hardship 知色過患知色出
307 28 過患 guòhuàn a disaster; bad consequences 知色過患知色出
308 27 xíng to walk 如是有行成就
309 27 xíng capable; competent 如是有行成就
310 27 háng profession 如是有行成就
311 27 xíng Kangxi radical 144 如是有行成就
312 27 xíng to travel 如是有行成就
313 27 xìng actions; conduct 如是有行成就
314 27 xíng to do; to act; to practice 如是有行成就
315 27 xíng all right; OK; okay 如是有行成就
316 27 háng horizontal line 如是有行成就
317 27 héng virtuous deeds 如是有行成就
318 27 hàng a line of trees 如是有行成就
319 27 hàng bold; steadfast 如是有行成就
320 27 xíng to move 如是有行成就
321 27 xíng to put into effect; to implement 如是有行成就
322 27 xíng travel 如是有行成就
323 27 xíng to circulate 如是有行成就
324 27 xíng running script; running script 如是有行成就
325 27 xíng temporary 如是有行成就
326 27 háng rank; order 如是有行成就
327 27 háng a business; a shop 如是有行成就
328 27 xíng to depart; to leave 如是有行成就
329 27 xíng to experience 如是有行成就
330 27 xíng path; way 如是有行成就
331 27 xíng xing; ballad 如是有行成就
332 27 xíng Xing 如是有行成就
333 27 xíng Practice 如是有行成就
334 27 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 如是有行成就
335 27 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 如是有行成就
336 23 shí real; true 實知無癡心
337 23 shí nut; seed; fruit 實知無癡心
338 23 shí substance; content; material 實知無癡心
339 23 shí honest; sincere 實知無癡心
340 23 shí vast; extensive 實知無癡心
341 23 shí solid 實知無癡心
342 23 shí abundant; prosperous 實知無癡心
343 23 shí reality; a fact; an event 實知無癡心
344 23 shí wealth; property 實知無癡心
345 23 shí effect; result 實知無癡心
346 23 shí an honest person 實知無癡心
347 23 shí to fill 實知無癡心
348 23 shí complete 實知無癡心
349 23 shí to strengthen 實知無癡心
350 23 shí to practice 實知無癡心
351 23 shí namely 實知無癡心
352 23 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 實知無癡心
353 23 shí full; at capacity 實知無癡心
354 23 shí supplies; goods 實知無癡心
355 23 shí Shichen 實知無癡心
356 23 shí Real 實知無癡心
357 23 shí truth; reality; tattva 實知無癡心
358 22 jiàn to see 若餘智見
359 22 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 若餘智見
360 22 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 若餘智見
361 22 jiàn refer to; for details see 若餘智見
362 22 jiàn to listen to 若餘智見
363 22 jiàn to meet 若餘智見
364 22 jiàn to receive (a guest) 若餘智見
365 22 jiàn let me; kindly 若餘智見
366 22 jiàn Jian 若餘智見
367 22 xiàn to appear 若餘智見
368 22 xiàn to introduce 若餘智見
369 22 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 若餘智見
370 22 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 若餘智見
371 22 guān to look at; to watch; to observe
372 22 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery
373 22 guān to display; to show; to make visible
374 22 guān Guan
375 22 guān appearance; looks
376 22 guān a sight; a view; a vista
377 22 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective
378 22 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire
379 22 guàn an announcement
380 22 guàn a high tower; a watchtower
381 22 guān Surview
382 22 guān Observe
383 22 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana
384 22 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti
385 22 guān recollection; anusmrti
386 22 guān viewing; avaloka
387 21 如實知 rúshízhī to understand things as they really are 若有欲心如實知有欲心
388 21 如實知 rúshízhī understanding of thusness 若有欲心如實知有欲心
389 20 shēn human body; torso 身出
390 20 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身出
391 20 shēn self 身出
392 20 shēn life 身出
393 20 shēn an object 身出
394 20 shēn a lifetime 身出
395 20 shēn moral character 身出
396 20 shēn status; identity; position 身出
397 20 shēn pregnancy 身出
398 20 juān India 身出
399 20 shēn body; kāya 身出
400 20 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
401 20 解脫 jiětuō liberation 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
402 20 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
403 19 滅道 mièdào extinction of suffering and the path to it 滅道
404 18 to go; to 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
405 18 to rely on; to depend on 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
406 18 Yu 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
407 18 a crow 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
408 17 to associate with; be near 如比
409 17 to compare; to contrast 如比
410 17 Kangxi radical 81 如比
411 17 to gesture (with hands) 如比
412 17 to make an analogy 如比
413 17 an analogy 如比
414 17 an example 如比
415 17 comparison; upamā 如比
416 16 dào way; road; path
417 16 dào principle; a moral; morality
418 16 dào Tao; the Way
419 16 dào to say; to speak; to talk
420 16 dào to think
421 16 dào circuit; a province
422 16 dào a course; a channel
423 16 dào a method; a way of doing something
424 16 dào a doctrine
425 16 dào Taoism; Daoism
426 16 dào a skill
427 16 dào a sect
428 16 dào a line
429 16 dào Way
430 16 dào way; path; marga
431 16 yuán fate; predestined affinity 緣邪
432 16 yuán hem 緣邪
433 16 yuán to revolve around 緣邪
434 16 yuán to climb up 緣邪
435 16 yuán cause; origin; reason 緣邪
436 16 yuán along; to follow 緣邪
437 16 yuán to depend on 緣邪
438 16 yuán margin; edge; rim 緣邪
439 16 yuán Condition 緣邪
440 16 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 緣邪
441 16 xiàng to observe; to assess 相無餘
442 16 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 相無餘
443 16 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 相無餘
444 16 xiàng to aid; to help 相無餘
445 16 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 相無餘
446 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 相無餘
447 16 xiāng alternately; in turn 相無餘
448 16 xiāng Xiang 相無餘
449 16 xiāng form substance 相無餘
450 16 xiāng to express 相無餘
451 16 xiàng to choose 相無餘
452 16 xiāng Xiang 相無餘
453 16 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 相無餘
454 16 xiāng the seventh lunar month 相無餘
455 16 xiāng to compare 相無餘
456 16 xiàng to divine 相無餘
457 16 xiàng to administer 相無餘
458 16 xiàng helper for a blind person 相無餘
459 16 xiāng rhythm [music] 相無餘
460 16 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 相無餘
461 16 xiāng coralwood 相無餘
462 16 xiàng ministry 相無餘
463 16 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 相無餘
464 16 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 相無餘
465 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 相無餘
466 16 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 相無餘
467 16 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 相無餘
468 16 tōng to go through; to open 神足智證通
469 16 tōng open 神足智證通
470 16 tōng to connect 神足智證通
471 16 tōng to know well 神足智證通
472 16 tōng to report 神足智證通
473 16 tōng to commit adultery 神足智證通
474 16 tōng common; in general 神足智證通
475 16 tōng to transmit 神足智證通
476 16 tōng to attain a goal 神足智證通
477 16 tōng to communicate with 神足智證通
478 16 tōng to pardon; to forgive 神足智證通
479 16 tōng free-flowing; smooth 神足智證通
480 16 tōng smoothly; without a hitch 神足智證通
481 16 tōng erudite; learned 神足智證通
482 16 tōng an expert 神足智證通
483 16 tōng a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; ṛddhi 神足智證通
484 16 tōng [intellectual] penetration; prativedha 神足智證通
485 16 虛妄 xūwàng illusory 此實餘虛妄
486 16 虛妄 xūwàng not real; illusory 此實餘虛妄
487 15 zhōng middle 此法中純善遠聞
488 15 zhōng medium; medium sized 此法中純善遠聞
489 15 zhōng China 此法中純善遠聞
490 15 zhòng to hit the mark 此法中純善遠聞
491 15 zhōng midday 此法中純善遠聞
492 15 zhōng inside 此法中純善遠聞
493 15 zhōng during 此法中純善遠聞
494 15 zhōng Zhong 此法中純善遠聞
495 15 zhōng intermediary 此法中純善遠聞
496 15 zhōng half 此法中純善遠聞
497 15 zhòng to reach; to attain 此法中純善遠聞
498 15 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此法中純善遠聞
499 15 zhòng to obtain 此法中純善遠聞
500 15 zhòng to pass an exam 此法中純善遠聞

Frequencies of all Words

Top 991

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 149 shì is; are; am; to be 是名退分智
2 149 shì is exactly 是名退分智
3 149 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是名退分智
4 149 shì this; that; those 是名退分智
5 149 shì really; certainly 是名退分智
6 149 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是名退分智
7 149 shì true 是名退分智
8 149 shì is; has; exists 是名退分智
9 149 shì used between repetitions of a word 是名退分智
10 149 shì a matter; an affair 是名退分智
11 149 shì Shi 是名退分智
12 149 shì is; bhū 是名退分智
13 149 shì this; idam 是名退分智
14 129 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若智不善
15 129 ruò seemingly 若智不善
16 129 ruò if 若智不善
17 129 ruò you 若智不善
18 129 ruò this; that 若智不善
19 129 ruò and; or 若智不善
20 129 ruò as for; pertaining to 若智不善
21 129 pomegranite 若智不善
22 129 ruò to choose 若智不善
23 129 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若智不善
24 129 ruò thus 若智不善
25 129 ruò pollia 若智不善
26 129 ruò Ruo 若智不善
27 129 ruò only then 若智不善
28 129 ja 若智不善
29 129 jñā 若智不善
30 129 ruò if; yadi 若智不善
31 118 zhī to know 若智生知他眾生他人心心
32 118 zhī to comprehend 若智生知他眾生他人心心
33 118 zhī to inform; to tell 若智生知他眾生他人心心
34 118 zhī to administer 若智生知他眾生他人心心
35 118 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 若智生知他眾生他人心心
36 118 zhī to be close friends 若智生知他眾生他人心心
37 118 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 若智生知他眾生他人心心
38 118 zhī to receive; to entertain 若智生知他眾生他人心心
39 118 zhī knowledge 若智生知他眾生他人心心
40 118 zhī consciousness; perception 若智生知他眾生他人心心
41 118 zhī a close friend 若智生知他眾生他人心心
42 118 zhì wisdom 若智生知他眾生他人心心
43 118 zhì Zhi 若智生知他眾生他人心心
44 118 zhī to appreciate 若智生知他眾生他人心心
45 118 zhī to make known 若智生知他眾生他人心心
46 118 zhī to have control over 若智生知他眾生他人心心
47 118 zhī to expect; to foresee 若智生知他眾生他人心心
48 118 zhī Understanding 若智生知他眾生他人心心
49 118 zhī know; jña 若智生知他眾生他人心心
50 109 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 云何退分智
51 109 zhì care; prudence 云何退分智
52 109 zhì Zhi 云何退分智
53 109 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 云何退分智
54 109 zhì clever 云何退分智
55 109 zhì Wisdom 云何退分智
56 109 zhì jnana; knowing 云何退分智
57 97 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 非問分智品第四之二
58 97 fēn a monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a yuan; a cent 非問分智品第四之二
59 97 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 非問分智品第四之二
60 97 fēn a minute; a 15 second unit of time 非問分智品第四之二
61 97 fēn a unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; a unit of area equal to six square zhang 非問分智品第四之二
62 97 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 非問分智品第四之二
63 97 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 非問分智品第四之二
64 97 fēn a fraction 非問分智品第四之二
65 97 fēn to express as a fraction 非問分智品第四之二
66 97 fēn one tenth 非問分智品第四之二
67 97 fēn a centimeter 非問分智品第四之二
68 97 fèn a component; an ingredient 非問分智品第四之二
69 97 fèn the limit of an obligation 非問分智品第四之二
70 97 fèn affection; goodwill 非問分智品第四之二
71 97 fèn a role; a responsibility 非問分智品第四之二
72 97 fēn equinox 非問分智品第四之二
73 97 fèn a characteristic 非問分智品第四之二
74 97 fèn to assume; to deduce 非問分智品第四之二
75 97 fēn to share 非問分智品第四之二
76 97 fēn branch [office] 非問分智品第四之二
77 97 fēn clear; distinct 非問分智品第四之二
78 97 fēn a difference 非問分智品第四之二
79 97 fēn a score 非問分智品第四之二
80 97 fèn identity 非問分智品第四之二
81 97 fèn a part; a portion 非問分智品第四之二
82 97 fēn part; avayava 非問分智品第四之二
83 94 fēi not; non-; un- 非問分智品第四之二
84 94 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非問分智品第四之二
85 94 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非問分智品第四之二
86 94 fēi different 非問分智品第四之二
87 94 fēi to not be; to not have 非問分智品第四之二
88 94 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非問分智品第四之二
89 94 fēi Africa 非問分智品第四之二
90 94 fēi to slander 非問分智品第四之二
91 94 fěi to avoid 非問分智品第四之二
92 94 fēi must 非問分智品第四之二
93 94 fēi an error 非問分智品第四之二
94 94 fēi a problem; a question 非問分智品第四之二
95 94 fēi evil 非問分智品第四之二
96 94 fēi besides; except; unless 非問分智品第四之二
97 94 fēi not 非問分智品第四之二
98 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 比丘修此定已
99 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 比丘修此定已
100 91 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 比丘修此定已
101 89 dìng to decide 比丘修此定已
102 89 dìng certainly; definitely 比丘修此定已
103 89 dìng to determine 比丘修此定已
104 89 dìng to calm down 比丘修此定已
105 89 dìng to set; to fix 比丘修此定已
106 89 dìng to book; to subscribe to; to order 比丘修此定已
107 89 dìng still 比丘修此定已
108 89 dìng Concentration 比丘修此定已
109 89 dìng meditative concentration; meditation 比丘修此定已
110 89 dìng real; sadbhūta 比丘修此定已
111 86 云何 yúnhé why; how 云何退分智
112 86 云何 yúnhé how; katham 云何退分智
113 65 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 無復生處云何比丘知受
114 65 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 無復生處云何比丘知受
115 65 chù location 無復生處云何比丘知受
116 65 chù an office; a department; a bureau 無復生處云何比丘知受
117 65 chù a part; an aspect 無復生處云何比丘知受
118 65 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 無復生處云何比丘知受
119 65 chǔ to get along with 無復生處云何比丘知受
120 65 chǔ to deal with; to manage 無復生處云何比丘知受
121 65 chǔ to punish; to sentence 無復生處云何比丘知受
122 65 chǔ to stop; to pause 無復生處云何比丘知受
123 65 chǔ to be associated with 無復生處云何比丘知受
124 65 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 無復生處云何比丘知受
125 65 chǔ to occupy; to control 無復生處云何比丘知受
126 65 chù circumstances; situation 無復生處云何比丘知受
127 65 chù an occasion; a time 無復生處云何比丘知受
128 65 chù position; sthāna 無復生處云何比丘知受
129 58 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 知色知色集知色滅知色
130 58 miè to submerge 知色知色集知色滅知色
131 58 miè to extinguish; to put out 知色知色集知色滅知色
132 58 miè to eliminate 知色知色集知色滅知色
133 58 miè to disappear; to fade away 知色知色集知色滅知色
134 58 miè the cessation of suffering 知色知色集知色滅知色
135 58 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 知色知色集知色滅知色
136 58 míng measure word for people 是名退分智
137 58 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名退分智
138 58 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名退分智
139 58 míng rank; position 是名退分智
140 58 míng an excuse 是名退分智
141 58 míng life 是名退分智
142 58 míng to name; to call 是名退分智
143 58 míng to express; to describe 是名退分智
144 58 míng to be called; to have the name 是名退分智
145 58 míng to own; to possess 是名退分智
146 58 míng famous; renowned 是名退分智
147 58 míng moral 是名退分智
148 58 míng name; naman 是名退分智
149 58 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名退分智
150 57 yǒu is; are; to exist 智聖有報能斷煩惱
151 57 yǒu to have; to possess 智聖有報能斷煩惱
152 57 yǒu indicates an estimate 智聖有報能斷煩惱
153 57 yǒu indicates a large quantity 智聖有報能斷煩惱
154 57 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 智聖有報能斷煩惱
155 57 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 智聖有報能斷煩惱
156 57 yǒu used to compare two things 智聖有報能斷煩惱
157 57 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 智聖有報能斷煩惱
158 57 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 智聖有報能斷煩惱
159 57 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 智聖有報能斷煩惱
160 57 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 智聖有報能斷煩惱
161 57 yǒu abundant 智聖有報能斷煩惱
162 57 yǒu purposeful 智聖有報能斷煩惱
163 57 yǒu You 智聖有報能斷煩惱
164 57 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 智聖有報能斷煩惱
165 57 yǒu becoming; bhava 智聖有報能斷煩惱
166 54 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是名如是姓如是生
167 54 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是名如是姓如是生
168 54 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是名如是姓如是生
169 54 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是名如是姓如是生
170 53 such as; for example; for instance 如世尊說
171 53 if 如世尊說
172 53 in accordance with 如世尊說
173 53 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如世尊說
174 53 this 如世尊說
175 53 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如世尊說
176 53 to go to 如世尊說
177 53 to meet 如世尊說
178 53 to appear; to seem; to be like 如世尊說
179 53 at least as good as 如世尊說
180 53 and 如世尊說
181 53 or 如世尊說
182 53 but 如世尊說
183 53 then 如世尊說
184 53 naturally 如世尊說
185 53 expresses a question or doubt 如世尊說
186 53 you 如世尊說
187 53 the second lunar month 如世尊說
188 53 in; at 如世尊說
189 53 Ru 如世尊說
190 53 Thus 如世尊說
191 53 thus; tathā 如世尊說
192 53 like; iva 如世尊說
193 53 suchness; tathatā 如世尊說
194 51 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
195 51 shòu to transfer; to confer 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
196 51 shòu to receive; to accept 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
197 51 shòu to tolerate 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
198 51 shòu suitably 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
199 51 shòu feelings; sensations 此定現世樂後受樂報內生智
200 50 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 云何住
201 50 zhù to stop; to halt 云何住
202 50 zhù to retain; to remain 云何住
203 50 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 云何住
204 50 zhù firmly; securely 云何住
205 50 zhù verb complement 云何住
206 50 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 云何住
207 47 color 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
208 47 form; matter 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
209 47 shǎi dice 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
210 47 Kangxi radical 139 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
211 47 countenance 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
212 47 scene; sight 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
213 47 feminine charm; female beauty 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
214 47 kind; type 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
215 47 quality 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
216 47 to be angry 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
217 47 to seek; to search for 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
218 47 lust; sexual desire 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
219 47 form; rupa 見眾生生死好色惡色善道惡道卑
220 46 shēng to be born; to give birth 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
221 46 shēng to live 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
222 46 shēng raw 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
223 46 shēng a student 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
224 46 shēng life 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
225 46 shēng to produce; to give rise 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
226 46 shēng alive 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
227 46 shēng a lifetime 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
228 46 shēng to initiate; to become 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
229 46 shēng to grow 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
230 46 shēng unfamiliar 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
231 46 shēng not experienced 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
232 46 shēng hard; stiff; strong 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
233 46 shēng very; extremely 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
234 46 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
235 46 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
236 46 shēng gender 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
237 46 shēng to develop; to grow 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
238 46 shēng to set up 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
239 46 shēng a prostitute 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
240 46 shēng a captive 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
241 46 shēng a gentleman 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
242 46 shēng Kangxi radical 100 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
243 46 shēng unripe 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
244 46 shēng nature 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
245 46 shēng to inherit; to succeed 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
246 46 shēng destiny 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
247 46 shēng birth 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
248 46 shēng arise; produce; utpad 若智生退於非聖善法非住非增長
249 41 xiǎng to think 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
250 41 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
251 41 xiǎng to want 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
252 41 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
253 41 xiǎng to plan 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
254 41 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 知想知想集知想滅知想滅道
255 40 method; way 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
256 40 France 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
257 40 the law; rules; regulations 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
258 40 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
259 40 a standard; a norm 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
260 40 an institution 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
261 40 to emulate 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
262 40 magic; a magic trick 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
263 40 punishment 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
264 40 Fa 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
265 40 a precedent 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
266 40 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
267 40 relating to a ceremony or rite 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
268 40 Dharma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
269 40 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
270 40 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
271 40 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
272 40 quality; characteristic 此定寂靜勝妙聖心得解脫得除惡法內生智
273 40 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 云何解分智
274 40 jiě to explain 云何解分智
275 40 jiě to divide; to separate 云何解分智
276 40 jiě to understand 云何解分智
277 40 jiě to solve a math problem 云何解分智
278 40 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 云何解分智
279 40 jiě to cut; to disect 云何解分智
280 40 jiě to relieve oneself 云何解分智
281 40 jiě a solution 云何解分智
282 40 jiè to escort 云何解分智
283 40 xiè to understand; to be clear 云何解分智
284 40 xiè acrobatic skills 云何解分智
285 40 jiě can; able to 云何解分智
286 40 jiě a stanza 云何解分智
287 40 jiè to send off 云何解分智
288 40 xiè Xie 云何解分智
289 40 jiě exegesis 云何解分智
290 40 xiè laziness 云何解分智
291 40 jiè a government office 云何解分智
292 40 jiè to pawn 云何解分智
293 40 jiè to rent; to lease 云何解分智
294 40 jiě understanding 云何解分智
295 40 jiě to liberate 云何解分智
296 40 no 無一智退分住分智
297 40 Kangxi radical 71 無一智退分住分智
298 40 to not have; without 無一智退分住分智
299 40 has not yet 無一智退分住分智
300 40 mo 無一智退分住分智
301 40 do not 無一智退分住分智
302 40 not; -less; un- 無一智退分住分智
303 40 regardless of 無一智退分住分智
304 40 to not have 無一智退分住分智
305 40 um 無一智退分住分智
306 40 Wu 無一智退分住分智
307 40 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無一智退分住分智
308 40 not; non- 無一智退分住分智
309 40 mo 無一智退分住分智
310 38 to gather; to collect 知色知色集知色滅知色
311 38 collected works; collection 知色知色集知色滅知色
312 38 volume; part 知色知色集知色滅知色
313 38 to stablize; to settle 知色知色集知色滅知色
314 38 used in place names 知色知色集知色滅知色
315 38 to mix; to blend 知色知色集知色滅知色
316 38 to hit the mark 知色知色集知色滅知色
317 38 to compile 知色知色集知色滅知色
318 38 to finish; to accomplish 知色知色集知色滅知色
319 38 to rest; to perch 知色知色集知色滅知色
320 38 a market 知色知色集知色滅知色
321 38 the origin of suffering 知色知色集知色滅知色
322 38 assembled; saṃnipatita 知色知色集知色滅知色
323 37 extra; surplus 若餘智見
324 37 odd; surplus over a round number 若餘智見
325 37 I 若餘智見
326 37 to remain 若餘智見
327 37 relating to the time after an event 若餘智見
328 37 other 若餘智見
329 37 additional; complementary 若餘智見
330 37 remaining 若餘智見
331 37 incomplete 若餘智見
332 37 Yu 若餘智見
333 37 other; anya 若餘智見
334 37 chū to go out; to leave 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
335 37 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
336 37 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
337 37 chū to extend; to spread 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
338 37 chū to appear 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
339 37 chū to exceed 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
340 37 chū to publish; to post 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
341 37 chū to take up an official post 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
342 37 chū to give birth 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
343 37 chū a verb complement 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
344 37 chū to occur; to happen 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
345 37 chū to divorce 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
346 37 chū to chase away 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
347 37 chū to escape; to leave 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
348 37 chū to give 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
349 37 chū to emit 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
350 37 chū quoted from 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
351 37 chū to go out; to leave 憶念入此定憶念出此定內生智
352 36 rén person; people; a human being 若智生天耳過於人耳
353 36 rén Kangxi radical 9 若智生天耳過於人耳
354 36 rén a kind of person 若智生天耳過於人耳
355 36 rén everybody 若智生天耳過於人耳
356 36 rén adult 若智生天耳過於人耳
357 36 rén somebody; others 若智生天耳過於人耳
358 36 rén an upright person 若智生天耳過於人耳
359 36 rén person; manuṣya 若智生天耳過於人耳
360 36 知行 zhī xíng Understanding and Practice 知行知行集知行滅知行滅
361 36 xīn heart [organ] 無量心等明照
362 36 xīn Kangxi radical 61 無量心等明照
363 36 xīn mind; consciousness 無量心等明照
364 36 xīn the center; the core; the middle 無量心等明照
365 36 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 無量心等明照
366 36 xīn heart 無量心等明照
367 36 xīn emotion 無量心等明照
368 36 xīn intention; consideration 無量心等明照
369 36 xīn disposition; temperament 無量心等明照
370 36 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 無量心等明照
371 36 xīn heart; hṛdaya 無量心等明照
372 36 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 無量心等明照
373 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase; to grow 云何增長分智
374 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase, grow 云何增長分智
375 34 增長 zēngzhǎng augmentation; paustika 云何增長分智
376 34 增長 zēngzhǎng to increase; vṛddhi 云何增長分智
377 34 增長 zēngzhǎng fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha 云何增長分智
378 34 增長 zēngzhǎng Virudhaka; Virudhaka Deva King of the South 云何增長分智
379 33 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 若智非聖善
380 33 shàn happy 若智非聖善
381 33 shàn good 若智非聖善
382 33 shàn kind-hearted 若智非聖善
383 33 shàn to be skilled at something 若智非聖善
384 33 shàn familiar 若智非聖善
385 33 shàn to repair 若智非聖善
386 33 shàn to admire 若智非聖善
387 33 shàn to praise 若智非聖善
388 33 shàn numerous; frequent; easy 若智非聖善
389 33 shàn Shan 若智非聖善
390 33 shàn wholesome; virtuous 若智非聖善
391 33 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 云何退分智
392 33 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 云何退分智
393 33 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 云何退分智
394 33 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 云何退分智
395 33 退 tuì to give back 云何退分智
396 33 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 云何退分智
397 33 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 云何退分智
398 33 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 云何退分智
399 33 退 tuì obsolete 云何退分智
400 33 退 tuì to retire; to resign 云何退分智
401 33 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 云何退分智
402 33 退 tuì parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate 云何退分智
403 33 退 tuì retreat; apakram 云何退分智
404 33 this; these 比丘修此定已
405 33 in this way 比丘修此定已
406 33 otherwise; but; however; so 比丘修此定已
407 33 at this time; now; here 比丘修此定已
408 33 this; here; etad 比丘修此定已
409 32 知識 zhīshi knowledge 知識知識集知
410 32 知識 zhīshi an acquaintance 知識知識集知
411 31 that; those 彼若住分智非退分
412 31 another; the other 彼若住分智非退分
413 31 that; tad 彼若住分智非退分
414 30 wèi taste; flavor 知色味
415 30 wèi measure word for ingredients in Chinese medicine 知色味
416 30 wèi significance 知色味
417 30 wèi to taste 知色味
418 30 wèi to ruminate; to mull over 知色味
419 30 wèi smell; odor 知色味
420 30 wèi a delicacy 知色味
421 30 wèi taste; rasa 知色味
422 29 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 定定方便
423 29 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 定定方便
424 29 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 定定方便
425 29 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 定定方便
426 29 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 定定方便
427 29 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 定定方便
428 29 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 定定方便
429 29 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 定定方便
430 29 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 定定方便
431 29 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 定定方便
432 28 過患 guòhuàn suffering and hardship 知色過患知色出
433 28 過患 guòhuàn a disaster; bad consequences 知色過患知色出
434 27 xíng to walk 如是有行成就
435 27 xíng capable; competent 如是有行成就
436 27 háng profession 如是有行成就
437 27 háng line; row 如是有行成就
438 27 xíng Kangxi radical 144 如是有行成就
439 27 xíng to travel 如是有行成就
440 27 xìng actions; conduct 如是有行成就
441 27 xíng to do; to act; to practice 如是有行成就
442 27 xíng all right; OK; okay 如是有行成就
443 27 háng horizontal line 如是有行成就
444 27 héng virtuous deeds 如是有行成就
445 27 hàng a line of trees 如是有行成就
446 27 hàng bold; steadfast 如是有行成就
447 27 xíng to move 如是有行成就
448 27 xíng to put into effect; to implement 如是有行成就
449 27 xíng travel 如是有行成就
450 27 xíng to circulate 如是有行成就
451 27 xíng running script; running script 如是有行成就
452 27 xíng temporary 如是有行成就
453 27 xíng soon 如是有行成就
454 27 háng rank; order 如是有行成就
455 27 háng a business; a shop 如是有行成就
456 27 xíng to depart; to leave 如是有行成就
457 27 xíng to experience 如是有行成就
458 27 xíng path; way 如是有行成就
459 27 xíng xing; ballad 如是有行成就
460 27 xíng a round [of drinks] 如是有行成就
461 27 xíng Xing 如是有行成就
462 27 xíng moreover; also 如是有行成就
463 27 xíng Practice 如是有行成就
464 27 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 如是有行成就
465 27 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 如是有行成就
466 23 shí real; true 實知無癡心
467 23 shí nut; seed; fruit 實知無癡心
468 23 shí substance; content; material 實知無癡心
469 23 shí honest; sincere 實知無癡心
470 23 shí vast; extensive 實知無癡心
471 23 shí solid 實知無癡心
472 23 shí abundant; prosperous 實知無癡心
473 23 shí reality; a fact; an event 實知無癡心
474 23 shí wealth; property 實知無癡心
475 23 shí effect; result 實知無癡心
476 23 shí an honest person 實知無癡心
477 23 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 實知無癡心
478 23 shí to fill 實知無癡心
479 23 shí finally 實知無癡心
480 23 shí complete 實知無癡心
481 23 shí to strengthen 實知無癡心
482 23 shí to practice 實知無癡心
483 23 shí namely 實知無癡心
484 23 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 實知無癡心
485 23 shí this 實知無癡心
486 23 shí full; at capacity 實知無癡心
487 23 shí supplies; goods 實知無癡心
488 23 shí Shichen 實知無癡心
489 23 shí Real 實知無癡心
490 23 shí truth; reality; tattva 實知無癡心
491 22 jiàn to see 若餘智見
492 22 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 若餘智見
493 22 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 若餘智見
494 22 jiàn refer to; for details see 若餘智見
495 22 jiàn passive marker 若餘智見
496 22 jiàn to listen to 若餘智見
497 22 jiàn to meet 若餘智見
498 22 jiàn to receive (a guest) 若餘智見
499 22 jiàn let me; kindly 若餘智見
500 22 jiàn Jian 若餘智見


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. zhī
  2. zhī
  1. Understanding
  2. know; jña
  1. zhì
  2. zhì
  1. Wisdom
  2. jnana; knowing
fēn part; avayava
fēi not
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
  1. dìng
  2. dìng
  3. dìng
  1. Concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. real; sadbhūta
云何 yúnhé how; katham
chù position; sthāna

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八圣道 八聖道 98 Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
成劫 99 The kalpa of formation
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
法胜 法勝 102 Dharmottara
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
罽賓 106 Kashmir
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
舍利弗阿毘昙论 舍利弗阿毘曇論 115 Sariputra Abhidharma; Śāriputrā Abhidharma
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
昙摩崛多 曇摩崛多 116
  1. Dharmaguptaka
  2. Dharmagupta
昙摩耶舍 曇摩耶舍 116 Dharmayaśas
相如 120 Xiangru
姚秦 姚秦 121 Later Qin
远闻 遠聞 121 Svaravisruti
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 118.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
比智 98 knowledge extended to the higher realms
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
禅心 禪心 99 Chan mind
成坏 成壞 99 arising and dissolution
癡心 99 a mind of ignorance
初禅 初禪 99 first dhyāna; first jhana
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
定众 定眾 100 body of meditation; aggregate of meditation; samādhi-skandha
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
恶道 惡道 195
  1. evil path
  2. an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
二禅 二禪 195
  1. the second dhyana
  2. second dhyāna; second jhāna
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法行 102 to practice the Dharma
法想 102 thoughts of the Dharma
法智 102
  1. understanding of the Dharma
  2. Gautama Dharmaprajña
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
观心 觀心 103
  1. Observe the Mind
  2. to contemplate the mind
慧解脱 慧解脫 104 one who is liberated through wisdom; prajñāvimukta
见道 見道 106
  1. to see the Way
  2. darśanamārga; path of vision
结加趺坐 結加趺坐 106 to sit cross-legged
集法 106 saṃgīti
尽智 盡智 106 understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna
九方便 106 nine means
卷第十 106 scroll 10
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
苦谛 苦諦 107 the truth of suffering; the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦法智 107 knowledge of the truth of suffering
苦集 107 accumulation as the cause of suffering
类智 類智 108 knowledge extended to the higher realms
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
六受 108 the six perceptions; six vedanas
六通 108 six supernatural powers
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
漏尽智证通 漏盡智證通 108 the power of understanding of the eradiction of afflictions
乱心 亂心 108 a confused mind; an unsettled mind
罗门 羅門 108 Brahman
灭谛 滅諦 109 the truth of the cessation of suffering; the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
灭法 滅法 109 unconditioned dharma
灭道 滅道 109 extinction of suffering and the path to it
名天 109 famous ruler
内五 內五 110 pañcādhyātma; inner five
七方便 113 seven expedient means
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
如来身 如來身 114 Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
如来十力 如來十力 114 the ten powers of the Tathāgata
如实 如實 114
  1. according to reality
  2. in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
  3. suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如实知 如實知 114
  1. to understand things as they really are
  2. understanding of thusness
三禅 三禪 115 third dhyāna; third jhāna
色想 115 form-perceptions
善道 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善趣 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
身坏命终 身壞命終 115 the break-up of the body, after death
生苦 115 suffering due to birth
生天 115 celestial birth
圣道 聖道 115
  1. the sacred way; spiritual path
  2. The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
生灭 生滅 115
  1. arising and ceasing
  2. life and death
圣心 聖心 115 holy mind; Buddha mind
身命 115 body and life
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
识身 識身 115 mind and body
四禅 四禪 115
  1. the four meditations; the four dhyānas; the four jhānas
  2. fourth dhyāna; fourth jhāna
四念处 四念處 115
  1. the four bases of mindfulness
  2. The Four Bases of Mindfulness
宿命智 115 knowledge of past lives
所作已办 所作已辦 115 their work done
天耳 116 celestial ear; divine ear; divyaśrotra
天眼 116
  1. divine eye
  2. divine sight
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无漏心 無漏心 119 mind without outflows
无漏智 無漏智 119
  1. Untainted Wisdom
  2. wisdom with no outflows; wisdom with no depravity
无身 無身 119 no-body
无胜 無勝 119 unsurpassed; ajita; vijaya
五智 119 five kinds of wisdom
无癡 無癡 119 without delusion
无量劫 無量劫 119 innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无量义 無量義 119
  1. the meaning of all things
  2. the Mahāyāna canon
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无明灭 無明滅 119 ignorance is extinguished
无染 無染 119 undefiled
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
心数 心數 120 a mental factor
心数法 心數法 120 a mental factor
心心 120 the mind and mental conditions
眼识 眼識 121 visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa
业处 業處 121
  1. place of business; karmasthana
  2. an object of meditation
业受 業受 121 karmic lifespan
业因 業因 121 karmic conditions
一智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
欲染 121 the poluting influence of desire
欲心 121 a lustful heart
造业 造業 122 Creating Karma
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
正精进 正精進 122 right effort
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
正业 正業 122
  1. Right Action
  2. right action
正语 正語 122
  1. Right Speech
  2. right speech
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
证智 證智 122 experiential knowledge; realization; adhigamavābodha
知行 122 Understanding and Practice
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō
知众 知眾 122 a sense of social gatherings
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
智品 122 teaching of the one Spirit; jñānakāṇḍa
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
住众 住眾 122 Community
自证 自證 122 self-attained
尊胜 尊勝 122 superlative; vijayī