Glossary and Vocabulary for Amoghapāśakalparājasūtra (Bu Kong Juan Suo Shenbian Zhenyan Jing) 不空羂索神變真言經, Scroll 6

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 103 suǒ to search; to inquire 羂索成就品第六之二
2 103 suǒ rules; laws 羂索成就品第六之二
3 103 suǒ a large rope; a cable 羂索成就品第六之二
4 103 suǒ braided 羂索成就品第六之二
5 103 suǒ to investigate 羂索成就品第六之二
6 103 suǒ Suo 羂索成就品第六之二
7 103 suǒ to demand; to exact; to exhort 羂索成就品第六之二
8 103 suǒ isolated; disconnected 羂索成就品第六之二
9 103 suǒ sa 羂索成就品第六之二
10 103 suǒ cord; noose; pāśa 羂索成就品第六之二
11 83 真言 zhēnyán true words 時真言者閼伽供養
12 83 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 時真言者閼伽供養
13 83 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 時真言者閼伽供養
14 77 luó baby talk 囉底
15 77 luō to nag 囉底
16 77 luó ra 囉底
17 64 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
18 64 一切 yīqiè the same 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
19 57 shàng top; a high position 座上盤置摩
20 57 shang top; the position on or above something 座上盤置摩
21 57 shàng to go up; to go forward 座上盤置摩
22 57 shàng shang 座上盤置摩
23 57 shàng previous; last 座上盤置摩
24 57 shàng high; higher 座上盤置摩
25 57 shàng advanced 座上盤置摩
26 57 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 座上盤置摩
27 57 shàng time 座上盤置摩
28 57 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 座上盤置摩
29 57 shàng far 座上盤置摩
30 57 shàng big; as big as 座上盤置摩
31 57 shàng abundant; plentiful 座上盤置摩
32 57 shàng to report 座上盤置摩
33 57 shàng to offer 座上盤置摩
34 57 shàng to go on stage 座上盤置摩
35 57 shàng to take office; to assume a post 座上盤置摩
36 57 shàng to install; to erect 座上盤置摩
37 57 shàng to suffer; to sustain 座上盤置摩
38 57 shàng to burn 座上盤置摩
39 57 shàng to remember 座上盤置摩
40 57 shàng to add 座上盤置摩
41 57 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 座上盤置摩
42 57 shàng to meet 座上盤置摩
43 57 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 座上盤置摩
44 57 shang used after a verb indicating a result 座上盤置摩
45 57 shàng a musical note 座上盤置摩
46 57 shàng higher, superior; uttara 座上盤置摩
47 57 èr two 羂索成就品第六之二
48 57 èr Kangxi radical 7 羂索成就品第六之二
49 57 èr second 羂索成就品第六之二
50 57 èr twice; double; di- 羂索成就品第六之二
51 57 èr more than one kind 羂索成就品第六之二
52 57 èr two; dvā; dvi 羂索成就品第六之二
53 57 èr both; dvaya 羂索成就品第六之二
54 54 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
55 54 sòng to recount; to narrate 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
56 54 sòng a poem 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
57 54 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
58 53 to join; to combine 合持索
59 53 to close 合持索
60 53 to agree with; equal to 合持索
61 53 to gather 合持索
62 53 whole 合持索
63 53 to be suitable; to be up to standard 合持索
64 53 a musical note 合持索
65 53 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 合持索
66 53 to fight 合持索
67 53 to conclude 合持索
68 53 to be similar to 合持索
69 53 crowded 合持索
70 53 a box 合持索
71 53 to copulate 合持索
72 53 a partner; a spouse 合持索
73 53 harmonious 合持索
74 53 He 合持索
75 53 a container for grain measurement 合持索
76 53 Merge 合持索
77 53 unite; saṃyoga 合持索
78 53 zhě ca 或更大者上勝第一
79 45 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
80 45 bǎo treasured; cherished 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
81 45 bǎo a jewel; gem 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
82 45 bǎo precious 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
83 45 bǎo noble 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
84 45 bǎo an imperial seal 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
85 45 bǎo a unit of currency 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
86 45 bǎo Bao 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
87 45 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
88 45 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
89 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng all kinds of 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
90 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng short hair 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
91 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng simple and kind 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
92 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng various forms; manifold 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
93 43 to go
94 43 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate
95 43 to be distant
96 43 to leave
97 43 to play a part
98 43 to abandon; to give up
99 43 to die
100 43 previous; past
101 43 to send out; to issue; to drive away
102 43 falling tone
103 43 to lose
104 43 Qu
105 43 go; gati
106 39 to bind; to tie
107 39 to restrict; to limit; to constrain
108 39 a leash; a tether
109 39 binding; attachment; bond; bandha
110 39 va
111 39 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 桑紇反下同音
112 39 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 桑紇反下同音
113 39 fǎn to go back; to return 桑紇反下同音
114 39 fǎn to combat; to rebel 桑紇反下同音
115 39 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 桑紇反下同音
116 39 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 桑紇反下同音
117 39 fǎn to flip; to turn over 桑紇反下同音
118 39 fǎn to take back; to give back 桑紇反下同音
119 39 fǎn to reason by analogy 桑紇反下同音
120 39 fǎn to introspect 桑紇反下同音
121 39 fān to reverse a verdict 桑紇反下同音
122 39 fǎn opposed; viruddha 桑紇反下同音
123 39 lóng dragon 龍八部
124 39 lóng Kangxi radical 212 龍八部
125 39 lóng the seven lunar lodgings in the eastern sky 龍八部
126 39 lóng weakened; frail 龍八部
127 39 lóng a tall horse 龍八部
128 39 lóng Long 龍八部
129 39 lóng serpent; dragon; naga 龍八部
130 37 wáng Wang 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
131 37 wáng a king 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
132 37 wáng Kangxi radical 96 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
133 37 wàng to be king; to rule 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
134 37 wáng a prince; a duke 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
135 37 wáng grand; great 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
136 37 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
137 37 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
138 37 wáng the head of a group or gang 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
139 37 wáng the biggest or best of a group 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
140 37 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
141 36 biàn all; complete 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
142 36 biàn to be covered with 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
143 36 biàn everywhere; sarva 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
144 36 biàn pervade; visva 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
145 36 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
146 36 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
147 35 one 如是四寶隨得一
148 35 Kangxi radical 1 如是四寶隨得一
149 35 pure; concentrated 如是四寶隨得一
150 35 first 如是四寶隨得一
151 35 the same 如是四寶隨得一
152 35 sole; single 如是四寶隨得一
153 35 a very small amount 如是四寶隨得一
154 35 Yi 如是四寶隨得一
155 35 other 如是四寶隨得一
156 35 to unify 如是四寶隨得一
157 35 accidentally; coincidentally 如是四寶隨得一
158 35 abruptly; suddenly 如是四寶隨得一
159 35 one; eka 如是四寶隨得一
160 34 chí to grasp; to hold 合持索
161 34 chí to resist; to oppose 合持索
162 34 chí to uphold 合持索
163 34 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 合持索
164 34 chí to administer; to manage 合持索
165 34 chí to control 合持索
166 34 chí to be cautious 合持索
167 34 chí to remember 合持索
168 34 chí to assist 合持索
169 34 chí with; using 合持索
170 34 chí dhara 合持索
171 32 to go; to 於十五日初夜時後夜時
172 32 to rely on; to depend on 於十五日初夜時後夜時
173 32 Yu 於十五日初夜時後夜時
174 32 a crow 於十五日初夜時後夜時
175 32 Qi 其華大小象生蓮花
176 32 anger; rage; fury 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
177 32 to be angry 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
178 32 to force; to impel 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
179 32 intense 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
180 32 to denounce; to criticize 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
181 32 sturdy; strong 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
182 32 huge and strong 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
183 32 anger; krodha 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
184 30 fèn to strive; to exert effort 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
185 30 fèn to beat the wings 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
186 30 fèn to raise up; to lift 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
187 30 fèn to promote; to recommend 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
188 30 fèn Fen 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
189 30 fèn to arouse; to stimulate 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
190 27 wilderness
191 27 open country; field
192 27 outskirts; countryside
193 27 wild; uncivilized
194 27 celestial area
195 27 district; region
196 27 community
197 27 rude; coarse
198 27 unofficial
199 27 ya
200 27 the wild; aṭavī
201 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 如是四寶隨得一
202 27 děi to want to; to need to 如是四寶隨得一
203 27 děi must; ought to 如是四寶隨得一
204 27 de 如是四寶隨得一
205 27 de infix potential marker 如是四寶隨得一
206 27 to result in 如是四寶隨得一
207 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 如是四寶隨得一
208 27 to be satisfied 如是四寶隨得一
209 27 to be finished 如是四寶隨得一
210 27 děi satisfying 如是四寶隨得一
211 27 to contract 如是四寶隨得一
212 27 to hear 如是四寶隨得一
213 27 to have; there is 如是四寶隨得一
214 27 marks time passed 如是四寶隨得一
215 27 obtain; attain; prāpta 如是四寶隨得一
216 26 wéi to act as; to serve 股長為一條
217 26 wéi to change into; to become 股長為一條
218 26 wéi to be; is 股長為一條
219 26 wéi to do 股長為一條
220 26 wèi to support; to help 股長為一條
221 26 wéi to govern 股長為一條
222 26 wèi to be; bhū 股長為一條
223 26 insignificant; small; tiny
224 26 yāo one
225 26 yāo small; tiny
226 26 yāo small; tiny
227 26 yāo smallest
228 26 yāo one
229 26 yāo Yao
230 26 ma ba
231 26 ma ma
232 26 big; huge; large 或更大者上勝第一
233 26 Kangxi radical 37 或更大者上勝第一
234 26 great; major; important 或更大者上勝第一
235 26 size 或更大者上勝第一
236 26 old 或更大者上勝第一
237 26 oldest; earliest 或更大者上勝第一
238 26 adult 或更大者上勝第一
239 26 dài an important person 或更大者上勝第一
240 26 senior 或更大者上勝第一
241 26 an element 或更大者上勝第一
242 26 great; mahā 或更大者上勝第一
243 25 zuò to do 其鉤金作長手四把量
244 25 zuò to act as; to serve as 其鉤金作長手四把量
245 25 zuò to start 其鉤金作長手四把量
246 25 zuò a writing; a work 其鉤金作長手四把量
247 25 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 其鉤金作長手四把量
248 25 zuō to create; to make 其鉤金作長手四把量
249 25 zuō a workshop 其鉤金作長手四把量
250 25 zuō to write; to compose 其鉤金作長手四把量
251 25 zuò to rise 其鉤金作長手四把量
252 25 zuò to be aroused 其鉤金作長手四把量
253 25 zuò activity; action; undertaking 其鉤金作長手四把量
254 25 zuò to regard as 其鉤金作長手四把量
255 25 zuò action; kāraṇa 其鉤金作長手四把量
256 23 shí time; a point or period of time 於十五日初夜時後夜時
257 23 shí a season; a quarter of a year 於十五日初夜時後夜時
258 23 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 於十五日初夜時後夜時
259 23 shí fashionable 於十五日初夜時後夜時
260 23 shí fate; destiny; luck 於十五日初夜時後夜時
261 23 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 於十五日初夜時後夜時
262 23 shí tense 於十五日初夜時後夜時
263 23 shí particular; special 於十五日初夜時後夜時
264 23 shí to plant; to cultivate 於十五日初夜時後夜時
265 23 shí an era; a dynasty 於十五日初夜時後夜時
266 23 shí time [abstract] 於十五日初夜時後夜時
267 23 shí seasonal 於十五日初夜時後夜時
268 23 shí to wait upon 於十五日初夜時後夜時
269 23 shí hour 於十五日初夜時後夜時
270 23 shí appropriate; proper; timely 於十五日初夜時後夜時
271 23 shí Shi 於十五日初夜時後夜時
272 23 shí a present; currentlt 於十五日初夜時後夜時
273 23 shí time; kāla 於十五日初夜時後夜時
274 23 shí at that time; samaya 於十五日初夜時後夜時
275 23 jiàn to see 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
276 23 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
277 23 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
278 23 jiàn refer to; for details see 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
279 23 jiàn to listen to 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
280 23 jiàn to meet 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
281 23 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
282 23 jiàn let me; kindly 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
283 23 jiàn Jian 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
284 23 xiàn to appear 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
285 23 xiàn to introduce 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
286 23 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
287 23 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
288 23 三昧耶 sānmèiyé samaya; vow 世尊摩尼寶索三昧耶
289 23 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
290 23 a grade; a level 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
291 23 an example; a model 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
292 23 a weighing device 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
293 23 to grade; to rank 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
294 23 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
295 23 to do 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
296 23 koan; kōan; gong'an 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
297 22 shēng sound 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
298 22 shēng sheng 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
299 22 shēng voice 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
300 22 shēng music 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
301 22 shēng language 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
302 22 shēng fame; reputation; honor 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
303 22 shēng a message 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
304 22 shēng a consonant 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
305 22 shēng a tone 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
306 22 shēng to announce 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
307 22 shēng sound 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
308 22 jiā ka 或帝青寶或娑頗胝迦寶
309 22 jiā ka 或帝青寶或娑頗胝迦寶
310 22 zhì to place; to lay out
311 22 zhì to establish; to set up; to install
312 22 zhì to buy
313 22 zhì a relay station
314 22 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon
315 22 zhì to discard; to abandon
316 22 zhì to set aside
317 22 zhì to place; nikṣepa
318 22 摩訶 móhē great 摩訶
319 21 海雲 hǎi yún Hai Yun 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
320 21 sān three 覆疊三股長二十一
321 21 sān third 覆疊三股長二十一
322 21 sān more than two 覆疊三股長二十一
323 21 sān very few 覆疊三股長二十一
324 21 sān San 覆疊三股長二十一
325 21 sān three; tri 覆疊三股長二十一
326 21 sān sa 覆疊三股長二十一
327 21 sān three kinds; trividha 覆疊三股長二十一
328 21 lún a wheel 遍輪索七匝
329 21 lún a disk; a ring 遍輪索七匝
330 21 lún a revolution 遍輪索七匝
331 21 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 遍輪索七匝
332 21 lún to take turns; in turn 遍輪索七匝
333 21 lún a steamer; a steamboat 遍輪索七匝
334 21 lún a 12 year cycle 遍輪索七匝
335 21 lún a vehicle with wheels 遍輪索七匝
336 21 lún a north-south measurement 遍輪索七匝
337 21 lún perimeter; circumference 遍輪索七匝
338 21 lún high soaring 遍輪索七匝
339 21 lún Lun 遍輪索七匝
340 21 lún wheel; cakra 遍輪索七匝
341 20 xiàng to observe; to assess 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
342 20 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
343 20 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
344 20 xiàng to aid; to help 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
345 20 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
346 20 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
347 20 xiāng alternately; in turn 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
348 20 xiāng Xiang 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
349 20 xiāng form substance 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
350 20 xiāng to express 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
351 20 xiàng to choose 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
352 20 xiāng Xiang 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
353 20 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
354 20 xiāng the seventh lunar month 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
355 20 xiāng to compare 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
356 20 xiàng to divine 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
357 20 xiàng to administer 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
358 20 xiàng helper for a blind person 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
359 20 xiāng rhythm [music] 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
360 20 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
361 20 xiāng coralwood 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
362 20 xiàng ministry 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
363 20 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
364 20 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
365 20 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
366 20 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
367 20 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
368 19 一百八 yībǎi bā one hundred and eight 誦一百八遍已
369 19 to rub 座上盤置摩
370 19 to approach; to press in 座上盤置摩
371 19 to sharpen; to grind 座上盤置摩
372 19 to obliterate; to erase 座上盤置摩
373 19 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 座上盤置摩
374 19 friction 座上盤置摩
375 19 ma 座上盤置摩
376 19 Māyā 座上盤置摩
377 19 xiàng to appear; to seem; to resemble 尼佛像阿彌陀佛像觀世音菩薩像
378 19 xiàng image; portrait; statue 尼佛像阿彌陀佛像觀世音菩薩像
379 19 xiàng appearance 尼佛像阿彌陀佛像觀世音菩薩像
380 19 xiàng for example 尼佛像阿彌陀佛像觀世音菩薩像
381 19 xiàng likeness; pratirūpa 尼佛像阿彌陀佛像觀世音菩薩像
382 18 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 花香水果蓏三白飲食如法供養
383 18 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 花香水果蓏三白飲食如法供養
384 18 供養 gòngyǎng offering 花香水果蓏三白飲食如法供養
385 18 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 花香水果蓏三白飲食如法供養
386 18 duò to stamp one's foot
387 18 duò stamp
388 18 juàn to trap; to snare 羂索成就品第六之二
389 18 juàn noose; pāśa 羂索成就品第六之二
390 18 zhōng middle 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
391 18 zhōng medium; medium sized 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
392 18 zhōng China 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
393 18 zhòng to hit the mark 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
394 18 zhōng midday 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
395 18 zhōng inside 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
396 18 zhōng during 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
397 18 zhōng Zhong 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
398 18 zhōng intermediary 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
399 18 zhōng half 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
400 18 zhòng to reach; to attain 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
401 18 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
402 18 zhòng to obtain 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
403 18 zhòng to pass an exam 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
404 18 zhōng middle 中出大音聲歌唄讚歎
405 17 祕密 mìmì a secret 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
406 17 祕密 mìmì secret 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
407 17 to draft 右輪索龍擬
408 17 to have an intention; to plan 右輪索龍擬
409 17 to compare 右輪索龍擬
410 17 to suppose 右輪索龍擬
411 17 to emulate 右輪索龍擬
412 17 to decide 右輪索龍擬
413 17 to gesture 右輪索龍擬
414 17 bending; āvarjya 右輪索龍擬
415 17 to stop; to repress 弭嚲皤野
416 17 curled ends of a bow 弭嚲皤野
417 17 composed; calm 弭嚲皤野
418 17 agreeable 弭嚲皤野
419 17 to forget 弭嚲皤野
420 17 a bow with silk and bone decorations 弭嚲皤野
421 17 Mi [place] 弭嚲皤野
422 17 Mi [name] 弭嚲皤野
423 17 mi 弭嚲皤野
424 16 to use; to grasp 以諸香
425 16 to rely on 以諸香
426 16 to regard 以諸香
427 16 to be able to 以諸香
428 16 to order; to command 以諸香
429 16 used after a verb 以諸香
430 16 a reason; a cause 以諸香
431 16 Israel 以諸香
432 16 Yi 以諸香
433 16 use; yogena 以諸香
434 16 Na 娜莫塞
435 16 nuó elegant; graceful 娜莫塞
436 16 da 娜莫塞
437 15 yīn sound; noise 桑紇反下同音
438 15 yīn Kangxi radical 180 桑紇反下同音
439 15 yīn news 桑紇反下同音
440 15 yīn tone; timbre 桑紇反下同音
441 15 yīn music 桑紇反下同音
442 15 yīn material from which musical instruments are made 桑紇反下同音
443 15 yīn voice; words 桑紇反下同音
444 15 yīn tone of voice 桑紇反下同音
445 15 yīn rumour 桑紇反下同音
446 15 yīn shade 桑紇反下同音
447 15 yīn sound; ghoṣa 桑紇反下同音
448 15 tuó steep bank 縛嚕播陀
449 15 tuó a spinning top 縛嚕播陀
450 15 tuó uneven 縛嚕播陀
451 15 tuó dha 縛嚕播陀
452 15 a polearm; a double-pronged halberd
453 15 to prod; to provoke; to stimulate
454 15 to prod; to provoke
455 15 a lance; tomara
456 15 duǒ to read aloud; to recite; to chant 底嚲那
457 15 duǒ to droop 底嚲那
458 15 tóu head 索蓮花頭左手中把
459 15 tóu top 索蓮花頭左手中把
460 15 tóu a piece; an aspect 索蓮花頭左手中把
461 15 tóu a leader 索蓮花頭左手中把
462 15 tóu first 索蓮花頭左手中把
463 15 tóu hair 索蓮花頭左手中把
464 15 tóu start; end 索蓮花頭左手中把
465 15 tóu a commission 索蓮花頭左手中把
466 15 tóu a person 索蓮花頭左手中把
467 15 tóu direction; bearing 索蓮花頭左手中把
468 15 tóu previous 索蓮花頭左手中把
469 15 tóu head; śiras 索蓮花頭左手中把
470 14 jiā ka; gha; ga 暮伽
471 14 jiā gha 暮伽
472 14 jiā ga 暮伽
473 14 to crush; to mash; to grind 迦嚕抳迦野
474 14 jiàn double-edged sword; dagger; saber 世尊劍羂索三昧耶
475 14 jiàn sword; dagger; saber 世尊劍羂索三昧耶
476 13 不空 bù kōng unerring; amogha 汝今己成不空清淨摩尼寶索出世世間三昧
477 13 不空 bù kōng Amoghavajra 汝今己成不空清淨摩尼寶索出世世間三昧
478 13 下同 xiàtóng similarly hereinafter 桑紇反下同音
479 13 一時 yīshí a period of time; a while 一時放光
480 13 一時 yīshí at the same time 一時放光
481 13 一時 yīshí sometimes 一時放光
482 13 一時 yīshí accidentally 一時放光
483 13 一時 yīshí at one time 一時放光
484 13 seven 毘遙反七
485 13 a genre of poetry 毘遙反七
486 13 seventh day memorial ceremony 毘遙反七
487 13 seven; sapta 毘遙反七
488 13 to know; to learn about; to comprehend
489 13 detailed
490 13 to elaborate; to expound
491 13 to exhaust; to use up
492 13 strongly
493 13 Xi
494 13 all; kṛtsna
495 13 to be near by; to be close to 即往西方蓮花化生
496 13 at that time 即往西方蓮花化生
497 13 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即往西方蓮花化生
498 13 supposed; so-called 即往西方蓮花化生
499 13 to arrive at; to ascend 即往西方蓮花化生
500 13 tiān day 一切天諸妙花花鬘海

Frequencies of all Words

Top 876

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 103 suǒ to search; to inquire 羂索成就品第六之二
2 103 suǒ rules; laws 羂索成就品第六之二
3 103 suǒ a large rope; a cable 羂索成就品第六之二
4 103 suǒ braided 羂索成就品第六之二
5 103 suǒ to investigate 羂索成就品第六之二
6 103 suǒ Suo 羂索成就品第六之二
7 103 suǒ to demand; to exact; to exhort 羂索成就品第六之二
8 103 suǒ isolated; disconnected 羂索成就品第六之二
9 103 suǒ sa 羂索成就品第六之二
10 103 suǒ cord; noose; pāśa 羂索成就品第六之二
11 83 真言 zhēnyán true words 時真言者閼伽供養
12 83 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 時真言者閼伽供養
13 83 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 時真言者閼伽供養
14 77 luó an exclamatory final particle 囉底
15 77 luó baby talk 囉底
16 77 luō to nag 囉底
17 77 luó ra 囉底
18 64 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
19 64 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
20 64 一切 yīqiè the same 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
21 64 一切 yīqiè generally 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
22 64 一切 yīqiè all, everything 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
23 64 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 一切天諸妙花花鬘海
24 57 shàng top; a high position 座上盤置摩
25 57 shang top; the position on or above something 座上盤置摩
26 57 shàng to go up; to go forward 座上盤置摩
27 57 shàng shang 座上盤置摩
28 57 shàng previous; last 座上盤置摩
29 57 shàng high; higher 座上盤置摩
30 57 shàng advanced 座上盤置摩
31 57 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 座上盤置摩
32 57 shàng time 座上盤置摩
33 57 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 座上盤置摩
34 57 shàng far 座上盤置摩
35 57 shàng big; as big as 座上盤置摩
36 57 shàng abundant; plentiful 座上盤置摩
37 57 shàng to report 座上盤置摩
38 57 shàng to offer 座上盤置摩
39 57 shàng to go on stage 座上盤置摩
40 57 shàng to take office; to assume a post 座上盤置摩
41 57 shàng to install; to erect 座上盤置摩
42 57 shàng to suffer; to sustain 座上盤置摩
43 57 shàng to burn 座上盤置摩
44 57 shàng to remember 座上盤置摩
45 57 shang on; in 座上盤置摩
46 57 shàng upward 座上盤置摩
47 57 shàng to add 座上盤置摩
48 57 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 座上盤置摩
49 57 shàng to meet 座上盤置摩
50 57 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 座上盤置摩
51 57 shang used after a verb indicating a result 座上盤置摩
52 57 shàng a musical note 座上盤置摩
53 57 shàng higher, superior; uttara 座上盤置摩
54 57 èr two 羂索成就品第六之二
55 57 èr Kangxi radical 7 羂索成就品第六之二
56 57 èr second 羂索成就品第六之二
57 57 èr twice; double; di- 羂索成就品第六之二
58 57 èr another; the other 羂索成就品第六之二
59 57 èr more than one kind 羂索成就品第六之二
60 57 èr two; dvā; dvi 羂索成就品第六之二
61 57 èr both; dvaya 羂索成就品第六之二
62 54 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
63 54 sòng to recount; to narrate 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
64 54 sòng a poem 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
65 54 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 晝日誦母陀羅尼真言祕密
66 53 to join; to combine 合持索
67 53 a time; a trip 合持索
68 53 to close 合持索
69 53 to agree with; equal to 合持索
70 53 to gather 合持索
71 53 whole 合持索
72 53 to be suitable; to be up to standard 合持索
73 53 a musical note 合持索
74 53 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 合持索
75 53 to fight 合持索
76 53 to conclude 合持索
77 53 to be similar to 合持索
78 53 and; also 合持索
79 53 crowded 合持索
80 53 a box 合持索
81 53 to copulate 合持索
82 53 a partner; a spouse 合持索
83 53 harmonious 合持索
84 53 should 合持索
85 53 He 合持索
86 53 a unit of measure for grain 合持索
87 53 a container for grain measurement 合持索
88 53 Merge 合持索
89 53 unite; saṃyoga 合持索
90 53 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 或更大者上勝第一
91 53 zhě that 或更大者上勝第一
92 53 zhě nominalizing function word 或更大者上勝第一
93 53 zhě used to mark a definition 或更大者上勝第一
94 53 zhě used to mark a pause 或更大者上勝第一
95 53 zhě topic marker; that; it 或更大者上勝第一
96 53 zhuó according to 或更大者上勝第一
97 53 zhě ca 或更大者上勝第一
98 49 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若住人中壽命萬歲
99 49 ruò seemingly 若住人中壽命萬歲
100 49 ruò if 若住人中壽命萬歲
101 49 ruò you 若住人中壽命萬歲
102 49 ruò this; that 若住人中壽命萬歲
103 49 ruò and; or 若住人中壽命萬歲
104 49 ruò as for; pertaining to 若住人中壽命萬歲
105 49 pomegranite 若住人中壽命萬歲
106 49 ruò to choose 若住人中壽命萬歲
107 49 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若住人中壽命萬歲
108 49 ruò thus 若住人中壽命萬歲
109 49 ruò pollia 若住人中壽命萬歲
110 49 ruò Ruo 若住人中壽命萬歲
111 49 ruò only then 若住人中壽命萬歲
112 49 ja 若住人中壽命萬歲
113 49 jñā 若住人中壽命萬歲
114 49 ruò if; yadi 若住人中壽命萬歲
115 45 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
116 45 bǎo treasured; cherished 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
117 45 bǎo a jewel; gem 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
118 45 bǎo precious 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
119 45 bǎo noble 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
120 45 bǎo an imperial seal 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
121 45 bǎo a unit of currency 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
122 45 bǎo Bao 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
123 45 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
124 45 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
125 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng all kinds of 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
126 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng short hair 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
127 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng simple and kind 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
128 44 種種 zhǒng zhǒng various forms; manifold 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
129 43 to go
130 43 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate
131 43 to be distant
132 43 to leave
133 43 to play a part
134 43 to abandon; to give up
135 43 to die
136 43 previous; past
137 43 to send out; to issue; to drive away
138 43 expresses a tendency
139 43 falling tone
140 43 to lose
141 43 Qu
142 43 go; gati
143 39 to bind; to tie
144 39 to restrict; to limit; to constrain
145 39 a leash; a tether
146 39 binding; attachment; bond; bandha
147 39 va
148 39 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 桑紇反下同音
149 39 fǎn instead; anti- 桑紇反下同音
150 39 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 桑紇反下同音
151 39 fǎn to go back; to return 桑紇反下同音
152 39 fǎn to combat; to rebel 桑紇反下同音
153 39 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 桑紇反下同音
154 39 fǎn on the contrary 桑紇反下同音
155 39 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 桑紇反下同音
156 39 fǎn to flip; to turn over 桑紇反下同音
157 39 fǎn to take back; to give back 桑紇反下同音
158 39 fǎn to reason by analogy 桑紇反下同音
159 39 fǎn to introspect 桑紇反下同音
160 39 fān to reverse a verdict 桑紇反下同音
161 39 fǎn opposed; viruddha 桑紇反下同音
162 39 lóng dragon 龍八部
163 39 lóng Kangxi radical 212 龍八部
164 39 lóng the seven lunar lodgings in the eastern sky 龍八部
165 39 lóng weakened; frail 龍八部
166 39 lóng a tall horse 龍八部
167 39 lóng Long 龍八部
168 39 lóng serpent; dragon; naga 龍八部
169 37 wáng Wang 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
170 37 wáng a king 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
171 37 wáng Kangxi radical 96 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
172 37 wàng to be king; to rule 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
173 37 wáng a prince; a duke 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
174 37 wáng grand; great 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
175 37 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
176 37 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
177 37 wáng the head of a group or gang 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
178 37 wáng the biggest or best of a group 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
179 37 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
180 36 biàn turn; one time 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
181 36 biàn all; complete 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
182 36 biàn everywhere; common 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
183 36 biàn to be covered with 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
184 36 biàn everywhere; sarva 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
185 36 biàn pervade; visva 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
186 36 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
187 36 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 誦奮怒王真言二十一遍
188 35 one 如是四寶隨得一
189 35 Kangxi radical 1 如是四寶隨得一
190 35 as soon as; all at once 如是四寶隨得一
191 35 pure; concentrated 如是四寶隨得一
192 35 whole; all 如是四寶隨得一
193 35 first 如是四寶隨得一
194 35 the same 如是四寶隨得一
195 35 each 如是四寶隨得一
196 35 certain 如是四寶隨得一
197 35 throughout 如是四寶隨得一
198 35 used in between a reduplicated verb 如是四寶隨得一
199 35 sole; single 如是四寶隨得一
200 35 a very small amount 如是四寶隨得一
201 35 Yi 如是四寶隨得一
202 35 other 如是四寶隨得一
203 35 to unify 如是四寶隨得一
204 35 accidentally; coincidentally 如是四寶隨得一
205 35 abruptly; suddenly 如是四寶隨得一
206 35 or 如是四寶隨得一
207 35 one; eka 如是四寶隨得一
208 34 huò or; either; else 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
209 34 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
210 34 huò some; someone 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
211 34 míngnián suddenly 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
212 34 huò or; vā 用金剛寶或琉璃寶
213 34 chí to grasp; to hold 合持索
214 34 chí to resist; to oppose 合持索
215 34 chí to uphold 合持索
216 34 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 合持索
217 34 chí to administer; to manage 合持索
218 34 chí to control 合持索
219 34 chí to be cautious 合持索
220 34 chí to remember 合持索
221 34 chí to assist 合持索
222 34 chí with; using 合持索
223 34 chí dhara 合持索
224 32 in; at 於十五日初夜時後夜時
225 32 in; at 於十五日初夜時後夜時
226 32 in; at; to; from 於十五日初夜時後夜時
227 32 to go; to 於十五日初夜時後夜時
228 32 to rely on; to depend on 於十五日初夜時後夜時
229 32 to go to; to arrive at 於十五日初夜時後夜時
230 32 from 於十五日初夜時後夜時
231 32 give 於十五日初夜時後夜時
232 32 oppposing 於十五日初夜時後夜時
233 32 and 於十五日初夜時後夜時
234 32 compared to 於十五日初夜時後夜時
235 32 by 於十五日初夜時後夜時
236 32 and; as well as 於十五日初夜時後夜時
237 32 for 於十五日初夜時後夜時
238 32 Yu 於十五日初夜時後夜時
239 32 a crow 於十五日初夜時後夜時
240 32 whew; wow 於十五日初夜時後夜時
241 32 near to; antike 於十五日初夜時後夜時
242 32 his; hers; its; theirs 其華大小象生蓮花
243 32 to add emphasis 其華大小象生蓮花
244 32 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其華大小象生蓮花
245 32 used when making a request or giving an order 其華大小象生蓮花
246 32 he; her; it; them 其華大小象生蓮花
247 32 probably; likely 其華大小象生蓮花
248 32 will 其華大小象生蓮花
249 32 may 其華大小象生蓮花
250 32 if 其華大小象生蓮花
251 32 or 其華大小象生蓮花
252 32 Qi 其華大小象生蓮花
253 32 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其華大小象生蓮花
254 32 anger; rage; fury 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
255 32 to be angry 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
256 32 vigorously 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
257 32 to force; to impel 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
258 32 intense 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
259 32 to denounce; to criticize 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
260 32 sturdy; strong 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
261 32 huge and strong 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
262 32 anger; krodha 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
263 30 zhū all; many; various 以諸香
264 30 zhū Zhu 以諸香
265 30 zhū all; members of the class 以諸香
266 30 zhū interrogative particle 以諸香
267 30 zhū him; her; them; it 以諸香
268 30 zhū of; in 以諸香
269 30 zhū all; many; sarva 以諸香
270 30 fèn to strive; to exert effort 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
271 30 fèn to beat the wings 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
272 30 fèn to raise up; to lift 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
273 30 fèn to promote; to recommend 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
274 30 fèn Fen 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
275 30 fèn to arouse; to stimulate 初夜後夜一誦奮怒王真
276 27 wilderness
277 27 open country; field
278 27 outskirts; countryside
279 27 wild; uncivilized
280 27 celestial area
281 27 district; region
282 27 community
283 27 rude; coarse
284 27 unofficial
285 27 exceptionally; very
286 27 ya
287 27 the wild; aṭavī
288 27 de potential marker 如是四寶隨得一
289 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 如是四寶隨得一
290 27 děi must; ought to 如是四寶隨得一
291 27 děi to want to; to need to 如是四寶隨得一
292 27 děi must; ought to 如是四寶隨得一
293 27 de 如是四寶隨得一
294 27 de infix potential marker 如是四寶隨得一
295 27 to result in 如是四寶隨得一
296 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 如是四寶隨得一
297 27 to be satisfied 如是四寶隨得一
298 27 to be finished 如是四寶隨得一
299 27 de result of degree 如是四寶隨得一
300 27 de marks completion of an action 如是四寶隨得一
301 27 děi satisfying 如是四寶隨得一
302 27 to contract 如是四寶隨得一
303 27 marks permission or possibility 如是四寶隨得一
304 27 expressing frustration 如是四寶隨得一
305 27 to hear 如是四寶隨得一
306 27 to have; there is 如是四寶隨得一
307 27 marks time passed 如是四寶隨得一
308 27 obtain; attain; prāpta 如是四寶隨得一
309 26 wèi for; to 股長為一條
310 26 wèi because of 股長為一條
311 26 wéi to act as; to serve 股長為一條
312 26 wéi to change into; to become 股長為一條
313 26 wéi to be; is 股長為一條
314 26 wéi to do 股長為一條
315 26 wèi for 股長為一條
316 26 wèi because of; for; to 股長為一條
317 26 wèi to 股長為一條
318 26 wéi in a passive construction 股長為一條
319 26 wéi forming a rehetorical question 股長為一條
320 26 wéi forming an adverb 股長為一條
321 26 wéi to add emphasis 股長為一條
322 26 wèi to support; to help 股長為一條
323 26 wéi to govern 股長為一條
324 26 wèi to be; bhū 股長為一條
325 26 ma final interrogative particle
326 26 insignificant; small; tiny
327 26 final interrogative particle
328 26 me final expresses to some extent
329 26 yāo one
330 26 yāo small; tiny
331 26 yāo small; tiny
332 26 yāo smallest
333 26 yāo one
334 26 yāo Yao
335 26 ma ba
336 26 ma ma
337 26 big; huge; large 或更大者上勝第一
338 26 Kangxi radical 37 或更大者上勝第一
339 26 great; major; important 或更大者上勝第一
340 26 size 或更大者上勝第一
341 26 old 或更大者上勝第一
342 26 greatly; very 或更大者上勝第一
343 26 oldest; earliest 或更大者上勝第一
344 26 adult 或更大者上勝第一
345 26 tài greatest; grand 或更大者上勝第一
346 26 dài an important person 或更大者上勝第一
347 26 senior 或更大者上勝第一
348 26 approximately 或更大者上勝第一
349 26 tài greatest; grand 或更大者上勝第一
350 26 an element 或更大者上勝第一
351 26 great; mahā 或更大者上勝第一
352 25 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
353 25 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
354 25 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
355 25 dāng to face 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
356 25 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
357 25 dāng to manage; to host 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
358 25 dāng should 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
359 25 dāng to treat; to regard as 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
360 25 dǎng to think 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
361 25 dàng suitable; correspond to 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
362 25 dǎng to be equal 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
363 25 dàng that 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
364 25 dāng an end; top 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
365 25 dàng clang; jingle 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
366 25 dāng to judge 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
367 25 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
368 25 dàng the same 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
369 25 dàng to pawn 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
370 25 dàng to fail [an exam] 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
371 25 dàng a trap 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
372 25 dàng a pawned item 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
373 25 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 持真言者當為一切真言明仙輪王眷屬
374 25 zuò to do 其鉤金作長手四把量
375 25 zuò to act as; to serve as 其鉤金作長手四把量
376 25 zuò to start 其鉤金作長手四把量
377 25 zuò a writing; a work 其鉤金作長手四把量
378 25 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 其鉤金作長手四把量
379 25 zuō to create; to make 其鉤金作長手四把量
380 25 zuō a workshop 其鉤金作長手四把量
381 25 zuō to write; to compose 其鉤金作長手四把量
382 25 zuò to rise 其鉤金作長手四把量
383 25 zuò to be aroused 其鉤金作長手四把量
384 25 zuò activity; action; undertaking 其鉤金作長手四把量
385 25 zuò to regard as 其鉤金作長手四把量
386 25 zuò action; kāraṇa 其鉤金作長手四把量
387 23 shí time; a point or period of time 於十五日初夜時後夜時
388 23 shí a season; a quarter of a year 於十五日初夜時後夜時
389 23 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 於十五日初夜時後夜時
390 23 shí at that time 於十五日初夜時後夜時
391 23 shí fashionable 於十五日初夜時後夜時
392 23 shí fate; destiny; luck 於十五日初夜時後夜時
393 23 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 於十五日初夜時後夜時
394 23 shí tense 於十五日初夜時後夜時
395 23 shí particular; special 於十五日初夜時後夜時
396 23 shí to plant; to cultivate 於十五日初夜時後夜時
397 23 shí hour (measure word) 於十五日初夜時後夜時
398 23 shí an era; a dynasty 於十五日初夜時後夜時
399 23 shí time [abstract] 於十五日初夜時後夜時
400 23 shí seasonal 於十五日初夜時後夜時
401 23 shí frequently; often 於十五日初夜時後夜時
402 23 shí occasionally; sometimes 於十五日初夜時後夜時
403 23 shí on time 於十五日初夜時後夜時
404 23 shí this; that 於十五日初夜時後夜時
405 23 shí to wait upon 於十五日初夜時後夜時
406 23 shí hour 於十五日初夜時後夜時
407 23 shí appropriate; proper; timely 於十五日初夜時後夜時
408 23 shí Shi 於十五日初夜時後夜時
409 23 shí a present; currentlt 於十五日初夜時後夜時
410 23 shí time; kāla 於十五日初夜時後夜時
411 23 shí at that time; samaya 於十五日初夜時後夜時
412 23 shí then; atha 於十五日初夜時後夜時
413 23 jiàn to see 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
414 23 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
415 23 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
416 23 jiàn refer to; for details see 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
417 23 jiàn passive marker 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
418 23 jiàn to listen to 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
419 23 jiàn to meet 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
420 23 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
421 23 jiàn let me; kindly 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
422 23 jiàn Jian 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
423 23 xiàn to appear 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
424 23 xiàn to introduce 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
425 23 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
426 23 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見釋迦牟尼佛阿彌陀佛世間觀光
427 23 三昧耶 sānmèiyé samaya; vow 世尊摩尼寶索三昧耶
428 23 otherwise; but; however 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
429 23 then 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
430 23 measure word for short sections of text 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
431 23 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
432 23 a grade; a level 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
433 23 an example; a model 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
434 23 a weighing device 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
435 23 to grade; to rank 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
436 23 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
437 23 to do 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
438 23 only 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
439 23 immediately 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
440 23 then; moreover; atha 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
441 23 koan; kōan; gong'an 則當一切香花寶幢幡蓋寶莊嚴具飲食珍
442 22 shēng sound 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
443 22 shēng a measure word for sound (times) 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
444 22 shēng sheng 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
445 22 shēng voice 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
446 22 shēng music 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
447 22 shēng language 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
448 22 shēng fame; reputation; honor 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
449 22 shēng a message 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
450 22 shēng an utterance 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
451 22 shēng a consonant 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
452 22 shēng a tone 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
453 22 shēng to announce 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
454 22 shēng sound 同聲讚言善哉善哉善男子
455 22 jiā ka 或帝青寶或娑頗胝迦寶
456 22 jiā ka 或帝青寶或娑頗胝迦寶
457 22 zhì to place; to lay out
458 22 zhì to establish; to set up; to install
459 22 zhì to buy
460 22 zhì a relay station
461 22 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon
462 22 zhì to discard; to abandon
463 22 zhì to set aside
464 22 zhì to place; nikṣepa
465 22 摩訶 móhē great 摩訶
466 21 海雲 hǎi yún Hai Yun 種種摩尼寶光明海雲種種無價寶香海雲
467 21 sān three 覆疊三股長二十一
468 21 sān third 覆疊三股長二十一
469 21 sān more than two 覆疊三股長二十一
470 21 sān very few 覆疊三股長二十一
471 21 sān repeatedly 覆疊三股長二十一
472 21 sān San 覆疊三股長二十一
473 21 sān three; tri 覆疊三股長二十一
474 21 sān sa 覆疊三股長二十一
475 21 sān three kinds; trividha 覆疊三股長二十一
476 21 lún a round; a turn 遍輪索七匝
477 21 lún a wheel 遍輪索七匝
478 21 lún a disk; a ring 遍輪索七匝
479 21 lún a revolution 遍輪索七匝
480 21 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 遍輪索七匝
481 21 lún to take turns; in turn 遍輪索七匝
482 21 lún a steamer; a steamboat 遍輪索七匝
483 21 lún a 12 year cycle 遍輪索七匝
484 21 lún a vehicle with wheels 遍輪索七匝
485 21 lún a north-south measurement 遍輪索七匝
486 21 lún perimeter; circumference 遍輪索七匝
487 21 lún high soaring 遍輪索七匝
488 21 lún Lun 遍輪索七匝
489 21 lún wheel; cakra 遍輪索七匝
490 20 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
491 20 xiàng to observe; to assess 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
492 20 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
493 20 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
494 20 xiàng to aid; to help 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
495 20 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
496 20 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
497 20 xiāng alternately; in turn 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
498 20 xiāng Xiang 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
499 20 xiāng form substance 覆疊相盤置二肘裏
500 20 xiāng to express 覆疊相盤置二肘裏


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. sa
  2. cord; noose; pāśa
真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani
luó ra
  1. yīqiè
  2. yīqiè
  1. all, everything
  2. all; sarva
shàng higher, superior; uttara
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
sòng recite; priase; pāṭha
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
zhě ca
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗诃 阿羅訶 196
  1. Arhat
  2. Arhat
阿弥陀 阿彌陀 196 Amitabha; Amithaba
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
不空羂索神变真言经 不空羂索神變真言經 98 Scripture of the Mantra of Amoghapāśa’s Miraculous Transformations; Bu Kong Juan Suo Shenbian Zhenyan Jing
不空羂索心王母陀罗尼真言 不空羂索心王母陀羅尼真言 98 Mother Dhāraṇī Mantra of Mind King Amoghapāśa
不空王观世音 不空王觀世音 98 Amoghapasa Avalokitesvara
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
大自在天 100 Mahesvara; Mahesvara Deva; Mahissara
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
阿弥陀佛 阿彌陀佛 196
  1. Amitabha Buddha
  2. Amitabha Buddha
  3. Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
二月 195
  1. February; the Second Month
  2. second lunar month; vaiśākha
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
风天 風天 102 Vayu; Wind Deva
观世音 觀世音 71
  1. Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨 觀世音菩薩 71 Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
观音 觀音 103
  1. Guanyin [Bodhisattva]
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Avalokitesvara
鬼子母 71 Hariti
海云 海雲 104 Hai Yun
火天 104 Agni
俱摩罗天 俱摩羅天 106 Kumara
龙宫 龍宮 108 Palace of the Dragon King
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
龙女 龍女 108 Dragon Daughter
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  5. foolish
摩诃迦罗 摩訶迦羅 109 Mahakala
摩醯首罗 摩醯首羅 109 Maheshvara
母陀罗尼真言 母陀羅尼真言 109 Mother Dhāraṇī Mantra
毘那夜迦 112 Vinayaka
毘沙门 毘沙門 112 Vaisravana; Vessavana; Jambhala
菩提流志 112 Bodhiruci
菩提萨埵 菩提薩埵 112 bodhisattva
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
日天 114 Surya; Aditya
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
上胜 上勝 115 Superior; Majestic
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
释迦牟尼佛 釋迦牟尼佛 115 Sakyamuni Buddha; Śākyamuni Buddha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
尾生 119 Wei Sheng
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
西门 西門 120
  1. West Gate
  2. Ximen
像法 120 Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
香王 120 Gandharaja
修罗 修羅 120 Asura
月天 121 Candra


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 163.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 196 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
安忍 196
  1. Patience
  2. to bear adversity with calmness
  3. Abiding Patience
  4. tolerance
阿素洛 196 an asura
阿修罗 阿修羅 196
  1. asura
  2. asura
白月 98 first half of the month; śuklapakṣa
宝幢 寶幢 98
  1. a Buddhist ensign or banner
  2. Ratnaketu
宝树 寶樹 98
  1. jeweled trees; forest of treasues
  2. a kalpa tree
宝衣 寶衣 98
  1. clothes decorated with gems
  2. cotton; calico; dūṣya
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
苾刍尼 苾蒭尼 98
  1. a nun
  2. a nun
般若波罗蜜多 般若波羅蜜多 98 prajnaparamita; prajñāpāramitā; perfection of the highest form of wisdom
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不空羂索 98 unerring lasso; amoghapasa
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
常乐 常樂 99 lasting joy
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
承事 99 to entrust with duty
瞋心 99
  1. Anger
  2. anger; a heart of anger
幢幡 99 a hanging banner
此等 99 they; eṣā
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大神通 100
  1. great supernatural power
  2. great transcendent wisdom
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大悲心 100 a mind with great compassion
当得 當得 100 will reach
大仙 100 a great sage; maharsi
大自在 100 Īśvara; self-existent; sovereign
灯明 燈明 100 a lamp held before the Buddha
读诵 讀誦 100 read aloud; recite repeatedly; svādyāya
覩见 覩見 100 to observe
独觉 獨覺 100 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
恶鬼神 惡鬼神 195 evil demons and spirits
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
法教 102
  1. Buddhism; Buddhadharma; the teaching of the Dharma
  2. teaching
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法座 102 Dharma seat
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
福聚 102 a heap of merit
恭敬供养 恭敬供養 103 honored
归敬 歸敬 103 namo; to pay respect to; to take refuge
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
黑月 104 second half of the month; kṛṣṇapakṣa
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
加被 106 blessing
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
袈裟 106
  1. kasaya
  2. kasaya; kaṣāya
  3. kasaya
静念 靜念 106 Calm the Thought
净衣 淨衣 106 pure clothing
净戒 淨戒 106
  1. Pure Precepts
  2. perfect observance
  3. Jing Jie
静虑 靜慮 106
  1. Quiet Contemplation
  2. dhyana; calm contemplation
净信 淨信 106
  1. Pure Faith
  2. pure faith; prasāda
卷第六 106 scroll 6
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
利乐 利樂 108 blessing and joy
龙神 龍神 108 dragon spirit
龙花 龍花 108 nagakesara
轮王 輪王 108 wheel turning king
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
曼拏罗 曼拏羅 109 mandala
曼拏攞 109 mandala
面门 面門 109
  1. forehead
  2. mouth
  3. line across the upper lip
妙色 109 wonderful form
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
摩诃萨 摩訶薩 109
  1. mahasattva
  2. mahāsattva; mohasattva; a great being
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
摩尼宝 摩尼寶 109
  1. Mani Pearl
  2. mani-jewel
  3. mani jewel
牟尼 109 a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
母陀罗 母陀羅 109 mudra
那罗 那羅 110
  1. nara; man
  2. naṭa; actor; dancer
那谟 那謨 110 namo; to pay respect to; homage
念力 110
  1. Power of the Mind
  2. the power of mindfulness
菩萨摩诃萨 菩薩摩訶薩 112 bodhisattva mahāsattva
菩萨地 菩薩地 112 stage of bodhisattva; bodhisattvabhūmi
普现 普現 112 universal manifestation
千手千眼 113 Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes
乾闼婆 乾闥婆 113 a gandharva
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
如法 114 In Accord With
萨埵 薩埵 115
  1. sentient being; being, existence; essence, nature, life; sense, consciousness
  2. sentient beings
散花 115 scatters flowers
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三昧耶 115 samaya; vow
三藐三佛陀 115 samyaksaṃbuddha; a perfectly enlightened one
色身 115
  1. Physical Body
  2. the physical body; rupakaya
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
刹土 剎土 115 kṣetra; homeland; country; land
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
神变 神變 115 a divine transformation; a miracle
神变相 神變相 115 a sign of divine power
胜定 勝定 115 equipose; samāhita
胜解 勝解 115 resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
沈水香 115 aguru
身通 115 teleportation; ṛddy-abhijña
十波罗蜜 十波羅蜜 115 ten pāramitās; ten perfections
十恶 十惡 115 the ten evils
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
施食 115
  1. Food Bestowal
  2. to give food
尸陀 115
  1. sitavana; cemetery
  2. sitavana; cemetery
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
受持读诵 受持讀誦 115 receive and recite
四重 115 four grave prohibitions
诵念 誦念 115 recite repeatedly; svādyāya
苏合香 蘇合香 115 storax balsam; storax
随眠 隨眠 115 a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya
莎缚诃 莎縛訶 115 svaha; hail
天龙 天龍 116 all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天龙八部 天龍八部 116 eight kinds of demigods
天乐 天樂 116 heavenly music
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
微妙色 119 unmatched colors
我身 119 I; myself
无阂 無閡 119 unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
五逆 119 pañca-ānantarya-karma; Five Great Violations; Five Cardinal Sins; the five heinous crimes
无所畏 無所畏 119 without any fear
无障碍 無障礙 119
  1. without obstruction
  2. Asaṅga
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
星宿天 120 celestial deity
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
心真 120 true nature of the mind
心真言 120 heart mantra
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
夜神 121 nighttime spirits
一百八 121 one hundred and eight
亿劫 億劫 121 a kalpa
一句 121
  1. a sentence
  2. a single verse; a single word
应法 應法 121 in harmony with the Dharma
应供养 應供養 121 worthy of worship
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切有情 121
  1. all living beings
  2. all sentient beings
一切诸佛 一切諸佛 121 all Buddhas
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
种种神通 種種神通 122 many kinds of supernatural powers
昼神 晝神 122 daytime spirits
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸相 諸相 122 all appearances; all characteristics
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
庄严具 莊嚴具 122 adornment; ornament
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
自说 自說 122 udāna; expressions
罪障 122 the barrier of sin
罪苦 122 suffering caused by one's own wrongdoing
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara