Glossary and Vocabulary for Zhuan Falun Jing (Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra) 佛說轉法輪經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 19 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 可得受中
2 19 shòu to transfer; to confer 可得受中
3 19 shòu to receive; to accept 可得受中
4 19 shòu to tolerate 可得受中
5 19 shòu feelings; sensations 可得受中
6 12 wéi to act as; to serve 為名色轉受苦無量
7 12 wéi to change into; to become 為名色轉受苦無量
8 12 wéi to be; is 為名色轉受苦無量
9 12 wéi to do 為名色轉受苦無量
10 12 wèi to support; to help 為名色轉受苦無量
11 12 wéi to govern 為名色轉受苦無量
12 12 wèi to be; bhū 為名色轉受苦無量
13 10 zhě ca 往者吾從無數劫來
14 9 yuē to speak; to say 佛以手撫輪曰
15 9 yuē Kangxi radical 73 佛以手撫輪曰
16 9 yuē to be called 佛以手撫輪曰
17 9 yuē said; ukta 佛以手撫輪曰
18 7 Kangxi radical 49 今者癡愛之意已止
19 7 to bring to an end; to stop 今者癡愛之意已止
20 7 to complete 今者癡愛之意已止
21 7 to demote; to dismiss 今者癡愛之意已止
22 7 to recover from an illness 今者癡愛之意已止
23 7 former; pūrvaka 今者癡愛之意已止
24 7 niàn to read aloud 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
25 7 niàn to remember; to expect 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
26 7 niàn to miss 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
27 7 niàn to consider 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
28 7 niàn to recite; to chant 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
29 7 niàn to show affection for 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
30 7 niàn a thought; an idea 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
31 7 niàn twenty 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
32 7 niàn memory 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
33 7 niàn an instant 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
34 7 niàn Nian 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
35 7 niàn mindfulness; smrti 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
36 7 niàn a thought; citta 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
37 7 wén to hear 聞如是
38 7 wén Wen 聞如是
39 7 wén sniff at; to smell 聞如是
40 7 wén to be widely known 聞如是
41 7 wén to confirm; to accept 聞如是
42 7 wén information 聞如是
43 7 wèn famous; well known 聞如是
44 7 wén knowledge; learning 聞如是
45 7 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聞如是
46 7 wén to question 聞如是
47 7 wén heard; śruta 聞如是
48 7 wén hearing; śruti 聞如是
49 7 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 如是盡真諦
50 7 jìn perfect; flawless 如是盡真諦
51 7 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 如是盡真諦
52 7 jìn to vanish 如是盡真諦
53 7 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 如是盡真諦
54 7 jìn to die 如是盡真諦
55 7 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 如是盡真諦
56 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 可得受中
57 6 děi to want to; to need to 可得受中
58 6 děi must; ought to 可得受中
59 6 de 可得受中
60 6 de infix potential marker 可得受中
61 6 to result in 可得受中
62 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 可得受中
63 6 to be satisfied 可得受中
64 6 to be finished 可得受中
65 6 děi satisfying 可得受中
66 6 to contract 可得受中
67 6 to hear 可得受中
68 6 to have; there is 可得受中
69 6 marks time passed 可得受中
70 6 obtain; attain; prāpta 可得受中
71 6 ài to love 今者癡愛之意已止
72 6 ài favor; grace; kindness 今者癡愛之意已止
73 6 ài somebody who is loved 今者癡愛之意已止
74 6 ài love; affection 今者癡愛之意已止
75 6 ài to like 今者癡愛之意已止
76 6 ài to sympathize with; to pity 今者癡愛之意已止
77 6 ài to begrudge 今者癡愛之意已止
78 6 ài to do regularly; to have the habit of 今者癡愛之意已止
79 6 ài my dear 今者癡愛之意已止
80 6 ài Ai 今者癡愛之意已止
81 6 ài loved; beloved 今者癡愛之意已止
82 6 ài Love 今者癡愛之意已止
83 6 ài desire; craving; trsna 今者癡愛之意已止
84 6 xíng to walk 世間有二事墮邊行
85 6 xíng capable; competent 世間有二事墮邊行
86 6 háng profession 世間有二事墮邊行
87 6 xíng Kangxi radical 144 世間有二事墮邊行
88 6 xíng to travel 世間有二事墮邊行
89 6 xìng actions; conduct 世間有二事墮邊行
90 6 xíng to do; to act; to practice 世間有二事墮邊行
91 6 xíng all right; OK; okay 世間有二事墮邊行
92 6 háng horizontal line 世間有二事墮邊行
93 6 héng virtuous deeds 世間有二事墮邊行
94 6 hàng a line of trees 世間有二事墮邊行
95 6 hàng bold; steadfast 世間有二事墮邊行
96 6 xíng to move 世間有二事墮邊行
97 6 xíng to put into effect; to implement 世間有二事墮邊行
98 6 xíng travel 世間有二事墮邊行
99 6 xíng to circulate 世間有二事墮邊行
100 6 xíng running script; running script 世間有二事墮邊行
101 6 xíng temporary 世間有二事墮邊行
102 6 háng rank; order 世間有二事墮邊行
103 6 háng a business; a shop 世間有二事墮邊行
104 6 xíng to depart; to leave 世間有二事墮邊行
105 6 xíng to experience 世間有二事墮邊行
106 6 xíng path; way 世間有二事墮邊行
107 6 xíng xing; ballad 世間有二事墮邊行
108 6 xíng Xing 世間有二事墮邊行
109 6 xíng Practice 世間有二事墮邊行
110 6 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 世間有二事墮邊行
111 6 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 世間有二事墮邊行
112 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 覺所念令意解
113 6 lìng to issue a command 覺所念令意解
114 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 覺所念令意解
115 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 覺所念令意解
116 6 lìng a season 覺所念令意解
117 6 lìng respected; good reputation 覺所念令意解
118 6 lìng good 覺所念令意解
119 6 lìng pretentious 覺所念令意解
120 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 覺所念令意解
121 6 lìng a commander 覺所念令意解
122 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 覺所念令意解
123 6 lìng lyrics 覺所念令意解
124 6 lìng Ling 覺所念令意解
125 6 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 覺所念令意解
126 6 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail) 飛來當佛前轉
127 6 zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about 飛來當佛前轉
128 6 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to shift; to turn 飛來當佛前轉
129 6 zhuǎn to turn; to rotate 飛來當佛前轉
130 6 zhuǎi to use many literary allusions 飛來當佛前轉
131 6 zhuǎn to transfer 飛來當佛前轉
132 6 zhuǎn to move forward; pravartana 飛來當佛前轉
133 6 zài in; at 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
134 6 zài to exist; to be living 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
135 6 zài to consist of 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
136 6 zài to be at a post 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
137 6 zài in; bhū 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
138 6 infix potential marker 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
139 6 yǎn eye 如來最正覺得眼得慧
140 6 yǎn eyeball 如來最正覺得眼得慧
141 6 yǎn sight 如來最正覺得眼得慧
142 6 yǎn the present moment 如來最正覺得眼得慧
143 6 yǎn an opening; a small hole 如來最正覺得眼得慧
144 6 yǎn a trap 如來最正覺得眼得慧
145 6 yǎn insight 如來最正覺得眼得慧
146 6 yǎn a salitent point 如來最正覺得眼得慧
147 6 yǎn a beat with no accent 如來最正覺得眼得慧
148 6 yǎn to look; to glance 如來最正覺得眼得慧
149 6 yǎn to see proof 如來最正覺得眼得慧
150 6 yǎn eye; cakṣus 如來最正覺得眼得慧
151 5 dào way; road; path 若諸比丘本末聞道
152 5 dào principle; a moral; morality 若諸比丘本末聞道
153 5 dào Tao; the Way 若諸比丘本末聞道
154 5 dào to say; to speak; to talk 若諸比丘本末聞道
155 5 dào to think 若諸比丘本末聞道
156 5 dào circuit; a province 若諸比丘本末聞道
157 5 dào a course; a channel 若諸比丘本末聞道
158 5 dào a method; a way of doing something 若諸比丘本末聞道
159 5 dào a doctrine 若諸比丘本末聞道
160 5 dào Taoism; Daoism 若諸比丘本末聞道
161 5 dào a skill 若諸比丘本末聞道
162 5 dào a sect 若諸比丘本末聞道
163 5 dào a line 若諸比丘本末聞道
164 5 dào Way 若諸比丘本末聞道
165 5 dào way; path; marga 若諸比丘本末聞道
166 5 èr two 何等二
167 5 èr Kangxi radical 7 何等二
168 5 èr second 何等二
169 5 èr twice; double; di- 何等二
170 5 èr more than one kind 何等二
171 5 èr two; dvā; dvi 何等二
172 5 èr both; dvaya 何等二
173 5 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
174 5 relating to Buddhism 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
175 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
176 5 a Buddhist text 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
177 5 to touch; to stroke 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
178 5 Buddha 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
179 5 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
180 5 bitterness; bitter flavor 何謂為苦
181 5 hardship; suffering 何謂為苦
182 5 to make things difficult for 何謂為苦
183 5 to train; to practice 何謂為苦
184 5 to suffer from a misfortune 何謂為苦
185 5 bitter 何謂為苦
186 5 grieved; facing hardship 何謂為苦
187 5 in low spirits; depressed 何謂為苦
188 5 painful 何謂為苦
189 5 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 何謂為苦
190 5 jué to awake 覺所念令意解
191 5 jiào sleep 覺所念令意解
192 5 jué to realize 覺所念令意解
193 5 jué to know; to understand; to sense; to perceive 覺所念令意解
194 5 jué to enlighten; to inspire 覺所念令意解
195 5 jué perception; feeling 覺所念令意解
196 5 jué a person with foresight 覺所念令意解
197 5 jué Awaken 覺所念令意解
198 5 jué enlightenment; awakening; bodhi 覺所念令意解
199 5 huì intelligent; clever 如來最正覺得眼得慧
200 5 huì mental ability; intellect 如來最正覺得眼得慧
201 5 huì wisdom; understanding 如來最正覺得眼得慧
202 5 huì Wisdom 如來最正覺得眼得慧
203 5 huì wisdom; prajna 如來最正覺得眼得慧
204 5 huì intellect; mati 如來最正覺得眼得慧
205 5 wèi to call 謂受八直之道
206 5 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂受八直之道
207 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂受八直之道
208 5 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂受八直之道
209 5 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂受八直之道
210 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂受八直之道
211 5 wèi to think 謂受八直之道
212 5 wèi for; is to be 謂受八直之道
213 5 wèi to make; to cause 謂受八直之道
214 5 wèi principle; reason 謂受八直之道
215 5 wèi Wei 謂受八直之道
216 5 何謂 héwèi what is the meaning of? 何謂受中
217 5 何謂 héwèi why? 何謂受中
218 5 何謂 héwèi what are you saying? 何謂受中
219 5 何謂 héwèi what? 何謂受中
220 5 to fly 是習為苦
221 5 to practice; to exercise 是習為苦
222 5 to be familiar with 是習為苦
223 5 a habit; a custom 是習為苦
224 5 a trusted aide; a close acquaintance 是習為苦
225 5 to teach 是習為苦
226 5 flapping 是習為苦
227 5 Xi 是習為苦
228 5 cultivated; bhāvita 是習為苦
229 5 latent tendencies; predisposition 是習為苦
230 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 時有千比丘諸天神
231 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 時有千比丘諸天神
232 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 時有千比丘諸天神
233 4 Kangxi radical 71 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
234 4 to not have; without 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
235 4 mo 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
236 4 to not have 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
237 4 Wu 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
238 4 mo 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
239 4 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 漏結之情已解
240 4 jiě to explain 漏結之情已解
241 4 jiě to divide; to separate 漏結之情已解
242 4 jiě to understand 漏結之情已解
243 4 jiě to solve a math problem 漏結之情已解
244 4 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 漏結之情已解
245 4 jiě to cut; to disect 漏結之情已解
246 4 jiě to relieve oneself 漏結之情已解
247 4 jiě a solution 漏結之情已解
248 4 jiè to escort 漏結之情已解
249 4 xiè to understand; to be clear 漏結之情已解
250 4 xiè acrobatic skills 漏結之情已解
251 4 jiě can; able to 漏結之情已解
252 4 jiě a stanza 漏結之情已解
253 4 jiè to send off 漏結之情已解
254 4 xiè Xie 漏結之情已解
255 4 jiě exegesis 漏結之情已解
256 4 xiè laziness 漏結之情已解
257 4 jiè a government office 漏結之情已解
258 4 jiè to pawn 漏結之情已解
259 4 jiè to rent; to lease 漏結之情已解
260 4 jiě understanding 漏結之情已解
261 4 jiě to liberate 漏結之情已解
262 4 method; way 若本在昔未聞是法者
263 4 France 若本在昔未聞是法者
264 4 the law; rules; regulations 若本在昔未聞是法者
265 4 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 若本在昔未聞是法者
266 4 a standard; a norm 若本在昔未聞是法者
267 4 an institution 若本在昔未聞是法者
268 4 to emulate 若本在昔未聞是法者
269 4 magic; a magic trick 若本在昔未聞是法者
270 4 punishment 若本在昔未聞是法者
271 4 Fa 若本在昔未聞是法者
272 4 a precedent 若本在昔未聞是法者
273 4 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 若本在昔未聞是法者
274 4 relating to a ceremony or rite 若本在昔未聞是法者
275 4 Dharma 若本在昔未聞是法者
276 4 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 若本在昔未聞是法者
277 4 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 若本在昔未聞是法者
278 4 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 若本在昔未聞是法者
279 4 quality; characteristic 若本在昔未聞是法者
280 4 idea 今者癡愛之意已止
281 4 Italy (abbreviation) 今者癡愛之意已止
282 4 a wish; a desire; intention 今者癡愛之意已止
283 4 mood; feeling 今者癡愛之意已止
284 4 will; willpower; determination 今者癡愛之意已止
285 4 bearing; spirit 今者癡愛之意已止
286 4 to think of; to long for; to miss 今者癡愛之意已止
287 4 to anticipate; to expect 今者癡愛之意已止
288 4 to doubt; to suspect 今者癡愛之意已止
289 4 meaning 今者癡愛之意已止
290 4 a suggestion; a hint 今者癡愛之意已止
291 4 an understanding; a point of view 今者癡愛之意已止
292 4 Yi 今者癡愛之意已止
293 4 manas; mind; mentation 今者癡愛之意已止
294 4 zhī to go 今者癡愛之意已止
295 4 zhī to arrive; to go 今者癡愛之意已止
296 4 zhī is 今者癡愛之意已止
297 4 zhī to use 今者癡愛之意已止
298 4 zhī Zhi 今者癡愛之意已止
299 4 zhī winding 今者癡愛之意已止
300 4 苦習 kǔ xí the [noble truth of the] origination of suffering 何謂苦習
301 4 wèi Eighth earthly branch 若本在昔未聞是法者
302 4 wèi 1-3 p.m. 若本在昔未聞是法者
303 4 wèi to taste 若本在昔未聞是法者
304 4 wèi future; anāgata 若本在昔未聞是法者
305 4 cóng to follow 往者吾從無數劫來
306 4 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 往者吾從無數劫來
307 4 cóng to participate in something 往者吾從無數劫來
308 4 cóng to use a certain method or principle 往者吾從無數劫來
309 4 cóng something secondary 往者吾從無數劫來
310 4 cóng remote relatives 往者吾從無數劫來
311 4 cóng secondary 往者吾從無數劫來
312 4 cóng to go on; to advance 往者吾從無數劫來
313 4 cōng at ease; informal 往者吾從無數劫來
314 4 zòng a follower; a supporter 往者吾從無數劫來
315 4 zòng to release 往者吾從無數劫來
316 4 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 往者吾從無數劫來
317 4 真諦 zhēndì truth 如是盡真諦
318 4 真諦 zhēndì paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth 如是盡真諦
319 4 真諦 zhēndì Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha 如是盡真諦
320 3 zhǐ to stop; to halt
321 3 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end
322 3 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77
323 3 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain
324 3 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell
325 3 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still
326 3 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner
327 3 zhǐ foot
328 3 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick
329 3 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha
330 3 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
331 3 lún a wheel 於是有自然法輪
332 3 lún a disk; a ring 於是有自然法輪
333 3 lún a revolution 於是有自然法輪
334 3 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 於是有自然法輪
335 3 lún to take turns; in turn 於是有自然法輪
336 3 lún a steamer; a steamboat 於是有自然法輪
337 3 lún a 12 year cycle 於是有自然法輪
338 3 lún a vehicle with wheels 於是有自然法輪
339 3 lún a north-south measurement 於是有自然法輪
340 3 lún perimeter; circumference 於是有自然法輪
341 3 lún high soaring 於是有自然法輪
342 3 lún Lun 於是有自然法輪
343 3 lún wheel; cakra 於是有自然法輪
344 3 tiān day 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
345 3 tiān heaven 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
346 3 tiān nature 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
347 3 tiān sky 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
348 3 tiān weather 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
349 3 tiān father; husband 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
350 3 tiān a necessity 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
351 3 tiān season 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
352 3 tiān destiny 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
353 3 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
354 3 tiān a deva; a god 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
355 3 tiān Heaven 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
356 3 世間 shìjiān world; the human world 世間有二事墮邊行
357 3 世間 shìjiān world 世間有二事墮邊行
358 3 世間 shìjiān world; loka 世間有二事墮邊行
359 3 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 從兩邊度自致泥洹
360 3 duó to estimate; to calculate 從兩邊度自致泥洹
361 3 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 從兩邊度自致泥洹
362 3 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 從兩邊度自致泥洹
363 3 musical or poetic rhythm 從兩邊度自致泥洹
364 3 conduct; bearing 從兩邊度自致泥洹
365 3 to spend time; to pass time 從兩邊度自致泥洹
366 3 pāramitā; perfection 從兩邊度自致泥洹
367 3 ordination 從兩邊度自致泥洹
368 3 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 從兩邊度自致泥洹
369 3 ya 不復轉於五道也
370 3 佛說轉法輪經 fóshuō zhuǎnfǎ lúnj īng Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra; Dharmacakra Pravartana sūtra; Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma 佛說轉法輪經
371 3 諸天 zhū tiān devas 時有千比丘諸天神
372 3 jiàn to see 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
373 3 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
374 3 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
375 3 jiàn refer to; for details see 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
376 3 jiàn to listen to 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
377 3 jiàn to meet 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
378 3 jiàn to receive (a guest) 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
379 3 jiàn let me; kindly 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
380 3 jiàn Jian 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
381 3 xiàn to appear 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
382 3 xiàn to introduce 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
383 3 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
384 3 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
385 3 意解 yì jiě liberation of thought 覺所念令意解
386 3 chán Chan; Zen 已受眼觀禪思慧見
387 3 chán meditation 已受眼觀禪思慧見
388 3 shàn an imperial sacrificial ceremony 已受眼觀禪思慧見
389 3 shàn to abdicate 已受眼觀禪思慧見
390 3 shàn Xiongnu supreme leader 已受眼觀禪思慧見
391 3 shàn to make a ritual offering to heaven and earth 已受眼觀禪思慧見
392 3 chán Chan 已受眼觀禪思慧見
393 3 chán meditative concentration; dhyāna; jhāna 已受眼觀禪思慧見
394 3 chán Chan; Zen 已受眼觀禪思慧見
395 3 受禪 shòuchán to accept abdication 已一心受眼受禪思受慧見
396 3 四諦 sì dì the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths 若令在斯未聞是四諦法者
397 3 to go back; to return 謂覺從愛復有所樂
398 3 to resume; to restart 謂覺從愛復有所樂
399 3 to do in detail 謂覺從愛復有所樂
400 3 to restore 謂覺從愛復有所樂
401 3 to respond; to reply to 謂覺從愛復有所樂
402 3 Fu; Return 謂覺從愛復有所樂
403 3 to retaliate; to reciprocate 謂覺從愛復有所樂
404 3 to avoid forced labor or tax 謂覺從愛復有所樂
405 3 Fu 謂覺從愛復有所樂
406 3 doubled; to overlapping; folded 謂覺從愛復有所樂
407 3 a lined garment with doubled thickness 謂覺從愛復有所樂
408 3 qiān one thousand 時有千比丘諸天神
409 3 qiān many; numerous; countless 時有千比丘諸天神
410 3 qiān a cheat; swindler 時有千比丘諸天神
411 3 qiān Qian 時有千比丘諸天神
412 2 suǒ a few; various; some 覺所念令意解
413 2 suǒ a place; a location 覺所念令意解
414 2 suǒ indicates a passive voice 覺所念令意解
415 2 suǒ an ordinal number 覺所念令意解
416 2 suǒ meaning 覺所念令意解
417 2 suǒ garrison 覺所念令意解
418 2 suǒ place; pradeśa 覺所念令意解
419 2 to give 終身不當與從事
420 2 to accompany 終身不當與從事
421 2 to particate in 終身不當與從事
422 2 of the same kind 終身不當與從事
423 2 to help 終身不當與從事
424 2 for 終身不當與從事
425 2 正見 zhèng jiàn Right View 一曰正見
426 2 正見 zhèng jiàn right understanding; right view 一曰正見
427 2 shí mixed; miscellaneous 當已知甚苦為真諦
428 2 shí a group of ten sections in the Shijing 當已知甚苦為真諦
429 2 shí Shi 當已知甚苦為真諦
430 2 shí tenfold 當已知甚苦為真諦
431 2 shí one hundred percent 當已知甚苦為真諦
432 2 shí ten 當已知甚苦為真諦
433 2 三轉 sān zhuǎn Three Turnings Dharma Wheel 是為四諦三轉合十二事
434 2 zhōng middle 可得受中
435 2 zhōng medium; medium sized 可得受中
436 2 zhōng China 可得受中
437 2 zhòng to hit the mark 可得受中
438 2 zhōng midday 可得受中
439 2 zhōng inside 可得受中
440 2 zhōng during 可得受中
441 2 zhōng Zhong 可得受中
442 2 zhōng intermediary 可得受中
443 2 zhōng half 可得受中
444 2 zhòng to reach; to attain 可得受中
445 2 zhòng to suffer; to infect 可得受中
446 2 zhòng to obtain 可得受中
447 2 zhòng to pass an exam 可得受中
448 2 zhōng middle 可得受中
449 2 Wu 往者吾從無數劫來
450 2 正定 zhèngdìng Zhending; Zhengding 八曰正定
451 2 正定 zhèng dìng Right Concentration 八曰正定
452 2 正定 zhèng dìng right meditative concentration; right concentration 八曰正定
453 2 zhī to know 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
454 2 zhī to comprehend 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
455 2 zhī to inform; to tell 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
456 2 zhī to administer 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
457 2 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
458 2 zhī to be close friends 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
459 2 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
460 2 zhī to receive; to entertain 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
461 2 zhī knowledge 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
462 2 zhī consciousness; perception 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
463 2 zhī a close friend 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
464 2 zhì wisdom 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
465 2 zhì Zhi 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
466 2 zhī to appreciate 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
467 2 zhī to make known 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
468 2 zhī to have control over 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
469 2 zhī to expect; to foresee 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
470 2 zhī Understanding 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
471 2 zhī know; jña 當知甚苦習盡為真諦
472 2 to reach 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
473 2 to attain 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
474 2 to understand 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
475 2 able to be compared to; to catch up with 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
476 2 to be involved with; to associate with 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
477 2 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
478 2 and; ca; api 賢者阿若拘鄰等及八千姟天
479 2 正命 zhèng mìng to live an allotted life span 五曰正命
480 2 正命 zhèng mìng right livelihood 五曰正命
481 2 正命 zhèng mìng right livelihood 五曰正命
482 2 desire 何謂苦習盡欲受道
483 2 to desire; to wish 何謂苦習盡欲受道
484 2 to desire; to intend 何謂苦習盡欲受道
485 2 lust 何謂苦習盡欲受道
486 2 desire; intention; wish; kāma 何謂苦習盡欲受道
487 2 苦為真諦 kǔ wèi zhēndì the noble truth of stress 當已知甚苦為真諦
488 2 one 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
489 2 Kangxi radical 1 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
490 2 pure; concentrated 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
491 2 first 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
492 2 the same 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
493 2 sole; single 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
494 2 a very small amount 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
495 2 Yi 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
496 2 other 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
497 2 to unify 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
498 2 accidentally; coincidentally 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
499 2 abruptly; suddenly 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
500 2 one; eka 一為念在貪欲無清淨志

Frequencies of all Words

Top 947

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 19 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 可得受中
2 19 shòu to transfer; to confer 可得受中
3 19 shòu to receive; to accept 可得受中
4 19 shòu to tolerate 可得受中
5 19 shòu suitably 可得受中
6 19 shòu feelings; sensations 可得受中
7 12 wèi for; to 為名色轉受苦無量
8 12 wèi because of 為名色轉受苦無量
9 12 wéi to act as; to serve 為名色轉受苦無量
10 12 wéi to change into; to become 為名色轉受苦無量
11 12 wéi to be; is 為名色轉受苦無量
12 12 wéi to do 為名色轉受苦無量
13 12 wèi for 為名色轉受苦無量
14 12 wèi because of; for; to 為名色轉受苦無量
15 12 wèi to 為名色轉受苦無量
16 12 wéi in a passive construction 為名色轉受苦無量
17 12 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為名色轉受苦無量
18 12 wéi forming an adverb 為名色轉受苦無量
19 12 wéi to add emphasis 為名色轉受苦無量
20 12 wèi to support; to help 為名色轉受苦無量
21 12 wéi to govern 為名色轉受苦無量
22 12 wèi to be; bhū 為名色轉受苦無量
23 12 shì is; are; am; to be 是習為苦
24 12 shì is exactly 是習為苦
25 12 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是習為苦
26 12 shì this; that; those 是習為苦
27 12 shì really; certainly 是習為苦
28 12 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是習為苦
29 12 shì true 是習為苦
30 12 shì is; has; exists 是習為苦
31 12 shì used between repetitions of a word 是習為苦
32 12 shì a matter; an affair 是習為苦
33 12 shì Shi 是習為苦
34 12 shì is; bhū 是習為苦
35 12 shì this; idam 是習為苦
36 10 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 往者吾從無數劫來
37 10 zhě that 往者吾從無數劫來
38 10 zhě nominalizing function word 往者吾從無數劫來
39 10 zhě used to mark a definition 往者吾從無數劫來
40 10 zhě used to mark a pause 往者吾從無數劫來
41 10 zhě topic marker; that; it 往者吾從無數劫來
42 10 zhuó according to 往者吾從無數劫來
43 10 zhě ca 往者吾從無數劫來
44 9 yuē to speak; to say 佛以手撫輪曰
45 9 yuē Kangxi radical 73 佛以手撫輪曰
46 9 yuē to be called 佛以手撫輪曰
47 9 yuē particle without meaning 佛以手撫輪曰
48 9 yuē said; ukta 佛以手撫輪曰
49 7 already 今者癡愛之意已止
50 7 Kangxi radical 49 今者癡愛之意已止
51 7 from 今者癡愛之意已止
52 7 to bring to an end; to stop 今者癡愛之意已止
53 7 final aspectual particle 今者癡愛之意已止
54 7 afterwards; thereafter 今者癡愛之意已止
55 7 too; very; excessively 今者癡愛之意已止
56 7 to complete 今者癡愛之意已止
57 7 to demote; to dismiss 今者癡愛之意已止
58 7 to recover from an illness 今者癡愛之意已止
59 7 certainly 今者癡愛之意已止
60 7 an interjection of surprise 今者癡愛之意已止
61 7 this 今者癡愛之意已止
62 7 former; pūrvaka 今者癡愛之意已止
63 7 former; pūrvaka 今者癡愛之意已止
64 7 niàn to read aloud 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
65 7 niàn to remember; to expect 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
66 7 niàn to miss 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
67 7 niàn to consider 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
68 7 niàn to recite; to chant 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
69 7 niàn to show affection for 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
70 7 niàn a thought; an idea 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
71 7 niàn twenty 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
72 7 niàn memory 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
73 7 niàn an instant 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
74 7 niàn Nian 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
75 7 niàn mindfulness; smrti 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
76 7 niàn a thought; citta 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
77 7 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 飛來當佛前轉
78 7 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 飛來當佛前轉
79 7 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 飛來當佛前轉
80 7 dāng to face 飛來當佛前轉
81 7 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 飛來當佛前轉
82 7 dāng to manage; to host 飛來當佛前轉
83 7 dāng should 飛來當佛前轉
84 7 dāng to treat; to regard as 飛來當佛前轉
85 7 dǎng to think 飛來當佛前轉
86 7 dàng suitable; correspond to 飛來當佛前轉
87 7 dǎng to be equal 飛來當佛前轉
88 7 dàng that 飛來當佛前轉
89 7 dāng an end; top 飛來當佛前轉
90 7 dàng clang; jingle 飛來當佛前轉
91 7 dāng to judge 飛來當佛前轉
92 7 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 飛來當佛前轉
93 7 dàng the same 飛來當佛前轉
94 7 dàng to pawn 飛來當佛前轉
95 7 dàng to fail [an exam] 飛來當佛前轉
96 7 dàng a trap 飛來當佛前轉
97 7 dàng a pawned item 飛來當佛前轉
98 7 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 飛來當佛前轉
99 7 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
100 7 ruò seemingly 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
101 7 ruò if 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
102 7 ruò you 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
103 7 ruò this; that 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
104 7 ruò and; or 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
105 7 ruò as for; pertaining to 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
106 7 pomegranite 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
107 7 ruò to choose 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
108 7 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
109 7 ruò thus 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
110 7 ruò pollia 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
111 7 ruò Ruo 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
112 7 ruò only then 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
113 7 ja 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
114 7 jñā 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
115 7 ruò if; yadi 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
116 7 wén to hear 聞如是
117 7 wén Wen 聞如是
118 7 wén sniff at; to smell 聞如是
119 7 wén to be widely known 聞如是
120 7 wén to confirm; to accept 聞如是
121 7 wén information 聞如是
122 7 wèn famous; well known 聞如是
123 7 wén knowledge; learning 聞如是
124 7 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聞如是
125 7 wén to question 聞如是
126 7 wén heard; śruta 聞如是
127 7 wén hearing; śruti 聞如是
128 7 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 如是盡真諦
129 7 jìn all; every 如是盡真諦
130 7 jìn perfect; flawless 如是盡真諦
131 7 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 如是盡真諦
132 7 jìn furthest; extreme 如是盡真諦
133 7 jìn to vanish 如是盡真諦
134 7 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 如是盡真諦
135 7 jìn to be within the limit 如是盡真諦
136 7 jìn all; every 如是盡真諦
137 7 jìn to die 如是盡真諦
138 7 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 如是盡真諦
139 6 de potential marker 可得受中
140 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 可得受中
141 6 děi must; ought to 可得受中
142 6 děi to want to; to need to 可得受中
143 6 děi must; ought to 可得受中
144 6 de 可得受中
145 6 de infix potential marker 可得受中
146 6 to result in 可得受中
147 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 可得受中
148 6 to be satisfied 可得受中
149 6 to be finished 可得受中
150 6 de result of degree 可得受中
151 6 de marks completion of an action 可得受中
152 6 děi satisfying 可得受中
153 6 to contract 可得受中
154 6 marks permission or possibility 可得受中
155 6 expressing frustration 可得受中
156 6 to hear 可得受中
157 6 to have; there is 可得受中
158 6 marks time passed 可得受中
159 6 obtain; attain; prāpta 可得受中
160 6 ài to love 今者癡愛之意已止
161 6 ài favor; grace; kindness 今者癡愛之意已止
162 6 ài somebody who is loved 今者癡愛之意已止
163 6 ài love; affection 今者癡愛之意已止
164 6 ài to like 今者癡愛之意已止
165 6 ài to sympathize with; to pity 今者癡愛之意已止
166 6 ài to begrudge 今者癡愛之意已止
167 6 ài to do regularly; to have the habit of 今者癡愛之意已止
168 6 ài my dear 今者癡愛之意已止
169 6 ài Ai 今者癡愛之意已止
170 6 ài loved; beloved 今者癡愛之意已止
171 6 ài Love 今者癡愛之意已止
172 6 ài desire; craving; trsna 今者癡愛之意已止
173 6 xíng to walk 世間有二事墮邊行
174 6 xíng capable; competent 世間有二事墮邊行
175 6 háng profession 世間有二事墮邊行
176 6 háng line; row 世間有二事墮邊行
177 6 xíng Kangxi radical 144 世間有二事墮邊行
178 6 xíng to travel 世間有二事墮邊行
179 6 xìng actions; conduct 世間有二事墮邊行
180 6 xíng to do; to act; to practice 世間有二事墮邊行
181 6 xíng all right; OK; okay 世間有二事墮邊行
182 6 háng horizontal line 世間有二事墮邊行
183 6 héng virtuous deeds 世間有二事墮邊行
184 6 hàng a line of trees 世間有二事墮邊行
185 6 hàng bold; steadfast 世間有二事墮邊行
186 6 xíng to move 世間有二事墮邊行
187 6 xíng to put into effect; to implement 世間有二事墮邊行
188 6 xíng travel 世間有二事墮邊行
189 6 xíng to circulate 世間有二事墮邊行
190 6 xíng running script; running script 世間有二事墮邊行
191 6 xíng temporary 世間有二事墮邊行
192 6 xíng soon 世間有二事墮邊行
193 6 háng rank; order 世間有二事墮邊行
194 6 háng a business; a shop 世間有二事墮邊行
195 6 xíng to depart; to leave 世間有二事墮邊行
196 6 xíng to experience 世間有二事墮邊行
197 6 xíng path; way 世間有二事墮邊行
198 6 xíng xing; ballad 世間有二事墮邊行
199 6 xíng a round [of drinks] 世間有二事墮邊行
200 6 xíng Xing 世間有二事墮邊行
201 6 xíng moreover; also 世間有二事墮邊行
202 6 xíng Practice 世間有二事墮邊行
203 6 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 世間有二事墮邊行
204 6 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 世間有二事墮邊行
205 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 覺所念令意解
206 6 lìng to issue a command 覺所念令意解
207 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 覺所念令意解
208 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 覺所念令意解
209 6 lìng a season 覺所念令意解
210 6 lìng respected; good reputation 覺所念令意解
211 6 lìng good 覺所念令意解
212 6 lìng pretentious 覺所念令意解
213 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 覺所念令意解
214 6 lìng a commander 覺所念令意解
215 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 覺所念令意解
216 6 lìng lyrics 覺所念令意解
217 6 lìng Ling 覺所念令意解
218 6 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 覺所念令意解
219 6 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail) 飛來當佛前轉
220 6 zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about 飛來當佛前轉
221 6 zhuàn a revolution 飛來當佛前轉
222 6 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to shift; to turn 飛來當佛前轉
223 6 zhuǎn to turn; to rotate 飛來當佛前轉
224 6 zhuǎi to use many literary allusions 飛來當佛前轉
225 6 zhuǎn to transfer 飛來當佛前轉
226 6 zhuǎn to move forward; pravartana 飛來當佛前轉
227 6 zài in; at 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
228 6 zài at 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
229 6 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
230 6 zài to exist; to be living 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
231 6 zài to consist of 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
232 6 zài to be at a post 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
233 6 zài in; bhū 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
234 6 not; no 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
235 6 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
236 6 as a correlative 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
237 6 no (answering a question) 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
238 6 forms a negative adjective from a noun 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
239 6 at the end of a sentence to form a question 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
240 6 to form a yes or no question 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
241 6 infix potential marker 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
242 6 no; na 若此比丘不念貪欲著身愛行
243 6 yǎn eye 如來最正覺得眼得慧
244 6 yǎn measure word for wells 如來最正覺得眼得慧
245 6 yǎn eyeball 如來最正覺得眼得慧
246 6 yǎn sight 如來最正覺得眼得慧
247 6 yǎn the present moment 如來最正覺得眼得慧
248 6 yǎn an opening; a small hole 如來最正覺得眼得慧
249 6 yǎn a trap 如來最正覺得眼得慧
250 6 yǎn insight 如來最正覺得眼得慧
251 6 yǎn a salitent point 如來最正覺得眼得慧
252 6 yǎn a beat with no accent 如來最正覺得眼得慧
253 6 yǎn to look; to glance 如來最正覺得眼得慧
254 6 yǎn to see proof 如來最正覺得眼得慧
255 6 yǎn eye; cakṣus 如來最正覺得眼得慧
256 5 dào way; road; path 若諸比丘本末聞道
257 5 dào principle; a moral; morality 若諸比丘本末聞道
258 5 dào Tao; the Way 若諸比丘本末聞道
259 5 dào measure word for long things 若諸比丘本末聞道
260 5 dào to say; to speak; to talk 若諸比丘本末聞道
261 5 dào to think 若諸比丘本末聞道
262 5 dào times 若諸比丘本末聞道
263 5 dào circuit; a province 若諸比丘本末聞道
264 5 dào a course; a channel 若諸比丘本末聞道
265 5 dào a method; a way of doing something 若諸比丘本末聞道
266 5 dào measure word for doors and walls 若諸比丘本末聞道
267 5 dào measure word for courses of a meal 若諸比丘本末聞道
268 5 dào a centimeter 若諸比丘本末聞道
269 5 dào a doctrine 若諸比丘本末聞道
270 5 dào Taoism; Daoism 若諸比丘本末聞道
271 5 dào a skill 若諸比丘本末聞道
272 5 dào a sect 若諸比丘本末聞道
273 5 dào a line 若諸比丘本末聞道
274 5 dào Way 若諸比丘本末聞道
275 5 dào way; path; marga 若諸比丘本末聞道
276 5 èr two 何等二
277 5 èr Kangxi radical 7 何等二
278 5 èr second 何等二
279 5 èr twice; double; di- 何等二
280 5 èr another; the other 何等二
281 5 èr more than one kind 何等二
282 5 èr two; dvā; dvi 何等二
283 5 èr both; dvaya 何等二
284 5 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
285 5 relating to Buddhism 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
286 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
287 5 a Buddhist text 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
288 5 to touch; to stroke 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
289 5 Buddha 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
290 5 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在波羅㮈國鹿野樹下坐
291 5 bitterness; bitter flavor 何謂為苦
292 5 hardship; suffering 何謂為苦
293 5 to make things difficult for 何謂為苦
294 5 to train; to practice 何謂為苦
295 5 to suffer from a misfortune 何謂為苦
296 5 bitter 何謂為苦
297 5 grieved; facing hardship 何謂為苦
298 5 in low spirits; depressed 何謂為苦
299 5 assiduously; to do one's best; to strive as much as possible 何謂為苦
300 5 painful 何謂為苦
301 5 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 何謂為苦
302 5 jué to awake 覺所念令意解
303 5 jiào sleep 覺所念令意解
304 5 jué to realize 覺所念令意解
305 5 jué to know; to understand; to sense; to perceive 覺所念令意解
306 5 jué to enlighten; to inspire 覺所念令意解
307 5 jué perception; feeling 覺所念令意解
308 5 jué a person with foresight 覺所念令意解
309 5 jiào a sleep; a nap 覺所念令意解
310 5 jué Awaken 覺所念令意解
311 5 jué enlightenment; awakening; bodhi 覺所念令意解
312 5 huì intelligent; clever 如來最正覺得眼得慧
313 5 huì mental ability; intellect 如來最正覺得眼得慧
314 5 huì wisdom; understanding 如來最正覺得眼得慧
315 5 huì Wisdom 如來最正覺得眼得慧
316 5 huì wisdom; prajna 如來最正覺得眼得慧
317 5 huì intellect; mati 如來最正覺得眼得慧
318 5 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆大會側塞空中
319 5 jiē same; equally 皆大會側塞空中
320 5 jiē all; sarva 皆大會側塞空中
321 5 wèi to call 謂受八直之道
322 5 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂受八直之道
323 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂受八直之道
324 5 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂受八直之道
325 5 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂受八直之道
326 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂受八直之道
327 5 wèi to think 謂受八直之道
328 5 wèi for; is to be 謂受八直之道
329 5 wèi to make; to cause 謂受八直之道
330 5 wèi and 謂受八直之道
331 5 wèi principle; reason 謂受八直之道
332 5 wèi Wei 謂受八直之道
333 5 wèi which; what; yad 謂受八直之道
334 5 wèi to say; iti 謂受八直之道
335 5 何謂 héwèi what is the meaning of? 何謂受中
336 5 何謂 héwèi why? 何謂受中
337 5 何謂 héwèi what are you saying? 何謂受中
338 5 何謂 héwèi what? 何謂受中
339 5 to fly 是習為苦
340 5 to practice; to exercise 是習為苦
341 5 to be familiar with 是習為苦
342 5 a habit; a custom 是習為苦
343 5 a trusted aide; a close acquaintance 是習為苦
344 5 frequently; constantly; regularly; often 是習為苦
345 5 to teach 是習為苦
346 5 flapping 是習為苦
347 5 Xi 是習為苦
348 5 cultivated; bhāvita 是習為苦
349 5 latent tendencies; predisposition 是習為苦
350 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 時有千比丘諸天神
351 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 時有千比丘諸天神
352 4 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 時有千比丘諸天神
353 4 no 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
354 4 Kangxi radical 71 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
355 4 to not have; without 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
356 4 has not yet 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
357 4 mo 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
358 4 do not 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
359 4 not; -less; un- 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
360 4 regardless of 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
361 4 to not have 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
362 4 um 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
363 4 Wu 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
364 4 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
365 4 not; non- 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
366 4 mo 一為念在貪欲無清淨志
367 4 zhū all; many; various 諸根已定生死已斷
368 4 zhū Zhu 諸根已定生死已斷
369 4 zhū all; members of the class 諸根已定生死已斷
370 4 zhū interrogative particle 諸根已定生死已斷
371 4 zhū him; her; them; it 諸根已定生死已斷
372 4 zhū of; in 諸根已定生死已斷
373 4 zhū all; many; sarva 諸根已定生死已斷
374 4 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 漏結之情已解
375 4 jiě to explain 漏結之情已解
376 4 jiě to divide; to separate 漏結之情已解
377 4 jiě to understand 漏結之情已解
378 4 jiě to solve a math problem 漏結之情已解
379 4 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 漏結之情已解
380 4 jiě to cut; to disect 漏結之情已解
381 4 jiě to relieve oneself 漏結之情已解
382 4 jiě a solution 漏結之情已解
383 4 jiè to escort 漏結之情已解
384 4 xiè to understand; to be clear 漏結之情已解
385 4 xiè acrobatic skills 漏結之情已解
386 4 jiě can; able to 漏結之情已解
387 4 jiě a stanza 漏結之情已解
388 4 jiè to send off 漏結之情已解
389 4 xiè Xie 漏結之情已解
390 4 jiě exegesis 漏結之情已解
391 4 xiè laziness 漏結之情已解
392 4 jiè a government office 漏結之情已解
393 4 jiè to pawn 漏結之情已解
394 4 jiè to rent; to lease 漏結之情已解
395 4 jiě understanding 漏結之情已解
396 4 jiě to liberate 漏結之情已解
397 4 method; way 若本在昔未聞是法者
398 4 France 若本在昔未聞是法者
399 4 the law; rules; regulations 若本在昔未聞是法者
400 4 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 若本在昔未聞是法者
401 4 a standard; a norm 若本在昔未聞是法者
402 4 an institution 若本在昔未聞是法者
403 4 to emulate 若本在昔未聞是法者
404 4 magic; a magic trick 若本在昔未聞是法者
405 4 punishment 若本在昔未聞是法者
406 4 Fa 若本在昔未聞是法者
407 4 a precedent 若本在昔未聞是法者
408 4 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 若本在昔未聞是法者
409 4 relating to a ceremony or rite 若本在昔未聞是法者
410 4 Dharma 若本在昔未聞是法者
411 4 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 若本在昔未聞是法者
412 4 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 若本在昔未聞是法者
413 4 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 若本在昔未聞是法者
414 4 quality; characteristic 若本在昔未聞是法者
415 4 idea 今者癡愛之意已止
416 4 Italy (abbreviation) 今者癡愛之意已止
417 4 a wish; a desire; intention 今者癡愛之意已止
418 4 mood; feeling 今者癡愛之意已止
419 4 will; willpower; determination 今者癡愛之意已止
420 4 bearing; spirit 今者癡愛之意已止
421 4 to think of; to long for; to miss 今者癡愛之意已止
422 4 to anticipate; to expect 今者癡愛之意已止
423 4 to doubt; to suspect 今者癡愛之意已止
424 4 meaning 今者癡愛之意已止
425 4 a suggestion; a hint 今者癡愛之意已止
426 4 an understanding; a point of view 今者癡愛之意已止
427 4 or 今者癡愛之意已止
428 4 Yi 今者癡愛之意已止
429 4 manas; mind; mentation 今者癡愛之意已止
430 4 zhī him; her; them; that 今者癡愛之意已止
431 4 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 今者癡愛之意已止
432 4 zhī to go 今者癡愛之意已止
433 4 zhī this; that 今者癡愛之意已止
434 4 zhī genetive marker 今者癡愛之意已止
435 4 zhī it 今者癡愛之意已止
436 4 zhī in; in regards to 今者癡愛之意已止
437 4 zhī all 今者癡愛之意已止
438 4 zhī and 今者癡愛之意已止
439 4 zhī however 今者癡愛之意已止
440 4 zhī if 今者癡愛之意已止
441 4 zhī then 今者癡愛之意已止
442 4 zhī to arrive; to go 今者癡愛之意已止
443 4 zhī is 今者癡愛之意已止
444 4 zhī to use 今者癡愛之意已止
445 4 zhī Zhi 今者癡愛之意已止
446 4 zhī winding 今者癡愛之意已止
447 4 苦習 kǔ xí the [noble truth of the] origination of suffering 何謂苦習
448 4 wèi Eighth earthly branch 若本在昔未聞是法者
449 4 wèi not yet; still not 若本在昔未聞是法者
450 4 wèi not; did not; have not 若本在昔未聞是法者
451 4 wèi or not? 若本在昔未聞是法者
452 4 wèi 1-3 p.m. 若本在昔未聞是法者
453 4 wèi to taste 若本在昔未聞是法者
454 4 wèi future; anāgata 若本在昔未聞是法者
455 4 cóng from 往者吾從無數劫來
456 4 cóng to follow 往者吾從無數劫來
457 4 cóng past; through 往者吾從無數劫來
458 4 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 往者吾從無數劫來
459 4 cóng to participate in something 往者吾從無數劫來
460 4 cóng to use a certain method or principle 往者吾從無數劫來
461 4 cóng usually 往者吾從無數劫來
462 4 cóng something secondary 往者吾從無數劫來
463 4 cóng remote relatives 往者吾從無數劫來
464 4 cóng secondary 往者吾從無數劫來
465 4 cóng to go on; to advance 往者吾從無數劫來
466 4 cōng at ease; informal 往者吾從無數劫來
467 4 zòng a follower; a supporter 往者吾從無數劫來
468 4 zòng to release 往者吾從無數劫來
469 4 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 往者吾從無數劫來
470 4 cóng receiving; upādāya 往者吾從無數劫來
471 4 真諦 zhēndì truth 如是盡真諦
472 4 真諦 zhēndì paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth 如是盡真諦
473 4 真諦 zhēndì Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha 如是盡真諦
474 3 zhǐ to stop; to halt
475 3 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end
476 3 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77
477 3 zhǐ only
478 3 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain
479 3 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell
480 3 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still
481 3 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner
482 3 zhǐ a particle at the end of a phrase
483 3 zhǐ foot
484 3 zhǐ a particle adding emphasis
485 3 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick
486 3 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha
487 3 如是 rúshì thus; so 聞如是
488 3 如是 rúshì thus, so 聞如是
489 3 如是 rúshì thus; evam 聞如是
490 3 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
491 3 lún a round; a turn 於是有自然法輪
492 3 lún a wheel 於是有自然法輪
493 3 lún a disk; a ring 於是有自然法輪
494 3 lún a revolution 於是有自然法輪
495 3 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 於是有自然法輪
496 3 lún to take turns; in turn 於是有自然法輪
497 3 lún a steamer; a steamboat 於是有自然法輪
498 3 lún a 12 year cycle 於是有自然法輪
499 3 lún a vehicle with wheels 於是有自然法輪
500 3 lún a north-south measurement 於是有自然法輪


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
shòu feelings; sensations
wèi to be; bhū
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
zhě ca
yuē said; ukta
  1. former; pūrvaka
  2. former; pūrvaka
  1. niàn
  2. niàn
  1. mindfulness; smrti
  2. a thought; citta
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. wén
  2. wén
  1. heard; śruta
  2. hearing; śruti

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
安世高 196 An Shigao
阿若拘邻 阿若拘鄰 196 ājñāta Kauṇḍinya
波罗㮈 波羅㮈 98 Varanasi; Baranasi
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
兜术天 兜術天 100 Tusita
法轮 法輪 102
  1. Dharma wheel
  2. Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
  3. Pomnyun
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵界 102 Brahma World
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
佛说转法轮经 佛說轉法輪經 102 Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra; Dharmacakra Pravartana sūtra; Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma
后汉 後漢 104
  1. Later Han
  2. Later Han
化应声天 化應聲天 104 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven
慧觉 慧覺 104 Hui Jue
鹿野 108 Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 46.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八直道 98 Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八直之道 98 noble eightfold path
病苦 98 sickness; suffering due to sickness
从爱故而令复有乐性 從愛故而令復有樂性 99 the craving that makes for further becoming
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
佛界 102 buddha realm; buddha land; buddha country
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
苦为真谛 苦為真諦 107 the noble truth of stress
苦习 苦習 107 the [noble truth of the] origination of suffering
苦习尽为真谛 苦習盡為真諦 107 the noble truth of the cessation of stress
离世间 離世間 108 transending the world
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
求不得苦 113 Not Getting What One Wants; suffering due to not getting what we want
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三转 三轉 115 Three Turnings Dharma Wheel
舍家 捨家 115 to become a monk or nun
生老苦 115 birth is stressful, aging is stressful
是生后不复有 是生後不復有 115 This is the last birth. There is now no further becoming.
四谛 四諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
思慧 115 wisdom from thinking; wisdom acquired by reflection
所爱别苦 所愛別苦 115 separation from the loved is stressful
五阴受盛为苦 五陰受盛為苦 119 the five clinging-aggregates are stressful
无数劫 無數劫 119 innumerable kalpas
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
行解 120
  1. Practice and Understanding
  2. control of the mind and mental factors
  3. practice and understanding
意解 121 liberation of thought
欲爱 欲愛 121
  1. passionate love
  2. love inspired by desire
远尘离垢 遠塵離垢 121
  1. to be far removed from the dust and defilement of the world
  2. far removed from dust and defilement
怨憎会苦 怨憎會苦 121 suffering due to closeness to loathsome people
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
正思 122 right thought
正治 122 right effort
正志 122 right intention
正行 122 right action
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
众祐 眾祐 122 bhagavat; blessed one
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸天人民 諸天人民 122 Gods and men
自知证 自知證 122 self-awakening
最正觉 最正覺 122 abhisaṃbuddha; supreme perfect enlightenment