Glossary and Vocabulary for Sarvāstivādavinaya (Shi Song Lu) 十誦律, Scroll 7

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 188 zuò to do 作新憍
2 188 zuò to act as; to serve as 作新憍
3 188 zuò to start 作新憍
4 188 zuò a writing; a work 作新憍
5 188 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作新憍
6 188 zuō to create; to make 作新憍
7 188 zuō a workshop 作新憍
8 188 zuō to write; to compose 作新憍
9 188 zuò to rise 作新憍
10 188 zuò to be aroused 作新憍
11 188 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作新憍
12 188 zuò to regard as 作新憍
13 188 zuò action; kāraṇa 作新憍
14 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 爾時拘睒彌比丘
15 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 爾時拘睒彌比丘
16 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 爾時拘睒彌比丘
17 136 infix potential marker 汝等實作是事不
18 123 night 波夜提
19 123 dark 波夜提
20 123 by night 波夜提
21 123 ya 波夜提
22 123 night; rajanī 波夜提
23 117 to carry 波夜提
24 117 a flick up and rightwards in a character 波夜提
25 117 to lift; to raise 波夜提
26 117 to move forward [in time] 波夜提
27 117 to get; to fetch 波夜提
28 117 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 波夜提
29 117 to cheer up 波夜提
30 117 to be on guard 波夜提
31 117 a ladle 波夜提
32 117 Ti 波夜提
33 117 to to hurl; to pass 波夜提
34 117 to bring; cud 波夜提
35 117 undulations 波夜提
36 117 waves; breakers 波夜提
37 117 wavelength 波夜提
38 117 pa 波夜提
39 117 wave; taraṅga 波夜提
40 116 bhiksuni; a nun 明三十尼薩耆法之三
41 116 Confucius; Father 明三十尼薩耆法之三
42 116 Ni 明三十尼薩耆法之三
43 116 ni 明三十尼薩耆法之三
44 116 to obstruct 明三十尼薩耆法之三
45 116 near to 明三十尼薩耆法之三
46 116 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī 明三十尼薩耆法之三
47 113 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 若得已成敷具
48 113 děi to want to; to need to 若得已成敷具
49 113 děi must; ought to 若得已成敷具
50 113 de 若得已成敷具
51 113 de infix potential marker 若得已成敷具
52 113 to result in 若得已成敷具
53 113 to be proper; to fit; to suit 若得已成敷具
54 113 to be satisfied 若得已成敷具
55 113 to be finished 若得已成敷具
56 113 děi satisfying 若得已成敷具
57 113 to contract 若得已成敷具
58 113 to hear 若得已成敷具
59 113 to have; there is 若得已成敷具
60 113 marks time passed 若得已成敷具
61 113 obtain; attain; prāpta 若得已成敷具
62 104 a person of over sixty 明三十尼薩耆法之三
63 104 aged; old 明三十尼薩耆法之三
64 104 rigid; strict 明三十尼薩耆法之三
65 104 to adjust; to cause 明三十尼薩耆法之三
66 104 bullying; punishing; tyrannical 明三十尼薩耆法之三
67 104 old; jarā 明三十尼薩耆法之三
68 104 Sa 明三十尼薩耆法之三
69 104 sa; sat 明三十尼薩耆法之三
70 101 敷具 fūjù a mat for sitting on 施耶敷具
71 95 day of the month; a certain day 七日藥七日藥
72 95 Kangxi radical 72 七日藥七日藥
73 95 a day 七日藥七日藥
74 95 Japan 七日藥七日藥
75 95 sun 七日藥七日藥
76 95 daytime 七日藥七日藥
77 95 sunlight 七日藥七日藥
78 95 everyday 七日藥七日藥
79 95 season 七日藥七日藥
80 95 available time 七日藥七日藥
81 95 in the past 七日藥七日藥
82 95 mi 七日藥七日藥
83 95 sun; sūrya 七日藥七日藥
84 95 a day; divasa 七日藥七日藥
85 88 rǎn to be contagious; to catch (illness) 藍染黑
86 88 rǎn to dye; to stain 藍染黑
87 88 rǎn to infect 藍染黑
88 88 rǎn to sully; to pollute; to smear 藍染黑
89 88 rǎn infection 藍染黑
90 88 rǎn to corrupt 藍染黑
91 88 rǎn to make strokes 藍染黑
92 88 rǎn black bean sauce 藍染黑
93 88 rǎn Ran 藍染黑
94 88 rǎn tormented; afflicted; distressed; kliṣṭa 藍染黑
95 85 zhě ca 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
96 84 yìng to answer; to respond 從今是戒應如
97 84 yìng to confirm; to verify 從今是戒應如
98 84 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 從今是戒應如
99 84 yìng to accept 從今是戒應如
100 84 yìng to permit; to allow 從今是戒應如
101 84 yìng to echo 從今是戒應如
102 84 yìng to handle; to deal with 從今是戒應如
103 84 yìng Ying 從今是戒應如
104 81 yán to speak; to say; said 語居士言
105 81 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 語居士言
106 81 yán Kangxi radical 149 語居士言
107 81 yán phrase; sentence 語居士言
108 81 yán a word; a syllable 語居士言
109 81 yán a theory; a doctrine 語居士言
110 81 yán to regard as 語居士言
111 81 yán to act as 語居士言
112 81 yán word; vacana 語居士言
113 81 yán speak; vad 語居士言
114 80 to break; to tear; to pierce 擘治引貯
115 80 thumb 擘治引貯
116 80 an outstanding person 擘治引貯
117 80 to break; vilopita 擘治引貯
118 77 shě to give 是敷具應捨
119 77 shě to give up; to abandon 是敷具應捨
120 77 shě a house; a home; an abode 是敷具應捨
121 77 shè my 是敷具應捨
122 77 shě equanimity 是敷具應捨
123 77 shè my house 是敷具應捨
124 77 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 是敷具應捨
125 77 shè to leave 是敷具應捨
126 77 shě She 是敷具應捨
127 77 shè disciple 是敷具應捨
128 77 shè a barn; a pen 是敷具應捨
129 77 shè to reside 是敷具應捨
130 77 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 是敷具應捨
131 77 shè to find a place for; to arrange 是敷具應捨
132 77 shě Give 是敷具應捨
133 77 shě abandoning; prahāṇa 是敷具應捨
134 77 shě house; gṛha 是敷具應捨
135 77 shě equanimity; upeksa 是敷具應捨
136 74 to take; to get; to fetch 若比丘取綿
137 74 to obtain 若比丘取綿
138 74 to choose; to select 若比丘取綿
139 74 to catch; to seize; to capture 若比丘取綿
140 74 to accept; to receive 若比丘取綿
141 74 to seek 若比丘取綿
142 74 to take a bride 若比丘取綿
143 74 Qu 若比丘取綿
144 74 clinging; grasping; upādāna 若比丘取綿
145 71 huǎn to wash; to rinse 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
146 71 huǎn to eliminate 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
147 71 huǎn to wash; dhāv 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
148 71 huǎn having washed; dhāvana 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
149 63 to give 以十利故與比丘結戒
150 63 to accompany 以十利故與比丘結戒
151 63 to particate in 以十利故與比丘結戒
152 63 of the same kind 以十利故與比丘結戒
153 63 to help 以十利故與比丘結戒
154 63 for 以十利故與比丘結戒
155 61 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘睒彌國
156 61 relating to Buddhism 佛在拘睒彌國
157 61 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在拘睒彌國
158 61 a Buddhist text 佛在拘睒彌國
159 61 to touch; to stroke 佛在拘睒彌國
160 61 Buddha 佛在拘睒彌國
161 61 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘睒彌國
162 56 to use; to grasp 佛以種種因緣呵責
163 56 to rely on 佛以種種因緣呵責
164 56 to regard 佛以種種因緣呵責
165 56 to be able to 佛以種種因緣呵責
166 56 to order; to command 佛以種種因緣呵責
167 56 used after a verb 佛以種種因緣呵責
168 56 a reason; a cause 佛以種種因緣呵責
169 56 Israel 佛以種種因緣呵責
170 56 Yi 佛以種種因緣呵責
171 56 use; yogena 佛以種種因緣呵責
172 53 Kangxi radical 49 佛如是種種因緣呵已
173 53 to bring to an end; to stop 佛如是種種因緣呵已
174 53 to complete 佛如是種種因緣呵已
175 53 to demote; to dismiss 佛如是種種因緣呵已
176 53 to recover from an illness 佛如是種種因緣呵已
177 53 former; pūrvaka 佛如是種種因緣呵已
178 52 a bowl; an alms bowl 鉢竟
179 52 a bowl 鉢竟
180 52 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 鉢竟
181 52 an earthenware basin 鉢竟
182 52 Alms bowl 鉢竟
183 52 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 鉢竟
184 52 an alms bowl; patra; patta 鉢竟
185 52 an alms bowl; patra 鉢竟
186 50 to raise livestock 多作敷具畜
187 50 chù livestock; domestic animals 多作敷具畜
188 50 to raise; to nourish; to train; to cultivate 多作敷具畜
189 50 to restrain; to permit 多作敷具畜
190 50 to store; to impound 多作敷具畜
191 50 chù animals 多作敷具畜
192 50 to comply; to submit to 多作敷具畜
193 50 Xu 多作敷具畜
194 50 keeping; dhāraṇa 多作敷具畜
195 49 self 我今當以少白
196 49 [my] dear 我今當以少白
197 49 Wo 我今當以少白
198 49 self; atman; attan 我今當以少白
199 49 ga 我今當以少白
200 48 gēng to change; to ammend 更作敷具
201 48 gēng a watch; a measure of time 更作敷具
202 48 gēng to experience 更作敷具
203 48 gēng to improve 更作敷具
204 48 gēng to replace; to substitute 更作敷具
205 48 gēng to compensate 更作敷具
206 48 gèng to increase 更作敷具
207 48 gēng forced military service 更作敷具
208 48 gēng Geng 更作敷具
209 48 jīng to experience 更作敷具
210 48 gēng contacts 更作敷具
211 47 羊毛 yángmáo fleece; wool; woolen 以純黑羺羊毛
212 46 tài grand 此敷具太厚
213 46 tài tera 此敷具太厚
214 46 tài senior 此敷具太厚
215 46 tài most senior member 此敷具太厚
216 46 shì matter; thing; item 聞是事心
217 46 shì to serve 聞是事心
218 46 shì a government post 聞是事心
219 46 shì duty; post; work 聞是事心
220 46 shì occupation 聞是事心
221 46 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 聞是事心
222 46 shì an accident 聞是事心
223 46 shì to attend 聞是事心
224 46 shì an allusion 聞是事心
225 46 shì a condition; a state; a situation 聞是事心
226 46 shì to engage in 聞是事心
227 46 shì to enslave 聞是事心
228 46 shì to pursue 聞是事心
229 46 shì to administer 聞是事心
230 46 shì to appoint 聞是事心
231 46 shì thing; phenomena 聞是事心
232 46 shì actions; karma 聞是事心
233 46 yòng to use; to apply 若純用下羊毛者
234 46 yòng Kangxi radical 101 若純用下羊毛者
235 46 yòng to eat 若純用下羊毛者
236 46 yòng to spend 若純用下羊毛者
237 46 yòng expense 若純用下羊毛者
238 46 yòng a use; usage 若純用下羊毛者
239 46 yòng to need; must 若純用下羊毛者
240 46 yòng useful; practical 若純用下羊毛者
241 46 yòng to use up; to use all of something 若純用下羊毛者
242 46 yòng to work (an animal) 若純用下羊毛者
243 46 yòng to appoint 若純用下羊毛者
244 46 yòng to administer; to manager 若純用下羊毛者
245 46 yòng to control 若純用下羊毛者
246 46 yòng to access 若純用下羊毛者
247 46 yòng Yong 若純用下羊毛者
248 46 yòng yong; function; application 若純用下羊毛者
249 46 yòng efficacy; kāritra 若純用下羊毛者
250 45 dialect; language; speech 語居士言
251 45 to speak; to tell 語居士言
252 45 verse; writing 語居士言
253 45 to speak; to tell 語居士言
254 45 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 語居士言
255 45 a signal 語居士言
256 45 to chirp; to tweet 語居士言
257 45 words; discourse; vac 語居士言
258 43 sēng a Buddhist monk 為僧作
259 43 sēng a person with dark skin 為僧作
260 43 sēng Seng 為僧作
261 43 sēng Sangha; monastic community 為僧作
262 42 wéi to act as; to serve 若為塔作
263 42 wéi to change into; to become 若為塔作
264 42 wéi to be; is 若為塔作
265 42 wéi to do 若為塔作
266 42 wèi to support; to help 若為塔作
267 42 wéi to govern 若為塔作
268 42 wèi to be; bhū 若為塔作
269 42 Ru River 汝實作是事不
270 42 Ru 汝實作是事不
271 39 shí real; true 汝等實作是事不
272 39 shí nut; seed; fruit 汝等實作是事不
273 39 shí substance; content; material 汝等實作是事不
274 39 shí honest; sincere 汝等實作是事不
275 39 shí vast; extensive 汝等實作是事不
276 39 shí solid 汝等實作是事不
277 39 shí abundant; prosperous 汝等實作是事不
278 39 shí reality; a fact; an event 汝等實作是事不
279 39 shí wealth; property 汝等實作是事不
280 39 shí effect; result 汝等實作是事不
281 39 shí an honest person 汝等實作是事不
282 39 shí to fill 汝等實作是事不
283 39 shí complete 汝等實作是事不
284 39 shí to strengthen 汝等實作是事不
285 39 shí to practice 汝等實作是事不
286 39 shí namely 汝等實作是事不
287 39 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 汝等實作是事不
288 39 shí full; at capacity 汝等實作是事不
289 39 shí supplies; goods 汝等實作是事不
290 39 shí Shichen 汝等實作是事不
291 39 shí Real 汝等實作是事不
292 39 shí truth; reality; tattva 汝等實作是事不
293 36 hēi black 以純黑羺羊毛
294 36 hēi Heilongjiang 以純黑羺羊毛
295 36 hēi Kangxi radical 203 以純黑羺羊毛
296 36 hēi dark 以純黑羺羊毛
297 36 hēi evil; sinister; malicious 以純黑羺羊毛
298 36 hēi Hei 以純黑羺羊毛
299 36 hēi to embezzle 以純黑羺羊毛
300 36 hēi secret 以純黑羺羊毛
301 36 hēi illegal 以純黑羺羊毛
302 36 hēi black; dark; kala 以純黑羺羊毛
303 36 xīn new; fresh; modern 作新憍
304 36 xīn xinjiang 作新憍
305 36 xīn to renew; to refresh 作新憍
306 36 xīn new people or things 作新憍
307 36 xīn Xin 作新憍
308 36 xīn Xin 作新憍
309 36 xīn new; nava 作新憍
310 36 one 至一兩作敷具
311 36 Kangxi radical 1 至一兩作敷具
312 36 pure; concentrated 至一兩作敷具
313 36 first 至一兩作敷具
314 36 the same 至一兩作敷具
315 36 sole; single 至一兩作敷具
316 36 a very small amount 至一兩作敷具
317 36 Yi 至一兩作敷具
318 36 other 至一兩作敷具
319 36 to unify 至一兩作敷具
320 36 accidentally; coincidentally 至一兩作敷具
321 36 abruptly; suddenly 至一兩作敷具
322 36 one; eka 至一兩作敷具
323 35 xiàng to observe; to assess 若相
324 35 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 若相
325 35 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 若相
326 35 xiàng to aid; to help 若相
327 35 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 若相
328 35 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 若相
329 35 xiāng alternately; in turn 若相
330 35 xiāng Xiang 若相
331 35 xiāng form substance 若相
332 35 xiāng to express 若相
333 35 xiàng to choose 若相
334 35 xiāng Xiang 若相
335 35 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 若相
336 35 xiāng the seventh lunar month 若相
337 35 xiāng to compare 若相
338 35 xiàng to divine 若相
339 35 xiàng to administer 若相
340 35 xiàng helper for a blind person 若相
341 35 xiāng rhythm [music] 若相
342 35 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 若相
343 35 xiāng coralwood 若相
344 35 xiàng ministry 若相
345 35 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 若相
346 35 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 若相
347 35 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 若相
348 35 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 若相
349 35 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 若相
350 35 cóng to follow 從今是戒應如
351 35 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今是戒應如
352 35 cóng to participate in something 從今是戒應如
353 35 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今是戒應如
354 35 cóng something secondary 從今是戒應如
355 35 cóng remote relatives 從今是戒應如
356 35 cóng secondary 從今是戒應如
357 35 cóng to go on; to advance 從今是戒應如
358 35 cōng at ease; informal 從今是戒應如
359 35 zòng a follower; a supporter 從今是戒應如
360 35 zòng to release 從今是戒應如
361 35 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從今是戒應如
362 35 shí time; a point or period of time 新敷具時
363 35 shí a season; a quarter of a year 新敷具時
364 35 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 新敷具時
365 35 shí fashionable 新敷具時
366 35 shí fate; destiny; luck 新敷具時
367 35 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 新敷具時
368 35 shí tense 新敷具時
369 35 shí particular; special 新敷具時
370 35 shí to plant; to cultivate 新敷具時
371 35 shí an era; a dynasty 新敷具時
372 35 shí time [abstract] 新敷具時
373 35 shí seasonal 新敷具時
374 35 shí to wait upon 新敷具時
375 35 shí hour 新敷具時
376 35 shí appropriate; proper; timely 新敷具時
377 35 shí Shi 新敷具時
378 35 shí a present; currentlt 新敷具時
379 35 shí time; kāla 新敷具時
380 35 shí at that time; samaya 新敷具時
381 35 fēi Kangxi radical 175 使非親
382 35 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 使非親
383 35 fēi different 使非親
384 35 fēi to not be; to not have 使非親
385 35 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 使非親
386 35 fēi Africa 使非親
387 35 fēi to slander 使非親
388 35 fěi to avoid 使非親
389 35 fēi must 使非親
390 35 fēi an error 使非親
391 35 fēi a problem; a question 使非親
392 35 fēi evil 使非親
393 35 種種 zhǒng zhǒng all kinds of 佛以種種因緣呵責
394 35 種種 zhǒng zhǒng short hair 佛以種種因緣呵責
395 35 種種 zhǒng zhǒng simple and kind 佛以種種因緣呵責
396 35 種種 zhǒng zhǒng various forms; manifold 佛以種種因緣呵責
397 34 rén person; people; a human being 厭足人
398 34 rén Kangxi radical 9 厭足人
399 34 rén a kind of person 厭足人
400 34 rén everybody 厭足人
401 34 rén adult 厭足人
402 34 rén somebody; others 厭足人
403 34 rén an upright person 厭足人
404 34 rén person; manuṣya 厭足人
405 34 thing; matter 愁憂守是車物
406 34 physics 愁憂守是車物
407 34 living beings; the outside world; other people 愁憂守是車物
408 34 contents; properties; elements 愁憂守是車物
409 34 muticolor of an animal's coat 愁憂守是車物
410 34 mottling 愁憂守是車物
411 34 variety 愁憂守是車物
412 34 an institution 愁憂守是車物
413 34 to select; to choose 愁憂守是車物
414 34 to seek 愁憂守是車物
415 34 thing; vastu 愁憂守是車物
416 33 chí to grasp; to hold 如是持
417 33 chí to resist; to oppose 如是持
418 33 chí to uphold 如是持
419 33 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 如是持
420 33 chí to administer; to manage 如是持
421 33 chí to control 如是持
422 33 chí to be cautious 如是持
423 33 chí to remember 如是持
424 33 chí to assist 如是持
425 33 chí with; using 如是持
426 33 chí dhara 如是持
427 33 clothes; clothing 衣貴
428 33 Kangxi radical 145 衣貴
429 33 to wear (clothes); to put on 衣貴
430 33 a cover; a coating 衣貴
431 33 uppergarment; robe 衣貴
432 33 to cover 衣貴
433 33 lichen; moss 衣貴
434 33 peel; skin 衣貴
435 33 Yi 衣貴
436 33 to depend on 衣貴
437 33 robe; cīvara 衣貴
438 33 clothes; attire; vastra 衣貴
439 33 zhōng middle 是中我等失利供養
440 33 zhōng medium; medium sized 是中我等失利供養
441 33 zhōng China 是中我等失利供養
442 33 zhòng to hit the mark 是中我等失利供養
443 33 zhōng midday 是中我等失利供養
444 33 zhōng inside 是中我等失利供養
445 33 zhōng during 是中我等失利供養
446 33 zhōng Zhong 是中我等失利供養
447 33 zhōng intermediary 是中我等失利供養
448 33 zhōng half 是中我等失利供養
449 33 zhòng to reach; to attain 是中我等失利供養
450 33 zhòng to suffer; to infect 是中我等失利供養
451 33 zhòng to obtain 是中我等失利供養
452 33 zhòng to pass an exam 是中我等失利供養
453 33 zhōng middle 是中我等失利供養
454 32 相似 xiāngsì to be similar; to resemble 若以相似買相似
455 30 jìng to end; to finish 十一事竟
456 30 jìng all; entire 十一事竟
457 30 jìng to investigate 十一事竟
458 30 jìng conclusion; avasāna 十一事竟
459 30 suì age 歲作敷具
460 30 suì years 歲作敷具
461 30 suì time 歲作敷具
462 30 suì annual harvest 歲作敷具
463 30 suì year; varṣa 歲作敷具
464 29 yào a pharmaceutical; medication; medicine; a drug; a remedy 時藥時
465 29 yào a chemical 時藥時
466 29 yào to cure 時藥時
467 29 yào to poison 時藥時
468 29 yào medicine; bhaiṣajya 時藥時
469 29 inside; interior 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
470 29 Kangxi radical 166 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
471 29 a small village; ri 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
472 29 a residence 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
473 29 a neighborhood; an alley 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
474 29 a local administrative district 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
475 29 interior; antar 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
476 29 village; antar 里比丘尼浣染擘羊毛
477 29 突吉羅 tūjíluó wrongdoing; misdeed; minor misdeed; duṣkṛta; dukkaṭa 突吉羅
478 29 qīn relatives 使非親
479 29 qīn intimate 使非親
480 29 qīn a bride 使非親
481 29 qīn parents 使非親
482 29 qīn marriage 使非親
483 29 qīn someone intimately connected to 使非親
484 29 qīn friendship 使非親
485 29 qīn Qin 使非親
486 29 qīn to be close to 使非親
487 29 qīn to love 使非親
488 29 qīn to kiss 使非親
489 29 qīn related [by blood] 使非親
490 29 qìng relatives by marriage 使非親
491 29 qīn a hazelnut tree 使非親
492 29 qīn intimately acquainted; jñāti 使非親
493 29 sān three 明三十尼薩耆法之三
494 29 sān third 明三十尼薩耆法之三
495 29 sān more than two 明三十尼薩耆法之三
496 29 sān very few 明三十尼薩耆法之三
497 29 sān San 明三十尼薩耆法之三
498 29 sān three; tri 明三十尼薩耆法之三
499 29 sān sa 明三十尼薩耆法之三
500 29 sān three kinds; trividha 明三十尼薩耆法之三

Frequencies of all Words

Top 981

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 369 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
2 369 ruò seemingly 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
3 369 ruò if 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
4 369 ruò you 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
5 369 ruò this; that 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
6 369 ruò and; or 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
7 369 ruò as for; pertaining to 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
8 369 pomegranite 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
9 369 ruò to choose 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
10 369 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
11 369 ruò thus 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
12 369 ruò pollia 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
13 369 ruò Ruo 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
14 369 ruò only then 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
15 369 ja 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
16 369 jñā 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
17 369 ruò if; yadi 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
18 188 zuò to do 作新憍
19 188 zuò to act as; to serve as 作新憍
20 188 zuò to start 作新憍
21 188 zuò a writing; a work 作新憍
22 188 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作新憍
23 188 zuō to create; to make 作新憍
24 188 zuō a workshop 作新憍
25 188 zuō to write; to compose 作新憍
26 188 zuò to rise 作新憍
27 188 zuò to be aroused 作新憍
28 188 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作新憍
29 188 zuò to regard as 作新憍
30 188 zuò action; kāraṇa 作新憍
31 177 shì is; are; am; to be 是中我等失利供養
32 177 shì is exactly 是中我等失利供養
33 177 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是中我等失利供養
34 177 shì this; that; those 是中我等失利供養
35 177 shì really; certainly 是中我等失利供養
36 177 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是中我等失利供養
37 177 shì true 是中我等失利供養
38 177 shì is; has; exists 是中我等失利供養
39 177 shì used between repetitions of a word 是中我等失利供養
40 177 shì a matter; an affair 是中我等失利供養
41 177 shì Shi 是中我等失利供養
42 177 shì is; bhū 是中我等失利供養
43 177 shì this; idam 是中我等失利供養
44 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 爾時拘睒彌比丘
45 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 爾時拘睒彌比丘
46 146 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 爾時拘睒彌比丘
47 136 not; no 汝等實作是事不
48 136 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 汝等實作是事不
49 136 as a correlative 汝等實作是事不
50 136 no (answering a question) 汝等實作是事不
51 136 forms a negative adjective from a noun 汝等實作是事不
52 136 at the end of a sentence to form a question 汝等實作是事不
53 136 to form a yes or no question 汝等實作是事不
54 136 infix potential marker 汝等實作是事不
55 136 no; na 汝等實作是事不
56 123 night 波夜提
57 123 dark 波夜提
58 123 by night 波夜提
59 123 ya 波夜提
60 123 night; rajanī 波夜提
61 117 to carry 波夜提
62 117 a flick up and rightwards in a character 波夜提
63 117 to lift; to raise 波夜提
64 117 to move forward [in time] 波夜提
65 117 to get; to fetch 波夜提
66 117 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 波夜提
67 117 to cheer up 波夜提
68 117 to be on guard 波夜提
69 117 a ladle 波夜提
70 117 Ti 波夜提
71 117 to to hurl; to pass 波夜提
72 117 to bring; cud 波夜提
73 117 undulations 波夜提
74 117 waves; breakers 波夜提
75 117 wavelength 波夜提
76 117 pa 波夜提
77 117 wave; taraṅga 波夜提
78 116 bhiksuni; a nun 明三十尼薩耆法之三
79 116 Confucius; Father 明三十尼薩耆法之三
80 116 Ni 明三十尼薩耆法之三
81 116 ni 明三十尼薩耆法之三
82 116 to obstruct 明三十尼薩耆法之三
83 116 near to 明三十尼薩耆法之三
84 116 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī 明三十尼薩耆法之三
85 113 de potential marker 若得已成敷具
86 113 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 若得已成敷具
87 113 děi must; ought to 若得已成敷具
88 113 děi to want to; to need to 若得已成敷具
89 113 děi must; ought to 若得已成敷具
90 113 de 若得已成敷具
91 113 de infix potential marker 若得已成敷具
92 113 to result in 若得已成敷具
93 113 to be proper; to fit; to suit 若得已成敷具
94 113 to be satisfied 若得已成敷具
95 113 to be finished 若得已成敷具
96 113 de result of degree 若得已成敷具
97 113 de marks completion of an action 若得已成敷具
98 113 děi satisfying 若得已成敷具
99 113 to contract 若得已成敷具
100 113 marks permission or possibility 若得已成敷具
101 113 expressing frustration 若得已成敷具
102 113 to hear 若得已成敷具
103 113 to have; there is 若得已成敷具
104 113 marks time passed 若得已成敷具
105 113 obtain; attain; prāpta 若得已成敷具
106 104 a person of over sixty 明三十尼薩耆法之三
107 104 aged; old 明三十尼薩耆法之三
108 104 rigid; strict 明三十尼薩耆法之三
109 104 to adjust; to cause 明三十尼薩耆法之三
110 104 bullying; punishing; tyrannical 明三十尼薩耆法之三
111 104 old; jarā 明三十尼薩耆法之三
112 104 Sa 明三十尼薩耆法之三
113 104 sadhu; excellent 明三十尼薩耆法之三
114 104 sa; sat 明三十尼薩耆法之三
115 101 敷具 fūjù a mat for sitting on 施耶敷具
116 95 day of the month; a certain day 七日藥七日藥
117 95 Kangxi radical 72 七日藥七日藥
118 95 a day 七日藥七日藥
119 95 Japan 七日藥七日藥
120 95 sun 七日藥七日藥
121 95 daytime 七日藥七日藥
122 95 sunlight 七日藥七日藥
123 95 everyday 七日藥七日藥
124 95 season 七日藥七日藥
125 95 available time 七日藥七日藥
126 95 a day 七日藥七日藥
127 95 in the past 七日藥七日藥
128 95 mi 七日藥七日藥
129 95 sun; sūrya 七日藥七日藥
130 95 a day; divasa 七日藥七日藥
131 88 rǎn to be contagious; to catch (illness) 藍染黑
132 88 rǎn to dye; to stain 藍染黑
133 88 rǎn to infect 藍染黑
134 88 rǎn to sully; to pollute; to smear 藍染黑
135 88 rǎn infection 藍染黑
136 88 rǎn to corrupt 藍染黑
137 88 rǎn to make strokes 藍染黑
138 88 rǎn black bean sauce 藍染黑
139 88 rǎn Ran 藍染黑
140 88 rǎn tormented; afflicted; distressed; kliṣṭa 藍染黑
141 85 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
142 85 zhě that 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
143 85 zhě nominalizing function word 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
144 85 zhě used to mark a definition 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
145 85 zhě used to mark a pause 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
146 85 zhě topic marker; that; it 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
147 85 zhuó according to 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
148 85 zhě ca 若比丘以新憍施耶作敷具者
149 84 yīng should; ought 從今是戒應如
150 84 yìng to answer; to respond 從今是戒應如
151 84 yìng to confirm; to verify 從今是戒應如
152 84 yīng soon; immediately 從今是戒應如
153 84 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 從今是戒應如
154 84 yìng to accept 從今是戒應如
155 84 yīng or; either 從今是戒應如
156 84 yìng to permit; to allow 從今是戒應如
157 84 yìng to echo 從今是戒應如
158 84 yìng to handle; to deal with 從今是戒應如
159 84 yìng Ying 從今是戒應如
160 84 yīng suitable; yukta 從今是戒應如
161 81 yán to speak; to say; said 語居士言
162 81 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 語居士言
163 81 yán Kangxi radical 149 語居士言
164 81 yán a particle with no meaning 語居士言
165 81 yán phrase; sentence 語居士言
166 81 yán a word; a syllable 語居士言
167 81 yán a theory; a doctrine 語居士言
168 81 yán to regard as 語居士言
169 81 yán to act as 語居士言
170 81 yán word; vacana 語居士言
171 81 yán speak; vad 語居士言
172 80 to break; to tear; to pierce 擘治引貯
173 80 thumb 擘治引貯
174 80 an outstanding person 擘治引貯
175 80 to break; vilopita 擘治引貯
176 77 shě to give 是敷具應捨
177 77 shě to give up; to abandon 是敷具應捨
178 77 shě a house; a home; an abode 是敷具應捨
179 77 shè my 是敷具應捨
180 77 shè a unit of length equal to 30 li 是敷具應捨
181 77 shě equanimity 是敷具應捨
182 77 shè my house 是敷具應捨
183 77 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 是敷具應捨
184 77 shè to leave 是敷具應捨
185 77 shě She 是敷具應捨
186 77 shè disciple 是敷具應捨
187 77 shè a barn; a pen 是敷具應捨
188 77 shè to reside 是敷具應捨
189 77 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 是敷具應捨
190 77 shè to find a place for; to arrange 是敷具應捨
191 77 shě Give 是敷具應捨
192 77 shě abandoning; prahāṇa 是敷具應捨
193 77 shě house; gṛha 是敷具應捨
194 77 shě equanimity; upeksa 是敷具應捨
195 74 to take; to get; to fetch 若比丘取綿
196 74 to obtain 若比丘取綿
197 74 to choose; to select 若比丘取綿
198 74 to catch; to seize; to capture 若比丘取綿
199 74 to accept; to receive 若比丘取綿
200 74 to seek 若比丘取綿
201 74 to take a bride 若比丘取綿
202 74 placed after a verb to mark an action 若比丘取綿
203 74 Qu 若比丘取綿
204 74 clinging; grasping; upādāna 若比丘取綿
205 71 huǎn to wash; to rinse 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
206 71 huǎn to eliminate 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
207 71 huǎn to wash; dhāv 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
208 71 huǎn having washed; dhāvana 能與我擘治浣染是羊毛不
209 70 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly
210 70 old; ancient; former; past
211 70 reason; cause; purpose
212 70 to die
213 70 so; therefore; hence
214 70 original
215 70 accident; happening; instance
216 70 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship
217 70 something in the past
218 70 deceased; dead
219 70 still; yet
220 70 therefore; tasmāt
221 63 and 以十利故與比丘結戒
222 63 to give 以十利故與比丘結戒
223 63 together with 以十利故與比丘結戒
224 63 interrogative particle 以十利故與比丘結戒
225 63 to accompany 以十利故與比丘結戒
226 63 to particate in 以十利故與比丘結戒
227 63 of the same kind 以十利故與比丘結戒
228 63 to help 以十利故與比丘結戒
229 63 for 以十利故與比丘結戒
230 63 and; ca 以十利故與比丘結戒
231 61 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘睒彌國
232 61 relating to Buddhism 佛在拘睒彌國
233 61 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在拘睒彌國
234 61 a Buddhist text 佛在拘睒彌國
235 61 to touch; to stroke 佛在拘睒彌國
236 61 Buddha 佛在拘睒彌國
237 61 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘睒彌國
238 56 so as to; in order to 佛以種種因緣呵責
239 56 to use; to regard as 佛以種種因緣呵責
240 56 to use; to grasp 佛以種種因緣呵責
241 56 according to 佛以種種因緣呵責
242 56 because of 佛以種種因緣呵責
243 56 on a certain date 佛以種種因緣呵責
244 56 and; as well as 佛以種種因緣呵責
245 56 to rely on 佛以種種因緣呵責
246 56 to regard 佛以種種因緣呵責
247 56 to be able to 佛以種種因緣呵責
248 56 to order; to command 佛以種種因緣呵責
249 56 further; moreover 佛以種種因緣呵責
250 56 used after a verb 佛以種種因緣呵責
251 56 very 佛以種種因緣呵責
252 56 already 佛以種種因緣呵責
253 56 increasingly 佛以種種因緣呵責
254 56 a reason; a cause 佛以種種因緣呵責
255 56 Israel 佛以種種因緣呵責
256 56 Yi 佛以種種因緣呵責
257 56 use; yogena 佛以種種因緣呵責
258 53 already 佛如是種種因緣呵已
259 53 Kangxi radical 49 佛如是種種因緣呵已
260 53 from 佛如是種種因緣呵已
261 53 to bring to an end; to stop 佛如是種種因緣呵已
262 53 final aspectual particle 佛如是種種因緣呵已
263 53 afterwards; thereafter 佛如是種種因緣呵已
264 53 too; very; excessively 佛如是種種因緣呵已
265 53 to complete 佛如是種種因緣呵已
266 53 to demote; to dismiss 佛如是種種因緣呵已
267 53 to recover from an illness 佛如是種種因緣呵已
268 53 certainly 佛如是種種因緣呵已
269 53 an interjection of surprise 佛如是種種因緣呵已
270 53 this 佛如是種種因緣呵已
271 53 former; pūrvaka 佛如是種種因緣呵已
272 53 former; pūrvaka 佛如是種種因緣呵已
273 52 a bowl; an alms bowl 鉢竟
274 52 a bowl 鉢竟
275 52 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 鉢竟
276 52 an earthenware basin 鉢竟
277 52 Alms bowl 鉢竟
278 52 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 鉢竟
279 52 an alms bowl; patra; patta 鉢竟
280 52 an alms bowl; patra 鉢竟
281 50 to raise livestock 多作敷具畜
282 50 chù livestock; domestic animals 多作敷具畜
283 50 to raise; to nourish; to train; to cultivate 多作敷具畜
284 50 to restrain; to permit 多作敷具畜
285 50 to store; to impound 多作敷具畜
286 50 chù animals 多作敷具畜
287 50 to comply; to submit to 多作敷具畜
288 50 Xu 多作敷具畜
289 50 keeping; dhāraṇa 多作敷具畜
290 49 I; me; my 我今當以少白
291 49 self 我今當以少白
292 49 we; our 我今當以少白
293 49 [my] dear 我今當以少白
294 49 Wo 我今當以少白
295 49 self; atman; attan 我今當以少白
296 49 ga 我今當以少白
297 49 I; aham 我今當以少白
298 48 gèng more; even more 更作敷具
299 48 gēng to change; to ammend 更作敷具
300 48 gēng a watch; a measure of time 更作敷具
301 48 gèng again; also 更作敷具
302 48 gēng to experience 更作敷具
303 48 gēng to improve 更作敷具
304 48 gēng to replace; to substitute 更作敷具
305 48 gēng to compensate 更作敷具
306 48 gèng furthermore; even if 更作敷具
307 48 gèng other 更作敷具
308 48 gèng to increase 更作敷具
309 48 gēng forced military service 更作敷具
310 48 gēng Geng 更作敷具
311 48 gèng finally; eventually 更作敷具
312 48 jīng to experience 更作敷具
313 48 gèng again; punar 更作敷具
314 48 gēng contacts 更作敷具
315 47 羊毛 yángmáo fleece; wool; woolen 以純黑羺羊毛
316 46 tài very; too; extremely 此敷具太厚
317 46 tài most 此敷具太厚
318 46 tài grand 此敷具太厚
319 46 tài tera 此敷具太厚
320 46 tài senior 此敷具太厚
321 46 tài most senior member 此敷具太厚
322 46 tài very; great; ati 此敷具太厚
323 46 shì matter; thing; item 聞是事心
324 46 shì to serve 聞是事心
325 46 shì a government post 聞是事心
326 46 shì duty; post; work 聞是事心
327 46 shì occupation 聞是事心
328 46 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 聞是事心
329 46 shì an accident 聞是事心
330 46 shì to attend 聞是事心
331 46 shì an allusion 聞是事心
332 46 shì a condition; a state; a situation 聞是事心
333 46 shì to engage in 聞是事心
334 46 shì to enslave 聞是事心
335 46 shì to pursue 聞是事心
336 46 shì to administer 聞是事心
337 46 shì to appoint 聞是事心
338 46 shì a piece 聞是事心
339 46 shì thing; phenomena 聞是事心
340 46 shì actions; karma 聞是事心
341 46 yòng to use; to apply 若純用下羊毛者
342 46 yòng Kangxi radical 101 若純用下羊毛者
343 46 yòng to eat 若純用下羊毛者
344 46 yòng to spend 若純用下羊毛者
345 46 yòng expense 若純用下羊毛者
346 46 yòng a use; usage 若純用下羊毛者
347 46 yòng to need; must 若純用下羊毛者
348 46 yòng useful; practical 若純用下羊毛者
349 46 yòng to use up; to use all of something 若純用下羊毛者
350 46 yòng by means of; with 若純用下羊毛者
351 46 yòng to work (an animal) 若純用下羊毛者
352 46 yòng to appoint 若純用下羊毛者
353 46 yòng to administer; to manager 若純用下羊毛者
354 46 yòng to control 若純用下羊毛者
355 46 yòng to access 若純用下羊毛者
356 46 yòng Yong 若純用下羊毛者
357 46 yòng yong; function; application 若純用下羊毛者
358 46 yòng efficacy; kāritra 若純用下羊毛者
359 46 this; these 此國綿貴
360 46 in this way 此國綿貴
361 46 otherwise; but; however; so 此國綿貴
362 46 at this time; now; here 此國綿貴
363 46 this; here; etad 此國綿貴
364 45 dialect; language; speech 語居士言
365 45 to speak; to tell 語居士言
366 45 verse; writing 語居士言
367 45 to speak; to tell 語居士言
368 45 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 語居士言
369 45 a signal 語居士言
370 45 to chirp; to tweet 語居士言
371 45 words; discourse; vac 語居士言
372 43 sēng a Buddhist monk 為僧作
373 43 sēng a person with dark skin 為僧作
374 43 sēng Seng 為僧作
375 43 sēng Sangha; monastic community 為僧作
376 42 wèi for; to 若為塔作
377 42 wèi because of 若為塔作
378 42 wéi to act as; to serve 若為塔作
379 42 wéi to change into; to become 若為塔作
380 42 wéi to be; is 若為塔作
381 42 wéi to do 若為塔作
382 42 wèi for 若為塔作
383 42 wèi because of; for; to 若為塔作
384 42 wèi to 若為塔作
385 42 wéi in a passive construction 若為塔作
386 42 wéi forming a rehetorical question 若為塔作
387 42 wéi forming an adverb 若為塔作
388 42 wéi to add emphasis 若為塔作
389 42 wèi to support; to help 若為塔作
390 42 wéi to govern 若為塔作
391 42 wèi to be; bhū 若為塔作
392 42 you; thou 汝實作是事不
393 42 Ru River 汝實作是事不
394 42 Ru 汝實作是事不
395 42 you; tvam; bhavat 汝實作是事不
396 39 shí real; true 汝等實作是事不
397 39 shí nut; seed; fruit 汝等實作是事不
398 39 shí substance; content; material 汝等實作是事不
399 39 shí honest; sincere 汝等實作是事不
400 39 shí vast; extensive 汝等實作是事不
401 39 shí solid 汝等實作是事不
402 39 shí abundant; prosperous 汝等實作是事不
403 39 shí reality; a fact; an event 汝等實作是事不
404 39 shí wealth; property 汝等實作是事不
405 39 shí effect; result 汝等實作是事不
406 39 shí an honest person 汝等實作是事不
407 39 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 汝等實作是事不
408 39 shí to fill 汝等實作是事不
409 39 shí finally 汝等實作是事不
410 39 shí complete 汝等實作是事不
411 39 shí to strengthen 汝等實作是事不
412 39 shí to practice 汝等實作是事不
413 39 shí namely 汝等實作是事不
414 39 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 汝等實作是事不
415 39 shí this 汝等實作是事不
416 39 shí full; at capacity 汝等實作是事不
417 39 shí supplies; goods 汝等實作是事不
418 39 shí Shichen 汝等實作是事不
419 39 shí Real 汝等實作是事不
420 39 shí truth; reality; tattva 汝等實作是事不
421 36 hēi black 以純黑羺羊毛
422 36 hēi Heilongjiang 以純黑羺羊毛
423 36 hēi Kangxi radical 203 以純黑羺羊毛
424 36 hēi dark 以純黑羺羊毛
425 36 hēi evil; sinister; malicious 以純黑羺羊毛
426 36 hēi Hei 以純黑羺羊毛
427 36 hēi to embezzle 以純黑羺羊毛
428 36 hēi secret 以純黑羺羊毛
429 36 hēi illegal 以純黑羺羊毛
430 36 hēi black; dark; kala 以純黑羺羊毛
431 36 xīn new; fresh; modern 作新憍
432 36 xīn xinjiang 作新憍
433 36 xīn to renew; to refresh 作新憍
434 36 xīn recently 作新憍
435 36 xīn new people or things 作新憍
436 36 xīn Xin 作新憍
437 36 xīn Xin 作新憍
438 36 xīn new; nava 作新憍
439 36 one 至一兩作敷具
440 36 Kangxi radical 1 至一兩作敷具
441 36 as soon as; all at once 至一兩作敷具
442 36 pure; concentrated 至一兩作敷具
443 36 whole; all 至一兩作敷具
444 36 first 至一兩作敷具
445 36 the same 至一兩作敷具
446 36 each 至一兩作敷具
447 36 certain 至一兩作敷具
448 36 throughout 至一兩作敷具
449 36 used in between a reduplicated verb 至一兩作敷具
450 36 sole; single 至一兩作敷具
451 36 a very small amount 至一兩作敷具
452 36 Yi 至一兩作敷具
453 36 other 至一兩作敷具
454 36 to unify 至一兩作敷具
455 36 accidentally; coincidentally 至一兩作敷具
456 36 abruptly; suddenly 至一兩作敷具
457 36 or 至一兩作敷具
458 36 one; eka 至一兩作敷具
459 36 zhū all; many; various 諸居士厭患呵責言
460 36 zhū Zhu 諸居士厭患呵責言
461 36 zhū all; members of the class 諸居士厭患呵責言
462 36 zhū interrogative particle 諸居士厭患呵責言
463 36 zhū him; her; them; it 諸居士厭患呵責言
464 36 zhū of; in 諸居士厭患呵責言
465 36 zhū all; many; sarva 諸居士厭患呵責言
466 35 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 若相
467 35 xiàng to observe; to assess 若相
468 35 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 若相
469 35 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 若相
470 35 xiàng to aid; to help 若相
471 35 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 若相
472 35 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 若相
473 35 xiāng alternately; in turn 若相
474 35 xiāng Xiang 若相
475 35 xiāng form substance 若相
476 35 xiāng to express 若相
477 35 xiàng to choose 若相
478 35 xiāng Xiang 若相
479 35 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 若相
480 35 xiāng the seventh lunar month 若相
481 35 xiāng to compare 若相
482 35 xiàng to divine 若相
483 35 xiàng to administer 若相
484 35 xiàng helper for a blind person 若相
485 35 xiāng rhythm [music] 若相
486 35 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 若相
487 35 xiāng coralwood 若相
488 35 xiàng ministry 若相
489 35 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 若相
490 35 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 若相
491 35 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 若相
492 35 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 若相
493 35 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 若相
494 35 cóng from 從今是戒應如
495 35 cóng to follow 從今是戒應如
496 35 cóng past; through 從今是戒應如
497 35 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今是戒應如
498 35 cóng to participate in something 從今是戒應如
499 35 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今是戒應如
500 35 cóng usually 從今是戒應如


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
zuò action; kāraṇa
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
no; na
  1. ya
  2. night; rajanī
to bring; cud
  1. pa
  2. wave; taraṅga
nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
obtain; attain; prāpta

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
跋难陀 跋難陀 98
  1. Upananda
  2. Upananda
北印度 98
  1. North India
  2. Uttarapatha
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
弗若多罗 弗若多羅 102 Punyatāra
后秦 後秦 104 Later Qin
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
迦留陀夷 106 Kalodayin; Kālodāyin; Kaludayin
伽耶山 106 Gayā
拘睒弥 拘睒彌 106 Kausambi; Kaushambi; Kosambi
拘睒弥国 拘睒彌國 106 Kausambi; Kaushambi; Kosambi
弥楼 彌樓 109 Mount Sumeru
摩诃波阇波提 摩訶波闍波提 109 Mahapajapati Gotami; Mahaprajapati
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
瞿昙弥 瞿曇彌 113 Gautami; Gautamī; Gotami
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧羯磨 115 Dharmaguptabhikṣukarman; Seng Jiemo
舍卫国 舍衛國 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
十诵律 十誦律 115 Sarvāstivādavinaya
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
王舍城 119 Rajgir; Rajagrha
无德 無德 119 Shan Zhao; Fenyang Wude
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
自恣 122 pravāraṇā; ceremony of repentance


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 65.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
本物 98 shadow; counterpart; bimba
必当 必當 98 must
比丘僧 98 monastic community
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不信佛法 98 [they] do not believe in the law of the Buddha
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
尘坌 塵坌 99 dust
道中 100 on the path
二根 195 two roots
二种 二種 195 two kinds
发露 發露 102 to reveal; to manifest
佛见 佛見 102 correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
敷具 102 a mat for sitting on
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
和合僧 104 saṃgha; monastic gathering
坏色 壞色 104 kasaya; kaṣāya
结戒 結戒 106 bound by precepts
羯磨 106 karma
净人 淨人 106 a server
净洁 淨潔 106 pure
卷第七 106 scroll 7
六群 108 group of six monastics
六群比丘 108 group of six monastics
名僧 109 renowned monastic
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
能立 110 a proposition; sādhana
偏袒右肩 112 bared his right shoulder
忍听 忍聽 114 tolerance and agreement
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如是如是 114 Thus Is, Thus Is
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
沙弥尼 沙彌尼 115
  1. sramaneri
  2. sramanerika; a novice Buddhist nun
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
少欲知足 115 content with few desires
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
示教利喜 115 Inspiration, Teaching, Benefit, and Joy
十利 115 ten benefits
释子 釋子 115 son of Śākya; a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
十八事 115 eighteen characterisitics; avenikabuddhadharma
式叉摩尼 115 Siksamana; a novice nun; a female observer of the six commandments; śikṣamāṇā
施主 115
  1. benefactor
  2. an alms giver; a donor
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
贪着 貪著 116 attachment to desire
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
突吉罗 突吉羅 116 wrongdoing; misdeed; minor misdeed; duṣkṛta; dukkaṭa
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
我事 119 myself
五比丘 119 five monastics
修伽陀 120 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
以何因缘 以何因緣 121 What is the cause?
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
有何因缘 有何因緣 121 What are the causes and conditions?
右遶 121 moving to the right
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸比丘尼 諸比丘尼 122 nuns
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
自言 122 to admit by oneself
坐具 122
  1. Sitting Mat
  2. a mat for sitting on