Glossary and Vocabulary for Rājāvavādaka (Rulai Shi Jiao Sheng Jun Wang Jing) 如來示教勝軍王經

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 47 suǒ a few; various; some 嚴駕出城往如來所
2 47 suǒ a place; a location 嚴駕出城往如來所
3 47 suǒ indicates a passive voice 嚴駕出城往如來所
4 47 suǒ an ordinal number 嚴駕出城往如來所
5 47 suǒ meaning 嚴駕出城往如來所
6 47 suǒ garrison 嚴駕出城往如來所
7 47 suǒ place; pradeśa 嚴駕出城往如來所
8 42 大王 dàwáng king 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
9 42 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
10 42 大王 dàwáng great king; mahārāja 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
11 25 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 汝今乃能請問如來如是大義
12 24 wáng Wang 若有國王或諸王等
13 24 wáng a king 若有國王或諸王等
14 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 若有國王或諸王等
15 24 wàng to be king; to rule 若有國王或諸王等
16 24 wáng a prince; a duke 若有國王或諸王等
17 24 wáng grand; great 若有國王或諸王等
18 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 若有國王或諸王等
19 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 若有國王或諸王等
20 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 若有國王或諸王等
21 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 若有國王或諸王等
22 24 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 若有國王或諸王等
23 21 zhī to know 大王當知
24 21 zhī to comprehend 大王當知
25 21 zhī to inform; to tell 大王當知
26 21 zhī to administer 大王當知
27 21 zhī to distinguish; to discern 大王當知
28 21 zhī to be close friends 大王當知
29 21 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 大王當知
30 21 zhī to receive; to entertain 大王當知
31 21 zhī knowledge 大王當知
32 21 zhī consciousness; perception 大王當知
33 21 zhī a close friend 大王當知
34 21 zhì wisdom 大王當知
35 21 zhì Zhi 大王當知
36 21 zhī Understanding 大王當知
37 21 zhī know; jña 大王當知
38 20 wéi to act as; to serve 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
39 20 wéi to change into; to become 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
40 20 wéi to be; is 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
41 20 wéi to do 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
42 20 wèi to support; to help 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
43 20 wéi to govern 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
44 20 wèi to be; bhū 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
45 20 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 王富貴樂
46 20 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 王富貴樂
47 20 Le 王富貴樂
48 20 yuè music 王富貴樂
49 20 yuè a musical instrument 王富貴樂
50 20 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 王富貴樂
51 20 yuè a musician 王富貴樂
52 20 joy; pleasure 王富貴樂
53 20 yuè the Book of Music 王富貴樂
54 20 lào Lao 王富貴樂
55 20 to laugh 王富貴樂
56 20 Joy 王富貴樂
57 20 joy; delight; sukhā 王富貴樂
58 20 Kangxi radical 71 清淨無撓如澄泉池
59 20 to not have; without 清淨無撓如澄泉池
60 20 mo 清淨無撓如澄泉池
61 20 to not have 清淨無撓如澄泉池
62 20 Wu 清淨無撓如澄泉池
63 20 mo 清淨無撓如澄泉池
64 16 to use; to grasp 應以正法勿以邪法
65 16 to rely on 應以正法勿以邪法
66 16 to regard 應以正法勿以邪法
67 16 to be able to 應以正法勿以邪法
68 16 to order; to command 應以正法勿以邪法
69 16 used after a verb 應以正法勿以邪法
70 16 a reason; a cause 應以正法勿以邪法
71 16 Israel 應以正法勿以邪法
72 16 Yi 應以正法勿以邪法
73 16 use; yogena 應以正法勿以邪法
74 16 zhī to go 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
75 16 zhī to arrive; to go 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
76 16 zhī is 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
77 16 zhī to use 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
78 16 zhī Zhi 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
79 16 néng can; able 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
80 16 néng ability; capacity 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
81 16 néng a mythical bear-like beast 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
82 16 néng energy 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
83 16 néng function; use 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
84 16 néng talent 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
85 16 néng expert at 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
86 16 néng to be in harmony 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
87 16 néng to tend to; to care for 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
88 16 néng to reach; to arrive at 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
89 16 néng to be able; śak 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
90 16 néng skilful; pravīṇa 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
91 15 to go; to 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
92 15 to rely on; to depend on 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
93 15 Yu 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
94 15 a crow 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
95 15 to go back; to return 尋復結果後還無果
96 15 to resume; to restart 尋復結果後還無果
97 15 to do in detail 尋復結果後還無果
98 15 to restore 尋復結果後還無果
99 15 to respond; to reply to 尋復結果後還無果
100 15 Fu; Return 尋復結果後還無果
101 15 to retaliate; to reciprocate 尋復結果後還無果
102 15 to avoid forced labor or tax 尋復結果後還無果
103 15 Fu 尋復結果後還無果
104 15 doubled; to overlapping; folded 尋復結果後還無果
105 15 a lined garment with doubled thickness 尋復結果後還無果
106 13 big; huge; large 與其無量大苾芻眾
107 13 Kangxi radical 37 與其無量大苾芻眾
108 13 great; major; important 與其無量大苾芻眾
109 13 size 與其無量大苾芻眾
110 13 old 與其無量大苾芻眾
111 13 oldest; earliest 與其無量大苾芻眾
112 13 adult 與其無量大苾芻眾
113 13 dài an important person 與其無量大苾芻眾
114 13 senior 與其無量大苾芻眾
115 13 an element 與其無量大苾芻眾
116 13 great; mahā 與其無量大苾芻眾
117 13 to force; compel 老來逼害
118 13 to approach; to encroach 老來逼害
119 13 narrow; confined 老來逼害
120 13 to persecute; to oppress 老來逼害
121 13 a turbulent current 老來逼害
122 13 to press; pīḍita 老來逼害
123 12 ér Kangxi radical 126 而白佛言
124 12 ér as if; to seem like 而白佛言
125 12 néng can; able 而白佛言
126 12 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而白佛言
127 12 ér to arrive; up to 而白佛言
128 12 to reach 及餘所受諸欲樂具
129 12 to attain 及餘所受諸欲樂具
130 12 to understand 及餘所受諸欲樂具
131 12 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及餘所受諸欲樂具
132 12 to be involved with; to associate with 及餘所受諸欲樂具
133 12 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及餘所受諸欲樂具
134 12 and; ca; api 及餘所受諸欲樂具
135 11 正法 zhèngfǎ proper law 應以正法勿以邪法
136 11 正法 zhèngfǎ to execute a criminal 應以正法勿以邪法
137 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Righteous Dharma 應以正法勿以邪法
138 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Right Dharma; Saddharma 應以正法勿以邪法
139 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Age of Right Dharma; The Period of the True Dharma 應以正法勿以邪法
140 11 hòu after; later 後致憂悔
141 11 hòu empress; queen 後致憂悔
142 11 hòu sovereign 後致憂悔
143 11 hòu the god of the earth 後致憂悔
144 11 hòu late; later 後致憂悔
145 11 hòu offspring; descendents 後致憂悔
146 11 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後致憂悔
147 11 hòu behind; back 後致憂悔
148 11 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後致憂悔
149 11 hòu Hou 後致憂悔
150 11 hòu after; behind 後致憂悔
151 11 hòu following 後致憂悔
152 11 hòu to be delayed 後致憂悔
153 11 hòu to abandon; to discard 後致憂悔
154 11 hòu feudal lords 後致憂悔
155 11 hòu Hou 後致憂悔
156 11 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後致憂悔
157 11 hòu rear; paścāt 後致憂悔
158 11 hòu later; paścima 後致憂悔
159 11 yìng to answer; to respond 應以正法勿以邪法
160 11 yìng to confirm; to verify 應以正法勿以邪法
161 11 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應以正法勿以邪法
162 11 yìng to accept 應以正法勿以邪法
163 11 yìng to permit; to allow 應以正法勿以邪法
164 11 yìng to echo 應以正法勿以邪法
165 11 yìng to handle; to deal with 應以正法勿以邪法
166 11 yìng Ying 應以正法勿以邪法
167 11 děng et cetera; and so on 天人等俱
168 11 děng to wait 天人等俱
169 11 děng to be equal 天人等俱
170 11 děng degree; level 天人等俱
171 11 děng to compare 天人等俱
172 11 děng same; equal; sama 天人等俱
173 11 zhě ca 三者
174 10 huài bad; spoiled; broken; defective 流轉移動終歸壞滅
175 10 huài to go bad; to break 流轉移動終歸壞滅
176 10 huài to defeat 流轉移動終歸壞滅
177 10 huài sinister; evil 流轉移動終歸壞滅
178 10 huài to decline; to wane 流轉移動終歸壞滅
179 10 huài to wreck; to break; to destroy 流轉移動終歸壞滅
180 10 huài breaking; bheda 流轉移動終歸壞滅
181 10 zuò to do 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
182 10 zuò to act as; to serve as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
183 10 zuò to start 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
184 10 zuò a writing; a work 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
185 10 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
186 10 zuō to create; to make 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
187 10 zuō a workshop 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
188 10 zuō to write; to compose 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
189 10 zuò to rise 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
190 10 zuò to be aroused 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
191 10 zuò activity; action; undertaking 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
192 10 zuò to regard as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
193 10 zuò action; kāraṇa 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
194 10 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 及餘所受諸欲樂具
195 10 to possess; to have 及餘所受諸欲樂具
196 10 to prepare 及餘所受諸欲樂具
197 10 to write; to describe; to state 及餘所受諸欲樂具
198 10 Ju 及餘所受諸欲樂具
199 10 talent; ability 及餘所受諸欲樂具
200 10 a feast; food 及餘所受諸欲樂具
201 10 to arrange; to provide 及餘所受諸欲樂具
202 10 furnishings 及餘所受諸欲樂具
203 10 to understand 及餘所受諸欲樂具
204 10 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 及餘所受諸欲樂具
205 10 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 於諸國邑所有眾生
206 10 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 於諸國邑所有眾生
207 10 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 於諸國邑所有眾生
208 10 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 於諸國邑所有眾生
209 10 method; way 皆變易法迅速不停
210 10 France 皆變易法迅速不停
211 10 the law; rules; regulations 皆變易法迅速不停
212 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 皆變易法迅速不停
213 10 a standard; a norm 皆變易法迅速不停
214 10 an institution 皆變易法迅速不停
215 10 to emulate 皆變易法迅速不停
216 10 magic; a magic trick 皆變易法迅速不停
217 10 punishment 皆變易法迅速不停
218 10 Fa 皆變易法迅速不停
219 10 a precedent 皆變易法迅速不停
220 10 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 皆變易法迅速不停
221 10 relating to a ceremony or rite 皆變易法迅速不停
222 10 Dharma 皆變易法迅速不停
223 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 皆變易法迅速不停
224 10 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 皆變易法迅速不停
225 10 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 皆變易法迅速不停
226 10 quality; characteristic 皆變易法迅速不停
227 9 欲樂 yù lè the joy of the five desires 及餘所受諸欲樂具
228 9 zhòng many; numerous 眾寶傘蓋
229 9 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾寶傘蓋
230 9 zhòng general; common; public 眾寶傘蓋
231 9 extra; surplus; remainder 及餘所受諸欲樂具
232 9 to remain 及餘所受諸欲樂具
233 9 the time after an event 及餘所受諸欲樂具
234 9 the others; the rest 及餘所受諸欲樂具
235 9 additional; complementary 及餘所受諸欲樂具
236 8 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 生地獄中受諸劇苦
237 8 shòu to transfer; to confer 生地獄中受諸劇苦
238 8 shòu to receive; to accept 生地獄中受諸劇苦
239 8 shòu to tolerate 生地獄中受諸劇苦
240 8 shòu feelings; sensations 生地獄中受諸劇苦
241 8 shí time; a point or period of time
242 8 shí a season; a quarter of a year
243 8 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day
244 8 shí fashionable
245 8 shí fate; destiny; luck
246 8 shí occasion; opportunity; chance
247 8 shí tense
248 8 shí particular; special
249 8 shí to plant; to cultivate
250 8 shí an era; a dynasty
251 8 shí time [abstract]
252 8 shí seasonal
253 8 shí to wait upon
254 8 shí hour
255 8 shí appropriate; proper; timely
256 8 shí Shi
257 8 shí a present; currentlt
258 8 shí time; kāla
259 8 shí at that time; samaya
260 8 富貴 fùguì to be rich and have honor 王富貴樂
261 8 富貴 fùguì beautiful 王富貴樂
262 8 富貴 fùguì wealth 王富貴樂
263 8 suí to follow 應隨法行勿隨非法
264 8 suí to listen to 應隨法行勿隨非法
265 8 suí to submit to; to comply with 應隨法行勿隨非法
266 8 suí to be obsequious 應隨法行勿隨非法
267 8 suí 17th hexagram 應隨法行勿隨非法
268 8 suí let somebody do what they like 應隨法行勿隨非法
269 8 suí to resemble; to look like 應隨法行勿隨非法
270 8 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 流轉移動終歸壞滅
271 8 miè to submerge 流轉移動終歸壞滅
272 8 miè to extinguish; to put out 流轉移動終歸壞滅
273 8 miè to eliminate 流轉移動終歸壞滅
274 8 miè to disappear; to fade away 流轉移動終歸壞滅
275 8 miè the cessation of suffering 流轉移動終歸壞滅
276 8 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 流轉移動終歸壞滅
277 8 自在 zìzài at ease; at will; as one likes 王自在樂
278 8 自在 zìzài Carefree 王自在樂
279 8 自在 zìzài perfect ease 王自在樂
280 8 自在 zìzài Isvara 王自在樂
281 8 自在 zìzài self mastery; vaśitā 王自在樂
282 8 Kangxi radical 49 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
283 8 to bring to an end; to stop 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
284 8 to complete 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
285 8 to demote; to dismiss 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
286 8 to recover from an illness 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
287 8 former; pūrvaka 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
288 7 jūn army; military 所謂象馬車步軍等
289 7 jūn soldiers; troops 所謂象馬車步軍等
290 7 jūn an organized collective 所謂象馬車步軍等
291 7 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 所謂象馬車步軍等
292 7 jūn a garrison 所謂象馬車步軍等
293 7 jūn a front 所謂象馬車步軍等
294 7 jūn penal miltary service 所謂象馬車步軍等
295 7 jūn to organize troops 所謂象馬車步軍等
296 7 jūn army; senā 所謂象馬車步軍等
297 7 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時
298 7 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時
299 7 零落 líng luò withered and fallen; scattered; sporadic 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
300 7 無常 wúcháng irregular 國祚身命虛偽無常
301 7 無常 wúcháng changing frequently 國祚身命虛偽無常
302 7 無常 wúcháng impermanence; anitya; anicca 國祚身命虛偽無常
303 7 無常 wúcháng impermanence 國祚身命虛偽無常
304 7 miào wonderful; fantastic 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
305 7 miào clever 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
306 7 miào subtle; mysterious; profound; abstruse; mystical 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
307 7 miào fine; delicate 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
308 7 miào young 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
309 7 miào interesting 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
310 7 miào profound reasoning 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
311 7 miào Miao 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
312 7 miào Wonderful 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
313 7 miào wonderful; beautiful; suksma 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
314 7 shēn human body; torso 如是身者
315 7 shēn Kangxi radical 158 如是身者
316 7 shēn self 如是身者
317 7 shēn life 如是身者
318 7 shēn an object 如是身者
319 7 shēn a lifetime 如是身者
320 7 shēn moral character 如是身者
321 7 shēn status; identity; position 如是身者
322 7 shēn pregnancy 如是身者
323 7 juān India 如是身者
324 7 shēn body; kāya 如是身者
325 7 譬如 pìrú for examlpe 譬如父母憐愍於子
326 7 譬如 pìrú better than; surpassing 譬如父母憐愍於子
327 7 譬如 pìrú example; dṛṣṭānta 譬如父母憐愍於子
328 7 duò to fall; to sink 身壞命終墮諸惡趣
329 7 duò apathetic; lazy 身壞命終墮諸惡趣
330 7 huī to damage; to destroy 身壞命終墮諸惡趣
331 7 duò to degenerate 身壞命終墮諸惡趣
332 7 duò fallen; patita 身壞命終墮諸惡趣
333 7 a step 乘至下處步進入園
334 7 a stage; a section 乘至下處步進入園
335 7 to walk 乘至下處步進入園
336 7 to follow 乘至下處步進入園
337 7 to calculate 乘至下處步進入園
338 7 circumstances 乘至下處步進入園
339 7 fate; destiny 乘至下處步進入園
340 7 dock; pier; wharf 乘至下處步進入園
341 7 Bu 乘至下處步進入園
342 7 a footstep; pada 乘至下處步進入園
343 6 勢力 shìli power; influence; strength 難以勢力而能抗拒
344 6 勢力 shìli power; bala; āvedha 難以勢力而能抗拒
345 6 皆是 jiē shì all are 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
346 6 zhuì to fall down; to drop; to sink 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
347 6 zhuì to go to ruin 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
348 6 zhuì hanging jewelry 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
349 6 zhuì falling; prapāta 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
350 6 磨滅 mómiè to obliterate; to erase 及諸有情蠢動之類皆被磨滅
351 6 shàng top; a high position 如上所說一切樂具
352 6 shang top; the position on or above something 如上所說一切樂具
353 6 shàng to go up; to go forward 如上所說一切樂具
354 6 shàng shang 如上所說一切樂具
355 6 shàng previous; last 如上所說一切樂具
356 6 shàng high; higher 如上所說一切樂具
357 6 shàng advanced 如上所說一切樂具
358 6 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 如上所說一切樂具
359 6 shàng time 如上所說一切樂具
360 6 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 如上所說一切樂具
361 6 shàng far 如上所說一切樂具
362 6 shàng big; as big as 如上所說一切樂具
363 6 shàng abundant; plentiful 如上所說一切樂具
364 6 shàng to report 如上所說一切樂具
365 6 shàng to offer 如上所說一切樂具
366 6 shàng to go on stage 如上所說一切樂具
367 6 shàng to take office; to assume a post 如上所說一切樂具
368 6 shàng to install; to erect 如上所說一切樂具
369 6 shàng to suffer; to sustain 如上所說一切樂具
370 6 shàng to burn 如上所說一切樂具
371 6 shàng to remember 如上所說一切樂具
372 6 shàng to add 如上所說一切樂具
373 6 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 如上所說一切樂具
374 6 shàng to meet 如上所說一切樂具
375 6 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 如上所說一切樂具
376 6 shang used after a verb indicating a result 如上所說一切樂具
377 6 shàng a musical note 如上所說一切樂具
378 6 shàng higher, superior; uttara 如上所說一切樂具
379 6 愛欲 àiyù love and desire; sensuality; kāma 王愛欲樂
380 6 interesting 究竟同趣滅盡之門
381 6 to turn towards; to approach 究竟同趣滅盡之門
382 6 to urge 究竟同趣滅盡之門
383 6 purport; an objective 究竟同趣滅盡之門
384 6 a delight; a pleasure; an interest 究竟同趣滅盡之門
385 6 an inclination 究竟同趣滅盡之門
386 6 a flavor; a taste 究竟同趣滅盡之門
387 6 to go quickly towards 究竟同趣滅盡之門
388 6 realm; destination 究竟同趣滅盡之門
389 6 所有 suǒyǒu to belong to 便即脫去剎帝利種灌頂大王隨身所有五標尊飾
390 6 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
391 6 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
392 6 shuì to persuade 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
393 6 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
394 6 shuō a doctrine; a theory 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
395 6 shuō to claim; to assert 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
396 6 shuō allocution 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
397 6 shuō to criticize; to scold 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
398 6 shuō to indicate; to refer to 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
399 6 shuō speach; vāda 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
400 6 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
401 6 shuō to instruct 應以諸佛所說四攝而授受之
402 6 duàn to judge 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
403 6 duàn to severe; to break 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
404 6 duàn to stop 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
405 6 duàn to quit; to give up 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
406 6 duàn to intercept 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
407 6 duàn to divide 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
408 6 duàn to isolate 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
409 6 種種 zhǒng zhǒng all kinds of 雖以種種上妙衣服覆蔽纏裹
410 6 種種 zhǒng zhǒng various forms 雖以種種上妙衣服覆蔽纏裹
411 6 zhōng middle 生地獄中受諸劇苦
412 6 zhōng medium; medium sized 生地獄中受諸劇苦
413 6 zhōng China 生地獄中受諸劇苦
414 6 zhòng to hit the mark 生地獄中受諸劇苦
415 6 zhōng midday 生地獄中受諸劇苦
416 6 zhōng inside 生地獄中受諸劇苦
417 6 zhōng during 生地獄中受諸劇苦
418 6 zhōng Zhong 生地獄中受諸劇苦
419 6 zhōng intermediary 生地獄中受諸劇苦
420 6 zhōng half 生地獄中受諸劇苦
421 6 zhòng to reach; to attain 生地獄中受諸劇苦
422 6 zhòng to suffer; to infect 生地獄中受諸劇苦
423 6 zhòng to obtain 生地獄中受諸劇苦
424 6 zhòng to pass an exam 生地獄中受諸劇苦
425 6 zhōng middle 生地獄中受諸劇苦
426 6 離散 lísàn to be scattered; to be separated 皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
427 6 lái to come 如四大山從四方來
428 6 lái please 如四大山從四方來
429 6 lái used to substitute for another verb 如四大山從四方來
430 6 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 如四大山從四方來
431 6 lái wheat 如四大山從四方來
432 6 lái next; future 如四大山從四方來
433 6 lái a simple complement of direction 如四大山從四方來
434 6 lái to occur; to arise 如四大山從四方來
435 6 lái to earn 如四大山從四方來
436 6 lái to come; āgata 如四大山從四方來
437 6 xiàng figure; image; appearance 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
438 6 xiàng elephant 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
439 6 xiàng ivory 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
440 6 xiàng to be like; to seem 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
441 6 xiàng premier 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
442 6 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
443 6 xiàng phenomena 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
444 6 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
445 6 xiàng image commentary 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
446 6 xiàng a kind of weapon 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
447 6 xiàng Xiang 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
448 6 xiàng to imitate 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
449 6 xiàng elephant; gaja 所謂象馬車步諸軍宮殿
450 5 歸依 guīyī to depend on 無所歸依
451 5 歸依 guīyī to take refuge [in the Triple Gem] 無所歸依
452 5 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
453 5 shàn happy 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
454 5 shàn good 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
455 5 shàn kind-hearted 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
456 5 shàn to be skilled at something 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
457 5 shàn familiar 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
458 5 shàn to repair 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
459 5 shàn to admire 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
460 5 shàn to praise 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
461 5 shàn Shan 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
462 5 shàn wholesome; virtuous 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
463 5 使 shǐ to make; to cause 作使
464 5 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 作使
465 5 使 shǐ to indulge 作使
466 5 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 作使
467 5 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 作使
468 5 使 shǐ to dispatch 作使
469 5 使 shǐ to use 作使
470 5 使 shǐ to be able to 作使
471 5 使 shǐ messenger; dūta 作使
472 5 身命 shēnmìng body and life 國祚身命虛偽無常
473 5 guó a country; a nation 國祚身命虛偽無常
474 5 guó the capital of a state 國祚身命虛偽無常
475 5 guó a feud; a vassal state 國祚身命虛偽無常
476 5 guó a state; a kingdom 國祚身命虛偽無常
477 5 guó a place; a land 國祚身命虛偽無常
478 5 guó domestic; Chinese 國祚身命虛偽無常
479 5 guó national 國祚身命虛偽無常
480 5 guó top in the nation 國祚身命虛偽無常
481 5 guó Guo 國祚身命虛偽無常
482 5 guó community; nation; janapada 國祚身命虛偽無常
483 5 廣說 guǎngshuō to explain; to teach 廣說乃至皆是墜墮零落斷壞離散之法
484 5 非法 fēifǎ illegal 應隨法行勿隨非法
485 5 非法 fēi fǎ non-dharma 應隨法行勿隨非法
486 5 dān to delay; to prolong 寤寐安寢歡娛耽著
487 5 dān indulge in; to be engrossed in 寤寐安寢歡娛耽著
488 5 dān happy 寤寐安寢歡娛耽著
489 5 dān long earlobes 寤寐安寢歡娛耽著
490 5 dān desirous of; gṛddha 寤寐安寢歡娛耽著
491 5 one 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
492 5 Kangxi radical 1 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
493 5 pure; concentrated 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
494 5 first 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
495 5 the same 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
496 5 sole; single 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
497 5 a very small amount 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
498 5 Yi 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
499 5 other 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙
500 5 to unify 遙見世尊坐一樹下端嚴殊妙

Frequencies of all Words

Top 907

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 47 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 嚴駕出城往如來所
2 47 suǒ an office; an institute 嚴駕出城往如來所
3 47 suǒ introduces a relative clause 嚴駕出城往如來所
4 47 suǒ it 嚴駕出城往如來所
5 47 suǒ if; supposing 嚴駕出城往如來所
6 47 suǒ a few; various; some 嚴駕出城往如來所
7 47 suǒ a place; a location 嚴駕出城往如來所
8 47 suǒ indicates a passive voice 嚴駕出城往如來所
9 47 suǒ that which 嚴駕出城往如來所
10 47 suǒ an ordinal number 嚴駕出城往如來所
11 47 suǒ meaning 嚴駕出城往如來所
12 47 suǒ garrison 嚴駕出城往如來所
13 47 suǒ place; pradeśa 嚴駕出城往如來所
14 47 suǒ that which; yad 嚴駕出城往如來所
15 42 大王 dàwáng king 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
16 42 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
17 42 大王 dàwáng great king; mahārāja 憍薩羅主勝軍大王
18 36 zhū all; many; various 諸根閑寂其心宴然
19 36 zhū Zhu 諸根閑寂其心宴然
20 36 zhū all; members of the class 諸根閑寂其心宴然
21 36 zhū interrogative particle 諸根閑寂其心宴然
22 36 zhū him; her; them; it 諸根閑寂其心宴然
23 36 zhū of; in 諸根閑寂其心宴然
24 36 zhū all; many; sarva 諸根閑寂其心宴然
25 28 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 大王當知
26 28 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 大王當知
27 28 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 大王當知
28 28 dāng to face 大王當知
29 28 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 大王當知
30 28 dāng to manage; to host 大王當知
31 28 dāng should 大王當知
32 28 dāng to treat; to regard as 大王當知
33 28 dǎng to think 大王當知
34 28 dàng suitable; correspond to 大王當知
35 28 dǎng to be equal 大王當知
36 28 dàng that 大王當知
37 28 dāng an end; top 大王當知
38 28 dàng clang; jingle 大王當知
39 28 dāng to judge 大王當知
40 28 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 大王當知
41 28 dàng the same 大王當知
42 28 dàng to pawn 大王當知
43 28 dàng to fail [an exam] 大王當知
44 28 dàng a trap 大王當知
45 28 dàng a pawned item 大王當知
46 28 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 大王當知
47 25 如是 rúshì thus; so 汝今乃能請問如來如是大義
48 25 如是 rúshì thus, so 汝今乃能請問如來如是大義
49 25 如是 rúshì thus; evam 汝今乃能請問如來如是大義
50 25 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 汝今乃能請問如來如是大義
51 24 wáng Wang 若有國王或諸王等
52 24 wáng a king 若有國王或諸王等
53 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 若有國王或諸王等
54 24 wàng to be king; to rule 若有國王或諸王等
55 24 wáng a prince; a duke 若有國王或諸王等
56 24 wáng grand; great 若有國王或諸王等
57 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 若有國王或諸王等
58 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 若有國王或諸王等
59 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 若有國王或諸王等
60 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 若有國王或諸王等
61 24 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 若有國王或諸王等
62 21 zhī to know 大王當知
63 21 zhī to comprehend 大王當知
64 21 zhī to inform; to tell 大王當知
65 21 zhī to administer 大王當知
66 21 zhī to distinguish; to discern 大王當知
67 21 zhī to be close friends 大王當知
68 21 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 大王當知
69 21 zhī to receive; to entertain 大王當知
70 21 zhī knowledge 大王當知
71 21 zhī consciousness; perception 大王當知
72 21 zhī a close friend 大王當知
73 21 zhì wisdom 大王當知
74 21 zhì Zhi 大王當知
75 21 zhī Understanding 大王當知
76 21 zhī know; jña 大王當知
77 20 wèi for; to 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
78 20 wèi because of 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
79 20 wéi to act as; to serve 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
80 20 wéi to change into; to become 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
81 20 wéi to be; is 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
82 20 wéi to do 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
83 20 wèi for 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
84 20 wèi because of; for; to 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
85 20 wèi to 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
86 20 wéi in a passive construction 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
87 20 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
88 20 wéi forming an adverb 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
89 20 wéi to add emphasis 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
90 20 wèi to support; to help 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
91 20 wéi to govern 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
92 20 wèi to be; bhū 為欲瞻仰請問佛故
93 20 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 王富貴樂
94 20 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 王富貴樂
95 20 Le 王富貴樂
96 20 yuè music 王富貴樂
97 20 yuè a musical instrument 王富貴樂
98 20 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 王富貴樂
99 20 yuè a musician 王富貴樂
100 20 joy; pleasure 王富貴樂
101 20 yuè the Book of Music 王富貴樂
102 20 lào Lao 王富貴樂
103 20 to laugh 王富貴樂
104 20 Joy 王富貴樂
105 20 joy; delight; sukhā 王富貴樂
106 20 no 清淨無撓如澄泉池
107 20 Kangxi radical 71 清淨無撓如澄泉池
108 20 to not have; without 清淨無撓如澄泉池
109 20 has not yet 清淨無撓如澄泉池
110 20 mo 清淨無撓如澄泉池
111 20 do not 清淨無撓如澄泉池
112 20 not; -less; un- 清淨無撓如澄泉池
113 20 regardless of 清淨無撓如澄泉池
114 20 to not have 清淨無撓如澄泉池
115 20 um 清淨無撓如澄泉池
116 20 Wu 清淨無撓如澄泉池
117 20 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 清淨無撓如澄泉池
118 20 not; non- 清淨無撓如澄泉池
119 20 mo 清淨無撓如澄泉池
120 16 so as to; in order to 應以正法勿以邪法
121 16 to use; to regard as 應以正法勿以邪法
122 16 to use; to grasp 應以正法勿以邪法
123 16 according to 應以正法勿以邪法
124 16 because of 應以正法勿以邪法
125 16 on a certain date 應以正法勿以邪法
126 16 and; as well as 應以正法勿以邪法
127 16 to rely on 應以正法勿以邪法
128 16 to regard 應以正法勿以邪法
129 16 to be able to 應以正法勿以邪法
130 16 to order; to command 應以正法勿以邪法
131 16 further; moreover 應以正法勿以邪法
132 16 used after a verb 應以正法勿以邪法
133 16 very 應以正法勿以邪法
134 16 already 應以正法勿以邪法
135 16 increasingly 應以正法勿以邪法
136 16 a reason; a cause 應以正法勿以邪法
137 16 Israel 應以正法勿以邪法
138 16 Yi 應以正法勿以邪法
139 16 use; yogena 應以正法勿以邪法
140 16 zhī him; her; them; that 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
141 16 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
142 16 zhī to go 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
143 16 zhī this; that 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
144 16 zhī genetive marker 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
145 16 zhī it 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
146 16 zhī in 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
147 16 zhī all 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
148 16 zhī and 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
149 16 zhī however 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
150 16 zhī if 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
151 16 zhī then 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
152 16 zhī to arrive; to go 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
153 16 zhī is 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
154 16 zhī to use 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
155 16 zhī Zhi 彼於現在為諸聖賢之所訶毀
156 16 néng can; able 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
157 16 néng ability; capacity 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
158 16 néng a mythical bear-like beast 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
159 16 néng energy 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
160 16 néng function; use 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
161 16 néng may; should; permitted to 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
162 16 néng talent 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
163 16 néng expert at 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
164 16 néng to be in harmony 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
165 16 néng to tend to; to care for 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
166 16 néng to reach; to arrive at 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
167 16 néng as long as; only 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
168 16 néng even if 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
169 16 néng but 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
170 16 néng in this way 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
171 16 néng to be able; śak 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
172 16 néng skilful; pravīṇa 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
173 15 in; at 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
174 15 in; at 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
175 15 in; at; to; from 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
176 15 to go; to 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
177 15 to rely on; to depend on 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
178 15 to go to; to arrive at 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
179 15 from 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
180 15 give 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
181 15 oppposing 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
182 15 and 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
183 15 compared to 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
184 15 by 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
185 15 and; as well as 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
186 15 for 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
187 15 Yu 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
188 15 a crow 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
189 15 whew; wow 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
190 15 near to; antike 令我長夜證於大義利益安樂
191 15 again; more; repeatedly 尋復結果後還無果
192 15 to go back; to return 尋復結果後還無果
193 15 to resume; to restart 尋復結果後還無果
194 15 to do in detail 尋復結果後還無果
195 15 to restore 尋復結果後還無果
196 15 to respond; to reply to 尋復結果後還無果
197 15 after all; and then 尋復結果後還無果
198 15 even if; although 尋復結果後還無果
199 15 Fu; Return 尋復結果後還無果
200 15 to retaliate; to reciprocate 尋復結果後還無果
201 15 to avoid forced labor or tax 尋復結果後還無果
202 15 particle without meaing 尋復結果後還無果
203 15 Fu 尋復結果後還無果
204 15 repeated; again 尋復結果後還無果
205 15 doubled; to overlapping; folded 尋復結果後還無果
206 15 a lined garment with doubled thickness 尋復結果後還無果
207 15 again; punar 尋復結果後還無果
208 14 do not 應以正法勿以邪法
209 14 no 應以正法勿以邪法
210 14 do not 應以正法勿以邪法
211 13 big; huge; large 與其無量大苾芻眾
212 13 Kangxi radical 37 與其無量大苾芻眾
213 13 great; major; important 與其無量大苾芻眾
214 13 size 與其無量大苾芻眾
215 13 old 與其無量大苾芻眾
216 13 greatly; very 與其無量大苾芻眾
217 13 oldest; earliest 與其無量大苾芻眾
218 13 adult 與其無量大苾芻眾
219 13 tài greatest; grand 與其無量大苾芻眾
220 13 dài an important person 與其無量大苾芻眾
221 13 senior 與其無量大苾芻眾
222 13 approximately 與其無量大苾芻眾
223 13 tài greatest; grand 與其無量大苾芻眾
224 13 an element 與其無量大苾芻眾
225 13 great; mahā 與其無量大苾芻眾
226 13 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 尊位威德皆悉成就
227 13 jiē same; equally 尊位威德皆悉成就
228 13 jiē all; sarva 尊位威德皆悉成就
229 13 to force; compel 老來逼害
230 13 to approach; to encroach 老來逼害
231 13 narrow; confined 老來逼害
232 13 to persecute; to oppress 老來逼害
233 13 a turbulent current 老來逼害
234 13 extremely 老來逼害
235 13 to press; pīḍita 老來逼害
236 12 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而白佛言
237 12 ér Kangxi radical 126 而白佛言
238 12 ér you 而白佛言
239 12 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而白佛言
240 12 ér right away; then 而白佛言
241 12 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而白佛言
242 12 ér if; in case; in the event that 而白佛言
243 12 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而白佛言
244 12 ér how can it be that? 而白佛言
245 12 ér so as to 而白佛言
246 12 ér only then 而白佛言
247 12 ér as if; to seem like 而白佛言
248 12 néng can; able 而白佛言
249 12 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而白佛言
250 12 ér me 而白佛言
251 12 ér to arrive; up to 而白佛言
252 12 ér possessive 而白佛言
253 12 ér and; ca 而白佛言
254 12 to reach 及餘所受諸欲樂具
255 12 and 及餘所受諸欲樂具
256 12 coming to; when 及餘所受諸欲樂具
257 12 to attain 及餘所受諸欲樂具
258 12 to understand 及餘所受諸欲樂具
259 12 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及餘所受諸欲樂具
260 12 to be involved with; to associate with 及餘所受諸欲樂具
261 12 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及餘所受諸欲樂具
262 12 and; ca; api 及餘所受諸欲樂具
263 12 yǒu is; are; to exist 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
264 12 yǒu to have; to possess 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
265 12 yǒu indicates an estimate 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
266 12 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
267 12 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
268 12 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
269 12 yǒu used to compare two things 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
270 12 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
271 12 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
272 12 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
273 12 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
274 12 yǒu abundant 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
275 12 yǒu purposeful 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
276 12 yǒu You 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
277 12 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
278 12 yǒu becoming; bhava 有三十二大丈夫相圓滿莊嚴
279 11 正法 zhèngfǎ proper law 應以正法勿以邪法
280 11 正法 zhèngfǎ to execute a criminal 應以正法勿以邪法
281 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Righteous Dharma 應以正法勿以邪法
282 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Right Dharma; Saddharma 應以正法勿以邪法
283 11 正法 zhèngfǎ Age of Right Dharma; The Period of the True Dharma 應以正法勿以邪法
284 11 hòu after; later 後致憂悔
285 11 hòu empress; queen 後致憂悔
286 11 hòu sovereign 後致憂悔
287 11 hòu behind 後致憂悔
288 11 hòu the god of the earth 後致憂悔
289 11 hòu late; later 後致憂悔
290 11 hòu arriving late 後致憂悔
291 11 hòu offspring; descendents 後致憂悔
292 11 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後致憂悔
293 11 hòu behind; back 後致憂悔
294 11 hòu then 後致憂悔
295 11 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後致憂悔
296 11 hòu Hou 後致憂悔
297 11 hòu after; behind 後致憂悔
298 11 hòu following 後致憂悔
299 11 hòu to be delayed 後致憂悔
300 11 hòu to abandon; to discard 後致憂悔
301 11 hòu feudal lords 後致憂悔
302 11 hòu Hou 後致憂悔
303 11 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後致憂悔
304 11 hòu rear; paścāt 後致憂悔
305 11 hòu later; paścima 後致憂悔
306 11 yīng should; ought 應以正法勿以邪法
307 11 yìng to answer; to respond 應以正法勿以邪法
308 11 yìng to confirm; to verify 應以正法勿以邪法
309 11 yīng soon; immediately 應以正法勿以邪法
310 11 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應以正法勿以邪法
311 11 yìng to accept 應以正法勿以邪法
312 11 yīng or; either 應以正法勿以邪法
313 11 yìng to permit; to allow 應以正法勿以邪法
314 11 yìng to echo 應以正法勿以邪法
315 11 yìng to handle; to deal with 應以正法勿以邪法
316 11 yìng Ying 應以正法勿以邪法
317 11 yīng suitable; yukta 應以正法勿以邪法
318 11 děng et cetera; and so on 天人等俱
319 11 děng to wait 天人等俱
320 11 děng degree; kind 天人等俱
321 11 děng plural 天人等俱
322 11 děng to be equal 天人等俱
323 11 děng degree; level 天人等俱
324 11 děng to compare 天人等俱
325 11 děng same; equal; sama 天人等俱
326 11 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 三者
327 11 zhě that 三者
328 11 zhě nominalizing function word 三者
329 11 zhě used to mark a definition 三者
330 11 zhě used to mark a pause 三者
331 11 zhě topic marker; that; it 三者
332 11 zhuó according to 三者
333 11 zhě ca 三者
334 10 huài bad; spoiled; broken; defective 流轉移動終歸壞滅
335 10 huài to go bad; to break 流轉移動終歸壞滅
336 10 huài to defeat 流轉移動終歸壞滅
337 10 huài sinister; evil 流轉移動終歸壞滅
338 10 huài to decline; to wane 流轉移動終歸壞滅
339 10 huài to wreck; to break; to destroy 流轉移動終歸壞滅
340 10 huài extremely; very 流轉移動終歸壞滅
341 10 huài breaking; bheda 流轉移動終歸壞滅
342 10 zuò to do 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
343 10 zuò to act as; to serve as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
344 10 zuò to start 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
345 10 zuò a writing; a work 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
346 10 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
347 10 zuō to create; to make 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
348 10 zuō a workshop 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
349 10 zuō to write; to compose 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
350 10 zuò to rise 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
351 10 zuò to be aroused 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
352 10 zuò activity; action; undertaking 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
353 10 zuò to regard as 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
354 10 zuò action; kāraṇa 棄捨正法以諸邪法而作國王
355 10 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 及餘所受諸欲樂具
356 10 to possess; to have 及餘所受諸欲樂具
357 10 measure word for devices, coffins, dead bodies, etc 及餘所受諸欲樂具
358 10 to prepare 及餘所受諸欲樂具
359 10 to write; to describe; to state 及餘所受諸欲樂具
360 10 Ju 及餘所受諸欲樂具
361 10 talent; ability 及餘所受諸欲樂具
362 10 a feast; food 及餘所受諸欲樂具
363 10 all; entirely; completely; in detail 及餘所受諸欲樂具
364 10 to arrange; to provide 及餘所受諸欲樂具
365 10 furnishings 及餘所受諸欲樂具
366 10 pleased; contentedly 及餘所受諸欲樂具
367 10 to understand 及餘所受諸欲樂具
368 10 together; saha 及餘所受諸欲樂具
369 10 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 及餘所受諸欲樂具
370 10 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 於諸國邑所有眾生
371 10 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 於諸國邑所有眾生
372 10 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 於諸國邑所有眾生
373 10 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 於諸國邑所有眾生
374 10 method; way 皆變易法迅速不停
375 10 France 皆變易法迅速不停
376 10 the law; rules; regulations 皆變易法迅速不停
377 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 皆變易法迅速不停
378 10 a standard; a norm 皆變易法迅速不停
379 10 an institution 皆變易法迅速不停
380 10 to emulate 皆變易法迅速不停
381 10 magic; a magic trick 皆變易法迅速不停
382 10 punishment 皆變易法迅速不停
383 10 Fa 皆變易法迅速不停
384 10 a precedent 皆變易法迅速不停
385 10 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 皆變易法迅速不停
386 10 relating to a ceremony or rite 皆變易法迅速不停
387 10 Dharma 皆變易法迅速不停
388 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 皆變易法迅速不停
389 10 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 皆變易法迅速不停
390 10 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 皆變易法迅速不停
391 10 quality; characteristic 皆變易法迅速不停
392 10 shì is; are; am; to be 既去是已詣如來所
393 10 shì is exactly 既去是已詣如來所
394 10 shì is suitable; is in contrast 既去是已詣如來所
395 10 shì this; that; those 既去是已詣如來所
396 10 shì really; certainly 既去是已詣如來所
397 10 shì correct; yes; affirmative 既去是已詣如來所
398 10 shì true 既去是已詣如來所
399 10 shì is; has; exists 既去是已詣如來所
400 10 shì used between repetitions of a word 既去是已詣如來所
401 10 shì a matter; an affair 既去是已詣如來所
402 10 shì Shi 既去是已詣如來所
403 10 shì is; bhū 既去是已詣如來所
404 10 shì this; idam 既去是已詣如來所
405 9 欲樂 yù lè the joy of the five desires 及餘所受諸欲樂具
406 9 zhòng many; numerous 眾寶傘蓋
407 9 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾寶傘蓋
408 9 zhòng general; common; public 眾寶傘蓋
409 9 zhòng many; all; sarva 眾寶傘蓋
410 9 extra; surplus; remainder 及餘所受諸欲樂具
411 9 odd 及餘所受諸欲樂具
412 9 I 及餘所受諸欲樂具
413 9 to remain 及餘所受諸欲樂具
414 9 the time after an event 及餘所受諸欲樂具
415 9 the others; the rest 及餘所受諸欲樂具
416 9 additional; complementary 及餘所受諸欲樂具
417 9 suī although; even though 雖久熾盛終歸滅盡
418 8 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若有國王或諸王等
419 8 ruò seemingly 若有國王或諸王等
420 8 ruò if 若有國王或諸王等
421 8 ruò you 若有國王或諸王等
422 8 ruò this; that 若有國王或諸王等
423 8 ruò and; or 若有國王或諸王等
424 8 ruò as for; pertaining to 若有國王或諸王等
425 8 pomegranite 若有國王或諸王等
426 8 ruò to choose 若有國王或諸王等
427 8 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若有國王或諸王等
428 8 ruò thus 若有國王或諸王等
429 8 ruò pollia 若有國王或諸王等
430 8 ruò Ruo 若有國王或諸王等
431 8 ruò only then 若有國王或諸王等
432 8 ja 若有國王或諸王等
433 8 jñā 若有國王或諸王等
434 8 ruò if; yadi 若有國王或諸王等
435 8 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 生地獄中受諸劇苦
436 8 shòu to transfer; to confer 生地獄中受諸劇苦
437 8 shòu to receive; to accept 生地獄中受諸劇苦
438 8 shòu to tolerate 生地獄中受諸劇苦
439 8 shòu suitably 生地獄中受諸劇苦
440 8 shòu feelings; sensations 生地獄中受諸劇苦
441 8 shí time; a point or period of time
442 8 shí a season; a quarter of a year
443 8 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day
444 8 shí at that time
445 8 shí fashionable
446 8 shí fate; destiny; luck
447 8 shí occasion; opportunity; chance
448 8 shí tense
449 8 shí particular; special
450 8 shí to plant; to cultivate
451 8 shí hour (measure word)
452 8 shí an era; a dynasty
453 8 shí time [abstract]
454 8 shí seasonal
455 8 shí frequently; often
456 8 shí occasionally; sometimes
457 8 shí on time
458 8 shí this; that
459 8 shí to wait upon
460 8 shí hour
461 8 shí appropriate; proper; timely
462 8 shí Shi
463 8 shí a present; currentlt
464 8 shí time; kāla
465 8 shí at that time; samaya
466 8 shí then; atha
467 8 富貴 fùguì to be rich and have honor 王富貴樂
468 8 富貴 fùguì beautiful 王富貴樂
469 8 富貴 fùguì wealth 王富貴樂
470 8 suí to follow 應隨法行勿隨非法
471 8 suí to listen to 應隨法行勿隨非法
472 8 suí to submit to; to comply with 應隨法行勿隨非法
473 8 suí with; to accompany 應隨法行勿隨非法
474 8 suí in due course; subsequently; then 應隨法行勿隨非法
475 8 suí to the extent that 應隨法行勿隨非法
476 8 suí to be obsequious 應隨法行勿隨非法
477 8 suí everywhere 應隨法行勿隨非法
478 8 suí 17th hexagram 應隨法行勿隨非法
479 8 suí in passing 應隨法行勿隨非法
480 8 suí let somebody do what they like 應隨法行勿隨非法
481 8 suí to resemble; to look like 應隨法行勿隨非法
482 8 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 流轉移動終歸壞滅
483 8 miè to submerge 流轉移動終歸壞滅
484 8 miè to extinguish; to put out 流轉移動終歸壞滅
485 8 miè to eliminate 流轉移動終歸壞滅
486 8 miè to disappear; to fade away 流轉移動終歸壞滅
487 8 miè the cessation of suffering 流轉移動終歸壞滅
488 8 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 流轉移動終歸壞滅
489 8 自在 zìzài at ease; at will; as one likes 王自在樂
490 8 自在 zìzài Carefree 王自在樂
491 8 自在 zìzài perfect ease 王自在樂
492 8 自在 zìzài Isvara 王自在樂
493 8 自在 zìzài self mastery; vaśitā 王自在樂
494 8 already 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
495 8 Kangxi radical 49 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
496 8 from 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
497 8 to bring to an end; to stop 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
498 8 final aspectual particle 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
499 8 afterwards; thereafter 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟
500 8 too; very; excessively 已能善得最上調順寂止究竟


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
大王 dàwáng great king; mahārāja
zhū all; many; sarva
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati
  1. rúshì
  2. rúshì
  3. rúshì
  1. thus, so
  2. thus; evam
  3. of such a form; evaṃrūpa
wáng king; best of a kind; rāja
  1. zhī
  2. zhī
  1. Understanding
  2. know; jña
wèi to be; bhū
  1. Joy
  2. joy; delight; sukhā
  1. Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression.
  2. not; non-
  3. mo

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
憍萨罗 憍薩羅 106 Kośala; Kosala; Kausala
给孤独园 給孤獨園 106 Anathapindada’s park; Anathapimdasya arama
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
如来示教胜军王经 如來示教勝軍王經 114 Rājāvavādaka; Rulai Shi Jiao Sheng Jun Wang Jing
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
刹帝利 剎帝利 115 Kshatriya; Kashtriya; Ksatriyah
胜军 勝軍 115
  1. conquering army
  2. Prasenajit
  3. Śreṇika
胜军王 勝軍王 115 King Prasenajit
誓多 115 Jeta; Jetṛ
室罗筏 室羅筏 115 Sravasti
师子王 師子王 115 Lion King
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
无忧 無憂 119
  1. did not worry
  2. Carefree
  3. without sorrow
  4. no sorrow
  5. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
香象 120 Gandhahastī
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
琰魔王 121 Yama; Yamaraja


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 81.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱语 愛語 195
  1. loving words
  2. kind words
爱欲 愛欲 195 love and desire; sensuality; kāma
八十随好 八十隨好 98 eighty noble qualities
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
宝瓶 寶瓶 98 mani vase
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
苾刍众 苾芻眾 98 community of monastics; sangha
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
炽盛光 熾盛光 99 blazing light
充遍 99 pervades; sphuṭa
臭秽 臭穢 99 foul
愁恼 愁惱 99 affliction
床座 99 seat; āsana
大黑 100 Mahakala
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
地上 100 above the ground
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
二义 二義 195 the two meanings; the two explanations; two teachings
放大光明 102 diffusion of great light
粪秽 糞穢 102 dirt; excrement and filth
坟陵 墳陵 102 stupa
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
黑闇 104 dark with no wisdom; ignorant
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
教诫 教誡 106 instruction; teaching
憍逸 106 untouchable; dalit
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
堪能 107 ability to undertake
离苦得乐 離苦得樂 108 to abandon suffering and obtain happiness
利行 108
  1. Beneficial Deeds
  2. altruism
  3. altruism
妙乐 妙樂 109
  1. sublime joy
  2. Miaole
末尼 109 mani; jewel
念念 110 thought after thought; successive moments of thought
牛王 110 king of bulls
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
热恼 熱惱 114 distressed; perturbed; troubled
如梦 如夢 114 like in a dream
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
三十二大丈夫相 115 thirty two marks of excellence
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
伞盖 傘蓋 115 canopy; chattra
善逝 115 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
善趣 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
身坏命终 身壞命終 115 the break-up of the body, after death
胜军 勝軍 115
  1. conquering army
  2. Prasenajit
  3. Śreṇika
生死海 115 the ocean of Saṃsāra
身命 115 body and life
施设 施設 115 to establish; to set up
死苦 115 death
死魔 115 the evil of death; Māra of death
四摄 四攝 115 Four Means of Embracing; the four means of embracing
随法行 隨法行 115 Follow the Dharma
所以者何 115 Why is that?
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
无始 無始 119 without beginning
邪法 120 false teachings
信受奉行 120 to receive and practice
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
厌离 厭離 121 to give up in disgust
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
右绕 右繞 121 to circumambulate in a clockwise direction
欲乐 欲樂 121 the joy of the five desires
愿求 願求 121 aspires
澡浴 122 to wash
鵄枭 鵄梟 122 various owls
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
众圣 眾聖 122 all sages
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸世间 諸世間 122 worlds; all worlds
诸天 諸天 122 devas
自体 自體 122 oneself; ātmabhāva
最上 122 supreme