Glossary and Vocabulary for Jushe Lun Shi Yi Shu 俱舍論實義疏, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 9 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 論如有頌言
2 9 sòng Song; Hymns 論如有頌言
3 9 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 論如有頌言
4 9 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 論如有頌言
5 9 sòng a divination 論如有頌言
6 9 sòng to recite 論如有頌言
7 9 sòng 1. ode; 2. praise 論如有頌言
8 9 sòng verse; gāthā 論如有頌言
9 8 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 表色相今次當說
10 8 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 表色相今次當說
11 8 shuì to persuade 表色相今次當說
12 8 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 表色相今次當說
13 8 shuō a doctrine; a theory 表色相今次當說
14 8 shuō to claim; to assert 表色相今次當說
15 8 shuō allocution 表色相今次當說
16 8 shuō to criticize; to scold 表色相今次當說
17 8 shuō to indicate; to refer to 表色相今次當說
18 8 shuō speach; vāda 表色相今次當說
19 8 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 表色相今次當說
20 8 shuō to instruct 表色相今次當說
21 8 zhòng heavy 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
22 8 chóng to repeat 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
23 8 zhòng significant; serious; important 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
24 8 chóng layered; folded; tiered 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
25 8 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
26 8 zhòng sad 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
27 8 zhòng a weight 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
28 8 zhòng large in amount; valuable 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
29 8 zhòng thick; dense; strong 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
30 8 zhòng to prefer 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
31 8 zhòng to add 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
32 8 zhòng heavy; guru 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
33 6 clothes; clothing 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
34 6 Kangxi radical 145 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
35 6 to wear (clothes); to put on 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
36 6 a cover; a coating 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
37 6 uppergarment; robe 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
38 6 to cover 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
39 6 lichen; moss 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
40 6 peel; skin 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
41 6 Yi 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
42 6 to depend on 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
43 6 robe; cīvara 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
44 6 clothes; attire; vastra 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
45 6 one 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
46 6 Kangxi radical 1 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
47 6 pure; concentrated 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
48 6 first 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
49 6 the same 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
50 6 sole; single 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
51 6 a very small amount 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
52 6 Yi 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
53 6 other 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
54 6 to unify 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
55 6 accidentally; coincidentally 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
56 6 abruptly; suddenly 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
57 6 one; eka 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
58 5 yuē to speak; to say 頌曰
59 5 yuē Kangxi radical 73 頌曰
60 5 yuē to be called 頌曰
61 5 yuē said; ukta 頌曰
62 5 zhōng middle 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
63 5 zhōng medium; medium sized 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
64 5 zhōng China 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
65 5 zhòng to hit the mark 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
66 5 zhōng midday 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
67 5 zhōng inside 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
68 5 zhōng during 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
69 5 zhōng Zhong 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
70 5 zhōng intermediary 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
71 5 zhōng half 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
72 5 zhòng to reach; to attain 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
73 5 zhòng to suffer; to infect 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
74 5 zhòng to obtain 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
75 5 zhòng to pass an exam 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
76 5 zhōng middle 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
77 5 zhū one twenty-fourth of a liang 三十三天衣重一銖
78 5 zhū slight; fine 三十三天衣重一銖
79 5 zhū dull; blunt 三十三天衣重一銖
80 5 zhū Zhu 三十三天衣重一銖
81 5 zhū a weight of gold or silver; karṣa 三十三天衣重一銖
82 5 suí to follow 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
83 5 suí to listen to 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
84 5 suí to submit to; to comply with 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
85 5 suí to be obsequious 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
86 5 suí 17th hexagram 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
87 5 suí let somebody do what they like 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
88 5 suí to resemble; to look like 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
89 5 suí follow; anugama 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
90 5 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名無表色
91 5 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名無表色
92 5 míng rank; position 是名無表色
93 5 míng an excuse 是名無表色
94 5 míng life 是名無表色
95 5 míng to name; to call 是名無表色
96 5 míng to express; to describe 是名無表色
97 5 míng to be called; to have the name 是名無表色
98 5 míng to own; to possess 是名無表色
99 5 míng famous; renowned 是名無表色
100 5 míng moral 是名無表色
101 5 míng name; naman 是名無表色
102 5 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名無表色
103 5 to reach 初闕相續及假是
104 5 to attain 初闕相續及假是
105 5 to understand 初闕相續及假是
106 5 able to be compared to; to catch up with 初闕相續及假是
107 5 to be involved with; to associate with 初闕相續及假是
108 5 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 初闕相續及假是
109 5 and; ca; api 初闕相續及假是
110 5 děng et cetera; and so on 亂心無心等
111 5 děng to wait 亂心無心等
112 5 děng to be equal 亂心無心等
113 5 děng degree; level 亂心無心等
114 5 děng to compare 亂心無心等
115 5 děng same; equal; sama 亂心無心等
116 4 jiè border; boundary 彼界若有重何言不可稱
117 4 jiè kingdom 彼界若有重何言不可稱
118 4 jiè territory; region 彼界若有重何言不可稱
119 4 jiè the world 彼界若有重何言不可稱
120 4 jiè scope; extent 彼界若有重何言不可稱
121 4 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 彼界若有重何言不可稱
122 4 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 彼界若有重何言不可稱
123 4 jiè to adjoin 彼界若有重何言不可稱
124 4 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 彼界若有重何言不可稱
125 4 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 諸佛出現樂
126 4 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 諸佛出現樂
127 4 Le 諸佛出現樂
128 4 yuè music 諸佛出現樂
129 4 yuè a musical instrument 諸佛出現樂
130 4 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 諸佛出現樂
131 4 yuè a musician 諸佛出現樂
132 4 joy; pleasure 諸佛出現樂
133 4 yuè the Book of Music 諸佛出現樂
134 4 lào Lao 諸佛出現樂
135 4 to laugh 諸佛出現樂
136 4 Joy 諸佛出現樂
137 4 joy; delight; sukhā 諸佛出現樂
138 4 yún cloud 六失惣說頌云
139 4 yún Yunnan 六失惣說頌云
140 4 yún Yun 六失惣說頌云
141 4 yún to say 六失惣說頌云
142 4 yún to have 六失惣說頌云
143 4 yún cloud; megha 六失惣說頌云
144 4 yún to say; iti 六失惣說頌云
145 4 lùn to comment; to discuss 論如有頌言
146 4 lùn a theory; a doctrine 論如有頌言
147 4 lùn to evaluate 論如有頌言
148 4 lùn opinion; speech; statement 論如有頌言
149 4 lùn to convict 論如有頌言
150 4 lùn to edit; to compile 論如有頌言
151 4 lùn a treatise; sastra 論如有頌言
152 4 lùn discussion 論如有頌言
153 4 Kangxi radical 71 由此說無表
154 4 to not have; without 由此說無表
155 4 mo 由此說無表
156 4 to not have 由此說無表
157 4 Wu 由此說無表
158 4 mo 由此說無表
159 3 extra; surplus 作等餘心等
160 3 odd; surplus over a round number 作等餘心等
161 3 to remain 作等餘心等
162 3 other 作等餘心等
163 3 additional; complementary 作等餘心等
164 3 remaining 作等餘心等
165 3 incomplete 作等餘心等
166 3 Yu 作等餘心等
167 3 other; anya 作等餘心等
168 3 無心 wúxīn unintentional 亂心無心等
169 3 無心 wúxīn No-Mind 亂心無心等
170 3 無心 wúxīn no-mind 亂心無心等
171 3 biǎo clock; a wrist watch 由此說無表
172 3 biǎo a coat; outer clothing 由此說無表
173 3 biǎo a mark; a border 由此說無表
174 3 biǎo appearance; exterior; bearing 由此說無表
175 3 biǎo to show; to express; to manifest; to display 由此說無表
176 3 biǎo a memorial; a memorial to the throne 由此說無表
177 3 biǎo an example; a model 由此說無表
178 3 biǎo a stele 由此說無表
179 3 biǎo a grave inscription 由此說無表
180 3 biǎo a record; a table; a report; a form 由此說無表
181 3 biǎo an alias; an alternative name 由此說無表
182 3 biǎo a meter; an instrument; a gauge 由此說無表
183 3 biǎo a prostitute 由此說無表
184 3 biǎo Biao 由此說無表
185 3 biǎo to put on a coat 由此說無表
186 3 biǎo to praise 由此說無表
187 3 biǎo to tell; to declare 由此說無表
188 3 biǎo to present a memorial 由此說無表
189 3 biǎo to recommend 由此說無表
190 3 biǎo to investigate; to review 由此說無表
191 3 biǎo to mount [a frame]; to display [a picture] 由此說無表
192 3 biǎo to give medicine for driving out cold 由此說無表
193 3 biǎo to adorn 由此說無表
194 3 biǎo to mark; to indicate 由此說無表
195 3 biǎo part of a sundial that casts a shadown; gnomon 由此說無表
196 3 biǎo designation; vijñapti 由此說無表
197 3 idea 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
198 3 Italy (abbreviation) 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
199 3 a wish; a desire; intention 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
200 3 mood; feeling 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
201 3 will; willpower; determination 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
202 3 bearing; spirit 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
203 3 to think of; to long for; to miss 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
204 3 to anticipate; to expect 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
205 3 to doubt; to suspect 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
206 3 meaning 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
207 3 a suggestion; a hint 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
208 3 an understanding; a point of view 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
209 3 Yi 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
210 3 manas; mind; mentation 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
211 3 shī to lose 六失惣說頌云
212 3 shī to violate; to go against the norm 六失惣說頌云
213 3 shī to fail; to miss out 六失惣說頌云
214 3 shī to be lost 六失惣說頌云
215 3 shī to make a mistake 六失惣說頌云
216 3 shī to let go of 六失惣說頌云
217 3 shī loss; nāśa 六失惣說頌云
218 3 liù six 六失惣說頌云
219 3 liù sixth 六失惣說頌云
220 3 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六失惣說頌云
221 3 liù six; ṣaṭ 六失惣說頌云
222 3 yán to speak; to say; said 論如有頌言
223 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 論如有頌言
224 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 論如有頌言
225 3 yán phrase; sentence 論如有頌言
226 3 yán a word; a syllable 論如有頌言
227 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 論如有頌言
228 3 yán to regard as 論如有頌言
229 3 yán to act as 論如有頌言
230 3 yán word; vacana 論如有頌言
231 3 yán speak; vad 論如有頌言
232 3 wéi to act as; to serve 想取像為體
233 3 wéi to change into; to become 想取像為體
234 3 wéi to be; is 想取像為體
235 3 wéi to do 想取像為體
236 3 wèi to support; to help 想取像為體
237 3 wéi to govern 想取像為體
238 3 wèi to be; bhū 想取像為體
239 2 俱舍論實義疏 jūshè lùn shí yì shū Jushe Lun Shi Yi Shu 阿毘達磨俱舍論實義疏
240 2 xīn heart [organ] 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
241 2 xīn Kangxi radical 61 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
242 2 xīn mind; consciousness 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
243 2 xīn the center; the core; the middle 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
244 2 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
245 2 xīn heart 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
246 2 xīn emotion 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
247 2 xīn intention; consideration 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
248 2 xīn disposition; temperament 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
249 2 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
250 2 xīn heart; hṛdaya 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
251 2 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
252 2 xiǎng to think 隨世想立名
253 2 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 隨世想立名
254 2 xiǎng to want 隨世想立名
255 2 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 隨世想立名
256 2 xiǎng to plan 隨世想立名
257 2 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 隨世想立名
258 2 jìng clean 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
259 2 jìng no surplus; net 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
260 2 jìng pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
261 2 jìng tranquil 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
262 2 jìng cold 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
263 2 jìng to wash; to clense 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
264 2 jìng role of hero 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
265 2 jìng to remove sexual desire 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
266 2 jìng bright and clean; luminous 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
267 2 jìng clean; pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
268 2 jìng cleanse 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
269 2 jìng cleanse 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
270 2 jìng Pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
271 2 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
272 2 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
273 2 jìng viśuddhi; purity 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
274 2 to give 云地與地界有何差別
275 2 to accompany 云地與地界有何差別
276 2 to particate in 云地與地界有何差別
277 2 of the same kind 云地與地界有何差別
278 2 to help 云地與地界有何差別
279 2 for 云地與地界有何差別
280 2 to be near by; to be close to 風即界亦爾
281 2 at that time 風即界亦爾
282 2 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 風即界亦爾
283 2 supposed; so-called 風即界亦爾
284 2 to arrive at; to ascend 風即界亦爾
285 2 不可稱 bù kě chēng unequalled 色界天衣不可稱
286 2 六識 liù shí the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness 說六識
287 2 zuò to do 作等餘心等
288 2 zuò to act as; to serve as 作等餘心等
289 2 zuò to start 作等餘心等
290 2 zuò a writing; a work 作等餘心等
291 2 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作等餘心等
292 2 zuō to create; to make 作等餘心等
293 2 zuō a workshop 作等餘心等
294 2 zuō to write; to compose 作等餘心等
295 2 zuò to rise 作等餘心等
296 2 zuò to be aroused 作等餘心等
297 2 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作等餘心等
298 2 zuò to regard as 作等餘心等
299 2 zuò action; kāraṇa 作等餘心等
300 2 Yi 風即界亦爾
301 2 liǎng two 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
302 2 liǎng a few 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
303 2 liǎng two; pair; dvi; dvaya 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
304 2 infix potential marker 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
305 2 法界 fǎjiè Dharma Realm 名法處法界
306 2 法界 fǎjiè a dharma realm; dharmadhatu 名法處法界
307 2 法界 fǎjiè tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata 名法處法界
308 2 bàn half [of] 半兩
309 2 bàn mid-; in the middle 半兩
310 2 bàn mostly 半兩
311 2 bàn one half 半兩
312 2 bàn half; ardha 半兩
313 2 bàn pan 半兩
314 2 天衣 tiān yī the emperor's clothes 四天王眾天衣重
315 2 天衣 tiān yī the garments of a celestial beings; deva's clothes 四天王眾天衣重
316 2 天衣 tiān yī clothing made from feathers 四天王眾天衣重
317 2 zǒng overall 六失惣說頌云
318 2 sān three 如是受等三
319 2 sān third 如是受等三
320 2 sān more than two 如是受等三
321 2 sān very few 如是受等三
322 2 sān San 如是受等三
323 2 sān three; tri 如是受等三
324 2 sān sa 如是受等三
325 2 sān three kinds; trividha 如是受等三
326 2 soil; ground; land 云地與地界有何差別
327 2 floor 云地與地界有何差別
328 2 the earth 云地與地界有何差別
329 2 fields 云地與地界有何差別
330 2 a place 云地與地界有何差別
331 2 a situation; a position 云地與地界有何差別
332 2 background 云地與地界有何差別
333 2 terrain 云地與地界有何差別
334 2 a territory; a region 云地與地界有何差別
335 2 used after a distance measure 云地與地界有何差別
336 2 coming from the same clan 云地與地界有何差別
337 2 earth; pṛthivī 云地與地界有何差別
338 2 stage; ground; level; bhumi 云地與地界有何差別
339 2 desire 趣求諸欲人
340 2 to desire; to wish 趣求諸欲人
341 2 to desire; to intend 趣求諸欲人
342 2 lust 趣求諸欲人
343 2 desire; intention; wish; kāma 趣求諸欲人
344 2 無為 wúwèi to let things take their own course 及無表無為
345 2 無為 wúwèi Wu Wei 及無表無為
346 2 無為 wúwèi to influence by example rather than compulsion 及無表無為
347 2 無為 wúwèi do not 及無表無為
348 2 無為 wúwèi Wuwei 及無表無為
349 2 無為 wúwèi Non-Doing 及無表無為
350 2 無為 wúwèi unconditioned; asaṃskṛta 及無表無為
351 2 liú to flow; to spread; to circulate 隨流淨不淨
352 2 liú a class 隨流淨不淨
353 2 liú water 隨流淨不淨
354 2 liú a current 隨流淨不淨
355 2 liú a group 隨流淨不淨
356 2 liú to move 隨流淨不淨
357 2 liú to trend; to incline 隨流淨不淨
358 2 liú to banish; to deport; to send into exile 隨流淨不淨
359 2 liú to indulge; to pamper 隨流淨不淨
360 2 liú passing quickly; turning continuously 隨流淨不淨
361 2 liú accidental 隨流淨不淨
362 2 liú with no basis 隨流淨不淨
363 2 liú to flow; sru 隨流淨不淨
364 2 liú continuation; prabandha 隨流淨不淨
365 2 三蘊 sān yùn three kinds of aggregation 三蘊七事
366 2 所造性 suǒ zào xìng having the nature of being created 大種所造性
367 2 to carry on the shoulder 彼界若有重何言不可稱
368 2 what 彼界若有重何言不可稱
369 2 He 彼界若有重何言不可稱
370 2 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是受等三
371 1 夜摩天 yèmó tiān Yama Heaven; Yamadeva 夜摩天衣重半銖
372 1 què a watchtower; a guard tower 初闕相續及假是
373 1 quē a fault; deficiency; a mistake 初闕相續及假是
374 1 què palace 初闕相續及假是
375 1 què a stone carving in front of a tomb 初闕相續及假是
376 1 quē to be deficient 初闕相續及假是
377 1 quē to reserve; to put to the side 初闕相續及假是
378 1 quē Que 初闕相續及假是
379 1 quē an unfilled official position 初闕相續及假是
380 1 quē to lose 初闕相續及假是
381 1 quē omitted 初闕相續及假是
382 1 què deficient; vikala 初闕相續及假是
383 1 表色 biǎosè active expression 表色相今次當說
384 1 Kangxi radical 49 已上
385 1 to bring to an end; to stop 已上
386 1 to complete 已上
387 1 to demote; to dismiss 已上
388 1 to recover from an illness 已上
389 1 former; pūrvaka 已上
390 1 shǐ history 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
391 1 shǐ Shi 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
392 1 shǐ a history; a chronicle; annals 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
393 1 shǐ a historian 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
394 1 shǐ diverse 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
395 1 zhǒng kind; type 及三種無為
396 1 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 及三種無為
397 1 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 及三種無為
398 1 zhǒng seed; strain 及三種無為
399 1 zhǒng offspring 及三種無為
400 1 zhǒng breed 及三種無為
401 1 zhǒng race 及三種無為
402 1 zhǒng species 及三種無為
403 1 zhǒng root; source; origin 及三種無為
404 1 zhǒng grit; guts 及三種無為
405 1 zhǒng seed; bīja 及三種無為
406 1 to take; to receive; to accept 受領納隨觸
407 1 to admit 受領納隨觸
408 1 to enter 受領納隨觸
409 1 to include; to contain 受領納隨觸
410 1 to turn in 受領納隨觸
411 1 to repair 受領納隨觸
412 1 to take a wife 受領納隨觸
413 1 to wear 受領納隨觸
414 1 to install 受領納隨觸
415 1 to receive; pratīṣ 受領納隨觸
416 1 shí knowledge; understanding 識為各了別
417 1 shí to know; to be familiar with 識為各了別
418 1 zhì to record 識為各了別
419 1 shí thought; cognition 識為各了別
420 1 shí to understand 識為各了別
421 1 shí experience; common sense 識為各了別
422 1 shí a good friend 識為各了別
423 1 zhì to remember; to memorize 識為各了別
424 1 zhì a label; a mark 識為各了別
425 1 zhì an inscription 識為各了別
426 1 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 識為各了別
427 1 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 由一蘊處界
428 1 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 由一蘊處界
429 1 chù an office; a department; a bureau 由一蘊處界
430 1 chù a part; an aspect 由一蘊處界
431 1 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 由一蘊處界
432 1 chǔ to get along with 由一蘊處界
433 1 chǔ to deal with; to manage 由一蘊處界
434 1 chǔ to punish; to sentence 由一蘊處界
435 1 chǔ to stop; to pause 由一蘊處界
436 1 chǔ to be associated with 由一蘊處界
437 1 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 由一蘊處界
438 1 chǔ to occupy; to control 由一蘊處界
439 1 chù circumstances; situation 由一蘊處界
440 1 chù an occasion; a time 由一蘊處界
441 1 chù position; sthāna 由一蘊處界
442 1 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
443 1 duó many; much 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
444 1 duō more 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
445 1 duō excessive 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
446 1 duō abundant 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
447 1 duō to multiply; to acrue 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
448 1 duō Duo 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
449 1 duō ta 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
450 1 四分之一 sì fēnzhī yī one-quarter 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
451 1 顯形 xiǎnxíng to show one's true nature; to betray oneself 地謂顯形色
452 1 自行 zìxíng voluntary; autonomous 自行掃瞄辨識
453 1 了別 liǎo bié to distinguish; to discern 識為各了別
454 1 說中 shuōzhōng to hit the nail on the head; to predict correctly 故此說中有六失
455 1 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由一蘊處界
456 1 yóu to follow along 由一蘊處界
457 1 yóu cause; reason 由一蘊處界
458 1 yóu You 由一蘊處界
459 1 seven 及七界應知
460 1 a genre of poetry 及七界應知
461 1 seventh day memorial ceremony 及七界應知
462 1 seven; sapta 及七界應知
463 1 演說 yǎnshuō to give a speech 演說正法樂
464 1 演說 yǎnshuō a speech 演說正法樂
465 1 演說 yǎnshuō to expound 演說正法樂
466 1 演說 yǎnshuō to expound; nirdeśa 演說正法樂
467 1 qiú to request 趣求諸欲人
468 1 qiú to seek; to look for 趣求諸欲人
469 1 qiú to implore 趣求諸欲人
470 1 qiú to aspire to 趣求諸欲人
471 1 qiú to be avaricious; to be greedy; to covet 趣求諸欲人
472 1 qiú to attract 趣求諸欲人
473 1 qiú to bribe 趣求諸欲人
474 1 qiú Qiu 趣求諸欲人
475 1 qiú to demand 趣求諸欲人
476 1 qiú to end 趣求諸欲人
477 1 qiú to seek; kāṅkṣ 趣求諸欲人
478 1 clothes; dress; garment 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
479 1 funary clothes 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
480 1 to serve; to obey; to comply; to defer 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
481 1 to take medicine; to eat 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
482 1 to be suitable for; to be used to 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
483 1 to take on; to undertake; to be responsible for 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
484 1 to harness 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
485 1 two of a four horse team 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
486 1 to wear [clothes]; to dress 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
487 1 morning; funeral arrangements 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
488 1 Fu 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
489 1 to cause to yield 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
490 1 the robe of a monk; cīvara 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
491 1 八分之一 bāfēnzhīyī one eighth 衣重一銖八分之一
492 1 jià vacation 初闕相續及假是
493 1 jiǎ fake; false 初闕相續及假是
494 1 jiǎ to borrow 初闕相續及假是
495 1 jiǎ provisional 初闕相續及假是
496 1 jiǎ to pardon; to concede 初闕相續及假是
497 1 jiǎ to grant 初闕相續及假是
498 1 jiǎ to pretend 初闕相續及假是
499 1 jiǎ to designate using the name of; to substitute for 初闕相續及假是
500 1 jiǎ to depend on 初闕相續及假是

Frequencies of all Words

Top 862

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 9 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 論如有頌言
2 9 sòng Song; Hymns 論如有頌言
3 9 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 論如有頌言
4 9 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 論如有頌言
5 9 sòng a divination 論如有頌言
6 9 sòng to recite 論如有頌言
7 9 sòng 1. ode; 2. praise 論如有頌言
8 9 sòng verse; gāthā 論如有頌言
9 8 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 表色相今次當說
10 8 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 表色相今次當說
11 8 shuì to persuade 表色相今次當說
12 8 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 表色相今次當說
13 8 shuō a doctrine; a theory 表色相今次當說
14 8 shuō to claim; to assert 表色相今次當說
15 8 shuō allocution 表色相今次當說
16 8 shuō to criticize; to scold 表色相今次當說
17 8 shuō to indicate; to refer to 表色相今次當說
18 8 shuō speach; vāda 表色相今次當說
19 8 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 表色相今次當說
20 8 shuō to instruct 表色相今次當說
21 8 zhòng heavy 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
22 8 chóng to repeat 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
23 8 chóng repetition; iteration; layer 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
24 8 chóng again 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
25 8 zhòng significant; serious; important 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
26 8 chóng layered; folded; tiered 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
27 8 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
28 8 zhòng sad 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
29 8 zhòng a weight 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
30 8 zhòng large in amount; valuable 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
31 8 zhòng thick; dense; strong 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
32 8 zhòng to prefer 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
33 8 zhòng to add 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
34 8 zhòng cautiously; prudently 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
35 8 zhòng heavy; guru 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
36 6 yǒu is; are; to exist 論如有頌言
37 6 yǒu to have; to possess 論如有頌言
38 6 yǒu indicates an estimate 論如有頌言
39 6 yǒu indicates a large quantity 論如有頌言
40 6 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 論如有頌言
41 6 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 論如有頌言
42 6 yǒu used to compare two things 論如有頌言
43 6 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 論如有頌言
44 6 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 論如有頌言
45 6 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 論如有頌言
46 6 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 論如有頌言
47 6 yǒu abundant 論如有頌言
48 6 yǒu purposeful 論如有頌言
49 6 yǒu You 論如有頌言
50 6 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 論如有頌言
51 6 yǒu becoming; bhava 論如有頌言
52 6 clothes; clothing 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
53 6 Kangxi radical 145 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
54 6 to wear (clothes); to put on 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
55 6 a cover; a coating 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
56 6 uppergarment; robe 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
57 6 to cover 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
58 6 lichen; moss 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
59 6 peel; skin 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
60 6 Yi 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
61 6 to depend on 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
62 6 robe; cīvara 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
63 6 clothes; attire; vastra 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
64 6 one 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
65 6 Kangxi radical 1 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
66 6 as soon as; all at once 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
67 6 pure; concentrated 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
68 6 whole; all 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
69 6 first 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
70 6 the same 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
71 6 each 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
72 6 certain 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
73 6 throughout 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
74 6 used in between a reduplicated verb 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
75 6 sole; single 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
76 6 a very small amount 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
77 6 Yi 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
78 6 other 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
79 6 to unify 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
80 6 accidentally; coincidentally 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
81 6 abruptly; suddenly 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
82 6 or 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
83 6 one; eka 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
84 5 yuē to speak; to say 頌曰
85 5 yuē Kangxi radical 73 頌曰
86 5 yuē to be called 頌曰
87 5 yuē particle without meaning 頌曰
88 5 yuē said; ukta 頌曰
89 5 such as; for example; for instance 論如有頌言
90 5 if 論如有頌言
91 5 in accordance with 論如有頌言
92 5 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 論如有頌言
93 5 this 論如有頌言
94 5 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 論如有頌言
95 5 to go to 論如有頌言
96 5 to meet 論如有頌言
97 5 to appear; to seem; to be like 論如有頌言
98 5 at least as good as 論如有頌言
99 5 and 論如有頌言
100 5 or 論如有頌言
101 5 but 論如有頌言
102 5 then 論如有頌言
103 5 naturally 論如有頌言
104 5 expresses a question or doubt 論如有頌言
105 5 you 論如有頌言
106 5 the second lunar month 論如有頌言
107 5 in; at 論如有頌言
108 5 Ru 論如有頌言
109 5 Thus 論如有頌言
110 5 thus; tathā 論如有頌言
111 5 like; iva 論如有頌言
112 5 suchness; tathatā 論如有頌言
113 5 zhōng middle 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
114 5 zhōng medium; medium sized 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
115 5 zhōng China 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
116 5 zhòng to hit the mark 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
117 5 zhōng in; amongst 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
118 5 zhōng midday 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
119 5 zhōng inside 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
120 5 zhōng during 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
121 5 zhōng Zhong 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
122 5 zhōng intermediary 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
123 5 zhōng half 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
124 5 zhōng just right; suitably 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
125 5 zhōng while 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
126 5 zhòng to reach; to attain 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
127 5 zhòng to suffer; to infect 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
128 5 zhòng to obtain 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
129 5 zhòng to pass an exam 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
130 5 zhōng middle 覩史多天衣重一銖中四分之一
131 5 zhū one twenty-fourth of a liang 三十三天衣重一銖
132 5 zhū slight; fine 三十三天衣重一銖
133 5 zhū dull; blunt 三十三天衣重一銖
134 5 zhū Zhu 三十三天衣重一銖
135 5 zhū a weight of gold or silver; karṣa 三十三天衣重一銖
136 5 suí to follow 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
137 5 suí to listen to 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
138 5 suí to submit to; to comply with 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
139 5 suí with; to accompany 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
140 5 suí in due course; subsequently; then 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
141 5 suí to the extent that 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
142 5 suí to be obsequious 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
143 5 suí everywhere 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
144 5 suí 17th hexagram 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
145 5 suí in passing 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
146 5 suí let somebody do what they like 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
147 5 suí to resemble; to look like 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
148 5 suí follow; anugama 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
149 5 míng measure word for people 是名無表色
150 5 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名無表色
151 5 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名無表色
152 5 míng rank; position 是名無表色
153 5 míng an excuse 是名無表色
154 5 míng life 是名無表色
155 5 míng to name; to call 是名無表色
156 5 míng to express; to describe 是名無表色
157 5 míng to be called; to have the name 是名無表色
158 5 míng to own; to possess 是名無表色
159 5 míng famous; renowned 是名無表色
160 5 míng moral 是名無表色
161 5 míng name; naman 是名無表色
162 5 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名無表色
163 5 to reach 初闕相續及假是
164 5 and 初闕相續及假是
165 5 coming to; when 初闕相續及假是
166 5 to attain 初闕相續及假是
167 5 to understand 初闕相續及假是
168 5 able to be compared to; to catch up with 初闕相續及假是
169 5 to be involved with; to associate with 初闕相續及假是
170 5 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 初闕相續及假是
171 5 and; ca; api 初闕相續及假是
172 5 děng et cetera; and so on 亂心無心等
173 5 děng to wait 亂心無心等
174 5 děng degree; kind 亂心無心等
175 5 děng plural 亂心無心等
176 5 děng to be equal 亂心無心等
177 5 děng degree; level 亂心無心等
178 5 děng to compare 亂心無心等
179 5 děng same; equal; sama 亂心無心等
180 4 jiè border; boundary 彼界若有重何言不可稱
181 4 jiè kingdom 彼界若有重何言不可稱
182 4 jiè circle; society 彼界若有重何言不可稱
183 4 jiè territory; region 彼界若有重何言不可稱
184 4 jiè the world 彼界若有重何言不可稱
185 4 jiè scope; extent 彼界若有重何言不可稱
186 4 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 彼界若有重何言不可稱
187 4 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 彼界若有重何言不可稱
188 4 jiè to adjoin 彼界若有重何言不可稱
189 4 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 彼界若有重何言不可稱
190 4 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 諸佛出現樂
191 4 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 諸佛出現樂
192 4 Le 諸佛出現樂
193 4 yuè music 諸佛出現樂
194 4 yuè a musical instrument 諸佛出現樂
195 4 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 諸佛出現樂
196 4 yuè a musician 諸佛出現樂
197 4 joy; pleasure 諸佛出現樂
198 4 yuè the Book of Music 諸佛出現樂
199 4 lào Lao 諸佛出現樂
200 4 to laugh 諸佛出現樂
201 4 Joy 諸佛出現樂
202 4 joy; delight; sukhā 諸佛出現樂
203 4 yún cloud 六失惣說頌云
204 4 yún Yunnan 六失惣說頌云
205 4 yún Yun 六失惣說頌云
206 4 yún to say 六失惣說頌云
207 4 yún to have 六失惣說頌云
208 4 yún a particle with no meaning 六失惣說頌云
209 4 yún in this way 六失惣說頌云
210 4 yún cloud; megha 六失惣說頌云
211 4 yún to say; iti 六失惣說頌云
212 4 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
213 4 old; ancient; former; past 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
214 4 reason; cause; purpose 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
215 4 to die 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
216 4 so; therefore; hence 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
217 4 original 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
218 4 accident; happening; instance 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
219 4 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
220 4 something in the past 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
221 4 deceased; dead 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
222 4 still; yet 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
223 4 therefore; tasmāt 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
224 4 lùn to comment; to discuss 論如有頌言
225 4 lùn a theory; a doctrine 論如有頌言
226 4 lùn by the; per 論如有頌言
227 4 lùn to evaluate 論如有頌言
228 4 lùn opinion; speech; statement 論如有頌言
229 4 lùn to convict 論如有頌言
230 4 lùn to edit; to compile 論如有頌言
231 4 lùn a treatise; sastra 論如有頌言
232 4 lùn discussion 論如有頌言
233 4 no 由此說無表
234 4 Kangxi radical 71 由此說無表
235 4 to not have; without 由此說無表
236 4 has not yet 由此說無表
237 4 mo 由此說無表
238 4 do not 由此說無表
239 4 not; -less; un- 由此說無表
240 4 regardless of 由此說無表
241 4 to not have 由此說無表
242 4 um 由此說無表
243 4 Wu 由此說無表
244 4 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 由此說無表
245 4 not; non- 由此說無表
246 4 mo 由此說無表
247 3 shì is; are; am; to be 初闕相續及假是
248 3 shì is exactly 初闕相續及假是
249 3 shì is suitable; is in contrast 初闕相續及假是
250 3 shì this; that; those 初闕相續及假是
251 3 shì really; certainly 初闕相續及假是
252 3 shì correct; yes; affirmative 初闕相續及假是
253 3 shì true 初闕相續及假是
254 3 shì is; has; exists 初闕相續及假是
255 3 shì used between repetitions of a word 初闕相續及假是
256 3 shì a matter; an affair 初闕相續及假是
257 3 shì Shi 初闕相續及假是
258 3 shì is; bhū 初闕相續及假是
259 3 shì this; idam 初闕相續及假是
260 3 extra; surplus 作等餘心等
261 3 odd; surplus over a round number 作等餘心等
262 3 I 作等餘心等
263 3 to remain 作等餘心等
264 3 relating to the time after an event 作等餘心等
265 3 other 作等餘心等
266 3 additional; complementary 作等餘心等
267 3 remaining 作等餘心等
268 3 incomplete 作等餘心等
269 3 Yu 作等餘心等
270 3 other; anya 作等餘心等
271 3 this; these 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
272 3 in this way 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
273 3 otherwise; but; however; so 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
274 3 at this time; now; here 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
275 3 this; here; etad 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
276 3 無心 wúxīn unintentional 亂心無心等
277 3 無心 wúxīn No-Mind 亂心無心等
278 3 無心 wúxīn no-mind 亂心無心等
279 3 biǎo clock; a wrist watch 由此說無表
280 3 biǎo a coat; outer clothing 由此說無表
281 3 biǎo a mark; a border 由此說無表
282 3 biǎo appearance; exterior; bearing 由此說無表
283 3 biǎo to show; to express; to manifest; to display 由此說無表
284 3 biǎo a memorial; a memorial to the throne 由此說無表
285 3 biǎo an example; a model 由此說無表
286 3 biǎo a stele 由此說無表
287 3 biǎo a grave inscription 由此說無表
288 3 biǎo a record; a table; a report; a form 由此說無表
289 3 biǎo an alias; an alternative name 由此說無表
290 3 biǎo a meter; an instrument; a gauge 由此說無表
291 3 biǎo a maternal cousin 由此說無表
292 3 biǎo a prostitute 由此說無表
293 3 biǎo Biao 由此說無表
294 3 biǎo to put on a coat 由此說無表
295 3 biǎo to praise 由此說無表
296 3 biǎo to tell; to declare 由此說無表
297 3 biǎo to present a memorial 由此說無表
298 3 biǎo to recommend 由此說無表
299 3 biǎo to investigate; to review 由此說無表
300 3 biǎo to mount [a frame]; to display [a picture] 由此說無表
301 3 biǎo to give medicine for driving out cold 由此說無表
302 3 biǎo to adorn 由此說無表
303 3 biǎo to mark; to indicate 由此說無表
304 3 biǎo part of a sundial that casts a shadown; gnomon 由此說無表
305 3 biǎo designation; vijñapti 由此說無表
306 3 idea 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
307 3 Italy (abbreviation) 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
308 3 a wish; a desire; intention 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
309 3 mood; feeling 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
310 3 will; willpower; determination 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
311 3 bearing; spirit 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
312 3 to think of; to long for; to miss 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
313 3 to anticipate; to expect 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
314 3 to doubt; to suspect 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
315 3 meaning 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
316 3 a suggestion; a hint 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
317 3 an understanding; a point of view 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
318 3 or 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
319 3 Yi 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
320 3 manas; mind; mentation 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
321 3 shī to lose 六失惣說頌云
322 3 shī to violate; to go against the norm 六失惣說頌云
323 3 shī to fail; to miss out 六失惣說頌云
324 3 shī to be lost 六失惣說頌云
325 3 shī to make a mistake 六失惣說頌云
326 3 shī to let go of 六失惣說頌云
327 3 shī loss; nāśa 六失惣說頌云
328 3 liù six 六失惣說頌云
329 3 liù sixth 六失惣說頌云
330 3 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六失惣說頌云
331 3 liù six; ṣaṭ 六失惣說頌云
332 3 yán to speak; to say; said 論如有頌言
333 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 論如有頌言
334 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 論如有頌言
335 3 yán a particle with no meaning 論如有頌言
336 3 yán phrase; sentence 論如有頌言
337 3 yán a word; a syllable 論如有頌言
338 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 論如有頌言
339 3 yán to regard as 論如有頌言
340 3 yán to act as 論如有頌言
341 3 yán word; vacana 論如有頌言
342 3 yán speak; vad 論如有頌言
343 3 wèi for; to 想取像為體
344 3 wèi because of 想取像為體
345 3 wéi to act as; to serve 想取像為體
346 3 wéi to change into; to become 想取像為體
347 3 wéi to be; is 想取像為體
348 3 wéi to do 想取像為體
349 3 wèi for 想取像為體
350 3 wèi because of; for; to 想取像為體
351 3 wèi to 想取像為體
352 3 wéi in a passive construction 想取像為體
353 3 wéi forming a rehetorical question 想取像為體
354 3 wéi forming an adverb 想取像為體
355 3 wéi to add emphasis 想取像為體
356 3 wèi to support; to help 想取像為體
357 3 wéi to govern 想取像為體
358 3 wèi to be; bhū 想取像為體
359 3 zhū all; many; various 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
360 3 zhū Zhu 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
361 3 zhū all; members of the class 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
362 3 zhū interrogative particle 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
363 3 zhū him; her; them; it 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
364 3 zhū of; in 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
365 3 zhū all; many; sarva 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
366 2 俱舍論實義疏 jūshè lùn shí yì shū Jushe Lun Shi Yi Shu 阿毘達磨俱舍論實義疏
367 2 xīn heart [organ] 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
368 2 xīn Kangxi radical 61 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
369 2 xīn mind; consciousness 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
370 2 xīn the center; the core; the middle 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
371 2 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
372 2 xīn heart 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
373 2 xīn emotion 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
374 2 xīn intention; consideration 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
375 2 xīn disposition; temperament 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
376 2 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
377 2 xīn heart; hṛdaya 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
378 2 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 此是眼耳鼻舌身意也說諸心
379 2 xiǎng to think 隨世想立名
380 2 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 隨世想立名
381 2 xiǎng to want 隨世想立名
382 2 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 隨世想立名
383 2 xiǎng to plan 隨世想立名
384 2 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 隨世想立名
385 2 jìng clean 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
386 2 jìng no surplus; net 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
387 2 jìng only 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
388 2 jìng pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
389 2 jìng tranquil 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
390 2 jìng cold 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
391 2 jìng to wash; to clense 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
392 2 jìng role of hero 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
393 2 jìng completely 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
394 2 jìng to remove sexual desire 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
395 2 jìng bright and clean; luminous 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
396 2 jìng clean; pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
397 2 jìng cleanse 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
398 2 jìng cleanse 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
399 2 jìng Pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
400 2 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
401 2 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
402 2 jìng viśuddhi; purity 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
403 2 and 云地與地界有何差別
404 2 to give 云地與地界有何差別
405 2 together with 云地與地界有何差別
406 2 interrogative particle 云地與地界有何差別
407 2 to accompany 云地與地界有何差別
408 2 to particate in 云地與地界有何差別
409 2 of the same kind 云地與地界有何差別
410 2 to help 云地與地界有何差別
411 2 for 云地與地界有何差別
412 2 and; ca 云地與地界有何差別
413 2 promptly; right away; immediately 風即界亦爾
414 2 to be near by; to be close to 風即界亦爾
415 2 at that time 風即界亦爾
416 2 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 風即界亦爾
417 2 supposed; so-called 風即界亦爾
418 2 if; but 風即界亦爾
419 2 to arrive at; to ascend 風即界亦爾
420 2 then; following 風即界亦爾
421 2 so; just so; eva 風即界亦爾
422 2 不可稱 bù kě chēng unequalled 色界天衣不可稱
423 2 六識 liù shí the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness 說六識
424 2 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 表色相今次當說
425 2 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 表色相今次當說
426 2 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 表色相今次當說
427 2 dāng to face 表色相今次當說
428 2 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 表色相今次當說
429 2 dāng to manage; to host 表色相今次當說
430 2 dāng should 表色相今次當說
431 2 dāng to treat; to regard as 表色相今次當說
432 2 dǎng to think 表色相今次當說
433 2 dàng suitable; correspond to 表色相今次當說
434 2 dǎng to be equal 表色相今次當說
435 2 dàng that 表色相今次當說
436 2 dāng an end; top 表色相今次當說
437 2 dàng clang; jingle 表色相今次當說
438 2 dāng to judge 表色相今次當說
439 2 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 表色相今次當說
440 2 dàng the same 表色相今次當說
441 2 dàng to pawn 表色相今次當說
442 2 dàng to fail [an exam] 表色相今次當說
443 2 dàng a trap 表色相今次當說
444 2 dàng a pawned item 表色相今次當說
445 2 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 表色相今次當說
446 2 zuò to do 作等餘心等
447 2 zuò to act as; to serve as 作等餘心等
448 2 zuò to start 作等餘心等
449 2 zuò a writing; a work 作等餘心等
450 2 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作等餘心等
451 2 zuō to create; to make 作等餘心等
452 2 zuō a workshop 作等餘心等
453 2 zuō to write; to compose 作等餘心等
454 2 zuò to rise 作等餘心等
455 2 zuò to be aroused 作等餘心等
456 2 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作等餘心等
457 2 zuò to regard as 作等餘心等
458 2 zuò action; kāraṇa 作等餘心等
459 2 also; too 風即界亦爾
460 2 but 風即界亦爾
461 2 this; he; she 風即界亦爾
462 2 although; even though 風即界亦爾
463 2 already 風即界亦爾
464 2 particle with no meaning 風即界亦爾
465 2 Yi 風即界亦爾
466 2 liǎng two 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
467 2 liǎng unit of weight equal to 50 grams 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
468 2 liǎng both; mutual 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
469 2 liǎng a few 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
470 2 liǎng two; pair; dvi; dvaya 北俱盧洲衣重一兩
471 2 not; no 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
472 2 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
473 2 as a correlative 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
474 2 no (answering a question) 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
475 2 forms a negative adjective from a noun 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
476 2 at the end of a sentence to form a question 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
477 2 to form a yes or no question 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
478 2 infix potential marker 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
479 2 no; na 色界諸天隨其身量所著衣服如光皎淨故不
480 2 法界 fǎjiè Dharma Realm 名法處法界
481 2 法界 fǎjiè a dharma realm; dharmadhatu 名法處法界
482 2 法界 fǎjiè tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata 名法處法界
483 2 bàn half [of] 半兩
484 2 bàn mid-; in the middle 半兩
485 2 bàn semi-; partly 半兩
486 2 bàn mostly 半兩
487 2 bàn one half 半兩
488 2 bàn half; ardha 半兩
489 2 bàn pan 半兩
490 2 天衣 tiān yī the emperor's clothes 四天王眾天衣重
491 2 天衣 tiān yī the garments of a celestial beings; deva's clothes 四天王眾天衣重
492 2 天衣 tiān yī clothing made from feathers 四天王眾天衣重
493 2 zǒng overall 六失惣說頌云
494 2 ruò to seem; to be like; as 彼界若有重何言不可稱
495 2 ruò seemingly 彼界若有重何言不可稱
496 2 ruò if 彼界若有重何言不可稱
497 2 ruò you 彼界若有重何言不可稱
498 2 ruò this; that 彼界若有重何言不可稱
499 2 ruò and; or 彼界若有重何言不可稱
500 2 ruò as for; pertaining to 彼界若有重何言不可稱


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. sòng
  2. sòng
  1. 1. ode; 2. praise
  2. verse; gāthā
  1. shuō
  2. shuō
  3. shuō
  1. speach; vāda
  2. to speak; bhāṣate
  3. to instruct
zhòng heavy; guru
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. robe; cīvara
  2. clothes; attire; vastra
one; eka
yuē said; ukta
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
zhōng middle
zhū a weight of gold or silver; karṣa

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安惠 196 An Hui
阿毘达磨 阿毘達磨 196
  1. Abhidharma
  2. Abhidharma
北俱卢洲 北俱盧洲 98 Uttarakuru
俱舍论实义疏 俱舍論實義疏 106 Jushe Lun Shi Yi Shu
乐变化天 樂變化天 108 Nirmanarati Heaven; Nirmāṇarati Heaven
三十三天 115 Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods; Trāyastriṃśa Heaven; Tāvatiṃsa Heaven
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
他化自在天 84 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven; paranirmitavaśavartin
夜摩天 121 Yama Heaven; Yamadeva


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 24.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
表色 98 active expression
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不可称 不可稱 98 unequalled
大种 大種 100 the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
法处所摄 法處所攝 102 objects of thought
法处 法處 102 mental objects
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
了别 了別 108 to distinguish; to discern
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
乱心 亂心 108 a confused mind; an unsettled mind
三蕴 三蘊 115 three kinds of aggregation
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色界天 115 Form Realm heaven
僧众 僧眾 115 the monastic community; the sangha
摄一切法 攝一切法 115 embraces all dharmas
所造性 115 having the nature of being created
无表色 無表色 119 avijnaptirupa; latent material force
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
行蕴 行蘊 120 the aggregate of volition
意处 意處 121 mental basis of cognition
应知 應知 121 should be known
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti