Glossary and Vocabulary for Biographies of Eminent Monks 高僧傳, Scroll 8

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 139 zhī to go 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
2 139 zhī to arrive; to go 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
3 139 zhī is 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
4 139 zhī to use 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
5 139 zhī Zhi 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
6 139 zhī winding 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
7 97 to use; to grasp 淵以偽太和五年卒
8 97 to rely on 淵以偽太和五年卒
9 97 to regard 淵以偽太和五年卒
10 97 to be able to 淵以偽太和五年卒
11 97 to order; to command 淵以偽太和五年卒
12 97 used after a verb 淵以偽太和五年卒
13 97 a reason; a cause 淵以偽太和五年卒
14 97 Israel 淵以偽太和五年卒
15 97 Yi 淵以偽太和五年卒
16 97 use; yogena 淵以偽太和五年卒
17 90 wéi to act as; to serve 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
18 90 wéi to change into; to become 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
19 90 wéi to be; is 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
20 90 wéi to do 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
21 90 wèi to support; to help 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
22 90 wéi to govern 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
23 90 wèi to be; bhū 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
24 77 ér Kangxi radical 126 少而敬慎威儀
25 77 ér as if; to seem like 少而敬慎威儀
26 77 néng can; able 少而敬慎威儀
27 77 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 少而敬慎威儀
28 77 ér to arrive; up to 少而敬慎威儀
29 65 nián year 三年功踰十載
30 65 nián New Year festival 三年功踰十載
31 65 nián age 三年功踰十載
32 65 nián life span; life expectancy 三年功踰十載
33 65 nián an era; a period 三年功踰十載
34 65 nián a date 三年功踰十載
35 65 nián time; years 三年功踰十載
36 65 nián harvest 三年功踰十載
37 65 nián annual; every year 三年功踰十載
38 65 nián year; varṣa 三年功踰十載
39 61 rén person; people; a human being 頴川人
40 61 rén Kangxi radical 9 頴川人
41 61 rén a kind of person 頴川人
42 61 rén everybody 頴川人
43 61 rén adult 頴川人
44 61 rén somebody; others 頴川人
45 61 rén an upright person 頴川人
46 61 rén person; manuṣya 頴川人
47 53 shì to release; to set free 釋僧淵一
48 53 shì to explain; to interpret 釋僧淵一
49 53 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋僧淵一
50 53 shì to give up; to abandon 釋僧淵一
51 53 shì to put down 釋僧淵一
52 53 shì to resolve 釋僧淵一
53 53 shì to melt 釋僧淵一
54 53 shì Śākyamuni 釋僧淵一
55 53 shì Buddhism 釋僧淵一
56 53 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋僧淵一
57 53 pleased; glad 釋僧淵一
58 53 shì explain 釋僧淵一
59 53 shì Śakra; Indra 釋僧淵一
60 50 to go; to 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
61 50 to rely on; to depend on 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
62 50 Yu 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
63 50 a crow 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
64 49 huì intelligent; clever 釋慧基十三
65 49 huì mental ability; intellect 釋慧基十三
66 49 huì wisdom; understanding 釋慧基十三
67 49 huì Wisdom 釋慧基十三
68 49 huì wisdom; prajna 釋慧基十三
69 49 huì intellect; mati 釋慧基十三
70 45 shí time; a point or period of time 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
71 45 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
72 45 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
73 45 shí fashionable 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
74 45 shí fate; destiny; luck 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
75 45 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
76 45 shí tense 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
77 45 shí particular; special 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
78 45 shí to plant; to cultivate 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
79 45 shí an era; a dynasty 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
80 45 shí time [abstract] 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
81 45 shí seasonal 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
82 45 shí to wait upon 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
83 45 shí hour 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
84 45 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
85 45 shí Shi 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
86 45 shí a present; currentlt 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
87 45 shí time; kāla 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
88 45 shí at that time; samaya 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
89 44 hòu after; later 後遊學京師備貫眾典
90 44 hòu empress; queen 後遊學京師備貫眾典
91 44 hòu sovereign 後遊學京師備貫眾典
92 44 hòu the god of the earth 後遊學京師備貫眾典
93 44 hòu late; later 後遊學京師備貫眾典
94 44 hòu offspring; descendents 後遊學京師備貫眾典
95 44 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後遊學京師備貫眾典
96 44 hòu behind; back 後遊學京師備貫眾典
97 44 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後遊學京師備貫眾典
98 44 hòu Hou 後遊學京師備貫眾典
99 44 hòu after; behind 後遊學京師備貫眾典
100 44 hòu following 後遊學京師備貫眾典
101 44 hòu to be delayed 後遊學京師備貫眾典
102 44 hòu to abandon; to discard 後遊學京師備貫眾典
103 44 hòu feudal lords 後遊學京師備貫眾典
104 44 hòu Hou 後遊學京師備貫眾典
105 44 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後遊學京師備貫眾典
106 44 hòu rear; paścāt 後遊學京師備貫眾典
107 44 hòu later; paścima 後遊學京師備貫眾典
108 39 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
109 39 bìng to combine 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
110 39 bìng to resemble; to be like 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
111 39 bìng to stand side-by-side 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
112 39 bīng Taiyuan 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
113 39 bìng equally; both; together 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
114 39 Qi 母憐其志
115 38 sēng a Buddhist monk 釋僧柔十二
116 38 sēng a person with dark skin 釋僧柔十二
117 38 sēng Seng 釋僧柔十二
118 38 sēng Sangha; monastic community 釋僧柔十二
119 38 to reach 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
120 38 to attain 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
121 38 to understand 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
122 38 able to be compared to; to catch up with 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
123 38 to be involved with; to associate with 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
124 38 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
125 38 and; ca; api 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
126 37 even; equal; uniform 即齊永明六年也
127 37 Kangxi radical 210 即齊永明六年也
128 37 Qi Dynasty 即齊永明六年也
129 37 State of Qi 即齊永明六年也
130 37 to arrange 即齊永明六年也
131 37 agile; nimble 即齊永明六年也
132 37 navel 即齊永明六年也
133 37 to rise; to ascend 即齊永明六年也
134 37 chopped meat or vegetables 即齊永明六年也
135 37 to blend ingredients 即齊永明六年也
136 37 to delimit; to distinguish 即齊永明六年也
137 37 the lower part of a garment 即齊永明六年也
138 37 broomcorn millet 即齊永明六年也
139 37 zhāi to fast 即齊永明六年也
140 37 to level with 即齊永明六年也
141 37 all present; all ready 即齊永明六年也
142 37 Qi 即齊永明六年也
143 37 alike; similar; identical; same 即齊永明六年也
144 37 an alloy 即齊永明六年也
145 37 even; sama 即齊永明六年也
146 37 yuǎn far; distant 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
147 37 yuǎn far-reaching 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
148 37 yuǎn separated from 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
149 37 yuàn estranged from 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
150 37 yuǎn milkwort 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
151 37 yuǎn long ago 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
152 37 yuǎn long-range 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
153 37 yuǎn a remote area 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
154 37 yuǎn Yuan 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
155 37 yuàn to leave 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
156 37 yuàn to violate; to be contrary to 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
157 37 yuǎn distant; dura 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
158 36 zhì Kangxi radical 133 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
159 36 zhì to arrive 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
160 36 zhì approach; upagama 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
161 34 zhě ca 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
162 33 yuē to speak; to say 順慟曰
163 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 順慟曰
164 33 yuē to be called 順慟曰
165 33 yuē said; ukta 順慟曰
166 32 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
167 32 弟子 dìzi youngster 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
168 32 弟子 dìzi prostitute 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
169 32 弟子 dìzi believer 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
170 32 弟子 dìzi disciple 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
171 32 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
172 31 to go; to 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
173 31 to rely on; to depend on 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
174 31 Yu 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
175 31 a crow 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
176 31 suǒ a few; various; some 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
177 31 suǒ a place; a location 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
178 31 suǒ indicates a passive voice 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
179 31 suǒ an ordinal number 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
180 31 suǒ meaning 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
181 31 suǒ garrison 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
182 31 suǒ place; pradeśa 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
183 31 shī teacher 斌二法師
184 31 shī multitude 斌二法師
185 31 shī a host; a leader 斌二法師
186 31 shī an expert 斌二法師
187 31 shī an example; a model 斌二法師
188 31 shī master 斌二法師
189 31 shī a capital city; a well protected place 斌二法師
190 31 shī Shi 斌二法師
191 31 shī to imitate 斌二法師
192 31 shī troops 斌二法師
193 31 shī shi 斌二法師
194 31 shī an army division 斌二法師
195 31 shī the 7th hexagram 斌二法師
196 31 shī a lion 斌二法師
197 31 shī spiritual guide; teacher; ācārya 斌二法師
198 30 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
199 30 shān Shan 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
200 30 shān Kangxi radical 46 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
201 30 shān a mountain-like shape 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
202 30 shān a gable 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
203 30 shān mountain; giri 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
204 29 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又詞氣俊發
205 29 Kangxi radical 71 無失厝日影小晚
206 29 to not have; without 無失厝日影小晚
207 29 mo 無失厝日影小晚
208 29 to not have 無失厝日影小晚
209 29 Wu 無失厝日影小晚
210 29 mo 無失厝日影小晚
211 28 ya 魏司空儼之後也
212 28 zhǐ to stop; to halt 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
213 28 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
214 28 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
215 28 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
216 28 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
217 28 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
218 28 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
219 28 zhǐ foot 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
220 28 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
221 28 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
222 28 to die 淵以偽太和五年卒
223 28 a soldier 淵以偽太和五年卒
224 28 a servant; forced labor 淵以偽太和五年卒
225 28 to end 淵以偽太和五年卒
226 28 a deployment of five soldiers 淵以偽太和五年卒
227 28 to die suddenly; akasmāt 淵以偽太和五年卒
228 27 Germany 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
229 27 virtue; morality; ethics; character 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
230 27 kindness; favor 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
231 27 conduct; behavior 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
232 27 to be grateful 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
233 27 heart; intention 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
234 27 De 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
235 27 potency; natural power 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
236 27 wholesome; good 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
237 27 Virtue 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
238 27 merit; puṇya; puñña 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
239 27 guṇa 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
240 27 Yi 亦博解眾典尤精往復
241 26 dào way; road; path 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
242 26 dào principle; a moral; morality 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
243 26 dào Tao; the Way 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
244 26 dào to say; to speak; to talk 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
245 26 dào to think 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
246 26 dào circuit; a province 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
247 26 dào a course; a channel 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
248 26 dào a method; a way of doing something 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
249 26 dào a doctrine 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
250 26 dào Taoism; Daoism 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
251 26 dào a skill 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
252 26 dào a sect 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
253 26 dào a line 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
254 26 dào Way 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
255 26 dào way; path; marga 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
256 26 春秋 chūnqiū Spring and Autumn Period 春秋六十有八
257 26 春秋 chūnqiū a person's age 春秋六十有八
258 26 春秋 chūnqiū Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn 春秋六十有八
259 26 春秋 chūnqiū spring and autumn 春秋六十有八
260 26 nǎi to be 乃造徐州
261 26 yán to speak; to say; said 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
262 26 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
263 26 yán Kangxi radical 149 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
264 26 yán phrase; sentence 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
265 26 yán a word; a syllable 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
266 26 yán a theory; a doctrine 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
267 26 yán to regard as 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
268 26 yán to act as 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
269 26 yán word; vacana 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
270 26 yán speak; vad 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
271 26 method; way 釋法通二十五
272 26 France 釋法通二十五
273 26 the law; rules; regulations 釋法通二十五
274 26 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 釋法通二十五
275 26 a standard; a norm 釋法通二十五
276 26 an institution 釋法通二十五
277 26 to emulate 釋法通二十五
278 26 magic; a magic trick 釋法通二十五
279 26 punishment 釋法通二十五
280 26 Fa 釋法通二十五
281 26 a precedent 釋法通二十五
282 26 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 釋法通二十五
283 26 relating to a ceremony or rite 釋法通二十五
284 26 Dharma 釋法通二十五
285 26 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 釋法通二十五
286 26 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 釋法通二十五
287 26 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 釋法通二十五
288 26 quality; characteristic 釋法通二十五
289 26 jiǎng to speak; to say; to tell 既達平城大開講席
290 26 jiǎng a speech; a lecture 既達平城大開講席
291 26 jiǎng to explain; to interpret; to analyze; to discuss 既達平城大開講席
292 26 jiǎng to negotiate; to bargain 既達平城大開講席
293 26 jiǎng to be particular about; to pay attention to; to stress 既達平城大開講席
294 26 jiǎng to reconcile; to resolve 既達平城大開講席
295 26 jiǎng to drill; to practice 既達平城大開講席
296 26 jiǎng instruct; deśanā 既達平城大開講席
297 26 day of the month; a certain day 無失厝日影小晚
298 26 Kangxi radical 72 無失厝日影小晚
299 26 a day 無失厝日影小晚
300 26 Japan 無失厝日影小晚
301 26 sun 無失厝日影小晚
302 26 daytime 無失厝日影小晚
303 26 sunlight 無失厝日影小晚
304 26 everyday 無失厝日影小晚
305 26 season 無失厝日影小晚
306 26 available time 無失厝日影小晚
307 26 in the past 無失厝日影小晚
308 26 mi 無失厝日影小晚
309 26 sun; sūrya 無失厝日影小晚
310 26 a day; divasa 無失厝日影小晚
311 26 xìng family name; surname 本姓趙
312 26 xìng to have the surname 本姓趙
313 26 xìng life 本姓趙
314 26 xìng a government official 本姓趙
315 26 xìng common people 本姓趙
316 26 xìng descendents 本姓趙
317 26 xìng a household; a clan 本姓趙
318 26 xìng family name; lineage; gotra 本姓趙
319 25 děng et cetera; and so on 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
320 25 děng to wait 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
321 25 děng to be equal 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
322 25 děng degree; level 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
323 25 děng to compare 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
324 25 děng same; equal; sama 鍾妙善成實三論涅槃十地等
325 25 infix potential marker 如此之人年不至四十惜矣
326 25 jiàn to see 並見推禮
327 25 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 並見推禮
328 25 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 並見推禮
329 25 jiàn refer to; for details see 並見推禮
330 25 jiàn to listen to 並見推禮
331 25 jiàn to meet 並見推禮
332 25 jiàn to receive (a guest) 並見推禮
333 25 jiàn let me; kindly 並見推禮
334 25 jiàn Jian 並見推禮
335 25 xiàn to appear 並見推禮
336 25 xiàn to introduce 並見推禮
337 25 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 並見推禮
338 25 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 並見推禮
339 25 sān three 釋道慧三
340 25 sān third 釋道慧三
341 25 sān more than two 釋道慧三
342 25 sān very few 釋道慧三
343 25 sān San 釋道慧三
344 25 sān three; tri 釋道慧三
345 25 sān sa 釋道慧三
346 25 sān three kinds; trividha 釋道慧三
347 25 xué to study; to learn 學未
348 25 xué to imitate 學未
349 25 xué a school; an academy 學未
350 25 xué to understand 學未
351 25 xué learning; acquired knowledge 學未
352 25 xué learned 學未
353 25 xué student; learning; śikṣā 學未
354 25 xué a learner 學未
355 25 qǐng to ask; to inquire 遣使徵請
356 25 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 遣使徵請
357 25 qǐng to beg; to entreat 遣使徵請
358 25 qǐng please 遣使徵請
359 25 qǐng to request 遣使徵請
360 25 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 遣使徵請
361 25 qǐng to make an appointment 遣使徵請
362 25 qǐng to greet 遣使徵請
363 25 qǐng to invite 遣使徵請
364 25 qǐng asking for instruction; adhyeṣaṇa 遣使徵請
365 24 to give 遂與友
366 24 to accompany 遂與友
367 24 to particate in 遂與友
368 24 of the same kind 遂與友
369 24 to help 遂與友
370 24 for 遂與友
371 24 出家 chūjiā to become ordained as a monk or nun 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
372 24 出家 chūjiā to renounce 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
373 24 出家 chūjiā leaving home; to become a monk or nun 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
374 24 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
375 24 duó to estimate; to calculate 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
376 24 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
377 24 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
378 24 musical or poetic rhythm 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
379 24 conduct; bearing 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
380 24 to spend time; to pass time 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
381 24 pāramitā; perfection 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
382 24 ordination 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
383 24 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 唯以葱葉內鼻孔中通氣度水
384 24 běn to be one's own 本姓趙
385 24 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本姓趙
386 24 běn the roots of a plant 本姓趙
387 24 běn capital 本姓趙
388 24 běn main; central; primary 本姓趙
389 24 běn according to 本姓趙
390 24 běn a version; an edition 本姓趙
391 24 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本姓趙
392 24 běn a book 本姓趙
393 24 běn trunk of a tree 本姓趙
394 24 běn to investigate the root of 本姓趙
395 24 běn a manuscript for a play 本姓趙
396 24 běn Ben 本姓趙
397 24 běn root; origin; mula 本姓趙
398 24 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 本姓趙
399 24 běn former; previous; pūrva 本姓趙
400 22 base; foundation 釋慧基十三
401 22 basic; fundamental 釋慧基十三
402 22 a radical 釋慧基十三
403 22 basis 釋慧基十三
404 22 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 道登善涅
405 22 shàn happy 道登善涅
406 22 shàn good 道登善涅
407 22 shàn kind-hearted 道登善涅
408 22 shàn to be skilled at something 道登善涅
409 22 shàn familiar 道登善涅
410 22 shàn to repair 道登善涅
411 22 shàn to admire 道登善涅
412 22 shàn to praise 道登善涅
413 22 shàn Shan 道登善涅
414 22 shàn wholesome; virtuous 道登善涅
415 22 chū rudimentary; elementary 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
416 22 chū original 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
417 22 chū foremost, first; prathama 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
418 22 to go back; to return 嚴復有玄趣僧達
419 22 to resume; to restart 嚴復有玄趣僧達
420 22 to do in detail 嚴復有玄趣僧達
421 22 to restore 嚴復有玄趣僧達
422 22 to respond; to reply to 嚴復有玄趣僧達
423 22 Fu; Return 嚴復有玄趣僧達
424 22 to retaliate; to reciprocate 嚴復有玄趣僧達
425 22 to avoid forced labor or tax 嚴復有玄趣僧達
426 22 Fu 嚴復有玄趣僧達
427 22 doubled; to overlapping; folded 嚴復有玄趣僧達
428 22 a lined garment with doubled thickness 嚴復有玄趣僧達
429 22 one 釋僧淵一
430 22 Kangxi radical 1 釋僧淵一
431 22 pure; concentrated 釋僧淵一
432 22 first 釋僧淵一
433 22 the same 釋僧淵一
434 22 sole; single 釋僧淵一
435 22 a very small amount 釋僧淵一
436 22 Yi 釋僧淵一
437 22 other 釋僧淵一
438 22 to unify 釋僧淵一
439 22 accidentally; coincidentally 釋僧淵一
440 22 abruptly; suddenly 釋僧淵一
441 22 one; eka 釋僧淵一
442 21 lùn to comment; to discuss 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
443 21 lùn a theory; a doctrine 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
444 21 lùn to evaluate 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
445 21 lùn opinion; speech; statement 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
446 21 lùn to convict 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
447 21 lùn to edit; to compile 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
448 21 lùn a treatise; sastra 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
449 21 lùn discussion 迺著述交論及生死本無源論等
450 21 zhōng middle 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
451 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
452 21 zhōng China 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
453 21 zhòng to hit the mark 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
454 21 zhōng midday 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
455 21 zhōng inside 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
456 21 zhōng during 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
457 21 zhōng Zhong 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
458 21 zhōng intermediary 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
459 21 zhōng half 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
460 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
461 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
462 21 zhòng to obtain 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
463 21 zhòng to pass an exam 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
464 21 zhōng middle 因以麈尾內棺中而斂焉
465 20 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 梁會稽嘉祥寺沙門釋慧皎撰
466 20 沙門 shāmén sramana 梁會稽嘉祥寺沙門釋慧皎撰
467 20 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 梁會稽嘉祥寺沙門釋慧皎撰
468 20 zōng school; sect 釋僧宗十六
469 20 zōng ancestor 釋僧宗十六
470 20 zōng to take as one's model as 釋僧宗十六
471 20 zōng purpose 釋僧宗十六
472 20 zōng an ancestral temple 釋僧宗十六
473 20 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 釋僧宗十六
474 20 zōng clan; family 釋僧宗十六
475 20 zōng a model 釋僧宗十六
476 20 zōng a county 釋僧宗十六
477 20 zōng religion 釋僧宗十六
478 20 zōng essential; necessary 釋僧宗十六
479 20 zōng summation 釋僧宗十六
480 20 zōng a visit by feudal lords 釋僧宗十六
481 20 zōng Zong 釋僧宗十六
482 20 zōng thesis; conclusion; tenet; siddhānta 釋僧宗十六
483 20 zōng sect; thought; mata 釋僧宗十六
484 19 residence; dwelling 居貧履道
485 19 to be at a position 居貧履道
486 19 to live; to dwell; to reside 居貧履道
487 19 to stay put 居貧履道
488 19 to claim; to assert 居貧履道
489 19 to store up; to accumulate 居貧履道
490 19 to sit down 居貧履道
491 19 to possess 居貧履道
492 19 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 居貧履道
493 19 Ju 居貧履道
494 19 dwell; vāsa 居貧履道
495 19 to complete; to finish 既達平城大開講席
496 19 Ji 既達平城大開講席
497 19 講說 jiǎng shuō to explain 講說相
498 19 講說 jiǎng shuō Explain 講說相
499 19 講說 jiǎng shuō to explain; to tell 講說相
500 19 meaning; sense 進戒之後專攻佛義

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1236

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 139 zhī him; her; them; that 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
2 139 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
3 139 zhī to go 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
4 139 zhī this; that 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
5 139 zhī genetive marker 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
6 139 zhī it 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
7 139 zhī in; in regards to 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
8 139 zhī all 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
9 139 zhī and 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
10 139 zhī however 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
11 139 zhī if 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
12 139 zhī then 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
13 139 zhī to arrive; to go 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
14 139 zhī is 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
15 139 zhī to use 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
16 139 zhī Zhi 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
17 139 zhī winding 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
18 97 so as to; in order to 淵以偽太和五年卒
19 97 to use; to regard as 淵以偽太和五年卒
20 97 to use; to grasp 淵以偽太和五年卒
21 97 according to 淵以偽太和五年卒
22 97 because of 淵以偽太和五年卒
23 97 on a certain date 淵以偽太和五年卒
24 97 and; as well as 淵以偽太和五年卒
25 97 to rely on 淵以偽太和五年卒
26 97 to regard 淵以偽太和五年卒
27 97 to be able to 淵以偽太和五年卒
28 97 to order; to command 淵以偽太和五年卒
29 97 further; moreover 淵以偽太和五年卒
30 97 used after a verb 淵以偽太和五年卒
31 97 very 淵以偽太和五年卒
32 97 already 淵以偽太和五年卒
33 97 increasingly 淵以偽太和五年卒
34 97 a reason; a cause 淵以偽太和五年卒
35 97 Israel 淵以偽太和五年卒
36 97 Yi 淵以偽太和五年卒
37 97 use; yogena 淵以偽太和五年卒
38 90 wèi for; to 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
39 90 wèi because of 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
40 90 wéi to act as; to serve 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
41 90 wéi to change into; to become 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
42 90 wéi to be; is 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
43 90 wéi to do 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
44 90 wèi for 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
45 90 wèi because of; for; to 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
46 90 wèi to 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
47 90 wéi in a passive construction 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
48 90 wéi forming a rehetorical question 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
49 90 wéi forming an adverb 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
50 90 wéi to add emphasis 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
51 90 wèi to support; to help 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
52 90 wéi to govern 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
53 90 wèi to be; bhū 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
54 81 yǒu is; are; to exist 春秋六十有八
55 81 yǒu to have; to possess 春秋六十有八
56 81 yǒu indicates an estimate 春秋六十有八
57 81 yǒu indicates a large quantity 春秋六十有八
58 81 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 春秋六十有八
59 81 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 春秋六十有八
60 81 yǒu used to compare two things 春秋六十有八
61 81 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 春秋六十有八
62 81 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 春秋六十有八
63 81 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 春秋六十有八
64 81 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 春秋六十有八
65 81 yǒu abundant 春秋六十有八
66 81 yǒu purposeful 春秋六十有八
67 81 yǒu You 春秋六十有八
68 81 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 春秋六十有八
69 81 yǒu becoming; bhava 春秋六十有八
70 77 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 少而敬慎威儀
71 77 ér Kangxi radical 126 少而敬慎威儀
72 77 ér you 少而敬慎威儀
73 77 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 少而敬慎威儀
74 77 ér right away; then 少而敬慎威儀
75 77 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 少而敬慎威儀
76 77 ér if; in case; in the event that 少而敬慎威儀
77 77 ér therefore; as a result; thus 少而敬慎威儀
78 77 ér how can it be that? 少而敬慎威儀
79 77 ér so as to 少而敬慎威儀
80 77 ér only then 少而敬慎威儀
81 77 ér as if; to seem like 少而敬慎威儀
82 77 néng can; able 少而敬慎威儀
83 77 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 少而敬慎威儀
84 77 ér me 少而敬慎威儀
85 77 ér to arrive; up to 少而敬慎威儀
86 77 ér possessive 少而敬慎威儀
87 77 ér and; ca 少而敬慎威儀
88 65 nián year 三年功踰十載
89 65 nián New Year festival 三年功踰十載
90 65 nián age 三年功踰十載
91 65 nián life span; life expectancy 三年功踰十載
92 65 nián an era; a period 三年功踰十載
93 65 nián a date 三年功踰十載
94 65 nián time; years 三年功踰十載
95 65 nián harvest 三年功踰十載
96 65 nián annual; every year 三年功踰十載
97 65 nián year; varṣa 三年功踰十載
98 61 rén person; people; a human being 頴川人
99 61 rén Kangxi radical 9 頴川人
100 61 rén a kind of person 頴川人
101 61 rén everybody 頴川人
102 61 rén adult 頴川人
103 61 rén somebody; others 頴川人
104 61 rén an upright person 頴川人
105 61 rén person; manuṣya 頴川人
106 53 shì to release; to set free 釋僧淵一
107 53 shì to explain; to interpret 釋僧淵一
108 53 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋僧淵一
109 53 shì to give up; to abandon 釋僧淵一
110 53 shì to put down 釋僧淵一
111 53 shì to resolve 釋僧淵一
112 53 shì to melt 釋僧淵一
113 53 shì Śākyamuni 釋僧淵一
114 53 shì Buddhism 釋僧淵一
115 53 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋僧淵一
116 53 pleased; glad 釋僧淵一
117 53 shì explain 釋僧淵一
118 53 shì Śakra; Indra 釋僧淵一
119 50 in; at 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
120 50 in; at 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
121 50 in; at; to; from 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
122 50 to go; to 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
123 50 to rely on; to depend on 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
124 50 to go to; to arrive at 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
125 50 from 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
126 50 give 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
127 50 oppposing 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
128 50 and 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
129 50 compared to 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
130 50 by 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
131 50 and; as well as 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
132 50 for 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
133 50 Yu 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
134 50 a crow 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
135 50 whew; wow 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
136 50 near to; antike 慧解之聲馳於遐邇
137 49 huì intelligent; clever 釋慧基十三
138 49 huì mental ability; intellect 釋慧基十三
139 49 huì wisdom; understanding 釋慧基十三
140 49 huì Wisdom 釋慧基十三
141 49 huì wisdom; prajna 釋慧基十三
142 49 huì intellect; mati 釋慧基十三
143 45 shí time; a point or period of time 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
144 45 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
145 45 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
146 45 shí at that time 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
147 45 shí fashionable 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
148 45 shí fate; destiny; luck 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
149 45 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
150 45 shí tense 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
151 45 shí particular; special 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
152 45 shí to plant; to cultivate 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
153 45 shí hour (measure word) 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
154 45 shí an era; a dynasty 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
155 45 shí time [abstract] 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
156 45 shí seasonal 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
157 45 shí frequently; often 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
158 45 shí occasionally; sometimes 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
159 45 shí on time 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
160 45 shí this; that 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
161 45 shí to wait upon 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
162 45 shí hour 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
163 45 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
164 45 shí Shi 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
165 45 shí a present; currentlt 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
166 45 shí time; kāla 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
167 45 shí at that time; samaya 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
168 45 shí then; atha 時王或辯三相義大聚學僧
169 44 hòu after; later 後遊學京師備貫眾典
170 44 hòu empress; queen 後遊學京師備貫眾典
171 44 hòu sovereign 後遊學京師備貫眾典
172 44 hòu behind 後遊學京師備貫眾典
173 44 hòu the god of the earth 後遊學京師備貫眾典
174 44 hòu late; later 後遊學京師備貫眾典
175 44 hòu arriving late 後遊學京師備貫眾典
176 44 hòu offspring; descendents 後遊學京師備貫眾典
177 44 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後遊學京師備貫眾典
178 44 hòu behind; back 後遊學京師備貫眾典
179 44 hòu then 後遊學京師備貫眾典
180 44 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後遊學京師備貫眾典
181 44 hòu Hou 後遊學京師備貫眾典
182 44 hòu after; behind 後遊學京師備貫眾典
183 44 hòu following 後遊學京師備貫眾典
184 44 hòu to be delayed 後遊學京師備貫眾典
185 44 hòu to abandon; to discard 後遊學京師備貫眾典
186 44 hòu feudal lords 後遊學京師備貫眾典
187 44 hòu Hou 後遊學京師備貫眾典
188 44 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後遊學京師備貫眾典
189 44 hòu rear; paścāt 後遊學京師備貫眾典
190 44 hòu later; paścima 後遊學京師備貫眾典
191 39 bìng and; furthermore; also 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
192 39 bìng completely; entirely 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
193 39 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
194 39 bìng to combine 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
195 39 bìng to resemble; to be like 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
196 39 bìng both; equally 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
197 39 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
198 39 bìng completely; entirely 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
199 39 bìng to stand side-by-side 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
200 39 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
201 39 bīng Taiyuan 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
202 39 bìng equally; both; together 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
203 39 bìng together; saha 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
204 39 his; hers; its; theirs 母憐其志
205 39 to add emphasis 母憐其志
206 39 used when asking a question in reply to a question 母憐其志
207 39 used when making a request or giving an order 母憐其志
208 39 he; her; it; them 母憐其志
209 39 probably; likely 母憐其志
210 39 will 母憐其志
211 39 may 母憐其志
212 39 if 母憐其志
213 39 or 母憐其志
214 39 Qi 母憐其志
215 39 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 母憐其志
216 38 sēng a Buddhist monk 釋僧柔十二
217 38 sēng a person with dark skin 釋僧柔十二
218 38 sēng Seng 釋僧柔十二
219 38 sēng Sangha; monastic community 釋僧柔十二
220 38 to reach 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
221 38 and 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
222 38 coming to; when 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
223 38 to attain 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
224 38 to understand 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
225 38 able to be compared to; to catch up with 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
226 38 to be involved with; to associate with 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
227 38 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
228 38 and; ca; api 注文殊問菩提經及注首楞嚴經
229 37 even; equal; uniform 即齊永明六年也
230 37 Kangxi radical 210 即齊永明六年也
231 37 Qi Dynasty 即齊永明六年也
232 37 State of Qi 即齊永明六年也
233 37 to arrange 即齊永明六年也
234 37 altogether; simultaneously 即齊永明六年也
235 37 agile; nimble 即齊永明六年也
236 37 navel 即齊永明六年也
237 37 to rise; to ascend 即齊永明六年也
238 37 chopped meat or vegetables 即齊永明六年也
239 37 to blend ingredients 即齊永明六年也
240 37 to delimit; to distinguish 即齊永明六年也
241 37 the lower part of a garment 即齊永明六年也
242 37 broomcorn millet 即齊永明六年也
243 37 zhāi to fast 即齊永明六年也
244 37 to level with 即齊永明六年也
245 37 all present; all ready 即齊永明六年也
246 37 Qi 即齊永明六年也
247 37 alike; similar; identical; same 即齊永明六年也
248 37 an alloy 即齊永明六年也
249 37 even; sama 即齊永明六年也
250 37 yuǎn far; distant 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
251 37 yuǎn far-reaching 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
252 37 yuǎn separated from 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
253 37 yuàn estranged from 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
254 37 yuǎn milkwort 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
255 37 yuǎn long ago 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
256 37 yuǎn long-range 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
257 37 yuǎn a remote area 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
258 37 yuǎn Yuan 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
259 37 yuàn to leave 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
260 37 yuàn to violate; to be contrary to 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
261 37 yuǎn distant; dura 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
262 36 zhì to; until 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
263 36 zhì Kangxi radical 133 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
264 36 zhì extremely; very; most 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
265 36 zhì to arrive 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
266 36 zhì approach; upagama 學徒自遠而至千有餘人
267 34 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
268 34 zhě that 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
269 34 zhě nominalizing function word 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
270 34 zhě used to mark a definition 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
271 34 zhě used to mark a pause 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
272 34 zhě topic marker; that; it 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
273 34 zhuó according to 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
274 34 zhě ca 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
275 33 yuē to speak; to say 順慟曰
276 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 順慟曰
277 33 yuē to be called 順慟曰
278 33 yuē particle without meaning 順慟曰
279 33 yuē said; ukta 順慟曰
280 32 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
281 32 弟子 dìzi youngster 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
282 32 弟子 dìzi prostitute 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
283 32 弟子 dìzi believer 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
284 32 弟子 dìzi disciple 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
285 32 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 十一出家為僧遠弟子止靈曜寺
286 31 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
287 31 old; ancient; former; past 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
288 31 reason; cause; purpose 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
289 31 to die 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
290 31 so; therefore; hence 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
291 31 original 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
292 31 accident; happening; instance 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
293 31 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
294 31 something in the past 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
295 31 deceased; dead 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
296 31 still; yet 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
297 31 therefore; tasmāt 應以聲聞得度者故現聲聞
298 31 in; at 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
299 31 in; at 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
300 31 in; at; to; from 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
301 31 to go; to 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
302 31 to rely on; to depend on 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
303 31 to go to; to arrive at 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
304 31 from 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
305 31 give 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
306 31 oppposing 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
307 31 and 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
308 31 compared to 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
309 31 by 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
310 31 and; as well as 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
311 31 for 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
312 31 Yu 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
313 31 a crow 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
314 31 whew; wow 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
315 31 near to; antike 後南遊京邑止于中興寺
316 31 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
317 31 suǒ an office; an institute 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
318 31 suǒ introduces a relative clause 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
319 31 suǒ it 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
320 31 suǒ if; supposing 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
321 31 suǒ a few; various; some 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
322 31 suǒ a place; a location 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
323 31 suǒ indicates a passive voice 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
324 31 suǒ that which 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
325 31 suǒ an ordinal number 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
326 31 suǒ meaning 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
327 31 suǒ garrison 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
328 31 suǒ place; pradeśa 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
329 31 suǒ that which; yad 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
330 31 shī teacher 斌二法師
331 31 shī multitude 斌二法師
332 31 shī a host; a leader 斌二法師
333 31 shī an expert 斌二法師
334 31 shī an example; a model 斌二法師
335 31 shī master 斌二法師
336 31 shī a capital city; a well protected place 斌二法師
337 31 shī Shi 斌二法師
338 31 shī to imitate 斌二法師
339 31 shī troops 斌二法師
340 31 shī shi 斌二法師
341 31 shī an army division 斌二法師
342 31 shī the 7th hexagram 斌二法師
343 31 shī a lion 斌二法師
344 31 shī spiritual guide; teacher; ācārya 斌二法師
345 30 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
346 30 shān Shan 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
347 30 shān Kangxi radical 46 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
348 30 shān a mountain-like shape 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
349 30 shān a gable 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
350 30 shān mountain; giri 隱士劉因之捨所住山給為精舍
351 29 yòu again; also 又詞氣俊發
352 29 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又詞氣俊發
353 29 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又詞氣俊發
354 29 yòu and 又詞氣俊發
355 29 yòu furthermore 又詞氣俊發
356 29 yòu in addition 又詞氣俊發
357 29 yòu but 又詞氣俊發
358 29 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又詞氣俊發
359 29 no 無失厝日影小晚
360 29 Kangxi radical 71 無失厝日影小晚
361 29 to not have; without 無失厝日影小晚
362 29 has not yet 無失厝日影小晚
363 29 mo 無失厝日影小晚
364 29 do not 無失厝日影小晚
365 29 not; -less; un- 無失厝日影小晚
366 29 regardless of 無失厝日影小晚
367 29 to not have 無失厝日影小晚
368 29 um 無失厝日影小晚
369 29 Wu 無失厝日影小晚
370 29 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無失厝日影小晚
371 29 not; non- 無失厝日影小晚
372 29 mo 無失厝日影小晚
373 28 also; too 魏司空儼之後也
374 28 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 魏司空儼之後也
375 28 either 魏司空儼之後也
376 28 even 魏司空儼之後也
377 28 used to soften the tone 魏司空儼之後也
378 28 used for emphasis 魏司空儼之後也
379 28 used to mark contrast 魏司空儼之後也
380 28 used to mark compromise 魏司空儼之後也
381 28 ya 魏司空儼之後也
382 28 zhǐ to stop; to halt 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
383 28 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
384 28 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
385 28 zhǐ only 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
386 28 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
387 28 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
388 28 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
389 28 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
390 28 zhǐ a particle at the end of a phrase 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
391 28 zhǐ foot 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
392 28 zhǐ a particle adding emphasis 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
393 28 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
394 28 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha 初遊徐邦止白塔寺
395 28 to die 淵以偽太和五年卒
396 28 a soldier 淵以偽太和五年卒
397 28 abruptly; hurriedly 淵以偽太和五年卒
398 28 a servant; forced labor 淵以偽太和五年卒
399 28 to end 淵以偽太和五年卒
400 28 at last; finally 淵以偽太和五年卒
401 28 a deployment of five soldiers 淵以偽太和五年卒
402 28 to die suddenly; akasmāt 淵以偽太和五年卒
403 27 Germany 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
404 27 virtue; morality; ethics; character 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
405 27 kindness; favor 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
406 27 conduct; behavior 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
407 27 to be grateful 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
408 27 heart; intention 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
409 27 De 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
410 27 potency; natural power 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
411 27 wholesome; good 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
412 27 Virtue 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
413 27 merit; puṇya; puñña 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
414 27 guṇa 帝以鍾有德聲勅令酬對
415 27 also; too 亦博解眾典尤精往復
416 27 but 亦博解眾典尤精往復
417 27 this; he; she 亦博解眾典尤精往復
418 27 although; even though 亦博解眾典尤精往復
419 27 already 亦博解眾典尤精往復
420 27 particle with no meaning 亦博解眾典尤精往復
421 27 Yi 亦博解眾典尤精往復
422 26 dào way; road; path 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
423 26 dào principle; a moral; morality 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
424 26 dào Tao; the Way 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
425 26 dào measure word for long things 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
426 26 dào to say; to speak; to talk 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
427 26 dào to think 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
428 26 dào times 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
429 26 dào circuit; a province 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
430 26 dào a course; a channel 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
431 26 dào a method; a way of doing something 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
432 26 dào measure word for doors and walls 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
433 26 dào measure word for courses of a meal 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
434 26 dào a centimeter 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
435 26 dào a doctrine 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
436 26 dào Taoism; Daoism 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
437 26 dào a skill 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
438 26 dào a sect 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
439 26 dào a line 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
440 26 dào Way 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
441 26 dào way; path; marga 曇度慧記道登並從淵受業
442 26 春秋 chūnqiū Spring and Autumn Period 春秋六十有八
443 26 春秋 chūnqiū a person's age 春秋六十有八
444 26 春秋 chūnqiū Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn 春秋六十有八
445 26 春秋 chūnqiū spring and autumn 春秋六十有八
446 26 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 乃造徐州
447 26 nǎi to be 乃造徐州
448 26 nǎi you; yours 乃造徐州
449 26 nǎi also; moreover 乃造徐州
450 26 nǎi however; but 乃造徐州
451 26 nǎi if 乃造徐州
452 26 yán to speak; to say; said 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
453 26 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
454 26 yán Kangxi radical 149 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
455 26 yán a particle with no meaning 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
456 26 yán phrase; sentence 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
457 26 yán a word; a syllable 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
458 26 yán a theory; a doctrine 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
459 26 yán to regard as 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
460 26 yán to act as 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
461 26 yán word; vacana 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
462 26 yán speak; vad 慧乘機挫銳言必詣理
463 26 method; way 釋法通二十五
464 26 France 釋法通二十五
465 26 the law; rules; regulations 釋法通二十五
466 26 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 釋法通二十五
467 26 a standard; a norm 釋法通二十五
468 26 an institution 釋法通二十五
469 26 to emulate 釋法通二十五
470 26 magic; a magic trick 釋法通二十五
471 26 punishment 釋法通二十五
472 26 Fa 釋法通二十五
473 26 a precedent 釋法通二十五
474 26 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 釋法通二十五
475 26 relating to a ceremony or rite 釋法通二十五
476 26 Dharma 釋法通二十五
477 26 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 釋法通二十五
478 26 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 釋法通二十五
479 26 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 釋法通二十五
480 26 quality; characteristic 釋法通二十五
481 26 jiǎng to speak; to say; to tell 既達平城大開講席
482 26 jiǎng a speech; a lecture 既達平城大開講席
483 26 jiǎng to explain; to interpret; to analyze; to discuss 既達平城大開講席
484 26 jiǎng to negotiate; to bargain 既達平城大開講席
485 26 jiǎng to be particular about; to pay attention to; to stress 既達平城大開講席
486 26 jiǎng as regards; as far as that is concerned; when it comes to 既達平城大開講席
487 26 jiǎng to reconcile; to resolve 既達平城大開講席
488 26 jiǎng to drill; to practice 既達平城大開講席
489 26 jiǎng instruct; deśanā 既達平城大開講席
490 26 day of the month; a certain day 無失厝日影小晚
491 26 Kangxi radical 72 無失厝日影小晚
492 26 a day 無失厝日影小晚
493 26 Japan 無失厝日影小晚
494 26 sun 無失厝日影小晚
495 26 daytime 無失厝日影小晚
496 26 sunlight 無失厝日影小晚
497 26 everyday 無失厝日影小晚
498 26 season 無失厝日影小晚
499 26 available time 無失厝日影小晚
500 26 a day 無失厝日影小晚


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
use; yogena
wèi to be; bhū
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
ér and; ca
nián year; varṣa
rén person; manuṣya
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. explain
  2. Śakra; Indra
near to; antike
  1. huì
  2. huì
  3. huì
  1. Wisdom
  2. wisdom; prajna
  3. intellect; mati
  1. shí
  2. shí
  3. shí
  1. time; kāla
  2. at that time; samaya
  3. then; atha

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安王 196 King An of Zhou
安乐寺 安樂寺 196 Anle Temple
安养 安養 196 Western Pure Land
百论 百論 66 Śataśāstra; Hundred Treatise
白马寺 白馬寺 98 White Horse Temple
白山 98 Baishan
白塔寺 66
  1. Baita Temple
  2. Baita Temple
跋摩 98 Buddhavarman
宝亮 寶亮 98 Bao Liang
宝林 寶林 98 Po Lam
宝林寺 寶林寺 98 Baolin Temple
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
辩天 辯天 98 Sarasvati
勃海 98 Bohai
卜居 66 Bu Ju; Consulting of the Oracle; Divination
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
禅冈寺 禪岡寺 99 Changang Temple
长乐寺 長樂寺 99 Changle Temple
长沙 長沙 99 Changsha
长沙寺 長沙寺 99 Changsha Temple
成实 成實 99 Satyasiddhiśāstra; Cheng Shi Lun; Treatise of Establishing Reality
成实论 成實論 99 Satyasiddhiśāstra; Cheng Shi Lun; Treatise of Establishing Reality
成都 99 Chengdu
城傍寺 99 Chengpang Temple
承远 承遠 99 Cheng Yuan
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
从化 從化 99 Conghua
大涅盘 大涅槃 100
  1. Great Nirvana
  2. Mahaparinirvana
100 Mount Tai
丹阳 丹陽 100 Danyang County
道慧 100 Shi Daohui; Dao Hui
大品 100 Pancavimsati Sahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra
大毗婆沙 大毘婆沙 100 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
大石寺 100 Dashi Temple
定林寺 100 Dinglin Temple
定林上寺 100 Dinglinshang Temple
东川 東川 100 Dongchuan
东莞 東莞 100 Dongguan
东海 東海 100
  1. East China Sea
  2. Donghae
  3. Donghai [commandery]
东平 東平 100 Dongping
东山 東山 100 Dongshan
东土 東土 100 the East; China
冬至 100
  1. Dongzhi
  2. Winter Solstice festival
独龙 獨龍 100 Drung; Dulong
多宝寺 多寶寺 100 Duobao Temple
二谛义 二諦義 195 Er Di Yi
法安 102 Fa An
法华 法華 70
  1. Dharma Flower
  2. The Lotus Sutra
法华义疏 法華義疏 102 Fa Hua Yi Shu
法华宗 法華宗 102 Nichiren sect
法瑗 102 Fa Yuan
法常 102 Damei Fachang
法华寺 法華寺 102 Fahua Temple
法轮 法輪 102
  1. Dharma wheel
  2. Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
  3. Pomnyun
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
方山 70 Fangshan
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法献 法獻 102 Faxian
法藏 102
  1. Dharma Treasure
  2. sūtra repository; sūtra hall
  3. Fazang
法珍 102
  1. Fazhen
  2. Fazhen
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛圖澄 102 Fotudeng
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
福建 102 Fujian
高僧传 高僧傳 103
  1. Biographies of Eminent Monks
  2. Biographies of Eminent Monks
高昌 103 Gaochang; Qara-hoja
高座寺 103 Gaozuo Temple
功德直 103 Guṇaśāla
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
广阳 廣陽 103 Guangyang
关陇 關隴 103 Guanglong
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
龟山 龜山 103
  1. Guishan; Kueishan
  2. Tortoise Mountain
贵州 貴州 71 Guizhou
海岱 104 Haidai
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
邯郸 邯鄲 104 Handan
衡阳 衡陽 104 Hengyang
合浦 104 Hepu
河西 104 Hexi
何园寺 何園寺 104 Heyuan Temple
河中 104 Hezhong
弘充 104 Hong Chong
弘道 104
  1. Hongdao
  2. Propagation of the Way
后周 後周 104 Later Zhou
皇甫 104 Huangfu
黄老 黃老 104 Huanglao; Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
慧日 104
  1. to have illuminating wisdom like the Buddha
  2. Huiri
  3. Huiri
慧文 104 Hui Wen
慧义 慧義 104 Hui Yi
慧智 104 Hui Zhi
慧观 慧觀 104
  1. Hyegwan
  2. Hui Guan
慧光 104
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Huiguang
  3. Ekō
  4. Ekō
慧开 慧開 104
  1. Wumen Huikai
  2. Wumen Huikai
慧永 104 Huiyong
慧远 慧遠 104
  1. Jingying Huiyuan
  2. Hui Yuan
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
践祚 踐祚 106 Jian Zuo Ceremony
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
  6. river; nadī
江东 江東 106
  1. Jiangdong
  2. Jiangdong
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江西 106 Jiangxi
江夏 106 Jiangxia
江左 106 Jiangzuo
建明 106
  1. Jianming
  2. Jianming
  3. Jianming
建平 106 Jianping
建武 106 Jianwu reign
建邺 建鄴 106
  1. Jianye
  2. Jianye District
建义 建義 106 Jianyi reign
建元 106
  1. Jian Yuan reign
  2. Jian Yuan reign
  3. Jian Yuan reign
建元寺 106 Jianyuan Temple
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
嘉祥寺 106 Jiaxiang Temple
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋安 晉安 106 Jin'an
金刚密迹 金剛密跡 106
  1. Guhyapati
  2. Vajrapāṇi
  3. vajrapāṇi
京口 106 Jingkou
竟陵 106 Jingling
净名 淨名 106 Vimalakirti
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
旷野寺 曠野寺 107 Kuangye Temple
礼忏 禮懺 108 liturgy for confession
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
梁州 108 Liangzhou
辽东 遼東 108 Liaodong Peninsula
临川 臨川 108 Linchuan
灵根寺 靈根寺 108 Linggen Temple
灵基寺 靈基寺 108 Lingji Temple
灵鹫寺 靈鷲寺 108 Lingjiu Temple
灵石 靈石 108 Lingshi
灵味寺 靈味寺 108 Pengcheng Temple
灵曜寺 靈曜寺 108 Lingyao Temple
临渭 臨渭 108 Linwei
临幸 臨幸 108 to go in person (of emperor); to copulate with a concubine (of emperor)
临沂 108
  1. Linyi
  2. Linyi
刘虬 劉虬 108 Liu Qiu
刘勰 劉勰 108 Liu Xie
六月 108
  1. June; the Sixth Month
  2. sixth lunar month; bhādra
龙宫 龍宮 108 Palace of the Dragon King
陇西 隴西 76 Longxi
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  5. foolish
陆修静 陸修靜 108 Lu Xiujing
庐江 廬江 108 Lujiang
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
  4. ra
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
庐山 廬山 108
  1. Mount Lu; Lushan
  2. Mount Lu; Lushan
庐山慧远 廬山慧遠 76 Hui Yuan; Lushan Huiyuan
麓山寺 108 Lushan Temple
庐山西寺 廬山西寺 76 Lushan Xi Temple
鹿苑 108 Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
律部 108 Vinaya Piṭaka
孟津 109 Mengjin
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
109 Min
明帝 109
  1. Emperor Ming of Han
  2. Emperor Ming of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Ming of Liu Song
岷山 109 Mount Min
穆王 109 King Mu of Zhou
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
南平 110 Nanping
南岩寺 南巖寺 110 Nanyan Temple
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
番禺 112 Panyu
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
彭城寺 112 Pengcheng Temple
平城 112
  1. Ping Cheng
  2. Pyongsongg
毘昙 毘曇 112 Abhidharma; Abhidhamma
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
濮阳 濮陽 80 Puyang
齐高帝 齊高帝 113 Emperor Gao of Southern Qi
齐建元 齊建元 113 Jian Yuan reign of Southern Qi
潜山 潛山 113 Qianshan
钱塘 錢塘 113 Qiantang
祇洹 113 Jetavana
祇洹寺 113 Zhihuan Temple
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
清远 清遠 113 Qingyuan
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
栖玄寺 113 Qixuan Temple
仁化 114 Renhua County
芮芮 114 Rouran
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
汝南 114 Runan
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧慧 115
  1. Seng Hui
  2. Seng Hui
  3. Senghui
僧朗 115 Seng Lang
僧绍 僧紹 115 Seng Shao
僧远 僧遠 115 Seng Yuan
僧锺 僧鍾 115 Seng Zhong
僧护 僧護 115 Senghu
僧伽跋摩 115
  1. Saṃghavarman
  2. Saṅghavarman; Sajghavarman
僧盛 115 Sengsheng; Shi Sengsheng
僧祐 115 Sengyou
僧渊 僧淵 115 Seng Yuan; Sengyuan
山南 115 Lhokha
山阴 山陰 115 Shanyin
神秀 115 Shen Xiu
胜鬘 勝鬘 83 Śrīmālā
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
釋道安 釋道安 115 Shi Dao An
释道慧 釋道慧 115 Shi Daohui; Dao Hui
释道盛 釋道盛 115 Shi Daosheng; Dao Sheng
释慧皎 釋慧皎 115 Hui Jiao
释智 釋智 115 Shi Zhi
释智秀 釋智秀 115 Shi Zhixiu
十住 115
  1. ten abodes
  2. the ten Stages in bodhisattva wisdom
世祖 115 Shi Zu
十二门论 十二門論 115 Twelve Gate Treatise
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
十一月 115
  1. November; the Eleventh Month
  2. eleventh lunar month; māgha
十月 115
  1. October; the Tenth Month
  2. tenth lunar month; pauṣa
首楞严经 首楞嚴經 115
  1. Śūraṅgama Sūtra
  2. Śūraṅgama sūtra
寿春 壽春 115 Shoucun
数人 數人 115 Sarvāstivāda
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
思益 思益 115 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā [sūtra]
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋代 115
  1. Song Dynasty
  2. Liu Song Dynasty
宋大明 115 Daming reign of Liu Song
宋明帝 115 Emperor Ming of Liu Song
宋太宗 115 Emperor Taizong of Song
宋文帝 115 Emperor Wen of Liu Song
宋熙寺 115 Songxi Temple
孙泰寺 孫泰寺 115 Suntai Temple
太昌寺 116 Taichang Temple
太和 116
  1. Taihe reign
  2. Taihe reign
太极 太極 116
  1. Supreme Ultimate
  2. too extreme
  3. Heaven; World of the Immortals
  4. Taiji
太始 116
  1. the absolute beginning
  2. Taishi
  3. Taishi
  4. Taishi
  5. Taishi
昙度 曇度 116 Tan Du; Tandu
天保寺 116 Tianbao Temple
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
吐谷浑 吐谷渾 116 Tuyuhun people
瓦官寺 119 Waguan Temple
万言 萬言 119 Wan Yan
王俭 王儉 119 Wang Jian
王僧达 王僧達 119 Wang Sengda
王义恭 王義恭 119 Prince Yigong
119 Wei River
微密持经 微密持經 119 Scripture of the Sublime Grasp; Wei Mi Chi Jing
魏都 119 Weidu
魏国 魏國 119
  1. Wei State
  2. Wei State; Cao Wei
维摩 維摩 87
  1. Vimalakirti
  2. Vimalakirti
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
文惠太子 119 Crown Prince Wenhui
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
文宣王 119 Xiao Zi Liang; Wenxuan Wang
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
无量寿经 無量壽經 87
  1. Larger Sutra on Amitayus
  2. The Infinite Life Sutra; The Larger Sutra on Amitāyus; The Larger Pure Land Sutra
乌程 烏程 119 Wucheng
吴国 吳國 119
  1. Wu state
  2. Wu state
吴兴 吳興 119 Wuxing
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
西夏 120 Western Xia Dynasty
西域 120 Western Regions
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
湘宫寺 湘宮寺 120 Xianggong Temple
襄阳 襄陽 120
  1. Xiangyang
  2. Xangyang
咸康 120 Xiankang
显明寺 顯明寺 120 Xianming Temple
孝经 孝经 120
  1. Xiao Jing; Classic of Filial Piety
  2. Classic of Filial Piety; Xiaojing
孝王 120 King Xiao of Zhou
谢寺 謝寺 120 Xie Temple
新安寺 120 Xin'an Temple
新安 120 Xin'an
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
栖霞 棲霞 120 Xixia
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
玄畅 玄暢 120 Xuan Chang
玄高 120 Xuangao
浔阳 潯陽 120 Xunyang
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
阎浮 閻浮 89
  1. Jampudiva
  2. Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
延贤寺 延賢寺 121 Yanxian Temple
  1. Ye
  2. Ye
121 Yi
永元 89 Yong Yuan reign
永明 121 Yongming
永泰 121 Yongtai
雍州 121 Yongzhou
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
袁粲 121 Yuan Can
元嘉 121 Yuanjia reign
余杭 餘杭 121 Yuhang; Hangzhou
云门 雲門 121
  1. Yunmen School
  2. Yunmen Wenyan
于阗 于闐 121 Yutian
余姚 餘姚 121 Yuyao
豫章 121 Yuzhang
张畅 張暢 122 Zhang Chang
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
招提寺 122 Zhaoti Temple; White Horse Temple
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River
浙东 浙東 122 Eastern Zhejiang
正月 122
  1. first month of the lunar calendar
  2. first lunar month; caitra
征召 徵召 122 to enlist; to draft; to conscript; to appoint to an official position
治城寺 122 Zhicheng Temple
智顺 智順 122 Zhishun; Shi Zhishun
智藏 122 Xitang Zhizang; Zhizang
中论 中論 122 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā; Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way; Knowledge of the Middle Way; Mulamadhyamakakarika; madhyamakasastra
中寺 122 Zhong Temple
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
钟山 鐘山 122
  1. Zhongshan
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Zhongshan
中兴寺 中興寺 122 Zhongxing Temple
众造寺 眾造寺 122 Zhongzao Temple
周兴嗣 周興嗣 122 Zhou Xingsi
周易 122 The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India
庄严寺 莊嚴寺 122 Zhangyan Temple
竹林寺 122 Zhulin Temple
诸生 諸生 122 Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 146.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安忍 196
  1. Patience
  2. to bear adversity with calmness
  3. Abiding Patience
  4. tolerance
白拂 98 a white yak tail fly whisk
本愿 本願 98 prior vow; purvapranidhana
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
不轻 不輕 98 never disparage
禅道 禪道 99 Way of Chan
持名 99
  1. to rely on the name
  2. Yasodhara
充遍 99 pervades; sphuṭa
付嘱 付囑 99 to entrust; to empower
初果 99 srotaāpanna
大小乘 100
  1. Greater or Lesser Vehicles
  2. Mahāyāna and Theravāda
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
道术 道術 100
  1. skills of the path
  2. magician; soothsayer
道心 100 Mind for the Way
道俗 100
  1. monastics and laypeople
  2. layperson
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
等心 100 a non-discriminating mind
顿悟 頓悟 100
  1. sudden enlightenment
  2. sudden enlightenment; sudden awakening
二法 195
  1. two dharmas; two kinds of dharma
  2. dichotomy
二道 195 the two paths
二谛 二諦 195 the two truths
法爱 法愛 102 love of the Dharma
法化 102 conversion through teaching of the Dharma
法忍 102
  1. Dharma Patience
  2. patience attained through Dharma
  3. patience attained through Dharma
法事 102 a Dharma event
法雨 102
  1. Dharma Rain
  2. Dharma rain
法云 法雲 102
  1. dharma cloud; dharmamegha
  2. Fa Yun
法灯 法燈 102 a Dharma lamp
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
方外 102 monastic life
方等 102 vaipulya; vaidalya; vast; extended
法筵 102 a seat for teaching the Dharma
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
法主 102
  1. Dharma-lord
  2. someone who presides over a Dharma service
佛性 102 Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
浮图 浮圖 102
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Buddhist stupa
福业 福業 102 virtuous actions
古佛 103 former Buddhas
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
和上 104 an abbot; a monk
弘法 104
  1. Dharma Propagation
  2. to propagate Buddhist teachings; to promote the Dharma
慧日 104
  1. to have illuminating wisdom like the Buddha
  2. Huiri
  3. Huiri
慧光 104
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Huiguang
  3. Ekō
  4. Ekō
火宅 104
  1. burning house
  2. the parable of the burning house
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
接驾 接駕 106 formal greeting
戒品 106 body of morality; aggregate of morality; śīla-skandha
戒法 106 the rules of the precepts
戒行 106 to abide by precepts
净人 淨人 106 a server
经教 經教 106 teaching of the sūtras
经律 經律 106 Collection of Discourses and Collection of Monastic Rules
经论 經論 106 sutras and shastras; scriptures and commentaries
卷第八 106 scroll 8
具戒 106
  1. full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
  2. gifted with conduct
空空 107 the emptiness of emptiness; the delusion of emptiness
空有 107
  1. Emptiness and Existence
  2. non-existent and existent; emptiness and having self
旷劫 曠劫 107
  1. a past kalpa
  2. since ancient times
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
六师 六師 108 the six teachers
利养 利養 108 gain
妙门 妙門 109 a way of practice; a path to enlightenment
妙善 109 wholesome; kuśala
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
能仁 110 great in lovingkindness
念佛三昧 110 samādhi of recollecting the Buddha
贫道 貧道 112 humble monk
揵度 113 collection of rules; skandhaka
耆腊 耆臘 113 monastic elder
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
求道 113
  1. Seeking the Way
  2. to seek the Dharma
入室 114
  1. to enter the master's study for examination or instruction
  2. to enter the master's study
入道 114
  1. to enter the Way
  2. to become a monastic
  3. to begin practicing Buddhism
三论 三論 115 three treatises
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三相 115
  1. the three marks of existence; trilakṣaṇa; tilakkhaṇa
  2. the three positions
  3. the three characteristics of conditioned dharmas
  4. the three characteristics
桑门 桑門 115 a Buddhist monk; a wandering monk
三观 三觀 115 sanguan; threefold contemplation; three insights
僧宝 僧寶 115 the jewel of the monastic community
僧正 115 sōjō
僧主 115 abbot
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
上人 115
  1. supreme teacher
  2. shangren; senior monastic
上首 115
  1. chief; presiding elders
  2. foremost; pramukha
深经 深經 115 Mahāyāna sūtras; profound scriptures
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
示教 115 to point and instruct
世智 115 worldly knowledge; secular understanding
实法 實法 115 true teachings
受法 115 to receive the Dharma
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
受五戒 115 to take the Five Precepts
受具 115 to obtain full ordination
首楞严 首楞嚴 115
  1. śūraṅgama; heroic; resolute
  2. Śūraṅgama sūtra; Surangama Sutra
四辩 四辯 115 the four unhindered powers of understanding
四倒 115 four inverted beliefs; four false beliefs
四谛 四諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
寺僧 115 Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
四事 115 the four necessities
诵念 誦念 115 recite repeatedly; svādyāya
檀越 116 an alms giver; a donor
头陀 頭陀 116
  1. austerities
  2. qualities of purification; dhutaguṇa
徒众 徒眾 116 a group of disciples
托生 託生 116 to be conceived from Heaven
闻法 聞法 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
问难 問難 119 Interrogation
五大 119 the five elements
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
五戒 119 the five precepts
五众 五眾 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无量寿 無量壽 119
  1. infinite life
  2. amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
无生 無生 119
  1. No-Birth
  2. anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
戏论 戲論 120
  1. mental proliferation
  2. meaningless talk; frivolous discourse; mutual false praise; inflated conceptualization; hypostatization; prapañca
下生 120 for a bodhisattva for descend to the human world
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
心法 120 mental objects
信施 120 trust in charity
行解 120
  1. Practice and Understanding
  2. control of the mind and mental factors
  3. practice and understanding
心行 120 mental activity
宣释 宣釋 120 to explain
学僧 學僧 120
  1. Practitioner (for monastics in meditation college)
  2. an educated monastic
杨枝 楊枝 121 willow branch
业行 業行 121
  1. actions; deeds
  2. kṛtya; ill usage or treatment
衣钵 衣鉢 121
  1. robe and bowl
  2. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  3. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  4. Sacristan
疑网 疑網 121 a web of doubt
一匝 121 to make a full circle
义解 義解 121 notes explaining the meaning of words or text
应化 應化 121
  1. manifestation in response
  2. nirmita
迎请 迎請 121 invocation
有法 121 something that exists
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
真际 真際 122 ultimate truth
众经 眾經 122 myriad of scriptures
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸见 諸見 122 views; all views
专精 專精 122 single-mindedly and diligently
自度 122 self-salvation
资生 資生 122 the necessities of life
自悟 122 self realization