Glossary and Vocabulary for Guhya Sutra (Ruixiye Jing) 蕤呬耶經, Scroll 3

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 96 zuò to do 其皆用手印相應而作
2 96 zuò to act as; to serve as 其皆用手印相應而作
3 96 zuò to start 其皆用手印相應而作
4 96 zuò a writing; a work 其皆用手印相應而作
5 96 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 其皆用手印相應而作
6 96 zuō to create; to make 其皆用手印相應而作
7 96 zuō a workshop 其皆用手印相應而作
8 96 zuō to write; to compose 其皆用手印相應而作
9 96 zuò to rise 其皆用手印相應而作
10 96 zuò to be aroused 其皆用手印相應而作
11 96 zuò activity; action; undertaking 其皆用手印相應而作
12 96 zuò to regard as 其皆用手印相應而作
13 96 zuò action; kāraṇa 其皆用手印相應而作
14 81 Qi 其護身印及結方印
15 77 曼荼羅 màntúluó mandala; cicle of divinity 於一切曼荼羅
16 73 to go; to 於一切曼荼羅
17 73 to rely on; to depend on 於一切曼荼羅
18 73 Yu 於一切曼荼羅
19 73 a crow 於一切曼荼羅
20 67 zhě ca 若欲碎伏難伏者
21 65 to reach 其護身印及結方印
22 65 to attain 其護身印及結方印
23 65 to understand 其護身印及結方印
24 65 able to be compared to; to catch up with 其護身印及結方印
25 65 to be involved with; to associate with 其護身印及結方印
26 65 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 其護身印及結方印
27 65 and; ca; api 其護身印及結方印
28 64 method; way 淨治及護身法
29 64 France 淨治及護身法
30 64 the law; rules; regulations 淨治及護身法
31 64 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 淨治及護身法
32 64 a standard; a norm 淨治及護身法
33 64 an institution 淨治及護身法
34 64 to emulate 淨治及護身法
35 64 magic; a magic trick 淨治及護身法
36 64 punishment 淨治及護身法
37 64 Fa 淨治及護身法
38 64 a precedent 淨治及護身法
39 64 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 淨治及護身法
40 64 relating to a ceremony or rite 淨治及護身法
41 64 Dharma 淨治及護身法
42 64 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 淨治及護身法
43 64 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 淨治及護身法
44 64 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 淨治及護身法
45 64 quality; characteristic 淨治及護身法
46 55 to use; to grasp 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
47 55 to rely on 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
48 55 to regard 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
49 55 to be able to 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
50 55 to order; to command 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
51 55 used after a verb 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
52 55 a reason; a cause 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
53 55 Israel 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
54 55 Yi 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
55 55 use; yogena 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
56 53 護摩 hùmó homa 復次應當作護摩之法
57 51 真言 zhēnyán true words 婆明王真言手印
58 51 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 婆明王真言手印
59 51 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 婆明王真言手印
60 50 yìng to answer; to respond 初應滿杓蘇護摩
61 50 yìng to confirm; to verify 初應滿杓蘇護摩
62 50 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 初應滿杓蘇護摩
63 50 yìng to accept 初應滿杓蘇護摩
64 50 yìng to permit; to allow 初應滿杓蘇護摩
65 50 yìng to echo 初應滿杓蘇護摩
66 50 yìng to handle; to deal with 初應滿杓蘇護摩
67 50 yìng Ying 初應滿杓蘇護摩
68 41 zūn to honor; to respect 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
69 41 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
70 41 zūn a wine cup 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
71 41 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
72 41 zūn supreme; high 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
73 41 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
74 41 zūn bhagavat; holy one 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
75 41 zūn lord; patron; natha 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
76 41 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
77 41 to give 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
78 41 to accompany 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
79 41 to particate in 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
80 41 of the same kind 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
81 41 to help 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
82 41 for 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
83 36 děng et cetera; and so on 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
84 36 děng to wait 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
85 36 děng to be equal 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
86 36 děng degree; level 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
87 36 děng to compare 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
88 36 děng same; equal; sama 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
89 36 zhī to go 通用之
90 36 zhī to arrive; to go 通用之
91 36 zhī is 通用之
92 36 zhī to use 通用之
93 36 zhī Zhi 通用之
94 36 zhī winding 通用之
95 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 其皆用手印相應而作
96 34 ér as if; to seem like 其皆用手印相應而作
97 34 néng can; able 其皆用手印相應而作
98 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 其皆用手印相應而作
99 34 ér to arrive; up to 其皆用手印相應而作
100 33 yòng to use; to apply 其皆用手印相應而作
101 33 yòng Kangxi radical 101 其皆用手印相應而作
102 33 yòng to eat 其皆用手印相應而作
103 33 yòng to spend 其皆用手印相應而作
104 33 yòng expense 其皆用手印相應而作
105 33 yòng a use; usage 其皆用手印相應而作
106 33 yòng to need; must 其皆用手印相應而作
107 33 yòng useful; practical 其皆用手印相應而作
108 33 yòng to use up; to use all of something 其皆用手印相應而作
109 33 yòng to work (an animal) 其皆用手印相應而作
110 33 yòng to appoint 其皆用手印相應而作
111 33 yòng to administer; to manager 其皆用手印相應而作
112 33 yòng to control 其皆用手印相應而作
113 33 yòng to access 其皆用手印相應而作
114 33 yòng Yong 其皆用手印相應而作
115 33 yòng yong; function; application 其皆用手印相應而作
116 33 yòng efficacy; kāritra 其皆用手印相應而作
117 33 suǒ a few; various; some 如前所說
118 33 suǒ a place; a location 如前所說
119 33 suǒ indicates a passive voice 如前所說
120 33 suǒ an ordinal number 如前所說
121 33 suǒ meaning 如前所說
122 33 suǒ garrison 如前所說
123 33 suǒ place; pradeśa 如前所說
124 32 阿闍梨 āshélí acarya; a religious teacher 其阿闍梨
125 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 堪授法器應灌頂者
126 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 堪授法器應灌頂者
127 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 堪授法器應灌頂者
128 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 堪授法器應灌頂者
129 29 duò to fall; to sink 隨所墮處
130 29 duò apathetic; lazy 隨所墮處
131 29 huī to damage; to destroy 隨所墮處
132 29 duò to degenerate 隨所墮處
133 29 duò fallen; patita 隨所墮處
134 27 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 如前所說
135 27 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 如前所說
136 27 shuì to persuade 如前所說
137 27 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 如前所說
138 27 shuō a doctrine; a theory 如前所說
139 27 shuō to claim; to assert 如前所說
140 27 shuō allocution 如前所說
141 27 shuō to criticize; to scold 如前所說
142 27 shuō to indicate; to refer to 如前所說
143 27 shuō speach; vāda 如前所說
144 27 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 如前所說
145 27 shuō to instruct 如前所說
146 26 zhōng middle 羅中所說
147 26 zhōng medium; medium sized 羅中所說
148 26 zhōng China 羅中所說
149 26 zhòng to hit the mark 羅中所說
150 26 zhōng midday 羅中所說
151 26 zhōng inside 羅中所說
152 26 zhōng during 羅中所說
153 26 zhōng Zhong 羅中所說
154 26 zhōng intermediary 羅中所說
155 26 zhōng half 羅中所說
156 26 zhòng to reach; to attain 羅中所說
157 26 zhòng to suffer; to infect 羅中所說
158 26 zhòng to obtain 羅中所說
159 26 zhòng to pass an exam 羅中所說
160 26 zhōng middle 羅中所說
161 26 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是等印
162 26 to go back; to return 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
163 26 to resume; to restart 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
164 26 to do in detail 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
165 26 to restore 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
166 26 to respond; to reply to 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
167 26 Fu; Return 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
168 26 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
169 26 to avoid forced labor or tax 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
170 26 Fu 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
171 26 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
172 26 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
173 25 second-rate
174 25 second; secondary
175 25 temporary stopover; temporary lodging
176 25 a sequence; an order
177 25 to arrive
178 25 to be next in sequence
179 25 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations
180 25 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic
181 25 stage of a journey
182 25 ranks
183 25 an official position
184 25 inside
185 25 to hesitate
186 25 secondary; next; tatas
187 24 huā Hua 花若墮
188 24 huā flower 花若墮
189 24 huā to spend (money, time) 花若墮
190 24 huā a flower shaped object 花若墮
191 24 huā a beautiful female 花若墮
192 24 huā having flowers 花若墮
193 24 huā having a decorative pattern 花若墮
194 24 huā having a a variety 花若墮
195 24 huā false; empty 花若墮
196 24 huā indistinct; fuzzy 花若墮
197 24 huā excited 花若墮
198 24 huā to flower 花若墮
199 24 huā flower; puṣpa 花若墮
200 24 Kangxi radical 49 作此法已
201 24 to bring to an end; to stop 作此法已
202 24 to complete 作此法已
203 24 to demote; to dismiss 作此法已
204 24 to recover from an illness 作此法已
205 24 former; pūrvaka 作此法已
206 24 biàn all; complete 為一一尊七遍護
207 24 biàn to be covered with 為一一尊七遍護
208 24 biàn everywhere; sarva 為一一尊七遍護
209 24 biàn pervade; visva 為一一尊七遍護
210 24 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 為一一尊七遍護
211 24 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 為一一尊七遍護
212 23 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 所燒之香勿令斷絕
213 23 lìng to issue a command 所燒之香勿令斷絕
214 23 lìng rules of behavior; customs 所燒之香勿令斷絕
215 23 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 所燒之香勿令斷絕
216 23 lìng a season 所燒之香勿令斷絕
217 23 lìng respected; good reputation 所燒之香勿令斷絕
218 23 lìng good 所燒之香勿令斷絕
219 23 lìng pretentious 所燒之香勿令斷絕
220 23 lìng a transcending state of existence 所燒之香勿令斷絕
221 23 lìng a commander 所燒之香勿令斷絕
222 23 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 所燒之香勿令斷絕
223 23 lìng lyrics 所燒之香勿令斷絕
224 23 lìng Ling 所燒之香勿令斷絕
225 23 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 所燒之香勿令斷絕
226 23 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 弟子入
227 23 弟子 dìzi youngster 弟子入
228 23 弟子 dìzi prostitute 弟子入
229 23 弟子 dìzi believer 弟子入
230 23 弟子 dìzi disciple 弟子入
231 23 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 弟子入
232 23 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 亦名三部三摩耶印
233 23 yìn India 亦名三部三摩耶印
234 23 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 亦名三部三摩耶印
235 23 yìn a seal; a stamp 亦名三部三摩耶印
236 23 yìn to tally 亦名三部三摩耶印
237 23 yìn a vestige; a trace 亦名三部三摩耶印
238 23 yìn Yin 亦名三部三摩耶印
239 23 yìn to leave a track or trace 亦名三部三摩耶印
240 23 yìn mudra 亦名三部三摩耶印
241 22 suí to follow 或隨彼說於彼而用
242 22 suí to listen to 或隨彼說於彼而用
243 22 suí to submit to; to comply with 或隨彼說於彼而用
244 22 suí to be obsequious 或隨彼說於彼而用
245 22 suí 17th hexagram 或隨彼說於彼而用
246 22 suí let somebody do what they like 或隨彼說於彼而用
247 22 suí to resemble; to look like 或隨彼說於彼而用
248 22 suí follow; anugama 或隨彼說於彼而用
249 22 běn to be one's own 隨其所得於本真言
250 22 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 隨其所得於本真言
251 22 běn the roots of a plant 隨其所得於本真言
252 22 běn capital 隨其所得於本真言
253 22 běn main; central; primary 隨其所得於本真言
254 22 běn according to 隨其所得於本真言
255 22 běn a version; an edition 隨其所得於本真言
256 22 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 隨其所得於本真言
257 22 běn a book 隨其所得於本真言
258 22 běn trunk of a tree 隨其所得於本真言
259 22 běn to investigate the root of 隨其所得於本真言
260 22 běn a manuscript for a play 隨其所得於本真言
261 22 běn Ben 隨其所得於本真言
262 22 běn root; origin; mula 隨其所得於本真言
263 22 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 隨其所得於本真言
264 22 běn former; previous; pūrva 隨其所得於本真言
265 21 shì matter; thing; item 是故應當於一切事
266 21 shì to serve 是故應當於一切事
267 21 shì a government post 是故應當於一切事
268 21 shì duty; post; work 是故應當於一切事
269 21 shì occupation 是故應當於一切事
270 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 是故應當於一切事
271 21 shì an accident 是故應當於一切事
272 21 shì to attend 是故應當於一切事
273 21 shì an allusion 是故應當於一切事
274 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 是故應當於一切事
275 21 shì to engage in 是故應當於一切事
276 21 shì to enslave 是故應當於一切事
277 21 shì to pursue 是故應當於一切事
278 21 shì to administer 是故應當於一切事
279 21 shì to appoint 是故應當於一切事
280 21 shì thing; phenomena 是故應當於一切事
281 21 shì actions; karma 是故應當於一切事
282 21 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
283 21 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
284 21 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
285 21 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
286 21 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
287 21 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
288 21 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
289 20 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 隨其所得於本真言
290 20 děi to want to; to need to 隨其所得於本真言
291 20 děi must; ought to 隨其所得於本真言
292 20 de 隨其所得於本真言
293 20 de infix potential marker 隨其所得於本真言
294 20 to result in 隨其所得於本真言
295 20 to be proper; to fit; to suit 隨其所得於本真言
296 20 to be satisfied 隨其所得於本真言
297 20 to be finished 隨其所得於本真言
298 20 děi satisfying 隨其所得於本真言
299 20 to contract 隨其所得於本真言
300 20 to hear 隨其所得於本真言
301 20 to have; there is 隨其所得於本真言
302 20 marks time passed 隨其所得於本真言
303 20 obtain; attain; prāpta 隨其所得於本真言
304 19 to be near by; to be close to
305 19 at that time
306 19 to be exactly the same as; to be thus
307 19 supposed; so-called
308 19 to arrive at; to ascend
309 19 wéi to act as; to serve 為一一尊七遍護
310 19 wéi to change into; to become 為一一尊七遍護
311 19 wéi to be; is 為一一尊七遍護
312 19 wéi to do 為一一尊七遍護
313 19 wèi to support; to help 為一一尊七遍護
314 19 wéi to govern 為一一尊七遍護
315 19 wèi to be; bhū 為一一尊七遍護
316 19 infix potential marker 彼人信心不具
317 18 to depend on; to lean on 依作彼曼荼羅
318 18 to comply with; to follow 依作彼曼荼羅
319 18 to help 依作彼曼荼羅
320 18 flourishing 依作彼曼荼羅
321 18 lovable 依作彼曼荼羅
322 18 bonds; substratum; upadhi 依作彼曼荼羅
323 18 refuge; śaraṇa 依作彼曼荼羅
324 18 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 依作彼曼荼羅
325 18 shàng top; a high position 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
326 18 shang top; the position on or above something 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
327 18 shàng to go up; to go forward 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
328 18 shàng shang 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
329 18 shàng previous; last 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
330 18 shàng high; higher 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
331 18 shàng advanced 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
332 18 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
333 18 shàng time 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
334 18 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
335 18 shàng far 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
336 18 shàng big; as big as 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
337 18 shàng abundant; plentiful 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
338 18 shàng to report 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
339 18 shàng to offer 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
340 18 shàng to go on stage 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
341 18 shàng to take office; to assume a post 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
342 18 shàng to install; to erect 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
343 18 shàng to suffer; to sustain 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
344 18 shàng to burn 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
345 18 shàng to remember 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
346 18 shàng to add 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
347 18 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
348 18 shàng to meet 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
349 18 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
350 18 shang used after a verb indicating a result 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
351 18 shàng a musical note 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
352 18 shàng higher, superior; uttara 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
353 17 zhī to know 知有大威力
354 17 zhī to comprehend 知有大威力
355 17 zhī to inform; to tell 知有大威力
356 17 zhī to administer 知有大威力
357 17 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知有大威力
358 17 zhī to be close friends 知有大威力
359 17 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知有大威力
360 17 zhī to receive; to entertain 知有大威力
361 17 zhī knowledge 知有大威力
362 17 zhī consciousness; perception 知有大威力
363 17 zhī a close friend 知有大威力
364 17 zhì wisdom 知有大威力
365 17 zhì Zhi 知有大威力
366 17 zhī to appreciate 知有大威力
367 17 zhī to make known 知有大威力
368 17 zhī to have control over 知有大威力
369 17 zhī to expect; to foresee 知有大威力
370 17 zhī Understanding 知有大威力
371 17 zhī know; jña 知有大威力
372 17 luó Luo 羅印
373 17 luó to catch; to capture 羅印
374 17 luó gauze 羅印
375 17 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 羅印
376 17 luó a net for catching birds 羅印
377 17 luó to recruit 羅印
378 17 luó to include 羅印
379 17 luó to distribute 羅印
380 17 luó ra 羅印
381 17 zuò to sit 弟子坐第二院
382 17 zuò to ride 弟子坐第二院
383 17 zuò to visit 弟子坐第二院
384 17 zuò a seat 弟子坐第二院
385 17 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 弟子坐第二院
386 17 zuò to be in a position 弟子坐第二院
387 17 zuò to convict; to try 弟子坐第二院
388 17 zuò to stay 弟子坐第二院
389 17 zuò to kneel 弟子坐第二院
390 17 zuò to violate 弟子坐第二院
391 17 zuò to sit; niṣad 弟子坐第二院
392 17 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 弟子坐第二院
393 17 nán difficult; arduous; hard 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
394 17 nán to put someone in a difficult position; to have difficulty 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
395 17 nán hardly possible; unable 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
396 17 nàn disaster; calamity 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
397 17 nàn enemy; foe 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
398 17 nán bad; unpleasant 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
399 17 nàn to blame; to rebuke 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
400 17 nàn to object to; to argue against 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
401 17 nàn to reject; to repudiate 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
402 17 nán inopportune; aksana 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
403 16 Yi 亦名三部三摩耶印
404 15 to enter 將其弟子一一令入
405 15 Kangxi radical 11 將其弟子一一令入
406 15 radical 將其弟子一一令入
407 15 income 將其弟子一一令入
408 15 to conform with 將其弟子一一令入
409 15 to descend 將其弟子一一令入
410 15 the entering tone 將其弟子一一令入
411 15 to pay 將其弟子一一令入
412 15 to join 將其弟子一一令入
413 15 entering; praveśa 將其弟子一一令入
414 15 entered; attained; āpanna 將其弟子一一令入
415 15 持誦 chísòng to chant; to recite 持誦新
416 15 extra; surplus 方為餘尊護摩
417 15 odd; surplus over a round number 方為餘尊護摩
418 15 to remain 方為餘尊護摩
419 15 other 方為餘尊護摩
420 15 additional; complementary 方為餘尊護摩
421 15 remaining 方為餘尊護摩
422 15 incomplete 方為餘尊護摩
423 15 Yu 方為餘尊護摩
424 15 other; anya 方為餘尊護摩
425 15 Soviet Union 初應滿杓蘇護摩
426 15 Su 初應滿杓蘇護摩
427 15 to revive 初應滿杓蘇護摩
428 15 Suzhou 初應滿杓蘇護摩
429 15 Jiangsu 初應滿杓蘇護摩
430 15 a species of thyme 初應滿杓蘇護摩
431 15 earrings 初應滿杓蘇護摩
432 15 to awaken 初應滿杓蘇護摩
433 15 to be rescued 初應滿杓蘇護摩
434 15 to mow grass 初應滿杓蘇護摩
435 15 awareness; saṃjñā 初應滿杓蘇護摩
436 14 thing; matter 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
437 14 physics 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
438 14 living beings; the outside world; other people 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
439 14 contents; properties; elements 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
440 14 muticolor of an animal's coat 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
441 14 mottling 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
442 14 variety 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
443 14 an institution 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
444 14 to select; to choose 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
445 14 to seek 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
446 14 thing; vastu 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
447 14 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 其執蓮華及執金剛
448 14 zhí a post; a position; a job 其執蓮華及執金剛
449 14 zhí to grasp; to hold 其執蓮華及執金剛
450 14 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 其執蓮華及執金剛
451 14 zhí to arrest; to capture 其執蓮華及執金剛
452 14 zhí to maintain; to guard 其執蓮華及執金剛
453 14 zhí to block up 其執蓮華及執金剛
454 14 zhí to engage in 其執蓮華及執金剛
455 14 zhí to link up; to draw in 其執蓮華及執金剛
456 14 zhí a good friend 其執蓮華及執金剛
457 14 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 其執蓮華及執金剛
458 14 zhí grasping; grāha 其執蓮華及執金剛
459 14 child; son 將其弟子一一令入
460 14 egg; newborn 將其弟子一一令入
461 14 first earthly branch 將其弟子一一令入
462 14 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 將其弟子一一令入
463 14 Kangxi radical 39 將其弟子一一令入
464 14 pellet; something small and hard 將其弟子一一令入
465 14 master 將其弟子一一令入
466 14 viscount 將其弟子一一令入
467 14 zi you; your honor 將其弟子一一令入
468 14 masters 將其弟子一一令入
469 14 person 將其弟子一一令入
470 14 young 將其弟子一一令入
471 14 seed 將其弟子一一令入
472 14 subordinate; subsidiary 將其弟子一一令入
473 14 a copper coin 將其弟子一一令入
474 14 female dragonfly 將其弟子一一令入
475 14 constituent 將其弟子一一令入
476 14 offspring; descendants 將其弟子一一令入
477 14 dear 將其弟子一一令入
478 14 little one 將其弟子一一令入
479 14 son; putra 將其弟子一一令入
480 14 offspring; tanaya 將其弟子一一令入
481 14 xiān first 先墮於內院中
482 14 xiān early; prior; former 先墮於內院中
483 14 xiān to go forward; to advance 先墮於內院中
484 14 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先墮於內院中
485 14 xiān to start 先墮於內院中
486 14 xiān ancestors; forebears 先墮於內院中
487 14 xiān before; in front 先墮於內院中
488 14 xiān fundamental; basic 先墮於內院中
489 14 xiān Xian 先墮於內院中
490 14 xiān ancient; archaic 先墮於內院中
491 14 xiān super 先墮於內院中
492 14 xiān deceased 先墮於內院中
493 14 xiān first; former; pūrva 先墮於內院中
494 13 màn long 其阿闍梨於曼
495 13 màn to extend; to prolong 其阿闍梨於曼
496 13 màn vast; endless 其阿闍梨於曼
497 13 màn to grow; to spread 其阿闍梨於曼
498 13 màn Man 其阿闍梨於曼
499 13 màn beautiful; graceful 其阿闍梨於曼
500 13 màn ma 其阿闍梨於曼

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1150

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 96 zuò to do 其皆用手印相應而作
2 96 zuò to act as; to serve as 其皆用手印相應而作
3 96 zuò to start 其皆用手印相應而作
4 96 zuò a writing; a work 其皆用手印相應而作
5 96 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 其皆用手印相應而作
6 96 zuō to create; to make 其皆用手印相應而作
7 96 zuō a workshop 其皆用手印相應而作
8 96 zuō to write; to compose 其皆用手印相應而作
9 96 zuò to rise 其皆用手印相應而作
10 96 zuò to be aroused 其皆用手印相應而作
11 96 zuò activity; action; undertaking 其皆用手印相應而作
12 96 zuò to regard as 其皆用手印相應而作
13 96 zuò action; kāraṇa 其皆用手印相應而作
14 95 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若欲碎伏難伏者
15 95 ruò seemingly 若欲碎伏難伏者
16 95 ruò if 若欲碎伏難伏者
17 95 ruò you 若欲碎伏難伏者
18 95 ruò this; that 若欲碎伏難伏者
19 95 ruò and; or 若欲碎伏難伏者
20 95 ruò as for; pertaining to 若欲碎伏難伏者
21 95 pomegranite 若欲碎伏難伏者
22 95 ruò to choose 若欲碎伏難伏者
23 95 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若欲碎伏難伏者
24 95 ruò thus 若欲碎伏難伏者
25 95 ruò pollia 若欲碎伏難伏者
26 95 ruò Ruo 若欲碎伏難伏者
27 95 ruò only then 若欲碎伏難伏者
28 95 ja 若欲碎伏難伏者
29 95 jñā 若欲碎伏難伏者
30 95 ruò if; yadi 若欲碎伏難伏者
31 81 his; hers; its; theirs 其護身印及結方印
32 81 to add emphasis 其護身印及結方印
33 81 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其護身印及結方印
34 81 used when making a request or giving an order 其護身印及結方印
35 81 he; her; it; them 其護身印及結方印
36 81 probably; likely 其護身印及結方印
37 81 will 其護身印及結方印
38 81 may 其護身印及結方印
39 81 if 其護身印及結方印
40 81 or 其護身印及結方印
41 81 Qi 其護身印及結方印
42 81 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其護身印及結方印
43 77 曼荼羅 màntúluó mandala; cicle of divinity 於一切曼荼羅
44 73 in; at 於一切曼荼羅
45 73 in; at 於一切曼荼羅
46 73 in; at; to; from 於一切曼荼羅
47 73 to go; to 於一切曼荼羅
48 73 to rely on; to depend on 於一切曼荼羅
49 73 to go to; to arrive at 於一切曼荼羅
50 73 from 於一切曼荼羅
51 73 give 於一切曼荼羅
52 73 oppposing 於一切曼荼羅
53 73 and 於一切曼荼羅
54 73 compared to 於一切曼荼羅
55 73 by 於一切曼荼羅
56 73 and; as well as 於一切曼荼羅
57 73 for 於一切曼荼羅
58 73 Yu 於一切曼荼羅
59 73 a crow 於一切曼荼羅
60 73 whew; wow 於一切曼荼羅
61 73 near to; antike 於一切曼荼羅
62 67 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 若欲碎伏難伏者
63 67 zhě that 若欲碎伏難伏者
64 67 zhě nominalizing function word 若欲碎伏難伏者
65 67 zhě used to mark a definition 若欲碎伏難伏者
66 67 zhě used to mark a pause 若欲碎伏難伏者
67 67 zhě topic marker; that; it 若欲碎伏難伏者
68 67 zhuó according to 若欲碎伏難伏者
69 67 zhě ca 若欲碎伏難伏者
70 65 to reach 其護身印及結方印
71 65 and 其護身印及結方印
72 65 coming to; when 其護身印及結方印
73 65 to attain 其護身印及結方印
74 65 to understand 其護身印及結方印
75 65 able to be compared to; to catch up with 其護身印及結方印
76 65 to be involved with; to associate with 其護身印及結方印
77 65 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 其護身印及結方印
78 65 and; ca; api 其護身印及結方印
79 64 method; way 淨治及護身法
80 64 France 淨治及護身法
81 64 the law; rules; regulations 淨治及護身法
82 64 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 淨治及護身法
83 64 a standard; a norm 淨治及護身法
84 64 an institution 淨治及護身法
85 64 to emulate 淨治及護身法
86 64 magic; a magic trick 淨治及護身法
87 64 punishment 淨治及護身法
88 64 Fa 淨治及護身法
89 64 a precedent 淨治及護身法
90 64 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 淨治及護身法
91 64 relating to a ceremony or rite 淨治及護身法
92 64 Dharma 淨治及護身法
93 64 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 淨治及護身法
94 64 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 淨治及護身法
95 64 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 淨治及護身法
96 64 quality; characteristic 淨治及護身法
97 57 that; those 或隨彼說於彼而用
98 57 another; the other 或隨彼說於彼而用
99 57 that; tad 或隨彼說於彼而用
100 55 zhū all; many; various 若欲碎滅諸障難者
101 55 zhū Zhu 若欲碎滅諸障難者
102 55 zhū all; members of the class 若欲碎滅諸障難者
103 55 zhū interrogative particle 若欲碎滅諸障難者
104 55 zhū him; her; them; it 若欲碎滅諸障難者
105 55 zhū of; in 若欲碎滅諸障難者
106 55 zhū all; many; sarva 若欲碎滅諸障難者
107 55 so as to; in order to 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
108 55 to use; to regard as 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
109 55 to use; to grasp 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
110 55 according to 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
111 55 because of 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
112 55 on a certain date 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
113 55 and; as well as 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
114 55 to rely on 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
115 55 to regard 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
116 55 to be able to 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
117 55 to order; to command 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
118 55 further; moreover 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
119 55 used after a verb 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
120 55 very 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
121 55 already 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
122 55 increasingly 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
123 55 a reason; a cause 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
124 55 Israel 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
125 55 Yi 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
126 55 use; yogena 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
127 53 護摩 hùmó homa 復次應當作護摩之法
128 51 真言 zhēnyán true words 婆明王真言手印
129 51 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 婆明王真言手印
130 51 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 婆明王真言手印
131 50 yīng should; ought 初應滿杓蘇護摩
132 50 yìng to answer; to respond 初應滿杓蘇護摩
133 50 yìng to confirm; to verify 初應滿杓蘇護摩
134 50 yīng soon; immediately 初應滿杓蘇護摩
135 50 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 初應滿杓蘇護摩
136 50 yìng to accept 初應滿杓蘇護摩
137 50 yīng or; either 初應滿杓蘇護摩
138 50 yìng to permit; to allow 初應滿杓蘇護摩
139 50 yìng to echo 初應滿杓蘇護摩
140 50 yìng to handle; to deal with 初應滿杓蘇護摩
141 50 yìng Ying 初應滿杓蘇護摩
142 50 yīng suitable; yukta 初應滿杓蘇護摩
143 41 zūn to honor; to respect 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
144 41 zūn measure word for cannons and statues 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
145 41 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
146 41 zūn a wine cup 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
147 41 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
148 41 zūn supreme; high 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
149 41 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
150 41 zūn your [honorable] 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
151 41 zūn bhagavat; holy one 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
152 41 zūn lord; patron; natha 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
153 41 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 是故當用如上尊等諸印等法繞用
154 41 and 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
155 41 to give 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
156 41 together with 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
157 41 interrogative particle 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
158 41 to accompany 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
159 41 to particate in 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
160 41 of the same kind 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
161 41 to help 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
162 41 for 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
163 41 and; ca 應以蘇及與柴等諸物
164 40 huò or; either; else 或用大
165 40 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或用大
166 40 huò some; someone 或用大
167 40 míngnián suddenly 或用大
168 40 huò or; vā 或用大
169 36 děng et cetera; and so on 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
170 36 děng to wait 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
171 36 děng degree; kind 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
172 36 děng plural 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
173 36 děng to be equal 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
174 36 děng degree; level 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
175 36 děng to compare 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
176 36 děng same; equal; sama 辟除障難印奉獻香華等印
177 36 zhī him; her; them; that 通用之
178 36 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 通用之
179 36 zhī to go 通用之
180 36 zhī this; that 通用之
181 36 zhī genetive marker 通用之
182 36 zhī it 通用之
183 36 zhī in; in regards to 通用之
184 36 zhī all 通用之
185 36 zhī and 通用之
186 36 zhī however 通用之
187 36 zhī if 通用之
188 36 zhī then 通用之
189 36 zhī to arrive; to go 通用之
190 36 zhī is 通用之
191 36 zhī to use 通用之
192 36 zhī Zhi 通用之
193 36 zhī winding 通用之
194 35 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當用金剛母跢迦
195 35 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當用金剛母跢迦
196 35 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當用金剛母跢迦
197 35 dāng to face 當用金剛母跢迦
198 35 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當用金剛母跢迦
199 35 dāng to manage; to host 當用金剛母跢迦
200 35 dāng should 當用金剛母跢迦
201 35 dāng to treat; to regard as 當用金剛母跢迦
202 35 dǎng to think 當用金剛母跢迦
203 35 dàng suitable; correspond to 當用金剛母跢迦
204 35 dǎng to be equal 當用金剛母跢迦
205 35 dàng that 當用金剛母跢迦
206 35 dāng an end; top 當用金剛母跢迦
207 35 dàng clang; jingle 當用金剛母跢迦
208 35 dāng to judge 當用金剛母跢迦
209 35 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當用金剛母跢迦
210 35 dàng the same 當用金剛母跢迦
211 35 dàng to pawn 當用金剛母跢迦
212 35 dàng to fail [an exam] 當用金剛母跢迦
213 35 dàng a trap 當用金剛母跢迦
214 35 dàng a pawned item 當用金剛母跢迦
215 35 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當用金剛母跢迦
216 34 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 其皆用手印相應而作
217 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 其皆用手印相應而作
218 34 ér you 其皆用手印相應而作
219 34 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 其皆用手印相應而作
220 34 ér right away; then 其皆用手印相應而作
221 34 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 其皆用手印相應而作
222 34 ér if; in case; in the event that 其皆用手印相應而作
223 34 ér therefore; as a result; thus 其皆用手印相應而作
224 34 ér how can it be that? 其皆用手印相應而作
225 34 ér so as to 其皆用手印相應而作
226 34 ér only then 其皆用手印相應而作
227 34 ér as if; to seem like 其皆用手印相應而作
228 34 néng can; able 其皆用手印相應而作
229 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 其皆用手印相應而作
230 34 ér me 其皆用手印相應而作
231 34 ér to arrive; up to 其皆用手印相應而作
232 34 ér possessive 其皆用手印相應而作
233 34 ér and; ca 其皆用手印相應而作
234 33 yòng to use; to apply 其皆用手印相應而作
235 33 yòng Kangxi radical 101 其皆用手印相應而作
236 33 yòng to eat 其皆用手印相應而作
237 33 yòng to spend 其皆用手印相應而作
238 33 yòng expense 其皆用手印相應而作
239 33 yòng a use; usage 其皆用手印相應而作
240 33 yòng to need; must 其皆用手印相應而作
241 33 yòng useful; practical 其皆用手印相應而作
242 33 yòng to use up; to use all of something 其皆用手印相應而作
243 33 yòng by means of; with 其皆用手印相應而作
244 33 yòng to work (an animal) 其皆用手印相應而作
245 33 yòng to appoint 其皆用手印相應而作
246 33 yòng to administer; to manager 其皆用手印相應而作
247 33 yòng to control 其皆用手印相應而作
248 33 yòng to access 其皆用手印相應而作
249 33 yòng Yong 其皆用手印相應而作
250 33 yòng yong; function; application 其皆用手印相應而作
251 33 yòng efficacy; kāritra 其皆用手印相應而作
252 33 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 如前所說
253 33 suǒ an office; an institute 如前所說
254 33 suǒ introduces a relative clause 如前所說
255 33 suǒ it 如前所說
256 33 suǒ if; supposing 如前所說
257 33 suǒ a few; various; some 如前所說
258 33 suǒ a place; a location 如前所說
259 33 suǒ indicates a passive voice 如前所說
260 33 suǒ that which 如前所說
261 33 suǒ an ordinal number 如前所說
262 33 suǒ meaning 如前所說
263 33 suǒ garrison 如前所說
264 33 suǒ place; pradeśa 如前所說
265 33 suǒ that which; yad 如前所說
266 32 阿闍梨 āshélí acarya; a religious teacher 其阿闍梨
267 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 堪授法器應灌頂者
268 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 堪授法器應灌頂者
269 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 堪授法器應灌頂者
270 32 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 堪授法器應灌頂者
271 29 duò to fall; to sink 隨所墮處
272 29 duò apathetic; lazy 隨所墮處
273 29 huī to damage; to destroy 隨所墮處
274 29 duò to degenerate 隨所墮處
275 29 duò fallen; patita 隨所墮處
276 27 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 如前所說
277 27 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 如前所說
278 27 shuì to persuade 如前所說
279 27 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 如前所說
280 27 shuō a doctrine; a theory 如前所說
281 27 shuō to claim; to assert 如前所說
282 27 shuō allocution 如前所說
283 27 shuō to criticize; to scold 如前所說
284 27 shuō to indicate; to refer to 如前所說
285 27 shuō speach; vāda 如前所說
286 27 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 如前所說
287 27 shuō to instruct 如前所說
288 26 zhōng middle 羅中所說
289 26 zhōng medium; medium sized 羅中所說
290 26 zhōng China 羅中所說
291 26 zhòng to hit the mark 羅中所說
292 26 zhōng in; amongst 羅中所說
293 26 zhōng midday 羅中所說
294 26 zhōng inside 羅中所說
295 26 zhōng during 羅中所說
296 26 zhōng Zhong 羅中所說
297 26 zhōng intermediary 羅中所說
298 26 zhōng half 羅中所說
299 26 zhōng just right; suitably 羅中所說
300 26 zhōng while 羅中所說
301 26 zhòng to reach; to attain 羅中所說
302 26 zhòng to suffer; to infect 羅中所說
303 26 zhòng to obtain 羅中所說
304 26 zhòng to pass an exam 羅中所說
305 26 zhōng middle 羅中所說
306 26 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是等印
307 26 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是等印
308 26 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是等印
309 26 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是等印
310 26 again; more; repeatedly 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
311 26 to go back; to return 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
312 26 to resume; to restart 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
313 26 to do in detail 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
314 26 to restore 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
315 26 to respond; to reply to 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
316 26 after all; and then 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
317 26 even if; although 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
318 26 Fu; Return 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
319 26 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
320 26 to avoid forced labor or tax 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
321 26 particle without meaing 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
322 26 Fu 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
323 26 repeated; again 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
324 26 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
325 26 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
326 26 again; punar 復以誠心頂禮諸尊
327 25 a time
328 25 second-rate
329 25 second; secondary
330 25 temporary stopover; temporary lodging
331 25 a sequence; an order
332 25 to arrive
333 25 to be next in sequence
334 25 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations
335 25 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic
336 25 stage of a journey
337 25 ranks
338 25 an official position
339 25 inside
340 25 to hesitate
341 25 secondary; next; tatas
342 25 yǒu is; are; to exist 若有越三摩耶
343 25 yǒu to have; to possess 若有越三摩耶
344 25 yǒu indicates an estimate 若有越三摩耶
345 25 yǒu indicates a large quantity 若有越三摩耶
346 25 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 若有越三摩耶
347 25 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 若有越三摩耶
348 25 yǒu used to compare two things 若有越三摩耶
349 25 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 若有越三摩耶
350 25 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 若有越三摩耶
351 25 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 若有越三摩耶
352 25 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 若有越三摩耶
353 25 yǒu abundant 若有越三摩耶
354 25 yǒu purposeful 若有越三摩耶
355 25 yǒu You 若有越三摩耶
356 25 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 若有越三摩耶
357 25 yǒu becoming; bhava 若有越三摩耶
358 24 huā Hua 花若墮
359 24 huā flower 花若墮
360 24 huā to spend (money, time) 花若墮
361 24 huā a flower shaped object 花若墮
362 24 huā a beautiful female 花若墮
363 24 huā having flowers 花若墮
364 24 huā having a decorative pattern 花若墮
365 24 huā having a a variety 花若墮
366 24 huā false; empty 花若墮
367 24 huā indistinct; fuzzy 花若墮
368 24 huā excited 花若墮
369 24 huā to flower 花若墮
370 24 huā flower; puṣpa 花若墮
371 24 already 作此法已
372 24 Kangxi radical 49 作此法已
373 24 from 作此法已
374 24 to bring to an end; to stop 作此法已
375 24 final aspectual particle 作此法已
376 24 afterwards; thereafter 作此法已
377 24 too; very; excessively 作此法已
378 24 to complete 作此法已
379 24 to demote; to dismiss 作此法已
380 24 to recover from an illness 作此法已
381 24 certainly 作此法已
382 24 an interjection of surprise 作此法已
383 24 this 作此法已
384 24 former; pūrvaka 作此法已
385 24 former; pūrvaka 作此法已
386 24 biàn turn; one time 為一一尊七遍護
387 24 biàn all; complete 為一一尊七遍護
388 24 biàn everywhere; common 為一一尊七遍護
389 24 biàn to be covered with 為一一尊七遍護
390 24 biàn everywhere; sarva 為一一尊七遍護
391 24 biàn pervade; visva 為一一尊七遍護
392 24 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 為一一尊七遍護
393 24 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 為一一尊七遍護
394 23 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 所燒之香勿令斷絕
395 23 lìng to issue a command 所燒之香勿令斷絕
396 23 lìng rules of behavior; customs 所燒之香勿令斷絕
397 23 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 所燒之香勿令斷絕
398 23 lìng a season 所燒之香勿令斷絕
399 23 lìng respected; good reputation 所燒之香勿令斷絕
400 23 lìng good 所燒之香勿令斷絕
401 23 lìng pretentious 所燒之香勿令斷絕
402 23 lìng a transcending state of existence 所燒之香勿令斷絕
403 23 lìng a commander 所燒之香勿令斷絕
404 23 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 所燒之香勿令斷絕
405 23 lìng lyrics 所燒之香勿令斷絕
406 23 lìng Ling 所燒之香勿令斷絕
407 23 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 所燒之香勿令斷絕
408 23 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 弟子入
409 23 弟子 dìzi youngster 弟子入
410 23 弟子 dìzi prostitute 弟子入
411 23 弟子 dìzi believer 弟子入
412 23 弟子 dìzi disciple 弟子入
413 23 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 弟子入
414 23 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 亦名三部三摩耶印
415 23 yìn India 亦名三部三摩耶印
416 23 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 亦名三部三摩耶印
417 23 yìn a seal; a stamp 亦名三部三摩耶印
418 23 yìn to tally 亦名三部三摩耶印
419 23 yìn a vestige; a trace 亦名三部三摩耶印
420 23 yìn Yin 亦名三部三摩耶印
421 23 yìn to leave a track or trace 亦名三部三摩耶印
422 23 yìn mudra 亦名三部三摩耶印
423 22 suí to follow 或隨彼說於彼而用
424 22 suí to listen to 或隨彼說於彼而用
425 22 suí to submit to; to comply with 或隨彼說於彼而用
426 22 suí with; to accompany 或隨彼說於彼而用
427 22 suí in due course; subsequently; then 或隨彼說於彼而用
428 22 suí to the extent that 或隨彼說於彼而用
429 22 suí to be obsequious 或隨彼說於彼而用
430 22 suí everywhere 或隨彼說於彼而用
431 22 suí 17th hexagram 或隨彼說於彼而用
432 22 suí in passing 或隨彼說於彼而用
433 22 suí let somebody do what they like 或隨彼說於彼而用
434 22 suí to resemble; to look like 或隨彼說於彼而用
435 22 suí follow; anugama 或隨彼說於彼而用
436 22 běn measure word for books 隨其所得於本真言
437 22 běn this (city, week, etc) 隨其所得於本真言
438 22 běn originally; formerly 隨其所得於本真言
439 22 běn to be one's own 隨其所得於本真言
440 22 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 隨其所得於本真言
441 22 běn the roots of a plant 隨其所得於本真言
442 22 běn self 隨其所得於本真言
443 22 běn measure word for flowering plants 隨其所得於本真言
444 22 běn capital 隨其所得於本真言
445 22 běn main; central; primary 隨其所得於本真言
446 22 běn according to 隨其所得於本真言
447 22 běn a version; an edition 隨其所得於本真言
448 22 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 隨其所得於本真言
449 22 běn a book 隨其所得於本真言
450 22 běn trunk of a tree 隨其所得於本真言
451 22 běn to investigate the root of 隨其所得於本真言
452 22 běn a manuscript for a play 隨其所得於本真言
453 22 běn Ben 隨其所得於本真言
454 22 běn root; origin; mula 隨其所得於本真言
455 22 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 隨其所得於本真言
456 22 běn former; previous; pūrva 隨其所得於本真言
457 21 shì matter; thing; item 是故應當於一切事
458 21 shì to serve 是故應當於一切事
459 21 shì a government post 是故應當於一切事
460 21 shì duty; post; work 是故應當於一切事
461 21 shì occupation 是故應當於一切事
462 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 是故應當於一切事
463 21 shì an accident 是故應當於一切事
464 21 shì to attend 是故應當於一切事
465 21 shì an allusion 是故應當於一切事
466 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 是故應當於一切事
467 21 shì to engage in 是故應當於一切事
468 21 shì to enslave 是故應當於一切事
469 21 shì to pursue 是故應當於一切事
470 21 shì to administer 是故應當於一切事
471 21 shì to appoint 是故應當於一切事
472 21 shì a piece 是故應當於一切事
473 21 shì thing; phenomena 是故應當於一切事
474 21 shì actions; karma 是故應當於一切事
475 21 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
476 21 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
477 21 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
478 21 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
479 21 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
480 21 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
481 21 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 隨其福德及與種姓并以成就
482 20 de potential marker 隨其所得於本真言
483 20 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 隨其所得於本真言
484 20 děi must; ought to 隨其所得於本真言
485 20 děi to want to; to need to 隨其所得於本真言
486 20 děi must; ought to 隨其所得於本真言
487 20 de 隨其所得於本真言
488 20 de infix potential marker 隨其所得於本真言
489 20 to result in 隨其所得於本真言
490 20 to be proper; to fit; to suit 隨其所得於本真言
491 20 to be satisfied 隨其所得於本真言
492 20 to be finished 隨其所得於本真言
493 20 de result of degree 隨其所得於本真言
494 20 de marks completion of an action 隨其所得於本真言
495 20 děi satisfying 隨其所得於本真言
496 20 to contract 隨其所得於本真言
497 20 marks permission or possibility 隨其所得於本真言
498 20 expressing frustration 隨其所得於本真言
499 20 to hear 隨其所得於本真言
500 20 to have; there is 隨其所得於本真言


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
zuò action; kāraṇa
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad
曼荼罗 曼荼羅 màntúluó mandala; cicle of divinity
near to; antike
zhě ca
and; ca; api
  1. Dharma
  2. the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma
  3. a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings
  4. a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought
  5. quality; characteristic
that; tad
zhū all; many; sarva

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
般若经 般若經 98 Prajnaparamita Sutras
成就佛 99 Susiddhikara Buddha
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
大兴善寺 大興善寺 100 Great Xingshan Temple
道院 100 Daoyuan /Sanctuary of the Dao
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
大手印 100 Mahāmudrā
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
多罗尊 多羅尊 100 Tara
法然 102 Hōnen
观自在 觀自在 103
  1. Guanyin; Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Avalokitesvara
恒生 恆生 104 Hang Seng
火神 104
  1. God of Fire; Vulcan
  2. Agni
寂静真言 寂靜真言 106 śāntikara mantra
金刚锁 金剛鎖 106 Vajrasrnkhala
经分别 經分別 106 Suttavibhaṅga; Suttavibhanga
净严 淨嚴 106
  1. Jinyan
  2. Jōgon
瞿醯坛怛啰 瞿醯壇怛囉 106 Guhyatantra
军荼利 軍荼利 106 Kundali
六月 108
  1. June; the Sixth Month
  2. sixth lunar month; bhādra
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
明王 109
  1. vidyaraja; lord of spells; wisdom king
  2. vidyaraja; great mantra
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
蕤呬耶经 蕤呬耶經 114 Guhya Sutra
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
商佉 115 Sankha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
五无间 五無間 87
  1. Avici Hell; Avīci Hell
  2. five sins leading to rebirth in Avacici Hell
  3. Avacici Hell
西门 西門 120
  1. West Gate
  2. Ximen
執金刚 執金剛 122 Vajrapani


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 121.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
阿输他 阿輸他 196 asvattha; bodhi tree
百八 98 one hundred and eight
白伞 白傘 98 white canopy; sitatapatra
本尊 98 istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
辨事真言 98 mantra for doing work
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
苾刍尼 苾蒭尼 98
  1. a nun
  2. a nun
摈出 擯出 98 to expel; to exile
不堕恶趣 不墮惡趣 98 will not descend into an evil rebirth
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
常乐 常樂 99 lasting joy
成菩提 99 to become a Buddha; to become enlightened
承事 99 to entrust with duty
持明 99
  1. dharanī
  2. wisdom bearer; vidyadhara
持诵 持誦 99 to chant; to recite
传法 傳法 99
  1. Dharma transmission
  2. to transmit the Dharma
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
出离生死 出離生死 99 to leave Samsara
次复 次復 99 afterwards; then
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大菩提心 100 great bodhi
大乘经 大乘經 100 Mahāyāna sutras
当得 當得 100 will reach
灯明 燈明 100 a lamp held before the Buddha
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
法船 102 Dharma ship
发遣 發遣 102 to dispatch to a location; to expell
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
发愿 發願 102
  1. Make a Vow
  2. Making Vows
  3. to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
放逸 102
  1. Laxity
  2. heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
法器 102
  1. Dharma instrument
  2. a Dharma instrument
  3. fit to receive the teachings
奉施 102 give
佛部 102 Buddha division
佛世 102 the age when the Buddha lived in the world
佛眼 102 Buddha eye
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
毫相 104 urna
护身 護身 104 protection of the body
华鬘 華鬘 104 hair tied with flowers; wreath; necklace of flowers
护摩 護摩 104 homa
护念 護念 104
  1. Safeguard the Mind
  2. for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
  3. focus the mind on; samanvāharati
加被 106 blessing
伽陀 106 gatha; verse
结缚 結縛 106 a mental fetter or bond
敬信 106
  1. Respect and Trust
  2. respectful and faithful
金刚印 金剛印 106 vajra mudra
决定心 決定心 106 the deciding mind
具戒 106
  1. full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
  2. gifted with conduct
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
两部 兩部 108 two realms
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
龙华 龍華 76
  1. Dragon-flower
  2. the three dragon-flow assemblies
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
洛叉 108 laksa; one hundred thousand; innumerable
罗婆 羅婆 108 an instant; lava
曼荼罗 曼荼羅 109 mandala; cicle of divinity
面门 面門 109
  1. forehead
  2. mouth
  3. line across the upper lip
明藏 109
  1. brilliant garbha
  2. Ming Canon
末罗 末羅 109
  1. jasmine; mallika
  2. Malla
那罗 那羅 110
  1. nara; man
  2. naṭa; actor; dancer
内院 內院 110 inner court
毘舍遮 112 pisaca
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
七佛 81 Seven Buddhas; Seven Past Buddhas; Seven Manushi Buddhas / saptatathāgata
请法 請法 113 Request Teachings
勤求 113 to diligently seek
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
洒净 灑淨 115 to purify by sprinkling water
三部 115 three divisions
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
散华 散華 115 scatters flowers
三摩 115 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三摩耶 115
  1. vow; samaya
  2. occasion
三摩耶戒 115 samaya; esoteric precepts
阇梨 闍梨 115 acarya; teacher
生天 115 celestial birth
圣观自在 聖觀自在 115 Sacred Avalokitesvara
胜解 勝解 115 resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
生死苦 生死苦 115 suffering of Saṃsāra
失念 115 lose train of thought; wandering mind; loss of memory
施僧 115 to provide a meal for monastics
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
诵经 誦經 115
  1. to chant sutras
  2. to chant sutras
随喜功德 隨喜功德 115 The Merit of Responding with Joy
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
调伏法 調伏法 116 abhicaraka
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
外护 外護 119 external protection
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
香华 香華 120 incense and flowers
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
心作 120 karmic activity of the mind
心行 120 mental activity
心真 120 true nature of the mind
心真言 120 heart mantra
息灾 息災 120 ceasing of calamities; pacifying activity
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
用大 121 great in function
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
优婆夷 優婆夷 121
  1. upasika
  2. upasika; a female lay Buddhist
运心 運心 121 setting the mind in motion; resolving indecision
召请 召請 122
  1. Summoning
  2. to invite
直心 122
  1. Direct
  2. a straightforward mind
种姓 種姓 122 Buddhist lineage; gotra
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
诸天 諸天 122 devas
罪障 122 the barrier of sin
最上 122 supreme