Glossary and Vocabulary for Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律, Scroll 16

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 383 shí food; food and drink 比丘食已
2 383 shí Kangxi radical 184 比丘食已
3 383 shí to eat 比丘食已
4 383 to feed 比丘食已
5 383 shí meal; cooked cereals 比丘食已
6 383 to raise; to nourish 比丘食已
7 383 shí to receive; to accept 比丘食已
8 383 shí to receive an official salary 比丘食已
9 383 shí an eclipse 比丘食已
10 383 shí food; bhakṣa 比丘食已
11 225 zhě ca 依止舍衛城住者盡集
12 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 時有比丘在聚落中
13 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 時有比丘在聚落中
14 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 時有比丘在聚落中
15 154 zuò to do 在聚落中作福舍
16 154 zuò to act as; to serve as 在聚落中作福舍
17 154 zuò to start 在聚落中作福舍
18 154 zuò a writing; a work 在聚落中作福舍
19 154 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 在聚落中作福舍
20 154 zuō to create; to make 在聚落中作福舍
21 154 zuō a workshop 在聚落中作福舍
22 154 zuō to write; to compose 在聚落中作福舍
23 154 zuò to rise 在聚落中作福舍
24 154 zuò to be aroused 在聚落中作福舍
25 154 zuò activity; action; undertaking 在聚落中作福舍
26 154 zuò to regard as 在聚落中作福舍
27 154 zuò action; kāraṇa 在聚落中作福舍
28 144 infix potential marker 大德不應久停
29 123 yán to speak; to say; said 歡喜言
30 123 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 歡喜言
31 123 yán Kangxi radical 149 歡喜言
32 123 yán phrase; sentence 歡喜言
33 123 yán a word; a syllable 歡喜言
34 123 yán a theory; a doctrine 歡喜言
35 123 yán to regard as 歡喜言
36 123 yán to act as 歡喜言
37 123 yán word; vacana 歡喜言
38 123 yán speak; vad 歡喜言
39 112 shí time; a point or period of time 時有比丘在聚落中
40 112 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時有比丘在聚落中
41 112 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時有比丘在聚落中
42 112 shí fashionable 時有比丘在聚落中
43 112 shí fate; destiny; luck 時有比丘在聚落中
44 112 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時有比丘在聚落中
45 112 shí tense 時有比丘在聚落中
46 112 shí particular; special 時有比丘在聚落中
47 112 shí to plant; to cultivate 時有比丘在聚落中
48 112 shí an era; a dynasty 時有比丘在聚落中
49 112 shí time [abstract] 時有比丘在聚落中
50 112 shí seasonal 時有比丘在聚落中
51 112 shí to wait upon 時有比丘在聚落中
52 112 shí hour 時有比丘在聚落中
53 112 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時有比丘在聚落中
54 112 shí Shi 時有比丘在聚落中
55 112 shí a present; currentlt 時有比丘在聚落中
56 112 shí time; kāla 時有比丘在聚落中
57 112 shí at that time; samaya 時有比丘在聚落中
58 104 Kangxi radical 49 居士見已
59 104 to bring to an end; to stop 居士見已
60 104 to complete 居士見已
61 104 to demote; to dismiss 居士見已
62 104 to recover from an illness 居士見已
63 104 former; pūrvaka 居士見已
64 102 sufficient; enough 給塗足油及非時飲
65 102 Kangxi radical 157 給塗足油及非時飲
66 102 foot 給塗足油及非時飲
67 102 to attain; to suffice; to be qualified 給塗足油及非時飲
68 102 to satisfy 給塗足油及非時飲
69 102 leg 給塗足油及非時飲
70 102 football 給塗足油及非時飲
71 102 sound of footsteps; patter 給塗足油及非時飲
72 102 permitted 給塗足油及非時飲
73 102 to amount to; worthy 給塗足油及非時飲
74 102 Zu 給塗足油及非時飲
75 102 to step; to tread 給塗足油及非時飲
76 102 to stop; to halt 給塗足油及非時飲
77 102 prosperous 給塗足油及非時飲
78 102 excessive 給塗足油及非時飲
79 102 Contented 給塗足油及非時飲
80 102 foot; pāda 給塗足油及非時飲
81 102 satisfied; tṛpta 給塗足油及非時飲
82 96 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 比丘爾時受請食者
83 96 shòu to transfer; to confer 比丘爾時受請食者
84 96 shòu to receive; to accept 比丘爾時受請食者
85 96 shòu to tolerate 比丘爾時受請食者
86 96 shòu feelings; sensations 比丘爾時受請食者
87 92 self 我遠來飢乏
88 92 [my] dear 我遠來飢乏
89 92 Wo 我遠來飢乏
90 92 self; atman; attan 我遠來飢乏
91 92 ga 我遠來飢乏
92 89 shàng top; a high position 廣說如上
93 89 shang top; the position on or above something 廣說如上
94 89 shàng to go up; to go forward 廣說如上
95 89 shàng shang 廣說如上
96 89 shàng previous; last 廣說如上
97 89 shàng high; higher 廣說如上
98 89 shàng advanced 廣說如上
99 89 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 廣說如上
100 89 shàng time 廣說如上
101 89 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 廣說如上
102 89 shàng far 廣說如上
103 89 shàng big; as big as 廣說如上
104 89 shàng abundant; plentiful 廣說如上
105 89 shàng to report 廣說如上
106 89 shàng to offer 廣說如上
107 89 shàng to go on stage 廣說如上
108 89 shàng to take office; to assume a post 廣說如上
109 89 shàng to install; to erect 廣說如上
110 89 shàng to suffer; to sustain 廣說如上
111 89 shàng to burn 廣說如上
112 89 shàng to remember 廣說如上
113 89 shàng to add 廣說如上
114 89 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 廣說如上
115 89 shàng to meet 廣說如上
116 89 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 廣說如上
117 89 shang used after a verb indicating a result 廣說如上
118 89 shàng a musical note 廣說如上
119 89 shàng higher, superior; uttara 廣說如上
120 85 míng fame; renown; reputation 雨眾名花
121 85 míng a name; personal name; designation 雨眾名花
122 85 míng rank; position 雨眾名花
123 85 míng an excuse 雨眾名花
124 85 míng life 雨眾名花
125 85 míng to name; to call 雨眾名花
126 85 míng to express; to describe 雨眾名花
127 85 míng to be called; to have the name 雨眾名花
128 85 míng to own; to possess 雨眾名花
129 85 míng famous; renowned 雨眾名花
130 85 míng moral 雨眾名花
131 85 míng name; naman 雨眾名花
132 85 míng fame; renown; yasas 雨眾名花
133 73 cán to destroy; to spoil; to ruin; to injure 病比丘食殘不盡
134 73 cán cruel; oppressive; savage; brutal 病比丘食殘不盡
135 73 cán disabled 病比丘食殘不盡
136 73 cán ruthlessness 病比丘食殘不盡
137 73 cán incomplete 病比丘食殘不盡
138 73 cán remaining; left over 病比丘食殘不盡
139 73 cán remnant; avaśeṣa 病比丘食殘不盡
140 73 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 不白離同食處
141 73 a mythical bird 不白離同食處
142 73 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 不白離同食處
143 73 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 不白離同食處
144 73 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 不白離同食處
145 73 a mountain ash 不白離同食處
146 73 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 不白離同食處
147 73 to be scattered; to be separated 不白離同食處
148 73 to cut off 不白離同食處
149 73 to violate; to be contrary to 不白離同食處
150 73 to be distant from 不白離同食處
151 73 two 不白離同食處
152 73 to array; to align 不白離同食處
153 73 to pass through; to experience 不白離同食處
154 73 transcendence 不白離同食處
155 73 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 不白離同食處
156 70 zhōng middle 時有比丘在聚落中
157 70 zhōng medium; medium sized 時有比丘在聚落中
158 70 zhōng China 時有比丘在聚落中
159 70 zhòng to hit the mark 時有比丘在聚落中
160 70 zhōng midday 時有比丘在聚落中
161 70 zhōng inside 時有比丘在聚落中
162 70 zhōng during 時有比丘在聚落中
163 70 zhōng Zhong 時有比丘在聚落中
164 70 zhōng intermediary 時有比丘在聚落中
165 70 zhōng half 時有比丘在聚落中
166 70 zhòng to reach; to attain 時有比丘在聚落中
167 70 zhòng to suffer; to infect 時有比丘在聚落中
168 70 zhòng to obtain 時有比丘在聚落中
169 70 zhòng to pass an exam 時有比丘在聚落中
170 70 zhōng middle 時有比丘在聚落中
171 68 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得如是適身飲食
172 68 děi to want to; to need to 得如是適身飲食
173 68 děi must; ought to 得如是適身飲食
174 68 de 得如是適身飲食
175 68 de infix potential marker 得如是適身飲食
176 68 to result in 得如是適身飲食
177 68 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得如是適身飲食
178 68 to be satisfied 得如是適身飲食
179 68 to be finished 得如是適身飲食
180 68 děi satisfying 得如是適身飲食
181 68 to contract 得如是適身飲食
182 68 to hear 得如是適身飲食
183 68 to have; there is 得如是適身飲食
184 68 marks time passed 得如是適身飲食
185 68 obtain; attain; prāpta 得如是適身飲食
186 57 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 得如是適身飲食
187 54 to be near by; to be close to 即敷床褥與水
188 54 at that time 即敷床褥與水
189 54 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即敷床褥與水
190 54 supposed; so-called 即敷床褥與水
191 54 to arrive at; to ascend 即敷床褥與水
192 53 淨人 jìn grén a server 行食時淨人手疥瘡及
193 51 zuò to sit 次第坐已
194 51 zuò to ride 次第坐已
195 51 zuò to visit 次第坐已
196 51 zuò a seat 次第坐已
197 51 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 次第坐已
198 51 zuò to be in a position 次第坐已
199 51 zuò to convict; to try 次第坐已
200 51 zuò to stay 次第坐已
201 51 zuò to kneel 次第坐已
202 51 zuò to violate 次第坐已
203 51 zuò to sit; niṣad 次第坐已
204 51 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 次第坐已
205 49 to give 即敷床褥與水
206 49 to accompany 即敷床褥與水
207 49 to particate in 即敷床褥與水
208 49 of the same kind 即敷床褥與水
209 49 to help 即敷床褥與水
210 49 for 即敷床褥與水
211 49 Ru River 汝在何處安居
212 49 Ru 汝在何處安居
213 47 five 明單提九十二事法之五
214 47 fifth musical note 明單提九十二事法之五
215 47 Wu 明單提九十二事法之五
216 47 the five elements 明單提九十二事法之五
217 47 five; pañca 明單提九十二事法之五
218 47 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 晝在阿練若處住
219 47 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 晝在阿練若處住
220 47 chù an office; a department; a bureau 晝在阿練若處住
221 47 chù a part; an aspect 晝在阿練若處住
222 47 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 晝在阿練若處住
223 47 chǔ to get along with 晝在阿練若處住
224 47 chǔ to deal with; to manage 晝在阿練若處住
225 47 chǔ to punish; to sentence 晝在阿練若處住
226 47 chǔ to stop; to pause 晝在阿練若處住
227 47 chǔ to be associated with 晝在阿練若處住
228 47 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 晝在阿練若處住
229 47 chǔ to occupy; to control 晝在阿練若處住
230 47 chù circumstances; situation 晝在阿練若處住
231 47 chù an occasion; a time 晝在阿練若處住
232 47 chù position; sthāna 晝在阿練若處住
233 44 lái to come 來向舍衛城
234 44 lái please 來向舍衛城
235 44 lái used to substitute for another verb 來向舍衛城
236 44 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 來向舍衛城
237 44 lái wheat 來向舍衛城
238 44 lái next; future 來向舍衛城
239 44 lái a simple complement of direction 來向舍衛城
240 44 lái to occur; to arise 來向舍衛城
241 44 lái to earn 來向舍衛城
242 44 lái to come; āgata 來向舍衛城
243 44 shǒu hand 園民手自下食
244 44 shǒu Kangxi radical 64 園民手自下食
245 44 shǒu to hold in one's hand 園民手自下食
246 44 shǒu a skill; an ability 園民手自下食
247 44 shǒu a person with skill 園民手自下食
248 44 shǒu convenient; portable 園民手自下食
249 44 shǒu a person doing an activity 園民手自下食
250 44 shǒu a method; a technique 園民手自下食
251 44 shǒu personally written 園民手自下食
252 44 shǒu carried or handled by hand 園民手自下食
253 44 shǒu hand; pāṇi; hasta 園民手自下食
254 43 yìng to answer; to respond 大德不應久停
255 43 yìng to confirm; to verify 大德不應久停
256 43 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 大德不應久停
257 43 yìng to accept 大德不應久停
258 43 yìng to permit; to allow 大德不應久停
259 43 yìng to echo 大德不應久停
260 43 yìng to handle; to deal with 大德不應久停
261 43 yìng Ying 大德不應久停
262 41 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 告諸比丘
263 41 desire 欲禮覲世尊
264 41 to desire; to wish 欲禮覲世尊
265 41 to desire; to intend 欲禮覲世尊
266 41 lust 欲禮覲世尊
267 41 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲禮覲世尊
268 40 xíng to walk 於是漸行前至佛所
269 40 xíng capable; competent 於是漸行前至佛所
270 40 háng profession 於是漸行前至佛所
271 40 xíng Kangxi radical 144 於是漸行前至佛所
272 40 xíng to travel 於是漸行前至佛所
273 40 xìng actions; conduct 於是漸行前至佛所
274 40 xíng to do; to act; to practice 於是漸行前至佛所
275 40 xíng all right; OK; okay 於是漸行前至佛所
276 40 háng horizontal line 於是漸行前至佛所
277 40 héng virtuous deeds 於是漸行前至佛所
278 40 hàng a line of trees 於是漸行前至佛所
279 40 hàng bold; steadfast 於是漸行前至佛所
280 40 xíng to move 於是漸行前至佛所
281 40 xíng to put into effect; to implement 於是漸行前至佛所
282 40 xíng travel 於是漸行前至佛所
283 40 xíng to circulate 於是漸行前至佛所
284 40 xíng running script; running script 於是漸行前至佛所
285 40 xíng temporary 於是漸行前至佛所
286 40 háng rank; order 於是漸行前至佛所
287 40 háng a business; a shop 於是漸行前至佛所
288 40 xíng to depart; to leave 於是漸行前至佛所
289 40 xíng to experience 於是漸行前至佛所
290 40 xíng path; way 於是漸行前至佛所
291 40 xíng xing; ballad 於是漸行前至佛所
292 40 xíng Xing 於是漸行前至佛所
293 40 xíng Practice 於是漸行前至佛所
294 40 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 於是漸行前至佛所
295 40 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 於是漸行前至佛所
296 39 a bowl; an alms bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
297 39 a bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
298 39 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 若麥飯三鉢他邏
299 39 an earthenware basin 若麥飯三鉢他邏
300 39 Alms bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
301 39 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 若麥飯三鉢他邏
302 39 an alms bowl; patra; patta 若麥飯三鉢他邏
303 39 an alms bowl; patra 若麥飯三鉢他邏
304 39 dialect; language; speech 時園民語比丘言
305 39 to speak; to tell 時園民語比丘言
306 39 verse; writing 時園民語比丘言
307 39 to speak; to tell 時園民語比丘言
308 39 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 時園民語比丘言
309 39 a signal 時園民語比丘言
310 39 to chirp; to tweet 時園民語比丘言
311 39 words; discourse; vac 時園民語比丘言
312 38 zài in; at 時有比丘在聚落中
313 38 zài to exist; to be living 時有比丘在聚落中
314 38 zài to consist of 時有比丘在聚落中
315 38 zài to be at a post 時有比丘在聚落中
316 38 zài in; bhū 時有比丘在聚落中
317 38 rén person; people; a human being 彼人聞已
318 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 彼人聞已
319 38 rén a kind of person 彼人聞已
320 38 rén everybody 彼人聞已
321 38 rén adult 彼人聞已
322 38 rén somebody; others 彼人聞已
323 38 rén an upright person 彼人聞已
324 38 rén person; manuṣya 彼人聞已
325 37 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非處處食
326 37 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非處處食
327 37 fēi different 非處處食
328 37 fēi to not be; to not have 非處處食
329 37 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非處處食
330 37 fēi Africa 非處處食
331 37 fēi to slander 非處處食
332 37 fěi to avoid 非處處食
333 37 fēi must 非處處食
334 37 fēi an error 非處處食
335 37 fēi a problem; a question 非處處食
336 37 fēi evil 非處處食
337 37 jìng clean 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
338 37 jìng no surplus; net 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
339 37 jìng pure 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
340 37 jìng tranquil 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
341 37 jìng cold 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
342 37 jìng to wash; to clense 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
343 37 jìng role of hero 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
344 37 jìng to remove sexual desire 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
345 37 jìng bright and clean; luminous 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
346 37 jìng clean; pure 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
347 37 jìng cleanse 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
348 37 jìng cleanse 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
349 37 jìng Pure 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
350 37 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
351 37 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
352 37 jìng viśuddhi; purity 汝到某甲池上淨掃治地
353 36 wéi to act as; to serve 自力於此為
354 36 wéi to change into; to become 自力於此為
355 36 wéi to be; is 自力於此為
356 36 wéi to do 自力於此為
357 36 wèi to support; to help 自力於此為
358 36 wéi to govern 自力於此為
359 36 wèi to be; bhū 自力於此為
360 36 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 如前所說
361 36 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 如前所說
362 36 shuì to persuade 如前所說
363 36 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 如前所說
364 36 shuō a doctrine; a theory 如前所說
365 36 shuō to claim; to assert 如前所說
366 36 shuō allocution 如前所說
367 36 shuō to criticize; to scold 如前所說
368 36 shuō to indicate; to refer to 如前所說
369 36 shuō speach; vāda 如前所說
370 36 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 如前所說
371 36 shuō to instruct 如前所說
372 36 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 欲禮覲世尊
373 36 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 欲禮覲世尊
374 35 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時有比丘在聚落中夏
375 35 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時有比丘在聚落中夏
376 34 xià bottom 下座應食多
377 34 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 下座應食多
378 34 xià to announce 下座應食多
379 34 xià to do 下座應食多
380 34 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 下座應食多
381 34 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 下座應食多
382 34 xià inside 下座應食多
383 34 xià an aspect 下座應食多
384 34 xià a certain time 下座應食多
385 34 xià to capture; to take 下座應食多
386 34 xià to put in 下座應食多
387 34 xià to enter 下座應食多
388 34 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 下座應食多
389 34 xià to finish work or school 下座應食多
390 34 xià to go 下座應食多
391 34 xià to scorn; to look down on 下座應食多
392 34 xià to modestly decline 下座應食多
393 34 xià to produce 下座應食多
394 34 xià to stay at; to lodge at 下座應食多
395 34 xià to decide 下座應食多
396 34 xià to be less than 下座應食多
397 34 xià humble; lowly 下座應食多
398 34 xià below; adhara 下座應食多
399 34 xià lower; inferior; hina 下座應食多
400 34 night 夜燃燈明敷置臥
401 34 dark 夜燃燈明敷置臥
402 34 by night 夜燃燈明敷置臥
403 34 ya 夜燃燈明敷置臥
404 34 night; rajanī 夜燃燈明敷置臥
405 34 zhèng upright; straight 正有六十比丘來
406 34 zhèng to straighten; to correct 正有六十比丘來
407 34 zhèng main; central; primary 正有六十比丘來
408 34 zhèng fundamental; original 正有六十比丘來
409 34 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 正有六十比丘來
410 34 zhèng at right angles 正有六十比丘來
411 34 zhèng unbiased; impartial 正有六十比丘來
412 34 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 正有六十比丘來
413 34 zhèng unmixed; pure 正有六十比丘來
414 34 zhèng positive (charge) 正有六十比丘來
415 34 zhèng positive (number) 正有六十比丘來
416 34 zhèng standard 正有六十比丘來
417 34 zhèng chief; principal; primary 正有六十比丘來
418 34 zhèng honest 正有六十比丘來
419 34 zhèng to execute; to carry out 正有六十比丘來
420 34 zhèng accepted; conventional 正有六十比丘來
421 34 zhèng to govern 正有六十比丘來
422 34 zhēng first month 正有六十比丘來
423 34 zhēng center of a target 正有六十比丘來
424 34 zhèng Righteous 正有六十比丘來
425 34 zhèng right manner; nyāya 正有六十比丘來
426 33 gēng to change; to ammend 得更食
427 33 gēng a watch; a measure of time 得更食
428 33 gēng to experience 得更食
429 33 gēng to improve 得更食
430 33 gēng to replace; to substitute 得更食
431 33 gēng to compensate 得更食
432 33 gèng to increase 得更食
433 33 gēng forced military service 得更食
434 33 gēng Geng 得更食
435 33 jīng to experience 得更食
436 33 gēng contacts 得更食
437 33 undulations 波夜提
438 33 waves; breakers 波夜提
439 33 wavelength 波夜提
440 33 pa 波夜提
441 33 wave; taraṅga 波夜提
442 32 to carry 明單提九十二事法之五
443 32 a flick up and rightwards in a character 明單提九十二事法之五
444 32 to lift; to raise 明單提九十二事法之五
445 32 to move forward [in time] 明單提九十二事法之五
446 32 to get; to fetch 明單提九十二事法之五
447 32 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 明單提九十二事法之五
448 32 to cheer up 明單提九十二事法之五
449 32 to be on guard 明單提九十二事法之五
450 32 a ladle 明單提九十二事法之五
451 32 Ti 明單提九十二事法之五
452 32 to to hurl; to pass 明單提九十二事法之五
453 32 to bring; cud 明單提九十二事法之五
454 32 to take; to get; to fetch 各取少許分
455 32 to obtain 各取少許分
456 32 to choose; to select 各取少許分
457 32 to catch; to seize; to capture 各取少許分
458 32 to accept; to receive 各取少許分
459 32 to seek 各取少許分
460 32 to take a bride 各取少許分
461 32 Qu 各取少許分
462 32 clinging; grasping; upādāna 各取少許分
463 31 ér Kangxi radical 126 佛知而故問
464 31 ér as if; to seem like 佛知而故問
465 31 néng can; able 佛知而故問
466 31 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 佛知而故問
467 31 ér to arrive; up to 佛知而故問
468 31 chǎo broken fried rice
469 31 chǎo broken dried rice; saktu
470 30 a device; a tool; a utensil; an implement 淨人持乳酪器盛
471 30 an organ 淨人持乳酪器盛
472 30 tolerance 淨人持乳酪器盛
473 30 talent; ability 淨人持乳酪器盛
474 30 to attach importance to 淨人持乳酪器盛
475 30 a container; a vessel 淨人持乳酪器盛
476 30 Qi 淨人持乳酪器盛
477 30 to apply; to implement 淨人持乳酪器盛
478 30 capacity 淨人持乳酪器盛
479 30 vessel; bhājana 淨人持乳酪器盛
480 29 檀越 tányuè an alms giver; a donor 檀越見之
481 29 one 屋一間中
482 29 Kangxi radical 1 屋一間中
483 29 pure; concentrated 屋一間中
484 29 first 屋一間中
485 29 the same 屋一間中
486 29 sole; single 屋一間中
487 29 a very small amount 屋一間中
488 29 Yi 屋一間中
489 29 other 屋一間中
490 29 to unify 屋一間中
491 29 accidentally; coincidentally 屋一間中
492 29 abruptly; suddenly 屋一間中
493 29 one; eka 屋一間中
494 29 wǎng to go (in a direction) 當往奉覲世尊
495 29 wǎng in the past 當往奉覲世尊
496 29 wǎng to turn toward 當往奉覲世尊
497 29 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 當往奉覲世尊
498 29 wǎng to send a gift 當往奉覲世尊
499 29 wǎng former times 當往奉覲世尊
500 29 wǎng someone who has passed away 當往奉覲世尊

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1159

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 383 shí food; food and drink 比丘食已
2 383 shí Kangxi radical 184 比丘食已
3 383 shí to eat 比丘食已
4 383 to feed 比丘食已
5 383 shí meal; cooked cereals 比丘食已
6 383 to raise; to nourish 比丘食已
7 383 shí to receive; to accept 比丘食已
8 383 shí to receive an official salary 比丘食已
9 383 shí an eclipse 比丘食已
10 383 shí food; bhakṣa 比丘食已
11 256 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若我家
12 256 ruò seemingly 若我家
13 256 ruò if 若我家
14 256 ruò you 若我家
15 256 ruò this; that 若我家
16 256 ruò and; or 若我家
17 256 ruò as for; pertaining to 若我家
18 256 pomegranite 若我家
19 256 ruò to choose 若我家
20 256 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若我家
21 256 ruò thus 若我家
22 256 ruò pollia 若我家
23 256 ruò Ruo 若我家
24 256 ruò only then 若我家
25 256 ja 若我家
26 256 jñā 若我家
27 256 ruò if; yadi 若我家
28 225 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 依止舍衛城住者盡集
29 225 zhě that 依止舍衛城住者盡集
30 225 zhě nominalizing function word 依止舍衛城住者盡集
31 225 zhě used to mark a definition 依止舍衛城住者盡集
32 225 zhě used to mark a pause 依止舍衛城住者盡集
33 225 zhě topic marker; that; it 依止舍衛城住者盡集
34 225 zhuó according to 依止舍衛城住者盡集
35 225 zhě ca 依止舍衛城住者盡集
36 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 時有比丘在聚落中
37 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 時有比丘在聚落中
38 208 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 時有比丘在聚落中
39 163 shì is; are; am; to be 便作是念
40 163 shì is exactly 便作是念
41 163 shì is suitable; is in contrast 便作是念
42 163 shì this; that; those 便作是念
43 163 shì really; certainly 便作是念
44 163 shì correct; yes; affirmative 便作是念
45 163 shì true 便作是念
46 163 shì is; has; exists 便作是念
47 163 shì used between repetitions of a word 便作是念
48 163 shì a matter; an affair 便作是念
49 163 shì Shi 便作是念
50 163 shì is; bhū 便作是念
51 163 shì this; idam 便作是念
52 154 zuò to do 在聚落中作福舍
53 154 zuò to act as; to serve as 在聚落中作福舍
54 154 zuò to start 在聚落中作福舍
55 154 zuò a writing; a work 在聚落中作福舍
56 154 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 在聚落中作福舍
57 154 zuō to create; to make 在聚落中作福舍
58 154 zuō a workshop 在聚落中作福舍
59 154 zuō to write; to compose 在聚落中作福舍
60 154 zuò to rise 在聚落中作福舍
61 154 zuò to be aroused 在聚落中作福舍
62 154 zuò activity; action; undertaking 在聚落中作福舍
63 154 zuò to regard as 在聚落中作福舍
64 154 zuò action; kāraṇa 在聚落中作福舍
65 144 not; no 大德不應久停
66 144 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 大德不應久停
67 144 as a correlative 大德不應久停
68 144 no (answering a question) 大德不應久停
69 144 forms a negative adjective from a noun 大德不應久停
70 144 at the end of a sentence to form a question 大德不應久停
71 144 to form a yes or no question 大德不應久停
72 144 infix potential marker 大德不應久停
73 144 no; na 大德不應久停
74 123 yán to speak; to say; said 歡喜言
75 123 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 歡喜言
76 123 yán Kangxi radical 149 歡喜言
77 123 yán a particle with no meaning 歡喜言
78 123 yán phrase; sentence 歡喜言
79 123 yán a word; a syllable 歡喜言
80 123 yán a theory; a doctrine 歡喜言
81 123 yán to regard as 歡喜言
82 123 yán to act as 歡喜言
83 123 yán word; vacana 歡喜言
84 123 yán speak; vad 歡喜言
85 112 shí time; a point or period of time 時有比丘在聚落中
86 112 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時有比丘在聚落中
87 112 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時有比丘在聚落中
88 112 shí at that time 時有比丘在聚落中
89 112 shí fashionable 時有比丘在聚落中
90 112 shí fate; destiny; luck 時有比丘在聚落中
91 112 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時有比丘在聚落中
92 112 shí tense 時有比丘在聚落中
93 112 shí particular; special 時有比丘在聚落中
94 112 shí to plant; to cultivate 時有比丘在聚落中
95 112 shí hour (measure word) 時有比丘在聚落中
96 112 shí an era; a dynasty 時有比丘在聚落中
97 112 shí time [abstract] 時有比丘在聚落中
98 112 shí seasonal 時有比丘在聚落中
99 112 shí frequently; often 時有比丘在聚落中
100 112 shí occasionally; sometimes 時有比丘在聚落中
101 112 shí on time 時有比丘在聚落中
102 112 shí this; that 時有比丘在聚落中
103 112 shí to wait upon 時有比丘在聚落中
104 112 shí hour 時有比丘在聚落中
105 112 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時有比丘在聚落中
106 112 shí Shi 時有比丘在聚落中
107 112 shí a present; currentlt 時有比丘在聚落中
108 112 shí time; kāla 時有比丘在聚落中
109 112 shí at that time; samaya 時有比丘在聚落中
110 112 shí then; atha 時有比丘在聚落中
111 104 already 居士見已
112 104 Kangxi radical 49 居士見已
113 104 from 居士見已
114 104 to bring to an end; to stop 居士見已
115 104 final aspectual particle 居士見已
116 104 afterwards; thereafter 居士見已
117 104 too; very; excessively 居士見已
118 104 to complete 居士見已
119 104 to demote; to dismiss 居士見已
120 104 to recover from an illness 居士見已
121 104 certainly 居士見已
122 104 an interjection of surprise 居士見已
123 104 this 居士見已
124 104 former; pūrvaka 居士見已
125 104 former; pūrvaka 居士見已
126 102 sufficient; enough 給塗足油及非時飲
127 102 Kangxi radical 157 給塗足油及非時飲
128 102 foot 給塗足油及非時飲
129 102 to attain; to suffice; to be qualified 給塗足油及非時飲
130 102 to satisfy 給塗足油及非時飲
131 102 leg 給塗足油及非時飲
132 102 football 給塗足油及非時飲
133 102 fully 給塗足油及非時飲
134 102 sound of footsteps; patter 給塗足油及非時飲
135 102 permitted 給塗足油及非時飲
136 102 to amount to; worthy 給塗足油及非時飲
137 102 Zu 給塗足油及非時飲
138 102 to step; to tread 給塗足油及非時飲
139 102 to stop; to halt 給塗足油及非時飲
140 102 prosperous 給塗足油及非時飲
141 102 excessive 給塗足油及非時飲
142 102 Contented 給塗足油及非時飲
143 102 foot; pāda 給塗足油及非時飲
144 102 satisfied; tṛpta 給塗足油及非時飲
145 96 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 比丘爾時受請食者
146 96 shòu to transfer; to confer 比丘爾時受請食者
147 96 shòu to receive; to accept 比丘爾時受請食者
148 96 shòu to tolerate 比丘爾時受請食者
149 96 shòu suitably 比丘爾時受請食者
150 96 shòu feelings; sensations 比丘爾時受請食者
151 92 I; me; my 我遠來飢乏
152 92 self 我遠來飢乏
153 92 we; our 我遠來飢乏
154 92 [my] dear 我遠來飢乏
155 92 Wo 我遠來飢乏
156 92 self; atman; attan 我遠來飢乏
157 92 ga 我遠來飢乏
158 92 I; aham 我遠來飢乏
159 89 shàng top; a high position 廣說如上
160 89 shang top; the position on or above something 廣說如上
161 89 shàng to go up; to go forward 廣說如上
162 89 shàng shang 廣說如上
163 89 shàng previous; last 廣說如上
164 89 shàng high; higher 廣說如上
165 89 shàng advanced 廣說如上
166 89 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 廣說如上
167 89 shàng time 廣說如上
168 89 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 廣說如上
169 89 shàng far 廣說如上
170 89 shàng big; as big as 廣說如上
171 89 shàng abundant; plentiful 廣說如上
172 89 shàng to report 廣說如上
173 89 shàng to offer 廣說如上
174 89 shàng to go on stage 廣說如上
175 89 shàng to take office; to assume a post 廣說如上
176 89 shàng to install; to erect 廣說如上
177 89 shàng to suffer; to sustain 廣說如上
178 89 shàng to burn 廣說如上
179 89 shàng to remember 廣說如上
180 89 shang on; in 廣說如上
181 89 shàng upward 廣說如上
182 89 shàng to add 廣說如上
183 89 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 廣說如上
184 89 shàng to meet 廣說如上
185 89 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 廣說如上
186 89 shang used after a verb indicating a result 廣說如上
187 89 shàng a musical note 廣說如上
188 89 shàng higher, superior; uttara 廣說如上
189 85 míng measure word for people 雨眾名花
190 85 míng fame; renown; reputation 雨眾名花
191 85 míng a name; personal name; designation 雨眾名花
192 85 míng rank; position 雨眾名花
193 85 míng an excuse 雨眾名花
194 85 míng life 雨眾名花
195 85 míng to name; to call 雨眾名花
196 85 míng to express; to describe 雨眾名花
197 85 míng to be called; to have the name 雨眾名花
198 85 míng to own; to possess 雨眾名花
199 85 míng famous; renowned 雨眾名花
200 85 míng moral 雨眾名花
201 85 míng name; naman 雨眾名花
202 85 míng fame; renown; yasas 雨眾名花
203 83 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當往奉覲世尊
204 83 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當往奉覲世尊
205 83 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當往奉覲世尊
206 83 dāng to face 當往奉覲世尊
207 83 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當往奉覲世尊
208 83 dāng to manage; to host 當往奉覲世尊
209 83 dāng should 當往奉覲世尊
210 83 dāng to treat; to regard as 當往奉覲世尊
211 83 dǎng to think 當往奉覲世尊
212 83 dàng suitable; correspond to 當往奉覲世尊
213 83 dǎng to be equal 當往奉覲世尊
214 83 dàng that 當往奉覲世尊
215 83 dāng an end; top 當往奉覲世尊
216 83 dàng clang; jingle 當往奉覲世尊
217 83 dāng to judge 當往奉覲世尊
218 83 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當往奉覲世尊
219 83 dàng the same 當往奉覲世尊
220 83 dàng to pawn 當往奉覲世尊
221 83 dàng to fail [an exam] 當往奉覲世尊
222 83 dàng a trap 當往奉覲世尊
223 83 dàng a pawned item 當往奉覲世尊
224 83 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當往奉覲世尊
225 73 cán to destroy; to spoil; to ruin; to injure 病比丘食殘不盡
226 73 cán cruel; oppressive; savage; brutal 病比丘食殘不盡
227 73 cán disabled 病比丘食殘不盡
228 73 cán ruthlessness 病比丘食殘不盡
229 73 cán incomplete 病比丘食殘不盡
230 73 cán remaining; left over 病比丘食殘不盡
231 73 cán remnant; avaśeṣa 病比丘食殘不盡
232 73 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 不白離同食處
233 73 a mythical bird 不白離同食處
234 73 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 不白離同食處
235 73 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 不白離同食處
236 73 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 不白離同食處
237 73 a mountain ash 不白離同食處
238 73 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 不白離同食處
239 73 to be scattered; to be separated 不白離同食處
240 73 to cut off 不白離同食處
241 73 to violate; to be contrary to 不白離同食處
242 73 to be distant from 不白離同食處
243 73 two 不白離同食處
244 73 to array; to align 不白離同食處
245 73 to pass through; to experience 不白離同食處
246 73 transcendence 不白離同食處
247 73 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 不白離同食處
248 70 zhōng middle 時有比丘在聚落中
249 70 zhōng medium; medium sized 時有比丘在聚落中
250 70 zhōng China 時有比丘在聚落中
251 70 zhòng to hit the mark 時有比丘在聚落中
252 70 zhōng in; amongst 時有比丘在聚落中
253 70 zhōng midday 時有比丘在聚落中
254 70 zhōng inside 時有比丘在聚落中
255 70 zhōng during 時有比丘在聚落中
256 70 zhōng Zhong 時有比丘在聚落中
257 70 zhōng intermediary 時有比丘在聚落中
258 70 zhōng half 時有比丘在聚落中
259 70 zhōng just right; suitably 時有比丘在聚落中
260 70 zhōng while 時有比丘在聚落中
261 70 zhòng to reach; to attain 時有比丘在聚落中
262 70 zhòng to suffer; to infect 時有比丘在聚落中
263 70 zhòng to obtain 時有比丘在聚落中
264 70 zhòng to pass an exam 時有比丘在聚落中
265 70 zhōng middle 時有比丘在聚落中
266 68 de potential marker 得如是適身飲食
267 68 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得如是適身飲食
268 68 děi must; ought to 得如是適身飲食
269 68 děi to want to; to need to 得如是適身飲食
270 68 děi must; ought to 得如是適身飲食
271 68 de 得如是適身飲食
272 68 de infix potential marker 得如是適身飲食
273 68 to result in 得如是適身飲食
274 68 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得如是適身飲食
275 68 to be satisfied 得如是適身飲食
276 68 to be finished 得如是適身飲食
277 68 de result of degree 得如是適身飲食
278 68 de marks completion of an action 得如是適身飲食
279 68 děi satisfying 得如是適身飲食
280 68 to contract 得如是適身飲食
281 68 marks permission or possibility 得如是適身飲食
282 68 expressing frustration 得如是適身飲食
283 68 to hear 得如是適身飲食
284 68 to have; there is 得如是適身飲食
285 68 marks time passed 得如是適身飲食
286 68 obtain; attain; prāpta 得如是適身飲食
287 57 如是 rúshì thus; so 得如是適身飲食
288 57 如是 rúshì thus, so 得如是適身飲食
289 57 如是 rúshì thus; evam 得如是適身飲食
290 57 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 得如是適身飲食
291 56 yǒu is; are; to exist 時有比丘在聚落中
292 56 yǒu to have; to possess 時有比丘在聚落中
293 56 yǒu indicates an estimate 時有比丘在聚落中
294 56 yǒu indicates a large quantity 時有比丘在聚落中
295 56 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 時有比丘在聚落中
296 56 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 時有比丘在聚落中
297 56 yǒu used to compare two things 時有比丘在聚落中
298 56 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 時有比丘在聚落中
299 56 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 時有比丘在聚落中
300 56 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 時有比丘在聚落中
301 56 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 時有比丘在聚落中
302 56 yǒu abundant 時有比丘在聚落中
303 56 yǒu purposeful 時有比丘在聚落中
304 56 yǒu You 時有比丘在聚落中
305 56 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 時有比丘在聚落中
306 56 yǒu becoming; bhava 時有比丘在聚落中
307 54 promptly; right away; immediately 即敷床褥與水
308 54 to be near by; to be close to 即敷床褥與水
309 54 at that time 即敷床褥與水
310 54 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即敷床褥與水
311 54 supposed; so-called 即敷床褥與水
312 54 if; but 即敷床褥與水
313 54 to arrive at; to ascend 即敷床褥與水
314 54 then; following 即敷床褥與水
315 54 so; just so; eva 即敷床褥與水
316 53 淨人 jìn grén a server 行食時淨人手疥瘡及
317 51 zuò to sit 次第坐已
318 51 zuò to ride 次第坐已
319 51 zuò to visit 次第坐已
320 51 zuò a seat 次第坐已
321 51 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 次第坐已
322 51 zuò to be in a position 次第坐已
323 51 zuò because; for 次第坐已
324 51 zuò to convict; to try 次第坐已
325 51 zuò to stay 次第坐已
326 51 zuò to kneel 次第坐已
327 51 zuò to violate 次第坐已
328 51 zuò to sit; niṣad 次第坐已
329 51 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 次第坐已
330 49 and 即敷床褥與水
331 49 to give 即敷床褥與水
332 49 together with 即敷床褥與水
333 49 interrogative particle 即敷床褥與水
334 49 to accompany 即敷床褥與水
335 49 to particate in 即敷床褥與水
336 49 of the same kind 即敷床褥與水
337 49 to help 即敷床褥與水
338 49 for 即敷床褥與水
339 49 and; ca 即敷床褥與水
340 49 you; thou 汝在何處安居
341 49 Ru River 汝在何處安居
342 49 Ru 汝在何處安居
343 49 you; tvam; bhavat 汝在何處安居
344 47 five 明單提九十二事法之五
345 47 fifth musical note 明單提九十二事法之五
346 47 Wu 明單提九十二事法之五
347 47 the five elements 明單提九十二事法之五
348 47 five; pañca 明單提九十二事法之五
349 47 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 晝在阿練若處住
350 47 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 晝在阿練若處住
351 47 chù location 晝在阿練若處住
352 47 chù an office; a department; a bureau 晝在阿練若處住
353 47 chù a part; an aspect 晝在阿練若處住
354 47 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 晝在阿練若處住
355 47 chǔ to get along with 晝在阿練若處住
356 47 chǔ to deal with; to manage 晝在阿練若處住
357 47 chǔ to punish; to sentence 晝在阿練若處住
358 47 chǔ to stop; to pause 晝在阿練若處住
359 47 chǔ to be associated with 晝在阿練若處住
360 47 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 晝在阿練若處住
361 47 chǔ to occupy; to control 晝在阿練若處住
362 47 chù circumstances; situation 晝在阿練若處住
363 47 chù an occasion; a time 晝在阿練若處住
364 47 chù position; sthāna 晝在阿練若處住
365 45 this; these 此比丘來
366 45 in this way 此比丘來
367 45 otherwise; but; however; so 此比丘來
368 45 at this time; now; here 此比丘來
369 45 this; here; etad 此比丘來
370 44 lái to come 來向舍衛城
371 44 lái indicates an approximate quantity 來向舍衛城
372 44 lái please 來向舍衛城
373 44 lái used to substitute for another verb 來向舍衛城
374 44 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 來向舍衛城
375 44 lái ever since 來向舍衛城
376 44 lái wheat 來向舍衛城
377 44 lái next; future 來向舍衛城
378 44 lái a simple complement of direction 來向舍衛城
379 44 lái to occur; to arise 來向舍衛城
380 44 lái to earn 來向舍衛城
381 44 lái to come; āgata 來向舍衛城
382 44 shǒu hand 園民手自下食
383 44 shǒu Kangxi radical 64 園民手自下食
384 44 shǒu to hold in one's hand 園民手自下食
385 44 shǒu a skill; an ability 園民手自下食
386 44 shǒu personally 園民手自下食
387 44 shǒu a person with skill 園民手自下食
388 44 shǒu convenient; portable 園民手自下食
389 44 shǒu a person doing an activity 園民手自下食
390 44 shǒu a method; a technique 園民手自下食
391 44 shǒu personally written 園民手自下食
392 44 shǒu carried or handled by hand 園民手自下食
393 44 shǒu hand; pāṇi; hasta 園民手自下食
394 43 yīng should; ought 大德不應久停
395 43 yìng to answer; to respond 大德不應久停
396 43 yìng to confirm; to verify 大德不應久停
397 43 yīng soon; immediately 大德不應久停
398 43 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 大德不應久停
399 43 yìng to accept 大德不應久停
400 43 yīng or; either 大德不應久停
401 43 yìng to permit; to allow 大德不應久停
402 43 yìng to echo 大德不應久停
403 43 yìng to handle; to deal with 大德不應久停
404 43 yìng Ying 大德不應久停
405 43 yīng suitable; yukta 大德不應久停
406 42 such as; for example; for instance 廣說如上
407 42 if 廣說如上
408 42 in accordance with 廣說如上
409 42 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 廣說如上
410 42 this 廣說如上
411 42 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 廣說如上
412 42 to go to 廣說如上
413 42 to meet 廣說如上
414 42 to appear; to seem; to be like 廣說如上
415 42 at least as good as 廣說如上
416 42 and 廣說如上
417 42 or 廣說如上
418 42 but 廣說如上
419 42 then 廣說如上
420 42 naturally 廣說如上
421 42 expresses a question or doubt 廣說如上
422 42 you 廣說如上
423 42 the second lunar month 廣說如上
424 42 in; at 廣說如上
425 42 Ru 廣說如上
426 42 Thus 廣說如上
427 42 thus; tathā 廣說如上
428 42 like; iva 廣說如上
429 42 suchness; tathatā 廣說如上
430 41 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 告諸比丘
431 41 desire 欲禮覲世尊
432 41 to desire; to wish 欲禮覲世尊
433 41 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲禮覲世尊
434 41 to desire; to intend 欲禮覲世尊
435 41 lust 欲禮覲世尊
436 41 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲禮覲世尊
437 41 zhū all; many; various 爾時諸居
438 41 zhū Zhu 爾時諸居
439 41 zhū all; members of the class 爾時諸居
440 41 zhū interrogative particle 爾時諸居
441 41 zhū him; her; them; it 爾時諸居
442 41 zhū of; in 爾時諸居
443 41 zhū all; many; sarva 爾時諸居
444 40 xíng to walk 於是漸行前至佛所
445 40 xíng capable; competent 於是漸行前至佛所
446 40 háng profession 於是漸行前至佛所
447 40 háng line; row 於是漸行前至佛所
448 40 xíng Kangxi radical 144 於是漸行前至佛所
449 40 xíng to travel 於是漸行前至佛所
450 40 xìng actions; conduct 於是漸行前至佛所
451 40 xíng to do; to act; to practice 於是漸行前至佛所
452 40 xíng all right; OK; okay 於是漸行前至佛所
453 40 háng horizontal line 於是漸行前至佛所
454 40 héng virtuous deeds 於是漸行前至佛所
455 40 hàng a line of trees 於是漸行前至佛所
456 40 hàng bold; steadfast 於是漸行前至佛所
457 40 xíng to move 於是漸行前至佛所
458 40 xíng to put into effect; to implement 於是漸行前至佛所
459 40 xíng travel 於是漸行前至佛所
460 40 xíng to circulate 於是漸行前至佛所
461 40 xíng running script; running script 於是漸行前至佛所
462 40 xíng temporary 於是漸行前至佛所
463 40 xíng soon 於是漸行前至佛所
464 40 háng rank; order 於是漸行前至佛所
465 40 háng a business; a shop 於是漸行前至佛所
466 40 xíng to depart; to leave 於是漸行前至佛所
467 40 xíng to experience 於是漸行前至佛所
468 40 xíng path; way 於是漸行前至佛所
469 40 xíng xing; ballad 於是漸行前至佛所
470 40 xíng a round [of drinks] 於是漸行前至佛所
471 40 xíng Xing 於是漸行前至佛所
472 40 xíng moreover; also 於是漸行前至佛所
473 40 xíng Practice 於是漸行前至佛所
474 40 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 於是漸行前至佛所
475 40 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 於是漸行前至佛所
476 39 a bowl; an alms bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
477 39 a bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
478 39 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 若麥飯三鉢他邏
479 39 an earthenware basin 若麥飯三鉢他邏
480 39 Alms bowl 若麥飯三鉢他邏
481 39 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 若麥飯三鉢他邏
482 39 an alms bowl; patra; patta 若麥飯三鉢他邏
483 39 an alms bowl; patra 若麥飯三鉢他邏
484 39 dialect; language; speech 時園民語比丘言
485 39 to speak; to tell 時園民語比丘言
486 39 verse; writing 時園民語比丘言
487 39 to speak; to tell 時園民語比丘言
488 39 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 時園民語比丘言
489 39 a signal 時園民語比丘言
490 39 to chirp; to tweet 時園民語比丘言
491 39 words; discourse; vac 時園民語比丘言
492 38 zài in; at 時有比丘在聚落中
493 38 zài at 時有比丘在聚落中
494 38 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 時有比丘在聚落中
495 38 zài to exist; to be living 時有比丘在聚落中
496 38 zài to consist of 時有比丘在聚落中
497 38 zài to be at a post 時有比丘在聚落中
498 38 zài in; bhū 時有比丘在聚落中
499 38 rén person; people; a human being 彼人聞已
500 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 彼人聞已


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
shí food; bhakṣa
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
zhě ca
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
zuò action; kāraṇa
no; na
  1. yán
  2. yán
  1. word; vacana
  2. speak; vad
  1. shí
  2. shí
  3. shí
  1. time; kāla
  2. at that time; samaya
  3. then; atha
  1. former; pūrvaka
  2. former; pūrvaka

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿那律 196 Aniruddha
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
波斯匿王 98 King Prasenajit; Pasenadi
不兰迦叶 不蘭迦葉 98 Purāṇa Kāśyapa
池上 99 Chihshang; Chihshang
大功德 100 Laksmi
大目连 大目連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
道行 100
  1. Practicing the Way
  2. conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
  3. Đạo Hạnh
  4. Dao Xing
  5. Dao Xing
东晋 東晉 100 Eastern Jin Dynasty
佛生日 102 Buddha's Birthday; Vesak
佛馱跋陀罗 佛陀跋陀羅 102 Buddhabhadra
104 Huan river
伽耶山 106 Gayā
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
离车 離車 108 Licchavi; Lecchavi
鹿母 108 Mṛgāra-mātṛ
罗睺罗 羅睺羅 108 Rahula
摩诃僧只律 摩訶僧祇律 109 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
尼乾子 尼乾子 110 Nirgrantha Jñātaputra; Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
毘舍佉 112
  1. Viśākhā
  2. Viśākhā [constellation]
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
祇洹 113 Jetavana
瞿昙 瞿曇 113 Gautama; Gotama
如是语 如是語 114 Itivuttaka
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
刹利 剎利 115 Kṣatriya; Kshatriya; Kashtriya; Ksatriyah
善来 善來 115 Svāgata; sāgata
生经 生經 115 Jātaka Stories
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
舍卫 舍衛 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
时婆 時婆 115 jīvaka
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
乌来 烏來 119 Wulai
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
知事 122
  1. to understand
  2. Zhishi; Clerk
  3. Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
中夏 122 China
自恣 122 pravāraṇā; ceremony of repentance


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 130.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿练若 阿練若 196 a forest retreat; a secluded place to practice; araṇya; arañña; aranya
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
宝树 寶樹 98
  1. jeweled trees; forest of treasues
  2. a kalpa tree
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
必当 必當 98 must
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不轻 不輕 98 never disparage
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不与取 不與取 98 taking what is not given; adattādāna
瞋恨 99 to be angry; to hate
幢幡 99 a hanging banner
床坐 99 seat; āsana
此岸 99 this shore; this world; Saṃsāra
道中 100 on the path
道行 100
  1. Practicing the Way
  2. conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
  3. Đạo Hạnh
  4. Dao Xing
  5. Dao Xing
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
灯明 燈明 100 a lamp held before the Buddha
二种 二種 195 two kinds
方广 方廣 102 Vaipulya (profound teachings); vaipulya; vast; extended
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
粪扫衣 糞掃衣 102 monastic robes
佛神力 102 the Buddha's spiritual power
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛住 102
  1. the Buddha was staying at
  2. Buddha abode
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福田 102
  1. field of merit
  2. field of blessing
供众 供眾 103 Offering for the Assembly
共法 103 totality of truth
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
和上 104 an abbot; a monk
伽陀 106 gatha; verse
戒场 戒場 106 Precept Court
戒相 106 different forms of precepts; characteristics of precepts
净人 淨人 106 a server
净施 淨施 106 pure charity
九部 106 navaṅga; nine parts
九部法 106 navāṅga-śāsana; navaṅga-sāsana; nava-vidhaḥ sūtrānto; nine teachings
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第十六 106 scroll 16
觉者 覺者 106 awakened one
利喜 108 to bring profit and joy
利根 108 natural powers of intelligence
罗门 羅門 108 Brahman
满荼逻 滿荼邏 109 mandala
念言 110 words from memory
毘尼 112 monastic discipline; vinaya
请法 請法 113 Request Teachings
请僧 請僧 113 monastics invited to a Dharma service
去者 113 a goer; gamika
热病 熱病 114 jaundice; kāmalā
人法 114 people and dharmas; people and teachings
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
三衣 115 the three robes of monk
伞盖 傘蓋 115 canopy; chattra
僧事 115 monastic affairs; monastic administration
僧伽蓝 僧伽藍 115 sangharama; samgharama; samghārama; temple; monastery
僧园 僧園 115 Buddhist temple
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善处 善處 115 a happy state
善利 115 great benefit
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
少欲 115 few desires
阇梨 闍梨 115 acarya; teacher
生死海 115 the ocean of Saṃsāra
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
示教利喜 115 Inspiration, Teaching, Benefit, and Joy
十利 115 ten benefits
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
释子 釋子 115 son of Śākya; a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
施僧 115 to provide a meal for monastics
施食 115
  1. Food Bestowal
  2. to give food
实语 實語 115 true words
施主 115
  1. benefactor
  2. an alms giver; a donor
授记 授記 115 Vyakarana (prophecies); a prediction; vyākaraṇa
受者 115 recipient
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
受具 115 to obtain full ordination
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
檀越 116 an alms giver; a donor
通利 116 sharp intelligence
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
未曾有 119
  1. Never Before
  2. never before seen; abdhutadharma
维那 維那 119
  1. karmadana
  2. weinuo; karmadana; vinaya master; discipline master
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
五戒 119 the five precepts
五事 119 five dharmas; five categories
无所得 無所得 119 nothing to be attained
五法 119 five dharmas; five categories
现相 現相 120 world of objects
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
信施 120 trust in charity
行乞 120 to beg; to ask for alms
行住坐卧 行住坐臥 120
  1. walking, standing, sitting, and lying down
  2. etiquette in the four postures
修多罗 修多羅 120 sūtra; sutta
杨枝 楊枝 121 willow branch
衣钵 衣鉢 121
  1. robe and bowl
  2. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  3. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  4. Sacristan
一食 121 one meal
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
有何因缘 有何因緣 121 What are the causes and conditions?
右膝着地 右膝著地 121 placing the right knee on the ground
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
优婆夷 優婆夷 121
  1. upasika
  2. upasika; a female lay Buddhist
优陀那 優陀那 121 udāna; inspired thought
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲取 121 clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
欲心 121 a lustful heart
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
正智 122 correct understanding; wisdom
知行 122 Understanding and Practice
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
制戒 122 rules; vinaya
祇夜 122 geya; geyya; mixed verses and prose
中食 122 midday meal
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
着衣持钵 著衣持鉢 122 took his bowl and robe
自力 122 one's own power
坐床 122 sitting mat; pitha