Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhidharmaprakaraṇapādaśāstra (Apidamo Pin Lei Zu Lun) 阿毘達磨品類足論, Scroll 8

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 158 suí to follow 謂隨算數漸
2 158 suí to listen to 謂隨算數漸
3 158 suí to submit to; to comply with 謂隨算數漸
4 158 suí to be obsequious 謂隨算數漸
5 158 suí 17th hexagram 謂隨算數漸
6 158 suí let somebody do what they like 謂隨算數漸
7 158 suí to resemble; to look like 謂隨算數漸
8 158 suí follow; anugama 謂隨算數漸
9 144 shí knowledge; understanding 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
10 144 shí to know; to be familiar with 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
11 144 zhì to record 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
12 144 shí thought; cognition 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
13 144 shí to understand 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
14 144 shí experience; common sense 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
15 144 shí a good friend 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
16 144 zhì to remember; to memorize 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
17 144 zhì a label; a mark 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
18 144 zhì an inscription 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
19 144 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
20 142 shè to absorb; to assimilate 辯攝等品第六之四
21 142 shè to take a photo 辯攝等品第六之四
22 142 shè a broad rhyme class 辯攝等品第六之四
23 142 shè to act for; to represent 辯攝等品第六之四
24 142 shè to administer 辯攝等品第六之四
25 142 shè to conserve 辯攝等品第六之四
26 142 shè to hold; to support 辯攝等品第六之四
27 142 shè to get close to 辯攝等品第六之四
28 142 shè to help 辯攝等品第六之四
29 142 niè peaceful 辯攝等品第六之四
30 142 shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine 辯攝等品第六之四
31 135 zhī to know 是名具知
32 135 zhī to comprehend 是名具知
33 135 zhī to inform; to tell 是名具知
34 135 zhī to administer 是名具知
35 135 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 是名具知
36 135 zhī to be close friends 是名具知
37 135 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 是名具知
38 135 zhī to receive; to entertain 是名具知
39 135 zhī knowledge 是名具知
40 135 zhī consciousness; perception 是名具知
41 135 zhī a close friend 是名具知
42 135 zhì wisdom 是名具知
43 135 zhì Zhi 是名具知
44 135 zhī to appreciate 是名具知
45 135 zhī to make known 是名具知
46 135 zhī to have control over 是名具知
47 135 zhī to expect; to foresee 是名具知
48 135 zhī Understanding 是名具知
49 135 zhī know; jña 是名具知
50 133 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 眠隨增
51 133 zēng duplicated; repeated 眠隨增
52 133 zēng to increase; vṛdh 眠隨增
53 133 zēng accumulation; upacaya 眠隨增
54 125 隨眠 suímián a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya 九十八隨眠如前說
55 113 method; way 應於法
56 113 France 應於法
57 113 the law; rules; regulations 應於法
58 113 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 應於法
59 113 a standard; a norm 應於法
60 113 an institution 應於法
61 113 to emulate 應於法
62 113 magic; a magic trick 應於法
63 113 punishment 應於法
64 113 Fa 應於法
65 113 a precedent 應於法
66 113 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 應於法
67 113 relating to a ceremony or rite 應於法
68 113 Dharma 應於法
69 113 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 應於法
70 113 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 應於法
71 113 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 應於法
72 113 quality; characteristic 應於法
73 107 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 三界無智
74 107 zhì care; prudence 三界無智
75 107 zhì Zhi 三界無智
76 107 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 三界無智
77 107 zhì clever 三界無智
78 107 zhì Wisdom 三界無智
79 107 zhì jnana; knowing 三界無智
80 91 一切 yīqiè temporary 超一切色想
81 91 一切 yīqiè the same 超一切色想
82 76 fēi Kangxi radical 175 心捨非平等非不平等受
83 76 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 心捨非平等非不平等受
84 76 fēi different 心捨非平等非不平等受
85 76 fēi to not be; to not have 心捨非平等非不平等受
86 76 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 心捨非平等非不平等受
87 76 fēi Africa 心捨非平等非不平等受
88 76 fēi to slander 心捨非平等非不平等受
89 76 fěi to avoid 心捨非平等非不平等受
90 76 fēi must 心捨非平等非不平等受
91 76 fēi an error 心捨非平等非不平等受
92 76 fēi a problem; a question 心捨非平等非不平等受
93 76 fēi evil 心捨非平等非不平等受
94 76 五蘊 wǔ yùn five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging 八界十二處五蘊攝
95 71 六識 liù shí the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness 謂六識身
96 70 wèi to call 謂聖弟子等
97 70 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂聖弟子等
98 70 wèi to speak to; to address 謂聖弟子等
99 70 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂聖弟子等
100 70 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂聖弟子等
101 70 wèi to speak to; to address 謂聖弟子等
102 70 wèi to think 謂聖弟子等
103 70 wèi for; is to be 謂聖弟子等
104 70 wèi to make; to cause 謂聖弟子等
105 70 wèi principle; reason 謂聖弟子等
106 70 wèi Wei 謂聖弟子等
107 63 suǒ a few; various; some 力所引無漏遠離止息
108 63 suǒ a place; a location 力所引無漏遠離止息
109 63 suǒ indicates a passive voice 力所引無漏遠離止息
110 63 suǒ an ordinal number 力所引無漏遠離止息
111 63 suǒ meaning 力所引無漏遠離止息
112 63 suǒ garrison 力所引無漏遠離止息
113 63 suǒ place; pradeśa 力所引無漏遠離止息
114 63 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 由此顯彼受生處
115 63 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 由此顯彼受生處
116 63 chù an office; a department; a bureau 由此顯彼受生處
117 63 chù a part; an aspect 由此顯彼受生處
118 63 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 由此顯彼受生處
119 63 chǔ to get along with 由此顯彼受生處
120 63 chǔ to deal with; to manage 由此顯彼受生處
121 63 chǔ to punish; to sentence 由此顯彼受生處
122 63 chǔ to stop; to pause 由此顯彼受生處
123 63 chǔ to be associated with 由此顯彼受生處
124 63 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 由此顯彼受生處
125 63 chǔ to occupy; to control 由此顯彼受生處
126 63 chù circumstances; situation 由此顯彼受生處
127 63 chù an occasion; a time 由此顯彼受生處
128 63 chù position; sthāna 由此顯彼受生處
129 55 十二處 shí èr chù ayatana; twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition 十二處
130 53 to go; to 於苦思惟苦
131 53 to rely on; to depend on 於苦思惟苦
132 53 Yu 於苦思惟苦
133 53 a crow 於苦思惟苦
134 51 除滅 chúmiè to eliminate 八智知除滅道智
135 51 yùn to bring together; to collect; to accumulate 十一界十一處一蘊攝
136 51 yùn to contain 十一界十一處一蘊攝
137 51 yùn profundity 十一界十一處一蘊攝
138 51 yùn withered grass 十一界十一處一蘊攝
139 51 yùn aggregate; skandha 十一界十一處一蘊攝
140 50 十八界 shíbājiè eighteen realms 十八界
141 49 jiè border; boundary 八界十二處五蘊攝
142 49 jiè kingdom 八界十二處五蘊攝
143 49 jiè territory; region 八界十二處五蘊攝
144 49 jiè the world 八界十二處五蘊攝
145 49 jiè scope; extent 八界十二處五蘊攝
146 49 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 八界十二處五蘊攝
147 49 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 八界十二處五蘊攝
148 49 jiè to adjoin 八界十二處五蘊攝
149 49 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 八界十二處五蘊攝
150 47 èr two 謂二
151 47 èr Kangxi radical 7 謂二
152 47 èr second 謂二
153 47 èr twice; double; di- 謂二
154 47 èr more than one kind 謂二
155 47 èr two; dvā; dvi 謂二
156 47 èr both; dvaya 謂二
157 44 jiǔ nine 此居第九
158 44 jiǔ many 此居第九
159 44 jiǔ nine; nava 此居第九
160 44 十智 shí zhì ten forms of understanding 十智知
161 42 一識 yī shí one perception; one knowledge 一識識
162 41 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 除趣邪命語四惡行
163 41 chú to divide 除趣邪命語四惡行
164 41 chú to put in order 除趣邪命語四惡行
165 41 chú to appoint to an official position 除趣邪命語四惡行
166 41 chú door steps; stairs 除趣邪命語四惡行
167 41 chú to replace an official 除趣邪命語四惡行
168 41 chú to change; to replace 除趣邪命語四惡行
169 41 chú to renovate; to restore 除趣邪命語四惡行
170 41 chú division 除趣邪命語四惡行
171 41 chú except; without; anyatra 除趣邪命語四惡行
172 39 infix potential marker 不作不造
173 38 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 謂於有情能
174 38 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 謂於有情能
175 38 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 謂於有情能
176 38 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 謂於有情能
177 38 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 謂於有情能
178 37 三界 Sān Jiè Three Realms 謂三界貪
179 37 三界 sān Jiè The Three Realms 謂三界貪
180 33 八智 bā zhì eight kinds of knowledge 八智
181 30 residence; dwelling 初有情居云何
182 30 to be at a position 初有情居云何
183 30 to live; to dwell; to reside 初有情居云何
184 30 to stay put 初有情居云何
185 30 to claim; to assert 初有情居云何
186 30 to store up; to accumulate 初有情居云何
187 30 to sit down 初有情居云何
188 30 to possess 初有情居云何
189 30 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 初有情居云何
190 30 Ju 初有情居云何
191 30 dwell; vāsa 初有情居云何
192 29 道智 dàozhì knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata 七智知除他心滅道智
193 29 xīn heart [organ] 無漏作意相應諸心
194 29 xīn Kangxi radical 61 無漏作意相應諸心
195 29 xīn mind; consciousness 無漏作意相應諸心
196 29 xīn the center; the core; the middle 無漏作意相應諸心
197 29 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 無漏作意相應諸心
198 29 xīn heart 無漏作意相應諸心
199 29 xīn emotion 無漏作意相應諸心
200 29 xīn intention; consideration 無漏作意相應諸心
201 29 xīn disposition; temperament 無漏作意相應諸心
202 29 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 無漏作意相應諸心
203 29 xīn heart; hṛdaya 無漏作意相應諸心
204 29 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 無漏作意相應諸心
205 28 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名正見
206 28 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名正見
207 28 míng rank; position 是名正見
208 28 míng an excuse 是名正見
209 28 míng life 是名正見
210 28 míng to name; to call 是名正見
211 28 míng to express; to describe 是名正見
212 28 míng to be called; to have the name 是名正見
213 28 míng to own; to possess 是名正見
214 28 míng famous; renowned 是名正見
215 28 míng moral 是名正見
216 28 míng name; naman 是名正見
217 28 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名正見
218 24 十一 shíyī eleven 十一界十一處一蘊攝
219 24 十一 shí yī National Day in the PRC 十一界十一處一蘊攝
220 24 十一 shíyī eleven; ekadasa 十一界十一處一蘊攝
221 23 děng et cetera; and so on 辯攝等品第六之四
222 23 děng to wait 辯攝等品第六之四
223 23 děng to be equal 辯攝等品第六之四
224 23 děng degree; level 辯攝等品第六之四
225 23 děng to compare 辯攝等品第六之四
226 23 děng same; equal; sama 辯攝等品第六之四
227 23 to reach 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
228 23 to attain 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
229 23 to understand 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
230 23 able to be compared to; to catch up with 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
231 23 to be involved with; to associate with 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
232 23 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
233 23 and; ca; api 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
234 22 wéi to act as; to serve 為損害
235 22 wéi to change into; to become 為損害
236 22 wéi to be; is 為損害
237 22 wéi to do 為損害
238 22 wèi to support; to help 為損害
239 22 wéi to govern 為損害
240 22 wèi to be; bhū 為損害
241 22 four 辯攝等品第六之四
242 22 note a musical scale 辯攝等品第六之四
243 22 fourth 辯攝等品第六之四
244 22 Si 辯攝等品第六之四
245 22 four; catur 辯攝等品第六之四
246 21 eight 此居第八
247 21 Kangxi radical 12 此居第八
248 21 eighth 此居第八
249 21 all around; all sides 此居第八
250 21 eight; aṣṭa 此居第八
251 21 dào way; road; path 於道思惟道
252 21 dào principle; a moral; morality 於道思惟道
253 21 dào Tao; the Way 於道思惟道
254 21 dào to say; to speak; to talk 於道思惟道
255 21 dào to think 於道思惟道
256 21 dào circuit; a province 於道思惟道
257 21 dào a course; a channel 於道思惟道
258 21 dào a method; a way of doing something 於道思惟道
259 21 dào a doctrine 於道思惟道
260 21 dào Taoism; Daoism 於道思惟道
261 21 dào a skill 於道思惟道
262 21 dào a sect 於道思惟道
263 21 dào a line 於道思惟道
264 21 dào Way 於道思惟道
265 21 dào way; path; marga 於道思惟道
266 20 one 身異想一
267 20 Kangxi radical 1 身異想一
268 20 pure; concentrated 身異想一
269 20 first 身異想一
270 20 the same 身異想一
271 20 sole; single 身異想一
272 20 a very small amount 身異想一
273 20 Yi 身異想一
274 20 other 身異想一
275 20 to unify 身異想一
276 20 accidentally; coincidentally 身異想一
277 20 abruptly; suddenly 身異想一
278 20 one; eka 身異想一
279 20 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 於滅思惟滅
280 20 miè to submerge 於滅思惟滅
281 20 miè to extinguish; to put out 於滅思惟滅
282 20 miè to eliminate 於滅思惟滅
283 20 miè to disappear; to fade away 於滅思惟滅
284 20 miè the cessation of suffering 於滅思惟滅
285 20 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 於滅思惟滅
286 20 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 於滅思惟滅
287 20 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 於滅思惟滅
288 20 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 於滅思惟滅
289 20 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 於滅思惟滅
290 19 zhě ca 此中初者
291 19 wéi thought 於苦思惟苦
292 19 wéi to think; to consider 於苦思惟苦
293 19 wéi is 於苦思惟苦
294 19 wéi has 於苦思惟苦
295 19 wéi to understand 於苦思惟苦
296 18 business; industry 業法
297 18 activity; actions 業法
298 18 order; sequence 業法
299 18 to continue 業法
300 18 to start; to create 業法
301 18 karma 業法
302 18 hereditary trade; legacy 業法
303 18 a course of study; training 業法
304 18 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 業法
305 18 an estate; a property 業法
306 18 an achievement 業法
307 18 to engage in 業法
308 18 Ye 業法
309 18 a horizontal board 業法
310 18 an occupation 業法
311 18 a kind of musical instrument 業法
312 18 a book 業法
313 18 actions; karma; karman 業法
314 18 activity; kriyā 業法
315 18 duàn to judge 斷隨眠隨增
316 18 duàn to severe; to break 斷隨眠隨增
317 18 duàn to stop 斷隨眠隨增
318 18 duàn to quit; to give up 斷隨眠隨增
319 18 duàn to intercept 斷隨眠隨增
320 18 duàn to divide 斷隨眠隨增
321 18 duàn to isolate 斷隨眠隨增
322 17 一處 yīchù one place 一界一處
323 17 苦集 kǔjí accumulation as the cause of suffering 他心苦集道智
324 17 gēn origin; cause; basis 根云何
325 17 gēn radical 根云何
326 17 gēn a plant root 根云何
327 17 gēn base; foot 根云何
328 17 gēn offspring 根云何
329 17 gēn a square root; to nth root; the solution of a mathematical equation 根云何
330 17 gēn according to 根云何
331 17 gēn gen 根云何
332 17 gēn an organ; a part of the body 根云何
333 17 gēn a sense; a faculty 根云何
334 17 gēn mūla; a root 根云何
335 17 Kangxi radical 71 三界無智
336 17 to not have; without 三界無智
337 17 mo 三界無智
338 17 to not have 三界無智
339 17 Wu 三界無智
340 17 mo 三界無智
341 16 無漏 wúlòu Untainted 無漏作意相
342 16 無漏 wúlòu having no passion or delusion; anasrava 無漏作意相
343 16 一界 yī jiè one world 一界一處
344 16 Kangxi radical 49 已正當勝解
345 16 to bring to an end; to stop 已正當勝解
346 16 to complete 已正當勝解
347 16 to demote; to dismiss 已正當勝解
348 16 to recover from an illness 已正當勝解
349 16 former; pūrvaka 已正當勝解
350 16 yuán fate; predestined affinity 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
351 16 yuán hem 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
352 16 yuán to revolve around 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
353 16 yuán to climb up 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
354 16 yuán cause; origin; reason 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
355 16 yuán along; to follow 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
356 16 yuán to depend on 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
357 16 yuán margin; edge; rim 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
358 16 yuán Condition 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
359 16 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 三界有為緣隨眠隨增
360 15 xiū to decorate; to embellish 欲色界遍行及修所
361 15 xiū to study; to cultivate 欲色界遍行及修所
362 15 xiū to repair 欲色界遍行及修所
363 15 xiū long; slender 欲色界遍行及修所
364 15 xiū to write; to compile 欲色界遍行及修所
365 15 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 欲色界遍行及修所
366 15 xiū to practice 欲色界遍行及修所
367 15 xiū to cut 欲色界遍行及修所
368 15 xiū virtuous; wholesome 欲色界遍行及修所
369 15 xiū a virtuous person 欲色界遍行及修所
370 15 xiū Xiu 欲色界遍行及修所
371 15 xiū to unknot 欲色界遍行及修所
372 15 xiū to prepare; to put in order 欲色界遍行及修所
373 15 xiū excellent 欲色界遍行及修所
374 15 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 欲色界遍行及修所
375 15 xiū Cultivation 欲色界遍行及修所
376 15 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 欲色界遍行及修所
377 15 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 欲色界遍行及修所
378 14 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 不違越住
379 14 zhù to stop; to halt 不違越住
380 14 zhù to retain; to remain 不違越住
381 14 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 不違越住
382 14 zhù verb complement 不違越住
383 14 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 不違越住
384 14 遍行 biànxíng [an order] to be followed everywhere 欲色界遍行及修所
385 14 遍行 biànxíng universally present; omnipresent 欲色界遍行及修所
386 14 shùn to obey 謂隨算數漸次順
387 14 shùn to be in the same direction; favorable 謂隨算數漸次順
388 14 shùn to surrender and pay allegiance to 謂隨算數漸次順
389 14 shùn to follow 謂隨算數漸次順
390 14 shùn to be agreeable 謂隨算數漸次順
391 14 shùn to arrange; to put in order 謂隨算數漸次順
392 14 shùn in passing 謂隨算數漸次順
393 14 shùn reconciling; harmonious 謂隨算數漸次順
394 14 shùn smooth; agreeable 謂隨算數漸次順
395 14 shùn compliant; anukūla 謂隨算數漸次順
396 13 yīn cause; reason 心為因法
397 13 yīn to accord with 心為因法
398 13 yīn to follow 心為因法
399 13 yīn to rely on 心為因法
400 13 yīn via; through 心為因法
401 13 yīn to continue 心為因法
402 13 yīn to receive 心為因法
403 13 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 心為因法
404 13 yīn to seize an opportunity 心為因法
405 13 yīn to be like 心為因法
406 13 yīn a standrd; a criterion 心為因法
407 13 yīn cause; hetu 心為因法
408 13 zhōng middle 此中初者
409 13 zhōng medium; medium sized 此中初者
410 13 zhōng China 此中初者
411 13 zhòng to hit the mark 此中初者
412 13 zhōng midday 此中初者
413 13 zhōng inside 此中初者
414 13 zhōng during 此中初者
415 13 zhōng Zhong 此中初者
416 13 zhōng intermediary 此中初者
417 13 zhōng half 此中初者
418 13 zhòng to reach; to attain 此中初者
419 13 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此中初者
420 13 zhòng to obtain 此中初者
421 13 zhòng to pass an exam 此中初者
422 13 zhōng middle 此中初者
423 13 相續 xiāngxù causal connection; continuity of cause and effect 次順次相續次第
424 13 shí ten
425 13 shí Kangxi radical 24
426 13 shí tenth
427 13 shí complete; perfect
428 13 shí ten; daśa
429 13 yìng to answer; to respond 應於法
430 13 yìng to confirm; to verify 應於法
431 13 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應於法
432 13 yìng to accept 應於法
433 13 yìng to permit; to allow 應於法
434 13 yìng to echo 應於法
435 13 yìng to handle; to deal with 應於法
436 13 yìng Ying 應於法
437 12 bitterness; bitter flavor 於苦思惟苦
438 12 hardship; suffering 於苦思惟苦
439 12 to make things difficult for 於苦思惟苦
440 12 to train; to practice 於苦思惟苦
441 12 to suffer from a misfortune 於苦思惟苦
442 12 bitter 於苦思惟苦
443 12 grieved; facing hardship 於苦思惟苦
444 12 in low spirits; depressed 於苦思惟苦
445 12 painful 於苦思惟苦
446 12 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 於苦思惟苦
447 12 to gather; to collect 惟集
448 12 collected works; collection 惟集
449 12 to stablize; to settle 惟集
450 12 used in place names 惟集
451 12 to mix; to blend 惟集
452 12 to hit the mark 惟集
453 12 to compile 惟集
454 12 to finish; to accomplish 惟集
455 12 to rest; to perch 惟集
456 12 a market 惟集
457 12 the origin of suffering 惟集
458 12 assembled; saṃnipatita 惟集
459 12 順次 shùncì in sequence 次順次相續次第
460 11 有漏 yǒulòu having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava 有漏色云何
461 11 遠離 yuǎnlí to be removed from; to be far away from 力所引無漏遠離止息
462 11 遠離 yuǎnlí to be detached; to be aloof 力所引無漏遠離止息
463 11 遠離 yuǎnlí to far off 力所引無漏遠離止息
464 11 遠離 yuǎnlí to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 力所引無漏遠離止息
465 11 遠離 yuǎnlí detached; vivikta 力所引無漏遠離止息
466 11 chù to touch; to feel 謂身於觸已正當觸及彼同分
467 11 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 謂身於觸已正當觸及彼同分
468 11 chù touch; contact; sparśa 謂身於觸已正當觸及彼同分
469 11 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 謂身於觸已正當觸及彼同分
470 11 other; another; some other 知除他心滅智
471 11 other 知除他心滅智
472 11 tha 知除他心滅智
473 11 ṭha 知除他心滅智
474 11 other; anya 知除他心滅智
475 11 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 義如前說
476 11 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 義如前說
477 11 shuì to persuade 義如前說
478 11 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 義如前說
479 11 shuō a doctrine; a theory 義如前說
480 11 shuō to claim; to assert 義如前說
481 11 shuō allocution 義如前說
482 11 shuō to criticize; to scold 義如前說
483 11 shuō to indicate; to refer to 義如前說
484 11 shuō speach; vāda 義如前說
485 11 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 義如前說
486 11 shuō to instruct 義如前說
487 10 算數 suànshù arithmetic 謂隨算數漸
488 10 算數 suànshù to count 謂隨算數漸
489 10 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 順樂受觸所觸時所起身樂心樂平等受
490 10 shòu to transfer; to confer 順樂受觸所觸時所起身樂心樂平等受
491 10 shòu to receive; to accept 順樂受觸所觸時所起身樂心樂平等受
492 10 shòu to tolerate 順樂受觸所觸時所起身樂心樂平等受
493 10 shòu feelings; sensations 順樂受觸所觸時所起身樂心樂平等受
494 10 desire 或欲或貪或瞋或癡
495 10 to desire; to wish 或欲或貪或瞋或癡
496 10 to desire; to intend 或欲或貪或瞋或癡
497 10 lust 或欲或貪或瞋或癡
498 10 desire; intention; wish; kāma 或欲或貪或瞋或癡
499 10 居第 jūdì housing; high-class residence 此居第二
500 10 liù six 辯攝等品第六之四

Frequencies of all Words

Top 845

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 158 suí to follow 謂隨算數漸
2 158 suí to listen to 謂隨算數漸
3 158 suí to submit to; to comply with 謂隨算數漸
4 158 suí with; to accompany 謂隨算數漸
5 158 suí in due course; subsequently; then 謂隨算數漸
6 158 suí to the extent that 謂隨算數漸
7 158 suí to be obsequious 謂隨算數漸
8 158 suí everywhere 謂隨算數漸
9 158 suí 17th hexagram 謂隨算數漸
10 158 suí in passing 謂隨算數漸
11 158 suí let somebody do what they like 謂隨算數漸
12 158 suí to resemble; to look like 謂隨算數漸
13 158 suí follow; anugama 謂隨算數漸
14 144 shí knowledge; understanding 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
15 144 shí to know; to be familiar with 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
16 144 zhì to record 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
17 144 shí thought; cognition 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
18 144 shí to understand 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
19 144 shí experience; common sense 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
20 144 shí a good friend 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
21 144 zhì to remember; to memorize 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
22 144 zhì a label; a mark 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
23 144 zhì an inscription 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
24 144 zhì just now 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
25 144 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 超一切空無邊處入無邊識
26 142 shè to absorb; to assimilate 辯攝等品第六之四
27 142 shè to take a photo 辯攝等品第六之四
28 142 shè a broad rhyme class 辯攝等品第六之四
29 142 shè to act for; to represent 辯攝等品第六之四
30 142 shè to administer 辯攝等品第六之四
31 142 shè to conserve 辯攝等品第六之四
32 142 shè to hold; to support 辯攝等品第六之四
33 142 shè to get close to 辯攝等品第六之四
34 142 shè to help 辯攝等品第六之四
35 142 niè peaceful 辯攝等品第六之四
36 142 shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine 辯攝等品第六之四
37 135 zhī to know 是名具知
38 135 zhī to comprehend 是名具知
39 135 zhī to inform; to tell 是名具知
40 135 zhī to administer 是名具知
41 135 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 是名具知
42 135 zhī to be close friends 是名具知
43 135 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 是名具知
44 135 zhī to receive; to entertain 是名具知
45 135 zhī knowledge 是名具知
46 135 zhī consciousness; perception 是名具知
47 135 zhī a close friend 是名具知
48 135 zhì wisdom 是名具知
49 135 zhì Zhi 是名具知
50 135 zhī to appreciate 是名具知
51 135 zhī to make known 是名具知
52 135 zhī to have control over 是名具知
53 135 zhī to expect; to foresee 是名具知
54 135 zhī Understanding 是名具知
55 135 zhī know; jña 是名具知
56 133 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 眠隨增
57 133 zēng duplicated; repeated 眠隨增
58 133 zēng to increase; vṛdh 眠隨增
59 133 zēng accumulation; upacaya 眠隨增
60 125 隨眠 suímián a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya 九十八隨眠如前說
61 113 method; way 應於法
62 113 France 應於法
63 113 the law; rules; regulations 應於法
64 113 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 應於法
65 113 a standard; a norm 應於法
66 113 an institution 應於法
67 113 to emulate 應於法
68 113 magic; a magic trick 應於法
69 113 punishment 應於法
70 113 Fa 應於法
71 113 a precedent 應於法
72 113 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 應於法
73 113 relating to a ceremony or rite 應於法
74 113 Dharma 應於法
75 113 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 應於法
76 113 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 應於法
77 113 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 應於法
78 113 quality; characteristic 應於法
79 107 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 三界無智
80 107 zhì care; prudence 三界無智
81 107 zhì Zhi 三界無智
82 107 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 三界無智
83 107 zhì clever 三界無智
84 107 zhì Wisdom 三界無智
85 107 zhì jnana; knowing 三界無智
86 91 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 超一切色想
87 91 一切 yīqiè temporary 超一切色想
88 91 一切 yīqiè the same 超一切色想
89 91 一切 yīqiè generally 超一切色想
90 91 一切 yīqiè all, everything 超一切色想
91 91 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 超一切色想
92 76 fēi not; non-; un- 心捨非平等非不平等受
93 76 fēi Kangxi radical 175 心捨非平等非不平等受
94 76 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 心捨非平等非不平等受
95 76 fēi different 心捨非平等非不平等受
96 76 fēi to not be; to not have 心捨非平等非不平等受
97 76 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 心捨非平等非不平等受
98 76 fēi Africa 心捨非平等非不平等受
99 76 fēi to slander 心捨非平等非不平等受
100 76 fěi to avoid 心捨非平等非不平等受
101 76 fēi must 心捨非平等非不平等受
102 76 fēi an error 心捨非平等非不平等受
103 76 fēi a problem; a question 心捨非平等非不平等受
104 76 fēi evil 心捨非平等非不平等受
105 76 fēi besides; except; unless 心捨非平等非不平等受
106 76 fēi not 心捨非平等非不平等受
107 76 五蘊 wǔ yùn five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging 八界十二處五蘊攝
108 71 六識 liù shí the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness 謂六識身
109 70 wèi to call 謂聖弟子等
110 70 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂聖弟子等
111 70 wèi to speak to; to address 謂聖弟子等
112 70 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂聖弟子等
113 70 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂聖弟子等
114 70 wèi to speak to; to address 謂聖弟子等
115 70 wèi to think 謂聖弟子等
116 70 wèi for; is to be 謂聖弟子等
117 70 wèi to make; to cause 謂聖弟子等
118 70 wèi and 謂聖弟子等
119 70 wèi principle; reason 謂聖弟子等
120 70 wèi Wei 謂聖弟子等
121 70 wèi which; what; yad 謂聖弟子等
122 70 wèi to say; iti 謂聖弟子等
123 63 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 力所引無漏遠離止息
124 63 suǒ an office; an institute 力所引無漏遠離止息
125 63 suǒ introduces a relative clause 力所引無漏遠離止息
126 63 suǒ it 力所引無漏遠離止息
127 63 suǒ if; supposing 力所引無漏遠離止息
128 63 suǒ a few; various; some 力所引無漏遠離止息
129 63 suǒ a place; a location 力所引無漏遠離止息
130 63 suǒ indicates a passive voice 力所引無漏遠離止息
131 63 suǒ that which 力所引無漏遠離止息
132 63 suǒ an ordinal number 力所引無漏遠離止息
133 63 suǒ meaning 力所引無漏遠離止息
134 63 suǒ garrison 力所引無漏遠離止息
135 63 suǒ place; pradeśa 力所引無漏遠離止息
136 63 suǒ that which; yad 力所引無漏遠離止息
137 63 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 由此顯彼受生處
138 63 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 由此顯彼受生處
139 63 chù location 由此顯彼受生處
140 63 chù an office; a department; a bureau 由此顯彼受生處
141 63 chù a part; an aspect 由此顯彼受生處
142 63 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 由此顯彼受生處
143 63 chǔ to get along with 由此顯彼受生處
144 63 chǔ to deal with; to manage 由此顯彼受生處
145 63 chǔ to punish; to sentence 由此顯彼受生處
146 63 chǔ to stop; to pause 由此顯彼受生處
147 63 chǔ to be associated with 由此顯彼受生處
148 63 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 由此顯彼受生處
149 63 chǔ to occupy; to control 由此顯彼受生處
150 63 chù circumstances; situation 由此顯彼受生處
151 63 chù an occasion; a time 由此顯彼受生處
152 63 chù position; sthāna 由此顯彼受生處
153 55 十二處 shí èr chù ayatana; twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition 十二處
154 53 in; at 於苦思惟苦
155 53 in; at 於苦思惟苦
156 53 in; at; to; from 於苦思惟苦
157 53 to go; to 於苦思惟苦
158 53 to rely on; to depend on 於苦思惟苦
159 53 to go to; to arrive at 於苦思惟苦
160 53 from 於苦思惟苦
161 53 give 於苦思惟苦
162 53 oppposing 於苦思惟苦
163 53 and 於苦思惟苦
164 53 compared to 於苦思惟苦
165 53 by 於苦思惟苦
166 53 and; as well as 於苦思惟苦
167 53 for 於苦思惟苦
168 53 Yu 於苦思惟苦
169 53 a crow 於苦思惟苦
170 53 whew; wow 於苦思惟苦
171 53 near to; antike 於苦思惟苦
172 52 云何 yúnhé why; how 正見云何
173 52 云何 yúnhé how; katham 正見云何
174 51 除滅 chúmiè to eliminate 八智知除滅道智
175 51 yùn to bring together; to collect; to accumulate 十一界十一處一蘊攝
176 51 yùn to contain 十一界十一處一蘊攝
177 51 yùn profundity 十一界十一處一蘊攝
178 51 yùn withered grass 十一界十一處一蘊攝
179 51 yùn aggregate; skandha 十一界十一處一蘊攝
180 50 十八界 shíbājiè eighteen realms 十八界
181 49 jiè border; boundary 八界十二處五蘊攝
182 49 jiè kingdom 八界十二處五蘊攝
183 49 jiè circle; society 八界十二處五蘊攝
184 49 jiè territory; region 八界十二處五蘊攝
185 49 jiè the world 八界十二處五蘊攝
186 49 jiè scope; extent 八界十二處五蘊攝
187 49 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 八界十二處五蘊攝
188 49 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 八界十二處五蘊攝
189 49 jiè to adjoin 八界十二處五蘊攝
190 49 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 八界十二處五蘊攝
191 47 èr two 謂二
192 47 èr Kangxi radical 7 謂二
193 47 èr second 謂二
194 47 èr twice; double; di- 謂二
195 47 èr another; the other 謂二
196 47 èr more than one kind 謂二
197 47 èr two; dvā; dvi 謂二
198 47 èr both; dvaya 謂二
199 44 jiǔ nine 此居第九
200 44 jiǔ many 此居第九
201 44 jiǔ nine; nava 此居第九
202 44 十智 shí zhì ten forms of understanding 十智知
203 42 一識 yī shí one perception; one knowledge 一識識
204 41 chú except; besides 除趣邪命語四惡行
205 41 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 除趣邪命語四惡行
206 41 chú to divide 除趣邪命語四惡行
207 41 chú to put in order 除趣邪命語四惡行
208 41 chú to appoint to an official position 除趣邪命語四惡行
209 41 chú door steps; stairs 除趣邪命語四惡行
210 41 chú to replace an official 除趣邪命語四惡行
211 41 chú to change; to replace 除趣邪命語四惡行
212 41 chú to renovate; to restore 除趣邪命語四惡行
213 41 chú division 除趣邪命語四惡行
214 41 chú except; without; anyatra 除趣邪命語四惡行
215 39 not; no 不作不造
216 39 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不作不造
217 39 as a correlative 不作不造
218 39 no (answering a question) 不作不造
219 39 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不作不造
220 39 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不作不造
221 39 to form a yes or no question 不作不造
222 39 infix potential marker 不作不造
223 39 no; na 不作不造
224 38 shì is; are; am; to be 是名正見
225 38 shì is exactly 是名正見
226 38 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是名正見
227 38 shì this; that; those 是名正見
228 38 shì really; certainly 是名正見
229 38 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是名正見
230 38 shì true 是名正見
231 38 shì is; has; exists 是名正見
232 38 shì used between repetitions of a word 是名正見
233 38 shì a matter; an affair 是名正見
234 38 shì Shi 是名正見
235 38 shì is; bhū 是名正見
236 38 shì this; idam 是名正見
237 38 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 謂於有情能
238 38 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 謂於有情能
239 38 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 謂於有情能
240 38 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 謂於有情能
241 38 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 謂於有情能
242 37 三界 Sān Jiè Three Realms 謂三界貪
243 37 三界 sān Jiè The Three Realms 謂三界貪
244 33 八智 bā zhì eight kinds of knowledge 八智
245 30 residence; dwelling 初有情居云何
246 30 to be at a position 初有情居云何
247 30 to live; to dwell; to reside 初有情居云何
248 30 to stay put 初有情居云何
249 30 to claim; to assert 初有情居云何
250 30 to store up; to accumulate 初有情居云何
251 30 unexpectedly 初有情居云何
252 30 to sit down 初有情居云何
253 30 to possess 初有情居云何
254 30 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 初有情居云何
255 30 Ju 初有情居云何
256 30 interrogative particle 初有情居云何
257 30 dwell; vāsa 初有情居云何
258 29 道智 dàozhì knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata 七智知除他心滅道智
259 29 xīn heart [organ] 無漏作意相應諸心
260 29 xīn Kangxi radical 61 無漏作意相應諸心
261 29 xīn mind; consciousness 無漏作意相應諸心
262 29 xīn the center; the core; the middle 無漏作意相應諸心
263 29 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 無漏作意相應諸心
264 29 xīn heart 無漏作意相應諸心
265 29 xīn emotion 無漏作意相應諸心
266 29 xīn intention; consideration 無漏作意相應諸心
267 29 xīn disposition; temperament 無漏作意相應諸心
268 29 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 無漏作意相應諸心
269 29 xīn heart; hṛdaya 無漏作意相應諸心
270 29 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 無漏作意相應諸心
271 29 this; these 此中初者
272 29 in this way 此中初者
273 29 otherwise; but; however; so 此中初者
274 29 at this time; now; here 此中初者
275 29 this; here; etad 此中初者
276 28 míng measure word for people 是名正見
277 28 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名正見
278 28 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名正見
279 28 míng rank; position 是名正見
280 28 míng an excuse 是名正見
281 28 míng life 是名正見
282 28 míng to name; to call 是名正見
283 28 míng to express; to describe 是名正見
284 28 míng to be called; to have the name 是名正見
285 28 míng to own; to possess 是名正見
286 28 míng famous; renowned 是名正見
287 28 míng moral 是名正見
288 28 míng name; naman 是名正見
289 28 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名正見
290 24 十一 shíyī eleven 十一界十一處一蘊攝
291 24 十一 shí yī National Day in the PRC 十一界十一處一蘊攝
292 24 十一 shíyī eleven; ekadasa 十一界十一處一蘊攝
293 23 děng et cetera; and so on 辯攝等品第六之四
294 23 děng to wait 辯攝等品第六之四
295 23 děng degree; kind 辯攝等品第六之四
296 23 děng plural 辯攝等品第六之四
297 23 děng to be equal 辯攝等品第六之四
298 23 děng degree; level 辯攝等品第六之四
299 23 děng to compare 辯攝等品第六之四
300 23 děng same; equal; sama 辯攝等品第六之四
301 23 to reach 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
302 23 and 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
303 23 coming to; when 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
304 23 to attain 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
305 23 to understand 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
306 23 able to be compared to; to catch up with 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
307 23 to be involved with; to associate with 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
308 23 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
309 23 and; ca; api 謂眼於色已正當見及彼同分
310 22 wèi for; to 為損害
311 22 wèi because of 為損害
312 22 wéi to act as; to serve 為損害
313 22 wéi to change into; to become 為損害
314 22 wéi to be; is 為損害
315 22 wéi to do 為損害
316 22 wèi for 為損害
317 22 wèi because of; for; to 為損害
318 22 wèi to 為損害
319 22 wéi in a passive construction 為損害
320 22 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為損害
321 22 wéi forming an adverb 為損害
322 22 wéi to add emphasis 為損害
323 22 wèi to support; to help 為損害
324 22 wéi to govern 為損害
325 22 wèi to be; bhū 為損害
326 22 four 辯攝等品第六之四
327 22 note a musical scale 辯攝等品第六之四
328 22 fourth 辯攝等品第六之四
329 22 Si 辯攝等品第六之四
330 22 four; catur 辯攝等品第六之四
331 21 eight 此居第八
332 21 Kangxi radical 12 此居第八
333 21 eighth 此居第八
334 21 all around; all sides 此居第八
335 21 eight; aṣṭa 此居第八
336 21 dào way; road; path 於道思惟道
337 21 dào principle; a moral; morality 於道思惟道
338 21 dào Tao; the Way 於道思惟道
339 21 dào measure word for long things 於道思惟道
340 21 dào to say; to speak; to talk 於道思惟道
341 21 dào to think 於道思惟道
342 21 dào times 於道思惟道
343 21 dào circuit; a province 於道思惟道
344 21 dào a course; a channel 於道思惟道
345 21 dào a method; a way of doing something 於道思惟道
346 21 dào measure word for doors and walls 於道思惟道
347 21 dào measure word for courses of a meal 於道思惟道
348 21 dào a centimeter 於道思惟道
349 21 dào a doctrine 於道思惟道
350 21 dào Taoism; Daoism 於道思惟道
351 21 dào a skill 於道思惟道
352 21 dào a sect 於道思惟道
353 21 dào a line 於道思惟道
354 21 dào Way 於道思惟道
355 21 dào way; path; marga 於道思惟道
356 20 one 身異想一
357 20 Kangxi radical 1 身異想一
358 20 as soon as; all at once 身異想一
359 20 pure; concentrated 身異想一
360 20 whole; all 身異想一
361 20 first 身異想一
362 20 the same 身異想一
363 20 each 身異想一
364 20 certain 身異想一
365 20 throughout 身異想一
366 20 used in between a reduplicated verb 身異想一
367 20 sole; single 身異想一
368 20 a very small amount 身異想一
369 20 Yi 身異想一
370 20 other 身異想一
371 20 to unify 身異想一
372 20 accidentally; coincidentally 身異想一
373 20 abruptly; suddenly 身異想一
374 20 or 身異想一
375 20 one; eka 身異想一
376 20 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 於滅思惟滅
377 20 miè to submerge 於滅思惟滅
378 20 miè to extinguish; to put out 於滅思惟滅
379 20 miè to eliminate 於滅思惟滅
380 20 miè to disappear; to fade away 於滅思惟滅
381 20 miè the cessation of suffering 於滅思惟滅
382 20 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 於滅思惟滅
383 20 such as; for example; for instance 如人
384 20 if 如人
385 20 in accordance with 如人
386 20 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如人
387 20 this 如人
388 20 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如人
389 20 to go to 如人
390 20 to meet 如人
391 20 to appear; to seem; to be like 如人
392 20 at least as good as 如人
393 20 and 如人
394 20 or 如人
395 20 but 如人
396 20 then 如人
397 20 naturally 如人
398 20 expresses a question or doubt 如人
399 20 you 如人
400 20 the second lunar month 如人
401 20 in; at 如人
402 20 Ru 如人
403 20 Thus 如人
404 20 thus; tathā 如人
405 20 like; iva 如人
406 20 suchness; tathatā 如人
407 20 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 於滅思惟滅
408 20 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 於滅思惟滅
409 20 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 於滅思惟滅
410 20 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 於滅思惟滅
411 19 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 此中初者
412 19 zhě that 此中初者
413 19 zhě nominalizing function word 此中初者
414 19 zhě used to mark a definition 此中初者
415 19 zhě used to mark a pause 此中初者
416 19 zhě topic marker; that; it 此中初者
417 19 zhuó according to 此中初者
418 19 zhě ca 此中初者
419 19 wéi only; solely; alone 於苦思惟苦
420 19 wéi but 於苦思惟苦
421 19 wéi used before a year, month, or day 於苦思惟苦
422 19 wéi thought 於苦思惟苦
423 19 wéi to think; to consider 於苦思惟苦
424 19 wéi is 於苦思惟苦
425 19 wéi has 於苦思惟苦
426 19 wéi hopefully 於苦思惟苦
427 19 wéi and 於苦思惟苦
428 19 wéi otherwise 於苦思惟苦
429 19 wéi so as to; because 於苦思惟苦
430 19 wéi to understand 於苦思惟苦
431 19 wéi merely; mātra 於苦思惟苦
432 19 zhū all; many; various 無漏作意相應諸心
433 19 zhū Zhu 無漏作意相應諸心
434 19 zhū all; members of the class 無漏作意相應諸心
435 19 zhū interrogative particle 無漏作意相應諸心
436 19 zhū him; her; them; it 無漏作意相應諸心
437 19 zhū of; in 無漏作意相應諸心
438 19 zhū all; many; sarva 無漏作意相應諸心
439 18 business; industry 業法
440 18 immediately 業法
441 18 activity; actions 業法
442 18 order; sequence 業法
443 18 to continue 業法
444 18 to start; to create 業法
445 18 karma 業法
446 18 hereditary trade; legacy 業法
447 18 a course of study; training 業法
448 18 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 業法
449 18 an estate; a property 業法
450 18 an achievement 業法
451 18 to engage in 業法
452 18 Ye 業法
453 18 already 業法
454 18 a horizontal board 業法
455 18 an occupation 業法
456 18 a kind of musical instrument 業法
457 18 a book 業法
458 18 actions; karma; karman 業法
459 18 activity; kriyā 業法
460 18 duàn absolutely; decidedly 斷隨眠隨增
461 18 duàn to judge 斷隨眠隨增
462 18 duàn to severe; to break 斷隨眠隨增
463 18 duàn to stop 斷隨眠隨增
464 18 duàn to quit; to give up 斷隨眠隨增
465 18 duàn to intercept 斷隨眠隨增
466 18 duàn to divide 斷隨眠隨增
467 18 duàn to isolate 斷隨眠隨增
468 18 duàn cutting off; uccheda 斷隨眠隨增
469 17 yǒu is; are; to exist 謂若諸色有漏有取
470 17 yǒu to have; to possess 謂若諸色有漏有取
471 17 yǒu indicates an estimate 謂若諸色有漏有取
472 17 yǒu indicates a large quantity 謂若諸色有漏有取
473 17 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 謂若諸色有漏有取
474 17 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 謂若諸色有漏有取
475 17 yǒu used to compare two things 謂若諸色有漏有取
476 17 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 謂若諸色有漏有取
477 17 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 謂若諸色有漏有取
478 17 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 謂若諸色有漏有取
479 17 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 謂若諸色有漏有取
480 17 yǒu abundant 謂若諸色有漏有取
481 17 yǒu purposeful 謂若諸色有漏有取
482 17 yǒu You 謂若諸色有漏有取
483 17 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 謂若諸色有漏有取
484 17 yǒu becoming; bhava 謂若諸色有漏有取
485 17 一處 yīchù together 一界一處
486 17 一處 yīchù one place 一界一處
487 17 苦集 kǔjí accumulation as the cause of suffering 他心苦集道智
488 17 gēn origin; cause; basis 根云何
489 17 gēn radical 根云何
490 17 gēn a piece 根云何
491 17 gēn a plant root 根云何
492 17 gēn base; foot 根云何
493 17 gēn completely; thoroughly 根云何
494 17 gēn offspring 根云何
495 17 gēn a square root; to nth root; the solution of a mathematical equation 根云何
496 17 gēn according to 根云何
497 17 gēn gen 根云何
498 17 gēn an organ; a part of the body 根云何
499 17 gēn a sense; a faculty 根云何
500 17 gēn mūla; a root 根云何


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
suí follow; anugama
shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition
shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine
  1. zhī
  2. zhī
  1. Understanding
  2. know; jña
  1. zēng
  2. zēng
  1. to increase; vṛdh
  2. accumulation; upacaya
随眠 隨眠 suímián a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya
  1. Dharma
  2. the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma
  3. a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings
  4. a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought
  5. quality; characteristic
  1. zhì
  2. zhì
  1. Wisdom
  2. jnana; knowing
  1. yīqiè
  2. yīqiè
  1. all, everything
  2. all; sarva
fēi not

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
阿毘达磨品类足论 阿毘達磨品類足論 196 Abhidharma prakaraṇa pāda śāstra; Prakaranapada
遍净天 遍淨天 98
  1. Visnu
  2. Subhakrtsna Heaven; The Heaven of Pervasive Purity
梵众天 梵眾天 102 Brahma-parisadya Heaven; brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; Brahmā's retinue
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
非想非非想处天 非想非非想處天 102 Naiva-samjnanasamjnayatana Heaven; Naiva-sajjnanasajjnayatana; The Heaven of Neither Thought nor Non-Thought
乐平 樂平 76 Leping
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
上胜 上勝 115 Superior; Majestic
十界 115 the ten realms
识无边处 識無邊處 115 Vijnananantyayatana Heaven; Heaven of Limitless Consciousness
识无边处天 識無邊處天 115 Vijnananantyayatana Heaven; Heaven of Limitless Consciousness
说一切有部品类足论 說一切有部品類足論 115 Abhidharma prakaraṇa pāda śāstra
无所有处天 無所有處天 119 Akiṃcanyaayatana Heaven; Akimcanyaayatana Heaven; The Heaven of Nothingness
喜根 120 Saumanasya; Prīti; Joy
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
应断 應斷 121 Krakucchanda
正生 122 Zhengsheng
尊者世友 122 Vasumitra


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 162.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱结 愛結 195 bond of desire
八智 98 eight kinds of knowledge
八支圣道 八支聖道 98 Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
遍处 遍處 98 kasina
遍满 遍滿 98 to fill; paripūrṇa
遍知 98
  1. to know; to understand; parijñā
  2. to be omniscient; to be all knowing
鼻根 98 organ of smell
不共 98
  1. not shared; distinctive; avenika
  2. meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
补特伽罗 補特伽羅 98 pudgala; individual; person
出世间法 出世間法 99 the way of leaving the world; the Noble Eightfold Path
船筏 99 a raft
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
道智 100 knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata
等持 100
  1. holding oneself in equanimity
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
定根 100 faculty of meditatative concentration
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
对法 對法 100
  1. corresponding dharmas
  2. corresponding law; the Abhidharma
耳识 耳識 196 auditory consciousness; śrotravijñāna
二识 二識 195 two levels of consciousness
非非想 102 neither perceiving nor not perceiving
非界 102 non-world
非想 102 non-perection
非心 102 without thought; acitta
非择灭 非擇滅 102 cessation without analysis
非见 非見 102 non-view
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
慧根 104 root of wisdom; organ of wisdom
恚结 恚結 104 the bond of hate
慧解脱 慧解脫 104 one who is liberated through wisdom; prajñāvimukta
嫉结 嫉結 106 the bond of envy
见相 見相 106 perceiving the subject
见处 見處 106 dwelling in wrong views
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见结 見結 106 the bond of false views
简择 簡擇 106 to chose
极光净天 極光淨天 106 ābhāsvara deva
尽智 盡智 106 understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna
近住 106 fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
九有 106 nine lands; nine realms
集智 106 understanding of the arising of cause and effect; understanding of the second of the four noble truths
卷第八 106 scroll 8
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空无边处 空無邊處 107 ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
苦受 107 the sensation of pain
苦集 107 accumulation as the cause of suffering
乐根 樂根 108 organs of pleasure
乐受 樂受 108 sensation of pleasure; perception of pleasure
离生 離生 108 to leave the cycle of rebirth
六处 六處 108 the six sense organs; sadayatana
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
律仪 律儀 108
  1. Vinaya and Rules
  2. rules and ceremonies
  3. restraint; saṃvara
慢结 慢結 109 the bond of pride
灭法 滅法 109 unconditioned dharma
灭道 滅道 109 extinction of suffering and the path to it
灭智 滅智 109 understanding of the extinction of suffering; understanding of the third of the four noble truths
男根 110 male organ
女根 110 female sex-organ
毘钵舍那 毘鉢舍那 112 insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
悭结 慳結 113 the bond of being miserly
取结 取結 113 the bond of grasping
染污法 114 kleśa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement
三恶 三惡 115
  1. three kinds of malice
  2. the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三识 三識 115 three levels of consciousness
三蕴 三蘊 115 three kinds of aggregation
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色受想行识 色受想行識 115 five aggregates; five skandhas; five dharmas
色想 115 form-perceptions
色有 115 material existence
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
舌根 115 organ of taste; tongue
身根 115 sense of touch
身证 身證 115 bodily witness; one who has bodily testimony; kāyasākṣin
舍那 115
  1. śāṇa; a robe; a garment
  2. insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
圣弟子 聖弟子 115 a disciple of the noble ones
生法 115 sentient beings and dharmas
胜解 勝解 115 resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
舍受 捨受 115 sensation of freedom from pleasure and pain; sensation of indifference to pleasure and pain
十二处 十二處 115 ayatana; twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
十智 115 ten forms of understanding
十八界 115 eighteen realms
世俗智 115 secular understanding
受想 115 sensation and perception
四恶 四惡 115 four evil destinies
四圣谛 四聖諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
随法行 隨法行 115 Follow the Dharma
随烦恼 隨煩惱 115 secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
随一 隨一 115 mostly; most of the time
随眠 隨眠 115 a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya
随转 隨轉 115 teaching of adaptable philosophy
他心智 116 understanding of the minds of other beings
同分 116 same class
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无所有处 無所有處 119 the third sphere in the formless realm; sphere of nothingness; ākiñcanyāyatana
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
無想 119 no notion; without perception
五蕴 五蘊 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无诤 無諍 119
  1. No Disputes
  2. non-contention; araṇā
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无漏法 無漏法 119 uncontaninated dharmas
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无生智 無生智 119
  1. Non-Arising Wisdom
  2. knowledge extended to the higher realms
五识 五識 119
  1. five kinds of cognition; five kinds of perception
  2. five steps of cognition; five kinds of mind
无为法 無為法 119 an unconditioned dhárma; asaṃskṛta-dhárma
无学 無學 119
  1. aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
  2. Muhak
无异想 無異想 119 thoughts never partial
现法乐住 現法樂住 120 dṛṣṭa-dharma-sukha-vihāra; delighting in whatever is present
现观 現觀 120 abhisamaya; full comprehension; realization; insight
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
相应法 相應法 120 corresponding dharma; mental factor
邪命 120 heterodox practices
心法 120 mental objects
信根 120 faith; the root of faith
心灭 心滅 120 cessation of the deluded mind
心所法 120 a mental factor; a mental state; a mental event
心一境性 120 mind with singled pointed focus
信胜解 信勝解 120 resolution; adhimukti
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
喜受 120 the sensation of joy
修法 120 a ritual
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
业相 業相 121 karma-lakṣaṇa
业果 業果 121 karmic retribution; cause and effect; fruit of actions; karma and results; karmaphala
一界 121 one world
疑结 疑結 121 the bond of doubt
一识 一識 121 one perception; one knowledge
一智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
已知根 121 one who already knows the roots
意根 121 the mind sense
应法 應法 121 in harmony with the Dharma
因相 121 causation
异熟 異熟 121 vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
有果 121 having a result; fruitful
有相 121 having form
有执受 有執受 121 having perception
有对 有對 121 hindrance
有法 121 something that exists
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
忧受 憂受 121 the sensation of sorrow
有为法 有為法 121
  1. Conditioned Dharmas
  2. saṃskṛta; conditioned
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲界 121 realm of desire
缘法 緣法 121 causes and conditions
缘起法 緣起法 121 law of dependent origination; law of dependent arising
杂染 雜染 122
  1. Polluted
  2. an affliction; a defilement
择灭 擇滅 122 elimination of desire by will
增上 122 additional; increased; superior
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
正精进 正精進 122 right effort
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
正思惟 122 right intention; right thought
正性 122 divine nature
正业 正業 122
  1. Right Action
  2. right action
正语 正語 122
  1. Right Speech
  2. right speech
证法 證法 122 realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
正智 122 correct understanding; wisdom
知根 122 organs of perception
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
执受 執受 122 attaches to; grasps