Glossary and Vocabulary for Biographies of Buddhist Nuns 比丘尼傳, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 73 bhiksuni; a nun 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
2 73 Confucius; Father 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
3 73 Ni 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
4 73 ni 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
5 73 to obstruct 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
6 73 near to 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
7 73 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
8 66 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
9 66 a government office 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
10 66 a eunuch 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
11 66 Buddhist temple; vihāra 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
12 64 nián year 以永初三年
13 64 nián New Year festival 以永初三年
14 64 nián age 以永初三年
15 64 nián life span; life expectancy 以永初三年
16 64 nián an era; a period 以永初三年
17 64 nián a date 以永初三年
18 64 nián time; years 以永初三年
19 64 nián harvest 以永初三年
20 64 nián annual; every year 以永初三年
21 64 nián year; varṣa 以永初三年
22 47 chuán to transmit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
23 47 zhuàn a biography 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
24 47 chuán to teach 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
25 47 chuán to summon 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
26 47 chuán to pass on to later generations 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
27 47 chuán to spread; to propagate 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
28 47 chuán to express 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
29 47 chuán to conduct 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
30 47 zhuàn a posthouse 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
31 47 zhuàn a commentary 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
32 47 zhuàn handed down and fixed by tradition; āgama 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
33 44 zhī to go 遺之物悉以入僧
34 44 zhī to arrive; to go 遺之物悉以入僧
35 44 zhī is 遺之物悉以入僧
36 44 zhī to use 遺之物悉以入僧
37 44 zhī Zhi 遺之物悉以入僧
38 44 zhī winding 遺之物悉以入僧
39 39 ya 淮南人也
40 37 infix potential marker 常行苦節不衣綿
41 35 rén person; people; a human being 淮南人也
42 35 rén Kangxi radical 9 淮南人也
43 35 rén a kind of person 淮南人也
44 35 rén everybody 淮南人也
45 35 rén adult 淮南人也
46 35 rén somebody; others 淮南人也
47 35 rén an upright person 淮南人也
48 35 rén person; manuṣya 淮南人也
49 35 to use; to grasp 以永初三年
50 35 to rely on 以永初三年
51 35 to regard 以永初三年
52 35 to be able to 以永初三年
53 35 to order; to command 以永初三年
54 35 used after a verb 以永初三年
55 35 a reason; a cause 以永初三年
56 35 Israel 以永初三年
57 35 Yi 以永初三年
58 35 use; yogena 以永初三年
59 28 huì intelligent; clever 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
60 28 huì mental ability; intellect 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
61 28 huì wisdom; understanding 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
62 28 huì Wisdom 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
63 28 huì wisdom; prajna 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
64 28 huì intellect; mati 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
65 27 yún cloud 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
66 27 yún Yunnan 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
67 27 yún Yun 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
68 27 yún to say 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
69 27 yún to have 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
70 27 yún cloud; megha 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
71 27 yún to say; iti 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
72 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 元嘉十年而卒
73 26 ér as if; to seem like 元嘉十年而卒
74 26 néng can; able 元嘉十年而卒
75 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 元嘉十年而卒
76 26 ér to arrive; up to 元嘉十年而卒
77 25 wéi to act as; to serve 割宅東面為立精舍
78 25 wéi to change into; to become 割宅東面為立精舍
79 25 wéi to be; is 割宅東面為立精舍
80 25 wéi to do 割宅東面為立精舍
81 25 wèi to support; to help 割宅東面為立精舍
82 25 wéi to govern 割宅東面為立精舍
83 25 wèi to be; bhū 割宅東面為立精舍
84 25 Qi 其月晦夕初宵假寐
85 24 元嘉 yuánjiā Yuanjia reign 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
86 21 day of the month; a certain day 六年九月二十七日
87 21 Kangxi radical 72 六年九月二十七日
88 21 a day 六年九月二十七日
89 21 Japan 六年九月二十七日
90 21 sun 六年九月二十七日
91 21 daytime 六年九月二十七日
92 21 sunlight 六年九月二十七日
93 21 everyday 六年九月二十七日
94 21 season 六年九月二十七日
95 21 available time 六年九月二十七日
96 21 in the past 六年九月二十七日
97 21 mi 六年九月二十七日
98 21 sun; sūrya 六年九月二十七日
99 21 a day; divasa 六年九月二十七日
100 21 zhòng many; numerous 眾業興隆大小悅服
101 21 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾業興隆大小悅服
102 21 zhòng general; common; public 眾業興隆大小悅服
103 20 hòu after; later 未測厥後
104 20 hòu empress; queen 未測厥後
105 20 hòu sovereign 未測厥後
106 20 hòu the god of the earth 未測厥後
107 20 hòu late; later 未測厥後
108 20 hòu offspring; descendents 未測厥後
109 20 hòu to fall behind; to lag 未測厥後
110 20 hòu behind; back 未測厥後
111 20 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 未測厥後
112 20 hòu Hou 未測厥後
113 20 hòu after; behind 未測厥後
114 20 hòu following 未測厥後
115 20 hòu to be delayed 未測厥後
116 20 hòu to abandon; to discard 未測厥後
117 20 hòu feudal lords 未測厥後
118 20 hòu Hou 未測厥後
119 20 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 未測厥後
120 20 hòu rear; paścāt 未測厥後
121 20 hòu later; paścima 未測厥後
122 20 to go; to 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
123 20 to rely on; to depend on 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
124 20 Yu 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
125 20 a crow 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
126 19 běn to be one's own 本姓潘
127 19 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本姓潘
128 19 běn the roots of a plant 本姓潘
129 19 běn capital 本姓潘
130 19 běn main; central; primary 本姓潘
131 19 běn according to 本姓潘
132 19 běn a version; an edition 本姓潘
133 19 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本姓潘
134 19 běn a book 本姓潘
135 19 běn trunk of a tree 本姓潘
136 19 běn to investigate the root of 本姓潘
137 19 běn a manuscript for a play 本姓潘
138 19 běn Ben 本姓潘
139 19 běn root; origin; mula 本姓潘
140 19 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 本姓潘
141 19 běn former; previous; pūrva 本姓潘
142 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 西域沙門求那跋摩至
143 19 zhì to arrive 西域沙門求那跋摩至
144 19 zhì approach; upagama 西域沙門求那跋摩至
145 19 èr two 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
146 19 èr Kangxi radical 7 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
147 19 èr second 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
148 19 èr twice; double; di- 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
149 19 èr more than one kind 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
150 19 èr two; dvā; dvi 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
151 19 èr both; dvaya 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
152 18 Kangxi radical 71 有尼非閻浮無也
153 18 to not have; without 有尼非閻浮無也
154 18 mo 有尼非閻浮無也
155 18 to not have 有尼非閻浮無也
156 18 Wu 有尼非閻浮無也
157 18 mo 有尼非閻浮無也
158 18 dào way; road; path 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
159 18 dào principle; a moral; morality 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
160 18 dào Tao; the Way 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
161 18 dào to say; to speak; to talk 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
162 18 dào to think 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
163 18 dào circuit; a province 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
164 18 dào a course; a channel 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
165 18 dào a method; a way of doing something 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
166 18 dào a doctrine 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
167 18 dào Taoism; Daoism 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
168 18 dào a skill 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
169 18 dào a sect 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
170 18 dào a line 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
171 18 dào Way 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
172 18 dào way; path; marga 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
173 18 xìng family name; surname 本姓潘
174 18 xìng to have the surname 本姓潘
175 18 xìng life 本姓潘
176 18 xìng a government official 本姓潘
177 18 xìng common people 本姓潘
178 18 xìng descendents 本姓潘
179 18 xìng a household; a clan 本姓潘
180 18 xìng family name; lineage; gotra 本姓潘
181 17 yuē to speak; to say 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
182 17 yuē Kangxi radical 73 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
183 17 yuē to be called 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
184 17 yuē said; ukta 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
185 17 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
186 17 zhù to stop; to halt 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
187 17 zhù to retain; to remain 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
188 17 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
189 17 zhù verb complement 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
190 17 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
191 17 sēng a Buddhist monk 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
192 17 sēng a person with dark skin 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
193 17 sēng Seng 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
194 17 sēng Sangha; monastic community 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
195 16 cóng to follow 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
196 16 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
197 16 cóng to participate in something 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
198 16 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
199 16 cóng something secondary 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
200 16 cóng remote relatives 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
201 16 cóng secondary 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
202 16 cóng to go on; to advance 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
203 16 cōng at ease; informal 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
204 16 zòng a follower; a supporter 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
205 16 zòng to release 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
206 16 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
207 15 zhōng middle 晉太元中皇
208 15 zhōng medium; medium sized 晉太元中皇
209 15 zhōng China 晉太元中皇
210 15 zhòng to hit the mark 晉太元中皇
211 15 zhōng midday 晉太元中皇
212 15 zhōng inside 晉太元中皇
213 15 zhōng during 晉太元中皇
214 15 zhōng Zhong 晉太元中皇
215 15 zhōng intermediary 晉太元中皇
216 15 zhōng half 晉太元中皇
217 15 zhòng to reach; to attain 晉太元中皇
218 15 zhòng to suffer; to infect 晉太元中皇
219 15 zhòng to obtain 晉太元中皇
220 15 zhòng to pass an exam 晉太元中皇
221 15 zhōng middle 晉太元中皇
222 15 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 誦法華首楞嚴等經
223 15 sòng to recount; to narrate 誦法華首楞嚴等經
224 15 sòng a poem 誦法華首楞嚴等經
225 15 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 誦法華首楞嚴等經
226 15 zhě ca 土諸尼先受戒者
227 15 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 律制十僧得授具
228 15 děi to want to; to need to 律制十僧得授具
229 15 děi must; ought to 律制十僧得授具
230 15 de 律制十僧得授具
231 15 de infix potential marker 律制十僧得授具
232 15 to result in 律制十僧得授具
233 15 to be proper; to fit; to suit 律制十僧得授具
234 15 to be satisfied 律制十僧得授具
235 15 to be finished 律制十僧得授具
236 15 děi satisfying 律制十僧得授具
237 15 to contract 律制十僧得授具
238 15 to hear 律制十僧得授具
239 15 to have; there is 律制十僧得授具
240 15 marks time passed 律制十僧得授具
241 15 obtain; attain; prāpta 律制十僧得授具
242 15 to die 元嘉十年而卒
243 15 a soldier 元嘉十年而卒
244 15 a servant; forced labor 元嘉十年而卒
245 15 to end 元嘉十年而卒
246 15 a deployment of five soldiers 元嘉十年而卒
247 15 to die suddenly; akasmāt 元嘉十年而卒
248 15 guǒ a result; a consequence 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
249 15 guǒ fruit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
250 15 guǒ to eat until full 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
251 15 guǒ to realize 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
252 15 guǒ a fruit tree 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
253 15 guǒ resolute; determined 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
254 15 guǒ Fruit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
255 15 guǒ direct effect; phala; a consequence 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
256 14 出家 chūjiā to become ordained as a monk or nun 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
257 14 出家 chūjiā to renounce 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
258 14 出家 chūjiā leaving home; to become a monk or nun 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
259 14 sòng Song dynasty
260 14 sòng Song
261 14 sòng Liu Song Dynasty
262 14 suǒ a few; various; some 素所尊敬
263 14 suǒ a place; a location 素所尊敬
264 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 素所尊敬
265 14 suǒ an ordinal number 素所尊敬
266 14 suǒ meaning 素所尊敬
267 14 suǒ garrison 素所尊敬
268 14 suǒ place; pradeśa 素所尊敬
269 14 shí food; food and drink 菜食長齋三十七載
270 14 shí Kangxi radical 184 菜食長齋三十七載
271 14 shí to eat 菜食長齋三十七載
272 14 to feed 菜食長齋三十七載
273 14 shí meal; cooked cereals 菜食長齋三十七載
274 14 to raise; to nourish 菜食長齋三十七載
275 14 shí to receive; to accept 菜食長齋三十七載
276 14 shí to receive an official salary 菜食長齋三十七載
277 14 shí an eclipse 菜食長齋三十七載
278 14 shí food; bhakṣa 菜食長齋三十七載
279 14 Kangxi radical 49 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
280 14 to bring to an end; to stop 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
281 14 to complete 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
282 14 to demote; to dismiss 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
283 14 to recover from an illness 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
284 14 former; pūrvaka 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
285 14 jīng to go through; to experience 誦法華首楞嚴等經
286 14 jīng a sutra; a scripture 誦法華首楞嚴等經
287 14 jīng warp 誦法華首楞嚴等經
288 14 jīng longitude 誦法華首楞嚴等經
289 14 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 誦法華首楞嚴等經
290 14 jīng a woman's period 誦法華首楞嚴等經
291 14 jīng to bear; to endure 誦法華首楞嚴等經
292 14 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 誦法華首楞嚴等經
293 14 jīng classics 誦法華首楞嚴等經
294 14 jīng to be frugal; to save 誦法華首楞嚴等經
295 14 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 誦法華首楞嚴等經
296 14 jīng a standard; a norm 誦法華首楞嚴等經
297 14 jīng a section of a Confucian work 誦法華首楞嚴等經
298 14 jīng to measure 誦法華首楞嚴等經
299 14 jīng human pulse 誦法華首楞嚴等經
300 14 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 誦法華首楞嚴等經
301 14 jīng sutra; discourse 誦法華首楞嚴等經
302 13 yán to speak; to say; said 故言得罪耳
303 13 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 故言得罪耳
304 13 yán Kangxi radical 149 故言得罪耳
305 13 yán phrase; sentence 故言得罪耳
306 13 yán a word; a syllable 故言得罪耳
307 13 yán a theory; a doctrine 故言得罪耳
308 13 yán to regard as 故言得罪耳
309 13 yán to act as 故言得罪耳
310 13 yán word; vacana 故言得罪耳
311 13 yán speak; vad 故言得罪耳
312 13 wood; lumber 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
313 13 Kangxi radical 75 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
314 13 a tree 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
315 13 wood phase; wood element 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
316 13 a category of musical instrument 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
317 13 stiff; rigid 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
318 13 laurel magnolia 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
319 13 a coffin 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
320 13 Jupiter 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
321 13 Mu 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
322 13 wooden 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
323 13 not having perception 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
324 13 dimwitted 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
325 13 to loose consciousness 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
326 13 wood; kāṣṭha 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
327 13 Kangxi radical 132 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
328 13 Zi 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
329 13 a nose 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
330 13 the beginning; the start 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
331 13 origin 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
332 13 to employ; to use 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
333 13 to be 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
334 13 self; soul; ātman 自以桑榆之齒流寓皇邑
335 13 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又問就
336 13 wèn to ask 又問就
337 13 wèn to inquire after 又問就
338 13 wèn to interrogate 又問就
339 13 wèn to hold responsible 又問就
340 13 wèn to request something 又問就
341 13 wèn to rebuke 又問就
342 13 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 又問就
343 13 wèn news 又問就
344 13 wèn to propose marriage 又問就
345 13 wén to inform 又問就
346 13 wèn to research 又問就
347 13 wèn Wen 又問就
348 13 wèn a question 又問就
349 13 wèn ask; prccha 又問就
350 13 one 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
351 13 Kangxi radical 1 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
352 13 pure; concentrated 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
353 13 first 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
354 13 the same 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
355 13 sole; single 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
356 13 a very small amount 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
357 13 Yi 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
358 13 other 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
359 13 to unify 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
360 13 accidentally; coincidentally 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
361 13 abruptly; suddenly 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
362 13 one; eka 普賢寺寶賢尼傳第二十一
363 13 self 我已授汝戒
364 13 [my] dear 我已授汝戒
365 13 Wo 我已授汝戒
366 13 self; atman; attan 我已授汝戒
367 13 ga 我已授汝戒
368 13 disease; sickness; ailment 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
369 13 to hate; to envy 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
370 13 swift; rapid 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
371 13 urgent 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
372 13 pain 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
373 13 to get sick 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
374 13 to worry; to be nervous 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
375 13 speedy; kṣipram 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
376 13 shí ten 律制十僧得授具
377 13 shí Kangxi radical 24 律制十僧得授具
378 13 shí tenth 律制十僧得授具
379 13 shí complete; perfect 律制十僧得授具
380 13 shí ten; daśa 律制十僧得授具
381 12 jiàn to see 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
382 12 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
383 12 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
384 12 jiàn refer to; for details see 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
385 12 jiàn to listen to 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
386 12 jiàn to meet 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
387 12 jiàn to receive (a guest) 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
388 12 jiàn let me; kindly 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
389 12 jiàn Jian 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
390 12 xiàn to appear 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
391 12 xiàn to introduce 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
392 12 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
393 12 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
394 12 sān three 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
395 12 sān third 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
396 12 sān more than two 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
397 12 sān very few 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
398 12 sān San 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
399 12 sān three; tri 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
400 12 sān sa 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
401 12 sān three kinds; trividha 蜀郡永康寺慧耀尼傳第二十三
402 12 to give 與二大士論二乘
403 12 to accompany 與二大士論二乘
404 12 to particate in 與二大士論二乘
405 12 of the same kind 與二大士論二乘
406 12 to help 與二大士論二乘
407 12 for 與二大士論二乘
408 11 shǎo few 少秉節
409 11 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 少秉節
410 11 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 少秉節
411 11 shǎo to be less than 少秉節
412 11 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 少秉節
413 11 shào young 少秉節
414 11 shào youth 少秉節
415 11 shào a youth; a young person 少秉節
416 11 shào Shao 少秉節
417 11 shǎo few 少秉節
418 11 xiàng to appear; to seem; to resemble 彌勒像
419 11 xiàng image; portrait; statue 彌勒像
420 11 xiàng appearance 彌勒像
421 11 xiàng for example 彌勒像
422 11 xiàng likeness; pratirūpa 彌勒像
423 11 shēn human body; torso 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
424 11 shēn Kangxi radical 158 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
425 11 shēn self 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
426 11 shēn life 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
427 11 shēn an object 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
428 11 shēn a lifetime 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
429 11 shēn moral character 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
430 11 shēn status; identity; position 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
431 11 shēn pregnancy 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
432 11 juān India 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
433 11 shēn body; kāya 藻年十餘身嬰重疾
434 11 method; way 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
435 11 France 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
436 11 the law; rules; regulations 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
437 11 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
438 11 a standard; a norm 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
439 11 an institution 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
440 11 to emulate 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
441 11 magic; a magic trick 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
442 11 punishment 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
443 11 Fa 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
444 11 a precedent 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
445 11 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
446 11 relating to a ceremony or rite 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
447 11 Dharma 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
448 11 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
449 11 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
450 11 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
451 11 quality; characteristic 景福寺法辯尼傳第十八
452 11 jiè to quit
453 11 jiè to warn against
454 11 jiè to be purified before a religious ceremony
455 11 jiè vow
456 11 jiè to instruct; to command
457 11 jiè to ordain
458 11 jiè a genre of writing containing maxims
459 11 jiè to be cautious; to be prudent
460 11 jiè to prohibit; to proscribe
461 11 jiè boundary; realm
462 11 jiè third finger
463 11 jiè a precept; a vow; sila
464 11 jiè morality
465 11 guó a country; a nation 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
466 11 guó the capital of a state 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
467 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
468 11 guó a state; a kingdom 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
469 11 guó a place; a land 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
470 11 guó domestic; Chinese 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
471 11 guó national 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
472 11 guó top in the nation 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
473 11 guó Guo 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
474 11 guó community; nation; janapada 南皮張國寺普照尼傳第八
475 11 wén to hear 並以節行聞于時也
476 11 wén Wen 並以節行聞于時也
477 11 wén sniff at; to smell 並以節行聞于時也
478 11 wén to be widely known 並以節行聞于時也
479 11 wén to confirm; to accept 並以節行聞于時也
480 11 wén information 並以節行聞于時也
481 11 wèn famous; well known 並以節行聞于時也
482 11 wén knowledge; learning 並以節行聞于時也
483 11 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 並以節行聞于時也
484 11 wén to question 並以節行聞于時也
485 11 wén heard; śruta 並以節行聞于時也
486 11 wén hearing; śruti 並以節行聞于時也
487 11 yīn cause; reason 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
488 11 yīn to accord with 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
489 11 yīn to follow 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
490 11 yīn to rely on 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
491 11 yīn via; through 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
492 11 yīn to continue 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
493 11 yīn to receive 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
494 11 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
495 11 yīn to seize an opportunity 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
496 11 yīn to be like 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
497 11 yīn a standrd; a criterion 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
498 11 yīn cause; hetu 塔下禮佛晚因遇疾稍
499 11 lái to come 僉來問盛此何
500 11 lái please 僉來問盛此何

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1159

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 73 bhiksuni; a nun 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
2 73 Confucius; Father 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
3 73 Ni 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
4 73 ni 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
5 73 to obstruct 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
6 73 near to 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
7 73 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
8 66 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
9 66 a government office 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
10 66 a eunuch 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
11 66 Buddhist temple; vihāra 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
12 64 nián year 以永初三年
13 64 nián New Year festival 以永初三年
14 64 nián age 以永初三年
15 64 nián life span; life expectancy 以永初三年
16 64 nián an era; a period 以永初三年
17 64 nián a date 以永初三年
18 64 nián time; years 以永初三年
19 64 nián harvest 以永初三年
20 64 nián annual; every year 以永初三年
21 64 nián year; varṣa 以永初三年
22 47 chuán to transmit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
23 47 zhuàn a biography 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
24 47 chuán to teach 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
25 47 chuán to summon 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
26 47 chuán to pass on to later generations 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
27 47 chuán to spread; to propagate 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
28 47 chuán to express 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
29 47 chuán to conduct 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
30 47 zhuàn a posthouse 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
31 47 zhuàn a commentary 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
32 47 zhuàn handed down and fixed by tradition; āgama 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
33 44 zhī him; her; them; that 遺之物悉以入僧
34 44 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 遺之物悉以入僧
35 44 zhī to go 遺之物悉以入僧
36 44 zhī this; that 遺之物悉以入僧
37 44 zhī genetive marker 遺之物悉以入僧
38 44 zhī it 遺之物悉以入僧
39 44 zhī in; in regards to 遺之物悉以入僧
40 44 zhī all 遺之物悉以入僧
41 44 zhī and 遺之物悉以入僧
42 44 zhī however 遺之物悉以入僧
43 44 zhī if 遺之物悉以入僧
44 44 zhī then 遺之物悉以入僧
45 44 zhī to arrive; to go 遺之物悉以入僧
46 44 zhī is 遺之物悉以入僧
47 44 zhī to use 遺之物悉以入僧
48 44 zhī Zhi 遺之物悉以入僧
49 44 zhī winding 遺之物悉以入僧
50 39 also; too 淮南人也
51 39 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 淮南人也
52 39 either 淮南人也
53 39 even 淮南人也
54 39 used to soften the tone 淮南人也
55 39 used for emphasis 淮南人也
56 39 used to mark contrast 淮南人也
57 39 used to mark compromise 淮南人也
58 39 ya 淮南人也
59 37 not; no 常行苦節不衣綿
60 37 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 常行苦節不衣綿
61 37 as a correlative 常行苦節不衣綿
62 37 no (answering a question) 常行苦節不衣綿
63 37 forms a negative adjective from a noun 常行苦節不衣綿
64 37 at the end of a sentence to form a question 常行苦節不衣綿
65 37 to form a yes or no question 常行苦節不衣綿
66 37 infix potential marker 常行苦節不衣綿
67 37 no; na 常行苦節不衣綿
68 35 rén person; people; a human being 淮南人也
69 35 rén Kangxi radical 9 淮南人也
70 35 rén a kind of person 淮南人也
71 35 rén everybody 淮南人也
72 35 rén adult 淮南人也
73 35 rén somebody; others 淮南人也
74 35 rén an upright person 淮南人也
75 35 rén person; manuṣya 淮南人也
76 35 so as to; in order to 以永初三年
77 35 to use; to regard as 以永初三年
78 35 to use; to grasp 以永初三年
79 35 according to 以永初三年
80 35 because of 以永初三年
81 35 on a certain date 以永初三年
82 35 and; as well as 以永初三年
83 35 to rely on 以永初三年
84 35 to regard 以永初三年
85 35 to be able to 以永初三年
86 35 to order; to command 以永初三年
87 35 further; moreover 以永初三年
88 35 used after a verb 以永初三年
89 35 very 以永初三年
90 35 already 以永初三年
91 35 increasingly 以永初三年
92 35 a reason; a cause 以永初三年
93 35 Israel 以永初三年
94 35 Yi 以永初三年
95 35 use; yogena 以永初三年
96 28 huì intelligent; clever 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
97 28 huì mental ability; intellect 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
98 28 huì wisdom; understanding 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
99 28 huì Wisdom 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
100 28 huì wisdom; prajna 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
101 28 huì intellect; mati 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
102 27 yún cloud 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
103 27 yún Yunnan 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
104 27 yún Yun 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
105 27 yún to say 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
106 27 yún to have 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
107 27 yún a particle with no meaning 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
108 27 yún in this way 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
109 27 yún cloud; megha 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
110 27 yún to say; iti 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
111 26 yǒu is; are; to exist 誠有
112 26 yǒu to have; to possess 誠有
113 26 yǒu indicates an estimate 誠有
114 26 yǒu indicates a large quantity 誠有
115 26 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 誠有
116 26 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 誠有
117 26 yǒu used to compare two things 誠有
118 26 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 誠有
119 26 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 誠有
120 26 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 誠有
121 26 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 誠有
122 26 yǒu abundant 誠有
123 26 yǒu purposeful 誠有
124 26 yǒu You 誠有
125 26 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 誠有
126 26 yǒu becoming; bhava 誠有
127 26 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 元嘉十年而卒
128 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 元嘉十年而卒
129 26 ér you 元嘉十年而卒
130 26 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 元嘉十年而卒
131 26 ér right away; then 元嘉十年而卒
132 26 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 元嘉十年而卒
133 26 ér if; in case; in the event that 元嘉十年而卒
134 26 ér therefore; as a result; thus 元嘉十年而卒
135 26 ér how can it be that? 元嘉十年而卒
136 26 ér so as to 元嘉十年而卒
137 26 ér only then 元嘉十年而卒
138 26 ér as if; to seem like 元嘉十年而卒
139 26 néng can; able 元嘉十年而卒
140 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 元嘉十年而卒
141 26 ér me 元嘉十年而卒
142 26 ér to arrive; up to 元嘉十年而卒
143 26 ér possessive 元嘉十年而卒
144 26 ér and; ca 元嘉十年而卒
145 25 wèi for; to 割宅東面為立精舍
146 25 wèi because of 割宅東面為立精舍
147 25 wéi to act as; to serve 割宅東面為立精舍
148 25 wéi to change into; to become 割宅東面為立精舍
149 25 wéi to be; is 割宅東面為立精舍
150 25 wéi to do 割宅東面為立精舍
151 25 wèi for 割宅東面為立精舍
152 25 wèi because of; for; to 割宅東面為立精舍
153 25 wèi to 割宅東面為立精舍
154 25 wéi in a passive construction 割宅東面為立精舍
155 25 wéi forming a rehetorical question 割宅東面為立精舍
156 25 wéi forming an adverb 割宅東面為立精舍
157 25 wéi to add emphasis 割宅東面為立精舍
158 25 wèi to support; to help 割宅東面為立精舍
159 25 wéi to govern 割宅東面為立精舍
160 25 wèi to be; bhū 割宅東面為立精舍
161 25 his; hers; its; theirs 其月晦夕初宵假寐
162 25 to add emphasis 其月晦夕初宵假寐
163 25 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其月晦夕初宵假寐
164 25 used when making a request or giving an order 其月晦夕初宵假寐
165 25 he; her; it; them 其月晦夕初宵假寐
166 25 probably; likely 其月晦夕初宵假寐
167 25 will 其月晦夕初宵假寐
168 25 may 其月晦夕初宵假寐
169 25 if 其月晦夕初宵假寐
170 25 or 其月晦夕初宵假寐
171 25 Qi 其月晦夕初宵假寐
172 25 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其月晦夕初宵假寐
173 24 元嘉 yuánjiā Yuanjia reign 曇宗云元嘉七年寺生弘安尼以起寺借券書見示是永初三年
174 21 day of the month; a certain day 六年九月二十七日
175 21 Kangxi radical 72 六年九月二十七日
176 21 a day 六年九月二十七日
177 21 Japan 六年九月二十七日
178 21 sun 六年九月二十七日
179 21 daytime 六年九月二十七日
180 21 sunlight 六年九月二十七日
181 21 everyday 六年九月二十七日
182 21 season 六年九月二十七日
183 21 available time 六年九月二十七日
184 21 a day 六年九月二十七日
185 21 in the past 六年九月二十七日
186 21 mi 六年九月二十七日
187 21 sun; sūrya 六年九月二十七日
188 21 a day; divasa 六年九月二十七日
189 21 zhòng many; numerous 眾業興隆大小悅服
190 21 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾業興隆大小悅服
191 21 zhòng general; common; public 眾業興隆大小悅服
192 21 zhòng many; all; sarva 眾業興隆大小悅服
193 20 hòu after; later 未測厥後
194 20 hòu empress; queen 未測厥後
195 20 hòu sovereign 未測厥後
196 20 hòu behind 未測厥後
197 20 hòu the god of the earth 未測厥後
198 20 hòu late; later 未測厥後
199 20 hòu arriving late 未測厥後
200 20 hòu offspring; descendents 未測厥後
201 20 hòu to fall behind; to lag 未測厥後
202 20 hòu behind; back 未測厥後
203 20 hòu then 未測厥後
204 20 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 未測厥後
205 20 hòu Hou 未測厥後
206 20 hòu after; behind 未測厥後
207 20 hòu following 未測厥後
208 20 hòu to be delayed 未測厥後
209 20 hòu to abandon; to discard 未測厥後
210 20 hòu feudal lords 未測厥後
211 20 hòu Hou 未測厥後
212 20 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 未測厥後
213 20 hòu rear; paścāt 未測厥後
214 20 hòu later; paścima 未測厥後
215 20 in; at 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
216 20 in; at 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
217 20 in; at; to; from 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
218 20 to go; to 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
219 20 to rely on; to depend on 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
220 20 to go to; to arrive at 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
221 20 from 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
222 20 give 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
223 20 oppposing 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
224 20 and 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
225 20 compared to 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
226 20 by 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
227 20 and; as well as 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
228 20 for 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
229 20 Yu 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
230 20 a crow 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
231 20 whew; wow 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
232 20 near to; antike 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
233 19 běn measure word for books 本姓潘
234 19 běn this (city, week, etc) 本姓潘
235 19 běn originally; formerly 本姓潘
236 19 běn to be one's own 本姓潘
237 19 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本姓潘
238 19 běn the roots of a plant 本姓潘
239 19 běn self 本姓潘
240 19 běn measure word for flowering plants 本姓潘
241 19 běn capital 本姓潘
242 19 běn main; central; primary 本姓潘
243 19 běn according to 本姓潘
244 19 běn a version; an edition 本姓潘
245 19 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本姓潘
246 19 běn a book 本姓潘
247 19 běn trunk of a tree 本姓潘
248 19 běn to investigate the root of 本姓潘
249 19 běn a manuscript for a play 本姓潘
250 19 běn Ben 本姓潘
251 19 běn root; origin; mula 本姓潘
252 19 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 本姓潘
253 19 běn former; previous; pūrva 本姓潘
254 19 zhì to; until 西域沙門求那跋摩至
255 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 西域沙門求那跋摩至
256 19 zhì extremely; very; most 西域沙門求那跋摩至
257 19 zhì to arrive 西域沙門求那跋摩至
258 19 zhì approach; upagama 西域沙門求那跋摩至
259 19 èr two 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
260 19 èr Kangxi radical 7 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
261 19 èr second 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
262 19 èr twice; double; di- 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
263 19 èr another; the other 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
264 19 èr more than one kind 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
265 19 èr two; dvā; dvi 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
266 19 èr both; dvaya 普賢寺法淨尼傳第二十二
267 18 no 有尼非閻浮無也
268 18 Kangxi radical 71 有尼非閻浮無也
269 18 to not have; without 有尼非閻浮無也
270 18 has not yet 有尼非閻浮無也
271 18 mo 有尼非閻浮無也
272 18 do not 有尼非閻浮無也
273 18 not; -less; un- 有尼非閻浮無也
274 18 regardless of 有尼非閻浮無也
275 18 to not have 有尼非閻浮無也
276 18 um 有尼非閻浮無也
277 18 Wu 有尼非閻浮無也
278 18 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 有尼非閻浮無也
279 18 not; non- 有尼非閻浮無也
280 18 mo 有尼非閻浮無也
281 18 dào way; road; path 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
282 18 dào principle; a moral; morality 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
283 18 dào Tao; the Way 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
284 18 dào measure word for long things 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
285 18 dào to say; to speak; to talk 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
286 18 dào to think 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
287 18 dào times 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
288 18 dào circuit; a province 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
289 18 dào a course; a channel 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
290 18 dào a method; a way of doing something 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
291 18 dào measure word for doors and walls 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
292 18 dào measure word for courses of a meal 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
293 18 dào a centimeter 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
294 18 dào a doctrine 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
295 18 dào Taoism; Daoism 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
296 18 dào a skill 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
297 18 dào a sect 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
298 18 dào a line 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
299 18 dào Way 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
300 18 dào way; path; marga 建福寺道瓊尼傳第四
301 18 xìng family name; surname 本姓潘
302 18 xìng to have the surname 本姓潘
303 18 xìng life 本姓潘
304 18 xìng a government official 本姓潘
305 18 xìng common people 本姓潘
306 18 xìng descendents 本姓潘
307 18 xìng a household; a clan 本姓潘
308 18 xìng family name; lineage; gotra 本姓潘
309 17 this; these
310 17 in this way
311 17 otherwise; but; however; so
312 17 at this time; now; here
313 17 this; here; etad
314 17 yuē to speak; to say 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
315 17 yuē Kangxi radical 73 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
316 17 yuē to be called 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
317 17 yuē particle without meaning 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
318 17 yuē said; ukta 雖曰暮齒有逾壯年
319 17 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
320 17 zhù to stop; to halt 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
321 17 zhù to retain; to remain 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
322 17 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
323 17 zhù firmly; securely 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
324 17 zhù verb complement 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
325 17 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 楚仍住江陵牛牧精舍
326 17 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 郯西道俗皆歸敬之
327 17 jiē same; equally 郯西道俗皆歸敬之
328 17 jiē all; sarva 郯西道俗皆歸敬之
329 17 sēng a Buddhist monk 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
330 17 sēng a person with dark skin 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
331 17 sēng Seng 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
332 17 sēng Sangha; monastic community 廣陵僧果尼傳第十四
333 16 cóng from 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
334 16 cóng to follow 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
335 16 cóng past; through 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
336 16 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
337 16 cóng to participate in something 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
338 16 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
339 16 cóng usually 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
340 16 cóng something secondary 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
341 16 cóng remote relatives 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
342 16 cóng secondary 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
343 16 cóng to go on; to advance 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
344 16 cōng at ease; informal 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
345 16 zòng a follower; a supporter 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
346 16 zòng to release 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
347 16 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
348 16 cóng receiving; upādāya 從僧伽跋摩重受具戒
349 15 zhōng middle 晉太元中皇
350 15 zhōng medium; medium sized 晉太元中皇
351 15 zhōng China 晉太元中皇
352 15 zhòng to hit the mark 晉太元中皇
353 15 zhōng in; amongst 晉太元中皇
354 15 zhōng midday 晉太元中皇
355 15 zhōng inside 晉太元中皇
356 15 zhōng during 晉太元中皇
357 15 zhōng Zhong 晉太元中皇
358 15 zhōng intermediary 晉太元中皇
359 15 zhōng half 晉太元中皇
360 15 zhōng just right; suitably 晉太元中皇
361 15 zhōng while 晉太元中皇
362 15 zhòng to reach; to attain 晉太元中皇
363 15 zhòng to suffer; to infect 晉太元中皇
364 15 zhòng to obtain 晉太元中皇
365 15 zhòng to pass an exam 晉太元中皇
366 15 zhōng middle 晉太元中皇
367 15 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 誦法華首楞嚴等經
368 15 sòng to recount; to narrate 誦法華首楞嚴等經
369 15 sòng a poem 誦法華首楞嚴等經
370 15 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 誦法華首楞嚴等經
371 15 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 土諸尼先受戒者
372 15 zhě that 土諸尼先受戒者
373 15 zhě nominalizing function word 土諸尼先受戒者
374 15 zhě used to mark a definition 土諸尼先受戒者
375 15 zhě used to mark a pause 土諸尼先受戒者
376 15 zhě topic marker; that; it 土諸尼先受戒者
377 15 zhuó according to 土諸尼先受戒者
378 15 zhě ca 土諸尼先受戒者
379 15 zhū all; many; various 土諸尼先受戒者
380 15 zhū Zhu 土諸尼先受戒者
381 15 zhū all; members of the class 土諸尼先受戒者
382 15 zhū interrogative particle 土諸尼先受戒者
383 15 zhū him; her; them; it 土諸尼先受戒者
384 15 zhū of; in 土諸尼先受戒者
385 15 zhū all; many; sarva 土諸尼先受戒者
386 15 de potential marker 律制十僧得授具
387 15 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 律制十僧得授具
388 15 děi must; ought to 律制十僧得授具
389 15 děi to want to; to need to 律制十僧得授具
390 15 děi must; ought to 律制十僧得授具
391 15 de 律制十僧得授具
392 15 de infix potential marker 律制十僧得授具
393 15 to result in 律制十僧得授具
394 15 to be proper; to fit; to suit 律制十僧得授具
395 15 to be satisfied 律制十僧得授具
396 15 to be finished 律制十僧得授具
397 15 de result of degree 律制十僧得授具
398 15 de marks completion of an action 律制十僧得授具
399 15 děi satisfying 律制十僧得授具
400 15 to contract 律制十僧得授具
401 15 marks permission or possibility 律制十僧得授具
402 15 expressing frustration 律制十僧得授具
403 15 to hear 律制十僧得授具
404 15 to have; there is 律制十僧得授具
405 15 marks time passed 律制十僧得授具
406 15 obtain; attain; prāpta 律制十僧得授具
407 15 to die 元嘉十年而卒
408 15 a soldier 元嘉十年而卒
409 15 abruptly; hurriedly 元嘉十年而卒
410 15 a servant; forced labor 元嘉十年而卒
411 15 to end 元嘉十年而卒
412 15 at last; finally 元嘉十年而卒
413 15 a deployment of five soldiers 元嘉十年而卒
414 15 to die suddenly; akasmāt 元嘉十年而卒
415 15 guǒ a result; a consequence 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
416 15 guǒ fruit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
417 15 guǒ as expected; really 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
418 15 guǒ if really; if expected 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
419 15 guǒ to eat until full 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
420 15 guǒ to realize 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
421 15 guǒ a fruit tree 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
422 15 guǒ resolute; determined 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
423 15 guǒ Fruit 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
424 15 guǒ direct effect; phala; a consequence 景福寺慧果尼傳第一
425 14 出家 chūjiā to become ordained as a monk or nun 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
426 14 出家 chūjiā to renounce 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
427 14 出家 chūjiā leaving home; to become a monk or nun 以元嘉十四年於建福寺出家
428 14 sòng Song dynasty
429 14 sòng Song
430 14 sòng Liu Song Dynasty
431 14 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 素所尊敬
432 14 suǒ an office; an institute 素所尊敬
433 14 suǒ introduces a relative clause 素所尊敬
434 14 suǒ it 素所尊敬
435 14 suǒ if; supposing 素所尊敬
436 14 suǒ a few; various; some 素所尊敬
437 14 suǒ a place; a location 素所尊敬
438 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 素所尊敬
439 14 suǒ that which 素所尊敬
440 14 suǒ an ordinal number 素所尊敬
441 14 suǒ meaning 素所尊敬
442 14 suǒ garrison 素所尊敬
443 14 suǒ place; pradeśa 素所尊敬
444 14 suǒ that which; yad 素所尊敬
445 14 shí food; food and drink 菜食長齋三十七載
446 14 shí Kangxi radical 184 菜食長齋三十七載
447 14 shí to eat 菜食長齋三十七載
448 14 to feed 菜食長齋三十七載
449 14 shí meal; cooked cereals 菜食長齋三十七載
450 14 to raise; to nourish 菜食長齋三十七載
451 14 shí to receive; to accept 菜食長齋三十七載
452 14 shí to receive an official salary 菜食長齋三十七載
453 14 shí an eclipse 菜食長齋三十七載
454 14 shí food; bhakṣa 菜食長齋三十七載
455 14 already 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
456 14 Kangxi radical 49 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
457 14 from 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
458 14 to bring to an end; to stop 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
459 14 final aspectual particle 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
460 14 afterwards; thereafter 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
461 14 too; very; excessively 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
462 14 to complete 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
463 14 to demote; to dismiss 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
464 14 to recover from an illness 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
465 14 certainly 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
466 14 an interjection of surprise 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
467 14 this 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
468 14 former; pūrvaka 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
469 14 former; pūrvaka 成戒已後明達三藏精勤苦行
470 14 jīng to go through; to experience 誦法華首楞嚴等經
471 14 jīng a sutra; a scripture 誦法華首楞嚴等經
472 14 jīng warp 誦法華首楞嚴等經
473 14 jīng longitude 誦法華首楞嚴等經
474 14 jīng often; regularly; frequently 誦法華首楞嚴等經
475 14 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 誦法華首楞嚴等經
476 14 jīng a woman's period 誦法華首楞嚴等經
477 14 jīng to bear; to endure 誦法華首楞嚴等經
478 14 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 誦法華首楞嚴等經
479 14 jīng classics 誦法華首楞嚴等經
480 14 jīng to be frugal; to save 誦法華首楞嚴等經
481 14 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 誦法華首楞嚴等經
482 14 jīng a standard; a norm 誦法華首楞嚴等經
483 14 jīng a section of a Confucian work 誦法華首楞嚴等經
484 14 jīng to measure 誦法華首楞嚴等經
485 14 jīng human pulse 誦法華首楞嚴等經
486 14 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 誦法華首楞嚴等經
487 14 jīng sutra; discourse 誦法華首楞嚴等經
488 13 yán to speak; to say; said 故言得罪耳
489 13 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 故言得罪耳
490 13 yán Kangxi radical 149 故言得罪耳
491 13 yán a particle with no meaning 故言得罪耳
492 13 yán phrase; sentence 故言得罪耳
493 13 yán a word; a syllable 故言得罪耳
494 13 yán a theory; a doctrine 故言得罪耳
495 13 yán to regard as 故言得罪耳
496 13 yán to act as 故言得罪耳
497 13 yán word; vacana 故言得罪耳
498 13 yán speak; vad 故言得罪耳
499 13 wood; lumber 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九
500 13 Kangxi radical 75 梁郡築戈村寺慧木尼傳第九


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
Buddhist temple; vihāra
nián year; varṣa
zhuàn handed down and fixed by tradition; āgama
no; na
rén person; manuṣya
use; yogena
  1. huì
  2. huì
  3. huì
  1. Wisdom
  2. wisdom; prajna
  3. intellect; mati
  1. yún
  2. yún
  1. cloud; megha
  2. to say; iti

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安养 安養 196 Western Pure Land
跋摩 98 Buddhavarman
宝贤 寶賢 98 Manibhadra
宝唱 寶唱 98 Bao Chao
比丘尼传 比丘尼傳 98 Biographies of Buddhist Nuns
勃海 98 Bohai
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大涅槃经 大涅槃經 100 Mahaparinirvana Sutra
大爱道 大愛道 100
  1. Maha-prajapti
  2. Maha-prajapti
丹阳 丹陽 100 Danyang County
道场寺 道場寺 100 Daochang Temple
道林寺 100 Daolin Temple
道照 100 Dōshō
大品 100 Pancavimsati Sahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
定林寺 100 Dinglin Temple
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东寺 東寺 100 Tō-ji
东乡 東鄉 100 Dongxiang people; Sarta
兜率 100 Tusita
敦煌 燉煌 100 Dunhuang
二月 195
  1. February; the Second Month
  2. second lunar month; vaiśākha
法成 102
  1. Fa Cheng
  2. Fa Cheng
  3. Chos-grub
法华 法華 70
  1. Dharma Flower
  2. The Lotus Sutra
法华经 法華經 102 Lotus Sutra; Lotus Sūtra
法胜 法勝 102 Dharmottara
法济 法濟 102 Faji
法盛 102 Fasheng
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
符坚 符堅 102 Fu Jian
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
高座寺 103 Gaozuo Temple
宫城 宮城 103 Miyagi
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
广州 廣州 103 Guangzhou
观世音 觀世音 71
  1. Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
淮南 104 Huainan
慧超 104
  1. Hui Chao
  2. Hyecho
慧智 104 Hui Zhi
慧聪 慧聰 104 Hyechong; Esō
惠果 104 Hui Guo
建安 106 Jianan
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
  6. river; nadī
畺良耶舍 106 Kālayaśas
江北 106
  1. Jiangbei
  2. north of the Yangtze river
  3. Jiangbei
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江夏 106 Jiangxia
江夏王 106 Prince of Jiangxia
建兴 建興 106 Jianxing reign
戒本 106 Prātimokṣasūtra; Sutra on the Code
戒坛 戒壇 106
  1. Precept Altar
  2. ordination platform
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
景福 106 Jingfu
净检 淨檢 106 Jingjiang
金陵 106
  1. Jinling; Nanjing
  2. Jinling; Nanjing
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
刘虬 劉虬 108 Liu Qiu
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
明皇帝 109 Emperor Ming of Han
明帝 109
  1. Emperor Ming of Han
  2. Emperor Ming of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Ming of Liu Song
明元 109 Emperor Mingyuan of Northern Wei
秣陵 109 Moling
南安 110 Nan'an
南林寺 110 Nanlin Temple
南皮 110 Nanpi
难提 難提 110 Nandi; Nanda
欧阳 歐陽 197 Ouyang
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
彭城寺 112 Pengcheng Temple
菩提寺 112 Wat Pho; Wat Phra Chetuphon
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
普贤寺 普賢寺 112 Pohyonsa
祇洹寺 113 Zhihuan Temple
请观世音经 請觀世音經 113 Invocation of Avalokiteśvara Sutra
清河 113 Qinghe
青园寺 青園寺 113 Qingyuan Temple
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
求那跋摩 81 Guṇaśāla
容县 容縣 114 Rong county
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三层寺 三層寺 115 Sanceng Temple
僧伽跋摩 115
  1. Saṃghavarman
  2. Saṅghavarman; Sajghavarman
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
善妙 115
  1. Zenmyō
  2. Shan Miao
山阳 山陽 115 Shanyang
山阴 山陰 115 Shanyin
盛京 115 Shenjing
十方佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
释教 釋教 115 Buddhism
十月 115
  1. October; the Tenth Month
  2. tenth lunar month; pauṣa
师子国 師子國 115 Simhala; Siṃhala
蜀郡 115 Shu prefecture
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋大明 115 Daming reign of Liu Song
太守 116 Governor
太玄 116 Canon of Supreme Mystery
泰始 116 Taishi reign
太元 116 Taiyuan reign
116 Tan
瓦官寺 119 Waguan Temple
万言 萬言 119 Wan Yan
王义恭 王義恭 119 Prince Yigong
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
吴郡 吳郡 119 Wu Commandery
吴县 吳縣 119 Wu County
吴兴 吳興 119 Wuxing
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
西域 120 Western Regions
兴平 興平 120 Xingping
西平 120 Xiping
修武 120 Xiuwu
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
玄宗 120 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
阎浮 閻浮 89
  1. Jampudiva
  2. Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
楊州 121 Yangzhou
影福寺 121 Yingfu Temple
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永福 121 Yongfu
永康 121 Yongkang
元嘉 121 Yuanjia reign
远闻 遠聞 121 Svaravisruti
豫章 121 Yuzhang
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
正月 122
  1. first month of the lunar calendar
  2. first lunar month; caitra
中寺 122 Zhong Temple
周至 122 Zhouzhi
竹园 竹園 122 Bamboo Grove
庄严寺 莊嚴寺 122 Zhangyan Temple
竹林寺 122 Zhulin Temple
竹园寺 竹園寺 122 Zhuyuan Temple


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 85.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱道 愛道 195 Affinity for the Way
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
禅味 禪味 99
  1. Taste of Chan
  2. meditative joy
禅定 禪定 99
  1. meditative concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. to meditate
禅房 禪房 99 a monastery
禅观 禪觀 99
  1. Chan Contemplation
  2. contemplative meditation
长斋 長齋 99 long term abstinence from eating meat
称佛 稱佛 99 to recite the Buddha's name
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
初果 99 srotaāpanna
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
大戒 100 full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
当得 當得 100 will reach
道俗 100
  1. monastics and laypeople
  2. layperson
等至 100 samāpatti; meditative attainment
定慧 100
  1. Concentration and Wisdom
  2. meditative wisdom
顶受 頂受 100 to respectfully receive
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
二乘 195 the two vehicles
发菩提心 發菩提心 102 bodhicittotpāda; initiate the bodhi mind
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
发愿 發願 102
  1. Make a Vow
  2. Making Vows
  3. to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
佛殿 102 a Buddhist shrine; a Buddha hall
观行 觀行 103 contemplation and action
归敬 歸敬 103 namo; to pay respect to; to take refuge
和上 104 an abbot; a monk
胡僧 104 foreign monks
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
戒定慧 106
  1. morality, meditative concentration, wisdom
  2. morality, wisdom, and meditation; the three studies; the three trainings; triśikṣā
羯磨 106 karma
戒师 戒師 106
  1. Precept Instructor
  2. Precept Master
  3. precept teacher
戒行 106 to abide by precepts
经戒 經戒 106 sutras and precepts
经律 經律 106 Collection of Discourses and Collection of Monastic Rules
经论 經論 106 sutras and shastras; scriptures and commentaries
卷第二 106 scroll 2
具戒 106
  1. full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
  2. gifted with conduct
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦行 107
  1. austerity
  2. ascetism; tapas
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
妙理 109
  1. a suble principle; a wonderous principle
  2. Miaoli
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
偏袒右肩 112 bared his right shoulder
贫道 貧道 112 humble monk
毘尼 112 monastic discipline; vinaya
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
人法 114 people and dharmas; people and teachings
如法 114 In Accord With
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三摩 115 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
僧房 115 monastic quarters
僧正 115 sōjō
摄心 攝心 115 to concentrate
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
受五戒 115 to take the Five Precepts
受具 115 to obtain full ordination
首楞严 首楞嚴 115
  1. śūraṅgama; heroic; resolute
  2. Śūraṅgama sūtra; Surangama Sutra
四众 四眾 115 the fourfold assembly; the four communities
寺主 115 temple director; head of monastery
寺僧 115 Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
寺舍 115 monastery; vihāra
诵经 誦經 115
  1. to chant sutras
  2. to chant sutras
通利 116 sharp intelligence
徒众 徒眾 116 a group of disciples
维那 維那 119
  1. karmadana
  2. weinuo; karmadana; vinaya master; discipline master
我身 119 I; myself
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无量寿 無量壽 119
  1. infinite life
  2. amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
小戒 120 Hīnayāna precepts
心识 心識 120 mind and cognition
心心 120 the mind and mental conditions
信解 120 resolution; determination; adhimukti
修禅 修禪 120 to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
严净 嚴淨 121 majestic and pure
宴坐 121 sitting meditation; to meditate in seclusion
一佛 121 one Buddha
斋七日 齋七日 122 ceremonies seven times every seventh day
中食 122 midday meal
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
专念 專念 122 to concentrate; to fix attention [on an object]
自言 122 to admit by oneself
坐床 122 sitting mat; pitha