Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 13

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 91 infix potential marker 應不俱時
2 76 yuán fate; predestined affinity 緣各異
3 76 yuán hem 緣各異
4 76 yuán to revolve around 緣各異
5 76 yuán to climb up 緣各異
6 76 yuán cause; origin; reason 緣各異
7 76 yuán along; to follow 緣各異
8 76 yuán to depend on 緣各異
9 76 yuán margin; edge; rim 緣各異
10 76 yuán Condition 緣各異
11 76 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 緣各異
12 72 zhě ca 如譬喻者
13 67 color 當言一眼見色
14 67 form; matter 當言一眼見色
15 67 shǎi dice 當言一眼見色
16 67 Kangxi radical 139 當言一眼見色
17 67 countenance 當言一眼見色
18 67 scene; sight 當言一眼見色
19 67 feminine charm; female beauty 當言一眼見色
20 67 kind; type 當言一眼見色
21 67 quality 當言一眼見色
22 67 to be angry 當言一眼見色
23 67 to seek; to search for 當言一眼見色
24 67 lust; sexual desire 當言一眼見色
25 67 form; rupa 當言一眼見色
26 66 yǎn eye 或復有執眼
27 66 yǎn eyeball 或復有執眼
28 66 yǎn sight 或復有執眼
29 66 yǎn the present moment 或復有執眼
30 66 yǎn an opening; a small hole 或復有執眼
31 66 yǎn a trap 或復有執眼
32 66 yǎn insight 或復有執眼
33 66 yǎn a salitent point 或復有執眼
34 66 yǎn a beat with no accent 或復有執眼
35 66 yǎn to look; to glance 或復有執眼
36 66 yǎn to see proof 或復有執眼
37 66 yǎn eye; cakṣus 或復有執眼
38 66 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 有說
39 66 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 有說
40 66 shuì to persuade 有說
41 66 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 有說
42 66 shuō a doctrine; a theory 有說
43 66 shuō to claim; to assert 有說
44 66 shuō allocution 有說
45 66 shuō to criticize; to scold 有說
46 66 shuō to indicate; to refer to 有說
47 66 shuō speach; vāda 有說
48 66 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 有說
49 66 shuō to instruct 有說
50 65 to go; to 於二眼處各半生耶
51 65 to rely on; to depend on 於二眼處各半生耶
52 65 Yu 於二眼處各半生耶
53 65 a crow 於二眼處各半生耶
54 64 shēng to be born; to give birth 得俱時覺觸生一身識
55 64 shēng to live 得俱時覺觸生一身識
56 64 shēng raw 得俱時覺觸生一身識
57 64 shēng a student 得俱時覺觸生一身識
58 64 shēng life 得俱時覺觸生一身識
59 64 shēng to produce; to give rise 得俱時覺觸生一身識
60 64 shēng alive 得俱時覺觸生一身識
61 64 shēng a lifetime 得俱時覺觸生一身識
62 64 shēng to initiate; to become 得俱時覺觸生一身識
63 64 shēng to grow 得俱時覺觸生一身識
64 64 shēng unfamiliar 得俱時覺觸生一身識
65 64 shēng not experienced 得俱時覺觸生一身識
66 64 shēng hard; stiff; strong 得俱時覺觸生一身識
67 64 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 得俱時覺觸生一身識
68 64 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 得俱時覺觸生一身識
69 64 shēng gender 得俱時覺觸生一身識
70 64 shēng to develop; to grow 得俱時覺觸生一身識
71 64 shēng to set up 得俱時覺觸生一身識
72 64 shēng a prostitute 得俱時覺觸生一身識
73 64 shēng a captive 得俱時覺觸生一身識
74 64 shēng a gentleman 得俱時覺觸生一身識
75 64 shēng Kangxi radical 100 得俱時覺觸生一身識
76 64 shēng unripe 得俱時覺觸生一身識
77 64 shēng nature 得俱時覺觸生一身識
78 64 shēng to inherit; to succeed 得俱時覺觸生一身識
79 64 shēng destiny 得俱時覺觸生一身識
80 64 shēng birth 得俱時覺觸生一身識
81 64 shēng arise; produce; utpad 得俱時覺觸生一身識
82 62 one 或半麻一麻半
83 62 Kangxi radical 1 或半麻一麻半
84 62 pure; concentrated 或半麻一麻半
85 62 first 或半麻一麻半
86 62 the same 或半麻一麻半
87 62 sole; single 或半麻一麻半
88 62 a very small amount 或半麻一麻半
89 62 Yi 或半麻一麻半
90 62 other 或半麻一麻半
91 62 to unify 或半麻一麻半
92 62 accidentally; coincidentally 或半麻一麻半
93 62 abruptly; suddenly 或半麻一麻半
94 62 one; eka 或半麻一麻半
95 61 wèi to call 謂或
96 61 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂或
97 61 wèi to speak to; to address 謂或
98 61 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂或
99 61 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂或
100 61 wèi to speak to; to address 謂或
101 61 wèi to think 謂或
102 61 wèi for; is to be 謂或
103 61 wèi to make; to cause 謂或
104 61 wèi principle; reason 謂或
105 61 wèi Wei 謂或
106 60 Yi 耳識相應慧亦應聞
107 58 fēi Kangxi radical 175 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
108 58 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
109 58 fēi different 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
110 58 fēi to not be; to not have 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
111 58 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
112 58 fēi Africa 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
113 58 fēi to slander 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
114 58 fěi to avoid 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
115 58 fēi must 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
116 58 fēi an error 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
117 58 fēi a problem; a question 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
118 58 fēi evil 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
119 57 èr two 二眼見色耶
120 57 èr Kangxi radical 7 二眼見色耶
121 57 èr second 二眼見色耶
122 57 èr twice; double; di- 二眼見色耶
123 57 èr more than one kind 二眼見色耶
124 57 èr two; dvā; dvi 二眼見色耶
125 57 èr both; dvaya 二眼見色耶
126 56 to depend on; to lean on 云何眼識依之而轉
127 56 to comply with; to follow 云何眼識依之而轉
128 56 to help 云何眼識依之而轉
129 56 flourishing 云何眼識依之而轉
130 56 lovable 云何眼識依之而轉
131 56 bonds; substratum; upadhi 云何眼識依之而轉
132 56 refuge; śaraṇa 云何眼識依之而轉
133 56 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 云何眼識依之而轉
134 52 wèn to ask
135 52 wèn to inquire after
136 52 wèn to interrogate
137 52 wèn to hold responsible
138 52 wèn to request something
139 52 wèn to rebuke
140 52 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts
141 52 wèn news
142 52 wèn to propose marriage
143 52 wén to inform
144 52 wèn to research
145 52 wèn Wen
146 52 wèn a question
147 52 wèn ask; prccha
148 52 xiàn to appear; to manifest; to become visible 面像現
149 52 xiàn at present 面像現
150 52 xiàn existing at the present time 面像現
151 52 xiàn cash 面像現
152 52 xiàn to manifest; prādur 面像現
153 52 xiàn to manifest; prādur 面像現
154 52 xiàn the present time 面像現
155 50 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 如是一識依多眼生
156 50 duó many; much 如是一識依多眼生
157 50 duō more 如是一識依多眼生
158 50 duō excessive 如是一識依多眼生
159 50 duō abundant 如是一識依多眼生
160 50 duō to multiply; to acrue 如是一識依多眼生
161 50 duō Duo 如是一識依多眼生
162 50 duō ta 如是一識依多眼生
163 49 shí knowledge; understanding 識應有見相
164 49 shí to know; to be familiar with 識應有見相
165 49 zhì to record 識應有見相
166 49 shí thought; cognition 識應有見相
167 49 shí to understand 識應有見相
168 49 shí experience; common sense 識應有見相
169 49 shí a good friend 識應有見相
170 49 zhì to remember; to memorize 識應有見相
171 49 zhì a label; a mark 識應有見相
172 49 zhì an inscription 識應有見相
173 49 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 識應有見相
174 49 suǒ a few; various; some 復次所
175 49 suǒ a place; a location 復次所
176 49 suǒ indicates a passive voice 復次所
177 49 suǒ an ordinal number 復次所
178 49 suǒ meaning 復次所
179 49 suǒ garrison 復次所
180 49 suǒ place; pradeśa 復次所
181 41 to reply; to answer 答為止他宗顯己義故
182 41 to reciprocate to 答為止他宗顯己義故
183 41 to agree to; to assent to 答為止他宗顯己義故
184 41 to acknowledge; to greet 答為止他宗顯己義故
185 41 Da 答為止他宗顯己義故
186 41 to answer; pratyukta 答為止他宗顯己義故
187 40 wéi to act as; to serve 為二眼識
188 40 wéi to change into; to become 為二眼識
189 40 wéi to be; is 為二眼識
190 40 wéi to do 為二眼識
191 40 wèi to support; to help 為二眼識
192 40 wéi to govern 為二眼識
193 40 wèi to be; bhū 為二眼識
194 37 shí time; a point or period of time 應一切時見色
195 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 應一切時見色
196 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 應一切時見色
197 37 shí fashionable 應一切時見色
198 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 應一切時見色
199 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 應一切時見色
200 37 shí tense 應一切時見色
201 37 shí particular; special 應一切時見色
202 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 應一切時見色
203 37 shí an era; a dynasty 應一切時見色
204 37 shí time [abstract] 應一切時見色
205 37 shí seasonal 應一切時見色
206 37 shí to wait upon 應一切時見色
207 37 shí hour 應一切時見色
208 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 應一切時見色
209 37 shí Shi 應一切時見色
210 37 shí a present; currentlt 應一切時見色
211 37 shí time; kāla 應一切時見色
212 37 shí at that time; samaya 應一切時見色
213 36 ér Kangxi radical 126 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
214 36 ér as if; to seem like 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
215 36 néng can; able 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
216 36 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
217 36 ér to arrive; up to 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
218 34 děng et cetera; and so on 五百大阿羅漢等造
219 34 děng to wait 五百大阿羅漢等造
220 34 děng to be equal 五百大阿羅漢等造
221 34 děng degree; level 五百大阿羅漢等造
222 34 děng to compare 五百大阿羅漢等造
223 34 děng same; equal; sama 五百大阿羅漢等造
224 33 shēng sound
225 33 shēng sheng
226 33 shēng voice
227 33 shēng music
228 33 shēng language
229 33 shēng fame; reputation; honor
230 33 shēng a message
231 33 shēng a consonant
232 33 shēng a tone
233 33 shēng to announce
234 33 shēng sound
235 32 ye 二眼見色耶
236 32 ya 二眼見色耶
237 32 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 欲令疑者得決定故
238 32 lìng to issue a command 欲令疑者得決定故
239 32 lìng rules of behavior; customs 欲令疑者得決定故
240 32 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 欲令疑者得決定故
241 32 lìng a season 欲令疑者得決定故
242 32 lìng respected; good reputation 欲令疑者得決定故
243 32 lìng good 欲令疑者得決定故
244 32 lìng pretentious 欲令疑者得決定故
245 32 lìng a transcending state of existence 欲令疑者得決定故
246 32 lìng a commander 欲令疑者得決定故
247 32 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 欲令疑者得決定故
248 32 lìng lyrics 欲令疑者得決定故
249 32 lìng Ling 欲令疑者得決定故
250 32 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 欲令疑者得決定故
251 32 眼識 yǎnshí visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa 有執眼識見色
252 32 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 二剎那住然無是事
253 32 zhù to stop; to halt 二剎那住然無是事
254 32 zhù to retain; to remain 二剎那住然無是事
255 32 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 二剎那住然無是事
256 32 zhù verb complement 二剎那住然無是事
257 32 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 二剎那住然無是事
258 30 to use; to grasp 以無時不和合故亦
259 30 to rely on 以無時不和合故亦
260 30 to regard 以無時不和合故亦
261 30 to be able to 以無時不和合故亦
262 30 to order; to command 以無時不和合故亦
263 30 used after a verb 以無時不和合故亦
264 30 a reason; a cause 以無時不和合故亦
265 30 Israel 以無時不和合故亦
266 30 Yi 以無時不和合故亦
267 30 use; yogena 以無時不和合故亦
268 30 néng can; able 者能見識空者不能見
269 30 néng ability; capacity 者能見識空者不能見
270 30 néng a mythical bear-like beast 者能見識空者不能見
271 30 néng energy 者能見識空者不能見
272 30 néng function; use 者能見識空者不能見
273 30 néng talent 者能見識空者不能見
274 30 néng expert at 者能見識空者不能見
275 30 néng to be in harmony 者能見識空者不能見
276 30 néng to tend to; to care for 者能見識空者不能見
277 30 néng to reach; to arrive at 者能見識空者不能見
278 30 néng to be able; śak 者能見識空者不能見
279 30 néng skilful; pravīṇa 者能見識空者不能見
280 29 jiàn to see 當言一眼見色
281 29 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 當言一眼見色
282 29 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 當言一眼見色
283 29 jiàn refer to; for details see 當言一眼見色
284 29 jiàn to listen to 當言一眼見色
285 29 jiàn to meet 當言一眼見色
286 29 jiàn to receive (a guest) 當言一眼見色
287 29 jiàn let me; kindly 當言一眼見色
288 29 jiàn Jian 當言一眼見色
289 29 xiàn to appear 當言一眼見色
290 29 xiàn to introduce 當言一眼見色
291 29 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 當言一眼見色
292 29 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 當言一眼見色
293 29 xiāng fragrant; savory; appetizing; sweet; scented 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
294 29 xiāng incense 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
295 29 xiāng Kangxi radical 186 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
296 29 xiāng fragrance; scent 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
297 29 xiāng a female 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
298 29 xiāng Xiang 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
299 29 xiāng to kiss 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
300 29 xiāng feminine 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
301 29 xiāng incense 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
302 29 xiāng fragrance; gandha 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
303 29 jìng boundary; frontier; boundary 謂於多境明白顯
304 29 jìng area; region; place; territory 謂於多境明白顯
305 29 jìng situation; circumstances 謂於多境明白顯
306 29 jìng degree; level 謂於多境明白顯
307 29 jìng the object of one of the six senses 謂於多境明白顯
308 29 jìng sphere; region 謂於多境明白顯
309 28 極微 jíwēi atom; particle; paramāṇu 問眼根極微云何而住
310 28 shēn human body; torso 身諸分亦
311 28 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身諸分亦
312 28 shēn self 身諸分亦
313 28 shēn life 身諸分亦
314 28 shēn an object 身諸分亦
315 28 shēn a lifetime 身諸分亦
316 28 shēn moral character 身諸分亦
317 28 shēn status; identity; position 身諸分亦
318 28 shēn pregnancy 身諸分亦
319 28 juān India 身諸分亦
320 28 shēn body; kāya 身諸分亦
321 27 zhǒng kind; type 種異執
322 27 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 種異執
323 27 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 種異執
324 27 zhǒng seed; strain 種異執
325 27 zhǒng offspring 種異執
326 27 zhǒng breed 種異執
327 27 zhǒng race 種異執
328 27 zhǒng species 種異執
329 27 zhǒng root; source; origin 種異執
330 27 zhǒng grit; guts 種異執
331 27 zhǒng seed; bīja 種異執
332 27 zhōng middle 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
333 27 zhōng medium; medium sized 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
334 27 zhōng China 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
335 27 zhòng to hit the mark 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
336 27 zhōng midday 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
337 27 zhōng inside 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
338 27 zhōng during 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
339 27 zhōng Zhong 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
340 27 zhōng intermediary 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
341 27 zhōng half 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
342 27 zhòng to reach; to attain 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
343 27 zhòng to suffer; to infect 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
344 27 zhòng to obtain 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
345 27 zhòng to pass an exam 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
346 27 zhōng middle 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
347 27 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 於二眼處各半生耶
348 27 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 於二眼處各半生耶
349 27 chù an office; a department; a bureau 於二眼處各半生耶
350 27 chù a part; an aspect 於二眼處各半生耶
351 27 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 於二眼處各半生耶
352 27 chǔ to get along with 於二眼處各半生耶
353 27 chǔ to deal with; to manage 於二眼處各半生耶
354 27 chǔ to punish; to sentence 於二眼處各半生耶
355 27 chǔ to stop; to pause 於二眼處各半生耶
356 27 chǔ to be associated with 於二眼處各半生耶
357 27 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 於二眼處各半生耶
358 27 chǔ to occupy; to control 於二眼處各半生耶
359 27 chù circumstances; situation 於二眼處各半生耶
360 27 chù an occasion; a time 於二眼處各半生耶
361 27 chù position; sthāna 於二眼處各半生耶
362 25 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則應一法
363 25 a grade; a level 則應一法
364 25 an example; a model 則應一法
365 25 a weighing device 則應一法
366 25 to grade; to rank 則應一法
367 25 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則應一法
368 25 to do 則應一法
369 25 koan; kōan; gong'an 則應一法
370 25 extra; surplus 餘識俱時何故不見
371 25 odd; surplus over a round number 餘識俱時何故不見
372 25 to remain 餘識俱時何故不見
373 25 other 餘識俱時何故不見
374 25 additional; complementary 餘識俱時何故不見
375 25 remaining 餘識俱時何故不見
376 25 incomplete 餘識俱時何故不見
377 25 Yu 餘識俱時何故不見
378 25 other; anya 餘識俱時何故不見
379 24 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 諸過去彼一切不現耶
380 24 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 諸過去彼一切不現耶
381 24 過去 guòqu to die 諸過去彼一切不現耶
382 24 過去 guòqu already past 諸過去彼一切不現耶
383 24 過去 guòqu to go forward 諸過去彼一切不現耶
384 24 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 諸過去彼一切不現耶
385 24 過去 guòqù past 諸過去彼一切不現耶
386 24 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 諸過去彼一切不現耶
387 24 Kangxi radical 71 然識無見相故不應理
388 24 to not have; without 然識無見相故不應理
389 24 mo 然識無見相故不應理
390 24 to not have 然識無見相故不應理
391 24 Wu 然識無見相故不應理
392 24 mo 然識無見相故不應理
393 24 chù to touch; to feel 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
394 24 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
395 24 chù touch; contact; sparśa 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
396 24 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
397 23 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
398 23 shèng victory; success 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
399 23 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
400 23 shèng to surpass 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
401 23 shèng triumphant 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
402 23 shèng a scenic view 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
403 23 shèng a woman's hair decoration 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
404 23 shèng Sheng 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
405 23 shèng conquering; victorious; jaya 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
406 23 shèng superior; agra 然約時分二眼勝劣應作四句
407 22 zhī to go 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
408 22 zhī to arrive; to go 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
409 22 zhī is 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
410 22 zhī to use 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
411 22 zhī Zhi 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
412 22 zhī winding 雜蘊第一中智納息第二之五
413 22 to take; to get; to fetch 為取自境各唯有二
414 22 to obtain 為取自境各唯有二
415 22 to choose; to select 為取自境各唯有二
416 22 to catch; to seize; to capture 為取自境各唯有二
417 22 to accept; to receive 為取自境各唯有二
418 22 to seek 為取自境各唯有二
419 22 to take a bride 為取自境各唯有二
420 22 Qu 為取自境各唯有二
421 22 clinging; grasping; upādāna 為取自境各唯有二
422 21 xiù to smell 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
423 21 xiù to smell; ghrāṇa 如眼見色耳聞聲鼻嗅香亦爾
424 21 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 如菩薩
425 21 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 如菩薩
426 21 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 如菩薩
427 21 cháng to taste; to test 舌因水增故甞
428 21 一切 yīqiè temporary 應一切時見色
429 21 一切 yīqiè the same 應一切時見色
430 21 yìng to answer; to respond 識相應慧見色
431 21 yìng to confirm; to verify 識相應慧見色
432 21 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 識相應慧見色
433 21 yìng to accept 識相應慧見色
434 21 yìng to permit; to allow 識相應慧見色
435 21 yìng to echo 識相應慧見色
436 21 yìng to handle; to deal with 識相應慧見色
437 21 yìng Ying 識相應慧見色
438 20 xìng gender
439 20 xìng nature; disposition
440 20 xìng grammatical gender
441 20 xìng a property; a quality
442 20 xìng life; destiny
443 20 xìng sexual desire
444 20 xìng scope
445 20 xìng nature
446 20 ěr ear 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
447 20 ěr Kangxi radical 128 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
448 20 ěr an ear-shaped object 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
449 20 ěr on both sides 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
450 20 ěr a vessel handle 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
451 20 ěr ear; śrotra 問何故眼耳鼻各有二處
452 19 一眼 yīyǎn a glance; a quick look; a glimpse 當言一眼見色
453 19 異熟生 yìshú shēng objects produced as a result of karma 眼有二種謂長養異熟生
454 18 jué to awake 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
455 18 jiào sleep 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
456 18 jué to realize 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
457 18 jué to know; to understand; to sense; to perceive 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
458 18 jué to enlighten; to inspire 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
459 18 jué perception; feeling 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
460 18 jué a person with foresight 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
461 18 jué Awaken 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
462 18 jué enlightenment; awakening; bodhi 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
463 18 gēn origin; cause; basis 答俱是眼識所依根故
464 18 gēn radical 答俱是眼識所依根故
465 18 gēn a plant root 答俱是眼識所依根故
466 18 gēn base; foot 答俱是眼識所依根故
467 18 gēn offspring 答俱是眼識所依根故
468 18 gēn a square root; to nth root; the solution of a mathematical equation 答俱是眼識所依根故
469 18 gēn according to 答俱是眼識所依根故
470 18 gēn gen 答俱是眼識所依根故
471 18 gēn an organ; a part of the body 答俱是眼識所依根故
472 18 gēn a sense; a faculty 答俱是眼識所依根故
473 18 gēn mūla; a root 答俱是眼識所依根故
474 18 Buddha; Awakened One 佛於經中
475 18 relating to Buddhism 佛於經中
476 18 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛於經中
477 18 a Buddhist text 佛於經中
478 18 to touch; to stroke 佛於經中
479 18 Buddha 佛於經中
480 18 Buddha; Awakened One 佛於經中
481 18 to be near by; to be close to 非但立宗義即成立
482 18 at that time 非但立宗義即成立
483 18 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 非但立宗義即成立
484 18 supposed; so-called 非但立宗義即成立
485 18 to arrive at; to ascend 非但立宗義即成立
486 17 眼見 yǎn jiàn to see with one's own eyes 二眼見色耶
487 17 wén to hear 耳識相應慧亦應聞
488 17 wén Wen 耳識相應慧亦應聞
489 17 wén sniff at; to smell 耳識相應慧亦應聞
490 17 wén to be widely known 耳識相應慧亦應聞
491 17 wén to confirm; to accept 耳識相應慧亦應聞
492 17 wén information 耳識相應慧亦應聞
493 17 wèn famous; well known 耳識相應慧亦應聞
494 17 wén knowledge; learning 耳識相應慧亦應聞
495 17 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 耳識相應慧亦應聞
496 17 wén to question 耳識相應慧亦應聞
497 17 wén heard; śruta 耳識相應慧亦應聞
498 17 wén hearing; śruti 耳識相應慧亦應聞
499 17 míng fame; renown; reputation 與此相違名不淨識
500 17 míng a name; personal name; designation 與此相違名不淨識

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1014

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 138 yǒu is; are; to exist 有執眼識見色
2 138 yǒu to have; to possess 有執眼識見色
3 138 yǒu indicates an estimate 有執眼識見色
4 138 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有執眼識見色
5 138 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有執眼識見色
6 138 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有執眼識見色
7 138 yǒu used to compare two things 有執眼識見色
8 138 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有執眼識見色
9 138 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有執眼識見色
10 138 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有執眼識見色
11 138 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有執眼識見色
12 138 yǒu abundant 有執眼識見色
13 138 yǒu purposeful 有執眼識見色
14 138 yǒu You 有執眼識見色
15 138 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有執眼識見色
16 138 yǒu becoming; bhava 有執眼識見色
17 105 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 答為止他宗顯己義故
18 105 old; ancient; former; past 答為止他宗顯己義故
19 105 reason; cause; purpose 答為止他宗顯己義故
20 105 to die 答為止他宗顯己義故
21 105 so; therefore; hence 答為止他宗顯己義故
22 105 original 答為止他宗顯己義故
23 105 accident; happening; instance 答為止他宗顯己義故
24 105 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 答為止他宗顯己義故
25 105 something in the past 答為止他宗顯己義故
26 105 deceased; dead 答為止他宗顯己義故
27 105 still; yet 答為止他宗顯己義故
28 105 therefore; tasmāt 答為止他宗顯己義故
29 91 not; no 應不俱時
30 91 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 應不俱時
31 91 as a correlative 應不俱時
32 91 no (answering a question) 應不俱時
33 91 forms a negative adjective from a noun 應不俱時
34 91 at the end of a sentence to form a question 應不俱時
35 91 to form a yes or no question 應不俱時
36 91 infix potential marker 應不俱時
37 91 no; na 應不俱時
38 87 such as; for example; for instance 如尊者法救
39 87 if 如尊者法救
40 87 in accordance with 如尊者法救
41 87 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如尊者法救
42 87 this 如尊者法救
43 87 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如尊者法救
44 87 to go to 如尊者法救
45 87 to meet 如尊者法救
46 87 to appear; to seem; to be like 如尊者法救
47 87 at least as good as 如尊者法救
48 87 and 如尊者法救
49 87 or 如尊者法救
50 87 but 如尊者法救
51 87 then 如尊者法救
52 87 naturally 如尊者法救
53 87 expresses a question or doubt 如尊者法救
54 87 you 如尊者法救
55 87 the second lunar month 如尊者法救
56 87 in; at 如尊者法救
57 87 Ru 如尊者法救
58 87 Thus 如尊者法救
59 87 thus; tathā 如尊者法救
60 87 like; iva 如尊者法救
61 87 suchness; tathatā 如尊者法救
62 76 yuán fate; predestined affinity 緣各異
63 76 yuán hem 緣各異
64 76 yuán to revolve around 緣各異
65 76 yuán because 緣各異
66 76 yuán to climb up 緣各異
67 76 yuán cause; origin; reason 緣各異
68 76 yuán along; to follow 緣各異
69 76 yuán to depend on 緣各異
70 76 yuán margin; edge; rim 緣各異
71 76 yuán Condition 緣各異
72 76 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 緣各異
73 72 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 如譬喻者
74 72 zhě that 如譬喻者
75 72 zhě nominalizing function word 如譬喻者
76 72 zhě used to mark a definition 如譬喻者
77 72 zhě used to mark a pause 如譬喻者
78 72 zhě topic marker; that; it 如譬喻者
79 72 zhuó according to 如譬喻者
80 72 zhě ca 如譬喻者
81 67 color 當言一眼見色
82 67 form; matter 當言一眼見色
83 67 shǎi dice 當言一眼見色
84 67 Kangxi radical 139 當言一眼見色
85 67 countenance 當言一眼見色
86 67 scene; sight 當言一眼見色
87 67 feminine charm; female beauty 當言一眼見色
88 67 kind; type 當言一眼見色
89 67 quality 當言一眼見色
90 67 to be angry 當言一眼見色
91 67 to seek; to search for 當言一眼見色
92 67 lust; sexual desire 當言一眼見色
93 67 form; rupa 當言一眼見色
94 66 yǎn eye 或復有執眼
95 66 yǎn measure word for wells 或復有執眼
96 66 yǎn eyeball 或復有執眼
97 66 yǎn sight 或復有執眼
98 66 yǎn the present moment 或復有執眼
99 66 yǎn an opening; a small hole 或復有執眼
100 66 yǎn a trap 或復有執眼
101 66 yǎn insight 或復有執眼
102 66 yǎn a salitent point 或復有執眼
103 66 yǎn a beat with no accent 或復有執眼
104 66 yǎn to look; to glance 或復有執眼
105 66 yǎn to see proof 或復有執眼
106 66 yǎn eye; cakṣus 或復有執眼
107 66 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 有說
108 66 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 有說
109 66 shuì to persuade 有說
110 66 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 有說
111 66 shuō a doctrine; a theory 有說
112 66 shuō to claim; to assert 有說
113 66 shuō allocution 有說
114 66 shuō to criticize; to scold 有說
115 66 shuō to indicate; to refer to 有說
116 66 shuō speach; vāda 有說
117 66 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 有說
118 66 shuō to instruct 有說
119 65 in; at 於二眼處各半生耶
120 65 in; at 於二眼處各半生耶
121 65 in; at; to; from 於二眼處各半生耶
122 65 to go; to 於二眼處各半生耶
123 65 to rely on; to depend on 於二眼處各半生耶
124 65 to go to; to arrive at 於二眼處各半生耶
125 65 from 於二眼處各半生耶
126 65 give 於二眼處各半生耶
127 65 oppposing 於二眼處各半生耶
128 65 and 於二眼處各半生耶
129 65 compared to 於二眼處各半生耶
130 65 by 於二眼處各半生耶
131 65 and; as well as 於二眼處各半生耶
132 65 for 於二眼處各半生耶
133 65 Yu 於二眼處各半生耶
134 65 a crow 於二眼處各半生耶
135 65 whew; wow 於二眼處各半生耶
136 65 near to; antike 於二眼處各半生耶
137 64 shēng to be born; to give birth 得俱時覺觸生一身識
138 64 shēng to live 得俱時覺觸生一身識
139 64 shēng raw 得俱時覺觸生一身識
140 64 shēng a student 得俱時覺觸生一身識
141 64 shēng life 得俱時覺觸生一身識
142 64 shēng to produce; to give rise 得俱時覺觸生一身識
143 64 shēng alive 得俱時覺觸生一身識
144 64 shēng a lifetime 得俱時覺觸生一身識
145 64 shēng to initiate; to become 得俱時覺觸生一身識
146 64 shēng to grow 得俱時覺觸生一身識
147 64 shēng unfamiliar 得俱時覺觸生一身識
148 64 shēng not experienced 得俱時覺觸生一身識
149 64 shēng hard; stiff; strong 得俱時覺觸生一身識
150 64 shēng very; extremely 得俱時覺觸生一身識
151 64 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 得俱時覺觸生一身識
152 64 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 得俱時覺觸生一身識
153 64 shēng gender 得俱時覺觸生一身識
154 64 shēng to develop; to grow 得俱時覺觸生一身識
155 64 shēng to set up 得俱時覺觸生一身識
156 64 shēng a prostitute 得俱時覺觸生一身識
157 64 shēng a captive 得俱時覺觸生一身識
158 64 shēng a gentleman 得俱時覺觸生一身識
159 64 shēng Kangxi radical 100 得俱時覺觸生一身識
160 64 shēng unripe 得俱時覺觸生一身識
161 64 shēng nature 得俱時覺觸生一身識
162 64 shēng to inherit; to succeed 得俱時覺觸生一身識
163 64 shēng destiny 得俱時覺觸生一身識
164 64 shēng birth 得俱時覺觸生一身識
165 64 shēng arise; produce; utpad 得俱時覺觸生一身識
166 62 one 或半麻一麻半
167 62 Kangxi radical 1 或半麻一麻半
168 62 as soon as; all at once 或半麻一麻半
169 62 pure; concentrated 或半麻一麻半
170 62 whole; all 或半麻一麻半
171 62 first 或半麻一麻半
172 62 the same 或半麻一麻半
173 62 each 或半麻一麻半
174 62 certain 或半麻一麻半
175 62 throughout 或半麻一麻半
176 62 used in between a reduplicated verb 或半麻一麻半
177 62 sole; single 或半麻一麻半
178 62 a very small amount 或半麻一麻半
179 62 Yi 或半麻一麻半
180 62 other 或半麻一麻半
181 62 to unify 或半麻一麻半
182 62 accidentally; coincidentally 或半麻一麻半
183 62 abruptly; suddenly 或半麻一麻半
184 62 or 或半麻一麻半
185 62 one; eka 或半麻一麻半
186 61 wèi to call 謂或
187 61 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂或
188 61 wèi to speak to; to address 謂或
189 61 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂或
190 61 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂或
191 61 wèi to speak to; to address 謂或
192 61 wèi to think 謂或
193 61 wèi for; is to be 謂或
194 61 wèi to make; to cause 謂或
195 61 wèi and 謂或
196 61 wèi principle; reason 謂或
197 61 wèi Wei 謂或
198 61 wèi which; what; yad 謂或
199 61 wèi to say; iti 謂或
200 60 also; too 耳識相應慧亦應聞
201 60 but 耳識相應慧亦應聞
202 60 this; he; she 耳識相應慧亦應聞
203 60 although; even though 耳識相應慧亦應聞
204 60 already 耳識相應慧亦應聞
205 60 particle with no meaning 耳識相應慧亦應聞
206 60 Yi 耳識相應慧亦應聞
207 58 fēi not; non-; un- 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
208 58 fēi Kangxi radical 175 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
209 58 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
210 58 fēi different 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
211 58 fēi to not be; to not have 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
212 58 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
213 58 fēi Africa 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
214 58 fēi to slander 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
215 58 fěi to avoid 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
216 58 fēi must 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
217 58 fēi an error 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
218 58 fēi a problem; a question 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
219 58 fēi evil 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
220 58 fēi besides; except; unless 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
221 58 fēi not 不應理若一眼見色非二眼者
222 57 èr two 二眼見色耶
223 57 èr Kangxi radical 7 二眼見色耶
224 57 èr second 二眼見色耶
225 57 èr twice; double; di- 二眼見色耶
226 57 èr another; the other 二眼見色耶
227 57 èr more than one kind 二眼見色耶
228 57 èr two; dvā; dvi 二眼見色耶
229 57 èr both; dvaya 二眼見色耶
230 56 according to 云何眼識依之而轉
231 56 to depend on; to lean on 云何眼識依之而轉
232 56 to comply with; to follow 云何眼識依之而轉
233 56 to help 云何眼識依之而轉
234 56 flourishing 云何眼識依之而轉
235 56 lovable 云何眼識依之而轉
236 56 bonds; substratum; upadhi 云何眼識依之而轉
237 56 refuge; śaraṇa 云何眼識依之而轉
238 56 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 云何眼識依之而轉
239 52 wèn to ask
240 52 wèn to inquire after
241 52 wèn to interrogate
242 52 wèn to hold responsible
243 52 wèn to request something
244 52 wèn to rebuke
245 52 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts
246 52 wèn news
247 52 wèn to propose marriage
248 52 wén to inform
249 52 wèn to research
250 52 wèn Wen
251 52 wèn to
252 52 wèn a question
253 52 wèn ask; prccha
254 52 xiàn to appear; to manifest; to become visible 面像現
255 52 xiàn then; at that time; while 面像現
256 52 xiàn at present 面像現
257 52 xiàn existing at the present time 面像現
258 52 xiàn cash 面像現
259 52 xiàn to manifest; prādur 面像現
260 52 xiàn to manifest; prādur 面像現
261 52 xiàn the present time 面像現
262 51 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若眼識見色
263 51 ruò seemingly 若眼識見色
264 51 ruò if 若眼識見色
265 51 ruò you 若眼識見色
266 51 ruò this; that 若眼識見色
267 51 ruò and; or 若眼識見色
268 51 ruò as for; pertaining to 若眼識見色
269 51 pomegranite 若眼識見色
270 51 ruò to choose 若眼識見色
271 51 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若眼識見色
272 51 ruò thus 若眼識見色
273 51 ruò pollia 若眼識見色
274 51 ruò Ruo 若眼識見色
275 51 ruò only then 若眼識見色
276 51 ja 若眼識見色
277 51 jñā 若眼識見色
278 51 ruò if; yadi 若眼識見色
279 50 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 如是一識依多眼生
280 50 duó many; much 如是一識依多眼生
281 50 duō more 如是一識依多眼生
282 50 duō an unspecified extent 如是一識依多眼生
283 50 duō used in exclamations 如是一識依多眼生
284 50 duō excessive 如是一識依多眼生
285 50 duō to what extent 如是一識依多眼生
286 50 duō abundant 如是一識依多眼生
287 50 duō to multiply; to acrue 如是一識依多眼生
288 50 duō mostly 如是一識依多眼生
289 50 duō simply; merely 如是一識依多眼生
290 50 duō frequently 如是一識依多眼生
291 50 duō very 如是一識依多眼生
292 50 duō Duo 如是一識依多眼生
293 50 duō ta 如是一識依多眼生
294 50 duō many; bahu 如是一識依多眼生
295 49 shí knowledge; understanding 識應有見相
296 49 shí to know; to be familiar with 識應有見相
297 49 zhì to record 識應有見相
298 49 shí thought; cognition 識應有見相
299 49 shí to understand 識應有見相
300 49 shí experience; common sense 識應有見相
301 49 shí a good friend 識應有見相
302 49 zhì to remember; to memorize 識應有見相
303 49 zhì a label; a mark 識應有見相
304 49 zhì an inscription 識應有見相
305 49 zhì just now 識應有見相
306 49 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 識應有見相
307 49 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 復次所
308 49 suǒ an office; an institute 復次所
309 49 suǒ introduces a relative clause 復次所
310 49 suǒ it 復次所
311 49 suǒ if; supposing 復次所
312 49 suǒ a few; various; some 復次所
313 49 suǒ a place; a location 復次所
314 49 suǒ indicates a passive voice 復次所
315 49 suǒ that which 復次所
316 49 suǒ an ordinal number 復次所
317 49 suǒ meaning 復次所
318 49 suǒ garrison 復次所
319 49 suǒ place; pradeśa 復次所
320 49 suǒ that which; yad 復次所
321 47 shì is; are; am; to be 二剎那住然無是事
322 47 shì is exactly 二剎那住然無是事
323 47 shì is suitable; is in contrast 二剎那住然無是事
324 47 shì this; that; those 二剎那住然無是事
325 47 shì really; certainly 二剎那住然無是事
326 47 shì correct; yes; affirmative 二剎那住然無是事
327 47 shì true 二剎那住然無是事
328 47 shì is; has; exists 二剎那住然無是事
329 47 shì used between repetitions of a word 二剎那住然無是事
330 47 shì a matter; an affair 二剎那住然無是事
331 47 shì Shi 二剎那住然無是事
332 47 shì is; bhū 二剎那住然無是事
333 47 shì this; idam 二剎那住然無是事
334 41 to reply; to answer 答為止他宗顯己義故
335 41 to reciprocate to 答為止他宗顯己義故
336 41 to agree to; to assent to 答為止他宗顯己義故
337 41 to acknowledge; to greet 答為止他宗顯己義故
338 41 Da 答為止他宗顯己義故
339 41 to answer; pratyukta 答為止他宗顯己義故
340 40 wèi for; to 為二眼識
341 40 wèi because of 為二眼識
342 40 wéi to act as; to serve 為二眼識
343 40 wéi to change into; to become 為二眼識
344 40 wéi to be; is 為二眼識
345 40 wéi to do 為二眼識
346 40 wèi for 為二眼識
347 40 wèi because of; for; to 為二眼識
348 40 wèi to 為二眼識
349 40 wéi in a passive construction 為二眼識
350 40 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為二眼識
351 40 wéi forming an adverb 為二眼識
352 40 wéi to add emphasis 為二眼識
353 40 wèi to support; to help 為二眼識
354 40 wéi to govern 為二眼識
355 40 wèi to be; bhū 為二眼識
356 39 huò or; either; else 謂或
357 39 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 謂或
358 39 huò some; someone 謂或
359 39 míngnián suddenly 謂或
360 39 huò or; vā 謂或
361 37 shí time; a point or period of time 應一切時見色
362 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 應一切時見色
363 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 應一切時見色
364 37 shí at that time 應一切時見色
365 37 shí fashionable 應一切時見色
366 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 應一切時見色
367 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 應一切時見色
368 37 shí tense 應一切時見色
369 37 shí particular; special 應一切時見色
370 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 應一切時見色
371 37 shí hour (measure word) 應一切時見色
372 37 shí an era; a dynasty 應一切時見色
373 37 shí time [abstract] 應一切時見色
374 37 shí seasonal 應一切時見色
375 37 shí frequently; often 應一切時見色
376 37 shí occasionally; sometimes 應一切時見色
377 37 shí on time 應一切時見色
378 37 shí this; that 應一切時見色
379 37 shí to wait upon 應一切時見色
380 37 shí hour 應一切時見色
381 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 應一切時見色
382 37 shí Shi 應一切時見色
383 37 shí a present; currentlt 應一切時見色
384 37 shí time; kāla 應一切時見色
385 37 shí at that time; samaya 應一切時見色
386 37 shí then; atha 應一切時見色
387 36 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
388 36 ér Kangxi radical 126 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
389 36 ér you 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
390 36 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
391 36 ér right away; then 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
392 36 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
393 36 ér if; in case; in the event that 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
394 36 ér therefore; as a result; thus 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
395 36 ér how can it be that? 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
396 36 ér so as to 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
397 36 ér only then 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
398 36 ér as if; to seem like 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
399 36 néng can; able 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
400 36 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
401 36 ér me 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
402 36 ér to arrive; up to 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
403 36 ér possessive 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
404 36 ér and; ca 覺觸如身根兩臂相去雖遠而
405 34 this; these 何故作此論
406 34 in this way 何故作此論
407 34 otherwise; but; however; so 何故作此論
408 34 at this time; now; here 何故作此論
409 34 this; here; etad 何故作此論
410 34 děng et cetera; and so on 五百大阿羅漢等造
411 34 děng to wait 五百大阿羅漢等造
412 34 děng degree; kind 五百大阿羅漢等造
413 34 děng plural 五百大阿羅漢等造
414 34 děng to be equal 五百大阿羅漢等造
415 34 děng degree; level 五百大阿羅漢等造
416 34 děng to compare 五百大阿羅漢等造
417 34 děng same; equal; sama 五百大阿羅漢等造
418 33 shēng sound
419 33 shēng a measure word for sound (times)
420 33 shēng sheng
421 33 shēng voice
422 33 shēng music
423 33 shēng language
424 33 shēng fame; reputation; honor
425 33 shēng a message
426 33 shēng an utterance
427 33 shēng a consonant
428 33 shēng a tone
429 33 shēng to announce
430 33 shēng sound
431 32 final interogative 二眼見色耶
432 32 ye 二眼見色耶
433 32 ya 二眼見色耶
434 32 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 欲令疑者得決定故
435 32 lìng to issue a command 欲令疑者得決定故
436 32 lìng rules of behavior; customs 欲令疑者得決定故
437 32 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 欲令疑者得決定故
438 32 lìng a season 欲令疑者得決定故
439 32 lìng respected; good reputation 欲令疑者得決定故
440 32 lìng good 欲令疑者得決定故
441 32 lìng pretentious 欲令疑者得決定故
442 32 lìng a transcending state of existence 欲令疑者得決定故
443 32 lìng a commander 欲令疑者得決定故
444 32 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 欲令疑者得決定故
445 32 lìng lyrics 欲令疑者得決定故
446 32 lìng Ling 欲令疑者得決定故
447 32 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 欲令疑者得決定故
448 32 眼識 yǎnshí visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa 有執眼識見色
449 32 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 二剎那住然無是事
450 32 zhù to stop; to halt 二剎那住然無是事
451 32 zhù to retain; to remain 二剎那住然無是事
452 32 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 二剎那住然無是事
453 32 zhù firmly; securely 二剎那住然無是事
454 32 zhù verb complement 二剎那住然無是事
455 32 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 二剎那住然無是事
456 30 so as to; in order to 以無時不和合故亦
457 30 to use; to regard as 以無時不和合故亦
458 30 to use; to grasp 以無時不和合故亦
459 30 according to 以無時不和合故亦
460 30 because of 以無時不和合故亦
461 30 on a certain date 以無時不和合故亦
462 30 and; as well as 以無時不和合故亦
463 30 to rely on 以無時不和合故亦
464 30 to regard 以無時不和合故亦
465 30 to be able to 以無時不和合故亦
466 30 to order; to command 以無時不和合故亦
467 30 further; moreover 以無時不和合故亦
468 30 used after a verb 以無時不和合故亦
469 30 very 以無時不和合故亦
470 30 already 以無時不和合故亦
471 30 increasingly 以無時不和合故亦
472 30 a reason; a cause 以無時不和合故亦
473 30 Israel 以無時不和合故亦
474 30 Yi 以無時不和合故亦
475 30 use; yogena 以無時不和合故亦
476 30 néng can; able 者能見識空者不能見
477 30 néng ability; capacity 者能見識空者不能見
478 30 néng a mythical bear-like beast 者能見識空者不能見
479 30 néng energy 者能見識空者不能見
480 30 néng function; use 者能見識空者不能見
481 30 néng may; should; permitted to 者能見識空者不能見
482 30 néng talent 者能見識空者不能見
483 30 néng expert at 者能見識空者不能見
484 30 néng to be in harmony 者能見識空者不能見
485 30 néng to tend to; to care for 者能見識空者不能見
486 30 néng to reach; to arrive at 者能見識空者不能見
487 30 néng as long as; only 者能見識空者不能見
488 30 néng even if 者能見識空者不能見
489 30 néng but 者能見識空者不能見
490 30 néng in this way 者能見識空者不能見
491 30 néng to be able; śak 者能見識空者不能見
492 30 néng skilful; pravīṇa 者能見識空者不能見
493 29 jiàn to see 當言一眼見色
494 29 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 當言一眼見色
495 29 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 當言一眼見色
496 29 jiàn refer to; for details see 當言一眼見色
497 29 jiàn passive marker 當言一眼見色
498 29 jiàn to listen to 當言一眼見色
499 29 jiàn to meet 當言一眼見色
500 29 jiàn to receive (a guest) 當言一眼見色


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
therefore; tasmāt
no; na
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
  1. yuán
  2. yuán
  1. Condition
  2. conditions; pratyaya; paccaya
zhě ca
form; rupa
yǎn eye; cakṣus
  1. shuō
  2. shuō
  3. shuō
  1. speach; vāda
  2. to speak; bhāṣate
  3. to instruct
near to; antike

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿毘达磨大毗婆沙论 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 196 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
大梵 100 Mahabrahma; Brahma
大毗婆沙论 大毘婆沙論 100 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
犊子部 犢子部 100 Vātsīputrīyas
法救 102 Dharmatrāta
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵王 102 Brahma
梵众天 梵眾天 102 Brahma-parisadya Heaven; brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; Brahmā's retinue
梵宫 梵宮 102 Palace of Brahmā
梵世 102 Brahma World; brahmaloka
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
法云寺 法雲寺 102 Fayun Temple
覆障 102 Rāhula
光明遍照 103 Vairocana
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
目干连 目乾連 109 Maudgalyāyana
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
人趣 114 Human Realm
如观 如觀 114 Ru Guan
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
色究竟 115 Akaniṣṭha; Akanistha; Akaniṭṭha
上犹 上猶 115 Shangyou
善眼 115 Sunetta
舍利子 115 Sariputta
室罗筏 室羅筏 115 Sravasti
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
说一切有部 說一切有部 115 Sarvastivada
天等 116 Tiandeng
提婆达多 提婆達多 116 Devadatta
五趣 119 Five Realms
邬陀夷 鄔陀夷 119 Udāyin
脇尊者 120 Parsva
行思 120 Xingsi
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
尊者世友 122 Vasumitra


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 147.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
阿素洛 196 an asura
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
百味 98 a hundred flavors; many tastes
鼻识 鼻識 98 sense of smell
鼻根 98 organ of smell
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不应理 不應理 98 does not correspond with reason
不增不减 不增不減 98 neither increases nor decreases
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
长养 長養 99
  1. to nurture
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
此等 99 they; eṣā
大阿罗汉 大阿羅漢 100 great Arhat
大身 100 great body; mahakaya
大种 大種 100 the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
等持 100
  1. holding oneself in equanimity
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
等流 100 outflow; niṣyanda
地中 100 secondary buildings on monastery grounds
独觉 獨覺 100 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
钝根 鈍根 100
  1. dull aptitude
  2. dull ability
二身 195 two bodies
二心 195 two minds
二种 二種 195 two kinds
二识 二識 195 two levels of consciousness
耳识 耳識 196 auditory consciousness; śrotravijñāna
二众 二眾 195 two groups
法尔 法爾 102 the nature of phenonema
法处 法處 102 mental objects
放大光明 102 diffusion of great light
非家 102 homeless
非有情 102 non-sentient object
非执 非執 102 non-grasping
佛境界 102 realm of buddhas
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛住 102
  1. the Buddha was staying at
  2. Buddha abode
佛身 102
  1. Buddha's Body
  2. buddhakaya; Buddha-body
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
化作 104 to produce; to conjure
见大 見大 106 the element of visibility
见相 見相 106 perceiving the subject
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
戒律 106
  1. Precepts
  2. śīla and vinaya; precepts and rules
积集 積集 106 saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
近缘 近緣 106 immediate cause
净眼 淨眼 106
  1. pure eyes
  2. Vimalanetra
静虑 靜慮 106
  1. Quiet Contemplation
  2. dhyana; calm contemplation
极微 極微 106 atom; particle; paramāṇu
俱生 106 occuring together
卷第十三 106 scroll 13
俱卢舍 俱盧舍 106 krośa
具寿 具壽 106 friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦法智 107 knowledge of the truth of suffering
了别 了別 108 to distinguish; to discern
利根 108 natural powers of intelligence
理趣 108 thought; mata
立宗 108 proposition; pratijñā
律仪 律儀 108
  1. Vinaya and Rules
  2. rules and ceremonies
  3. restraint; saṃvara
妙行 109 a profound act
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
男根 110 male organ
念言 110 words from memory
女根 110 female sex-organ
傍生 112 [rebirth as an] animal
菩萨身 菩薩身 112 bodhisattva's body
契经 契經 113 a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
若尔 若爾 114 then; tarhi
三根 115
  1. the three grade of wholesome roots
  2. the three unwholesome roots
  3. the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三句 115 three questions
三识 三識 115 three levels of consciousness
色境 115 the visible realm
色蕴 色蘊 115 the aggregate of form; rūpaskandha
色处 色處 115 the visible realm
色有 115 material existence
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
舌根 115 organ of taste; tongue
身根 115 sense of touch
身识 身識 115 body consciousness; sense of touch
生身 115 the physical body of a Buddha
胜人 勝人 115 best of men; narottama
胜义 勝義 115 beyond description; surpassing worldy ideas; superlative; inscrutable
身入 115 the sense of touch
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
神通力 115 a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; a magical power
舌识 舌識 115 sense of taste
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
施设 施設 115 to establish; to set up
施主 115
  1. benefactor
  2. an alms giver; a donor
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
说净 說淨 115 explained to be pure
四大种 四大種 115 the four great seeds; the four great elements
四句 115 four verses; four phrases
四有 115 four states of existence
四缘 四緣 115 the four conditions
随烦恼 隨煩惱 115 secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
所以者何 115 Why is that?
天眼 116
  1. divine eye
  2. divine sight
体性 體性 116 svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
同分 116 same class
外缘 外緣 119
  1. External Conditions
  2. external causes
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无实 無實 119 not ultimately real
无表色 無表色 119 avijnaptirupa; latent material force
五识 五識 119
  1. five kinds of cognition; five kinds of perception
  2. five steps of cognition; five kinds of mind
无为法 無為法 119 an unconditioned dhárma; asaṃskṛta-dhárma
显色 顯色 120 visible colors
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
修得 120 cultivation; parijaya
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
眼识 眼識 121 visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa
业缘 業緣 121
  1. Karmic Condition
  2. karmic conditions; karmic connections
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一界 121 one world
一境 121
  1. one realm
  2. singled pointed focus
一识 一識 121 one perception; one knowledge
一缘 一緣 121 one fate; shared destiny
意根 121 the mind sense
因地 121
  1. the circumstances of place
  2. causative stage
应见 應見 121 should be seen
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
因明 121 Buddhist logic; hetuvidya
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
异熟 異熟 121 vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
异熟生 異熟生 121 objects produced as a result of karma
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有余师说 有餘師說 121 outside teachings; non-Buddhist teachings
有对 有對 121 hindrance
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
缘法 緣法 121 causes and conditions
踰缮那 踰繕那 121 yojana
择灭 擇滅 122 elimination of desire by will
增上慢 122 conceit; abhimāna
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
执受 執受 122 attaches to; grasps
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸仙 諸仙 122 group of sages
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
住相 122 abiding; sthiti
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara