Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論, Scroll 31

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 76 zhōng middle 七中皆具八功德水
2 76 zhōng medium; medium sized 七中皆具八功德水
3 76 zhōng China 七中皆具八功德水
4 76 zhòng to hit the mark 七中皆具八功德水
5 76 zhōng midday 七中皆具八功德水
6 76 zhōng inside 七中皆具八功德水
7 76 zhōng during 七中皆具八功德水
8 76 zhōng Zhong 七中皆具八功德水
9 76 zhōng intermediary 七中皆具八功德水
10 76 zhōng half 七中皆具八功德水
11 76 zhòng to reach; to attain 七中皆具八功德水
12 76 zhòng to suffer; to infect 七中皆具八功德水
13 76 zhòng to obtain 七中皆具八功德水
14 76 zhòng to pass an exam 七中皆具八功德水
15 76 zhōng middle 七中皆具八功德水
16 65 děng et cetera; and so on 生第二等靜慮地中
17 65 děng to wait 生第二等靜慮地中
18 65 děng to be equal 生第二等靜慮地中
19 65 děng degree; level 生第二等靜慮地中
20 65 děng to compare 生第二等靜慮地中
21 65 děng same; equal; sama 生第二等靜慮地中
22 62 suǒ a few; various; some 三災所壞
23 62 suǒ a place; a location 三災所壞
24 62 suǒ indicates a passive voice 三災所壞
25 62 suǒ an ordinal number 三災所壞
26 62 suǒ meaning 三災所壞
27 62 suǒ garrison 三災所壞
28 62 suǒ place; pradeśa 三災所壞
29 59 liàng a quantity; an amount 其量廣無數
30 59 liáng to measure 其量廣無數
31 59 liàng capacity 其量廣無數
32 59 liáng to consider 其量廣無數
33 59 liàng a measuring tool 其量廣無數
34 59 liàng to estimate 其量廣無數
35 59 liáng means of knowing; reasoning; pramāṇa 其量廣無數
36 58 to go; to 於未凝結位
37 58 to rely on; to depend on 於未凝結位
38 58 Yu 於未凝結位
39 58 a crow 於未凝結位
40 58 wèi to call 謂諸有情
41 58 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸有情
42 58 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸有情
43 58 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸有情
44 58 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸有情
45 58 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸有情
46 58 wèi to think 謂諸有情
47 58 wèi for; is to be 謂諸有情
48 58 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸有情
49 58 wèi principle; reason 謂諸有情
50 58 wèi Wei 謂諸有情
51 55 zhōu a continent 此百俱胝四大洲界
52 55 zhōu an island; islet 此百俱胝四大洲界
53 55 zhōu continent; dvīpa 此百俱胝四大洲界
54 53 èr two 十一億二萬
55 53 èr Kangxi radical 7 十一億二萬
56 53 èr second 十一億二萬
57 53 èr twice; double; di- 十一億二萬
58 53 èr more than one kind 十一億二萬
59 53 èr two; dvā; dvi 十一億二萬
60 53 èr both; dvaya 十一億二萬
61 50 one 一大諾健那
62 50 Kangxi radical 1 一大諾健那
63 50 pure; concentrated 一大諾健那
64 50 first 一大諾健那
65 50 the same 一大諾健那
66 50 sole; single 一大諾健那
67 50 a very small amount 一大諾健那
68 50 Yi 一大諾健那
69 50 other 一大諾健那
70 50 to unify 一大諾健那
71 50 accidentally; coincidentally 一大諾健那
72 50 abruptly; suddenly 一大諾健那
73 50 one; eka 一大諾健那
74 48 qiān one thousand 二千踰繕那
75 48 qiān many; numerous; countless 二千踰繕那
76 48 qiān a cheat; swindler 二千踰繕那
77 48 qiān Qian 二千踰繕那
78 48 wéi to act as; to serve 四寶為體
79 48 wéi to change into; to become 四寶為體
80 48 wéi to be; is 四寶為體
81 48 wéi to do 四寶為體
82 48 wèi to support; to help 四寶為體
83 48 wéi to govern 四寶為體
84 48 wèi to be; bhū 四寶為體
85 46 sān three 辯緣起品第三之十一
86 46 sān third 辯緣起品第三之十一
87 46 sān more than two 辯緣起品第三之十一
88 46 sān very few 辯緣起品第三之十一
89 46 sān San 辯緣起品第三之十一
90 46 sān three; tri 辯緣起品第三之十一
91 46 sān sa 辯緣起品第三之十一
92 46 sān three kinds; trividha 辯緣起品第三之十一
93 42 shàng top; a high position 澍風輪上
94 42 shang top; the position on or above something 澍風輪上
95 42 shàng to go up; to go forward 澍風輪上
96 42 shàng shang 澍風輪上
97 42 shàng previous; last 澍風輪上
98 42 shàng high; higher 澍風輪上
99 42 shàng advanced 澍風輪上
100 42 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 澍風輪上
101 42 shàng time 澍風輪上
102 42 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 澍風輪上
103 42 shàng far 澍風輪上
104 42 shàng big; as big as 澍風輪上
105 42 shàng abundant; plentiful 澍風輪上
106 42 shàng to report 澍風輪上
107 42 shàng to offer 澍風輪上
108 42 shàng to go on stage 澍風輪上
109 42 shàng to take office; to assume a post 澍風輪上
110 42 shàng to install; to erect 澍風輪上
111 42 shàng to suffer; to sustain 澍風輪上
112 42 shàng to burn 澍風輪上
113 42 shàng to remember 澍風輪上
114 42 shàng to add 澍風輪上
115 42 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 澍風輪上
116 42 shàng to meet 澍風輪上
117 42 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 澍風輪上
118 42 shang used after a verb indicating a result 澍風輪上
119 42 shàng a musical note 澍風輪上
120 42 shàng higher, superior; uttara 澍風輪上
121 41 tiān day
122 41 tiān heaven
123 41 tiān nature
124 41 tiān sky
125 41 tiān weather
126 41 tiān father; husband
127 41 tiān a necessity
128 41 tiān season
129 41 tiān destiny
130 41 tiān very high; sky high [prices]
131 41 tiān a deva; a god
132 41 tiān Heaven
133 41 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 八增皆十六
134 41 zēng duplicated; repeated 八增皆十六
135 41 zēng to increase; vṛdh 八增皆十六
136 41 zēng accumulation; upacaya 八增皆十六
137 40 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 則說妙高山王
138 40 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 則說妙高山王
139 40 shuì to persuade 則說妙高山王
140 40 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 則說妙高山王
141 40 shuō a doctrine; a theory 則說妙高山王
142 40 shuō to claim; to assert 則說妙高山王
143 40 shuō allocution 則說妙高山王
144 40 shuō to criticize; to scold 則說妙高山王
145 40 shuō to indicate; to refer to 則說妙高山王
146 40 shuō speach; vāda 則說妙高山王
147 40 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 則說妙高山王
148 40 shuō to instruct 則說妙高山王
149 40 yuē to speak; to say 頌曰
150 40 yuē Kangxi radical 73 頌曰
151 40 yuē to be called 頌曰
152 40 yuē said; ukta 頌曰
153 40 xià bottom 風輪最居下
154 40 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 風輪最居下
155 40 xià to announce 風輪最居下
156 40 xià to do 風輪最居下
157 40 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 風輪最居下
158 40 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 風輪最居下
159 40 xià inside 風輪最居下
160 40 xià an aspect 風輪最居下
161 40 xià a certain time 風輪最居下
162 40 xià to capture; to take 風輪最居下
163 40 xià to put in 風輪最居下
164 40 xià to enter 風輪最居下
165 40 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 風輪最居下
166 40 xià to finish work or school 風輪最居下
167 40 xià to go 風輪最居下
168 40 xià to scorn; to look down on 風輪最居下
169 40 xià to modestly decline 風輪最居下
170 40 xià to produce 風輪最居下
171 40 xià to stay at; to lodge at 風輪最居下
172 40 xià to decide 風輪最居下
173 40 xià to be less than 風輪最居下
174 40 xià humble; lowly 風輪最居下
175 40 xià below; adhara 風輪最居下
176 40 xià lower; inferior; hina 風輪最居下
177 39 bàn half [of] 三千四百半
178 39 bàn mid-; in the middle 三千四百半
179 39 bàn mostly 三千四百半
180 39 bàn one half 三千四百半
181 39 bàn half; ardha 三千四百半
182 39 bàn pan 三千四百半
183 38 Yi 妙高出亦然
184 37 ka 四邊各三倍
185 37 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 餘凝結成金
186 37 chéng to become; to turn into 餘凝結成金
187 37 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 餘凝結成金
188 37 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 餘凝結成金
189 37 chéng a full measure of 餘凝結成金
190 37 chéng whole 餘凝結成金
191 37 chéng set; established 餘凝結成金
192 37 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 餘凝結成金
193 37 chéng to reconcile 餘凝結成金
194 37 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 餘凝結成金
195 37 chéng composed of 餘凝結成金
196 37 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 餘凝結成金
197 37 chéng capable; able; accomplished 餘凝結成金
198 37 chéng to help somebody achieve something 餘凝結成金
199 37 chéng Cheng 餘凝結成金
200 37 chéng Become 餘凝結成金
201 37 chéng becoming; bhāva 餘凝結成金
202 36 Qi 其量廣無數
203 36 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside
204 36 zhù to stop; to halt
205 36 zhù to retain; to remain
206 36 zhù to lodge at [temporarily]
207 36 zhù verb complement
208 36 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on
209 36 four 蘇迷盧四寶
210 36 note a musical scale 蘇迷盧四寶
211 36 fourth 蘇迷盧四寶
212 36 Si 蘇迷盧四寶
213 36 four; catur 蘇迷盧四寶
214 36 to depend on; to lean on 依下空中
215 36 to comply with; to follow 依下空中
216 36 to help 依下空中
217 36 flourishing 依下空中
218 36 lovable 依下空中
219 36 bonds; substratum; upadhi 依下空中
220 36 refuge; śaraṇa 依下空中
221 36 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 依下空中
222 35 shēng to be born; to give birth 生第二等靜慮地中
223 35 shēng to live 生第二等靜慮地中
224 35 shēng raw 生第二等靜慮地中
225 35 shēng a student 生第二等靜慮地中
226 35 shēng life 生第二等靜慮地中
227 35 shēng to produce; to give rise 生第二等靜慮地中
228 35 shēng alive 生第二等靜慮地中
229 35 shēng a lifetime 生第二等靜慮地中
230 35 shēng to initiate; to become 生第二等靜慮地中
231 35 shēng to grow 生第二等靜慮地中
232 35 shēng unfamiliar 生第二等靜慮地中
233 35 shēng not experienced 生第二等靜慮地中
234 35 shēng hard; stiff; strong 生第二等靜慮地中
235 35 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 生第二等靜慮地中
236 35 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 生第二等靜慮地中
237 35 shēng gender 生第二等靜慮地中
238 35 shēng to develop; to grow 生第二等靜慮地中
239 35 shēng to set up 生第二等靜慮地中
240 35 shēng a prostitute 生第二等靜慮地中
241 35 shēng a captive 生第二等靜慮地中
242 35 shēng a gentleman 生第二等靜慮地中
243 35 shēng Kangxi radical 100 生第二等靜慮地中
244 35 shēng unripe 生第二等靜慮地中
245 35 shēng nature 生第二等靜慮地中
246 35 shēng to inherit; to succeed 生第二等靜慮地中
247 35 shēng destiny 生第二等靜慮地中
248 35 shēng birth 生第二等靜慮地中
249 35 shēng arise; produce; utpad 生第二等靜慮地中
250 34 踰繕那 yúshànnà yojana 深十一億二萬踰繕那
251 34 eight 下八洛叉水
252 34 Kangxi radical 12 下八洛叉水
253 34 eighth 下八洛叉水
254 34 all around; all sides 下八洛叉水
255 34 eight; aṣṭa 下八洛叉水
256 34 Kangxi radical 71 風輪無損
257 34 to not have; without 風輪無損
258 34 mo 風輪無損
259 34 to not have 風輪無損
260 34 Wu 風輪無損
261 34 mo 風輪無損
262 33 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 謂諸有情
263 33 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 謂諸有情
264 33 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 謂諸有情
265 33 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 謂諸有情
266 33 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 謂諸有情
267 32 zhě ca 周圍量者
268 32 wàn ten thousand 十一億二萬
269 32 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 十一億二萬
270 32 wàn Wan 十一億二萬
271 32 Mo 十一億二萬
272 32 wàn scorpion dance 十一億二萬
273 32 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 十一億二萬
274 31 guǐ a ghost; spirit of dead 諸鬼本住
275 31 guǐ Kangxi radical 194 諸鬼本住
276 31 guǐ a devil 諸鬼本住
277 31 guǐ the spirit of a natural object 諸鬼本住
278 31 guǐ uncanny; strange 諸鬼本住
279 31 guǐ Gui 諸鬼本住
280 31 guǐ someone with a bad habit 諸鬼本住
281 31 guǐ Gui 諸鬼本住
282 31 guǐ deceitful; sly 諸鬼本住
283 31 guǐ clever 諸鬼本住
284 31 guǐ ghost; bhūta 諸鬼本住
285 31 guǐ Puṣya 諸鬼本住
286 31 guǐ a ghost; preta 諸鬼本住
287 31 shòu old age; long life 此洲壽不定
288 31 shòu lifespan 此洲壽不定
289 31 shòu age 此洲壽不定
290 31 shòu birthday 此洲壽不定
291 31 shòu Shou 此洲壽不定
292 31 shòu to give gold or silk in congratulations 此洲壽不定
293 31 shòu used in preparation for death 此洲壽不定
294 31 shòu long life; āyus 此洲壽不定
295 30 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是已辯有情世間
296 29 jiàn to see 便見關閉
297 29 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 便見關閉
298 29 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 便見關閉
299 29 jiàn refer to; for details see 便見關閉
300 29 jiàn to listen to 便見關閉
301 29 jiàn to meet 便見關閉
302 29 jiàn to receive (a guest) 便見關閉
303 29 jiàn let me; kindly 便見關閉
304 29 jiàn Jian 便見關閉
305 29 xiàn to appear 便見關閉
306 29 xiàn to introduce 便見關閉
307 29 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 便見關閉
308 29 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 便見關閉
309 28 shēn human body; torso 諸最後身菩提薩埵
310 28 shēn Kangxi radical 158 諸最後身菩提薩埵
311 28 shēn self 諸最後身菩提薩埵
312 28 shēn life 諸最後身菩提薩埵
313 28 shēn an object 諸最後身菩提薩埵
314 28 shēn a lifetime 諸最後身菩提薩埵
315 28 shēn moral character 諸最後身菩提薩埵
316 28 shēn status; identity; position 諸最後身菩提薩埵
317 28 shēn pregnancy 諸最後身菩提薩埵
318 28 juān India 諸最後身菩提薩埵
319 28 shēn body; kāya 諸最後身菩提薩埵
320 28 to use; to grasp 以金剛輪
321 28 to rely on 以金剛輪
322 28 to regard 以金剛輪
323 28 to be able to 以金剛輪
324 28 to order; to command 以金剛輪
325 28 used after a verb 以金剛輪
326 28 a reason; a cause 以金剛輪
327 28 Israel 以金剛輪
328 28 Yi 以金剛輪
329 28 use; yogena 以金剛輪
330 27 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 三處各有三重黑山
331 27 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 三處各有三重黑山
332 27 chù an office; a department; a bureau 三處各有三重黑山
333 27 chù a part; an aspect 三處各有三重黑山
334 27 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 三處各有三重黑山
335 27 chǔ to get along with 三處各有三重黑山
336 27 chǔ to deal with; to manage 三處各有三重黑山
337 27 chǔ to punish; to sentence 三處各有三重黑山
338 27 chǔ to stop; to pause 三處各有三重黑山
339 27 chǔ to be associated with 三處各有三重黑山
340 27 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 三處各有三重黑山
341 27 chǔ to occupy; to control 三處各有三重黑山
342 27 chù circumstances; situation 三處各有三重黑山
343 27 chù an occasion; a time 三處各有三重黑山
344 27 chù position; sthāna 三處各有三重黑山
345 27 míng fame; renown; reputation 前七名
346 27 míng a name; personal name; designation 前七名
347 27 míng rank; position 前七名
348 27 míng an excuse 前七名
349 27 míng life 前七名
350 27 míng to name; to call 前七名
351 27 míng to express; to describe 前七名
352 27 míng to be called; to have the name 前七名
353 27 míng to own; to possess 前七名
354 27 míng famous; renowned 前七名
355 27 míng moral 前七名
356 27 míng name; naman 前七名
357 27 míng fame; renown; yasas 前七名
358 27 infix potential marker 持令不散
359 25 shí time; a point or period of time 如所食飲未熟變時終
360 25 shí a season; a quarter of a year 如所食飲未熟變時終
361 25 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 如所食飲未熟變時終
362 25 shí fashionable 如所食飲未熟變時終
363 25 shí fate; destiny; luck 如所食飲未熟變時終
364 25 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 如所食飲未熟變時終
365 25 shí tense 如所食飲未熟變時終
366 25 shí particular; special 如所食飲未熟變時終
367 25 shí to plant; to cultivate 如所食飲未熟變時終
368 25 shí an era; a dynasty 如所食飲未熟變時終
369 25 shí time [abstract] 如所食飲未熟變時終
370 25 shí seasonal 如所食飲未熟變時終
371 25 shí to wait upon 如所食飲未熟變時終
372 25 shí hour 如所食飲未熟變時終
373 25 shí appropriate; proper; timely 如所食飲未熟變時終
374 25 shí Shi 如所食飲未熟變時終
375 25 shí a present; currentlt 如所食飲未熟變時終
376 25 shí time; kāla 如所食飲未熟變時終
377 25 shí at that time; samaya 如所食飲未熟變時終
378 25 ministry; department 贍部洲空
379 25 section; part 贍部洲空
380 25 troops 贍部洲空
381 25 a category; a kind 贍部洲空
382 25 to command; to control 贍部洲空
383 25 radical 贍部洲空
384 25 headquarters 贍部洲空
385 25 unit 贍部洲空
386 25 to put in order; to arrange 贍部洲空
387 25 group; nikāya 贍部洲空
388 25 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 以無樂間
389 25 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 以無樂間
390 25 Le 以無樂間
391 25 yuè music 以無樂間
392 25 yuè a musical instrument 以無樂間
393 25 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 以無樂間
394 25 yuè a musician 以無樂間
395 25 joy; pleasure 以無樂間
396 25 yuè the Book of Music 以無樂間
397 25 lào Lao 以無樂間
398 25 to laugh 以無樂間
399 25 Joy 以無樂間
400 25 joy; delight; sukhā 以無樂間
401 25 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 以煩多故
402 25 duó many; much 以煩多故
403 25 duō more 以煩多故
404 25 duō excessive 以煩多故
405 25 duō abundant 以煩多故
406 25 duō to multiply; to acrue 以煩多故
407 25 duō Duo 以煩多故
408 25 duō ta 以煩多故
409 24 extra; surplus 餘凝結成金
410 24 odd; surplus over a round number 餘凝結成金
411 24 to remain 餘凝結成金
412 24 other 餘凝結成金
413 24 additional; complementary 餘凝結成金
414 24 remaining 餘凝結成金
415 24 incomplete 餘凝結成金
416 24 Yu 餘凝結成金
417 24 other; anya 餘凝結成金
418 24 rén person; people; a human being 人面亦然
419 24 rén Kangxi radical 9 人面亦然
420 24 rén a kind of person 人面亦然
421 24 rén everybody 人面亦然
422 24 rén adult 人面亦然
423 24 rén somebody; others 人面亦然
424 24 rén an upright person 人面亦然
425 24 rén person; manuṣya 人面亦然
426 23 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 恒受劇苦
427 23 shòu to transfer; to confer 恒受劇苦
428 23 shòu to receive; to accept 恒受劇苦
429 23 shòu to tolerate 恒受劇苦
430 23 shòu feelings; sensations 恒受劇苦
431 23 Kangxi radical 49 如是已辯有情世間
432 23 to bring to an end; to stop 如是已辯有情世間
433 23 to complete 如是已辯有情世間
434 23 to demote; to dismiss 如是已辯有情世間
435 23 to recover from an illness 如是已辯有情世間
436 23 former; pūrvaka 如是已辯有情世間
437 22 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 頌曰
438 22 sòng Song; Hymns 頌曰
439 22 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 頌曰
440 22 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 頌曰
441 22 sòng a divination 頌曰
442 22 sòng to recite 頌曰
443 22 sòng 1. ode; 2. praise 頌曰
444 22 sòng verse; gāthā 頌曰
445 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 處中而
446 22 ér as if; to seem like 處中而
447 22 néng can; able 處中而
448 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 處中而
449 22 ér to arrive; up to 處中而
450 22 miào wonderful; fantastic 妙高出亦然
451 22 miào clever 妙高出亦然
452 22 miào subtle; mysterious; profound; abstruse; mystical 妙高出亦然
453 22 miào fine; delicate 妙高出亦然
454 22 miào young 妙高出亦然
455 22 miào interesting 妙高出亦然
456 22 miào profound reasoning 妙高出亦然
457 22 miào Miao 妙高出亦然
458 22 miào Wonderful 妙高出亦然
459 22 miào wonderful; beautiful; suksma 妙高出亦然
460 22 liù six 六萬踰繕那
461 22 liù sixth 六萬踰繕那
462 22 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六萬踰繕那
463 22 liù six; ṣaṭ 六萬踰繕那
464 21 guǎng wide; large; vast 其量廣無數
465 21 guǎng Kangxi radical 53 其量廣無數
466 21 ān a hut 其量廣無數
467 21 guǎng a large building structure with no walls 其量廣無數
468 21 guǎng many; numerous; common 其量廣無數
469 21 guǎng to extend; to expand 其量廣無數
470 21 guǎng width; breadth; extent 其量廣無數
471 21 guǎng broad-minded; generous 其量廣無數
472 21 guǎng Guangzhou 其量廣無數
473 21 guàng a unit of east-west distance 其量廣無數
474 21 guàng a unit of 15 chariots 其量廣無數
475 21 kuàng barren 其量廣無數
476 21 guǎng Extensive 其量廣無數
477 21 guǎng vaipulya; vast; extended 其量廣無數
478 21 晝夜 zhòuyè day and night 晝夜增臘縛
479 21 hòu after; later 後後轉增
480 21 hòu empress; queen 後後轉增
481 21 hòu sovereign 後後轉增
482 21 hòu the god of the earth 後後轉增
483 21 hòu late; later 後後轉增
484 21 hòu offspring; descendents 後後轉增
485 21 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後後轉增
486 21 hòu behind; back 後後轉增
487 21 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後後轉增
488 21 hòu Hou 後後轉增
489 21 hòu after; behind 後後轉增
490 21 hòu following 後後轉增
491 21 hòu to be delayed 後後轉增
492 21 hòu to abandon; to discard 後後轉增
493 21 hòu feudal lords 後後轉增
494 21 hòu Hou 後後轉增
495 21 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後後轉增
496 21 hòu rear; paścāt 後後轉增
497 21 hòu later; paścima 後後轉增
498 20 zhòng many; numerous 生眾寶
499 20 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 生眾寶
500 20 zhòng general; common; public 生眾寶

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1121

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 112 yǒu is; are; to exist 有微
2 112 yǒu to have; to possess 有微
3 112 yǒu indicates an estimate 有微
4 112 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有微
5 112 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有微
6 112 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有微
7 112 yǒu used to compare two things 有微
8 112 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有微
9 112 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有微
10 112 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有微
11 112 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有微
12 112 yǒu abundant 有微
13 112 yǒu purposeful 有微
14 112 yǒu You 有微
15 112 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有微
16 112 yǒu becoming; bhava 有微
17 84 this; these 此水金輪廣
18 84 in this way 此水金輪廣
19 84 otherwise; but; however; so 此水金輪廣
20 84 at this time; now; here 此水金輪廣
21 84 this; here; etad 此水金輪廣
22 78 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 法爾修得諸靜慮故
23 78 old; ancient; former; past 法爾修得諸靜慮故
24 78 reason; cause; purpose 法爾修得諸靜慮故
25 78 to die 法爾修得諸靜慮故
26 78 so; therefore; hence 法爾修得諸靜慮故
27 78 original 法爾修得諸靜慮故
28 78 accident; happening; instance 法爾修得諸靜慮故
29 78 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 法爾修得諸靜慮故
30 78 something in the past 法爾修得諸靜慮故
31 78 deceased; dead 法爾修得諸靜慮故
32 78 still; yet 法爾修得諸靜慮故
33 78 therefore; tasmāt 法爾修得諸靜慮故
34 76 zhōng middle 七中皆具八功德水
35 76 zhōng medium; medium sized 七中皆具八功德水
36 76 zhōng China 七中皆具八功德水
37 76 zhòng to hit the mark 七中皆具八功德水
38 76 zhōng in; amongst 七中皆具八功德水
39 76 zhōng midday 七中皆具八功德水
40 76 zhōng inside 七中皆具八功德水
41 76 zhōng during 七中皆具八功德水
42 76 zhōng Zhong 七中皆具八功德水
43 76 zhōng intermediary 七中皆具八功德水
44 76 zhōng half 七中皆具八功德水
45 76 zhōng just right; suitably 七中皆具八功德水
46 76 zhōng while 七中皆具八功德水
47 76 zhòng to reach; to attain 七中皆具八功德水
48 76 zhòng to suffer; to infect 七中皆具八功德水
49 76 zhòng to obtain 七中皆具八功德水
50 76 zhòng to pass an exam 七中皆具八功德水
51 76 zhōng middle 七中皆具八功德水
52 67 such as; for example; for instance 滴如車軸
53 67 if 滴如車軸
54 67 in accordance with 滴如車軸
55 67 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 滴如車軸
56 67 this 滴如車軸
57 67 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 滴如車軸
58 67 to go to 滴如車軸
59 67 to meet 滴如車軸
60 67 to appear; to seem; to be like 滴如車軸
61 67 at least as good as 滴如車軸
62 67 and 滴如車軸
63 67 or 滴如車軸
64 67 but 滴如車軸
65 67 then 滴如車軸
66 67 naturally 滴如車軸
67 67 expresses a question or doubt 滴如車軸
68 67 you 滴如車軸
69 67 the second lunar month 滴如車軸
70 67 in; at 滴如車軸
71 67 Ru 滴如車軸
72 67 Thus 滴如車軸
73 67 thus; tathā 滴如車軸
74 67 like; iva 滴如車軸
75 67 suchness; tathatā 滴如車軸
76 65 děng et cetera; and so on 生第二等靜慮地中
77 65 děng to wait 生第二等靜慮地中
78 65 děng degree; kind 生第二等靜慮地中
79 65 děng plural 生第二等靜慮地中
80 65 děng to be equal 生第二等靜慮地中
81 65 děng degree; level 生第二等靜慮地中
82 65 děng to compare 生第二等靜慮地中
83 65 děng same; equal; sama 生第二等靜慮地中
84 62 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 三災所壞
85 62 suǒ an office; an institute 三災所壞
86 62 suǒ introduces a relative clause 三災所壞
87 62 suǒ it 三災所壞
88 62 suǒ if; supposing 三災所壞
89 62 suǒ a few; various; some 三災所壞
90 62 suǒ a place; a location 三災所壞
91 62 suǒ indicates a passive voice 三災所壞
92 62 suǒ that which 三災所壞
93 62 suǒ an ordinal number 三災所壞
94 62 suǒ meaning 三災所壞
95 62 suǒ garrison 三災所壞
96 62 suǒ place; pradeśa 三災所壞
97 62 suǒ that which; yad 三災所壞
98 59 liàng a quantity; an amount 其量廣無數
99 59 liáng to measure 其量廣無數
100 59 liàng capacity 其量廣無數
101 59 liáng to consider 其量廣無數
102 59 liàng a measuring tool 其量廣無數
103 59 liàng to estimate 其量廣無數
104 59 liáng means of knowing; reasoning; pramāṇa 其量廣無數
105 58 in; at 於未凝結位
106 58 in; at 於未凝結位
107 58 in; at; to; from 於未凝結位
108 58 to go; to 於未凝結位
109 58 to rely on; to depend on 於未凝結位
110 58 to go to; to arrive at 於未凝結位
111 58 from 於未凝結位
112 58 give 於未凝結位
113 58 oppposing 於未凝結位
114 58 and 於未凝結位
115 58 compared to 於未凝結位
116 58 by 於未凝結位
117 58 and; as well as 於未凝結位
118 58 for 於未凝結位
119 58 Yu 於未凝結位
120 58 a crow 於未凝結位
121 58 whew; wow 於未凝結位
122 58 near to; antike 於未凝結位
123 58 that; those 故住彼人
124 58 another; the other 故住彼人
125 58 that; tad 故住彼人
126 58 wèi to call 謂諸有情
127 58 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸有情
128 58 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸有情
129 58 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸有情
130 58 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸有情
131 58 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸有情
132 58 wèi to think 謂諸有情
133 58 wèi for; is to be 謂諸有情
134 58 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸有情
135 58 wèi and 謂諸有情
136 58 wèi principle; reason 謂諸有情
137 58 wèi Wei 謂諸有情
138 58 wèi which; what; yad 謂諸有情
139 58 wèi to say; iti 謂諸有情
140 55 zhōu a continent 此百俱胝四大洲界
141 55 zhōu an island; islet 此百俱胝四大洲界
142 55 zhōu continent; dvīpa 此百俱胝四大洲界
143 53 èr two 十一億二萬
144 53 èr Kangxi radical 7 十一億二萬
145 53 èr second 十一億二萬
146 53 èr twice; double; di- 十一億二萬
147 53 èr another; the other 十一億二萬
148 53 èr more than one kind 十一億二萬
149 53 èr two; dvā; dvi 十一億二萬
150 53 èr both; dvaya 十一億二萬
151 50 one 一大諾健那
152 50 Kangxi radical 1 一大諾健那
153 50 as soon as; all at once 一大諾健那
154 50 pure; concentrated 一大諾健那
155 50 whole; all 一大諾健那
156 50 first 一大諾健那
157 50 the same 一大諾健那
158 50 each 一大諾健那
159 50 certain 一大諾健那
160 50 throughout 一大諾健那
161 50 used in between a reduplicated verb 一大諾健那
162 50 sole; single 一大諾健那
163 50 a very small amount 一大諾健那
164 50 Yi 一大諾健那
165 50 other 一大諾健那
166 50 to unify 一大諾健那
167 50 accidentally; coincidentally 一大諾健那
168 50 abruptly; suddenly 一大諾健那
169 50 or 一大諾健那
170 50 one; eka 一大諾健那
171 48 qiān one thousand 二千踰繕那
172 48 qiān many; numerous; countless 二千踰繕那
173 48 qiān very 二千踰繕那
174 48 qiān a cheat; swindler 二千踰繕那
175 48 qiān Qian 二千踰繕那
176 48 wèi for; to 四寶為體
177 48 wèi because of 四寶為體
178 48 wéi to act as; to serve 四寶為體
179 48 wéi to change into; to become 四寶為體
180 48 wéi to be; is 四寶為體
181 48 wéi to do 四寶為體
182 48 wèi for 四寶為體
183 48 wèi because of; for; to 四寶為體
184 48 wèi to 四寶為體
185 48 wéi in a passive construction 四寶為體
186 48 wéi forming a rehetorical question 四寶為體
187 48 wéi forming an adverb 四寶為體
188 48 wéi to add emphasis 四寶為體
189 48 wèi to support; to help 四寶為體
190 48 wéi to govern 四寶為體
191 48 wèi to be; bhū 四寶為體
192 46 sān three 辯緣起品第三之十一
193 46 sān third 辯緣起品第三之十一
194 46 sān more than two 辯緣起品第三之十一
195 46 sān very few 辯緣起品第三之十一
196 46 sān repeatedly 辯緣起品第三之十一
197 46 sān San 辯緣起品第三之十一
198 46 sān three; tri 辯緣起品第三之十一
199 46 sān sa 辯緣起品第三之十一
200 46 sān three kinds; trividha 辯緣起品第三之十一
201 42 shàng top; a high position 澍風輪上
202 42 shang top; the position on or above something 澍風輪上
203 42 shàng to go up; to go forward 澍風輪上
204 42 shàng shang 澍風輪上
205 42 shàng previous; last 澍風輪上
206 42 shàng high; higher 澍風輪上
207 42 shàng advanced 澍風輪上
208 42 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 澍風輪上
209 42 shàng time 澍風輪上
210 42 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 澍風輪上
211 42 shàng far 澍風輪上
212 42 shàng big; as big as 澍風輪上
213 42 shàng abundant; plentiful 澍風輪上
214 42 shàng to report 澍風輪上
215 42 shàng to offer 澍風輪上
216 42 shàng to go on stage 澍風輪上
217 42 shàng to take office; to assume a post 澍風輪上
218 42 shàng to install; to erect 澍風輪上
219 42 shàng to suffer; to sustain 澍風輪上
220 42 shàng to burn 澍風輪上
221 42 shàng to remember 澍風輪上
222 42 shang on; in 澍風輪上
223 42 shàng upward 澍風輪上
224 42 shàng to add 澍風輪上
225 42 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 澍風輪上
226 42 shàng to meet 澍風輪上
227 42 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 澍風輪上
228 42 shang used after a verb indicating a result 澍風輪上
229 42 shàng a musical note 澍風輪上
230 42 shàng higher, superior; uttara 澍風輪上
231 41 tiān day
232 41 tiān day
233 41 tiān heaven
234 41 tiān nature
235 41 tiān sky
236 41 tiān weather
237 41 tiān father; husband
238 41 tiān a necessity
239 41 tiān season
240 41 tiān destiny
241 41 tiān very high; sky high [prices]
242 41 tiān very
243 41 tiān a deva; a god
244 41 tiān Heaven
245 41 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 八增皆十六
246 41 zēng duplicated; repeated 八增皆十六
247 41 zēng to increase; vṛdh 八增皆十六
248 41 zēng accumulation; upacaya 八增皆十六
249 40 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 則說妙高山王
250 40 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 則說妙高山王
251 40 shuì to persuade 則說妙高山王
252 40 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 則說妙高山王
253 40 shuō a doctrine; a theory 則說妙高山王
254 40 shuō to claim; to assert 則說妙高山王
255 40 shuō allocution 則說妙高山王
256 40 shuō to criticize; to scold 則說妙高山王
257 40 shuō to indicate; to refer to 則說妙高山王
258 40 shuō speach; vāda 則說妙高山王
259 40 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 則說妙高山王
260 40 shuō to instruct 則說妙高山王
261 40 yuē to speak; to say 頌曰
262 40 yuē Kangxi radical 73 頌曰
263 40 yuē to be called 頌曰
264 40 yuē particle without meaning 頌曰
265 40 yuē said; ukta 頌曰
266 40 xià next 風輪最居下
267 40 xià bottom 風輪最居下
268 40 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 風輪最居下
269 40 xià measure word for time 風輪最居下
270 40 xià expresses completion of an action 風輪最居下
271 40 xià to announce 風輪最居下
272 40 xià to do 風輪最居下
273 40 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 風輪最居下
274 40 xià under; below 風輪最居下
275 40 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 風輪最居下
276 40 xià inside 風輪最居下
277 40 xià an aspect 風輪最居下
278 40 xià a certain time 風輪最居下
279 40 xià a time; an instance 風輪最居下
280 40 xià to capture; to take 風輪最居下
281 40 xià to put in 風輪最居下
282 40 xià to enter 風輪最居下
283 40 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 風輪最居下
284 40 xià to finish work or school 風輪最居下
285 40 xià to go 風輪最居下
286 40 xià to scorn; to look down on 風輪最居下
287 40 xià to modestly decline 風輪最居下
288 40 xià to produce 風輪最居下
289 40 xià to stay at; to lodge at 風輪最居下
290 40 xià to decide 風輪最居下
291 40 xià to be less than 風輪最居下
292 40 xià humble; lowly 風輪最居下
293 40 xià below; adhara 風輪最居下
294 40 xià lower; inferior; hina 風輪最居下
295 39 bàn half [of] 三千四百半
296 39 bàn mid-; in the middle 三千四百半
297 39 bàn semi-; partly 三千四百半
298 39 bàn mostly 三千四百半
299 39 bàn one half 三千四百半
300 39 bàn half; ardha 三千四百半
301 39 bàn pan 三千四百半
302 38 zhū all; many; various 謂諸有情
303 38 zhū Zhu 謂諸有情
304 38 zhū all; members of the class 謂諸有情
305 38 zhū interrogative particle 謂諸有情
306 38 zhū him; her; them; it 謂諸有情
307 38 zhū of; in 謂諸有情
308 38 zhū all; many; sarva 謂諸有情
309 38 also; too 妙高出亦然
310 38 but 妙高出亦然
311 38 this; he; she 妙高出亦然
312 38 although; even though 妙高出亦然
313 38 already 妙高出亦然
314 38 particle with no meaning 妙高出亦然
315 38 Yi 妙高出亦然
316 37 each 四邊各三倍
317 37 all; every 四邊各三倍
318 37 ka 四邊各三倍
319 37 every; pṛthak 四邊各三倍
320 37 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 餘凝結成金
321 37 chéng one tenth 餘凝結成金
322 37 chéng to become; to turn into 餘凝結成金
323 37 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 餘凝結成金
324 37 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 餘凝結成金
325 37 chéng a full measure of 餘凝結成金
326 37 chéng whole 餘凝結成金
327 37 chéng set; established 餘凝結成金
328 37 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 餘凝結成金
329 37 chéng to reconcile 餘凝結成金
330 37 chéng alright; OK 餘凝結成金
331 37 chéng an area of ten square miles 餘凝結成金
332 37 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 餘凝結成金
333 37 chéng composed of 餘凝結成金
334 37 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 餘凝結成金
335 37 chéng capable; able; accomplished 餘凝結成金
336 37 chéng to help somebody achieve something 餘凝結成金
337 37 chéng Cheng 餘凝結成金
338 37 chéng Become 餘凝結成金
339 37 chéng becoming; bhāva 餘凝結成金
340 36 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 一一二輪廣量皆等
341 36 jiē same; equally 一一二輪廣量皆等
342 36 jiē all; sarva 一一二輪廣量皆等
343 36 his; hers; its; theirs 其量廣無數
344 36 to add emphasis 其量廣無數
345 36 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其量廣無數
346 36 used when making a request or giving an order 其量廣無數
347 36 he; her; it; them 其量廣無數
348 36 probably; likely 其量廣無數
349 36 will 其量廣無數
350 36 may 其量廣無數
351 36 if 其量廣無數
352 36 or 其量廣無數
353 36 Qi 其量廣無數
354 36 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其量廣無數
355 36 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside
356 36 zhù to stop; to halt
357 36 zhù to retain; to remain
358 36 zhù to lodge at [temporarily]
359 36 zhù firmly; securely
360 36 zhù verb complement
361 36 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on
362 36 four 蘇迷盧四寶
363 36 note a musical scale 蘇迷盧四寶
364 36 fourth 蘇迷盧四寶
365 36 Si 蘇迷盧四寶
366 36 four; catur 蘇迷盧四寶
367 36 according to 依下空中
368 36 to depend on; to lean on 依下空中
369 36 to comply with; to follow 依下空中
370 36 to help 依下空中
371 36 flourishing 依下空中
372 36 lovable 依下空中
373 36 bonds; substratum; upadhi 依下空中
374 36 refuge; śaraṇa 依下空中
375 36 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 依下空中
376 35 shēng to be born; to give birth 生第二等靜慮地中
377 35 shēng to live 生第二等靜慮地中
378 35 shēng raw 生第二等靜慮地中
379 35 shēng a student 生第二等靜慮地中
380 35 shēng life 生第二等靜慮地中
381 35 shēng to produce; to give rise 生第二等靜慮地中
382 35 shēng alive 生第二等靜慮地中
383 35 shēng a lifetime 生第二等靜慮地中
384 35 shēng to initiate; to become 生第二等靜慮地中
385 35 shēng to grow 生第二等靜慮地中
386 35 shēng unfamiliar 生第二等靜慮地中
387 35 shēng not experienced 生第二等靜慮地中
388 35 shēng hard; stiff; strong 生第二等靜慮地中
389 35 shēng very; extremely 生第二等靜慮地中
390 35 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 生第二等靜慮地中
391 35 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 生第二等靜慮地中
392 35 shēng gender 生第二等靜慮地中
393 35 shēng to develop; to grow 生第二等靜慮地中
394 35 shēng to set up 生第二等靜慮地中
395 35 shēng a prostitute 生第二等靜慮地中
396 35 shēng a captive 生第二等靜慮地中
397 35 shēng a gentleman 生第二等靜慮地中
398 35 shēng Kangxi radical 100 生第二等靜慮地中
399 35 shēng unripe 生第二等靜慮地中
400 35 shēng nature 生第二等靜慮地中
401 35 shēng to inherit; to succeed 生第二等靜慮地中
402 35 shēng destiny 生第二等靜慮地中
403 35 shēng birth 生第二等靜慮地中
404 35 shēng arise; produce; utpad 生第二等靜慮地中
405 34 踰繕那 yúshànnà yojana 深十一億二萬踰繕那
406 34 eight 下八洛叉水
407 34 Kangxi radical 12 下八洛叉水
408 34 eighth 下八洛叉水
409 34 all around; all sides 下八洛叉水
410 34 eight; aṣṭa 下八洛叉水
411 34 no 風輪無損
412 34 Kangxi radical 71 風輪無損
413 34 to not have; without 風輪無損
414 34 has not yet 風輪無損
415 34 mo 風輪無損
416 34 do not 風輪無損
417 34 not; -less; un- 風輪無損
418 34 regardless of 風輪無損
419 34 to not have 風輪無損
420 34 um 風輪無損
421 34 Wu 風輪無損
422 34 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 風輪無損
423 34 not; non- 風輪無損
424 34 mo 風輪無損
425 33 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 謂諸有情
426 33 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 謂諸有情
427 33 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 謂諸有情
428 33 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 謂諸有情
429 33 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 謂諸有情
430 32 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 周圍量者
431 32 zhě that 周圍量者
432 32 zhě nominalizing function word 周圍量者
433 32 zhě used to mark a definition 周圍量者
434 32 zhě used to mark a pause 周圍量者
435 32 zhě topic marker; that; it 周圍量者
436 32 zhuó according to 周圍量者
437 32 zhě ca 周圍量者
438 32 wàn ten thousand 十一億二萬
439 32 wàn absolutely 十一億二萬
440 32 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 十一億二萬
441 32 wàn Wan 十一億二萬
442 32 Mo 十一億二萬
443 32 wàn scorpion dance 十一億二萬
444 32 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 十一億二萬
445 31 guǐ a ghost; spirit of dead 諸鬼本住
446 31 guǐ Kangxi radical 194 諸鬼本住
447 31 guǐ a devil 諸鬼本住
448 31 guǐ the spirit of a natural object 諸鬼本住
449 31 guǐ uncanny; strange 諸鬼本住
450 31 guǐ Gui 諸鬼本住
451 31 guǐ someone with a bad habit 諸鬼本住
452 31 guǐ Gui 諸鬼本住
453 31 guǐ deceitful; sly 諸鬼本住
454 31 guǐ clever 諸鬼本住
455 31 guǐ ghost; bhūta 諸鬼本住
456 31 guǐ Puṣya 諸鬼本住
457 31 guǐ a ghost; preta 諸鬼本住
458 31 shòu old age; long life 此洲壽不定
459 31 shòu lifespan 此洲壽不定
460 31 shòu age 此洲壽不定
461 31 shòu birthday 此洲壽不定
462 31 shòu Shou 此洲壽不定
463 31 shòu to give gold or silk in congratulations 此洲壽不定
464 31 shòu used in preparation for death 此洲壽不定
465 31 shòu long life; āyus 此洲壽不定
466 30 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是已辯有情世間
467 30 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是已辯有情世間
468 30 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是已辯有情世間
469 30 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是已辯有情世間
470 29 huò or; either; else 或應但說圓及
471 29 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或應但說圓及
472 29 huò some; someone 或應但說圓及
473 29 míngnián suddenly 或應但說圓及
474 29 huò or; vā 或應但說圓及
475 29 jiàn to see 便見關閉
476 29 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 便見關閉
477 29 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 便見關閉
478 29 jiàn refer to; for details see 便見關閉
479 29 jiàn passive marker 便見關閉
480 29 jiàn to listen to 便見關閉
481 29 jiàn to meet 便見關閉
482 29 jiàn to receive (a guest) 便見關閉
483 29 jiàn let me; kindly 便見關閉
484 29 jiàn Jian 便見關閉
485 29 xiàn to appear 便見關閉
486 29 xiàn to introduce 便見關閉
487 29 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 便見關閉
488 29 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 便見關閉
489 28 shēn human body; torso 諸最後身菩提薩埵
490 28 shēn Kangxi radical 158 諸最後身菩提薩埵
491 28 shēn measure word for clothes 諸最後身菩提薩埵
492 28 shēn self 諸最後身菩提薩埵
493 28 shēn life 諸最後身菩提薩埵
494 28 shēn an object 諸最後身菩提薩埵
495 28 shēn a lifetime 諸最後身菩提薩埵
496 28 shēn personally 諸最後身菩提薩埵
497 28 shēn moral character 諸最後身菩提薩埵
498 28 shēn status; identity; position 諸最後身菩提薩埵
499 28 shēn pregnancy 諸最後身菩提薩埵
500 28 juān India 諸最後身菩提薩埵


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
this; here; etad
therefore; tasmāt
zhōng middle
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
děng same; equal; sama
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
liáng means of knowing; reasoning; pramāṇa
near to; antike
that; tad

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿鼻旨 196 Avici Hell
阿毘达磨顺正理论 阿毘達磨順正理論 196 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra; Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
北俱卢洲 北俱盧洲 98 Uttarakuru
北洲 98 Uttarakuru
成山 99 Chengshan
大梵 100 Mahabrahma; Brahma
大梵王 100 Mahābrahma Deva Rāja; Brahma
等活地狱 等活地獄 100 Samjiva Hell
等活 100 Samjiva Hell
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
地狱趣 地獄趣 100 Hell Realm; Hell Destiny
东毘提诃洲 東毘提訶洲 100 East Videha
东胜身洲 東勝身洲 100 Purva-videha; Purvavideha; Pubbavideha
东胜 東勝 100 Dongshend
东洲 東洲 100 Dongzhou
頞哳吒 195 Atata
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵辅 梵輔 102 Brahma-Purohita; ministers of Brahmā
梵众天 梵眾天 102 Brahma-parisadya Heaven; brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; Brahmā's retinue
梵世 102 Brahma World; brahmaloka
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
梵众 梵眾 102 brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; the Heaven of the Followers of Brahma
缚刍河 縛芻河 102 Vakṣu River
广南 廣南 103 Guangnan
黑绳 黑繩 104 Kalasutra Hell
臛臛婆 104 Hahava [Hell]
金宝 金寶 106
  1. Campbell
  2. Kampar
金刚手 金剛手 106 Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金刚座 金剛座 106 vajrasana; diamond throne
近江 106 Ōmi
瞿陀尼洲 106 Godānīya
俱卢 俱盧 107 Kuru
乐变化天 樂變化天 108 Nirmanarati Heaven; Nirmāṇarati Heaven
林内 林內 108 Linnei
六欲天 108 Six Heavens of the Desire Realm
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
无热池 無熱池 108 Lake Anopatapta; Lake Mānasarovara
轮围山 輪圍山 108 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
  4. ra
罗山 羅山 108 Luoshan
妙高山 109 Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
摩揭陀国 摩揭陀國 109 Magadha
那落迦 110 Naraka; Hell
南赡部洲 南贍部洲 110 Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
牛货洲 牛貨洲 110 Godānīya
毘提诃洲 毘提訶洲 112 Pūrvavideha
菩提萨埵 菩提薩埵 112 bodhisattva
人趣 114 Human Realm
三十三天 115 Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods; Trāyastriṃśa Heaven; Tāvatiṃsa Heaven
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
色究竟 115 Akaniṣṭha; Akanistha; Akaniṭṭha
色究竟天 115 Akaniṣṭha; Akanistha; Akaniṭṭha; Heaven of Ultimate Form
善见天 善見天 115 Sudarsana Heaven; The Heaven of Skillful Vision
十二月 115
  1. December; the Twelfth Month
  2. twelfth lunar month; phālguna
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
顺正理论 順正理論 115 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra
说一切有部 說一切有部 115 Sarvastivada
四大天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四大王天 115 Caturmaharajika Heaven; Heaven of the Four Kings
四王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四洲 115 Four Continents
四分 115 four divisions of cognition
苏迷卢 蘇迷盧 115 Mount Sumeru
苏迷卢山 蘇迷盧山 115 Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
他化自在天 84 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven; paranirmitavaśavartin
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
天宫 天宮 116
  1. Heavenly Palace; Temple in Heaven; Open Palace
  2. celestial palace
  3. Indra's palace
铁轮围山 鐵輪圍山 116 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
无间地狱 無間地獄 119 Avici Hell
无间狱 無間獄 119 Avici Hell
五趣 119 Five Realms
无量光天 無量光天 119 Apramanabha Heaven; The Heaven of Infinite Radiance
无热恼池 無熱惱池 119 Lake Anavatapta
西牛货洲 西牛貨洲 120 Apara-godaniya; Aparagodana; Aparagodaniya
香醉山 120 Gandha-Madana
相如 120 Xiangru
信度河 120 Indus River
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
琰魔王 121 Yama; Yamaraja
夜摩 121 Yama
夜摩天 121 Yama Heaven; Yamadeva
印度 121
  1. India
  2. Indian subcontinent
欲界六天 121 Six Heavens of the Desire Realm
众贤 眾賢 122 Saṅghabhadra
中印度 122 Central India


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 158.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安立 196
  1. to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
  2. to begin to speak
阿素洛 196 an asura
八功德水 98 water with eight merits
八寒地狱 八寒地獄 98 eight cold hells
必应 必應 98 must
必当 必當 98 must
钵特摩 鉢特摩 98 padma
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不应理 不應理 98 does not correspond with reason
不如法 98 counterto moral principles
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
成坏 成壞 99 arising and dissolution
持鬘 99 hair twisted together; mālādhāra
处中 處中 99 to abide in the media that transcends existence and non-existence; madyama
此等 99 they; eṣā
麁恶 麁惡 99 disgusting
大地狱 大地獄 100 great hell; Avici Hell
大千 100 trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大千界 100 a system of one thousand worlds
大种 大種 100 the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
等身 100 a life-size image
等流 100 outflow; niṣyanda
地居天 100
  1. earth-dwelling deities
  2. Dwelling Ground Heaven
第四静虑 第四靜慮 100 the fourth dhyana
地中 100 secondary buildings on monastery grounds
对治 對治 100
  1. to remedy
  2. an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
钝根 鈍根 100
  1. dull aptitude
  2. dull ability
多罗树 多羅樹 100 palmyra tree; fan-palm
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
法尔 法爾 102 the nature of phenonema
法行 102 to practice the Dharma
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
粪秽 糞穢 102 dirt; excrement and filth
佛神力 102 the Buddha's spiritual power
黑半 104 second half of the month; kṛṣṇapakṣa
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
交彻 交徹 106 interpermeate
伽他 106 gatha; verse
积集 積集 106 saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
金轮 金輪 106 golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
金刚喻定 金剛喻定 106 adamantine-like concentration; vajropamasamādhi
静虑 靜慮 106
  1. Quiet Contemplation
  2. dhyana; calm contemplation
净信 淨信 106
  1. Pure Faith
  2. pure faith; prasāda
俱起 106 being brought together
俱生 106 occuring together
卷第三 106 scroll 3
俱卢舍 俱盧舍 106 krośa
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空居天 107 devas dwelling in the sky
空有 107
  1. Emptiness and Existence
  2. non-existent and existent; emptiness and having self
苦果 107
  1. Effects of Suffering
  2. suffering as a karmic result
苦毒 107 pain; suffering
苦具 107 hell
苦痛 107 the sensation of pain
腊缚 臘縛 108 an instant; lava
乐受 樂受 108 sensation of pleasure; perception of pleasure
离生喜乐 離生喜樂 108 rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal
量等 108 the body of the Tathāgata is equal to all conditions and unconditioned phenomena
利根 108 natural powers of intelligence
灵庙 靈廟 108 stupa
领解 領解 108 to understand what is taught; to receive and interpret
理实 理實 108 truth
六受 108 the six perceptions; six vedanas
轮王 輪王 108 wheel turning king
洛叉 108 laksa; one hundred thousand; innumerable
逻刹娑 邏剎娑 108 a raksasa
密云弥布 密雲彌布 109 a dense cloud spreads
妙香 109 fine incense
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
末罗 末羅 109
  1. jasmine; mallika
  2. Malla
能持 110 ability to uphold the precepts
傍生 112 [rebirth as an] animal
婆诃 婆訶 112 svaha; hail
器世间 器世間 113 the material world; the world of living beings; bhajanaloka
染心 114 afflicted mind; kliṣṭa-citta
热恼 熱惱 114 distressed; perturbed; troubled
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
如法 114 In Accord With
如其所应 如其所應 114 in order; successively
三轮 三輪 115 the three cycles
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三千界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三灾 三災 115 Three Calamities
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色界天众 色界天眾 115 Form Realm devas
色界天 115 Form Realm heaven
色天 115 realm of form
善见 善見 115 good for seeing; beautiful
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善趣 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
舍那 115
  1. śāṇa; a robe; a garment
  2. insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
生天 115 celestial birth
胜解 勝解 115 resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
生类 生類 115 species; insect
圣语 聖語 115 sacred language; āryabhāṣā; Sanskrit
摄受 攝受 115
  1. to receive, take in
  2. to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
施设 施設 115 to establish; to set up
士用果 115 puruṣakāraphala; effect caused by a person
受苦无间 受苦無間 115 uninterrupted suffering
寿量 壽量 115 Lifespan
说欲 說欲 115 explanation of desire
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四天 115 four kinds of heaven
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
他力 116 the power of another
天众 天眾 116 devas
通力 116 a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; a magical power
万劫 萬劫 119 ten thousand kalpas
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
无余依 無餘依 119 without remainder
无云 無雲 119
  1. without clouds
  2. cloudless; without clouds; anabhraka
五百年 119 five hundred years
无染 無染 119 undefiled
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
现见 現見 120 to immediately see
现法 現法 120 for a Dharma to manifest in the world
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
修得 120 cultivation; parijaya
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
洋铜 洋銅 121 sea of molten copper
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
业感 業感 121 karma and the result of karma
业力 業力 121
  1. karmic effect
  2. the power of karma
业果 業果 121 karmic retribution; cause and effect; fruit of actions; karma and results; karmaphala
一大劫 121 one great kalpa
一劫 121
  1. one kalpa
  2. one kalpa
异熟 異熟 121 vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
异熟生 異熟生 121 objects produced as a result of karma
一中 121
  1. a hall of spread tables
  2. a hall with one seat
有情世间 有情世間 121 the sentient world
有想 121 having apperception
有余师说 有餘師說 121 outside teachings; non-Buddhist teachings
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
欲法 121 with desire
欲界 121 realm of desire
欲境 121 object of desire
欲乐 欲樂 121 the joy of the five desires
欲生 121 arising from desire
缘起 緣起 121
  1. Dependent Origination
  2. dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
圆生树 圓生樹 121 coral tree
余趣 餘趣 121 other realms
踰缮那 踰繕那 121 yojana
增上 122 additional; increased; superior
中劫 122 intermediate kalpa
众苦 眾苦 122 all suffering
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸天 諸天 122 devas
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
诸处 諸處 122 everywhere; sarvatra
自体 自體 122 oneself; ātmabhāva