Glossary and Vocabulary for The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 154

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 180 自性 zìxìng Self-Nature 是真如自性即非自性
2 180 自性 zìxìng intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava 是真如自性即非自性
3 180 自性 zìxìng primordial matter; nature; prakṛti 是真如自性即非自性
4 162 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
5 162 duó many; much 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
6 162 duō more 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
7 162 duō excessive 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
8 162 duō abundant 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
9 162 duō to multiply; to acrue 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
10 162 duō Duo 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
11 162 duō ta 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
12 162 精進波羅蜜 jīngjìn bōluómì virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
13 144 不可得 bù kě dé cannot be obtained 真如不可得
14 144 不可得 bù kě dé unobtainable 真如不可得
15 144 不可得 bù kě dé unattainable 真如不可得
16 108 xiū to decorate; to embellish 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
17 108 xiū to study; to cultivate 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
18 108 xiū to repair 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
19 108 xiū long; slender 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
20 108 xiū to write; to compile 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
21 108 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
22 108 xiū to practice 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
23 108 xiū to cut 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
24 108 xiū virtuous; wholesome 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
25 108 xiū a virtuous person 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
26 108 xiū Xiu 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
27 108 xiū to unknot 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
28 108 xiū to prepare; to put in order 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
29 108 xiū excellent 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
30 108 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
31 108 xiū Cultivation 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
32 108 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
33 108 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
34 108 Yi 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
35 72 Ru River 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
36 72 Ru 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
37 72 應觀 yīng guān may observe 不應觀真如若常若無常
38 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng The Intrinsically Empty Nature 真如真如自性空
39 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng emptiness of self-nature 真如真如自性空
40 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng svabhāva-śūnya; empty intrinsic nature 真如真如自性空
41 72 infix potential marker 不應觀真如若常若無常
42 54 善男子 shàn nánzi good men 若善男子
43 54 善男子 shàn nánzi a good man; a son of a noble family 若善男子
44 54 děng et cetera; and so on 善女人等
45 54 děng to wait 善女人等
46 54 děng to be equal 善女人等
47 54 děng degree; level 善女人等
48 54 děng to compare 善女人等
49 54 děng same; equal; sama 善女人等
50 54 to give 何況有彼常與無常
51 54 to accompany 何況有彼常與無常
52 54 to particate in 何況有彼常與無常
53 54 of the same kind 何況有彼常與無常
54 54 to help 何況有彼常與無常
55 54 for 何況有彼常與無常
56 45 無我 wúwǒ non-self 不應觀真如若我若無我
57 45 無我 wúwǒ non-self; anātman; anattā 不應觀真如若我若無我
58 45 self 不應觀真如若我若無我
59 45 [my] dear 不應觀真如若我若無我
60 45 Wo 不應觀真如若我若無我
61 45 self; atman; attan 不應觀真如若我若無我
62 45 ga 不應觀真如若我若無我
63 45 zuò to do 作如是言
64 45 zuò to act as; to serve as 作如是言
65 45 zuò to start 作如是言
66 45 zuò a writing; a work 作如是言
67 45 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作如是言
68 45 zuō to create; to make 作如是言
69 45 zuō a workshop 作如是言
70 45 zuō to write; to compose 作如是言
71 45 zuò to rise 作如是言
72 45 zuò to be aroused 作如是言
73 45 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作如是言
74 45 zuò to regard as 作如是言
75 45 zuò action; kāraṇa 作如是言
76 45 無常 wúcháng irregular 不應觀真如若常若無常
77 45 無常 wúcháng changing frequently 不應觀真如若常若無常
78 45 無常 wúcháng impermanence 不應觀真如若常若無常
79 45 無常 wúcháng impermanence; anitya; anicca 不應觀真如若常若無常
80 45 jìng clean 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
81 45 jìng no surplus; net 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
82 45 jìng pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
83 45 jìng tranquil 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
84 45 jìng cold 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
85 45 jìng to wash; to clense 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
86 45 jìng role of hero 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
87 45 jìng to remove sexual desire 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
88 45 jìng bright and clean; luminous 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
89 45 jìng clean; pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
90 45 jìng cleanse 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
91 45 jìng cleanse 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
92 45 jìng Pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
93 45 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
94 45 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
95 45 jìng viśuddhi; purity 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
96 45 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
97 45 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
98 45 Le 不應觀真如若樂若苦
99 45 yuè music 不應觀真如若樂若苦
100 45 yuè a musical instrument 不應觀真如若樂若苦
101 45 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 不應觀真如若樂若苦
102 45 yuè a musician 不應觀真如若樂若苦
103 45 joy; pleasure 不應觀真如若樂若苦
104 45 yuè the Book of Music 不應觀真如若樂若苦
105 45 lào Lao 不應觀真如若樂若苦
106 45 to laugh 不應觀真如若樂若苦
107 45 Joy 不應觀真如若樂若苦
108 45 joy; delight; sukhā 不應觀真如若樂若苦
109 45 cháng Chang 不應觀真如若常若無常
110 45 cháng common; general; ordinary 不應觀真如若常若無常
111 45 cháng a principle; a rule 不應觀真如若常若無常
112 45 cháng eternal; nitya 不應觀真如若常若無常
113 45 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 作如是言
114 45 bitterness; bitter flavor 不應觀真如若樂若苦
115 45 hardship; suffering 不應觀真如若樂若苦
116 45 to make things difficult for 不應觀真如若樂若苦
117 45 to train; to practice 不應觀真如若樂若苦
118 45 to suffer from a misfortune 不應觀真如若樂若苦
119 45 bitter 不應觀真如若樂若苦
120 45 grieved; facing hardship 不應觀真如若樂若苦
121 45 in low spirits; depressed 不應觀真如若樂若苦
122 45 painful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
123 45 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 不應觀真如若樂若苦
124 45 不淨 bù jìng Impurity; dirty; filthy 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
125 44 Kangxi radical 71 無願解脫門若常若無常
126 44 to not have; without 無願解脫門若常若無常
127 44 mo 無願解脫門若常若無常
128 44 to not have 無願解脫門若常若無常
129 44 Wu 無願解脫門若常若無常
130 44 mo 無願解脫門若常若無常
131 36 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 此中尚無真如等可得
132 36 děi to want to; to need to 此中尚無真如等可得
133 36 děi must; ought to 此中尚無真如等可得
134 36 de 此中尚無真如等可得
135 36 de infix potential marker 此中尚無真如等可得
136 36 to result in 此中尚無真如等可得
137 36 to be proper; to fit; to suit 此中尚無真如等可得
138 36 to be satisfied 此中尚無真如等可得
139 36 to be finished 此中尚無真如等可得
140 36 děi satisfying 此中尚無真如等可得
141 36 to contract 此中尚無真如等可得
142 36 to hear 此中尚無真如等可得
143 36 to have; there is 此中尚無真如等可得
144 36 marks time passed 此中尚無真如等可得
145 36 obtain; attain; prāpta 此中尚無真如等可得
146 36 yán to speak; to say; said 作如是言
147 36 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 作如是言
148 36 yán Kangxi radical 149 作如是言
149 36 yán phrase; sentence 作如是言
150 36 yán a word; a syllable 作如是言
151 36 yán a theory; a doctrine 作如是言
152 36 yán to regard as 作如是言
153 36 yán to act as 作如是言
154 36 yán word; vacana 作如是言
155 36 yán speak; vad 作如是言
156 36 to go; to 於此精進波羅蜜多
157 36 to rely on; to depend on 於此精進波羅蜜多
158 36 Yu 於此精進波羅蜜多
159 36 a crow 於此精進波羅蜜多
160 36 can; may; permissible 此中尚無真如等可得
161 36 to approve; to permit 此中尚無真如等可得
162 36 to be worth 此中尚無真如等可得
163 36 to suit; to fit 此中尚無真如等可得
164 36 khan 此中尚無真如等可得
165 36 to recover 此中尚無真如等可得
166 36 to act as 此中尚無真如等可得
167 36 to be worth; to deserve 此中尚無真如等可得
168 36 used to add emphasis 此中尚無真如等可得
169 36 beautiful 此中尚無真如等可得
170 36 Ke 此中尚無真如等可得
171 36 can; may; śakta 此中尚無真如等可得
172 36 即非 jí fēi although it is not the case that ... 是真如自性即非自性
173 36 所以者何 suǒ yǐ zhě hé Why is that? 所以者何
174 36 néng can; able 汝若能修如是精進
175 36 néng ability; capacity 汝若能修如是精進
176 36 néng a mythical bear-like beast 汝若能修如是精進
177 36 néng energy 汝若能修如是精進
178 36 néng function; use 汝若能修如是精進
179 36 néng talent 汝若能修如是精進
180 36 néng expert at 汝若能修如是精進
181 36 néng to be in harmony 汝若能修如是精進
182 36 néng to tend to; to care for 汝若能修如是精進
183 36 néng to reach; to arrive at 汝若能修如是精進
184 36 néng to be able; śak 汝若能修如是精進
185 36 néng skilful; pravīṇa 汝若能修如是精進
186 36 若非 ruò fēi were it not for; if not for 若非自性即是精進波羅蜜多
187 36 fēi Kangxi radical 175 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
188 36 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
189 36 fēi different 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
190 36 fēi to not be; to not have 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
191 36 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
192 36 fēi Africa 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
193 36 fēi to slander 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
194 36 fěi to avoid 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
195 36 fēi must 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
196 36 fēi an error 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
197 36 fēi a problem; a question 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
198 36 fēi evil 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
199 36 zhōng middle 此中尚無真如等可得
200 36 zhōng medium; medium sized 此中尚無真如等可得
201 36 zhōng China 此中尚無真如等可得
202 36 zhòng to hit the mark 此中尚無真如等可得
203 36 zhōng midday 此中尚無真如等可得
204 36 zhōng inside 此中尚無真如等可得
205 36 zhōng during 此中尚無真如等可得
206 36 zhōng Zhong 此中尚無真如等可得
207 36 zhōng intermediary 此中尚無真如等可得
208 36 zhōng half 此中尚無真如等可得
209 36 zhòng to reach; to attain 此中尚無真如等可得
210 36 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此中尚無真如等可得
211 36 zhòng to obtain 此中尚無真如等可得
212 36 zhòng to pass an exam 此中尚無真如等可得
213 36 zhōng middle 此中尚無真如等可得
214 36 精進 jīngjìn to be diligent 汝若能修如是精進
215 36 精進 jīngjìn to be enterprising; to be forward looking 汝若能修如是精進
216 36 精進 jīngjìn Be Diligent 汝若能修如是精進
217 36 精進 jīngjìn diligence 汝若能修如是精進
218 36 精進 jīngjìn diligence; perseverance; vīrya 汝若能修如是精進
219 36 yìng to answer; to respond 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
220 36 yìng to confirm; to verify 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
221 36 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
222 36 yìng to accept 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
223 36 yìng to permit; to allow 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
224 36 yìng to echo 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
225 36 yìng to handle; to deal with 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
226 36 yìng Ying 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
227 28 xìng gender 不虛妄性
228 28 xìng nature; disposition 不虛妄性
229 28 xìng grammatical gender 不虛妄性
230 28 xìng a property; a quality 不虛妄性
231 28 xìng life; destiny 不虛妄性
232 28 xìng sexual desire 不虛妄性
233 28 xìng scope 不虛妄性
234 28 xìng nature 不虛妄性
235 27 to go back; to return 復作是言
236 27 to resume; to restart 復作是言
237 27 to do in detail 復作是言
238 27 to restore 復作是言
239 27 to respond; to reply to 復作是言
240 27 Fu; Return 復作是言
241 27 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復作是言
242 27 to avoid forced labor or tax 復作是言
243 27 Fu 復作是言
244 27 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復作是言
245 27 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復作是言
246 24 四靜慮 sì jìnglǜ four jhanas; four stages of meditative concentration 不應觀四靜慮若常若無常
247 24 wàng to forget 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
248 24 wàng to ignore; neglect 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
249 24 wàng to abandon 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
250 24 wàng forget; vismṛ 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
251 24 空解脫門 kōng jiětuōmén the door of deliverance of emptiness 不應觀空解脫門若常若無常
252 24 五眼 wǔyǎn the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs 不應觀五眼若常若無常
253 24 八解脫 bā jiětuō the eight liberations; astavimoksa 不應觀八解脫若常若無常
254 24 四念住 sì niàn zhù four foundations of mindfulness; satipatthana 不應觀四念住若常若無常
255 24 method; way 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
256 24 France 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
257 24 the law; rules; regulations 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
258 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
259 24 a standard; a norm 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
260 24 an institution 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
261 24 to emulate 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
262 24 magic; a magic trick 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
263 24 punishment 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
264 24 Fa 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
265 24 a precedent 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
266 24 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
267 24 relating to a ceremony or rite 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
268 24 Dharma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
269 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
270 24 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
271 24 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
272 24 quality; characteristic 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
273 24 苦聖諦 kǔ shèng dì the noble truth of the existence of suffering 不應觀苦聖諦若常若無常
274 24 佛十力 fó shí lì the ten powers of the Buddha 不應觀佛十力若常若無常
275 24 真如 zhēnrú True Thusness 不應觀真如若常若無常
276 24 真如 zhēnrú suchness; true nature; tathata 不應觀真如若常若無常
277 24 shī to lose 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
278 24 shī to violate; to go against the norm 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
279 24 shī to fail; to miss out 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
280 24 shī to be lost 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
281 24 shī to make a mistake 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
282 24 shī to let go of 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
283 24 shī loss; nāśa 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
284 20 道聖諦 dào shèng dì the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path 道聖諦若常若無常
285 20 十遍處 shí biàn chù Ten Kasinas 十遍處若常若無常
286 20 不思議界 bù sīyì jiè acintyadhātu; the realm beyond thought and words 不思議界若常若無常
287 20 六神通 liù shéntōng the six supernatural powers 不應觀六神通若常若無常
288 20 住捨 zhùshè house; residence 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
289 20 住捨 zhùshě equanimous 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
290 20 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 無願解脫門若常若無常
291 20 yuàn hope 無願解脫門若常若無常
292 20 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 無願解脫門若常若無常
293 20 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 無願解脫門若常若無常
294 20 yuàn a vow 無願解脫門若常若無常
295 20 yuàn diligent; attentive 無願解脫門若常若無常
296 20 yuàn to prefer; to select 無願解脫門若常若無常
297 20 yuàn to admire 無願解脫門若常若無常
298 20 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 無願解脫門若常若無常
299 20 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate
300 20 miè to submerge
301 20 miè to extinguish; to put out
302 20 miè to eliminate
303 20 miè to disappear; to fade away
304 20 miè the cessation of suffering
305 20 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
306 20 四無色定 sì wúsè dìng four formless heavens 四無色定若常若無常
307 20 四無色定 sì wúsè dìng four formless heavens 四無色定若常若無常
308 20 解脫門 jiětuō mén Gate of Perfect Ease 無願解脫門若常若無常
309 20 解脫門 jiětuō mén the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra 無願解脫門若常若無常
310 20 héng constant; regular 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
311 20 héng permanent; lasting; perpetual 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
312 20 héng perseverance 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
313 20 héng ordinary; common 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
314 20 héng Constancy [hexagram] 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
315 20 gèng crescent moon 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
316 20 gèng to spread; to expand 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
317 20 héng Heng 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
318 20 héng Eternity 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
319 20 héng eternal 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
320 20 gèng Ganges 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
321 20 十八佛不共法 shíbā fó bù gòng fǎ eighteen characterisitics unique to Buddhas 十八佛不共法若常若無常
322 20 四無所畏 sì wú suǒ wèi four kinds of fearlessness 不應觀四無所畏
323 20 八勝處 bā shèng chù eight abodes of superiority; eight stations of mastery; eight abhibhāyatana 不應觀八勝處
324 20 四正斷 sì zhèng duàn four right efforts; four right exertions 不應觀四正斷
325 20 法界 fǎjiè Dharma Realm 不應觀法界
326 20 法界 fǎjiè a dharma realm; dharmadhatu 不應觀法界
327 20 法界 fǎjiè tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata 不應觀法界
328 20 四無量 sì wúliàng four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa 不應觀四無量
329 20 八聖道支 bā Shèng dào zhī The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way 八聖道支若常若無常
330 20 九次第定 jiǔ cì dì dìng nine graduated concentrations 九次第定
331 20 to gather; to collect 不應觀集
332 20 collected works; collection 不應觀集
333 20 to stablize; to settle 不應觀集
334 20 used in place names 不應觀集
335 20 to mix; to blend 不應觀集
336 20 to hit the mark 不應觀集
337 20 to compile 不應觀集
338 20 to finish; to accomplish 不應觀集
339 20 to rest; to perch 不應觀集
340 20 a market 不應觀集
341 20 the origin of suffering 不應觀集
342 20 assembled; saṃnipatita 不應觀集
343 20 無相 wúxiāng Formless 不應觀無相
344 20 無相 wúxiāng animitta; signlessness; without an appearance 不應觀無相
345 18 憍尸迦 jiāoshījiā Sakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika 憍尸迦
346 18 宣說 xuānshuō to preach; to teach publicly; to teach classics or religious texts 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
347 18 宣說 xuānshuō instruct; upadiś 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
348 18 善女人 shàn nǚrén good women 善女人等
349 18 善女人 shàn nǚrén a good woman; a daughter of a noble family 善女人等
350 18 wéi to act as; to serve 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
351 18 wéi to change into; to become 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
352 18 wéi to be; is 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
353 18 wéi to do 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
354 18 wèi to support; to help 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
355 18 wéi to govern 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
356 18 wèi to be; bhū 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
357 10 zhī to go 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
358 10 zhī to arrive; to go 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
359 10 zhī is 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
360 10 zhī to use 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
361 10 zhī Zhi 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
362 10 zhī winding 初分校量功德品第三十之五十二
363 9 真正 zhēnzhèng real; true; genuine 是為宣說真正精進波羅蜜多
364 9 zhě ca 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
365 9 hair 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
366 9 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
367 9 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
368 9 to express; to show; to be manifest 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
369 9 to start out; to set off 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
370 9 to open 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
371 9 to requisition 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
372 9 to occur 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
373 9 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
374 9 to express; to give vent 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
375 9 to excavate 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
376 9 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
377 9 to get rich 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
378 9 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
379 9 to sell 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
380 9 to shoot with a bow 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
381 9 to rise in revolt 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
382 9 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
383 9 to enlighten; to inspire 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
384 9 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
385 9 to ignite; to set on fire 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
386 9 to sing; to play 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
387 9 to feel; to sense 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
388 9 to act; to do 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
389 9 grass and moss 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
390 9 Fa 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
391 9 to issue; to emit; utpāda 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
392 9 hair; keśa 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
393 9 無上菩提 wúshàng pútí Supreme Bodhi 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
394 9 無上菩提 wúshàng pútí samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
395 9 xīn heart [organ] 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
396 9 xīn Kangxi radical 61 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
397 9 xīn mind; consciousness 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
398 9 xīn the center; the core; the middle 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
399 9 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
400 9 xīn heart 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
401 9 xīn emotion 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
402 9 xīn intention; consideration 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
403 9 xīn disposition; temperament 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
404 9 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
405 9 xīn heart; hṛdaya 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
406 9 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
407 9 此等 cǐ děng they; eṣā 善女人等作此等說
408 9 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 善女人等作此等說
409 9 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 善女人等作此等說
410 9 shuì to persuade 善女人等作此等說
411 9 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 善女人等作此等說
412 9 shuō a doctrine; a theory 善女人等作此等說
413 9 shuō to claim; to assert 善女人等作此等說
414 9 shuō allocution 善女人等作此等說
415 9 shuō to criticize; to scold 善女人等作此等說
416 9 shuō to indicate; to refer to 善女人等作此等說
417 9 shuō speach; vāda 善女人等作此等說
418 9 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 善女人等作此等說
419 9 shuō to instruct 善女人等作此等說
420 8 法定 fǎdìng legal; statutory; rightful 法定
421 8 不虛 bù xū not false 不虛妄性
422 8 不虛 bù xū not in vain 不虛妄性
423 8 不虛 bù xū not false 不虛妄性
424 8 法住 fǎzhù dharma abode 法住
425 8 big; huge; large 大捨
426 8 Kangxi radical 37 大捨
427 8 great; major; important 大捨
428 8 size 大捨
429 8 old 大捨
430 8 oldest; earliest 大捨
431 8 adult 大捨
432 8 dài an important person 大捨
433 8 senior 大捨
434 8 an element 大捨
435 8 great; mahā 大捨
436 8 大慈 dà cí great great compassion; mahākāruṇika 大慈
437 8 虛空界 xūkōng jiè visible space 虛空界
438 8 不變 bùbiàn unchanging; constant 不變異性
439 8 實際 shíjì reality; in truth 實際
440 8 實際 shíjì to make every effort 實際
441 8 實際 shíjì actual 實際
442 8 實際 shí jì bhūtakoṭi; reality-limit; apex of reality 實際
443 8 實際 shíjì tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata 實際
444 8 七等覺支 qī děng juézhī seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga 七等覺支
445 8 四無礙解 sì wúàijiě the four unhindered powers of understanding 四無礙解
446 8 五力 wǔ lì pañcabala; the five powers 五力
447 8 五根 wǔ gēn pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses 五根
448 8 平等性 píngděng xìng universal nature 平等性
449 8 shě to give 大捨
450 8 shě to give up; to abandon 大捨
451 8 shě a house; a home; an abode 大捨
452 8 shè my 大捨
453 8 shě equanimity 大捨
454 8 shè my house 大捨
455 8 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 大捨
456 8 shè to leave 大捨
457 8 shě She 大捨
458 8 shè disciple 大捨
459 8 shè a barn; a pen 大捨
460 8 shè to reside 大捨
461 8 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 大捨
462 8 shè to find a place for; to arrange 大捨
463 8 shě Give 大捨
464 8 shě abandoning; prahāṇa 大捨
465 8 shě house; gṛha 大捨
466 8 shě equanimity; upeksa 大捨
467 8 大喜 dàxǐ exultation 大喜
468 8 法性 fǎxìng dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata 法性
469 8 異性 yìxìng different in nature 不變異性
470 8 異性 yìxìng of the opposite sex; heterosexual 不變異性
471 8 離生性 lí shēng xìng the nature of leaving the cycle of birth and death 離生性
472 8 四神足 sì shénzú the four kinds of teleportation 四神足
473 8 大悲 dàbēi mahākaruṇā; great compassion 大悲
474 8 wàng absurd; fantastic; presumptuous 不虛妄性
475 8 wàng irregular (behavior) 不虛妄性
476 8 wàng arrogant 不虛妄性
477 8 wàng falsely; mithyā 不虛妄性
478 3 提供 tígōng to supply; to provide 妙雲蘭若提供
479 3 大般若波羅蜜多經 dà bōrěluómìduō jīng The Large Sutra Perfection of Wisdom; Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra 大般若波羅蜜多經卷第一百五十四
480 2 sequence; order
481 2 grade; degree
482 2 to put in order; to arrange
483 2 a mansion; a manor; a state residence
484 2 order; sarvapradhāna
485 2 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 眾生出版社提供
486 2 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 眾生出版社提供
487 2 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 眾生出版社提供
488 2 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 眾生出版社提供
489 2 出版社 chūbǎn shè publisher; publishing house; press 眾生出版社提供
490 2 juǎn to coil; to roll
491 2 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll
492 2 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll
493 2 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away
494 2 juǎn to involve; to embroil
495 2 juǎn a break roll
496 2 juàn an examination paper
497 2 juàn a file
498 2 quán crinkled; curled
499 2 juǎn to include
500 2 juǎn to store away

Frequencies of all Words

Top 653

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 189 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若善男子
2 189 ruò seemingly 若善男子
3 189 ruò if 若善男子
4 189 ruò you 若善男子
5 189 ruò this; that 若善男子
6 189 ruò and; or 若善男子
7 189 ruò as for; pertaining to 若善男子
8 189 pomegranite 若善男子
9 189 ruò to choose 若善男子
10 189 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若善男子
11 189 ruò thus 若善男子
12 189 ruò pollia 若善男子
13 189 ruò Ruo 若善男子
14 189 ruò only then 若善男子
15 189 ja 若善男子
16 189 jñā 若善男子
17 189 ruò if; yadi 若善男子
18 180 自性 zìxìng Self-Nature 是真如自性即非自性
19 180 自性 zìxìng intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava 是真如自性即非自性
20 180 自性 zìxìng primordial matter; nature; prakṛti 是真如自性即非自性
21 162 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
22 162 duó many; much 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
23 162 duō more 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
24 162 duō an unspecified extent 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
25 162 duō used in exclamations 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
26 162 duō excessive 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
27 162 duō to what extent 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
28 162 duō abundant 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
29 162 duō to multiply; to acrue 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
30 162 duō mostly 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
31 162 duō simply; merely 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
32 162 duō frequently 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
33 162 duō very 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
34 162 duō Duo 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
35 162 duō ta 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
36 162 duō many; bahu 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
37 162 精進波羅蜜 jīngjìn bōluómì virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence 為發無上菩提心者宣說精進波羅蜜多
38 153 shì is; are; am; to be 是真如自性即非自性
39 153 shì is exactly 是真如自性即非自性
40 153 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是真如自性即非自性
41 153 shì this; that; those 是真如自性即非自性
42 153 shì really; certainly 是真如自性即非自性
43 153 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是真如自性即非自性
44 153 shì true 是真如自性即非自性
45 153 shì is; has; exists 是真如自性即非自性
46 153 shì used between repetitions of a word 是真如自性即非自性
47 153 shì a matter; an affair 是真如自性即非自性
48 153 shì Shi 是真如自性即非自性
49 153 shì is; bhū 是真如自性即非自性
50 153 shì this; idam 是真如自性即非自性
51 144 不可得 bù kě dé cannot be obtained 真如不可得
52 144 不可得 bù kě dé unobtainable 真如不可得
53 144 不可得 bù kě dé unattainable 真如不可得
54 108 xiū to decorate; to embellish 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
55 108 xiū to study; to cultivate 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
56 108 xiū to repair 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
57 108 xiū long; slender 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
58 108 xiū to write; to compile 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
59 108 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
60 108 xiū to practice 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
61 108 xiū to cut 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
62 108 xiū virtuous; wholesome 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
63 108 xiū a virtuous person 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
64 108 xiū Xiu 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
65 108 xiū to unknot 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
66 108 xiū to prepare; to put in order 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
67 108 xiū excellent 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
68 108 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
69 108 xiū Cultivation 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
70 108 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
71 108 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
72 108 also; too 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
73 108 but 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
74 108 this; he; she 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
75 108 although; even though 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
76 108 already 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
77 108 particle with no meaning 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
78 108 Yi 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
79 108 that; those 彼常無常亦不可得
80 108 another; the other 彼常無常亦不可得
81 108 that; tad 彼常無常亦不可得
82 72 you; thou 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
83 72 Ru River 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
84 72 Ru 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
85 72 you; tvam; bhavat 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
86 72 應觀 yīng guān may observe 不應觀真如若常若無常
87 72 this; these 於此精進波羅蜜多
88 72 in this way 於此精進波羅蜜多
89 72 otherwise; but; however; so 於此精進波羅蜜多
90 72 at this time; now; here 於此精進波羅蜜多
91 72 this; here; etad 於此精進波羅蜜多
92 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng The Intrinsically Empty Nature 真如真如自性空
93 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng emptiness of self-nature 真如真如自性空
94 72 自性空 zìxìng kōng svabhāva-śūnya; empty intrinsic nature 真如真如自性空
95 72 not; no 不應觀真如若常若無常
96 72 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不應觀真如若常若無常
97 72 as a correlative 不應觀真如若常若無常
98 72 no (answering a question) 不應觀真如若常若無常
99 72 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不應觀真如若常若無常
100 72 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不應觀真如若常若無常
101 72 to form a yes or no question 不應觀真如若常若無常
102 72 infix potential marker 不應觀真如若常若無常
103 72 no; na 不應觀真如若常若無常
104 54 善男子 shàn nánzi good men 若善男子
105 54 善男子 shàn nánzi a good man; a son of a noble family 若善男子
106 54 děng et cetera; and so on 善女人等
107 54 děng to wait 善女人等
108 54 děng degree; kind 善女人等
109 54 děng plural 善女人等
110 54 děng to be equal 善女人等
111 54 děng degree; level 善女人等
112 54 děng to compare 善女人等
113 54 děng same; equal; sama 善女人等
114 54 and 何況有彼常與無常
115 54 to give 何況有彼常與無常
116 54 together with 何況有彼常與無常
117 54 interrogative particle 何況有彼常與無常
118 54 to accompany 何況有彼常與無常
119 54 to particate in 何況有彼常與無常
120 54 of the same kind 何況有彼常與無常
121 54 to help 何況有彼常與無常
122 54 for 何況有彼常與無常
123 54 and; ca 何況有彼常與無常
124 45 無我 wúwǒ non-self 不應觀真如若我若無我
125 45 無我 wúwǒ non-self; anātman; anattā 不應觀真如若我若無我
126 45 I; me; my 不應觀真如若我若無我
127 45 self 不應觀真如若我若無我
128 45 we; our 不應觀真如若我若無我
129 45 [my] dear 不應觀真如若我若無我
130 45 Wo 不應觀真如若我若無我
131 45 self; atman; attan 不應觀真如若我若無我
132 45 ga 不應觀真如若我若無我
133 45 I; aham 不應觀真如若我若無我
134 45 zuò to do 作如是言
135 45 zuò to act as; to serve as 作如是言
136 45 zuò to start 作如是言
137 45 zuò a writing; a work 作如是言
138 45 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作如是言
139 45 zuō to create; to make 作如是言
140 45 zuō a workshop 作如是言
141 45 zuō to write; to compose 作如是言
142 45 zuò to rise 作如是言
143 45 zuò to be aroused 作如是言
144 45 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作如是言
145 45 zuò to regard as 作如是言
146 45 zuò action; kāraṇa 作如是言
147 45 無常 wúcháng irregular 不應觀真如若常若無常
148 45 無常 wúcháng changing frequently 不應觀真如若常若無常
149 45 無常 wúcháng impermanence 不應觀真如若常若無常
150 45 無常 wúcháng impermanence; anitya; anicca 不應觀真如若常若無常
151 45 jìng clean 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
152 45 jìng no surplus; net 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
153 45 jìng only 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
154 45 jìng pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
155 45 jìng tranquil 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
156 45 jìng cold 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
157 45 jìng to wash; to clense 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
158 45 jìng role of hero 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
159 45 jìng completely 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
160 45 jìng to remove sexual desire 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
161 45 jìng bright and clean; luminous 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
162 45 jìng clean; pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
163 45 jìng cleanse 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
164 45 jìng cleanse 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
165 45 jìng Pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
166 45 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
167 45 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
168 45 jìng viśuddhi; purity 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
169 45 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
170 45 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
171 45 Le 不應觀真如若樂若苦
172 45 yuè music 不應觀真如若樂若苦
173 45 yuè a musical instrument 不應觀真如若樂若苦
174 45 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 不應觀真如若樂若苦
175 45 yuè a musician 不應觀真如若樂若苦
176 45 joy; pleasure 不應觀真如若樂若苦
177 45 yuè the Book of Music 不應觀真如若樂若苦
178 45 lào Lao 不應觀真如若樂若苦
179 45 to laugh 不應觀真如若樂若苦
180 45 Joy 不應觀真如若樂若苦
181 45 joy; delight; sukhā 不應觀真如若樂若苦
182 45 cháng always; ever; often; frequently; constantly 不應觀真如若常若無常
183 45 cháng Chang 不應觀真如若常若無常
184 45 cháng long-lasting 不應觀真如若常若無常
185 45 cháng common; general; ordinary 不應觀真如若常若無常
186 45 cháng a principle; a rule 不應觀真如若常若無常
187 45 cháng eternal; nitya 不應觀真如若常若無常
188 45 如是 rúshì thus; so 作如是言
189 45 如是 rúshì thus, so 作如是言
190 45 如是 rúshì thus; evam 作如是言
191 45 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 作如是言
192 45 bitterness; bitter flavor 不應觀真如若樂若苦
193 45 hardship; suffering 不應觀真如若樂若苦
194 45 to make things difficult for 不應觀真如若樂若苦
195 45 to train; to practice 不應觀真如若樂若苦
196 45 to suffer from a misfortune 不應觀真如若樂若苦
197 45 bitter 不應觀真如若樂若苦
198 45 grieved; facing hardship 不應觀真如若樂若苦
199 45 in low spirits; depressed 不應觀真如若樂若苦
200 45 assiduously; to do one's best; to strive as much as possible 不應觀真如若樂若苦
201 45 painful 不應觀真如若樂若苦
202 45 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 不應觀真如若樂若苦
203 45 不淨 bù jìng Impurity; dirty; filthy 不應觀真如若淨若不淨
204 44 no 無願解脫門若常若無常
205 44 Kangxi radical 71 無願解脫門若常若無常
206 44 to not have; without 無願解脫門若常若無常
207 44 has not yet 無願解脫門若常若無常
208 44 mo 無願解脫門若常若無常
209 44 do not 無願解脫門若常若無常
210 44 not; -less; un- 無願解脫門若常若無常
211 44 regardless of 無願解脫門若常若無常
212 44 to not have 無願解脫門若常若無常
213 44 um 無願解脫門若常若無常
214 44 Wu 無願解脫門若常若無常
215 44 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無願解脫門若常若無常
216 44 not; non- 無願解脫門若常若無常
217 44 mo 無願解脫門若常若無常
218 36 de potential marker 此中尚無真如等可得
219 36 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 此中尚無真如等可得
220 36 děi must; ought to 此中尚無真如等可得
221 36 děi to want to; to need to 此中尚無真如等可得
222 36 děi must; ought to 此中尚無真如等可得
223 36 de 此中尚無真如等可得
224 36 de infix potential marker 此中尚無真如等可得
225 36 to result in 此中尚無真如等可得
226 36 to be proper; to fit; to suit 此中尚無真如等可得
227 36 to be satisfied 此中尚無真如等可得
228 36 to be finished 此中尚無真如等可得
229 36 de result of degree 此中尚無真如等可得
230 36 de marks completion of an action 此中尚無真如等可得
231 36 děi satisfying 此中尚無真如等可得
232 36 to contract 此中尚無真如等可得
233 36 marks permission or possibility 此中尚無真如等可得
234 36 expressing frustration 此中尚無真如等可得
235 36 to hear 此中尚無真如等可得
236 36 to have; there is 此中尚無真如等可得
237 36 marks time passed 此中尚無真如等可得
238 36 obtain; attain; prāpta 此中尚無真如等可得
239 36 yán to speak; to say; said 作如是言
240 36 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 作如是言
241 36 yán Kangxi radical 149 作如是言
242 36 yán a particle with no meaning 作如是言
243 36 yán phrase; sentence 作如是言
244 36 yán a word; a syllable 作如是言
245 36 yán a theory; a doctrine 作如是言
246 36 yán to regard as 作如是言
247 36 yán to act as 作如是言
248 36 yán word; vacana 作如是言
249 36 yán speak; vad 作如是言
250 36 yǒu is; are; to exist 何況有彼常與無常
251 36 yǒu to have; to possess 何況有彼常與無常
252 36 yǒu indicates an estimate 何況有彼常與無常
253 36 yǒu indicates a large quantity 何況有彼常與無常
254 36 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 何況有彼常與無常
255 36 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 何況有彼常與無常
256 36 yǒu used to compare two things 何況有彼常與無常
257 36 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 何況有彼常與無常
258 36 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 何況有彼常與無常
259 36 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 何況有彼常與無常
260 36 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 何況有彼常與無常
261 36 yǒu abundant 何況有彼常與無常
262 36 yǒu purposeful 何況有彼常與無常
263 36 yǒu You 何況有彼常與無常
264 36 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 何況有彼常與無常
265 36 yǒu becoming; bhava 何況有彼常與無常
266 36 in; at 於此精進波羅蜜多
267 36 in; at 於此精進波羅蜜多
268 36 in; at; to; from 於此精進波羅蜜多
269 36 to go; to 於此精進波羅蜜多
270 36 to rely on; to depend on 於此精進波羅蜜多
271 36 to go to; to arrive at 於此精進波羅蜜多
272 36 from 於此精進波羅蜜多
273 36 give 於此精進波羅蜜多
274 36 oppposing 於此精進波羅蜜多
275 36 and 於此精進波羅蜜多
276 36 compared to 於此精進波羅蜜多
277 36 by 於此精進波羅蜜多
278 36 and; as well as 於此精進波羅蜜多
279 36 for 於此精進波羅蜜多
280 36 Yu 於此精進波羅蜜多
281 36 a crow 於此精進波羅蜜多
282 36 whew; wow 於此精進波羅蜜多
283 36 near to; antike 於此精進波羅蜜多
284 36 何以 héyǐ why 何以故
285 36 何以 héyǐ how 何以故
286 36 何以 héyǐ how is that? 何以故
287 36 can; may; permissible 此中尚無真如等可得
288 36 but 此中尚無真如等可得
289 36 such; so 此中尚無真如等可得
290 36 able to; possibly 此中尚無真如等可得
291 36 to approve; to permit 此中尚無真如等可得
292 36 to be worth 此中尚無真如等可得
293 36 to suit; to fit 此中尚無真如等可得
294 36 khan 此中尚無真如等可得
295 36 to recover 此中尚無真如等可得
296 36 to act as 此中尚無真如等可得
297 36 to be worth; to deserve 此中尚無真如等可得
298 36 approximately; probably 此中尚無真如等可得
299 36 expresses doubt 此中尚無真如等可得
300 36 really; truely 此中尚無真如等可得
301 36 used to add emphasis 此中尚無真如等可得
302 36 beautiful 此中尚無真如等可得
303 36 Ke 此中尚無真如等可得
304 36 used to ask a question 此中尚無真如等可得
305 36 can; may; śakta 此中尚無真如等可得
306 36 即非 jí fēi although it is not the case that ... 是真如自性即非自性
307 36 所以者何 suǒ yǐ zhě hé Why is that? 所以者何
308 36 néng can; able 汝若能修如是精進
309 36 néng ability; capacity 汝若能修如是精進
310 36 néng a mythical bear-like beast 汝若能修如是精進
311 36 néng energy 汝若能修如是精進
312 36 néng function; use 汝若能修如是精進
313 36 néng may; should; permitted to 汝若能修如是精進
314 36 néng talent 汝若能修如是精進
315 36 néng expert at 汝若能修如是精進
316 36 néng to be in harmony 汝若能修如是精進
317 36 néng to tend to; to care for 汝若能修如是精進
318 36 néng to reach; to arrive at 汝若能修如是精進
319 36 néng as long as; only 汝若能修如是精進
320 36 néng even if 汝若能修如是精進
321 36 néng but 汝若能修如是精進
322 36 néng in this way 汝若能修如是精進
323 36 néng to be able; śak 汝若能修如是精進
324 36 néng skilful; pravīṇa 汝若能修如是精進
325 36 即是 jíshì namely; exactly 若非自性即是精進波羅蜜多
326 36 即是 jíshì such as; in this way 若非自性即是精進波羅蜜多
327 36 即是 jíshì thus; in this way; tathā 若非自性即是精進波羅蜜多
328 36 尚無 shàng wú not yet; not so far 此中尚無真如等可得
329 36 若非 ruò fēi were it not for; if not for 若非自性即是精進波羅蜜多
330 36 fēi not; non-; un- 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
331 36 fēi Kangxi radical 175 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
332 36 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
333 36 fēi different 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
334 36 fēi to not be; to not have 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
335 36 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
336 36 fēi Africa 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
337 36 fēi to slander 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
338 36 fěi to avoid 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
339 36 fēi must 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
340 36 fēi an error 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
341 36 fēi a problem; a question 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
342 36 fēi evil 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
343 36 fēi besides; except; unless 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
344 36 fēi not 是法界乃至不思議界自性亦非自性
345 36 zhōng middle 此中尚無真如等可得
346 36 zhōng medium; medium sized 此中尚無真如等可得
347 36 zhōng China 此中尚無真如等可得
348 36 zhòng to hit the mark 此中尚無真如等可得
349 36 zhōng in; amongst 此中尚無真如等可得
350 36 zhōng midday 此中尚無真如等可得
351 36 zhōng inside 此中尚無真如等可得
352 36 zhōng during 此中尚無真如等可得
353 36 zhōng Zhong 此中尚無真如等可得
354 36 zhōng intermediary 此中尚無真如等可得
355 36 zhōng half 此中尚無真如等可得
356 36 zhōng just right; suitably 此中尚無真如等可得
357 36 zhōng while 此中尚無真如等可得
358 36 zhòng to reach; to attain 此中尚無真如等可得
359 36 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此中尚無真如等可得
360 36 zhòng to obtain 此中尚無真如等可得
361 36 zhòng to pass an exam 此中尚無真如等可得
362 36 zhōng middle 此中尚無真如等可得
363 36 精進 jīngjìn to be diligent 汝若能修如是精進
364 36 精進 jīngjìn to be enterprising; to be forward looking 汝若能修如是精進
365 36 精進 jīngjìn Be Diligent 汝若能修如是精進
366 36 精進 jīngjìn diligence 汝若能修如是精進
367 36 精進 jīngjìn diligence; perseverance; vīrya 汝若能修如是精進
368 36 何況 hékuàng much less; let alone 何況有彼常與無常
369 36 何況 hékuàng needless to say; punarvāda 何況有彼常與無常
370 36 yīng should; ought 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
371 36 yìng to answer; to respond 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
372 36 yìng to confirm; to verify 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
373 36 yīng soon; immediately 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
374 36 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
375 36 yìng to accept 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
376 36 yīng or; either 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
377 36 yìng to permit; to allow 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
378 36 yìng to echo 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
379 36 yìng to handle; to deal with 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
380 36 yìng Ying 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
381 36 yīng suitable; yukta 汝善男子應修精進波羅蜜多
382 36 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 何以故
383 36 old; ancient; former; past 何以故
384 36 reason; cause; purpose 何以故
385 36 to die 何以故
386 36 so; therefore; hence 何以故
387 36 original 何以故
388 36 accident; happening; instance 何以故
389 36 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 何以故
390 36 something in the past 何以故
391 36 deceased; dead 何以故
392 36 still; yet 何以故
393 36 therefore; tasmāt 何以故
394 36 乃至 nǎizhì and even 不思議界法界乃至不思議界自性空
395 36 乃至 nǎizhì as much as; yavat 不思議界法界乃至不思議界自性空
396 28 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 法界乃至不思議界皆不可得
397 28 jiē same; equally 法界乃至不思議界皆不可得
398 28 jiē all; sarva 法界乃至不思議界皆不可得
399 28 xìng gender 不虛妄性
400 28 xìng suffix corresponding to -ness 不虛妄性
401 28 xìng nature; disposition 不虛妄性
402 28 xìng a suffix corresponding to -ness 不虛妄性
403 28 xìng grammatical gender 不虛妄性
404 28 xìng a property; a quality 不虛妄性
405 28 xìng life; destiny 不虛妄性
406 28 xìng sexual desire 不虛妄性
407 28 xìng scope 不虛妄性
408 28 xìng nature 不虛妄性
409 27 again; more; repeatedly 復作是言
410 27 to go back; to return 復作是言
411 27 to resume; to restart 復作是言
412 27 to do in detail 復作是言
413 27 to restore 復作是言
414 27 to respond; to reply to 復作是言
415 27 after all; and then 復作是言
416 27 even if; although 復作是言
417 27 Fu; Return 復作是言
418 27 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復作是言
419 27 to avoid forced labor or tax 復作是言
420 27 particle without meaing 復作是言
421 27 Fu 復作是言
422 27 repeated; again 復作是言
423 27 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復作是言
424 27 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復作是言
425 27 again; punar 復作是言
426 24 四靜慮 sì jìnglǜ four jhanas; four stages of meditative concentration 不應觀四靜慮若常若無常
427 24 wàng to forget 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
428 24 wàng to ignore; neglect 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
429 24 wàng to abandon 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
430 24 wàng forget; vismṛ 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
431 24 空解脫門 kōng jiětuōmén the door of deliverance of emptiness 不應觀空解脫門若常若無常
432 24 五眼 wǔyǎn the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs 不應觀五眼若常若無常
433 24 八解脫 bā jiětuō the eight liberations; astavimoksa 不應觀八解脫若常若無常
434 24 四念住 sì niàn zhù four foundations of mindfulness; satipatthana 不應觀四念住若常若無常
435 24 method; way 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
436 24 France 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
437 24 the law; rules; regulations 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
438 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
439 24 a standard; a norm 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
440 24 an institution 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
441 24 to emulate 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
442 24 magic; a magic trick 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
443 24 punishment 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
444 24 Fa 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
445 24 a precedent 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
446 24 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
447 24 relating to a ceremony or rite 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
448 24 Dharma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
449 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
450 24 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
451 24 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
452 24 quality; characteristic 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
453 24 苦聖諦 kǔ shèng dì the noble truth of the existence of suffering 不應觀苦聖諦若常若無常
454 24 佛十力 fó shí lì the ten powers of the Buddha 不應觀佛十力若常若無常
455 24 真如 zhēnrú True Thusness 不應觀真如若常若無常
456 24 真如 zhēnrú suchness; true nature; tathata 不應觀真如若常若無常
457 24 shī to lose 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
458 24 shī to violate; to go against the norm 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
459 24 shī to fail; to miss out 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
460 24 shī to be lost 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
461 24 shī to make a mistake 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
462 24 shī to let go of 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
463 24 shī loss; nāśa 不應觀無忘失法若常若無常
464 20 道聖諦 dào shèng dì the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path 道聖諦若常若無常
465 20 十遍處 shí biàn chù Ten Kasinas 十遍處若常若無常
466 20 不思議界 bù sīyì jiè acintyadhātu; the realm beyond thought and words 不思議界若常若無常
467 20 六神通 liù shéntōng the six supernatural powers 不應觀六神通若常若無常
468 20 住捨 zhùshè house; residence 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
469 20 住捨 zhùshě equanimous 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
470 20 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 無願解脫門若常若無常
471 20 yuàn hope 無願解脫門若常若無常
472 20 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 無願解脫門若常若無常
473 20 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 無願解脫門若常若無常
474 20 yuàn a vow 無願解脫門若常若無常
475 20 yuàn diligent; attentive 無願解脫門若常若無常
476 20 yuàn to prefer; to select 無願解脫門若常若無常
477 20 yuàn to admire 無願解脫門若常若無常
478 20 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 無願解脫門若常若無常
479 20 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate
480 20 miè to submerge
481 20 miè to extinguish; to put out
482 20 miè to eliminate
483 20 miè to disappear; to fade away
484 20 miè the cessation of suffering
485 20 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
486 20 四無色定 sì wúsè dìng four formless heavens 四無色定若常若無常
487 20 四無色定 sì wúsè dìng four formless heavens 四無色定若常若無常
488 20 解脫門 jiětuō mén Gate of Perfect Ease 無願解脫門若常若無常
489 20 解脫門 jiětuō mén the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra 無願解脫門若常若無常
490 20 héng constant; regular 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
491 20 héng permanent; lasting; perpetual 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
492 20 héng perseverance 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
493 20 héng ordinary; common 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
494 20 héng Constancy [hexagram] 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
495 20 gèng crescent moon 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
496 20 gèng to spread; to expand 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
497 20 héng Heng 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
498 20 héng frequently 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
499 20 héng Eternity 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常
500 20 héng eternal 不應觀恒住捨性若常若無常


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. zìxìng
  2. zìxìng
  3. zìxìng
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
  1. duō
  2. duō
  1. ta
  2. many; bahu
精进波罗蜜 精進波羅蜜 jīngjìn bōluómì virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. bù kě dé
  2. bù kě dé
  1. unobtainable
  2. unattainable
  1. xiū
  2. xiū
  3. xiū
  1. Cultivation
  2. bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation
  3. pratipanna; spiritual practice
that; tad
you; tvam; bhavat
应观 應觀 yīng guān may observe

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
大般若波罗蜜经 大般若波羅蜜多經 100 The Large Sutra Perfection of Wisdom; Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛十力 102 the ten powers of the Buddha
憍尸迦 106 Sakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
十遍处 十遍處 115 Ten Kasinas
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 44.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八解脱 八解脫 98 the eight liberations; astavimoksa
八胜处 八勝處 98 eight abodes of superiority; eight stations of mastery; eight abhibhāyatana
八圣道支 八聖道支 98 The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不思议界 不思議界 98 acintyadhātu; the realm beyond thought and words
此等 99 they; eṣā
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
道圣谛 道聖諦 100 the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法住 102 dharma abode
解脱门 解脫門 106
  1. Gate of Perfect Ease
  2. the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra
精进波罗蜜 精進波羅蜜 106 virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence
九次第定 106 nine graduated concentrations
卷第一 106 scroll 1
空解脱门 空解脫門 107 the door of deliverance of emptiness
苦圣谛 苦聖諦 107 the noble truth of the existence of suffering
兰若 蘭若 108
  1. Aranya
  2. a forest retreat; a secluded place to practice; aranya
  3. temple; monastery
离生性 離生性 108 the nature of leaving the cycle of birth and death
六神通 108 the six supernatural powers
平等性 112 universal nature
七等觉支 七等覺支 113 seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 115
  1. good women
  2. a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
十八佛不共法 115 eighteen characterisitics unique to Buddhas
四静虑 四靜慮 115 four jhanas; four stages of meditative concentration
四念住 115 four foundations of mindfulness; satipatthana
四神足 115 the four kinds of teleportation
四无所畏 四無所畏 115 four kinds of fearlessness
四无碍解 四無礙解 115 the four unhindered powers of understanding
四无量 四無量 115 four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四无色定 四無色定 115
  1. four formless heavens
  2. four formless heavens
四正断 四正斷 115 four right efforts; four right exertions
所以者何 115 Why is that?
五根 119 pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
五力 119 pañcabala; the five powers
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
五眼 119 the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs
虚空界 虛空界 120 visible space
应观 應觀 121 may observe
真如 122
  1. True Thusness
  2. suchness; true nature; tathata
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
自性空 122
  1. The Intrinsically Empty Nature
  2. emptiness of self-nature
  3. svabhāva-śūnya; empty intrinsic nature