Glossary and Vocabulary for Avoiding Misfortune Caused by the Seven Planets (Qi Yao Rang Zai Jue) 七曜攘災決, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 188 sān three
2 188 sān third
3 188 sān more than two
4 188 sān very few
5 188 sān San
6 188 sān three; tri
7 188 sān sa
8 188 sān three kinds; trividha
9 171 five
10 171 fifth musical note
11 171 Wu
12 171 the five elements
13 171 five; pañca
14 168 four
15 168 note a musical scale
16 168 fourth
17 168 Si
18 168 four; catur
19 165 èr two 二說不同
20 165 èr Kangxi radical 7 二說不同
21 165 èr second 二說不同
22 165 èr twice; double; di- 二說不同
23 165 èr more than one kind 二說不同
24 165 èr two; dvā; dvi 二說不同
25 165 èr both; dvaya 二說不同
26 160 liù six 一月行一度十分度之六
27 160 liù sixth 一月行一度十分度之六
28 160 liù a note on the Gongche scale 一月行一度十分度之六
29 160 liù six; ṣaṭ 一月行一度十分度之六
30 159 seven
31 159 a genre of poetry
32 159 seventh day memorial ceremony
33 159 seven; sapta
34 157 chū rudimentary; elementary
35 157 chū original
36 157 chū foremost, first; prathama
37 153 eight
38 153 Kangxi radical 12
39 153 eighth
40 153 all around; all sides
41 153 eight; aṣṭa
42 151 jiǔ nine 九日行一度
43 151 jiǔ many 九日行一度
44 151 jiǔ nine; nava 九日行一度
45 134 shí ten
46 134 shí Kangxi radical 24
47 134 shí tenth
48 134 shí complete; perfect
49 134 shí ten; daśa
50 113 十一 shíyī eleven 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
51 113 十一 shí yī National Day in the PRC 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
52 113 十一 shíyī eleven; ekadasa 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
53 106 十二 shí èr twelve 十二
54 106 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 十二
55 92 十三 shísān thirteen 十三
56 92 十三 shísān thirteen; trayodasa 十三
57 80 十四 shí sì fourteen 十四
58 80 十四 shí sì fourteen; caturdasa 十四
59 73 十五 shíwǔ fifteen 十五
60 73 十五 shíwǔ fifteen; pancadasa 十五
61 72 十六 shíliù sixteen 十六
62 72 十六 shíliù sixteen; ṣoḍaśa 十六
63 62 day of the month; a certain day 月掩日而
64 62 Kangxi radical 72 月掩日而
65 62 a day 月掩日而
66 62 Japan 月掩日而
67 62 sun 月掩日而
68 62 daytime 月掩日而
69 62 sunlight 月掩日而
70 62 everyday 月掩日而
71 62 season 月掩日而
72 62 available time 月掩日而
73 62 in the past 月掩日而
74 62 mi 月掩日而
75 62 sun; sūrya 月掩日而
76 62 a day; divasa 月掩日而
77 60 十七 shíqī seventeen 十七
78 60 十七 shíqī seventeen; saptadasa 十七
79 59 zhì Kangxi radical 133 更六十二年至庚寅
80 59 zhì to arrive 更六十二年至庚寅
81 59 zhì approach; upagama 更六十二年至庚寅
82 51 zhī to go 望逢之必蝕
83 51 zhī to arrive; to go 望逢之必蝕
84 51 zhī is 望逢之必蝕
85 51 zhī to use 望逢之必蝕
86 51 zhī Zhi 望逢之必蝕
87 51 zhī winding 望逢之必蝕
88 48 one 一名黃幡
89 48 Kangxi radical 1 一名黃幡
90 48 pure; concentrated 一名黃幡
91 48 first 一名黃幡
92 48 the same 一名黃幡
93 48 sole; single 一名黃幡
94 48 a very small amount 一名黃幡
95 48 Yi 一名黃幡
96 48 other 一名黃幡
97 48 to unify 一名黃幡
98 48 accidentally; coincidentally 一名黃幡
99 48 abruptly; suddenly 一名黃幡
100 48 one; eka 一名黃幡
101 39 宿 to lodge; to stay overnight 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
102 39 宿 old 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
103 39 宿 xiǔ night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
104 39 宿 xiù constellation 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
105 39 宿 a room; a place to spend the night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
106 39 宿 to stop; to rest 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
107 39 宿 State of Su 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
108 39 宿 Su 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
109 39 宿 from the previous night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
110 39 宿 from former (lives) 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
111 38 十八 shíbā eighteen 十八
112 38 十八 shíbā eighteen; astadasa 十八
113 32 wéi to act as; to serve 覆不通為厄最重
114 32 wéi to change into; to become 覆不通為厄最重
115 32 wéi to be; is 覆不通為厄最重
116 32 wéi to do 覆不通為厄最重
117 32 wèi to support; to help 覆不通為厄最重
118 32 wéi to govern 覆不通為厄最重
119 32 wèi to be; bhū 覆不通為厄最重
120 32 nián year 一年
121 32 nián New Year festival 一年
122 32 nián age 一年
123 32 nián life span; life expectancy 一年
124 32 nián an era; a period 一年
125 32 nián a date 一年
126 32 nián time; years 一年
127 32 nián harvest 一年
128 32 nián annual; every year 一年
129 32 nián year; varṣa 一年
130 32 十九 shíjiǔ nineteen 行十九度三分度之一
131 32 十九 shíjiǔ nineteen; ekonavimsati 行十九度三分度之一
132 28 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 九日行一度
133 28 duó to estimate; to calculate 九日行一度
134 28 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 九日行一度
135 28 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 九日行一度
136 28 musical or poetic rhythm 九日行一度
137 28 conduct; bearing 九日行一度
138 28 to spend time; to pass time 九日行一度
139 28 pāramitā; perfection 九日行一度
140 28 ordination 九日行一度
141 28 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 九日行一度
142 25 zhí straight 土直日
143 25 zhí upright; honest; upstanding 土直日
144 25 zhí vertical 土直日
145 25 zhí to straighten 土直日
146 25 zhí straightforward; frank 土直日
147 25 zhí stiff; inflexible 土直日
148 25 zhí to undertake; to act as 土直日
149 25 zhí to resist; to confront 土直日
150 25 zhí to be on duty 土直日
151 25 zhí reward; remuneration 土直日
152 25 zhí a vertical stroke 土直日
153 25 zhí to be worth 土直日
154 25 zhí to make happen; to cause 土直日
155 25 zhí Zhi 土直日
156 25 zhí straight; ṛju 土直日
157 25 zhí straight; ṛju 土直日
158 25 zhí bringing about; utthāpana 土直日
159 24 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
160 24 to be amiable 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
161 24 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
162 24 to share 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
163 24 should 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
164 24 Yi 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
165 24 cooking of meat and fish 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
166 24 nearly; almost 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
167 24 suitable; pathya 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
168 24 xīng a star; a planet
169 24 xīng Xing
170 24 xīng a celebrity
171 24 xīng a spark
172 24 xīng a point of light
173 24 xīng markings on a balance arm
174 24 xīng small; minute
175 24 xīng star-white
176 24 xīng a star; tāra
177 24 xīng Maghā
178 23 wěi tail
179 23 wěi extremity; end; stern
180 23 wěi to follow
181 23 wěi Wei constellation
182 23 wěi last
183 23 wěi lower reach [of a river]
184 23 wěi to mate [of animals]
185 23 wěi a mistake in verse where 5th and 10th syllables have the same tone
186 23 wěi remaining
187 23 wěi tail; lāṅgūla
188 23 wěi Mūlabarhaṇī; Mūla
189 22 huǒ fire; flame
190 22 huǒ to start a fire; to burn
191 22 huǒ Kangxi radical 86
192 22 huǒ anger; rage
193 22 huǒ fire element
194 22 huǒ Antares
195 22 huǒ radiance
196 22 huǒ lightning
197 22 huǒ a torch
198 22 huǒ red
199 22 huǒ urgent
200 22 huǒ a cause of disease
201 22 huǒ huo
202 22 huǒ companion; comrade
203 22 huǒ Huo
204 22 huǒ fire; agni
205 22 huǒ fire element
206 22 huǒ Gode of Fire; Anala
207 21 míng fame; renown; reputation 一名黃幡
208 21 míng a name; personal name; designation 一名黃幡
209 21 míng rank; position 一名黃幡
210 21 míng an excuse 一名黃幡
211 21 míng life 一名黃幡
212 21 míng to name; to call 一名黃幡
213 21 míng to express; to describe 一名黃幡
214 21 míng to be called; to have the name 一名黃幡
215 21 míng to own; to possess 一名黃幡
216 21 míng famous; renowned 一名黃幡
217 21 míng moral 一名黃幡
218 21 míng name; naman 一名黃幡
219 21 míng fame; renown; yasas 一名黃幡
220 21 female; feminine
221 21 female
222 21 Kangxi radical 38
223 21 to marry off a daughter
224 21 daughter
225 21 soft; feminine
226 21 the Maiden lunar lodging
227 21 woman; nārī
228 21 daughter; duhitṛ
229 21 Śravaṇā
230 20 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
231 20 cái financial worth 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
232 20 cái talent 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
233 20 cái to consider 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
234 20 cái wealth; dhana; vastu 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
235 20 zhěn cross board at rear of carriage 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
236 20 zhěn vehicle; carriage 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
237 20 zhěn tuning pegs 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
238 20 zhěn to turn; to rotate 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
239 20 zhěn rectangular 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
240 20 zhěn Zhen 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
241 20 zhěn a zither 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
242 20 zhěn many 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
243 20 zhěn Hasta 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
244 20 kuí stride of a man
245 20 kuí Kui Constellation
246 20 kuí crotch
247 20 kuí to straddle
248 20 kuí relating to writing
249 20 kuí Revati
250 20 shuǐ water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
251 20 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
252 20 shuǐ a river 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
253 20 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
254 20 shuǐ a flood 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
255 20 shuǐ to swim 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
256 20 shuǐ a body of water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
257 20 shuǐ Shui 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
258 20 shuǐ water element 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
259 20 shuǐ water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
260 20 to reach 往古及今
261 20 to attain 往古及今
262 20 to understand 往古及今
263 20 able to be compared to; to catch up with 往古及今
264 20 to be involved with; to associate with 往古及今
265 20 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 往古及今
266 20 and; ca; api 往古及今
267 19 niú an ox; a cow; a bull
268 19 niú Niu
269 19 niú Kangxi radical 93
270 19 niú Taurus
271 19 niú stubborn
272 19 niú cow; cattle; dhenu
273 19 niú Abhijit
274 19 earth; soil; dirt 土其神似婆羅門色黑
275 19 Kangxi radical 32 土其神似婆羅門色黑
276 19 local; indigenous; native 土其神似婆羅門色黑
277 19 land; territory 土其神似婆羅門色黑
278 19 earth element 土其神似婆羅門色黑
279 19 ground 土其神似婆羅門色黑
280 19 homeland 土其神似婆羅門色黑
281 19 god of the soil 土其神似婆羅門色黑
282 19 a category of musical instrument 土其神似婆羅門色黑
283 19 unrefined; rustic; crude 土其神似婆羅門色黑
284 19 Tujia people 土其神似婆羅門色黑
285 19 Tu People; Monguor 土其神似婆羅門色黑
286 19 soil; pāṃsu 土其神似婆羅門色黑
287 19 land; kṣetra 土其神似婆羅門色黑
288 19 wood; lumber 寅歸折木
289 19 Kangxi radical 75 寅歸折木
290 19 a tree 寅歸折木
291 19 wood phase; wood element 寅歸折木
292 19 a category of musical instrument 寅歸折木
293 19 stiff; rigid 寅歸折木
294 19 laurel magnolia 寅歸折木
295 19 a coffin 寅歸折木
296 19 Jupiter 寅歸折木
297 19 Mu 寅歸折木
298 19 wooden 寅歸折木
299 19 not having perception 寅歸折木
300 19 dimwitted 寅歸折木
301 19 to loose consciousness 寅歸折木
302 19 wood; kāṣṭha 寅歸折木
303 19 jiǎo an angle
304 19 jiǎo Kangxi radical 148
305 19 jué a role
306 19 jué Jue
307 19 jiǎo a [musical] horn
308 19 jiǎo a feeler; an antenna
309 19 jiǎo a point
310 19 jiǎo a horn
311 19 jiǎo a cape; a headland; a promontory
312 19 jiǎo a corner
313 19 jiǎo to haggle; to quibble
314 19 jué jue [note]
315 19 jiǎo horn; tusk; viṣāṇa
316 19 jiǎo Citrā
317 19 Di People
318 19 to be low; to hang down; on the bottom
319 19 Di constellation
320 19 base; foundation
321 19 Visakha
322 18 xīn heart [organ]
323 18 xīn Kangxi radical 61
324 18 xīn mind; consciousness
325 18 xīn the center; the core; the middle
326 18 xīn one of the 28 star constellations
327 18 xīn heart
328 18 xīn emotion
329 18 xīn intention; consideration
330 18 xīn disposition; temperament
331 18 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
332 18 xīn heart; hṛdaya
333 18 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
334 18 wing 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
335 18 side; flank 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
336 18 to assist; to aid 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
337 18 Yi constellation 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
338 18 symmetric 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
339 18 a ship 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
340 18 Yi [place] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
341 18 Yi [surname] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
342 18 respectful 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
343 18 second; next 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
344 18 shelter 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
345 18 fins [on fish] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
346 18 wing; pakṣa 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
347 18 Uttaraphalgunī 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
348 18 口舌 kǒu shé dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; to talk somebody round 恐有相刑嫉妬口舌虛災
349 18 zhāng Zhang
350 18 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow]
351 18 zhāng idea; thought
352 18 zhāng to fix strings
353 18 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch
354 18 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate
355 18 zhāng to expand; to magnify
356 18 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish
357 18 zhāng to catch animals with a net
358 18 zhāng to spy on; to look
359 18 zhāng large
360 18 zhàng swollen
361 18 zhāng Zhang [constellation]
362 18 zhāng to open a new business
363 18 zhāng to fear
364 18 zhāng open; vivṛta
365 18 zhāng Pūrva-phalgunī
366 18 lóu to pull; to wear
367 18 a tether for oxen
368 18 lóu empty
369 18 lóu to moderate
370 18 lóu Lou [constellation]
371 18 lóu Lou
372 18 lóu horse-tamer; aśvinī
373 18 cān to take part in; to participate
374 18 shēn ginseng
375 18 sān three
376 18 shēn to intervene
377 18 cān to mix; to blend
378 18 cān to call on a superior; to visit
379 18 cān to accuse of misconduct
380 18 cān to investigate
381 18 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed
382 18 shēn Shen
383 18 cān to assist with
384 18 cān to arrange
385 18 cān to even up
386 18 cān to extend to an equal level
387 18 cān to consult
388 18 cān Inquire
389 18 cān ginger; ārdrā
390 18 cān assembly; worship on the four fives
391 18 to use; to grasp 每年十二月皆以月節為正
392 18 to rely on 每年十二月皆以月節為正
393 18 to regard 每年十二月皆以月節為正
394 18 to be able to 每年十二月皆以月節為正
395 18 to order; to command 每年十二月皆以月節為正
396 18 used after a verb 每年十二月皆以月節為正
397 18 a reason; a cause 每年十二月皆以月節為正
398 18 Israel 每年十二月皆以月節為正
399 18 Yi 每年十二月皆以月節為正
400 18 use; yogena 每年十二月皆以月節為正
401 18 jǐng a well
402 18 jǐng a shaft; a pit
403 18 jǐng Jing [constellation]
404 18 jǐng something in the shape of the jing character
405 18 jǐng Jing [hexagram]
406 18 jǐng a residential area
407 18 jǐng ancestral home
408 18 jǐng jing field system
409 18 jǐng Jing [surname]
410 18 jǐng a well; kūpa
411 18 jǐng Punarvasu
412 18 wéi dangerous; precarious
413 18 wéi high
414 18 wéi perilous; viṣama
415 18 wéi Śatabhiṣā
416 18 gōng a palace 對人本宮則有災禍
417 18 gōng Gong 對人本宮則有災禍
418 18 gōng a dwelling 對人本宮則有災禍
419 18 gōng a temple 對人本宮則有災禍
420 18 gōng the first note in the pentatonic scale 對人本宮則有災禍
421 18 gōng palace; vimāna 對人本宮則有災禍
422 18 shì room; bedroom
423 18 shì house; dwelling
424 18 shì organizational subdivision
425 18 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations
426 18 shì household
427 18 shì house of nobility
428 18 shì family assets
429 18 shì wife
430 18 shì tomb; burial chamber
431 18 shì knife sheath
432 18 shì Shi
433 18 shì abode; ālaya
434 18 shì Pūrva-Proṣṭhapada
435 17 to finish; to complete; to exhaust
436 17 a hand net
437 17 to hunt with a hand net
438 17 Bi
439 17 Bi constellation
440 17 bamboo slips
441 17 fixed; niyata
442 17 Rohiṇī
443 17 zhě ca 羅睺遏羅師者
444 17 jīn gold 金其神是女人著黃衣
445 17 jīn money 金其神是女人著黃衣
446 17 jīn Jin; Kim 金其神是女人著黃衣
447 17 jīn Kangxi radical 167 金其神是女人著黃衣
448 17 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 金其神是女人著黃衣
449 17 jīn metal 金其神是女人著黃衣
450 17 jīn hard 金其神是女人著黃衣
451 17 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 金其神是女人著黃衣
452 17 jīn golden; gold colored 金其神是女人著黃衣
453 17 jīn a weapon 金其神是女人著黃衣
454 17 jīn valuable 金其神是女人著黃衣
455 17 jīn metal agent 金其神是女人著黃衣
456 17 jīn cymbals 金其神是女人著黃衣
457 17 jīn Venus 金其神是女人著黃衣
458 17 jīn gold; hiranya 金其神是女人著黃衣
459 17 jīn golden, bright in color; suvarna; hema; kanaka; kancana 金其神是女人著黃衣
460 17 wèi stomach
461 17 wèi the gizzard of a fowl
462 17 wèi Wei
463 17 wèi stomach; āmāśaya
464 17 wèi Bharaṇī
465 17 dòu to struggle; to fight
466 17 dòu Kangxi radical 68
467 17 dòu Kangxi radical 191
468 17 dòu to make animals fight
469 17 dòu to compete; to contest; to contend
470 17 dòu to denounce
471 17 dòu to come close together
472 17 dǒu dou; a kind of wine vessel
473 17 dǒu Big Dipper; Ursa Major
474 17 dǒu Southern Dipper
475 17 dòu dou; a kind of container for grain
476 17 dòu a dipper of cup shaped object
477 17 dòu whorl shaped fingerprint
478 17 dòu capital; a block for a roof bracket
479 17 dòu to shake; to tremble
480 17 dòu to assemble; to gather
481 17 dòu to tease; to provoke
482 17 dòu Dou
483 17 dòu small
484 17 dòu large
485 17 dòu precipitous; steep
486 17 dòu Uttarāṣāḍhā
487 17 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
488 17 duó many; much 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
489 17 duō more 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
490 17 duō excessive 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
491 17 duō abundant 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
492 17 duō to multiply; to acrue 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
493 17 duō Duo 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
494 17 duō ta 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
495 17 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 竺曆得其正理矣
496 17 děi to want to; to need to 竺曆得其正理矣
497 17 děi must; ought to 竺曆得其正理矣
498 17 de 竺曆得其正理矣
499 17 de infix potential marker 竺曆得其正理矣
500 17 to result in 竺曆得其正理矣

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1095

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 188 sān three
2 188 sān third
3 188 sān more than two
4 188 sān very few
5 188 sān repeatedly
6 188 sān San
7 188 sān three; tri
8 188 sān sa
9 188 sān three kinds; trividha
10 171 five
11 171 fifth musical note
12 171 Wu
13 171 the five elements
14 171 five; pañca
15 168 four
16 168 note a musical scale
17 168 fourth
18 168 Si
19 168 four; catur
20 165 èr two 二說不同
21 165 èr Kangxi radical 7 二說不同
22 165 èr second 二說不同
23 165 èr twice; double; di- 二說不同
24 165 èr another; the other 二說不同
25 165 èr more than one kind 二說不同
26 165 èr two; dvā; dvi 二說不同
27 165 èr both; dvaya 二說不同
28 160 liù six 一月行一度十分度之六
29 160 liù sixth 一月行一度十分度之六
30 160 liù a note on the Gongche scale 一月行一度十分度之六
31 160 liù six; ṣaṭ 一月行一度十分度之六
32 159 seven
33 159 a genre of poetry
34 159 seventh day memorial ceremony
35 159 seven; sapta
36 157 chū at first; at the beginning; initially
37 157 chū used to prefix numbers
38 157 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something
39 157 chū just now
40 157 chū thereupon
41 157 chū an intensifying adverb
42 157 chū rudimentary; elementary
43 157 chū original
44 157 chū foremost, first; prathama
45 153 eight
46 153 Kangxi radical 12
47 153 eighth
48 153 all around; all sides
49 153 eight; aṣṭa
50 151 jiǔ nine 九日行一度
51 151 jiǔ many 九日行一度
52 151 jiǔ nine; nava 九日行一度
53 134 shí ten
54 134 shí Kangxi radical 24
55 134 shí tenth
56 134 shí complete; perfect
57 134 shí ten; daśa
58 113 十一 shíyī eleven 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
59 113 十一 shí yī National Day in the PRC 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
60 113 十一 shíyī eleven; ekadasa 年一周天退十一度三分度之二
61 106 十二 shí èr twelve 十二
62 106 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 十二
63 92 十三 shísān thirteen 十三
64 92 十三 shísān thirteen; trayodasa 十三
65 80 十四 shí sì fourteen 十四
66 80 十四 shí sì fourteen; caturdasa 十四
67 73 十五 shíwǔ fifteen 十五
68 73 十五 shíwǔ fifteen; pancadasa 十五
69 72 十六 shíliù sixteen 十六
70 72 十六 shíliù sixteen; ṣoḍaśa 十六
71 62 day of the month; a certain day 月掩日而
72 62 Kangxi radical 72 月掩日而
73 62 a day 月掩日而
74 62 Japan 月掩日而
75 62 sun 月掩日而
76 62 daytime 月掩日而
77 62 sunlight 月掩日而
78 62 everyday 月掩日而
79 62 season 月掩日而
80 62 available time 月掩日而
81 62 a day 月掩日而
82 62 in the past 月掩日而
83 62 mi 月掩日而
84 62 sun; sūrya 月掩日而
85 62 a day; divasa 月掩日而
86 60 十七 shíqī seventeen 十七
87 60 十七 shíqī seventeen; saptadasa 十七
88 59 zhì to; until 更六十二年至庚寅
89 59 zhì Kangxi radical 133 更六十二年至庚寅
90 59 zhì extremely; very; most 更六十二年至庚寅
91 59 zhì to arrive 更六十二年至庚寅
92 59 zhì approach; upagama 更六十二年至庚寅
93 51 zhī him; her; them; that 望逢之必蝕
94 51 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 望逢之必蝕
95 51 zhī to go 望逢之必蝕
96 51 zhī this; that 望逢之必蝕
97 51 zhī genetive marker 望逢之必蝕
98 51 zhī it 望逢之必蝕
99 51 zhī in; in regards to 望逢之必蝕
100 51 zhī all 望逢之必蝕
101 51 zhī and 望逢之必蝕
102 51 zhī however 望逢之必蝕
103 51 zhī if 望逢之必蝕
104 51 zhī then 望逢之必蝕
105 51 zhī to arrive; to go 望逢之必蝕
106 51 zhī is 望逢之必蝕
107 51 zhī to use 望逢之必蝕
108 51 zhī Zhi 望逢之必蝕
109 51 zhī winding 望逢之必蝕
110 48 one 一名黃幡
111 48 Kangxi radical 1 一名黃幡
112 48 as soon as; all at once 一名黃幡
113 48 pure; concentrated 一名黃幡
114 48 whole; all 一名黃幡
115 48 first 一名黃幡
116 48 the same 一名黃幡
117 48 each 一名黃幡
118 48 certain 一名黃幡
119 48 throughout 一名黃幡
120 48 used in between a reduplicated verb 一名黃幡
121 48 sole; single 一名黃幡
122 48 a very small amount 一名黃幡
123 48 Yi 一名黃幡
124 48 other 一名黃幡
125 48 to unify 一名黃幡
126 48 accidentally; coincidentally 一名黃幡
127 48 abruptly; suddenly 一名黃幡
128 48 or 一名黃幡
129 48 one; eka 一名黃幡
130 39 宿 to lodge; to stay overnight 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
131 39 宿 old 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
132 39 宿 xiǔ night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
133 39 宿 xiù constellation 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
134 39 宿 a room; a place to spend the night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
135 39 宿 to stop; to rest 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
136 39 宿 State of Su 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
137 39 宿 Su 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
138 39 宿 from the previous night 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
139 39 宿 ordinarily 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
140 39 宿 previously 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
141 39 宿 from former (lives) 計都行至宿留初住一日不行本度人遇之必有災羅睺行每一宿之未渡即留三日所留之分有
142 38 十八 shíbā eighteen 十八
143 38 十八 shíbā eighteen; astadasa 十八
144 33 yǒu is; are; to exist 對人本宮則有災禍
145 33 yǒu to have; to possess 對人本宮則有災禍
146 33 yǒu indicates an estimate 對人本宮則有災禍
147 33 yǒu indicates a large quantity 對人本宮則有災禍
148 33 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 對人本宮則有災禍
149 33 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 對人本宮則有災禍
150 33 yǒu used to compare two things 對人本宮則有災禍
151 33 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 對人本宮則有災禍
152 33 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 對人本宮則有災禍
153 33 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 對人本宮則有災禍
154 33 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 對人本宮則有災禍
155 33 yǒu abundant 對人本宮則有災禍
156 33 yǒu purposeful 對人本宮則有災禍
157 33 yǒu You 對人本宮則有災禍
158 33 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 對人本宮則有災禍
159 33 yǒu becoming; bhava 對人本宮則有災禍
160 32 wèi for; to 覆不通為厄最重
161 32 wèi because of 覆不通為厄最重
162 32 wéi to act as; to serve 覆不通為厄最重
163 32 wéi to change into; to become 覆不通為厄最重
164 32 wéi to be; is 覆不通為厄最重
165 32 wéi to do 覆不通為厄最重
166 32 wèi for 覆不通為厄最重
167 32 wèi because of; for; to 覆不通為厄最重
168 32 wèi to 覆不通為厄最重
169 32 wéi in a passive construction 覆不通為厄最重
170 32 wéi forming a rehetorical question 覆不通為厄最重
171 32 wéi forming an adverb 覆不通為厄最重
172 32 wéi to add emphasis 覆不通為厄最重
173 32 wèi to support; to help 覆不通為厄最重
174 32 wéi to govern 覆不通為厄最重
175 32 wèi to be; bhū 覆不通為厄最重
176 32 nián year 一年
177 32 nián New Year festival 一年
178 32 nián age 一年
179 32 nián life span; life expectancy 一年
180 32 nián an era; a period 一年
181 32 nián a date 一年
182 32 nián time; years 一年
183 32 nián harvest 一年
184 32 nián annual; every year 一年
185 32 nián year; varṣa 一年
186 32 十九 shíjiǔ nineteen 行十九度三分度之一
187 32 十九 shíjiǔ nineteen; ekonavimsati 行十九度三分度之一
188 28 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 九日行一度
189 28 duó to estimate; to calculate 九日行一度
190 28 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 九日行一度
191 28 amount 九日行一度
192 28 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 九日行一度
193 28 musical or poetic rhythm 九日行一度
194 28 conduct; bearing 九日行一度
195 28 a time 九日行一度
196 28 to spend time; to pass time 九日行一度
197 28 kilowatt-hour 九日行一度
198 28 degree 九日行一度
199 28 pāramitā; perfection 九日行一度
200 28 ordination 九日行一度
201 28 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 九日行一度
202 25 zhí straight 土直日
203 25 zhí upright; honest; upstanding 土直日
204 25 zhí vertical 土直日
205 25 zhí to straighten 土直日
206 25 zhí straightforward; frank 土直日
207 25 zhí stiff; inflexible 土直日
208 25 zhí only; but; just 土直日
209 25 zhí unexpectedly 土直日
210 25 zhí continuously; directly 土直日
211 25 zhí to undertake; to act as 土直日
212 25 zhí to resist; to confront 土直日
213 25 zhí to be on duty 土直日
214 25 zhí reward; remuneration 土直日
215 25 zhí a vertical stroke 土直日
216 25 zhí to be worth 土直日
217 25 zhí particularly 土直日
218 25 zhí to make happen; to cause 土直日
219 25 zhí Zhi 土直日
220 25 zhí straight; ṛju 土直日
221 25 zhí straight; ṛju 土直日
222 25 zhí bringing about; utthāpana 土直日
223 24 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
224 24 to be amiable 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
225 24 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
226 24 to share 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
227 24 should 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
228 24 no doubt; of course 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
229 24 Yi 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
230 24 cooking of meat and fish 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
231 24 nearly; almost 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
232 24 suitable; pathya 宜轉大般涅槃經般若經大集經
233 24 xīng a star; a planet
234 24 xīng Xing
235 24 xīng traveling at high speed
236 24 xīng a celebrity
237 24 xīng a spark
238 24 xīng a point of light
239 24 xīng markings on a balance arm
240 24 xīng small; minute
241 24 xīng star-white
242 24 xīng numerous and scattered everywhere
243 24 xīng a star; tāra
244 24 xīng Maghā
245 23 wěi tail
246 23 wěi measure word for fish
247 23 wěi extremity; end; stern
248 23 wěi to follow
249 23 wěi Wei constellation
250 23 wěi last
251 23 wěi lower reach [of a river]
252 23 wěi to mate [of animals]
253 23 wěi a mistake in verse where 5th and 10th syllables have the same tone
254 23 wěi remaining
255 23 wěi tail; lāṅgūla
256 23 wěi Mūlabarhaṇī; Mūla
257 22 huǒ fire; flame
258 22 huǒ to start a fire; to burn
259 22 huǒ Kangxi radical 86
260 22 huǒ anger; rage
261 22 huǒ fire element
262 22 huǒ Antares
263 22 huǒ radiance
264 22 huǒ lightning
265 22 huǒ a torch
266 22 huǒ red
267 22 huǒ urgent
268 22 huǒ a cause of disease
269 22 huǒ huo
270 22 huǒ companion; comrade
271 22 huǒ Huo
272 22 huǒ fire; agni
273 22 huǒ fire element
274 22 huǒ Gode of Fire; Anala
275 21 míng measure word for people 一名黃幡
276 21 míng fame; renown; reputation 一名黃幡
277 21 míng a name; personal name; designation 一名黃幡
278 21 míng rank; position 一名黃幡
279 21 míng an excuse 一名黃幡
280 21 míng life 一名黃幡
281 21 míng to name; to call 一名黃幡
282 21 míng to express; to describe 一名黃幡
283 21 míng to be called; to have the name 一名黃幡
284 21 míng to own; to possess 一名黃幡
285 21 míng famous; renowned 一名黃幡
286 21 míng moral 一名黃幡
287 21 míng name; naman 一名黃幡
288 21 míng fame; renown; yasas 一名黃幡
289 21 female; feminine
290 21 female
291 21 Kangxi radical 38
292 21 to marry off a daughter
293 21 daughter
294 21 you; thou
295 21 soft; feminine
296 21 the Maiden lunar lodging
297 21 you
298 21 woman; nārī
299 21 daughter; duhitṛ
300 21 Śravaṇā
301 20 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
302 20 cái financial worth 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
303 20 cái talent 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
304 20 cái to consider 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
305 20 cái only 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
306 20 cái wealth; dhana; vastu 臨前五僮僕宮則多散財
307 20 zhěn cross board at rear of carriage 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
308 20 zhěn vehicle; carriage 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
309 20 zhěn tuning pegs 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
310 20 zhěn to turn; to rotate 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
311 20 zhěn with pity; with sympathy; troubled 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
312 20 zhěn rectangular 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
313 20 zhěn Zhen 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
314 20 zhěn a zither 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
315 20 zhěn many 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
316 20 zhěn Hasta 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
317 20 kuí stride of a man
318 20 kuí Kui Constellation
319 20 kuí crotch
320 20 kuí to straddle
321 20 kuí relating to writing
322 20 kuí Revati
323 20 shuǐ water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
324 20 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
325 20 shuǐ a river 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
326 20 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
327 20 shuǐ a flood 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
328 20 shuǐ to swim 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
329 20 shuǐ a body of water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
330 20 shuǐ Shui 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
331 20 shuǐ water element 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
332 20 shuǐ water 辰取渠水及山泉流水各少計
333 20 to reach 往古及今
334 20 and 往古及今
335 20 coming to; when 往古及今
336 20 to attain 往古及今
337 20 to understand 往古及今
338 20 able to be compared to; to catch up with 往古及今
339 20 to be involved with; to associate with 往古及今
340 20 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 往古及今
341 20 and; ca; api 往古及今
342 19 niú an ox; a cow; a bull
343 19 niú Niu
344 19 niú Kangxi radical 93
345 19 niú Taurus
346 19 niú stubborn
347 19 niú cow; cattle; dhenu
348 19 niú Abhijit
349 19 earth; soil; dirt 土其神似婆羅門色黑
350 19 Kangxi radical 32 土其神似婆羅門色黑
351 19 local; indigenous; native 土其神似婆羅門色黑
352 19 land; territory 土其神似婆羅門色黑
353 19 earth element 土其神似婆羅門色黑
354 19 ground 土其神似婆羅門色黑
355 19 homeland 土其神似婆羅門色黑
356 19 god of the soil 土其神似婆羅門色黑
357 19 a category of musical instrument 土其神似婆羅門色黑
358 19 unrefined; rustic; crude 土其神似婆羅門色黑
359 19 Tujia people 土其神似婆羅門色黑
360 19 Tu People; Monguor 土其神似婆羅門色黑
361 19 soil; pāṃsu 土其神似婆羅門色黑
362 19 land; kṣetra 土其神似婆羅門色黑
363 19 wood; lumber 寅歸折木
364 19 Kangxi radical 75 寅歸折木
365 19 a tree 寅歸折木
366 19 wood phase; wood element 寅歸折木
367 19 a category of musical instrument 寅歸折木
368 19 stiff; rigid 寅歸折木
369 19 laurel magnolia 寅歸折木
370 19 a coffin 寅歸折木
371 19 Jupiter 寅歸折木
372 19 Mu 寅歸折木
373 19 wooden 寅歸折木
374 19 not having perception 寅歸折木
375 19 dimwitted 寅歸折木
376 19 to loose consciousness 寅歸折木
377 19 wood; kāṣṭha 寅歸折木
378 19 jiǎo unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan
379 19 jiǎo an angle
380 19 jiǎo Kangxi radical 148
381 19 jué a role
382 19 jué Jue
383 19 jiǎo a [musical] horn
384 19 jiǎo a feeler; an antenna
385 19 jiǎo a point
386 19 jiǎo a horn
387 19 jiǎo a cape; a headland; a promontory
388 19 jiǎo a corner
389 19 jiǎo to haggle; to quibble
390 19 jué jue [note]
391 19 jiǎo horn; tusk; viṣāṇa
392 19 jiǎo Citrā
393 19 Di People
394 19 to be low; to hang down; on the bottom
395 19 generally
396 19 Di constellation
397 19 base; foundation
398 19 Visakha
399 18 xīn heart [organ]
400 18 xīn Kangxi radical 61
401 18 xīn mind; consciousness
402 18 xīn the center; the core; the middle
403 18 xīn one of the 28 star constellations
404 18 xīn heart
405 18 xīn emotion
406 18 xīn intention; consideration
407 18 xīn disposition; temperament
408 18 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
409 18 xīn heart; hṛdaya
410 18 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
411 18 wing 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
412 18 side; flank 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
413 18 to assist; to aid 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
414 18 Yi constellation 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
415 18 symmetric 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
416 18 a ship 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
417 18 Yi [place] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
418 18 Yi [surname] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
419 18 respectful 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
420 18 second; next 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
421 18 shelter 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
422 18 fins [on fish] 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
423 18 wing; pakṣa 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
424 18 Uttaraphalgunī 元和元年丙戌入曆正月在軫丁亥在翼當日本大同元上元庚申後百
425 18 口舌 kǒu shé dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; to talk somebody round 恐有相刑嫉妬口舌虛災
426 18 zhāng a sheet; a leaf
427 18 zhāng Zhang
428 18 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow]
429 18 zhāng idea; thought
430 18 zhāng to fix strings
431 18 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch
432 18 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate
433 18 zhāng to expand; to magnify
434 18 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish
435 18 zhāng to catch animals with a net
436 18 zhāng to spy on; to look
437 18 zhāng large
438 18 zhàng swollen
439 18 zhāng Zhang [constellation]
440 18 zhāng to open a new business
441 18 zhāng to fear
442 18 zhāng open; vivṛta
443 18 zhāng Pūrva-phalgunī
444 18 lóu to pull; to wear
445 18 a tether for oxen
446 18 frequently
447 18 lóu empty
448 18 lóu to moderate
449 18 lóu Lou [constellation]
450 18 lóu Lou
451 18 lóu horse-tamer; aśvinī
452 18 cān to take part in; to participate
453 18 shēn ginseng
454 18 sān three
455 18 shēn to intervene
456 18 cān to mix; to blend
457 18 cān to call on a superior; to visit
458 18 cān to accuse of misconduct
459 18 cān to investigate
460 18 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed
461 18 shēn Shen
462 18 cān to assist with
463 18 cān to arrange
464 18 cān to even up
465 18 cān to extend to an equal level
466 18 cān to consult
467 18 cān Inquire
468 18 cān ginger; ārdrā
469 18 cān assembly; worship on the four fives
470 18 so as to; in order to 每年十二月皆以月節為正
471 18 to use; to regard as 每年十二月皆以月節為正
472 18 to use; to grasp 每年十二月皆以月節為正
473 18 according to 每年十二月皆以月節為正
474 18 because of 每年十二月皆以月節為正
475 18 on a certain date 每年十二月皆以月節為正
476 18 and; as well as 每年十二月皆以月節為正
477 18 to rely on 每年十二月皆以月節為正
478 18 to regard 每年十二月皆以月節為正
479 18 to be able to 每年十二月皆以月節為正
480 18 to order; to command 每年十二月皆以月節為正
481 18 further; moreover 每年十二月皆以月節為正
482 18 used after a verb 每年十二月皆以月節為正
483 18 very 每年十二月皆以月節為正
484 18 already 每年十二月皆以月節為正
485 18 increasingly 每年十二月皆以月節為正
486 18 a reason; a cause 每年十二月皆以月節為正
487 18 Israel 每年十二月皆以月節為正
488 18 Yi 每年十二月皆以月節為正
489 18 use; yogena 每年十二月皆以月節為正
490 18 jǐng a well
491 18 jǐng a shaft; a pit
492 18 jǐng Jing [constellation]
493 18 jǐng something in the shape of the jing character
494 18 jǐng Jing [hexagram]
495 18 jǐng a residential area
496 18 jǐng ancestral home
497 18 jǐng jing field system
498 18 jǐng Jing [surname]
499 18 jǐng a well; kūpa
500 18 jǐng Punarvasu


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. sān
  2. sān
  3. sān
  1. three; tri
  2. sa
  3. three kinds; trividha
five; pañca
four; catur
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
liù six; ṣaṭ
seven; sapta
chū foremost, first; prathama
eight; aṣṭa
jiǔ nine; nava
shí ten; daśa

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
哀王 196 King Ai of Zhou
白羊 98 Aries
保元 98 Hōgen
北斗 98
  1. Great Bear; Big Dipper
  2. Peitou
毕宿 畢宿 98 Rohiṇī
般若经 般若經 98 Prajnaparamita Sutras
财帛 財帛 99 Head of Stores
长沙 長沙 99 Changsha
重和 99 Chonghe
春分 99 Chunfen
处暑 處暑 99 Chushu
大般涅槃经 大般涅槃經 68
  1. Mahaparinirvana Sutra
  2. Mahāparinibbānasutta; Nirvāṇa Sutta
  3. Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra; The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra
大集经 大集經 68
  1. Great Collection Sutra
  2. Mahasamghata; Mahāsaṃghāta; Maha Sajnipata Sutra; Mahā-sajnipāta-sūtra; Mahāsannipāta
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
大阳 大陽 100 Dayang
冬至 100
  1. Dongzhi
  2. Winter Solstice festival
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
二月 195
  1. February; the Second Month
  2. second lunar month; vaiśākha
法华经 法華經 102 Lotus Sutra; Lotus Sūtra
房宿 102 Anurādhā
丰山 豐山 102
  1. Fengshan
  2. Toyoyama
  3. Buzan
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
观自在 觀自在 103
  1. Guanyin; Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Avalokitesvara
鬼宿 103 Puṣya
谷雨 穀雨 103 Guyu
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
火星 72 Mars
火曜 104 Mars; Aṅgāraka
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
金光明经 金光明經 74
  1. Suvarnabhasottama Sutra (the Sutra of Golden Light)
  2. Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarāja [sūtra]; Golden Light [sūtra]
  3. Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarājasūtra; Golden Light sūtra
井宿 106 Punarvasu
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
金华 金華 106 Jinhua
金星 106 Venus
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
亢宿 107 Niṣṭyā
奎宿 107 Revatī
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
立春 108 Lichun
立冬 108 Lidong
零陵 108
  1. Lingling
  2. Lingling [commandery]
立秋 108 Liqiu
六度 108 Six Pāramitās; Six Perfections
柳宿 108 Aśleṣā
立夏 108 Lixia
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  5. foolish
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
  4. ra
罗睺 羅睺 108 Rahu
  1. the Pleiades
  2. Kṛttikā
昴宿 109 Kṛttikā
木星 109 Jupiter
木曜 109 Jupiter; Bṛhaspati
涅槃经 涅槃經 78
  1. Nirvana Sutra
  2. Nirvana Sutra
女宿 110 Śravaṇā
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
七曜攘灾决 七曜攘災決 113 Avoiding Misfortune Caused by the Seven Planets; Qi Yao Rang Zai Jue
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
秋分 113 Qiufeng
仁和寺 114 Ninna-ji
日天 114 Surya; Aditya
日天子 114 Surya; Aditya
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
上元 115
  1. Shangyuan
  2. Shangyuan
  3. Shangyuan festival; Lantern festival
十二月 115
  1. December; the Twelfth Month
  2. twelfth lunar month; phālguna
水星 115 Mercury
四分 115 four divisions of cognition
思益经 思益經 115 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā sūtra
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
土星 116 Saturn
维摩经 維摩經 119 Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakīrti sūtra; Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa sūtra
尾宿 119 Mūlabarhaṇī; Mūla
胃宿 119 Bharaṇī
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
吴越 吳越 119
  1. Wuyue
  2. Wu and Yue
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
享和 120 Kyōwa
小满 小滿 120 Xiaoman
小暑 120 Xiaoshu
夏至 120 Xiazhi
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
学道 學道 120
  1. examiner
  2. Learning the Way
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
楊州 121 Yangzhou
延久 121 Enkyū
药师 藥師 89
  1. Healing Master
  2. Medicine Buddha
药师经 藥師經 121 Sutra of the Medicine Buddha; Sutra on the Master of Healing
翼宿 121 Uttaraphalgunī
益州 121 Yizhou
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
元和 121 Yuanhe
月天 121 Candra
云汉 雲漢 121 Milky Way
豫州 121 Yuzhou
张宿 張宿 122 Pūrva-phalgunī
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
正月 122
  1. first month of the lunar calendar
  2. first lunar month; caitra
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India
宗叡 122 shūei


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 32.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
不常 98 not permanent
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
炽盛光 熾盛光 99 blazing light
此等 99 they; eṣā
法爱 法愛 102 love of the Dharma
法主 102
  1. Dharma-lord
  2. someone who presides over a Dharma service
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
护摩 護摩 104 homa
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
曩谟 曩謨 110 namo
求法 113 to seek the Dharma
热病 熱病 114 jaundice; kāmalā
如如 114
  1. Thusness
  2. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
三衣 115 the three robes of monk
三曼多 115 samanta; universal; whole
杀生 殺生 115
  1. Killing Lives
  2. to kill
食香 115 gandharva
事相 115 phenomenon; esoteric practice
苏合香 蘇合香 115 storax balsam; storax
随求 隨求 115 wish-fulfillment
胎宫 胎宮 116 womb palace
同法 116
  1. followers of the same teaching
  2. same dharma; same dharma analogy
无实 無實 119 not ultimately real
行一 120 equivalence of all forms of practice
有相 121 having form
怨家 121 an enemy
欝金 121 saffron; kunkuma
欲心 121 a lustful heart
转经 轉經 122 ritual reading; turning the scripture; zhuanjing
紫檀香 122 aromatic red sandalwood