Glossary and Vocabulary for Da Ban Niepan Jing Xuan Yi 大般涅槃經玄義, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 153 zhī to go 謂之無明生死
2 153 zhī to arrive; to go 謂之無明生死
3 153 zhī is 謂之無明生死
4 153 zhī to use 謂之無明生死
5 153 zhī Zhi 謂之無明生死
6 153 zhī winding 謂之無明生死
7 147 míng fame; renown; reputation 名之為故
8 147 míng a name; personal name; designation 名之為故
9 147 míng rank; position 名之為故
10 147 míng an excuse 名之為故
11 147 míng life 名之為故
12 147 míng to name; to call 名之為故
13 147 míng to express; to describe 名之為故
14 147 míng to be called; to have the name 名之為故
15 147 míng to own; to possess 名之為故
16 147 míng famous; renowned 名之為故
17 147 míng moral 名之為故
18 147 míng name; naman 名之為故
19 147 míng fame; renown; yasas 名之為故
20 144 fēi Kangxi radical 175 妙理虛玄非新非故
21 144 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 妙理虛玄非新非故
22 144 fēi different 妙理虛玄非新非故
23 144 fēi to not be; to not have 妙理虛玄非新非故
24 144 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 妙理虛玄非新非故
25 144 fēi Africa 妙理虛玄非新非故
26 144 fēi to slander 妙理虛玄非新非故
27 144 fěi to avoid 妙理虛玄非新非故
28 144 fēi must 妙理虛玄非新非故
29 144 fēi an error 妙理虛玄非新非故
30 144 fēi a problem; a question 妙理虛玄非新非故
31 144 fēi evil 妙理虛玄非新非故
32 119 Yi 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
33 119 涅槃 nièpán Nirvana 即是種智涅槃
34 119 涅槃 Nièpán nirvana 即是種智涅槃
35 119 涅槃 nièpán Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna 即是種智涅槃
36 111 Kangxi radical 71 無終而語
37 111 to not have; without 無終而語
38 111 mo 無終而語
39 111 to not have 無終而語
40 111 Wu 無終而語
41 111 mo 無終而語
42 106 ya 乳也
43 100 wéi to act as; to serve 名之為故
44 100 wéi to change into; to become 名之為故
45 100 wéi to be; is 名之為故
46 100 wéi to do 名之為故
47 100 wèi to support; to help 名之為故
48 100 wéi to govern 名之為故
49 100 wèi to be; bhū 名之為故
50 94 zhě ca 無始而言其始者
51 91 yún cloud 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
52 91 yún Yunnan 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
53 91 yún Yun 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
54 91 yún to say 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
55 91 yún to have 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
56 91 yún cloud; megha 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
57 91 yún to say; iti 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
58 87 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 滅者即是解脫
59 87 miè to submerge 滅者即是解脫
60 87 miè to extinguish; to put out 滅者即是解脫
61 87 miè to eliminate 滅者即是解脫
62 87 miè to disappear; to fade away 滅者即是解脫
63 87 miè the cessation of suffering 滅者即是解脫
64 87 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 滅者即是解脫
65 76 jué to disappear; to vanish 謂翻通無假絕
66 76 jué unique; outstanding 謂翻通無假絕
67 76 jué to cut; to break 謂翻通無假絕
68 76 jué to die 謂翻通無假絕
69 76 jué to cross 謂翻通無假絕
70 76 jué to surpass 謂翻通無假絕
71 76 jué to stop 謂翻通無假絕
72 76 jué to exhaust 謂翻通無假絕
73 76 jué distant 謂翻通無假絕
74 76 jué poor 謂翻通無假絕
75 76 jué a four-lined verse with five or seven characters in each line 謂翻通無假絕
76 76 jué to lose consciousness and die 謂翻通無假絕
77 76 jué to have no progeny 謂翻通無假絕
78 76 jué to refuse 謂翻通無假絕
79 76 jué cutting off; cheda 謂翻通無假絕
80 69 infix potential marker 若果如不
81 69 to use; to grasp 當知別以三字標今經之目
82 69 to rely on 當知別以三字標今經之目
83 69 to regard 當知別以三字標今經之目
84 69 to be able to 當知別以三字標今經之目
85 69 to order; to command 當知別以三字標今經之目
86 69 used after a verb 當知別以三字標今經之目
87 69 a reason; a cause 當知別以三字標今經之目
88 69 Israel 當知別以三字標今經之目
89 69 Yi 當知別以三字標今經之目
90 69 use; yogena 當知別以三字標今經之目
91 68 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 度者即是摩訶般若
92 68 duó to estimate; to calculate 度者即是摩訶般若
93 68 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 度者即是摩訶般若
94 68 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 度者即是摩訶般若
95 68 musical or poetic rhythm 度者即是摩訶般若
96 68 conduct; bearing 度者即是摩訶般若
97 68 to spend time; to pass time 度者即是摩訶般若
98 68 pāramitā; perfection 度者即是摩訶般若
99 68 ordination 度者即是摩訶般若
100 68 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 度者即是摩訶般若
101 51 to be near by; to be close to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
102 51 at that time 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
103 51 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
104 51 supposed; so-called 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
105 51 to arrive at; to ascend 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
106 50 meaning; sense 此則三德之義宛然
107 50 justice; right action; righteousness 此則三德之義宛然
108 50 artificial; man-made; fake 此則三德之義宛然
109 50 chivalry; generosity 此則三德之義宛然
110 50 just; righteous 此則三德之義宛然
111 50 adopted 此則三德之義宛然
112 50 a relationship 此則三德之義宛然
113 50 volunteer 此則三德之義宛然
114 50 something suitable 此則三德之義宛然
115 50 a martyr 此則三德之義宛然
116 50 a law 此則三德之義宛然
117 50 Yi 此則三德之義宛然
118 50 Righteousness 此則三德之義宛然
119 50 aim; artha 此則三德之義宛然
120 48 big; huge; large 摩訶言大
121 48 Kangxi radical 37 摩訶言大
122 48 great; major; important 摩訶言大
123 48 size 摩訶言大
124 48 old 摩訶言大
125 48 oldest; earliest 摩訶言大
126 48 adult 摩訶言大
127 48 dài an important person 摩訶言大
128 48 senior 摩訶言大
129 48 an element 摩訶言大
130 48 great; mahā 摩訶言大
131 48 yán to speak; to say; said 摩訶言大
132 48 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 摩訶言大
133 48 yán Kangxi radical 149 摩訶言大
134 48 yán phrase; sentence 摩訶言大
135 48 yán a word; a syllable 摩訶言大
136 48 yán a theory; a doctrine 摩訶言大
137 48 yán to regard as 摩訶言大
138 48 yán to act as 摩訶言大
139 48 yán word; vacana 摩訶言大
140 48 yán speak; vad 摩訶言大
141 48 sān three 分別佛性三因之殊
142 48 sān third 分別佛性三因之殊
143 48 sān more than two 分別佛性三因之殊
144 48 sān very few 分別佛性三因之殊
145 48 sān San 分別佛性三因之殊
146 48 sān three; tri 分別佛性三因之殊
147 48 sān sa 分別佛性三因之殊
148 48 sān three kinds; trividha 分別佛性三因之殊
149 48 ér Kangxi radical 126 無終而語
150 48 ér as if; to seem like 無終而語
151 48 néng can; able 無終而語
152 48 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 無終而語
153 48 ér to arrive; up to 無終而語
154 47 Qi 無始而言其始者
155 47 suǒ a few; various; some 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
156 47 suǒ a place; a location 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
157 47 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
158 47 suǒ an ordinal number 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
159 47 suǒ meaning 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
160 47 suǒ garrison 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
161 47 suǒ place; pradeśa 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
162 46 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 是則因如不異果
163 46 a grade; a level 是則因如不異果
164 46 an example; a model 是則因如不異果
165 46 a weighing device 是則因如不異果
166 46 to grade; to rank 是則因如不異果
167 46 to copy; to imitate; to follow 是則因如不異果
168 46 to do 是則因如不異果
169 46 koan; kōan; gong'an 是則因如不異果
170 46 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
171 46 děi to want to; to need to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
172 46 děi must; ought to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
173 46 de 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
174 46 de infix potential marker 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
175 46 to result in 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
176 46 to be proper; to fit; to suit 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
177 46 to be satisfied 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
178 46 to be finished 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
179 46 děi satisfying 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
180 46 to contract 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
181 46 to hear 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
182 46 to have; there is 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
183 46 marks time passed 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
184 46 obtain; attain; prāpta 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
185 45 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又其
186 45 one 釋此三字具依兩義一
187 45 Kangxi radical 1 釋此三字具依兩義一
188 45 pure; concentrated 釋此三字具依兩義一
189 45 first 釋此三字具依兩義一
190 45 the same 釋此三字具依兩義一
191 45 sole; single 釋此三字具依兩義一
192 45 a very small amount 釋此三字具依兩義一
193 45 Yi 釋此三字具依兩義一
194 45 other 釋此三字具依兩義一
195 45 to unify 釋此三字具依兩義一
196 45 accidentally; coincidentally 釋此三字具依兩義一
197 45 abruptly; suddenly 釋此三字具依兩義一
198 45 one; eka 釋此三字具依兩義一
199 44 fān to translate 般涅槃那此翻滅度
200 44 fān to flit about; to flap 般涅槃那此翻滅度
201 44 fān to turn over 般涅槃那此翻滅度
202 44 fān to change; to convert; to revise 般涅槃那此翻滅度
203 44 fān to reverse; to withdraw 般涅槃那此翻滅度
204 44 fān turned over; viparyaya 般涅槃那此翻滅度
205 44 shì to release; to set free 釋此三字具依兩義一
206 44 shì to explain; to interpret 釋此三字具依兩義一
207 44 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋此三字具依兩義一
208 44 shì to give up; to abandon 釋此三字具依兩義一
209 44 shì to put down 釋此三字具依兩義一
210 44 shì to resolve 釋此三字具依兩義一
211 44 shì to melt 釋此三字具依兩義一
212 44 shì Śākyamuni 釋此三字具依兩義一
213 44 shì Buddhism 釋此三字具依兩義一
214 44 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋此三字具依兩義一
215 44 pleased; glad 釋此三字具依兩義一
216 44 shì explain 釋此三字具依兩義一
217 44 shì Śakra; Indra 釋此三字具依兩義一
218 43 tōng to go through; to open 別二通
219 43 tōng open 別二通
220 43 tōng to connect 別二通
221 43 tōng to know well 別二通
222 43 tōng to report 別二通
223 43 tōng to commit adultery 別二通
224 43 tōng common; in general 別二通
225 43 tōng to transmit 別二通
226 43 tōng to attain a goal 別二通
227 43 tōng to communicate with 別二通
228 43 tōng to pardon; to forgive 別二通
229 43 tōng free-flowing; smooth 別二通
230 43 tōng smoothly; without a hitch 別二通
231 43 tōng erudite; learned 別二通
232 43 tōng an expert 別二通
233 43 tōng a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; ṛddhi 別二通
234 43 tōng [intellectual] penetration; prativedha 別二通
235 39 to go; to 經乃於非始之始
236 39 to rely on; to depend on 經乃於非始之始
237 39 Yu 經乃於非始之始
238 39 a crow 經乃於非始之始
239 39 method; way 其性即法性法
240 39 France 其性即法性法
241 39 the law; rules; regulations 其性即法性法
242 39 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 其性即法性法
243 39 a standard; a norm 其性即法性法
244 39 an institution 其性即法性法
245 39 to emulate 其性即法性法
246 39 magic; a magic trick 其性即法性法
247 39 punishment 其性即法性法
248 39 Fa 其性即法性法
249 39 a precedent 其性即法性法
250 39 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 其性即法性法
251 39 relating to a ceremony or rite 其性即法性法
252 39 Dharma 其性即法性法
253 39 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 其性即法性法
254 39 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 其性即法性法
255 39 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 其性即法性法
256 39 quality; characteristic 其性即法性法
257 34 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 師子吼者名決定說
258 34 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 師子吼者名決定說
259 34 shuì to persuade 師子吼者名決定說
260 34 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 師子吼者名決定說
261 34 shuō a doctrine; a theory 師子吼者名決定說
262 34 shuō to claim; to assert 師子吼者名決定說
263 34 shuō allocution 師子吼者名決定說
264 34 shuō to criticize; to scold 師子吼者名決定說
265 34 shuō to indicate; to refer to 師子吼者名決定說
266 34 shuō speach; vāda 師子吼者名決定說
267 34 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 師子吼者名決定說
268 34 shuō to instruct 師子吼者名決定說
269 34 jīn today; present; now 今此大經為欲開通往昔教門
270 34 jīn Jin 今此大經為欲開通往昔教門
271 34 jīn modern 今此大經為欲開通往昔教門
272 34 jīn now; adhunā 今此大經為欲開通往昔教門
273 34 an item 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
274 34 Kangxi radical 109 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
275 34 to look; to stare 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
276 34 an eye 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
277 34 an order 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
278 34 a title 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
279 34 mesh 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
280 34 list; catalog; table of contents 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
281 34 goal 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
282 34 knot on a tree 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
283 34 a section; a clause 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
284 34 a name 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
285 34 Mu 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
286 34 eye 種智涅槃修因方克目之為新
287 34 bié other 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
288 34 bié special 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
289 34 bié to leave 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
290 34 bié to distinguish 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
291 34 bié to pin 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
292 34 bié to insert; to jam 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
293 34 bié to turn 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
294 34 bié Bie 辨於涅槃三德極果之別
295 33 安樂 ānlè peaceful and happy; content 翻為安樂
296 33 安樂 ānlè Anle 翻為安樂
297 33 安樂 ānlè Anle district 翻為安樂
298 33 安樂 ānlè Stability and Happiness 翻為安樂
299 33 安樂 ānlè condition of ease; sparśavihāra 翻為安樂
300 31 to go back; to return 後家滅生復滅於滅
301 31 to resume; to restart 後家滅生復滅於滅
302 31 to do in detail 後家滅生復滅於滅
303 31 to restore 後家滅生復滅於滅
304 31 to respond; to reply to 後家滅生復滅於滅
305 31 Fu; Return 後家滅生復滅於滅
306 31 to retaliate; to reciprocate 後家滅生復滅於滅
307 31 to avoid forced labor or tax 後家滅生復滅於滅
308 31 Fu 後家滅生復滅於滅
309 31 doubled; to overlapping; folded 後家滅生復滅於滅
310 31 a lined garment with doubled thickness 後家滅生復滅於滅
311 30 無名 wúmíng nameless 三釋無名者
312 30 Buddha; Awakened One 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
313 30 relating to Buddhism 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
314 30 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
315 30 a Buddhist text 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
316 30 to touch; to stroke 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
317 30 Buddha 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
318 30 Buddha; Awakened One 佛具四等隨其類音溥告眾生
319 29 jià vacation 謂翻通無假絕
320 29 jiǎ fake; false 謂翻通無假絕
321 29 jiǎ to borrow 謂翻通無假絕
322 29 jiǎ provisional 謂翻通無假絕
323 29 jiǎ to pardon; to concede 謂翻通無假絕
324 29 jiǎ to grant 謂翻通無假絕
325 29 jiǎ to pretend 謂翻通無假絕
326 29 jiǎ to designate using the name of; to substitute for 謂翻通無假絕
327 29 jiǎ to depend on 謂翻通無假絕
328 29 jiǎ to wait on 謂翻通無假絕
329 29 jiǎ to get close to 謂翻通無假絕
330 29 jiǎ excellent 謂翻通無假絕
331 29 jiǎ provisional; conventional; temporary; designated 謂翻通無假絕
332 28 Kangxi radical 49
333 28 to bring to an end; to stop
334 28 to complete
335 28 to demote; to dismiss
336 28 to recover from an illness
337 28 former; pūrvaka
338 27 jīng to go through; to experience 經乃於非始之始
339 27 jīng a sutra; a scripture 經乃於非始之始
340 27 jīng warp 經乃於非始之始
341 27 jīng longitude 經乃於非始之始
342 27 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 經乃於非始之始
343 27 jīng a woman's period 經乃於非始之始
344 27 jīng to bear; to endure 經乃於非始之始
345 27 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 經乃於非始之始
346 27 jīng classics 經乃於非始之始
347 27 jīng to be frugal; to save 經乃於非始之始
348 27 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 經乃於非始之始
349 27 jīng a standard; a norm 經乃於非始之始
350 27 jīng a section of a Confucian work 經乃於非始之始
351 27 jīng to measure 經乃於非始之始
352 27 jīng human pulse 經乃於非始之始
353 27 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 經乃於非始之始
354 27 jīng sutra; discourse 經乃於非始之始
355 27 néng can; able 信為能入智
356 27 néng ability; capacity 信為能入智
357 27 néng a mythical bear-like beast 信為能入智
358 27 néng energy 信為能入智
359 27 néng function; use 信為能入智
360 27 néng talent 信為能入智
361 27 néng expert at 信為能入智
362 27 néng to be in harmony 信為能入智
363 27 néng to tend to; to care for 信為能入智
364 27 néng to reach; to arrive at 信為能入智
365 27 néng to be able; śak 信為能入智
366 27 néng skilful; pravīṇa 信為能入智
367 26 生死 shēngsǐ life and death; life or death 謂之無明生死
368 26 生死 shēngsǐ to continue regardess of living or dying 謂之無明生死
369 26 生死 shēngsǐ Saṃsāra; Samsara 謂之無明生死
370 25 four 四釋用
371 25 note a musical scale 四釋用
372 25 fourth 四釋用
373 25 Si 四釋用
374 25 four; catur 四釋用
375 24 xiǎo small; tiny 大若虛空不因小相
376 24 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 大若虛空不因小相
377 24 xiǎo brief 大若虛空不因小相
378 24 xiǎo small in amount 大若虛空不因小相
379 24 xiǎo insignificant 大若虛空不因小相
380 24 xiǎo small in ability 大若虛空不因小相
381 24 xiǎo to shrink 大若虛空不因小相
382 24 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 大若虛空不因小相
383 24 xiǎo evil-doer 大若虛空不因小相
384 24 xiǎo a child 大若虛空不因小相
385 24 xiǎo concubine 大若虛空不因小相
386 24 xiǎo young 大若虛空不因小相
387 24 xiǎo small; alpa 大若虛空不因小相
388 24 xiǎo mild; mrdu 大若虛空不因小相
389 24 xiǎo limited; paritta 大若虛空不因小相
390 24 xiǎo deficient; dabhra 大若虛空不因小相
391 24 大涅槃 dà nièpán Great Nirvana 云何以有無名大涅槃
392 24 大涅槃 dà nièpán Mahaparinirvana 云何以有無名大涅槃
393 23 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 故不可翻
394 23 不可 bù kě improbable 故不可翻
395 23 děng et cetera; and so on 不縱不橫妙等伊字
396 23 děng to wait 不縱不橫妙等伊字
397 23 děng to be equal 不縱不橫妙等伊字
398 23 děng degree; level 不縱不橫妙等伊字
399 23 děng to compare 不縱不橫妙等伊字
400 23 děng same; equal; sama 不縱不橫妙等伊字
401 23 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 滅者即是解脫
402 23 解脫 jiětuō liberation 滅者即是解脫
403 23 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 滅者即是解脫
404 21 zhōng middle 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
405 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
406 21 zhōng China 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
407 21 zhòng to hit the mark 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
408 21 zhōng midday 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
409 21 zhōng inside 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
410 21 zhōng during 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
411 21 zhōng Zhong 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
412 21 zhōng intermediary 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
413 21 zhōng half 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
414 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
415 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
416 21 zhòng to obtain 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
417 21 zhòng to pass an exam 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
418 21 zhōng middle 置毒佛性遍五味中味味殺人
419 21 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 顯發如來方便密義故
420 21 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 顯發如來方便密義故
421 21 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 顯發如來方便密義故
422 21 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 顯發如來方便密義故
423 21 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 顯發如來方便密義故
424 21 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 顯發如來方便密義故
425 21 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 顯發如來方便密義故
426 21 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 顯發如來方便密義故
427 21 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 顯發如來方便密義故
428 21 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 顯發如來方便密義故
429 20 bìng ailment; sickness; illness; disease 如人病差名為安樂
430 20 bìng to be sick 如人病差名為安樂
431 20 bìng a defect; a fault; a shortcoming 如人病差名為安樂
432 20 bìng to be disturbed about 如人病差名為安樂
433 20 bìng to suffer for 如人病差名為安樂
434 20 bìng to harm 如人病差名為安樂
435 20 bìng to worry 如人病差名為安樂
436 20 bìng to hate; to resent 如人病差名為安樂
437 20 bìng to criticize; to find fault with 如人病差名為安樂
438 20 bìng withered 如人病差名為安樂
439 20 bìng exhausted 如人病差名為安樂
440 20 bìng sickness; vyādhi 如人病差名為安樂
441 20 idea 意者
442 20 Italy (abbreviation) 意者
443 20 a wish; a desire; intention 意者
444 20 mood; feeling 意者
445 20 will; willpower; determination 意者
446 20 bearing; spirit 意者
447 20 to think of; to long for; to miss 意者
448 20 to anticipate; to expect 意者
449 20 to doubt; to suspect 意者
450 20 meaning 意者
451 20 a suggestion; a hint 意者
452 20 an understanding; a point of view 意者
453 20 Yi 意者
454 20 manas; mind; mentation 意者
455 20 法界 fǎjiè Dharma Realm 發心不能遍法界
456 20 法界 fǎjiè a dharma realm; dharmadhatu 發心不能遍法界
457 20 法界 fǎjiè tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata 發心不能遍法界
458 19 wèi to call 謂之無明生死
459 19 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂之無明生死
460 19 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之無明生死
461 19 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂之無明生死
462 19 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂之無明生死
463 19 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之無明生死
464 19 wèi to think 謂之無明生死
465 19 wèi for; is to be 謂之無明生死
466 19 wèi to make; to cause 謂之無明生死
467 19 wèi principle; reason 謂之無明生死
468 19 wèi Wei 謂之無明生死
469 19 zhēn real; true; genuine 滅諦之真尚不可以
470 19 zhēn sincere 滅諦之真尚不可以
471 19 zhēn Zhen 滅諦之真尚不可以
472 19 zhēn regular script 滅諦之真尚不可以
473 19 zhēn a portrait 滅諦之真尚不可以
474 19 zhēn natural state 滅諦之真尚不可以
475 19 zhēn perfect 滅諦之真尚不可以
476 19 zhēn ideal 滅諦之真尚不可以
477 19 zhēn an immortal 滅諦之真尚不可以
478 19 zhēn a true official appointment 滅諦之真尚不可以
479 19 zhēn True 滅諦之真尚不可以
480 19 zhēn true 滅諦之真尚不可以
481 19 letter; symbol; character 不縱不橫妙等伊字
482 19 Zi 不縱不橫妙等伊字
483 19 to love 不縱不橫妙等伊字
484 19 to teach; to educate 不縱不橫妙等伊字
485 19 to be allowed to marry 不縱不橫妙等伊字
486 19 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 不縱不橫妙等伊字
487 19 diction; wording 不縱不橫妙等伊字
488 19 handwriting 不縱不橫妙等伊字
489 19 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 不縱不橫妙等伊字
490 19 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 不縱不橫妙等伊字
491 19 a font; a calligraphic style 不縱不橫妙等伊字
492 19 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 不縱不橫妙等伊字
493 18 èr two 別二通
494 18 èr Kangxi radical 7 別二通
495 18 èr second 別二通
496 18 èr twice; double; di- 別二通
497 18 èr more than one kind 別二通
498 18 èr two; dvā; dvi 別二通
499 18 èr both; dvaya 別二通
500 18 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 信為能入智

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1114

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 160 shì is; are; am; to be 是則因如不異果
2 160 shì is exactly 是則因如不異果
3 160 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是則因如不異果
4 160 shì this; that; those 是則因如不異果
5 160 shì really; certainly 是則因如不異果
6 160 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是則因如不異果
7 160 shì true 是則因如不異果
8 160 shì is; has; exists 是則因如不異果
9 160 shì used between repetitions of a word 是則因如不異果
10 160 shì a matter; an affair 是則因如不異果
11 160 shì Shi 是則因如不異果
12 160 shì is; bhū 是則因如不異果
13 160 shì this; idam 是則因如不異果
14 153 zhī him; her; them; that 謂之無明生死
15 153 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 謂之無明生死
16 153 zhī to go 謂之無明生死
17 153 zhī this; that 謂之無明生死
18 153 zhī genetive marker 謂之無明生死
19 153 zhī it 謂之無明生死
20 153 zhī in; in regards to 謂之無明生死
21 153 zhī all 謂之無明生死
22 153 zhī and 謂之無明生死
23 153 zhī however 謂之無明生死
24 153 zhī if 謂之無明生死
25 153 zhī then 謂之無明生死
26 153 zhī to arrive; to go 謂之無明生死
27 153 zhī is 謂之無明生死
28 153 zhī to use 謂之無明生死
29 153 zhī Zhi 謂之無明生死
30 153 zhī winding 謂之無明生死
31 147 míng measure word for people 名之為故
32 147 míng fame; renown; reputation 名之為故
33 147 míng a name; personal name; designation 名之為故
34 147 míng rank; position 名之為故
35 147 míng an excuse 名之為故
36 147 míng life 名之為故
37 147 míng to name; to call 名之為故
38 147 míng to express; to describe 名之為故
39 147 míng to be called; to have the name 名之為故
40 147 míng to own; to possess 名之為故
41 147 míng famous; renowned 名之為故
42 147 míng moral 名之為故
43 147 míng name; naman 名之為故
44 147 míng fame; renown; yasas 名之為故
45 144 fēi not; non-; un- 妙理虛玄非新非故
46 144 fēi Kangxi radical 175 妙理虛玄非新非故
47 144 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 妙理虛玄非新非故
48 144 fēi different 妙理虛玄非新非故
49 144 fēi to not be; to not have 妙理虛玄非新非故
50 144 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 妙理虛玄非新非故
51 144 fēi Africa 妙理虛玄非新非故
52 144 fēi to slander 妙理虛玄非新非故
53 144 fěi to avoid 妙理虛玄非新非故
54 144 fēi must 妙理虛玄非新非故
55 144 fēi an error 妙理虛玄非新非故
56 144 fēi a problem; a question 妙理虛玄非新非故
57 144 fēi evil 妙理虛玄非新非故
58 144 fēi besides; except; unless 妙理虛玄非新非故
59 144 fēi not 妙理虛玄非新非故
60 119 also; too 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
61 119 but 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
62 119 this; he; she 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
63 119 although; even though 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
64 119 already 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
65 119 particle with no meaning 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
66 119 Yi 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
67 119 涅槃 nièpán Nirvana 即是種智涅槃
68 119 涅槃 Nièpán nirvana 即是種智涅槃
69 119 涅槃 nièpán Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna 即是種智涅槃
70 111 no 無終而語
71 111 Kangxi radical 71 無終而語
72 111 to not have; without 無終而語
73 111 has not yet 無終而語
74 111 mo 無終而語
75 111 do not 無終而語
76 111 not; -less; un- 無終而語
77 111 regardless of 無終而語
78 111 to not have 無終而語
79 111 um 無終而語
80 111 Wu 無終而語
81 111 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無終而語
82 111 not; non- 無終而語
83 111 mo 無終而語
84 106 also; too 乳也
85 106 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 乳也
86 106 either 乳也
87 106 even 乳也
88 106 used to soften the tone 乳也
89 106 used for emphasis 乳也
90 106 used to mark contrast 乳也
91 106 used to mark compromise 乳也
92 106 ya 乳也
93 103 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 妙理虛玄非新非故
94 103 old; ancient; former; past 妙理虛玄非新非故
95 103 reason; cause; purpose 妙理虛玄非新非故
96 103 to die 妙理虛玄非新非故
97 103 so; therefore; hence 妙理虛玄非新非故
98 103 original 妙理虛玄非新非故
99 103 accident; happening; instance 妙理虛玄非新非故
100 103 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 妙理虛玄非新非故
101 103 something in the past 妙理虛玄非新非故
102 103 deceased; dead 妙理虛玄非新非故
103 103 still; yet 妙理虛玄非新非故
104 103 therefore; tasmāt 妙理虛玄非新非故
105 100 wèi for; to 名之為故
106 100 wèi because of 名之為故
107 100 wéi to act as; to serve 名之為故
108 100 wéi to change into; to become 名之為故
109 100 wéi to be; is 名之為故
110 100 wéi to do 名之為故
111 100 wèi for 名之為故
112 100 wèi because of; for; to 名之為故
113 100 wèi to 名之為故
114 100 wéi in a passive construction 名之為故
115 100 wéi forming a rehetorical question 名之為故
116 100 wéi forming an adverb 名之為故
117 100 wéi to add emphasis 名之為故
118 100 wèi to support; to help 名之為故
119 100 wéi to govern 名之為故
120 100 wèi to be; bhū 名之為故
121 94 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 無始而言其始者
122 94 zhě that 無始而言其始者
123 94 zhě nominalizing function word 無始而言其始者
124 94 zhě used to mark a definition 無始而言其始者
125 94 zhě used to mark a pause 無始而言其始者
126 94 zhě topic marker; that; it 無始而言其始者
127 94 zhuó according to 無始而言其始者
128 94 zhě ca 無始而言其始者
129 93 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若佛性
130 93 ruò seemingly 若佛性
131 93 ruò if 若佛性
132 93 ruò you 若佛性
133 93 ruò this; that 若佛性
134 93 ruò and; or 若佛性
135 93 ruò as for; pertaining to 若佛性
136 93 pomegranite 若佛性
137 93 ruò to choose 若佛性
138 93 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若佛性
139 93 ruò thus 若佛性
140 93 ruò pollia 若佛性
141 93 ruò Ruo 若佛性
142 93 ruò only then 若佛性
143 93 ja 若佛性
144 93 jñā 若佛性
145 93 ruò if; yadi 若佛性
146 91 yún cloud 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
147 91 yún Yunnan 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
148 91 yún Yun 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
149 91 yún to say 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
150 91 yún to have 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
151 91 yún a particle with no meaning 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
152 91 yún in this way 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
153 91 yún cloud; megha 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
154 91 yún to say; iti 應云摩訶般涅槃那修多羅
155 87 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 滅者即是解脫
156 87 miè to submerge 滅者即是解脫
157 87 miè to extinguish; to put out 滅者即是解脫
158 87 miè to eliminate 滅者即是解脫
159 87 miè to disappear; to fade away 滅者即是解脫
160 87 miè the cessation of suffering 滅者即是解脫
161 87 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 滅者即是解脫
162 82 this; these
163 82 in this way
164 82 otherwise; but; however; so
165 82 at this time; now; here
166 82 this; here; etad
167 77 yǒu is; are; to exist 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
168 77 yǒu to have; to possess 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
169 77 yǒu indicates an estimate 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
170 77 yǒu indicates a large quantity 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
171 77 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
172 77 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
173 77 yǒu used to compare two things 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
174 77 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
175 77 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
176 77 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
177 77 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
178 77 yǒu abundant 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
179 77 yǒu purposeful 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
180 77 yǒu You 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
181 77 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
182 77 yǒu becoming; bhava 是以大聖赴緣之教亦有
183 76 jué absolutely 謂翻通無假絕
184 76 jué to disappear; to vanish 謂翻通無假絕
185 76 jué unique; outstanding 謂翻通無假絕
186 76 jué to cut; to break 謂翻通無假絕
187 76 jué to die 謂翻通無假絕
188 76 jué to cross 謂翻通無假絕
189 76 jué to surpass 謂翻通無假絕
190 76 jué to stop 謂翻通無假絕
191 76 jué to exhaust 謂翻通無假絕
192 76 jué distant 謂翻通無假絕
193 76 jué poor 謂翻通無假絕
194 76 jué a four-lined verse with five or seven characters in each line 謂翻通無假絕
195 76 jué to lose consciousness and die 謂翻通無假絕
196 76 jué to have no progeny 謂翻通無假絕
197 76 jué to refuse 謂翻通無假絕
198 76 jué must 謂翻通無假絕
199 76 jué unfeeling; callous 謂翻通無假絕
200 76 jué cutting off; cheda 謂翻通無假絕
201 69 not; no 若果如不
202 69 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 若果如不
203 69 as a correlative 若果如不
204 69 no (answering a question) 若果如不
205 69 forms a negative adjective from a noun 若果如不
206 69 at the end of a sentence to form a question 若果如不
207 69 to form a yes or no question 若果如不
208 69 infix potential marker 若果如不
209 69 no; na 若果如不
210 69 so as to; in order to 當知別以三字標今經之目
211 69 to use; to regard as 當知別以三字標今經之目
212 69 to use; to grasp 當知別以三字標今經之目
213 69 according to 當知別以三字標今經之目
214 69 because of 當知別以三字標今經之目
215 69 on a certain date 當知別以三字標今經之目
216 69 and; as well as 當知別以三字標今經之目
217 69 to rely on 當知別以三字標今經之目
218 69 to regard 當知別以三字標今經之目
219 69 to be able to 當知別以三字標今經之目
220 69 to order; to command 當知別以三字標今經之目
221 69 further; moreover 當知別以三字標今經之目
222 69 used after a verb 當知別以三字標今經之目
223 69 very 當知別以三字標今經之目
224 69 already 當知別以三字標今經之目
225 69 increasingly 當知別以三字標今經之目
226 69 a reason; a cause 當知別以三字標今經之目
227 69 Israel 當知別以三字標今經之目
228 69 Yi 當知別以三字標今經之目
229 69 use; yogena 當知別以三字標今經之目
230 68 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 度者即是摩訶般若
231 68 duó to estimate; to calculate 度者即是摩訶般若
232 68 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 度者即是摩訶般若
233 68 amount 度者即是摩訶般若
234 68 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 度者即是摩訶般若
235 68 musical or poetic rhythm 度者即是摩訶般若
236 68 conduct; bearing 度者即是摩訶般若
237 68 a time 度者即是摩訶般若
238 68 to spend time; to pass time 度者即是摩訶般若
239 68 kilowatt-hour 度者即是摩訶般若
240 68 degree 度者即是摩訶般若
241 68 pāramitā; perfection 度者即是摩訶般若
242 68 ordination 度者即是摩訶般若
243 68 liberate; ferry; mokṣa 度者即是摩訶般若
244 51 promptly; right away; immediately 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
245 51 to be near by; to be close to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
246 51 at that time 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
247 51 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
248 51 supposed; so-called 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
249 51 if; but 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
250 51 to arrive at; to ascend 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
251 51 then; following 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
252 51 so; just so; eva 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
253 50 meaning; sense 此則三德之義宛然
254 50 justice; right action; righteousness 此則三德之義宛然
255 50 artificial; man-made; fake 此則三德之義宛然
256 50 chivalry; generosity 此則三德之義宛然
257 50 just; righteous 此則三德之義宛然
258 50 adopted 此則三德之義宛然
259 50 a relationship 此則三德之義宛然
260 50 volunteer 此則三德之義宛然
261 50 something suitable 此則三德之義宛然
262 50 a martyr 此則三德之義宛然
263 50 a law 此則三德之義宛然
264 50 Yi 此則三德之義宛然
265 50 Righteousness 此則三德之義宛然
266 50 aim; artha 此則三德之義宛然
267 48 big; huge; large 摩訶言大
268 48 Kangxi radical 37 摩訶言大
269 48 great; major; important 摩訶言大
270 48 size 摩訶言大
271 48 old 摩訶言大
272 48 greatly; very 摩訶言大
273 48 oldest; earliest 摩訶言大
274 48 adult 摩訶言大
275 48 tài greatest; grand 摩訶言大
276 48 dài an important person 摩訶言大
277 48 senior 摩訶言大
278 48 approximately 摩訶言大
279 48 tài greatest; grand 摩訶言大
280 48 an element 摩訶言大
281 48 great; mahā 摩訶言大
282 48 yán to speak; to say; said 摩訶言大
283 48 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 摩訶言大
284 48 yán Kangxi radical 149 摩訶言大
285 48 yán a particle with no meaning 摩訶言大
286 48 yán phrase; sentence 摩訶言大
287 48 yán a word; a syllable 摩訶言大
288 48 yán a theory; a doctrine 摩訶言大
289 48 yán to regard as 摩訶言大
290 48 yán to act as 摩訶言大
291 48 yán word; vacana 摩訶言大
292 48 yán speak; vad 摩訶言大
293 48 sān three 分別佛性三因之殊
294 48 sān third 分別佛性三因之殊
295 48 sān more than two 分別佛性三因之殊
296 48 sān very few 分別佛性三因之殊
297 48 sān repeatedly 分別佛性三因之殊
298 48 sān San 分別佛性三因之殊
299 48 sān three; tri 分別佛性三因之殊
300 48 sān sa 分別佛性三因之殊
301 48 sān three kinds; trividha 分別佛性三因之殊
302 48 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 無終而語
303 48 ér Kangxi radical 126 無終而語
304 48 ér you 無終而語
305 48 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 無終而語
306 48 ér right away; then 無終而語
307 48 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 無終而語
308 48 ér if; in case; in the event that 無終而語
309 48 ér therefore; as a result; thus 無終而語
310 48 ér how can it be that? 無終而語
311 48 ér so as to 無終而語
312 48 ér only then 無終而語
313 48 ér as if; to seem like 無終而語
314 48 néng can; able 無終而語
315 48 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 無終而語
316 48 ér me 無終而語
317 48 ér to arrive; up to 無終而語
318 48 ér possessive 無終而語
319 48 ér and; ca 無終而語
320 47 his; hers; its; theirs 無始而言其始者
321 47 to add emphasis 無始而言其始者
322 47 used when asking a question in reply to a question 無始而言其始者
323 47 used when making a request or giving an order 無始而言其始者
324 47 he; her; it; them 無始而言其始者
325 47 probably; likely 無始而言其始者
326 47 will 無始而言其始者
327 47 may 無始而言其始者
328 47 if 無始而言其始者
329 47 or 無始而言其始者
330 47 Qi 無始而言其始者
331 47 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 無始而言其始者
332 47 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
333 47 suǒ an office; an institute 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
334 47 suǒ introduces a relative clause 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
335 47 suǒ it 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
336 47 suǒ if; supposing 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
337 47 suǒ a few; various; some 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
338 47 suǒ a place; a location 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
339 47 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
340 47 suǒ that which 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
341 47 suǒ an ordinal number 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
342 47 suǒ meaning 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
343 47 suǒ garrison 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
344 47 suǒ place; pradeśa 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
345 47 suǒ that which; yad 為赴此機所說教門非頓非漸
346 46 otherwise; but; however 是則因如不異果
347 46 then 是則因如不異果
348 46 measure word for short sections of text 是則因如不異果
349 46 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 是則因如不異果
350 46 a grade; a level 是則因如不異果
351 46 an example; a model 是則因如不異果
352 46 a weighing device 是則因如不異果
353 46 to grade; to rank 是則因如不異果
354 46 to copy; to imitate; to follow 是則因如不異果
355 46 to do 是則因如不異果
356 46 only 是則因如不異果
357 46 immediately 是則因如不異果
358 46 then; moreover; atha 是則因如不異果
359 46 koan; kōan; gong'an 是則因如不異果
360 46 de potential marker 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
361 46 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
362 46 děi must; ought to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
363 46 děi to want to; to need to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
364 46 děi must; ought to 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
365 46 de 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
366 46 de infix potential marker 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
367 46 to result in 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
368 46 to be proper; to fit; to suit 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
369 46 to be satisfied 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
370 46 to be finished 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
371 46 de result of degree 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
372 46 de marks completion of an action 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
373 46 děi satisfying 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
374 46 to contract 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
375 46 marks permission or possibility 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
376 46 expressing frustration 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
377 46 to hear 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
378 46 to have; there is 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
379 46 marks time passed 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
380 46 obtain; attain; prāpta 頓則譬於忍辱之草牛食即得醍
381 45 yòu again; also 又其
382 45 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又其
383 45 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又其
384 45 yòu and 又其
385 45 yòu furthermore 又其
386 45 yòu in addition 又其
387 45 yòu but 又其
388 45 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又其
389 45 one 釋此三字具依兩義一
390 45 Kangxi radical 1 釋此三字具依兩義一
391 45 as soon as; all at once 釋此三字具依兩義一
392 45 pure; concentrated 釋此三字具依兩義一
393 45 whole; all 釋此三字具依兩義一
394 45 first 釋此三字具依兩義一
395 45 the same 釋此三字具依兩義一
396 45 each 釋此三字具依兩義一
397 45 certain 釋此三字具依兩義一
398 45 throughout 釋此三字具依兩義一
399 45 used in between a reduplicated verb 釋此三字具依兩義一
400 45 sole; single 釋此三字具依兩義一
401 45 a very small amount 釋此三字具依兩義一
402 45 Yi 釋此三字具依兩義一
403 45 other 釋此三字具依兩義一
404 45 to unify 釋此三字具依兩義一
405 45 accidentally; coincidentally 釋此三字具依兩義一
406 45 abruptly; suddenly 釋此三字具依兩義一
407 45 or 釋此三字具依兩義一
408 45 one; eka 釋此三字具依兩義一
409 44 such as; for example; for instance 是則因如不異果
410 44 if 是則因如不異果
411 44 in accordance with 是則因如不異果
412 44 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 是則因如不異果
413 44 this 是則因如不異果
414 44 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 是則因如不異果
415 44 to go to 是則因如不異果
416 44 to meet 是則因如不異果
417 44 to appear; to seem; to be like 是則因如不異果
418 44 at least as good as 是則因如不異果
419 44 and 是則因如不異果
420 44 or 是則因如不異果
421 44 but 是則因如不異果
422 44 then 是則因如不異果
423 44 naturally 是則因如不異果
424 44 expresses a question or doubt 是則因如不異果
425 44 you 是則因如不異果
426 44 the second lunar month 是則因如不異果
427 44 in; at 是則因如不異果
428 44 Ru 是則因如不異果
429 44 Thus 是則因如不異果
430 44 thus; tathā 是則因如不異果
431 44 like; iva 是則因如不異果
432 44 suchness; tathatā 是則因如不異果
433 44 fān to translate 般涅槃那此翻滅度
434 44 fān to flit about; to flap 般涅槃那此翻滅度
435 44 fān to turn over 般涅槃那此翻滅度
436 44 fān to change; to convert; to revise 般涅槃那此翻滅度
437 44 fān to reverse; to withdraw 般涅槃那此翻滅度
438 44 fān turned over; viparyaya 般涅槃那此翻滅度
439 44 shì to release; to set free 釋此三字具依兩義一
440 44 shì to explain; to interpret 釋此三字具依兩義一
441 44 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋此三字具依兩義一
442 44 shì to give up; to abandon 釋此三字具依兩義一
443 44 shì to put down 釋此三字具依兩義一
444 44 shì to resolve 釋此三字具依兩義一
445 44 shì to melt 釋此三字具依兩義一
446 44 shì Śākyamuni 釋此三字具依兩義一
447 44 shì Buddhism 釋此三字具依兩義一
448 44 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋此三字具依兩義一
449 44 pleased; glad 釋此三字具依兩義一
450 44 shì explain 釋此三字具依兩義一
451 44 shì Śakra; Indra 釋此三字具依兩義一
452 43 tōng to go through; to open 別二通
453 43 tōng open 別二通
454 43 tōng instance; occurrence; bout 別二通
455 43 tōng to connect 別二通
456 43 tōng to know well 別二通
457 43 tōng to report 別二通
458 43 tōng to commit adultery 別二通
459 43 tōng common; in general 別二通
460 43 tōng to transmit 別二通
461 43 tōng to attain a goal 別二通
462 43 tōng finally; in the end 別二通
463 43 tōng to communicate with 別二通
464 43 tōng thoroughly 別二通
465 43 tōng to pardon; to forgive 別二通
466 43 tōng free-flowing; smooth 別二通
467 43 tōng smoothly; without a hitch 別二通
468 43 tōng erudite; learned 別二通
469 43 tōng an expert 別二通
470 43 tōng a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; ṛddhi 別二通
471 43 tōng [intellectual] penetration; prativedha 別二通
472 39 in; at 經乃於非始之始
473 39 in; at 經乃於非始之始
474 39 in; at; to; from 經乃於非始之始
475 39 to go; to 經乃於非始之始
476 39 to rely on; to depend on 經乃於非始之始
477 39 to go to; to arrive at 經乃於非始之始
478 39 from 經乃於非始之始
479 39 give 經乃於非始之始
480 39 oppposing 經乃於非始之始
481 39 and 經乃於非始之始
482 39 compared to 經乃於非始之始
483 39 by 經乃於非始之始
484 39 and; as well as 經乃於非始之始
485 39 for 經乃於非始之始
486 39 Yu 經乃於非始之始
487 39 a crow 經乃於非始之始
488 39 whew; wow 經乃於非始之始
489 39 near to; antike 經乃於非始之始
490 39 method; way 其性即法性法
491 39 France 其性即法性法
492 39 the law; rules; regulations 其性即法性法
493 39 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 其性即法性法
494 39 a standard; a norm 其性即法性法
495 39 an institution 其性即法性法
496 39 to emulate 其性即法性法
497 39 magic; a magic trick 其性即法性法
498 39 punishment 其性即法性法
499 39 Fa 其性即法性法
500 39 a precedent 其性即法性法


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. míng
  2. míng
  1. name; naman
  2. fame; renown; yasas
fēi not
  1. nièpán
  2. Nièpán
  3. nièpán
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
  1. Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression.
  2. not; non-
  3. mo
therefore; tasmāt
wèi to be; bhū
zhě ca
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. cypress; cedar
  2. Berlin
  3. Bai
遍一切处 遍一切處 98 Vairocana
大般涅槃经玄义 大般涅槃經玄義 100 Da Ban Niepan Jing Xuan Yi
大经 大經 100 The Mahāpirvāṇa sūtra; The Nirvāṇa sūtra
大论 大論 100 Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom; Dazhidu Lun; Mahāprajñāpāramitaśastra; Māhaprajñāparamitopadeśa
大灭度 大滅度 100 Great Extinguishing
大涅盘 大涅槃 100
  1. Great Nirvana
  2. Mahaparinirvana
达摩 達摩 68 Bodhidharma
大品 100 Pancavimsati Sahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
法华 法華 70
  1. Dharma Flower
  2. The Lotus Sutra
法胜 法勝 102 Dharmottara
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法王 102
  1. King of the Law; Dharma King
  2. Dharmaraja (Thailand)
  3. Dharma King
  4. Dharmaraja; Dharma King
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
光宅 103 Guangzhai
广州 廣州 103 Guangzhou
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
河伯 104 name or river God associated with Yellow river
恒安 104 Heng An
104 Huan river
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
迦毘罗城 迦毘羅城 106 Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
净名 淨名 106 Vimalakirti
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
龙树 龍樹 108 Nagarjuna
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
泥曰 110 Nirvana; Nibbāna
毘婆沙 112 Vibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三聚 115 the three paths
三身 115 Trikaya
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三义 三義 115
  1. Sanyi
  2. Sanyi
僧盛 115 Sengsheng; Shi Sengsheng
善来 善來 115 Svāgata; sāgata
善妙 115
  1. Zenmyō
  2. Shan Miao
胜鬘 勝鬘 83 Śrīmālā
神龟 神龜 115 Shengui reign
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
释论 釋論 115 Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom; Dazhidu Lun; Mahāprajñāpāramitaśastra; Māhaprajñāparamitopadeśa
释名 釋名 115 Shi Ming
十住 115
  1. ten abodes
  2. the ten Stages in bodhisattva wisdom
释教 釋教 115 Buddhism
115 Sui Dynasty
太昌 116 Taichang reign
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
天台 116 Tiantai; T'ien-tai
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
提婆 116
  1. Heaven
  2. Aryadeva; Deva
  3. Devadatta
  4. Kanadeva
文管 119 Culture and Art Management Major
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
无余涅盘 無餘涅槃 119 Anupadhiśeṣanirvāṇa; Nirupadhiśeṣanirvāṇa; Nirvāṇa without Remainder
西海 120 Yellow Sea
香象 120 Gandhahastī
想通 120 to figure out; to realize; to become convinced; to come round (to an idea); to get over it
小乘 120 Hinayana
修罗 修羅 120 Asura
有余涅盘 有餘涅槃 121 Sopadhiśesanirvāna; Nirvāṇa with Remainder
悦众 悅眾 121
  1. Apprentice (yuezhong, lit. “please all”)
  2. karmadana
  3. Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
湛然 122 Zhanran; Chan-Jan
肇论 肇論 122 Zhao Lun
真丹 122 China
正应 正應 122 Shōō
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India
道生 122 Zhu Daosheng; Daosheng
自恣 122 pravāraṇā; ceremony of repentance


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 242.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八大自在我 98 eight major types of mastery over the self
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
般涅槃那 98 parinirvana
报身 報身 98 sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
别教 別教 98 separate teachings
别圆 別圓 98 distinctive and complete [teachings]
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
不常 98 not permanent
不净观 不淨觀 98 contemplation of impurity
不可称量 不可稱量 98 incomparable
不可说 不可說 98
  1. inexplicable
  2. cannot be described
不可思 98 inconceivable; unthinkable; unimaginable
不异 不異 98 not different
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
草菴 草庵 99 a Buddhist hermitage
长行 長行 99 Sutra (discourses); a sutra
常乐 常樂 99 lasting joy
常乐我净 常樂我淨 99 Eternity, Bliss, Self, and Purity
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
初发心 初發心 99 initial determination
初心 99
  1. the initial mind
  2. to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
大般涅槃 100 mahāparinirvāṇa
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大觉世尊 大覺世尊 100 World-honored One of the great enlightenment
道中 100 on the path
道种智 道種智 100 knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
第一义谛 第一義諦 100 absolute truth; supreme truth; paramartha; paramarthasatya
第一义 第一義 100
  1. Ultimate Truth
  2. paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
断德 斷德 100 the virtue of eliminating afflictions; eliminating afflictions
独存 獨存 100 isolation; kaivalya
度生 100 to save beings
恶因 惡因 195 an evil cause
二边 二邊 195 two extremes
二乘 195 the two vehicles
二种 二種 195 two kinds
二字 195
  1. two characters
  2. a monastic
二谛 二諦 195 the two truths
二十五有 195 twenty-five forms of existence
二智 195 two kinds of knowledge; two kinds of wisdom
法灭 法滅 102 the extinction of the teachings of the Buddha
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
凡圣 凡聖 102
  1. Ordinary and Sagely
  2. the ordinary and the divine
梵行品 102 religious cultivation [chapter]
梵音 102
  1. Heavenly Sound
  2. the sound of Buddhist chanting
  3. Brahma's voice
  4. the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
非想 102 non-perection
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛乘 102 Buddha vehicle; buddhayāna
佛性 102 Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛眼 102 Buddha eye
佛地 102 Buddha stage; Buddha ground; buddha-bhūmi
佛果 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. Foguo
根缘 根緣 103 nature and conditioning environment
共法 103 totality of truth
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
观照般若 觀照般若 103 prajna of contemplation
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
后生 後生 104 later rebirths; subsequent births
化城 104 manifested city; illusory city
化众生 化眾生 104 to transform living beings
火宅 104
  1. burning house
  2. the parable of the burning house
集谛 集諦 106 the truth of the cause of suffering; the noble truth of the cause of suffering
见谛 見諦 106 realization of the truth
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
界内 界內 106 within a region; within the confines
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
九法 106 nine dharmas; navadharma
决定心 決定心 106 the deciding mind
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空门 空門 107
  1. Gate of Emptiness
  2. the teaching that everything is emptiness
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
苦谛 苦諦 107 the truth of suffering; the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦乐 苦樂 107 joy and pain
理即 108 identity in principle
两界 兩界 108 two realms
料拣 料揀 108 to expound; to explain; to comment upon
令众生 令眾生 108 lead sentient beings
六道 108 six realms; six realms of existence; six destinies
罗门 羅門 108 Brahman
罗婆 羅婆 108 an instant; lava
祕藏 109 to conceal a secret; treasury of the profound mysteries
妙果 109 wonderful fruit
妙理 109
  1. a suble principle; a wonderous principle
  2. Miaoli
妙色 109 wonderful form
灭谛 滅諦 109 the truth of the cessation of suffering; the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
灭智 滅智 109 understanding of the extinction of suffering; understanding of the third of the four noble truths
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
密语 密語 109 mantra
摩诃般若 摩訶般若 109 great wisdom; mahāprajñā
牟尼 109 a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
能仁 110 great in lovingkindness
能化 110 a teacher
能所 110 ability to transform and transformable
念佛 110
  1. to chant Buddha's name
  2. to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
念念 110 thought after thought; successive moments of thought
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
菩萨位 菩薩位 112 bodhisattvahood
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
权实 權實 113 the expedient and the ultimately true
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
仁王 114
  1. humane king
  2. the Buddha
人法 114 people and dharmas; people and teachings
入涅槃 114 to enter Nirvāṇa
若尔 若爾 114 then; tarhi
如如 114
  1. Thusness
  2. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
三般若 115 three kinds of prajna
三车 三車 115 [the parable of the] three carts
三德 115
  1. three virtues
  2. three modes of nature; three guṇas
三谛 三諦 115 three truths
三法 115
  1. three dharmas
  2. three aspects of the Dharma
三解脱 三解脫 115 the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三明 115 three insights; trividya
三乘 115
  1. Three Vehicles
  2. three vehicles; triyāna; triyana
三修 115
  1. three kinds of cultivation; three inferior kinds of cultivation
  2. three kinds of cultivation; three superior kinds of cultivation
三果 115 the third fruit; the fruit of non-returning
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三智 115 three kinds of wisdom
三字 115 three characters
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色声 色聲 115 the visible and the audible
色心 115 form and the formless
色有 115 material existence
善因 115 Wholesome Cause
善果 115
  1. Virtuous Outcomes
  2. a virtuous reward
摄一切法 攝一切法 115 embraces all dharmas
胜三修 勝三修 115 three kinds of bodhisattva cultivation; three superior kinds of cultivation
圣教 聖教 115 sacred teachings
生灭 生滅 115
  1. arising and ceasing
  2. life and death
生起 115 cause; arising
十法界 115 ten dharma realms
十功德 115 ten virtues
十八界 115 eighteen realms
世谛 世諦 115 worldly truth; conventional truth; relative truth; mundane truth
事度 115 saved from an evil rebirth through good deeds
十二入 115 āyatana; ayatana/ twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
实法 實法 115 true teachings
施设 施設 115 to establish; to set up
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
实相般若 實相般若 115 prajna of true reality
实语 實語 115 true words
师子吼 師子吼 115 lion’s roar
受者 115 recipient
说法者 說法者 115 expounder of the Dharma
四倒 115 four inverted beliefs; four false beliefs
四德 115 the four virtues
四等 115 four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四見 115 four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
四解 115 the four unhindered powers of understanding
四句 115 four verses; four phrases
死苦 115 death
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四微 115 four objects of the senses
四相 115
  1. four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
  2. four marks of existence; caturlaksana
四悉檀 115 Four Modes of Teaching; the four methods of teaching; four siddhantas
四住 115 four abodes
俗谛 俗諦 115 saṃvṛtisatya; conventional truth; relative truth mundane truth
随情 隨情 115 compliant
娑罗双树 娑羅雙樹 115 twin sala trees
通惑 116 common delusions; all-pervading delusions
通教 116 common teachings; tongjiao
妄语 妄語 119 Lying
我身 119 I; myself
无常苦空 無常苦空 119 impermanence
五处 五處 119 five places; panca-sthana
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无门 無門 119 Non-Existing Gate
无所得 無所得 119 nothing to be attained
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
无障碍 無障礙 119
  1. without obstruction
  2. Asaṅga
无染 無染 119 undefiled
悟入 119 comprehend; experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无上道 無上道 119 supreme path; unsurpassed way
无生 無生 119
  1. No-Birth
  2. anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无始 無始 119 without beginning
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
相续相 相續相 120 the aspect of continuity
心法 120 mental objects
行一 120 equivalence of all forms of practice
心行 120 mental activity
修多罗 修多羅 120 sūtra; sutta
言语道断 言語道斷 121 beyond words
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一界 121 one world
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一切种智 一切種智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
意生身 121 manomayakāya
疑网 疑網 121 a web of doubt
一智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
一阐提 一闡提 121 icchantika; an incorrigible
阴入 陰入 121 aggregates and sense fields
应身 應身 121 nirmanakaya; transformation body; emanation body
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
一期 121
  1. one moment of time
  2. a date; a fixed time
  3. a lifetime
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
用大 121 great in function
有门 有門 121 teaching of the phenomenal world
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有法 121 something that exists
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
欲界 121 realm of desire
圆教 圓教 121
  1. perfect teaching; complete teaching
  2. Yuanjiao
圆教四门 圓教四門 121 four gates of perfect teachings
缘法 緣法 121 causes and conditions
憎爱 憎愛 122 hate and love
真法 122 true dharma; absolute dharma
真俗 122 absolute and conventional truth
真俗二谛 真俗二諦 122 absolute and conventional truth
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
正性 122 divine nature
正意 122 wholesome thought; thought without evil
真如 122
  1. True Thusness
  2. suchness; true nature; tathata
智德 122 the virtue of wisdom; wisdom
中道 122
  1. Middle Way
  2. the middle way
种智 種智 122 knowledge of the seed or cause of all phenomena
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
诸处 諸處 122 everywhere; sarvatra
自度 122 self-salvation
子缚 子縛 122 seed bond
作佛 122 to become a Buddha
作根 122 an organ of action; karmendriya