Glossary and Vocabulary for Yi Zu Jing (Arthavargīyasūtra) 佛說義足經

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 196 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
2 196 便 biàn advantageous 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
3 196 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
4 196 便 pián fat; obese 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
5 196 便 biàn to make easy 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
6 196 便 biàn an unearned advantage 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
7 196 便 biàn ordinary; plain 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
8 196 便 biàn in passing 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
9 196 便 biàn informal 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
10 196 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
11 196 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
12 196 便 biàn stool 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
13 196 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
14 196 便 biàn proficient; skilled 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
15 196 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
16 187 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
17 187 relating to Buddhism 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
18 187 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
19 187 a Buddhist text 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
20 187 to touch; to stroke 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
21 187 Buddha 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
22 187 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
23 180 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 悉應真
24 180 detailed 悉應真
25 180 to elaborate; to expound 悉應真
26 180 to exhaust; to use up 悉應真
27 180 strongly 悉應真
28 180 Xi 悉應真
29 180 all; kṛtsna 悉應真
30 152 suǒ a few; various; some 所作已具
31 152 suǒ a place; a location 所作已具
32 152 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所作已具
33 152 suǒ an ordinal number 所作已具
34 152 suǒ meaning 所作已具
35 152 suǒ garrison 所作已具
36 152 suǒ place; pradeśa 所作已具
37 145 Yi 亦在大眾中
38 143 yán to speak; to say; said 以偈歎言
39 143 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 以偈歎言
40 143 yán Kangxi radical 149 以偈歎言
41 143 yán phrase; sentence 以偈歎言
42 143 yán a word; a syllable 以偈歎言
43 143 yán a theory; a doctrine 以偈歎言
44 143 yán to regard as 以偈歎言
45 143 yán to act as 以偈歎言
46 143 yán word; vacana 以偈歎言
47 143 yán speak; vad 以偈歎言
48 133 infix potential marker 是悉不望黠減
49 131 wáng Wang 佛告天王
50 131 wáng a king 佛告天王
51 131 wáng Kangxi radical 96 佛告天王
52 131 wàng to be king; to rule 佛告天王
53 131 wáng a prince; a duke 佛告天王
54 131 wáng grand; great 佛告天王
55 131 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 佛告天王
56 131 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 佛告天王
57 131 wáng the head of a group or gang 佛告天王
58 131 wáng the biggest or best of a group 佛告天王
59 131 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 佛告天王
60 127 xíng to walk 直學行知身正
61 127 xíng capable; competent 直學行知身正
62 127 háng profession 直學行知身正
63 127 xíng Kangxi radical 144 直學行知身正
64 127 xíng to travel 直學行知身正
65 127 xìng actions; conduct 直學行知身正
66 127 xíng to do; to act; to practice 直學行知身正
67 127 xíng all right; OK; okay 直學行知身正
68 127 háng horizontal line 直學行知身正
69 127 héng virtuous deeds 直學行知身正
70 127 hàng a line of trees 直學行知身正
71 127 hàng bold; steadfast 直學行知身正
72 127 xíng to move 直學行知身正
73 127 xíng to put into effect; to implement 直學行知身正
74 127 xíng travel 直學行知身正
75 127 xíng to circulate 直學行知身正
76 127 xíng running script; running script 直學行知身正
77 127 xíng temporary 直學行知身正
78 127 háng rank; order 直學行知身正
79 127 háng a business; a shop 直學行知身正
80 127 xíng to depart; to leave 直學行知身正
81 127 xíng to experience 直學行知身正
82 127 xíng path; way 直學行知身正
83 127 xíng xing; ballad 直學行知身正
84 127 xíng Xing 直學行知身正
85 127 xíng Practice 直學行知身正
86 127 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 直學行知身正
87 127 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 直學行知身正
88 112 jiàn to see 欲見尊德及比丘僧
89 112 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 欲見尊德及比丘僧
90 112 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 欲見尊德及比丘僧
91 112 jiàn refer to; for details see 欲見尊德及比丘僧
92 112 jiàn to listen to 欲見尊德及比丘僧
93 112 jiàn to meet 欲見尊德及比丘僧
94 112 jiàn to receive (a guest) 欲見尊德及比丘僧
95 112 jiàn let me; kindly 欲見尊德及比丘僧
96 112 jiàn Jian 欲見尊德及比丘僧
97 112 xiàn to appear 欲見尊德及比丘僧
98 112 xiàn to introduce 欲見尊德及比丘僧
99 112 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 欲見尊德及比丘僧
100 112 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 欲見尊德及比丘僧
101 112 cóng to follow 從五百比丘
102 112 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從五百比丘
103 112 cóng to participate in something 從五百比丘
104 112 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從五百比丘
105 112 cóng something secondary 從五百比丘
106 112 cóng remote relatives 從五百比丘
107 112 cóng secondary 從五百比丘
108 112 cóng to go on; to advance 從五百比丘
109 112 cōng at ease; informal 從五百比丘
110 112 zòng a follower; a supporter 從五百比丘
111 112 zòng to release 從五百比丘
112 112 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從五百比丘
113 112 desire 欲見尊德及比丘僧
114 112 to desire; to wish 欲見尊德及比丘僧
115 112 to desire; to intend 欲見尊德及比丘僧
116 112 lust 欲見尊德及比丘僧
117 112 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲見尊德及比丘僧
118 110 Kangxi radical 71 不知彼有法無
119 110 to not have; without 不知彼有法無
120 110 mo 不知彼有法無
121 110 to not have 不知彼有法無
122 110 Wu 不知彼有法無
123 110 mo 不知彼有法無
124 102 wéi to act as; to serve 至誠言云為等
125 102 wéi to change into; to become 至誠言云為等
126 102 wéi to be; is 至誠言云為等
127 102 wéi to do 至誠言云為等
128 102 wèi to support; to help 至誠言云為等
129 102 wéi to govern 至誠言云為等
130 102 wèi to be; bhū 至誠言云為等
131 101 zhě ca 如御者善兩轡
132 96 zài in; at 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
133 96 zài to exist; to be living 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
134 96 zài to consist of 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
135 96 zài to be at a post 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
136 96 zài in; bhū 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
137 95 self 我今何不往見其威神
138 95 [my] dear 我今何不往見其威神
139 95 Wo 我今何不往見其威神
140 95 self; atman; attan 我今何不往見其威神
141 95 ga 我今何不往見其威神
142 94 Kangxi radical 49 所作已具
143 94 to bring to an end; to stop 所作已具
144 94 to complete 所作已具
145 94 to demote; to dismiss 所作已具
146 94 to recover from an illness 所作已具
147 94 former; pūrvaka 所作已具
148 86 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 亦如上說
149 86 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 亦如上說
150 86 shuì to persuade 亦如上說
151 86 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 亦如上說
152 86 shuō a doctrine; a theory 亦如上說
153 86 shuō to claim; to assert 亦如上說
154 86 shuō allocution 亦如上說
155 86 shuō to criticize; to scold 亦如上說
156 86 shuō to indicate; to refer to 亦如上說
157 86 shuō speach; vāda 亦如上說
158 86 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 亦如上說
159 86 shuō to instruct 亦如上說
160 84 idea 在是學當制意
161 84 Italy (abbreviation) 在是學當制意
162 84 a wish; a desire; intention 在是學當制意
163 84 mood; feeling 在是學當制意
164 84 will; willpower; determination 在是學當制意
165 84 bearing; spirit 在是學當制意
166 84 to think of; to long for; to miss 在是學當制意
167 84 to anticipate; to expect 在是學當制意
168 84 to doubt; to suspect 在是學當制意
169 84 meaning 在是學當制意
170 84 a suggestion; a hint 在是學當制意
171 84 an understanding; a point of view 在是學當制意
172 84 Yi 在是學當制意
173 84 manas; mind; mentation 在是學當制意
174 81 Mo 遍行求莫隅解
175 81 shì a generation 捨世觀淨無垢
176 81 shì a period of thirty years 捨世觀淨無垢
177 81 shì the world 捨世觀淨無垢
178 81 shì years; age 捨世觀淨無垢
179 81 shì a dynasty 捨世觀淨無垢
180 81 shì secular; worldly 捨世觀淨無垢
181 81 shì over generations 捨世觀淨無垢
182 81 shì world 捨世觀淨無垢
183 81 shì an era 捨世觀淨無垢
184 81 shì from generation to generation; across generations 捨世觀淨無垢
185 81 shì to keep good family relations 捨世觀淨無垢
186 81 shì Shi 捨世觀淨無垢
187 81 shì a geologic epoch 捨世觀淨無垢
188 81 shì hereditary 捨世觀淨無垢
189 81 shì later generations 捨世觀淨無垢
190 81 shì a successor; an heir 捨世觀淨無垢
191 81 shì the current times 捨世觀淨無垢
192 81 shì loka; a world 捨世觀淨無垢
193 79 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 從異行得解淨
194 79 děi to want to; to need to 從異行得解淨
195 79 děi must; ought to 從異行得解淨
196 79 de 從異行得解淨
197 79 de infix potential marker 從異行得解淨
198 79 to result in 從異行得解淨
199 79 to be proper; to fit; to suit 從異行得解淨
200 79 to be satisfied 從異行得解淨
201 79 to be finished 從異行得解淨
202 79 děi satisfying 從異行得解淨
203 79 to contract 從異行得解淨
204 79 to hear 從異行得解淨
205 79 to have; there is 從異行得解淨
206 79 marks time passed 從異行得解淨
207 79 obtain; attain; prāpta 從異行得解淨
208 76 to use; to grasp 有以身歸明尊
209 76 to rely on 有以身歸明尊
210 76 to regard 有以身歸明尊
211 76 to be able to 有以身歸明尊
212 76 to order; to command 有以身歸明尊
213 76 used after a verb 有以身歸明尊
214 76 a reason; a cause 有以身歸明尊
215 76 Israel 有以身歸明尊
216 76 Yi 有以身歸明尊
217 76 use; yogena 有以身歸明尊
218 76 to be near by; to be close to 四天王即從第七天飛下
219 76 at that time 四天王即從第七天飛下
220 76 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 四天王即從第七天飛下
221 76 supposed; so-called 四天王即從第七天飛下
222 76 to arrive at; to ascend 四天王即從第七天飛下
223 75 wén to hear 聞如是
224 75 wén Wen 聞如是
225 75 wén sniff at; to smell 聞如是
226 75 wén to be widely known 聞如是
227 75 wén to confirm; to accept 聞如是
228 75 wén information 聞如是
229 75 wèn famous; well known 聞如是
230 75 wén knowledge; learning 聞如是
231 75 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聞如是
232 75 wén to question 聞如是
233 75 wén heard; śruta 聞如是
234 75 wén hearing; śruti 聞如是
235 72 shì to release; to set free 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
236 72 shì to explain; to interpret 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
237 72 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
238 72 shì to give up; to abandon 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
239 72 shì to put down 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
240 72 shì to resolve 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
241 72 shì to melt 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
242 72 shì Śākyamuni 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
243 72 shì Buddhism 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
244 72 shì Śākya; Shakya 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
245 72 pleased; glad 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
246 72 shì explain 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
247 72 shì Śakra; Indra 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
248 72 dào to arrive 終不生到邪冥
249 72 dào to go 終不生到邪冥
250 72 dào careful 終不生到邪冥
251 72 dào Dao 終不生到邪冥
252 72 dào approach; upagati 終不生到邪冥
253 72 to carry on the shoulder 何諦是餘不說
254 72 what 何諦是餘不說
255 72 He 何諦是餘不說
256 70 zūn to honor; to respect 欲見尊德及比丘僧
257 70 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 欲見尊德及比丘僧
258 70 zūn a wine cup 欲見尊德及比丘僧
259 70 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 欲見尊德及比丘僧
260 70 zūn supreme; high 欲見尊德及比丘僧
261 70 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 欲見尊德及比丘僧
262 70 zūn bhagavat; holy one 欲見尊德及比丘僧
263 70 zūn lord; patron; natha 欲見尊德及比丘僧
264 70 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 欲見尊德及比丘僧
265 70 shí time; a point or period of time 是時
266 70 shí a season; a quarter of a year 是時
267 70 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 是時
268 70 shí fashionable 是時
269 70 shí fate; destiny; luck 是時
270 70 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 是時
271 70 shí tense 是時
272 70 shí particular; special 是時
273 70 shí to plant; to cultivate 是時
274 70 shí an era; a dynasty 是時
275 70 shí time [abstract] 是時
276 70 shí seasonal 是時
277 70 shí to wait upon 是時
278 70 shí hour 是時
279 70 shí appropriate; proper; timely 是時
280 70 shí Shi 是時
281 70 shí a present; currentlt 是時
282 70 shí time; kāla 是時
283 70 shí at that time; samaya 是時
284 69 梵志 fànzhì Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin 猛觀梵志經第十一
285 68 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 意著止如鐵根
286 68 zhù outstanding 意著止如鐵根
287 68 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 意著止如鐵根
288 68 zhuó to wear (clothes) 意著止如鐵根
289 68 zhe expresses a command 意著止如鐵根
290 68 zháo to attach; to grasp 意著止如鐵根
291 68 zhāo to add; to put 意著止如鐵根
292 68 zhuó a chess move 意著止如鐵根
293 68 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 意著止如鐵根
294 68 zhāo OK 意著止如鐵根
295 68 zháo to fall into [a trap] 意著止如鐵根
296 68 zháo to ignite 意著止如鐵根
297 68 zháo to fall asleep 意著止如鐵根
298 68 zhuó whereabouts; end result 意著止如鐵根
299 68 zhù to appear; to manifest 意著止如鐵根
300 68 zhù to show 意著止如鐵根
301 68 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 意著止如鐵根
302 68 zhù to write 意著止如鐵根
303 68 zhù to record 意著止如鐵根
304 68 zhù a document; writings 意著止如鐵根
305 68 zhù Zhu 意著止如鐵根
306 68 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 意著止如鐵根
307 68 zhuó to arrive 意著止如鐵根
308 68 zhuó to result in 意著止如鐵根
309 68 zhuó to command 意著止如鐵根
310 68 zhuó a strategy 意著止如鐵根
311 68 zhāo to happen; to occur 意著止如鐵根
312 68 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 意著止如鐵根
313 68 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 意著止如鐵根
314 68 zhe attachment to 意著止如鐵根
315 68 to go back; to return 復十方天地諸神妙天
316 68 to resume; to restart 復十方天地諸神妙天
317 68 to do in detail 復十方天地諸神妙天
318 68 to restore 復十方天地諸神妙天
319 68 to respond; to reply to 復十方天地諸神妙天
320 68 Fu; Return 復十方天地諸神妙天
321 68 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復十方天地諸神妙天
322 68 to avoid forced labor or tax 復十方天地諸神妙天
323 68 Fu 復十方天地諸神妙天
324 68 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復十方天地諸神妙天
325 68 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復十方天地諸神妙天
326 68 Kangxi radical 132 自見謹謂可諦
327 68 Zi 自見謹謂可諦
328 68 a nose 自見謹謂可諦
329 68 the beginning; the start 自見謹謂可諦
330 68 origin 自見謹謂可諦
331 68 to employ; to use 自見謹謂可諦
332 68 to be 自見謹謂可諦
333 68 self; soul; ātman 自見謹謂可諦
334 66 niàn to read aloud 人各念彼亦知
335 66 niàn to remember; to expect 人各念彼亦知
336 66 niàn to miss 人各念彼亦知
337 66 niàn to consider 人各念彼亦知
338 66 niàn to recite; to chant 人各念彼亦知
339 66 niàn to show affection for 人各念彼亦知
340 66 niàn a thought; an idea 人各念彼亦知
341 66 niàn twenty 人各念彼亦知
342 66 niàn memory 人各念彼亦知
343 66 niàn an instant 人各念彼亦知
344 66 niàn Nian 人各念彼亦知
345 66 niàn mindfulness; smrti 人各念彼亦知
346 66 niàn a thought; citta 人各念彼亦知
347 66 can; may; permissible 自見謹謂可諦
348 66 to approve; to permit 自見謹謂可諦
349 66 to be worth 自見謹謂可諦
350 66 to suit; to fit 自見謹謂可諦
351 66 khan 自見謹謂可諦
352 66 to recover 自見謹謂可諦
353 66 to act as 自見謹謂可諦
354 66 to be worth; to deserve 自見謹謂可諦
355 66 used to add emphasis 自見謹謂可諦
356 66 beautiful 自見謹謂可諦
357 66 Ke 自見謹謂可諦
358 66 can; may; śakta 自見謹謂可諦
359 63 method; way 衣法大衣
360 63 France 衣法大衣
361 63 the law; rules; regulations 衣法大衣
362 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 衣法大衣
363 63 a standard; a norm 衣法大衣
364 63 an institution 衣法大衣
365 63 to emulate 衣法大衣
366 63 magic; a magic trick 衣法大衣
367 63 punishment 衣法大衣
368 63 Fa 衣法大衣
369 63 a precedent 衣法大衣
370 63 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 衣法大衣
371 63 relating to a ceremony or rite 衣法大衣
372 63 Dharma 衣法大衣
373 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 衣法大衣
374 63 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 衣法大衣
375 63 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 衣法大衣
376 63 quality; characteristic 衣法大衣
377 61 zuò to do 所作已具
378 61 zuò to act as; to serve as 所作已具
379 61 zuò to start 所作已具
380 61 zuò a writing; a work 所作已具
381 61 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 所作已具
382 61 zuō to create; to make 所作已具
383 61 zuō a workshop 所作已具
384 61 zuō to write; to compose 所作已具
385 61 zuò to rise 所作已具
386 61 zuò to be aroused 所作已具
387 61 zuò activity; action; undertaking 所作已具
388 61 zuò to regard as 所作已具
389 61 zuò action; kāraṇa 所作已具
390 60 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 從五百比丘
391 60 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 從五百比丘
392 60 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 從五百比丘
393 58 zuò to sit 坐中有梵志
394 58 zuò to ride 坐中有梵志
395 58 zuò to visit 坐中有梵志
396 58 zuò a seat 坐中有梵志
397 58 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 坐中有梵志
398 58 zuò to be in a position 坐中有梵志
399 58 zuò to convict; to try 坐中有梵志
400 58 zuò to stay 坐中有梵志
401 58 zuò to kneel 坐中有梵志
402 58 zuò to violate 坐中有梵志
403 58 zuò to sit; niṣad 坐中有梵志
404 58 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 坐中有梵志
405 57 jīn today; present; now 我今何不往見其威神
406 57 jīn Jin 我今何不往見其威神
407 57 jīn modern 我今何不往見其威神
408 57 jīn now; adhunā 我今何不往見其威神
409 56 to go; to 今大會於樹間
410 56 to rely on; to depend on 今大會於樹間
411 56 Yu 今大會於樹間
412 56 a crow 今大會於樹間
413 54 zhōng middle 亦在大眾中
414 54 zhōng medium; medium sized 亦在大眾中
415 54 zhōng China 亦在大眾中
416 54 zhòng to hit the mark 亦在大眾中
417 54 zhōng midday 亦在大眾中
418 54 zhōng inside 亦在大眾中
419 54 zhōng during 亦在大眾中
420 54 zhōng Zhong 亦在大眾中
421 54 zhōng intermediary 亦在大眾中
422 54 zhōng half 亦在大眾中
423 54 zhòng to reach; to attain 亦在大眾中
424 54 zhòng to suffer; to infect 亦在大眾中
425 54 zhòng to obtain 亦在大眾中
426 54 zhòng to pass an exam 亦在大眾中
427 54 zhōng middle 亦在大眾中
428 53 shě to give 捨世觀淨無垢
429 53 shě to give up; to abandon 捨世觀淨無垢
430 53 shě a house; a home; an abode 捨世觀淨無垢
431 53 shè my 捨世觀淨無垢
432 53 shě equanimity 捨世觀淨無垢
433 53 shè my house 捨世觀淨無垢
434 53 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 捨世觀淨無垢
435 53 shè to leave 捨世觀淨無垢
436 53 shě She 捨世觀淨無垢
437 53 shè disciple 捨世觀淨無垢
438 53 shè a barn; a pen 捨世觀淨無垢
439 53 shè to reside 捨世觀淨無垢
440 53 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 捨世觀淨無垢
441 53 shè to find a place for; to arrange 捨世觀淨無垢
442 53 shě Give 捨世觀淨無垢
443 53 shě abandoning; prahāṇa 捨世觀淨無垢
444 53 shě house; gṛha 捨世觀淨無垢
445 53 shě equanimity; upeksa 捨世觀淨無垢
446 52 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
447 51 Qi 我今何不往見其威神
448 51 to reach 欲見尊德及比丘僧
449 51 to attain 欲見尊德及比丘僧
450 51 to understand 欲見尊德及比丘僧
451 51 able to be compared to; to catch up with 欲見尊德及比丘僧
452 51 to be involved with; to associate with 欲見尊德及比丘僧
453 51 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 欲見尊德及比丘僧
454 51 and; ca; api 欲見尊德及比丘僧
455 50 shēng to be born; to give birth 所之生胎滅盡
456 50 shēng to live 所之生胎滅盡
457 50 shēng raw 所之生胎滅盡
458 50 shēng a student 所之生胎滅盡
459 50 shēng life 所之生胎滅盡
460 50 shēng to produce; to give rise 所之生胎滅盡
461 50 shēng alive 所之生胎滅盡
462 50 shēng a lifetime 所之生胎滅盡
463 50 shēng to initiate; to become 所之生胎滅盡
464 50 shēng to grow 所之生胎滅盡
465 50 shēng unfamiliar 所之生胎滅盡
466 50 shēng not experienced 所之生胎滅盡
467 50 shēng hard; stiff; strong 所之生胎滅盡
468 50 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 所之生胎滅盡
469 50 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 所之生胎滅盡
470 50 shēng gender 所之生胎滅盡
471 50 shēng to develop; to grow 所之生胎滅盡
472 50 shēng to set up 所之生胎滅盡
473 50 shēng a prostitute 所之生胎滅盡
474 50 shēng a captive 所之生胎滅盡
475 50 shēng a gentleman 所之生胎滅盡
476 50 shēng Kangxi radical 100 所之生胎滅盡
477 50 shēng unripe 所之生胎滅盡
478 50 shēng nature 所之生胎滅盡
479 50 shēng to inherit; to succeed 所之生胎滅盡
480 50 shēng destiny 所之生胎滅盡
481 50 shēng birth 所之生胎滅盡
482 50 shēng arise; produce; utpad 所之生胎滅盡
483 49 zhì Kangxi radical 133 彼雖淨不至盡
484 49 zhì to arrive 彼雖淨不至盡
485 49 zhì approach; upagama 彼雖淨不至盡
486 47 to go 去尊不遠
487 47 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 去尊不遠
488 47 to be distant 去尊不遠
489 47 to leave 去尊不遠
490 47 to play a part 去尊不遠
491 47 to abandon; to give up 去尊不遠
492 47 to die 去尊不遠
493 47 previous; past 去尊不遠
494 47 to send out; to issue; to drive away 去尊不遠
495 47 falling tone 去尊不遠
496 47 to lose 去尊不遠
497 47 Qu 去尊不遠
498 47 go; gati 去尊不遠
499 47 zhī to know 諸學人寧知
500 47 zhī to comprehend 諸學人寧知

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1292

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 246 shì is; are; am; to be 是時
2 246 shì is exactly 是時
3 246 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是時
4 246 shì this; that; those 是時
5 246 shì really; certainly 是時
6 246 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是時
7 246 shì true 是時
8 246 shì is; has; exists 是時
9 246 shì used between repetitions of a word 是時
10 246 shì a matter; an affair 是時
11 246 shì Shi 是時
12 246 shì is; bhū 是時
13 246 shì this; idam 是時
14 196 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
15 196 便 biàn advantageous 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
16 196 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
17 196 便 pián fat; obese 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
18 196 便 biàn to make easy 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
19 196 便 biàn an unearned advantage 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
20 196 便 biàn ordinary; plain 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
21 196 便 biàn if only; so long as; to the contrary 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
22 196 便 biàn in passing 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
23 196 便 biàn informal 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
24 196 便 biàn right away; then; right after 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
25 196 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
26 196 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
27 196 便 biàn stool 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
28 196 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
29 196 便 biàn proficient; skilled 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
30 196 便 biàn even if; even though 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
31 196 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
32 196 便 biàn then; atha 便俱往禮佛及比丘僧
33 187 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
34 187 relating to Buddhism 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
35 187 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
36 187 a Buddhist text 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
37 187 to touch; to stroke 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
38 187 Buddha 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
39 187 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
40 180 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 悉應真
41 180 all; entire 悉應真
42 180 detailed 悉應真
43 180 to elaborate; to expound 悉應真
44 180 to exhaust; to use up 悉應真
45 180 strongly 悉應真
46 180 Xi 悉應真
47 180 all; kṛtsna 悉應真
48 152 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所作已具
49 152 suǒ an office; an institute 所作已具
50 152 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所作已具
51 152 suǒ it 所作已具
52 152 suǒ if; supposing 所作已具
53 152 suǒ a few; various; some 所作已具
54 152 suǒ a place; a location 所作已具
55 152 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所作已具
56 152 suǒ that which 所作已具
57 152 suǒ an ordinal number 所作已具
58 152 suǒ meaning 所作已具
59 152 suǒ garrison 所作已具
60 152 suǒ place; pradeśa 所作已具
61 152 suǒ that which; yad 所作已具
62 145 also; too 亦在大眾中
63 145 but 亦在大眾中
64 145 this; he; she 亦在大眾中
65 145 although; even though 亦在大眾中
66 145 already 亦在大眾中
67 145 particle with no meaning 亦在大眾中
68 145 Yi 亦在大眾中
69 143 yán to speak; to say; said 以偈歎言
70 143 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 以偈歎言
71 143 yán Kangxi radical 149 以偈歎言
72 143 yán a particle with no meaning 以偈歎言
73 143 yán phrase; sentence 以偈歎言
74 143 yán a word; a syllable 以偈歎言
75 143 yán a theory; a doctrine 以偈歎言
76 143 yán to regard as 以偈歎言
77 143 yán to act as 以偈歎言
78 143 yán word; vacana 以偈歎言
79 143 yán speak; vad 以偈歎言
80 137 yǒu is; are; to exist 有以身歸明尊
81 137 yǒu to have; to possess 有以身歸明尊
82 137 yǒu indicates an estimate 有以身歸明尊
83 137 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有以身歸明尊
84 137 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有以身歸明尊
85 137 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有以身歸明尊
86 137 yǒu used to compare two things 有以身歸明尊
87 137 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有以身歸明尊
88 137 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有以身歸明尊
89 137 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有以身歸明尊
90 137 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有以身歸明尊
91 137 yǒu abundant 有以身歸明尊
92 137 yǒu purposeful 有以身歸明尊
93 137 yǒu You 有以身歸明尊
94 137 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有以身歸明尊
95 137 yǒu becoming; bhava 有以身歸明尊
96 133 not; no 是悉不望黠減
97 133 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 是悉不望黠減
98 133 as a correlative 是悉不望黠減
99 133 no (answering a question) 是悉不望黠減
100 133 forms a negative adjective from a noun 是悉不望黠減
101 133 at the end of a sentence to form a question 是悉不望黠減
102 133 to form a yes or no question 是悉不望黠減
103 133 infix potential marker 是悉不望黠減
104 133 no; na 是悉不望黠減
105 131 wáng Wang 佛告天王
106 131 wáng a king 佛告天王
107 131 wáng Kangxi radical 96 佛告天王
108 131 wàng to be king; to rule 佛告天王
109 131 wáng a prince; a duke 佛告天王
110 131 wáng grand; great 佛告天王
111 131 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 佛告天王
112 131 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 佛告天王
113 131 wáng the head of a group or gang 佛告天王
114 131 wáng the biggest or best of a group 佛告天王
115 131 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 佛告天王
116 127 xíng to walk 直學行知身正
117 127 xíng capable; competent 直學行知身正
118 127 háng profession 直學行知身正
119 127 háng line; row 直學行知身正
120 127 xíng Kangxi radical 144 直學行知身正
121 127 xíng to travel 直學行知身正
122 127 xìng actions; conduct 直學行知身正
123 127 xíng to do; to act; to practice 直學行知身正
124 127 xíng all right; OK; okay 直學行知身正
125 127 háng horizontal line 直學行知身正
126 127 héng virtuous deeds 直學行知身正
127 127 hàng a line of trees 直學行知身正
128 127 hàng bold; steadfast 直學行知身正
129 127 xíng to move 直學行知身正
130 127 xíng to put into effect; to implement 直學行知身正
131 127 xíng travel 直學行知身正
132 127 xíng to circulate 直學行知身正
133 127 xíng running script; running script 直學行知身正
134 127 xíng temporary 直學行知身正
135 127 xíng soon 直學行知身正
136 127 háng rank; order 直學行知身正
137 127 háng a business; a shop 直學行知身正
138 127 xíng to depart; to leave 直學行知身正
139 127 xíng to experience 直學行知身正
140 127 xíng path; way 直學行知身正
141 127 xíng xing; ballad 直學行知身正
142 127 xíng a round [of drinks] 直學行知身正
143 127 xíng Xing 直學行知身正
144 127 xíng moreover; also 直學行知身正
145 127 xíng Practice 直學行知身正
146 127 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 直學行知身正
147 127 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 直學行知身正
148 112 jiàn to see 欲見尊德及比丘僧
149 112 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 欲見尊德及比丘僧
150 112 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 欲見尊德及比丘僧
151 112 jiàn refer to; for details see 欲見尊德及比丘僧
152 112 jiàn passive marker 欲見尊德及比丘僧
153 112 jiàn to listen to 欲見尊德及比丘僧
154 112 jiàn to meet 欲見尊德及比丘僧
155 112 jiàn to receive (a guest) 欲見尊德及比丘僧
156 112 jiàn let me; kindly 欲見尊德及比丘僧
157 112 jiàn Jian 欲見尊德及比丘僧
158 112 xiàn to appear 欲見尊德及比丘僧
159 112 xiàn to introduce 欲見尊德及比丘僧
160 112 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 欲見尊德及比丘僧
161 112 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 欲見尊德及比丘僧
162 112 cóng from 從五百比丘
163 112 cóng to follow 從五百比丘
164 112 cóng past; through 從五百比丘
165 112 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從五百比丘
166 112 cóng to participate in something 從五百比丘
167 112 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從五百比丘
168 112 cóng usually 從五百比丘
169 112 cóng something secondary 從五百比丘
170 112 cóng remote relatives 從五百比丘
171 112 cóng secondary 從五百比丘
172 112 cóng to go on; to advance 從五百比丘
173 112 cōng at ease; informal 從五百比丘
174 112 zòng a follower; a supporter 從五百比丘
175 112 zòng to release 從五百比丘
176 112 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從五百比丘
177 112 cóng receiving; upādāya 從五百比丘
178 112 desire 欲見尊德及比丘僧
179 112 to desire; to wish 欲見尊德及比丘僧
180 112 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲見尊德及比丘僧
181 112 to desire; to intend 欲見尊德及比丘僧
182 112 lust 欲見尊德及比丘僧
183 112 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲見尊德及比丘僧
184 110 no 不知彼有法無
185 110 Kangxi radical 71 不知彼有法無
186 110 to not have; without 不知彼有法無
187 110 has not yet 不知彼有法無
188 110 mo 不知彼有法無
189 110 do not 不知彼有法無
190 110 not; -less; un- 不知彼有法無
191 110 regardless of 不知彼有法無
192 110 to not have 不知彼有法無
193 110 um 不知彼有法無
194 110 Wu 不知彼有法無
195 110 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 不知彼有法無
196 110 not; non- 不知彼有法無
197 110 mo 不知彼有法無
198 102 wèi for; to 至誠言云為等
199 102 wèi because of 至誠言云為等
200 102 wéi to act as; to serve 至誠言云為等
201 102 wéi to change into; to become 至誠言云為等
202 102 wéi to be; is 至誠言云為等
203 102 wéi to do 至誠言云為等
204 102 wèi for 至誠言云為等
205 102 wèi because of; for; to 至誠言云為等
206 102 wèi to 至誠言云為等
207 102 wéi in a passive construction 至誠言云為等
208 102 wéi forming a rehetorical question 至誠言云為等
209 102 wéi forming an adverb 至誠言云為等
210 102 wéi to add emphasis 至誠言云為等
211 102 wèi to support; to help 至誠言云為等
212 102 wéi to govern 至誠言云為等
213 102 wèi to be; bhū 至誠言云為等
214 101 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 如御者善兩轡
215 101 zhě that 如御者善兩轡
216 101 zhě nominalizing function word 如御者善兩轡
217 101 zhě used to mark a definition 如御者善兩轡
218 101 zhě used to mark a pause 如御者善兩轡
219 101 zhě topic marker; that; it 如御者善兩轡
220 101 zhuó according to 如御者善兩轡
221 101 zhě ca 如御者善兩轡
222 96 zài in; at 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
223 96 zài at 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
224 96 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
225 96 zài to exist; to be living 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
226 96 zài to consist of 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
227 96 zài to be at a post 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
228 96 zài in; bhū 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
229 95 I; me; my 我今何不往見其威神
230 95 self 我今何不往見其威神
231 95 we; our 我今何不往見其威神
232 95 [my] dear 我今何不往見其威神
233 95 Wo 我今何不往見其威神
234 95 self; atman; attan 我今何不往見其威神
235 95 ga 我今何不往見其威神
236 95 I; aham 我今何不往見其威神
237 94 already 所作已具
238 94 Kangxi radical 49 所作已具
239 94 from 所作已具
240 94 to bring to an end; to stop 所作已具
241 94 final aspectual particle 所作已具
242 94 afterwards; thereafter 所作已具
243 94 too; very; excessively 所作已具
244 94 to complete 所作已具
245 94 to demote; to dismiss 所作已具
246 94 to recover from an illness 所作已具
247 94 certainly 所作已具
248 94 an interjection of surprise 所作已具
249 94 this 所作已具
250 94 former; pūrvaka 所作已具
251 94 former; pūrvaka 所作已具
252 86 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 亦如上說
253 86 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 亦如上說
254 86 shuì to persuade 亦如上說
255 86 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 亦如上說
256 86 shuō a doctrine; a theory 亦如上說
257 86 shuō to claim; to assert 亦如上說
258 86 shuō allocution 亦如上說
259 86 shuō to criticize; to scold 亦如上說
260 86 shuō to indicate; to refer to 亦如上說
261 86 shuō speach; vāda 亦如上說
262 86 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 亦如上說
263 86 shuō to instruct 亦如上說
264 84 idea 在是學當制意
265 84 Italy (abbreviation) 在是學當制意
266 84 a wish; a desire; intention 在是學當制意
267 84 mood; feeling 在是學當制意
268 84 will; willpower; determination 在是學當制意
269 84 bearing; spirit 在是學當制意
270 84 to think of; to long for; to miss 在是學當制意
271 84 to anticipate; to expect 在是學當制意
272 84 to doubt; to suspect 在是學當制意
273 84 meaning 在是學當制意
274 84 a suggestion; a hint 在是學當制意
275 84 an understanding; a point of view 在是學當制意
276 84 or 在是學當制意
277 84 Yi 在是學當制意
278 84 manas; mind; mentation 在是學當制意
279 81 do not 遍行求莫隅解
280 81 Mo 遍行求莫隅解
281 81 there is none; neither 遍行求莫隅解
282 81 cannot; unable to 遍行求莫隅解
283 81 not; mā 遍行求莫隅解
284 81 shì a generation 捨世觀淨無垢
285 81 shì a period of thirty years 捨世觀淨無垢
286 81 shì the world 捨世觀淨無垢
287 81 shì years; age 捨世觀淨無垢
288 81 shì a dynasty 捨世觀淨無垢
289 81 shì secular; worldly 捨世觀淨無垢
290 81 shì over generations 捨世觀淨無垢
291 81 shì always 捨世觀淨無垢
292 81 shì world 捨世觀淨無垢
293 81 shì a life; a lifetime 捨世觀淨無垢
294 81 shì an era 捨世觀淨無垢
295 81 shì from generation to generation; across generations 捨世觀淨無垢
296 81 shì to keep good family relations 捨世觀淨無垢
297 81 shì Shi 捨世觀淨無垢
298 81 shì a geologic epoch 捨世觀淨無垢
299 81 shì hereditary 捨世觀淨無垢
300 81 shì later generations 捨世觀淨無垢
301 81 shì a successor; an heir 捨世觀淨無垢
302 81 shì the current times 捨世觀淨無垢
303 81 shì loka; a world 捨世觀淨無垢
304 79 de potential marker 從異行得解淨
305 79 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 從異行得解淨
306 79 děi must; ought to 從異行得解淨
307 79 děi to want to; to need to 從異行得解淨
308 79 děi must; ought to 從異行得解淨
309 79 de 從異行得解淨
310 79 de infix potential marker 從異行得解淨
311 79 to result in 從異行得解淨
312 79 to be proper; to fit; to suit 從異行得解淨
313 79 to be satisfied 從異行得解淨
314 79 to be finished 從異行得解淨
315 79 de result of degree 從異行得解淨
316 79 de marks completion of an action 從異行得解淨
317 79 děi satisfying 從異行得解淨
318 79 to contract 從異行得解淨
319 79 marks permission or possibility 從異行得解淨
320 79 expressing frustration 從異行得解淨
321 79 to hear 從異行得解淨
322 79 to have; there is 從異行得解淨
323 79 marks time passed 從異行得解淨
324 79 obtain; attain; prāpta 從異行得解淨
325 79 such as; for example; for instance 如御者善兩轡
326 79 if 如御者善兩轡
327 79 in accordance with 如御者善兩轡
328 79 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如御者善兩轡
329 79 this 如御者善兩轡
330 79 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如御者善兩轡
331 79 to go to 如御者善兩轡
332 79 to meet 如御者善兩轡
333 79 to appear; to seem; to be like 如御者善兩轡
334 79 at least as good as 如御者善兩轡
335 79 and 如御者善兩轡
336 79 or 如御者善兩轡
337 79 but 如御者善兩轡
338 79 then 如御者善兩轡
339 79 naturally 如御者善兩轡
340 79 expresses a question or doubt 如御者善兩轡
341 79 you 如御者善兩轡
342 79 the second lunar month 如御者善兩轡
343 79 in; at 如御者善兩轡
344 79 Ru 如御者善兩轡
345 79 Thus 如御者善兩轡
346 79 thus; tathā 如御者善兩轡
347 79 like; iva 如御者善兩轡
348 79 suchness; tathatā 如御者善兩轡
349 79 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 在是學當制意
350 79 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 在是學當制意
351 79 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 在是學當制意
352 79 dāng to face 在是學當制意
353 79 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 在是學當制意
354 79 dāng to manage; to host 在是學當制意
355 79 dāng should 在是學當制意
356 79 dāng to treat; to regard as 在是學當制意
357 79 dǎng to think 在是學當制意
358 79 dàng suitable; correspond to 在是學當制意
359 79 dǎng to be equal 在是學當制意
360 79 dàng that 在是學當制意
361 79 dāng an end; top 在是學當制意
362 79 dàng clang; jingle 在是學當制意
363 79 dāng to judge 在是學當制意
364 79 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 在是學當制意
365 79 dàng the same 在是學當制意
366 79 dàng to pawn 在是學當制意
367 79 dàng to fail [an exam] 在是學當制意
368 79 dàng a trap 在是學當制意
369 79 dàng a pawned item 在是學當制意
370 79 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 在是學當制意
371 76 so as to; in order to 有以身歸明尊
372 76 to use; to regard as 有以身歸明尊
373 76 to use; to grasp 有以身歸明尊
374 76 according to 有以身歸明尊
375 76 because of 有以身歸明尊
376 76 on a certain date 有以身歸明尊
377 76 and; as well as 有以身歸明尊
378 76 to rely on 有以身歸明尊
379 76 to regard 有以身歸明尊
380 76 to be able to 有以身歸明尊
381 76 to order; to command 有以身歸明尊
382 76 further; moreover 有以身歸明尊
383 76 used after a verb 有以身歸明尊
384 76 very 有以身歸明尊
385 76 already 有以身歸明尊
386 76 increasingly 有以身歸明尊
387 76 a reason; a cause 有以身歸明尊
388 76 Israel 有以身歸明尊
389 76 Yi 有以身歸明尊
390 76 use; yogena 有以身歸明尊
391 76 promptly; right away; immediately 四天王即從第七天飛下
392 76 to be near by; to be close to 四天王即從第七天飛下
393 76 at that time 四天王即從第七天飛下
394 76 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 四天王即從第七天飛下
395 76 supposed; so-called 四天王即從第七天飛下
396 76 if; but 四天王即從第七天飛下
397 76 to arrive at; to ascend 四天王即從第七天飛下
398 76 then; following 四天王即從第七天飛下
399 76 so; just so; eva 四天王即從第七天飛下
400 75 wén to hear 聞如是
401 75 wén Wen 聞如是
402 75 wén sniff at; to smell 聞如是
403 75 wén to be widely known 聞如是
404 75 wén to confirm; to accept 聞如是
405 75 wén information 聞如是
406 75 wèn famous; well known 聞如是
407 75 wén knowledge; learning 聞如是
408 75 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聞如是
409 75 wén to question 聞如是
410 75 wén heard; śruta 聞如是
411 75 wén hearing; śruti 聞如是
412 72 shì to release; to set free 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
413 72 shì to explain; to interpret 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
414 72 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
415 72 shì to give up; to abandon 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
416 72 shì to put down 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
417 72 shì to resolve 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
418 72 shì to melt 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
419 72 shì Śākyamuni 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
420 72 shì Buddhism 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
421 72 shì Śākya; Shakya 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
422 72 pleased; glad 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
423 72 shì explain 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
424 72 shì Śakra; Indra 佛在釋國迦維羅衛樹下
425 72 dào to arrive 終不生到邪冥
426 72 dào arrive; receive 終不生到邪冥
427 72 dào to go 終不生到邪冥
428 72 dào careful 終不生到邪冥
429 72 dào Dao 終不生到邪冥
430 72 dào approach; upagati 終不生到邪冥
431 72 what; where; which 何諦是餘不說
432 72 to carry on the shoulder 何諦是餘不說
433 72 who 何諦是餘不說
434 72 what 何諦是餘不說
435 72 why 何諦是餘不說
436 72 how 何諦是餘不說
437 72 how much 何諦是餘不說
438 72 He 何諦是餘不說
439 72 what; kim 何諦是餘不說
440 70 zhū all; many; various 諸學人寧知
441 70 zhū Zhu 諸學人寧知
442 70 zhū all; members of the class 諸學人寧知
443 70 zhū interrogative particle 諸學人寧知
444 70 zhū him; her; them; it 諸學人寧知
445 70 zhū of; in 諸學人寧知
446 70 zhū all; many; sarva 諸學人寧知
447 70 zūn to honor; to respect 欲見尊德及比丘僧
448 70 zūn measure word for cannons and statues 欲見尊德及比丘僧
449 70 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 欲見尊德及比丘僧
450 70 zūn a wine cup 欲見尊德及比丘僧
451 70 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 欲見尊德及比丘僧
452 70 zūn supreme; high 欲見尊德及比丘僧
453 70 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 欲見尊德及比丘僧
454 70 zūn your [honorable] 欲見尊德及比丘僧
455 70 zūn bhagavat; holy one 欲見尊德及比丘僧
456 70 zūn lord; patron; natha 欲見尊德及比丘僧
457 70 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 欲見尊德及比丘僧
458 70 shí time; a point or period of time 是時
459 70 shí a season; a quarter of a year 是時
460 70 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 是時
461 70 shí at that time 是時
462 70 shí fashionable 是時
463 70 shí fate; destiny; luck 是時
464 70 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 是時
465 70 shí tense 是時
466 70 shí particular; special 是時
467 70 shí to plant; to cultivate 是時
468 70 shí hour (measure word) 是時
469 70 shí an era; a dynasty 是時
470 70 shí time [abstract] 是時
471 70 shí seasonal 是時
472 70 shí frequently; often 是時
473 70 shí occasionally; sometimes 是時
474 70 shí on time 是時
475 70 shí this; that 是時
476 70 shí to wait upon 是時
477 70 shí hour 是時
478 70 shí appropriate; proper; timely 是時
479 70 shí Shi 是時
480 70 shí a present; currentlt 是時
481 70 shí time; kāla 是時
482 70 shí at that time; samaya 是時
483 70 shí then; atha 是時
484 69 梵志 fànzhì Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin 猛觀梵志經第十一
485 68 zhe indicates that an action is continuing 意著止如鐵根
486 68 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 意著止如鐵根
487 68 zhù outstanding 意著止如鐵根
488 68 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 意著止如鐵根
489 68 zhuó to wear (clothes) 意著止如鐵根
490 68 zhe expresses a command 意著止如鐵根
491 68 zháo to attach; to grasp 意著止如鐵根
492 68 zhe indicates an accompanying action 意著止如鐵根
493 68 zhāo to add; to put 意著止如鐵根
494 68 zhuó a chess move 意著止如鐵根
495 68 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 意著止如鐵根
496 68 zhāo OK 意著止如鐵根
497 68 zháo to fall into [a trap] 意著止如鐵根
498 68 zháo to ignite 意著止如鐵根
499 68 zháo to fall asleep 意著止如鐵根
500 68 zhuó whereabouts; end result 意著止如鐵根


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
便 biàn then; atha
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One
all; kṛtsna
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
  1. yán
  2. yán
  1. word; vacana
  2. speak; vad
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
no; na
wáng king; best of a kind; rāja
  1. xíng
  2. xìng
  3. xíng
  1. Practice
  2. mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions
  3. practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
安平 196 Anping
白王 98 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana
北方 98 The North
遍净天 遍淨天 98
  1. Visnu
  2. Subhakrtsna Heaven; The Heaven of Pervasive Purity
不憍乐天 不憍樂天 98 Nirmanarati Heaven; Nirmāṇarati Heaven
不兰迦叶 不蘭迦葉 98 Purāṇa Kāśyapa
从化 從化 99 Conghua
大梵天 100 Mahabrahma; Mahābrahmā; Brahmā
大光 100 Vistīrṇavatī
大慧 100
  1. Mahāmati
  2. mahāprajñā; great wisdom
  3. Dahui Zonggao; Zonggao
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
谛见 諦見 100 right understanding; right view
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
兜术 兜術 100 tuṣita
兜术天 兜術天 100 Tusita
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵辅天 梵輔天 102 Brahma-Purohita deva; ministers of Brahmā
梵王 102 Brahma
梵众天 梵眾天 102 Brahma-parisadya Heaven; brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; Brahmā's retinue
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
梵天王 102 Brahmā
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
法意 102 Fayi
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
福安 102 Fu'an
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
化应声天 化應聲天 104 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven
慧可 104 Huike
慧思 104 Hui Si; Nan Yue Hui Si
慧观 慧觀 104
  1. Hyegwan
  2. Hui Guan
迦维罗卫 迦維羅衛 106 Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
迦旃 106 Kakuda Kātyāyana
净意 淨意 106 Śuddhamati
稽舍今陂梨 106 Ajita Keśakambala
句参国 句參國 106 Kauśāmbī
觉如 覺如 106 Kakunyo
快见天 快見天 107 Sudrsa Heaven
108 Liao
六衰 108 six sense organs; ṣaḍ-indriya
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
弥勒难经 彌勒難經 109 Sutra on the Questions of Maitreya
明王 109
  1. vidyaraja; lord of spells; wisdom king
  2. vidyaraja; great mantra
摩诃目犍连 摩訶目犍連 109 Mahāmaudgalyāyana
莫邪 109
  1. Moye [sword]
  2. Moye [person]
目揵连 目揵連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
目犍连 目犍連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
尼焉若提子 110 Nirgrantha Jñātaputra; Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta
千叶 千葉 113 Chiba
只桓 祇桓 113 Jetavana
只树 祇樹 113 Jetavana; Prince Jetta's Grove
只树给孤独园 祇樹給孤獨園 113 Anāthapiṇḍada’s park at Jetavana
瞿昙 瞿曇 113 Gautama; Gotama
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三国 三國 115 Three Kingdoms period
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
善慧 115 Shan Hui
善见天 善見天 115 Sudarsana Heaven; The Heaven of Skillful Vision
善现天 善現天 115 Sudrsa Heaven; Sudassa; Heaven of Beautiful Devas; Heaven of Skillful Manifestation
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
舍卫 舍衛 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫国 舍衛國 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
释摩男 釋摩男 115 Mahānāma
师说 師說 115 Shishuo
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
守门者 守門者 115 guardian diety
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
天亲 天親 116 Vasubandhu; Vasubandu
田中 116
  1. Tienchung
  2. Tanaka
王舍 119 Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha
王舍国 王舍國 119 Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
无忧 無憂 119
  1. did not worry
  2. Carefree
  3. without sorrow
  4. no sorrow
  5. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
无结爱天 無結愛天 119 Akaniṣṭha; Akanistha; Akaniṭṭha
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
须达 須達 120 Sudatta
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
阎浮利 閻浮利 121 Jambudvīpa
意经 意經 121 Yi Jing; Ummagga
义足经 義足經 121 Sutra on the Fullness of Meaning; Arthavargīyasūtra
因提 121 Indra
有子 121 Master You
优填 優填 121
  1. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
  2. Ancient India
优填王经 優填王經 121 Udayanavatsarājaparipṛcchā (Youtian Wang Jing)
远闻 遠聞 121 Svaravisruti
悦头檀 悅頭檀 121 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana; śuddhodana
正使 122 Chief Envoy
支谦 支謙 122 Zhi Qian
至德 122 Zhide reign
中土 122
  1. China
  2. the Central Plains of China
  3. level ground
竹园 竹園 122 Bamboo Grove
自恣 122 pravāraṇā; ceremony of repentance
自贡 自貢 122 Zigong
  1. Zou
  2. Zou
坐佛 122 a seated Buddha


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 263.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱欲 愛欲 195 love and desire; sensuality; kāma
爱着 愛著 195 attachment to desire
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
宝车 寶車 98 jewelled cart
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
比丘僧 98 monastic community
波利 98
  1. complete; all; pari
  2. Pali
波利质多树 波利質多樹 98 parijata tree; coral tree
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不饮酒 不飲酒 98 refrain from consuming intoxicants
不与取 不與取 98 taking what is not given; adattādāna
不还者 不還者 98 anāgāmin
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
长行 長行 99 Sutra (discourses); a sutra
承事 99 to entrust with duty
称怨 稱怨 99 complain
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
床卧 床臥 99 bed; resting place
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
当得 當得 100 will reach
道谛 道諦 100
  1. Path of Truth
  2. The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering; the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
忉利诸天 忉利諸天 100 the gods of Paradise (Trâyastrimsas)
道意 100 intention to attain enlightenment
大树 大樹 100 a great tree; a bodhisattva
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
等心 100 a non-discriminating mind
地上 100 above the ground
地大 100 earth; earth element
定意 100 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
谛受 諦受 100 right livelihood
谛行 諦行 100 right action
地中 100 secondary buildings on monastery grounds
度世 100 to pass through life
度无极 度無極 100 paramita; perfection
独尊 獨尊 100 the uniquely honored one
二禅 二禪 195
  1. the second dhyana
  2. second dhyāna; second jhāna
二法 195
  1. two dharmas; two kinds of dharma
  2. dichotomy
法乐 法樂 102
  1. Dharma joy
  2. dharma joy
法如是 102
  1. thus is the Dharma
  2. Dharma as Such
法施 102 a Dhárma gift; Dhárma offering; dharmadana
法行 102 to practice the Dharma
法义 法義 102
  1. definition of the Dharma
  2. the teaching of a principle
法雨 102
  1. Dharma Rain
  2. Dharma rain
犯戒 102
  1. Violation of Precepts
  2. to break the precepts
法如 102 dharma nature
法味 102
  1. taste of Dharma
  2. the flavor of the Dharma
非身 102
  1. selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
  2. no-body; akāya
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
佛见 佛見 102 correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
共会 共會 103
  1. occuring together
  2. regularly done
贡高 貢高 103 proud; arrogant; conceited
沟港道 溝港道 103 srotaapanna
观佛 觀佛 103 to contemplate on the Buddha
观空 觀空 103
  1. Observing Emptiness
  2. to view all things as empty
  3. Guan Kong
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
后说 後說 104 spoken later
化佛 104 a Buddha image
化人 104 a conjured person
化作 104 to produce; to conjure
毁辱 毀辱 104 to slander and humiliate
慧众 慧眾 104 body of wisdom; aggregate of wisdom; prajñā-skandha
偈赞 偈讚 106 to sing in praise of
见谛 見諦 106 realization of the truth
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
教行 106
  1. teaching and practice
  2. teaching and practice; instruction and conduct
戒行 106 to abide by precepts
金轮 金輪 106 golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
净天 淨天 106 pure devas
经法 經法 106 canonical teachings
净法 淨法 106
  1. pure dharma
  2. the teaching of the Buddha
净戒 淨戒 106
  1. Pure Precepts
  2. perfect observance
  3. Jing Jie
净洁 淨潔 106 pure
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
金杖 106 gold staff
偈言 106 a verse; a gatha
俱生 106 occuring together
觉观 覺觀 106 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and fine perception
觉意 覺意 106 enlightenment factor; bodhyaṅga
俱舍 106 kosa; container
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空法 107 to regard all things as empty
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
苦谛 苦諦 107 the truth of suffering; the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦痛 107 the sensation of pain
苦乐 苦樂 107 joy and pain
来生 來生 108 later rebirths; subsequent births
乐法 樂法 108 joy in the Dharma
乐欲 樂欲 108 the desire for joy
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
离苦 離苦 108 to transcend suffering
六师 六師 108 the six teachers
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
摩竭 109 makara
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
恼害 惱害 110 malicious feeling
内观 內觀 110 vipasyana; insight meditation
能化 110 a teacher
念法 110
  1. Way of Contemplation
  2. to recollect or chant the Dharma; dharmānusmṛti
念佛 110
  1. to chant Buddha's name
  2. to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
念言 110 words from memory
念着 念著 110 clinging to illusion
尼拘类 尼拘類 110 Indian banyan; nyagrodha tree
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
清信女 113 Upasika; a female lay Buddhist
清信士 113 male lay person; upāsaka
取与 取與 113 producing fruit and the fruit produced
染净 染淨 114 impure and pure dharmas
绕佛 繞佛 114 to circumambulate the Buddha
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
忍行 114
  1. cultivation of forbearance
  2. Khemaṁkara
如法 114 In Accord With
三禅 三禪 115 third dhyāna; third jhāna
三毒 115 three poisons; trivisa
三阶 三階 115 three stages of practice
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三十二大人相 115 thirty two marks of excellence
三十二相 115 the thirty two marks of excellence; the thirty-two characteristic marks
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
散花 115 scatters flowers
三十七品 115 thirty-seven qualities [related to enlightenment]
色声 色聲 115 the visible and the audible
色想 115 form-perceptions
色天 115 realm of form
杀戒 殺戒 115 precept against killing
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善念 115 Virtuous Thoughts
善说 善說 115 well expounded
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善净 善淨 115 well purified; suvisuddha
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
深妙 115 profound; deep and subtle
身受 115 the sense of touch; physical perception
生变 生變 115 to change; to transform
生死苦 生死苦 115 suffering of Saṃsāra
身命 115 body and life
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
时众 時眾 115 present company
食香 115 gandharva
师子座 師子座 115 lion's throne
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
守戒 115 to observe the precepts
说经 說經 115 to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
说欲 說欲 115 explanation of desire
说戒 說戒 115
  1. explation of the precepts; upoṣadha
  2. half monthly confession
四禅 四禪 115
  1. the four meditations; the four dhyānas; the four jhānas
  2. fourth dhyāna; fourth jhāna
四谛 四諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
死尸 死屍 115 a corpse
所行 115 actions; practice
歎佛 116 to praise the Buddha
贪爱 貪愛 116
  1. Clinging
  2. passion; desire; rāga
贪着 貪著 116 attachment to desire
天众 天眾 116 devas
听法 聽法 116 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
头面礼佛 頭面禮佛 116 came up to the Lord, saluted his feet with their heads
妄念 119
  1. Delusive Thoughts
  2. false thoughts; deluded thoughts
妄语 妄語 119 Lying
闻法 聞法 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻经 聞經 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻慧 聞慧 119 Wisdom from Hearing; śrutamayīprajñā; wisdom from listening
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
我身 119 I; myself
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
五戒 119 the five precepts
无胜 無勝 119 unsurpassed; ajita; vijaya
五事 119 five dharmas; five categories
无所得 無所得 119 nothing to be attained
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
無想 119 no notion; without perception
无垢 無垢 119
  1. No Impurity
  2. vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无量水天 無量水天 119 ābhāsvara deva
无能胜 無能勝 119 aparajita; unsurpassed
无念 無念 119
  1. No Thought
  2. free from thought
  3. no thought
  4. tathatā
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无央数 無央數 119 innumerable
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
现法 現法 120 for a Dharma to manifest in the world
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
邪行 120
  1. heretical ways
  2. sexual misconduct
邪婬 120 to commit sexual misconduct
行禅 行禪 120
  1. Practice Chan
  2. to practice Chan
行一 120 equivalence of all forms of practice
行愿 行願 120
  1. Act on Your Vows
  2. cultivation and vows
行法 120 cultivation method
行舍 行捨 120 equanimity
形寿 形壽 120 lifespan
学戒 學戒 120 study of the precepts
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
一佛 121 one Buddha
意解 121 liberation of thought
已近 121 having approached; āsannībhūta
意生 121
  1. arising from thoughts; produced mentally at will
  2. Manojava
异学 異學 121 study of non-Buddhist worldviews
一谛 一諦 121 one truth; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; bhūtatathatā; tathatā; tathata
婬欲 121 sexual desire
应真 應真 121 Worthy One; Arhat
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切苦 121 all difficulty
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
右膝着地 右膝著地 121 placing the right knee on the ground
有谛 有諦 121 conventional truth; relative truth; mundane truth
有法 121 something that exists
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
优昙 優曇 121
  1. udumbara
  2. Youtan
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
欲乐 欲樂 121 the joy of the five desires
欲染 121 the poluting influence of desire
欲生 121 arising from desire
愿佛 願佛 121 Buddha of the vow
怨家 121 an enemy
欲海 121 the ocean of desire
欲漏 121 kāmāsrava; sense desire; desire for sensuality
欲取 121 clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
欲贪 欲貪 121 kāmarāga; sensual craving
憎爱 憎愛 122 hate and love
长者子 長者子 122 the son of an elder
正觉行 正覺行 122 Practice of Right Awakening
正治 122 right effort
证法 證法 122 realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
正行 122 right action
正意 122 wholesome thought; thought without evil
知众 知眾 122 a sense of social gatherings
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
众学 眾學 122 monastic community study; study for monastic living
重担 重擔 122 a heavy load
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
住世 122 living in the world
诸天 諸天 122 devas
自生 122 self origination
紫磨金 122 polished rose gold
自说 自說 122 udāna; expressions
自证 自證 122 self-attained
坐床 122 sitting mat; pitha
作佛 122 to become a Buddha
作善 122 to do good deeds