Glossary and Vocabulary for Shi Moheyan Lun 釋摩訶衍論, Scroll 7

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 121 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 已說對治邪執正解門
2 121 mén phylum; division 已說對治邪執正解門
3 121 mén sect; school 已說對治邪執正解門
4 121 mén Kangxi radical 169 已說對治邪執正解門
5 121 mén a door-like object 已說對治邪執正解門
6 121 mén an opening 已說對治邪執正解門
7 121 mén an access point; a border entrance 已說對治邪執正解門
8 121 mén a household; a clan 已說對治邪執正解門
9 121 mén a kind; a category 已說對治邪執正解門
10 121 mén to guard a gate 已說對治邪執正解門
11 121 mén Men 已說對治邪執正解門
12 121 mén a turning point 已說對治邪執正解門
13 121 mén a method 已說對治邪執正解門
14 121 mén a sense organ 已說對治邪執正解門
15 121 mén door; gate; dvara 已說對治邪執正解門
16 115 zhě ca 者解行發心
17 75 wéi to act as; to serve 云何為三
18 75 wéi to change into; to become 云何為三
19 75 wéi to be; is 云何為三
20 75 wéi to do 云何為三
21 75 wèi to support; to help 云何為三
22 75 wéi to govern 云何為三
23 75 wèi to be; bhū 云何為三
24 75 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 已說對治邪執正解門
25 75 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 已說對治邪執正解門
26 75 shuì to persuade 已說對治邪執正解門
27 75 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 已說對治邪執正解門
28 75 shuō a doctrine; a theory 已說對治邪執正解門
29 75 shuō to claim; to assert 已說對治邪執正解門
30 75 shuō allocution 已說對治邪執正解門
31 75 shuō to criticize; to scold 已說對治邪執正解門
32 75 shuō to indicate; to refer to 已說對治邪執正解門
33 75 shuō speach; vāda 已說對治邪執正解門
34 75 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 已說對治邪執正解門
35 75 shuō to instruct 已說對治邪執正解門
36 74 zhōng middle 中遇緣亦有發心
37 74 zhōng medium; medium sized 中遇緣亦有發心
38 74 zhōng China 中遇緣亦有發心
39 74 zhòng to hit the mark 中遇緣亦有發心
40 74 zhōng midday 中遇緣亦有發心
41 74 zhōng inside 中遇緣亦有發心
42 74 zhōng during 中遇緣亦有發心
43 74 zhōng Zhong 中遇緣亦有發心
44 74 zhōng intermediary 中遇緣亦有發心
45 74 zhōng half 中遇緣亦有發心
46 74 zhòng to reach; to attain 中遇緣亦有發心
47 74 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中遇緣亦有發心
48 74 zhòng to obtain 中遇緣亦有發心
49 74 zhòng to pass an exam 中遇緣亦有發心
50 74 zhōng middle 中遇緣亦有發心
51 57 sān three 心有三種
52 57 sān third 心有三種
53 57 sān more than two 心有三種
54 57 sān very few 心有三種
55 57 sān San 心有三種
56 57 sān three; tri 心有三種
57 57 sān sa 心有三種
58 57 sān three kinds; trividha 心有三種
59 52 zhī to go 之道
60 52 zhī to arrive; to go 之道
61 52 zhī is 之道
62 52 zhī to use 之道
63 52 zhī Zhi 之道
64 52 zhī winding 之道
65 51 běn to be one's own 本曰
66 51 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本曰
67 51 běn the roots of a plant 本曰
68 51 běn capital 本曰
69 51 běn main; central; primary 本曰
70 51 běn according to 本曰
71 51 běn a version; an edition 本曰
72 51 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本曰
73 51 běn a book 本曰
74 51 běn trunk of a tree 本曰
75 51 běn to investigate the root of 本曰
76 51 běn a manuscript for a play 本曰
77 51 běn Ben 本曰
78 51 běn root; origin; mula 本曰
79 51 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 本曰
80 51 běn former; previous; pūrva 本曰
81 50 yán to speak; to say; said 言總標總
82 50 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言總標總
83 50 yán Kangxi radical 149 言總標總
84 50 yán phrase; sentence 言總標總
85 50 yán a word; a syllable 言總標總
86 50 yán a theory; a doctrine 言總標總
87 50 yán to regard as 言總標總
88 50 yán to act as 言總標總
89 50 yán word; vacana 言總標總
90 50 yán speak; vad 言總標總
91 50 Kangxi radical 49 已說對治邪執正解門
92 50 to bring to an end; to stop 已說對治邪執正解門
93 50 to complete 已說對治邪執正解門
94 50 to demote; to dismiss 已說對治邪執正解門
95 50 to recover from an illness 已說對治邪執正解門
96 50 former; pūrvaka 已說對治邪執正解門
97 44 an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 一者寶喻
98 44 Yu 一者寶喻
99 44 to explain 一者寶喻
100 44 to understand 一者寶喻
101 44 allegory; dṛṣṭānta 一者寶喻
102 42 to use; to grasp 或以
103 42 to rely on 或以
104 42 to regard 或以
105 42 to be able to 或以
106 42 to order; to command 或以
107 42 used after a verb 或以
108 42 a reason; a cause 或以
109 42 Israel 或以
110 42 Yi 或以
111 42 use; yogena 或以
112 42 xīn heart [organ] 心有三種
113 42 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心有三種
114 42 xīn mind; consciousness 心有三種
115 42 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心有三種
116 42 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心有三種
117 42 xīn heart 心有三種
118 42 xīn emotion 心有三種
119 42 xīn intention; consideration 心有三種
120 42 xīn disposition; temperament 心有三種
121 42 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心有三種
122 42 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心有三種
123 42 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心有三種
124 40 名為 míngwèi to be called 唯真如智名為法身
125 40 發心 fàxīn to make a pledge; to establish an aspiration 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
126 40 發心 fàxīn Resolve 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
127 40 發心 fàxīn to resolve 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
128 40 發心 fàxīn to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
129 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
130 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
131 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
132 37 Qi 所謂見佛色相而發其
133 36 zhǒng kind; type 心有三種
134 36 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 心有三種
135 36 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 心有三種
136 36 zhǒng seed; strain 心有三種
137 36 zhǒng offspring 心有三種
138 36 zhǒng breed 心有三種
139 36 zhǒng race 心有三種
140 36 zhǒng species 心有三種
141 36 zhǒng root; source; origin 心有三種
142 36 zhǒng grit; guts 心有三種
143 36 zhǒng seed; bīja 心有三種
144 35 suǒ a few; various; some 謂一切諸佛所證
145 35 suǒ a place; a location 謂一切諸佛所證
146 35 suǒ indicates a passive voice 謂一切諸佛所證
147 35 suǒ an ordinal number 謂一切諸佛所證
148 35 suǒ meaning 謂一切諸佛所證
149 35 suǒ garrison 謂一切諸佛所證
150 35 suǒ place; pradeśa 謂一切諸佛所證
151 34 Kangxi radical 71 以垢無
152 34 to not have; without 以垢無
153 34 mo 以垢無
154 34 to not have 以垢無
155 34 Wu 以垢無
156 34 mo 以垢無
157 34 to go; to 雖值於佛亦得供養
158 34 to rely on; to depend on 雖值於佛亦得供養
159 34 Yu 雖值於佛亦得供養
160 34 a crow 雖值於佛亦得供養
161 33 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
162 33 一切 yīqiè the same 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
163 33 method; way 正念真如法故
164 33 France 正念真如法故
165 33 the law; rules; regulations 正念真如法故
166 33 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 正念真如法故
167 33 a standard; a norm 正念真如法故
168 33 an institution 正念真如法故
169 33 to emulate 正念真如法故
170 33 magic; a magic trick 正念真如法故
171 33 punishment 正念真如法故
172 33 Fa 正念真如法故
173 33 a precedent 正念真如法故
174 33 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 正念真如法故
175 33 relating to a ceremony or rite 正念真如法故
176 33 Dharma 正念真如法故
177 33 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 正念真如法故
178 33 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 正念真如法故
179 33 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 正念真如法故
180 33 quality; characteristic 正念真如法故
181 33 顯示 xiǎnshì to show; to illustrate; to display 為欲顯示即此分別發趣道相門
182 32 fēi Kangxi radical 175 亦非業繫
183 32 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 亦非業繫
184 32 fēi different 亦非業繫
185 32 fēi to not be; to not have 亦非業繫
186 32 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 亦非業繫
187 32 fēi Africa 亦非業繫
188 32 fēi to slander 亦非業繫
189 32 fěi to avoid 亦非業繫
190 32 fēi must 亦非業繫
191 32 fēi an error 亦非業繫
192 32 fēi a problem; a question 亦非業繫
193 32 fēi evil 亦非業繫
194 32 wèi to call 謂一切諸佛所證
195 32 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂一切諸佛所證
196 32 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一切諸佛所證
197 32 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂一切諸佛所證
198 32 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂一切諸佛所證
199 32 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一切諸佛所證
200 32 wèi to think 謂一切諸佛所證
201 32 wèi for; is to be 謂一切諸佛所證
202 32 wèi to make; to cause 謂一切諸佛所證
203 32 wèi principle; reason 謂一切諸佛所證
204 32 wèi Wei 謂一切諸佛所證
205 31 因緣 yīnyuán chance 因緣故能自發心
206 31 因緣 yīnyuán destiny 因緣故能自發心
207 31 因緣 yīnyuán according to this 因緣故能自發心
208 31 因緣 yīnyuán causes and conditions 因緣故能自發心
209 31 因緣 yīnyuán cause and conditions; principal and secondary causes; hetupratyaya 因緣故能自發心
210 31 因緣 yīnyuán Nidana (expositions of causes); a story of an occasion in the Buddhha's life 因緣故能自發心
211 31 因緣 yīnyuán a passage in a sūtra describing the setting 因緣故能自發心
212 30 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 若有眾生善根微少
213 30 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 若有眾生善根微少
214 30 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 若有眾生善根微少
215 30 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 若有眾生善根微少
216 30 to carry on the shoulder 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
217 30 what 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
218 30 He 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
219 29 二者 èrzhě the two; both 二者
220 29 二者 èr zhě second; secondly; the second is 二者
221 29 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 劫信心成就故
222 29 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 劫信心成就故
223 29 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 劫信心成就故
224 29 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 劫信心成就故
225 29 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 劫信心成就故
226 29 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 劫信心成就故
227 29 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 劫信心成就故
228 29 néng can; able 業果報能起十善
229 29 néng ability; capacity 業果報能起十善
230 29 néng a mythical bear-like beast 業果報能起十善
231 29 néng energy 業果報能起十善
232 29 néng function; use 業果報能起十善
233 29 néng talent 業果報能起十善
234 29 néng expert at 業果報能起十善
235 29 néng to be in harmony 業果報能起十善
236 29 néng to tend to; to care for 業果報能起十善
237 29 néng to reach; to arrive at 業果報能起十善
238 29 néng to be able; śak 業果報能起十善
239 29 néng skilful; pravīṇa 業果報能起十善
240 27 一者 yī zhě first; firstly; the first is 一者信成就發心
241 27 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是信心成就得發心
242 27 ér Kangxi radical 126 所謂見佛色相而發其
243 27 ér as if; to seem like 所謂見佛色相而發其
244 27 néng can; able 所謂見佛色相而發其
245 27 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 所謂見佛色相而發其
246 27 ér to arrive; up to 所謂見佛色相而發其
247 26 xìn to believe; to trust
248 26 xìn a letter
249 26 xìn evidence
250 26 xìn faith; confidence
251 26 xìn honest; sincere; true
252 26 xìn proof; a certificate; a receipt; a voucher
253 26 xìn an official holding a document
254 26 xìn a gift
255 26 xìn credit
256 26 xìn to lodge in one place two or more nights in a row
257 26 xìn news; a message
258 26 xìn arsenic
259 26 xìn Faith
260 26 xìn faith; confidence
261 26 soil; ground; land 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
262 26 floor 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
263 26 the earth 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
264 26 fields 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
265 26 a place 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
266 26 a situation; a position 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
267 26 background 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
268 26 terrain 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
269 26 a territory; a region 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
270 26 used after a distance measure 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
271 26 coming from the same clan 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
272 26 earth; pṛthivī 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
273 26 stage; ground; level; bhumi 遇惡因緣或便退失墮二乘地
274 26 rén person; people; a human being 何等人修何等行
275 26 rén Kangxi radical 9 何等人修何等行
276 26 rén a kind of person 何等人修何等行
277 26 rén everybody 何等人修何等行
278 26 rén adult 何等人修何等行
279 26 rén somebody; others 何等人修何等行
280 26 rén an upright person 何等人修何等行
281 26 rén person; manuṣya 何等人修何等行
282 26 zuò to do 經中作如是說
283 26 zuò to act as; to serve as 經中作如是說
284 26 zuò to start 經中作如是說
285 26 zuò a writing; a work 經中作如是說
286 26 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 經中作如是說
287 26 zuō to create; to make 經中作如是說
288 26 zuō a workshop 經中作如是說
289 26 zuō to write; to compose 經中作如是說
290 26 zuò to rise 經中作如是說
291 26 zuò to be aroused 經中作如是說
292 26 zuò activity; action; undertaking 經中作如是說
293 26 zuò to regard as 經中作如是說
294 26 zuò action; kāraṇa 經中作如是說
295 25 infix potential marker 何故不唯念真如
296 25 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得信成就堪能發心
297 25 děi to want to; to need to 得信成就堪能發心
298 25 děi must; ought to 得信成就堪能發心
299 25 de 得信成就堪能發心
300 25 de infix potential marker 得信成就堪能發心
301 25 to result in 得信成就堪能發心
302 25 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得信成就堪能發心
303 25 to be satisfied 得信成就堪能發心
304 25 to be finished 得信成就堪能發心
305 25 děi satisfying 得信成就堪能發心
306 25 to contract 得信成就堪能發心
307 25 to hear 得信成就堪能發心
308 25 to have; there is 得信成就堪能發心
309 25 marks time passed 得信成就堪能發心
310 25 obtain; attain; prāpta 得信成就堪能發心
311 24 xiàng to observe; to assess 次說分別發趣道相
312 24 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 次說分別發趣道相
313 24 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 次說分別發趣道相
314 24 xiàng to aid; to help 次說分別發趣道相
315 24 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 次說分別發趣道相
316 24 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 次說分別發趣道相
317 24 xiāng alternately; in turn 次說分別發趣道相
318 24 xiāng Xiang 次說分別發趣道相
319 24 xiāng form substance 次說分別發趣道相
320 24 xiāng to express 次說分別發趣道相
321 24 xiàng to choose 次說分別發趣道相
322 24 xiāng Xiang 次說分別發趣道相
323 24 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 次說分別發趣道相
324 24 xiāng the seventh lunar month 次說分別發趣道相
325 24 xiāng to compare 次說分別發趣道相
326 24 xiàng to divine 次說分別發趣道相
327 24 xiàng to administer 次說分別發趣道相
328 24 xiàng helper for a blind person 次說分別發趣道相
329 24 xiāng rhythm [music] 次說分別發趣道相
330 24 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 次說分別發趣道相
331 24 xiāng coralwood 次說分別發趣道相
332 24 xiàng ministry 次說分別發趣道相
333 24 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 次說分別發趣道相
334 24 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 次說分別發趣道相
335 24 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 次說分別發趣道相
336 24 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 次說分別發趣道相
337 24 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 次說分別發趣道相
338 24 真如 zhēnrú True Thusness 正念真如法故
339 24 真如 zhēnrú suchness; true nature; tathata 正念真如法故
340 23 shí ten 十種信心具
341 23 shí Kangxi radical 24 十種信心具
342 23 shí tenth 十種信心具
343 23 shí complete; perfect 十種信心具
344 23 shí ten; daśa 十種信心具
345 23 契經 qìjīng a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse 即此門中十五契經各各異說
346 23 desire 或因正法欲滅
347 23 to desire; to wish 或因正法欲滅
348 23 to desire; to intend 或因正法欲滅
349 23 lust 或因正法欲滅
350 23 desire; intention; wish; kāma 或因正法欲滅
351 23 second-rate 次說分別發趣道相
352 23 second; secondary 次說分別發趣道相
353 23 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次說分別發趣道相
354 23 a sequence; an order 次說分別發趣道相
355 23 to arrive 次說分別發趣道相
356 23 to be next in sequence 次說分別發趣道相
357 23 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次說分別發趣道相
358 23 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次說分別發趣道相
359 23 stage of a journey 次說分別發趣道相
360 23 ranks 次說分別發趣道相
361 23 an official position 次說分別發趣道相
362 23 inside 次說分別發趣道相
363 23 to hesitate 次說分別發趣道相
364 23 secondary; next; tatas 次說分別發趣道相
365 21 修行 xiūxíng to cultivate; to practice 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
366 21 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
367 21 修行 xiūxíng spiritual practice; pratipatti 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
368 21 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation; bhāvanā 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
369 21 one 經一萬
370 21 Kangxi radical 1 經一萬
371 21 pure; concentrated 經一萬
372 21 first 經一萬
373 21 the same 經一萬
374 21 sole; single 經一萬
375 21 a very small amount 經一萬
376 21 Yi 經一萬
377 21 other 經一萬
378 21 to unify 經一萬
379 21 accidentally; coincidentally 經一萬
380 21 abruptly; suddenly 經一萬
381 21 one; eka 經一萬
382 21 to be near by; to be close to 剖門中即有三種故
383 21 at that time 剖門中即有三種故
384 21 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 剖門中即有三種故
385 21 supposed; so-called 剖門中即有三種故
386 21 to arrive at; to ascend 剖門中即有三種故
387 21 無邊 wúbiān without boundaries; limitless; boundless 聞無量無邊阿僧祇劫
388 21 無邊 wúbiān boundless; ananta 聞無量無邊阿僧祇劫
389 20 suí to follow 以隨
390 20 suí to listen to 以隨
391 20 suí to submit to; to comply with 以隨
392 20 suí to be obsequious 以隨
393 20 suí 17th hexagram 以隨
394 20 suí let somebody do what they like 以隨
395 20 suí to resemble; to look like 以隨
396 20 suí follow; anugama 以隨
397 20 xìng gender 若人雖念寶性
398 20 xìng nature; disposition 若人雖念寶性
399 20 xìng grammatical gender 若人雖念寶性
400 20 xìng a property; a quality 若人雖念寶性
401 20 xìng life; destiny 若人雖念寶性
402 20 xìng sexual desire 若人雖念寶性
403 20 xìng scope 若人雖念寶性
404 20 xìng nature 若人雖念寶性
405 20 èr two
406 20 èr Kangxi radical 7
407 20 èr second
408 20 èr twice; double; di-
409 20 èr more than one kind
410 20 èr two; dvā; dvi
411 20 èr both; dvaya
412 19 信心 xìnxīn confidence 劫信心成就故
413 19 信心 xìnxīn belief; faith 劫信心成就故
414 19 信心 xìnxīn Faith 劫信心成就故
415 19 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 其過去無量世來
416 19 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 其過去無量世來
417 19 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 其過去無量世來
418 19 無量 wúliàng Atula 其過去無量世來
419 19 如是說 rú shì shuō Thus Said 經中作如是說
420 19 如是說 rú shì shuō it is thus said 經中作如是說
421 19 meaning; sense 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
422 19 justice; right action; righteousness 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
423 19 artificial; man-made; fake 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
424 19 chivalry; generosity 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
425 19 just; righteous 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
426 19 adopted 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
427 19 a relationship 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
428 19 volunteer 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
429 19 something suitable 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
430 19 a martyr 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
431 19 a law 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
432 19 Yi 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
433 19 Righteousness 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
434 19 aim; artha 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
435 18 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 若進若退
436 18 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 若進若退
437 18 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 若進若退
438 18 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 若進若退
439 18 退 tuì to give back 若進若退
440 18 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 若進若退
441 18 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 若進若退
442 18 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 若進若退
443 18 退 tuì obsolete 若進若退
444 18 退 tuì to retire; to resign 若進若退
445 18 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 若進若退
446 18 退 tuì parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate 若進若退
447 18 退 tuì retreat; apakram 若進若退
448 18 wèn to ask 一者發起開問總標門
449 18 wèn to inquire after 一者發起開問總標門
450 18 wèn to interrogate 一者發起開問總標門
451 18 wèn to hold responsible 一者發起開問總標門
452 18 wèn to request something 一者發起開問總標門
453 18 wèn to rebuke 一者發起開問總標門
454 18 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 一者發起開問總標門
455 18 wèn news 一者發起開問總標門
456 18 wèn to propose marriage 一者發起開問總標門
457 18 wén to inform 一者發起開問總標門
458 18 wèn to research 一者發起開問總標門
459 18 wèn Wen 一者發起開問總標門
460 18 wèn a question 一者發起開問總標門
461 18 wèn ask; prccha 一者發起開問總標門
462 18 hair 略說發
463 18 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 略說發
464 18 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 略說發
465 18 to express; to show; to be manifest 略說發
466 18 to start out; to set off 略說發
467 18 to open 略說發
468 18 to requisition 略說發
469 18 to occur 略說發
470 18 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 略說發
471 18 to express; to give vent 略說發
472 18 to excavate 略說發
473 18 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 略說發
474 18 to get rich 略說發
475 18 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 略說發
476 18 to sell 略說發
477 18 to shoot with a bow 略說發
478 18 to rise in revolt 略說發
479 18 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 略說發
480 18 to enlighten; to inspire 略說發
481 18 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 略說發
482 18 to ignite; to set on fire 略說發
483 18 to sing; to play 略說發
484 18 to feel; to sense 略說發
485 18 to act; to do 略說發
486 18 grass and moss 略說發
487 18 Fa 略說發
488 18 to issue; to emit; utpāda 略說發
489 18 hair; keśa 略說發
490 17 yīn cause; reason 或因正法欲滅
491 17 yīn to accord with 或因正法欲滅
492 17 yīn to follow 或因正法欲滅
493 17 yīn to rely on 或因正法欲滅
494 17 yīn via; through 或因正法欲滅
495 17 yīn to continue 或因正法欲滅
496 17 yīn to receive 或因正法欲滅
497 17 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 或因正法欲滅
498 17 yīn to seize an opportunity 或因正法欲滅
499 17 yīn to be like 或因正法欲滅
500 17 yīn a standrd; a criterion 或因正法欲滅

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1099

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 215 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
2 215 old; ancient; former; past 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
3 215 reason; cause; purpose 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
4 215 to die 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
5 215 so; therefore; hence 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
6 215 original 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
7 215 accident; happening; instance 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
8 215 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
9 215 something in the past 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
10 215 deceased; dead 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
11 215 still; yet 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
12 215 therefore; tasmāt 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
13 121 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 已說對治邪執正解門
14 121 mén phylum; division 已說對治邪執正解門
15 121 mén sect; school 已說對治邪執正解門
16 121 mén Kangxi radical 169 已說對治邪執正解門
17 121 mén measure word for lessons, subjects, large guns, etc 已說對治邪執正解門
18 121 mén a door-like object 已說對治邪執正解門
19 121 mén an opening 已說對治邪執正解門
20 121 mén an access point; a border entrance 已說對治邪執正解門
21 121 mén a household; a clan 已說對治邪執正解門
22 121 mén a kind; a category 已說對治邪執正解門
23 121 mén to guard a gate 已說對治邪執正解門
24 121 mén Men 已說對治邪執正解門
25 121 mén a turning point 已說對治邪執正解門
26 121 mén a method 已說對治邪執正解門
27 121 mén a sense organ 已說對治邪執正解門
28 121 mén door; gate; dvara 已說對治邪執正解門
29 115 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 者解行發心
30 115 zhě that 者解行發心
31 115 zhě nominalizing function word 者解行發心
32 115 zhě used to mark a definition 者解行發心
33 115 zhě used to mark a pause 者解行發心
34 115 zhě topic marker; that; it 者解行發心
35 115 zhuó according to 者解行發心
36 115 zhě ca 者解行發心
37 75 wèi for; to 云何為三
38 75 wèi because of 云何為三
39 75 wéi to act as; to serve 云何為三
40 75 wéi to change into; to become 云何為三
41 75 wéi to be; is 云何為三
42 75 wéi to do 云何為三
43 75 wèi for 云何為三
44 75 wèi because of; for; to 云何為三
45 75 wèi to 云何為三
46 75 wéi in a passive construction 云何為三
47 75 wéi forming a rehetorical question 云何為三
48 75 wéi forming an adverb 云何為三
49 75 wéi to add emphasis 云何為三
50 75 wèi to support; to help 云何為三
51 75 wéi to govern 云何為三
52 75 wèi to be; bhū 云何為三
53 75 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 已說對治邪執正解門
54 75 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 已說對治邪執正解門
55 75 shuì to persuade 已說對治邪執正解門
56 75 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 已說對治邪執正解門
57 75 shuō a doctrine; a theory 已說對治邪執正解門
58 75 shuō to claim; to assert 已說對治邪執正解門
59 75 shuō allocution 已說對治邪執正解門
60 75 shuō to criticize; to scold 已說對治邪執正解門
61 75 shuō to indicate; to refer to 已說對治邪執正解門
62 75 shuō speach; vāda 已說對治邪執正解門
63 75 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 已說對治邪執正解門
64 75 shuō to instruct 已說對治邪執正解門
65 74 zhōng middle 中遇緣亦有發心
66 74 zhōng medium; medium sized 中遇緣亦有發心
67 74 zhōng China 中遇緣亦有發心
68 74 zhòng to hit the mark 中遇緣亦有發心
69 74 zhōng in; amongst 中遇緣亦有發心
70 74 zhōng midday 中遇緣亦有發心
71 74 zhōng inside 中遇緣亦有發心
72 74 zhōng during 中遇緣亦有發心
73 74 zhōng Zhong 中遇緣亦有發心
74 74 zhōng intermediary 中遇緣亦有發心
75 74 zhōng half 中遇緣亦有發心
76 74 zhōng just right; suitably 中遇緣亦有發心
77 74 zhōng while 中遇緣亦有發心
78 74 zhòng to reach; to attain 中遇緣亦有發心
79 74 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中遇緣亦有發心
80 74 zhòng to obtain 中遇緣亦有發心
81 74 zhòng to pass an exam 中遇緣亦有發心
82 74 zhōng middle 中遇緣亦有發心
83 66 yǒu is; are; to exist 心有三種
84 66 yǒu to have; to possess 心有三種
85 66 yǒu indicates an estimate 心有三種
86 66 yǒu indicates a large quantity 心有三種
87 66 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 心有三種
88 66 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 心有三種
89 66 yǒu used to compare two things 心有三種
90 66 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 心有三種
91 66 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 心有三種
92 66 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 心有三種
93 66 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 心有三種
94 66 yǒu abundant 心有三種
95 66 yǒu purposeful 心有三種
96 66 yǒu You 心有三種
97 66 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 心有三種
98 66 yǒu becoming; bhava 心有三種
99 57 sān three 心有三種
100 57 sān third 心有三種
101 57 sān more than two 心有三種
102 57 sān very few 心有三種
103 57 sān repeatedly 心有三種
104 57 sān San 心有三種
105 57 sān three; tri 心有三種
106 57 sān sa 心有三種
107 57 sān three kinds; trividha 心有三種
108 54 such as; for example; for instance 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
109 54 if 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
110 54 in accordance with 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
111 54 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
112 54 this 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
113 54 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
114 54 to go to 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
115 54 to meet 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
116 54 to appear; to seem; to be like 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
117 54 at least as good as 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
118 54 and 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
119 54 or 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
120 54 but 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
121 54 then 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
122 54 naturally 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
123 54 expresses a question or doubt 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
124 54 you 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
125 54 the second lunar month 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
126 54 in; at 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
127 54 Ru 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
128 54 Thus 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
129 54 thus; tathā 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
130 54 like; iva 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
131 54 suchness; tathatā 如修多羅中或說有退墮惡
132 52 zhī him; her; them; that 之道
133 52 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 之道
134 52 zhī to go 之道
135 52 zhī this; that 之道
136 52 zhī genetive marker 之道
137 52 zhī it 之道
138 52 zhī in; in regards to 之道
139 52 zhī all 之道
140 52 zhī and 之道
141 52 zhī however 之道
142 52 zhī if 之道
143 52 zhī then 之道
144 52 zhī to arrive; to go 之道
145 52 zhī is 之道
146 52 zhī to use 之道
147 52 zhī Zhi 之道
148 52 zhī winding 之道
149 51 běn measure word for books 本曰
150 51 běn this (city, week, etc) 本曰
151 51 běn originally; formerly 本曰
152 51 běn to be one's own 本曰
153 51 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本曰
154 51 běn the roots of a plant 本曰
155 51 běn self 本曰
156 51 běn measure word for flowering plants 本曰
157 51 běn capital 本曰
158 51 běn main; central; primary 本曰
159 51 běn according to 本曰
160 51 běn a version; an edition 本曰
161 51 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本曰
162 51 běn a book 本曰
163 51 běn trunk of a tree 本曰
164 51 běn to investigate the root of 本曰
165 51 běn a manuscript for a play 本曰
166 51 běn Ben 本曰
167 51 běn root; origin; mula 本曰
168 51 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 本曰
169 51 běn former; previous; pūrva 本曰
170 50 yán to speak; to say; said 言總標總
171 50 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言總標總
172 50 yán Kangxi radical 149 言總標總
173 50 yán a particle with no meaning 言總標總
174 50 yán phrase; sentence 言總標總
175 50 yán a word; a syllable 言總標總
176 50 yán a theory; a doctrine 言總標總
177 50 yán to regard as 言總標總
178 50 yán to act as 言總標總
179 50 yán word; vacana 言總標總
180 50 yán speak; vad 言總標總
181 50 already 已說對治邪執正解門
182 50 Kangxi radical 49 已說對治邪執正解門
183 50 from 已說對治邪執正解門
184 50 to bring to an end; to stop 已說對治邪執正解門
185 50 final aspectual particle 已說對治邪執正解門
186 50 afterwards; thereafter 已說對治邪執正解門
187 50 too; very; excessively 已說對治邪執正解門
188 50 to complete 已說對治邪執正解門
189 50 to demote; to dismiss 已說對治邪執正解門
190 50 to recover from an illness 已說對治邪執正解門
191 50 certainly 已說對治邪執正解門
192 50 an interjection of surprise 已說對治邪執正解門
193 50 this 已說對治邪執正解門
194 50 former; pūrvaka 已說對治邪執正解門
195 50 former; pūrvaka 已說對治邪執正解門
196 44 an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 一者寶喻
197 44 Yu 一者寶喻
198 44 to explain 一者寶喻
199 44 to understand 一者寶喻
200 44 allegory; dṛṣṭānta 一者寶喻
201 42 so as to; in order to 或以
202 42 to use; to regard as 或以
203 42 to use; to grasp 或以
204 42 according to 或以
205 42 because of 或以
206 42 on a certain date 或以
207 42 and; as well as 或以
208 42 to rely on 或以
209 42 to regard 或以
210 42 to be able to 或以
211 42 to order; to command 或以
212 42 further; moreover 或以
213 42 used after a verb 或以
214 42 very 或以
215 42 already 或以
216 42 increasingly 或以
217 42 a reason; a cause 或以
218 42 Israel 或以
219 42 Yi 或以
220 42 use; yogena 或以
221 42 xīn heart [organ] 心有三種
222 42 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心有三種
223 42 xīn mind; consciousness 心有三種
224 42 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心有三種
225 42 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心有三種
226 42 xīn heart 心有三種
227 42 xīn emotion 心有三種
228 42 xīn intention; consideration 心有三種
229 42 xīn disposition; temperament 心有三種
230 42 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心有三種
231 42 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心有三種
232 42 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心有三種
233 41 shì is; are; am; to be 薩發是心故
234 41 shì is exactly 薩發是心故
235 41 shì is suitable; is in contrast 薩發是心故
236 41 shì this; that; those 薩發是心故
237 41 shì really; certainly 薩發是心故
238 41 shì correct; yes; affirmative 薩發是心故
239 41 shì true 薩發是心故
240 41 shì is; has; exists 薩發是心故
241 41 shì used between repetitions of a word 薩發是心故
242 41 shì a matter; an affair 薩發是心故
243 41 shì Shi 薩發是心故
244 41 shì is; bhū 薩發是心故
245 41 shì this; idam 薩發是心故
246 40 名為 míngwèi to be called 唯真如智名為法身
247 40 發心 fàxīn to make a pledge; to establish an aspiration 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
248 40 發心 fàxīn Resolve 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
249 40 發心 fàxīn to resolve 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
250 40 發心 fàxīn to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
251 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
252 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
253 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
254 37 his; hers; its; theirs 所謂見佛色相而發其
255 37 to add emphasis 所謂見佛色相而發其
256 37 used when asking a question in reply to a question 所謂見佛色相而發其
257 37 used when making a request or giving an order 所謂見佛色相而發其
258 37 he; her; it; them 所謂見佛色相而發其
259 37 probably; likely 所謂見佛色相而發其
260 37 will 所謂見佛色相而發其
261 37 may 所謂見佛色相而發其
262 37 if 所謂見佛色相而發其
263 37 or 所謂見佛色相而發其
264 37 Qi 所謂見佛色相而發其
265 37 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 所謂見佛色相而發其
266 36 zhǒng kind; type 心有三種
267 36 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 心有三種
268 36 zhǒng kind; type 心有三種
269 36 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 心有三種
270 36 zhǒng seed; strain 心有三種
271 36 zhǒng offspring 心有三種
272 36 zhǒng breed 心有三種
273 36 zhǒng race 心有三種
274 36 zhǒng species 心有三種
275 36 zhǒng root; source; origin 心有三種
276 36 zhǒng grit; guts 心有三種
277 36 zhǒng seed; bīja 心有三種
278 35 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當知轉勝
279 35 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當知轉勝
280 35 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當知轉勝
281 35 dāng to face 當知轉勝
282 35 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當知轉勝
283 35 dāng to manage; to host 當知轉勝
284 35 dāng should 當知轉勝
285 35 dāng to treat; to regard as 當知轉勝
286 35 dǎng to think 當知轉勝
287 35 dàng suitable; correspond to 當知轉勝
288 35 dǎng to be equal 當知轉勝
289 35 dàng that 當知轉勝
290 35 dāng an end; top 當知轉勝
291 35 dàng clang; jingle 當知轉勝
292 35 dāng to judge 當知轉勝
293 35 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當知轉勝
294 35 dàng the same 當知轉勝
295 35 dàng to pawn 當知轉勝
296 35 dàng to fail [an exam] 當知轉勝
297 35 dàng a trap 當知轉勝
298 35 dàng a pawned item 當知轉勝
299 35 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當知轉勝
300 35 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 謂一切諸佛所證
301 35 suǒ an office; an institute 謂一切諸佛所證
302 35 suǒ introduces a relative clause 謂一切諸佛所證
303 35 suǒ it 謂一切諸佛所證
304 35 suǒ if; supposing 謂一切諸佛所證
305 35 suǒ a few; various; some 謂一切諸佛所證
306 35 suǒ a place; a location 謂一切諸佛所證
307 35 suǒ indicates a passive voice 謂一切諸佛所證
308 35 suǒ that which 謂一切諸佛所證
309 35 suǒ an ordinal number 謂一切諸佛所證
310 35 suǒ meaning 謂一切諸佛所證
311 35 suǒ garrison 謂一切諸佛所證
312 35 suǒ place; pradeśa 謂一切諸佛所證
313 35 suǒ that which; yad 謂一切諸佛所證
314 34 no 以垢無
315 34 Kangxi radical 71 以垢無
316 34 to not have; without 以垢無
317 34 has not yet 以垢無
318 34 mo 以垢無
319 34 do not 以垢無
320 34 not; -less; un- 以垢無
321 34 regardless of 以垢無
322 34 to not have 以垢無
323 34 um 以垢無
324 34 Wu 以垢無
325 34 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 以垢無
326 34 not; non- 以垢無
327 34 mo 以垢無
328 34 in; at 雖值於佛亦得供養
329 34 in; at 雖值於佛亦得供養
330 34 in; at; to; from 雖值於佛亦得供養
331 34 to go; to 雖值於佛亦得供養
332 34 to rely on; to depend on 雖值於佛亦得供養
333 34 to go to; to arrive at 雖值於佛亦得供養
334 34 from 雖值於佛亦得供養
335 34 give 雖值於佛亦得供養
336 34 oppposing 雖值於佛亦得供養
337 34 and 雖值於佛亦得供養
338 34 compared to 雖值於佛亦得供養
339 34 by 雖值於佛亦得供養
340 34 and; as well as 雖值於佛亦得供養
341 34 for 雖值於佛亦得供養
342 34 Yu 雖值於佛亦得供養
343 34 a crow 雖值於佛亦得供養
344 34 whew; wow 雖值於佛亦得供養
345 34 near to; antike 雖值於佛亦得供養
346 34 this; these 而此證
347 34 in this way 而此證
348 34 otherwise; but; however; so 而此證
349 34 at this time; now; here 而此證
350 34 this; here; etad 而此證
351 33 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
352 33 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
353 33 一切 yīqiè the same 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
354 33 一切 yīqiè generally 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
355 33 一切 yīqiè all, everything 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
356 33 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 一切菩薩發心修行趣向義故
357 33 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若有眾生善根微少
358 33 ruò seemingly 若有眾生善根微少
359 33 ruò if 若有眾生善根微少
360 33 ruò you 若有眾生善根微少
361 33 ruò this; that 若有眾生善根微少
362 33 ruò and; or 若有眾生善根微少
363 33 ruò as for; pertaining to 若有眾生善根微少
364 33 pomegranite 若有眾生善根微少
365 33 ruò to choose 若有眾生善根微少
366 33 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若有眾生善根微少
367 33 ruò thus 若有眾生善根微少
368 33 ruò pollia 若有眾生善根微少
369 33 ruò Ruo 若有眾生善根微少
370 33 ruò only then 若有眾生善根微少
371 33 ja 若有眾生善根微少
372 33 jñā 若有眾生善根微少
373 33 ruò if; yadi 若有眾生善根微少
374 33 method; way 正念真如法故
375 33 France 正念真如法故
376 33 the law; rules; regulations 正念真如法故
377 33 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 正念真如法故
378 33 a standard; a norm 正念真如法故
379 33 an institution 正念真如法故
380 33 to emulate 正念真如法故
381 33 magic; a magic trick 正念真如法故
382 33 punishment 正念真如法故
383 33 Fa 正念真如法故
384 33 a precedent 正念真如法故
385 33 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 正念真如法故
386 33 relating to a ceremony or rite 正念真如法故
387 33 Dharma 正念真如法故
388 33 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 正念真如法故
389 33 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 正念真如法故
390 33 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 正念真如法故
391 33 quality; characteristic 正念真如法故
392 33 顯示 xiǎnshì to show; to illustrate; to display 為欲顯示即此分別發趣道相門
393 33 云何 yúnhé why; how 云何為三
394 33 云何 yúnhé how; katham 云何為三
395 32 fēi not; non-; un- 亦非業繫
396 32 fēi Kangxi radical 175 亦非業繫
397 32 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 亦非業繫
398 32 fēi different 亦非業繫
399 32 fēi to not be; to not have 亦非業繫
400 32 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 亦非業繫
401 32 fēi Africa 亦非業繫
402 32 fēi to slander 亦非業繫
403 32 fěi to avoid 亦非業繫
404 32 fēi must 亦非業繫
405 32 fēi an error 亦非業繫
406 32 fēi a problem; a question 亦非業繫
407 32 fēi evil 亦非業繫
408 32 fēi besides; except; unless 亦非業繫
409 32 fēi not 亦非業繫
410 32 wèi to call 謂一切諸佛所證
411 32 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂一切諸佛所證
412 32 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一切諸佛所證
413 32 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂一切諸佛所證
414 32 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂一切諸佛所證
415 32 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一切諸佛所證
416 32 wèi to think 謂一切諸佛所證
417 32 wèi for; is to be 謂一切諸佛所證
418 32 wèi to make; to cause 謂一切諸佛所證
419 32 wèi and 謂一切諸佛所證
420 32 wèi principle; reason 謂一切諸佛所證
421 32 wèi Wei 謂一切諸佛所證
422 32 wèi which; what; yad 謂一切諸佛所證
423 32 wèi to say; iti 謂一切諸佛所證
424 31 因緣 yīnyuán chance 因緣故能自發心
425 31 因緣 yīnyuán destiny 因緣故能自發心
426 31 因緣 yīnyuán according to this 因緣故能自發心
427 31 因緣 yīnyuán causes and conditions 因緣故能自發心
428 31 因緣 yīnyuán cause and conditions; principal and secondary causes; hetupratyaya 因緣故能自發心
429 31 因緣 yīnyuán Nidana (expositions of causes); a story of an occasion in the Buddhha's life 因緣故能自發心
430 31 因緣 yīnyuán a passage in a sūtra describing the setting 因緣故能自發心
431 30 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 若有眾生善根微少
432 30 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 若有眾生善根微少
433 30 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 若有眾生善根微少
434 30 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 若有眾生善根微少
435 30 what; where; which 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
436 30 to carry on the shoulder 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
437 30 who 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
438 30 what 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
439 30 why 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
440 30 how 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
441 30 how much 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
442 30 He 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
443 30 what; kim 從淨心地乃至菩薩究竟地證何境
444 29 二者 èrzhě the two; both 二者
445 29 二者 èr zhě second; secondly; the second is 二者
446 29 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 劫信心成就故
447 29 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 劫信心成就故
448 29 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 劫信心成就故
449 29 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 劫信心成就故
450 29 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 劫信心成就故
451 29 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 劫信心成就故
452 29 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 劫信心成就故
453 29 néng can; able 業果報能起十善
454 29 néng ability; capacity 業果報能起十善
455 29 néng a mythical bear-like beast 業果報能起十善
456 29 néng energy 業果報能起十善
457 29 néng function; use 業果報能起十善
458 29 néng may; should; permitted to 業果報能起十善
459 29 néng talent 業果報能起十善
460 29 néng expert at 業果報能起十善
461 29 néng to be in harmony 業果報能起十善
462 29 néng to tend to; to care for 業果報能起十善
463 29 néng to reach; to arrive at 業果報能起十善
464 29 néng as long as; only 業果報能起十善
465 29 néng even if 業果報能起十善
466 29 néng but 業果報能起十善
467 29 néng in this way 業果報能起十善
468 29 néng to be able; śak 業果報能起十善
469 29 néng skilful; pravīṇa 業果報能起十善
470 27 一者 yī zhě first; firstly; the first is 一者信成就發心
471 27 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是信心成就得發心
472 27 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是信心成就得發心
473 27 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是信心成就得發心
474 27 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是信心成就得發心
475 27 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 所謂見佛色相而發其
476 27 ér Kangxi radical 126 所謂見佛色相而發其
477 27 ér you 所謂見佛色相而發其
478 27 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 所謂見佛色相而發其
479 27 ér right away; then 所謂見佛色相而發其
480 27 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 所謂見佛色相而發其
481 27 ér if; in case; in the event that 所謂見佛色相而發其
482 27 ér therefore; as a result; thus 所謂見佛色相而發其
483 27 ér how can it be that? 所謂見佛色相而發其
484 27 ér so as to 所謂見佛色相而發其
485 27 ér only then 所謂見佛色相而發其
486 27 ér as if; to seem like 所謂見佛色相而發其
487 27 néng can; able 所謂見佛色相而發其
488 27 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 所謂見佛色相而發其
489 27 ér me 所謂見佛色相而發其
490 27 ér to arrive; up to 所謂見佛色相而發其
491 27 ér possessive 所謂見佛色相而發其
492 27 ér and; ca 所謂見佛色相而發其
493 26 xìn to believe; to trust
494 26 xìn a letter
495 26 xìn evidence
496 26 xìn faith; confidence
497 26 xìn honest; sincere; true
498 26 xìn proof; a certificate; a receipt; a voucher
499 26 xìn an official holding a document
500 26 xìn willfully; randomly


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
therefore; tasmāt
mén door; gate; dvara
zhě ca
wèi to be; bhū
  1. shuō
  2. shuō
  3. shuō
  1. speach; vāda
  2. to speak; bhāṣate
  3. to instruct
zhōng middle
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. sān
  2. sān
  3. sān
  1. three; tri
  2. sa
  3. three kinds; trividha
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
  1. běn
  2. běn
  3. běn
  1. root; origin; mula
  2. becoming, being, existing; bhava
  3. former; previous; pūrva

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
本际 本際 98 bhūtakoṭi; reality-limit
遍一切处 遍一切處 98 Vairocana
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
道行 100
  1. Practicing the Way
  2. conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
  3. Đạo Hạnh
  4. Dao Xing
  5. Dao Xing
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
定安 100 Ding'an
地藏菩萨摩诃萨 地藏菩薩摩訶薩 100 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
兜率天 100 Tusita Heaven; Tusita gods
方便门 方便門 102
  1. expedient means
  2. Gate of Skillful Means
  3. gate of skillful means
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
筏提摩多 102 Vṛddhimata
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
法性身 102 Dharmakaya; Dharmakāya; Dharma Body
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
黄石 黃石 104 Huangshi
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
觉心 覺心 106
  1. mind of enlightenment
  2. Juexin
  3. Kakushin
礼拜三 禮拜三 108 Wednesday
龙树菩萨 龍樹菩薩 76
  1. Nagarjuna
  2. Nāgārjuna
摩诃衍 摩訶衍 77
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahāyāna; Mahayana; the Great Vehicle
  3. Mahayana [monk]
涅盘 涅盤 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
色究竟 115 Akaniṣṭha; Akanistha; Akaniṭṭha
释摩诃衍论 釋摩訶衍論 115 Shi Moheyan Lun
十行 115 the ten activities
十住 115
  1. ten abodes
  2. the ten Stages in bodhisattva wisdom
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
文殊师利菩萨 文殊師利菩薩 119 Manjusri
文殊师利 文殊師利 119 Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri
文中 119 Bunchū
无忧 無憂 119
  1. did not worry
  2. Carefree
  3. without sorrow
  4. no sorrow
  5. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
无退 無退 119 avaivartika; non-retrogression
姚秦 姚秦 121 Later Qin
121 Yi
有了 121 I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the oven
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 250.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
安立 196
  1. to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
  2. to begin to speak
阿僧只 阿僧祇 196
  1. asamkhya
  2. asamkhyeya
  3. asamkhya; innumerable
阿僧祇劫 196 an asankhyeya kalpa
阿世耶 196 mental disposition; āśaya
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
悲心 98
  1. Merciful Heart
  2. compassion; a sympathetic mind
本觉 本覺 98 original enlightenment; intrinsic enlightenment; inherent enlightenment
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
般若波罗蜜 般若波羅蜜 98
  1. Prajñāpāramitā; Prajnaparamita; Perfection of Wisdom
  2. Prajñāpāramitā
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不生不灭 不生不滅 98 neither arises nor extinguishes
不思议业 不思議業 98 suprarational functions
不思议 不思議 98
  1. inconceivable
  2. inconceivable
不惜身命 98 willingness to give up one's own life
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
尘数 塵數 99 as numerous as dust particles
成道 99 awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
成满 成滿 99 to become complete
尘累 塵累 99 the burden of mental affliction; the karmic burden of defilements
初发意菩萨 初發意菩薩 99 bodhisattvas in their initial stage of aspiration
初发心 初發心 99 initial determination
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
出胎 99 for a Buddha to be reborn
大慈悲 100 great mercy and great compassion
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大身 100 great body; mahakaya
大愿 大願 100 a great vow
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大悲心 100 a mind with great compassion
大方便 100 mahopāya; great skillful means; expedient means
道行 100
  1. Practicing the Way
  2. conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
  3. Đạo Hạnh
  4. Dao Xing
  5. Dao Xing
大愿平等方便 大願平等方便 100 expedient means of the great vow of universal liberation
等虚空界 等虛空界 100 the same as the realm of space
地上 100 above the ground
对治 對治 100
  1. to remedy
  2. an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
对治邪执 對治邪執 100
  1. correcting unwholesome attachments
  2. rectifying unwholesome attachments
恶道 惡道 195
  1. evil path
  2. an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶因 惡因 195 an evil cause
恶作 惡作 195 evil doing; remorse; kaukritya; kukkucca
二利 195 dual benefits
二乘 195 the two vehicles
二种 二種 195 two kinds
二门 二門 195 two gates; two teachings
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
法僧 102 a monk who recites mantras
法体 法體 102 essence of all things; spiritual body
法义 法義 102
  1. definition of the Dharma
  2. the teaching of a principle
发愿 發願 102
  1. Make a Vow
  2. Making Vows
  3. to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
凡圣 凡聖 102
  1. Ordinary and Sagely
  2. the ordinary and the divine
方便心 102 a mind capable of expedient means
发起善根增长方便 發起善根增長方便 102 expedient means that promote wholesome roots
发趣 發趣 102 to set out
分齐 分齊 102 difference
佛法僧 102
  1. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
  2. the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; the Triple Gem; the three treasures of Buddhism
佛性 102 Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
佛地 102 Buddha stage; Buddha ground; buddha-bhūmi
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
恭敬供养 恭敬供養 103 honored
广大心 廣大心 103 magnanimous
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
观智 觀智 103 wisdom from contemplation
果德 103 fruit of merit
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
化度 104 convert and liberate; teach and save
化众生 化眾生 104 to transform living beings
迴向 104 to transfer merit; to dedicate; pariṇāmanā
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
解门 解門 106 teaching in theory
解行 106 to understand and practice
金刚心 金剛心 106
  1. Diamond heart
  2. adamantine-like mind
  3. adamantine-like concentration; vajropamasamādhi
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
具缚 具縛 106 completely bound; completely bound in delusion
卷第七 106 scroll 7
决择分 決擇分 106 ability in judgement and selection
觉心 覺心 106
  1. mind of enlightenment
  2. Juexin
  3. Kakushin
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
堪能 107 ability to undertake
苦海 107
  1. ocean of suffering
  2. sea of suffering; abyss of worldly suffering
乐求 樂求 108 seek pleasure
离念 離念 108 transcends conception
了知 108 to understand clearly
利益众生 利益眾生 108 help sentient beings
妙色 109 wonderful form
摩诃萨 摩訶薩 109
  1. mahasattva
  2. mahāsattva; mohasattva; a great being
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
摩尼宝 摩尼寶 109
  1. Mani Pearl
  2. mani-jewel
  3. mani jewel
摩尼珠 109
  1. Mani Pearl
  2. mani jewel; a wish fulfilling jewel
能止方便 110 expedient means that are able to prevent [unwholesome dharmas from arising]
毘梨耶波罗蜜 毘梨耶波羅蜜 112 virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence
平等法 112 the truth that all can become a Buddha
颇梨珠 頗梨珠 112 crystal beads; sphāṭika
契经 契經 113 a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse
起灭 起滅 113 saṃsāra; life and death
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
清净心 清淨心 113 pure mind
趣入 113 enter into; comprehended; avatīrṇa
劝请 勸請 113 to request; to implore
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
人众 人眾 114 many people; crowds of people
入圣 入聖 114 to become an arhat
如是观 如是觀 114 Contemplate as Such
如是如是 114 Thus Is, Thus Is
如来法身 如來法身 114 Dharmakāya of the Tathāgata
如来藏 如來藏 82
  1. Tathagatagarbha
  2. Buddha-nature; Buddha-dhatu; Buddha Principle; Tathāgatagarbha
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如如 114
  1. Thusness
  2. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
入胎 114 Entry into the womb; to be conceived from Heaven
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三世诸佛 三世諸佛 115 the Buddhas of past, present, and future
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
萨婆若 薩婆若 115 sarvajña
僧祇 115 asamkhyeya
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
善根力 115 power of wholesome roots
善巧 115
  1. Skillful
  2. virtuous and clever; skilful
善巧方便 115 skillful and expedient means
善趣 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
摄化 攝化 115 protect and transform
神变 神變 115 a divine transformation; a miracle
胜定 勝定 115 equipose; samāhita
胜人 勝人 115 best of men; narottama
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
深心 115 determination; resolution; adhyāśaya
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
十恶 十惡 115 the ten evils
十解 115 ten abodes
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
十信 115 the ten grades of faith
十方世界 115 the worlds in all ten directions
十善 115 the ten virtues
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
授记 授記 115 Vyakarana (prophecies); a prediction; vyākaraṇa
说净 說淨 115 explained to be pure
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四相 115
  1. four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
  2. four marks of existence; caturlaksana
四一 115 four ones
随缘 隨緣 115
  1. Follow Conditions
  2. to accord with conditions
  3. to act in accordance with causes and conditions
随喜 隨喜 115
  1. to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
  2. anumodana; admiration
随宜 隨宜 115 acting according to people's needs; acting in accordance with the circumstances
随转 隨轉 115 teaching of adaptable philosophy
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所行 115 actions; practice
檀波罗蜜 檀波羅蜜 116 dana-paramita; the paramita of generosity
田人 116 ploughman; one who lives by ploughing
体性 體性 116 svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
徒众 徒眾 116 a group of disciples
退堕 退墮 116 parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
退失 116 parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
妄法 119 delusion
妄见 妄見 119 a delusion
万劫 萬劫 119 ten thousand kalpas
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无分别 無分別 119
  1. Non-Discriminative
  2. without false conceptualization
五明 119 five sciences; mastery of the five sciences; five kinds of wisdom
无身 無身 119 no-body
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
无障碍 無障礙 119
  1. without obstruction
  2. Asaṅga
无量劫 無量劫 119 innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无染 無染 119 undefiled
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
无生 無生 119
  1. No-Birth
  2. anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无始 無始 119 without beginning
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
无住 無住 119
  1. non-abiding
  2. non-attachment; non-abiding
下生 120 for a bodhisattva for descend to the human world
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
消业障 消業障 120 to eliminate karmic obstacle
信成就 120 the accomplishment of faith
信成就发心 信成就發心 120 aspiration for enlightenment with the accomplishment of faith
信乐 信樂 120 joy of believing
心体离念 心體離念 120 the mind's essence transcends thought
心想 120 thoughts of the mind; thought
信行 120
  1. faith and practice
  2. Xinxing
行相 120 to conceptualize about phenomena
性空 120 inherently empty; empty in nature
心行 120 mental activity
心真 120 true nature of the mind
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
修多罗 修多羅 120 sūtra; sutta
修行禅波罗蜜 修行禪波羅蜜 120 cultivate the paramita of meditative concentration
修行信心 120 cultivates faith
熏习 熏習 120 vāsanā; permeation; infusing; perfuming; predispositions; habituations; latent tendencies
厌生死苦 厭生死苦 121
  1. hate the suffering of Saṃsāra
  2. hate the suffering of Saṃsāra
言语道断 言語道斷 121 beyond words
业报 業報 121
  1. karmic retribution
  2. karmic retribution; cause and effect; ripening of actions; karma and results; karmaphala; karmavipāka
业果 業果 121 karmic retribution; cause and effect; fruit of actions; karma and results; karmaphala
业识 業識 121 activating mind; a delusion
业系 業繫 121 karmic connections; karmic bonds
业障 業障 121
  1. karmic hindrance
  2. a karmic obstruction
异门 異門 121 other schools
一门 一門 121
  1. one gate
  2. one gate
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一切种智 一切種智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
因论 因論 121 universal rule
因相 121 causation
一切处 一切處 121
  1. all places; everywhere
  2. kasina
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
一切诸佛 一切諸佛 121 all Buddhas
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
愿力 願力 121
  1. Power of Vow
  2. the power of a vow
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
正观 正觀 122 right observation
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
证得 證得 122 realize; prāpti
证果 證果 122 the rewards of the different stages of attainment
正解 122 sambodhi; saṃbodhi; enlightenment
正信 122
  1. Right Faith
  2. proper belief
正智 122 correct understanding; wisdom
真如 122
  1. True Thusness
  2. suchness; true nature; tathata
真如佛性 122 true Thusness of buddha-nature
直心 122
  1. Direct
  2. a straightforward mind
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
众生界 眾生界 122 the realm of living beings
众生相 眾生相 122
  1. characteristics of sentient beings
  2. the notion of a being
众生心 眾生心 122 the minds of sentient beings
种性 種性 122 lineage; gotra
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
住地 122 abode
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
住心 122 abiding in thoughts; abode of the mind
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
转识 轉識 122
  1. Transforming Consciousness
  2. evolving mind
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
总持 總持 122
  1. to hold to the good, total retention
  2. dharani; total retention