Glossary and Vocabulary for San Zhuan Falun Jing (Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra) 佛說三轉法輪經

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 17 suǒ a few; various; some 於所聞法如理作意
2 17 suǒ a place; a location 於所聞法如理作意
3 17 suǒ indicates a passive voice 於所聞法如理作意
4 17 suǒ an ordinal number 於所聞法如理作意
5 17 suǒ meaning 於所聞法如理作意
6 17 suǒ garrison 於所聞法如理作意
7 17 suǒ place; pradeśa 於所聞法如理作意
8 15 to go; to 於所聞法如理作意
9 15 to rely on; to depend on 於所聞法如理作意
10 15 Yu 於所聞法如理作意
11 15 a crow 於所聞法如理作意
12 15 method; way 順苦滅道聖諦之法
13 15 France 順苦滅道聖諦之法
14 15 the law; rules; regulations 順苦滅道聖諦之法
15 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
16 15 a standard; a norm 順苦滅道聖諦之法
17 15 an institution 順苦滅道聖諦之法
18 15 to emulate 順苦滅道聖諦之法
19 15 magic; a magic trick 順苦滅道聖諦之法
20 15 punishment 順苦滅道聖諦之法
21 15 Fa 順苦滅道聖諦之法
22 15 a precedent 順苦滅道聖諦之法
23 15 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 順苦滅道聖諦之法
24 15 relating to a ceremony or rite 順苦滅道聖諦之法
25 15 Dharma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
26 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
27 15 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 順苦滅道聖諦之法
28 15 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 順苦滅道聖諦之法
29 15 quality; characteristic 順苦滅道聖諦之法
30 14 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 世尊告五苾芻曰
31 14 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 世尊告五苾芻曰
32 12 néng can; able 能生眼智明覺
33 12 néng ability; capacity 能生眼智明覺
34 12 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能生眼智明覺
35 12 néng energy 能生眼智明覺
36 12 néng function; use 能生眼智明覺
37 12 néng talent 能生眼智明覺
38 12 néng expert at 能生眼智明覺
39 12 néng to be in harmony 能生眼智明覺
40 12 néng to tend to; to care for 能生眼智明覺
41 12 néng to reach; to arrive at 能生眼智明覺
42 12 néng to be able; śak 能生眼智明覺
43 12 néng skilful; pravīṇa 能生眼智明覺
44 12 yǎn eye 能生眼智明覺
45 12 yǎn eyeball 能生眼智明覺
46 12 yǎn sight 能生眼智明覺
47 12 yǎn the present moment 能生眼智明覺
48 12 yǎn an opening; a small hole 能生眼智明覺
49 12 yǎn a trap 能生眼智明覺
50 12 yǎn insight 能生眼智明覺
51 12 yǎn a salitent point 能生眼智明覺
52 12 yǎn a beat with no accent 能生眼智明覺
53 12 yǎn to look; to glance 能生眼智明覺
54 12 yǎn to see proof 能生眼智明覺
55 12 yǎn eye; cakṣus 能生眼智明覺
56 12 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 能生眼智明覺
57 12 míng Ming 能生眼智明覺
58 12 míng Ming Dynasty 能生眼智明覺
59 12 míng obvious; explicit; clear 能生眼智明覺
60 12 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 能生眼智明覺
61 12 míng to illuminate; to shine 能生眼智明覺
62 12 míng consecrated 能生眼智明覺
63 12 míng to understand; to comprehend 能生眼智明覺
64 12 míng to explain; to clarify 能生眼智明覺
65 12 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 能生眼智明覺
66 12 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 能生眼智明覺
67 12 míng eyesight; vision 能生眼智明覺
68 12 míng a god; a spirit 能生眼智明覺
69 12 míng fame; renown 能生眼智明覺
70 12 míng open; public 能生眼智明覺
71 12 míng clear 能生眼智明覺
72 12 míng to become proficient 能生眼智明覺
73 12 míng to be proficient 能生眼智明覺
74 12 míng virtuous 能生眼智明覺
75 12 míng open and honest 能生眼智明覺
76 12 míng clean; neat 能生眼智明覺
77 12 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 能生眼智明覺
78 12 míng next; afterwards 能生眼智明覺
79 12 míng positive 能生眼智明覺
80 12 míng Clear 能生眼智明覺
81 12 míng wisdom; knowledge; vidyā 能生眼智明覺
82 12 汝等 rǔ děng you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam 汝等苾芻
83 12 jué to awake 能生眼智明覺
84 12 jiào sleep 能生眼智明覺
85 12 jué to realize 能生眼智明覺
86 12 jué to know; to understand; to sense; to perceive 能生眼智明覺
87 12 jué to enlighten; to inspire 能生眼智明覺
88 12 jué perception; feeling 能生眼智明覺
89 12 jué a person with foresight 能生眼智明覺
90 12 jué Awaken 能生眼智明覺
91 12 jué enlightenment; awakening; bodhi 能生眼智明覺
92 12 shēng to be born; to give birth 能生眼智明覺
93 12 shēng to live 能生眼智明覺
94 12 shēng raw 能生眼智明覺
95 12 shēng a student 能生眼智明覺
96 12 shēng life 能生眼智明覺
97 12 shēng to produce; to give rise 能生眼智明覺
98 12 shēng alive 能生眼智明覺
99 12 shēng a lifetime 能生眼智明覺
100 12 shēng to initiate; to become 能生眼智明覺
101 12 shēng to grow 能生眼智明覺
102 12 shēng unfamiliar 能生眼智明覺
103 12 shēng not experienced 能生眼智明覺
104 12 shēng hard; stiff; strong 能生眼智明覺
105 12 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 能生眼智明覺
106 12 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 能生眼智明覺
107 12 shēng gender 能生眼智明覺
108 12 shēng to develop; to grow 能生眼智明覺
109 12 shēng to set up 能生眼智明覺
110 12 shēng a prostitute 能生眼智明覺
111 12 shēng a captive 能生眼智明覺
112 12 shēng a gentleman 能生眼智明覺
113 12 shēng Kangxi radical 100 能生眼智明覺
114 12 shēng unripe 能生眼智明覺
115 12 shēng nature 能生眼智明覺
116 12 shēng to inherit; to succeed 能生眼智明覺
117 12 shēng destiny 能生眼智明覺
118 12 shēng birth 能生眼智明覺
119 12 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 能生眼智明覺
120 12 zhì care; prudence 能生眼智明覺
121 12 zhì Zhi 能生眼智明覺
122 12 zhì clever 能生眼智明覺
123 12 zhì Wisdom 能生眼智明覺
124 12 zhì jnana; knowing 能生眼智明覺
125 10 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是應知
126 10 liǎo to know; to understand 此苦聖諦是所了法
127 10 liǎo to understand; to know 此苦聖諦是所了法
128 10 liào to look afar from a high place 此苦聖諦是所了法
129 10 liǎo to complete 此苦聖諦是所了法
130 10 liǎo clever; intelligent 此苦聖諦是所了法
131 10 liǎo to know; jñāta 此苦聖諦是所了法
132 10 如理作意 rú lǐ zuò yì attention; engagement 於所聞法如理作意
133 9 聞法 wén fǎ to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha 於所聞法如理作意
134 7 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
135 7 jiě to explain 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
136 7 jiě to divide; to separate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
137 7 jiě to understand 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
138 7 jiě to solve a math problem 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
139 7 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
140 7 jiě to cut; to disect 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
141 7 jiě to relieve oneself 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
142 7 jiě a solution 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
143 7 jiè to escort 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
144 7 xiè to understand; to be clear 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
145 7 xiè acrobatic skills 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
146 7 jiě can; able to 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
147 7 jiě a stanza 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
148 7 jiè to send off 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
149 7 xiè Xie 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
150 7 jiě exegesis 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
151 7 xiè laziness 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
152 7 jiè a government office 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
153 7 jiè to pawn 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
154 7 jiè to rent; to lease 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
155 7 jiě understanding 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
156 7 jiě to liberate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
157 7 Kangxi radical 49 如是已斷
158 7 to bring to an end; to stop 如是已斷
159 7 to complete 如是已斷
160 7 to demote; to dismiss 如是已斷
161 7 to recover from an illness 如是已斷
162 7 former; pūrvaka 如是已斷
163 5 gào to tell; to say; said; told 世尊告五苾芻曰
164 5 gào to request 世尊告五苾芻曰
165 5 gào to report; to inform 世尊告五苾芻曰
166 5 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 世尊告五苾芻曰
167 5 gào to accuse; to sue 世尊告五苾芻曰
168 5 gào to reach 世尊告五苾芻曰
169 5 gào an announcement 世尊告五苾芻曰
170 5 gào a party 世尊告五苾芻曰
171 5 gào a vacation 世尊告五苾芻曰
172 5 gào Gao 世尊告五苾芻曰
173 5 gào to tell; jalp 世尊告五苾芻曰
174 5 佛說 fó shuō buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha 佛說三轉法輪經
175 4 諸天 zhū tiān devas 我則不於諸天魔梵
176 4 wén to hear 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
177 4 wén Wen 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
178 4 wén sniff at; to smell 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
179 4 wén to be widely known 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
180 4 wén to confirm; to accept 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
181 4 wén information 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
182 4 wèn famous; well known 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
183 4 wén knowledge; learning 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
184 4 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
185 4 wén to question 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
186 4 wén heard; śruta 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
187 4 wén hearing; śruti 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
188 3 shí time; a point or period of time 爾時世尊說是法時
189 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 爾時世尊說是法時
190 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 爾時世尊說是法時
191 3 shí fashionable 爾時世尊說是法時
192 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 爾時世尊說是法時
193 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 爾時世尊說是法時
194 3 shí tense 爾時世尊說是法時
195 3 shí particular; special 爾時世尊說是法時
196 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 爾時世尊說是法時
197 3 shí an era; a dynasty 爾時世尊說是法時
198 3 shí time [abstract] 爾時世尊說是法時
199 3 shí seasonal 爾時世尊說是法時
200 3 shí to wait upon 爾時世尊說是法時
201 3 shí hour 爾時世尊說是法時
202 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 爾時世尊說是法時
203 3 shí Shi 爾時世尊說是法時
204 3 shí a present; currentlt 爾時世尊說是法時
205 3 shí time; kāla 爾時世尊說是法時
206 3 shí at that time; samaya 爾時世尊說是法時
207 3 苦聖諦 kǔ shèng dì the noble truth of the existence of suffering 此苦聖諦
208 3 yìng to answer; to respond 如是應知
209 3 yìng to confirm; to verify 如是應知
210 3 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 如是應知
211 3 yìng to accept 如是應知
212 3 yìng to permit; to allow 如是應知
213 3 yìng to echo 如是應知
214 3 yìng to handle; to deal with 如是應知
215 3 yìng Ying 如是應知
216 3 shùn to obey 順苦滅道聖諦之法
217 3 shùn to be in the same direction; favorable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
218 3 shùn to surrender and pay allegiance to 順苦滅道聖諦之法
219 3 shùn to follow 順苦滅道聖諦之法
220 3 shùn to be agreeable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
221 3 shùn to arrange; to put in order 順苦滅道聖諦之法
222 3 shùn in passing 順苦滅道聖諦之法
223 3 shùn reconciling; harmonious 順苦滅道聖諦之法
224 3 shùn smooth; agreeable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
225 3 一切 yīqiè temporary 沙門婆羅門一切世間
226 3 一切 yīqiè the same 沙門婆羅門一切世間
227 3 人天 réntiān humans and devas 告人天曰
228 3 人天 réntiān people and devas; all living things 告人天曰
229 3 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
230 3 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
231 3 chù an office; a department; a bureau 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
232 3 chù a part; an aspect 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
233 3 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
234 3 chǔ to get along with 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
235 3 chǔ to deal with; to manage 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
236 3 chǔ to punish; to sentence 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
237 3 chǔ to stop; to pause 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
238 3 chǔ to be associated with 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
239 3 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
240 3 chǔ to occupy; to control 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
241 3 chù circumstances; situation 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
242 3 chù an occasion; a time 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
243 3 chù position; sthāna 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
244 3 苦滅道聖諦 kǔ miè dào shèng dì the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path 順苦滅道聖諦之法
245 3 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
246 3 yóu to follow along 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
247 3 yóu cause; reason 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
248 3 yóu You 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
249 3 zhī to know 如是應知
250 3 zhī to comprehend 如是應知
251 3 zhī to inform; to tell 如是應知
252 3 zhī to administer 如是應知
253 3 zhī to distinguish; to discern 如是應知
254 3 zhī to be close friends 如是應知
255 3 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 如是應知
256 3 zhī to receive; to entertain 如是應知
257 3 zhī knowledge 如是應知
258 3 zhī consciousness; perception 如是應知
259 3 zhī a close friend 如是應知
260 3 zhì wisdom 如是應知
261 3 zhì Zhi 如是應知
262 3 zhī Understanding 如是應知
263 3 zhī know; jña 如是應知
264 3 三轉法輪經 sān Zhuǎn fǎlún jīng San Zhuan Falun Jing; Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra; Dharmacakra Pravartana sūtra; Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma 佛說三轉法輪經
265 3 世間 shìjiān world; the human world 沙門婆羅門一切世間
266 3 世間 shìjiān world 沙門婆羅門一切世間
267 3 世間 shìjiān world; loka 沙門婆羅門一切世間
268 3 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 世尊告五苾芻曰
269 3 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 世尊告五苾芻曰
270 3 憍陳如 jiāochénrú Kaundinya 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
271 3 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; 沙門婆羅門一切世間
272 3 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; Brahman 沙門婆羅門一切世間
273 3 infix potential marker 我則不於諸天魔梵
274 3 苦集 kǔjí accumulation as the cause of suffering 此苦集
275 3 self 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
276 3 [my] dear 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
277 3 Wo 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
278 3 self; atman; attan 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
279 3 ga 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
280 3 Māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
281 3 evil; vice 我則不於諸天魔梵
282 3 a demon; an evil spirit 我則不於諸天魔梵
283 3 magic 我則不於諸天魔梵
284 3 terrifying 我則不於諸天魔梵
285 3 māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
286 3 Māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
287 3 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 沙門婆羅門一切世間
288 3 沙門 shāmén sramana 沙門婆羅門一切世間
289 3 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 沙門婆羅門一切世間
290 3 fàn Sanskrit 我則不於諸天魔梵
291 3 fàn Brahma 我則不於諸天魔梵
292 3 fàn India 我則不於諸天魔梵
293 3 fàn pure; sacred 我則不於諸天魔梵
294 3 fàn Fan 我則不於諸天魔梵
295 3 fàn Buddhist 我則不於諸天魔梵
296 3 fàn Brahman 我則不於諸天魔梵
297 2 煩惱 fánnǎo worried; vexed; annoyed 捨離煩惱心得解脫
298 2 煩惱 fánnǎo vexation; a worry 捨離煩惱心得解脫
299 2 煩惱 fánnǎo defilement 捨離煩惱心得解脫
300 2 煩惱 fánnǎo klesa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement 捨離煩惱心得解脫
301 2 to reach 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
302 2 to attain 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
303 2 to understand 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
304 2 able to be compared to; to catch up with 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
305 2 to be involved with; to associate with 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
306 2 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
307 2 and; ca; api 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
308 2 婆羅痆斯 póluónàsī Varanasi; Benares 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
309 2 婆羅痆斯 póluónàsī Vārānasī 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
310 2 藥叉 yàochā yaksa 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
311 2 xiū to decorate; to embellish 如是應修
312 2 xiū to study; to cultivate 如是應修
313 2 xiū to repair 如是應修
314 2 xiū long; slender 如是應修
315 2 xiū to write; to compile 如是應修
316 2 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 如是應修
317 2 xiū to practice 如是應修
318 2 xiū to cut 如是應修
319 2 xiū virtuous; wholesome 如是應修
320 2 xiū a virtuous person 如是應修
321 2 xiū Xiu 如是應修
322 2 xiū to unknot 如是應修
323 2 xiū to prepare; to put in order 如是應修
324 2 xiū excellent 如是應修
325 2 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 如是應修
326 2 xiū Cultivation 如是應修
327 2 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 如是應修
328 2 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 如是應修
329 2 děng et cetera; and so on 仁等當知
330 2 děng to wait 仁等當知
331 2 děng to be equal 仁等當知
332 2 děng degree; level 仁等當知
333 2 děng to compare 仁等當知
334 2 děng same; equal; sama 仁等當知
335 2 仙人 xiānrén an immortal; a celestial being 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
336 2 仙人 xiānrén a sage 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
337 2 捨離 shělí to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave 捨離煩惱心得解脫
338 2 鹿 deer 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
339 2 鹿 Kangxi radical 198 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
340 2 鹿 Lu 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
341 2 鹿 seat of power; ruling authority 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
342 2 鹿 unrefined; common 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
343 2 鹿 a granary 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
344 2 鹿 deer bamboo 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
345 2 鹿 foot of a mountain 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
346 2 鹿 deer; mrga 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
347 2 five 世尊告五苾芻曰
348 2 fifth musical note 世尊告五苾芻曰
349 2 Wu 世尊告五苾芻曰
350 2 the five elements 世尊告五苾芻曰
351 2 five; pañca 世尊告五苾芻曰
352 2 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時
353 2 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時
354 2 míng fame; renown; reputation 因此即名阿若憍陳如
355 2 míng a name; personal name; designation 因此即名阿若憍陳如
356 2 míng rank; position 因此即名阿若憍陳如
357 2 míng an excuse 因此即名阿若憍陳如
358 2 míng life 因此即名阿若憍陳如
359 2 míng to name; to call 因此即名阿若憍陳如
360 2 míng to express; to describe 因此即名阿若憍陳如
361 2 míng to be called; to have the name 因此即名阿若憍陳如
362 2 míng to own; to possess 因此即名阿若憍陳如
363 2 míng famous; renowned 因此即名阿若憍陳如
364 2 míng moral 因此即名阿若憍陳如
365 2 míng name; naman 因此即名阿若憍陳如
366 2 míng fame; renown; yasas 因此即名阿若憍陳如
367 2 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 眼智明覺皆悉得生
368 2 detailed 眼智明覺皆悉得生
369 2 to elaborate; to expound 眼智明覺皆悉得生
370 2 to exhaust; to use up 眼智明覺皆悉得生
371 2 strongly 眼智明覺皆悉得生
372 2 Xi 眼智明覺皆悉得生
373 2 all; kṛtsna 眼智明覺皆悉得生
374 2 答言 dá yán to reply 答言
375 2 wéi to act as; to serve 為大饒益
376 2 wéi to change into; to become 為大饒益
377 2 wéi to be; is 為大饒益
378 2 wéi to do 為大饒益
379 2 wèi to support; to help 為大饒益
380 2 wéi to govern 為大饒益
381 2 wèi to be; bhū 為大饒益
382 2 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 眼智明覺皆悉得生
383 2 děi to want to; to need to 眼智明覺皆悉得生
384 2 děi must; ought to 眼智明覺皆悉得生
385 2 de 眼智明覺皆悉得生
386 2 de infix potential marker 眼智明覺皆悉得生
387 2 to result in 眼智明覺皆悉得生
388 2 to be proper; to fit; to suit 眼智明覺皆悉得生
389 2 to be satisfied 眼智明覺皆悉得生
390 2 to be finished 眼智明覺皆悉得生
391 2 děi satisfying 眼智明覺皆悉得生
392 2 to contract 眼智明覺皆悉得生
393 2 to hear 眼智明覺皆悉得生
394 2 to have; there is 眼智明覺皆悉得生
395 2 marks time passed 眼智明覺皆悉得生
396 2 obtain; attain; prāpta 眼智明覺皆悉得生
397 2 十二 shí èr twelve 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
398 2 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
399 2 廣說 guǎngshuō to explain; to teach 廣說三轉十二行相法輪
400 2 zài in; at 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
401 2 zài to exist; to be living 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
402 2 zài to consist of 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
403 2 zài to be at a post 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
404 2 zài in; bhū 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
405 2 心得 xīndé experience or skill gained through study or work 捨離煩惱心得解脫
406 2 zhī to go 順苦滅道聖諦之法
407 2 zhī to arrive; to go 順苦滅道聖諦之法
408 2 zhī is 順苦滅道聖諦之法
409 2 zhī to use 順苦滅道聖諦之法
410 2 zhī Zhi 順苦滅道聖諦之法
411 2 zhōng middle 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
412 2 zhōng medium; medium sized 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
413 2 zhōng China 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
414 2 zhòng to hit the mark 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
415 2 zhōng midday 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
416 2 zhōng inside 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
417 2 zhōng during 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
418 2 zhōng Zhong 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
419 2 zhōng intermediary 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
420 2 zhōng half 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
421 2 zhòng to reach; to attain 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
422 2 zhòng to suffer; to infect 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
423 2 zhòng to obtain 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
424 2 zhòng to pass an exam 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
425 2 zhōng middle 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
426 2 lín a wood; a forest; a grove 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
427 2 lín Lin 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
428 2 lín a group of people or tall things resembling a forest 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
429 2 lín forest; vana 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
430 2 無上菩提 wúshàng pútí Supreme Bodhi 不能證得無上菩提
431 2 無上菩提 wúshàng pútí samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi 不能證得無上菩提
432 2 big; huge; large 出大音聲
433 2 Kangxi radical 37 出大音聲
434 2 great; major; important 出大音聲
435 2 size 出大音聲
436 2 old 出大音聲
437 2 oldest; earliest 出大音聲
438 2 adult 出大音聲
439 2 dài an important person 出大音聲
440 2 senior 出大音聲
441 2 an element 出大音聲
442 2 great; mahā 出大音聲
443 2 三轉 sān zhuǎn Three Turnings Dharma Wheel 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
444 2 Ru River 汝解此法不
445 2 Ru 汝解此法不
446 2 zhèng proof 如是應證
447 2 zhèng to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; to give evidence 如是應證
448 2 zhèng to advise against 如是應證
449 2 zhèng certificate 如是應證
450 2 zhèng an illness 如是應證
451 2 zhèng to accuse 如是應證
452 2 zhèng realization; adhigama 如是應證
453 2 zhèng obtaining; prāpti 如是應證
454 2 shī to give; to grant 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
455 2 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
456 2 shī to deploy; to set up 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
457 2 shī to relate to 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
458 2 shī to move slowly 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
459 2 shī to exert 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
460 2 shī to apply; to spread 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
461 2 shī Shi 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
462 2 shī the practice of selfless giving; dāna 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
463 2 duò to fall; to sink 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
464 2 duò apathetic; lazy 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
465 2 huī to damage; to destroy 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
466 2 duò to degenerate 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
467 2 duò fallen; patita 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
468 2 yuē to speak; to say 世尊告五苾芻曰
469 2 yuē Kangxi radical 73 世尊告五苾芻曰
470 2 yuē to be called 世尊告五苾芻曰
471 2 yuē said; ukta 世尊告五苾芻曰
472 2 證得 zhèngdé realize; prāpti 不能證得無上菩提
473 2 苦滅聖諦 kǔ miè shèng dì the noble truth of the extinction of suffering 此苦滅聖諦是所了法
474 2 聖諦 shèng dì noble truth; absolute truth; supreme truth 此苦集聖諦是所了法
475 2 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 捨離煩惱心得解脫
476 2 解脫 jiětuō liberation 捨離煩惱心得解脫
477 2 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 捨離煩惱心得解脫
478 2 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告憍陳如
479 2 relating to Buddhism 佛告憍陳如
480 2 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛告憍陳如
481 2 a Buddhist text 佛告憍陳如
482 2 to touch; to stroke 佛告憍陳如
483 2 Buddha 佛告憍陳如
484 2 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告憍陳如
485 2 四聖諦 sì shèng dì the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
486 1 wàn ten thousand 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
487 1 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
488 1 wàn Wan 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
489 1 Mo 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
490 1 wàn scorpion dance 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
491 1 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
492 1 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 人天增盛阿蘇羅減少
493 1 zēng duplicated; repeated 人天增盛阿蘇羅減少
494 1 zēng to increase; vṛdh 人天增盛阿蘇羅減少
495 1 zēng accumulation; upacaya 人天增盛阿蘇羅減少
496 1 法眼淨 fǎ yǎn jìng Pure Dharma Eye 遠塵離垢得法眼淨
497 1 法眼淨 fǎ yǎn jìng purity of the dharma eye; to clearly see the truth 遠塵離垢得法眼淨
498 1 薄伽梵 báojiāfàn Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
499 1 音聲 yīnshēng sound; noise 出大音聲
500 1 由此 yóucǐ hereby; from this 由此能於天人魔梵

Frequencies of all Words

Top 749

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 17 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 於所聞法如理作意
2 17 suǒ an office; an institute 於所聞法如理作意
3 17 suǒ introduces a relative clause 於所聞法如理作意
4 17 suǒ it 於所聞法如理作意
5 17 suǒ if; supposing 於所聞法如理作意
6 17 suǒ a few; various; some 於所聞法如理作意
7 17 suǒ a place; a location 於所聞法如理作意
8 17 suǒ indicates a passive voice 於所聞法如理作意
9 17 suǒ that which 於所聞法如理作意
10 17 suǒ an ordinal number 於所聞法如理作意
11 17 suǒ meaning 於所聞法如理作意
12 17 suǒ garrison 於所聞法如理作意
13 17 suǒ place; pradeśa 於所聞法如理作意
14 17 suǒ that which; yad 於所聞法如理作意
15 15 in; at 於所聞法如理作意
16 15 in; at 於所聞法如理作意
17 15 in; at; to; from 於所聞法如理作意
18 15 to go; to 於所聞法如理作意
19 15 to rely on; to depend on 於所聞法如理作意
20 15 to go to; to arrive at 於所聞法如理作意
21 15 from 於所聞法如理作意
22 15 give 於所聞法如理作意
23 15 oppposing 於所聞法如理作意
24 15 and 於所聞法如理作意
25 15 compared to 於所聞法如理作意
26 15 by 於所聞法如理作意
27 15 and; as well as 於所聞法如理作意
28 15 for 於所聞法如理作意
29 15 Yu 於所聞法如理作意
30 15 a crow 於所聞法如理作意
31 15 whew; wow 於所聞法如理作意
32 15 near to; antike 於所聞法如理作意
33 15 this; these 此苦聖諦
34 15 in this way 此苦聖諦
35 15 otherwise; but; however; so 此苦聖諦
36 15 at this time; now; here 此苦聖諦
37 15 this; here; etad 此苦聖諦
38 15 method; way 順苦滅道聖諦之法
39 15 France 順苦滅道聖諦之法
40 15 the law; rules; regulations 順苦滅道聖諦之法
41 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
42 15 a standard; a norm 順苦滅道聖諦之法
43 15 an institution 順苦滅道聖諦之法
44 15 to emulate 順苦滅道聖諦之法
45 15 magic; a magic trick 順苦滅道聖諦之法
46 15 punishment 順苦滅道聖諦之法
47 15 Fa 順苦滅道聖諦之法
48 15 a precedent 順苦滅道聖諦之法
49 15 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 順苦滅道聖諦之法
50 15 relating to a ceremony or rite 順苦滅道聖諦之法
51 15 Dharma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
52 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 順苦滅道聖諦之法
53 15 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 順苦滅道聖諦之法
54 15 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 順苦滅道聖諦之法
55 15 quality; characteristic 順苦滅道聖諦之法
56 14 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 世尊告五苾芻曰
57 14 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 世尊告五苾芻曰
58 12 néng can; able 能生眼智明覺
59 12 néng ability; capacity 能生眼智明覺
60 12 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能生眼智明覺
61 12 néng energy 能生眼智明覺
62 12 néng function; use 能生眼智明覺
63 12 néng may; should; permitted to 能生眼智明覺
64 12 néng talent 能生眼智明覺
65 12 néng expert at 能生眼智明覺
66 12 néng to be in harmony 能生眼智明覺
67 12 néng to tend to; to care for 能生眼智明覺
68 12 néng to reach; to arrive at 能生眼智明覺
69 12 néng as long as; only 能生眼智明覺
70 12 néng even if 能生眼智明覺
71 12 néng but 能生眼智明覺
72 12 néng in this way 能生眼智明覺
73 12 néng to be able; śak 能生眼智明覺
74 12 néng skilful; pravīṇa 能生眼智明覺
75 12 yǎn eye 能生眼智明覺
76 12 yǎn measure word for wells 能生眼智明覺
77 12 yǎn eyeball 能生眼智明覺
78 12 yǎn sight 能生眼智明覺
79 12 yǎn the present moment 能生眼智明覺
80 12 yǎn an opening; a small hole 能生眼智明覺
81 12 yǎn a trap 能生眼智明覺
82 12 yǎn insight 能生眼智明覺
83 12 yǎn a salitent point 能生眼智明覺
84 12 yǎn a beat with no accent 能生眼智明覺
85 12 yǎn to look; to glance 能生眼智明覺
86 12 yǎn to see proof 能生眼智明覺
87 12 yǎn eye; cakṣus 能生眼智明覺
88 12 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 能生眼智明覺
89 12 míng Ming 能生眼智明覺
90 12 míng Ming Dynasty 能生眼智明覺
91 12 míng obvious; explicit; clear 能生眼智明覺
92 12 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 能生眼智明覺
93 12 míng to illuminate; to shine 能生眼智明覺
94 12 míng consecrated 能生眼智明覺
95 12 míng to understand; to comprehend 能生眼智明覺
96 12 míng to explain; to clarify 能生眼智明覺
97 12 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 能生眼智明覺
98 12 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 能生眼智明覺
99 12 míng eyesight; vision 能生眼智明覺
100 12 míng a god; a spirit 能生眼智明覺
101 12 míng fame; renown 能生眼智明覺
102 12 míng open; public 能生眼智明覺
103 12 míng clear 能生眼智明覺
104 12 míng to become proficient 能生眼智明覺
105 12 míng to be proficient 能生眼智明覺
106 12 míng virtuous 能生眼智明覺
107 12 míng open and honest 能生眼智明覺
108 12 míng clean; neat 能生眼智明覺
109 12 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 能生眼智明覺
110 12 míng next; afterwards 能生眼智明覺
111 12 míng positive 能生眼智明覺
112 12 míng Clear 能生眼智明覺
113 12 míng wisdom; knowledge; vidyā 能生眼智明覺
114 12 汝等 rǔ děng you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam 汝等苾芻
115 12 jué to awake 能生眼智明覺
116 12 jiào sleep 能生眼智明覺
117 12 jué to realize 能生眼智明覺
118 12 jué to know; to understand; to sense; to perceive 能生眼智明覺
119 12 jué to enlighten; to inspire 能生眼智明覺
120 12 jué perception; feeling 能生眼智明覺
121 12 jué a person with foresight 能生眼智明覺
122 12 jiào a sleep; a nap 能生眼智明覺
123 12 jué Awaken 能生眼智明覺
124 12 jué enlightenment; awakening; bodhi 能生眼智明覺
125 12 shēng to be born; to give birth 能生眼智明覺
126 12 shēng to live 能生眼智明覺
127 12 shēng raw 能生眼智明覺
128 12 shēng a student 能生眼智明覺
129 12 shēng life 能生眼智明覺
130 12 shēng to produce; to give rise 能生眼智明覺
131 12 shēng alive 能生眼智明覺
132 12 shēng a lifetime 能生眼智明覺
133 12 shēng to initiate; to become 能生眼智明覺
134 12 shēng to grow 能生眼智明覺
135 12 shēng unfamiliar 能生眼智明覺
136 12 shēng not experienced 能生眼智明覺
137 12 shēng hard; stiff; strong 能生眼智明覺
138 12 shēng very; extremely 能生眼智明覺
139 12 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 能生眼智明覺
140 12 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 能生眼智明覺
141 12 shēng gender 能生眼智明覺
142 12 shēng to develop; to grow 能生眼智明覺
143 12 shēng to set up 能生眼智明覺
144 12 shēng a prostitute 能生眼智明覺
145 12 shēng a captive 能生眼智明覺
146 12 shēng a gentleman 能生眼智明覺
147 12 shēng Kangxi radical 100 能生眼智明覺
148 12 shēng unripe 能生眼智明覺
149 12 shēng nature 能生眼智明覺
150 12 shēng to inherit; to succeed 能生眼智明覺
151 12 shēng destiny 能生眼智明覺
152 12 shēng birth 能生眼智明覺
153 12 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 能生眼智明覺
154 12 zhì care; prudence 能生眼智明覺
155 12 zhì Zhi 能生眼智明覺
156 12 zhì clever 能生眼智明覺
157 12 zhì Wisdom 能生眼智明覺
158 12 zhì jnana; knowing 能生眼智明覺
159 11 shì is; are; am; to be 此苦聖諦是所了法
160 11 shì is exactly 此苦聖諦是所了法
161 11 shì is suitable; is in contrast 此苦聖諦是所了法
162 11 shì this; that; those 此苦聖諦是所了法
163 11 shì really; certainly 此苦聖諦是所了法
164 11 shì correct; yes; affirmative 此苦聖諦是所了法
165 11 shì true 此苦聖諦是所了法
166 11 shì is; has; exists 此苦聖諦是所了法
167 11 shì used between repetitions of a word 此苦聖諦是所了法
168 11 shì a matter; an affair 此苦聖諦是所了法
169 11 shì Shi 此苦聖諦是所了法
170 11 shì is; bhū 此苦聖諦是所了法
171 11 shì this; idam 此苦聖諦是所了法
172 10 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是應知
173 10 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是應知
174 10 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是應知
175 10 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是應知
176 10 le completion of an action 此苦聖諦是所了法
177 10 liǎo to know; to understand 此苦聖諦是所了法
178 10 liǎo to understand; to know 此苦聖諦是所了法
179 10 liào to look afar from a high place 此苦聖諦是所了法
180 10 le modal particle 此苦聖諦是所了法
181 10 le particle used in certain fixed expressions 此苦聖諦是所了法
182 10 liǎo to complete 此苦聖諦是所了法
183 10 liǎo completely 此苦聖諦是所了法
184 10 liǎo clever; intelligent 此苦聖諦是所了法
185 10 liǎo to know; jñāta 此苦聖諦是所了法
186 10 如理作意 rú lǐ zuò yì attention; engagement 於所聞法如理作意
187 9 聞法 wén fǎ to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha 於所聞法如理作意
188 7 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
189 7 jiě to explain 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
190 7 jiě to divide; to separate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
191 7 jiě to understand 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
192 7 jiě to solve a math problem 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
193 7 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
194 7 jiě to cut; to disect 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
195 7 jiě to relieve oneself 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
196 7 jiě a solution 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
197 7 jiè to escort 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
198 7 xiè to understand; to be clear 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
199 7 xiè acrobatic skills 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
200 7 jiě can; able to 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
201 7 jiě a stanza 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
202 7 jiè to send off 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
203 7 xiè Xie 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
204 7 jiě exegesis 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
205 7 xiè laziness 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
206 7 jiè a government office 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
207 7 jiè to pawn 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
208 7 jiè to rent; to lease 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
209 7 jiě understanding 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
210 7 jiě to liberate 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
211 7 already 如是已斷
212 7 Kangxi radical 49 如是已斷
213 7 from 如是已斷
214 7 to bring to an end; to stop 如是已斷
215 7 final aspectual particle 如是已斷
216 7 afterwards; thereafter 如是已斷
217 7 too; very; excessively 如是已斷
218 7 to complete 如是已斷
219 7 to demote; to dismiss 如是已斷
220 7 to recover from an illness 如是已斷
221 7 certainly 如是已斷
222 7 an interjection of surprise 如是已斷
223 7 this 如是已斷
224 7 former; pūrvaka 如是已斷
225 7 former; pūrvaka 如是已斷
226 5 gào to tell; to say; said; told 世尊告五苾芻曰
227 5 gào to request 世尊告五苾芻曰
228 5 gào to report; to inform 世尊告五苾芻曰
229 5 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 世尊告五苾芻曰
230 5 gào to accuse; to sue 世尊告五苾芻曰
231 5 gào to reach 世尊告五苾芻曰
232 5 gào an announcement 世尊告五苾芻曰
233 5 gào a party 世尊告五苾芻曰
234 5 gào a vacation 世尊告五苾芻曰
235 5 gào Gao 世尊告五苾芻曰
236 5 gào to tell; jalp 世尊告五苾芻曰
237 5 佛說 fó shuō buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha 佛說三轉法輪經
238 4 諸天 zhū tiān devas 我則不於諸天魔梵
239 4 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 眼智明覺皆不得生
240 4 jiē same; equally 眼智明覺皆不得生
241 4 jiē all; sarva 眼智明覺皆不得生
242 4 wén to hear 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
243 4 wén Wen 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
244 4 wén sniff at; to smell 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
245 4 wén to be widely known 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
246 4 wén to confirm; to accept 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
247 4 wén information 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
248 4 wèn famous; well known 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
249 4 wén knowledge; learning 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
250 4 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
251 4 wén to question 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
252 4 wén heard; śruta 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
253 4 wén hearing; śruti 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
254 3 shí time; a point or period of time 爾時世尊說是法時
255 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 爾時世尊說是法時
256 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 爾時世尊說是法時
257 3 shí at that time 爾時世尊說是法時
258 3 shí fashionable 爾時世尊說是法時
259 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 爾時世尊說是法時
260 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 爾時世尊說是法時
261 3 shí tense 爾時世尊說是法時
262 3 shí particular; special 爾時世尊說是法時
263 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 爾時世尊說是法時
264 3 shí hour (measure word) 爾時世尊說是法時
265 3 shí an era; a dynasty 爾時世尊說是法時
266 3 shí time [abstract] 爾時世尊說是法時
267 3 shí seasonal 爾時世尊說是法時
268 3 shí frequently; often 爾時世尊說是法時
269 3 shí occasionally; sometimes 爾時世尊說是法時
270 3 shí on time 爾時世尊說是法時
271 3 shí this; that 爾時世尊說是法時
272 3 shí to wait upon 爾時世尊說是法時
273 3 shí hour 爾時世尊說是法時
274 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 爾時世尊說是法時
275 3 shí Shi 爾時世尊說是法時
276 3 shí a present; currentlt 爾時世尊說是法時
277 3 shí time; kāla 爾時世尊說是法時
278 3 shí at that time; samaya 爾時世尊說是法時
279 3 shí then; atha 爾時世尊說是法時
280 3 苦聖諦 kǔ shèng dì the noble truth of the existence of suffering 此苦聖諦
281 3 yīng should; ought 如是應知
282 3 yìng to answer; to respond 如是應知
283 3 yìng to confirm; to verify 如是應知
284 3 yīng soon; immediately 如是應知
285 3 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 如是應知
286 3 yìng to accept 如是應知
287 3 yīng or; either 如是應知
288 3 yìng to permit; to allow 如是應知
289 3 yìng to echo 如是應知
290 3 yìng to handle; to deal with 如是應知
291 3 yìng Ying 如是應知
292 3 yīng suitable; yukta 如是應知
293 3 shùn to obey 順苦滅道聖諦之法
294 3 shùn to be in the same direction; favorable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
295 3 shùn to surrender and pay allegiance to 順苦滅道聖諦之法
296 3 shùn to follow 順苦滅道聖諦之法
297 3 shùn to be agreeable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
298 3 shùn to arrange; to put in order 順苦滅道聖諦之法
299 3 shùn in passing 順苦滅道聖諦之法
300 3 shùn reconciling; harmonious 順苦滅道聖諦之法
301 3 shùn smooth; agreeable 順苦滅道聖諦之法
302 3 shùn in order 順苦滅道聖諦之法
303 3 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 沙門婆羅門一切世間
304 3 一切 yīqiè temporary 沙門婆羅門一切世間
305 3 一切 yīqiè the same 沙門婆羅門一切世間
306 3 一切 yīqiè generally 沙門婆羅門一切世間
307 3 一切 yīqiè all, everything 沙門婆羅門一切世間
308 3 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 沙門婆羅門一切世間
309 3 人天 réntiān humans and devas 告人天曰
310 3 人天 réntiān people and devas; all living things 告人天曰
311 3 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
312 3 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
313 3 chù location 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
314 3 chù an office; a department; a bureau 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
315 3 chù a part; an aspect 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
316 3 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
317 3 chǔ to get along with 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
318 3 chǔ to deal with; to manage 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
319 3 chǔ to punish; to sentence 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
320 3 chǔ to stop; to pause 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
321 3 chǔ to be associated with 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
322 3 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
323 3 chǔ to occupy; to control 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
324 3 chù circumstances; situation 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
325 3 chù an occasion; a time 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
326 3 chù position; sthāna 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
327 3 苦滅道聖諦 kǔ miè dào shèng dì the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path 順苦滅道聖諦之法
328 3 yóu follow; from; it is 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
329 3 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
330 3 yóu to follow along 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
331 3 yóu cause; reason 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
332 3 yóu by somebody; up to somebody 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
333 3 yóu from a starting point 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
334 3 yóu You 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
335 3 yóu because; yasmāt 由我於此四聖諦法解了三轉十二相故
336 3 zhī to know 如是應知
337 3 zhī to comprehend 如是應知
338 3 zhī to inform; to tell 如是應知
339 3 zhī to administer 如是應知
340 3 zhī to distinguish; to discern 如是應知
341 3 zhī to be close friends 如是應知
342 3 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 如是應知
343 3 zhī to receive; to entertain 如是應知
344 3 zhī knowledge 如是應知
345 3 zhī consciousness; perception 如是應知
346 3 zhī a close friend 如是應知
347 3 zhì wisdom 如是應知
348 3 zhì Zhi 如是應知
349 3 zhī Understanding 如是應知
350 3 zhī know; jña 如是應知
351 3 三轉法輪經 sān Zhuǎn fǎlún jīng San Zhuan Falun Jing; Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra; Dharmacakra Pravartana sūtra; Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma 佛說三轉法輪經
352 3 世間 shìjiān world; the human world 沙門婆羅門一切世間
353 3 世間 shìjiān world 沙門婆羅門一切世間
354 3 世間 shìjiān world; loka 沙門婆羅門一切世間
355 3 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 世尊告五苾芻曰
356 3 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 世尊告五苾芻曰
357 3 憍陳如 jiāochénrú Kaundinya 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
358 3 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; 沙門婆羅門一切世間
359 3 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; Brahman 沙門婆羅門一切世間
360 3 not; no 我則不於諸天魔梵
361 3 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 我則不於諸天魔梵
362 3 as a correlative 我則不於諸天魔梵
363 3 no (answering a question) 我則不於諸天魔梵
364 3 forms a negative adjective from a noun 我則不於諸天魔梵
365 3 at the end of a sentence to form a question 我則不於諸天魔梵
366 3 to form a yes or no question 我則不於諸天魔梵
367 3 infix potential marker 我則不於諸天魔梵
368 3 no; na 我則不於諸天魔梵
369 3 苦集 kǔjí accumulation as the cause of suffering 此苦集
370 3 I; me; my 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
371 3 self 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
372 3 we; our 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
373 3 [my] dear 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
374 3 Wo 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
375 3 self; atman; attan 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
376 3 ga 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
377 3 I; aham 若我於此四聖諦法未了三轉十二相者
378 3 Māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
379 3 evil; vice 我則不於諸天魔梵
380 3 a demon; an evil spirit 我則不於諸天魔梵
381 3 magic 我則不於諸天魔梵
382 3 terrifying 我則不於諸天魔梵
383 3 māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
384 3 Māra 我則不於諸天魔梵
385 3 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 沙門婆羅門一切世間
386 3 沙門 shāmén sramana 沙門婆羅門一切世間
387 3 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 沙門婆羅門一切世間
388 3 fàn Sanskrit 我則不於諸天魔梵
389 3 fàn Brahma 我則不於諸天魔梵
390 3 fàn India 我則不於諸天魔梵
391 3 fàn pure; sacred 我則不於諸天魔梵
392 3 fàn Fan 我則不於諸天魔梵
393 3 fàn Buddhist 我則不於諸天魔梵
394 3 fàn Brahman 我則不於諸天魔梵
395 2 煩惱 fánnǎo worried; vexed; annoyed 捨離煩惱心得解脫
396 2 煩惱 fánnǎo vexation; a worry 捨離煩惱心得解脫
397 2 煩惱 fánnǎo defilement 捨離煩惱心得解脫
398 2 煩惱 fánnǎo klesa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement 捨離煩惱心得解脫
399 2 to reach 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
400 2 and 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
401 2 coming to; when 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
402 2 to attain 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
403 2 to understand 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
404 2 able to be compared to; to catch up with 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
405 2 to be involved with; to associate with 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
406 2 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
407 2 and; ca; api 具壽憍陳如及八萬諸天
408 2 婆羅痆斯 póluónàsī Varanasi; Benares 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
409 2 婆羅痆斯 póluónàsī Vārānasī 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
410 2 藥叉 yàochā yaksa 是時地居藥叉聞佛說已
411 2 xiū to decorate; to embellish 如是應修
412 2 xiū to study; to cultivate 如是應修
413 2 xiū to repair 如是應修
414 2 xiū long; slender 如是應修
415 2 xiū to write; to compile 如是應修
416 2 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 如是應修
417 2 xiū to practice 如是應修
418 2 xiū to cut 如是應修
419 2 xiū virtuous; wholesome 如是應修
420 2 xiū a virtuous person 如是應修
421 2 xiū Xiu 如是應修
422 2 xiū to unknot 如是應修
423 2 xiū to prepare; to put in order 如是應修
424 2 xiū excellent 如是應修
425 2 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 如是應修
426 2 xiū Cultivation 如是應修
427 2 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 如是應修
428 2 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 如是應修
429 2 děng et cetera; and so on 仁等當知
430 2 děng to wait 仁等當知
431 2 děng degree; kind 仁等當知
432 2 děng plural 仁等當知
433 2 děng to be equal 仁等當知
434 2 děng degree; level 仁等當知
435 2 děng to compare 仁等當知
436 2 děng same; equal; sama 仁等當知
437 2 仙人 xiānrén an immortal; a celestial being 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
438 2 仙人 xiānrén a sage 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
439 2 捨離 shělí to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave 捨離煩惱心得解脫
440 2 鹿 deer 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
441 2 鹿 Kangxi radical 198 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
442 2 鹿 Lu 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
443 2 鹿 seat of power; ruling authority 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
444 2 鹿 unrefined; common 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
445 2 鹿 a granary 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
446 2 鹿 deer bamboo 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
447 2 鹿 foot of a mountain 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
448 2 鹿 deer; mrga 薄伽梵在婆羅痆斯仙人墮處施鹿林中
449 2 five 世尊告五苾芻曰
450 2 fifth musical note 世尊告五苾芻曰
451 2 Wu 世尊告五苾芻曰
452 2 the five elements 世尊告五苾芻曰
453 2 five; pañca 世尊告五苾芻曰
454 2 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時
455 2 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時
456 2 míng measure word for people 因此即名阿若憍陳如
457 2 míng fame; renown; reputation 因此即名阿若憍陳如
458 2 míng a name; personal name; designation 因此即名阿若憍陳如
459 2 míng rank; position 因此即名阿若憍陳如
460 2 míng an excuse 因此即名阿若憍陳如
461 2 míng life 因此即名阿若憍陳如
462 2 míng to name; to call 因此即名阿若憍陳如
463 2 míng to express; to describe 因此即名阿若憍陳如
464 2 míng to be called; to have the name 因此即名阿若憍陳如
465 2 míng to own; to possess 因此即名阿若憍陳如
466 2 míng famous; renowned 因此即名阿若憍陳如
467 2 míng moral 因此即名阿若憍陳如
468 2 míng name; naman 因此即名阿若憍陳如
469 2 míng fame; renown; yasas 因此即名阿若憍陳如
470 2 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 眼智明覺皆悉得生
471 2 all; entire 眼智明覺皆悉得生
472 2 detailed 眼智明覺皆悉得生
473 2 to elaborate; to expound 眼智明覺皆悉得生
474 2 to exhaust; to use up 眼智明覺皆悉得生
475 2 strongly 眼智明覺皆悉得生
476 2 Xi 眼智明覺皆悉得生
477 2 all; kṛtsna 眼智明覺皆悉得生
478 2 答言 dá yán to reply 答言
479 2 wèi for; to 為大饒益
480 2 wèi because of 為大饒益
481 2 wéi to act as; to serve 為大饒益
482 2 wéi to change into; to become 為大饒益
483 2 wéi to be; is 為大饒益
484 2 wéi to do 為大饒益
485 2 wèi for 為大饒益
486 2 wèi because of; for; to 為大饒益
487 2 wèi to 為大饒益
488 2 wéi in a passive construction 為大饒益
489 2 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為大饒益
490 2 wéi forming an adverb 為大饒益
491 2 wéi to add emphasis 為大饒益
492 2 wèi to support; to help 為大饒益
493 2 wéi to govern 為大饒益
494 2 wèi to be; bhū 為大饒益
495 2 de potential marker 眼智明覺皆悉得生
496 2 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 眼智明覺皆悉得生
497 2 děi must; ought to 眼智明覺皆悉得生
498 2 děi to want to; to need to 眼智明覺皆悉得生
499 2 děi must; ought to 眼智明覺皆悉得生
500 2 de 眼智明覺皆悉得生


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
near to; antike
this; here; etad
  1. Dharma
  2. the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma
  3. a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings
  4. a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought
  5. quality; characteristic
苾刍 苾蒭
  1. bìchú
  2. bìchú
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
  1. néng
  2. néng
  1. to be able; śak
  2. skilful; pravīṇa
yǎn eye; cakṣus
  1. míng
  2. míng
  1. Clear
  2. wisdom; knowledge; vidyā
汝等 rǔ děng you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
  1. jué
  2. jué
  1. Awaken
  2. enlightenment; awakening; bodhi

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿若 196 Ājñāta
阿若憍陈如 阿若憍陳如 65 Ājñāta-kāuṇḍinya
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
法轮 法輪 102
  1. Dharma wheel
  2. Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
  3. Pomnyun
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
梵众 梵眾 102 brahmakāyika; brahmapariṣadya; the Heaven of the Followers of Brahma
憍陈如 憍陳如 106 Kaundinya
六欲天 108 Six Heavens of the Desire Realm
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
婆罗痆斯 婆羅痆斯 112
  1. Varanasi; Benares
  2. Vārānasī
三藏法师义净 三藏法師義淨 115 Venerable Yi Jing; Venerable Yijing
三转法轮经 三轉法輪經 115 San Zhuan Falun Jing; Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra; Dharmacakra Pravartana sūtra; Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
应断 應斷 121 Krakucchanda


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 33.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿苏罗 阿蘇羅 196 asura
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
法眼净 法眼淨 102
  1. Pure Dharma Eye
  2. purity of the dharma eye; to clearly see the truth
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
具寿 具壽 106 friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
苦灭 苦滅 107 the cessation of suffering
苦灭道圣谛 苦滅道聖諦 107 the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
苦灭圣谛 苦滅聖諦 107 the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
苦圣谛 苦聖諦 107 the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦集 107 accumulation as the cause of suffering
了义 了義 108 nītārtha; definitive
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如理作意 114 attention; engagement
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
三转 三轉 115 Three Turnings Dharma Wheel
三转法轮 三轉法輪 115
  1. Three Turnings of Dharma Wheel
  2. three turnings of the Dharma wheel
三转十二行相 三轉十二行相 115 three turnings and twelve phases of action; tri-parivarta-dvādaśākāra-dharma-cakra-pravartana
善逝 115 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
圣谛 聖諦 115 noble truth; absolute truth; supreme truth
四圣谛 四聖諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
闻法 聞法 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
远尘离垢 遠塵離垢 121
  1. to be far removed from the dust and defilement of the world
  2. far removed from dust and defilement
证得 證得 122 realize; prāpti
诸天 諸天 122 devas