Glossary and Vocabulary for Fo Shuo Anan Si Shi Jing 佛說阿難四事經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 28 zhī to go 將當復從誰得之乎
2 28 zhī to arrive; to go 將當復從誰得之乎
3 28 zhī is 將當復從誰得之乎
4 28 zhī to use 將當復從誰得之乎
5 28 zhī Zhi 將當復從誰得之乎
6 28 zhī winding 將當復從誰得之乎
7 17 zhě ca 得應真者
8 16 infix potential marker 六度大法不持之去
9 15 Qi 其福正等
10 15 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得應真者
11 15 děi to want to; to need to 得應真者
12 15 děi must; ought to 得應真者
13 15 de 得應真者
14 15 de infix potential marker 得應真者
15 15 to result in 得應真者
16 15 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得應真者
17 15 to be satisfied 得應真者
18 15 to be finished 得應真者
19 15 děi satisfying 得應真者
20 15 to contract 得應真者
21 15 to hear 得應真者
22 15 to have; there is 得應真者
23 15 marks time passed 得應真者
24 15 obtain; attain; prāpta 得應真者
25 13 to use; to grasp 當以慈心育養幼弱
26 13 to rely on 當以慈心育養幼弱
27 13 to regard 當以慈心育養幼弱
28 13 to be able to 當以慈心育養幼弱
29 13 to order; to command 當以慈心育養幼弱
30 13 used after a verb 當以慈心育養幼弱
31 13 a reason; a cause 當以慈心育養幼弱
32 13 Israel 當以慈心育養幼弱
33 13 Yi 當以慈心育養幼弱
34 13 use; yogena 當以慈心育養幼弱
35 11 rén person; people; a human being 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
36 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
37 11 rén a kind of person 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
38 11 rén everybody 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
39 11 rén adult 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
40 11 rén somebody; others 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
41 11 rén an upright person 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
42 11 rén person; manuṣya 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
43 9 ya 汝莫憂也
44 9 good fortune; happiness; luck 當何恃賴得福得度
45 9 Fujian 當何恃賴得福得度
46 9 wine and meat used in ceremonial offerings 當何恃賴得福得度
47 9 Fortune 當何恃賴得福得度
48 9 merit; blessing; punya 當何恃賴得福得度
49 9 fortune; blessing; svasti 當何恃賴得福得度
50 9 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘夷那竭國
51 9 relating to Buddhism 佛在拘夷那竭國
52 9 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在拘夷那竭國
53 9 a Buddhist text 佛在拘夷那竭國
54 9 to touch; to stroke 佛在拘夷那竭國
55 9 Buddha 佛在拘夷那竭國
56 9 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘夷那竭國
57 9 shēn human body; torso 福自歸身
58 9 shēn Kangxi radical 158 福自歸身
59 9 shēn self 福自歸身
60 9 shēn life 福自歸身
61 9 shēn an object 福自歸身
62 9 shēn a lifetime 福自歸身
63 9 shēn moral character 福自歸身
64 9 shēn status; identity; position 福自歸身
65 9 shēn pregnancy 福自歸身
66 9 juān India 福自歸身
67 9 shēn body; kāya 福自歸身
68 9 wéi to act as; to serve 願佛為我解釋四事
69 9 wéi to change into; to become 願佛為我解釋四事
70 9 wéi to be; is 願佛為我解釋四事
71 9 wéi to do 願佛為我解釋四事
72 9 wèi to support; to help 願佛為我解釋四事
73 9 wéi to govern 願佛為我解釋四事
74 9 wèi to be; bhū 願佛為我解釋四事
75 8 Kangxi radical 132 穢垢自亂
76 8 Zi 穢垢自亂
77 8 a nose 穢垢自亂
78 8 the beginning; the start 穢垢自亂
79 8 origin 穢垢自亂
80 8 to employ; to use 穢垢自亂
81 8 to be 穢垢自亂
82 8 self; soul; ātman 穢垢自亂
83 8 to give 帝王人民與佛相見
84 8 to accompany 帝王人民與佛相見
85 8 to particate in 帝王人民與佛相見
86 8 of the same kind 帝王人民與佛相見
87 8 to help 帝王人民與佛相見
88 8 for 帝王人民與佛相見
89 8 帝王 dìwáng an emperor; a regent; a monarch 帝王人民與佛相見
90 7 shì a generation 世名五濁
91 7 shì a period of thirty years 世名五濁
92 7 shì the world 世名五濁
93 7 shì years; age 世名五濁
94 7 shì a dynasty 世名五濁
95 7 shì secular; worldly 世名五濁
96 7 shì over generations 世名五濁
97 7 shì world 世名五濁
98 7 shì an era 世名五濁
99 7 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世名五濁
100 7 shì to keep good family relations 世名五濁
101 7 shì Shi 世名五濁
102 7 shì a geologic epoch 世名五濁
103 7 shì hereditary 世名五濁
104 7 shì later generations 世名五濁
105 7 shì a successor; an heir 世名五濁
106 7 shì the current times 世名五濁
107 7 shì loka; a world 世名五濁
108 7 Wu 吾去之後
109 7 Mo 汝莫憂也
110 7 xíng to walk 有行此慈者
111 7 xíng capable; competent 有行此慈者
112 7 háng profession 有行此慈者
113 7 xíng Kangxi radical 144 有行此慈者
114 7 xíng to travel 有行此慈者
115 7 xìng actions; conduct 有行此慈者
116 7 xíng to do; to act; to practice 有行此慈者
117 7 xíng all right; OK; okay 有行此慈者
118 7 háng horizontal line 有行此慈者
119 7 héng virtuous deeds 有行此慈者
120 7 hàng a line of trees 有行此慈者
121 7 hàng bold; steadfast 有行此慈者
122 7 xíng to move 有行此慈者
123 7 xíng to put into effect; to implement 有行此慈者
124 7 xíng travel 有行此慈者
125 7 xíng to circulate 有行此慈者
126 7 xíng running script; running script 有行此慈者
127 7 xíng temporary 有行此慈者
128 7 háng rank; order 有行此慈者
129 7 háng a business; a shop 有行此慈者
130 7 xíng to depart; to leave 有行此慈者
131 7 xíng to experience 有行此慈者
132 7 xíng path; way 有行此慈者
133 7 xíng xing; ballad 有行此慈者
134 7 xíng Xing 有行此慈者
135 7 xíng Practice 有行此慈者
136 7 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 有行此慈者
137 7 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 有行此慈者
138 7 阿難 Ānán Ananda 阿難白佛言
139 7 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 阿難白佛言
140 7 慈心 cíxīn compassion; a compassionate mind 慈心多愍天人雜類
141 6 děng et cetera; and so on 其福正等
142 6 děng to wait 其福正等
143 6 děng to be equal 其福正等
144 6 děng degree; level 其福正等
145 6 děng to compare 其福正等
146 6 děng same; equal; sama 其福正等
147 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令得穌息
148 6 lìng to issue a command 令得穌息
149 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令得穌息
150 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令得穌息
151 6 lìng a season 令得穌息
152 6 lìng respected; good reputation 令得穌息
153 6 lìng good 令得穌息
154 6 lìng pretentious 令得穌息
155 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 令得穌息
156 6 lìng a commander 令得穌息
157 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令得穌息
158 6 lìng lyrics 令得穌息
159 6 lìng Ling 令得穌息
160 6 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令得穌息
161 6 臣民 chénmín subject 王及臣民
162 6 suǒ a few; various; some 汝等不解吾之所言耶
163 6 suǒ a place; a location 汝等不解吾之所言耶
164 6 suǒ indicates a passive voice 汝等不解吾之所言耶
165 6 suǒ an ordinal number 汝等不解吾之所言耶
166 6 suǒ meaning 汝等不解吾之所言耶
167 6 suǒ garrison 汝等不解吾之所言耶
168 6 suǒ place; pradeśa 汝等不解吾之所言耶
169 6 人民 rénmín the people 帝王人民與佛相見
170 6 人民 rénmín common people 帝王人民與佛相見
171 6 人民 rénmín people; janā 帝王人民與佛相見
172 6 to go 吾去之後
173 6 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 吾去之後
174 6 to be distant 吾去之後
175 6 to leave 吾去之後
176 6 to play a part 吾去之後
177 6 to abandon; to give up 吾去之後
178 6 to die 吾去之後
179 6 previous; past 吾去之後
180 6 to send out; to issue; to drive away 吾去之後
181 6 falling tone 吾去之後
182 6 to lose 吾去之後
183 6 Qu 吾去之後
184 6 go; gati 吾去之後
185 6 zhèng upright; straight 其福正等
186 6 zhèng to straighten; to correct 其福正等
187 6 zhèng main; central; primary 其福正等
188 6 zhèng fundamental; original 其福正等
189 6 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 其福正等
190 6 zhèng at right angles 其福正等
191 6 zhèng unbiased; impartial 其福正等
192 6 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 其福正等
193 6 zhèng unmixed; pure 其福正等
194 6 zhèng positive (charge) 其福正等
195 6 zhèng positive (number) 其福正等
196 6 zhèng standard 其福正等
197 6 zhèng chief; principal; primary 其福正等
198 6 zhèng honest 其福正等
199 6 zhèng to execute; to carry out 其福正等
200 6 zhèng accepted; conventional 其福正等
201 6 zhèng to govern 其福正等
202 6 zhēng first month 其福正等
203 6 zhēng center of a target 其福正等
204 6 zhèng Righteous 其福正等
205 6 zhèng right manner; nyāya 其福正等
206 6 mìng life 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
207 6 mìng to order 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
208 6 mìng destiny; fate; luck 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
209 6 mìng an order; a command 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
210 6 mìng to name; to assign 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
211 6 mìng livelihood 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
212 6 mìng advice 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
213 6 mìng to confer a title 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
214 6 mìng lifespan 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
215 6 mìng to think 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
216 6 mìng life; jīva 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
217 6 shí time; a point or period of time 欲滅度時
218 6 shí a season; a quarter of a year 欲滅度時
219 6 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 欲滅度時
220 6 shí fashionable 欲滅度時
221 6 shí fate; destiny; luck 欲滅度時
222 6 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 欲滅度時
223 6 shí tense 欲滅度時
224 6 shí particular; special 欲滅度時
225 6 shí to plant; to cultivate 欲滅度時
226 6 shí an era; a dynasty 欲滅度時
227 6 shí time [abstract] 欲滅度時
228 6 shí seasonal 欲滅度時
229 6 shí to wait upon 欲滅度時
230 6 shí hour 欲滅度時
231 6 shí appropriate; proper; timely 欲滅度時
232 6 shí Shi 欲滅度時
233 6 shí a present; currentlt 欲滅度時
234 6 shí time; kāla 欲滅度時
235 6 shí at that time; samaya 欲滅度時
236 5 四事 sìshì the four necessities 願佛為我解釋四事
237 5 zài in; at 佛在拘夷那竭國
238 5 zài to exist; to be living 佛在拘夷那竭國
239 5 zài to consist of 佛在拘夷那竭國
240 5 zài to be at a post 佛在拘夷那竭國
241 5 zài in; bhū 佛在拘夷那竭國
242 5 yóu Kangxi radical 102 無不由汝得度脫者
243 5 yóu to follow along 無不由汝得度脫者
244 5 yóu cause; reason 無不由汝得度脫者
245 5 yóu You 無不由汝得度脫者
246 5 desire 欲滅度時
247 5 to desire; to wish 欲滅度時
248 5 to desire; to intend 欲滅度時
249 5 lust 欲滅度時
250 5 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲滅度時
251 5 gāo high; tall 以亂高德
252 5 gāo Kangxi radical 189 以亂高德
253 5 gāo height 以亂高德
254 5 gāo superior in level; degree; rate; grade 以亂高德
255 5 gāo high pitched; loud 以亂高德
256 5 gāo fine; good 以亂高德
257 5 gāo senior 以亂高德
258 5 gāo expensive 以亂高德
259 5 gāo Gao 以亂高德
260 5 gāo heights; an elevated place 以亂高德
261 5 gāo to be respected; to be eminent 以亂高德
262 5 gāo to respect 以亂高德
263 5 gāo height; samucchraya 以亂高德
264 5 gāo eminent; unnata 以亂高德
265 4 can; may; permissible 此實可憂
266 4 to approve; to permit 此實可憂
267 4 to be worth 此實可憂
268 4 to suit; to fit 此實可憂
269 4 khan 此實可憂
270 4 to recover 此實可憂
271 4 to act as 此實可憂
272 4 to be worth; to deserve 此實可憂
273 4 used to add emphasis 此實可憂
274 4 beautiful 此實可憂
275 4 Ke 此實可憂
276 4 can; may; śakta 此實可憂
277 4 魂神 húnshén soul; spirit 魂神空來
278 4 sixth of 10 heavenly trunks 以成己體
279 4 Kangxi radical 49 以成己體
280 4 sixth 以成己體
281 4 self; ātman 以成己體
282 4 疾病 jíbìng disease; sickness; ailment 羸老疾病
283 4 疾病 jíbìng sickness; vyādhi 羸老疾病
284 4 Ru River 無不由汝得度脫者
285 4 Ru 無不由汝得度脫者
286 4 one 此謂一事也
287 4 Kangxi radical 1 此謂一事也
288 4 pure; concentrated 此謂一事也
289 4 first 此謂一事也
290 4 the same 此謂一事也
291 4 sole; single 此謂一事也
292 4 a very small amount 此謂一事也
293 4 Yi 此謂一事也
294 4 other 此謂一事也
295 4 to unify 此謂一事也
296 4 accidentally; coincidentally 此謂一事也
297 4 abruptly; suddenly 此謂一事也
298 4 one; eka 此謂一事也
299 4 mǐn to pity; to sympathize 慈心多愍天人雜類
300 4 mǐn exaperation; grief; pain 慈心多愍天人雜類
301 4 mǐn to love; to care for 慈心多愍天人雜類
302 4 mǐn trouble; misfortune; calamity 慈心多愍天人雜類
303 4 mǐn compassion; kāruṇya 慈心多愍天人雜類
304 4 Kangxi radical 71 無以自濟
305 4 to not have; without 無以自濟
306 4 mo 無以自濟
307 4 to not have 無以自濟
308 4 Wu 無以自濟
309 4 mo 無以自濟
310 4 niàn to read aloud 我念天龍
311 4 niàn to remember; to expect 我念天龍
312 4 niàn to miss 我念天龍
313 4 niàn to consider 我念天龍
314 4 niàn to recite; to chant 我念天龍
315 4 niàn to show affection for 我念天龍
316 4 niàn a thought; an idea 我念天龍
317 4 niàn twenty 我念天龍
318 4 niàn memory 我念天龍
319 4 niàn an instant 我念天龍
320 4 niàn Nian 我念天龍
321 4 niàn mindfulness; smrti 我念天龍
322 4 niàn a thought; citta 我念天龍
323 4 valley; gorge; ravine 富有倉穀
324 4 grain; corn 富有倉穀
325 4 Gu 富有倉穀
326 4 Kangxi radical 150 富有倉穀
327 4 virtuous 富有倉穀
328 4 an official's salary 富有倉穀
329 4 to bring up 富有倉穀
330 4 to survive; to grow up 富有倉穀
331 4 poverty 富有倉穀
332 4 Tuyuhun people 富有倉穀
333 4 grain; priyaṅgu 富有倉穀
334 4 valley; kandara 富有倉穀
335 4 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 慈心多愍天人雜類
336 4 duó many; much 慈心多愍天人雜類
337 4 duō more 慈心多愍天人雜類
338 4 duō excessive 慈心多愍天人雜類
339 4 duō abundant 慈心多愍天人雜類
340 4 duō to multiply; to acrue 慈心多愍天人雜類
341 4 duō Duo 慈心多愍天人雜類
342 4 duō ta 慈心多愍天人雜類
343 4 xīn heart [organ] 心存顛倒
344 4 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心存顛倒
345 4 xīn mind; consciousness 心存顛倒
346 4 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心存顛倒
347 4 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心存顛倒
348 4 xīn heart 心存顛倒
349 4 xīn emotion 心存顛倒
350 4 xīn intention; consideration 心存顛倒
351 4 xīn disposition; temperament 心存顛倒
352 4 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心存顛倒
353 4 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心存顛倒
354 4 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心存顛倒
355 4 to be near by; to be close to 阿難即白
356 4 at that time 阿難即白
357 4 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 阿難即白
358 4 supposed; so-called 阿難即白
359 4 to arrive at; to ascend 阿難即白
360 4 guó a country; a nation 吳月支國居士支謙譯
361 4 guó the capital of a state 吳月支國居士支謙譯
362 4 guó a feud; a vassal state 吳月支國居士支謙譯
363 4 guó a state; a kingdom 吳月支國居士支謙譯
364 4 guó a place; a land 吳月支國居士支謙譯
365 4 guó domestic; Chinese 吳月支國居士支謙譯
366 4 guó national 吳月支國居士支謙譯
367 4 guó top in the nation 吳月支國居士支謙譯
368 4 guó Guo 吳月支國居士支謙譯
369 4 guó community; nation; janapada 吳月支國居士支謙譯
370 4 如此 rúcǐ in this way; so 諦思如此
371 4 佛身 fóshēn Buddha's Body 與侍佛身功德正等
372 4 佛身 fóshēn buddhakaya; Buddha-body 與侍佛身功德正等
373 4 wèi to call 此謂一事也
374 4 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 此謂一事也
375 4 wèi to speak to; to address 此謂一事也
376 4 wèi to treat as; to regard as 此謂一事也
377 4 wèi introducing a condition situation 此謂一事也
378 4 wèi to speak to; to address 此謂一事也
379 4 wèi to think 此謂一事也
380 4 wèi for; is to be 此謂一事也
381 4 wèi to make; to cause 此謂一事也
382 4 wèi principle; reason 此謂一事也
383 4 wèi Wei 此謂一事也
384 4 yán to speak; to say; said 阿難白佛言
385 4 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 阿難白佛言
386 4 yán Kangxi radical 149 阿難白佛言
387 4 yán phrase; sentence 阿難白佛言
388 4 yán a word; a syllable 阿難白佛言
389 4 yán a theory; a doctrine 阿難白佛言
390 4 yán to regard as 阿難白佛言
391 4 yán to act as 阿難白佛言
392 4 yán word; vacana 阿難白佛言
393 4 yán speak; vad 阿難白佛言
394 4 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 鬼神
395 4 xiàng to observe; to assess 展轉相怨
396 4 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 展轉相怨
397 4 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 展轉相怨
398 4 xiàng to aid; to help 展轉相怨
399 4 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 展轉相怨
400 4 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 展轉相怨
401 4 xiāng alternately; in turn 展轉相怨
402 4 xiāng Xiang 展轉相怨
403 4 xiāng form substance 展轉相怨
404 4 xiāng to express 展轉相怨
405 4 xiàng to choose 展轉相怨
406 4 xiāng Xiang 展轉相怨
407 4 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 展轉相怨
408 4 xiāng the seventh lunar month 展轉相怨
409 4 xiāng to compare 展轉相怨
410 4 xiàng to divine 展轉相怨
411 4 xiàng to administer 展轉相怨
412 4 xiàng helper for a blind person 展轉相怨
413 4 xiāng rhythm [music] 展轉相怨
414 4 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 展轉相怨
415 4 xiāng coralwood 展轉相怨
416 4 xiàng ministry 展轉相怨
417 4 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 展轉相怨
418 4 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 展轉相怨
419 4 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 展轉相怨
420 4 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 展轉相怨
421 4 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 展轉相怨
422 3 zhōng middle 在母腹中
423 3 zhōng medium; medium sized 在母腹中
424 3 zhōng China 在母腹中
425 3 zhòng to hit the mark 在母腹中
426 3 zhōng midday 在母腹中
427 3 zhōng inside 在母腹中
428 3 zhōng during 在母腹中
429 3 zhōng Zhong 在母腹中
430 3 zhōng intermediary 在母腹中
431 3 zhōng half 在母腹中
432 3 zhòng to reach; to attain 在母腹中
433 3 zhòng to suffer; to infect 在母腹中
434 3 zhòng to obtain 在母腹中
435 3 zhòng to pass an exam 在母腹中
436 3 zhōng middle 在母腹中
437 3 shēng to be born; to give birth 十月乃生
438 3 shēng to live 十月乃生
439 3 shēng raw 十月乃生
440 3 shēng a student 十月乃生
441 3 shēng life 十月乃生
442 3 shēng to produce; to give rise 十月乃生
443 3 shēng alive 十月乃生
444 3 shēng a lifetime 十月乃生
445 3 shēng to initiate; to become 十月乃生
446 3 shēng to grow 十月乃生
447 3 shēng unfamiliar 十月乃生
448 3 shēng not experienced 十月乃生
449 3 shēng hard; stiff; strong 十月乃生
450 3 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 十月乃生
451 3 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 十月乃生
452 3 shēng gender 十月乃生
453 3 shēng to develop; to grow 十月乃生
454 3 shēng to set up 十月乃生
455 3 shēng a prostitute 十月乃生
456 3 shēng a captive 十月乃生
457 3 shēng a gentleman 十月乃生
458 3 shēng Kangxi radical 100 十月乃生
459 3 shēng unripe 十月乃生
460 3 shēng nature 十月乃生
461 3 shēng to inherit; to succeed 十月乃生
462 3 shēng destiny 十月乃生
463 3 shēng birth 十月乃生
464 3 shēng arise; produce; utpad 十月乃生
465 3 清潔 qīngjié clean; pure 終身清潔
466 3 清潔 qīngjié honest 終身清潔
467 3 清潔 qīngjié to understand clearly 終身清潔
468 3 佛說阿難四事經 fó shuō ānán sì shì jīng Sutra Spoken by Ananda on Four Matters; Fo Shuo Anan Si Shi Jing 佛說阿難四事經
469 3 壽終 shòuzhōng to die of old age; to live to a ripe old age; (fig.) (of sth) to come to an end (after a long period of service) 至其壽終
470 3 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 輒受豪貴
471 3 shòu to transfer; to confer 輒受豪貴
472 3 shòu to receive; to accept 輒受豪貴
473 3 shòu to tolerate 輒受豪貴
474 3 shòu feelings; sensations 輒受豪貴
475 3 lóng dragon 此諸鬼神龍者
476 3 lóng Kangxi radical 212 此諸鬼神龍者
477 3 lóng the seven lunar lodgings in the eastern sky 此諸鬼神龍者
478 3 lóng weakened; frail 此諸鬼神龍者
479 3 lóng a tall horse 此諸鬼神龍者
480 3 lóng Long 此諸鬼神龍者
481 3 lóng serpent; dragon; naga 此諸鬼神龍者
482 3 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 願重說之
483 3 yuàn hope 願重說之
484 3 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 願重說之
485 3 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 願重說之
486 3 yuàn a vow 願重說之
487 3 yuàn diligent; attentive 願重說之
488 3 yuàn to prefer; to select 願重說之
489 3 yuàn to admire 願重說之
490 3 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 願重說之
491 3 zuò to do 或作沙門
492 3 zuò to act as; to serve as 或作沙門
493 3 zuò to start 或作沙門
494 3 zuò a writing; a work 或作沙門
495 3 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 或作沙門
496 3 zuō to create; to make 或作沙門
497 3 zuō a workshop 或作沙門
498 3 zuō to write; to compose 或作沙門
499 3 zuò to rise 或作沙門
500 3 zuò to be aroused 或作沙門

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1012

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 28 zhī him; her; them; that 將當復從誰得之乎
2 28 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 將當復從誰得之乎
3 28 zhī to go 將當復從誰得之乎
4 28 zhī this; that 將當復從誰得之乎
5 28 zhī genetive marker 將當復從誰得之乎
6 28 zhī it 將當復從誰得之乎
7 28 zhī in; in regards to 將當復從誰得之乎
8 28 zhī all 將當復從誰得之乎
9 28 zhī and 將當復從誰得之乎
10 28 zhī however 將當復從誰得之乎
11 28 zhī if 將當復從誰得之乎
12 28 zhī then 將當復從誰得之乎
13 28 zhī to arrive; to go 將當復從誰得之乎
14 28 zhī is 將當復從誰得之乎
15 28 zhī to use 將當復從誰得之乎
16 28 zhī Zhi 將當復從誰得之乎
17 28 zhī winding 將當復從誰得之乎
18 19 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當何恃賴得福得度
19 19 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當何恃賴得福得度
20 19 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當何恃賴得福得度
21 19 dāng to face 當何恃賴得福得度
22 19 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當何恃賴得福得度
23 19 dāng to manage; to host 當何恃賴得福得度
24 19 dāng should 當何恃賴得福得度
25 19 dāng to treat; to regard as 當何恃賴得福得度
26 19 dǎng to think 當何恃賴得福得度
27 19 dàng suitable; correspond to 當何恃賴得福得度
28 19 dǎng to be equal 當何恃賴得福得度
29 19 dàng that 當何恃賴得福得度
30 19 dāng an end; top 當何恃賴得福得度
31 19 dàng clang; jingle 當何恃賴得福得度
32 19 dāng to judge 當何恃賴得福得度
33 19 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當何恃賴得福得度
34 19 dàng the same 當何恃賴得福得度
35 19 dàng to pawn 當何恃賴得福得度
36 19 dàng to fail [an exam] 當何恃賴得福得度
37 19 dàng a trap 當何恃賴得福得度
38 19 dàng a pawned item 當何恃賴得福得度
39 19 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當何恃賴得福得度
40 17 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 得應真者
41 17 zhě that 得應真者
42 17 zhě nominalizing function word 得應真者
43 17 zhě used to mark a definition 得應真者
44 17 zhě used to mark a pause 得應真者
45 17 zhě topic marker; that; it 得應真者
46 17 zhuó according to 得應真者
47 17 zhě ca 得應真者
48 16 not; no 六度大法不持之去
49 16 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 六度大法不持之去
50 16 as a correlative 六度大法不持之去
51 16 no (answering a question) 六度大法不持之去
52 16 forms a negative adjective from a noun 六度大法不持之去
53 16 at the end of a sentence to form a question 六度大法不持之去
54 16 to form a yes or no question 六度大法不持之去
55 16 infix potential marker 六度大法不持之去
56 16 no; na 六度大法不持之去
57 15 his; hers; its; theirs 其福正等
58 15 to add emphasis 其福正等
59 15 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其福正等
60 15 used when making a request or giving an order 其福正等
61 15 he; her; it; them 其福正等
62 15 probably; likely 其福正等
63 15 will 其福正等
64 15 may 其福正等
65 15 if 其福正等
66 15 or 其福正等
67 15 Qi 其福正等
68 15 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其福正等
69 15 de potential marker 得應真者
70 15 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得應真者
71 15 děi must; ought to 得應真者
72 15 děi to want to; to need to 得應真者
73 15 děi must; ought to 得應真者
74 15 de 得應真者
75 15 de infix potential marker 得應真者
76 15 to result in 得應真者
77 15 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得應真者
78 15 to be satisfied 得應真者
79 15 to be finished 得應真者
80 15 de result of degree 得應真者
81 15 de marks completion of an action 得應真者
82 15 děi satisfying 得應真者
83 15 to contract 得應真者
84 15 marks permission or possibility 得應真者
85 15 expressing frustration 得應真者
86 15 to hear 得應真者
87 15 to have; there is 得應真者
88 15 marks time passed 得應真者
89 15 obtain; attain; prāpta 得應真者
90 14 this; these 此實可憂
91 14 in this way 此實可憂
92 14 otherwise; but; however; so 此實可憂
93 14 at this time; now; here 此實可憂
94 14 this; here; etad 此實可憂
95 13 so as to; in order to 當以慈心育養幼弱
96 13 to use; to regard as 當以慈心育養幼弱
97 13 to use; to grasp 當以慈心育養幼弱
98 13 according to 當以慈心育養幼弱
99 13 because of 當以慈心育養幼弱
100 13 on a certain date 當以慈心育養幼弱
101 13 and; as well as 當以慈心育養幼弱
102 13 to rely on 當以慈心育養幼弱
103 13 to regard 當以慈心育養幼弱
104 13 to be able to 當以慈心育養幼弱
105 13 to order; to command 當以慈心育養幼弱
106 13 further; moreover 當以慈心育養幼弱
107 13 used after a verb 當以慈心育養幼弱
108 13 very 當以慈心育養幼弱
109 13 already 當以慈心育養幼弱
110 13 increasingly 當以慈心育養幼弱
111 13 a reason; a cause 當以慈心育養幼弱
112 13 Israel 當以慈心育養幼弱
113 13 Yi 當以慈心育養幼弱
114 13 use; yogena 當以慈心育養幼弱
115 11 rén person; people; a human being 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
116 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
117 11 rén a kind of person 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
118 11 rén everybody 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
119 11 rén adult 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
120 11 rén somebody; others 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
121 11 rén an upright person 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
122 11 rén person; manuṣya 見禽獸蟲蛾下賤仰人活者
123 11 huò or; either; else 或作沙門
124 11 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或作沙門
125 11 huò some; someone 或作沙門
126 11 míngnián suddenly 或作沙門
127 11 huò or; vā 或作沙門
128 9 also; too 汝莫憂也
129 9 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 汝莫憂也
130 9 either 汝莫憂也
131 9 even 汝莫憂也
132 9 used to soften the tone 汝莫憂也
133 9 used for emphasis 汝莫憂也
134 9 used to mark contrast 汝莫憂也
135 9 used to mark compromise 汝莫憂也
136 9 ya 汝莫憂也
137 9 good fortune; happiness; luck 當何恃賴得福得度
138 9 Fujian 當何恃賴得福得度
139 9 wine and meat used in ceremonial offerings 當何恃賴得福得度
140 9 Fortune 當何恃賴得福得度
141 9 merit; blessing; punya 當何恃賴得福得度
142 9 fortune; blessing; svasti 當何恃賴得福得度
143 9 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘夷那竭國
144 9 relating to Buddhism 佛在拘夷那竭國
145 9 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在拘夷那竭國
146 9 a Buddhist text 佛在拘夷那竭國
147 9 to touch; to stroke 佛在拘夷那竭國
148 9 Buddha 佛在拘夷那竭國
149 9 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在拘夷那竭國
150 9 shēn human body; torso 福自歸身
151 9 shēn Kangxi radical 158 福自歸身
152 9 shēn measure word for clothes 福自歸身
153 9 shēn self 福自歸身
154 9 shēn life 福自歸身
155 9 shēn an object 福自歸身
156 9 shēn a lifetime 福自歸身
157 9 shēn personally 福自歸身
158 9 shēn moral character 福自歸身
159 9 shēn status; identity; position 福自歸身
160 9 shēn pregnancy 福自歸身
161 9 juān India 福自歸身
162 9 shēn body; kāya 福自歸身
163 9 wèi for; to 願佛為我解釋四事
164 9 wèi because of 願佛為我解釋四事
165 9 wéi to act as; to serve 願佛為我解釋四事
166 9 wéi to change into; to become 願佛為我解釋四事
167 9 wéi to be; is 願佛為我解釋四事
168 9 wéi to do 願佛為我解釋四事
169 9 wèi for 願佛為我解釋四事
170 9 wèi because of; for; to 願佛為我解釋四事
171 9 wèi to 願佛為我解釋四事
172 9 wéi in a passive construction 願佛為我解釋四事
173 9 wéi forming a rehetorical question 願佛為我解釋四事
174 9 wéi forming an adverb 願佛為我解釋四事
175 9 wéi to add emphasis 願佛為我解釋四事
176 9 wèi to support; to help 願佛為我解釋四事
177 9 wéi to govern 願佛為我解釋四事
178 9 wèi to be; bhū 願佛為我解釋四事
179 8 naturally; of course; certainly 穢垢自亂
180 8 from; since 穢垢自亂
181 8 self; oneself; itself 穢垢自亂
182 8 Kangxi radical 132 穢垢自亂
183 8 Zi 穢垢自亂
184 8 a nose 穢垢自亂
185 8 the beginning; the start 穢垢自亂
186 8 origin 穢垢自亂
187 8 originally 穢垢自亂
188 8 still; to remain 穢垢自亂
189 8 in person; personally 穢垢自亂
190 8 in addition; besides 穢垢自亂
191 8 if; even if 穢垢自亂
192 8 but 穢垢自亂
193 8 because 穢垢自亂
194 8 to employ; to use 穢垢自亂
195 8 to be 穢垢自亂
196 8 own; one's own; oneself 穢垢自亂
197 8 self; soul; ātman 穢垢自亂
198 8 and 帝王人民與佛相見
199 8 to give 帝王人民與佛相見
200 8 together with 帝王人民與佛相見
201 8 interrogative particle 帝王人民與佛相見
202 8 to accompany 帝王人民與佛相見
203 8 to particate in 帝王人民與佛相見
204 8 of the same kind 帝王人民與佛相見
205 8 to help 帝王人民與佛相見
206 8 for 帝王人民與佛相見
207 8 and; ca 帝王人民與佛相見
208 8 yǒu is; are; to exist 或有居家
209 8 yǒu to have; to possess 或有居家
210 8 yǒu indicates an estimate 或有居家
211 8 yǒu indicates a large quantity 或有居家
212 8 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 或有居家
213 8 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 或有居家
214 8 yǒu used to compare two things 或有居家
215 8 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 或有居家
216 8 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 或有居家
217 8 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 或有居家
218 8 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 或有居家
219 8 yǒu abundant 或有居家
220 8 yǒu purposeful 或有居家
221 8 yǒu You 或有居家
222 8 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 或有居家
223 8 yǒu becoming; bhava 或有居家
224 8 帝王 dìwáng an emperor; a regent; a monarch 帝王人民與佛相見
225 7 shì a generation 世名五濁
226 7 shì a period of thirty years 世名五濁
227 7 shì the world 世名五濁
228 7 shì years; age 世名五濁
229 7 shì a dynasty 世名五濁
230 7 shì secular; worldly 世名五濁
231 7 shì over generations 世名五濁
232 7 shì always 世名五濁
233 7 shì world 世名五濁
234 7 shì a life; a lifetime 世名五濁
235 7 shì an era 世名五濁
236 7 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世名五濁
237 7 shì to keep good family relations 世名五濁
238 7 shì Shi 世名五濁
239 7 shì a geologic epoch 世名五濁
240 7 shì hereditary 世名五濁
241 7 shì later generations 世名五濁
242 7 shì a successor; an heir 世名五濁
243 7 shì the current times 世名五濁
244 7 shì loka; a world 世名五濁
245 7 I 吾去之後
246 7 my 吾去之後
247 7 Wu 吾去之後
248 7 I; aham 吾去之後
249 7 do not 汝莫憂也
250 7 Mo 汝莫憂也
251 7 there is none; neither 汝莫憂也
252 7 cannot; unable to 汝莫憂也
253 7 not; mā 汝莫憂也
254 7 xíng to walk 有行此慈者
255 7 xíng capable; competent 有行此慈者
256 7 háng profession 有行此慈者
257 7 háng line; row 有行此慈者
258 7 xíng Kangxi radical 144 有行此慈者
259 7 xíng to travel 有行此慈者
260 7 xìng actions; conduct 有行此慈者
261 7 xíng to do; to act; to practice 有行此慈者
262 7 xíng all right; OK; okay 有行此慈者
263 7 háng horizontal line 有行此慈者
264 7 héng virtuous deeds 有行此慈者
265 7 hàng a line of trees 有行此慈者
266 7 hàng bold; steadfast 有行此慈者
267 7 xíng to move 有行此慈者
268 7 xíng to put into effect; to implement 有行此慈者
269 7 xíng travel 有行此慈者
270 7 xíng to circulate 有行此慈者
271 7 xíng running script; running script 有行此慈者
272 7 xíng temporary 有行此慈者
273 7 xíng soon 有行此慈者
274 7 háng rank; order 有行此慈者
275 7 háng a business; a shop 有行此慈者
276 7 xíng to depart; to leave 有行此慈者
277 7 xíng to experience 有行此慈者
278 7 xíng path; way 有行此慈者
279 7 xíng xing; ballad 有行此慈者
280 7 xíng a round [of drinks] 有行此慈者
281 7 xíng Xing 有行此慈者
282 7 xíng moreover; also 有行此慈者
283 7 xíng Practice 有行此慈者
284 7 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 有行此慈者
285 7 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 有行此慈者
286 7 阿難 Ānán Ananda 阿難白佛言
287 7 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 阿難白佛言
288 7 慈心 cíxīn compassion; a compassionate mind 慈心多愍天人雜類
289 6 děng et cetera; and so on 其福正等
290 6 děng to wait 其福正等
291 6 děng degree; kind 其福正等
292 6 děng plural 其福正等
293 6 děng to be equal 其福正等
294 6 děng degree; level 其福正等
295 6 děng to compare 其福正等
296 6 děng same; equal; sama 其福正等
297 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令得穌息
298 6 lìng to issue a command 令得穌息
299 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令得穌息
300 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令得穌息
301 6 lìng a season 令得穌息
302 6 lìng respected; good reputation 令得穌息
303 6 lìng good 令得穌息
304 6 lìng pretentious 令得穌息
305 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 令得穌息
306 6 lìng a commander 令得穌息
307 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令得穌息
308 6 lìng lyrics 令得穌息
309 6 lìng Ling 令得穌息
310 6 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令得穌息
311 6 臣民 chénmín subject 王及臣民
312 6 such as; for example; for instance 當如慈母天龍鬼神
313 6 if 當如慈母天龍鬼神
314 6 in accordance with 當如慈母天龍鬼神
315 6 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 當如慈母天龍鬼神
316 6 this 當如慈母天龍鬼神
317 6 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 當如慈母天龍鬼神
318 6 to go to 當如慈母天龍鬼神
319 6 to meet 當如慈母天龍鬼神
320 6 to appear; to seem; to be like 當如慈母天龍鬼神
321 6 at least as good as 當如慈母天龍鬼神
322 6 and 當如慈母天龍鬼神
323 6 or 當如慈母天龍鬼神
324 6 but 當如慈母天龍鬼神
325 6 then 當如慈母天龍鬼神
326 6 naturally 當如慈母天龍鬼神
327 6 expresses a question or doubt 當如慈母天龍鬼神
328 6 you 當如慈母天龍鬼神
329 6 the second lunar month 當如慈母天龍鬼神
330 6 in; at 當如慈母天龍鬼神
331 6 Ru 當如慈母天龍鬼神
332 6 Thus 當如慈母天龍鬼神
333 6 thus; tathā 當如慈母天龍鬼神
334 6 like; iva 當如慈母天龍鬼神
335 6 suchness; tathatā 當如慈母天龍鬼神
336 6 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆由宿行
337 6 jiē same; equally 皆由宿行
338 6 jiē all; sarva 皆由宿行
339 6 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 汝等不解吾之所言耶
340 6 suǒ an office; an institute 汝等不解吾之所言耶
341 6 suǒ introduces a relative clause 汝等不解吾之所言耶
342 6 suǒ it 汝等不解吾之所言耶
343 6 suǒ if; supposing 汝等不解吾之所言耶
344 6 suǒ a few; various; some 汝等不解吾之所言耶
345 6 suǒ a place; a location 汝等不解吾之所言耶
346 6 suǒ indicates a passive voice 汝等不解吾之所言耶
347 6 suǒ that which 汝等不解吾之所言耶
348 6 suǒ an ordinal number 汝等不解吾之所言耶
349 6 suǒ meaning 汝等不解吾之所言耶
350 6 suǒ garrison 汝等不解吾之所言耶
351 6 suǒ place; pradeśa 汝等不解吾之所言耶
352 6 suǒ that which; yad 汝等不解吾之所言耶
353 6 人民 rénmín the people 帝王人民與佛相見
354 6 人民 rénmín common people 帝王人民與佛相見
355 6 人民 rénmín people; janā 帝王人民與佛相見
356 6 to go 吾去之後
357 6 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 吾去之後
358 6 to be distant 吾去之後
359 6 to leave 吾去之後
360 6 to play a part 吾去之後
361 6 to abandon; to give up 吾去之後
362 6 to die 吾去之後
363 6 previous; past 吾去之後
364 6 to send out; to issue; to drive away 吾去之後
365 6 expresses a tendency 吾去之後
366 6 falling tone 吾去之後
367 6 to lose 吾去之後
368 6 Qu 吾去之後
369 6 go; gati 吾去之後
370 6 zhèng upright; straight 其福正等
371 6 zhèng just doing something; just now 其福正等
372 6 zhèng to straighten; to correct 其福正等
373 6 zhèng main; central; primary 其福正等
374 6 zhèng fundamental; original 其福正等
375 6 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 其福正等
376 6 zhèng at right angles 其福正等
377 6 zhèng unbiased; impartial 其福正等
378 6 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 其福正等
379 6 zhèng unmixed; pure 其福正等
380 6 zhèng positive (charge) 其福正等
381 6 zhèng positive (number) 其福正等
382 6 zhèng standard 其福正等
383 6 zhèng chief; principal; primary 其福正等
384 6 zhèng honest 其福正等
385 6 zhèng to execute; to carry out 其福正等
386 6 zhèng precisely 其福正等
387 6 zhèng accepted; conventional 其福正等
388 6 zhèng to govern 其福正等
389 6 zhèng only; just 其福正等
390 6 zhēng first month 其福正等
391 6 zhēng center of a target 其福正等
392 6 zhèng Righteous 其福正等
393 6 zhèng right manner; nyāya 其福正等
394 6 mìng life 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
395 6 mìng to order 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
396 6 mìng destiny; fate; luck 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
397 6 mìng an order; a command 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
398 6 mìng to name; to assign 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
399 6 mìng livelihood 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
400 6 mìng advice 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
401 6 mìng to confer a title 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
402 6 mìng lifespan 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
403 6 mìng to think 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
404 6 mìng life; jīva 莫得加刀杖傷絕其命
405 6 shí time; a point or period of time 欲滅度時
406 6 shí a season; a quarter of a year 欲滅度時
407 6 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 欲滅度時
408 6 shí at that time 欲滅度時
409 6 shí fashionable 欲滅度時
410 6 shí fate; destiny; luck 欲滅度時
411 6 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 欲滅度時
412 6 shí tense 欲滅度時
413 6 shí particular; special 欲滅度時
414 6 shí to plant; to cultivate 欲滅度時
415 6 shí hour (measure word) 欲滅度時
416 6 shí an era; a dynasty 欲滅度時
417 6 shí time [abstract] 欲滅度時
418 6 shí seasonal 欲滅度時
419 6 shí frequently; often 欲滅度時
420 6 shí occasionally; sometimes 欲滅度時
421 6 shí on time 欲滅度時
422 6 shí this; that 欲滅度時
423 6 shí to wait upon 欲滅度時
424 6 shí hour 欲滅度時
425 6 shí appropriate; proper; timely 欲滅度時
426 6 shí Shi 欲滅度時
427 6 shí a present; currentlt 欲滅度時
428 6 shí time; kāla 欲滅度時
429 6 shí at that time; samaya 欲滅度時
430 6 shí then; atha 欲滅度時
431 5 四事 sìshì the four necessities 願佛為我解釋四事
432 5 zài in; at 佛在拘夷那竭國
433 5 zài at 佛在拘夷那竭國
434 5 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 佛在拘夷那竭國
435 5 zài to exist; to be living 佛在拘夷那竭國
436 5 zài to consist of 佛在拘夷那竭國
437 5 zài to be at a post 佛在拘夷那竭國
438 5 zài in; bhū 佛在拘夷那竭國
439 5 yóu follow; from; it is 無不由汝得度脫者
440 5 yóu Kangxi radical 102 無不由汝得度脫者
441 5 yóu to follow along 無不由汝得度脫者
442 5 yóu cause; reason 無不由汝得度脫者
443 5 yóu by somebody; up to somebody 無不由汝得度脫者
444 5 yóu from a starting point 無不由汝得度脫者
445 5 yóu You 無不由汝得度脫者
446 5 yóu because; yasmāt 無不由汝得度脫者
447 5 desire 欲滅度時
448 5 to desire; to wish 欲滅度時
449 5 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲滅度時
450 5 to desire; to intend 欲滅度時
451 5 lust 欲滅度時
452 5 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲滅度時
453 5 gāo high; tall 以亂高德
454 5 gāo Kangxi radical 189 以亂高德
455 5 gāo height 以亂高德
456 5 gāo superior in level; degree; rate; grade 以亂高德
457 5 gāo high pitched; loud 以亂高德
458 5 gāo fine; good 以亂高德
459 5 gāo senior 以亂高德
460 5 gāo expensive 以亂高德
461 5 gāo Gao 以亂高德
462 5 gāo heights; an elevated place 以亂高德
463 5 gāo to be respected; to be eminent 以亂高德
464 5 gāo to respect 以亂高德
465 5 gāo height; samucchraya 以亂高德
466 5 gāo eminent; unnata 以亂高德
467 4 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若意慳貪
468 4 ruò seemingly 若意慳貪
469 4 ruò if 若意慳貪
470 4 ruò you 若意慳貪
471 4 ruò this; that 若意慳貪
472 4 ruò and; or 若意慳貪
473 4 ruò as for; pertaining to 若意慳貪
474 4 pomegranite 若意慳貪
475 4 ruò to choose 若意慳貪
476 4 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若意慳貪
477 4 ruò thus 若意慳貪
478 4 ruò pollia 若意慳貪
479 4 ruò Ruo 若意慳貪
480 4 ruò only then 若意慳貪
481 4 ja 若意慳貪
482 4 jñā 若意慳貪
483 4 ruò if; yadi 若意慳貪
484 4 can; may; permissible 此實可憂
485 4 but 此實可憂
486 4 such; so 此實可憂
487 4 able to; possibly 此實可憂
488 4 to approve; to permit 此實可憂
489 4 to be worth 此實可憂
490 4 to suit; to fit 此實可憂
491 4 khan 此實可憂
492 4 to recover 此實可憂
493 4 to act as 此實可憂
494 4 to be worth; to deserve 此實可憂
495 4 approximately; probably 此實可憂
496 4 expresses doubt 此實可憂
497 4 really; truely 此實可憂
498 4 used to add emphasis 此實可憂
499 4 beautiful 此實可憂
500 4 Ke 此實可憂


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati
zhě ca
no; na
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad
obtain; attain; prāpta
this; here; etad
use; yogena
rén person; manuṣya
huò or; vā

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
典籍 100 canonical text
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
佛说阿难四事经 佛說阿難四事經 102 Sutra Spoken by Ananda on Four Matters; Fo Shuo Anan Si Shi Jing
弘道 104
  1. Hongdao
  2. Propagation of the Way
久保 106 Kubo
拘夷那竭 106 Kuśinagara; Kusināra; Kushinagar; Kusinagar; Kusinara
六度 108 Six Pāramitās; Six Perfections
明教 109
  1. Manicheanism; Manicheism
  2. a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism
  3. outstanding advice
十方诸佛 十方諸佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
十月 115
  1. October; the Tenth Month
  2. tenth lunar month; pauṣa
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
死神 115 death deity
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五浊 五濁 119 the five periods of impurity
支谦 支謙 122 Zhi Qian


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 51.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
悲心 98
  1. Merciful Heart
  2. compassion; a sympathetic mind
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
床卧 床臥 99 bed; resting place
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
当得 當得 100 will reach
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
恶世 惡世 195 an evil age
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛身 102
  1. Buddha's Body
  2. buddhakaya; Buddha-body
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
讲经 講經 106
  1. Expounding the Dharma
  2. to teach the sutras
  3. to teach sutras
开士 開士 107 one on the way to enlightenment; bodhisattva
恳恻 懇惻 107
  1. earnest
  2. sincerely
来生 來生 108 later rebirths; subsequent births
龙神 龍神 108 dragon spirit
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如梦 如夢 114 like in a dream
三涂 三塗 115
  1. the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
  2. the three evil states of existence
三尊 115 the three honored ones
善道 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
身命 115 body and life
神授 115 divine revelation
食肉 115 to eat meat; meat permitted for eating
四等心 115 four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
寺舍 115 monastery; vihāra
四事 115 the four necessities
唐捐 116 in vain
天龙 天龍 116 all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天龙鬼神 天龍鬼神 116 deities, dragons, ghosts, and spirits
闻经 聞經 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
五戒 119 the five precepts
相分 120 an idea; a form
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
洋铜 洋銅 121 sea of molten copper
应真 應真 121 Worthy One; Arhat
有相 121 having form
愿佛 願佛 121 Buddha of the vow
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
执心 執心 122 a grasping mind
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
罪福 122 offense and merit
作善 122 to do good deeds