Glossary and Vocabulary for Śriparamādhyamantrākalpakhaṇḍa 佛說最上根本大樂金剛不空三昧大教王經, Scroll 7

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 87 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
2 87 yìn India 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
3 87 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
4 87 yìn a seal; a stamp 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
5 87 yìn to tally 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
6 87 yìn a vestige; a trace 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
7 87 yìn Yin 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
8 87 yìn to leave a track or trace 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
9 87 yìn mudra 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
10 73 yǐn to lead; to guide
11 73 yǐn to draw a bow
12 73 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
13 73 yǐn to stretch
14 73 yǐn to involve
15 73 yǐn to quote; to cite
16 73 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
17 73 yǐn to recruit
18 73 yǐn to hold
19 73 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
20 73 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
21 73 yǐn a preface ; a forward
22 73 yǐn a license
23 73 yǐn long
24 73 yǐn to cause
25 73 yǐn to pull; to draw
26 73 yǐn a refrain; a tune
27 73 yǐn to grow
28 73 yǐn to command
29 73 yǐn to accuse
30 73 yǐn to commit suicide
31 73 yǐn a genre
32 73 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
33 73 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
34 68 zuò to do 安於本心如作鈎召勢
35 68 zuò to act as; to serve as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
36 68 zuò to start 安於本心如作鈎召勢
37 68 zuò a writing; a work 安於本心如作鈎召勢
38 68 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
39 68 zuō to create; to make 安於本心如作鈎召勢
40 68 zuō a workshop 安於本心如作鈎召勢
41 68 zuō to write; to compose 安於本心如作鈎召勢
42 68 zuò to rise 安於本心如作鈎召勢
43 68 zuò to be aroused 安於本心如作鈎召勢
44 68 zuò activity; action; undertaking 安於本心如作鈎召勢
45 68 zuò to regard as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
46 68 zuò action; kāraṇa 安於本心如作鈎召勢
47 53 to go back; to return 行人設復未入曼拏羅
48 53 to resume; to restart 行人設復未入曼拏羅
49 53 to do in detail 行人設復未入曼拏羅
50 53 to restore 行人設復未入曼拏羅
51 53 to respond; to reply to 行人設復未入曼拏羅
52 53 Fu; Return 行人設復未入曼拏羅
53 53 to retaliate; to reciprocate 行人設復未入曼拏羅
54 53 to avoid forced labor or tax 行人設復未入曼拏羅
55 53 Fu 行人設復未入曼拏羅
56 53 doubled; to overlapping; folded 行人設復未入曼拏羅
57 53 a lined garment with doubled thickness 行人設復未入曼拏羅
58 49 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 以金剛三業成就故
59 49 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 以金剛三業成就故
60 49 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 以金剛三業成就故
61 49 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 以金剛三業成就故
62 49 金剛 jīngāng diamond 以金剛三業成就故
63 49 金剛 jīngāng vajra 以金剛三業成就故
64 46 èr two 展二頭指及二拇指
65 46 èr Kangxi radical 7 展二頭指及二拇指
66 46 èr second 展二頭指及二拇指
67 46 èr twice; double; di- 展二頭指及二拇指
68 46 èr more than one kind 展二頭指及二拇指
69 46 èr two; dvā; dvi 展二頭指及二拇指
70 46 èr both; dvaya 展二頭指及二拇指
71 46 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 最上成就印相分第二十四
72 46 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 最上成就印相分第二十四
73 46 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 最上成就印相分第二十四
74 46 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 最上成就印相分第二十四
75 46 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 最上成就印相分第二十四
76 46 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 最上成就印相分第二十四
77 46 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 最上成就印相分第二十四
78 43 suǒ a few; various; some 所求之法無不成就
79 43 suǒ a place; a location 所求之法無不成就
80 43 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所求之法無不成就
81 43 suǒ an ordinal number 所求之法無不成就
82 43 suǒ meaning 所求之法無不成就
83 43 suǒ garrison 所求之法無不成就
84 43 suǒ place; pradeśa 所求之法無不成就
85 43 method; way 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
86 43 France 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
87 43 the law; rules; regulations 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
88 43 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
89 43 a standard; a norm 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
90 43 an institution 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
91 43 to emulate 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
92 43 magic; a magic trick 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
93 43 punishment 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
94 43 Fa 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
95 43 a precedent 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
96 43 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
97 43 relating to a ceremony or rite 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
98 43 Dharma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
99 43 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
100 43 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
101 43 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
102 43 quality; characteristic 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
103 42 míng fame; renown; reputation 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
104 42 míng a name; personal name; designation 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
105 42 míng rank; position 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
106 42 míng an excuse 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
107 42 míng life 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
108 42 míng to name; to call 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
109 42 míng to express; to describe 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
110 42 míng to be called; to have the name 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
111 42 míng to own; to possess 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
112 42 míng famous; renowned 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
113 42 míng moral 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
114 42 míng name; naman 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
115 42 míng fame; renown; yasas 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
116 37 to join; to combine 二合
117 37 to close 二合
118 37 to agree with; equal to 二合
119 37 to gather 二合
120 37 whole 二合
121 37 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
122 37 a musical note 二合
123 37 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
124 37 to fight 二合
125 37 to conclude 二合
126 37 to be similar to 二合
127 37 crowded 二合
128 37 a box 二合
129 37 to copulate 二合
130 37 a partner; a spouse 二合
131 37 harmonious 二合
132 37 He 二合
133 37 a container for grain measurement 二合
134 37 Merge 二合
135 37 unite; saṃyoga 二合
136 35 wèi to call 謂諸法儀軌
137 35 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸法儀軌
138 35 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸法儀軌
139 35 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸法儀軌
140 35 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸法儀軌
141 35 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸法儀軌
142 35 wèi to think 謂諸法儀軌
143 35 wèi for; is to be 謂諸法儀軌
144 35 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸法儀軌
145 35 wèi principle; reason 謂諸法儀軌
146 35 wèi Wei 謂諸法儀軌
147 35 big; huge; large 此大祕密印
148 35 Kangxi radical 37 此大祕密印
149 35 great; major; important 此大祕密印
150 35 size 此大祕密印
151 35 old 此大祕密印
152 35 oldest; earliest 此大祕密印
153 35 adult 此大祕密印
154 35 dài an important person 此大祕密印
155 35 senior 此大祕密印
156 35 an element 此大祕密印
157 35 great; mahā 此大祕密印
158 35 yán to speak; to say; said 頂禮於本尊而發是言
159 35 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 頂禮於本尊而發是言
160 35 yán Kangxi radical 149 頂禮於本尊而發是言
161 35 yán phrase; sentence 頂禮於本尊而發是言
162 35 yán a word; a syllable 頂禮於本尊而發是言
163 35 yán a theory; a doctrine 頂禮於本尊而發是言
164 35 yán to regard as 頂禮於本尊而發是言
165 35 yán to act as 頂禮於本尊而發是言
166 35 yán word; vacana 頂禮於本尊而發是言
167 35 yán speak; vad 頂禮於本尊而發是言
168 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
169 34 ér as if; to seem like 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
170 34 néng can; able 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
171 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
172 34 ér to arrive; up to 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
173 32 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 皆悉能成
174 32 chéng to become; to turn into 皆悉能成
175 32 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 皆悉能成
176 32 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 皆悉能成
177 32 chéng a full measure of 皆悉能成
178 32 chéng whole 皆悉能成
179 32 chéng set; established 皆悉能成
180 32 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 皆悉能成
181 32 chéng to reconcile 皆悉能成
182 32 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 皆悉能成
183 32 chéng composed of 皆悉能成
184 32 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 皆悉能成
185 32 chéng capable; able; accomplished 皆悉能成
186 32 chéng to help somebody achieve something 皆悉能成
187 32 chéng Cheng 皆悉能成
188 32 chéng Become 皆悉能成
189 32 chéng becoming; bhāva 皆悉能成
190 32 to be near by; to be close to 是即金剛薩埵
191 32 at that time 是即金剛薩埵
192 32 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 是即金剛薩埵
193 32 supposed; so-called 是即金剛薩埵
194 32 to arrive at; to ascend 是即金剛薩埵
195 29 to use; to grasp 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
196 29 to rely on 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
197 29 to regard 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
198 29 to be able to 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
199 29 to order; to command 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
200 29 used after a verb 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
201 29 a reason; a cause 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
202 29 Israel 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
203 29 Yi 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
204 29 use; yogena 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
205 26 一句 yījù a sentence 一句
206 26 一句 yījù a single verse; a single word 一句
207 25 ǎn to contain
208 25 ǎn to eat with the hands
209 25 金剛薩埵 jīngāng sàduǒ Vajrasattva 是即金剛薩埵
210 24 zhě ca 修此大印者
211 22 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又復十指相交如拳
212 22 祕密 mìmì a secret 此大祕密印
213 22 祕密 mìmì secret 此大祕密印
214 21 to go; to 於諸成就得大自在
215 21 to rely on; to depend on 於諸成就得大自在
216 21 Yu 於諸成就得大自在
217 21 a crow 於諸成就得大自在
218 21 sporadic; scattered 薩哩嚩
219 21 薩哩嚩
220 20 gōu a hook; a barb 復二中指如鈎
221 20 gōu a sickle; stroke with 復二中指如鈎
222 20 gōu to stroke with 復二中指如鈎
223 19 最上 zuìshàng supreme 最上成就印相分第二十四
224 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 若授灌頂者
225 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 若授灌頂者
226 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 若授灌頂者
227 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 若授灌頂者
228 18 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 善成諸部法
229 18 shàn happy 善成諸部法
230 18 shàn good 善成諸部法
231 18 shàn kind-hearted 善成諸部法
232 18 shàn to be skilled at something 善成諸部法
233 18 shàn familiar 善成諸部法
234 18 shàn to repair 善成諸部法
235 18 shàn to admire 善成諸部法
236 18 shàn to praise 善成諸部法
237 18 shàn Shan 善成諸部法
238 18 shàn wholesome; virtuous 善成諸部法
239 17 fu 薩哩嚩
240 17 va 薩哩嚩
241 17 desire 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
242 17 to desire; to wish 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
243 17 to desire; to intend 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
244 17 lust 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
245 17 desire; intention; wish; kāma 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
246 17 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 依如是法儀
247 17 大樂 dà lè great bliss; mahāsukha 大樂自在
248 16 to reach 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
249 16 to attain 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
250 16 to understand 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
251 16 able to be compared to; to catch up with 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
252 16 to be involved with; to associate with 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
253 16 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
254 16 and; ca; api 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
255 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得諸佛恭敬供養
256 16 děi to want to; to need to 得諸佛恭敬供養
257 16 děi must; ought to 得諸佛恭敬供養
258 16 de 得諸佛恭敬供養
259 16 de infix potential marker 得諸佛恭敬供養
260 16 to result in 得諸佛恭敬供養
261 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得諸佛恭敬供養
262 16 to be satisfied 得諸佛恭敬供養
263 16 to be finished 得諸佛恭敬供養
264 16 děi satisfying 得諸佛恭敬供養
265 16 to contract 得諸佛恭敬供養
266 16 to hear 得諸佛恭敬供養
267 16 to have; there is 得諸佛恭敬供養
268 16 marks time passed 得諸佛恭敬供養
269 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 得諸佛恭敬供養
270 16 xīn heart [organ] 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
271 16 xīn Kangxi radical 61 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
272 16 xīn mind; consciousness 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
273 16 xīn the center; the core; the middle 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
274 16 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
275 16 xīn heart 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
276 16 xīn emotion 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
277 16 xīn intention; consideration 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
278 16 xīn disposition; temperament 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
279 16 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
280 16 xīn heart; hṛdaya 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
281 16 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
282 16 真實 zhēnshí true; real; authentic; actual 微妙真實理
283 16 真實 zhēnshí true reality 微妙真實理
284 15 reason; logic; truth 微妙真實理
285 15 to manage 微妙真實理
286 15 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 微妙真實理
287 15 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 微妙真實理
288 15 a natural science 微妙真實理
289 15 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 微妙真實理
290 15 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 微妙真實理
291 15 a judge 微妙真實理
292 15 li; moral principle 微妙真實理
293 15 to tidy up; to put in order 微妙真實理
294 15 grain; texture 微妙真實理
295 15 reason; logic; truth 微妙真實理
296 15 principle; naya 微妙真實理
297 15 děng et cetera; and so on 與金剛薩埵等無有異
298 15 děng to wait 與金剛薩埵等無有異
299 15 děng to be equal 與金剛薩埵等無有異
300 15 děng degree; level 與金剛薩埵等無有異
301 15 děng to compare 與金剛薩埵等無有異
302 15 děng same; equal; sama 與金剛薩埵等無有異
303 15 Yi 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
304 15 néng can; able 皆悉能成
305 15 néng ability; capacity 皆悉能成
306 15 néng a mythical bear-like beast 皆悉能成
307 15 néng energy 皆悉能成
308 15 néng function; use 皆悉能成
309 15 néng talent 皆悉能成
310 15 néng expert at 皆悉能成
311 15 néng to be in harmony 皆悉能成
312 15 néng to tend to; to care for 皆悉能成
313 15 néng to reach; to arrive at 皆悉能成
314 15 néng to be able; śak 皆悉能成
315 15 néng skilful; pravīṇa 皆悉能成
316 15 zhǐ to point 其印當十指相合
317 15 zhǐ finger 其印當十指相合
318 15 zhǐ to indicate 其印當十指相合
319 15 zhǐ to make one's hair stand on end 其印當十指相合
320 15 zhǐ to refer to 其印當十指相合
321 15 zhǐ to rely on; to depend on 其印當十指相合
322 15 zhǐ toe 其印當十指相合
323 15 zhǐ to face towards 其印當十指相合
324 15 zhǐ to face upwards; to be upright 其印當十指相合
325 15 zhǐ to take responsibility for 其印當十指相合
326 15 zhǐ meaning; purpose 其印當十指相合
327 15 zhǐ to denounce 其印當十指相合
328 15 zhǐ finger; aṅguli 其印當十指相合
329 15 一切 yīqiè temporary 獲一切聖財
330 15 一切 yīqiè the same 獲一切聖財
331 14 微妙 wēimiào subtle and wonderous 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
332 14 微妙 wēimiào subtle, profound 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
333 14 微妙 wēimiào wonderful; virāj 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
334 14 jié to bond; to tie; to bind 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
335 14 jié a knot 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
336 14 jié to conclude; to come to a result 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
337 14 jié to provide a bond for; to contract 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
338 14 jié pent-up 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
339 14 jié a written pledge from an authority acknowledging an issue 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
340 14 jié a bound state 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
341 14 jié hair worn in a topknot 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
342 14 jiē firm; secure 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
343 14 jié to plait; to thatch; to weave 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
344 14 jié to form; to organize 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
345 14 jié to congeal; to crystallize 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
346 14 jié a junction 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
347 14 jié a node 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
348 14 jiē to bear fruit 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
349 14 jiē stutter 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
350 14 jié a fetter 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
351 14 曼拏羅 mànnáluó mandala 行人設復未入曼拏羅
352 14 根本 gēnběn fundamental; basic 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
353 14 根本 gēnběn a foundation; a basis 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
354 14 根本 gēnběn root 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
355 14 根本 gēnběn capital 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
356 14 根本 gēnběn Basis 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
357 14 根本 gēnběn mūla; root 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
358 14 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
359 14 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
360 14 shuì to persuade 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
361 14 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
362 14 shuō a doctrine; a theory 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
363 14 shuō to claim; to assert 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
364 14 shuō allocution 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
365 14 shuō to criticize; to scold 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
366 14 shuō to indicate; to refer to 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
367 14 shuō speach; vāda 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
368 14 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
369 14 shuō to instruct 復說金剛薩埵根本大印
370 14 儀軌 yí guǐ ritual; ritual manual 依諸儀軌不離金剛語
371 13 Qi 其印當十指相合
372 13 to carry on the shoulder 何名最上教
373 13 what 何名最上教
374 13 He 何名最上教
375 13 所有 suǒyǒu to belong to 所有盡無盡成就法
376 12 堅固 jiāngù solid; firm; hard; stable; steadfast 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
377 12 堅固 jiāngù sāla 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
378 12 堅固 jiāngù Kevaṭṭạ 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
379 12 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 得諸佛恭敬供養
380 11 quán fist 又復十指相交如拳
381 11 quán boxing; martial arts 又復十指相交如拳
382 11 quán curled up 又復十指相交如拳
383 11 quán Quan 又復十指相交如拳
384 11 quán powerful 又復十指相交如拳
385 11 quán a fist; muṣṭi 又復十指相交如拳
386 11 apparatus 依如是法儀
387 11 a rite; a ceremony 依如是法儀
388 11 appearance; demeanor 依如是法儀
389 11 a gift 依如是法儀
390 11 a norm; a standard 依如是法儀
391 11 to admire 依如是法儀
392 11 embellishment 依如是法儀
393 11 formal dress 依如是法儀
394 11 an analogue; a match 依如是法儀
395 11 to be inclined; to trend 依如是法儀
396 11 to watch 依如是法儀
397 11 to come 依如是法儀
398 11 Yi 依如是法儀
399 11 ritual; vidhi 依如是法儀
400 11 wéi to act as; to serve 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
401 11 wéi to change into; to become 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
402 11 wéi to be; is 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
403 11 wéi to do 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
404 11 wèi to support; to help 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
405 11 wéi to govern 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
406 11 wèi to be; bhū 又復若為弟子授灌頂者
407 11 一切如來 yīqiè rúlái all Tathagatas 所有一切如來及諸菩薩
408 11 二手 èrshǒu second-hand 先當二手作如金剛鉢相
409 11 二手 èrshǒu assistant 先當二手作如金剛鉢相
410 11 luó baby talk 努囉
411 11 luō to nag 努囉
412 11 luó ra 努囉
413 11 tóu head 展二頭指及二拇指
414 11 tóu top 展二頭指及二拇指
415 11 tóu a piece; an aspect 展二頭指及二拇指
416 11 tóu a leader 展二頭指及二拇指
417 11 tóu first 展二頭指及二拇指
418 11 tóu hair 展二頭指及二拇指
419 11 tóu start; end 展二頭指及二拇指
420 11 tóu a commission 展二頭指及二拇指
421 11 tóu a person 展二頭指及二拇指
422 11 tóu direction; bearing 展二頭指及二拇指
423 11 tóu previous 展二頭指及二拇指
424 11 tóu head; śiras 展二頭指及二拇指
425 11 大印 dàyìn stamp; official seal 修此大印者
426 11 大印 dàyìn great mudra 修此大印者
427 11 zhào to call together; to summon; to convene 安於本心如作鈎召勢
428 11 zhào to recruit; to attract 安於本心如作鈎召勢
429 11 zhào an imperial decree 安於本心如作鈎召勢
430 11 shào Shao 安於本心如作鈎召勢
431 11 shào state of Shao 安於本心如作鈎召勢
432 11 zhào to summon; āhūta 安於本心如作鈎召勢
433 10 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 亦名清淨諸法印
434 10 shēn human body; torso 若用此印安病人身
435 10 shēn Kangxi radical 158 若用此印安病人身
436 10 shēn self 若用此印安病人身
437 10 shēn life 若用此印安病人身
438 10 shēn an object 若用此印安病人身
439 10 shēn a lifetime 若用此印安病人身
440 10 shēn moral character 若用此印安病人身
441 10 shēn status; identity; position 若用此印安病人身
442 10 shēn pregnancy 若用此印安病人身
443 10 juān India 若用此印安病人身
444 10 shēn body; kāya 若用此印安病人身
445 10 to depend on; to lean on 依如是法儀
446 10 to comply with; to follow 依如是法儀
447 10 to help 依如是法儀
448 10 flourishing 依如是法儀
449 10 lovable 依如是法儀
450 10 bonds; substratum; upadhi 依如是法儀
451 10 refuge; śaraṇa 依如是法儀
452 10 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 依如是法儀
453 10 Kangxi radical 49 如是鈎召已
454 10 to bring to an end; to stop 如是鈎召已
455 10 to complete 如是鈎召已
456 10 to demote; to dismiss 如是鈎召已
457 10 to recover from an illness 如是鈎召已
458 10 former; pūrvaka 如是鈎召已
459 10 本尊 běn zūn istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
460 10 xiàng to observe; to assess 與二拇指相捻
461 10 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 與二拇指相捻
462 10 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 與二拇指相捻
463 10 xiàng to aid; to help 與二拇指相捻
464 10 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 與二拇指相捻
465 10 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 與二拇指相捻
466 10 xiāng alternately; in turn 與二拇指相捻
467 10 xiāng Xiang 與二拇指相捻
468 10 xiāng form substance 與二拇指相捻
469 10 xiāng to express 與二拇指相捻
470 10 xiàng to choose 與二拇指相捻
471 10 xiāng Xiang 與二拇指相捻
472 10 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 與二拇指相捻
473 10 xiāng the seventh lunar month 與二拇指相捻
474 10 xiāng to compare 與二拇指相捻
475 10 xiàng to divine 與二拇指相捻
476 10 xiàng to administer 與二拇指相捻
477 10 xiàng helper for a blind person 與二拇指相捻
478 10 xiāng rhythm [music] 與二拇指相捻
479 10 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 與二拇指相捻
480 10 xiāng coralwood 與二拇指相捻
481 10 xiàng ministry 與二拇指相捻
482 10 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 與二拇指相捻
483 10 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 與二拇指相捻
484 10 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 與二拇指相捻
485 10 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 與二拇指相捻
486 10 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 與二拇指相捻
487 10 zhī to go 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
488 10 zhī to arrive; to go 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
489 10 zhī is 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
490 10 zhī to use 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
491 10 zhī Zhi 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
492 10 zhī winding 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
493 10 金剛手 jīngāng Shǒu Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani Bodhisattva 復名金剛手
494 10 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 定成供養事
495 10 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 定成供養事
496 10 供養 gòngyǎng offering 定成供養事
497 10 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 定成供養事
498 10 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
499 10 míng Ming 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
500 10 míng Ming Dynasty 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時

Frequencies of all Words

Top 930

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 87 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
2 87 yìn India 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
3 87 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
4 87 yìn a seal; a stamp 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
5 87 yìn to tally 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
6 87 yìn a vestige; a trace 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
7 87 yìn Yin 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
8 87 yìn to leave a track or trace 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
9 87 yìn mudra 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
10 73 yǐn to lead; to guide
11 73 yǐn to draw a bow
12 73 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
13 73 yǐn to stretch
14 73 yǐn to involve
15 73 yǐn to quote; to cite
16 73 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
17 73 yǐn to recruit
18 73 yǐn to hold
19 73 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
20 73 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
21 73 yǐn a preface ; a forward
22 73 yǐn a license
23 73 yǐn long
24 73 yǐn yin; a measure of distance about 1/30th of a km
25 73 yǐn to cause
26 73 yǐn yin; a measure of for salt certificates
27 73 yǐn to pull; to draw
28 73 yǐn a refrain; a tune
29 73 yǐn to grow
30 73 yǐn to command
31 73 yǐn to accuse
32 73 yǐn to commit suicide
33 73 yǐn a genre
34 73 yǐn yin; a weight measure
35 73 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
36 73 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
37 68 zuò to do 安於本心如作鈎召勢
38 68 zuò to act as; to serve as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
39 68 zuò to start 安於本心如作鈎召勢
40 68 zuò a writing; a work 安於本心如作鈎召勢
41 68 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
42 68 zuō to create; to make 安於本心如作鈎召勢
43 68 zuō a workshop 安於本心如作鈎召勢
44 68 zuō to write; to compose 安於本心如作鈎召勢
45 68 zuò to rise 安於本心如作鈎召勢
46 68 zuò to be aroused 安於本心如作鈎召勢
47 68 zuò activity; action; undertaking 安於本心如作鈎召勢
48 68 zuò to regard as 安於本心如作鈎召勢
49 68 zuò action; kāraṇa 安於本心如作鈎召勢
50 67 zhū all; many; various 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
51 67 zhū Zhu 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
52 67 zhū all; members of the class 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
53 67 zhū interrogative particle 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
54 67 zhū him; her; them; it 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
55 67 zhū of; in 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
56 67 zhū all; many; sarva 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
57 62 shì is; are; am; to be 是即金剛薩埵
58 62 shì is exactly 是即金剛薩埵
59 62 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是即金剛薩埵
60 62 shì this; that; those 是即金剛薩埵
61 62 shì really; certainly 是即金剛薩埵
62 62 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是即金剛薩埵
63 62 shì true 是即金剛薩埵
64 62 shì is; has; exists 是即金剛薩埵
65 62 shì used between repetitions of a word 是即金剛薩埵
66 62 shì a matter; an affair 是即金剛薩埵
67 62 shì Shi 是即金剛薩埵
68 62 shì is; bhū 是即金剛薩埵
69 62 shì this; idam 是即金剛薩埵
70 53 again; more; repeatedly 行人設復未入曼拏羅
71 53 to go back; to return 行人設復未入曼拏羅
72 53 to resume; to restart 行人設復未入曼拏羅
73 53 to do in detail 行人設復未入曼拏羅
74 53 to restore 行人設復未入曼拏羅
75 53 to respond; to reply to 行人設復未入曼拏羅
76 53 after all; and then 行人設復未入曼拏羅
77 53 even if; although 行人設復未入曼拏羅
78 53 Fu; Return 行人設復未入曼拏羅
79 53 to retaliate; to reciprocate 行人設復未入曼拏羅
80 53 to avoid forced labor or tax 行人設復未入曼拏羅
81 53 particle without meaing 行人設復未入曼拏羅
82 53 Fu 行人設復未入曼拏羅
83 53 repeated; again 行人設復未入曼拏羅
84 53 doubled; to overlapping; folded 行人設復未入曼拏羅
85 53 a lined garment with doubled thickness 行人設復未入曼拏羅
86 53 again; punar 行人設復未入曼拏羅
87 49 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 以金剛三業成就故
88 49 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 以金剛三業成就故
89 49 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 以金剛三業成就故
90 49 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 以金剛三業成就故
91 49 金剛 jīngāng diamond 以金剛三業成就故
92 49 金剛 jīngāng vajra 以金剛三業成就故
93 46 èr two 展二頭指及二拇指
94 46 èr Kangxi radical 7 展二頭指及二拇指
95 46 èr second 展二頭指及二拇指
96 46 èr twice; double; di- 展二頭指及二拇指
97 46 èr another; the other 展二頭指及二拇指
98 46 èr more than one kind 展二頭指及二拇指
99 46 èr two; dvā; dvi 展二頭指及二拇指
100 46 èr both; dvaya 展二頭指及二拇指
101 46 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 最上成就印相分第二十四
102 46 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 最上成就印相分第二十四
103 46 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 最上成就印相分第二十四
104 46 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 最上成就印相分第二十四
105 46 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 最上成就印相分第二十四
106 46 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 最上成就印相分第二十四
107 46 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 最上成就印相分第二十四
108 43 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所求之法無不成就
109 43 suǒ an office; an institute 所求之法無不成就
110 43 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所求之法無不成就
111 43 suǒ it 所求之法無不成就
112 43 suǒ if; supposing 所求之法無不成就
113 43 suǒ a few; various; some 所求之法無不成就
114 43 suǒ a place; a location 所求之法無不成就
115 43 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所求之法無不成就
116 43 suǒ that which 所求之法無不成就
117 43 suǒ an ordinal number 所求之法無不成就
118 43 suǒ meaning 所求之法無不成就
119 43 suǒ garrison 所求之法無不成就
120 43 suǒ place; pradeśa 所求之法無不成就
121 43 suǒ that which; yad 所求之法無不成就
122 43 this; these 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
123 43 in this way 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
124 43 otherwise; but; however; so 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
125 43 at this time; now; here 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
126 43 this; here; etad 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
127 43 method; way 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
128 43 France 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
129 43 the law; rules; regulations 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
130 43 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
131 43 a standard; a norm 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
132 43 an institution 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
133 43 to emulate 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
134 43 magic; a magic trick 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
135 43 punishment 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
136 43 Fa 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
137 43 a precedent 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
138 43 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
139 43 relating to a ceremony or rite 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
140 43 Dharma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
141 43 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
142 43 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
143 43 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
144 43 quality; characteristic 宣說此決定不空最上善巧微妙廣大不可思議甚深之法
145 42 míng measure word for people 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
146 42 míng fame; renown; reputation 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
147 42 míng a name; personal name; designation 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
148 42 míng rank; position 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
149 42 míng an excuse 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
150 42 míng life 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
151 42 míng to name; to call 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
152 42 míng to express; to describe 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
153 42 míng to be called; to have the name 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
154 42 míng to own; to possess 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
155 42 míng famous; renowned 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
156 42 míng moral 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
157 42 míng name; naman 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
158 42 míng fame; renown; yasas 亦名金剛祕密三昧印
159 37 to join; to combine 二合
160 37 a time; a trip 二合
161 37 to close 二合
162 37 to agree with; equal to 二合
163 37 to gather 二合
164 37 whole 二合
165 37 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
166 37 a musical note 二合
167 37 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
168 37 to fight 二合
169 37 to conclude 二合
170 37 to be similar to 二合
171 37 and; also 二合
172 37 crowded 二合
173 37 a box 二合
174 37 to copulate 二合
175 37 a partner; a spouse 二合
176 37 harmonious 二合
177 37 should 二合
178 37 He 二合
179 37 a unit of measure for grain 二合
180 37 a container for grain measurement 二合
181 37 Merge 二合
182 37 unite; saṃyoga 二合
183 37 such as; for example; for instance 又復十指相交如拳
184 37 if 又復十指相交如拳
185 37 in accordance with 又復十指相交如拳
186 37 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 又復十指相交如拳
187 37 this 又復十指相交如拳
188 37 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 又復十指相交如拳
189 37 to go to 又復十指相交如拳
190 37 to meet 又復十指相交如拳
191 37 to appear; to seem; to be like 又復十指相交如拳
192 37 at least as good as 又復十指相交如拳
193 37 and 又復十指相交如拳
194 37 or 又復十指相交如拳
195 37 but 又復十指相交如拳
196 37 then 又復十指相交如拳
197 37 naturally 又復十指相交如拳
198 37 expresses a question or doubt 又復十指相交如拳
199 37 you 又復十指相交如拳
200 37 the second lunar month 又復十指相交如拳
201 37 in; at 又復十指相交如拳
202 37 Ru 又復十指相交如拳
203 37 Thus 又復十指相交如拳
204 37 thus; tathā 又復十指相交如拳
205 37 like; iva 又復十指相交如拳
206 37 suchness; tathatā 又復十指相交如拳
207 35 wèi to call 謂諸法儀軌
208 35 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸法儀軌
209 35 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸法儀軌
210 35 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸法儀軌
211 35 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸法儀軌
212 35 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸法儀軌
213 35 wèi to think 謂諸法儀軌
214 35 wèi for; is to be 謂諸法儀軌
215 35 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸法儀軌
216 35 wèi and 謂諸法儀軌
217 35 wèi principle; reason 謂諸法儀軌
218 35 wèi Wei 謂諸法儀軌
219 35 wèi which; what; yad 謂諸法儀軌
220 35 wèi to say; iti 謂諸法儀軌
221 35 big; huge; large 此大祕密印
222 35 Kangxi radical 37 此大祕密印
223 35 great; major; important 此大祕密印
224 35 size 此大祕密印
225 35 old 此大祕密印
226 35 greatly; very 此大祕密印
227 35 oldest; earliest 此大祕密印
228 35 adult 此大祕密印
229 35 tài greatest; grand 此大祕密印
230 35 dài an important person 此大祕密印
231 35 senior 此大祕密印
232 35 approximately 此大祕密印
233 35 tài greatest; grand 此大祕密印
234 35 an element 此大祕密印
235 35 great; mahā 此大祕密印
236 35 yán to speak; to say; said 頂禮於本尊而發是言
237 35 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 頂禮於本尊而發是言
238 35 yán Kangxi radical 149 頂禮於本尊而發是言
239 35 yán a particle with no meaning 頂禮於本尊而發是言
240 35 yán phrase; sentence 頂禮於本尊而發是言
241 35 yán a word; a syllable 頂禮於本尊而發是言
242 35 yán a theory; a doctrine 頂禮於本尊而發是言
243 35 yán to regard as 頂禮於本尊而發是言
244 35 yán to act as 頂禮於本尊而發是言
245 35 yán word; vacana 頂禮於本尊而發是言
246 35 yán speak; vad 頂禮於本尊而發是言
247 34 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
248 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
249 34 ér you 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
250 34 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
251 34 ér right away; then 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
252 34 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
253 34 ér if; in case; in the event that 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
254 34 ér therefore; as a result; thus 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
255 34 ér how can it be that? 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
256 34 ér so as to 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
257 34 ér only then 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
258 34 ér as if; to seem like 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
259 34 néng can; able 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
260 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
261 34 ér me 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
262 34 ér to arrive; up to 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
263 34 ér possessive 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
264 34 ér and; ca 入於曼拏羅而先頂禮本尊
265 32 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 皆悉能成
266 32 chéng one tenth 皆悉能成
267 32 chéng to become; to turn into 皆悉能成
268 32 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 皆悉能成
269 32 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 皆悉能成
270 32 chéng a full measure of 皆悉能成
271 32 chéng whole 皆悉能成
272 32 chéng set; established 皆悉能成
273 32 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 皆悉能成
274 32 chéng to reconcile 皆悉能成
275 32 chéng alright; OK 皆悉能成
276 32 chéng an area of ten square miles 皆悉能成
277 32 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 皆悉能成
278 32 chéng composed of 皆悉能成
279 32 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 皆悉能成
280 32 chéng capable; able; accomplished 皆悉能成
281 32 chéng to help somebody achieve something 皆悉能成
282 32 chéng Cheng 皆悉能成
283 32 chéng Become 皆悉能成
284 32 chéng becoming; bhāva 皆悉能成
285 32 promptly; right away; immediately 是即金剛薩埵
286 32 to be near by; to be close to 是即金剛薩埵
287 32 at that time 是即金剛薩埵
288 32 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 是即金剛薩埵
289 32 supposed; so-called 是即金剛薩埵
290 32 if; but 是即金剛薩埵
291 32 to arrive at; to ascend 是即金剛薩埵
292 32 then; following 是即金剛薩埵
293 32 so; just so; eva 是即金剛薩埵
294 29 so as to; in order to 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
295 29 to use; to regard as 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
296 29 to use; to grasp 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
297 29 according to 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
298 29 because of 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
299 29 on a certain date 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
300 29 and; as well as 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
301 29 to rely on 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
302 29 to regard 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
303 29 to be able to 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
304 29 to order; to command 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
305 29 further; moreover 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
306 29 used after a verb 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
307 29 very 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
308 29 already 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
309 29 increasingly 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
310 29 a reason; a cause 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
311 29 Israel 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
312 29 Yi 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
313 29 use; yogena 然後以左手結堅固一切智印
314 26 一句 yījù a sentence 一句
315 26 一句 yījù a single verse; a single word 一句
316 25 ǎn om
317 25 ǎn to contain
318 25 ǎn to eat with the hands
319 25 ǎn exclamation expressing doubt
320 25 ǎn om
321 25 金剛薩埵 jīngāng sàduǒ Vajrasattva 是即金剛薩埵
322 24 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 修此大印者
323 24 zhě that 修此大印者
324 24 zhě nominalizing function word 修此大印者
325 24 zhě used to mark a definition 修此大印者
326 24 zhě used to mark a pause 修此大印者
327 24 zhě topic marker; that; it 修此大印者
328 24 zhuó according to 修此大印者
329 24 zhě ca 修此大印者
330 22 yòu again; also 又復十指相交如拳
331 22 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又復十指相交如拳
332 22 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又復十指相交如拳
333 22 yòu and 又復十指相交如拳
334 22 yòu furthermore 又復十指相交如拳
335 22 yòu in addition 又復十指相交如拳
336 22 yòu but 又復十指相交如拳
337 22 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又復十指相交如拳
338 22 祕密 mìmì a secret 此大祕密印
339 22 祕密 mìmì secret 此大祕密印
340 21 in; at 於諸成就得大自在
341 21 in; at 於諸成就得大自在
342 21 in; at; to; from 於諸成就得大自在
343 21 to go; to 於諸成就得大自在
344 21 to rely on; to depend on 於諸成就得大自在
345 21 to go to; to arrive at 於諸成就得大自在
346 21 from 於諸成就得大自在
347 21 give 於諸成就得大自在
348 21 oppposing 於諸成就得大自在
349 21 and 於諸成就得大自在
350 21 compared to 於諸成就得大自在
351 21 by 於諸成就得大自在
352 21 and; as well as 於諸成就得大自在
353 21 for 於諸成就得大自在
354 21 Yu 於諸成就得大自在
355 21 a crow 於諸成就得大自在
356 21 whew; wow 於諸成就得大自在
357 21 near to; antike 於諸成就得大自在
358 21 a mile 薩哩嚩
359 21 a sentence ending particle 薩哩嚩
360 21 sporadic; scattered 薩哩嚩
361 21 薩哩嚩
362 21 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 行人當隨意隨處
363 21 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 行人當隨意隨處
364 21 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 行人當隨意隨處
365 21 dāng to face 行人當隨意隨處
366 21 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 行人當隨意隨處
367 21 dāng to manage; to host 行人當隨意隨處
368 21 dāng should 行人當隨意隨處
369 21 dāng to treat; to regard as 行人當隨意隨處
370 21 dǎng to think 行人當隨意隨處
371 21 dàng suitable; correspond to 行人當隨意隨處
372 21 dǎng to be equal 行人當隨意隨處
373 21 dàng that 行人當隨意隨處
374 21 dāng an end; top 行人當隨意隨處
375 21 dàng clang; jingle 行人當隨意隨處
376 21 dāng to judge 行人當隨意隨處
377 21 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 行人當隨意隨處
378 21 dàng the same 行人當隨意隨處
379 21 dàng to pawn 行人當隨意隨處
380 21 dàng to fail [an exam] 行人當隨意隨處
381 21 dàng a trap 行人當隨意隨處
382 21 dàng a pawned item 行人當隨意隨處
383 21 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 行人當隨意隨處
384 20 gōu a hook; a barb 復二中指如鈎
385 20 gōu a sickle; stroke with 復二中指如鈎
386 20 gōu to stroke with 復二中指如鈎
387 20 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
388 20 ruò seemingly 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
389 20 ruò if 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
390 20 ruò you 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
391 20 ruò this; that 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
392 20 ruò and; or 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
393 20 ruò as for; pertaining to 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
394 20 pomegranite 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
395 20 ruò to choose 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
396 20 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
397 20 ruò thus 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
398 20 ruò pollia 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
399 20 ruò Ruo 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
400 20 ruò only then 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
401 20 ja 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
402 20 jñā 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
403 20 ruò if; yadi 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
404 19 最上 zuìshàng supreme 最上成就印相分第二十四
405 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 若授灌頂者
406 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 若授灌頂者
407 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 若授灌頂者
408 18 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 若授灌頂者
409 18 云何 yúnhé why; how 是儀軌云何
410 18 云何 yúnhé how; katham 是儀軌云何
411 18 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 善成諸部法
412 18 shàn happy 善成諸部法
413 18 shàn good 善成諸部法
414 18 shàn kind-hearted 善成諸部法
415 18 shàn to be skilled at something 善成諸部法
416 18 shàn familiar 善成諸部法
417 18 shàn to repair 善成諸部法
418 18 shàn to admire 善成諸部法
419 18 shàn to praise 善成諸部法
420 18 shàn numerous; frequent; easy 善成諸部法
421 18 shàn Shan 善成諸部法
422 18 shàn wholesome; virtuous 善成諸部法
423 18 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆悉能成
424 18 jiē same; equally 皆悉能成
425 18 jiē all; sarva 皆悉能成
426 17 fu 薩哩嚩
427 17 va 薩哩嚩
428 17 desire 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
429 17 to desire; to wish 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
430 17 almost; nearly; about to occur 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
431 17 to desire; to intend 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
432 17 lust 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
433 17 desire; intention; wish; kāma 當得金剛薩埵大欲大樂
434 17 如是 rúshì thus; so 依如是法儀
435 17 如是 rúshì thus, so 依如是法儀
436 17 如是 rúshì thus; evam 依如是法儀
437 17 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 依如是法儀
438 17 大樂 dà lè great bliss; mahāsukha 大樂自在
439 16 to reach 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
440 16 and 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
441 16 coming to; when 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
442 16 to attain 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
443 16 to understand 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
444 16 able to be compared to; to catch up with 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
445 16 to be involved with; to associate with 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
446 16 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
447 16 and; ca; api 乃至諸大菩薩及如來地
448 16 de potential marker 得諸佛恭敬供養
449 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得諸佛恭敬供養
450 16 děi must; ought to 得諸佛恭敬供養
451 16 děi to want to; to need to 得諸佛恭敬供養
452 16 děi must; ought to 得諸佛恭敬供養
453 16 de 得諸佛恭敬供養
454 16 de infix potential marker 得諸佛恭敬供養
455 16 to result in 得諸佛恭敬供養
456 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得諸佛恭敬供養
457 16 to be satisfied 得諸佛恭敬供養
458 16 to be finished 得諸佛恭敬供養
459 16 de result of degree 得諸佛恭敬供養
460 16 de marks completion of an action 得諸佛恭敬供養
461 16 děi satisfying 得諸佛恭敬供養
462 16 to contract 得諸佛恭敬供養
463 16 marks permission or possibility 得諸佛恭敬供養
464 16 expressing frustration 得諸佛恭敬供養
465 16 to hear 得諸佛恭敬供養
466 16 to have; there is 得諸佛恭敬供養
467 16 marks time passed 得諸佛恭敬供養
468 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 得諸佛恭敬供養
469 16 xīn heart [organ] 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
470 16 xīn Kangxi radical 61 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
471 16 xīn mind; consciousness 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
472 16 xīn the center; the core; the middle 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
473 16 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
474 16 xīn heart 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
475 16 xīn emotion 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
476 16 xīn intention; consideration 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
477 16 xīn disposition; temperament 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
478 16 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
479 16 xīn heart; hṛdaya 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
480 16 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 若用此鈎印及心明作鈎召時
481 16 真實 zhēnshí true; real; authentic; actual 微妙真實理
482 16 真實 zhēnshí true reality 微妙真實理
483 15 reason; logic; truth 微妙真實理
484 15 to manage 微妙真實理
485 15 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 微妙真實理
486 15 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 微妙真實理
487 15 a natural science 微妙真實理
488 15 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 微妙真實理
489 15 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 微妙真實理
490 15 a judge 微妙真實理
491 15 li; moral principle 微妙真實理
492 15 to tidy up; to put in order 微妙真實理
493 15 grain; texture 微妙真實理
494 15 reason; logic; truth 微妙真實理
495 15 principle; naya 微妙真實理
496 15 děng et cetera; and so on 與金剛薩埵等無有異
497 15 děng to wait 與金剛薩埵等無有異
498 15 děng degree; kind 與金剛薩埵等無有異
499 15 děng plural 與金剛薩埵等無有異
500 15 děng to be equal 與金剛薩埵等無有異


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
yìn mudra
yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
zuò action; kāraṇa
zhū all; many; sarva
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
again; punar
金刚 金剛
  1. jīngāng
  2. jīngāng
  1. diamond
  2. vajra
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
  1. chéngjiù
  2. chéngjiù
  3. chéngjiù
  4. chéngjiù
  5. chéngjiù
  1. accomplishment
  2. Achievements
  3. to attained; to obtain
  4. to bring to perfection; complete
  5. attainment; accomplishment; siddhi
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
宝生 寶生 98 Ratnasaṃbhava
不动如来 不動如來 98 Aksobhya Buddha
不空成就 98 Amoghasiddhi
大辩才 大辯才 100 Sarasvati Devi; Saraswati
法贤 法賢 102 Faxian
佛说最上根本大乐金刚不空三昧大教王经 佛說最上根本大樂金剛不空三昧大教王經 102 Śriparamādhyamantrākalpakhaṇḍa
广饶 廣饒 103 Guanrao
观自在菩萨 觀自在菩薩 103 Avalokitesvara bodhisattva
金刚萨埵 金剛薩埵 106 Vajrasattva
金刚手 金剛手 106 Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金刚手菩萨 金剛手菩薩 106 Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金刚智 金剛智 106
  1. Vajra Wisdom
  2. Vajrabodhi
明教 109
  1. Manicheanism; Manicheism
  2. a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism
  3. outstanding advice
毘卢遮那 毘盧遮那 80 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
毘卢遮那佛 毘盧遮那佛 112 Vairocana Buddha
毘首羯磨 112 Visvakarma; Visvakarman
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
善施 115 Sudatta
西天 120 India; Indian continent
虚空藏 虛空藏 120 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
虚空藏菩萨 虛空藏菩薩 120 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
一切自在 121 Visvabhu; Viśvabhū


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 139.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 196 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
宝部 寶部 98 jewel division
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
本尊 98 istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
遍满 遍滿 98 to fill; paripūrṇa
幖帜 幖幟 98 a symbol
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不退地 98 the ground of non-regression
禅定印 禪定印 99 dhyana mudra
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
成坏 成壞 99 arising and dissolution
称念 稱念 99
  1. chant Buddha's name
  2. to chant the name of the Buddha
成就法 99 sadhana; sādhana
持金刚 持金剛 99
  1. vajradhara
  2. Vajrapāṇi
持诵 持誦 99 to chant; to recite
大究竟 100 dzogchen; great perfection
大乐 大樂 100 great bliss; mahāsukha
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大方便 100 mahopāya; great skillful means; expedient means
大教 100 great teaching; Buddhadharma
当得 當得 100 will reach
大自在 100 Īśvara; self-existent; sovereign
得大自在 100 attaining great freedom
等引 100 equipose; samāhita
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
法鼓 102 a dharma drum; dharmadundubhi; dharmabheri
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法名 102 Dharma name
方便力 102 the power of skillful means
梵音 102
  1. Heavenly Sound
  2. the sound of Buddhist chanting
  3. Brahma's voice
  4. the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
法印 102
  1. Dharma Seal
  2. dharmamudrā; a dharma seal; a mark of the dharma
  3. hōin
发吒 發吒 102
  1. to wreck; to break; to destroy
  2. phat
法幢 102 a stone pilar inscribed with scriptures
忿怒拳 102 vajra fist
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛宝 佛寶 102 the treasure of the Buddha
嚩日啰 嚩日囉 102 vajra
甘露水 103 nectar
纥哩 紇哩 103 hrīḥ
恭敬供养 恭敬供養 103 honored
钩召 鉤召 103 summoning; akarsana
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
观想 觀想 103
  1. contemplation
  2. Visualize
  3. to contemplate; to visualize
观察十方 觀察十方 103 observed the ten directions
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
吽字 104 hum syllable; hum-kara
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
降魔 106 to subdue Mara; to defeat evil
降魔军 降魔軍 106 Mara's army
加行 106
  1. Special Effort Applied Toward Practices
  2. prayoga; preparation; syllogism
  3. determination; vyavacāraṇa
结跏趺坐 結跏趺坐 106 sitting with crossed legs; to sit in the full lotus position
羯磨 106 karma
金刚部 金剛部 106 vajra group; vajra division; vajrakula
金刚杵 金剛杵 106 vajra; thunderbolt
金刚拳 金剛拳 106 vajra fist
金刚三昧 金剛三昧 106 vajrasamādhi
金刚印 金剛印 106 vajra mudra
卷第七 106 scroll 7
空三昧 107 the samādhi of emptiness
利众生 利眾生 108 beneficial to the world
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
莲华部 蓮華部 108 lotus division
曼拏罗 曼拏羅 109 mandala
妙理 109
  1. a suble principle; a wonderous principle
  2. Miaoli
妙乐 妙樂 109
  1. sublime joy
  2. Miaole
密印 109 a mudra
魔军 魔軍 109 Māra's army
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
能变 能變 110 able to change
能破 110 refutation
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
普贤行 普賢行 112 the practice of Samantabhadra
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
清净法界 清淨法界 113 pure dharmadhātu; dharmadhātuviśuddhi
劝请 勸請 113 to request; to implore
如来地 如來地 114 state of a Tathāgata
萨埵 薩埵 115
  1. sentient being; being, existence; essence, nature, life; sense, consciousness
  2. sentient beings
萨啰 薩囉 115 śāla; sara
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三业 三業 115 three types of karma; three actions
三满多 三滿多 115 together with; samanta
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三昧印 115 samādhi seal; samādhi mudra
三摩地 115 samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
善方便 115 Expedient Means
善巧 115
  1. Skillful
  2. virtuous and clever; skilful
摄一切法 攝一切法 115 embraces all dharmas
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
施愿印 施願印 115 varadamudrā; mudra of granting wishes
实智 實智 115
  1. knowledge of reality
  2. true wisdom
十八不共法 115 eighteen distinctive characterisitics; astadasavenikabuddhadharma
授记 授記 115 Vyakarana (prophecies); a prediction; vyākaraṇa
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
四威仪 四威儀 115 Four Kinds of Comportment; four comportments
四无碍 四無礙 115 the four unhindered powers of understanding
随分 隨分 115
  1. according to (one's) allotment
  2. Dharmatāra Sūtra
  3. according to the part assigned; according to lot
  4. according to ability
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
陀罗尼门 陀羅尼門 116 dharani-entrance
为器 為器 119 a fit vessel [to receive the teachings]
五处 五處 119 five places; panca-sthana
五秘密 五祕密 119 five secret ones
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
五蕴 五蘊 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无比法 無比法 119 incomparable truth
无量寿 無量壽 119
  1. infinite life
  2. amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
献供 獻供 120 Offering
香华 香華 120 incense and flowers
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
虚空界 虛空界 120 visible space
仪轨 儀軌 121 ritual; ritual manual
译经 譯經 121 to translate the scriptures
一句 121
  1. a sentence
  2. a single verse; a single word
印明 121 mudra-hrdaya
印相 121 a mudra; a hand gesture
一切处 一切處 121
  1. all places; everywhere
  2. kasina
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切有情 121
  1. all living beings
  2. all sentient beings
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
语业 語業 121 verbal karma
愿求 願求 121 aspires
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
召请 召請 122
  1. Summoning
  2. to invite
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
证法 證法 122 realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
证菩提 證菩提 122 to become a Buddha
真实义 真實義 122
  1. true meaning
  2. true meaning; principle
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
最上 122 supreme
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara