Glossary and Vocabulary for Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa (Pusa Xing Fangbian Jingjie Shentong Bianhua Jing) 佛說菩薩行方便境界神通變化經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 101 to go; to 得於無礙解脫智慧
2 101 to rely on; to depend on 得於無礙解脫智慧
3 101 Yu 得於無礙解脫智慧
4 101 a crow 得於無礙解脫智慧
5 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
6 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
7 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
8 79 xíng to walk 一切入一法界處行
9 79 xíng capable; competent 一切入一法界處行
10 79 háng profession 一切入一法界處行
11 79 xíng Kangxi radical 144 一切入一法界處行
12 79 xíng to travel 一切入一法界處行
13 79 xìng actions; conduct 一切入一法界處行
14 79 xíng to do; to act; to practice 一切入一法界處行
15 79 xíng all right; OK; okay 一切入一法界處行
16 79 háng horizontal line 一切入一法界處行
17 79 héng virtuous deeds 一切入一法界處行
18 79 hàng a line of trees 一切入一法界處行
19 79 hàng bold; steadfast 一切入一法界處行
20 79 xíng to move 一切入一法界處行
21 79 xíng to put into effect; to implement 一切入一法界處行
22 79 xíng travel 一切入一法界處行
23 79 xíng to circulate 一切入一法界處行
24 79 xíng running script; running script 一切入一法界處行
25 79 xíng temporary 一切入一法界處行
26 79 háng rank; order 一切入一法界處行
27 79 háng a business; a shop 一切入一法界處行
28 79 xíng to depart; to leave 一切入一法界處行
29 79 xíng to experience 一切入一法界處行
30 79 xíng path; way 一切入一法界處行
31 79 xíng xing; ballad 一切入一法界處行
32 79 xíng Xing 一切入一法界處行
33 79 xíng Practice 一切入一法界處行
34 79 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 一切入一法界處行
35 79 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 一切入一法界處行
36 54 一切 yīqiè temporary 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
37 54 一切 yīqiè the same 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
38 39 self 我今當問如來是義
39 39 [my] dear 我今當問如來是義
40 39 Wo 我今當問如來是義
41 39 self; atman; attan 我今當問如來是義
42 39 ga 我今當問如來是義
43 37 文殊師利 wénshūshīlì Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri 文殊師利童子菩薩摩訶薩等
44 37 如來 rúlái Tathagata 入度如來
45 37 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 入度如來
46 37 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 入度如來
47 36 Kangxi radical 71 無依止處無依止行
48 36 to not have; without 無依止處無依止行
49 36 mo 無依止處無依止行
50 36 to not have 無依止處無依止行
51 36 Wu 無依止處無依止行
52 36 mo 無依止處無依止行
53 34 suǒ a few; various; some 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
54 34 suǒ a place; a location 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
55 34 suǒ indicates a passive voice 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
56 34 suǒ an ordinal number 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
57 34 suǒ meaning 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
58 34 suǒ garrison 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
59 34 suǒ place; pradeśa 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
60 34 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 勤進修行方便境界
61 34 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 勤進修行方便境界
62 34 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 勤進修行方便境界
63 34 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 勤進修行方便境界
64 34 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 勤進修行方便境界
65 34 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 勤進修行方便境界
66 34 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 勤進修行方便境界
67 34 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 勤進修行方便境界
68 34 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 勤進修行方便境界
69 34 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 勤進修行方便境界
70 34 境界 jìngjiè border area; frontier 勤進修行方便境界
71 34 境界 jìngjiè place; area 勤進修行方便境界
72 34 境界 jìngjiè circumstances; situation 勤進修行方便境界
73 34 境界 jìngjiè field; domain; genre 勤進修行方便境界
74 34 境界 jìngjiè visaya; object; sphere; region; realm of objects; state 勤進修行方便境界
75 33 jiàn to see 見如來身威德隆盛
76 33 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見如來身威德隆盛
77 33 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見如來身威德隆盛
78 33 jiàn refer to; for details see 見如來身威德隆盛
79 33 jiàn to listen to 見如來身威德隆盛
80 33 jiàn to meet 見如來身威德隆盛
81 33 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見如來身威德隆盛
82 33 jiàn let me; kindly 見如來身威德隆盛
83 33 jiàn Jian 見如來身威德隆盛
84 33 xiàn to appear 見如來身威德隆盛
85 33 xiàn to introduce 見如來身威德隆盛
86 33 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見如來身威德隆盛
87 33 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見如來身威德隆盛
88 32 qín attendance 勤進修行方便境界
89 32 qín duty; work 勤進修行方便境界
90 32 qín Qin 勤進修行方便境界
91 32 qín to force to do physical labor 勤進修行方便境界
92 32 qín to help out recover from a disaster 勤進修行方便境界
93 32 qín labor 勤進修行方便境界
94 32 qín sincere 勤進修行方便境界
95 32 qín diligence; perseverance; virya 勤進修行方便境界
96 30 xīn heart [organ] 欲一切智心無退轉
97 30 xīn Kangxi radical 61 欲一切智心無退轉
98 30 xīn mind; consciousness 欲一切智心無退轉
99 30 xīn the center; the core; the middle 欲一切智心無退轉
100 30 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 欲一切智心無退轉
101 30 xīn heart 欲一切智心無退轉
102 30 xīn emotion 欲一切智心無退轉
103 30 xīn intention; consideration 欲一切智心無退轉
104 30 xīn disposition; temperament 欲一切智心無退轉
105 30 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 欲一切智心無退轉
106 30 xīn heart; hṛdaya 欲一切智心無退轉
107 30 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 欲一切智心無退轉
108 29 進修 jìnxiū to advance educational level; to do additional studies 勤進修行方便境界
109 29 精練 jīngliàn (textiles) to scour; to degum (silk) 精練佛土
110 28 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊
111 28 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊
112 27 示現 shìxiàn Manifestation 善能示現
113 27 示現 shìxiàn to manifest 善能示現
114 27 示現 shìxiàn to manifest; to display 善能示現
115 27 降伏 xiángfú to subdue; to vanquish; to tame; to pacify 魔不降伏菩薩
116 27 降伏 xiángfú someone who has surrendered 魔不降伏菩薩
117 27 降伏 xiángfú to subdue 魔不降伏菩薩
118 27 降伏 xiángfú subjugation; abhicara 魔不降伏菩薩
119 26 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 隨應眾生
120 26 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 隨應眾生
121 26 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 隨應眾生
122 26 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 隨應眾生
123 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 以為莊嚴
124 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 以為莊嚴
125 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 以為莊嚴
126 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 以為莊嚴
127 26 十二 shí èr twelve 與大比丘眾十二億俱
128 26 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 與大比丘眾十二億俱
129 25 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 離波多
130 25 a mythical bird 離波多
131 25 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 離波多
132 25 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 離波多
133 25 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 離波多
134 25 a mountain ash 離波多
135 25 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 離波多
136 25 to be scattered; to be separated 離波多
137 25 to cut off 離波多
138 25 to violate; to be contrary to 離波多
139 25 to be distant from 離波多
140 25 two 離波多
141 25 to array; to align 離波多
142 25 to pass through; to experience 離波多
143 25 transcendence 離波多
144 25 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 離波多
145 24 無有 wú yǒu there is not 無有法界近一法界
146 24 無有 wú yǒu non-existence 無有法界近一法界
147 24 zhě ca 若眾生聞趣上行者
148 24 功德 gōngdé achievements and virtue 功德月菩薩
149 24 功德 gōngdé merit 功德月菩薩
150 24 功德 gōngdé quality; guṇa 功德月菩薩
151 24 功德 gōngdé merit; puṇya 功德月菩薩
152 23 infix potential marker 魔不降伏菩薩
153 23 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 一切入一法界處行
154 23 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 一切入一法界處行
155 23 chù an office; a department; a bureau 一切入一法界處行
156 23 chù a part; an aspect 一切入一法界處行
157 23 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 一切入一法界處行
158 23 chǔ to get along with 一切入一法界處行
159 23 chǔ to deal with; to manage 一切入一法界處行
160 23 chǔ to punish; to sentence 一切入一法界處行
161 23 chǔ to stop; to pause 一切入一法界處行
162 23 chǔ to be associated with 一切入一法界處行
163 23 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 一切入一法界處行
164 23 chǔ to occupy; to control 一切入一法界處行
165 23 chù circumstances; situation 一切入一法界處行
166 23 chù an occasion; a time 一切入一法界處行
167 23 chù position; sthāna 一切入一法界處行
168 22 修行 xiūxíng to cultivate; to practice 先已善修行於大乘
169 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation 先已善修行於大乘
170 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual practice; pratipatti 先已善修行於大乘
171 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation; bhāvanā 先已善修行於大乘
172 22 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 十力亦如是
173 22 rěn to bear; to endure; to tolerate 修行於忍
174 22 rěn callous; heartless 修行於忍
175 22 rěn Patience 修行於忍
176 22 rěn tolerance; patience 修行於忍
177 22 zhī to go 一切成就白淨之法
178 22 zhī to arrive; to go 一切成就白淨之法
179 22 zhī is 一切成就白淨之法
180 22 zhī to use 一切成就白淨之法
181 22 zhī Zhi 一切成就白淨之法
182 22 zhī winding 一切成就白淨之法
183 20 děng et cetera; and so on 大德阿難等
184 20 děng to wait 大德阿難等
185 20 děng to be equal 大德阿難等
186 20 děng degree; level 大德阿難等
187 20 děng to compare 大德阿難等
188 20 děng same; equal; sama 大德阿難等
189 20 wéi to act as; to serve 而為上首
190 20 wéi to change into; to become 而為上首
191 20 wéi to be; is 而為上首
192 20 wéi to do 而為上首
193 20 wèi to support; to help 而為上首
194 20 wéi to govern 而為上首
195 20 wèi to be; bhū 而為上首
196 19 善男子 shàn nánzi good men 善男子
197 19 善男子 shàn nánzi a good man; a son of a noble family 善男子
198 19 Yi 世尊亦爾
199 19 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 一切成就白淨之法
200 19 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 一切成就白淨之法
201 19 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 一切成就白淨之法
202 19 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 一切成就白淨之法
203 19 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 一切成就白淨之法
204 19 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 一切成就白淨之法
205 19 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 一切成就白淨之法
206 19 method; way 一切成就白淨之法
207 19 France 一切成就白淨之法
208 19 the law; rules; regulations 一切成就白淨之法
209 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 一切成就白淨之法
210 19 a standard; a norm 一切成就白淨之法
211 19 an institution 一切成就白淨之法
212 19 to emulate 一切成就白淨之法
213 19 magic; a magic trick 一切成就白淨之法
214 19 punishment 一切成就白淨之法
215 19 Fa 一切成就白淨之法
216 19 a precedent 一切成就白淨之法
217 19 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 一切成就白淨之法
218 19 relating to a ceremony or rite 一切成就白淨之法
219 19 Dharma 一切成就白淨之法
220 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 一切成就白淨之法
221 19 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 一切成就白淨之法
222 19 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 一切成就白淨之法
223 19 quality; characteristic 一切成就白淨之法
224 18 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 而為說法說無作法
225 18 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 而為說法說無作法
226 18 shuì to persuade 而為說法說無作法
227 18 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 而為說法說無作法
228 18 shuō a doctrine; a theory 而為說法說無作法
229 18 shuō to claim; to assert 而為說法說無作法
230 18 shuō allocution 而為說法說無作法
231 18 shuō to criticize; to scold 而為說法說無作法
232 18 shuō to indicate; to refer to 而為說法說無作法
233 18 shuō speach; vāda 而為說法說無作法
234 18 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 而為說法說無作法
235 18 shuō to instruct 而為說法說無作法
236 18 佛土 fótǔ Buddha land 淨於一切佛土
237 18 照明 zhàomíng to illuminate 一照明燈菩薩
238 18 照明 zhàomíng light 一照明燈菩薩
239 18 照明 zhàomíng to explain clearly 一照明燈菩薩
240 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得於無礙解脫智慧
241 16 děi to want to; to need to 得於無礙解脫智慧
242 16 děi must; ought to 得於無礙解脫智慧
243 16 de 得於無礙解脫智慧
244 16 de infix potential marker 得於無礙解脫智慧
245 16 to result in 得於無礙解脫智慧
246 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得於無礙解脫智慧
247 16 to be satisfied 得於無礙解脫智慧
248 16 to be finished 得於無礙解脫智慧
249 16 děi satisfying 得於無礙解脫智慧
250 16 to contract 得於無礙解脫智慧
251 16 to hear 得於無礙解脫智慧
252 16 to have; there is 得於無礙解脫智慧
253 16 marks time passed 得於無礙解脫智慧
254 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 得於無礙解脫智慧
255 16 Kangxi radical 49 先已善修行於大乘
256 16 to bring to an end; to stop 先已善修行於大乘
257 16 to complete 先已善修行於大乘
258 16 to demote; to dismiss 先已善修行於大乘
259 16 to recover from an illness 先已善修行於大乘
260 16 former; pūrvaka 先已善修行於大乘
261 16 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在優禪延國
262 16 relating to Buddhism 一時佛在優禪延國
263 16 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛在優禪延國
264 16 a Buddhist text 一時佛在優禪延國
265 16 to touch; to stroke 一時佛在優禪延國
266 16 Buddha 一時佛在優禪延國
267 16 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在優禪延國
268 15 zuò to do 作是思惟
269 15 zuò to act as; to serve as 作是思惟
270 15 zuò to start 作是思惟
271 15 zuò a writing; a work 作是思惟
272 15 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作是思惟
273 15 zuō to create; to make 作是思惟
274 15 zuō a workshop 作是思惟
275 15 zuō to write; to compose 作是思惟
276 15 zuò to rise 作是思惟
277 15 zuò to be aroused 作是思惟
278 15 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作是思惟
279 15 zuò to regard as 作是思惟
280 15 zuò action; kāraṇa 作是思惟
281 15 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時世尊
282 15 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時世尊
283 15 尸波羅蜜 shī bōluómì sila-paramita; the paramita of proper conduct 勤精進修行尸波羅蜜
284 15 檀波羅蜜 tán bōluómì dana-paramita; the paramita of generosity 勤進修行檀波羅蜜
285 14 zhòng many; numerous 復與七十二億大菩薩眾
286 14 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 復與七十二億大菩薩眾
287 14 zhòng general; common; public 復與七十二億大菩薩眾
288 14 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 退道眾生安菩提道
289 14 菩提 pútí bodhi 退道眾生安菩提道
290 14 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment; awakening 退道眾生安菩提道
291 14 xiàn to appear; to manifest; to become visible 無佛世界現佛出世
292 14 xiàn at present 無佛世界現佛出世
293 14 xiàn existing at the present time 無佛世界現佛出世
294 14 xiàn cash 無佛世界現佛出世
295 14 xiàn to manifest; prādur 無佛世界現佛出世
296 14 xiàn to manifest; prādur 無佛世界現佛出世
297 14 xiàn the present time 無佛世界現佛出世
298 13 to enter 入度如來
299 13 Kangxi radical 11 入度如來
300 13 radical 入度如來
301 13 income 入度如來
302 13 to conform with 入度如來
303 13 to descend 入度如來
304 13 the entering tone 入度如來
305 13 to pay 入度如來
306 13 to join 入度如來
307 13 entering; praveśa 入度如來
308 13 entered; attained; āpanna 入度如來
309 13 dào to arrive 獲得神通到於彼岸
310 13 dào to go 獲得神通到於彼岸
311 13 dào careful 獲得神通到於彼岸
312 13 dào Dao 獲得神通到於彼岸
313 13 dào approach; upagati 獲得神通到於彼岸
314 13 zhào to illuminate; to shine 月照菩薩
315 13 zhào to photograph 月照菩薩
316 13 zhào to reflect 月照菩薩
317 13 zhào a photograph; an image 月照菩薩
318 13 zhào to take care of; to look after 月照菩薩
319 13 zhào to contrast; to compare 月照菩薩
320 13 zhào a permit; a license 月照菩薩
321 13 zhào to understand 月照菩薩
322 13 zhào to inform; to notify 月照菩薩
323 13 zhào a ray of light 月照菩薩
324 13 zhào to inspect 月照菩薩
325 13 zhào sunlight 月照菩薩
326 13 zhào shine; jval 月照菩薩
327 13 zhī to know 知大眾心已
328 13 zhī to comprehend 知大眾心已
329 13 zhī to inform; to tell 知大眾心已
330 13 zhī to administer 知大眾心已
331 13 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知大眾心已
332 13 zhī to be close friends 知大眾心已
333 13 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知大眾心已
334 13 zhī to receive; to entertain 知大眾心已
335 13 zhī knowledge 知大眾心已
336 13 zhī consciousness; perception 知大眾心已
337 13 zhī a close friend 知大眾心已
338 13 zhì wisdom 知大眾心已
339 13 zhì Zhi 知大眾心已
340 13 zhī to appreciate 知大眾心已
341 13 zhī to make known 知大眾心已
342 13 zhī to have control over 知大眾心已
343 13 zhī to expect; to foresee 知大眾心已
344 13 zhī Understanding 知大眾心已
345 13 zhī know; jña 知大眾心已
346 13 一切智 yīqiè zhì wisdom of all 向一切智道而不休廢
347 13 一切智 yīqiè zhì sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience 向一切智道而不休廢
348 12 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 自解諸法實際無際
349 12 jiě to explain 自解諸法實際無際
350 12 jiě to divide; to separate 自解諸法實際無際
351 12 jiě to understand 自解諸法實際無際
352 12 jiě to solve a math problem 自解諸法實際無際
353 12 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 自解諸法實際無際
354 12 jiě to cut; to disect 自解諸法實際無際
355 12 jiě to relieve oneself 自解諸法實際無際
356 12 jiě a solution 自解諸法實際無際
357 12 jiè to escort 自解諸法實際無際
358 12 xiè to understand; to be clear 自解諸法實際無際
359 12 xiè acrobatic skills 自解諸法實際無際
360 12 jiě can; able to 自解諸法實際無際
361 12 jiě a stanza 自解諸法實際無際
362 12 jiè to send off 自解諸法實際無際
363 12 xiè Xie 自解諸法實際無際
364 12 jiě exegesis 自解諸法實際無際
365 12 xiè laziness 自解諸法實際無際
366 12 jiè a government office 自解諸法實際無際
367 12 jiè to pawn 自解諸法實際無際
368 12 jiè to rent; to lease 自解諸法實際無際
369 12 jiě understanding 自解諸法實際無際
370 12 jiě to liberate 自解諸法實際無際
371 12 jìng clean 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
372 12 jìng no surplus; net 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
373 12 jìng pure 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
374 12 jìng tranquil 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
375 12 jìng cold 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
376 12 jìng to wash; to clense 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
377 12 jìng role of hero 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
378 12 jìng to remove sexual desire 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
379 12 jìng bright and clean; luminous 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
380 12 jìng clean; pure 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
381 12 jìng cleanse 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
382 12 jìng cleanse 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
383 12 jìng Pure 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
384 12 jìng vyavadāna; purification; cleansing 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
385 12 jìng śuddha; cleansed; clean; pure 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
386 12 jìng viśuddhi; purity 隱蔽山光螢火闇已極照明淨
387 12 行進 xíngjìn to advance 勤修行進莊嚴
388 12 huì intelligent; clever 慧者不求於餘乘
389 12 huì mental ability; intellect 慧者不求於餘乘
390 12 huì wisdom; understanding 慧者不求於餘乘
391 12 huì Wisdom 慧者不求於餘乘
392 12 huì wisdom; prajna 慧者不求於餘乘
393 12 huì intellect; mati 慧者不求於餘乘
394 12 zhǔ owner 大眾主菩薩
395 12 zhǔ principal; main; primary 大眾主菩薩
396 12 zhǔ master 大眾主菩薩
397 12 zhǔ host 大眾主菩薩
398 12 zhǔ to manage; to lead 大眾主菩薩
399 12 zhǔ to decide; to advocate 大眾主菩薩
400 12 zhǔ to have an opinion; to hold a particular view 大眾主菩薩
401 12 zhǔ to signify; to indicate 大眾主菩薩
402 12 zhǔ oneself 大眾主菩薩
403 12 zhǔ a person; a party 大眾主菩薩
404 12 zhǔ God; the Lord 大眾主菩薩
405 12 zhǔ lord; ruler; chief 大眾主菩薩
406 12 zhǔ an ancestral tablet 大眾主菩薩
407 12 zhǔ princess 大眾主菩薩
408 12 zhǔ chairperson 大眾主菩薩
409 12 zhǔ fundamental 大眾主菩薩
410 12 zhǔ Zhu 大眾主菩薩
411 12 zhù to pour 大眾主菩薩
412 12 zhǔ host; svamin 大眾主菩薩
413 12 zhǔ abbot 大眾主菩薩
414 12 big; huge; large 大迦旃延
415 12 Kangxi radical 37 大迦旃延
416 12 great; major; important 大迦旃延
417 12 size 大迦旃延
418 12 old 大迦旃延
419 12 oldest; earliest 大迦旃延
420 12 adult 大迦旃延
421 12 dài an important person 大迦旃延
422 12 senior 大迦旃延
423 12 an element 大迦旃延
424 12 great; mahā 大迦旃延
425 12 勤修 qínxiū cultivated; caritāvin 勤修行進莊嚴
426 11 dào way; road; path 向一切智道而不休廢
427 11 dào principle; a moral; morality 向一切智道而不休廢
428 11 dào Tao; the Way 向一切智道而不休廢
429 11 dào to say; to speak; to talk 向一切智道而不休廢
430 11 dào to think 向一切智道而不休廢
431 11 dào circuit; a province 向一切智道而不休廢
432 11 dào a course; a channel 向一切智道而不休廢
433 11 dào a method; a way of doing something 向一切智道而不休廢
434 11 dào a doctrine 向一切智道而不休廢
435 11 dào Taoism; Daoism 向一切智道而不休廢
436 11 dào a skill 向一切智道而不休廢
437 11 dào a sect 向一切智道而不休廢
438 11 dào a line 向一切智道而不休廢
439 11 dào Way 向一切智道而不休廢
440 11 dào way; path; marga 向一切智道而不休廢
441 11 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
442 11 zhù to stop; to halt 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
443 11 zhù to retain; to remain 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
444 11 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
445 11 zhù verb complement 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
446 11 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 住旃茶鉢樹提王園
447 11 fēi Kangxi radical 175 於法性中無有動發非不動發
448 11 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 於法性中無有動發非不動發
449 11 fēi different 於法性中無有動發非不動發
450 11 fēi to not be; to not have 於法性中無有動發非不動發
451 11 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 於法性中無有動發非不動發
452 11 fēi Africa 於法性中無有動發非不動發
453 11 fēi to slander 於法性中無有動發非不動發
454 11 fěi to avoid 於法性中無有動發非不動發
455 11 fēi must 於法性中無有動發非不動發
456 11 fēi an error 於法性中無有動發非不動發
457 11 fēi a problem; a question 於法性中無有動發非不動發
458 11 fēi evil 於法性中無有動發非不動發
459 11 結使 jiéshǐ a fetter 離於一切結使濁故
460 11 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 勝意菩薩
461 11 shèng victory; success 勝意菩薩
462 11 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 勝意菩薩
463 11 shèng to surpass 勝意菩薩
464 11 shèng triumphant 勝意菩薩
465 11 shèng a scenic view 勝意菩薩
466 11 shèng a woman's hair decoration 勝意菩薩
467 11 shèng Sheng 勝意菩薩
468 11 shèng conquering; victorious; jaya 勝意菩薩
469 11 shèng superior; agra 勝意菩薩
470 11 zhōng middle 於法性中無有動發非不動發
471 11 zhōng medium; medium sized 於法性中無有動發非不動發
472 11 zhōng China 於法性中無有動發非不動發
473 11 zhòng to hit the mark 於法性中無有動發非不動發
474 11 zhōng midday 於法性中無有動發非不動發
475 11 zhōng inside 於法性中無有動發非不動發
476 11 zhōng during 於法性中無有動發非不動發
477 11 zhōng Zhong 於法性中無有動發非不動發
478 11 zhōng intermediary 於法性中無有動發非不動發
479 11 zhōng half 於法性中無有動發非不動發
480 11 zhòng to reach; to attain 於法性中無有動發非不動發
481 11 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於法性中無有動發非不動發
482 11 zhòng to obtain 於法性中無有動發非不動發
483 11 zhòng to pass an exam 於法性中無有動發非不動發
484 11 zhōng middle 於法性中無有動發非不動發
485 11 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 善轉法輪無有錯謬
486 11 shàn happy 善轉法輪無有錯謬
487 11 shàn good 善轉法輪無有錯謬
488 11 shàn kind-hearted 善轉法輪無有錯謬
489 11 shàn to be skilled at something 善轉法輪無有錯謬
490 11 shàn familiar 善轉法輪無有錯謬
491 11 shàn to repair 善轉法輪無有錯謬
492 11 shàn to admire 善轉法輪無有錯謬
493 11 shàn to praise 善轉法輪無有錯謬
494 11 shàn Shan 善轉法輪無有錯謬
495 11 shàn wholesome; virtuous 善轉法輪無有錯謬
496 11 xiū to decorate; to embellish 慧者修忍力
497 11 xiū to study; to cultivate 慧者修忍力
498 11 xiū to repair 慧者修忍力
499 11 xiū long; slender 慧者修忍力
500 11 xiū to write; to compile 慧者修忍力

Frequencies of all Words

Top 954

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 101 in; at 得於無礙解脫智慧
2 101 in; at 得於無礙解脫智慧
3 101 in; at; to; from 得於無礙解脫智慧
4 101 to go; to 得於無礙解脫智慧
5 101 to rely on; to depend on 得於無礙解脫智慧
6 101 to go to; to arrive at 得於無礙解脫智慧
7 101 from 得於無礙解脫智慧
8 101 give 得於無礙解脫智慧
9 101 oppposing 得於無礙解脫智慧
10 101 and 得於無礙解脫智慧
11 101 compared to 得於無礙解脫智慧
12 101 by 得於無礙解脫智慧
13 101 and; as well as 得於無礙解脫智慧
14 101 for 得於無礙解脫智慧
15 101 Yu 得於無礙解脫智慧
16 101 a crow 得於無礙解脫智慧
17 101 whew; wow 得於無礙解脫智慧
18 101 near to; antike 得於無礙解脫智慧
19 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
20 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
21 84 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 大力持菩薩
22 81 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 不信此法故
23 81 old; ancient; former; past 不信此法故
24 81 reason; cause; purpose 不信此法故
25 81 to die 不信此法故
26 81 so; therefore; hence 不信此法故
27 81 original 不信此法故
28 81 accident; happening; instance 不信此法故
29 81 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 不信此法故
30 81 something in the past 不信此法故
31 81 deceased; dead 不信此法故
32 81 still; yet 不信此法故
33 81 therefore; tasmāt 不信此法故
34 79 xíng to walk 一切入一法界處行
35 79 xíng capable; competent 一切入一法界處行
36 79 háng profession 一切入一法界處行
37 79 háng line; row 一切入一法界處行
38 79 xíng Kangxi radical 144 一切入一法界處行
39 79 xíng to travel 一切入一法界處行
40 79 xìng actions; conduct 一切入一法界處行
41 79 xíng to do; to act; to practice 一切入一法界處行
42 79 xíng all right; OK; okay 一切入一法界處行
43 79 háng horizontal line 一切入一法界處行
44 79 héng virtuous deeds 一切入一法界處行
45 79 hàng a line of trees 一切入一法界處行
46 79 hàng bold; steadfast 一切入一法界處行
47 79 xíng to move 一切入一法界處行
48 79 xíng to put into effect; to implement 一切入一法界處行
49 79 xíng travel 一切入一法界處行
50 79 xíng to circulate 一切入一法界處行
51 79 xíng running script; running script 一切入一法界處行
52 79 xíng temporary 一切入一法界處行
53 79 xíng soon 一切入一法界處行
54 79 háng rank; order 一切入一法界處行
55 79 háng a business; a shop 一切入一法界處行
56 79 xíng to depart; to leave 一切入一法界處行
57 79 xíng to experience 一切入一法界處行
58 79 xíng path; way 一切入一法界處行
59 79 xíng xing; ballad 一切入一法界處行
60 79 xíng a round [of drinks] 一切入一法界處行
61 79 xíng Xing 一切入一法界處行
62 79 xíng moreover; also 一切入一法界處行
63 79 xíng Practice 一切入一法界處行
64 79 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 一切入一法界處行
65 79 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 一切入一法界處行
66 72 shì is; are; am; to be 作是思惟
67 72 shì is exactly 作是思惟
68 72 shì is suitable; is in contrast 作是思惟
69 72 shì this; that; those 作是思惟
70 72 shì really; certainly 作是思惟
71 72 shì correct; yes; affirmative 作是思惟
72 72 shì true 作是思惟
73 72 shì is; has; exists 作是思惟
74 72 shì used between repetitions of a word 作是思惟
75 72 shì a matter; an affair 作是思惟
76 72 shì Shi 作是思惟
77 72 shì is; bhū 作是思惟
78 72 shì this; idam 作是思惟
79 56 zhū all; many; various 其中多有諸娑羅樹
80 56 zhū Zhu 其中多有諸娑羅樹
81 56 zhū all; members of the class 其中多有諸娑羅樹
82 56 zhū interrogative particle 其中多有諸娑羅樹
83 56 zhū him; her; them; it 其中多有諸娑羅樹
84 56 zhū of; in 其中多有諸娑羅樹
85 56 zhū all; many; sarva 其中多有諸娑羅樹
86 54 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
87 54 一切 yīqiè temporary 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
88 54 一切 yīqiè the same 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
89 54 一切 yīqiè generally 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
90 54 一切 yīqiè all, everything 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
91 54 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
92 43 yǒu is; are; to exist 其中多有諸娑羅樹
93 43 yǒu to have; to possess 其中多有諸娑羅樹
94 43 yǒu indicates an estimate 其中多有諸娑羅樹
95 43 yǒu indicates a large quantity 其中多有諸娑羅樹
96 43 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 其中多有諸娑羅樹
97 43 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 其中多有諸娑羅樹
98 43 yǒu used to compare two things 其中多有諸娑羅樹
99 43 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 其中多有諸娑羅樹
100 43 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 其中多有諸娑羅樹
101 43 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 其中多有諸娑羅樹
102 43 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 其中多有諸娑羅樹
103 43 yǒu abundant 其中多有諸娑羅樹
104 43 yǒu purposeful 其中多有諸娑羅樹
105 43 yǒu You 其中多有諸娑羅樹
106 43 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 其中多有諸娑羅樹
107 43 yǒu becoming; bhava 其中多有諸娑羅樹
108 39 I; me; my 我今當問如來是義
109 39 self 我今當問如來是義
110 39 we; our 我今當問如來是義
111 39 [my] dear 我今當問如來是義
112 39 Wo 我今當問如來是義
113 39 self; atman; attan 我今當問如來是義
114 39 ga 我今當問如來是義
115 39 I; aham 我今當問如來是義
116 37 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 我今當問如來是義
117 37 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 我今當問如來是義
118 37 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 我今當問如來是義
119 37 dāng to face 我今當問如來是義
120 37 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 我今當問如來是義
121 37 dāng to manage; to host 我今當問如來是義
122 37 dāng should 我今當問如來是義
123 37 dāng to treat; to regard as 我今當問如來是義
124 37 dǎng to think 我今當問如來是義
125 37 dàng suitable; correspond to 我今當問如來是義
126 37 dǎng to be equal 我今當問如來是義
127 37 dàng that 我今當問如來是義
128 37 dāng an end; top 我今當問如來是義
129 37 dàng clang; jingle 我今當問如來是義
130 37 dāng to judge 我今當問如來是義
131 37 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 我今當問如來是義
132 37 dàng the same 我今當問如來是義
133 37 dàng to pawn 我今當問如來是義
134 37 dàng to fail [an exam] 我今當問如來是義
135 37 dàng a trap 我今當問如來是義
136 37 dàng a pawned item 我今當問如來是義
137 37 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 我今當問如來是義
138 37 文殊師利 wénshūshīlì Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri 文殊師利童子菩薩摩訶薩等
139 37 如來 rúlái Tathagata 入度如來
140 37 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 入度如來
141 37 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 入度如來
142 36 no 無依止處無依止行
143 36 Kangxi radical 71 無依止處無依止行
144 36 to not have; without 無依止處無依止行
145 36 has not yet 無依止處無依止行
146 36 mo 無依止處無依止行
147 36 do not 無依止處無依止行
148 36 not; -less; un- 無依止處無依止行
149 36 regardless of 無依止處無依止行
150 36 to not have 無依止處無依止行
151 36 um 無依止處無依止行
152 36 Wu 無依止處無依止行
153 36 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無依止處無依止行
154 36 not; non- 無依止處無依止行
155 36 mo 無依止處無依止行
156 34 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
157 34 suǒ an office; an institute 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
158 34 suǒ introduces a relative clause 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
159 34 suǒ it 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
160 34 suǒ if; supposing 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
161 34 suǒ a few; various; some 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
162 34 suǒ a place; a location 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
163 34 suǒ indicates a passive voice 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
164 34 suǒ that which 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
165 34 suǒ an ordinal number 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
166 34 suǒ meaning 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
167 34 suǒ garrison 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
168 34 suǒ place; pradeśa 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
169 34 suǒ that which; yad 離諸一切所起覆蓋障礙結纏
170 34 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 勤進修行方便境界
171 34 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 勤進修行方便境界
172 34 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 勤進修行方便境界
173 34 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 勤進修行方便境界
174 34 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 勤進修行方便境界
175 34 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 勤進修行方便境界
176 34 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 勤進修行方便境界
177 34 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 勤進修行方便境界
178 34 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 勤進修行方便境界
179 34 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 勤進修行方便境界
180 34 境界 jìngjiè border area; frontier 勤進修行方便境界
181 34 境界 jìngjiè place; area 勤進修行方便境界
182 34 境界 jìngjiè circumstances; situation 勤進修行方便境界
183 34 境界 jìngjiè field; domain; genre 勤進修行方便境界
184 34 境界 jìngjiè visaya; object; sphere; region; realm of objects; state 勤進修行方便境界
185 33 jiàn to see 見如來身威德隆盛
186 33 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見如來身威德隆盛
187 33 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見如來身威德隆盛
188 33 jiàn refer to; for details see 見如來身威德隆盛
189 33 jiàn passive marker 見如來身威德隆盛
190 33 jiàn to listen to 見如來身威德隆盛
191 33 jiàn to meet 見如來身威德隆盛
192 33 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見如來身威德隆盛
193 33 jiàn let me; kindly 見如來身威德隆盛
194 33 jiàn Jian 見如來身威德隆盛
195 33 xiàn to appear 見如來身威德隆盛
196 33 xiàn to introduce 見如來身威德隆盛
197 33 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見如來身威德隆盛
198 33 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見如來身威德隆盛
199 32 qín diligently; industriously 勤進修行方便境界
200 32 qín attendance 勤進修行方便境界
201 32 qín duty; work 勤進修行方便境界
202 32 qín freqently; often 勤進修行方便境界
203 32 qín Qin 勤進修行方便境界
204 32 qín to force to do physical labor 勤進修行方便境界
205 32 qín to help out recover from a disaster 勤進修行方便境界
206 32 qín labor 勤進修行方便境界
207 32 qín sincere 勤進修行方便境界
208 32 qín diligence; perseverance; virya 勤進修行方便境界
209 30 xīn heart [organ] 欲一切智心無退轉
210 30 xīn Kangxi radical 61 欲一切智心無退轉
211 30 xīn mind; consciousness 欲一切智心無退轉
212 30 xīn the center; the core; the middle 欲一切智心無退轉
213 30 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 欲一切智心無退轉
214 30 xīn heart 欲一切智心無退轉
215 30 xīn emotion 欲一切智心無退轉
216 30 xīn intention; consideration 欲一切智心無退轉
217 30 xīn disposition; temperament 欲一切智心無退轉
218 30 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 欲一切智心無退轉
219 30 xīn heart; hṛdaya 欲一切智心無退轉
220 30 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 欲一切智心無退轉
221 29 進修 jìnxiū to advance educational level; to do additional studies 勤進修行方便境界
222 29 精練 jīngliàn (textiles) to scour; to degum (silk) 精練佛土
223 28 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊
224 28 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊
225 27 示現 shìxiàn Manifestation 善能示現
226 27 示現 shìxiàn to manifest 善能示現
227 27 示現 shìxiàn to manifest; to display 善能示現
228 27 降伏 xiángfú to subdue; to vanquish; to tame; to pacify 魔不降伏菩薩
229 27 降伏 xiángfú someone who has surrendered 魔不降伏菩薩
230 27 降伏 xiángfú to subdue 魔不降伏菩薩
231 27 降伏 xiángfú subjugation; abhicara 魔不降伏菩薩
232 26 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 隨應眾生
233 26 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 隨應眾生
234 26 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 隨應眾生
235 26 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 隨應眾生
236 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 以為莊嚴
237 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 以為莊嚴
238 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 以為莊嚴
239 26 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 以為莊嚴
240 26 十二 shí èr twelve 與大比丘眾十二億俱
241 26 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 與大比丘眾十二億俱
242 25 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 離波多
243 25 a mythical bird 離波多
244 25 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 離波多
245 25 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 離波多
246 25 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 離波多
247 25 a mountain ash 離波多
248 25 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 離波多
249 25 to be scattered; to be separated 離波多
250 25 to cut off 離波多
251 25 to violate; to be contrary to 離波多
252 25 to be distant from 離波多
253 25 two 離波多
254 25 to array; to align 離波多
255 25 to pass through; to experience 離波多
256 25 transcendence 離波多
257 25 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 離波多
258 24 無有 wú yǒu there is not 無有法界近一法界
259 24 無有 wú yǒu non-existence 無有法界近一法界
260 24 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 若眾生聞趣上行者
261 24 zhě that 若眾生聞趣上行者
262 24 zhě nominalizing function word 若眾生聞趣上行者
263 24 zhě used to mark a definition 若眾生聞趣上行者
264 24 zhě used to mark a pause 若眾生聞趣上行者
265 24 zhě topic marker; that; it 若眾生聞趣上行者
266 24 zhuó according to 若眾生聞趣上行者
267 24 zhě ca 若眾生聞趣上行者
268 24 功德 gōngdé achievements and virtue 功德月菩薩
269 24 功德 gōngdé merit 功德月菩薩
270 24 功德 gōngdé quality; guṇa 功德月菩薩
271 24 功德 gōngdé merit; puṇya 功德月菩薩
272 23 not; no 魔不降伏菩薩
273 23 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 魔不降伏菩薩
274 23 as a correlative 魔不降伏菩薩
275 23 no (answering a question) 魔不降伏菩薩
276 23 forms a negative adjective from a noun 魔不降伏菩薩
277 23 at the end of a sentence to form a question 魔不降伏菩薩
278 23 to form a yes or no question 魔不降伏菩薩
279 23 infix potential marker 魔不降伏菩薩
280 23 no; na 魔不降伏菩薩
281 23 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 一切入一法界處行
282 23 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 一切入一法界處行
283 23 chù location 一切入一法界處行
284 23 chù an office; a department; a bureau 一切入一法界處行
285 23 chù a part; an aspect 一切入一法界處行
286 23 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 一切入一法界處行
287 23 chǔ to get along with 一切入一法界處行
288 23 chǔ to deal with; to manage 一切入一法界處行
289 23 chǔ to punish; to sentence 一切入一法界處行
290 23 chǔ to stop; to pause 一切入一法界處行
291 23 chǔ to be associated with 一切入一法界處行
292 23 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 一切入一法界處行
293 23 chǔ to occupy; to control 一切入一法界處行
294 23 chù circumstances; situation 一切入一法界處行
295 23 chù an occasion; a time 一切入一法界處行
296 23 chù position; sthāna 一切入一法界處行
297 22 修行 xiūxíng to cultivate; to practice 先已善修行於大乘
298 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation 先已善修行於大乘
299 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual practice; pratipatti 先已善修行於大乘
300 22 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation; bhāvanā 先已善修行於大乘
301 22 如是 rúshì thus; so 十力亦如是
302 22 如是 rúshì thus, so 十力亦如是
303 22 如是 rúshì thus; evam 十力亦如是
304 22 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 十力亦如是
305 22 rěn to bear; to endure; to tolerate 修行於忍
306 22 rěn willingly 修行於忍
307 22 rěn callous; heartless 修行於忍
308 22 rěn Patience 修行於忍
309 22 rěn tolerance; patience 修行於忍
310 22 zhī him; her; them; that 一切成就白淨之法
311 22 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 一切成就白淨之法
312 22 zhī to go 一切成就白淨之法
313 22 zhī this; that 一切成就白淨之法
314 22 zhī genetive marker 一切成就白淨之法
315 22 zhī it 一切成就白淨之法
316 22 zhī in; in regards to 一切成就白淨之法
317 22 zhī all 一切成就白淨之法
318 22 zhī and 一切成就白淨之法
319 22 zhī however 一切成就白淨之法
320 22 zhī if 一切成就白淨之法
321 22 zhī then 一切成就白淨之法
322 22 zhī to arrive; to go 一切成就白淨之法
323 22 zhī is 一切成就白淨之法
324 22 zhī to use 一切成就白淨之法
325 22 zhī Zhi 一切成就白淨之法
326 22 zhī winding 一切成就白淨之法
327 21 such as; for example; for instance 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
328 21 if 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
329 21 in accordance with 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
330 21 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
331 21 this 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
332 21 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
333 21 to go to 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
334 21 to meet 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
335 21 to appear; to seem; to be like 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
336 21 at least as good as 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
337 21 and 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
338 21 or 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
339 21 but 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
340 21 then 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
341 21 naturally 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
342 21 expresses a question or doubt 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
343 21 you 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
344 21 the second lunar month 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
345 21 in; at 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
346 21 Ru 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
347 21 Thus 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
348 21 thus; tathā 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
349 21 like; iva 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
350 21 suchness; tathatā 進入一切諸法如性行虛空行
351 20 děng et cetera; and so on 大德阿難等
352 20 děng to wait 大德阿難等
353 20 děng degree; kind 大德阿難等
354 20 děng plural 大德阿難等
355 20 děng to be equal 大德阿難等
356 20 děng degree; level 大德阿難等
357 20 děng to compare 大德阿難等
358 20 děng same; equal; sama 大德阿難等
359 20 this; these 於此三千大千世界威德無喻
360 20 in this way 於此三千大千世界威德無喻
361 20 otherwise; but; however; so 於此三千大千世界威德無喻
362 20 at this time; now; here 於此三千大千世界威德無喻
363 20 this; here; etad 於此三千大千世界威德無喻
364 20 wèi for; to 而為上首
365 20 wèi because of 而為上首
366 20 wéi to act as; to serve 而為上首
367 20 wéi to change into; to become 而為上首
368 20 wéi to be; is 而為上首
369 20 wéi to do 而為上首
370 20 wèi for 而為上首
371 20 wèi because of; for; to 而為上首
372 20 wèi to 而為上首
373 20 wéi in a passive construction 而為上首
374 20 wéi forming a rehetorical question 而為上首
375 20 wéi forming an adverb 而為上首
376 20 wéi to add emphasis 而為上首
377 20 wèi to support; to help 而為上首
378 20 wéi to govern 而為上首
379 20 wèi to be; bhū 而為上首
380 19 善男子 shàn nánzi good men 善男子
381 19 善男子 shàn nánzi a good man; a son of a noble family 善男子
382 19 also; too 世尊亦爾
383 19 but 世尊亦爾
384 19 this; he; she 世尊亦爾
385 19 although; even though 世尊亦爾
386 19 already 世尊亦爾
387 19 particle with no meaning 世尊亦爾
388 19 Yi 世尊亦爾
389 19 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 一切成就白淨之法
390 19 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 一切成就白淨之法
391 19 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 一切成就白淨之法
392 19 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 一切成就白淨之法
393 19 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 一切成就白淨之法
394 19 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 一切成就白淨之法
395 19 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 一切成就白淨之法
396 19 method; way 一切成就白淨之法
397 19 France 一切成就白淨之法
398 19 the law; rules; regulations 一切成就白淨之法
399 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 一切成就白淨之法
400 19 a standard; a norm 一切成就白淨之法
401 19 an institution 一切成就白淨之法
402 19 to emulate 一切成就白淨之法
403 19 magic; a magic trick 一切成就白淨之法
404 19 punishment 一切成就白淨之法
405 19 Fa 一切成就白淨之法
406 19 a precedent 一切成就白淨之法
407 19 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 一切成就白淨之法
408 19 relating to a ceremony or rite 一切成就白淨之法
409 19 Dharma 一切成就白淨之法
410 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 一切成就白淨之法
411 19 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 一切成就白淨之法
412 19 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 一切成就白淨之法
413 19 quality; characteristic 一切成就白淨之法
414 18 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 而為說法說無作法
415 18 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 而為說法說無作法
416 18 shuì to persuade 而為說法說無作法
417 18 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 而為說法說無作法
418 18 shuō a doctrine; a theory 而為說法說無作法
419 18 shuō to claim; to assert 而為說法說無作法
420 18 shuō allocution 而為說法說無作法
421 18 shuō to criticize; to scold 而為說法說無作法
422 18 shuō to indicate; to refer to 而為說法說無作法
423 18 shuō speach; vāda 而為說法說無作法
424 18 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 而為說法說無作法
425 18 shuō to instruct 而為說法說無作法
426 18 佛土 fótǔ Buddha land 淨於一切佛土
427 18 照明 zhàomíng to illuminate 一照明燈菩薩
428 18 照明 zhàomíng light 一照明燈菩薩
429 18 照明 zhàomíng to explain clearly 一照明燈菩薩
430 17 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若眾生聞趣上行者
431 17 ruò seemingly 若眾生聞趣上行者
432 17 ruò if 若眾生聞趣上行者
433 17 ruò you 若眾生聞趣上行者
434 17 ruò this; that 若眾生聞趣上行者
435 17 ruò and; or 若眾生聞趣上行者
436 17 ruò as for; pertaining to 若眾生聞趣上行者
437 17 pomegranite 若眾生聞趣上行者
438 17 ruò to choose 若眾生聞趣上行者
439 17 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若眾生聞趣上行者
440 17 ruò thus 若眾生聞趣上行者
441 17 ruò pollia 若眾生聞趣上行者
442 17 ruò Ruo 若眾生聞趣上行者
443 17 ruò only then 若眾生聞趣上行者
444 17 ja 若眾生聞趣上行者
445 17 jñā 若眾生聞趣上行者
446 17 ruò if; yadi 若眾生聞趣上行者
447 16 de potential marker 得於無礙解脫智慧
448 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得於無礙解脫智慧
449 16 děi must; ought to 得於無礙解脫智慧
450 16 děi to want to; to need to 得於無礙解脫智慧
451 16 děi must; ought to 得於無礙解脫智慧
452 16 de 得於無礙解脫智慧
453 16 de infix potential marker 得於無礙解脫智慧
454 16 to result in 得於無礙解脫智慧
455 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得於無礙解脫智慧
456 16 to be satisfied 得於無礙解脫智慧
457 16 to be finished 得於無礙解脫智慧
458 16 de result of degree 得於無礙解脫智慧
459 16 de marks completion of an action 得於無礙解脫智慧
460 16 děi satisfying 得於無礙解脫智慧
461 16 to contract 得於無礙解脫智慧
462 16 marks permission or possibility 得於無礙解脫智慧
463 16 expressing frustration 得於無礙解脫智慧
464 16 to hear 得於無礙解脫智慧
465 16 to have; there is 得於無礙解脫智慧
466 16 marks time passed 得於無礙解脫智慧
467 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 得於無礙解脫智慧
468 16 already 先已善修行於大乘
469 16 Kangxi radical 49 先已善修行於大乘
470 16 from 先已善修行於大乘
471 16 to bring to an end; to stop 先已善修行於大乘
472 16 final aspectual particle 先已善修行於大乘
473 16 afterwards; thereafter 先已善修行於大乘
474 16 too; very; excessively 先已善修行於大乘
475 16 to complete 先已善修行於大乘
476 16 to demote; to dismiss 先已善修行於大乘
477 16 to recover from an illness 先已善修行於大乘
478 16 certainly 先已善修行於大乘
479 16 an interjection of surprise 先已善修行於大乘
480 16 this 先已善修行於大乘
481 16 former; pūrvaka 先已善修行於大乘
482 16 former; pūrvaka 先已善修行於大乘
483 16 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在優禪延國
484 16 relating to Buddhism 一時佛在優禪延國
485 16 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛在優禪延國
486 16 a Buddhist text 一時佛在優禪延國
487 16 to touch; to stroke 一時佛在優禪延國
488 16 Buddha 一時佛在優禪延國
489 16 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在優禪延國
490 15 zuò to do 作是思惟
491 15 zuò to act as; to serve as 作是思惟
492 15 zuò to start 作是思惟
493 15 zuò a writing; a work 作是思惟
494 15 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作是思惟
495 15 zuō to create; to make 作是思惟
496 15 zuō a workshop 作是思惟
497 15 zuō to write; to compose 作是思惟
498 15 zuò to rise 作是思惟
499 15 zuò to be aroused 作是思惟
500 15 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作是思惟


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
near to; antike
菩萨 菩薩
  1. púsà
  2. púsà
  1. bodhisattva
  2. bodhisattva
therefore; tasmāt
  1. xíng
  2. xìng
  3. xíng
  1. Practice
  2. mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions
  3. practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
zhū all; many; sarva
  1. yīqiè
  2. yīqiè
  1. all, everything
  2. all; sarva
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. self; atman; attan
  2. ga
  3. I; aham
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
白净 白淨 98 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana
宝藏菩萨 寶藏菩薩 98 Treasure Store Bodhisattva
宝月菩萨 寶月菩薩 98 Ratnachandra Bodhisattva
本际 本際 98 bhūtakoṭi; reality-limit
波吒罗 波吒羅 98 Pāṭaliputra; Pāṭaliputta; Pāṭaligāma
不退转 不退轉 98
  1. never regress or change
  2. avaivartika; non-retrogression
得大势菩萨 得大勢菩薩 100 Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva; Mahāsthāmaprāpta
大威德 100 Yamantaka
大光 100 Vistīrṇavatī
大力菩萨 大力菩薩 100 Mahāvikramin bodhisattva
大林 100 Dalin; Talin
大目揵连 大目揵連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
道安 100 Dao An
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
德藏菩萨 德藏菩薩 100 Store of Virtue Bodhisattva
多利 100 Dolly
法安 102 Fa An
法炬 102
  1. Dharma Torch
  2. the torch of Dharma
  3. dharma torch
  4. Fa Ju
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵宫 梵宮 102 Palace of Brahmā
烦恼浊 煩惱濁 102 affliction degeneration; kleshakashaya
梵世 102 Brahma World; brahmaloka
法王 102
  1. King of the Law; Dharma King
  2. Dharmaraja (Thailand)
  3. Dharma King
  4. Dharmaraja; Dharma King
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
富楼那弥多罗尼子 富樓那彌多羅尼子 102 Pūrṇamaitrāyaṇīputra
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
观世音菩萨 觀世音菩薩 71 Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
憍梵波提 106 Gavampati
伽耶迦叶 伽耶迦葉 106 Gayā-kāśyapa
迦旃延 106 Mahakatyayana; Katyayana
劫浊 劫濁 106 Kalpa Degeneration; Kalpakashaya; period of degeneration
拘那罗 拘那羅 106 Kunāla
雷音 108
  1. thunder
  2. thunder; garjana
  3. Meghasvara
楞伽 楞伽 108 Lankavatara
罗睺罗 羅睺羅 108 Rahula
满月菩萨 滿月菩薩 109 Pūrṇacandra bodhisattva
妙法 109
  1. Wondrous Dharma
  2. the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
弥勒菩萨 彌勒菩薩 109 Maitreya Bodhisattva
命浊 命濁 109 life-span degeneration; ayukashaya; degenerated human lifespan
摩诃迦叶 摩訶迦葉 109 Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
摩诃波阇波提 摩訶波闍波提 109 Mahapajapati Gotami; Mahaprajapati
摩诃劫宾那 摩訶劫賓那 109 Mahākapphiṇa
摩诃拘絺罗 摩訶拘絺羅 109 Mahakausthila
摩罗 摩羅 109 Māra
魔怨 109 Māra
难提 難提 110 Nandi; Nanda
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
那提迦叶 那提迦葉 110 Nadī-kāśyapa
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
尼揵 110 Nirgrantha
槃特 112 Panthaka
菩萨道 菩薩道 112
  1. Bodhisattva Path
  2. Bodhisattva Path
菩萨行方便境界神通变化经 菩薩行方便境界神通變化經 112 Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa; Pusa Xing Fangbian Jingjie Shentong Bianhua Jing
清流 113 Qingliu
求那跋陀罗 求那跋陀羅 113 Guṇabhadra; Gunabhadra
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三十三天 115 Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods; Trāyastriṃśa Heaven; Tāvatiṃsa Heaven
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
善寂 115 Shan Ji
善月 115 Shan Yue
上胜 上勝 115 Superior; Majestic
善觉 善覺 115 Well-Awakened; Buddhija
善妙 115
  1. Zenmyō
  2. Shan Miao
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
声闻乘 聲聞乘 115 Sravaka Vehicle; Sravakayāna
释梵 釋梵 115 Sakra and Brahma; Śakra and Brahmā
世眼 115 Eyes of the World
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
释提桓因 釋提桓因 115 Śakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika
师子兽王 師子獸王 115 Lion King
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四魔 115 the four kinds of evil
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
娑罗树 娑羅樹 115 sala tree; sal tree; shala tree; śāla
天主 116
  1. Sakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika
  2. Mahesvara
  3. Śakra
  4. Śaṃkarasvāmin
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
文殊师利 文殊師利 119 Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri
无边行 無邊行 119 Anantacritra
无忧 無憂 119
  1. did not worry
  2. Carefree
  3. without sorrow
  4. no sorrow
  5. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
无尽意菩萨 無盡意菩薩 119 Aksayamati Bodhisattva
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
无退 無退 119 avaivartika; non-retrogression
无喻 無喻 119 without compare; anopama; anupama
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
香象 120 Gandhahastī
小乘 120 Hinayana
须弥灯 須彌燈 120 Merupradipa; Sumeru Lamp Buddha
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
须弥山 須彌山 88
  1. Mount Sumeru
  2. Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
须菩提 須菩提 120
  1. Subhuti
  2. Subhuti; Subhūti
耶输陀罗 耶輸陀羅 121 Yasodhara
一乘 121 ekayāna; one vehicle
应供 應供 121
  1. Offering
  2. Worthy One; arhat
缘觉乘 緣覺乘 121 Pratyekabuddha Vehicle; Pratyeka-buddha Vehicle
正遍知 90
  1. correct peerless enlightenment
  2. Truly All-Knowing; Knower of the world; the Buddha
镇国 鎮國 122 Zhenguo


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 228.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 196 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 196 aspiration for unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
阿提目多 196 adhimukti; attention
阿修罗 阿修羅 196
  1. asura
  2. asura
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
白莲华 白蓮華 98 white lotus flower; pundarika
悲心 98
  1. Merciful Heart
  2. compassion; a sympathetic mind
本愿 本願 98 prior vow; purvapranidhana
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
般若波罗蜜 般若波羅蜜 98
  1. Prajñāpāramitā; Prajnaparamita; Perfection of Wisdom
  2. Prajñāpāramitā
不放逸 98
  1. no laxity
  2. vigilance; heedfulness; conscientious
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
不贪 不貪 98 non-attachment; alobha
禅定 禪定 99
  1. meditative concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. to meditate
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
慈悲心 99 compassion
大比丘众 大比丘眾 100 a large assembly of great monastics
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大觉 大覺 100 supreme bodhi; enlightenment
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大忍力 100 the power of great forbearance
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大悲心 100 a mind with great compassion
当得 當得 100 will reach
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
谛观 諦觀 100
  1. to observe closely
  2. Chegwan
地轮 地輪 100 earth wheel
第一义 第一義 100
  1. Ultimate Truth
  2. paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
多罗树 多羅樹 100 palmyra tree; fan-palm
恶道 惡道 195
  1. evil path
  2. an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶知识 惡知識 195 a bad friend; an evil companion
二边 二邊 195 two extremes
发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 102 aspiration to attain supreme perfect enlightenment
法空 102 inherent emptiness of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
方便智 102 wisdom of skilful means; upāyajñāna
放逸 102
  1. Laxity
  2. heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
梵音 102
  1. Heavenly Sound
  2. the sound of Buddhist chanting
  3. Brahma's voice
  4. the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
非见 非見 102 non-view
佛出世 102 for a Buddha to appear in a world
佛界 102 buddha realm; buddha land; buddha country
佛刹 佛剎 102
  1. Buddhakṣetra; a Buddha field; a Buddha land
  2. a Buddhist pillar
  3. temple; monastery
佛世界 102 a Buddha realm
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛土 102 Buddha land
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
福田 102
  1. field of merit
  2. field of blessing
恭敬供养 恭敬供養 103 honored
护世 護世 104 protectors of the world
化众生 化眾生 104 to transform living beings
迴向 104 to transfer merit; to dedicate; pariṇāmanā
火大 104 fire; element of fire
即从座起 即從座起 106 He rose from his seat
偈赞 偈讚 106 to sing in praise of
迦楼罗 迦樓羅 106 garuda
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
见大 見大 106 the element of visibility
见修 見修 106 mistaken views and practice
见浊 見濁 106 view degeneration; drishtikashaya
寂定 106 samadhi
结使 結使 106 a fetter
解行 106 to understand and practice
净智 淨智 106 Pure Wisdom
金刚杵 金剛杵 106 vajra; thunderbolt
净洁 淨潔 106 pure
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
紧那罗 緊那羅 106 kimnara
尽智 盡智 106 understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna
偈颂 偈頌 106 a gatha; a chant
久修 106 practiced for a long time
觉观 覺觀 106 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and fine perception
觉意 覺意 106 enlightenment factor; bodhyaṅga
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空法 107 to regard all things as empty
空行 107 practicce according to emptiness
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
口业 口業 107
  1. Verbal Karma
  2. verbal karma
乐说 樂說 108 the joy of teaching the Dharma
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
了别 了別 108 to distinguish; to discern
利益心 108
  1. hita-citta
  2. Hitadhyasayin
乱心 亂心 108 a confused mind; an unsettled mind
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
明网 明網 109
  1. web of light; jaliniprabha
  2. Jaliniprabha
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
魔境界 109 Mara's realm
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
摩尼宝 摩尼寶 109
  1. Mani Pearl
  2. mani-jewel
  3. mani jewel
偏袒右肩 112 bared his right shoulder
婆师 婆師 112 vārṣika
菩萨摩诃萨 菩薩摩訶薩 112 bodhisattva mahāsattva
菩萨行 菩薩行 112 bodhisattva-caryā; bodhisattva-carita; bodhisattva practice; actions of bodhisattvas
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
乾闼婆 乾闥婆 113 a gandharva
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
求法 113 to seek the Dharma
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
汝今谛听 汝今諦聽 114 pay attention closely
如来身 如來身 114 Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
如意宝珠 如意寶珠 114 mani jewel; cintāmaṇi
三千大千世界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三乘 115
  1. Three Vehicles
  2. three vehicles; triyāna; triyana
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 115
  1. good women
  2. a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
善逝 115 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
上首 115
  1. chief; presiding elders
  2. foremost; pramukha
善护 善護 115 protector; tāyin
善净 善淨 115 well purified; suvisuddha
善利 115 great benefit
善巧 115
  1. Skillful
  2. virtuous and clever; skilful
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
刹土 剎土 115 kṣetra; homeland; country; land
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
身口意 115 body, speech, and mind
圣凡 聖凡 115
  1. sage and ordinary
  2. sage and common person
胜行 勝行 115 distinguished actions
神通变化 神通變化 115 spritual powers of transformation
尸波罗蜜 尸波羅蜜 115 sila-paramita; the paramita of proper conduct
时成就 時成就 115 the accomplishment of time
十力 115 the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
师子吼 師子吼 115 lion’s roar
师子之座 師子之座 115 throne
师子座 師子座 115 lion's throne
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
所行 115 actions; practice
檀波罗蜜 檀波羅蜜 116 dana-paramita; the paramita of generosity
调心 調心 116 Taming the Mind
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
退堕 退墮 116 parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
未来际 未來際 119 the limit of the future
未来世 未來世 119 times to come; the future
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无所畏 無所畏 119 without any fear
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
无妄想 無妄想 119 freedom from deluded thought
无依 無依 119 without basis; with nothing on which to rely; unreliable
无障碍 無障礙 119
  1. without obstruction
  2. Asaṅga
无碍解 無礙解 119 unhindered understanding
无碍智 無礙智 119 omniscience
无瞋 無瞋 119 non-aggression; non-hatred; imperturbability
无垢 無垢 119
  1. No Impurity
  2. vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无上道 無上道 119 supreme path; unsurpassed way
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
无上正真道 無上正真道 119 unexcelled complete enlightenment
无生 無生 119
  1. No-Birth
  2. anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无生智 無生智 119
  1. Non-Arising Wisdom
  2. knowledge extended to the higher realms
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无有性 無有性 119 the state of non-existence
戏论 戲論 120
  1. mental proliferation
  2. meaningless talk; frivolous discourse; mutual false praise; inflated conceptualization; hypostatization; prapañca
信根 120 faith; the root of faith
行一 120 equivalence of all forms of practice
行法 120 cultivation method
性相 120 inherent attributes
信解 120 resolution; determination; adhimukti
修禅 修禪 120 to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
严净 嚴淨 121 majestic and pure
眼清净 眼清淨 121 eye is pure
夜叉 121 yaksa
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
意业 意業 121 mental karma; actions; deeds
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
依止处 依止處 121 basis; standing; resolution; blessing
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切法无相 一切法無相 121 all dharmas have no sign
一切入 121 kasina
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切声 一切聲 121 every sound
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
一切诸佛 一切諸佛 121 all Buddhas
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
右膝着地 右膝著地 121 placing the right knee on the ground
有想 121 having apperception
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
优婆斯 優婆斯 121 Upasika; a female lay Buddhist
优昙钵罗 優曇鉢羅 121 udumbara
有性 121
  1. having the nature
  2. existence
欲界 121 realm of desire
欲乐 欲樂 121 the joy of the five desires
欲生 121 arising from desire
愿行 願行 121 cultivation and vows
怨敌 怨敵 121 an enemy
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
圆足 圓足 121 complete; upasaṃpat
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
瞻婆 122 campaka
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
智光 122
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Jñānaprabha
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
执着 執著 122
  1. attachment
  2. grasping
众生说 眾生說 122 to explain a sūtra to many people
众生浊 眾生濁 122 sentient being degeneration; sattvakashaya
种姓 種姓 122 Buddhist lineage; gotra
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
专修 專修 122 focused cultivation
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
最上 122 supreme
作佛事 122 do as taught by the Buddha