Glossary and Vocabulary for Fo Shuo Xumoti Zhangzhe Jing 佛說須摩提長者經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 42 zhī to go 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
2 42 zhī to arrive; to go 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
3 42 zhī is 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
4 42 zhī to use 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
5 42 zhī Zhi 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
6 30 ér Kangxi radical 126 又有把土而自坌者
7 30 ér as if; to seem like 又有把土而自坌者
8 30 néng can; able 又有把土而自坌者
9 30 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 又有把土而自坌者
10 30 ér to arrive; up to 又有把土而自坌者
11 29 infix potential marker 不離心懷
12 29 zhě ca 兄弟者
13 26 無常 wúcháng irregular 恒觀無常
14 26 無常 wúcháng changing frequently 恒觀無常
15 26 無常 wúcháng impermanence; anitya; anicca 恒觀無常
16 26 無常 wúcháng impermanence 恒觀無常
17 25 Yi 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
18 24 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是種種號咷
19 23 rén person; people; a human being 與大比丘眾五百人俱
20 23 rén Kangxi radical 9 與大比丘眾五百人俱
21 23 rén a kind of person 與大比丘眾五百人俱
22 23 rén everybody 與大比丘眾五百人俱
23 23 rén adult 與大比丘眾五百人俱
24 23 rén somebody; others 與大比丘眾五百人俱
25 23 rén an upright person 與大比丘眾五百人俱
26 23 rén person; manuṣya 與大比丘眾五百人俱
27 23 to go; to 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
28 23 to rely on; to depend on 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
29 23 Yu 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
30 23 a crow 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
31 22 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊時到
32 22 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊時到
33 22 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
34 22 relating to Buddhism 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
35 22 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
36 22 a Buddhist text 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
37 22 to touch; to stroke 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
38 22 Buddha 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
39 22 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
40 21 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得離諸惱
41 21 děi to want to; to need to 得離諸惱
42 21 děi must; ought to 得離諸惱
43 21 de 得離諸惱
44 21 de infix potential marker 得離諸惱
45 21 to result in 得離諸惱
46 21 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得離諸惱
47 21 to be satisfied 得離諸惱
48 21 to be finished 得離諸惱
49 21 děi satisfying 得離諸惱
50 21 to contract 得離諸惱
51 21 to hear 得離諸惱
52 21 to have; there is 得離諸惱
53 21 marks time passed 得離諸惱
54 21 obtain; attain; prāpta 得離諸惱
55 20 suǒ a few; various; some 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
56 20 suǒ a place; a location 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
57 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
58 20 suǒ an ordinal number 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
59 20 suǒ meaning 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
60 20 suǒ garrison 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
61 20 suǒ place; pradeśa 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
62 20 Kangxi radical 71 世尊不以無請而有所說
63 20 to not have; without 世尊不以無請而有所說
64 20 mo 世尊不以無請而有所說
65 20 to not have 世尊不以無請而有所說
66 20 Wu 世尊不以無請而有所說
67 20 mo 世尊不以無請而有所說
68 19 self 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
69 19 [my] dear 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
70 19 Wo 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
71 19 self; atman; attan 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
72 19 ga 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
73 18 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時世尊時到
74 18 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時世尊時到
75 18 wéi to act as; to serve 知識為恩愛所縛故
76 18 wéi to change into; to become 知識為恩愛所縛故
77 18 wéi to be; is 知識為恩愛所縛故
78 18 wéi to do 知識為恩愛所縛故
79 18 wèi to support; to help 知識為恩愛所縛故
80 18 wéi to govern 知識為恩愛所縛故
81 18 wèi to be; bhū 知識為恩愛所縛故
82 17 大眾 dàzhòng assembly; people; public; masses; audience 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
83 17 大眾 dàzhòng Volkswagen 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
84 17 大眾 dàzhòng Assembly 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
85 17 大眾 dàzhòng assembly; saṃgha 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
86 17 to go back; to return 又復多饒財寶
87 17 to resume; to restart 又復多饒財寶
88 17 to do in detail 又復多饒財寶
89 17 to restore 又復多饒財寶
90 17 to respond; to reply to 又復多饒財寶
91 17 Fu; Return 又復多饒財寶
92 17 to retaliate; to reciprocate 又復多饒財寶
93 17 to avoid forced labor or tax 又復多饒財寶
94 17 Fu 又復多饒財寶
95 17 doubled; to overlapping; folded 又復多饒財寶
96 17 a lined garment with doubled thickness 又復多饒財寶
97 17 to die 死之岸
98 17 to sever; to break off 死之岸
99 17 dead 死之岸
100 17 death 死之岸
101 17 to sacrifice one's life 死之岸
102 17 lost; severed 死之岸
103 17 lifeless; not moving 死之岸
104 17 stiff; inflexible 死之岸
105 17 already fixed; set; established 死之岸
106 17 damned 死之岸
107 17 to die; maraṇa 死之岸
108 16 gào to tell; to say; said; told 爾時佛告長者父母
109 16 gào to request 爾時佛告長者父母
110 16 gào to report; to inform 爾時佛告長者父母
111 16 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 爾時佛告長者父母
112 16 gào to accuse; to sue 爾時佛告長者父母
113 16 gào to reach 爾時佛告長者父母
114 16 gào an announcement 爾時佛告長者父母
115 16 gào a party 爾時佛告長者父母
116 16 gào a vacation 爾時佛告長者父母
117 16 gào Gao 爾時佛告長者父母
118 16 gào to tell; jalp 爾時佛告長者父母
119 16 to use; to grasp 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
120 16 to rely on 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
121 16 to regard 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
122 16 to be able to 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
123 16 to order; to command 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
124 16 used after a verb 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
125 16 a reason; a cause 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
126 16 Israel 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
127 16 Yi 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
128 16 use; yogena 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
129 16 to reach 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
130 16 to attain 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
131 16 to understand 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
132 16 able to be compared to; to catch up with 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
133 16 to be involved with; to associate with 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
134 16 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
135 16 and; ca; api 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
136 15 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
137 14 不能 bù néng cannot; must not; should not 不能發言
138 13 一切 yīqiè temporary 唯願世尊為度一切故
139 13 一切 yīqiè the same 唯願世尊為度一切故
140 13 míng fame; renown; reputation 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
141 13 míng a name; personal name; designation 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
142 13 míng rank; position 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
143 13 míng an excuse 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
144 13 míng life 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
145 13 míng to name; to call 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
146 13 míng to express; to describe 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
147 13 míng to be called; to have the name 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
148 13 míng to own; to possess 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
149 13 míng famous; renowned 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
150 13 míng moral 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
151 13 míng name; naman 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
152 13 míng fame; renown; yasas 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
153 13 děng et cetera; and so on 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
154 13 děng to wait 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
155 13 děng to be equal 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
156 13 děng degree; level 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
157 13 děng to compare 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
158 13 děng same; equal; sama 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
159 12 zhī to know 爾時世尊知而故問
160 12 zhī to comprehend 爾時世尊知而故問
161 12 zhī to inform; to tell 爾時世尊知而故問
162 12 zhī to administer 爾時世尊知而故問
163 12 zhī to distinguish; to discern 爾時世尊知而故問
164 12 zhī to be close friends 爾時世尊知而故問
165 12 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 爾時世尊知而故問
166 12 zhī to receive; to entertain 爾時世尊知而故問
167 12 zhī knowledge 爾時世尊知而故問
168 12 zhī consciousness; perception 爾時世尊知而故問
169 12 zhī a close friend 爾時世尊知而故問
170 12 zhì wisdom 爾時世尊知而故問
171 12 zhì Zhi 爾時世尊知而故問
172 12 zhī Understanding 爾時世尊知而故問
173 12 zhī know; jña 爾時世尊知而故問
174 12 zhì Kangxi radical 133 可往至彼
175 12 zhì to arrive 可往至彼
176 12 zhì approach; upagama 可往至彼
177 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 苦惱無量
178 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 苦惱無量
179 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 苦惱無量
180 11 無量 wúliàng Atula 苦惱無量
181 11 shēng to be born; to give birth 得度生
182 11 shēng to live 得度生
183 11 shēng raw 得度生
184 11 shēng a student 得度生
185 11 shēng life 得度生
186 11 shēng to produce; to give rise 得度生
187 11 shēng alive 得度生
188 11 shēng a lifetime 得度生
189 11 shēng to initiate; to become 得度生
190 11 shēng to grow 得度生
191 11 shēng unfamiliar 得度生
192 11 shēng not experienced 得度生
193 11 shēng hard; stiff; strong 得度生
194 11 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 得度生
195 11 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 得度生
196 11 shēng gender 得度生
197 11 shēng to develop; to grow 得度生
198 11 shēng to set up 得度生
199 11 shēng a prostitute 得度生
200 11 shēng a captive 得度生
201 11 shēng a gentleman 得度生
202 11 shēng Kangxi radical 100 得度生
203 11 shēng unripe 得度生
204 11 shēng nature 得度生
205 11 shēng to inherit; to succeed 得度生
206 11 shēng destiny 得度生
207 11 shēng birth 得度生
208 11 zhōng middle 於諸人中為無有上
209 11 zhōng medium; medium sized 於諸人中為無有上
210 11 zhōng China 於諸人中為無有上
211 11 zhòng to hit the mark 於諸人中為無有上
212 11 zhōng midday 於諸人中為無有上
213 11 zhōng inside 於諸人中為無有上
214 11 zhōng during 於諸人中為無有上
215 11 zhōng Zhong 於諸人中為無有上
216 11 zhōng intermediary 於諸人中為無有上
217 11 zhōng half 於諸人中為無有上
218 11 zhòng to reach; to attain 於諸人中為無有上
219 11 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於諸人中為無有上
220 11 zhòng to obtain 於諸人中為無有上
221 11 zhòng to pass an exam 於諸人中為無有上
222 11 zhōng middle 於諸人中為無有上
223 10 xíng to walk 若人行是十惡
224 10 xíng capable; competent 若人行是十惡
225 10 háng profession 若人行是十惡
226 10 xíng Kangxi radical 144 若人行是十惡
227 10 xíng to travel 若人行是十惡
228 10 xìng actions; conduct 若人行是十惡
229 10 xíng to do; to act; to practice 若人行是十惡
230 10 xíng all right; OK; okay 若人行是十惡
231 10 háng horizontal line 若人行是十惡
232 10 héng virtuous deeds 若人行是十惡
233 10 hàng a line of trees 若人行是十惡
234 10 hàng bold; steadfast 若人行是十惡
235 10 xíng to move 若人行是十惡
236 10 xíng to put into effect; to implement 若人行是十惡
237 10 xíng travel 若人行是十惡
238 10 xíng to circulate 若人行是十惡
239 10 xíng running script; running script 若人行是十惡
240 10 xíng temporary 若人行是十惡
241 10 háng rank; order 若人行是十惡
242 10 háng a business; a shop 若人行是十惡
243 10 xíng to depart; to leave 若人行是十惡
244 10 xíng to experience 若人行是十惡
245 10 xíng path; way 若人行是十惡
246 10 xíng xing; ballad 若人行是十惡
247 10 xíng Xing 若人行是十惡
248 10 xíng Practice 若人行是十惡
249 10 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 若人行是十惡
250 10 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 若人行是十惡
251 10 後世 hòushì later generations; posterity 後世
252 10 後世 hòushì later rebirths; subsequent births 後世
253 10 憍慢 jiāomàn arrogance 憍慢
254 10 憍慢 jiāomàn Arrogance 憍慢
255 10 Kangxi radical 49 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
256 10 to bring to an end; to stop 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
257 10 to complete 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
258 10 to demote; to dismiss 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
259 10 to recover from an illness 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
260 10 former; pūrvaka 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
261 10 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
262 10 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
263 10 過去 guòqu to die 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
264 10 過去 guòqu already past 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
265 10 過去 guòqu to go forward 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
266 10 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
267 10 過去 guòqù past 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
268 10 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
269 10 無有 wú yǒu there is not 於諸人中為無有上
270 10 無有 wú yǒu non-existence 於諸人中為無有上
271 10 汝等 rǔ děng you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam 汝等何故悲泣
272 10 method; way 著此幻法
273 10 France 著此幻法
274 10 the law; rules; regulations 著此幻法
275 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 著此幻法
276 10 a standard; a norm 著此幻法
277 10 an institution 著此幻法
278 10 to emulate 著此幻法
279 10 magic; a magic trick 著此幻法
280 10 punishment 著此幻法
281 10 Fa 著此幻法
282 10 a precedent 著此幻法
283 10 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 著此幻法
284 10 relating to a ceremony or rite 著此幻法
285 10 Dharma 著此幻法
286 10 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 著此幻法
287 10 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 著此幻法
288 10 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 著此幻法
289 10 quality; characteristic 著此幻法
290 9 諸人 zhū rén people; jana 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
291 9 néng can; able 能導盲冥
292 9 néng ability; capacity 能導盲冥
293 9 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能導盲冥
294 9 néng energy 能導盲冥
295 9 néng function; use 能導盲冥
296 9 néng talent 能導盲冥
297 9 néng expert at 能導盲冥
298 9 néng to be in harmony 能導盲冥
299 9 néng to tend to; to care for 能導盲冥
300 9 néng to reach; to arrive at 能導盲冥
301 9 néng to be able; śak 能導盲冥
302 9 néng skilful; pravīṇa 能導盲冥
303 9 bitterness; bitter flavor 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
304 9 hardship; suffering 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
305 9 to make things difficult for 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
306 9 to train; to practice 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
307 9 to suffer from a misfortune 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
308 9 bitter 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
309 9 grieved; facing hardship 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
310 9 in low spirits; depressed 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
311 9 painful 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
312 9 suffering; duḥkha; dukkha 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
313 8 名為 míngwèi to be called 如是之人亦名為死
314 8 zhòng many; numerous 愚癡之眾
315 8 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 愚癡之眾
316 8 zhòng general; common; public 愚癡之眾
317 8 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
318 8 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
319 8 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
320 8 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
321 8 降伏 xiángfú to subdue; to vanquish; to tame; to pacify 我已降伏
322 8 降伏 xiángfú someone who has surrendered 我已降伏
323 8 降伏 xiángfú to subdue 我已降伏
324 8 降伏 xiángfú subjugation; abhicara 我已降伏
325 8 說偈言 shuō jìyán uttered the following stanzas 爾時世尊即說偈言
326 7 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 是則名為死
327 7 a grade; a level 是則名為死
328 7 an example; a model 是則名為死
329 7 a weighing device 是則名為死
330 7 to grade; to rank 是則名為死
331 7 to copy; to imitate; to follow 是則名為死
332 7 to do 是則名為死
333 7 koan; kōan; gong'an 是則名為死
334 7 因緣 yīnyuán chance 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
335 7 因緣 yīnyuán destiny 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
336 7 因緣 yīnyuán according to this 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
337 7 因緣 yīnyuán causes and conditions 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
338 7 因緣 yīnyuán cause and conditions; principal and secondary causes; hetupratyaya 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
339 7 因緣 yīnyuán Nidana (expositions of causes); a story of an occasion in the Buddhha's life 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
340 7 因緣 yīnyuán a passage in a sūtra describing the setting 眾生以此四事因緣繫縛
341 7 阿難 Ānán Ananda 與阿難俱入城乞食
342 7 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 與阿難俱入城乞食
343 7 to give 與大比丘眾五百人俱
344 7 to accompany 與大比丘眾五百人俱
345 7 to particate in 與大比丘眾五百人俱
346 7 of the same kind 與大比丘眾五百人俱
347 7 to help 與大比丘眾五百人俱
348 7 for 與大比丘眾五百人俱
349 7 如來 rúlái Tathagata 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
350 7 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
351 7 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
352 7 guī to go back; to return 悉歸無常
353 7 guī to belong to; to be classified as 悉歸無常
354 7 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 悉歸無常
355 7 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 悉歸無常
356 7 guī to revert to; to give back to 悉歸無常
357 7 guī (of a woman) to get married 悉歸無常
358 7 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 悉歸無常
359 7 guī to appreciate; to admire 悉歸無常
360 7 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 悉歸無常
361 7 guī to pledge allegiance to 悉歸無常
362 7 guī to withdraw 悉歸無常
363 7 guī to settle down 悉歸無常
364 7 guī Gui 悉歸無常
365 7 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 悉歸無常
366 7 kuì ashamed 悉歸無常
367 7 guī returned; āgata 悉歸無常
368 7 父母 fùmǔ parents; mother and father 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
369 7 父母 fùmǔ prefects and county magistrates 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
370 7 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又有把土而自坌者
371 7 cháng Chang 常懷嫉恚而自稱譽
372 7 cháng common; general; ordinary 常懷嫉恚而自稱譽
373 7 cháng a principle; a rule 常懷嫉恚而自稱譽
374 7 cháng eternal; nitya 常懷嫉恚而自稱譽
375 7 xīn heart [organ] 標心正見
376 7 xīn Kangxi radical 61 標心正見
377 7 xīn mind; consciousness 標心正見
378 7 xīn the center; the core; the middle 標心正見
379 7 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 標心正見
380 7 xīn heart 標心正見
381 7 xīn emotion 標心正見
382 7 xīn intention; consideration 標心正見
383 7 xīn disposition; temperament 標心正見
384 7 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 標心正見
385 7 desire 正欲長歎
386 7 to desire; to wish 正欲長歎
387 7 to desire; to intend 正欲長歎
388 7 lust 正欲長歎
389 7 desire; intention; wish; kāma 正欲長歎
390 7 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 爾時如來受阿難請
391 7 shòu to transfer; to confer 爾時如來受阿難請
392 7 shòu to receive; to accept 爾時如來受阿難請
393 7 shòu to tolerate 爾時如來受阿難請
394 7 shòu feelings; sensations 爾時如來受阿難請
395 7 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
396 7 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
397 7 shuì to persuade 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
398 7 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
399 7 shuō a doctrine; a theory 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
400 7 shuō to claim; to assert 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
401 7 shuō allocution 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
402 7 shuō to criticize; to scold 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
403 7 shuō to indicate; to refer to 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
404 7 shuō speach; vāda 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
405 7 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
406 7 shuō to instruct 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
407 7 duàn to judge 又有持刀斷其髮者
408 7 duàn to severe; to break 又有持刀斷其髮者
409 7 duàn to stop 又有持刀斷其髮者
410 7 duàn to quit; to give up 又有持刀斷其髮者
411 7 duàn to intercept 又有持刀斷其髮者
412 7 duàn to divide 又有持刀斷其髮者
413 7 duàn to isolate 又有持刀斷其髮者
414 7 Qi 又有持刀斷其髮者
415 6 lǎo old; aged; elderly; aging
416 6 lǎo Kangxi radical 125
417 6 lǎo vegetables that have become old and tough
418 6 lǎo experienced
419 6 lǎo humble self-reference
420 6 lǎo of long standing
421 6 lǎo dark
422 6 lǎo outdated
423 6 lǎo old people; the elderly
424 6 lǎo parents
425 6 lǎo old; jarā
426 6 shí time; a point or period of time 是時城中有大長者子
427 6 shí a season; a quarter of a year 是時城中有大長者子
428 6 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 是時城中有大長者子
429 6 shí fashionable 是時城中有大長者子
430 6 shí fate; destiny; luck 是時城中有大長者子
431 6 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 是時城中有大長者子
432 6 shí tense 是時城中有大長者子
433 6 shí particular; special 是時城中有大長者子
434 6 shí to plant; to cultivate 是時城中有大長者子
435 6 shí an era; a dynasty 是時城中有大長者子
436 6 shí time [abstract] 是時城中有大長者子
437 6 shí seasonal 是時城中有大長者子
438 6 shí to wait upon 是時城中有大長者子
439 6 shí hour 是時城中有大長者子
440 6 shí appropriate; proper; timely 是時城中有大長者子
441 6 shí Shi 是時城中有大長者子
442 6 shí a present; currentlt 是時城中有大長者子
443 6 shí time; kāla 是時城中有大長者子
444 6 shí at that time; samaya 是時城中有大長者子
445 6 yuán fate; predestined affinity 不遇惡緣
446 6 yuán hem 不遇惡緣
447 6 yuán to revolve around 不遇惡緣
448 6 yuán to climb up 不遇惡緣
449 6 yuán cause; origin; reason 不遇惡緣
450 6 yuán along; to follow 不遇惡緣
451 6 yuán to depend on 不遇惡緣
452 6 yuán margin; edge; rim 不遇惡緣
453 6 yuán Condition 不遇惡緣
454 6 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 不遇惡緣
455 6 bìng ailment; sickness; illness; disease
456 6 bìng to be sick
457 6 bìng a defect; a fault; a shortcoming
458 6 bìng to be disturbed about
459 6 bìng to suffer for
460 6 bìng to harm
461 6 bìng to worry
462 6 bìng to hate; to resent
463 6 bìng to criticize; to find fault with
464 6 bìng withered
465 6 bìng exhausted
466 6 bìng sickness; vyādhi
467 6 big; huge; large 是時城中有大長者子
468 6 Kangxi radical 37 是時城中有大長者子
469 6 great; major; important 是時城中有大長者子
470 6 size 是時城中有大長者子
471 6 old 是時城中有大長者子
472 6 oldest; earliest 是時城中有大長者子
473 6 adult 是時城中有大長者子
474 6 dài an important person 是時城中有大長者子
475 6 senior 是時城中有大長者子
476 6 an element 是時城中有大長者子
477 6 great; mahā 是時城中有大長者子
478 6 huì can; be able to 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
479 6 huì able to 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
480 6 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
481 6 kuài to balance an account 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
482 6 huì to assemble 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
483 6 huì to meet 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
484 6 huì a temple fair 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
485 6 huì a religious assembly 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
486 6 huì an association; a society 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
487 6 huì a national or provincial capital 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
488 6 huì an opportunity 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
489 6 huì to understand 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
490 6 huì to be familiar with; to know 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
491 6 huì to be possible; to be likely 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
492 6 huì to be good at 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
493 6 huì a moment 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
494 6 huì to happen to 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
495 6 huì to pay 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
496 6 huì a meeting place 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
497 6 kuài the seam of a cap 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
498 6 huì in accordance with 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
499 6 huì imperial civil service examination 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
500 6 huì to have sexual intercourse 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1076

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 45 zhū all; many; various 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
2 45 zhū Zhu 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
3 45 zhū all; members of the class 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
4 45 zhū interrogative particle 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
5 45 zhū him; her; them; it 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
6 45 zhū of; in 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
7 45 zhū all; many; sarva 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
8 42 zhī him; her; them; that 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
9 42 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
10 42 zhī to go 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
11 42 zhī this; that 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
12 42 zhī genetive marker 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
13 42 zhī it 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
14 42 zhī in 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
15 42 zhī all 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
16 42 zhī and 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
17 42 zhī however 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
18 42 zhī if 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
19 42 zhī then 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
20 42 zhī to arrive; to go 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
21 42 zhī is 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
22 42 zhī to use 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
23 42 zhī Zhi 又如失水之魚宛轉在地
24 30 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 又有把土而自坌者
25 30 ér Kangxi radical 126 又有把土而自坌者
26 30 ér you 又有把土而自坌者
27 30 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 又有把土而自坌者
28 30 ér right away; then 又有把土而自坌者
29 30 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 又有把土而自坌者
30 30 ér if; in case; in the event that 又有把土而自坌者
31 30 ér therefore; as a result; thus 又有把土而自坌者
32 30 ér how can it be that? 又有把土而自坌者
33 30 ér so as to 又有把土而自坌者
34 30 ér only then 又有把土而自坌者
35 30 ér as if; to seem like 又有把土而自坌者
36 30 néng can; able 又有把土而自坌者
37 30 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 又有把土而自坌者
38 30 ér me 又有把土而自坌者
39 30 ér to arrive; up to 又有把土而自坌者
40 30 ér possessive 又有把土而自坌者
41 30 ér and; ca 又有把土而自坌者
42 29 not; no 不離心懷
43 29 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不離心懷
44 29 as a correlative 不離心懷
45 29 no (answering a question) 不離心懷
46 29 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不離心懷
47 29 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不離心懷
48 29 to form a yes or no question 不離心懷
49 29 infix potential marker 不離心懷
50 29 no; na 不離心懷
51 29 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 兄弟者
52 29 zhě that 兄弟者
53 29 zhě nominalizing function word 兄弟者
54 29 zhě used to mark a definition 兄弟者
55 29 zhě used to mark a pause 兄弟者
56 29 zhě topic marker; that; it 兄弟者
57 29 zhuó according to 兄弟者
58 29 zhě ca 兄弟者
59 26 yǒu is; are; to exist 是時城中有大長者子
60 26 yǒu to have; to possess 是時城中有大長者子
61 26 yǒu indicates an estimate 是時城中有大長者子
62 26 yǒu indicates a large quantity 是時城中有大長者子
63 26 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 是時城中有大長者子
64 26 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 是時城中有大長者子
65 26 yǒu used to compare two things 是時城中有大長者子
66 26 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 是時城中有大長者子
67 26 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 是時城中有大長者子
68 26 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 是時城中有大長者子
69 26 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 是時城中有大長者子
70 26 yǒu abundant 是時城中有大長者子
71 26 yǒu purposeful 是時城中有大長者子
72 26 yǒu You 是時城中有大長者子
73 26 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 是時城中有大長者子
74 26 yǒu becoming; bhava 是時城中有大長者子
75 26 無常 wúcháng irregular 恒觀無常
76 26 無常 wúcháng changing frequently 恒觀無常
77 26 無常 wúcháng impermanence; anitya; anicca 恒觀無常
78 26 無常 wúcháng impermanence 恒觀無常
79 25 also; too 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
80 25 but 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
81 25 this; he; she 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
82 25 although; even though 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
83 25 already 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
84 25 particle with no meaning 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
85 25 Yi 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
86 24 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是種種號咷
87 24 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是種種號咷
88 24 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是種種號咷
89 24 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是種種號咷
90 23 rén person; people; a human being 與大比丘眾五百人俱
91 23 rén Kangxi radical 9 與大比丘眾五百人俱
92 23 rén a kind of person 與大比丘眾五百人俱
93 23 rén everybody 與大比丘眾五百人俱
94 23 rén adult 與大比丘眾五百人俱
95 23 rén somebody; others 與大比丘眾五百人俱
96 23 rén an upright person 與大比丘眾五百人俱
97 23 rén person; manuṣya 與大比丘眾五百人俱
98 23 in; at 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
99 23 in; at 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
100 23 in; at; to; from 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
101 23 to go; to 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
102 23 to rely on; to depend on 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
103 23 to go to; to arrive at 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
104 23 from 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
105 23 give 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
106 23 oppposing 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
107 23 and 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
108 23 compared to 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
109 23 by 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
110 23 and; as well as 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
111 23 for 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
112 23 Yu 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
113 23 a crow 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
114 23 whew; wow 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
115 23 near to; antike 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
116 22 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊時到
117 22 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊時到
118 22 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
119 22 relating to Buddhism 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
120 22 a statue or image of a Buddha 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
121 22 a Buddhist text 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
122 22 to touch; to stroke 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
123 22 Buddha 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
124 22 Buddha; Awakened One 一時佛在舍衛國祇洹精舍
125 21 de potential marker 得離諸惱
126 21 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得離諸惱
127 21 děi must; ought to 得離諸惱
128 21 děi to want to; to need to 得離諸惱
129 21 děi must; ought to 得離諸惱
130 21 de 得離諸惱
131 21 de infix potential marker 得離諸惱
132 21 to result in 得離諸惱
133 21 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得離諸惱
134 21 to be satisfied 得離諸惱
135 21 to be finished 得離諸惱
136 21 de result of degree 得離諸惱
137 21 de marks completion of an action 得離諸惱
138 21 děi satisfying 得離諸惱
139 21 to contract 得離諸惱
140 21 marks permission or possibility 得離諸惱
141 21 expressing frustration 得離諸惱
142 21 to hear 得離諸惱
143 21 to have; there is 得離諸惱
144 21 marks time passed 得離諸惱
145 21 obtain; attain; prāpta 得離諸惱
146 20 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
147 20 suǒ an office; an institute 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
148 20 suǒ introduces a relative clause 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
149 20 suǒ it 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
150 20 suǒ if; supposing 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
151 20 suǒ a few; various; some 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
152 20 suǒ a place; a location 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
153 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
154 20 suǒ that which 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
155 20 suǒ an ordinal number 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
156 20 suǒ meaning 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
157 20 suǒ garrison 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
158 20 suǒ place; pradeśa 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
159 20 suǒ that which; yad 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
160 20 no 世尊不以無請而有所說
161 20 Kangxi radical 71 世尊不以無請而有所說
162 20 to not have; without 世尊不以無請而有所說
163 20 has not yet 世尊不以無請而有所說
164 20 mo 世尊不以無請而有所說
165 20 do not 世尊不以無請而有所說
166 20 not; -less; un- 世尊不以無請而有所說
167 20 regardless of 世尊不以無請而有所說
168 20 to not have 世尊不以無請而有所說
169 20 um 世尊不以無請而有所說
170 20 Wu 世尊不以無請而有所說
171 20 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 世尊不以無請而有所說
172 20 not; non- 世尊不以無請而有所說
173 20 mo 世尊不以無請而有所說
174 19 I; me; my 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
175 19 self 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
176 19 we; our 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
177 19 [my] dear 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
178 19 Wo 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
179 19 self; atman; attan 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
180 19 ga 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
181 19 I; aham 我今為彼諸人勸請於佛
182 18 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時世尊時到
183 18 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時世尊時到
184 18 shì is; are; am; to be 是時城中有大長者子
185 18 shì is exactly 是時城中有大長者子
186 18 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是時城中有大長者子
187 18 shì this; that; those 是時城中有大長者子
188 18 shì really; certainly 是時城中有大長者子
189 18 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是時城中有大長者子
190 18 shì true 是時城中有大長者子
191 18 shì is; has; exists 是時城中有大長者子
192 18 shì used between repetitions of a word 是時城中有大長者子
193 18 shì a matter; an affair 是時城中有大長者子
194 18 shì Shi 是時城中有大長者子
195 18 shì is; bhū 是時城中有大長者子
196 18 shì this; idam 是時城中有大長者子
197 18 wèi for; to 知識為恩愛所縛故
198 18 wèi because of 知識為恩愛所縛故
199 18 wéi to act as; to serve 知識為恩愛所縛故
200 18 wéi to change into; to become 知識為恩愛所縛故
201 18 wéi to be; is 知識為恩愛所縛故
202 18 wéi to do 知識為恩愛所縛故
203 18 wèi for 知識為恩愛所縛故
204 18 wèi because of; for; to 知識為恩愛所縛故
205 18 wèi to 知識為恩愛所縛故
206 18 wéi in a passive construction 知識為恩愛所縛故
207 18 wéi forming a rehetorical question 知識為恩愛所縛故
208 18 wéi forming an adverb 知識為恩愛所縛故
209 18 wéi to add emphasis 知識為恩愛所縛故
210 18 wèi to support; to help 知識為恩愛所縛故
211 18 wéi to govern 知識為恩愛所縛故
212 18 wèi to be; bhū 知識為恩愛所縛故
213 17 大眾 dàzhòng assembly; people; public; masses; audience 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
214 17 大眾 dàzhòng Volkswagen 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
215 17 大眾 dàzhòng Assembly 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
216 17 大眾 dàzhòng assembly; saṃgha 彼諸大眾何故哀號悲泣如是
217 17 again; more; repeatedly 又復多饒財寶
218 17 to go back; to return 又復多饒財寶
219 17 to resume; to restart 又復多饒財寶
220 17 to do in detail 又復多饒財寶
221 17 to restore 又復多饒財寶
222 17 to respond; to reply to 又復多饒財寶
223 17 after all; and then 又復多饒財寶
224 17 even if; although 又復多饒財寶
225 17 Fu; Return 又復多饒財寶
226 17 to retaliate; to reciprocate 又復多饒財寶
227 17 to avoid forced labor or tax 又復多饒財寶
228 17 particle without meaing 又復多饒財寶
229 17 Fu 又復多饒財寶
230 17 repeated; again 又復多饒財寶
231 17 doubled; to overlapping; folded 又復多饒財寶
232 17 a lined garment with doubled thickness 又復多饒財寶
233 17 again; punar 又復多饒財寶
234 17 to die 死之岸
235 17 to sever; to break off 死之岸
236 17 extremely; very 死之岸
237 17 to do one's utmost 死之岸
238 17 dead 死之岸
239 17 death 死之岸
240 17 to sacrifice one's life 死之岸
241 17 lost; severed 死之岸
242 17 lifeless; not moving 死之岸
243 17 stiff; inflexible 死之岸
244 17 already fixed; set; established 死之岸
245 17 damned 死之岸
246 17 to die; maraṇa 死之岸
247 16 gào to tell; to say; said; told 爾時佛告長者父母
248 16 gào to request 爾時佛告長者父母
249 16 gào to report; to inform 爾時佛告長者父母
250 16 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 爾時佛告長者父母
251 16 gào to accuse; to sue 爾時佛告長者父母
252 16 gào to reach 爾時佛告長者父母
253 16 gào an announcement 爾時佛告長者父母
254 16 gào a party 爾時佛告長者父母
255 16 gào a vacation 爾時佛告長者父母
256 16 gào Gao 爾時佛告長者父母
257 16 gào to tell; jalp 爾時佛告長者父母
258 16 so as to; in order to 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
259 16 to use; to regard as 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
260 16 to use; to grasp 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
261 16 according to 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
262 16 because of 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
263 16 on a certain date 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
264 16 and; as well as 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
265 16 to rely on 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
266 16 to regard 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
267 16 to be able to 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
268 16 to order; to command 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
269 16 further; moreover 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
270 16 used after a verb 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
271 16 very 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
272 16 already 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
273 16 increasingly 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
274 16 a reason; a cause 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
275 16 Israel 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
276 16 Yi 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
277 16 use; yogena 或有以衣自覆而悲泣者
278 16 to reach 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
279 16 and 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
280 16 coming to; when 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
281 16 to attain 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
282 16 to understand 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
283 16 able to be compared to; to catch up with 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
284 16 to be involved with; to associate with 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
285 16 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
286 16 and; ca; api 父母宗親及諸知識一時號哭
287 15 this; these 此城中有大長者子
288 15 in this way 此城中有大長者子
289 15 otherwise; but; however; so 此城中有大長者子
290 15 at this time; now; here 此城中有大長者子
291 15 this; here; etad 此城中有大長者子
292 15 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
293 15 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若人行是十惡
294 15 ruò seemingly 若人行是十惡
295 15 ruò if 若人行是十惡
296 15 ruò you 若人行是十惡
297 15 ruò this; that 若人行是十惡
298 15 ruò and; or 若人行是十惡
299 15 ruò as for; pertaining to 若人行是十惡
300 15 pomegranite 若人行是十惡
301 15 ruò to choose 若人行是十惡
302 15 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若人行是十惡
303 15 ruò thus 若人行是十惡
304 15 ruò pollia 若人行是十惡
305 15 ruò Ruo 若人行是十惡
306 15 ruò only then 若人行是十惡
307 15 ja 若人行是十惡
308 15 jñā 若人行是十惡
309 15 ruò if; yadi 若人行是十惡
310 14 不能 bù néng cannot; must not; should not 不能發言
311 13 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 爾時世尊知而故問
312 13 old; ancient; former; past 爾時世尊知而故問
313 13 reason; cause; purpose 爾時世尊知而故問
314 13 to die 爾時世尊知而故問
315 13 so; therefore; hence 爾時世尊知而故問
316 13 original 爾時世尊知而故問
317 13 accident; happening; instance 爾時世尊知而故問
318 13 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 爾時世尊知而故問
319 13 something in the past 爾時世尊知而故問
320 13 deceased; dead 爾時世尊知而故問
321 13 still; yet 爾時世尊知而故問
322 13 therefore; tasmāt 爾時世尊知而故問
323 13 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 會當有離
324 13 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 會當有離
325 13 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 會當有離
326 13 dāng to face 會當有離
327 13 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 會當有離
328 13 dāng to manage; to host 會當有離
329 13 dāng should 會當有離
330 13 dāng to treat; to regard as 會當有離
331 13 dǎng to think 會當有離
332 13 dàng suitable; correspond to 會當有離
333 13 dǎng to be equal 會當有離
334 13 dàng that 會當有離
335 13 dāng an end; top 會當有離
336 13 dàng clang; jingle 會當有離
337 13 dāng to judge 會當有離
338 13 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 會當有離
339 13 dàng the same 會當有離
340 13 dàng to pawn 會當有離
341 13 dàng to fail [an exam] 會當有離
342 13 dàng a trap 會當有離
343 13 dàng a pawned item 會當有離
344 13 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 會當有離
345 13 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 唯願世尊為度一切故
346 13 一切 yīqiè temporary 唯願世尊為度一切故
347 13 一切 yīqiè the same 唯願世尊為度一切故
348 13 一切 yīqiè generally 唯願世尊為度一切故
349 13 一切 yīqiè all, everything 唯願世尊為度一切故
350 13 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 唯願世尊為度一切故
351 13 míng measure word for people 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
352 13 míng fame; renown; reputation 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
353 13 míng a name; personal name; designation 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
354 13 míng rank; position 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
355 13 míng an excuse 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
356 13 míng life 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
357 13 míng to name; to call 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
358 13 míng to express; to describe 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
359 13 míng to be called; to have the name 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
360 13 míng to own; to possess 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
361 13 míng famous; renowned 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
362 13 míng moral 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
363 13 míng name; naman 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
364 13 míng fame; renown; yasas 一名會諸佛前亦名如來所說示現眾生
365 13 děng et cetera; and so on 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
366 13 děng to wait 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
367 13 děng degree; kind 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
368 13 děng plural 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
369 13 děng to be equal 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
370 13 děng degree; level 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
371 13 děng to compare 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
372 13 děng same; equal; sama 是時彼諸人等遙見世尊
373 12 zhī to know 爾時世尊知而故問
374 12 zhī to comprehend 爾時世尊知而故問
375 12 zhī to inform; to tell 爾時世尊知而故問
376 12 zhī to administer 爾時世尊知而故問
377 12 zhī to distinguish; to discern 爾時世尊知而故問
378 12 zhī to be close friends 爾時世尊知而故問
379 12 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 爾時世尊知而故問
380 12 zhī to receive; to entertain 爾時世尊知而故問
381 12 zhī knowledge 爾時世尊知而故問
382 12 zhī consciousness; perception 爾時世尊知而故問
383 12 zhī a close friend 爾時世尊知而故問
384 12 zhì wisdom 爾時世尊知而故問
385 12 zhì Zhi 爾時世尊知而故問
386 12 zhī Understanding 爾時世尊知而故問
387 12 zhī know; jña 爾時世尊知而故問
388 12 zhì to; until 可往至彼
389 12 zhì Kangxi radical 133 可往至彼
390 12 zhì extremely; very; most 可往至彼
391 12 zhì to arrive 可往至彼
392 12 zhì approach; upagama 可往至彼
393 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 苦惱無量
394 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 苦惱無量
395 11 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 苦惱無量
396 11 無量 wúliàng Atula 苦惱無量
397 11 shēng to be born; to give birth 得度生
398 11 shēng to live 得度生
399 11 shēng raw 得度生
400 11 shēng a student 得度生
401 11 shēng life 得度生
402 11 shēng to produce; to give rise 得度生
403 11 shēng alive 得度生
404 11 shēng a lifetime 得度生
405 11 shēng to initiate; to become 得度生
406 11 shēng to grow 得度生
407 11 shēng unfamiliar 得度生
408 11 shēng not experienced 得度生
409 11 shēng hard; stiff; strong 得度生
410 11 shēng very; extremely 得度生
411 11 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 得度生
412 11 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 得度生
413 11 shēng gender 得度生
414 11 shēng to develop; to grow 得度生
415 11 shēng to set up 得度生
416 11 shēng a prostitute 得度生
417 11 shēng a captive 得度生
418 11 shēng a gentleman 得度生
419 11 shēng Kangxi radical 100 得度生
420 11 shēng unripe 得度生
421 11 shēng nature 得度生
422 11 shēng to inherit; to succeed 得度生
423 11 shēng destiny 得度生
424 11 shēng birth 得度生
425 11 zhōng middle 於諸人中為無有上
426 11 zhōng medium; medium sized 於諸人中為無有上
427 11 zhōng China 於諸人中為無有上
428 11 zhòng to hit the mark 於諸人中為無有上
429 11 zhōng in; amongst 於諸人中為無有上
430 11 zhōng midday 於諸人中為無有上
431 11 zhōng inside 於諸人中為無有上
432 11 zhōng during 於諸人中為無有上
433 11 zhōng Zhong 於諸人中為無有上
434 11 zhōng intermediary 於諸人中為無有上
435 11 zhōng half 於諸人中為無有上
436 11 zhōng just right; suitably 於諸人中為無有上
437 11 zhōng while 於諸人中為無有上
438 11 zhòng to reach; to attain 於諸人中為無有上
439 11 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於諸人中為無有上
440 11 zhòng to obtain 於諸人中為無有上
441 11 zhòng to pass an exam 於諸人中為無有上
442 11 zhōng middle 於諸人中為無有上
443 10 xíng to walk 若人行是十惡
444 10 xíng capable; competent 若人行是十惡
445 10 háng profession 若人行是十惡
446 10 háng line; row 若人行是十惡
447 10 xíng Kangxi radical 144 若人行是十惡
448 10 xíng to travel 若人行是十惡
449 10 xìng actions; conduct 若人行是十惡
450 10 xíng to do; to act; to practice 若人行是十惡
451 10 xíng all right; OK; okay 若人行是十惡
452 10 háng horizontal line 若人行是十惡
453 10 héng virtuous deeds 若人行是十惡
454 10 hàng a line of trees 若人行是十惡
455 10 hàng bold; steadfast 若人行是十惡
456 10 xíng to move 若人行是十惡
457 10 xíng to put into effect; to implement 若人行是十惡
458 10 xíng travel 若人行是十惡
459 10 xíng to circulate 若人行是十惡
460 10 xíng running script; running script 若人行是十惡
461 10 xíng temporary 若人行是十惡
462 10 xíng soon 若人行是十惡
463 10 háng rank; order 若人行是十惡
464 10 háng a business; a shop 若人行是十惡
465 10 xíng to depart; to leave 若人行是十惡
466 10 xíng to experience 若人行是十惡
467 10 xíng path; way 若人行是十惡
468 10 xíng xing; ballad 若人行是十惡
469 10 xíng a round [of drinks] 若人行是十惡
470 10 xíng Xing 若人行是十惡
471 10 xíng moreover; also 若人行是十惡
472 10 xíng Practice 若人行是十惡
473 10 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 若人行是十惡
474 10 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 若人行是十惡
475 10 後世 hòushì later generations; posterity 後世
476 10 後世 hòushì later rebirths; subsequent births 後世
477 10 憍慢 jiāomàn arrogance 憍慢
478 10 憍慢 jiāomàn Arrogance 憍慢
479 10 already 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
480 10 Kangxi radical 49 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
481 10 from 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
482 10 to bring to an end; to stop 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
483 10 final aspectual particle 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
484 10 afterwards; thereafter 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
485 10 too; very; excessively 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
486 10 to complete 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
487 10 to demote; to dismiss 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
488 10 to recover from an illness 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
489 10 certainly 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
490 10 an interjection of surprise 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
491 10 this 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
492 10 former; pūrvaka 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
493 10 former; pūrvaka 從今已後更不復受如是諸苦
494 10 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
495 10 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
496 10 過去 guòqu to die 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
497 10 過去 guòqu already past 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
498 10 過去 guòqu to go forward 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
499 10 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁
500 10 過去 guòqù past 我知過去諸佛為一切眾生作大橋梁


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
zhū all; many; sarva
ér and; ca
no; na
zhě ca
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
无常 無常
  1. wúcháng
  2. wúcháng
  1. impermanence; anitya; anicca
  2. impermanence
  1. rúshì
  2. rúshì
  3. rúshì
  1. thus, so
  2. thus; evam
  3. of such a form; evaṃrūpa
rén person; manuṣya
near to; antike
世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
当归 當歸 100 Angelica sinensis
大桥 大橋 100 Da Qiao
典籍 100 canonical text
定光佛 100
  1. Dipankara Buddha
  2. Dipankara
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
佛说须摩提长者经 佛說須摩提長者經 102 Fo Shuo Xumoti Zhangzhe Jing
迦叶佛 迦葉佛 106 Kasyapa Buddha; Kassapa Buddha
拘那含牟尼佛 106 Kanakamuni Buddha
鹿野园 鹿野園 108 Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
妙法 109
  1. Wondrous Dharma
  2. the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
祇洹 113 Jetavana
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
舍卫国 舍衛國 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
尸弃佛 尸棄佛 115 Sikhin Buddha; Śikhin Buddha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四魔 115 the four kinds of evil
随叶佛 隨葉佛 115 Visvabhu Buddha; Viśvabhu Buddha
天魔波旬 116 Mara Pisuna
提婆 116
  1. Heaven
  2. Aryadeva; Deva
  3. Devadatta
  4. Kanadeva
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
雪山 120 Himalayan Mountains
须摩提 須摩提 120
  1. Sukhāvatī; Sukhavati; Western Pure Land
  2. Sumati
  3. Sumati
药王 藥王 89 Bhaisajyaraja; Medicine King
支谦 支謙 122 Zhi Qian
转轮圣王 轉輪聖王 90 Chakravarti raja; an emperor in Hindu mythology
自贡 自貢 122 Zigong


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 156.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 196 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
阿修罗 阿修羅 196
  1. asura
  2. asura
八解脱 八解脫 98 the eight liberations; astavimoksa
八难 八難 98 eight difficulties
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
成道 99 awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
称怨 稱怨 99 complain
瞋心 99
  1. Anger
  2. anger; a heart of anger
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
除断 除斷 99 removing; abstaining; chedana
楚毒 99 something terrible; sudāruṇa
麁恶 麁惡 99 disgusting
大比丘众 大比丘眾 100 a large assembly of great monastics
大慈悲 100 great mercy and great compassion
道场树 道場樹 100 bodhi tree; pippala; sacred fig tree
倒见 倒見 100 a delusion where the opposite of the truth is believed
大树 大樹 100 a great tree; a bodhisattva
大仙 100 a great sage; maharsi
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
等心 100 a non-discriminating mind
堕恶道 墮惡道 100 to suffer an evil rebirth
恶因 惡因 195 an evil cause
恶友 惡友 195 a bad friend
发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 102 aspiration to attain supreme perfect enlightenment
法眼净 法眼淨 102
  1. Pure Dharma Eye
  2. purity of the dharma eye; to clearly see the truth
方便说法 方便說法 102 expedient means
法如 102 dharma nature
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
福田 102
  1. field of merit
  2. field of blessing
甘露法 103 ambrosial Dharma
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
归命三宝 歸命三寶 103 taking refuge in the Triple Gem
过去佛 過去佛 103 past Buddhas
恒沙 恆沙 104
  1. sands of the River Ganges
  2. the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
恒河沙 恆河沙 104
  1. Sands of the Ganges
  2. grains of sand in the Ganges River; innumerable
  3. the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
迦楼罗 迦樓羅 106 garuda
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
结使 結使 106 a fetter
净修 淨修 106 proper cultivation
金刚心 金剛心 106
  1. Diamond heart
  2. adamantine-like mind
  3. adamantine-like concentration; vajropamasamādhi
净戒 淨戒 106
  1. Pure Precepts
  2. perfect observance
  3. Jing Jie
紧那罗 緊那羅 106 kimnara
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦痛 107 the sensation of pain
离生 離生 108 to leave the cycle of rebirth
离苦 離苦 108 to transcend suffering
六通 108 six supernatural powers
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
轮转生死 輪轉生死 108 passing through the cycle of life and death
罗婆 羅婆 108 an instant; lava
盲冥 109 blind and in darkness
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
菩提树 菩提樹 80
  1. Bodhedrum magazine
  2. Bodhi Tree
  3. bodhi tree
乾闼婆 乾闥婆 113 a gandharva
劝请 勸請 113 to request; to implore
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
入心 114 to enter the mind or heart
如来身 如來身 114 Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
三毒 115 three poisons; trivisa
三明 115 three insights; trividya
三千界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
色身 115
  1. Physical Body
  2. the physical body; rupakaya
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 115
  1. good women
  2. a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
杀生 殺生 115
  1. Killing Lives
  2. to kill
生天 115 highest rebirth
圣众 聖眾 115 holy ones
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
十恶 十惡 115 the ten evils
十二因缘 十二因緣 115 the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
十二缘起 十二緣起 115
  1. twelve links of dependent origination; twelve nidānas
  2. the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
十力 115 the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
十八不共法 115 eighteen distinctive characterisitics; astadasavenikabuddhadharma
十方刹 十方剎 115 for all senior monks to be abbot
十方世界 115 the worlds in all ten directions
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
四无所畏 四無所畏 115 four kinds of fearlessness
四事 115 the four necessities
所以者何 115 Why is that?
通利 116 sharp intelligence
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
妄语 妄語 119 Lying
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
无实 無實 119 not ultimately real
无寿 無壽 119 no life
无所罣碍 無所罣礙 119 unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
五通 119 five supernatural powers; pañca-abhijnā
无量劫 無量劫 119 innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无上道 無上道 119 supreme path; unsurpassed way
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无住 無住 119
  1. non-abiding
  2. non-attachment; non-abiding
现证 現證 120 immediate realization
小王 120 minor kings
邪婬 120 to commit sexual misconduct
心识 心識 120 mind and cognition
行苦 120 suffering as a consequence of action
行菩萨道 行菩薩道 120 practice the bodhisattva path
雄猛 120 a brave or eminent man; a hero; vīra
修禅定 修禪定 120 to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
学无学 學無學 120 one who is still studying and one who has completed their study
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
夜叉 121 yaksa
意解 121 liberation of thought
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一切种智 一切種智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
一句 121
  1. a sentence
  2. a single verse; a single word
一切法 121
  1. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
  2. all phenomena
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
医王 醫王 121 king of healers; Medicine King
勇猛精进 勇猛精進 121 bold advance
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有相 121 having form
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲界 121 realm of desire
愚冥 121 ignorance and obscurity
远尘离垢 遠塵離垢 121
  1. to be far removed from the dust and defilement of the world
  2. far removed from dust and defilement
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
浴池 121 a bath; a pool
占相 122 to tell someone's future
长者子 長者子 122 the son of an elder
真法 122 true dharma; absolute dharma
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
众苦 眾苦 122 all suffering
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸世间 諸世間 122 worlds; all worlds
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸仙 諸仙 122 group of sages
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
庄校 莊校 122 to decorate
最上 122 supreme