Glossary and Vocabulary for Pusa Shou Zhai Jing 菩薩受齋經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
2 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
3 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
4 15 niàn to read aloud 意所念惡
5 15 niàn to remember; to expect 意所念惡
6 15 niàn to miss 意所念惡
7 15 niàn to consider 意所念惡
8 15 niàn to recite; to chant 意所念惡
9 15 niàn to show affection for 意所念惡
10 15 niàn a thought; an idea 意所念惡
11 15 niàn twenty 意所念惡
12 15 niàn memory 意所念惡
13 15 niàn an instant 意所念惡
14 15 niàn Nian 意所念惡
15 15 niàn mindfulness; smrti 意所念惡
16 15 niàn a thought; citta 意所念惡
17 15 method; way 自歸法
18 15 France 自歸法
19 15 the law; rules; regulations 自歸法
20 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 自歸法
21 15 a standard; a norm 自歸法
22 15 an institution 自歸法
23 15 to emulate 自歸法
24 15 magic; a magic trick 自歸法
25 15 punishment 自歸法
26 15 Fa 自歸法
27 15 a precedent 自歸法
28 15 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 自歸法
29 15 relating to a ceremony or rite 自歸法
30 15 Dharma 自歸法
31 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 自歸法
32 15 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 自歸法
33 15 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 自歸法
34 15 quality; characteristic 自歸法
35 14 齋日 zhāirì the Day of Purification 菩薩齋日有十戒
36 12 self 我是菩薩
37 12 [my] dear 我是菩薩
38 12 Wo 我是菩薩
39 12 self; atman; attan 我是菩薩
40 12 ga 我是菩薩
41 11 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 菩薩受齋法言
42 11 shòu to transfer; to confer 菩薩受齋法言
43 11 shòu to receive; to accept 菩薩受齋法言
44 11 shòu to tolerate 菩薩受齋法言
45 11 shòu feelings; sensations 菩薩受齋法言
46 11 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 從是得
47 11 děi to want to; to need to 從是得
48 11 děi must; ought to 從是得
49 11 de 從是得
50 11 de infix potential marker 從是得
51 11 to result in 從是得
52 11 to be proper; to fit; to suit 從是得
53 11 to be satisfied 從是得
54 11 to be finished 從是得
55 11 děi satisfying 從是得
56 11 to contract 從是得
57 11 to hear 從是得
58 11 to have; there is 從是得
59 11 marks time passed 從是得
60 11 obtain; attain; prāpta 從是得
61 11 zhāi to abstain from meat or wine 菩薩受齋法言
62 11 zhāi a vegetarian diet; vegetarian food 菩薩受齋法言
63 11 zhāi a building; a room; a studio 菩薩受齋法言
64 11 zhāi to give alms 菩薩受齋法言
65 11 zhāi to fast 菩薩受齋法言
66 11 zhāi student dormitory 菩薩受齋法言
67 11 zhāi a study; a library; a school 菩薩受齋法言
68 11 zhāi a temple hostel 菩薩受齋法言
69 11 zhāi to purify oneself 菩薩受齋法言
70 11 zhāi to retreat 菩薩受齋法言
71 11 zhāi various rituals 菩薩受齋法言
72 11 zhāi abstinence; upavāsa 菩薩受齋法言
73 10 day of the month; a certain day 某若干日
74 10 Kangxi radical 72 某若干日
75 10 a day 某若干日
76 10 Japan 某若干日
77 10 sun 某若干日
78 10 daytime 某若干日
79 10 sunlight 某若干日
80 10 everyday 某若干日
81 10 season 某若干日
82 10 available time 某若干日
83 10 in the past 某若干日
84 10 mi 某若干日
85 10 sun; sūrya 某若干日
86 10 a day; divasa 某若干日
87 9 wéi to act as; to serve 是為漚惒拘舍羅
88 9 wéi to change into; to become 是為漚惒拘舍羅
89 9 wéi to be; is 是為漚惒拘舍羅
90 9 wéi to do 是為漚惒拘舍羅
91 9 wèi to support; to help 是為漚惒拘舍羅
92 9 wéi to govern 是為漚惒拘舍羅
93 9 wèi to be; bhū 是為漚惒拘舍羅
94 8 tán sandalwood; Indian sandalwood 檀布施
95 8 tán Tan 檀布施
96 8 tán circle; maṇḍala 檀布施
97 8 tán dana; the practice of giving; generosity 檀布施
98 8 當得 dāng dé will reach 當得檀波羅蜜
99 7 chí to grasp; to hold 皆持是齋
100 7 chí to resist; to oppose 皆持是齋
101 7 chí to uphold 皆持是齋
102 7 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 皆持是齋
103 7 chí to administer; to manage 皆持是齋
104 7 chí to control 皆持是齋
105 7 chí to be cautious 皆持是齋
106 7 chí to remember 皆持是齋
107 7 chí to assist 皆持是齋
108 7 chí with; using 皆持是齋
109 7 chí dhara 皆持是齋
110 7 zhě ca 發意求菩薩道者禪
111 6 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 若我分
112 6 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 若我分
113 6 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 若我分
114 6 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 若我分
115 6 fēn a fraction 若我分
116 6 fēn to express as a fraction 若我分
117 6 fēn one tenth 若我分
118 6 fèn a component; an ingredient 若我分
119 6 fèn the limit of an obligation 若我分
120 6 fèn affection; goodwill 若我分
121 6 fèn a role; a responsibility 若我分
122 6 fēn equinox 若我分
123 6 fèn a characteristic 若我分
124 6 fèn to assume; to deduce 若我分
125 6 fēn to share 若我分
126 6 fēn branch [office] 若我分
127 6 fēn clear; distinct 若我分
128 6 fēn a difference 若我分
129 6 fēn a score 若我分
130 6 fèn identity 若我分
131 6 fèn a part; a portion 若我分
132 6 fēn part; avayava 若我分
133 6 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 是為菩薩解齋法
134 6 jiě to explain 是為菩薩解齋法
135 6 jiě to divide; to separate 是為菩薩解齋法
136 6 jiě to understand 是為菩薩解齋法
137 6 jiě to solve a math problem 是為菩薩解齋法
138 6 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 是為菩薩解齋法
139 6 jiě to cut; to disect 是為菩薩解齋法
140 6 jiě to relieve oneself 是為菩薩解齋法
141 6 jiě a solution 是為菩薩解齋法
142 6 jiè to escort 是為菩薩解齋法
143 6 xiè to understand; to be clear 是為菩薩解齋法
144 6 xiè acrobatic skills 是為菩薩解齋法
145 6 jiě can; able to 是為菩薩解齋法
146 6 jiě a stanza 是為菩薩解齋法
147 6 jiè to send off 是為菩薩解齋法
148 6 xiè Xie 是為菩薩解齋法
149 6 jiě exegesis 是為菩薩解齋法
150 6 xiè laziness 是為菩薩解齋法
151 6 jiè a government office 是為菩薩解齋法
152 6 jiè to pawn 是為菩薩解齋法
153 6 jiè to rent; to lease 是為菩薩解齋法
154 6 jiě understanding 是為菩薩解齋法
155 6 jiě to liberate 是為菩薩解齋法
156 6 Kangxi radical 132 某自歸佛
157 6 Zi 某自歸佛
158 6 a nose 某自歸佛
159 6 the beginning; the start 某自歸佛
160 6 origin 某自歸佛
161 6 to employ; to use 某自歸佛
162 6 to be 某自歸佛
163 6 self; soul; ātman 某自歸佛
164 6 zhù to help; to assist 某助安無量
165 6 zhù taxation 某助安無量
166 6 zhù help; samavadhāna 某助安無量
167 6 zhù help; sāhāyya 某助安無量
168 6 guī to go back; to return 某自歸佛
169 6 guī to belong to; to be classified as 某自歸佛
170 6 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 某自歸佛
171 6 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 某自歸佛
172 6 guī to revert to; to give back to 某自歸佛
173 6 guī (of a woman) to get married 某自歸佛
174 6 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 某自歸佛
175 6 guī to appreciate; to admire 某自歸佛
176 6 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 某自歸佛
177 6 guī to pledge allegiance to 某自歸佛
178 6 guī to withdraw 某自歸佛
179 6 guī to settle down 某自歸佛
180 6 guī Gui 某自歸佛
181 6 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 某自歸佛
182 6 kuì ashamed 某自歸佛
183 6 guī returned; āgata 某自歸佛
184 6 中人 zhōng rén go-between; mediator; intermediary 如念泥犁中人
185 6 中人 zhōng rén a person of medium apititude 如念泥犁中人
186 6 中人 zhōng rén a person of medium income 如念泥犁中人
187 6 中人 zhōng rén a trusted or favorite person 如念泥犁中人
188 6 中人 zhōng rén an imperial official 如念泥犁中人
189 6 中人 zhōng rén a palace maid 如念泥犁中人
190 6 中人 zhōng rén a mid level 如念泥犁中人
191 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì jack fruit 波羅蜜
192 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì paramita 波羅蜜
193 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì paramita; pāramitā; perfection 波羅蜜
194 5 Qi 十方其有持齋戒者
195 5 今日 jīnrì today 今日一切
196 5 今日 jīnrì at present 今日一切
197 5 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 某助安無量
198 5 ān to calm; to pacify 某助安無量
199 5 ān safe; secure 某助安無量
200 5 ān comfortable; happy 某助安無量
201 5 ān to find a place for 某助安無量
202 5 ān to install; to fix; to fit 某助安無量
203 5 ān to be content 某助安無量
204 5 ān to cherish 某助安無量
205 5 ān to bestow; to confer 某助安無量
206 5 ān amphetamine 某助安無量
207 5 ān ampere 某助安無量
208 5 ān to add; to submit 某助安無量
209 5 ān to reside; to live at 某助安無量
210 5 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 某助安無量
211 5 ān an 某助安無量
212 5 ān Ease 某助安無量
213 5 ān e 某助安無量
214 5 ān an 某助安無量
215 5 ān peace 某助安無量
216 5 Sa 薩文殊師利
217 5 sa; sat 薩文殊師利
218 5 cóng to follow 從是得
219 5 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從是得
220 5 cóng to participate in something 從是得
221 5 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從是得
222 5 cóng something secondary 從是得
223 5 cóng remote relatives 從是得
224 5 cóng secondary 從是得
225 5 cóng to go on; to advance 從是得
226 5 cōng at ease; informal 從是得
227 5 zòng a follower; a supporter 從是得
228 5 zòng to release 從是得
229 5 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從是得
230 5 chán Chan; Zen 昧禪
231 5 chán meditation 昧禪
232 5 shàn an imperial sacrificial ceremony 昧禪
233 5 shàn to abdicate 昧禪
234 5 shàn Xiongnu supreme leader 昧禪
235 5 shàn to make a ritual offering to heaven and earth 昧禪
236 5 chán Chan 昧禪
237 5 chán meditative concentration; dhyāna; jhāna 昧禪
238 5 chán Chan; Zen 昧禪
239 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 某助安無量
240 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 某助安無量
241 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 某助安無量
242 5 無量 wúliàng Atula 某助安無量
243 5 Buddha; Awakened One 某自歸佛
244 5 relating to Buddhism 某自歸佛
245 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 某自歸佛
246 5 a Buddhist text 某自歸佛
247 5 to touch; to stroke 某自歸佛
248 5 Buddha 某自歸佛
249 5 Buddha; Awakened One 某自歸佛
250 4 liù six 前六萬菩薩
251 4 liù sixth 前六萬菩薩
252 4 liù a note on the Gongche scale 前六萬菩薩
253 4 liù six; ṣaṭ 前六萬菩薩
254 4 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令得解脫出生為人
255 4 lìng to issue a command 令得解脫出生為人
256 4 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令得解脫出生為人
257 4 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令得解脫出生為人
258 4 lìng a season 令得解脫出生為人
259 4 lìng respected; good reputation 令得解脫出生為人
260 4 lìng good 令得解脫出生為人
261 4 lìng pretentious 令得解脫出生為人
262 4 lìng a transcending state of existence 令得解脫出生為人
263 4 lìng a commander 令得解脫出生為人
264 4 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令得解脫出生為人
265 4 lìng lyrics 令得解脫出生為人
266 4 lìng Ling 令得解脫出生為人
267 4 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令得解脫出生為人
268 4 若干 ruògān a certain number or amount of 某若干日
269 4 若干 ruògān Ruogan 某若干日
270 4 qián front 前六萬菩薩
271 4 qián former; the past 前六萬菩薩
272 4 qián to go forward 前六萬菩薩
273 4 qián preceding 前六萬菩薩
274 4 qián before; earlier; prior 前六萬菩薩
275 4 qián to appear before 前六萬菩薩
276 4 qián future 前六萬菩薩
277 4 qián top; first 前六萬菩薩
278 4 qián battlefront 前六萬菩薩
279 4 qián before; former; pūrva 前六萬菩薩
280 4 qián facing; mukha 前六萬菩薩
281 4 十方 shí sāng The Ten Directions 當念一切十方現在佛
282 4 十方 shí fāng the ten directions 當念一切十方現在佛
283 4 lóu a storied building 洹那鳩樓
284 4 lóu floor; level 洹那鳩樓
285 4 lóu having two decks 洹那鳩樓
286 4 lóu office 洹那鳩樓
287 4 lóu Lou 洹那鳩樓
288 4 lóu a mansion; prāsāda 洹那鳩樓
289 3 布施 bùshī generosity 檀布施
290 3 布施 bùshī dana; giving; generosity 檀布施
291 3 to lie 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
292 3 to crouch 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
293 3 to rest; to sleep 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
294 3 to cut across; to traverse 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
295 3 to live in seclusion 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
296 3 providing rest 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
297 3 lying down; śayana 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
298 3 wàn ten thousand 前六萬菩薩
299 3 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 前六萬菩薩
300 3 wàn Wan 前六萬菩薩
301 3 Mo 前六萬菩薩
302 3 wàn scorpion dance 前六萬菩薩
303 3 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 前六萬菩薩
304 3 a herb; an aromatic plant 如先行菩
305 3 a herb 如先行菩
306 3 zài in; at 在阿彌陀佛所
307 3 zài to exist; to be living 在阿彌陀佛所
308 3 zài to consist of 在阿彌陀佛所
309 3 zài to be at a post 在阿彌陀佛所
310 3 zài in; bhū 在阿彌陀佛所
311 3 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 令得解脫出生為人
312 3 解脫 jiětuō liberation 令得解脫出生為人
313 3 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 令得解脫出生為人
314 3 tuó steep bank 阿蕪陀
315 3 tuó a spinning top 阿蕪陀
316 3 tuó uneven 阿蕪陀
317 3 tuó dha 阿蕪陀
318 3 shī to give; to grant
319 3 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out
320 3 shī to deploy; to set up
321 3 shī to relate to
322 3 shī to move slowly
323 3 shī to exert
324 3 shī to apply; to spread
325 3 shī Shi
326 3 shī the practice of selfless giving; dāna
327 3 畜生 chùsheng animals; domestic animals 畜生中人
328 3 畜生 chùsheng rebirth as an animal 畜生中人
329 3 è evil; vice 某身所行惡
330 3 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 某身所行惡
331 3 ě queasy; nauseous 某身所行惡
332 3 to hate; to detest 某身所行惡
333 3 è fierce 某身所行惡
334 3 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 某身所行惡
335 3 to denounce 某身所行惡
336 3 è e 某身所行惡
337 3 è evil 某身所行惡
338 3 suǒ a few; various; some 口所言惡
339 3 suǒ a place; a location 口所言惡
340 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 口所言惡
341 3 suǒ an ordinal number 口所言惡
342 3 suǒ meaning 口所言惡
343 3 suǒ garrison 口所言惡
344 3 suǒ place; pradeśa 口所言惡
345 3 菩薩受齋經 púsà shòu zhāi jīng Bodhisattva Fasting Sutra 菩薩受齋經
346 3 good fortune; happiness; luck 施得福
347 3 Fujian 施得福
348 3 wine and meat used in ceremonial offerings 施得福
349 3 Fortune 施得福
350 3 merit; blessing; punya 施得福
351 3 fortune; blessing; svasti 施得福
352 3 十念 shí niàn to chant ten times 菩薩有十念
353 3 wéi thought 阿惟樓尸利
354 3 wéi to think; to consider 阿惟樓尸利
355 3 wéi is 阿惟樓尸利
356 3 wéi has 阿惟樓尸利
357 3 wéi to understand 阿惟樓尸利
358 3 阿彌陀佛 ēmítuó fó Amitabha Buddha 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
359 3 阿彌陀佛 Ēmítuó fó Amitabha Buddha 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
360 3 阿彌陀佛 Ēmítuó fó Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
361 3 出生 chūshēng to be born 令得解脫出生為人
362 3 為人 wéirén behavior; personal conduct 令得解脫出生為人
363 3 為人 wéirén a person's external appearance 令得解脫出生為人
364 3 為人 wéirén to be human 令得解脫出生為人
365 3 為人 wéirén to have sexual intercourse 令得解脫出生為人
366 3 安隱 ānnyǐn tranquil 安隱富樂無極
367 3 安隱 ānnyǐn Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema 安隱富樂無極
368 3 漚惒拘舍羅 ōuhéjūshèluó upāya-kauśalya; skill in means 是為漚惒拘舍羅
369 3 infix potential marker
370 3 禪波羅蜜 chán bōluómì dhyana-paramita; the paramita of meditative concentration 當得禪波羅蜜
371 3 持戒 chí jiè to uphold precepts 尸波羅蜜持戒
372 3 持戒 chí jiè morality; to uphold precepts 尸波羅蜜持戒
373 2 chuí to beat; to hammer; to whip 捶鼓
374 2 chuí to pound 捶鼓
375 2 chuí a cane; a whip 捶鼓
376 2 chuí beat; hata 捶鼓
377 2 zhōng middle 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
378 2 zhōng medium; medium sized 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
379 2 zhōng China 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
380 2 zhòng to hit the mark 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
381 2 zhōng midday 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
382 2 zhōng inside 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
383 2 zhōng during 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
384 2 zhōng Zhong 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
385 2 zhōng intermediary 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
386 2 zhōng half 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
387 2 zhòng to reach; to attain 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
388 2 zhòng to suffer; to infect 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
389 2 zhòng to obtain 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
390 2 zhòng to pass an exam 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
391 2 zhōng middle 菩薩齋日過中以後不得復食
392 2 泥犁 nílí hell; niraya 如念泥犁中人
393 2 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 天下人民者
394 2 天下 tiānxià authority over China 天下人民者
395 2 天下 tiānxià the world 天下人民者
396 2 shì Ficus pumila 薜荔中人
397 2 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
398 2 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
399 2 十戒 shí jiè ten precepts 菩薩齋日有十戒
400 2 十戒 shí jiè ten precepts 菩薩齋日有十戒
401 2 ā to groan 阿蕪陀
402 2 ā a 阿蕪陀
403 2 ē to flatter 阿蕪陀
404 2 ē river bank 阿蕪陀
405 2 ē beam; pillar 阿蕪陀
406 2 ē a hillslope; a mound 阿蕪陀
407 2 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 阿蕪陀
408 2 ē E 阿蕪陀
409 2 ē to depend on 阿蕪陀
410 2 ē e 阿蕪陀
411 2 ē a buttress 阿蕪陀
412 2 ē be partial to 阿蕪陀
413 2 ē thick silk 阿蕪陀
414 2 ē e 阿蕪陀
415 2 zūn to honor; to respect 往生尊剎
416 2 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 往生尊剎
417 2 zūn a wine cup 往生尊剎
418 2 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 往生尊剎
419 2 zūn supreme; high 往生尊剎
420 2 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 往生尊剎
421 2 zūn bhagavat; holy one 往生尊剎
422 2 zūn lord; patron; natha 往生尊剎
423 2 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 往生尊剎
424 2 西方 xīfāng the West 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
425 2 西方 xīfāng west side 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
426 2 西方 xīfāng Xifang 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
427 2 西方 xīfāng West 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
428 2 西方 xīfāng west; paścima 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
429 2 西方 xīfāng the Western [Pureland] 歸命西方阿彌陀三耶三佛檀
430 2 No 洹那鳩樓
431 2 nuó to move 洹那鳩樓
432 2 nuó much 洹那鳩樓
433 2 nuó stable; quiet 洹那鳩樓
434 2 na 洹那鳩樓
435 2 女人 nǚrén woman; women 菩薩齋日不得與女人相
436 2 女人 nǚrén wife 菩薩齋日不得與女人相
437 2 一切 yīqiè temporary 當念一切十方現在佛
438 2 一切 yīqiè the same 當念一切十方現在佛
439 2 to protect; to guard 當護之
440 2 to support something that is wrong; to be partial to 當護之
441 2 to protect; to guard 當護之
442 2 三昧 sānmèi samadhi 當念禪三昧六萬菩薩
443 2 三昧 sānmèi samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 當念禪三昧六萬菩薩
444 2 to give 與歸流十方一
445 2 to accompany 與歸流十方一
446 2 to particate in 與歸流十方一
447 2 of the same kind 與歸流十方一
448 2 to help 與歸流十方一
449 2 for 與歸流十方一
450 2 南無 nánmó namo; to pay respect to; homage to 南無法
451 2 南無 nánmó Blessed Be 南無法
452 2 南無 nánmó namo; to pay respect to; to take refuge 南無法
453 2 尸波羅蜜 shī bōluómì sila-paramita; the paramita of proper conduct 尸波羅蜜持戒
454 2 法言 fǎyán Fayan; Model Sayings; Exemplary Figures 菩薩受齋法言
455 2 法言 fǎyán ceremonial speech 菩薩受齋法言
456 2 litchi or lychee 薜荔中人
457 2 rén person; people; a human being 切人
458 2 rén Kangxi radical 9 切人
459 2 rén a kind of person 切人
460 2 rén everybody 切人
461 2 rén adult 切人
462 2 rén somebody; others 切人
463 2 rén an upright person 切人
464 2 rén person; manuṣya 切人
465 2 Yi 女人亦爾
466 2 dài to arrest; to catch; to seize 當得惟逮
467 2 dài to arrive; to reach 當得惟逮
468 2 dài to be equal 當得惟逮
469 2 dài to seize an opportunity 當得惟逮
470 2 dignified; elegant 當得惟逮
471 2 dài reach; prāpta 當得惟逮
472 2 人犯 rénfàn criminal; culprit; suspect (old) 得教人犯
473 2 zhī to go 當護之
474 2 zhī to arrive; to go 當護之
475 2 zhī is 當護之
476 2 zhī to use 當護之
477 2 zhī Zhi 當護之
478 2 zhī winding 當護之
479 2 十四 shí sì fourteen 正月十四日受
480 2 十四 shí sì fourteen; caturdasa 正月十四日受
481 2 檀波羅蜜 tán bōluómì dana-paramita; the paramita of generosity 當得檀波羅蜜
482 2 bié another 如我受莂
483 2 一分 yī fēn one minute 日夜一分禪
484 2 一分 yī fēn a part; a fraction 日夜一分禪
485 2 一分 yī fēn a very small amount 日夜一分禪
486 2 一分 yī fēn a fraction; kalā 日夜一分禪
487 2 jīn today; present; now 今已除
488 2 jīn Jin 今已除
489 2 jīn modern 今已除
490 2 jīn now; adhunā 今已除
491 2 提供 tígōng to supply; to provide 伽耶山基金會提供
492 2 拘樓 jūlóu Kuru 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
493 2 摩訶般若 móhē bōrě great wisdom; mahāprajñā 摩訶般若波羅蜜
494 2 one 與歸流十方一
495 2 Kangxi radical 1 與歸流十方一
496 2 pure; concentrated 與歸流十方一
497 2 first 與歸流十方一
498 2 the same 與歸流十方一
499 2 sole; single 與歸流十方一
500 2 a very small amount 與歸流十方一

Frequencies of all Words

Top 732

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
2 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
3 39 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩受齋法言
4 27 shì is; are; am; to be 皆持是齋
5 27 shì is exactly 皆持是齋
6 27 shì is suitable; is in contrast 皆持是齋
7 27 shì this; that; those 皆持是齋
8 27 shì really; certainly 皆持是齋
9 27 shì correct; yes; affirmative 皆持是齋
10 27 shì true 皆持是齋
11 27 shì is; has; exists 皆持是齋
12 27 shì used between repetitions of a word 皆持是齋
13 27 shì a matter; an affair 皆持是齋
14 27 shì Shi 皆持是齋
15 27 shì is; bhū 皆持是齋
16 27 shì this; idam 皆持是齋
17 15 niàn to read aloud 意所念惡
18 15 niàn to remember; to expect 意所念惡
19 15 niàn to miss 意所念惡
20 15 niàn to consider 意所念惡
21 15 niàn to recite; to chant 意所念惡
22 15 niàn to show affection for 意所念惡
23 15 niàn a thought; an idea 意所念惡
24 15 niàn twenty 意所念惡
25 15 niàn memory 意所念惡
26 15 niàn an instant 意所念惡
27 15 niàn Nian 意所念惡
28 15 niàn mindfulness; smrti 意所念惡
29 15 niàn a thought; citta 意所念惡
30 15 method; way 自歸法
31 15 France 自歸法
32 15 the law; rules; regulations 自歸法
33 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 自歸法
34 15 a standard; a norm 自歸法
35 15 an institution 自歸法
36 15 to emulate 自歸法
37 15 magic; a magic trick 自歸法
38 15 punishment 自歸法
39 15 Fa 自歸法
40 15 a precedent 自歸法
41 15 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 自歸法
42 15 relating to a ceremony or rite 自歸法
43 15 Dharma 自歸法
44 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 自歸法
45 15 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 自歸法
46 15 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 自歸法
47 15 quality; characteristic 自歸法
48 14 齋日 zhāirì the Day of Purification 菩薩齋日有十戒
49 14 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
50 14 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
51 14 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
52 14 dāng to face 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
53 14 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
54 14 dāng to manage; to host 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
55 14 dāng should 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
56 14 dāng to treat; to regard as 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
57 14 dǎng to think 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
58 14 dàng suitable; correspond to 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
59 14 dǎng to be equal 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
60 14 dàng that 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
61 14 dāng an end; top 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
62 14 dàng clang; jingle 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
63 14 dāng to judge 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
64 14 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
65 14 dàng the same 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
66 14 dàng to pawn 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
67 14 dàng to fail [an exam] 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
68 14 dàng a trap 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
69 14 dàng a pawned item 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
70 14 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當到須摩提拘樓檀阿彌陀佛前
71 12 I; me; my 我是菩薩
72 12 self 我是菩薩
73 12 we; our 我是菩薩
74 12 [my] dear 我是菩薩
75 12 Wo 我是菩薩
76 12 self; atman; attan 我是菩薩
77 12 ga 我是菩薩
78 12 I; aham 我是菩薩
79 12 such as; for example; for instance
80 12 if
81 12 in accordance with
82 12 to be appropriate; should; with regard to
83 12 this
84 12 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with
85 12 to go to
86 12 to meet
87 12 to appear; to seem; to be like
88 12 at least as good as
89 12 and
90 12 or
91 12 but
92 12 then
93 12 naturally
94 12 expresses a question or doubt
95 12 you
96 12 the second lunar month
97 12 in; at
98 12 Ru
99 12 Thus
100 12 thus; tathā
101 12 like; iva
102 12 suchness; tathatā
103 11 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 菩薩受齋法言
104 11 shòu to transfer; to confer 菩薩受齋法言
105 11 shòu to receive; to accept 菩薩受齋法言
106 11 shòu to tolerate 菩薩受齋法言
107 11 shòu suitably 菩薩受齋法言
108 11 shòu feelings; sensations 菩薩受齋法言
109 11 de potential marker 從是得
110 11 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 從是得
111 11 děi must; ought to 從是得
112 11 děi to want to; to need to 從是得
113 11 děi must; ought to 從是得
114 11 de 從是得
115 11 de infix potential marker 從是得
116 11 to result in 從是得
117 11 to be proper; to fit; to suit 從是得
118 11 to be satisfied 從是得
119 11 to be finished 從是得
120 11 de result of degree 從是得
121 11 de marks completion of an action 從是得
122 11 děi satisfying 從是得
123 11 to contract 從是得
124 11 marks permission or possibility 從是得
125 11 expressing frustration 從是得
126 11 to hear 從是得
127 11 to have; there is 從是得
128 11 marks time passed 從是得
129 11 obtain; attain; prāpta 從是得
130 11 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 不得著脂粉
131 11 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 不得著脂粉
132 11 zhāi to abstain from meat or wine 菩薩受齋法言
133 11 zhāi a vegetarian diet; vegetarian food 菩薩受齋法言
134 11 zhāi a building; a room; a studio 菩薩受齋法言
135 11 zhāi to give alms 菩薩受齋法言
136 11 zhāi to fast 菩薩受齋法言
137 11 zhāi student dormitory 菩薩受齋法言
138 11 zhāi a study; a library; a school 菩薩受齋法言
139 11 zhāi a temple hostel 菩薩受齋法言
140 11 zhāi to purify oneself 菩薩受齋法言
141 11 zhāi to retreat 菩薩受齋法言
142 11 zhāi various rituals 菩薩受齋法言
143 11 zhāi abstinence; upavāsa 菩薩受齋法言
144 10 day of the month; a certain day 某若干日
145 10 Kangxi radical 72 某若干日
146 10 a day 某若干日
147 10 Japan 某若干日
148 10 sun 某若干日
149 10 daytime 某若干日
150 10 sunlight 某若干日
151 10 everyday 某若干日
152 10 season 某若干日
153 10 available time 某若干日
154 10 a day 某若干日
155 10 in the past 某若干日
156 10 mi 某若干日
157 10 sun; sūrya 某若干日
158 10 a day; divasa 某若干日
159 9 wèi for; to 是為漚惒拘舍羅
160 9 wèi because of 是為漚惒拘舍羅
161 9 wéi to act as; to serve 是為漚惒拘舍羅
162 9 wéi to change into; to become 是為漚惒拘舍羅
163 9 wéi to be; is 是為漚惒拘舍羅
164 9 wéi to do 是為漚惒拘舍羅
165 9 wèi for 是為漚惒拘舍羅
166 9 wèi because of; for; to 是為漚惒拘舍羅
167 9 wèi to 是為漚惒拘舍羅
168 9 wéi in a passive construction 是為漚惒拘舍羅
169 9 wéi forming a rehetorical question 是為漚惒拘舍羅
170 9 wéi forming an adverb 是為漚惒拘舍羅
171 9 wéi to add emphasis 是為漚惒拘舍羅
172 9 wèi to support; to help 是為漚惒拘舍羅
173 9 wéi to govern 是為漚惒拘舍羅
174 9 wèi to be; bhū 是為漚惒拘舍羅
175 9 mǒu some; certain 某自歸佛
176 9 mǒu myself 某自歸佛
177 9 mǒu a certain person; amuka 某自歸佛
178 8 tán sandalwood; Indian sandalwood 檀布施
179 8 tán Tan 檀布施
180 8 tán circle; maṇḍala 檀布施
181 8 tán dana; the practice of giving; generosity 檀布施
182 8 yǒu is; are; to exist 菩薩有十念
183 8 yǒu to have; to possess 菩薩有十念
184 8 yǒu indicates an estimate 菩薩有十念
185 8 yǒu indicates a large quantity 菩薩有十念
186 8 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 菩薩有十念
187 8 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 菩薩有十念
188 8 yǒu used to compare two things 菩薩有十念
189 8 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 菩薩有十念
190 8 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 菩薩有十念
191 8 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 菩薩有十念
192 8 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 菩薩有十念
193 8 yǒu abundant 菩薩有十念
194 8 yǒu purposeful 菩薩有十念
195 8 yǒu You 菩薩有十念
196 8 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 菩薩有十念
197 8 yǒu becoming; bhava 菩薩有十念
198 8 當得 dāng dé will reach 當得檀波羅蜜
199 7 chí to grasp; to hold 皆持是齋
200 7 chí to resist; to oppose 皆持是齋
201 7 chí to uphold 皆持是齋
202 7 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 皆持是齋
203 7 chí to administer; to manage 皆持是齋
204 7 chí to control 皆持是齋
205 7 chí to be cautious 皆持是齋
206 7 chí to remember 皆持是齋
207 7 chí to assist 皆持是齋
208 7 chí with; using 皆持是齋
209 7 chí dhara 皆持是齋
210 7 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 發意求菩薩道者禪
211 7 zhě that 發意求菩薩道者禪
212 7 zhě nominalizing function word 發意求菩薩道者禪
213 7 zhě used to mark a definition 發意求菩薩道者禪
214 7 zhě used to mark a pause 發意求菩薩道者禪
215 7 zhě topic marker; that; it 發意求菩薩道者禪
216 7 zhuó according to 發意求菩薩道者禪
217 7 zhě ca 發意求菩薩道者禪
218 6 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 若我分
219 6 fēn a monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a yuan; a cent 若我分
220 6 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 若我分
221 6 fēn a minute; a 15 second unit of time 若我分
222 6 fēn a unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; a unit of area equal to six square zhang 若我分
223 6 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 若我分
224 6 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 若我分
225 6 fēn a fraction 若我分
226 6 fēn to express as a fraction 若我分
227 6 fēn one tenth 若我分
228 6 fēn a centimeter 若我分
229 6 fèn a component; an ingredient 若我分
230 6 fèn the limit of an obligation 若我分
231 6 fèn affection; goodwill 若我分
232 6 fèn a role; a responsibility 若我分
233 6 fēn equinox 若我分
234 6 fèn a characteristic 若我分
235 6 fèn to assume; to deduce 若我分
236 6 fēn to share 若我分
237 6 fēn branch [office] 若我分
238 6 fēn clear; distinct 若我分
239 6 fēn a difference 若我分
240 6 fēn a score 若我分
241 6 fèn identity 若我分
242 6 fèn a part; a portion 若我分
243 6 fēn part; avayava 若我分
244 6 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 是為菩薩解齋法
245 6 jiě to explain 是為菩薩解齋法
246 6 jiě to divide; to separate 是為菩薩解齋法
247 6 jiě to understand 是為菩薩解齋法
248 6 jiě to solve a math problem 是為菩薩解齋法
249 6 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 是為菩薩解齋法
250 6 jiě to cut; to disect 是為菩薩解齋法
251 6 jiě to relieve oneself 是為菩薩解齋法
252 6 jiě a solution 是為菩薩解齋法
253 6 jiè to escort 是為菩薩解齋法
254 6 xiè to understand; to be clear 是為菩薩解齋法
255 6 xiè acrobatic skills 是為菩薩解齋法
256 6 jiě can; able to 是為菩薩解齋法
257 6 jiě a stanza 是為菩薩解齋法
258 6 jiè to send off 是為菩薩解齋法
259 6 xiè Xie 是為菩薩解齋法
260 6 jiě exegesis 是為菩薩解齋法
261 6 xiè laziness 是為菩薩解齋法
262 6 jiè a government office 是為菩薩解齋法
263 6 jiè to pawn 是為菩薩解齋法
264 6 jiè to rent; to lease 是為菩薩解齋法
265 6 jiě understanding 是為菩薩解齋法
266 6 jiě to liberate 是為菩薩解齋法
267 6 naturally; of course; certainly 某自歸佛
268 6 from; since 某自歸佛
269 6 self; oneself; itself 某自歸佛
270 6 Kangxi radical 132 某自歸佛
271 6 Zi 某自歸佛
272 6 a nose 某自歸佛
273 6 the beginning; the start 某自歸佛
274 6 origin 某自歸佛
275 6 originally 某自歸佛
276 6 still; to remain 某自歸佛
277 6 in person; personally 某自歸佛
278 6 in addition; besides 某自歸佛
279 6 if; even if 某自歸佛
280 6 but 某自歸佛
281 6 because 某自歸佛
282 6 to employ; to use 某自歸佛
283 6 to be 某自歸佛
284 6 own; one's own; oneself 某自歸佛
285 6 self; soul; ātman 某自歸佛
286 6 zhù to help; to assist 某助安無量
287 6 zhù taxation 某助安無量
288 6 zhù help; samavadhāna 某助安無量
289 6 zhù help; sāhāyya 某助安無量
290 6 guī to go back; to return 某自歸佛
291 6 guī to belong to; to be classified as 某自歸佛
292 6 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 某自歸佛
293 6 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 某自歸佛
294 6 guī to revert to; to give back to 某自歸佛
295 6 guī (of a woman) to get married 某自歸佛
296 6 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 某自歸佛
297 6 guī to appreciate; to admire 某自歸佛
298 6 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 某自歸佛
299 6 guī to pledge allegiance to 某自歸佛
300 6 guī to withdraw 某自歸佛
301 6 guī to settle down 某自歸佛
302 6 guī Gui 某自歸佛
303 6 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 某自歸佛
304 6 kuì ashamed 某自歸佛
305 6 guī returned; āgata 某自歸佛
306 6 中人 zhōng rén go-between; mediator; intermediary 如念泥犁中人
307 6 中人 zhōng rén a person of medium apititude 如念泥犁中人
308 6 中人 zhōng rén a person of medium income 如念泥犁中人
309 6 中人 zhōng rén a trusted or favorite person 如念泥犁中人
310 6 中人 zhōng rén an imperial official 如念泥犁中人
311 6 中人 zhōng rén a palace maid 如念泥犁中人
312 6 中人 zhōng rén a mid level 如念泥犁中人
313 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì jack fruit 波羅蜜
314 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì paramita 波羅蜜
315 5 波羅蜜 bōluómì paramita; pāramitā; perfection 波羅蜜
316 5 his; hers; its; theirs 十方其有持齋戒者
317 5 to add emphasis 十方其有持齋戒者
318 5 used when asking a question in reply to a question 十方其有持齋戒者
319 5 used when making a request or giving an order 十方其有持齋戒者
320 5 he; her; it; them 十方其有持齋戒者
321 5 probably; likely 十方其有持齋戒者
322 5 will 十方其有持齋戒者
323 5 may 十方其有持齋戒者
324 5 if 十方其有持齋戒者
325 5 or 十方其有持齋戒者
326 5 Qi 十方其有持齋戒者
327 5 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 十方其有持齋戒者
328 5 今日 jīnrì today 今日一切
329 5 今日 jīnrì at present 今日一切
330 5 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 某助安無量
331 5 ān to calm; to pacify 某助安無量
332 5 ān where 某助安無量
333 5 ān safe; secure 某助安無量
334 5 ān comfortable; happy 某助安無量
335 5 ān to find a place for 某助安無量
336 5 ān to install; to fix; to fit 某助安無量
337 5 ān to be content 某助安無量
338 5 ān to cherish 某助安無量
339 5 ān to bestow; to confer 某助安無量
340 5 ān amphetamine 某助安無量
341 5 ān ampere 某助安無量
342 5 ān to add; to submit 某助安無量
343 5 ān to reside; to live at 某助安無量
344 5 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 某助安無量
345 5 ān how; why 某助安無量
346 5 ān thus; so; therefore 某助安無量
347 5 ān deliberately 某助安無量
348 5 ān naturally 某助安無量
349 5 ān an 某助安無量
350 5 ān Ease 某助安無量
351 5 ān e 某助安無量
352 5 ān an 某助安無量
353 5 ān peace 某助安無量
354 5 Sa 薩文殊師利
355 5 sadhu; excellent 薩文殊師利
356 5 sa; sat 薩文殊師利
357 5 cóng from 從是得
358 5 cóng to follow 從是得
359 5 cóng past; through 從是得
360 5 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從是得
361 5 cóng to participate in something 從是得
362 5 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從是得
363 5 cóng usually 從是得
364 5 cóng something secondary 從是得
365 5 cóng remote relatives 從是得
366 5 cóng secondary 從是得
367 5 cóng to go on; to advance 從是得
368 5 cōng at ease; informal 從是得
369 5 zòng a follower; a supporter 從是得
370 5 zòng to release 從是得
371 5 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從是得
372 5 cóng receiving; upādāya 從是得
373 5 chán Chan; Zen 昧禪
374 5 chán meditation 昧禪
375 5 shàn an imperial sacrificial ceremony 昧禪
376 5 shàn to abdicate 昧禪
377 5 shàn Xiongnu supreme leader 昧禪
378 5 shàn to make a ritual offering to heaven and earth 昧禪
379 5 chán Chan 昧禪
380 5 chán meditative concentration; dhyāna; jhāna 昧禪
381 5 chán Chan; Zen 昧禪
382 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 某助安無量
383 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 某助安無量
384 5 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 某助安無量
385 5 無量 wúliàng Atula 某助安無量
386 5 Buddha; Awakened One 某自歸佛
387 5 relating to Buddhism 某自歸佛
388 5 a statue or image of a Buddha 某自歸佛
389 5 a Buddhist text 某自歸佛
390 5 to touch; to stroke 某自歸佛
391 5 Buddha 某自歸佛
392 5 Buddha; Awakened One 某自歸佛
393 4 liù six 前六萬菩薩
394 4 liù sixth 前六萬菩薩
395 4 liù a note on the Gongche scale 前六萬菩薩
396 4 liù six; ṣaṭ 前六萬菩薩
397 4 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令得解脫出生為人
398 4 lìng to issue a command 令得解脫出生為人
399 4 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令得解脫出生為人
400 4 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令得解脫出生為人
401 4 lìng a season 令得解脫出生為人
402 4 lìng respected; good reputation 令得解脫出生為人
403 4 lìng good 令得解脫出生為人
404 4 lìng pretentious 令得解脫出生為人
405 4 lìng a transcending state of existence 令得解脫出生為人
406 4 lìng a commander 令得解脫出生為人
407 4 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令得解脫出生為人
408 4 lìng lyrics 令得解脫出生為人
409 4 lìng Ling 令得解脫出生為人
410 4 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令得解脫出生為人
411 4 若干 ruògān a certain number or amount of 某若干日
412 4 若干 ruògān Ruogan 某若干日
413 4 qián front 前六萬菩薩
414 4 qián former; the past 前六萬菩薩
415 4 qián to go forward 前六萬菩薩
416 4 qián preceding 前六萬菩薩
417 4 qián before; earlier; prior 前六萬菩薩
418 4 qián to appear before 前六萬菩薩
419 4 qián future 前六萬菩薩
420 4 qián top; first 前六萬菩薩
421 4 qián battlefront 前六萬菩薩
422 4 qián pre- 前六萬菩薩
423 4 qián before; former; pūrva 前六萬菩薩
424 4 qián facing; mukha 前六萬菩薩
425 4 十方 shí sāng The Ten Directions 當念一切十方現在佛
426 4 十方 shí fāng the ten directions 當念一切十方現在佛
427 4 lóu a storied building 洹那鳩樓
428 4 lóu floor; level 洹那鳩樓
429 4 lóu having two decks 洹那鳩樓
430 4 lóu office 洹那鳩樓
431 4 lóu Lou 洹那鳩樓
432 4 lóu a mansion; prāsāda 洹那鳩樓
433 3 布施 bùshī generosity 檀布施
434 3 布施 bùshī dana; giving; generosity 檀布施
435 3 to lie 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
436 3 to crouch 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
437 3 to rest; to sleep 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
438 3 to cut across; to traverse 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
439 3 to live in seclusion 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
440 3 providing rest 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
441 3 lying down; śayana 菩薩齋日不得臥高床
442 3 wàn ten thousand 前六萬菩薩
443 3 wàn absolutely 前六萬菩薩
444 3 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 前六萬菩薩
445 3 wàn Wan 前六萬菩薩
446 3 Mo 前六萬菩薩
447 3 wàn scorpion dance 前六萬菩薩
448 3 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 前六萬菩薩
449 3 a herb; an aromatic plant 如先行菩
450 3 a herb 如先行菩
451 3 zài in; at 在阿彌陀佛所
452 3 zài at 在阿彌陀佛所
453 3 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 在阿彌陀佛所
454 3 zài to exist; to be living 在阿彌陀佛所
455 3 zài to consist of 在阿彌陀佛所
456 3 zài to be at a post 在阿彌陀佛所
457 3 zài in; bhū 在阿彌陀佛所
458 3 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 令得解脫出生為人
459 3 解脫 jiětuō liberation 令得解脫出生為人
460 3 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 令得解脫出生為人
461 3 tuó steep bank 阿蕪陀
462 3 tuó a spinning top 阿蕪陀
463 3 tuó uneven 阿蕪陀
464 3 tuó dha 阿蕪陀
465 3 shī to give; to grant
466 3 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out
467 3 shī to deploy; to set up
468 3 shī to relate to
469 3 shī to move slowly
470 3 shī to exert
471 3 shī to apply; to spread
472 3 shī Shi
473 3 shī the practice of selfless giving; dāna
474 3 畜生 chùsheng animals; domestic animals 畜生中人
475 3 畜生 chùsheng rebirth as an animal 畜生中人
476 3 è evil; vice 某身所行惡
477 3 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 某身所行惡
478 3 ě queasy; nauseous 某身所行惡
479 3 to hate; to detest 某身所行惡
480 3 how? 某身所行惡
481 3 è fierce 某身所行惡
482 3 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 某身所行惡
483 3 to denounce 某身所行惡
484 3 oh! 某身所行惡
485 3 è e 某身所行惡
486 3 è evil 某身所行惡
487 3 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 口所言惡
488 3 suǒ an office; an institute 口所言惡
489 3 suǒ introduces a relative clause 口所言惡
490 3 suǒ it 口所言惡
491 3 suǒ if; supposing 口所言惡
492 3 suǒ a few; various; some 口所言惡
493 3 suǒ a place; a location 口所言惡
494 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 口所言惡
495 3 suǒ that which 口所言惡
496 3 suǒ an ordinal number 口所言惡
497 3 suǒ meaning 口所言惡
498 3 suǒ garrison 口所言惡
499 3 suǒ place; pradeśa 口所言惡
500 3 suǒ that which; yad 口所言惡


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
菩萨 菩薩
  1. púsà
  2. púsà
  1. bodhisattva
  2. bodhisattva
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. niàn
  2. niàn
  1. mindfulness; smrti
  2. a thought; citta
  1. Dharma
  2. the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma
  3. a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings
  4. a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought
  5. quality; characteristic
斋日 齋日 zhāirì the Day of Purification
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati
  1. self; atman; attan
  2. ga
  3. I; aham
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
shòu feelings; sensations
obtain; attain; prāpta

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿弥陀 阿彌陀 196 Amitabha; Amithaba
百劫 98 Baijie
阿弥陀佛 阿彌陀佛 196
  1. Amitabha Buddha
  2. Amitabha Buddha
  3. Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
104 Huan river
伽耶山 106 Gayā
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
拘楼 拘樓 106 Kuru
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
聶道真 110 Nie Dao Zhen
菩萨道 菩薩道 112
  1. Bodhisattva Path
  2. Bodhisattva Path
菩萨受斋经 菩薩受齋經 112 Bodhisattva Fasting Sutra
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
文殊师利 文殊師利 119 Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri
西晋 西晉 120 Western Jin Dynasty
须摩提 須摩提 120
  1. Sukhāvatī; Sukhavati; Western Pure Land
  2. Sumati
  3. Sumati
须菩提 須菩提 120
  1. Subhuti
  2. Subhuti; Subhūti
斋日 齋日 122 the Day of Purification
正月 122
  1. first month of the lunar calendar
  2. first lunar month; caitra


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 35.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
比丘僧 98 monastic community
般若波罗蜜 般若波羅蜜 98
  1. Prajñāpāramitā; Prajnaparamita; Perfection of Wisdom
  2. Prajñāpāramitā
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
禅波罗蜜 禪波羅蜜 99 dhyana-paramita; the paramita of meditative concentration
羼提波罗蜜 羼提波羅蜜 99 ksanti-paramita; the paramita of tolerance; the paramita of forbearance
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
持斋 持齋 99 to keep a fast
当得 當得 100 will reach
发意 發意 102 to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
过去佛 過去佛 103 past Buddhas
和上 104 an abbot; a monk
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
摩诃般若 摩訶般若 109 great wisdom; mahāprajñā
南无佛 南無佛 110
  1. Homage to the Buddha
  2. namo buddha
泥犁 110 hell; niraya
沤惒拘舍罗 漚惒拘舍羅 197 upāya-kauśalya; skill in means
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
三毒 115 three poisons; trivisa
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三耶三佛 115 samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
圣智 聖智 115 Buddha wisdom
尸波罗蜜 尸波羅蜜 115 sila-paramita; the paramita of proper conduct
十念 115 to chant ten times
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
说经 說經 115 to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
所行 115 actions; practice
檀波罗蜜 檀波羅蜜 116 dana-paramita; the paramita of generosity
檀那 116
  1. Dana
  2. dana; the practice of giving; generosity
昙无 曇無 116 dharma
往生 119
  1. to be reborn
  2. a future life
照见 照見 122 to look down upon