Glossary and Vocabulary for Anavataptanāgarājaparipṛcchāsūtra (Fo Shuo Hong Dao Guang Xian Sanmei Jing) 佛說弘道廣顯三昧經, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 115 Kangxi radical 71 無熱之大池中
2 115 to not have; without 無熱之大池中
3 115 mo 無熱之大池中
4 115 to not have 無熱之大池中
5 115 Wu 無熱之大池中
6 115 mo 無熱之大池中
7 67 desire 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
8 67 to desire; to wish 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
9 67 to desire; to intend 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
10 67 lust 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
11 67 desire; intention; wish; kāma 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
12 67 Qi 願受其請
13 62 xíng to walk 行祥
14 62 xíng capable; competent 行祥
15 62 háng profession 行祥
16 62 xíng Kangxi radical 144 行祥
17 62 xíng to travel 行祥
18 62 xìng actions; conduct 行祥
19 62 xíng to do; to act; to practice 行祥
20 62 xíng all right; OK; okay 行祥
21 62 háng horizontal line 行祥
22 62 héng virtuous deeds 行祥
23 62 hàng a line of trees 行祥
24 62 hàng bold; steadfast 行祥
25 62 xíng to move 行祥
26 62 xíng to put into effect; to implement 行祥
27 62 xíng travel 行祥
28 62 xíng to circulate 行祥
29 62 xíng running script; running script 行祥
30 62 xíng temporary 行祥
31 62 háng rank; order 行祥
32 62 háng a business; a shop 行祥
33 62 xíng to depart; to leave 行祥
34 62 xíng to experience 行祥
35 62 xíng path; way 行祥
36 62 xíng xing; ballad 行祥
37 62 xíng Xing 行祥
38 62 xíng Practice 行祥
39 62 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 行祥
40 62 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 行祥
41 60 ér Kangxi radical 126 膝叉手而白佛言
42 60 ér as if; to seem like 膝叉手而白佛言
43 60 néng can; able 膝叉手而白佛言
44 60 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 膝叉手而白佛言
45 60 ér to arrive; up to 膝叉手而白佛言
46 58 to go; to 能應於如來儀耶
47 58 to rely on; to depend on 能應於如來儀耶
48 58 Yu 能應於如來儀耶
49 58 a crow 能應於如來儀耶
50 54 infix potential marker 慧弘普至不有礙
51 53 zhī to go 無熱之大池中
52 53 zhī to arrive; to go 無熱之大池中
53 53 zhī is 無熱之大池中
54 53 zhī to use 無熱之大池中
55 53 zhī Zhi 無熱之大池中
56 53 zhī winding 無熱之大池中
57 46 meaning; sense 諦聽其義
58 46 justice; right action; righteousness 諦聽其義
59 46 artificial; man-made; fake 諦聽其義
60 46 chivalry; generosity 諦聽其義
61 46 just; righteous 諦聽其義
62 46 adopted 諦聽其義
63 46 a relationship 諦聽其義
64 46 volunteer 諦聽其義
65 46 something suitable 諦聽其義
66 46 a martyr 諦聽其義
67 46 a law 諦聽其義
68 46 Yi 諦聽其義
69 46 Righteousness 諦聽其義
70 46 aim; artha 諦聽其義
71 46 to use; to grasp 唯以
72 46 to rely on 唯以
73 46 to regard 唯以
74 46 to be able to 唯以
75 46 to order; to command 唯以
76 46 used after a verb 唯以
77 46 a reason; a cause 唯以
78 46 Israel 唯以
79 46 Yi 唯以
80 46 use; yogena 唯以
81 45 method; way 又復如來宣講法故
82 45 France 又復如來宣講法故
83 45 the law; rules; regulations 又復如來宣講法故
84 45 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 又復如來宣講法故
85 45 a standard; a norm 又復如來宣講法故
86 45 an institution 又復如來宣講法故
87 45 to emulate 又復如來宣講法故
88 45 magic; a magic trick 又復如來宣講法故
89 45 punishment 又復如來宣講法故
90 45 Fa 又復如來宣講法故
91 45 a precedent 又復如來宣講法故
92 45 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 又復如來宣講法故
93 45 relating to a ceremony or rite 又復如來宣講法故
94 45 Dharma 又復如來宣講法故
95 45 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 又復如來宣講法故
96 45 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 又復如來宣講法故
97 45 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 又復如來宣講法故
98 45 quality; characteristic 又復如來宣講法故
99 45 huì intelligent; clever 慧藏知富積辯德
100 45 huì mental ability; intellect 慧藏知富積辯德
101 45 huì wisdom; understanding 慧藏知富積辯德
102 45 huì Wisdom 慧藏知富積辯德
103 45 huì wisdom; prajna 慧藏知富積辯德
104 45 huì intellect; mati 慧藏知富積辯德
105 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
106 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
107 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
108 37 wéi to act as; to serve 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
109 37 wéi to change into; to become 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
110 37 wéi to be; is 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
111 37 wéi to do 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
112 37 wèi to support; to help 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
113 37 wéi to govern 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
114 37 wèi to be; bhū 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
115 35 zhě ca 所以然者
116 33 zhòng many; numerous 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
117 33 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
118 33 zhòng general; common; public 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
119 32 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又諸子等
120 32 force 忍力
121 32 Kangxi radical 19 忍力
122 32 to exert oneself; to make an effort 忍力
123 32 to force 忍力
124 32 labor; forced labor 忍力
125 32 physical strength 忍力
126 32 power 忍力
127 32 Li 忍力
128 32 ability; capability 忍力
129 32 influence 忍力
130 32 strength; power; bala 忍力
131 31 如來 rúlái Tathagata 請如來品第四
132 31 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 請如來品第四
133 31 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 請如來品第四
134 29 Yi 弟子二千亦上神足
135 28 to split; to tear 斯從何來
136 28 to depart; to leave 斯從何來
137 28 Si 斯從何來
138 27 wèi to call 轉相謂
139 27 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 轉相謂
140 27 wèi to speak to; to address 轉相謂
141 27 wèi to treat as; to regard as 轉相謂
142 27 wèi introducing a condition situation 轉相謂
143 27 wèi to speak to; to address 轉相謂
144 27 wèi to think 轉相謂
145 27 wèi for; is to be 轉相謂
146 27 wèi to make; to cause 轉相謂
147 27 wèi principle; reason 轉相謂
148 27 wèi Wei 轉相謂
149 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得見世尊又聞法說
150 27 děi to want to; to need to 得見世尊又聞法說
151 27 děi must; ought to 得見世尊又聞法說
152 27 de 得見世尊又聞法說
153 27 de infix potential marker 得見世尊又聞法說
154 27 to result in 得見世尊又聞法說
155 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得見世尊又聞法說
156 27 to be satisfied 得見世尊又聞法說
157 27 to be finished 得見世尊又聞法說
158 27 děi satisfying 得見世尊又聞法說
159 27 to contract 得見世尊又聞法說
160 27 to hear 得見世尊又聞法說
161 27 to have; there is 得見世尊又聞法說
162 27 marks time passed 得見世尊又聞法說
163 27 obtain; attain; prāpta 得見世尊又聞法說
164 27 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 稽首世尊跪
165 27 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 稽首世尊跪
166 27 xīn heart [organ] 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
167 27 xīn Kangxi radical 61 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
168 27 xīn mind; consciousness 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
169 27 xīn the center; the core; the middle 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
170 27 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
171 27 xīn heart 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
172 27 xīn emotion 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
173 27 xīn intention; consideration 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
174 27 xīn disposition; temperament 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
175 27 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
176 27 xīn heart; hṛdaya 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
177 27 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
178 27 jiàn to see 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
179 27 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
180 27 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
181 27 jiàn refer to; for details see 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
182 27 jiàn to listen to 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
183 27 jiàn to meet 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
184 27 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
185 27 jiàn let me; kindly 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
186 27 jiàn Jian 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
187 27 xiàn to appear 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
188 27 xiàn to introduce 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
189 27 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
190 27 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
191 26 to go back; to return 又復如來宣講法故
192 26 to resume; to restart 又復如來宣講法故
193 26 to do in detail 又復如來宣講法故
194 26 to restore 又復如來宣講法故
195 26 to respond; to reply to 又復如來宣講法故
196 26 Fu; Return 又復如來宣講法故
197 26 to retaliate; to reciprocate 又復如來宣講法故
198 26 to avoid forced labor or tax 又復如來宣講法故
199 26 Fu 又復如來宣講法故
200 26 doubled; to overlapping; folded 又復如來宣講法故
201 26 a lined garment with doubled thickness 又復如來宣講法故
202 26 shēng to be born; to give birth
203 26 shēng to live
204 26 shēng raw
205 26 shēng a student
206 26 shēng life
207 26 shēng to produce; to give rise
208 26 shēng alive
209 26 shēng a lifetime
210 26 shēng to initiate; to become
211 26 shēng to grow
212 26 shēng unfamiliar
213 26 shēng not experienced
214 26 shēng hard; stiff; strong
215 26 shēng having academic or professional knowledge
216 26 shēng a male role in traditional theatre
217 26 shēng gender
218 26 shēng to develop; to grow
219 26 shēng to set up
220 26 shēng a prostitute
221 26 shēng a captive
222 26 shēng a gentleman
223 26 shēng Kangxi radical 100
224 26 shēng unripe
225 26 shēng nature
226 26 shēng to inherit; to succeed
227 26 shēng destiny
228 26 shēng birth
229 26 shēng arise; produce; utpad
230 25 龍王 lóng wáng Dragon King; Naga King 於是龍王自與
231 25 yìng to answer; to respond 能應於如來儀耶
232 25 yìng to confirm; to verify 能應於如來儀耶
233 25 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 能應於如來儀耶
234 25 yìng to accept 能應於如來儀耶
235 25 yìng to permit; to allow 能應於如來儀耶
236 25 yìng to echo 能應於如來儀耶
237 25 yìng to handle; to deal with 能應於如來儀耶
238 25 yìng Ying 能應於如來儀耶
239 24 suǒ a few; various; some 所設辦訖枉神尊
240 24 suǒ a place; a location 所設辦訖枉神尊
241 24 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所設辦訖枉神尊
242 24 suǒ an ordinal number 所設辦訖枉神尊
243 24 suǒ meaning 所設辦訖枉神尊
244 24 suǒ garrison 所設辦訖枉神尊
245 24 suǒ place; pradeśa 所設辦訖枉神尊
246 24 shí time; a point or period of time 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
247 24 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
248 24 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
249 24 shí fashionable 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
250 24 shí fate; destiny; luck 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
251 24 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
252 24 shí tense 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
253 24 shí particular; special 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
254 24 shí to plant; to cultivate 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
255 24 shí an era; a dynasty 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
256 24 shí time [abstract] 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
257 24 shí seasonal 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
258 24 shí to wait upon 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
259 24 shí hour 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
260 24 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
261 24 shí Shi 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
262 24 shí a present; currentlt 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
263 24 shí time; kāla 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
264 24 shí at that time; samaya 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
265 22 to reach 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
266 22 to attain 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
267 22 to understand 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
268 22 able to be compared to; to catch up with 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
269 22 to be involved with; to associate with 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
270 22 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
271 22 and; ca; api 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
272 22 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 吾等志樂供養聖
273 22 zhì to write down; to record 吾等志樂供養聖
274 22 zhì Zhi 吾等志樂供養聖
275 22 zhì a written record; a treatise 吾等志樂供養聖
276 22 zhì to remember 吾等志樂供養聖
277 22 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 吾等志樂供養聖
278 22 zhì a birthmark; a mole 吾等志樂供養聖
279 22 zhì determination; will 吾等志樂供養聖
280 22 zhì a magazine 吾等志樂供養聖
281 22 zhì to measure; to weigh 吾等志樂供養聖
282 22 zhì aspiration 吾等志樂供養聖
283 22 zhì Aspiration 吾等志樂供養聖
284 22 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 吾等志樂供養聖
285 22 niàn to read aloud 勤念無常
286 22 niàn to remember; to expect 勤念無常
287 22 niàn to miss 勤念無常
288 22 niàn to consider 勤念無常
289 22 niàn to recite; to chant 勤念無常
290 22 niàn to show affection for 勤念無常
291 22 niàn a thought; an idea 勤念無常
292 22 niàn twenty 勤念無常
293 22 niàn memory 勤念無常
294 22 niàn an instant 勤念無常
295 22 niàn Nian 勤念無常
296 22 niàn mindfulness; smrti 勤念無常
297 22 niàn a thought; citta 勤念無常
298 21 cóng to follow 其眾諸將從俱
299 21 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 其眾諸將從俱
300 21 cóng to participate in something 其眾諸將從俱
301 21 cóng to use a certain method or principle 其眾諸將從俱
302 21 cóng something secondary 其眾諸將從俱
303 21 cóng remote relatives 其眾諸將從俱
304 21 cóng secondary 其眾諸將從俱
305 21 cóng to go on; to advance 其眾諸將從俱
306 21 cōng at ease; informal 其眾諸將從俱
307 21 zòng a follower; a supporter 其眾諸將從俱
308 21 zòng to release 其眾諸將從俱
309 21 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 其眾諸將從俱
310 20 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 願請天尊迴屈神光
311 20 yuàn hope 願請天尊迴屈神光
312 20 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 願請天尊迴屈神光
313 20 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 願請天尊迴屈神光
314 20 yuàn a vow 願請天尊迴屈神光
315 20 yuàn diligent; attentive 願請天尊迴屈神光
316 20 yuàn to prefer; to select 願請天尊迴屈神光
317 20 yuàn to admire 願請天尊迴屈神光
318 20 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 願請天尊迴屈神光
319 19 zhī to know 慧藏知富積辯德
320 19 zhī to comprehend 慧藏知富積辯德
321 19 zhī to inform; to tell 慧藏知富積辯德
322 19 zhī to administer 慧藏知富積辯德
323 19 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 慧藏知富積辯德
324 19 zhī to be close friends 慧藏知富積辯德
325 19 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 慧藏知富積辯德
326 19 zhī to receive; to entertain 慧藏知富積辯德
327 19 zhī knowledge 慧藏知富積辯德
328 19 zhī consciousness; perception 慧藏知富積辯德
329 19 zhī a close friend 慧藏知富積辯德
330 19 zhì wisdom 慧藏知富積辯德
331 19 zhì Zhi 慧藏知富積辯德
332 19 zhī to appreciate 慧藏知富積辯德
333 19 zhī to make known 慧藏知富積辯德
334 19 zhī to have control over 慧藏知富積辯德
335 19 zhī to expect; to foresee 慧藏知富積辯德
336 19 zhī Understanding 慧藏知富積辯德
337 19 zhī know; jña 慧藏知富積辯德
338 18 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則慧力
339 18 a grade; a level 則慧力
340 18 an example; a model 則慧力
341 18 a weighing device 則慧力
342 18 to grade; to rank 則慧力
343 18 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則慧力
344 18 to do 則慧力
345 18 koan; kōan; gong'an 則慧力
346 18 因緣 yīnyuán chance 薩依順因緣之無
347 18 因緣 yīnyuán destiny 薩依順因緣之無
348 18 因緣 yīnyuán according to this 薩依順因緣之無
349 18 因緣 yīnyuán causes and conditions 薩依順因緣之無
350 18 因緣 yīnyuán cause and conditions; principal and secondary causes; hetupratyaya 薩依順因緣之無
351 18 因緣 yīnyuán Nidana (expositions of causes); a story of an occasion in the Buddhha's life 薩依順因緣之無
352 18 因緣 yīnyuán a passage in a sūtra describing the setting 薩依順因緣之無
353 18 zhì Kangxi radical 133 慧弘普至不有礙
354 18 zhì to arrive 慧弘普至不有礙
355 18 zhì approach; upagama 慧弘普至不有礙
356 18 idea 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
357 18 Italy (abbreviation) 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
358 18 a wish; a desire; intention 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
359 18 mood; feeling 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
360 18 will; willpower; determination 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
361 18 bearing; spirit 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
362 18 to think of; to long for; to miss 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
363 18 to anticipate; to expect 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
364 18 to doubt; to suspect 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
365 18 meaning 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
366 18 a suggestion; a hint 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
367 18 an understanding; a point of view 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
368 18 Yi 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
369 18 manas; mind; mentation 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
370 18 to arise; to get up 便從定起
371 18 to rise; to raise 便從定起
372 18 to grow out of; to bring forth; to emerge 便從定起
373 18 to appoint (to an official post); to take up a post 便從定起
374 18 to start 便從定起
375 18 to establish; to build 便從定起
376 18 to draft; to draw up (a plan) 便從定起
377 18 opening sentence; opening verse 便從定起
378 18 to get out of bed 便從定起
379 18 to recover; to heal 便從定起
380 18 to take out; to extract 便從定起
381 18 marks the beginning of an action 便從定起
382 18 marks the sufficiency of an action 便從定起
383 18 to call back from mourning 便從定起
384 18 to take place; to occur 便從定起
385 18 to conjecture 便從定起
386 18 stand up; utthāna 便從定起
387 18 arising; utpāda 便從定起
388 17 děng et cetera; and so on 如是比等五百長子
389 17 děng to wait 如是比等五百長子
390 17 děng to be equal 如是比等五百長子
391 17 děng degree; level 如是比等五百長子
392 17 děng to compare 如是比等五百長子
393 17 děng same; equal; sama 如是比等五百長子
394 17 tuō to take off 於三脫之門也
395 17 tuō to shed; to fall off 於三脫之門也
396 17 tuō to depart; to leave; to evade 於三脫之門也
397 17 tuō to omit; to overlook 於三脫之門也
398 17 tuō to sell 於三脫之門也
399 17 tuō rapid 於三脫之門也
400 17 tuō unconstrained; free and easy 於三脫之門也
401 17 tuì to shed 於三脫之門也
402 17 tuì happy; carefree 於三脫之門也
403 17 tuō escape; mokṣa 於三脫之門也
404 16 common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive 普稱
405 16 Prussia 普稱
406 16 Pu 普稱
407 16 equally; impartially; universal; samanta 普稱
408 16 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 慧解心行唯大仁
409 16 jiě to explain 慧解心行唯大仁
410 16 jiě to divide; to separate 慧解心行唯大仁
411 16 jiě to understand 慧解心行唯大仁
412 16 jiě to solve a math problem 慧解心行唯大仁
413 16 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 慧解心行唯大仁
414 16 jiě to cut; to disect 慧解心行唯大仁
415 16 jiě to relieve oneself 慧解心行唯大仁
416 16 jiě a solution 慧解心行唯大仁
417 16 jiè to escort 慧解心行唯大仁
418 16 xiè to understand; to be clear 慧解心行唯大仁
419 16 xiè acrobatic skills 慧解心行唯大仁
420 16 jiě can; able to 慧解心行唯大仁
421 16 jiě a stanza 慧解心行唯大仁
422 16 jiè to send off 慧解心行唯大仁
423 16 xiè Xie 慧解心行唯大仁
424 16 jiě exegesis 慧解心行唯大仁
425 16 xiè laziness 慧解心行唯大仁
426 16 jiè a government office 慧解心行唯大仁
427 16 jiè to pawn 慧解心行唯大仁
428 16 jiè to rent; to lease 慧解心行唯大仁
429 16 jiě understanding 慧解心行唯大仁
430 16 jiě to liberate 慧解心行唯大仁
431 16 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 諸法
432 16 rén person; people; a human being 婇女各二千人
433 16 rén Kangxi radical 9 婇女各二千人
434 16 rén a kind of person 婇女各二千人
435 16 rén everybody 婇女各二千人
436 16 rén adult 婇女各二千人
437 16 rén somebody; others 婇女各二千人
438 16 rén an upright person 婇女各二千人
439 16 rén person; manuṣya 婇女各二千人
440 15 cháng Chang 思願重聞如是像法令常歡
441 15 cháng common; general; ordinary 思願重聞如是像法令常歡
442 15 cháng a principle; a rule 思願重聞如是像法令常歡
443 15 cháng eternal; nitya 思願重聞如是像法令常歡
444 14 èr two 婇女各二千人
445 14 èr Kangxi radical 7 婇女各二千人
446 14 èr second 婇女各二千人
447 14 èr twice; double; di- 婇女各二千人
448 14 èr more than one kind 婇女各二千人
449 14 èr two; dvā; dvi 婇女各二千人
450 14 èr both; dvaya 婇女各二千人
451 14 zūn to honor; to respect 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
452 14 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
453 14 zūn a wine cup 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
454 14 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
455 14 zūn supreme; high 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
456 14 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
457 14 zūn bhagavat; holy one 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
458 14 zūn lord; patron; natha 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
459 14 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
460 14 無數 wúshù countless; innumerable 中眾色無數
461 14 無數 wúshù extremely many 中眾色無數
462 14 xīng to flourish; to be popular 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
463 14 xìng interest 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
464 14 xīng to spring up; to get up 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
465 14 xīng to move 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
466 14 xīng to generate interest 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
467 14 xīng to promote 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
468 14 xīng to start; to begin 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
469 14 xīng to permit; to allow 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
470 14 xīng Xing 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
471 14 xīng prosperous 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
472 14 xìng to be happy 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
473 14 xìng to like 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
474 14 xìng to make an analogy 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
475 14 xìng affective image 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
476 14 xīng prosperity; utpāda 興震雲電而降微雨普遍天
477 14 shēn human body; torso 色妙端正相綵身
478 14 shēn Kangxi radical 158 色妙端正相綵身
479 14 shēn self 色妙端正相綵身
480 14 shēn life 色妙端正相綵身
481 14 shēn an object 色妙端正相綵身
482 14 shēn a lifetime 色妙端正相綵身
483 14 shēn moral character 色妙端正相綵身
484 14 shēn status; identity; position 色妙端正相綵身
485 14 shēn pregnancy 色妙端正相綵身
486 14 juān India 色妙端正相綵身
487 14 shēn body; kāya 色妙端正相綵身
488 14 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 得見世尊又聞法說
489 14 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 得見世尊又聞法說
490 14 shuì to persuade 得見世尊又聞法說
491 14 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 得見世尊又聞法說
492 14 shuō a doctrine; a theory 得見世尊又聞法說
493 14 shuō to claim; to assert 得見世尊又聞法說
494 14 shuō allocution 得見世尊又聞法說
495 14 shuō to criticize; to scold 得見世尊又聞法說
496 14 shuō to indicate; to refer to 得見世尊又聞法說
497 14 shuō speach; vāda 得見世尊又聞法說
498 14 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 得見世尊又聞法說
499 14 shuō to instruct 得見世尊又聞法說
500 14 color

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1179

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 115 no 無熱之大池中
2 115 Kangxi radical 71 無熱之大池中
3 115 to not have; without 無熱之大池中
4 115 has not yet 無熱之大池中
5 115 mo 無熱之大池中
6 115 do not 無熱之大池中
7 115 not; -less; un- 無熱之大池中
8 115 regardless of 無熱之大池中
9 115 to not have 無熱之大池中
10 115 um 無熱之大池中
11 115 Wu 無熱之大池中
12 115 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無熱之大池中
13 115 not; non- 無熱之大池中
14 115 mo 無熱之大池中
15 67 desire 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
16 67 to desire; to wish 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
17 67 almost; nearly; about to occur 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
18 67 to desire; to intend 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
19 67 lust 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
20 67 desire; intention; wish; kāma 儀應棄捐淫心欲意及
21 67 his; hers; its; theirs 願受其請
22 67 to add emphasis 願受其請
23 67 used when asking a question in reply to a question 願受其請
24 67 used when making a request or giving an order 願受其請
25 67 he; her; it; them 願受其請
26 67 probably; likely 願受其請
27 67 will 願受其請
28 67 may 願受其請
29 67 if 願受其請
30 67 or 願受其請
31 67 Qi 願受其請
32 67 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 願受其請
33 63 zhū all; many; various 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
34 63 zhū Zhu 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
35 63 zhū all; members of the class 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
36 63 zhū interrogative particle 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
37 63 zhū him; her; them; it 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
38 63 zhū of; in 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
39 63 zhū all; many; sarva 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
40 62 xíng to walk 行祥
41 62 xíng capable; competent 行祥
42 62 háng profession 行祥
43 62 háng line; row 行祥
44 62 xíng Kangxi radical 144 行祥
45 62 xíng to travel 行祥
46 62 xìng actions; conduct 行祥
47 62 xíng to do; to act; to practice 行祥
48 62 xíng all right; OK; okay 行祥
49 62 háng horizontal line 行祥
50 62 héng virtuous deeds 行祥
51 62 hàng a line of trees 行祥
52 62 hàng bold; steadfast 行祥
53 62 xíng to move 行祥
54 62 xíng to put into effect; to implement 行祥
55 62 xíng travel 行祥
56 62 xíng to circulate 行祥
57 62 xíng running script; running script 行祥
58 62 xíng temporary 行祥
59 62 xíng soon 行祥
60 62 háng rank; order 行祥
61 62 háng a business; a shop 行祥
62 62 xíng to depart; to leave 行祥
63 62 xíng to experience 行祥
64 62 xíng path; way 行祥
65 62 xíng xing; ballad 行祥
66 62 xíng a round [of drinks] 行祥
67 62 xíng Xing 行祥
68 62 xíng moreover; also 行祥
69 62 xíng Practice 行祥
70 62 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 行祥
71 62 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 行祥
72 60 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 膝叉手而白佛言
73 60 ér Kangxi radical 126 膝叉手而白佛言
74 60 ér you 膝叉手而白佛言
75 60 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 膝叉手而白佛言
76 60 ér right away; then 膝叉手而白佛言
77 60 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 膝叉手而白佛言
78 60 ér if; in case; in the event that 膝叉手而白佛言
79 60 ér therefore; as a result; thus 膝叉手而白佛言
80 60 ér how can it be that? 膝叉手而白佛言
81 60 ér so as to 膝叉手而白佛言
82 60 ér only then 膝叉手而白佛言
83 60 ér as if; to seem like 膝叉手而白佛言
84 60 néng can; able 膝叉手而白佛言
85 60 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 膝叉手而白佛言
86 60 ér me 膝叉手而白佛言
87 60 ér to arrive; up to 膝叉手而白佛言
88 60 ér possessive 膝叉手而白佛言
89 60 ér and; ca 膝叉手而白佛言
90 58 in; at 能應於如來儀耶
91 58 in; at 能應於如來儀耶
92 58 in; at; to; from 能應於如來儀耶
93 58 to go; to 能應於如來儀耶
94 58 to rely on; to depend on 能應於如來儀耶
95 58 to go to; to arrive at 能應於如來儀耶
96 58 from 能應於如來儀耶
97 58 give 能應於如來儀耶
98 58 oppposing 能應於如來儀耶
99 58 and 能應於如來儀耶
100 58 compared to 能應於如來儀耶
101 58 by 能應於如來儀耶
102 58 and; as well as 能應於如來儀耶
103 58 for 能應於如來儀耶
104 58 Yu 能應於如來儀耶
105 58 a crow 能應於如來儀耶
106 58 whew; wow 能應於如來儀耶
107 58 near to; antike 能應於如來儀耶
108 54 not; no 慧弘普至不有礙
109 54 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 慧弘普至不有礙
110 54 as a correlative 慧弘普至不有礙
111 54 no (answering a question) 慧弘普至不有礙
112 54 forms a negative adjective from a noun 慧弘普至不有礙
113 54 at the end of a sentence to form a question 慧弘普至不有礙
114 54 to form a yes or no question 慧弘普至不有礙
115 54 infix potential marker 慧弘普至不有礙
116 54 no; na 慧弘普至不有礙
117 53 zhī him; her; them; that 無熱之大池中
118 53 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 無熱之大池中
119 53 zhī to go 無熱之大池中
120 53 zhī this; that 無熱之大池中
121 53 zhī genetive marker 無熱之大池中
122 53 zhī it 無熱之大池中
123 53 zhī in; in regards to 無熱之大池中
124 53 zhī all 無熱之大池中
125 53 zhī and 無熱之大池中
126 53 zhī however 無熱之大池中
127 53 zhī if 無熱之大池中
128 53 zhī then 無熱之大池中
129 53 zhī to arrive; to go 無熱之大池中
130 53 zhī is 無熱之大池中
131 53 zhī to use 無熱之大池中
132 53 zhī Zhi 無熱之大池中
133 53 zhī winding 無熱之大池中
134 52 shì is; are; am; to be 是時聖尊告龍王曰
135 52 shì is exactly 是時聖尊告龍王曰
136 52 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是時聖尊告龍王曰
137 52 shì this; that; those 是時聖尊告龍王曰
138 52 shì really; certainly 是時聖尊告龍王曰
139 52 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是時聖尊告龍王曰
140 52 shì true 是時聖尊告龍王曰
141 52 shì is; has; exists 是時聖尊告龍王曰
142 52 shì used between repetitions of a word 是時聖尊告龍王曰
143 52 shì a matter; an affair 是時聖尊告龍王曰
144 52 shì Shi 是時聖尊告龍王曰
145 52 shì is; bhū 是時聖尊告龍王曰
146 52 shì this; idam 是時聖尊告龍王曰
147 46 meaning; sense 諦聽其義
148 46 justice; right action; righteousness 諦聽其義
149 46 artificial; man-made; fake 諦聽其義
150 46 chivalry; generosity 諦聽其義
151 46 just; righteous 諦聽其義
152 46 adopted 諦聽其義
153 46 a relationship 諦聽其義
154 46 volunteer 諦聽其義
155 46 something suitable 諦聽其義
156 46 a martyr 諦聽其義
157 46 a law 諦聽其義
158 46 Yi 諦聽其義
159 46 Righteousness 諦聽其義
160 46 aim; artha 諦聽其義
161 46 so as to; in order to 唯以
162 46 to use; to regard as 唯以
163 46 to use; to grasp 唯以
164 46 according to 唯以
165 46 because of 唯以
166 46 on a certain date 唯以
167 46 and; as well as 唯以
168 46 to rely on 唯以
169 46 to regard 唯以
170 46 to be able to 唯以
171 46 to order; to command 唯以
172 46 further; moreover 唯以
173 46 used after a verb 唯以
174 46 very 唯以
175 46 already 唯以
176 46 increasingly 唯以
177 46 a reason; a cause 唯以
178 46 Israel 唯以
179 46 Yi 唯以
180 46 use; yogena 唯以
181 45 method; way 又復如來宣講法故
182 45 France 又復如來宣講法故
183 45 the law; rules; regulations 又復如來宣講法故
184 45 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 又復如來宣講法故
185 45 a standard; a norm 又復如來宣講法故
186 45 an institution 又復如來宣講法故
187 45 to emulate 又復如來宣講法故
188 45 magic; a magic trick 又復如來宣講法故
189 45 punishment 又復如來宣講法故
190 45 Fa 又復如來宣講法故
191 45 a precedent 又復如來宣講法故
192 45 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 又復如來宣講法故
193 45 relating to a ceremony or rite 又復如來宣講法故
194 45 Dharma 又復如來宣講法故
195 45 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 又復如來宣講法故
196 45 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 又復如來宣講法故
197 45 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 又復如來宣講法故
198 45 quality; characteristic 又復如來宣講法故
199 45 huì intelligent; clever 慧藏知富積辯德
200 45 huì mental ability; intellect 慧藏知富積辯德
201 45 huì wisdom; understanding 慧藏知富積辯德
202 45 huì Wisdom 慧藏知富積辯德
203 45 huì wisdom; prajna 慧藏知富積辯德
204 45 huì intellect; mati 慧藏知富積辯德
205 42 yǒu is; are; to exist 興有弘
206 42 yǒu to have; to possess 興有弘
207 42 yǒu indicates an estimate 興有弘
208 42 yǒu indicates a large quantity 興有弘
209 42 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 興有弘
210 42 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 興有弘
211 42 yǒu used to compare two things 興有弘
212 42 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 興有弘
213 42 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 興有弘
214 42 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 興有弘
215 42 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 興有弘
216 42 yǒu abundant 興有弘
217 42 yǒu purposeful 興有弘
218 42 yǒu You 興有弘
219 42 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 興有弘
220 42 yǒu becoming; bhava 興有弘
221 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
222 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
223 38 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
224 37 wèi for; to 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
225 37 wèi because of 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
226 37 wéi to act as; to serve 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
227 37 wéi to change into; to become 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
228 37 wéi to be; is 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
229 37 wéi to do 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
230 37 wèi for 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
231 37 wèi because of; for; to 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
232 37 wèi to 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
233 37 wéi in a passive construction 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
234 37 wéi forming a rehetorical question 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
235 37 wéi forming an adverb 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
236 37 wéi to add emphasis 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
237 37 wèi to support; to help 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
238 37 wéi to govern 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
239 37 wèi to be; bhū 輒為如來於雪山下無熱
240 35 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 所以然者
241 35 zhě that 所以然者
242 35 zhě nominalizing function word 所以然者
243 35 zhě used to mark a definition 所以然者
244 35 zhě used to mark a pause 所以然者
245 35 zhě topic marker; that; it 所以然者
246 35 zhuó according to 所以然者
247 35 zhě ca 所以然者
248 33 zhòng many; numerous 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
249 33 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
250 33 zhòng general; common; public 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
251 33 zhòng many; all; sarva 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
252 32 that; those 彼無熱王所
253 32 another; the other 彼無熱王所
254 32 that; tad 彼無熱王所
255 32 yòu again; also 又諸子等
256 32 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又諸子等
257 32 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又諸子等
258 32 yòu and 又諸子等
259 32 yòu furthermore 又諸子等
260 32 yòu in addition 又諸子等
261 32 yòu but 又諸子等
262 32 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又諸子等
263 32 force 忍力
264 32 Kangxi radical 19 忍力
265 32 to exert oneself; to make an effort 忍力
266 32 to force 忍力
267 32 resolutely; strenuously 忍力
268 32 labor; forced labor 忍力
269 32 physical strength 忍力
270 32 power 忍力
271 32 Li 忍力
272 32 ability; capability 忍力
273 32 influence 忍力
274 32 strength; power; bala 忍力
275 31 如來 rúlái Tathagata 請如來品第四
276 31 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 請如來品第四
277 31 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 請如來品第四
278 29 also; too 弟子二千亦上神足
279 29 but 弟子二千亦上神足
280 29 this; he; she 弟子二千亦上神足
281 29 although; even though 弟子二千亦上神足
282 29 already 弟子二千亦上神足
283 29 particle with no meaning 弟子二千亦上神足
284 29 Yi 弟子二千亦上神足
285 28 this 斯從何來
286 28 to split; to tear 斯從何來
287 28 thus; such 斯從何來
288 28 to depart; to leave 斯從何來
289 28 otherwise; but; however 斯從何來
290 28 possessive particle 斯從何來
291 28 question particle 斯從何來
292 28 sigh 斯從何來
293 28 is; are 斯從何來
294 28 all; every 斯從何來
295 28 Si 斯從何來
296 28 this; etad 斯從何來
297 27 wèi to call 轉相謂
298 27 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 轉相謂
299 27 wèi to speak to; to address 轉相謂
300 27 wèi to treat as; to regard as 轉相謂
301 27 wèi introducing a condition situation 轉相謂
302 27 wèi to speak to; to address 轉相謂
303 27 wèi to think 轉相謂
304 27 wèi for; is to be 轉相謂
305 27 wèi to make; to cause 轉相謂
306 27 wèi and 轉相謂
307 27 wèi principle; reason 轉相謂
308 27 wèi Wei 轉相謂
309 27 wèi which; what; yad 轉相謂
310 27 wèi to say; iti 轉相謂
311 27 de potential marker 得見世尊又聞法說
312 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得見世尊又聞法說
313 27 děi must; ought to 得見世尊又聞法說
314 27 děi to want to; to need to 得見世尊又聞法說
315 27 děi must; ought to 得見世尊又聞法說
316 27 de 得見世尊又聞法說
317 27 de infix potential marker 得見世尊又聞法說
318 27 to result in 得見世尊又聞法說
319 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得見世尊又聞法說
320 27 to be satisfied 得見世尊又聞法說
321 27 to be finished 得見世尊又聞法說
322 27 de result of degree 得見世尊又聞法說
323 27 de marks completion of an action 得見世尊又聞法說
324 27 děi satisfying 得見世尊又聞法說
325 27 to contract 得見世尊又聞法說
326 27 marks permission or possibility 得見世尊又聞法說
327 27 expressing frustration 得見世尊又聞法說
328 27 to hear 得見世尊又聞法說
329 27 to have; there is 得見世尊又聞法說
330 27 marks time passed 得見世尊又聞法說
331 27 obtain; attain; prāpta 得見世尊又聞法說
332 27 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 稽首世尊跪
333 27 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 稽首世尊跪
334 27 xīn heart [organ] 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
335 27 xīn Kangxi radical 61 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
336 27 xīn mind; consciousness 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
337 27 xīn the center; the core; the middle 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
338 27 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
339 27 xīn heart 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
340 27 xīn emotion 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
341 27 xīn intention; consideration 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
342 27 xīn disposition; temperament 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
343 27 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
344 27 xīn heart; hṛdaya 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
345 27 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 汝等當共同一其心廣相勉勵
346 27 jiàn to see 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
347 27 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
348 27 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
349 27 jiàn refer to; for details see 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
350 27 jiàn passive marker 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
351 27 jiàn to listen to 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
352 27 jiàn to meet 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
353 27 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
354 27 jiàn let me; kindly 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
355 27 jiàn Jian 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
356 27 xiàn to appear 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
357 27 xiàn to introduce 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
358 27 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
359 27 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見尊受請忻喜悅懌善心遂
360 26 again; more; repeatedly 又復如來宣講法故
361 26 to go back; to return 又復如來宣講法故
362 26 to resume; to restart 又復如來宣講法故
363 26 to do in detail 又復如來宣講法故
364 26 to restore 又復如來宣講法故
365 26 to respond; to reply to 又復如來宣講法故
366 26 after all; and then 又復如來宣講法故
367 26 even if; although 又復如來宣講法故
368 26 Fu; Return 又復如來宣講法故
369 26 to retaliate; to reciprocate 又復如來宣講法故
370 26 to avoid forced labor or tax 又復如來宣講法故
371 26 particle without meaing 又復如來宣講法故
372 26 Fu 又復如來宣講法故
373 26 repeated; again 又復如來宣講法故
374 26 doubled; to overlapping; folded 又復如來宣講法故
375 26 a lined garment with doubled thickness 又復如來宣講法故
376 26 again; punar 又復如來宣講法故
377 26 shēng to be born; to give birth
378 26 shēng to live
379 26 shēng raw
380 26 shēng a student
381 26 shēng life
382 26 shēng to produce; to give rise
383 26 shēng alive
384 26 shēng a lifetime
385 26 shēng to initiate; to become
386 26 shēng to grow
387 26 shēng unfamiliar
388 26 shēng not experienced
389 26 shēng hard; stiff; strong
390 26 shēng very; extremely
391 26 shēng having academic or professional knowledge
392 26 shēng a male role in traditional theatre
393 26 shēng gender
394 26 shēng to develop; to grow
395 26 shēng to set up
396 26 shēng a prostitute
397 26 shēng a captive
398 26 shēng a gentleman
399 26 shēng Kangxi radical 100
400 26 shēng unripe
401 26 shēng nature
402 26 shēng to inherit; to succeed
403 26 shēng destiny
404 26 shēng birth
405 26 shēng arise; produce; utpad
406 25 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 以是之故
407 25 old; ancient; former; past 以是之故
408 25 reason; cause; purpose 以是之故
409 25 to die 以是之故
410 25 so; therefore; hence 以是之故
411 25 original 以是之故
412 25 accident; happening; instance 以是之故
413 25 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 以是之故
414 25 something in the past 以是之故
415 25 deceased; dead 以是之故
416 25 still; yet 以是之故
417 25 therefore; tasmāt 以是之故
418 25 龍王 lóng wáng Dragon King; Naga King 於是龍王自與
419 25 yīng should; ought 能應於如來儀耶
420 25 yìng to answer; to respond 能應於如來儀耶
421 25 yìng to confirm; to verify 能應於如來儀耶
422 25 yīng soon; immediately 能應於如來儀耶
423 25 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 能應於如來儀耶
424 25 yìng to accept 能應於如來儀耶
425 25 yīng or; either 能應於如來儀耶
426 25 yìng to permit; to allow 能應於如來儀耶
427 25 yìng to echo 能應於如來儀耶
428 25 yìng to handle; to deal with 能應於如來儀耶
429 25 yìng Ying 能應於如來儀耶
430 25 yīng suitable; yukta 能應於如來儀耶
431 24 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所設辦訖枉神尊
432 24 suǒ an office; an institute 所設辦訖枉神尊
433 24 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所設辦訖枉神尊
434 24 suǒ it 所設辦訖枉神尊
435 24 suǒ if; supposing 所設辦訖枉神尊
436 24 suǒ a few; various; some 所設辦訖枉神尊
437 24 suǒ a place; a location 所設辦訖枉神尊
438 24 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所設辦訖枉神尊
439 24 suǒ that which 所設辦訖枉神尊
440 24 suǒ an ordinal number 所設辦訖枉神尊
441 24 suǒ meaning 所設辦訖枉神尊
442 24 suǒ garrison 所設辦訖枉神尊
443 24 suǒ place; pradeśa 所設辦訖枉神尊
444 24 suǒ that which; yad 所設辦訖枉神尊
445 24 shí time; a point or period of time 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
446 24 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
447 24 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
448 24 shí at that time 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
449 24 shí fashionable 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
450 24 shí fate; destiny; luck 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
451 24 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
452 24 shí tense 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
453 24 shí particular; special 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
454 24 shí to plant; to cultivate 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
455 24 shí hour (measure word) 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
456 24 shí an era; a dynasty 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
457 24 shí time [abstract] 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
458 24 shí seasonal 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
459 24 shí frequently; often 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
460 24 shí occasionally; sometimes 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
461 24 shí on time 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
462 24 shí this; that 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
463 24 shí to wait upon 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
464 24 shí hour 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
465 24 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
466 24 shí Shi 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
467 24 shí a present; currentlt 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
468 24 shí time; kāla 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
469 24 shí at that time; samaya 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
470 24 shí then; atha 時阿耨達自與其眾諸眷屬俱
471 22 to reach 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
472 22 and 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
473 22 coming to; when 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
474 22 to attain 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
475 22 to understand 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
476 22 able to be compared to; to catch up with 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
477 22 to be involved with; to associate with 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
478 22 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
479 22 and; ca; api 尊并諸神通果辦菩薩及上弟子
480 22 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 吾等志樂供養聖
481 22 zhì to write down; to record 吾等志樂供養聖
482 22 zhì Zhi 吾等志樂供養聖
483 22 zhì a written record; a treatise 吾等志樂供養聖
484 22 zhì to remember 吾等志樂供養聖
485 22 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 吾等志樂供養聖
486 22 zhì a birthmark; a mole 吾等志樂供養聖
487 22 zhì determination; will 吾等志樂供養聖
488 22 zhì a magazine 吾等志樂供養聖
489 22 zhì to measure; to weigh 吾等志樂供養聖
490 22 zhì aspiration 吾等志樂供養聖
491 22 zhì Aspiration 吾等志樂供養聖
492 22 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 吾等志樂供養聖
493 22 niàn to read aloud 勤念無常
494 22 niàn to remember; to expect 勤念無常
495 22 niàn to miss 勤念無常
496 22 niàn to consider 勤念無常
497 22 niàn to recite; to chant 勤念無常
498 22 niàn to show affection for 勤念無常
499 22 niàn a thought; an idea 勤念無常
500 22 niàn twenty 勤念無常


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression.
  2. not; non-
  3. mo
desire; intention; wish; kāma
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad
zhū all; many; sarva
  1. xíng
  2. xìng
  3. xíng
  1. Practice
  2. mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions
  3. practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior
ér and; ca
near to; antike
no; na
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. Righteousness
  2. aim; artha

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿耨达 阿耨達 196 Anavatapta
阿耨达龙王 阿耨達龍王 196 Anavatapta
百色 98 Bose; Baise
本际 本際 98 bhūtakoṭi; reality-limit
持法 99 Protector of the Dharma; Dharmadhara
大宝 大寶 100 mahāratna; a precious jewel
大目犍连 大目犍連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
大目连 大目連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
二月 195
  1. February; the Second Month
  2. second lunar month; vaiśākha
法常 102 Damei Fachang
慧敬 102 Fajing
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛说弘道广显三昧经 佛說弘道廣顯三昧經 102 Anavataptanāgarājaparipṛcchāsūtra; Fo Shuo Hong Dao Guang Xian Sanmei Jing
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
甘德 103 Gan De
宫人 宮人 103
  1. imperial concubine; palace maid
  2. imperial secretary
慧义 慧義 104 Hui Yi
慧达 慧達 104 Huida
慧观 慧觀 104
  1. Hyegwan
  2. Hui Guan
慧力 72
  1. power of wisdom
  2. Huili
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
净琉璃 淨琉璃 106 Realm of Pure Crystal
鹫山 鷲山 106 Vulture Peak
空生 107 one who expounded emptiness; Subhuti
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
无热池 無熱池 108 Lake Anopatapta; Lake Mānasarovara
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
能忍 110 able to endure; sahā
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
善施 115 Sudatta
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
顺义 順義 115 Shunyi
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
西晋 西晉 120 Western Jin Dynasty
像法 120 Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
小乘 120 Hinayana
雪山 120 Himalayan Mountains
缘觉乘 緣覺乘 121 Pratyekabuddha Vehicle; Pratyeka-buddha Vehicle
月氏 121 Yuezhi; Rouzhi; Tokhara; Tokharian
悦众 悅眾 121
  1. Apprentice (yuezhong, lit. “please all”)
  2. karmadana
  3. Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
智升 智昇 122 Zhi Sheng
竺法护 竺法護 122 Dharmaraksa
转轮圣王 轉輪聖王 90 Chakravarti raja; an emperor in Hindu mythology


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 183.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
八直道 98 Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
百味 98 a hundred flavors; many tastes
宝铃 寶鈴 98 a bell decorated with jewels
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
不可量 98 immeasurable
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
藏窜 藏竄 99 to hide away
禅定 禪定 99
  1. meditative concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. to meditate
常勤 99 practised; pratipanna
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
幢盖 幢蓋 99 banners and canopies
床座 99 seat; āsana
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大千 100 trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大悲心 100 a mind with great compassion
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
道意 100 intention to attain enlightenment
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
德本 100 virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等慈 100 Universal Compassion
定身 100 body of meditation
顶受 頂受 100 to respectfully receive
度无极 度無極 100 paramita; perfection
度众 度眾 100 Deliver Sentient Beings
度众生 度眾生 100 to liberate sentient beings
覩见 覩見 100 to observe
独尊 獨尊 100 the uniquely honored one
二见 二見 195 two views
法化 102 conversion through teaching of the Dharma
法难 法難 102 persecution of Buddhism
法施 102 a Dhárma gift; Dhárma offering; dharmadana
法无我 法無我 102 the insubstantiality of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
法行 102 to practice the Dharma
法要 102
  1. the essentials of a teaching
  2. the essence of a dharma
  3. a Dharma service
法义 法義 102
  1. definition of the Dharma
  2. the teaching of a principle
法处 法處 102 mental objects
梵声 梵聲 102 the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
佛德 102 Buddha virtue
佛世 102 the age when the Buddha lived in the world
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
佛土 102 Buddha land
供佛 103 to make offerings to the Buddha
贡高 貢高 103 proud; arrogant; conceited
观心 觀心 103
  1. Observe the Mind
  2. to contemplate the mind
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
弘法 104
  1. Dharma Propagation
  2. to propagate Buddhist teachings; to promote the Dharma
化众生 化眾生 104 to transform living beings
慧身 104 body of wisdom
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
降魔 106 to subdue Mara; to defeat evil
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
戒学 戒學 106 training on morality
金翅鸟 金翅鳥 106
  1. suparna bird; suparni bird
  2. a garuda
净天 淨天 106 pure devas
具慧 106 gifted with wisdom
卷第二 106 scroll 2
觉意 覺意 106 enlightenment factor; bodhyaṅga
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空义 空義 107 emptiness; empty of meaning
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
愦閙 憒閙 107 clamour
离生 離生 108 to leave the cycle of rebirth
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
了知 108 to understand clearly
六大 108 six elements
六度无极 六度無極 108 six perfections
龙众 龍眾 108 dragon spirits
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
灭道 滅道 109 extinction of suffering and the path to it
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
魔事 109 Māra's deeds; hindrances
念法 110
  1. Way of Contemplation
  2. to recollect or chant the Dharma; dharmānusmṛti
念佛 110
  1. to chant Buddha's name
  2. to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
起灭 起滅 113 saṃsāra; life and death
去来现 去來現 113 past, present, and future
权化 權化 113 appearance of a deity upon earth
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
如如 114
  1. Thusness
  2. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
三毒 115 three poisons; trivisa
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三千大千世界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三生 115
  1. Three Lifetimes
  2. three lives; three rebirths
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
散花 115 scatters flowers
三十七品 115 thirty-seven qualities [related to enlightenment]
色天 115 realm of form
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
深法 115 a profound truth
神变 神變 115 a divine transformation; a miracle
生法 115 sentient beings and dharmas
生天 115 celestial birth
圣性 聖性 115 divine nature
圣道 聖道 115
  1. the sacred way; spiritual path
  2. The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
十力 115 the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
十六大力 115 sixteen great powers
师子之座 師子之座 115 throne
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
四德 115 the four virtues
四天 115 four kinds of heaven
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所行 115 actions; practice
天龙 天龍 116 all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天尊 116 most honoured among devas
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
妄见 妄見 119 a delusion
妄语 妄語 119 Lying
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
闻法 聞法 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
無想 119 no notion; without perception
无依 無依 119 without basis; with nothing on which to rely; unreliable
无量众生 無量眾生 119 innumerable beings
无念 無念 119
  1. No Thought
  2. free from thought
  3. no thought
  4. tathatā
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无上正真道 無上正真道 119 unexcelled complete enlightenment
无生 無生 119
  1. No-Birth
  2. anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无数佛 無數佛 119 innumerable Buddhas
无数诸佛 無數諸佛 119 innumerable Buddhas
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
无住 無住 119
  1. non-abiding
  2. non-attachment; non-abiding
闲居 閑居 120 a place to rest
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
心法 120 mental objects
行法 120 cultivation method
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
心行 120 mental activity
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
应法 應法 121 in harmony with the Dharma
应供养 應供養 121 worthy of worship
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
因缘觉 因緣覺 121 Pratyekabuddha
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
用大 121 great in function
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有法 121 something that exists
欲法 121 with desire
欲生 121 arising from desire
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
缘起 緣起 121
  1. Dependent Origination
  2. dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘生 緣生 121 dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘一觉 緣一覺 121 Pratyekabuddha
缘中 緣中 121 the place at which the mind is centered
真法 122 true dharma; absolute dharma
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
正受 122 samāpatti; meditative attainment
真际 真際 122 ultimate truth
知众 知眾 122 a sense of social gatherings
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
智心 122 a wise mind
至真 122 most-true-one; arhat
众圣 眾聖 122 all sages
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
众生心 眾生心 122 the minds of sentient beings
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸法无我 諸法無我 122 all phenomena are without an independent self; the insubstantiality of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸相 諸相 122 all appearances; all characteristics
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
诸力 諸力 122 powers; bala
最上 122 supreme