Glossary and Vocabulary for Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄, Scroll 21

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 667 to translate; to interpret 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
2 667 to explain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
3 667 to decode; to encode 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
4 474 juǎn to coil; to roll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
5 474 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
6 474 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
7 474 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
8 474 juǎn to involve; to embroil 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
9 474 juǎn a break roll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
10 474 juàn an examination paper 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
11 474 juàn a file 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
12 474 quán crinkled; curled 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
13 474 juǎn to include 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
14 474 juǎn to store away 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
15 474 juǎn to sever; to break off 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
16 474 juǎn Juan 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
17 474 juàn tired 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
18 474 quán beautiful 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
19 474 juǎn wrapped 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
20 307 jīng to go through; to experience 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
21 307 jīng a sutra; a scripture 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
22 307 jīng warp 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
23 307 jīng longitude 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
24 307 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
25 307 jīng a woman's period 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
26 307 jīng to bear; to endure 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
27 307 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
28 307 jīng classics 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
29 307 jīng to be frugal; to save 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
30 307 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
31 307 jīng a standard; a norm 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
32 307 jīng a section of a Confucian work 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
33 307 jīng to measure 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
34 307 jīng human pulse 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
35 307 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
36 307 jīng sutra; discourse 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
37 280 one
38 280 Kangxi radical 1
39 280 pure; concentrated
40 280 first
41 280 the same
42 280 sole; single
43 280 a very small amount
44 280 Yi
45 280 other
46 280 to unify
47 280 accidentally; coincidentally
48 280 abruptly; suddenly
49 280 one; eka
50 205 三藏 sān zàng San Zang 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
51 205 三藏 sān Zàng Buddhist Canon 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
52 205 三藏 sān Zàng Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
53 164 běn to be one's own 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
54 164 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
55 164 běn the roots of a plant 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
56 164 běn capital 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
57 164 běn main; central; primary 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
58 164 běn according to 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
59 164 běn a version; an edition 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
60 164 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
61 164 běn a book 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
62 164 běn trunk of a tree 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
63 164 běn to investigate the root of 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
64 164 běn a manuscript for a play 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
65 164 běn Ben 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
66 164 běn root; origin; mula 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
67 164 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
68 164 běn former; previous; pūrva 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
69 156 èr two 別錄之二
70 156 èr Kangxi radical 7 別錄之二
71 156 èr second 別錄之二
72 156 èr twice; double; di- 別錄之二
73 156 èr more than one kind 別錄之二
74 156 èr two; dvā; dvi 別錄之二
75 156 èr both; dvaya 別錄之二
76 134 tóng like; same; similar 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
77 134 tóng to be the same 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
78 134 tòng an alley; a lane 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
79 134 tóng to do something for somebody 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
80 134 tóng Tong 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
81 134 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
82 134 tóng to be unified 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
83 134 tóng to approve; to endorse 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
84 134 tóng peace; harmony 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
85 134 tóng an agreement 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
86 134 tóng same; sama 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
87 134 tóng together; saha 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
88 123 different; other 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
89 123 to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
90 123 different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
91 123 unfamiliar; foreign 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
92 123 unusual; strange; surprising 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
93 123 to marvel; to wonder 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
94 123 distinction; viśeṣa 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
95 114 yòu right; right-hand 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
96 114 yòu to help; to assist 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
97 114 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
98 114 yòu to bless and protect 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
99 114 yòu an official building 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
100 114 yòu the west 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
101 114 yòu right wing; conservative 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
102 114 yòu super 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
103 114 yòu right 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
104 114 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
105 108 to record; to copy 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
106 108 to hire; to employ 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
107 108 to record sound 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
108 108 a record; a register 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
109 108 to register; to enroll 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
110 108 to supervise; to direct 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
111 108 a sequence; an order 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
112 108 to determine a prison sentence 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
113 108 catalog 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
114 97 yún cloud 經內題云法一品亦名五
115 97 yún Yunnan 經內題云法一品亦名五
116 97 yún Yun 經內題云法一品亦名五
117 97 yún to say 經內題云法一品亦名五
118 97 yún to have 經內題云法一品亦名五
119 97 yún cloud; megha 經內題云法一品亦名五
120 97 yún to say; iti 經內題云法一品亦名五
121 82 big; huge; large 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
122 82 Kangxi radical 37 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
123 82 great; major; important 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
124 82 size 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
125 82 old 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
126 82 oldest; earliest 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
127 82 adult 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
128 82 dài an important person 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
129 82 senior 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
130 82 an element 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
131 82 great; mahā 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
132 78 第二 dì èr second 第二普光法堂會
133 78 第二 dì èr second; dvitīya 第二普光法堂會
134 76 to enter 貞元新入目錄四帙
135 76 Kangxi radical 11 貞元新入目錄四帙
136 76 radical 貞元新入目錄四帙
137 76 income 貞元新入目錄四帙
138 76 to conform with 貞元新入目錄四帙
139 76 to descend 貞元新入目錄四帙
140 76 the entering tone 貞元新入目錄四帙
141 76 to pay 貞元新入目錄四帙
142 76 to join 貞元新入目錄四帙
143 76 entering; praveśa 貞元新入目錄四帙
144 76 entered; attained; āpanna 貞元新入目錄四帙
145 75 míng fame; renown; reputation 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
146 75 míng a name; personal name; designation 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
147 75 míng rank; position 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
148 75 míng an excuse 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
149 75 míng life 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
150 75 míng to name; to call 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
151 75 míng to express; to describe 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
152 75 míng to be called; to have the name 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
153 75 míng to own; to possess 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
154 75 míng famous; renowned 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
155 75 míng moral 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
156 75 míng name; naman 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
157 75 míng fame; renown; yasas 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
158 73 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
159 73 沙門 shāmén sramana 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
160 73 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
161 66 pǐn product; goods; thing 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
162 66 pǐn degree; rate; grade; a standard 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
163 66 pǐn a work (of art) 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
164 66 pǐn kind; type; category; variety 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
165 66 pǐn to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; to appraise 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
166 66 pǐn to sample; to taste; to appreciate 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
167 66 pǐn to ruminate; to ponder subtleties 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
168 66 pǐn to play a flute 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
169 66 pǐn a family name 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
170 66 pǐn character; style 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
171 66 pǐn pink; light red 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
172 66 pǐn production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
173 66 pǐn a fret 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
174 66 pǐn Pin 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
175 66 pǐn a rank in the imperial government 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
176 66 pǐn standard 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
177 66 pǐn chapter; varga 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
178 63 天竺 tiānzhú India; Indian subcontinent 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
179 63 大唐 dà táng Tang Dynasty 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
180 62 four 合二品四卷
181 62 note a musical scale 合二品四卷
182 62 fourth 合二品四卷
183 62 Si 合二品四卷
184 62 four; catur 合二品四卷
185 62 第一 dì yī first 第一寂滅道場會
186 62 第一 dì yī foremost; first 第一寂滅道場會
187 62 第一 dì yī first; prathama 第一寂滅道場會
188 62 第一 dì yī foremost; parama 第一寂滅道場會
189 61 zhòu charm; spell; incantation 字呪法
190 61 zhòu a curse 字呪法
191 61 zhòu urging; adjure 字呪法
192 61 zhòu mantra 字呪法
193 60 Yi 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
194 59 xīn new; fresh; modern 新經開為二會
195 59 xīn xinjiang 新經開為二會
196 59 xīn to renew; to refresh 新經開為二會
197 59 xīn new people or things 新經開為二會
198 59 xīn Xin 新經開為二會
199 59 xīn Xin 新經開為二會
200 59 xīn new; nava 新經開為二會
201 58 Qi 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
202 55 zhì a book cover 二十四帙
203 55 zhì a box, case, satchel, or bag for scrolls 二十四帙
204 55 zhì a wrap for swords 二十四帙
205 55 zhì a bundle of documents 二十四帙
206 55 zhì to order; to put in sequence 二十四帙
207 53 shàng top; a high position 上十一經十五卷同一帙
208 53 shang top; the position on or above something 上十一經十五卷同一帙
209 53 shàng to go up; to go forward 上十一經十五卷同一帙
210 53 shàng shang 上十一經十五卷同一帙
211 53 shàng previous; last 上十一經十五卷同一帙
212 53 shàng high; higher 上十一經十五卷同一帙
213 53 shàng advanced 上十一經十五卷同一帙
214 53 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上十一經十五卷同一帙
215 53 shàng time 上十一經十五卷同一帙
216 53 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上十一經十五卷同一帙
217 53 shàng far 上十一經十五卷同一帙
218 53 shàng big; as big as 上十一經十五卷同一帙
219 53 shàng abundant; plentiful 上十一經十五卷同一帙
220 53 shàng to report 上十一經十五卷同一帙
221 53 shàng to offer 上十一經十五卷同一帙
222 53 shàng to go on stage 上十一經十五卷同一帙
223 53 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上十一經十五卷同一帙
224 53 shàng to install; to erect 上十一經十五卷同一帙
225 53 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上十一經十五卷同一帙
226 53 shàng to burn 上十一經十五卷同一帙
227 53 shàng to remember 上十一經十五卷同一帙
228 53 shàng to add 上十一經十五卷同一帙
229 53 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上十一經十五卷同一帙
230 53 shàng to meet 上十一經十五卷同一帙
231 53 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上十一經十五卷同一帙
232 53 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上十一經十五卷同一帙
233 53 shàng a musical note 上十一經十五卷同一帙
234 53 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上十一經十五卷同一帙
235 52 sān three 合六品三卷
236 52 sān third 合六品三卷
237 52 sān more than two 合六品三卷
238 52 sān very few 合六品三卷
239 52 sān San 合六品三卷
240 52 sān three; tri 合六品三卷
241 52 sān sa 合六品三卷
242 52 sān three kinds; trividha 合六品三卷
243 46 què a watchtower; a guard tower 新舊四譯一譯本闕
244 46 quē a fault; deficiency; a mistake 新舊四譯一譯本闕
245 46 què palace 新舊四譯一譯本闕
246 46 què a stone carving in front of a tomb 新舊四譯一譯本闕
247 46 quē to be deficient 新舊四譯一譯本闕
248 46 quē to reserve; to put to the side 新舊四譯一譯本闕
249 46 quē Que 新舊四譯一譯本闕
250 46 quē an unfilled official position 新舊四譯一譯本闕
251 46 quē to lose 新舊四譯一譯本闕
252 46 quē omitted 新舊四譯一譯本闕
253 46 què deficient; vikala 新舊四譯一譯本闕
254 44 zhōng middle 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
255 44 zhōng medium; medium sized 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
256 44 zhōng China 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
257 44 zhòng to hit the mark 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
258 44 zhōng midday 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
259 44 zhōng inside 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
260 44 zhōng during 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
261 44 zhōng Zhong 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
262 44 zhōng intermediary 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
263 44 zhōng half 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
264 44 zhòng to reach; to attain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
265 44 zhòng to suffer; to infect 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
266 44 zhòng to obtain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
267 44 zhòng to pass an exam 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
268 44 zhōng middle 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
269 42 西晉 xī jìn Western Jin Dynasty 西晉清信士聶道真譯
270 39 to go; to 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
271 39 to rely on; to depend on 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
272 39 Yu 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
273 39 a crow 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
274 38 jīn today; present; now 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
275 38 jīn Jin 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
276 38 jīn modern 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
277 38 jīn now; adhunā 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
278 38 目錄 mùlù table of contents; list 貞元新入目錄四帙
279 38 目錄 mùlù directory 貞元新入目錄四帙
280 38 目錄 mùlù catalog 貞元新入目錄四帙
281 37 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
282 37 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
283 37 zhōu to aid 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
284 37 zhōu a cycle 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
285 37 zhōu Zhou 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
286 37 zhōu all; universal 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
287 37 zhōu dense; near 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
288 37 zhōu circumference; surroundings 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
289 37 zhōu to circle 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
290 37 zhōu to adapt to 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
291 37 zhōu to wear around the waist 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
292 37 zhōu to bend 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
293 37 zhōu an entire year 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
294 37 zhōu universal; entire; samanta 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
295 36 děng et cetera; and so on 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
296 36 děng to wait 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
297 36 děng to be equal 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
298 36 děng degree; level 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
299 36 děng to compare 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
300 36 děng same; equal; sama 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
301 36 貞元 zhēnyuán Zhenyuan 貞元新入目錄四帙
302 36 貞元 zhēnyuán Jōgen 貞元新入目錄四帙
303 35 shí ten 合三品十卷
304 35 shí Kangxi radical 24 合三品十卷
305 35 shí tenth 合三品十卷
306 35 shí complete; perfect 合三品十卷
307 35 shí ten; daśa 合三品十卷
308 35 第四 dì sì fourth 第四夜摩天宮會
309 35 第四 dì sì fourth; caturtha 第四夜摩天宮會
310 35 dān bill; slip of paper; form 大乘經重單合譯中
311 35 dān single 大乘經重單合譯中
312 35 shàn Shan 大乘經重單合譯中
313 35 chán chieftain 大乘經重單合譯中
314 35 dān poor; impoverished 大乘經重單合譯中
315 35 dān to deplete; to exhaust 大乘經重單合譯中
316 35 dān odd 大乘經重單合譯中
317 35 dān lone 大乘經重單合譯中
318 35 dān few 大乘經重單合譯中
319 35 dān weak; thin 大乘經重單合譯中
320 35 dān unlined 大乘經重單合譯中
321 35 dān a sheet 大乘經重單合譯中
322 35 dān a list of names; a list 大乘經重單合譯中
323 35 shàn Shan County 大乘經重單合譯中
324 35 dān simple 大乘經重單合譯中
325 35 dān a meditation mat 大乘經重單合譯中
326 35 dān alone; solitary; ekākin 大乘經重單合譯中
327 35 dān living quarters at a monastery 大乘經重單合譯中
328 35 大興善寺 dà xīngshàn sì Great Xingshan Temple 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
329 34 method; way 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
330 34 France 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
331 34 the law; rules; regulations 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
332 34 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
333 34 a standard; a norm 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
334 34 an institution 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
335 34 to emulate 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
336 34 magic; a magic trick 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
337 34 punishment 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
338 34 Fa 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
339 34 a precedent 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
340 34 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
341 34 relating to a ceremony or rite 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
342 34 Dharma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
343 34 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
344 34 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
345 34 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
346 34 quality; characteristic 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
347 32 zài in; at 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
348 32 zài to exist; to be living 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
349 32 zài to consist of 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
350 32 zài to be at a post 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
351 32 zài in; bhū 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
352 32 不空 bù kōng unerring; amogha 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
353 32 不空 bù kōng Amoghavajra 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
354 32 竺法護 zhú fǎhù Dharmaraksa 西晉三藏竺法護譯
355 31 廣智 guǎngzhì Guangzhi 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
356 31 第三 dì sān third 第三忉利天宮會
357 31 第三 dì sān third; tṛtīya 第三忉利天宮會
358 31 chū rudimentary; elementary 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
359 31 chū original 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
360 31 chū foremost, first; prathama 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
361 30 liù six 或五十卷六帙
362 30 liù sixth 或五十卷六帙
363 30 liù a note on the Gongche scale 或五十卷六帙
364 30 liù six; ṣaṭ 或五十卷六帙
365 30 新編 xīnbiān to compile anew; new (version); newly set up (part of an organization) 新編
366 29 zhī to go 別錄之二
367 29 zhī to arrive; to go 別錄之二
368 29 zhī is 別錄之二
369 29 zhī to use 別錄之二
370 29 zhī Zhi 別錄之二
371 29 zhī winding 別錄之二
372 28 to give 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
373 28 to accompany 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
374 28 to particate in 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
375 28 of the same kind 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
376 28 to help 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
377 28 for 又云與如來莊嚴智慧光明入一
378 28 wéi to act as; to serve 新經開為二會
379 28 wéi to change into; to become 新經開為二會
380 28 wéi to be; is 新經開為二會
381 28 wéi to do 新經開為二會
382 28 wèi to support; to help 新經開為二會
383 28 wéi to govern 新經開為二會
384 28 wèi to be; bhū 新經開為二會
385 27 Kangxi radical 71 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
386 27 to not have; without 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
387 27 mo 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
388 27 to not have 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
389 27 Wu 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
390 27 mo 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
391 27 five 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
392 27 fifth musical note 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
393 27 Wu 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
394 27 the five elements 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
395 27 five; pañca 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
396 26 ya 切佛境界智嚴經同本異譯者誤也
397 25 zhě ca 者謬也尋閱文句義旨懸殊但可為華嚴眷屬耳
398 24 dài to represent; to substitute; to replace 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
399 24 dài dynasty 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
400 24 dài generation; age; period; era 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
401 24 dài to exchange; to swap; to switch 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
402 24 dài a successor 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
403 24 dài Dai 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
404 24 dài Dai 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
405 24 dài to alternate 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
406 24 dài to succeed 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
407 24 dài generation; yuga 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
408 24 三經 sān jīng three sutras; group of three scriptures 右三經同本異譯
409 24 suí Sui Dynasty 隋天竺三藏闍那崛多等譯
410 23 suǒ a few; various; some 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
411 23 suǒ a place; a location 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
412 23 suǒ indicates a passive voice 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
413 23 suǒ an ordinal number 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
414 23 suǒ meaning 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
415 23 suǒ garrison 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
416 23 suǒ place; pradeśa 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
417 22 sequence; order
418 22 grade; degree
419 22 to put in order; to arrange
420 22 a mansion; a manor; a state residence
421 22 order; sarvapradhāna
422 21 前後 qiánhòu front and back; before and after 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
423 21 前後 qiánhòu from beginning to end 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
424 21 huì can; be able to 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
425 21 huì able to 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
426 21 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
427 21 kuài to balance an account 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
428 21 huì to assemble 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
429 21 huì to meet 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
430 21 huì a temple fair 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
431 21 huì a religious assembly 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
432 21 huì an association; a society 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
433 21 huì a national or provincial capital 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
434 21 huì an opportunity 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
435 21 huì to understand 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
436 21 huì to be familiar with; to know 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
437 21 huì to be possible; to be likely 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
438 21 huì to be good at 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
439 21 huì a moment 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
440 21 huì to happen to 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
441 21 huì to pay 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
442 21 huì a meeting place 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
443 21 kuài the seam of a cap 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
444 21 huì in accordance with 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
445 21 huì imperial civil service examination 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
446 21 huì to have sexual intercourse 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
447 21 huì Hui 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
448 21 huì combining; samsarga 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
449 21 eight 八帙
450 21 Kangxi radical 12 八帙
451 21 eighth 八帙
452 21 all around; all sides 八帙
453 21 eight; aṣṭa 八帙
454 21 qián front 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
455 21 qián former; the past 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
456 21 qián to go forward 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
457 21 qián preceding 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
458 21 qián before; earlier; prior 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
459 21 qián to appear before 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
460 21 qián future 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
461 21 qián top; first 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
462 21 qián battlefront 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
463 21 qián before; former; pūrva 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
464 21 qián facing; mukha 右一經是前大般涅槃經之餘
465 21 nèi inside; interior 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
466 21 nèi private 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
467 21 nèi family; domestic 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
468 21 nèi wife; consort 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
469 21 nèi an imperial palace 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
470 21 nèi an internal organ; heart 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
471 21 nèi female 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
472 21 nèi to approach 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
473 21 nèi indoors 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
474 21 nèi inner heart 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
475 21 nèi a room 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
476 21 nèi Nei 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
477 21 to receive 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
478 21 nèi inner; antara 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
479 21 nèi self; adhyatma 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
480 21 nèi esoteric; private 內題大方廣佛花嚴經
481 20 seven 一品七卷
482 20 a genre of poetry 一品七卷
483 20 seventh day memorial ceremony 一品七卷
484 20 seven; sapta 一品七卷
485 20 letter; symbol; character 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
486 20 Zi 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
487 20 to love 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
488 20 to teach; to educate 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
489 20 to be allowed to marry 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
490 20 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
491 20 diction; wording 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
492 20 handwriting 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
493 20 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
494 20 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
495 20 a font; a calligraphic style 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
496 20 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
497 20 Buddha; Awakened One 大方廣佛花嚴經八十卷
498 20 relating to Buddhism 大方廣佛花嚴經八十卷
499 20 a statue or image of a Buddha 大方廣佛花嚴經八十卷
500 20 a Buddhist text 大方廣佛花嚴經八十卷

Frequencies of all Words

Top 878

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 667 to translate; to interpret 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
2 667 to explain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
3 667 to decode; to encode 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
4 474 juǎn to coil; to roll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
5 474 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
6 474 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
7 474 juǎn roll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
8 474 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
9 474 juǎn to involve; to embroil 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
10 474 juǎn a break roll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
11 474 juàn an examination paper 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
12 474 juàn a file 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
13 474 quán crinkled; curled 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
14 474 juǎn to include 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
15 474 juǎn to store away 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
16 474 juǎn to sever; to break off 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
17 474 juǎn Juan 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
18 474 juàn a scroll 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
19 474 juàn tired 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
20 474 quán beautiful 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
21 474 juǎn wrapped 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
22 307 jīng to go through; to experience 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
23 307 jīng a sutra; a scripture 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
24 307 jīng warp 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
25 307 jīng longitude 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
26 307 jīng often; regularly; frequently 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
27 307 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
28 307 jīng a woman's period 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
29 307 jīng to bear; to endure 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
30 307 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
31 307 jīng classics 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
32 307 jīng to be frugal; to save 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
33 307 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
34 307 jīng a standard; a norm 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
35 307 jīng a section of a Confucian work 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
36 307 jīng to measure 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
37 307 jīng human pulse 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
38 307 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
39 307 jīng sutra; discourse 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
40 280 one
41 280 Kangxi radical 1
42 280 as soon as; all at once
43 280 pure; concentrated
44 280 whole; all
45 280 first
46 280 the same
47 280 each
48 280 certain
49 280 throughout
50 280 used in between a reduplicated verb
51 280 sole; single
52 280 a very small amount
53 280 Yi
54 280 other
55 280 to unify
56 280 accidentally; coincidentally
57 280 abruptly; suddenly
58 280 or
59 280 one; eka
60 205 三藏 sān zàng San Zang 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
61 205 三藏 sān Zàng Buddhist Canon 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
62 205 三藏 sān Zàng Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
63 164 běn measure word for books 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
64 164 běn this (city, week, etc) 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
65 164 běn originally; formerly 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
66 164 běn to be one's own 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
67 164 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
68 164 běn the roots of a plant 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
69 164 běn self 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
70 164 běn measure word for flowering plants 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
71 164 běn capital 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
72 164 běn main; central; primary 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
73 164 běn according to 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
74 164 běn a version; an edition 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
75 164 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
76 164 běn a book 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
77 164 běn trunk of a tree 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
78 164 běn to investigate the root of 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
79 164 běn a manuscript for a play 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
80 164 běn Ben 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
81 164 běn root; origin; mula 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
82 164 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
83 164 běn former; previous; pūrva 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
84 156 èr two 別錄之二
85 156 èr Kangxi radical 7 別錄之二
86 156 èr second 別錄之二
87 156 èr twice; double; di- 別錄之二
88 156 èr another; the other 別錄之二
89 156 èr more than one kind 別錄之二
90 156 èr two; dvā; dvi 別錄之二
91 156 èr both; dvaya 別錄之二
92 134 tóng like; same; similar 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
93 134 tóng simultaneously; coincide 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
94 134 tóng together 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
95 134 tóng together 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
96 134 tóng to be the same 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
97 134 tòng an alley; a lane 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
98 134 tóng same- 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
99 134 tóng to do something for somebody 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
100 134 tóng Tong 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
101 134 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
102 134 tóng to be unified 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
103 134 tóng to approve; to endorse 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
104 134 tóng peace; harmony 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
105 134 tóng an agreement 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
106 134 tóng same; sama 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
107 134 tóng together; saha 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
108 123 different; other 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
109 123 to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
110 123 different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
111 123 unfamiliar; foreign 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
112 123 unusual; strange; surprising 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
113 123 to marvel; to wonder 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
114 123 another; other 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
115 123 distinction; viśeṣa 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
116 114 yòu right; right-hand 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
117 114 yòu to help; to assist 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
118 114 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
119 114 yòu to bless and protect 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
120 114 yòu an official building 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
121 114 yòu the west 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
122 114 yòu right wing; conservative 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
123 114 yòu super 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
124 114 yòu right 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
125 114 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
126 108 to record; to copy 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
127 108 to hire; to employ 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
128 108 to record sound 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
129 108 a record; a register 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
130 108 to register; to enroll 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
131 108 to supervise; to direct 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
132 108 a sequence; an order 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
133 108 to determine a prison sentence 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
134 108 catalog 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
135 97 yún cloud 經內題云法一品亦名五
136 97 yún Yunnan 經內題云法一品亦名五
137 97 yún Yun 經內題云法一品亦名五
138 97 yún to say 經內題云法一品亦名五
139 97 yún to have 經內題云法一品亦名五
140 97 yún a particle with no meaning 經內題云法一品亦名五
141 97 yún in this way 經內題云法一品亦名五
142 97 yún cloud; megha 經內題云法一品亦名五
143 97 yún to say; iti 經內題云法一品亦名五
144 82 big; huge; large 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
145 82 Kangxi radical 37 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
146 82 great; major; important 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
147 82 size 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
148 82 old 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
149 82 greatly; very 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
150 82 oldest; earliest 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
151 82 adult 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
152 82 tài greatest; grand 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
153 82 dài an important person 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
154 82 senior 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
155 82 approximately 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
156 82 tài greatest; grand 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
157 82 an element 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
158 82 great; mahā 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
159 80 chū to go out; to leave 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
160 80 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
161 80 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
162 80 chū to extend; to spread 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
163 80 chū to appear 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
164 80 chū to exceed 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
165 80 chū to publish; to post 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
166 80 chū to take up an official post 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
167 80 chū to give birth 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
168 80 chū a verb complement 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
169 80 chū to occur; to happen 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
170 80 chū to divorce 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
171 80 chū to chase away 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
172 80 chū to escape; to leave 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
173 80 chū to give 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
174 80 chū to emit 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
175 80 chū quoted from 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
176 80 chū to go out; to leave 三藏菩提流支譯出長房錄今按長房等錄留支所譯無此經名今為失譯附於秦錄
177 78 第二 dì èr second 第二普光法堂會
178 78 第二 dì èr second; dvitīya 第二普光法堂會
179 77 huò or; either; else 或五十卷六帙
180 77 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或五十卷六帙
181 77 huò some; someone 或五十卷六帙
182 77 míngnián suddenly 或五十卷六帙
183 77 huò or; vā 或五十卷六帙
184 76 to enter 貞元新入目錄四帙
185 76 Kangxi radical 11 貞元新入目錄四帙
186 76 radical 貞元新入目錄四帙
187 76 income 貞元新入目錄四帙
188 76 to conform with 貞元新入目錄四帙
189 76 to descend 貞元新入目錄四帙
190 76 the entering tone 貞元新入目錄四帙
191 76 to pay 貞元新入目錄四帙
192 76 to join 貞元新入目錄四帙
193 76 entering; praveśa 貞元新入目錄四帙
194 76 entered; attained; āpanna 貞元新入目錄四帙
195 75 míng measure word for people 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
196 75 míng fame; renown; reputation 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
197 75 míng a name; personal name; designation 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
198 75 míng rank; position 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
199 75 míng an excuse 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
200 75 míng life 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
201 75 míng to name; to call 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
202 75 míng to express; to describe 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
203 75 míng to be called; to have the name 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
204 75 míng to own; to possess 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
205 75 míng famous; renowned 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
206 75 míng moral 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
207 75 míng name; naman 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
208 75 míng fame; renown; yasas 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
209 73 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
210 73 沙門 shāmén sramana 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
211 73 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 西京西明寺沙門圓照撰
212 66 pǐn product; goods; thing 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
213 66 pǐn degree; rate; grade; a standard 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
214 66 pǐn a work (of art) 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
215 66 pǐn kind; type; category; variety 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
216 66 pǐn to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; to appraise 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
217 66 pǐn to sample; to taste; to appreciate 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
218 66 pǐn to ruminate; to ponder subtleties 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
219 66 pǐn to play a flute 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
220 66 pǐn a family name 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
221 66 pǐn character; style 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
222 66 pǐn pink; light red 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
223 66 pǐn production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
224 66 pǐn a fret 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
225 66 pǐn Pin 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
226 66 pǐn a rank in the imperial government 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
227 66 pǐn standard 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
228 66 pǐn chapter; varga 右此經總七處八會合三十四品會列如左
229 63 天竺 tiānzhú India; Indian subcontinent 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
230 63 大唐 dà táng Tang Dynasty 大唐天后代于闐三藏實叉難陀等譯
231 62 four 合二品四卷
232 62 note a musical scale 合二品四卷
233 62 fourth 合二品四卷
234 62 Si 合二品四卷
235 62 four; catur 合二品四卷
236 62 第一 dì yī first 第一寂滅道場會
237 62 第一 dì yī foremost; first 第一寂滅道場會
238 62 第一 dì yī first; prathama 第一寂滅道場會
239 62 第一 dì yī foremost; parama 第一寂滅道場會
240 61 zhòu charm; spell; incantation 字呪法
241 61 zhòu a curse 字呪法
242 61 zhòu urging; adjure 字呪法
243 61 zhòu mantra 字呪法
244 60 also; too 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
245 60 but 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
246 60 this; he; she 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
247 60 although; even though 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
248 60 already 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
249 60 particle with no meaning 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
250 60 Yi 并梵字亦名文殊五字念誦法
251 59 xīn new; fresh; modern 新經開為二會
252 59 xīn xinjiang 新經開為二會
253 59 xīn to renew; to refresh 新經開為二會
254 59 xīn recently 新經開為二會
255 59 xīn new people or things 新經開為二會
256 59 xīn Xin 新經開為二會
257 59 xīn Xin 新經開為二會
258 59 xīn new; nava 新經開為二會
259 58 his; hers; its; theirs 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
260 58 to add emphasis 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
261 58 used when asking a question in reply to a question 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
262 58 used when making a request or giving an order 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
263 58 he; her; it; them 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
264 58 probably; likely 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
265 58 will 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
266 58 may 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
267 58 if 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
268 58 or 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
269 58 Qi 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
270 58 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 右二經同本異譯其部譯經總七處九會合
271 55 zhì a book cover 二十四帙
272 55 zhì a box, case, satchel, or bag for scrolls 二十四帙
273 55 zhì a measure word for books 二十四帙
274 55 zhì a wrap for swords 二十四帙
275 55 zhì a bundle of documents 二十四帙
276 55 zhì to order; to put in sequence 二十四帙
277 53 shàng top; a high position 上十一經十五卷同一帙
278 53 shang top; the position on or above something 上十一經十五卷同一帙
279 53 shàng to go up; to go forward 上十一經十五卷同一帙
280 53 shàng shang 上十一經十五卷同一帙
281 53 shàng previous; last 上十一經十五卷同一帙
282 53 shàng high; higher 上十一經十五卷同一帙
283 53 shàng advanced 上十一經十五卷同一帙
284 53 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上十一經十五卷同一帙
285 53 shàng time 上十一經十五卷同一帙
286 53 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上十一經十五卷同一帙
287 53 shàng far 上十一經十五卷同一帙
288 53 shàng big; as big as 上十一經十五卷同一帙
289 53 shàng abundant; plentiful 上十一經十五卷同一帙
290 53 shàng to report 上十一經十五卷同一帙
291 53 shàng to offer 上十一經十五卷同一帙
292 53 shàng to go on stage 上十一經十五卷同一帙
293 53 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上十一經十五卷同一帙
294 53 shàng to install; to erect 上十一經十五卷同一帙
295 53 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上十一經十五卷同一帙
296 53 shàng to burn 上十一經十五卷同一帙
297 53 shàng to remember 上十一經十五卷同一帙
298 53 shang on; in 上十一經十五卷同一帙
299 53 shàng upward 上十一經十五卷同一帙
300 53 shàng to add 上十一經十五卷同一帙
301 53 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上十一經十五卷同一帙
302 53 shàng to meet 上十一經十五卷同一帙
303 53 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上十一經十五卷同一帙
304 53 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上十一經十五卷同一帙
305 53 shàng a musical note 上十一經十五卷同一帙
306 53 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上十一經十五卷同一帙
307 52 sān three 合六品三卷
308 52 sān third 合六品三卷
309 52 sān more than two 合六品三卷
310 52 sān very few 合六品三卷
311 52 sān repeatedly 合六品三卷
312 52 sān San 合六品三卷
313 52 sān three; tri 合六品三卷
314 52 sān sa 合六品三卷
315 52 sān three kinds; trividha 合六品三卷
316 46 què a watchtower; a guard tower 新舊四譯一譯本闕
317 46 quē a fault; deficiency; a mistake 新舊四譯一譯本闕
318 46 què palace 新舊四譯一譯本闕
319 46 què a stone carving in front of a tomb 新舊四譯一譯本闕
320 46 quē to be deficient 新舊四譯一譯本闕
321 46 quē to reserve; to put to the side 新舊四譯一譯本闕
322 46 quē Que 新舊四譯一譯本闕
323 46 quē an unfilled official position 新舊四譯一譯本闕
324 46 quē to lose 新舊四譯一譯本闕
325 46 quē omitted 新舊四譯一譯本闕
326 46 què deficient; vikala 新舊四譯一譯本闕
327 44 zhōng middle 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
328 44 zhōng medium; medium sized 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
329 44 zhōng China 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
330 44 zhòng to hit the mark 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
331 44 zhōng in; amongst 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
332 44 zhōng midday 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
333 44 zhōng inside 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
334 44 zhōng during 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
335 44 zhōng Zhong 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
336 44 zhōng intermediary 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
337 44 zhōng half 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
338 44 zhōng just right; suitably 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
339 44 zhōng while 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
340 44 zhòng to reach; to attain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
341 44 zhòng to suffer; to infect 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
342 44 zhòng to obtain 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
343 44 zhòng to pass an exam 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
344 44 zhōng middle 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
345 42 西晉 xī jìn Western Jin Dynasty 西晉清信士聶道真譯
346 40 shì is; are; am; to be 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
347 40 shì is exactly 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
348 40 shì is suitable; is in contrast 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
349 40 shì this; that; those 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
350 40 shì really; certainly 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
351 40 shì correct; yes; affirmative 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
352 40 shì true 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
353 40 shì is; has; exists 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
354 40 shì used between repetitions of a word 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
355 40 shì a matter; an affair 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
356 40 shì Shi 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
357 40 shì is; bhū 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
358 40 shì this; idam 前後五譯三譯闕本此菩薩十地經大周錄云是華嚴十住品異譯
359 39 in; at 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
360 39 in; at 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
361 39 in; at; to; from 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
362 39 to go; to 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
363 39 to rely on; to depend on 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
364 39 to go to; to arrive at 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
365 39 from 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
366 39 give 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
367 39 oppposing 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
368 39 and 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
369 39 compared to 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
370 39 by 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
371 39 and; as well as 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
372 39 for 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
373 39 Yu 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
374 39 a crow 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
375 39 whew; wow 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
376 39 near to; antike 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
377 38 jīn today; present; now 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
378 38 jīn Jin 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
379 38 jīn modern 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
380 38 jīn now; adhunā 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
381 38 目錄 mùlù table of contents; list 貞元新入目錄四帙
382 38 目錄 mùlù directory 貞元新入目錄四帙
383 38 目錄 mùlù catalog 貞元新入目錄四帙
384 37 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
385 37 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
386 37 zhōu to aid 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
387 37 zhōu a cycle 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
388 37 zhōu Zhou 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
389 37 zhōu all; universal 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
390 37 zhōu dense; near 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
391 37 zhōu circumference; surroundings 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
392 37 zhōu to circle 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
393 37 zhōu to adapt to 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
394 37 zhōu to wear around the waist 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
395 37 zhōu to bend 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
396 37 zhōu an entire year 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
397 37 zhōu universal; entire; samanta 失譯今附秦錄第一譯右一經大周錄云元魏
398 36 děng et cetera; and so on 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
399 36 děng to wait 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
400 36 děng degree; kind 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
401 36 děng plural 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
402 36 děng to be equal 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
403 36 děng degree; level 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
404 36 děng to compare 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
405 36 děng same; equal; sama 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
406 36 貞元 zhēnyuán Zhenyuan 貞元新入目錄四帙
407 36 貞元 zhēnyuán Jōgen 貞元新入目錄四帙
408 35 shí ten 合三品十卷
409 35 shí Kangxi radical 24 合三品十卷
410 35 shí tenth 合三品十卷
411 35 shí complete; perfect 合三品十卷
412 35 shí ten; daśa 合三品十卷
413 35 第四 dì sì fourth 第四夜摩天宮會
414 35 第四 dì sì fourth; caturtha 第四夜摩天宮會
415 35 dān bill; slip of paper; form 大乘經重單合譯中
416 35 dān single 大乘經重單合譯中
417 35 shàn Shan 大乘經重單合譯中
418 35 chán chieftain 大乘經重單合譯中
419 35 dān poor; impoverished 大乘經重單合譯中
420 35 dān to deplete; to exhaust 大乘經重單合譯中
421 35 dān odd 大乘經重單合譯中
422 35 dān lone 大乘經重單合譯中
423 35 dān only 大乘經重單合譯中
424 35 dān few 大乘經重單合譯中
425 35 dān weak; thin 大乘經重單合譯中
426 35 dān unlined 大乘經重單合譯中
427 35 dān a sheet 大乘經重單合譯中
428 35 dān a list of names; a list 大乘經重單合譯中
429 35 shàn Shan County 大乘經重單合譯中
430 35 dān simple 大乘經重單合譯中
431 35 dān a meditation mat 大乘經重單合譯中
432 35 dān alone; solitary; ekākin 大乘經重單合譯中
433 35 dān living quarters at a monastery 大乘經重單合譯中
434 35 大興善寺 dà xīngshàn sì Great Xingshan Temple 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
435 34 method; way 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
436 34 France 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
437 34 the law; rules; regulations 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
438 34 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
439 34 a standard; a norm 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
440 34 an institution 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
441 34 to emulate 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
442 34 magic; a magic trick 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
443 34 punishment 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
444 34 Fa 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
445 34 a precedent 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
446 34 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
447 34 relating to a ceremony or rite 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
448 34 Dharma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
449 34 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
450 34 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
451 34 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
452 34 quality; characteristic 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩儀軌供養法一
453 34 this; these 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
454 34 in this way 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
455 34 otherwise; but; however; so 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
456 34 at this time; now; here 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
457 34 this; here; etad 華嚴本部及眷屬經皆纂於此總四十部二百四十八卷
458 34 yǒu is; are; to exist 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
459 34 yǒu to have; to possess 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
460 34 yǒu indicates an estimate 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
461 34 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
462 34 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
463 34 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
464 34 yǒu used to compare two things 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
465 34 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
466 34 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
467 34 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
468 34 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
469 34 yǒu abundant 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
470 34 yǒu purposeful 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
471 34 yǒu You 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
472 34 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
473 34 yǒu becoming; bhava 有譯有本錄中菩薩三藏錄之二
474 32 zài in; at 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
475 32 zài at 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
476 32 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
477 32 zài to exist; to be living 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
478 32 zài to consist of 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
479 32 zài to be at a post 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
480 32 zài in; bhū 舊經在第五卷新經在第十二比於大本此經稍略
481 32 不空 bù kōng unerring; amogha 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
482 32 不空 bù kōng Amoghavajra 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
483 32 竺法護 zhú fǎhù Dharmaraksa 西晉三藏竺法護譯
484 31 廣智 guǎngzhì Guangzhi 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉詔譯
485 31 第三 dì sān third 第三忉利天宮會
486 31 第三 dì sān third; tṛtīya 第三忉利天宮會
487 31 chū at first; at the beginning; initially 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
488 31 chū used to prefix numbers 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
489 31 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
490 31 chū just now 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
491 31 chū thereupon 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
492 31 chū an intensifying adverb 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
493 31 chū rudimentary; elementary 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
494 31 chū original 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
495 31 chū foremost, first; prathama 東晉天竺三藏佛陀跋陀羅等譯大本初譯
496 30 liù six 或五十卷六帙
497 30 liù sixth 或五十卷六帙
498 30 liù a note on the Gongche scale 或五十卷六帙
499 30 liù six; ṣaṭ 或五十卷六帙
500 30 新編 xīnbiān to compile anew; new (version); newly set up (part of an organization) 新編


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
juǎn wrapped
jīng sutra; discourse
one; eka
三藏 sān Zàng Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
  1. běn
  2. běn
  3. běn
  1. root; origin; mula
  2. becoming, being, existing; bhava
  3. former; previous; pūrva
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
  1. tóng
  2. tóng
  1. same; sama
  2. together; saha
distinction; viśeṣa
yòu right; dakṣiṇa

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿地瞿多 97 Atikuta
阿笈摩 196 Agama
阿弥陀 阿彌陀 196 Amitabha; Amithaba
阿弥陀经 阿彌陀經 196
  1. The Amitabha Sutra
  2. Amitabha Sutra; The Smaller Sutra on Amitāyus
安法钦 安法欽 196 An Faqin
安公 安公 196 Venerable An; Dao An
安公录 安公錄 196 Dao An's Catalog
安世高 196 An Shigao
阿难律 阿難律 196 Aniruddha
安西 196 Anxi
阿阇世王 阿闍世王 196 Ajātaśatru; Ajatasutru; Ajātasattu
阿阇世王经 阿闍世王經 196 Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana; Asheshi Wang Jing
阿惟越致 196 avaivartika; non-retrogression
阿惟越致遮经 阿惟越致遮經 196 Avaivartikacakrasūtra; Aweiyuezhi Zhi Jing
阿耶揭唎婆 196 Hayagriva
八大菩萨 八大菩薩 98 the Eight Great Bodhisattvas; aṣṭamahopaputra
八佛名号经 八佛名號經 98 Sutra on the Names of the Eight Buddhas; Ba Fo Minghao Jing
八吉祥经 八吉祥經 98 Sutra Spoken by the Buddha on the Eight Lucky Mantras; Ba Jixiang Jing
八吉祥神呪经 八吉祥神呪經 98 Sutra Spoken by the Buddha on the Eight Lucky and Spiritual Mantras; Ba Jixiang Shen Zhou Jing
八阳神呪经 八陽神呪經 98 Sutra Spoken by the Buddha on the Eight Pure and Spiritual Mantras (Ba Yang Shen Zhou Jing)
白法祖 98 Bai Fa Zu
谤佛经 謗佛經 98 Buddakṣepana; Bang Fojing
般泥洹 98 Parinirvāṇa
宝如来三昧经 寶如來三昧經 98 Bao Rulai Sanmei Jing
宝思惟 寶思惟 98 Ratnacinta
宝雨经 寶雨經 98 Ratnameghasūtra; Bao Yu Jing
宝云 寶雲 98 Bao Yun
宝云经 寶雲經 98 Ratnameghasūtra; Bao Yun Jing
宝藏经 寶藏經 98 Bao Zang Jing
报恩奉盆经 報恩奉盆經 98 Bao'en Feng Pen Jing
跋陀罗 跋陀羅 98 Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
悲华经 悲華經 66 Bei Hua Jing; Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra; The Compassionate Lotus sūtra
北凉 北涼 98 Northern Liang
北天竺 98 Northern India
贝多树下思惟十二因缘经 貝多樹下思惟十二因緣經 98 Nidānasūtra; Beiduo Shu Xia Siwei Shi Er Yinyuan Jing
北庭 98 Beiting
贝叶 貝葉 98 pattra palm leaves
本业经 本業經 98 Sutra on Stories of Former Karma
别录 別錄 98
  1. Abstracts; Bie Lu
  2. Subject Catalog; Bie Lu
般若波罗蜜多心经 般若波羅蜜多心經 98
  1. The Heart Sutra
  2. Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sūtra; Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtra
不空羂索神呪心经 不空羂索神呪心經 98 Amoghapāśahṛdayasūtra; Bu Kong Juan Suo Shen Zhou Xinjing
不空羂索神变真言经 不空羂索神變真言經 98 Scripture of the Mantra of Amoghapāśa’s Miraculous Transformations; Bu Kong Juan Suo Shenbian Zhenyan Jing
不空羂索陀罗尼经 不空羂索陀羅尼經 98 Amoghapasa Dharani Sutra; Bu Kong Juan Suo Tuoluoni Jing
不空羂索陀罗尼自在王呪经 不空羂索陀羅尼自在王呪經 98 Amoghapasa Dharani and Isana Mantra Sutra; Bu Kong Juan Suo Tuoluoni Zizai Wang Zhou Jing
不空羂索呪经 不空羂索呪經 98 Amoghapāśahṛdayasūtra; Bu Kong Juan Suo Zhou Jing
不空羂索呪心经 不空羂索呪心經 98 Amoghapasa Heart Mantra Sutra; Bu Kong Juan Suo Zhou Xin Jing
不必定入定入印经 不必定入定入印經 98 Niyatāniyatagatimudrāvatārasūtra; Bubi Ding Dingzhi Ru Yin Jing
不退转法轮经 不退轉法輪經 98 Avaivartikacakrasūtra; Butuizhuan Falun Jing
长阿含 長阿含 99 Long Discourses; Dīrghāgama
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
成都 99 Chengdu
成就妙法莲华经王瑜伽观智仪轨 成就妙法蓮華經王瑜伽觀智儀軌 99 Ritual for Attainment of the Wonderful Lotus Sutra Yoga Contemplation; Chengjiu Miaofa Lianhua Jing Wang Yujia Guan Zhi Yi Gui
称赞大乘功德经 稱讚大乘功德經 99 Chengzan Dasheng Gongde Jing
称赞净土佛摄受经 稱讚淨土佛攝受經 99 Sukhāvatīvyūha (Chengzan Jing Tu Fo Sheshou Jing)
称赞如来功德神呪经 稱讚如來功德神呪經 99 Dvādaśabuddhakasūtra; Chengzan Rulai Gongde Shen Zhou Jing
持人菩萨经 持人菩薩經 99 Lokadharaparipṛcchā; Chi Ren Pusa Jing
持世经 持世經 99 Lokadharaparipṛcchā; Chi Shi Jing
赐紫沙门 賜紫沙門 99 Master Ci Zi
慈氏菩萨 慈氏菩薩 99 Maitreya
大般泥洹经 大般泥洹經 100 Nirvana Sutra; Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra
大般涅槃经 大般涅槃經 68
  1. Mahaparinirvana Sutra
  2. Mahāparinibbānasutta; Nirvāṇa Sutta
  3. Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra; The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra
大灌顶经 大灌頂經 100 Great Consecration Sutra
大净法门经 大淨法門經 100 Mañjuśrīvikrīḍitasūtra; Da Jing Famen Jing
大经 大經 100 The Mahāpirvāṇa sūtra; The Nirvāṇa sūtra
大金色孔雀王呪经 大金色孔雀王呪經 100
  1. The Great Golden Peacock King Spell Scripture; Da Jinse Kongque Wang Zhou Jing
  2. Mahāmāyūrividyārājñī; Da Jinse Kongque Wang Zhou Jing
大内 大內 100 Main Imperial Palace
大涅盘 大涅槃 100
  1. Great Nirvana
  2. Mahaparinirvana
大树紧那罗王所问经 大樹緊那羅王所問經 100 Drumakinnararājaparipṛcchā; Da Shu Jinnaluo Wang Suo Wen Jing
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
大威灯光仙人问疑经 大威燈光仙人問疑經 100 Paramārthadharmavijayasūtra; Da Wei Dengguang Xianren Wen Yi Jing
大兴善寺 大興善寺 100 Great Xingshan Temple
大药叉女欢喜母并爱子成就法 大藥叉女歡喜母并愛子成就法 100 Hariti and Beloved Children Accomplishment Ritual; Da Yaochanu Huanxi Mu Bing Ai Zi Chengjiu Fa
大庄严法门经 大莊嚴法門經 100 Mañjuśrīvikrīḍitasūtra; Da Zhuangyan Famen Jing
大悲经 大悲經 100 Mahā-karuṇā-puṇḍarīka
大梵 100 Mahabrahma; Brahma
大方广佛华严经 大方廣佛華嚴經 100
  1. Avataṃsakasūtra; Avatamsaka Sutra; Flower Garland sūtra; Flower Adornment Sutra; Dafang Guang Fo Huayan Jing; Huayan Jing
  2. Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra
大方等顶王经 大方等頂王經 100 Dafang Guangdeng Ding Wang Jing
大方等修多罗王经 大方等修多羅王經 100 Bhavasaṅkrāntisūtra; Dafang Guangdeng Xiuduoluo Wang Jing
大方广宝箧经 大方廣寶篋經 100 Precious Box; Dafangguang Bao Qie Jing
大方广佛华严经不思议佛境界分 大方廣佛華嚴經不思議佛境界分 100 Dafangguang Fo Huayan Jing Bu Siyi Fo Jingjie Fen
大方广佛花严经修慈分 大方廣佛花嚴經修慈分 100 Dafangguang Fo Huayan Jing Xiu Ci Fen
大方廣菩薩十地经 大方廣菩薩十地經 100 Dafangguang Pusa Shi Di Jing
大方广入如来智德不思议经 大方廣入如來智德不思議經 100 Tathāgataguṇajñānācintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśasūtra; Dafangguang Ru Rulai Zhi De Bu Siyi Jing
大方广如来不思议境界经 大方廣如來不思議境界經 100 Dafangguang Rulai Bu Siyi Jingjie Jing
大方广师子吼经 大方廣師子吼經 100 Siṃhanādikasūtra; Dafangguang Shizi Hou Jing
大慧 100
  1. Mahāmati
  2. mahāprajñā; great wisdom
  3. Dahui Zonggao; Zonggao
大轮金刚 大輪金剛 100 Mahacakravajri
达摩笈多 達摩笈多 100 Dharmagupta
达摩流支 達摩流支 100 Bodhiruci; Dharmaruci
稻芉经 稻芉經 100 Śālistambhakasūtra; Dao Gan Jing
道神足无极变化经 道神足無極變化經 100 Dao Shenzu Wu Ji Bianhua Jing
忉利天宫 忉利天宮 100 The Palace of Trayastrimsa Heaven; Palace of Trāyastriṃśa Heaven
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
大萨遮尼乾子所说经 大薩遮尼乾子所說經 100 Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa; Dasazhenigan Zi Suo Shuo Jing
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
大乘百福相经 大乘百福相經 100 Mañjuśrīparipṛcchā; Dasheng Bai Fu Xiang Jing
大乘百福庄严相经 大乘百福莊嚴相經 100 Mañjuśrīparipṛcchā; Dasheng Bai Fu Zhuangyan Xiang Jing
大乘遍照光明藏无字法门经 大乘遍照光明藏無字法門經 100 Anakṣarakaraṇḍakavairocanagarbha; Dasheng Bian Zhao Guangming Cang Wu Zi Famen Jing
大乘顶王经 大乘頂王經 100 Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra; Dasheng Ding Wang Jing
大乘方廣總持经 大乘方廣總持經 100 Sarvavaidalyasaṃgrahasūtra; Dasheng Fang Guang Zong Chi Jing
大乘伽耶山顶经 大乘伽耶山頂經 100 The Mahayana Sutra Taught on Gaya Mountain; Dasheng Jia Ye Shanding Jing
大乘金刚髻珠菩萨修行分 大乘金剛髻珠菩薩修行分 100 Mahayana Vajra Cudamani Bodhisattva Cultivation; Dasheng Jingang Jizhu Pusa Xiuxing Fen
大乘离文字普光明藏经 大乘離文字普光明藏經 100 Anakṣarakaraṇḍakavairocanagarbha; Dasheng Li Wenzi Pu Guangming Cang Jing
大乘入楞伽经 大乘入楞伽經 100 Laṅkāvatāra sūtra; Lankavatara Sutra; Dasheng Ru Lengjia Jing
大乘四法经 大乘四法經 100
  1. Caturdharmakasūtra; Dasheng Si Fa Jing
  2. Catuṣkanirhārasūtra; Dasheng Si Fa Jing
大乘同性经 大乘同性經 100 Mahāyānābhisamaya; Dasheng Tong Xing Jing
大势至 大勢至 100 Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
大云经请雨品第六十四 大雲經請雨品第六十四 100 Mahāmeghasūtra; Da Yun Jing Qing Yu Pin Di Liu Shi Si
大云轮请雨经 大雲輪請雨經 100
  1. Sutra for the Rain of the Great Cloud; Da Yun Lun Qing Yu Jing
  2. Sutra for the Rain of the Great Cloud; Da Yun Lun Qing Yu Jing
德护长者经 德護長者經 100 Śrīguptasūtra; De Hu Zhangzhe Jing
等集众德三昧经 等集眾德三昧經 100 Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra; Deng Ji Zhong De Sanmei Jing)
等目菩萨所问三昧经 等目菩薩所問三昧經 100 Sūtra on the Samadi asked by Samacakṣus Bodhisattva; Deng Mu Pusa Suo Wen Sanmei Jing
地天 100 Prthivi; Earth Deva
第一义法胜经 第一義法勝經 100 Paramārthadharmavijayasūtra; Di Yi Yi Fa Sheng Jing
入定不定印经 入定不定印經 100 Niyatāniyatagatimudrāvatārasūtra; Dingzhi Buding Yin Jing
地婆诃罗 地婆訶羅 100 Divākara
帝释 帝釋 100 Sakra; Kausika; Lord of Devas
地藏菩萨 地藏菩薩 100 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东晋 東晉 100 Eastern Jin Dynasty
东太原寺 東太原寺 100 Dafuxian Temple; National Eastern Temple
都部陀罗尼目 都部陀羅尼目 100 Dou Bu Tuoluoni Mu; List of Dharanis
兜沙经 兜沙經 100 Tusara Sutra; Dousha Jing
兜率天宫 兜率天宮 100 Palace of the Tuṣita Heaven
度世品经 度世品經 100 Sutra on the Chapter of Going Across the World; Du Shi Pin Jing
度一切诸佛境界智严经 度一切諸佛境界智嚴經 100 Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajñānalokālaṃkārasūtra (Du Yiqie Zhu Fo Jingjie Zhi Yan Jing)
度诸佛境界智光严经 度諸佛境界智光嚴經 100 Tathāgataguṇajñānācintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśasūtra; Du Zhu Fo Jingjie Zhi Guang Yan Jing
犊子经 犢子經 100 Lokānuvartanasūtra; Du Zi Jing
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
阿弥陀佛 阿彌陀佛 196
  1. Amitabha Buddha
  2. Amitabha Buddha
  3. Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
法护 法護 102
  1. Dharmarakṣa
  2. Dharmarakṣa
法华 法華 70
  1. Dharma Flower
  2. The Lotus Sutra
法华三昧经 法華三昧經 102 Fa Hua Sanmei Jing
法经录 法經錄 102 Fa Jing Catalog
法炬 102
  1. Dharma Torch
  2. the torch of Dharma
  3. dharma torch
  4. Fa Ju
法印经 法印經 102 Sutra on the Seal of the Dharma; Fa Yin Jing
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
放钵经 放鉢經 102 Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana; Fang Bo Jing
方广大庄严经 方廣大莊嚴經 102 Fang Guang Da Zhuangyan Jing; Lalitavistara
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
梵文 102 Sanskrit
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法身经 法身經 102 Dharmaśarīrasūtra; Fashen Jing
法献 法獻 102 Faxian
费长房 費長房 102 Fei Zhang Fang
分别缘起初胜法门经 分別緣起初勝法門經 102 Fenbie Yuanqi Chu Sheng Famen Jing
风天 風天 102 Vayu; Wind Deva
佛华严入如来德智不思议境界经 佛華嚴入如來德智不思議境界經 102 Tathāgataguṇajñānācintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśasūtra; Fo Huayan Ru Rulai De Zhi Bu Siyi Jingjie Jing
佛名经 佛名經 102 Sutra on the Names of the Buddhas; Fo Ming Jing
佛说大孔雀明王画像坛场仪轨 佛說大孔雀明王畫像壇場儀軌 102 Great Peahen Queen of Spells; Fo Shuo Da Kongque Ming Wang Huaxiang Tan Chang Yi Gui
灌洗佛形像经 灌洗佛形像經 102 Tathāgatapratibimbapratiṣṭhānuśaṃsā; Guan Xi Fo Xingxiang Jing
佛说摩利支天经 佛說摩利支天經 102 Mārīcīdhāraṇīsūtra; Fo Shuo Mo Li Zhi Tian Jing
佛说十力经 佛說十力經 102 Daśabalasūtra; Fo Shuo Shi Li Jing
佛为胜光天子说王法经 佛為勝光天子說王法經 102 Rājāvavādaka; Fo Wei Sheng Guang Tianzi Shuo Wangfa Jing
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛号 佛號 102 name of the Buddha
佛母 102
  1. Buddha's mother
  2. a bodhisattva; a consort
  3. Prajñāpāramitā
  4. Dharma
佛母大孔雀明王经 佛母大孔雀明王經 102 Great Peahen Queen of Spells; Fomu Da Kongque Ming Wang Jing
佛说十住经 佛說十地經 102 Daśabhūmikasūtra; Foshuo Shi Zhu Jing
佛说大金色孔雀王呪经 佛說大金色孔雀王呪經 102 Mahāmāyūrividyārājñī; Fo Shuo Da Jinse Kongque Wang Zhou Jing
佛说迴向轮经 佛說迴向輪經 102 Pariṇāmacakrasūtra; Fo Shuo Huixiang Lun Jing
佛馱跋陀罗 佛陀跋陀羅 102 Buddhabhadra
佛陀扇多 102 Buddhaśānta
佛陀耶舍 102 Buddhayaśas
腹中女听经 腹中女聽經 102 Strīvivartavyākaraṇa; Fu Zhong Nu Ting Jing
富楼那 富樓那 102 Purna; Punna
扶南 102 Kingdom of Funan
高齐 高齊 103 Northern Qi Dynasty; Qi of the Northern Dynasties
功德天 103 Laksmi
灌顶拔除过罪生死得度经 灌頂拔除過罪生死得度經 103 Apothecary Sutra
观弥勒菩萨上生兜率天经 觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經 103 Sutra on the Visualization of Maitreya Bodhisattva Ascending to be Born in Tusita Heaven
观无量寿经 觀無量壽經 71
  1. Contemplation Sutra
  2. Contemplation Sutra; Sutra on the Visualization of Immeasurable Life; Guan Wuliangshou jing
灌顶经 灌頂經 103 Consecration Sutra
广博严净不退转轮经 廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 103 Avaivartikacakrasūtra; Guangbo Yan Jing Butuizhuan Lun Jing
广普 廣普 103 Guangdong pidgin (a mix of Standard Mandarin and Cantonese)
广智 廣智 103 Guangzhi
观世音 觀世音 71
  1. Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨 觀世音菩薩 71 Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨如意摩尼陀罗尼经 觀世音菩薩如意摩尼陀羅尼經 103 Padmacintāmaṇidhāraṇīsūtra; Guanshiyin Pusa Ruyi Moni Tuoluoni Jing
观自在菩萨 觀自在菩薩 103 Avalokitesvara bodhisattva
观自在菩萨如意心陀罗尼呪经 觀自在菩薩如意心陀羅尼呪經 103 Padmacintāmaṇidhāraṇīsūtra; Guanzizai Pusa Ruyi Xin Tuoluoni Zhou Jing
观自在菩萨说普贤陀罗尼经 觀自在菩薩說普賢陀羅尼經 103 Samantabhadradhāraṇīsūtra; Guanzizai Pusa Shuo Puxian Tuoluoni Jing
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
诃利帝母 訶利帝母 104 Hariti
弘福寺 104 Hongfu Temple
后汉 後漢 104
  1. Later Han
  2. Later Han
后梁 後梁 104 Later Liang
后出阿弥陀佛偈 後出阿彌陀佛偈 104 Hou Chu Emituo Fo Ji
华严菩萨 華嚴菩薩 104 Flower Garland Bodhisattva
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严经 華嚴經 72
  1. Avatamsaka Sutra
  2. Avatamsaka Sutra; Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严入法界四十二字观门 華嚴入法界四十二字觀門 104 Method of Meditation on the Forty-two Letters of the Gaṇdhayūha Chapter of the Avataṃsaka sūtra
惠简 惠簡 104 Hui Jian
慧印 104
  1. Wisdom Mudra
  2. Hui Yin
慧印三昧经 慧印三昧經 104 Wisdom Mudra Samadhi Sutra
会宁 會寧 104 Huining
火天 104 Agni
火头金刚 火頭金剛 104 Ucchusma
千手千眼观世音菩萨 千手千眼觀世音菩薩 105 Thousand Hand Thousand Eye Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
集一切福德三昧经 集一切福德三昧經 106 Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra (Ji Yiqie Fu De Sanmei Jing)
济诸方等学经 濟諸方等學經 106 Sarvavaidalyasaṃgraha; Ji Zhu Fangdeng Xue Jing
伽梵达摩 伽梵達摩 106 Bhagavat-dharma
伽耶山顶经 伽耶山頂經 106 The Sutra Taught on Gaya Mountain; Jia Ye Shanding Jing
渐備一切智德经 漸備一切智德經 106 Daśabhūmikasūtra; Jian Bei Yiqie Zhi De Jing
谏王经 諫王經 106 Rājāvavādaka; Jian Wang Jing
畺良耶舍 106 Kālayaśas
江州 106
  1. Jiangzhou
  2. Jiuzhou
江左 106 Jiangzuo
建康 106
  1. Jiankang
  2. Jiankang (era)
憍陈如 憍陳如 106 Kaundinya
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
罽賓 106 Kashmir
罽賓国 罽賓國 106 Kashmir
笈多 106 Gupta
解节经 解節經 106 Sandhīnirmocanasūtra; Jie Jie Jing
解深密经 解深密經 74
  1. Sandhīnirmocanasūtra; Jie Shen Mi Jing
  2. Sandhinir Mokcana Vyuha Sutra; Wisdom of Buddha
给孤独园 給孤獨園 106 Anathapindada’s park; Anathapimdasya arama
吉迦夜 106 Kinkara; Kekaya
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
金光明最胜王经 金光明最勝王經 106
  1. Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarājasūtra; Sutra of Supreme Golden Light; Jin Guang Ming Zui Sheng Wang Jing
  2. Golden Light Sutra; Suvarnaprabhasa-sutra
金光明经 金光明經 74
  1. Suvarnabhasottama Sutra (the Sutra of Golden Light)
  2. Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarāja [sūtra]; Golden Light [sūtra]
  3. Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarājasūtra; Golden Light sūtra
靖迈 靖邁 106 Jing Mai
净行品经 淨行品經 106 Sutra on Chapter of Purifying Cultivation
金刚顶 金剛頂 106 Vajra Pinnacle
金刚顶超胜三界经说文殊五字真言胜相 金剛頂超勝三界經說文殊五字真言勝相 106 Trailokyavijayamahākalparājā; Jingang Ding Chao Sheng San Jie Jing Shuo Wen Shu Wu Zi Zhenyan Sheng Xiang
金刚顶经 金剛頂經 106 Vajra Crown Tantra; Vajraśekharasūtra
金刚顶瑜伽念珠经 金剛頂瑜伽念珠經 106 Jingang Ding Yujia Nian Zhu Jing
金刚藏 金剛藏 106 Vajragarbha
金刚智 金剛智 106
  1. Vajra Wisdom
  2. Vajrabodhi
旧录 舊錄 106 Old Catalog
九色鹿经 九色鹿經 106 Sutra of the Nine-Colored Deer
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
决总持经 決總持經 106 Jue Zong Chi Jing
决定总持经 決定總持經 106 Buddakṣepana; Jueding Zong Chi Jing
崛多 106 Upagupta
军荼利 軍荼利 106 Kundali
沮渠京声 沮渠京聲 106 Juqu Jingsheng
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
康僧会 康僧會 107 Kang Senghui
孔雀明王经 孔雀明王經 107 Peacock Wisdom King Sutra
孔雀王呪经 孔雀王呪經 107
  1. Mahāmāyūrividyārājñī; Kongque Wang Zhou Jing
  2. Mahāmāyūrividyārājñī; Kongque Wang Zhou Jing
老母经 老母經 108 Mahālalikāparipṛcchā; Lao Mu Jing
老母女六英经 老母女六英經 108 Mahālalikāparipṛcchā; Lao Mu Nu Liu Ying Jing
老女人经 老女人經 108 sūtra Spoken at the Request of an Old Woman; Lao Nuren Jing
了本生死经 了本生死經 108 sūtra on Understanding the Origin of Birth and Death; Le Bensheng Si Jing
乐璎珞庄严方便品经 樂瓔珞莊嚴方便品經 108 Sirīvivartavyākaraṇa; Le Yingluo Zhuangyan Fangbian Pin Jing
楞伽阿跋多罗宝经 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 108 Laṅkāvatāra sūtra; Lankavatara Sutra
礼忏 禮懺 108 liturgy for confession
李无谄 李無諂 108 Li Wuchan
梁代 108 Liang dynasty
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
麟德 108 Linde
六度 108 Six Pāramitās; Six Perfections
六度集经 六度集經 108 Sutra of the Collection of the Six Perfections
六度无极经 六度無極經 108 Sutra of the Collection of the Six Perfections
六字神呪经 六字神呪經 108 Saḍakṣaravidyāmantrasūtra; Liu Zi Shen Zhou Jing
六字陀罗尼 六字陀羅尼 108 Mantra of Six Syllables; Om mani padme hum
六月 108
  1. June; the Sixth Month
  2. sixth lunar month; bhādra
龙施女经 龍施女經 108 Sūtra on the Girl Nāgadattā; Long Shi Nu Jing
龙施菩萨本起经 龍施菩薩本起經 108 Sūtra on the Story of Nāgadattā Bodhisattva; Long Shi Pusa Benqi Jing
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
龙兴寺 龍興寺 108 Long Xing Temple
龙渊寺 龍淵寺 108
  1. Longyuan Temple
  2. Yongyeonsa; Yongyeon Temple
罗什 羅什 108 Kumārajīva
罗摩伽经 羅摩伽經 108 Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra; Luomojia Jing
鹿野 108 Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
曼殊室利 109 Manjusri
曼殊室利菩萨呪藏中一字呪王经 曼殊室利菩薩呪藏中一字呪王經 77 Manjusri Bodhisattva, Dharma Prince Mantra Hidden in One Syylable Sutra; Manshushili Pusa Zhou Cang Zhong Yizi Zhou Wang Jing
曼殊室利童子菩萨五字瑜伽法 曼殊室利童子菩薩五字瑜伽法 77 Manjusri Bodhisattva Five Syllable Yoga Ritual; Manshushili Tongzi Pusa Wu Zi Yujia Fa
曼陀罗仙 曼陀羅仙 109 Mandra; Mandrasena
妙法 109
  1. Wondrous Dharma
  2. the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
妙德 109 Wonderful Virtue
妙法莲华经 妙法蓮華經 109 Lotus Sutra
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
弥勒成佛经 彌勒成佛經 109 Sutra on Maitreya's Descent
弥勒来时经 彌勒來時經 109 The Time of Maitreya’s Coming; Mile Lai Shi Jing
弥勒菩萨 彌勒菩薩 109 Maitreya Bodhisattva
弥勒上生经 彌勒上生經 109 Maitreya Ascends to be Born in Tusita Heaven
弥勒下生成佛经 彌勒下生成佛經 109 The Descent of Maitreya Buddha and His Enlightenment; Mile Xia Sheng Cheng Fo Jing
弥勒下生经 彌勒下生經 109 The Buddha Speaks the Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya Buddha and His Enlightenment; Mile Xia Sheng Jing
摩利支天经 摩利支天經 109 Mārīcīdhāraṇīsūtra; Mo Li Zhi Tian Jing
末利支提婆华鬘经 末利支提婆華鬘經 109 Mārīcīdhāraṇīsūtra; Molizhi Tipo Huaman Jing
摩诃刹头经 摩訶剎頭經 109 Mohe Sha Tou Jing
摩醯首罗 摩醯首羅 109 Maheshvara
那连提耶舍 那連提耶舍 110 Narendrayaśas
那罗延天 那羅延天 110 Narayana deva
南天竺 110 Southern India
南印度 110 Southern India
南海 110
  1. South China Sea
  2. Nanhai
  3. southern waters; Southern Ocean
  4. Nanhai [lake]
  5. Nanhai [district and county]
南康 110 Nankang
内典 內典 110 Neidian; Internal Classics
内典录 內典錄 110 Internal Canonical List; Da Tang Nei Dian Lu
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
聶道真 110 Nie Dao Zhen
聶道真录 聶道真錄 110 Nie Daozhen's Catalog
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
涅槃部 110 Nirvāṇa Section
泥洹经 泥洹經 110 The Nirvana Sutra
涅槃经 涅槃經 78
  1. Nirvana Sutra
  2. Nirvana Sutra
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
毘俱胝 112 Bhrkuti
毘卢遮那 毘盧遮那 80 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
平阳 平陽 112 Pingyang; Linfen
毘尼多流支 112 Vinītaruci
毘婆沙 112 Vibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
毘婆娑 112 Vibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
毘昙 毘曇 112 Abhidharma; Abhidhamma
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
普超经 普超經 112 Pu Chao Jing
普广 普廣 112 Universally Expansive [Bodhisattva]
普门 普門 80
  1. Universal Gate
  2. Universal Gate; Samantamukha
普曜 112 lalitavistara sūtra
普曜经 普曜經 112 Pu Yao Jing; Lalitavistara
普超三昧经 普超三昧經 112 sūtra of the Universal, Transcendent Samādhi of Mañjuśrī
普集会坛 普集會壇 112 Mandala of Universal Gathering
普门品 普門品 112
  1. Universal Gate Chapter
  2. Universal Gate Sutra
菩萨本业经 菩薩本業經 112 Sutra on Stories of the Former Karma of the Bodhisattva; Pusa Ben Ye Jing
菩萨睒子经 菩薩睒子經 112 Pusa Shan Zi Jing; Śyāmakajātakasūtra
菩萨十地 菩薩十地 112 the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; dashabhumi
菩萨逝经 菩薩逝經 112 Pusa Shi Jing
菩萨十住经 菩薩十住經 112 Sutra on the Ten Abodes of the Bodhisattva; Pusa Shi Zhu Jing
菩萨十住行道品 菩薩十住行道品 112 Pusa Shi Zhu Xing Dao Jing
菩萨行方便境界神通变化经 菩薩行方便境界神通變化經 112 Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa; Pusa Xing Fangbian Jingjie Shentong Bianhua Jing
菩萨修行四法经 菩薩修行四法經 112 Caturdharmakasūtra; Pusa Xiuxing Si Fa Jing
菩提流志 112 Bodhiruci
菩提寺 112 Wat Pho; Wat Phra Chetuphon
菩提留支 112 Bodhiruci
菩提流支 112 Bodhiruci
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
普贤菩萨 普賢菩薩 112 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
七俱胝佛母所说淮提陀罗尼经 七俱胝佛母所說准提陀羅尼經 113 The Maha-Cundi Dharani Sutra
前世三转经 前世三轉經 113 Qian Shi San Zhuan Jing
千手千眼观世音菩萨大身呪本 千手千眼觀世音菩薩大身呪本 113 Text of the Great Body of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Mantra; Qian Shou Qian Yan Guanshiyin Pusa Da Shen Zhou Ben
千手千眼观世音菩萨姥陀罗尼身经 千手千眼觀世音菩薩姥陀羅尼身經 113 Nīlakaṇṭhakasūtra; Qian Shou Qian Yan Guanshiyin Pusa Lao Tuoluoni Shen Jing
千手千眼观自在 千手千眼觀自在 113 Thousand-Hand Thousand-Eye Guanyin; Thousand-Hand Thousand-Eye Avalokiteśvara
千眼千臂观世音菩萨陀罗尼神呪经 千眼千臂觀世音菩薩陀羅尼神呪經 113 Sutra of the Divine Dharani of the Thousand Eye, Thousand Arm Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
乞伏秦 113 Qifu Qin
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
请雨经 請雨經 113 Prayer for Rain Sutra
清河 113 Qinghe
求那跋陀罗 求那跋陀羅 113 Guṇabhadra; Gunabhadra
瞿昙般若流支 瞿曇般若流支 113 Gautama Prajñāruci
瞿昙流支 瞿曇流支 113 Gautama Prajñāruci
仁寿 仁壽 114 Renshou
日天 114 Surya; Aditya
入法界体性经 入法界體性經 114 Ratnakūṭasūtra / Ru Fajie Tixing Jing
乳光佛经 乳光佛經 114 Ru Guang Fojing
乳光经 乳光經 114 Ru Guang Jing
入楞伽经 入楞伽經 114 Laṅkāvatāra sūtra; Lankavatara Sutra; Ru Lengjia Jing
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
如来独证自誓三昧经 如來獨證自誓三昧經 114 Rulai Du Zheng Zi Shi Sanmei Jing
如来示教胜军王经 如來示教勝軍王經 114 Rājāvavādaka; Rulai Shi Jiao Sheng Jun Wang Jing
如来兴显经 如來興顯經 114 Tathāgatotpattisambhavanirdeśasūtra; Rulai Xing Xian Jing
如来智印经 如來智印經 114 Tathāgatajñānamudrā; Rulai Zhi Yin Jing
如来庄严智慧光明入一切佛境界经 如來莊嚴智慧光明入一切佛境界經 114 Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajñānalokālaṃkārasūtra (Rulai Zhuangyan Zhihui Guangming Ru Yiqie Fo Jingjie Jing)
若那 114 Ruo Na
如意轮陀罗尼经 如意輪陀羅尼經 114 Padmacintāmaṇidhāraṇīsūtra; Ruyi Lun Tuoluoni Jing
入藏录 入藏錄 114 Ru Zang Lu
三身 115 Trikaya
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
三藏鸠摩罗什 三藏鳩摩羅什 115 Kumārajīva
萨昙分陀利经 薩曇分陀利經 115 The Lotus Sutra; Satanfentuoli Jing
僧伽婆罗 僧伽婆羅 115 Saṅghabhara; Sajghavarman; Savghapāla
僧叡 僧叡 115 Sengrui
僧祐录 僧祐錄 115 Sengyou's Catalog
善恭敬经 善恭敬經 115 Shan Gongjing Jing
善思童子经 善思童子經 115 Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra; Shan Si Tongzi Jing
睒子经 睒子經 115 Shan Zi Jing
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
深密解脱经 深密解脫經 115 Sandhīnirmocanasūtra; Shen Mi Jietuo Jing
申日儿本经 申日兒本經 115 Candraprabhakumāra; Shen Ri Er Ben Jing
申日经 申日經 115 Candraprabhakumāra; Shen Ri Jing
什希有经 甚希有經 115 Adbhutadharmaparyāyasūtra; Shen Xiyou Jing
阇那崛多 闍那崛多 115 Jñānagupta; Jnanagupta
阇那耶舍 闍那耶舍 115 Jñānayaśas; Jnanayasas
生经 生經 115 Jātaka Stories
胜军 勝軍 115
  1. conquering army
  2. Prasenajit
  3. Śreṇika
胜思惟梵天所问经 勝思惟梵天所問經 115 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā; Sheng Siwei Fantian Suo Wen Jing
胜军王 勝軍王 115 King Prasenajit
舍卫国 舍衛國 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
实叉难陀 實叉難陀 115 Śiksānanda; Siksananda
十二因缘经 十二因緣經 115 Sutra on the Twelve Nidanas
释法显 釋法顯 115 Fa Xian
释论 釋論 115 Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom; Dazhidu Lun; Mahāprajñāpāramitaśastra; Māhaprajñāparamitopadeśa
释圣坚 釋聖堅 115 Shengjian; Shi Shengjian
逝童子经 逝童子經 115 Shi Tongzi Jing
释智 釋智 115 Shi Zhi
十住 115
  1. ten abodes
  2. the ten Stages in bodhisattva wisdom
十住经 十住經 115 Daśabhūmikasūtra; Shi Zhu Jing
释迦佛 釋迦佛 115 Sakyamuni Buddha; Shakyamuni Buddha
十一面观世音神呪经 十一面觀世音神呪經 115 Avalokiteśvaraikādaśamukhadhāraṇīsūtra; Shiyi Mian Guanshiyin Shen Zhou Jing
十一面观自在菩萨 十一面觀自在菩薩 115 Eleven-faced Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
十一面神呪心经 十一面神呪心經 115 Avalokiteśvaraikādaśamukhadhāraṇīsūtra; Shiyi Mian Shen Zhou Xinjing
师子王 師子王 115 Lion King
水天 115 Varuna
顺权方便经 順權方便經 115 Sirīvivartavyākaraṇa; Shun Quanfangbian Jing
说妙法决定业障经 說妙法決定業障經 115
  1. Shuo Miao Fa Jueding Yezhang Jing
  2. Shuo Miao Fa Jueding Yezhang Jing
说无垢称经 說無垢稱經 115 Vimalakīrti sūtra; Shuo Wugou Cheng Jing
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四童子三昧经 四童子三昧經 115 Caturdārakasamādhisūtra; Si Tongzi Sanmei Jing
思益梵天所问经 思益梵天所問經 115
  1. Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā; Si Yi Fantian Suo Wen Jing
  2. Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā sūtra
思惟经 思惟經 115 Sutra on Contemplation
思益 思益 115 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā [sūtra]
思益经 思益經 115 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā sūtra
思益义经 思益義經 115 Viśeṣacintabrahma-paripṛcchā sūtra
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋朝 115 Song Dynasty
宋文帝 115 Emperor Wen of Liu Song
115 Sui Dynasty
他化自在天 84 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven; paranirmitavaśavartin
他化天 116 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven
太子沐魄经 太子沐魄經 116 Prince Mūka sūtra
太子慕魄经 太子慕魄經 116
  1. Prince Mūka sūtra; Taizi Mupo Jing
  2. Prince Mūka sūtra; Taizi Mupo Jing
太子须大拏经 太子須大拏經 116 Prince Sudana Sutra
昙无忏 曇無懺 116 Dharmakṣema
昙无兰 曇無蘭 116 Tan Wulan
昙曜 曇曜 116 Tan Yao
唐三藏 116 Tang Tripitaka; Xuanzang
唐国 唐國 116 Tangguo
昙摩伽陀耶舍 曇摩伽陀耶舍 116 Dharmāgatayaśas
昙摩流支 曇摩流支 116 Bodhiruci; Dharmaruci
昙摩蜜多 曇摩蜜多 116 Dharmamitra
昙摩耶舍 曇摩耶舍 116 Dharmayaśas
昙无谶 曇無讖 116 Dharmaksema; Dharmakṣema
天亲菩萨 天親菩薩 116 Vasubandhu
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
天竺三藏求那跋陀罗 天竺三藏求那跋陀羅 116 Guṇabhadra; Gunabhadra
提婆达多 提婆達多 116 Devadatta
提云般若 提雲般若 116 Devaprajñā
同师 同師 116 Tongshi
陀罗 陀羅 116 Tārā
陀罗尼集经 陀羅尼集經 116 Dharanisamgraha Sutra; Collected Dharanis Sutra
瓦官寺 119 Waguan Temple
未曾有经 未曾有經 119 Adbhutadharmaparyāyasūtra; Wei Ceng You Jing
维摩 維摩 87
  1. Vimalakirti
  2. Vimalakirti
维摩诘经 維摩詰經 119 Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakīrti sūtra; Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa sūtra
维摩诘所说经 維摩詰所說經 119 Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra
维摩诘子问经 維摩詰子問經 119 Sutra on the Questions of Master Vimalakirti
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
文殊师利菩萨 文殊師利菩薩 119 Manjusri
文殊师利 文殊師利 119 Mañjuśrī; Manjushri; Manjusri
文殊师利问菩提经 文殊師利問菩提經 119 Mañjuśrī's Questions on Enlightenment; Wenshushili Wen Puti Jing
文殊师利现宝藏经 文殊師利現寶藏經 119 Mañjuśrī Manifests a Treasure Store; Wenshushili Xian Baozang Jing
文殊师利巡行经 文殊師利巡行經 119 Mañjuśrī goes on an Inspection Round; Wenshushili Xun Xing Jing
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武帝 119
  1. Emperor Wu of Han
  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Wu of Song
无极宝经 無極寶經 119 Unbounded Treasure Sutra; Wu Ji Bao Jing
无极宝三昧经 無極寶三昧經 119 Unbounded Treasure Samadi Sutra; Wu Ji Bao Sanmei Jing
五经 五經 119 Five Classics
无量寿经 無量壽經 87
  1. Larger Sutra on Amitayus
  2. The Infinite Life Sutra; The Larger Sutra on Amitāyus; The Larger Pure Land Sutra
无量义经 無量義經 119 Sutra of Immeasurable Principles
无字宝箧经 無字寶篋經 119 Anakṣarakaraṇḍakavairocanagarbha; Wu Zi Bao Qie Jing
五字陀罗尼颂 五字陀羅尼頌 119 Pañcākṣaradhāraṇīkārikā; Wu Zi Tuoluoni Song
邬波离 鄔波離 119 Upāli; Upali
无垢贤女经 無垢賢女經 119 Strīvivartavyākaraṇa; Wugou Xian Nu Jing
无量寿观经 無量壽觀經 119 Contemplation Sutra; Sutra on the Visualization of Immeasurable Life; Guan Wuliangshou jing
无上依经 無上依經 119 Wushang Yi Jing
乌枢沙摩 烏樞沙摩 119 Ucchusma
无所希望经 無所希望經 119 Sutra on the Absence of Hope
勿提提犀鱼 勿提提犀魚 119 Utpalavīrya
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
西晋 西晉 120 Western Jin Dynasty
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西明寺 120 Xi Ming Temple
西太原寺 120 Xi Taiyuan Temple; Chongfu Temple; Weiguo Xi Temple; National Western Temple
西域 120 Western Regions
显无边佛土功德经 顯無邊佛土功德經 120 Tathāgatānāṃ Buddhakṣetraguṇoktadharmaparyāyasūtra; Xian Wubian Fotu Gongde Jing
像法 120 Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
象头精舍经 象頭精舍經 120 Gagāśīrṣa Vihara Sutra; Xiang Tou Jingshe Jing
象腋经 象腋經 120 Hastikakṣyā; Xiang Ye Jing
相续解脱地波罗蜜了义经 相續解脫地波羅蜜了義經 120 Sandhīnirmocanasūtra; Xiangxu Jietuo Di Boluomi Liaoyi Jing
萧齐 蕭齊 120 Xiao Qi
萧梁 蕭梁 120 Liang of the Southern dynasties
小乘 120 Hinayana
信力入印法门经 信力入印法門經 120 Śraddhābāladhānāavatāramudrāsūtra; Xin Li Ru Yin Famen Jing
兴和 興和 120 Xinghe
心经 心經 88
  1. Heart Sutra
  2. The Heart Sutra; The Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra
西天 120 India; Indian continent
希有挍量功德经 希有挍量功德經 120 Xiyou Jiao Liang Gongde Jing
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
虚空藏菩萨 虛空藏菩薩 120 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
彦琮 彥琮 121 Yan Cong
阎罗 閻羅 121 Yama; Yamaraja
姚秦 姚秦 121 Later Qin
药王 藥王 89 Bhaisajyaraja; Medicine King
药王菩萨 藥王菩薩 89 Bhaisajyaraja Bodhisattva; Medicine King Bodhisattva
药师 藥師 89
  1. Healing Master
  2. Medicine Buddha
药师经 藥師經 121 Sutra of the Medicine Buddha; Sutra on the Master of Healing
药师如来本愿经 藥師如來本願經 121 Sutra on the Vows of the Medicine Buddha; Yaoshi Rulai Benyuan Jing
夜摩天 121 Yama Heaven; Yamadeva
耶舍 121
  1. Yaśa
  2. Narendrayaśas
耶舍崛多 121 Yaśogupta
仪轨经 儀軌經 121 Kalpa Sutra
义净 義淨 121 Yijing
银色女经 銀色女經 121 Yinse Nu Jing; Pūpāvatyāvadānā
一切法高王经 一切法高王經 121 Yiqie Fa Gao Wang Jing
一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 121 The Scripture of the Mudrās and Dhāraṇīs of the Precious Repository of the Secret Whole-body Śarīra of all the Tathāgata; Yiqie Rulai Xin Mimi Quanshen Sheli Bao Qie Yin Tuoluoni Jing
益州 121 Yizhou
永定 121 Yongding
遊行经 遊行經 121 Mahāparinibbāna Sutta
优禅尼国 優禪尼國 121 Ujjayanī
优填 優填 121
  1. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
  2. Ancient India
盂兰盆经 盂蘭盆經 121 Yulan Bowl sūtra
浴像功德经 浴像功德經 121 Sutra on the Merit Gained Through Washing an Image of the Buddha
缘生初胜分法本经 緣生初勝分法本經 121 Yuan Sheng Chu Sheng Fen Fa Ben Jing
元魏 121 Northern Wei Dynasty; Wei of the Northern Dynasties
元嘉 121 Yuanjia reign
缘起圣道经 緣起聖道經 121 Nidānasūtra; Yuanqi Sheng Dao Jing
月灯三昧经 月燈三昧經 121
  1. Samādhirājacandrapradīpasūtra; Yue Deng Sanmei Jing
  2. Yue Deng Sanmei Jing
  3. Yue Deng Sanmei Jing
月天 121 Candra
月光童子 121 Candraprabha Kumāra
月光童子经 月光童子經 121 Candraprabhakumāra; Yueguang Tongzi Jing
月明童子经 月明童子經 121 Candraprabha Kumāra sūtra
月婆首那 121 Upaśūnya
瑜伽金刚顶经释字母品 瑜伽金剛頂經釋字母品 121 Yujia Jingang Ding Jing Shi Zimu Pin; Explanation of Characters in the Yoga Vajra Crown Tantra
盂兰 盂蘭 121 Ullambana Sutra
云安 雲安 121 Yun'an
于阗 于闐 121 Yutian
于阗国 于闐國 121 Yutian
宇文 121
  1. Yuwen
  2. Yuwen
造立形像福报经 造立形像福報經 122 Tathāgatapratibimbapratiṣṭhanuśaṃsā; Zaoli Xingxiang Fu Bao Jing
增一阿含 122 Ekottara Āgama
长房录 長房錄 122 Changfang's Catalog
长者子制经 長者子制經 122 Zhangzhe Zi Zhi Jing
贞元新定释教目录 貞元新定釋教目錄 122 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings; Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu
正法华经 正法華經 122 The Lotus Sutra; Zheng Fa Hua Jing
正恭敬经 正恭敬經 122 Zheng Gongjing Jing
证契大乘经 證契大乘經 122 Mahāyānābhisamaya; Zheng Qi Dasheng Jing
贞元 貞元 122
  1. Zhenyuan
  2. Jōgen
志德 志德 122 Jnanagupta
支法度 122 Zhi Fadu
支谦 支謙 122 Zhi Qian
智严 智嚴 122 Zhi Yan
祇多蜜 122 Gītamitra
支娄迦谶 支婁迦讖 122 Lokakṣema; Lokaksema
中说 中說 122 Zhong Shuo
呪五首 122 Zhou Wu Shou; Five Mantras
周武帝 122 Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India
诸法本无经 諸法本無經 122 Sarvadharmapravṛttinirdeśa; Zhu Fa Ben Wu Jing
诸法无行经 諸法無行經 122 Sarvadharmapravṛttinirdeśa; Zhu Fa Wu Xing Jing
诸法勇王经 諸法勇王經 122 Zhu Fa Yong Wang Jing
竺法护 竺法護 122 Dharmaraksa
諸菩萨求佛本业经 諸菩薩求佛本業經 122 Zhu Pusa Qiu Fo Ben Ye Jing
转女身经 轉女身經 122 Strīvivartavyākaraṇa; Zhuan Nu Shen Jing
转女身菩萨经 轉女身菩薩經 122 Zhuan Nu Shen Pusa Jing
转有经 轉有經 122 Bhavasaṅkrāntisūtra; Zhuan You Jing
庄严菩提心分 莊嚴菩提心經 122 Zhuangyan Putixin Jing
准提 準提 122 Cundi
准泥 122 Cundi
自誓三昧经 自誓三昧經 122 Zi Shi Sanmei Jing
最无比经 最無比經 122 Zui Wubi Jing
作佛形像经 作佛形像經 122 Tathāgatapratibimbapratiṣṭhanuśaṃsā; Zuo Fo Xingxiang Jing


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 169.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿修罗王 阿修羅王 196 king of the asuras
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
宝积 寶積 98 ratnakūṭa; baoji
宝箧 寶篋 98 precious box; ratna-karaṇḍaka
跋折罗 跋折羅 98 vajra
本起 98 jātaka; a jātaka story
本愿 本願 98 prior vow; purvapranidhana
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不异 不異 98 not different
不空羂索 98 unerring lasso; amoghapasa
常乐我净 常樂我淨 99 Eternity, Bliss, Self, and Purity
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
持诵 持誦 99 to chant; to recite
除疑 99 to eliminate doubt
此等 99 they; eṣā
大教王 100 tantra
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大智舍利弗 100 Sariputra of great wisdom
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大悲心 100 a mind with great compassion
大乘经 大乘經 100 Mahāyāna sutras
大方等 100 vaipulya; mahāvaipulya; vast; extended
大方广 大方廣 100 vaipulya; mahāvaipulya; vast; extended
道风 道風 100 the truth of the way is like the wind
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
定意 100 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
兜沙 100 tuṣāra; frost
多生 100 many births; many rebirths
二法 195
  1. two dharmas; two kinds of dharma
  2. dichotomy
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
二乘 195 the two vehicles
二字 195
  1. two characters
  2. a monastic
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法会 法會 102 a Dharma service; an assembly; dharma-saṃgīti
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
翻经 翻經 102 to translate the scriptures
方等 102 vaipulya; vaidalya; vast; extended
法堂 102
  1. Fo Guang Shan Founder's Quarters
  2. Dharma Hall
  3. a Dharma hall
法印 102
  1. Dharma Seal
  2. dharmamudrā; a dharma seal; a mark of the dharma
  3. hōin
分陀利 102 pundarika
佛部 102 Buddha division
佛境界 102 realm of buddhas
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛顶 佛頂 102 Buddha crown; usnisa
佛境 102 world of the Buddha; realm of the Buddha
共法 103 totality of truth
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
观行 觀行 103 contemplation and action
护身 護身 104 protection of the body
加行 106
  1. Special Effort Applied Toward Practices
  2. prayoga; preparation; syllogism
  3. determination; vyavacāraṇa
结界 結界 106
  1. Restricted Area
  2. boundary; temple boundary; sīmā
集经 集經 106 saṃgīti
金翅鸟 金翅鳥 106
  1. suparna bird; suparni bird
  2. a garuda
金光明 106 golden light
金轮 金輪 106 golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
净行品 淨行品 106 purifying cultivation [chapter]
金刚部 金剛部 106 vajra group; vajra division; vajrakula
金刚印 金剛印 106 vajra mudra
紧那罗 緊那羅 106 kimnara
旧华严 舊華嚴 106 old Avatamsaka
旧华严经 舊華嚴經 106 old Avatamsaka Sutra
九经 九經 106 navāṅga-śāsana; navaṅga-sāsana; nava-vidhaḥ sūtrānto; nine teachings
旧译 舊譯 106 old translation
卷第二十 106 scroll 20
离世间品 離世間品 108 transcending the world [chapter]
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
了义 了義 108 nītārtha; definitive
理趣 108 thought; mata
利行 108
  1. Beneficial Deeds
  2. altruism
  3. altruism
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
满愿 滿願 109 fulfill wishes; paripūrṇa-saṃkalpa
曼茶罗 曼茶羅 109 mandala
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
木叉 109
  1. rules of conduct for monks; prātimokṣa
  2. liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa
念珠 110
  1. Chanting Beads
  2. prayer beads; rosary
普光 112
  1. radiating light all around
  2. Pu Guang
普光明殿 112 Hall of Universal Light
菩提场 菩提場 112 bodhimanda; place of enlightenment
普贤行 普賢行 112 the practice of Samantabhadra
七处八会 七處八會 113 seven places with eight assemblies
七佛 81 Seven Buddhas; Seven Past Buddhas; Seven Manushi Buddhas / saptatathāgata
七经 七經 113 seven Pureland sutras
乾闼婆 乾闥婆 113 a gandharva
请法 請法 113 Request Teachings
清信士 113 male lay person; upāsaka
求法 113 to seek the Dharma
劝请 勸請 113 to request; to implore
入法界品 114 entrance into the dharma realm [chapter]
入藏 114
  1. to be included in the canon
  2. to enter Tibet
如来出现 如來出現 114 the Tathagata appears
如来名号 如來名號 114 Epithets of the Buddha
三道 115
  1. three paths
  2. three realms
三经 三經 115 three sutras; group of three scriptures
三归 三歸 115 to take refuge in the Triple Gem
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
僧正 115 sōjō
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
胜军 勝軍 115
  1. conquering army
  2. Prasenajit
  3. Śreṇika
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
十地品 115 ten grounds [chapter]
十定品 115 ten types of concentration [chapter]
十二因缘 十二因緣 115 the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
十忍 115 ten kinds of acceptance; ten kinds of tolerance
十忍品 115 ten types of forbearance [chapter]
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
失译经 失譯經 115 sutras with names of translators lost
十住品 115 ten abodes [chapter]
尸罗达摩 尸羅達摩 115 Śīladharma
寿量 壽量 115 Lifespan
寿量品 壽量品 115 lifespan [chapter]
受决 受決 115 a prophecy
樹下思惟 115 reflections on the farming process
数珠 數珠 115 prayer beads; rosary
说经 說經 115 to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
随一 隨一 115 mostly; most of the time
胎藏 116 womb
昙摩 曇摩 116 dharma
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
陀罗尼经 陀羅尼經 116 dharani sutra
陀罗尼门 陀羅尼門 116 dharani-entrance
往生 119
  1. to be reborn
  2. a future life
为母说法 為母說法 119 taught Dharma for his mother
五大 119 the five elements
五戒 119 the five precepts
无尽藏 無盡藏 119
  1. Boundless Treasure
  2. inexhaustible storehouse
  3. an inexhaustible treasury
无量寿 無量壽 119
  1. infinite life
  2. amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无学 無學 119
  1. aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
  2. Muhak
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
新译 新譯 120 new translation
性起 120 arising from nature
行入 120 entrance by practice
星宿天 120 celestial deity
信力 120 the power of faith; śraddhābala
心密 120 mystery of the mind
序分 120 the first of three parts of a sutra
药草喻品 藥草喻品 121 Chapter on the Simile of Medicinal Herbs
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
业障 業障 121
  1. karmic hindrance
  2. a karmic obstruction
仪轨 儀軌 121 ritual; ritual manual
一偈 121 one gatha; a single gatha
译经 譯經 121 to translate the scriptures
一品 121 a chapter
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
圆照 圓照 121
  1. radiate all around
  2. Yuan Zhao
缘起 緣起 121
  1. Dependent Origination
  2. dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘生 緣生 121 dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
赞佛 讚佛 122 to praise the Buddha
藏经 藏經 122 Buddhist canon
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
正说 正說 122 proper teaching
众经 眾經 122 myriad of scriptures
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸仙 諸仙 122 group of sages
嘱累 囑累 122 to entrust somebody to carry a burden
嘱累品 囑累品 122 Entrusting chapter
总持 總持 122
  1. to hold to the good, total retention
  2. dharani; total retention