Glossary and Vocabulary for Sūtra on the Questions by Jñānottara Bodhisattva on the Means for Great Good (Jñānottarabodhisattvaparipṛcchā) 慧上菩薩問大善權經, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 79 如來 rúlái Tathagata 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
2 79 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
3 79 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
4 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
5 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
6 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
7 72 zhī to go 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
8 72 zhī to arrive; to go 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
9 72 zhī is 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
10 72 zhī to use 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
11 72 zhī Zhi 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
12 72 zhī winding 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
13 65 wéi to act as; to serve 其於離欲則為正士
14 65 wéi to change into; to become 其於離欲則為正士
15 65 wéi to be; is 其於離欲則為正士
16 65 wéi to do 其於離欲則為正士
17 65 wèi to support; to help 其於離欲則為正士
18 65 wéi to govern 其於離欲則為正士
19 65 wèi to be; bhū 其於離欲則為正士
20 54 Buddha; Awakened One 云何為佛
21 54 relating to Buddhism 云何為佛
22 54 a statue or image of a Buddha 云何為佛
23 54 a Buddhist text 云何為佛
24 54 to touch; to stroke 云何為佛
25 54 Buddha 云何為佛
26 54 Buddha; Awakened One 云何為佛
27 48 suǒ a few; various; some 假使菩薩化於所化
28 48 suǒ a place; a location 假使菩薩化於所化
29 48 suǒ indicates a passive voice 假使菩薩化於所化
30 48 suǒ an ordinal number 假使菩薩化於所化
31 48 suǒ meaning 假使菩薩化於所化
32 48 suǒ garrison 假使菩薩化於所化
33 48 suǒ place; pradeśa 假使菩薩化於所化
34 41 infix potential marker 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
35 37 shí time; a point or period of time 又菩薩本始學道時
36 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 又菩薩本始學道時
37 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 又菩薩本始學道時
38 37 shí fashionable 又菩薩本始學道時
39 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 又菩薩本始學道時
40 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 又菩薩本始學道時
41 37 shí tense 又菩薩本始學道時
42 37 shí particular; special 又菩薩本始學道時
43 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 又菩薩本始學道時
44 37 shí an era; a dynasty 又菩薩本始學道時
45 37 shí time [abstract] 又菩薩本始學道時
46 37 shí seasonal 又菩薩本始學道時
47 37 shí to wait upon 又菩薩本始學道時
48 37 shí hour 又菩薩本始學道時
49 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 又菩薩本始學道時
50 37 shí Shi 又菩薩本始學道時
51 37 shí a present; currentlt 又菩薩本始學道時
52 37 shí time; kāla 又菩薩本始學道時
53 37 shí at that time; samaya 又菩薩本始學道時
54 36 Qi 其於離欲則為正士
55 34 zhě ca 假論羅云胞胎生者
56 34 to use; to grasp 以故菩薩現有眷屬
57 34 to rely on 以故菩薩現有眷屬
58 34 to regard 以故菩薩現有眷屬
59 34 to be able to 以故菩薩現有眷屬
60 34 to order; to command 以故菩薩現有眷屬
61 34 used after a verb 以故菩薩現有眷屬
62 34 a reason; a cause 以故菩薩現有眷屬
63 34 Israel 以故菩薩現有眷屬
64 34 Yi 以故菩薩現有眷屬
65 34 use; yogena 以故菩薩現有眷屬
66 33 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 其於離欲則為正士
67 33 a grade; a level 其於離欲則為正士
68 33 an example; a model 其於離欲則為正士
69 33 a weighing device 其於離欲則為正士
70 33 to grade; to rank 其於離欲則為正士
71 33 to copy; to imitate; to follow 其於離欲則為正士
72 33 to do 其於離欲則為正士
73 33 koan; kōan; gong'an 其於離欲則為正士
74 32 善權方便 shànquán fāngbiàn upāya-kauśalya; skill in means 是為菩薩善權方便
75 30 rén person; people; a human being 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
76 30 rén Kangxi radical 9 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
77 30 rén a kind of person 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
78 30 rén everybody 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
79 30 rén adult 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
80 30 rén somebody; others 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
81 30 rén an upright person 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
82 30 rén person; manuṣya 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
83 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 何故菩薩而有室娶
84 29 ér as if; to seem like 何故菩薩而有室娶
85 29 néng can; able 何故菩薩而有室娶
86 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 何故菩薩而有室娶
87 29 ér to arrive; up to 何故菩薩而有室娶
88 28 to go; to 其於離欲則為正士
89 28 to rely on; to depend on 其於離欲則為正士
90 28 Yu 其於離欲則為正士
91 28 a crow 其於離欲則為正士
92 28 yāng misfortune; disaster; calamity 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
93 28 yāng to injure; to devastate 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
94 27 desire 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
95 27 to desire; to wish 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
96 27 to desire; to intend 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
97 27 lust 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
98 27 desire; intention; wish; kāma 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
99 27 五百 wǔ bǎi five hundred 有五親友及五百弟子
100 27 五百 wǔ bǎi five hundred; pañcaśata 有五親友及五百弟子
101 26 Yi 吾等出家亦當請學
102 25 to split; to tear 斯黃門耳
103 25 to depart; to leave 斯黃門耳
104 25 Si 斯黃門耳
105 24 Kangxi radical 71 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
106 24 to not have; without 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
107 24 mo 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
108 24 to not have 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
109 24 Wu 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
110 24 mo 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
111 22 huà to make into; to change into; to transform 假使菩薩化於所化
112 22 huà to convert; to persuade 假使菩薩化於所化
113 22 huà to manifest 假使菩薩化於所化
114 22 huà to collect alms 假使菩薩化於所化
115 22 huà [of Nature] to create 假使菩薩化於所化
116 22 huà to die 假使菩薩化於所化
117 22 huà to dissolve; to melt 假使菩薩化於所化
118 22 huà to revert to a previous custom 假使菩薩化於所化
119 22 huà chemistry 假使菩薩化於所化
120 22 huà to burn 假使菩薩化於所化
121 22 huā to spend 假使菩薩化於所化
122 22 huà to manifest 假使菩薩化於所化
123 22 huà to convert 假使菩薩化於所化
124 21 hair 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
125 21 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
126 21 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
127 21 to express; to show; to be manifest 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
128 21 to start out; to set off 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
129 21 to open 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
130 21 to requisition 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
131 21 to occur 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
132 21 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
133 21 to express; to give vent 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
134 21 to excavate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
135 21 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
136 21 to get rich 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
137 21 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
138 21 to sell 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
139 21 to shoot with a bow 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
140 21 to rise in revolt 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
141 21 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
142 21 to enlighten; to inspire 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
143 21 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
144 21 to ignite; to set on fire 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
145 21 to sing; to play 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
146 21 to feel; to sense 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
147 21 to act; to do 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
148 21 grass and moss 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
149 21 Fa 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
150 21 to issue; to emit; utpāda 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
151 21 hair; keśa 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
152 21 yán to speak; to say; said 或有人言
153 21 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 或有人言
154 21 yán Kangxi radical 149 或有人言
155 21 yán phrase; sentence 或有人言
156 21 yán a word; a syllable 或有人言
157 21 yán a theory; a doctrine 或有人言
158 21 yán to regard as 或有人言
159 21 yán to act as 或有人言
160 21 yán word; vacana 或有人言
161 21 yán speak; vad 或有人言
162 20 lái to come 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
163 20 lái please 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
164 20 lái used to substitute for another verb 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
165 20 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
166 20 lái wheat 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
167 20 lái next; future 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
168 20 lái a simple complement of direction 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
169 20 lái to occur; to arise 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
170 20 lái to earn 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
171 20 lái to come; āgata 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
172 20 child; son 緣此現生子男羅云
173 20 egg; newborn 緣此現生子男羅云
174 20 first earthly branch 緣此現生子男羅云
175 20 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 緣此現生子男羅云
176 20 Kangxi radical 39 緣此現生子男羅云
177 20 pellet; something small and hard 緣此現生子男羅云
178 20 master 緣此現生子男羅云
179 20 viscount 緣此現生子男羅云
180 20 zi you; your honor 緣此現生子男羅云
181 20 masters 緣此現生子男羅云
182 20 person 緣此現生子男羅云
183 20 young 緣此現生子男羅云
184 20 seed 緣此現生子男羅云
185 20 subordinate; subsidiary 緣此現生子男羅云
186 20 a copper coin 緣此現生子男羅云
187 20 female dragonfly 緣此現生子男羅云
188 20 constituent 緣此現生子男羅云
189 20 offspring; descendants 緣此現生子男羅云
190 20 dear 緣此現生子男羅云
191 20 little one 緣此現生子男羅云
192 20 son; putra 緣此現生子男羅云
193 20 offspring; tanaya 緣此現生子男羅云
194 20 zhòng many; numerous 發起眾念
195 20 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 發起眾念
196 20 zhòng general; common; public 發起眾念
197 19 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
198 19 lìng to issue a command 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
199 19 lìng rules of behavior; customs 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
200 19 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
201 19 lìng a season 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
202 19 lìng respected; good reputation 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
203 19 lìng good 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
204 19 lìng pretentious 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
205 19 lìng a transcending state of existence 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
206 19 lìng a commander 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
207 19 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
208 19 lìng lyrics 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
209 19 lìng Ling 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
210 19 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
211 19 Kangxi radical 132 以恩愛情自煩惱者
212 19 Zi 以恩愛情自煩惱者
213 19 a nose 以恩愛情自煩惱者
214 19 the beginning; the start 以恩愛情自煩惱者
215 19 origin 以恩愛情自煩惱者
216 19 to employ; to use 以恩愛情自煩惱者
217 19 to be 以恩愛情自煩惱者
218 19 self; soul; ātman 以恩愛情自煩惱者
219 19 fēi Kangxi radical 175 菩薩非男
220 19 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 菩薩非男
221 19 fēi different 菩薩非男
222 19 fēi to not be; to not have 菩薩非男
223 19 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 菩薩非男
224 19 fēi Africa 菩薩非男
225 19 fēi to slander 菩薩非男
226 19 fěi to avoid 菩薩非男
227 19 fēi must 菩薩非男
228 19 fēi an error 菩薩非男
229 19 fēi a problem; a question 菩薩非男
230 19 fēi evil 菩薩非男
231 19 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
232 19 zuì fault; error 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
233 19 zuì hardship; suffering 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
234 19 zuì to blame; to accuse 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
235 19 zuì punishment 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
236 19 zuì transgression; āpatti 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
237 19 zuì sin; agha 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
238 18 xìng family name; surname 族姓子
239 18 xìng to have the surname 族姓子
240 18 xìng life 族姓子
241 18 xìng a government official 族姓子
242 18 xìng common people 族姓子
243 18 xìng descendents 族姓子
244 18 xìng a household; a clan 族姓子
245 18 xìng family name; lineage; gotra 族姓子
246 18 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
247 18 děi to want to; to need to 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
248 18 děi must; ought to 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
249 18 de 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
250 18 de infix potential marker 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
251 18 to result in 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
252 18 to be proper; to fit; to suit 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
253 18 to be satisfied 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
254 18 to be finished 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
255 18 děi satisfying 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
256 18 to contract 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
257 18 to hear 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
258 18 to have; there is 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
259 18 marks time passed 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
260 18 obtain; attain; prāpta 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
261 18 ya 則非義也
262 17 xīn heart [organ] 心自念言
263 17 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心自念言
264 17 xīn mind; consciousness 心自念言
265 17 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心自念言
266 17 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心自念言
267 17 xīn heart 心自念言
268 17 xīn emotion 心自念言
269 17 xīn intention; consideration 心自念言
270 17 xīn disposition; temperament 心自念言
271 17 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心自念言
272 17 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心自念言
273 17 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心自念言
274 17 a family clan 族姓子
275 17 an ethnic group; a tribe 族姓子
276 17 a family 族姓子
277 17 a group of the same kind 族姓子
278 17 average; prepresentative of a kind 族姓子
279 17 kill an entire clan as punishment 族姓子
280 17 complex 族姓子
281 17 to wipe out 族姓子
282 17 lineage; gotra 族姓子
283 17 諸天 zhū tiān devas 何故菩薩在兜術天勸化諸天
284 16 xíng to walk 歡喜行安
285 16 xíng capable; competent 歡喜行安
286 16 háng profession 歡喜行安
287 16 xíng Kangxi radical 144 歡喜行安
288 16 xíng to travel 歡喜行安
289 16 xìng actions; conduct 歡喜行安
290 16 xíng to do; to act; to practice 歡喜行安
291 16 xíng all right; OK; okay 歡喜行安
292 16 háng horizontal line 歡喜行安
293 16 héng virtuous deeds 歡喜行安
294 16 hàng a line of trees 歡喜行安
295 16 hàng bold; steadfast 歡喜行安
296 16 xíng to move 歡喜行安
297 16 xíng to put into effect; to implement 歡喜行安
298 16 xíng travel 歡喜行安
299 16 xíng to circulate 歡喜行安
300 16 xíng running script; running script 歡喜行安
301 16 xíng temporary 歡喜行安
302 16 háng rank; order 歡喜行安
303 16 háng a business; a shop 歡喜行安
304 16 xíng to depart; to leave 歡喜行安
305 16 xíng to experience 歡喜行安
306 16 xíng path; way 歡喜行安
307 16 xíng xing; ballad 歡喜行安
308 16 xíng Xing 歡喜行安
309 16 xíng Practice 歡喜行安
310 16 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 歡喜行安
311 16 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 歡喜行安
312 16 Wu 設吾今歎迦葉如來道之功德
313 16 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又是菩薩本願所致
314 16 huì intelligent; clever 佛語慧上
315 16 huì mental ability; intellect 佛語慧上
316 16 huì wisdom; understanding 佛語慧上
317 16 huì Wisdom 佛語慧上
318 16 huì wisdom; prajna 佛語慧上
319 16 huì intellect; mati 佛語慧上
320 15 xué to study; to learn 吾等出家亦當請學
321 15 xué to imitate 吾等出家亦當請學
322 15 xué a school; an academy 吾等出家亦當請學
323 15 xué to understand 吾等出家亦當請學
324 15 xué learning; acquired knowledge 吾等出家亦當請學
325 15 xué learned 吾等出家亦當請學
326 15 xué student; learning; śikṣā 吾等出家亦當請學
327 15 xué a learner 吾等出家亦當請學
328 15 所以者何 suǒ yǐ zhě hé Why is that? 所以者何
329 15 extra; surplus 現有餘殃勤苦之行
330 15 odd; surplus over a round number 現有餘殃勤苦之行
331 15 to remain 現有餘殃勤苦之行
332 15 other 現有餘殃勤苦之行
333 15 additional; complementary 現有餘殃勤苦之行
334 15 remaining 現有餘殃勤苦之行
335 15 incomplete 現有餘殃勤苦之行
336 15 Yu 現有餘殃勤苦之行
337 15 other; anya 現有餘殃勤苦之行
338 15 yàn flame; blaze 一名焰花
339 15 yàn power; influence 一名焰花
340 15 yàn flame; ādīpta 一名焰花
341 15 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 世尊道德權慧乃爾
342 15 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 世尊道德權慧乃爾
343 14 idea 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
344 14 Italy (abbreviation) 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
345 14 a wish; a desire; intention 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
346 14 mood; feeling 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
347 14 will; willpower; determination 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
348 14 bearing; spirit 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
349 14 to think of; to long for; to miss 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
350 14 to anticipate; to expect 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
351 14 to doubt; to suspect 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
352 14 meaning 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
353 14 a suggestion; a hint 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
354 14 an understanding; a point of view 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
355 14 Yi 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
356 14 manas; mind; mentation 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
357 14 xiàn to appear; to manifest; to become visible 感諸群生為現德本
358 14 xiàn at present 感諸群生為現德本
359 14 xiàn existing at the present time 感諸群生為現德本
360 14 xiàn cash 感諸群生為現德本
361 14 xiàn to manifest; prādur 感諸群生為現德本
362 14 xiàn to manifest; prādur 感諸群生為現德本
363 14 xiàn the present time 感諸群生為現德本
364 14 to reach 有五親友及五百弟子
365 14 to attain 有五親友及五百弟子
366 14 to understand 有五親友及五百弟子
367 14 able to be compared to; to catch up with 有五親友及五百弟子
368 14 to be involved with; to associate with 有五親友及五百弟子
369 14 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 有五親友及五百弟子
370 14 and; ca; api 有五親友及五百弟子
371 13 dào way; road; path 隨至成佛道
372 13 dào principle; a moral; morality 隨至成佛道
373 13 dào Tao; the Way 隨至成佛道
374 13 dào to say; to speak; to talk 隨至成佛道
375 13 dào to think 隨至成佛道
376 13 dào circuit; a province 隨至成佛道
377 13 dào a course; a channel 隨至成佛道
378 13 dào a method; a way of doing something 隨至成佛道
379 13 dào a doctrine 隨至成佛道
380 13 dào Taoism; Daoism 隨至成佛道
381 13 dào a skill 隨至成佛道
382 13 dào a sect 隨至成佛道
383 13 dào a line 隨至成佛道
384 13 dào Way 隨至成佛道
385 13 dào way; path; marga 隨至成佛道
386 13 使 shǐ to make; to cause 又復欲使皇后見之
387 13 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 又復欲使皇后見之
388 13 使 shǐ to indulge 又復欲使皇后見之
389 13 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 又復欲使皇后見之
390 13 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 又復欲使皇后見之
391 13 使 shǐ to dispatch 又復欲使皇后見之
392 13 使 shǐ to use 又復欲使皇后見之
393 13 使 shǐ to be able to 又復欲使皇后見之
394 13 使 shǐ messenger; dūta 又復欲使皇后見之
395 13 gào to tell; to say; said; told 佛告慧上
396 13 gào to request 佛告慧上
397 13 gào to report; to inform 佛告慧上
398 13 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 佛告慧上
399 13 gào to accuse; to sue 佛告慧上
400 13 gào to reach 佛告慧上
401 13 gào an announcement 佛告慧上
402 13 gào a party 佛告慧上
403 13 gào a vacation 佛告慧上
404 13 gào Gao 佛告慧上
405 13 gào to tell; jalp 佛告慧上
406 13 huā Hua 一名焰花
407 13 huā flower 一名焰花
408 13 huā to spend (money, time) 一名焰花
409 13 huā a flower shaped object 一名焰花
410 13 huā a beautiful female 一名焰花
411 13 huā having flowers 一名焰花
412 13 huā having a decorative pattern 一名焰花
413 13 huā having a a variety 一名焰花
414 13 huā false; empty 一名焰花
415 13 huā indistinct; fuzzy 一名焰花
416 13 huā excited 一名焰花
417 13 huā to flower 一名焰花
418 13 huā flower; puṣpa 一名焰花
419 13 method; way 故廣敷演清白之法
420 13 France 故廣敷演清白之法
421 13 the law; rules; regulations 故廣敷演清白之法
422 13 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 故廣敷演清白之法
423 13 a standard; a norm 故廣敷演清白之法
424 13 an institution 故廣敷演清白之法
425 13 to emulate 故廣敷演清白之法
426 13 magic; a magic trick 故廣敷演清白之法
427 13 punishment 故廣敷演清白之法
428 13 Fa 故廣敷演清白之法
429 13 a precedent 故廣敷演清白之法
430 13 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 故廣敷演清白之法
431 13 relating to a ceremony or rite 故廣敷演清白之法
432 13 Dharma 故廣敷演清白之法
433 13 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 故廣敷演清白之法
434 13 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 故廣敷演清白之法
435 13 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 故廣敷演清白之法
436 13 quality; characteristic 故廣敷演清白之法
437 13 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 有五親友及五百弟子
438 13 弟子 dìzi youngster 有五親友及五百弟子
439 13 弟子 dìzi prostitute 有五親友及五百弟子
440 13 弟子 dìzi believer 有五親友及五百弟子
441 13 弟子 dìzi disciple 有五親友及五百弟子
442 13 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 有五親友及五百弟子
443 13 niàn to read aloud 菩薩有念
444 13 niàn to remember; to expect 菩薩有念
445 13 niàn to miss 菩薩有念
446 13 niàn to consider 菩薩有念
447 13 niàn to recite; to chant 菩薩有念
448 13 niàn to show affection for 菩薩有念
449 13 niàn a thought; an idea 菩薩有念
450 13 niàn twenty 菩薩有念
451 13 niàn memory 菩薩有念
452 13 niàn an instant 菩薩有念
453 13 niàn Nian 菩薩有念
454 13 niàn mindfulness; smrti 菩薩有念
455 13 niàn a thought; citta 菩薩有念
456 12 horse 今五百馬者
457 12 Kangxi radical 187 今五百馬者
458 12 Ma 今五百馬者
459 12 historic tool for tallying numbers 今五百馬者
460 12 horse; haya 今五百馬者
461 12 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 志慕永異
462 12 zhì to write down; to record 志慕永異
463 12 zhì Zhi 志慕永異
464 12 zhì a written record; a treatise 志慕永異
465 12 zhì to remember 志慕永異
466 12 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 志慕永異
467 12 zhì a birthmark; a mole 志慕永異
468 12 zhì determination; will 志慕永異
469 12 zhì a magazine 志慕永異
470 12 zhì to measure; to weigh 志慕永異
471 12 zhì aspiration 志慕永異
472 12 zhì Aspiration 志慕永異
473 12 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 志慕永異
474 12 jiàn to see 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
475 12 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
476 12 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
477 12 jiàn refer to; for details see 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
478 12 jiàn to listen to 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
479 12 jiàn to meet 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
480 12 jiàn to receive (a guest) 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
481 12 jiàn let me; kindly 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
482 12 jiàn Jian 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
483 12 xiàn to appear 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
484 12 xiàn to introduce 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
485 12 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
486 12 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 適見菩薩澹然清淨如明月珠
487 12 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 髠頭沙門耳
488 12 沙門 shāmén sramana 髠頭沙門耳
489 12 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 髠頭沙門耳
490 12 Kangxi radical 49 適相見已
491 12 to bring to an end; to stop 適相見已
492 12 to complete 適相見已
493 12 to demote; to dismiss 適相見已
494 12 to recover from an illness 適相見已
495 12 former; pūrvaka 適相見已
496 12 jīn today; present; now 今且聽
497 12 jīn Jin 今且聽
498 12 jīn modern 今且聽
499 12 jīn now; adhunā 今且聽
500 12 to enter 焰花學志以權方便入斯志類

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1081

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 79 如來 rúlái Tathagata 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
2 79 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
3 79 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 嗟嘆迦葉如來功德
4 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
5 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
6 78 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 何故菩薩而有室娶
7 72 zhī him; her; them; that 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
8 72 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
9 72 zhī to go 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
10 72 zhī this; that 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
11 72 zhī genetive marker 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
12 72 zhī it 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
13 72 zhī in; in regards to 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
14 72 zhī all 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
15 72 zhī and 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
16 72 zhī however 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
17 72 zhī if 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
18 72 zhī then 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
19 72 zhī to arrive; to go 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
20 72 zhī is 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
21 72 zhī to use 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
22 72 zhī Zhi 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
23 72 zhī winding 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
24 65 wèi for; to 其於離欲則為正士
25 65 wèi because of 其於離欲則為正士
26 65 wéi to act as; to serve 其於離欲則為正士
27 65 wéi to change into; to become 其於離欲則為正士
28 65 wéi to be; is 其於離欲則為正士
29 65 wéi to do 其於離欲則為正士
30 65 wèi for 其於離欲則為正士
31 65 wèi because of; for; to 其於離欲則為正士
32 65 wèi to 其於離欲則為正士
33 65 wéi in a passive construction 其於離欲則為正士
34 65 wéi forming a rehetorical question 其於離欲則為正士
35 65 wéi forming an adverb 其於離欲則為正士
36 65 wéi to add emphasis 其於離欲則為正士
37 65 wèi to support; to help 其於離欲則為正士
38 65 wéi to govern 其於離欲則為正士
39 65 wèi to be; bhū 其於離欲則為正士
40 55 shì is; are; am; to be 又是菩薩本願所致
41 55 shì is exactly 又是菩薩本願所致
42 55 shì is suitable; is in contrast 又是菩薩本願所致
43 55 shì this; that; those 又是菩薩本願所致
44 55 shì really; certainly 又是菩薩本願所致
45 55 shì correct; yes; affirmative 又是菩薩本願所致
46 55 shì true 又是菩薩本願所致
47 55 shì is; has; exists 又是菩薩本願所致
48 55 shì used between repetitions of a word 又是菩薩本願所致
49 55 shì a matter; an affair 又是菩薩本願所致
50 55 shì Shi 又是菩薩本願所致
51 55 shì is; bhū 又是菩薩本願所致
52 55 shì this; idam 又是菩薩本願所致
53 54 Buddha; Awakened One 云何為佛
54 54 relating to Buddhism 云何為佛
55 54 a statue or image of a Buddha 云何為佛
56 54 a Buddhist text 云何為佛
57 54 to touch; to stroke 云何為佛
58 54 Buddha 云何為佛
59 54 Buddha; Awakened One 云何為佛
60 48 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 假使菩薩化於所化
61 48 suǒ an office; an institute 假使菩薩化於所化
62 48 suǒ introduces a relative clause 假使菩薩化於所化
63 48 suǒ it 假使菩薩化於所化
64 48 suǒ if; supposing 假使菩薩化於所化
65 48 suǒ a few; various; some 假使菩薩化於所化
66 48 suǒ a place; a location 假使菩薩化於所化
67 48 suǒ indicates a passive voice 假使菩薩化於所化
68 48 suǒ that which 假使菩薩化於所化
69 48 suǒ an ordinal number 假使菩薩化於所化
70 48 suǒ meaning 假使菩薩化於所化
71 48 suǒ garrison 假使菩薩化於所化
72 48 suǒ place; pradeśa 假使菩薩化於所化
73 48 suǒ that which; yad 假使菩薩化於所化
74 41 not; no 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
75 41 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
76 41 as a correlative 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
77 41 no (answering a question) 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
78 41 forms a negative adjective from a noun 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
79 41 at the end of a sentence to form a question 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
80 41 to form a yes or no question 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
81 41 infix potential marker 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
82 41 no; na 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
83 41 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
84 41 old; ancient; former; past 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
85 41 reason; cause; purpose 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
86 41 to die 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
87 41 so; therefore; hence 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
88 41 original 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
89 41 accident; happening; instance 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
90 41 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
91 41 something in the past 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
92 41 deceased; dead 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
93 41 still; yet 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
94 41 therefore; tasmāt 故納瞿夷釋氏之女
95 38 yǒu is; are; to exist 何故菩薩而有室娶
96 38 yǒu to have; to possess 何故菩薩而有室娶
97 38 yǒu indicates an estimate 何故菩薩而有室娶
98 38 yǒu indicates a large quantity 何故菩薩而有室娶
99 38 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 何故菩薩而有室娶
100 38 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 何故菩薩而有室娶
101 38 yǒu used to compare two things 何故菩薩而有室娶
102 38 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 何故菩薩而有室娶
103 38 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 何故菩薩而有室娶
104 38 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 何故菩薩而有室娶
105 38 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 何故菩薩而有室娶
106 38 yǒu abundant 何故菩薩而有室娶
107 38 yǒu purposeful 何故菩薩而有室娶
108 38 yǒu You 何故菩薩而有室娶
109 38 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 何故菩薩而有室娶
110 38 yǒu becoming; bhava 何故菩薩而有室娶
111 37 shí time; a point or period of time 又菩薩本始學道時
112 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 又菩薩本始學道時
113 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 又菩薩本始學道時
114 37 shí at that time 又菩薩本始學道時
115 37 shí fashionable 又菩薩本始學道時
116 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 又菩薩本始學道時
117 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 又菩薩本始學道時
118 37 shí tense 又菩薩本始學道時
119 37 shí particular; special 又菩薩本始學道時
120 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 又菩薩本始學道時
121 37 shí hour (measure word) 又菩薩本始學道時
122 37 shí an era; a dynasty 又菩薩本始學道時
123 37 shí time [abstract] 又菩薩本始學道時
124 37 shí seasonal 又菩薩本始學道時
125 37 shí frequently; often 又菩薩本始學道時
126 37 shí occasionally; sometimes 又菩薩本始學道時
127 37 shí on time 又菩薩本始學道時
128 37 shí this; that 又菩薩本始學道時
129 37 shí to wait upon 又菩薩本始學道時
130 37 shí hour 又菩薩本始學道時
131 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 又菩薩本始學道時
132 37 shí Shi 又菩薩本始學道時
133 37 shí a present; currentlt 又菩薩本始學道時
134 37 shí time; kāla 又菩薩本始學道時
135 37 shí at that time; samaya 又菩薩本始學道時
136 37 shí then; atha 又菩薩本始學道時
137 37 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 會當捨家
138 37 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 會當捨家
139 37 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 會當捨家
140 37 dāng to face 會當捨家
141 37 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 會當捨家
142 37 dāng to manage; to host 會當捨家
143 37 dāng should 會當捨家
144 37 dāng to treat; to regard as 會當捨家
145 37 dǎng to think 會當捨家
146 37 dàng suitable; correspond to 會當捨家
147 37 dǎng to be equal 會當捨家
148 37 dàng that 會當捨家
149 37 dāng an end; top 會當捨家
150 37 dàng clang; jingle 會當捨家
151 37 dāng to judge 會當捨家
152 37 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 會當捨家
153 37 dàng the same 會當捨家
154 37 dàng to pawn 會當捨家
155 37 dàng to fail [an exam] 會當捨家
156 37 dàng a trap 會當捨家
157 37 dàng a pawned item 會當捨家
158 37 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 會當捨家
159 36 his; hers; its; theirs 其於離欲則為正士
160 36 to add emphasis 其於離欲則為正士
161 36 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其於離欲則為正士
162 36 used when making a request or giving an order 其於離欲則為正士
163 36 he; her; it; them 其於離欲則為正士
164 36 probably; likely 其於離欲則為正士
165 36 will 其於離欲則為正士
166 36 may 其於離欲則為正士
167 36 if 其於離欲則為正士
168 36 or 其於離欲則為正士
169 36 Qi 其於離欲則為正士
170 36 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其於離欲則為正士
171 34 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 假論羅云胞胎生者
172 34 zhě that 假論羅云胞胎生者
173 34 zhě nominalizing function word 假論羅云胞胎生者
174 34 zhě used to mark a definition 假論羅云胞胎生者
175 34 zhě used to mark a pause 假論羅云胞胎生者
176 34 zhě topic marker; that; it 假論羅云胞胎生者
177 34 zhuó according to 假論羅云胞胎生者
178 34 zhě ca 假論羅云胞胎生者
179 34 so as to; in order to 以故菩薩現有眷屬
180 34 to use; to regard as 以故菩薩現有眷屬
181 34 to use; to grasp 以故菩薩現有眷屬
182 34 according to 以故菩薩現有眷屬
183 34 because of 以故菩薩現有眷屬
184 34 on a certain date 以故菩薩現有眷屬
185 34 and; as well as 以故菩薩現有眷屬
186 34 to rely on 以故菩薩現有眷屬
187 34 to regard 以故菩薩現有眷屬
188 34 to be able to 以故菩薩現有眷屬
189 34 to order; to command 以故菩薩現有眷屬
190 34 further; moreover 以故菩薩現有眷屬
191 34 used after a verb 以故菩薩現有眷屬
192 34 very 以故菩薩現有眷屬
193 34 already 以故菩薩現有眷屬
194 34 increasingly 以故菩薩現有眷屬
195 34 a reason; a cause 以故菩薩現有眷屬
196 34 Israel 以故菩薩現有眷屬
197 34 Yi 以故菩薩現有眷屬
198 34 use; yogena 以故菩薩現有眷屬
199 33 otherwise; but; however 其於離欲則為正士
200 33 then 其於離欲則為正士
201 33 measure word for short sections of text 其於離欲則為正士
202 33 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 其於離欲則為正士
203 33 a grade; a level 其於離欲則為正士
204 33 an example; a model 其於離欲則為正士
205 33 a weighing device 其於離欲則為正士
206 33 to grade; to rank 其於離欲則為正士
207 33 to copy; to imitate; to follow 其於離欲則為正士
208 33 to do 其於離欲則為正士
209 33 only 其於離欲則為正士
210 33 immediately 其於離欲則為正士
211 33 then; moreover; atha 其於離欲則為正士
212 33 koan; kōan; gong'an 其於離欲則為正士
213 32 善權方便 shànquán fāngbiàn upāya-kauśalya; skill in means 是為菩薩善權方便
214 30 rén person; people; a human being 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
215 30 rén Kangxi radical 9 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
216 30 rén a kind of person 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
217 30 rén everybody 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
218 30 rén adult 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
219 30 rén somebody; others 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
220 30 rén an upright person 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
221 30 rén person; manuṣya 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
222 29 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 何故菩薩而有室娶
223 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 何故菩薩而有室娶
224 29 ér you 何故菩薩而有室娶
225 29 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 何故菩薩而有室娶
226 29 ér right away; then 何故菩薩而有室娶
227 29 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 何故菩薩而有室娶
228 29 ér if; in case; in the event that 何故菩薩而有室娶
229 29 ér therefore; as a result; thus 何故菩薩而有室娶
230 29 ér how can it be that? 何故菩薩而有室娶
231 29 ér so as to 何故菩薩而有室娶
232 29 ér only then 何故菩薩而有室娶
233 29 ér as if; to seem like 何故菩薩而有室娶
234 29 néng can; able 何故菩薩而有室娶
235 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 何故菩薩而有室娶
236 29 ér me 何故菩薩而有室娶
237 29 ér to arrive; up to 何故菩薩而有室娶
238 29 ér possessive 何故菩薩而有室娶
239 29 ér and; ca 何故菩薩而有室娶
240 28 in; at 其於離欲則為正士
241 28 in; at 其於離欲則為正士
242 28 in; at; to; from 其於離欲則為正士
243 28 to go; to 其於離欲則為正士
244 28 to rely on; to depend on 其於離欲則為正士
245 28 to go to; to arrive at 其於離欲則為正士
246 28 from 其於離欲則為正士
247 28 give 其於離欲則為正士
248 28 oppposing 其於離欲則為正士
249 28 and 其於離欲則為正士
250 28 compared to 其於離欲則為正士
251 28 by 其於離欲則為正士
252 28 and; as well as 其於離欲則為正士
253 28 for 其於離欲則為正士
254 28 Yu 其於離欲則為正士
255 28 a crow 其於離欲則為正士
256 28 whew; wow 其於離欲則為正士
257 28 near to; antike 其於離欲則為正士
258 28 yāng misfortune; disaster; calamity 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
259 28 yāng to injure; to devastate 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
260 27 desire 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
261 27 to desire; to wish 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
262 27 almost; nearly; about to occur 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
263 27 to desire; to intend 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
264 27 lust 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
265 27 desire; intention; wish; kāma 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
266 27 五百 wǔ bǎi five hundred 有五親友及五百弟子
267 27 五百 wǔ bǎi five hundred; pañcaśata 有五親友及五百弟子
268 26 also; too 吾等出家亦當請學
269 26 but 吾等出家亦當請學
270 26 this; he; she 吾等出家亦當請學
271 26 although; even though 吾等出家亦當請學
272 26 already 吾等出家亦當請學
273 26 particle with no meaning 吾等出家亦當請學
274 26 Yi 吾等出家亦當請學
275 25 this 斯黃門耳
276 25 to split; to tear 斯黃門耳
277 25 thus; such 斯黃門耳
278 25 to depart; to leave 斯黃門耳
279 25 otherwise; but; however 斯黃門耳
280 25 possessive particle 斯黃門耳
281 25 question particle 斯黃門耳
282 25 sigh 斯黃門耳
283 25 is; are 斯黃門耳
284 25 all; every 斯黃門耳
285 25 Si 斯黃門耳
286 25 this; etad 斯黃門耳
287 24 no 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
288 24 Kangxi radical 71 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
289 24 to not have; without 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
290 24 has not yet 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
291 24 mo 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
292 24 do not 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
293 24 not; -less; un- 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
294 24 regardless of 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
295 24 to not have 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
296 24 um 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
297 24 Wu 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
298 24 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
299 24 not; non- 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
300 24 mo 菩薩無欲不尚配匹
301 23 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 極樂事皆當捨棄
302 23 jiē same; equally 極樂事皆當捨棄
303 23 jiē all; sarva 極樂事皆當捨棄
304 23 何故 hégù what reason 何故菩薩而有室娶
305 22 zhū all; many; various 其諸婇女
306 22 zhū Zhu 其諸婇女
307 22 zhū all; members of the class 其諸婇女
308 22 zhū interrogative particle 其諸婇女
309 22 zhū him; her; them; it 其諸婇女
310 22 zhū of; in 其諸婇女
311 22 zhū all; many; sarva 其諸婇女
312 22 huà to make into; to change into; to transform 假使菩薩化於所化
313 22 huà -ization 假使菩薩化於所化
314 22 huà to convert; to persuade 假使菩薩化於所化
315 22 huà to manifest 假使菩薩化於所化
316 22 huà to collect alms 假使菩薩化於所化
317 22 huà [of Nature] to create 假使菩薩化於所化
318 22 huà to die 假使菩薩化於所化
319 22 huà to dissolve; to melt 假使菩薩化於所化
320 22 huà to revert to a previous custom 假使菩薩化於所化
321 22 huà chemistry 假使菩薩化於所化
322 22 huà to burn 假使菩薩化於所化
323 22 huā to spend 假使菩薩化於所化
324 22 huà to manifest 假使菩薩化於所化
325 22 huà to convert 假使菩薩化於所化
326 21 hair 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
327 21 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
328 21 round 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
329 21 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
330 21 to express; to show; to be manifest 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
331 21 to start out; to set off 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
332 21 to open 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
333 21 to requisition 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
334 21 to occur 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
335 21 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
336 21 to express; to give vent 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
337 21 to excavate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
338 21 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
339 21 to get rich 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
340 21 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
341 21 to sell 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
342 21 to shoot with a bow 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
343 21 to rise in revolt 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
344 21 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
345 21 to enlighten; to inspire 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
346 21 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
347 21 to ignite; to set on fire 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
348 21 to sing; to play 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
349 21 to feel; to sense 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
350 21 to act; to do 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
351 21 grass and moss 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
352 21 Fa 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
353 21 to issue; to emit; utpāda 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
354 21 hair; keśa 中宮婇女四萬二千人發無上正真道意
355 21 yán to speak; to say; said 或有人言
356 21 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 或有人言
357 21 yán Kangxi radical 149 或有人言
358 21 yán a particle with no meaning 或有人言
359 21 yán phrase; sentence 或有人言
360 21 yán a word; a syllable 或有人言
361 21 yán a theory; a doctrine 或有人言
362 21 yán to regard as 或有人言
363 21 yán to act as 或有人言
364 21 yán word; vacana 或有人言
365 21 yán speak; vad 或有人言
366 20 lái to come 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
367 20 lái indicates an approximate quantity 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
368 20 lái please 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
369 20 lái used to substitute for another verb 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
370 20 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
371 20 lái ever since 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
372 20 lái wheat 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
373 20 lái next; future 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
374 20 lái a simple complement of direction 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
375 20 lái to occur; to arise 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
376 20 lái to earn 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
377 20 lái to come; āgata 菩薩昔從錠光佛來
378 20 child; son 緣此現生子男羅云
379 20 egg; newborn 緣此現生子男羅云
380 20 first earthly branch 緣此現生子男羅云
381 20 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 緣此現生子男羅云
382 20 Kangxi radical 39 緣此現生子男羅云
383 20 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 緣此現生子男羅云
384 20 pellet; something small and hard 緣此現生子男羅云
385 20 master 緣此現生子男羅云
386 20 viscount 緣此現生子男羅云
387 20 zi you; your honor 緣此現生子男羅云
388 20 masters 緣此現生子男羅云
389 20 person 緣此現生子男羅云
390 20 young 緣此現生子男羅云
391 20 seed 緣此現生子男羅云
392 20 subordinate; subsidiary 緣此現生子男羅云
393 20 a copper coin 緣此現生子男羅云
394 20 bundle 緣此現生子男羅云
395 20 female dragonfly 緣此現生子男羅云
396 20 constituent 緣此現生子男羅云
397 20 offspring; descendants 緣此現生子男羅云
398 20 dear 緣此現生子男羅云
399 20 little one 緣此現生子男羅云
400 20 son; putra 緣此現生子男羅云
401 20 offspring; tanaya 緣此現生子男羅云
402 20 zhòng many; numerous 發起眾念
403 20 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 發起眾念
404 20 zhòng general; common; public 發起眾念
405 20 zhòng many; all; sarva 發起眾念
406 19 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
407 19 lìng to issue a command 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
408 19 lìng rules of behavior; customs 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
409 19 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
410 19 lìng a season 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
411 19 lìng respected; good reputation 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
412 19 lìng good 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
413 19 lìng pretentious 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
414 19 lìng a transcending state of existence 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
415 19 lìng a commander 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
416 19 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
417 19 lìng lyrics 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
418 19 lìng Ling 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
419 19 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 化七十億諸所天子令發道意
420 19 naturally; of course; certainly 以恩愛情自煩惱者
421 19 from; since 以恩愛情自煩惱者
422 19 self; oneself; itself 以恩愛情自煩惱者
423 19 Kangxi radical 132 以恩愛情自煩惱者
424 19 Zi 以恩愛情自煩惱者
425 19 a nose 以恩愛情自煩惱者
426 19 the beginning; the start 以恩愛情自煩惱者
427 19 origin 以恩愛情自煩惱者
428 19 originally 以恩愛情自煩惱者
429 19 still; to remain 以恩愛情自煩惱者
430 19 in person; personally 以恩愛情自煩惱者
431 19 in addition; besides 以恩愛情自煩惱者
432 19 if; even if 以恩愛情自煩惱者
433 19 but 以恩愛情自煩惱者
434 19 because 以恩愛情自煩惱者
435 19 to employ; to use 以恩愛情自煩惱者
436 19 to be 以恩愛情自煩惱者
437 19 own; one's own; oneself 以恩愛情自煩惱者
438 19 self; soul; ātman 以恩愛情自煩惱者
439 19 fēi not; non-; un- 菩薩非男
440 19 fēi Kangxi radical 175 菩薩非男
441 19 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 菩薩非男
442 19 fēi different 菩薩非男
443 19 fēi to not be; to not have 菩薩非男
444 19 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 菩薩非男
445 19 fēi Africa 菩薩非男
446 19 fēi to slander 菩薩非男
447 19 fěi to avoid 菩薩非男
448 19 fēi must 菩薩非男
449 19 fēi an error 菩薩非男
450 19 fēi a problem; a question 菩薩非男
451 19 fēi evil 菩薩非男
452 19 fēi besides; except; unless 菩薩非男
453 19 fēi not 菩薩非男
454 19 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
455 19 zuì fault; error 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
456 19 zuì hardship; suffering 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
457 19 zuì to blame; to accuse 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
458 19 zuì punishment 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
459 19 zuì transgression; āpatti 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
460 19 zuì sin; agha 為諸菩薩有殃罪故
461 18 xìng family name; surname 族姓子
462 18 xìng to have the surname 族姓子
463 18 xìng life 族姓子
464 18 xìng a government official 族姓子
465 18 xìng common people 族姓子
466 18 xìng descendents 族姓子
467 18 xìng a household; a clan 族姓子
468 18 xìng family name; lineage; gotra 族姓子
469 18 de potential marker 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
470 18 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
471 18 děi must; ought to 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
472 18 děi to want to; to need to 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
473 18 děi must; ought to 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
474 18 de 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
475 18 de infix potential marker 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
476 18 to result in 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
477 18 to be proper; to fit; to suit 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
478 18 to be satisfied 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
479 18 to be finished 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
480 18 de result of degree 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
481 18 de marks completion of an action 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
482 18 děi satisfying 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
483 18 to contract 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
484 18 marks permission or possibility 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
485 18 expressing frustration 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
486 18 to hear 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
487 18 to have; there is 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
488 18 marks time passed 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
489 18 obtain; attain; prāpta 五大梵志五百弟子皆得不起法忍
490 18 also; too 則非義也
491 18 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 則非義也
492 18 either 則非義也
493 18 even 則非義也
494 18 used to soften the tone 則非義也
495 18 used for emphasis 則非義也
496 18 used to mark contrast 則非義也
497 18 used to mark compromise 則非義也
498 18 ya 則非義也
499 17 xīn heart [organ] 心自念言
500 17 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心自念言


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
如来 如來
  1. Rúlái
  2. rúlái
  1. Tathagata
  2. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
菩萨 菩薩
  1. púsà
  2. púsà
  1. bodhisattva
  2. bodhisattva
wèi to be; bhū
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
no; na
therefore; tasmāt
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. shí
  2. shí
  3. shí
  1. time; kāla
  2. at that time; samaya
  3. then; atha

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
白净王 白淨王 98 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana
不退转 不退轉 98
  1. never regress or change
  2. avaivartika; non-retrogression
车匿 車匿 99 Channa; Chandaka
大迦叶 大迦葉 100 Mahakasyapa; Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
大梵 100 Mahabrahma; Brahma
大目揵连 大目揵連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
锭光佛 錠光佛 100 Dipankara Buddha
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
兜术天 兜術天 100 Tusita
多利 100 Dolly
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
法王 102
  1. King of the Law; Dharma King
  2. Dharmaraja (Thailand)
  3. Dharma King
  4. Dharmaraja; Dharma King
法藏 102
  1. Dharma Treasure
  2. sūtra repository; sūtra hall
  3. Fazang
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
慧上菩萨问大善权经 慧上菩薩問大善權經 104 sūtra on the Questions by Jñānottara Bodhisattva on the Means for Great Good
慧力 72
  1. power of wisdom
  2. Huili
慧上菩萨 慧上菩薩 104 Jñānottara Bodhisattva
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
迦叶佛 迦葉佛 106 Kasyapa Buddha; Kassapa Buddha
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
瞿夷 106 Gautami; Gautamī; Gotami; Gotamī
罗云 羅雲 108
  1. Rahula
  2. Luoyun
  3. Rāhula
魔波旬 109 Māra-Pāpīyāms; Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
难提 難提 110 Nandi; Nanda
耆域 113
  1. Qi Yu
  2. jīvaka
仁和 114 Renhe
忍辱度无极 忍辱度無極 114 ksanti-paramita; the paramita of tolerance; the paramita of forbearance
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
刹利 剎利 115 Kṣatriya; Kshatriya; Kashtriya; Ksatriyah
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍夷 115 Śākya
释梵 釋梵 115 Sakra and Brahma; Śakra and Brahmā
释氏 釋氏 115 Sakya clan
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
调达 調達 116 Devadatta
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
无德 無德 119 Shan Zhao; Fenyang Wude
光音天 119 Abhasvara Heaven; The Heaven of Radiant Sound
西晋 西晉 120 Western Jin Dynasty
贤劫 賢劫 120 bhadrakalpa; the present kalpa
像法 120 Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
兴化 興化 120 Xinghua
学道 學道 120
  1. examiner
  2. Learning the Way
阎浮提 閻浮提 121 Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
有子 121 Master You
月氏 121 Yuezhi; Rouzhi; Tokhara; Tokharian
志德 志德 122 Jnanagupta
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
竺法护 竺法護 122 Dharmaraksa
坐佛 122 a seated Buddha


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 171.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱欲 愛欲 195 love and desire; sensuality; kāma
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿须伦 阿須倫 196 asura
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
薄福 98 little merit
本愿 本願 98 prior vow; purvapranidhana
变现 變現 98 to conjure
比丘众 比丘眾 98 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
不还果 不還果 98 the fruit of anāgāmin
不可称 不可稱 98 unequalled
不可称数 不可稱數 98 pass calculation and measure
不可量 98 immeasurable
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
不贪 不貪 98 non-attachment; alobha
成道 99 awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
除愈 99 to heal and recover completely
床座 99 seat; āsana
此等 99 they; eṣā
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大导师 大導師 100
  1. the great teacher
  2. the great guide
当得 當得 100 will reach
当分 當分 100 according to position
道心 100 Mind for the Way
道意 100 intention to attain enlightenment
大人相 100 marks of excellence of a great man
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得近 100 approached; āsannībhūta
德本 100 virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等正觉 等正覺 100 samyaksaṃbodhi; perfect enlightenment
度无极 度無極 100 paramita; perfection
度众生 度眾生 100 to liberate sentient beings
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶友 惡友 195 a bad friend
法忍 102
  1. Dharma Patience
  2. patience attained through Dharma
  3. patience attained through Dharma
法眼净 法眼淨 102
  1. Pure Dharma Eye
  2. purity of the dharma eye; to clearly see the truth
发愿 發願 102
  1. Make a Vow
  2. Making Vows
  3. to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
分卫 分衛 102 alms; piṇḍapāta
佛弟子 102 a disciple of the Buddha
佛如来 佛如來 102 Buddha Tathāgatas
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
佛树 佛樹 102 bodhi tree
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
供佛 103 to make offerings to the Buddha
贡高 貢高 103 proud; arrogant; conceited
观佛 觀佛 103 to contemplate on the Buddha
过去佛 過去佛 103 past Buddhas
恒沙 恆沙 104
  1. sands of the River Ganges
  2. the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
化人 104 a conjured person
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
迦留罗 迦留羅 106 garuda
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
讲经 講經 106
  1. Expounding the Dharma
  2. to teach the sutras
  3. to teach sutras
净居天 淨居天 106 suddhavasa; pure abodes
精进力 精進力 106 unfailing progress; vīryabala
觉意 覺意 106 enlightenment factor; bodhyaṅga
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦行 107
  1. austerity
  2. ascetism; tapas
来世 來世 108 future worlds; the next world; the next life
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
离垢 離垢 108
  1. Undefiled
  2. vimalā; stainless; immaculate
令众生 令眾生 108 lead sentient beings
龙神 龍神 108 dragon spirit
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
魔界 109 Mara's realm
摩纳 摩納 109 māṇava; a youth
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
那术 那術 110 nayuta; a huge number
能仁 110 great in lovingkindness
能化 110 a teacher
念言 110 words from memory
平等心 112 an impartial mind
普观 普觀 112 beheld
普见 普見 112 observe all places
菩萨行 菩薩行 112 bodhisattva-caryā; bodhisattva-carita; bodhisattva practice; actions of bodhisattvas
菩萨大士 菩薩大士 112 bodhisattva-mahāsattva
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
求道 113
  1. Seeking the Way
  2. to seek the Dharma
权方便 權方便 113 upāya; skill in means
权慧 權慧 113 contingent wisdom; skill in means
劝请 勸請 113 to request; to implore
权宜 權宜 113 skill in means
群生 113 all living beings
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
入道 114
  1. to enter the Way
  2. to become a monastic
  3. to begin practicing Buddhism
三法 115
  1. three dharmas
  2. three aspects of the Dharma
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三千大千世界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三十二相 115 the thirty two marks of excellence; the thirty-two characteristic marks
善学 善學 115
  1. well trained
  2. Shan Xue
善权 善權 115 upāyakauśalya; kauśalya; skill in means
善权方便 善權方便 115 upāya-kauśalya; skill in means
舍家 捨家 115 to become a monk or nun
身口意 115 body, speech, and mind
昇天 115 rise to heaven
圣道 聖道 115
  1. the sacred way; spiritual path
  2. The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
施者 115 giver
时众 時眾 115 present company
释种子 釋種子 115 a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
师子吼 師子吼 115 lion’s roar
受者 115 recipient
受决 受決 115 a prophecy
受食 115 one who receives food
说经 說經 115 to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
四部兵 115 four divisions of troups
四部众 四部眾 115 fourfold assembly
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所立 115 thesis; property being proven; sādhyadharma
所行 115 actions; practice
听法 聽法 116 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
通慧 116
  1. supernatural powers and wisdom
  2. Tong Hui
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
未曾有 119
  1. Never Before
  2. never before seen; abdhutadharma
闻经 聞經 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
五大 119 the five elements
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
无上正真道 無上正真道 119 unexcelled complete enlightenment
无始 無始 119 without beginning
无央数 無央數 119 innumerable
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
闲居 閑居 120 a place to rest
现生 現生 120 the present life
贤者 賢者 120 a wise man; a worthy person
心大欢喜 心大歡喜 120 pleased, exultant, ravished, joyous, filled with cheerfulness and delight
以何因缘 以何因緣 121 What is the cause?
疑网 疑網 121 a web of doubt
异学 異學 121 study of non-Buddhist worldviews
阴入 陰入 121 aggregates and sense fields
一切大众 一切大眾 121 all beings
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切经 一切經 121 all scriptures
一三昧 121 single-minded samādhi
医王 醫王 121 king of healers; Medicine King
一音 121
  1. one voice
  2. one sound; the sound of the Buddha
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
欲界 121 realm of desire
远尘离垢 遠塵離垢 121
  1. to be far removed from the dust and defilement of the world
  2. far removed from dust and defilement
怨敌 怨敵 121 an enemy
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
欲取 121 clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
正士 122 correct scholar; bodhisattva
真陀罗 真陀羅 122 kimnara
至真 122 most-true-one; arhat
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
专精 專精 122 single-mindedly and diligently
嘱累 囑累 122 to entrust somebody to carry a burden
紫磨金 122 polished rose gold
自说 自說 122 udāna; expressions
罪福 122 offense and merit
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara