Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus
Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of
terms: 2199.
Simplified |
Traditional |
Pinyin |
English |
爱别离 |
愛別離 |
195 |
being apart from those we love
爱果 |
愛果 |
195 |
the fruit of desire
爱见 |
愛見 |
195 |
attachment to meeting with people
爱结 |
愛結 |
195 |
bond of desire
爱乐 |
愛樂 |
195 |
love and joy
爱语 |
愛語 |
195 |
- loving words
- kind words
爱缘取 |
愛緣取 |
195 |
from craving as a requisite condition comes clinging
爱念 |
愛念 |
195 |
to miss
爱言 |
愛言 |
195 |
kind words
阿伽 |
97 |
scented water; argha
阿练若 |
阿練若 |
196 |
a forest retreat; a secluded place to practice; araṇya; arañña; aranya
阿罗汉果 |
阿羅漢果 |
97 |
- state of full attainment of arhatship
- the fruit of arhat cultivation; the fruit of awakening; arhathood
安乐行 |
安樂行 |
196 |
- Practice of Stability and Happiness
- pleasant practices
- peaceful conduct
阿那阿波那 |
196 |
mindfulness of breathing; ānāpāna; ānāpānasmṛti; ānāpānasati; anapanasati
安立 |
196 |
- to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
- to begin to speak
菴罗 |
菴羅 |
196 |
菴没罗 |
菴沒羅 |
196 |
mango; āmra
安隐 |
安隱 |
196 |
- tranquil
- Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 |
阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 |
196 |
anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
阿僧企耶 |
196 |
阿世耶 |
196 |
mental disposition; āśaya
阿素洛 |
196 |
an asura
八大 |
98 |
eight great
八大地狱 |
八大地獄 |
98 |
eight great hells
八道 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八法 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八功德水 |
98 |
water with eight merits
八寒地狱 |
八寒地獄 |
98 |
eight cold hells
八解脱 |
八解脫 |
98 |
the eight liberations; astavimoksa
拔苦 |
98 |
Relieve suffering
八忍 |
98 |
eight powers of patient endurance
八忍八智 |
98 |
eight powers of patient endurance and eight kinds of knowledge
八圣 |
八聖 |
98 |
eight stages of sainthood
八胜处 |
八勝處 |
98 |
eight abodes of superiority; eight stations of mastery; eight abhibhāyatana
八圣道支 |
八聖道支 |
98 |
The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八识 |
八識 |
98 |
Eight Kinds of Consciousness; eight kinds of conciousness
八心 |
98 |
eight minds
八支 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八智 |
98 |
eight kinds of knowledge
八支圣道 |
八支聖道 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八不 |
98 |
eight negations
百八 |
98 |
one hundred and eight
白法 |
98 |
- wholesome things; pure dharmas
- to explain a method
百法 |
98 |
one hundred dharmas
白四 |
98 |
to confess a matter
白四羯磨 |
98 |
to confess a matter
白分 |
98 |
first half of the month; śuklapakṣa
败种 |
敗種 |
98 |
seeds of defeat
拔济 |
拔濟 |
98 |
to save; to rescue
八戒 |
98 |
eight precepts
八苦 |
98 |
eight kinds of suffering; the eight distresses
般涅槃 |
98 |
谤法 |
謗法 |
98 |
- slander the Dharma
- persecution of Buddhism
谤佛 |
謗佛 |
98 |
persecution of Buddhism
宝髻 |
寶髻 |
98 |
宝衣 |
寶衣 |
98 |
- clothes decorated with gems
- cotton; calico; dūṣya
倍复 |
倍復 |
98 |
many times more than
悲智 |
98 |
- Compassion and Wisdom
- compassion and wisdom
悲心 |
98 |
- Merciful Heart
- compassion; a sympathetic mind
本不生 |
98 |
originally having a state of no birth; non-arising; adyanutpada
本誓 |
98 |
pūrvapraṇidhāna; prior vow
本无 |
本無 |
98 |
本愿力 |
本願力 |
98 |
- Power of the Original Vow
- the power of a vow
彼岸 |
98 |
- the other shore
- the other shore
必应 |
必應 |
98 |
遍净 |
遍淨 |
98 |
all-encompassing purity
遍处 |
遍處 |
98 |
边见 |
邊見 |
98 |
extreme views; antagrahadrsti
遍满 |
遍滿 |
98 |
to fill; paripūrṇa
遍照 |
98 |
- to illuminate everywhere
- shinging everywhere; vairocana
- Vairocana
遍知 |
98 |
- to know; to understand; parijñā
- to be omniscient; to be all knowing
边执见 |
邊執見 |
98 |
extreme views; antagrāhadṛṣṭi
表法 |
98 |
expressing the Dharma
表色 |
98 |
active expression
幖帜 |
幖幟 |
98 |
a symbol
苾刍 |
苾蒭 |
98 |
- a monk; a bhikkhu
- a monk; a bhikkhu
苾刍尼 |
苾蒭尼 |
98 |
- a nun
- a nun
苾刍众 |
苾芻眾 |
98 |
community of monastics; sangha
必当 |
必當 |
98 |
别戒 |
別戒 |
98 |
specific precepts
别知 |
別知 |
98 |
别解脱 |
別解脫 |
98 |
rules of conduct for monks; prātimokṣa
别境 |
別境 |
98 |
limited scope
鼻根 |
98 |
organ of smell
比量 |
98 |
inference; anumāna
摈出 |
擯出 |
98 |
to expel; to exile
比智 |
98 |
knowledge extended to the higher realms
波罗蜜多 |
波羅蜜多 |
98 |
paramita; perfection
般若 |
98 |
- Prajna Wisdom
- prajna
- prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
- Prajñā
钵特摩 |
鉢特摩 |
98 |
不动心 |
不動心 |
98 |
Unmoving Mind
不动业 |
不動業 |
98 |
immovable karma
不动心解脱 |
不動心解脫 |
98 |
immediate liberation; one who is liberated regardless of time; asamayavimukta
不堕恶趣 |
不墮惡趣 |
98 |
will not descend into an evil rebirth
不放逸 |
98 |
- no laxity
- vigilance; heedfulness; conscientious
不共业 |
不共業 |
98 |
individual karma
不害 |
98 |
不还果 |
不還果 |
98 |
the fruit of anāgāmin
不净 |
不淨 |
98 |
Impurity; dirty; filthy
不净观 |
不淨觀 |
98 |
contemplation of impurity
不可坏 |
不可壞 |
98 |
cannot be diverted; asaṃhārya
不可说 |
不可說 |
98 |
- inexplicable
- cannot be described
不空 |
98 |
- unerring; amogha
- Amoghavajra
不苦不乐受 |
不苦不樂受 |
98 |
sensation of freedom from pleasure and pain; sensation of indifference to pleasure and pain
不来 |
不來 |
98 |
not coming
不乐本座 |
不樂本座 |
98 |
the heavenly palace appears unpleasant
不了义经 |
不了義經 |
98 |
texts that do not explain the meaning
不善 |
98 |
akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不善根 |
98 |
akuśalamūla; akusalamūla; unwholesome roots
不善心 |
98 |
an unwholesome mind
不思议 |
不思議 |
98 |
- inconceivable
- inconceivable
不异 |
不異 |
98 |
not different
不应理 |
不應理 |
98 |
does not correspond with reason
不与取 |
不與取 |
98 |
taking what is not given; adattādāna
不增不减 |
不增不減 |
98 |
neither increases nor decreases
不正见 |
不正見 |
98 |
mithyadrishti; a heterodox view
不正知 |
98 |
lack of knowledge
不住色 |
98 |
does not stand in the notion of form
不定因 |
98 |
reasons for uncertainty
部多 |
98 |
bhūta; become
不共 |
98 |
- not shared; distinctive; avenika
- meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
不共许 |
不共許 |
98 |
an object not agreed upon
不还者 |
不還者 |
98 |
不可倾动 |
不可傾動 |
98 |
cannot be diverted
不了义 |
不了義 |
98 |
neyārtha; implicit; provisional; conventional
不染无知 |
不染無知 |
98 |
unafflicted ignorance
不如法 |
98 |
counterto moral principles
布洒他 |
布灑他 |
98 |
fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
不善十业 |
不善十業 |
98 |
ten types of unwholesome behavior
不生 |
98 |
- nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
- nonarising; anutpāda
布施 |
98 |
- generosity
- dana; giving; generosity
布施波罗蜜多 |
布施波羅蜜多 |
98 |
dāna-pāramitā; the paramita of generosity
不时解脱 |
不時解脫 |
98 |
immediate liberation; one who is liberated regardless of time; asamayavimukta
不思议力 |
不思議力 |
98 |
unimaginable power
不贪 |
不貪 |
98 |
non-attachment; alobha
补特伽罗 |
補特伽羅 |
98 |
pudgala; individual; person
怖畏 |
98 |
terrified; saṃtrāsa
财施 |
財施 |
99 |
donations of money or material wealth
刹那生灭 |
剎那生滅 |
99 |
to arise or cease within a ksana
刹那 |
剎那 |
99 |
- ksana
- kṣaṇa; an instant
常颠倒 |
常顛倒 |
99 |
to view the impermanent as permanent
常乐 |
常樂 |
99 |
lasting joy
常乐我净 |
常樂我淨 |
99 |
Eternity, Bliss, Self, and Purity
常生 |
99 |
长时 |
長時 |
99 |
eon; kalpa
长寿天 |
長壽天 |
99 |
devas of long life
长养 |
長養 |
99 |
- to nurture
- fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
常住 |
99 |
- monastery
- Permanence
- a long-term resident at a monastery
- permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
谄诳 |
諂誑 |
99 |
to cheat; śaṭha
谄曲 |
諂曲 |
99 |
to flatter; fawning and flattery
瞋毒 |
99 |
the poison of anger
尘坌 |
塵坌 |
99 |
瞋缚 |
瞋縛 |
99 |
bond of anger
成道 |
99 |
awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成等正觉 |
成等正覺 |
99 |
attain perfect enlightenment
成佛 |
99 |
- Attaining Buddhahood
- to become a Buddha
称佛 |
稱佛 |
99 |
to recite the Buddha's name
成坏 |
成壞 |
99 |
arising and dissolution
成菩提 |
99 |
to become a Buddha; to become enlightened
成身 |
成身 |
99 |
habitation; samāśraya
成住坏空 |
成住壞空 |
99 |
formation, existence, disintegration, and emptiness; four kalpas
诚谛 |
誠諦 |
99 |
truth; bhūta
成就法 |
99 |
sadhana; sādhana
成满 |
成滿 |
99 |
to become complete
承事 |
99 |
to entrust with duty
瞋心 |
99 |
- Anger
- anger; a heart of anger
持地 |
99 |
- ruler of the land
- Dharanimdhara
持戒 |
99 |
- to uphold precepts
- morality; to uphold precepts
持律 |
99 |
a maintainer of monastic discipline
持名 |
99 |
- to rely on the name
- Yasodhara
持斋 |
持齋 |
99 |
to keep a fast
癡缚 |
癡縛 |
99 |
bond of ignorance
持鬘 |
99 |
hair twisted together; mālādhāra
持明 |
99 |
- dharanī
- wisdom bearer; vidyadhara
持业 |
持業 |
99 |
持业释 |
持業釋 |
99 |
臭秽 |
臭穢 |
99 |
稠林 |
99 |
a dense forest
初发心 |
初發心 |
99 |
initial determination
出佛身血 |
99 |
to spill the blood of the Buddha
初善 |
99 |
admirable in the beginning
出世法 |
99 |
World-Transcending Teachings
出世间法 |
出世間法 |
99 |
the way of leaving the world; the Noble Eightfold Path
初心 |
99 |
- the initial mind
- to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
触缘受 |
觸緣受 |
99 |
from contact as a requisite condition comes feeling
初中后 |
初中後 |
99 |
the three divisions of a day
船筏 |
99 |
a raft
床座 |
99 |
seat; āsana
初果 |
99 |
出家众 |
出家眾 |
99 |
Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
出离 |
出離 |
99 |
- renunciation, transcendence
- to leave; to transcend the mundane world
除女 |
99 |
Bhiksuni; a nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
出世间 |
出世間 |
99 |
transcendental world; lokottara
出胎 |
99 |
for a Buddha to be reborn
除疑 |
99 |
to eliminate doubt
除欲 |
99 |
eradication of desire
处中 |
處中 |
99 |
to abide in the media that transcends existence and non-existence; madyama
此等 |
99 |
they; eṣā
次复 |
次復 |
99 |
afterwards; then
此岸 |
99 |
this shore; this world; Saṃsāra
慈心 |
99 |
compassion; a compassionate mind
麁弊 |
99 |
coarse; shoddy
麁恶 |
麁惡 |
99 |
大地法 |
100 |
ten great stages and corresponding mental condiions; mahā-bhūmika
大地狱 |
大地獄 |
100 |
great hell; Avici Hell
大觉 |
大覺 |
100 |
supreme bodhi; enlightenment
大菩提 |
100 |
great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大千 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大千界 |
100 |
a system of one thousand worlds
大千世界 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大沙门 |
大沙門 |
100 |
great monastic
大身 |
100 |
great body; mahakaya
大神通 |
100 |
- great supernatural power
- great transcendent wisdom
大医王 |
大醫王 |
100 |
- Great Lord of healing
- Great Healing King
大种 |
大種 |
100 |
the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
大悲 |
100 |
mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大方便 |
100 |
mahopāya; great skillful means; expedient means
大利 |
100 |
great advantage; great benefit
答摩 |
100 |
dark; gloomy; tamas
当得 |
當得 |
100 |
will reach
道谛 |
道諦 |
100 |
- Path of Truth
- The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering; the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
道法 |
100 |
- the method to attain nirvāṇa
- Dao Fa
道分 |
100 |
destiny to become a Buddha
道果 |
100 |
the fruit of the path
道类智 |
道類智 |
100 |
knowledge of the realms of form and formlessness
道圣谛 |
道聖諦 |
100 |
the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
道心 |
100 |
- Mind for the Way
- the mind which seeks enlightenment
道中 |
100 |
on the path
到彼岸 |
100 |
- To the Other Shore
- to reach the other shore; to reach Nirvāṇa
道后 |
道後 |
100 |
having completed the path to enlightenment
倒见 |
倒見 |
100 |
a delusion where the opposite of the truth is believed
道俗 |
100 |
- monastics and laypeople
- layperson
道行 |
100 |
- Practicing the Way
- conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
- Đạo Hạnh
- Dao Xing
- Dao Xing
道智 |
100 |
knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata
怛刹那 |
怛剎那 |
100 |
大善地法 |
100 |
mental factors for the cultivation of goodness
大士相 |
100 |
the thirty two marks of excellence; the thirty-two characteristic marks
大树 |
大樹 |
100 |
a great tree; a bodhisattva
大仙 |
100 |
a great sage; maharsi
大自在 |
100 |
Īśvara; self-existent; sovereign
得道 |
100 |
to attain enlightenment
得度 |
100 |
- to attain salvation
- to attain enlightenment
得佛 |
100 |
to become a Buddha
得近 |
100 |
approached; āsannībhūta
得究竟 |
100 |
attain; prāpnoti
得正见 |
得正見 |
100 |
holds to right view
等观 |
等觀 |
100 |
to view all things equally
灯明 |
燈明 |
100 |
a lamp held before the Buddha
等身 |
100 |
a life-size image
等心 |
100 |
a non-discriminating mind
等正觉 |
等正覺 |
100 |
samyaksaṃbodhi; perfect enlightenment
等持 |
100 |
- holding oneself in equanimity
- samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
等流 |
100 |
outflow; niṣyanda
等流果 |
100 |
correlative effect; fruition of an outflow; niṣyandaphala
等无间缘 |
等無間緣 |
100 |
immediately antecedent condition; samanantarapratyaya
等引 |
100 |
equipose; samāhita
等至 |
100 |
samāpatti; meditative attainment
等智 |
100 |
secular knowledge
得清凉 |
得清涼 |
100 |
obtaining cool; śītabhūta
地饼 |
地餅 |
100 |
earth cake
谛法 |
諦法 |
100 |
right effort
地居天 |
100 |
- earth-dwelling deities
- Dwelling Ground Heaven
地皮饼 |
地皮餅 |
100 |
earth cake
地水火风 |
地水火風 |
100 |
Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
地味 |
100 |
earth cake
地想 |
100 |
contemplation of the earth
第一安隐住处 |
第一安隱住處 |
100 |
the first assurance he acquires
掉举 |
掉舉 |
100 |
excitement; restlessness; ebulience; auddhatya; uddhacca
地大 |
100 |
earth; earth element
谛观 |
諦觀 |
100 |
- to observe closely
- Chegwan
顶法 |
頂法 |
100 |
summit method; mūrdhan
定根 |
100 |
faculty of meditatative concentration
定慧 |
100 |
- Concentration and Wisdom
- meditative wisdom
定静虑 |
定靜慮 |
100 |
Meditative Concentration
定品 |
100 |
body of meditation; aggregate of meditation; samādhi-skandha
定身 |
100 |
body of meditation
顶位 |
頂位 |
100 |
summit; mūrdhan
定蕴 |
定蘊 |
100 |
aggregate of meditation; samādhiskandha
定力 |
100 |
- Meditative Concentration
- ability for meditative concentration
定异 |
定異 |
100 |
- distinction
- distinctions
定意 |
100 |
samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
入定 |
100 |
- to enter into meditation
- entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
地前 |
100 |
the previous phases of bodhisattva practice
第七识 |
第七識 |
100 |
kliṣṭamanas; kliṣṭa-mana; afflicted mind; afflicted mentality
第四静虑 |
第四靜慮 |
100 |
the fourth dhyana
谛行 |
諦行 |
100 |
right action
谛语 |
諦語 |
100 |
right speech
地中 |
100 |
secondary buildings on monastery grounds
读诵 |
讀誦 |
100 |
read aloud; recite repeatedly; svādyāya
断常 |
斷常 |
100 |
annihilationism and eternalism
断德 |
斷德 |
100 |
the virtue of eliminating afflictions; eliminating afflictions
断惑 |
斷惑 |
100 |
to end delusion
断见 |
斷見 |
100 |
- Nihilism
- view that life ends with death
断善根者 |
斷善根者 |
100 |
someone who has cut off their wholesome roots
段食 |
100 |
a handful of food; a helping
断诸不善 |
斷諸不善 |
100 |
abandoning of unskillful mental qualities
杜多 |
100 |
elimination of defilements through ascetic practice
对治 |
對治 |
100 |
- to remedy
- an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
对法 |
對法 |
100 |
- corresponding dharmas
- corresponding law; the Abhidharma
覩见 |
覩見 |
100 |
to observe
独觉 |
獨覺 |
100 |
Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
独觉乘 |
獨覺乘 |
100 |
Pratyekabuddha vehicle
钝根 |
鈍根 |
100 |
- dull aptitude
- dull ability
多身 |
100 |
many existences
多生 |
100 |
many births; many rebirths
多财释 |
多財釋 |
100 |
驮都 |
馱都 |
100 |
dhatu; realm
多劫 |
100 |
many kalpas; numerous eons
多罗树 |
多羅樹 |
100 |
palmyra tree; fan-palm
度脱 |
度脫 |
100 |
to save; to rescue; to relieve them from the suffering of this world and take them nirvana
独尊 |
獨尊 |
100 |
the uniquely honored one
恶道 |
惡道 |
195 |
- evil path
- an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶见 |
惡見 |
195 |
mithyadrishti; an evil view; a heterodox view
恶趣 |
惡趣 |
195 |
an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶因 |
惡因 |
195 |
an evil cause
恶作 |
惡作 |
195 |
evil doing; remorse; kaukritya; kukkucca
二边 |
二邊 |
195 |
two extremes
二部僧 |
195 |
two monastic assemblies; monks and nuns
二持 |
195 |
two modes of observing precepts
二法 |
195 |
- two dharmas; two kinds of dharma
- dichotomy
二根 |
195 |
two roots
二观 |
二觀 |
195 |
two universal bases of meditation
二果 |
195 |
二惑 |
195 |
the two aspects of delusion
二见 |
二見 |
195 |
two views
二戒 |
195 |
two kinds of precepts
二俱遮 |
195 |
two objects of negation
尔前 |
爾前 |
196 |
before this
二三 |
195 |
six non-Buddhist philosophers
二摄 |
二攝 |
195 |
two kinds of help
二身 |
195 |
two bodies
二乘 |
195 |
the two vehicles
二时 |
二時 |
195 |
the two time periods; morning and evening
二食 |
195 |
two kinds of food
二师 |
二師 |
195 |
two kinds of teachers
二受 |
195 |
two kinds of perception
二我 |
195 |
the two kinds of belief in the concept of self
二无心定 |
二無心定 |
195 |
two forms of no-thought meditatation
二相 |
195 |
the two attributes
二心 |
195 |
two minds
二行 |
195 |
two kinds of spiritual practice
二修 |
195 |
two kinds of cultivation
二圆 |
二圓 |
195 |
two perfect teachings
二障 |
195 |
two kinds of obstacles
二执 |
二執 |
195 |
two attachments
二种 |
二種 |
195 |
two kinds
二种差别 |
二種差別 |
195 |
two kinds of difference
二种性 |
二種性 |
195 |
two kinds of nature
二字 |
195 |
- two characters
- a monastic
二道 |
195 |
the two paths
二谛 |
二諦 |
195 |
the two truths
二缚 |
二縛 |
195 |
two bonds
二门 |
二門 |
195 |
two gates; two teachings
二木 |
195 |
two trees
二入 |
195 |
two methods of entering [the truth]
二识 |
二識 |
195 |
two levels of consciousness
耳识 |
耳識 |
196 |
auditory consciousness; śrotravijñāna
二业 |
二業 |
195 |
two kinds of karma
二义 |
二義 |
195 |
the two meanings; the two explanations; two teachings
二智 |
195 |
two kinds of knowledge; two kinds of wisdom
二众 |
二眾 |
195 |
two groups
恶业 |
惡業 |
195 |
unwholesome acts; evil intentions
恶友 |
惡友 |
195 |
a bad friend
法处色 |
法處色 |
102 |
objects of thought
法处所摄 |
法處所攝 |
102 |
objects of thought
法尔 |
法爾 |
102 |
the nature of phenonema
法教 |
102 |
- Buddhism; Buddhadharma; the teaching of the Dharma
- teaching
发戒 |
發戒 |
102 |
to bestow the precepts
法乐 |
法樂 |
102 |
- Dharma joy
- dharma joy
法灭 |
法滅 |
102 |
the extinction of the teachings of the Buddha
法念住 |
102 |
Mindfulness of Phenomena
法忍 |
102 |
- Dharma Patience
- patience attained through Dharma
- patience attained through Dharma
法僧 |
102 |
a monk who recites mantras
法施 |
102 |
a Dhárma gift; Dhárma offering; dharmadana
法数 |
法數 |
102 |
enumerations of dharmas
法体 |
法體 |
102 |
essence of all things; spiritual body
法无我 |
法無我 |
102 |
the insubstantiality of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
法相 |
102 |
- Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
- Dharma Characteristic
- notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
- the essential differences between different teachings
- the truth
法行 |
102 |
to practice the Dharma
法义 |
法義 |
102 |
- definition of the Dharma
- the teaching of a principle
发意 |
發意 |
102 |
to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
法用 |
102 |
the essence of a dharma
法雨 |
102 |
- Dharma Rain
- Dharma rain
筏喻 |
102 |
the raft simile
发愿 |
發願 |
102 |
- Make a Vow
- Making Vows
- to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
法云 |
法雲 |
102 |
- dharma cloud; dharmamegha
- Fa Yun
法执 |
法執 |
102 |
attachment to dharmas
法处 |
法處 |
102 |
mental objects
法界 |
102 |
- Dharma Realm
- a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法境 |
102 |
dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects
发露 |
發露 |
102 |
to reveal; to manifest
法门 |
法門 |
102 |
- Dharma gate
- dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
法名 |
102 |
Dharma name
犯戒 |
102 |
- Violation of Precepts
- to break the precepts
梵轮 |
梵輪 |
102 |
Brahma's wheel; Brahmacakka; Dharma wheel
凡圣 |
凡聖 |
102 |
- Ordinary and Sagely
- the ordinary and the divine
梵住 |
102 |
Brahma's abode; divine abode
方便力 |
102 |
the power of skillful means
方便善巧 |
102 |
skillful means; expedient means; skillful and expedient means
方便智 |
102 |
wisdom of skilful means; upāyajñāna
方等 |
102 |
vaipulya; vaidalya; vast; extended
方广 |
方廣 |
102 |
Vaipulya (profound teachings); vaipulya; vast; extended
放逸 |
102 |
- Laxity
- heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
烦恼魔 |
煩惱魔 |
102 |
Māra of afflictions; Māra the tempter; an evil that harms one's mind
烦恼障 |
煩惱障 |
102 |
the obstacle created by afflictions
烦恼习 |
煩惱習 |
102 |
latent tendencies; predisposition
梵行 |
102 |
- brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
- Brahmin; Brahman
梵音 |
102 |
- Heavenly Sound
- the sound of Buddhist chanting
- Brahma's voice
- the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
犯重 |
102 |
a serious offense
法桥 |
法橋 |
102 |
发趣 |
發趣 |
102 |
to set out
法如 |
102 |
dharma nature
法摄 |
法攝 |
102 |
a means of embracing; a ground for the bonds of fellowship
法想 |
102 |
thoughts of the Dharma
法印 |
102 |
- Dharma Seal
- dharmamudrā; a dharma seal; a mark of the dharma
- hōin
法应 |
法應 |
102 |
Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
法缘 |
法緣 |
102 |
- Dharma Affinity
- causes and conditions that accord with the Buddhadharma
- conditions leading to dharmas
- affinity with the Buddhadharma
法智 |
102 |
- understanding of the Dharma
- Gautama Dharmaprajña
法住 |
102 |
dharma abode
非道 |
102 |
heterodox views
非非想 |
102 |
neither perceiving nor not perceiving
非福业 |
非福業 |
102 |
unmeritorious karma
非家 |
102 |
非界 |
102 |
非聚 |
102 |
非情 |
102 |
non-sentient object
非时食 |
非時食 |
102 |
eating meals at inappropriate times
非实有体 |
非實有體 |
102 |
lacks actual substance
非想 |
102 |
非心 |
102 |
without thought; acitta
非有情 |
102 |
non-sentient object
非择灭 |
非擇滅 |
102 |
cessation without analysis
非真实 |
非真實 |
102 |
untrue; vitatha
非执 |
非執 |
102 |
非见 |
非見 |
102 |
非量 |
102 |
mistaken understanding
非身 |
102 |
- selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
- no-body; akāya
非我 |
102 |
selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
非有 |
102 |
does not exist; is not real
分别智 |
分別智 |
102 |
Discriminating Knowledge
分别心 |
分別心 |
102 |
discriminating thought
风大 |
風大 |
102 |
wind; wind element; wind realm
风方 |
風方 |
102 |
vayu; northwest
风界 |
風界 |
102 |
wind; wind element; wind realm
奉施 |
102 |
讽颂 |
諷頌 |
102 |
gatha; detached verse
风心 |
風心 |
102 |
the mind of wind
粪秽 |
糞穢 |
102 |
dirt; excrement and filth
分齐 |
分齊 |
102 |
分位 |
102 |
time and position
佛出世 |
102 |
for a Buddha to appear in a world
佛德 |
102 |
Buddha virtue
佛弟子 |
102 |
a disciple of the Buddha
佛法僧 |
102 |
- Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
- the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; the Triple Gem; the three treasures of Buddhism
佛功德 |
102 |
characteristics of Buddhas
佛观 |
佛觀 |
102 |
visualization of the Buddha
佛见 |
佛見 |
102 |
correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛菩萨 |
佛菩薩 |
102 |
Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛神力 |
102 |
the Buddha's spiritual power
佛乘 |
102 |
Buddha vehicle; buddhayāna
佛世 |
102 |
the age when the Buddha lived in the world
佛说 |
佛說 |
102 |
buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛姓 |
102 |
Buddha's Family Name
佛眼 |
102 |
Buddha eye
佛言 |
102 |
- the Buddha said
- buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 |
佛語 |
102 |
- Buddha Talk
- buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛果 |
102 |
- Buddhahood
- Foguo
佛化 |
102 |
- conversion through the Buddha's teachings
- Fohua
佛教语 |
佛教語 |
102 |
Buddhist term; Buddhist language
佛戒 |
102 |
Buddha precepts
佛灭 |
佛滅 |
102 |
Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛灭度 |
佛滅度 |
102 |
Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛身 |
102 |
- Buddha's Body
- buddhakaya; Buddha-body
佛土 |
102 |
Buddha land
佛智 |
102 |
Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
福德 |
102 |
- Fortune and Virtue
- Merit and Virtue
- merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福生 |
102 |
fortunate rebirth
福田 |
102 |
- field of merit
- field of blessing
福行 |
102 |
actions that product merit
福业 |
福業 |
102 |
virtuous actions
覆障 |
102 |
- covered; āvṛta
- Rāhula
福智 |
102 |
- Fortune and Wisdom
- merit and wisdom
根钝 |
根鈍 |
103 |
limited capacities
根境 |
103 |
the field of a sense organ; the objects of the sense organs
根本等至 |
103 |
levels of attainment in fundamental concentration
根本定 |
103 |
fundamental concentration
根本烦恼 |
根本煩惱 |
103 |
basic afflictions
根力 |
103 |
mūlabala; the five sense organs and corresponding consciousnesses
共生缘 |
共生緣 |
103 |
coexisting affinity
功德聚 |
103 |
共法 |
103 |
totality of truth
共功 |
103 |
shared merit
工巧处 |
工巧處 |
103 |
skill in art; śilpasthāna
共相惑 |
103 |
delusion from common attributes
共许 |
共許 |
103 |
commonly admitted; commonly agreed upon
灌顶 |
灌頂 |
103 |
- consecration
- Anointment
- abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
- Guanding
观佛 |
觀佛 |
103 |
to contemplate on the Buddha
观经 |
觀經 |
103 |
- discernment sutras
- Contemplation Sutra
观门 |
觀門 |
103 |
the gate of contemplation
观受是苦 |
觀受是苦 |
103 |
contemplate the suffering of feelings
观他心 |
觀他心 |
103 |
观心 |
觀心 |
103 |
- Observe the Mind
- to contemplate the mind
观法无我 |
觀法無我 |
103 |
contemplate the non-selfhood of phenomena
观行 |
觀行 |
103 |
contemplation and action
观法 |
觀法 |
103 |
techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
光背 |
103 |
aureola; halo; aura
广果 |
廣果 |
103 |
without fruit
广解 |
廣解 |
103 |
vaipulya; vast; extended
光净 |
光淨 |
103 |
bright; pure
光净天 |
光淨天 |
103 |
ābhāsvara deva
光明相 |
103 |
halo; nimbus
广破 |
廣破 |
103 |
vaipulya; vast; extended
广说 |
廣說 |
103 |
to explain; to teach
观智 |
觀智 |
103 |
wisdom from contemplation
鬼病 |
103 |
illness caused by a demon
归敬 |
歸敬 |
103 |
namo; to pay respect to; to take refuge
归依佛 |
歸依佛 |
103 |
to take refuge in the Buddha
果德 |
103 |
fruit of merit
果地 |
103 |
stage of fruition; stage of attainment
果极 |
果極 |
103 |
stage of reward; stage of attainment
过未 |
過未 |
103 |
past and future
果位 |
103 |
stage of reward; stage of attainment
过现 |
過現 |
103 |
past and present
果相 |
103 |
reward; retribution; effect
果分 |
103 |
effect; reward
果熟 |
103 |
fruition; the result of karma
果行 |
103 |
fruition and conduct
果证 |
果證 |
103 |
realized attainment
故思业 |
故思業 |
103 |
action; karman
和合僧 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
和合众 |
和合眾 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
和合性 |
104 |
黑闇 |
104 |
dark with no wisdom; ignorant
黑半 |
104 |
second half of the month; kṛṣṇapakṣa
和僧 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
弘誓愿 |
弘誓願 |
104 |
great vows
弘誓 |
104 |
great vows
后得智 |
後得智 |
104 |
- acquired wisdom
- aquired wisdom
后际 |
後際 |
104 |
a later time
后生 |
後生 |
104 |
later rebirths; subsequent births
后五 |
後五 |
104 |
following five hundred years
后身 |
後身 |
104 |
last body; next body; last rebirth
后说 |
後說 |
104 |
spoken later
护国 |
護國 |
104 |
Protecting the Country
护生 |
護生 |
104 |
Protecting Lives
护世 |
護世 |
104 |
protectors of the world
化度 |
104 |
convert and liberate; teach and save
化乐 |
化樂 |
104 |
to find pleasure in creating
化众生 |
化眾生 |
104 |
to transform living beings
坏苦 |
壞苦 |
104 |
suffering from impermanence
坏相 |
壞相 |
104 |
state of destruction
还复 |
還復 |
104 |
幻惑 |
104 |
- illusory
- to delude
还灭 |
還滅 |
104 |
ceasing; cessation; nivṛtti
浣洗 |
104 |
elimination of defilements through ascetic practice; dhutanga
化生 |
104 |
to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
化生有情 |
104 |
beings that are born spontaneously
化主 |
104 |
lord of transformation
化作 |
104 |
to produce; to conjure
毁法 |
毀法 |
104 |
persecution of Buddhism
慧根 |
104 |
root of wisdom; organ of wisdom
恚结 |
恚結 |
104 |
the bond of hate
慧解脱 |
慧解脫 |
104 |
one who is liberated through wisdom; prajñāvimukta
慧品 |
104 |
body of wisdom; aggregate of wisdom; prajñā-skandha
慧善解脱 |
慧善解脫 |
104 |
liberated by wisdom
慧蕴 |
慧蘊 |
104 |
aggregate of wisdom; prajñāskandha
慧光 |
104 |
- the light of wisdom
- Huiguang
- Ekō
- Ekō
慧命 |
104 |
- wisdom-life
- friend; brother
迴向 |
104 |
to transfer merit; to dedicate; pariṇāmanā
护念 |
護念 |
104 |
- Safeguard the Mind
- for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
- focus the mind on; samanvāharati
惛沈 |
104 |
lethargy; gloominess
火大 |
104 |
fire; element of fire
火界 |
104 |
fire; realm of fire; element of fire
护者 |
護者 |
104 |
protector; demon; rākṣasa
极成 |
極成 |
106 |
agreed by both sides; mutually accepted; prasiddha
集谛 |
集諦 |
106 |
the truth of the cause of suffering; the noble truth of the cause of suffering
嫉结 |
嫉結 |
106 |
the bond of envy
假实 |
假實 |
106 |
false and true; illusory and real
假相 |
106 |
Nominal Form
假有 |
106 |
Nominal Existence
加被 |
106 |
伽罗 |
伽羅 |
106 |
a kind of wood used for incense
见大 |
見大 |
106 |
the element of visibility
见道 |
見道 |
106 |
- to see the Way
- darśanamārga; path of vision
见相 |
見相 |
106 |
perceiving the subject
见性 |
見性 |
106 |
- Seeing One's Nature
- to see one's true nature; to realize one's Buddha nature
见修 |
見修 |
106 |
mistaken views and practice
见处 |
見處 |
106 |
dwelling in wrong views
健达缚 |
健達縛 |
106 |
a gandharva
见谛 |
見諦 |
106 |
realization of the truth
见法 |
見法 |
106 |
- for a Dharma to manifest in the world
- to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
- to understand reality
见分 |
見分 |
106 |
vision part
见佛 |
見佛 |
106 |
- Seeing the Buddha
- to see the Buddha
见惑 |
見惑 |
106 |
misleading views
见结 |
見結 |
106 |
the bond of false views
见思 |
見思 |
106 |
- mistaken views and thought
- misleading views
简择 |
簡擇 |
106 |
to chose
见者 |
見者 |
106 |
observer; draṣṭṛ
见浊 |
見濁 |
106 |
view degeneration; drishtikashaya
教行 |
106 |
- teaching and practice
- teaching and practice; instruction and conduct
教证 |
教證 |
106 |
textual confirmation
交彻 |
交徹 |
106 |
教诫 |
教誡 |
106 |
instruction; teaching
教理 |
106 |
religious doctrine; dogma
教摄 |
教攝 |
106 |
classification of teachings
教相 |
106 |
classification of teachings
憍逸 |
106 |
untouchable; dalit
伽他 |
106 |
gatha; verse
伽陀 |
106 |
gatha; verse
加行 |
106 |
- Special Effort Applied Toward Practices
- prayoga; preparation; syllogism
- determination; vyavacāraṇa
加行道 |
106 |
prayogamārga; path of preparation
加行位 |
106 |
prayogamārga; path of preparation
记别 |
記別 |
106 |
vyākaraṇa; prophetic teachings
计度 |
計度 |
106 |
conjecture; reckon; calculate; differentiate
计度分别 |
計度分別 |
106 |
calculating discrimination
戒定慧 |
106 |
- morality, meditative concentration, wisdom
- morality, wisdom, and meditation; the three studies; the three trainings; triśikṣā
戒取见 |
戒取見 |
106 |
śilavrataparāmarśa; rigid ascetic views; attachment to rites and rituals
戒禁取 |
106 |
clinging to superstitious rites
戒取 |
106 |
attachment to heterodox teachings
界系 |
界繫 |
106 |
bound to the three realms
戒相 |
106 |
different forms of precepts; characteristics of precepts
戒蕴 |
戒蘊 |
106 |
aggregate of morality; śīlaskandha
界分 |
106 |
a region; a realm
结缚 |
結縛 |
106 |
a mental fetter or bond
劫火 |
106 |
kalpa fire
结加 |
結加 |
106 |
to cross [legged]
结加趺坐 |
結加趺坐 |
106 |
to sit cross-legged
结界 |
結界 |
106 |
- Restricted Area
- boundary; temple boundary; sīmā
羯剌蓝 |
羯剌藍 |
106 |
embryo; kalala
羯磨 |
106 |
界内 |
界內 |
106 |
within a region; within the confines
戒师 |
戒師 |
106 |
- Precept Instructor
- Precept Master
- precept teacher
解脱道 |
解脫道 |
106 |
- the path of liberation
- the path of liberation; vimuktimārga
解脱分 |
解脫分 |
106 |
stage of liberation
解脱门 |
解脫門 |
106 |
- Gate of Perfect Ease
- the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra
解脱果 |
解脫果 |
106 |
visaṃyogaphala; disconnection fruition; separation effect
解脱身 |
解脫身 |
106 |
body of liberation; aggregate of liberation; vimukti-skanda
解脱蕴 |
解脫蘊 |
106 |
aggregate of liberation; vimuktiskanda
解脱众 |
解脫眾 |
106 |
body of liberation; aggregate of liberation; vimukti-skanda
戒行 |
106 |
to abide by precepts
集法 |
106 |
极光天 |
極光天 |
106 |
ābhāsvara deva
极光净天 |
極光淨天 |
106 |
ābhāsvara deva
积集 |
積集 |
106 |
saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
净人 |
淨人 |
106 |
a server
金轮 |
金輪 |
106 |
golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
金轮宝 |
金輪寶 |
106 |
近缘 |
近緣 |
106 |
immediate cause
尽诸有结 |
盡諸有結 |
106 |
fetters completely destroyed
金地 |
106 |
Buddhist temple
经本 |
經本 |
106 |
净观 |
淨觀 |
106 |
pure contemplation
境界相 |
106 |
world of objects; the external phenomenal world
净居天 |
淨居天 |
106 |
suddhavasa; pure abodes
经律 |
經律 |
106 |
Collection of Discourses and Collection of Monastic Rules
净施 |
淨施 |
106 |
pure charity
净天 |
淨天 |
106 |
pure devas
净天眼 |
淨天眼 |
106 |
pure deva eye
境相 |
106 |
world of objects
敬信 |
106 |
- Respect and Trust
- respectful and faithful
净信心 |
淨信心 |
106 |
serene faith
净修 |
淨修 |
106 |
proper cultivation
境智 |
106 |
objective world and subjective mind
金刚三摩地 |
金剛喻三摩地 |
106 |
金刚喻定 |
金剛喻定 |
106 |
adamantine-like concentration; vajropamasamādhi
金刚定 |
金剛定 |
106 |
净颠倒 |
淨顛倒 |
106 |
to view the defiled as undefiled
净法 |
淨法 |
106 |
- pure dharma
- the teaching of the Buddha
净戒 |
淨戒 |
106 |
- Pure Precepts
- perfect observance
- Jing Jie
净界 |
淨界 |
106 |
pure land
精进波罗蜜 |
精進波羅蜜 |
106 |
virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence
精进力 |
精進力 |
106 |
unfailing progress; vīryabala
净居 |
淨居 |
106 |
suddhavasa; Śuddhāvāsa; pure abode
净觉 |
淨覺 |
106 |
- pure enlightenment; pure intent
- Jingjue
经论 |
經論 |
106 |
sutras and shastras; scriptures and commentaries
静虑 |
靜慮 |
106 |
- Quiet Contemplation
- dhyana; calm contemplation
净妙 |
淨妙 |
106 |
pure and subtle
净命 |
淨命 |
106 |
friend; brother; āyuṣman
静室 |
靜室 |
106 |
- meditation room
- a quiet place
净心 |
淨心 |
106 |
- Purify the Mind
- a purified mind
净信 |
淨信 |
106 |
- Pure Faith
- pure faith; prasāda
净业 |
淨業 |
106 |
- Pure Karma
- pure karma; good karma
紧那罗 |
緊那羅 |
106 |
近事 |
106 |
disciple; lay person
近事女 |
106 |
female lay person; upāsikā
尽智 |
盡智 |
106 |
understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna
近住 |
106 |
fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
九结 |
九結 |
106 |
nine bonds
九无间道 |
九無間道 |
106 |
nine interupted paths
久修 |
106 |
practiced for a long time
九有 |
106 |
nine lands; nine realms
九法 |
106 |
nine dharmas; navadharma
九品 |
106 |
nine grades
救脱 |
救脫 |
106 |
极微 |
極微 |
106 |
atom; particle; paramāṇu
极微和合 |
極微和合 |
106 |
an assembly of atoms
集智 |
106 |
understanding of the arising of cause and effect; understanding of the second of the four noble truths
俱不成 |
俱不成 |
106 |
both [what establishes and the established] do not exist
具缚 |
具縛 |
106 |
completely bound; completely bound in delusion
俱解脱 |
俱解脫 |
106 |
simultaneous liberation
俱空 |
106 |
both self and all things are empty
俱起 |
106 |
being brought together
句身 |
106 |
group of phrases
俱生 |
106 |
occuring together
句义 |
句義 |
106 |
the meaning of a word; the meaning of a sentence
卷第八 |
106 |
scroll 8
卷第二 |
106 |
scroll 2
卷第二十 |
106 |
scroll 20
卷第九 |
106 |
scroll 9
卷第六 |
106 |
scroll 6
卷第七 |
106 |
scroll 7
卷第三 |
106 |
scroll 3
卷第十 |
106 |
scroll 10
卷第十八 |
106 |
scroll 18
卷第十九 |
106 |
scroll 19
卷第十六 |
106 |
scroll 16
卷第十七 |
106 |
scroll 17
卷第十三 |
106 |
scroll 13
卷第十四 |
106 |
scroll 14
卷第十五 |
106 |
scroll 15
卷第十一 |
106 |
scroll 11
卷第十二 |
106 |
scroll 12
卷第四 |
106 |
scroll 4
卷第五 |
106 |
scroll 5
卷第一 |
106 |
scroll 1
俱不极成 |
俱不極成 |
106 |
non-approval of both sides
觉道 |
覺道 |
106 |
Path of Awakening
决择分 |
決擇分 |
106 |
ability in judgement and selection
决定心 |
決定心 |
106 |
the deciding mind
觉分 |
覺分 |
106 |
aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment; bodhyaṅga; bojjyaṅga
觉心 |
覺心 |
106 |
- mind of enlightenment
- Juexin
- Kakushin
觉者 |
覺者 |
106 |
awakened one
觉真 |
覺真 |
106 |
觉支 |
覺支 |
106 |
aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment; bodhyaṅga; bojjyanga
具戒 |
106 |
- full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
- gifted with conduct
俱卢舍 |
俱盧舍 |
106 |
俱舍 |
106 |
kosa; container
具寿 |
具壽 |
106 |
friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
俱许 |
俱許 |
106 |
commonly admitted [dharma]
俱胝 |
106 |
- koti; one hundred million; a very large number
- Judi
具足 |
106 |
- Completeness
- complete; accomplished
- Purāṇa
具足戒 |
106 |
full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
开显 |
開顯 |
107 |
open up and reveal
开遮 |
開遮 |
107 |
to allow and to prohibit
堪能 |
107 |
ability to undertake
堪忍 |
107 |
to bear; to endure without complaint
客尘 |
客塵 |
107 |
external taint
空界色 |
107 |
realm of empty space
空解脱门 |
空解脫門 |
107 |
the door of deliverance of emptiness
空居天 |
107 |
devas dwelling in the sky
空空 |
107 |
the emptiness of emptiness; the delusion of emptiness
空三摩地 |
107 |
the samādhi of emptiness
空无边处 |
空無邊處 |
107 |
ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
空行 |
107 |
practicce according to emptiness
空有 |
107 |
- Emptiness and Existence
- non-existent and existent; emptiness and having self
空处 |
空處 |
107 |
ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
空无 |
空無 |
107 |
- Emptiness
- śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
苦谛 |
苦諦 |
107 |
the truth of suffering; the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦果 |
107 |
- Effects of Suffering
- suffering as a karmic result
苦集谛 |
苦集諦 |
107 |
the noble truth of the cause of suffering
苦集灭道 |
苦集滅道 |
107 |
- Suffering, Cause, End, and Path
- the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
苦苦 |
107 |
suffering from external circumstances
苦灭 |
苦滅 |
107 |
the cessation of suffering
苦灭道 |
苦滅道 |
107 |
the path of practice leading to the cessation of suffering
苦灭谛 |
苦滅諦 |
107 |
the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
苦灭圣谛 |
苦滅聖諦 |
107 |
the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
苦圣谛 |
苦聖諦 |
107 |
the noble truth of the existence of suffering
苦受 |
107 |
the sensation of pain
苦智 |
107 |
understanding of the fact of suffering
旷劫 |
曠劫 |
107 |
- since ancient times
- a past kalpa
苦毒 |
107 |
pain; suffering
苦法智 |
107 |
knowledge of the truth of suffering
苦海 |
107 |
- ocean of suffering
- sea of suffering; abyss of worldly suffering
苦集 |
107 |
accumulation as the cause of suffering
苦具 |
107 |
苦痛 |
107 |
the sensation of pain
苦行 |
107 |
- austerity
- ascetism; tapas
苦乐 |
苦樂 |
107 |
joy and pain
腊缚 |
臘縛 |
108 |
an instant; lava
来生 |
來生 |
108 |
later rebirths; subsequent births
来世 |
來世 |
108 |
future worlds; the next world; the next life
来迎 |
來迎 |
108 |
coming to greet
赖耶 |
賴耶 |
108 |
老死支 |
108 |
the link of old age and death
乐颠倒 |
樂顛倒 |
108 |
to view suffering as pleasure
乐法 |
樂法 |
108 |
joy in the Dharma
乐根 |
樂根 |
108 |
organs of pleasure
乐苦 |
樂苦 |
108 |
happiness and suffering
乐求 |
樂求 |
108 |
seek pleasure
乐说 |
樂說 |
108 |
the joy of teaching the Dharma
乐修 |
樂修 |
108 |
joyful cultivation
乐欲 |
樂欲 |
108 |
the desire for joy
类智 |
類智 |
108 |
knowledge extended to the higher realms
乐受 |
樂受 |
108 |
sensation of pleasure; perception of pleasure
利乐 |
利樂 |
108 |
blessing and joy
离杀 |
離殺 |
108 |
refrains from taking life
离生 |
離生 |
108 |
to leave the cycle of rebirth
离生喜乐 |
離生喜樂 |
108 |
rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal
离生性 |
離生性 |
108 |
the nature of leaving the cycle of birth and death
利他行 |
108 |
Deeds to Benefit Others
立义 |
立義 |
108 |
establishing the definition
离欲 |
離欲 |
108 |
free of desire
离欲退 |
離欲退 |
108 |
regression of one who is free from desire
练根 |
練根 |
108 |
to plant good roots through cultivation
量等 |
108 |
the body of the Tathāgata is equal to all conditions and unconditioned phenomena
了别 |
了別 |
108 |
to distinguish; to discern
料简 |
料簡 |
108 |
to expound; to explain; to comment upon
了义 |
了義 |
108 |
nītārtha; definitive
了知 |
108 |
to understand clearly
利根 |
108 |
natural powers of intelligence
离垢 |
離垢 |
108 |
- Undefiled
- vimalā; stainless; immaculate
离过 |
離過 |
108 |
eliminating faults; vāntadoṣa
离间语 |
離間語 |
108 |
slander; divisive speech
礼敬 |
禮敬 |
108 |
namo; to pay respect to; to revere
离苦 |
離苦 |
108 |
to transcend suffering
灵庙 |
靈廟 |
108 |
令众生 |
令眾生 |
108 |
lead sentient beings
领解 |
領解 |
108 |
to understand what is taught; to receive and interpret
领纳 |
領納 |
108 |
to accept; to receive
理趣 |
108 |
thought; mata
理实 |
理實 |
108 |
六处 |
六處 |
108 |
the six sense organs; sadayatana
六处缘触 |
六處緣觸 |
108 |
from the six sense media as a requisite condition comes contact
六大烦恼地法 |
六大煩惱地法 |
108 |
six root unwholesome factors
六道 |
108 |
six realms; six realms of existence; six destinies
六界 |
108 |
six elements; six realms
六境 |
108 |
the objects of the six sense organs
六时 |
六時 |
108 |
the six four hour periods of the day
六识 |
六識 |
108 |
the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
六受 |
108 |
the six perceptions; six vedanas
六通 |
108 |
six supernatural powers
六行 |
108 |
- practice of the six pāramitās
- six ascetic practices
六种性 |
六種性 |
108 |
six lineages
六法 |
108 |
the six dharmas
离系果 |
離繫果 |
108 |
visaṃyogaphala; disconnection fruition; separation effect
利养 |
利養 |
108 |
离欲地 |
離欲地 |
108 |
stage of freedom from desire; vītarāgabhūmi
立宗 |
108 |
proposition; pratijñā
漏尽 |
漏盡 |
108 |
defilements exhausted
漏尽通 |
漏盡通 |
108 |
destruction of all affliction
漏尽智证通 |
漏盡智證通 |
108 |
the power of understanding of the eradiction of afflictions
乱心 |
亂心 |
108 |
a confused mind; an unsettled mind
轮宝 |
輪寶 |
108 |
cakra-ratna; wheel treasures
论法 |
論法 |
108 |
argumentation; discourse upon
轮王 |
輪王 |
108 |
wheel turning king
论主 |
論主 |
108 |
the composer of a treatise
罗刹 |
羅剎 |
108 |
- raksasa
- raksasa
洛叉 |
108 |
laksa; one hundred thousand; innumerable
逻刹娑 |
邏剎娑 |
108 |
a raksasa
律仪 |
律儀 |
108 |
- Vinaya and Rules
- rules and ceremonies
- restraint; saṃvara
慢结 |
慢結 |
109 |
the bond of pride
满业 |
滿業 |
109 |
distinguishing karma; complete karma
密云弥布 |
密雲彌布 |
109 |
a dense cloud spreads
面门 |
面門 |
109 |
- forehead
- mouth
- line across the upper lip
妙觉 |
妙覺 |
109 |
- self-enlightenment to enlighten others; wonderous awakening
- Suprabuddha
妙色 |
109 |
wonderful form
妙香 |
109 |
fine incense
妙行 |
109 |
a profound act
妙智 |
109 |
wonderful Buddha-wisdom
妙乐 |
妙樂 |
109 |
- sublime joy
- Miaole
妙善 |
109 |
wholesome; kuśala
妙喜 |
109 |
Miaoxi; Dahui Zonggao; Zonggao
妙眼 |
109 |
marvelous eye; sunetra
妙音 |
109 |
a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
灭谛 |
滅諦 |
109 |
the truth of the cessation of suffering; the noble truth of the extinction of suffering
灭定 |
滅定 |
109 |
the cessation of perception and sensation
灭法 |
滅法 |
109 |
unconditioned dharma
灭尽定 |
滅盡定 |
109 |
the cessation of perception and sensation; nirodhasamāpatti
灭受想定 |
滅受想定 |
109 |
the cessation of perception and sensation; nirodhasamāpatti
灭道 |
滅道 |
109 |
extinction of suffering and the path to it
灭度 |
滅度 |
109 |
- to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
- Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
灭后 |
滅後 |
109 |
after the Buddhas's Nirvāṇa
灭智 |
滅智 |
109 |
understanding of the extinction of suffering; understanding of the third of the four noble truths
密教 |
109 |
esoteric teachings; esoteric Buddhism
迷闷 |
迷悶 |
109 |
stupefied; mūrchita
名僧 |
109 |
renowned monastic
名身 |
109 |
group of names
明术 |
明術 |
109 |
learning; magical skill
名天 |
109 |
famous ruler
名曰 |
109 |
to be named; to be called
名色支 |
109 |
name and form branch
明相 |
109 |
- early dawn
- Aruṇa
命者 |
109 |
concept of life; jīva
迷悟 |
109 |
- Ignorance and Enlightenment
- delusion and enlightenment
密语 |
密語 |
109 |
密意 |
109 |
- Secret Intentions
- hidden meaning
- intention
迷执 |
迷執 |
109 |
delusive grasphing
摩怛理迦 |
109 |
mātṛkā; matrix; systematized lists
末罗 |
末羅 |
109 |
- jasmine; mallika
- Malla
摩纳缚迦 |
摩納縛迦 |
109 |
māṇava; a youth
摩纳婆 |
摩納婆 |
109 |
- māṇava; a youth
- Māṇava; Māṇavaka
末尼 |
109 |
mani; jewel
牟呼栗多 |
109 |
牟尼 |
109 |
a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
那罗 |
那羅 |
110 |
- nara; man
- naṭa; actor; dancer
男根 |
110 |
male organ
难思 |
難思 |
110 |
hard to believe; incredible
难思议 |
難思議 |
110 |
- Inconceivable
- inconceivable
恼害 |
惱害 |
110 |
malicious feeling
内法 |
內法 |
110 |
the Buddhadharma; the Dharma
内方 |
內方 |
110 |
to protect
内证 |
內證 |
110 |
personal realization; inner understanding; pratyātmādhigama
内五 |
內五 |
110 |
pañcādhyātma; inner five
能变 |
能變 |
110 |
able to change
能持 |
110 |
ability to uphold the precepts
能诠 |
能詮 |
110 |
able to explain the Buddha's teachings
能信 |
110 |
able to believe
能别 |
能別 |
110 |
predicate; qualifier; visesana
能化 |
110 |
a teacher
能立 |
110 |
a proposition; sādhana
能破 |
110 |
能所 |
110 |
ability to transform and transformable
能行 |
110 |
ability to act
能缘 |
能緣 |
110 |
conditioning power
能止息 |
110 |
念法 |
110 |
- Way of Contemplation
- to recollect or chant the Dharma; dharmānusmṛti
念佛 |
110 |
- to chant Buddha's name
- to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
念念 |
110 |
thought after thought; successive moments of thought
念清净 |
念清淨 |
110 |
Pure Mind
念住 |
110 |
a foundation of mindfulness
念力 |
110 |
- Power of the Mind
- the power of mindfulness
念言 |
110 |
words from memory
涅槃寂静 |
涅槃寂靜 |
110 |
Nirvana is perfect tranquility
涅槃分 |
110 |
the cause for [achieving] Nirvana
涅槃界 |
110 |
nirvāṇa-dhātu; the realm of Nirvāṇa
牛王 |
110 |
king of bulls
煖法 |
110 |
method of heat; uṣmagata
女根 |
110 |
female sex-organ
傍生 |
112 |
[rebirth as an] animal
傍生趣 |
112 |
animal rebirth
毘钵舍那 |
毘鉢舍那 |
112 |
insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
品第一 |
112 |
Chapter One
毘奈耶 |
112 |
monastic discipline; vinaya
破法 |
112 |
to go against the Dharma; destruction of the dharma
破僧 |
112 |
- to disrupt a monastic in meditation
- to disrupt the harmony of the monastic community
婆诃 |
婆訶 |
112 |
svaha; hail
破见 |
破見 |
112 |
to break the precepts; to break away from righteous view; to deviate from righteous views
菩萨心 |
菩薩心 |
112 |
- Bodhi Mind
- a bodhisattva's mind
- bodhisattva's mind
菩萨位 |
菩薩位 |
112 |
菩提分 |
112 |
aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment; bodhyaṅga; bojjyaṅga
菩提树 |
菩提樹 |
80 |
- Bodhedrum magazine
- Bodhi Tree
- bodhi tree
菩提分法 |
112 |
aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment
菩提心 |
112 |
- bodhi mind
- bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
普现 |
普現 |
112 |
universal manifestation
七大 |
113 |
seven elements
七等觉支 |
七等覺支 |
113 |
seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga
七法 |
113 |
- seven dharmas; seven teachings
- seven types of action
七返 |
113 |
seven returns
七觉支 |
七覺支 |
113 |
- the Seven Factors of Enlightenment
- seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga
七善 |
113 |
- seven excellent aspects
- seven dharmas; seven teachings
七识 |
七識 |
113 |
seven kinds of consciousness
七识住 |
七識住 |
113 |
seven abodes of consciousness
器世间 |
器世間 |
113 |
the material world; the world of living beings; bhajanaloka
七支 |
113 |
seven branches
千佛 |
113 |
thousand Buddhas
悭结 |
慳結 |
113 |
the bond of being miserly
牵引业 |
牽引業 |
113 |
directional karma
千分 |
113 |
one thousandth; sahasratama
且止 |
113 |
契经 |
契經 |
113 |
a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse
七觉 |
七覺 |
113 |
seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga
起灭 |
起滅 |
113 |
saṃsāra; life and death
亲承 |
親承 |
113 |
to entrust with duty
轻安 |
輕安 |
113 |
- Peaceful and at Ease
- at ease
- calmness; tranquillity; repose; serenity; prasrabhi; passaddhi
清净心 |
清淨心 |
113 |
pure mind
清众 |
清眾 |
113 |
- Participating Member (qingzhong, lit. “pure assembly”/“without duty”)
- the monastic community
- duty-less assistants
勤求 |
113 |
to diligently seek
勤修 |
113 |
cultivated; caritāvin
七圣者 |
七聖者 |
113 |
seven sages
起尸 |
起屍 |
113 |
vetāla; vetāḍa
乞士 |
113 |
- Begging
- mendicant monk; bhikṣu
起尸 |
起屍 |
113 |
vetāla; vetāḍa
器世界 |
113 |
the material world; the world of living beings; bhajanaloka
求道 |
113 |
- Seeking the Way
- to seek the Dharma
求生 |
113 |
seeking rebirth
取果 |
113 |
a producing seed; producing fruit
取结 |
取結 |
113 |
the bond of grasping
去来今 |
去來今 |
113 |
past, present, and future
去来现 |
去來現 |
113 |
past, present, and future
趣入 |
113 |
enter into; comprehended; avatīrṇa
取与 |
取與 |
113 |
producing fruit and the fruit produced
取缘有 |
取緣有 |
113 |
From clinging/sustenance as a requisite condition comes becoming.
取蕴 |
取蘊 |
113 |
aggregates of attachment; aggregates that are the objects of grasping; upādānaskandha
全法界 |
113 |
劝修 |
勸修 |
113 |
encouragement to cultivate
取果与果 |
取果與果 |
113 |
- producing fruit and the fruit produced
- producing fruit and the fruit produced
去者 |
113 |
a goer; gamika
取着 |
取著 |
113 |
grasping; attachment
染无知 |
染無知 |
114 |
ignorance due to defilements
染相 |
114 |
characteristics of defilement
染法 |
114 |
kleśa; mental affliction
染净 |
染淨 |
114 |
impure and pure dharmas
染污法 |
114 |
kleśa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement
染污心 |
114 |
afflicted mind; kliṣṭa-citta
染心 |
114 |
afflicted mind; kliṣṭa-citta
饶益有情 |
饒益有情 |
114 |
- to benefit sentient beings
- to benefit living beings
热病 |
熱病 |
114 |
jaundice; kāmalā
忍波罗蜜 |
忍波羅蜜 |
114 |
ksanti-paramita; the paramita of tolerance; the paramita of forbearance
忍法 |
114 |
method or stage of patience
人见 |
人見 |
114 |
the view of a person; view of a self
任运 |
任運 |
114 |
to accomplish something by letting it occur naturally
人中尊 |
114 |
the Honored One among humans
热恼 |
熱惱 |
114 |
distressed; perturbed; troubled
忍法位 |
114 |
method or stage of patience
人天 |
114 |
- humans and devas
- people and devas; all living things
人中 |
114 |
mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
日月光 |
114 |
Sun, Moon, and Light
入道者 |
114 |
a monastic
汝等 |
114 |
you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 |
114 |
In Accord With
入佛 |
114 |
to bring an image of a Buddha
入寂 |
114 |
to enter into Nirvāṇa
如理 |
114 |
principle of suchness
如理作意 |
114 |
attention; engagement
入灭 |
入滅 |
114 |
- to enter into nirvana
- to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
入涅槃 |
114 |
to enter Nirvāṇa
如其所应 |
如其所應 |
114 |
in order; successively
入圣 |
入聖 |
114 |
to become an arhat
如是观 |
如是觀 |
114 |
Contemplate as Such
如是如是 |
114 |
Thus Is, Thus Is
入心 |
114 |
to enter the mind or heart
入道 |
114 |
- to enter the Way
- to become a monastic
- to begin practicing Buddhism
入见道 |
入見道 |
114 |
to perceive the path in meditation
如来出现 |
如來出現 |
114 |
the Tathagata appears
如来身 |
如來身 |
114 |
Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
入涅 |
114 |
to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
若尔 |
若爾 |
114 |
then; tarhi
如如 |
114 |
- Thusness
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
如实 |
如實 |
114 |
- according to reality
- in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
- suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如实智 |
如實智 |
114 |
knowledge of all things
如实知 |
如實知 |
114 |
- to understand things as they really are
- understanding of thusness
入胎 |
114 |
Entry into the womb; to be conceived from Heaven
萨迦耶见 |
薩迦耶見 |
115 |
the view or belief that there is a real self; satkāyadṛṣṭi; sakkāyadiṭṭhi
三变 |
三變 |
115 |
three transformations
三部 |
115 |
three divisions
三不善根 |
115 |
the three unwholesome roots
三从 |
三從 |
115 |
Three Obediences
三大 |
115 |
the three greatnesses; triple significance
三道 |
115 |
- three paths
- three realms
三等 |
115 |
- three equal characteristics
- three equals
三等持 |
115 |
three samādhis
三地 |
115 |
three grounds
三谛 |
三諦 |
115 |
three truths
三定 |
115 |
three samādhis
三恶 |
三惡 |
115 |
- three kinds of malice
- the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三恶趣 |
三惡趣 |
115 |
the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三法 |
115 |
- three dharmas
- three aspects of the Dharma
三佛 |
115 |
Trikāya; the three bodies of the Buddha
三根 |
115 |
- the three grade of wholesome roots
- the three unwholesome roots
- the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三慧 |
115 |
three kinds of wisdom
三火 |
115 |
three fires
三劫 |
115 |
- Three Kalpas
- the three Asankhyeya kalpas; the three Kalpas; the three Asankya-kalpas
三结 |
三結 |
115 |
the three fetters
三戒 |
115 |
- samaya; esoteric precepts
- three sets of precepts
三劫阿僧企耶 |
115 |
three Asankhyeya kalpas
三解脱 |
三解脫 |
115 |
the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三解脱门 |
三解脫門 |
115 |
the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三经 |
三經 |
115 |
three sutras; group of three scriptures
三句 |
115 |
three questions
三空 |
115 |
three kinds of emptiness
三轮 |
三輪 |
115 |
the three cycles
三明 |
115 |
three insights; trividya
三千 |
115 |
three thousand-fold
三千界 |
115 |
Three Thousandfold World System; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三千世界 |
115 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; billion world system; the cosmos
三三摩地 |
115 |
three samādhis
三生 |
115 |
- Three Lifetimes
- three lives; three rebirths
三乘 |
115 |
- Three Vehicles
- three vehicles; triyāna; triyana
三识 |
三識 |
115 |
three levels of consciousness
三世 |
115 |
- Three Periods of Time
- three time periods; past, present, and future
三受 |
115 |
three sensations; three vedanās
三思 |
115 |
- Three Mental Conditions
- three kinds of thought
三脱门 |
三脫門 |
115 |
the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三无漏根 |
三無漏根 |
115 |
the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三无数劫 |
三無數劫 |
115 |
the three Asankhyeya kalpas; the three Kalpas; the three Asankya-kalpas
三向 |
115 |
the three directions
三相 |
115 |
- the three marks of existence; trilakṣaṇa; tilakkhaṇa
- the three positions
- the three characteristics of conditioned dharmas
- the three characteristics
散心 |
115 |
a distracted mind
三行 |
115 |
- the three karmas; three phrase
- the three kinds of action
三性 |
115 |
the three natures; trisvabhava
三修 |
115 |
- three kinds of cultivation; three inferior kinds of cultivation
- three kinds of cultivation; three superior kinds of cultivation
三学 |
三學 |
115 |
threefold training; triśikṣā
三业 |
三業 |
115 |
three types of karma; three actions
三衣 |
115 |
the three robes of monk
三有为相 |
三有為相 |
115 |
the three characteristics of conditioned dharmas
三缘 |
三緣 |
115 |
three links; three nidānas
三蕴 |
三蘊 |
115 |
three kinds of aggregation
三灾 |
三災 |
115 |
Three Calamities
三藏教 |
115 |
Tripiṭaka teachings
三障 |
115 |
three barriers
三支 |
115 |
three branches
三执 |
三執 |
115 |
three levels of attachment
三重障 |
115 |
three barriers
三转 |
三轉 |
115 |
Three Turnings Dharma Wheel
三福 |
115 |
three bases of merit
三缚 |
三縛 |
115 |
three bonds
三观 |
三觀 |
115 |
sanguan; threefold contemplation; three insights
三归 |
三歸 |
115 |
to take refuge in the Triple Gem
三果 |
115 |
the third fruit; the fruit of non-returning
三际 |
三際 |
115 |
past, present, and future
三苦 |
115 |
three kinds of suffering
三摩 |
115 |
samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三摩钵底 |
三摩鉢底 |
115 |
samāpatti; meditative attainment
三摩地 |
115 |
samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三菩提 |
115 |
saṃbodhi; complete enlightenment
散善 |
115 |
virtuous conduct without methodical structure
三善根 |
115 |
three wholesome roots
三心 |
115 |
three minds
三智 |
115 |
three kinds of wisdom
三字 |
115 |
three characters
三自性 |
115 |
three natures
色界 |
115 |
- realm of form; rupadhatu
- dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色境 |
115 |
the visible realm
色身 |
115 |
- Physical Body
- the physical body; rupakaya
色身圆德 |
色身圓德 |
115 |
to manifest perfect virtue
色声 |
色聲 |
115 |
the visible and the audible
色声香味触 |
色聲香味觸 |
115 |
form, sound, taste, touch, smell, and tangibles
色想 |
115 |
色心 |
115 |
form and the formless
色蕴 |
色蘊 |
115 |
the aggregate of form; rūpaskandha
色处 |
色處 |
115 |
the visible realm
色法 |
115 |
rupadharma; physical objects the phenomenal world
色界天众 |
色界天眾 |
115 |
Form Realm devas
色界天 |
115 |
Form Realm heaven
色界系 |
色界繫 |
115 |
bonds to dharmas in the Realm of Form
僧破 |
115 |
splitting of the monastic order
僧物 |
115 |
property of the monastic community
僧宝 |
僧寶 |
115 |
the jewel of the monastic community
僧众 |
僧眾 |
115 |
the monastic community; the sangha
色贪 |
色貪 |
115 |
rūparāga; craving for existence in the rūpadhātu
色天 |
115 |
realm of form
色有 |
115 |
material existence
杀业 |
殺業 |
115 |
Karma of Killing
杀戒 |
殺戒 |
115 |
precept against killing
沙门果 |
沙門果 |
115 |
the fruit of śramaṇa practice
善处 |
善處 |
115 |
a happy state
善恶 |
善惡 |
115 |
- good and evil
- good and evil
善方便 |
115 |
Expedient Means
善分 |
115 |
good morals; kuśala-pakṣa
善见 |
善見 |
115 |
good for seeing; beautiful
善男子 |
115 |
- good men
- a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 |
115 |
- good women
- a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
善逝 |
115 |
Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
善说 |
善說 |
115 |
well expounded
善学 |
善學 |
115 |
- well trained
- Shan Xue
善因 |
115 |
Wholesome Cause
善道 |
115 |
a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善法 |
115 |
- a wholesome dharma
- a wholesome teaching
上二界 |
115 |
upper two realms
上根 |
115 |
a person of superior capacity
善根 |
115 |
- Wholesome Roots
- virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
善根力 |
115 |
power of wholesome roots
上界天 |
115 |
devas of the upper realms
上首 |
115 |
- chief; presiding elders
- foremost; pramukha
善果 |
115 |
- Virtuous Outcomes
- a virtuous reward
善净 |
善淨 |
115 |
well purified; suvisuddha
善巧 |
115 |
- Skillful
- virtuous and clever; skilful
善趣 |
115 |
a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善授 |
115 |
善顺 |
善順 |
115 |
- sūrata; well disposed towards; compassionate
- Sūrata
善宿 |
115 |
fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
善业 |
善業 |
115 |
wholesome acts; good actions
善哉 |
115 |
- Sadhu
- excellent
少净 |
少淨 |
115 |
limited purity
少善根 |
115 |
few good roots; little virtue
少欲 |
115 |
few desires
烧然 |
燒然 |
115 |
to incinerate
杀生 |
殺生 |
115 |
- Killing Lives
- to kill
杀生戒 |
殺生戒 |
115 |
precept against killing
杀心 |
殺心 |
115 |
the intention to kill
舌根 |
115 |
organ of taste; tongue
舍戒 |
捨戒 |
115 |
to abandon the precepts
摄品 |
攝品 |
115 |
Chapter on Inclusion
摄事 |
攝事 |
115 |
means of embracing
摄一切法 |
攝一切法 |
115 |
embraces all dharmas
舍于重担 |
捨於重擔 |
115 |
their burden laid down
摄持 |
攝持 |
115 |
- parigraha; to protect; to uphold; to take proper care
- grasping; saṃgraha
摄伏 |
攝伏 |
115 |
grahaṇa; to seize; to hold
摄护 |
攝護 |
115 |
parigraha; to protect
舍离 |
捨離 |
115 |
to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
奢摩他 |
115 |
śamatha; medatative concentration
身等 |
115 |
equal in body
身根 |
115 |
sense of touch
身坏命终 |
身壞命終 |
115 |
the break-up of the body, after death
神境 |
115 |
teleportation; supernormal powers
身密 |
115 |
mystery of the body
身识 |
身識 |
115 |
body consciousness; sense of touch
身受 |
115 |
the sense of touch; physical perception
身受心法 |
115 |
four bases of mindfulness
身形无间 |
身形無間 |
115 |
uninterrupted physical form
身业 |
身業 |
115 |
physical karma
深义 |
深義 |
115 |
deep meaning
身语意 |
身語意 |
115 |
physical actions, speech, and thought
身证 |
身證 |
115 |
bodily witness; one who has bodily testimony; kāyasākṣin
舍那 |
115 |
- śāṇa; a robe; a garment
- insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
神变 |
神變 |
115 |
a divine transformation; a miracle
神变事 |
神變事 |
115 |
wonderous apparitions
生变 |
生變 |
115 |
to change; to transform
胜处 |
勝處 |
115 |
abode of superiority; station of mastery; abhibhāyatana
圣谛 |
聖諦 |
115 |
noble truth; absolute truth; supreme truth
圣谛现观 |
聖諦現觀 |
115 |
realization of the Noble Truths
圣弟子 |
聖弟子 |
115 |
a disciple of the noble ones
生法 |
115 |
sentient beings and dharmas
圣法 |
聖法 |
115 |
the sacred teachings of the Buddha
圣凡 |
聖凡 |
115 |
- sage and ordinary
- sage and common person
圣果 |
聖果 |
115 |
sacred fruit
胜果 |
勝果 |
115 |
the wonderful fruit; the surpassing fruit
生欢喜 |
生歡喜 |
115 |
giving rise to joy
生空 |
115 |
empty of a permanent ego
生苦 |
115 |
suffering due to birth
生忍 |
115 |
Ordinary Patience
圣僧 |
聖僧 |
115 |
noble community; community of noble ones; āryasaṃgha; aryasamgha
生身 |
115 |
the physical body of a Buddha
生天 |
115 |
celestial birth
圣位 |
聖位 |
115 |
sagehood stage
生相 |
115 |
attribute of arising
圣性 |
聖性 |
115 |
divine nature
胜义谛 |
勝義諦 |
115 |
paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
胜愿 |
勝願 |
115 |
spureme vow
生缘老死 |
生緣老死 |
115 |
from birth as a requisite condition, then aging and death
圣种 |
聖種 |
115 |
- holy seed; monastic community
- proper teaching
圣住 |
聖住 |
115 |
sagely abode
生住灭 |
生住滅 |
115 |
- arising, duration, and cessation
- arising, duration, and cessation
圣道 |
聖道 |
115 |
- the sacred way; spiritual path
- The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
胜定 |
勝定 |
115 |
equipose; samāhita
胜法 |
勝法 |
115 |
surpassing dharmas
胜观 |
勝觀 |
115 |
圣教 |
聖教 |
115 |
sacred teachings
胜解 |
勝解 |
115 |
resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
生类 |
生類 |
115 |
species; insect
生灭 |
生滅 |
115 |
- arising and ceasing
- life and death
生起 |
115 |
cause; arising
圣身 |
聖身 |
115 |
ārya; a faithful man
胜施 |
勝施 |
115 |
granting wishes; varada
生寿 |
生壽 |
115 |
生死海 |
115 |
the ocean of Saṃsāra
生死苦 |
生死苦 |
115 |
suffering of Saṃsāra
生死流转 |
生死流轉 |
115 |
the cycle of death and rebirth
身骨 |
115 |
圣心 |
聖心 |
115 |
holy mind; Buddha mind
胜行 |
勝行 |
115 |
distinguished actions
胜义 |
勝義 |
115 |
beyond description; surpassing worldy ideas; superlative; inscrutable
胜义空 |
勝義空 |
115 |
transcendental emptiness; unsurpassed emptiness
圣语 |
聖語 |
115 |
sacred language; āryabhāṣā; Sanskrit
胜者 |
勝者 |
115 |
victor; jina
圣智 |
聖智 |
115 |
Buddha wisdom
圣众 |
聖眾 |
115 |
holy ones
生住异灭 |
生住異滅 |
115 |
arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all existences
身见 |
身見 |
115 |
views of a self
身界 |
115 |
ashes or relics after cremation
神境智证通 |
神境智證通 |
115 |
teleportation; ṛddy-abhijña
身命 |
115 |
body and life
什深 |
甚深 |
115 |
very profound; what is deep
身通 |
115 |
teleportation; ṛddy-abhijña
深心 |
115 |
determination; resolution; adhyāśaya
身业语业意业 |
身業語業意業 |
115 |
physical karma, verbal karma, and mental karma
申正 |
115 |
to be upright in character
神足 |
115 |
teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
舌识 |
舌識 |
115 |
sense of taste
摄受 |
攝受 |
115 |
- to receive, take in
- to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
舍受 |
捨受 |
115 |
sensation of freedom from pleasure and pain; sensation of indifference to pleasure and pain
摄心 |
攝心 |
115 |
to concentrate
摄益 |
攝益 |
115 |
anugraha; to benefit
摄引 |
攝引 |
115 |
to guide and protect
时爱心解脱 |
時愛心解脫 |
115 |
liberation over a period of time; one who is liberated over a period of time
师承 |
師承 |
115 |
succeed one's teacher
世导师 |
世導師 |
115 |
guide of the world
十地 |
115 |
Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
世第一法 |
115 |
the foremost dharma
十恶 |
十惡 |
115 |
the ten evils
十恶业道 |
十惡業道 |
115 |
ten unwholesome behaviors
十二处 |
十二處 |
115 |
ayatana; twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
十二缘起 |
十二緣起 |
115 |
- twelve links of dependent origination; twelve nidānas
- the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
十法 |
115 |
ten rules; perfecting of the ten rules
时解脱 |
時解脫 |
115 |
liberation over a period of time; one who is liberated over a period of time
是苦集 |
115 |
this is the origin of pain
是苦灭 |
是苦滅 |
115 |
this is the suppression of pain
是苦灭道 |
是苦滅道 |
115 |
this is the treatment leading to suppression of pain
十力 |
115 |
the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
世论 |
世論 |
115 |
worldly discussions; hedonistic teachings
十门 |
十門 |
115 |
ten gates
失念 |
115 |
lose train of thought; wandering mind; loss of memory
石女儿 |
石女兒 |
115 |
the son of an infertile woman
十方 |
115 |
- The Ten Directions
- the ten directions
湿生 |
濕生 |
115 |
to be born from moisture
十胜行 |
十勝行 |
115 |
ten pāramitās; ten perfections
食时 |
食時 |
115 |
- mealtime
- forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
十随眠 |
十隨眠 |
115 |
ten unwholesome mental states
十通 |
115 |
ten supernatural powers
施物 |
115 |
释疑 |
釋疑 |
115 |
explanation of doubts
实义 |
實義 |
115 |
true meaning; true doctrine
事用 |
115 |
matter and functions
实有 |
實有 |
115 |
absolute reality; substantial unchanging existence; something truly existing
识缘名色 |
識緣名色 |
115 |
from consciousness as a requisite condition comes name-and-form
识蕴 |
識蘊 |
115 |
consciousness aggregate; vijñānaskandha; viññāṇakhandha
施者 |
115 |
实智 |
實智 |
115 |
- knowledge of reality
- true wisdom
世智 |
115 |
worldly knowledge; secular understanding
十智 |
115 |
ten forms of understanding
时众 |
時眾 |
115 |
present company
释种 |
釋種 |
115 |
Śākya-seed; the disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha
识住 |
識住 |
115 |
the bases of consciousness
释子 |
釋子 |
115 |
son of Śākya; a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
十八不共法 |
115 |
eighteen distinctive characterisitics; astadasavenikabuddhadharma
十八界 |
115 |
eighteen realms
十二分教 |
115 |
dvādaśaṅga; the twelve divisions of Buddhist literature
实法 |
實法 |
115 |
true teachings
释迦子 |
釋迦子 |
115 |
a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
世间相 |
世間相 |
115 |
the characteristics of the world
世间相违 |
世間相違 |
115 |
contradicting common sense
世间智 |
世間智 |
115 |
worldly knowledge; secular understanding
世间法 |
世間法 |
115 |
- Worldly Rules
- world law; lokadharma; lokadhamma
识界 |
識界 |
115 |
vijñāna-dhātu; the realm of consciousness
十六圣行 |
十六聖行 |
115 |
sixteen forms of noble practice
十六心 |
115 |
sixteen minds
十六行 |
115 |
sixteen forms of practice
十六行相 |
115 |
sixteen forms of practice
室路迦 |
115 |
尸罗 |
尸羅 |
115 |
sila; commitment to not doing harm
十如 |
115 |
ten qualities
施僧 |
115 |
to provide a meal for monastics
施设 |
施設 |
115 |
to establish; to set up
识身 |
識身 |
115 |
mind and body
施食 |
115 |
- Food Bestowal
- to give food
世俗谛 |
世俗諦 |
115 |
- worldly truth; conventional truth; relative truth; mundane truth
- conventional truth
世俗智 |
115 |
secular understanding
示现 |
示現 |
115 |
- Manifestation
- to manifest
- to manifest; to display
食香 |
115 |
实相 |
實相 |
115 |
- reality
- dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
事相 |
115 |
phenomenon; esoteric practice
十一位 |
115 |
eleven stages
士用果 |
115 |
puruṣakāraphala; effect caused by a person
实语 |
實語 |
115 |
true words
识支 |
識支 |
115 |
vijnana; consciousness
施主 |
115 |
- benefactor
- an alms giver; a donor
师子吼 |
師子吼 |
115 |
lion’s roar
受法 |
115 |
to receive the Dharma
受戒 |
115 |
- Take the Precepts
- to take precepts
受苦无间 |
受苦無間 |
115 |
uninterrupted suffering
寿量 |
壽量 |
115 |
受生心 |
115 |
a mind working towards furture rebirth
受想 |
115 |
sensation and perception
受缘爱 |
受緣愛 |
115 |
from feeling as a requisite condition comes craving
受蕴 |
受蘊 |
115 |
aggregate of sensation; vedanā
受者 |
115 |
受别 |
受別 |
115 |
a prophecy
受持 |
115 |
- uphold
- to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
受具 |
115 |
to obtain full ordination
受决 |
受決 |
115 |
a prophecy
受食 |
115 |
one who receives food
霜雹 |
115 |
frost and hail
水界 |
115 |
water; water realm; water element
顺次生受业 |
順次生受業 |
115 |
karma to be experienced in the next lifetime
顺解脱分 |
順解脫分 |
115 |
stage of liberation by following one's duty
顺决择分 |
順決擇分 |
115 |
ability in judgement and selection
顺生受业 |
順生受業 |
115 |
karma to be experienced in the next lifetime
顺现法受业 |
順現法受業 |
115 |
karma to be experienced in this lifetime
顺世 |
順世 |
115 |
- to die (of a monastic)
- materialistic; lokāyata
说净 |
說淨 |
115 |
explained to be pure
说经 |
說經 |
115 |
to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
说欲 |
說欲 |
115 |
explanation of desire
说法师 |
說法師 |
115 |
expounder of the Dharma
说法者 |
說法者 |
115 |
expounder of the Dharma
说戒 |
說戒 |
115 |
- explation of the precepts; upoṣadha
- half monthly confession
数取趣 |
數取趣 |
115 |
pudgala; individual; person
四辩 |
四辯 |
115 |
the four unhindered powers of understanding
四大种 |
四大種 |
115 |
the four great seeds; the four great elements
四大种所造色 |
四大種所造色 |
115 |
all matter is created from the four elements
四倒 |
115 |
four inverted beliefs; four false beliefs
四德 |
115 |
the four virtues
四等 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四谛 |
四諦 |
115 |
the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四颠倒 |
四顛倒 |
115 |
four inverted beliefs; four false beliefs
四恶 |
四惡 |
115 |
four evil destinies
四法 |
115 |
the four aspects of the Dharma
四烦恼 |
四煩惱 |
115 |
four mental afflictions; four klesas
四見 |
115 |
four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
四界 |
115 |
four dharma realms
四劫 |
115 |
four kalpas
四解 |
115 |
the four unhindered powers of understanding
四静虑 |
四靜慮 |
115 |
four jhanas; four stages of meditative concentration
四句 |
115 |
four verses; four phrases
死苦 |
115 |
四门 |
四門 |
115 |
the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四念 |
115 |
four bases of mindfulness
四念住 |
115 |
four foundations of mindfulness; satipatthana
四取 |
115 |
four types of clinging
四善根 |
115 |
ability in judgement and selection; the four wholesome roots
四摄 |
四攝 |
115 |
Four Means of Embracing; the four means of embracing
四摄事 |
四攝事 |
115 |
the four means of embracing
四生 |
115 |
four types of birth
四圣谛 |
四聖諦 |
115 |
the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四神足 |
115 |
the four kinds of teleportation
四威仪 |
四威儀 |
115 |
Four Kinds of Comportment; four comportments
四问 |
四問 |
115 |
four questions of the Buddha; the four questions asked of the Buddha
四无色 |
四無色 |
115 |
four formless heavens
四无碍解 |
四無礙解 |
115 |
the four unhindered powers of understanding
四无量 |
四無量 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四无色定 |
四無色定 |
115 |
- four formless heavens
- four formless heavens
四相 |
115 |
- four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
- four marks of existence; caturlaksana
四向四果 |
115 |
four directions and four fruits
四修 |
115 |
four kinds of cultivation
四一 |
115 |
four ones
四有 |
115 |
four states of existence
四有为相 |
四有爲相 |
115 |
- four marks of existence
- the four characteristics of conditioned dharmas
四缘 |
四緣 |
115 |
the four conditions
四正断 |
四正斷 |
115 |
four right efforts; four right exertions
四证净 |
四證淨 |
115 |
four actualizations of purity
四智 |
115 |
the four forms of wisdom
四重 |
115 |
four grave prohibitions
四重罪 |
115 |
four grave prohibitions
四果 |
115 |
four fruits
思慧 |
115 |
wisdom from thinking; wisdom acquired by reflection
思惑 |
115 |
a delusion
四加行 |
115 |
four prayoga; four applications of training
四弃 |
四棄 |
115 |
four grievous sins
死尸 |
死屍 |
115 |
a corpse
四事 |
115 |
the four necessities
四天 |
115 |
four kinds of heaven
四无畏 |
四無畏 |
115 |
four kinds of fearlessness
四心 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
似因 |
115 |
pseudo reason
寺中 |
115 |
within a temple
诵经 |
誦經 |
115 |
- to chant sutras
- to chant sutras
宿业 |
宿業 |
115 |
past karma
宿因 |
115 |
karma of past lives
速证菩提 |
速證菩提 |
115 |
enlightenment is quickly attained
素怛缆 |
素怛纜 |
115 |
窣堵波 |
115 |
a stupa
随法行 |
隨法行 |
115 |
Follow the Dharma
随烦恼 |
隨煩惱 |
115 |
secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
随分 |
隨分 |
115 |
- according to (one's) allotment
- Dharmatāra Sūtra
- according to the part assigned; according to lot
- according to ability
随一 |
隨一 |
115 |
mostly; most of the time
随缘 |
隨緣 |
115 |
- Follow Conditions
- to accord with conditions
- to act in accordance with causes and conditions
随逐 |
隨逐 |
115 |
to attach and follow
随惑 |
隨惑 |
115 |
secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśā
随类 |
隨類 |
115 |
according to type
随眠 |
隨眠 |
115 |
a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya
随情 |
隨情 |
115 |
随喜 |
隨喜 |
115 |
- to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
- anumodana; admiration
随宜 |
隨宜 |
115 |
acting according to people's needs; acting in accordance with the circumstances
随转 |
隨轉 |
115 |
teaching of adaptable philosophy
所以者何 |
115 |
Why is that?
所缘境 |
所緣境 |
115 |
depending upon
所缘缘 |
所緣緣 |
115 |
ālambanapratyaya; ārammaṇapaccaya; observed object condition
所造性 |
115 |
having the nature of being created
所作已办 |
所作已辦 |
115 |
their work done
所持 |
115 |
adhisthana; empowerment
所立 |
115 |
thesis; property being proven; sādhyadharma
所行 |
115 |
actions; practice
宿住 |
115 |
former abidings; past lives
他力 |
116 |
the power of another
他摄 |
他攝 |
116 |
to receive aid from another
他生 |
116 |
- arisen from external causes
- future life
他心通 |
116 |
- Mind Reader
- mind reading
他心智通 |
116 |
reading other people's minds
胎藏 |
116 |
贪瞋痴 |
貪瞋痴 |
116 |
- greed, hatred, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
贪爱 |
貪愛 |
116 |
- Clinging
- passion; desire; rāga
贪缚 |
貪縛 |
116 |
bonds of greed
唐捐 |
116 |
in vain
贪着 |
貪著 |
116 |
attachment to desire
他心智 |
116 |
understanding of the minds of other beings
天耳 |
116 |
celestial ear; divine ear; divyaśrotra
天耳通 |
116 |
- Divine Hearing
- heavenly hearing
天龙 |
天龍 |
116 |
all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天眼 |
116 |
- divine eye
- divine sight
天乐 |
天樂 |
116 |
heavenly music
天众 |
天眾 |
116 |
天尊 |
116 |
most honoured among devas
天眼通 |
116 |
- Divine Eye
- Heavenly Vision; divine sight
调伏 |
調伏 |
116 |
- to subdue
- tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
体性 |
體性 |
116 |
svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
体用 |
體用 |
116 |
- Essence and Influence
- the substance of an entity
同处同时 |
同處同時 |
116 |
same place and same time
同法 |
116 |
- followers of the same teaching
- same dharma; same dharma analogy
同法喻 |
116 |
same dharma analogy
同分 |
116 |
same class
通慧 |
116 |
- supernatural powers and wisdom
- Tong Hui
同居 |
116 |
dwell together
同喻 |
116 |
same dharma
通力 |
116 |
a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; a magical power
同品 |
116 |
- same kind
- similar instance; sapakṣa
同许 |
同許 |
116 |
commonly admitted [dharma]
兔角 |
116 |
rabbit's horns
兔毛尘 |
兔毛塵 |
116 |
a speck of dust on rabbit fur
徒众 |
徒眾 |
116 |
a group of disciples
退堕 |
退墮 |
116 |
parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
退失 |
116 |
parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
退转 |
退轉 |
116 |
parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
托生 |
託生 |
116 |
to be conceived from Heaven
托胎 |
116 |
- to be conceived from Heaven
- to be conceived from Heaven
涂香 |
塗香 |
116 |
to annoint
外法 |
119 |
- external objects [dharmas]
- outside teachings
外境界 |
119 |
external realm
外缘 |
外緣 |
119 |
- External Conditions
- external causes
外境 |
119 |
external realm; external objects
万法 |
萬法 |
119 |
myriad phenomena; all things
妄分别 |
妄分別 |
119 |
mistaken discrimination
忘念 |
119 |
lose concentraion; lose train of thought; wandering mind; loss of memory
往生 |
119 |
- to be reborn
- a future life
往诣 |
往詣 |
119 |
to go to; upagam
妄执 |
妄執 |
119 |
attachment to false views
妄见 |
妄見 |
119 |
a delusion
王仙 |
119 |
royal sage; rājarṣi
妄语 |
妄語 |
119 |
万劫 |
萬劫 |
119 |
ten thousand kalpas
万行 |
萬行 |
119 |
- all methods for salvation
- Wan Xing
未曾有 |
119 |
- Never Before
- never before seen; abdhutadharma
未离欲 |
未離欲 |
119 |
not yet free from desire
未离欲者 |
未離欲者 |
119 |
one not yet free from desire
未生恶 |
未生惡 |
119 |
evil that has not yet been produced
违顺 |
違順 |
119 |
resisting and complying; disobeying and obeying
未来现在 |
未來現在 |
119 |
the present and the future
未来世 |
未來世 |
119 |
times to come; the future
微妙色 |
119 |
unmatched colors
唯识 |
唯識 |
119 |
vijñaptimātratā; consciousness only; mere-representation
威势圆德 |
威勢圓德 |
119 |
virtue of spiritual power
唯心 |
119 |
cittamātra; mind-only
威仪路 |
威儀路 |
119 |
religious performance
味着 |
味著 |
119 |
attachment to the taste of food
未至定 |
119 |
闻持 |
聞持 |
119 |
to hear and keep in mind
闻法 |
聞法 |
119 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻经 |
聞經 |
119 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
问难 |
問難 |
119 |
闻如是 |
聞如是 |
119 |
thus I have heard
闻思修 |
聞思修 |
119 |
- Listen, Contemplate, and Practice
- hearing, contemplation, and practice
闻慧 |
聞慧 |
119 |
Wisdom from Hearing; śrutamayīprajñā; wisdom from listening
闻者 |
聞者 |
119 |
hearer; śrotṛ
我等慢 |
119 |
the conceit of thinking oneself equal to one's superiors
我颠倒 |
我顛倒 |
119 |
to view non-self as self; the delusion that the self is real
我法 |
119 |
- self and dharmas
- my teachings
我空 |
119 |
empty of a permanent ego; empty of self
我劣慢 |
119 |
the arrogance of believing that oneself is only slightly inferior to those who far surpass one
我身 |
119 |
I; myself
我胜慢 |
我勝慢 |
119 |
the arrogance of believing that oneself is superior to equals
我所 |
119 |
- my; mama
- conception of possession; mamakāra
我所见 |
我所見 |
119 |
the view of possession
我所心 |
119 |
a mind with the belief that it can possess objects
我我所 |
119 |
conception of possession; mamakāra
我相 |
119 |
the notion of a self
我有 |
119 |
the illusion of the existence of self
我语取 |
我語取 |
119 |
attachment to doctrines about the self
我爱 |
我愛 |
119 |
我倒 |
119 |
the delusion of self
我德 |
119 |
the virtue of self
我慢 |
119 |
- conceit; atmamana; ahamkara
- visualization as a deity; ahamkara
我事 |
119 |
我语 |
我語 |
119 |
atmavada; notions of a self
我执 |
我執 |
119 |
- Self-Attachment
- clinging to self; atmagraha
五百阿罗汉 |
五百阿羅漢 |
119 |
five hundred Arhats
无表业 |
無表業 |
119 |
the non-revealable
无常苦空 |
無常苦空 |
119 |
无常想 |
無常想 |
119 |
the notion of impermanence
五处 |
五處 |
119 |
five places; panca-sthana
无得 |
無得 |
119 |
无二 |
無二 |
119 |
advaya; nonduality; not two
无分别 |
無分別 |
119 |
- Non-Discriminative
- without false conceptualization
五盖 |
五蓋 |
119 |
five hindrances; the five obstructions
五根 |
119 |
pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无罣碍 |
無罣礙 |
119 |
unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
五果 |
119 |
five fruits; five effects
无记 |
無記 |
119 |
not explained; indeterminate
五见 |
五見 |
119 |
five views; five wrong views; pañcadṛṣṭi
无见者 |
無見者 |
119 |
no observer
五戒 |
119 |
the five precepts
五净居天 |
五淨居天 |
119 |
- five pure abodes
- five deities of the pure abodes
五净居处 |
五淨居處 |
119 |
five pure abodes
五净居 |
五淨居 |
119 |
five pure abodes
五力 |
119 |
pañcabala; the five powers
无量光 |
無量光 |
119 |
- infinite light
- infinite light; apramāṇābha
无漏心 |
無漏心 |
119 |
mind without outflows
无漏智 |
無漏智 |
119 |
- Untainted Wisdom
- wisdom with no outflows; wisdom with no depravity
无明烦恼 |
無明煩惱 |
119 |
五逆 |
119 |
pañca-ānantarya-karma; Five Great Violations; Five Cardinal Sins; the five heinous crimes
五念 |
119 |
- five devotional gates
- five contemplations
五僻见 |
五僻見 |
119 |
five views; five wrong views
无求 |
無求 |
119 |
No Desires
五取蕴 |
五取蘊 |
119 |
five aggregates of attachment
五取蕴苦 |
五取蘊苦 |
119 |
suffering due to the five aggregates
五色根 |
119 |
the five sense organs
五上分结 |
五上分結 |
119 |
five upper fetters
无身 |
無身 |
119 |
无胜 |
無勝 |
119 |
unsurpassed; ajita; vijaya
无实 |
無實 |
119 |
not ultimately real
五事 |
119 |
five dharmas; five categories
五时 |
五時 |
119 |
five periods
无师智 |
無師智 |
119 |
Untaught Wisdom
无寿 |
無壽 |
119 |
no life
五衰 |
119 |
five signs of decline [of devas]
五衰相现 |
五衰相現 |
119 |
Five Signs of Decay
无所得 |
無所得 |
119 |
nothing to be attained
无所畏 |
無所畏 |
119 |
without any fear
无所有处 |
無所有處 |
119 |
the third sphere in the formless realm; sphere of nothingness; ākiñcanyāyatana
无所有 |
無所有 |
119 |
五通 |
119 |
five supernatural powers; pañca-abhijnā
五唯 |
119 |
five rudimentary elements
五下 |
119 |
five lower fetters
五下分结 |
五下分結 |
119 |
five lower fetters
五下结 |
五下結 |
119 |
five lower fetters
五顺下分结 |
五順下分結 |
119 |
five lower fetters
無想 |
119 |
no notion; without perception
无想定 |
無想定 |
119 |
meditative concentration with no thought
无想果 |
無想果 |
119 |
fruits of no thought
五心 |
119 |
five minds
无学果 |
無學果 |
119 |
the state of being an an adept; arhat-hood
无依 |
無依 |
119 |
without basis; with nothing on which to rely; unreliable
五欲 |
五慾 |
119 |
the five desires
无余依 |
無餘依 |
119 |
without remainder
五蕴 |
五蘊 |
119 |
five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无云 |
無雲 |
119 |
- without clouds
- cloudless; without clouds; anabhraka
无障碍 |
無障礙 |
119 |
- without obstruction
- Asaṅga
无诤 |
無諍 |
119 |
- No Disputes
- non-contention; araṇā
五智 |
119 |
five kinds of wisdom
无智人 |
無智人 |
119 |
五种不还 |
五種不還 |
119 |
five kinds of non-returning
五种法 |
五種法 |
119 |
five types of homa ritual
五转 |
五轉 |
119 |
five evolutions
无碍解 |
無礙解 |
119 |
unhindered understanding
无碍智 |
無礙智 |
119 |
五百年 |
119 |
five hundred years
无边世界 |
無邊世界 |
119 |
the unbounded world; infinite worlds
无表色 |
無表色 |
119 |
avijnaptirupa; latent material force
邬波斯迦 |
鄔波斯迦 |
119 |
a female lay Buddhist
邬波索迦 |
鄔波索迦 |
119 |
upasaka; upasika; a male lay Buddhist
五部 |
119 |
- the five classes
- the five divisions
无惭 |
無慚 |
119 |
shamelessness; āhrīkya
无常性 |
無常性 |
119 |
无瞋 |
無瞋 |
119 |
non-aggression; non-hatred; imperturbability
无癡 |
無癡 |
119 |
without delusion
五法 |
119 |
five dharmas; five categories
无垢 |
無垢 |
119 |
- No Impurity
- vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无间道 |
無間道 |
119 |
uninterupted way; immediate path; ānantaryamārga
无间业 |
無間業 |
119 |
unremitting karma
无量劫 |
無量劫 |
119 |
innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无量门 |
無量門 |
119 |
boundless gate
无量义 |
無量義 |
119 |
- the meaning of all things
- the Mahāyāna canon
无量众生 |
無量眾生 |
119 |
innumerable beings
无漏 |
無漏 |
119 |
- Untainted
- having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无漏道 |
無漏道 |
119 |
the undefiled way; anāsravamārga
无漏法 |
無漏法 |
119 |
uncontaninated dharmas
无漏界 |
無漏界 |
119 |
the undefiled realm; anāsravadhātu
五妙欲 |
119 |
objects of the five senses
无明灭 |
無明滅 |
119 |
ignorance is extinguished
无明缘行 |
無明緣行 |
119 |
from ignorance, volition arises
见漏 |
見漏 |
119 |
dṛṣṭyāsrava; contaminant of views
无明漏 |
無明漏 |
119 |
avidyāsrava; contaminant of ignorance
无能胜 |
無能勝 |
119 |
aparajita; unsurpassed
无念 |
無念 |
119 |
- No Thought
- free from thought
- no thought
- tathatā
五品 |
119 |
five grades
无染 |
無染 |
119 |
悟入 |
119 |
comprehend; experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
无色 |
無色 |
119 |
formless; no form; arupa
无色界 |
無色界 |
119 |
formless realm; arupyadhatu
无色贪 |
無色貪 |
119 |
ārūpyarāga; ārūparāga
无上觉 |
無上覺 |
119 |
supreme enlightenment
无上菩提 |
無上菩提 |
119 |
- Supreme Bodhi
- samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
无上智 |
無上智 |
119 |
unsurpassed wisdom
无生 |
無生 |
119 |
- No-Birth
- anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
无生智 |
無生智 |
119 |
- Non-Arising Wisdom
- knowledge extended to the higher realms
五识 |
五識 |
119 |
- five kinds of cognition; five kinds of perception
- five steps of cognition; five kinds of mind
无始 |
無始 |
119 |
without beginning
五受 |
119 |
five sensations
无数劫 |
無數劫 |
119 |
innumerable kalpas
无贪心 |
無貪心 |
119 |
a mind without greed
无体 |
無體 |
119 |
without essence
无为法 |
無為法 |
119 |
an unconditioned dhárma; asaṃskṛta-dhárma
无相 |
無相 |
119 |
- Formless
- animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无相解脱门 |
無相解脫門 |
119 |
signless doors of deliverance
无性 |
無性 |
119 |
- niḥsvabhāva; no self-nature
- Asvabhāva
无学 |
無學 |
119 |
- aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
- Muhak
无学道 |
無學道 |
119 |
aśaikṣamārga; the path of the adept
无学位 |
無學位 |
119 |
- Level of Nothing More to Learn
- stage of no more learning
- aśaikṣamārga; the path of the adept
无异想 |
無異想 |
119 |
thoughts never partial
无余 |
無餘 |
119 |
- not excessive
- without remainder; niravasesa
无住 |
無住 |
119 |
- non-abiding
- non-attachment; non-abiding
无自性 |
無自性 |
119 |
niḥsvabhāva; no self-nature
希法 |
120 |
future dharmas
息苦 |
120 |
end of suffering
戏论 |
戲論 |
120 |
- mental proliferation
- meaningless talk; frivolous discourse; mutual false praise; inflated conceptualization; hypostatization; prapañca
戏论网 |
戲論網 |
120 |
net of conceptual proliferation
习诵 |
習誦 |
120 |
- recite
- recite repeatedly; svādyāya
喜足少欲 |
120 |
content with few desires
下生 |
120 |
for a bodhisattva for descend to the human world
现法乐 |
現法樂 |
120 |
delighting in whatever is present
现见 |
現見 |
120 |
to immediately see
闲居 |
閑居 |
120 |
a place to rest
显色 |
顯色 |
120 |
visible colors
现生 |
現生 |
120 |
the present life
现识 |
現識 |
120 |
reproducing mind
现相 |
現相 |
120 |
world of objects
现证 |
現證 |
120 |
immediate realization
现等觉 |
現等覺 |
120 |
to become a Buddha
现法 |
現法 |
120 |
for a Dharma to manifest in the world
现法乐住 |
現法樂住 |
120 |
dṛṣṭa-dharma-sukha-vihāra; delighting in whatever is present
相违因 |
相違因 |
120 |
contradictory reasons
相分 |
120 |
an idea; a form
相似觉 |
相似覺 |
120 |
- Enlightenment in Appearance
- enlightenment in appearance
现观 |
現觀 |
120 |
abhisamaya; full comprehension; realization; insight
象王 |
120 |
- keeper of elephants
- elephant king; noble elephant
相想 |
120 |
concept of a sign
相续 |
相續 |
120 |
causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
相续识 |
相續識 |
120 |
continuing mind
相应法 |
相應法 |
120 |
corresponding dharma; mental factor
相应品 |
相應品 |
120 |
Chapter on Association
相应染 |
相應染 |
120 |
corresponding affliction
相应心 |
相應心 |
120 |
a mind associated with mental afflictions
想蕴 |
想蘊 |
120 |
perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna
现量 |
現量 |
120 |
knowing from manifest phenomena; perception; pratyakṣa
险难 |
險難 |
120 |
显识 |
顯識 |
120 |
alaya consciousness
显正 |
顯正 |
120 |
to be upright in character
息恶 |
息惡 |
120 |
a wandering monk; śramaṇa
邪定 |
120 |
destined to be evil
邪正 |
120 |
heterodox and orthodox
邪法 |
120 |
false teachings
邪见 |
邪見 |
120 |
mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
邪慢 |
120 |
sinister indulgence; arrogance
邪命 |
120 |
heterodox practices
邪行 |
120 |
- heretical ways
- sexual misconduct
邪性定聚 |
120 |
destined to be evil
邪婬 |
120 |
to commit sexual misconduct
邪执 |
邪執 |
120 |
unwholesome attachments; evil attachments
心法 |
120 |
mental objects
信根 |
120 |
faith; the root of faith
心解脱 |
心解脫 |
120 |
- liberation of mind
- to liberate the mind
薪尽 |
薪盡 |
120 |
with the fuel consumed [the fire is extinguished]
心净 |
心淨 |
120 |
A Pure Mind
信乐 |
信樂 |
120 |
joy of believing
心灭 |
心滅 |
120 |
cessation of the deluded mind
心善解脱 |
心善解脫 |
120 |
liberated by wholesome thoughts
心识 |
心識 |
120 |
mind and cognition
信受 |
120 |
to believe and accept
心受 |
120 |
mental perception
心数 |
心數 |
120 |
a mental factor
心所法 |
120 |
a mental factor; a mental state; a mental event
心想 |
120 |
thoughts of the mind; thought
心心 |
120 |
the mind and mental conditions
信行 |
120 |
- faith and practice
- Xinxing
心一境性 |
120 |
mind with singled pointed focus
心意识 |
心意識 |
120 |
- mind, thought, and perception
- mind, thought, and perception
心缘 |
心緣 |
120 |
cognition of the environment
心作 |
120 |
karmic activity of the mind
信从 |
信從 |
120 |
namo; to pay respect to; homage
性戒 |
120 |
a natural precept
行苦 |
120 |
suffering as a consequence of action
性起 |
120 |
arising from nature
行相 |
120 |
to conceptualize about phenomena
行一 |
120 |
equivalence of all forms of practice
行婬 |
120 |
lewd desire
行缘识 |
行緣識 |
120 |
from volition, consciousness arises
行住坐卧 |
行住坐臥 |
120 |
- walking, standing, sitting, and lying down
- etiquette in the four postures
行法 |
120 |
cultivation method
性分 |
120 |
the nature of something
行解 |
120 |
- Practice and Understanding
- control of the mind and mental factors
- practice and understanding
行舍 |
行捨 |
120 |
心观 |
心觀 |
120 |
contemplation on the mind
性相 |
120 |
inherent attributes
行仪 |
行儀 |
120 |
行蕴 |
行蘊 |
120 |
the aggregate of volition
性罪 |
120 |
natural sin
心慧 |
120 |
信解 |
120 |
resolution; determination; adhimukti
信力 |
120 |
the power of faith; śraddhābala
心密 |
120 |
mystery of the mind
信胜解 |
信勝解 |
120 |
resolution; adhimukti
心所 |
120 |
a mental factor; caitta
心王 |
120 |
the controlling function of the mind
心行 |
120 |
mental activity
心业 |
心業 |
120 |
the mental karma
喜受 |
120 |
the sensation of joy
修得 |
120 |
cultivation; parijaya
修善 |
120 |
to cultivate goodness
修十善业 |
修十善業 |
120 |
visualize the ten good deeds
修通 |
120 |
without impediment
修证 |
修證 |
120 |
cultivation and realization
修法 |
120 |
a ritual
修慧 |
120 |
- Wisdom from Practice; wisdom acquired by cultivation
- Xiuhui
- Xiuhui
修惑 |
120 |
illusion dispelled by cultivation
修空 |
120 |
cultivation of emptiness
修心 |
120 |
- Cultivating the Mind
- to cultivate one's mind
宣唱 |
120 |
to teach and lead to people to conversion
学佛 |
學佛 |
120 |
to learn from the Buddha
学戒 |
學戒 |
120 |
study of the precepts
学无学 |
學無學 |
120 |
one who is still studying and one who has completed their study
学处 |
學處 |
120 |
training; training in conduct; rules of conduct; śikṣāpada; sikkhāpada; siksapada
虚空界 |
虛空界 |
120 |
visible space
虚空等 |
虛空等 |
120 |
the same as empty space
虚诳语 |
虛誑語 |
120 |
false speech
寻伺 |
尋伺 |
120 |
awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and subtle perception
熏习 |
熏習 |
120 |
vāsanā; permeation; infusing; perfuming; predispositions; habituations; latent tendencies
虚妄分别 |
虛妄分別 |
120 |
- a dilusion; a mistaken distinction
- a dilusion; a mistaken distinction
眼根 |
121 |
the faculty of sight
眼识界 |
眼識界 |
121 |
visual consciousness element
言依 |
121 |
dependence on words
洋铜 |
洋銅 |
121 |
sea of molten copper
养育者 |
養育者 |
121 |
言教 |
121 |
ability to understand etymology and usage of words; nirukti
厌离 |
厭離 |
121 |
to give up in disgust
厌求 |
厭求 |
121 |
loathing suffering and seeking pleasure
严饰 |
嚴飾 |
121 |
to decorate; adorned
眼识 |
眼識 |
121 |
visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa
要门 |
要門 |
121 |
essential way; sacred tradition
要文 |
121 |
the essentials of a teaching
药叉 |
藥叉 |
121 |
业处 |
業處 |
121 |
- place of business; karmasthana
- an object of meditation
业道 |
業道 |
121 |
karmamarga; karma-marga; path of works
业感 |
業感 |
121 |
karma and the result of karma
业力 |
業力 |
121 |
- karmic effect
- the power of karma
业声 |
業聲 |
121 |
accusative case
业相 |
業相 |
121 |
业缘 |
業緣 |
121 |
- Karmic Condition
- karmic conditions; karmic connections
业种 |
業種 |
121 |
karmic seed
业种子 |
業種子 |
121 |
karmic seed
业烦恼 |
業煩惱 |
121 |
karmic affliction
业缚 |
業縛 |
121 |
karmic connections; karmic bonds
业果 |
業果 |
121 |
karmic retribution; cause and effect; fruit of actions; karma and results; karmaphala
业品 |
業品 |
121 |
teachings related to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites; karmakāṇḍa
业受 |
業受 |
121 |
karmic lifespan
业行 |
業行 |
121 |
- actions; deeds
- kṛtya; ill usage or treatment
业因 |
業因 |
121 |
karmic conditions
业障 |
業障 |
121 |
- karmic hindrance
- a karmic obstruction
一成 |
121 |
for one person to become enlightened
一大劫 |
121 |
one great kalpa
意地 |
121 |
stage of intellectual consciousness
一法 |
121 |
one dharma; one thing
一法界 |
121 |
a spiritual realm
一佛 |
121 |
one Buddha
一合相 |
121 |
- a composite
- a combined form
一合相理 |
121 |
combining appearance and principles
以何因缘 |
以何因緣 |
121 |
What is the cause?
一化 |
121 |
the influence of a Buddha in one Buddha-period
一极 |
一極 |
121 |
一间 |
一間 |
121 |
one stage before Nirvāṇa
异见 |
異見 |
121 |
different view
疑结 |
疑結 |
121 |
the bond of doubt
一界 |
121 |
one world
一解脱 |
一解脫 |
121 |
one liberation
一境 |
121 |
- one realm
- singled pointed focus
一腊 |
一臘 |
121 |
the completion of the monastic year
异门 |
異門 |
121 |
other schools
义门 |
義門 |
121 |
method of teaching; a way of seeking the truth
一门 |
一門 |
121 |
- one gate
- one gate
一念 |
121 |
- one thought
- one moment; one instant
- one thought
一切种智 |
一切種智 |
121 |
knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
意生 |
121 |
- arising from thoughts; produced mentally at will
- Manojava
已生恶 |
已生惡 |
121 |
evils that have already been produced
异生法 |
異生法 |
121 |
unlike each other
已生善 |
121 |
good that has already been produced
一生所系菩萨 |
一生所繫菩薩 |
121 |
a bodhisattva that will attain enlightenment in this lifetime
一识 |
一識 |
121 |
one perception; one knowledge
一食 |
121 |
one meal per day
一弹指 |
一彈指 |
121 |
a snap of the finger
一兔毛尘 |
一兔毛塵 |
121 |
a speck of dust on rabbit fur
疑网 |
疑網 |
121 |
a web of doubt
一相 |
121 |
one aspect
意许 |
意許 |
121 |
an implicit viewpoint
以要言之 |
121 |
in summary; essentially speaking
意业 |
意業 |
121 |
mental karma; actions; deeds
一异 |
一異 |
121 |
one and many
一一各 |
121 |
each one at a time; pratyeka
一缘 |
一緣 |
121 |
one fate; shared destiny
一增一减 |
一增一減 |
121 |
increasing then decreasing
依止 |
121 |
- to depend and rest upon
- to depend upon
一智 |
121 |
knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
依止处 |
依止處 |
121 |
basis; standing; resolution; blessing
已知根 |
121 |
one who already knows the roots
一百八 |
121 |
one hundred and eight
已办地 |
已辦地 |
121 |
stage of complete discrimination; kṛtāvibhūmi
依持 |
121 |
basis; support
忆持 |
憶持 |
121 |
to keep in mind; to remember; dhāraṇa
意处 |
意處 |
121 |
mental basis of cognition
一谛 |
一諦 |
121 |
one truth; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; bhūtatathatā; tathatā; tathata
异法 |
異法 |
121 |
a counter example
意根 |
121 |
the mind sense
依果 |
121 |
correlative effect; fruition of an outflow; niṣyandaphala
义解 |
義解 |
121 |
notes explaining the meaning of words or text
一劫 |
121 |
- one kalpa
- one kalpa
一句 |
121 |
- a sentence
- a single verse; a single word
一来果 |
一來果 |
121 |
the fruit of sakṛdāgāmin
一来向 |
一來向 |
121 |
the fruit of sakṛdāgāmin
意乐 |
意樂 |
121 |
- joy; happiness
- mental disposition; āśaya
义利 |
義利 |
121 |
weal; benefit
一明 |
121 |
a dhāraṇī; a dharani; a mantra; an incantation
引业 |
引業 |
121 |
directional karma
引因 |
121 |
directional karma
婬欲 |
121 |
sexual desire
因缘生 |
因緣生 |
121 |
produced from causes and conditions
因地 |
121 |
- the circumstances of place
- causative stage
因分 |
121 |
应法 |
應法 |
121 |
in harmony with the Dharma
应供养 |
應供養 |
121 |
worthy of worship
应观 |
應觀 |
121 |
may observe
应机 |
應機 |
121 |
应见 |
應見 |
121 |
should be seen
应知 |
應知 |
121 |
should be known
应佛 |
應佛 |
121 |
nirmanakaya; transformation body
应感 |
應感 |
121 |
sympathetic resonance
应果 |
應果 |
121 |
the fruit of being worthy; arhat-hood
应果性 |
應果性 |
121 |
应化 |
應化 |
121 |
- manifestation in response
- nirmita
应身 |
應身 |
121 |
nirmanakaya; transformation body; emanation body
应颂 |
應頌 |
121 |
geya; mixed verses and prose
因果相续 |
因果相續 |
121 |
continuation of cause and effect
应现 |
應現 |
121 |
for a Buddha or bodhisattva to appear as a living being
应作 |
應作 |
121 |
a manifestation
印可 |
121 |
to confirm
因论 |
因論 |
121 |
universal rule
因明 |
121 |
Buddhist logic; hetuvidya
音声 |
音聲 |
121 |
sound; noise
因时 |
因時 |
121 |
the circumstances of time
因位 |
121 |
causative stage; causative position
因相 |
121 |
因缘相 |
因緣相 |
121 |
not having a nature of its own
异品 |
異品 |
121 |
of a different kind
一品 |
121 |
a chapter
一期 |
121 |
- one moment of time
- a date; a fixed time
- a lifetime
一切处 |
一切處 |
121 |
- all places; everywhere
- kasina
一切法 |
121 |
- all phenomena
- all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切皆成 |
121 |
all will attain [Buddhahood]
一切苦 |
121 |
all difficulty
一切如来 |
一切如來 |
121 |
all Tathagatas
一切声 |
一切聲 |
121 |
every sound
一切有 |
121 |
all things or beings
一切有为 |
一切有為 |
121 |
all conditioned phenomena
一切有为法 |
一切有為法 |
121 |
all conditioned dharmas
一切有情 |
121 |
- all living beings
- all sentient beings
一切智 |
121 |
- wisdom of all
- sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切智者 |
121 |
a person with all knowledge
一刹那 |
一剎那 |
121 |
- one ksana
- one kṣaṇa; one instant
遗身 |
遺身 |
121 |
异生 |
異生 |
121 |
an ordinary person
异生性 |
異生性 |
121 |
the disposition of an ordinary person
一实 |
一實 |
121 |
suchness; inherent nature; true nature; bhūtatathatā; tathatā; tathata
意识界 |
意識界 |
121 |
realm of consciousness
异熟 |
異熟 |
121 |
vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
异熟果 |
異熟果 |
121 |
vipākaphala; retributive consequence
异熟生 |
異熟生 |
121 |
objects produced as a result of karma
异熟习气 |
異熟習氣 |
121 |
karmic predisposition
异熟因 |
異熟因 |
121 |
vipākahetu; a retributive cause
医王 |
醫王 |
121 |
king of healers; Medicine King
意言 |
121 |
mental discussion
异义 |
異義 |
121 |
to establish different meanings
一一各有 |
121 |
each one has; pratyeka
依正 |
121 |
two kinds of retribution; direct and conditional retribution
一中 |
121 |
- a hall of spread tables
- a hall with one seat
依主 |
依主 |
121 |
义宗 |
義宗 |
121 |
用大 |
121 |
great in function
勇猛精进 |
勇猛精進 |
121 |
bold advance
庸浅 |
庸淺 |
121 |
ordinary; pārthak
有果 |
121 |
having a result; fruitful
有海 |
121 |
sea of existence
有何因缘 |
有何因緣 |
121 |
What are the causes and conditions?
有门 |
有門 |
121 |
teaching of the phenomenal world
有情世间 |
有情世間 |
121 |
the sentient world
有体法 |
有體法 |
121 |
something that exists
有为无为 |
有為無為 |
121 |
conditioned and unconditioned
有未来 |
有未來 |
121 |
there will be a future
有无 |
有無 |
121 |
existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有相 |
121 |
having form
有想 |
121 |
having apperception
有余师说 |
有餘師說 |
121 |
outside teachings; non-Buddhist teachings
有缘生 |
有緣生 |
121 |
From becoming as a requisite condition comes birth.
有执受 |
有執受 |
121 |
having perception
有财释 |
有財釋 |
121 |
有谛 |
有諦 |
121 |
conventional truth; relative truth; mundane truth
有对 |
有對 |
121 |
有法 |
121 |
something that exists
有漏 |
121 |
having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
有情界 |
121 |
the universe of beings
有身见 |
有身見 |
121 |
the view or belief in a true self; satkāyadṛṣṭi; sakkāyadiṭṭhi
忧受 |
憂受 |
121 |
the sensation of sorrow
有为法 |
有為法 |
121 |
- Conditioned Dharmas
- saṃskṛta; conditioned
遊戏 |
遊戲 |
121 |
to be free and at ease
有性 |
121 |
- having the nature
- existence
有言 |
121 |
speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
有缘 |
有緣 |
121 |
- to have a cause, link, or connection
- having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲爱 |
欲愛 |
121 |
- passionate love
- love inspired by desire
语表业 |
語表業 |
121 |
the karma of speech
欲法 |
121 |
with desire
与果 |
與果 |
121 |
fruit produced
欲界 |
121 |
realm of desire
欲境 |
121 |
object of desire
欲乐 |
欲樂 |
121 |
the joy of the five desires
欲染 |
121 |
the poluting influence of desire
欲生 |
121 |
arising from desire
于现法 |
於現法 |
121 |
here in the present life
语业 |
語業 |
121 |
verbal karma
与欲 |
與欲 |
121 |
with desire; with consent
圆成 |
圓成 |
121 |
complete perfection
缘成 |
緣成 |
121 |
produced by conditions
缘理 |
緣理 |
121 |
study of principles
圆满自在 |
圓滿自在 |
121 |
Wholeness and Freeness
怨亲 |
怨親 |
121 |
- Foes and Kin
- hate and affection
愿求 |
願求 |
121 |
缘阙不生 |
緣闕不生 |
121 |
there is no arising when conditions are lacking
缘生法 |
緣生法 |
121 |
conditioned dharmas
缘事 |
緣事 |
121 |
study of phenomena
缘已生 |
緣已生 |
121 |
dharmas have have arisen due to causes
愿智 |
願智 |
121 |
wisdom resulting from a vow; to vow to obtain all-knowledge
怨敌 |
怨敵 |
121 |
an enemy
缘法 |
緣法 |
121 |
causes and conditions
缘观 |
緣觀 |
121 |
object and subject; phenomenal and noumenal
猨猴 |
121 |
monkey; vānara
圆寂 |
圓寂 |
121 |
- perfect rest
- perfect rest; to pass away
怨家 |
121 |
an enemy
缘觉 |
緣覺 |
121 |
- pratyekabuddha
- pratyekabuddha
愿力 |
願力 |
121 |
- Power of Vow
- the power of a vow
圆满业 |
圓滿業 |
121 |
fulfilling karma
缘起 |
緣起 |
121 |
- Dependent Origination
- dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘起法 |
緣起法 |
121 |
law of dependent origination; law of dependent arising
缘起论 |
緣起論 |
121 |
theory of dependent origination; dependent arising
缘生 |
緣生 |
121 |
dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
圆生树 |
圓生樹 |
121 |
coral tree
缘缘 |
緣緣 |
121 |
ālambanapratyaya; ārammaṇapaccaya; observed object condition
缘中 |
緣中 |
121 |
the place at which the mind is centered
约部 |
約部 |
121 |
according to their school
约教 |
約教 |
121 |
according to their doctrine
约法 |
約法 |
121 |
according to the Dharma; according to teachings
月星 |
121 |
moon; soma
愚夫 |
121 |
a fool; a simpleton; bāla
欲界系 |
欲界繫 |
121 |
bonds of the desire realm
预流向 |
預流向 |
121 |
stages on path of a Srotaāpanna
预流果 |
預流果 |
121 |
fruit of stream entry
欲漏 |
121 |
kāmāsrava; sense desire; desire for sensuality
殒没 |
殞沒 |
121 |
death; kālakriyā
欲取 |
121 |
clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
余趣 |
餘趣 |
121 |
other realms
见取 |
見取 |
121 |
clinging to false views; dṛṣṭi-upādāna; diṭṭhi-upādāna
踰缮那 |
踰繕那 |
121 |
欲贪 |
欲貪 |
121 |
kāmarāga; sensual craving
欲贪随眠 |
欲貪隨眠 |
121 |
kāmarāga; sensual craving
欲邪行 |
121 |
sexual misconduct
欲心 |
121 |
a lustful heart
杂秽 |
雜穢 |
122 |
杂修 |
雜修 |
122 |
varied methods of cultivation; mixed pracices
在家出家 |
122 |
observing monastic discipline without being ordained
在家众 |
在家眾 |
122 |
lay Buddhist community
赞歎 |
讚歎 |
122 |
造论 |
造論 |
122 |
wrote the treatise
造颂 |
造頌 |
122 |
gatha; detached verse
造业 |
造業 |
122 |
Creating Karma
杂染 |
雜染 |
122 |
- Polluted
- an affliction; a defilement
择灭 |
擇滅 |
122 |
elimination of desire by will
憎爱 |
憎愛 |
122 |
hate and love
增上心 |
122 |
- unsurpassed mind
- meditative mind
- improving the mind
增上心学 |
增上心學 |
122 |
training on meditative concentration
增上缘 |
增上緣 |
122 |
- Positive Conditions
- contributory factor
- predominant condition; adhipatipratyaya
增上 |
122 |
additional; increased; superior
增上果 |
122 |
adhipatiphala; predominant fruition
增上慢 |
122 |
conceit; abhimāna
增语 |
增語 |
122 |
designation; appellation
增语触 |
增語觸 |
122 |
择灭无为 |
擇滅無為 |
122 |
cessation through analysis
占相 |
122 |
to tell someone's future
长者子 |
長者子 |
122 |
the son of an elder
照见 |
照見 |
122 |
to look down upon
折伏 |
122 |
to refute
遮戒 |
122 |
a preclusive precept
真法 |
122 |
true dharma; absolute dharma
真解脱 |
真解脫 |
122 |
true liberation
真现量 |
真現量 |
122 |
reasoning from manifest phenomena; pratyakṣa
真佛 |
122 |
real body; saṃbhogakāya
证道 |
證道 |
122 |
- awareness of the path
- the path of direct realization
正断 |
正斷 |
122 |
letting go
正方便 |
122 |
right effort
正观 |
正觀 |
122 |
right observation
正见 |
正見 |
122 |
- Right View
- right understanding; right view
正见人 |
正見人 |
122 |
Right Viewer
证净 |
證淨 |
122 |
attainment of pure wisdom
正精进 |
正精進 |
122 |
right effort
正念 |
122 |
- Right Mindfulness
- right mindfulness
征遣 |
徵遣 |
122 |
to deal with
正思 |
122 |
right thought
正思惟 |
122 |
right intention; right thought
正性 |
122 |
divine nature
正业 |
正業 |
122 |
- Right Action
- right action
证义 |
證義 |
122 |
proofread the meaning
正语 |
正語 |
122 |
- Right Speech
- right speech
正治 |
122 |
right effort
证得 |
證得 |
122 |
realize; prāpti
证法 |
證法 |
122 |
realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
正法久住 |
122 |
- Eternally Abiding Dharma
- the right Dharma will last for a long time
证果 |
證果 |
122 |
the rewards of the different stages of attainment
正解 |
122 |
sambodhi; saṃbodhi; enlightenment
正觉 |
正覺 |
122 |
sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
诤论 |
諍論 |
122 |
to debate
证菩提 |
證菩提 |
122 |
to become a Buddha
正勤 |
122 |
- effort; right effort
- right effort
证入 |
證入 |
122 |
experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
正受 |
122 |
samāpatti; meditative attainment
正说 |
正說 |
122 |
proper teaching
正信 |
122 |
- Right Faith
- proper belief
正行 |
122 |
right action
证智 |
證智 |
122 |
experiential knowledge; realization; adhigamavābodha
正智 |
122 |
correct understanding; wisdom
真净 |
真淨 |
122 |
true and pure teaching
真实义 |
真實義 |
122 |
- true meaning
- true meaning; principle
真妄 |
122 |
true and false; real and imaginary
真修 |
122 |
cultivation in accordance with reason
遮罪 |
122 |
proscribed misconduct
智德 |
122 |
the virtue of wisdom; wisdom
知根 |
122 |
organs of perception
止观 |
止觀 |
122 |
- Cessation and Contemplation
- calming and contemplating
- calming and insight; calming and contemplation; śamatha and vipaśyanā
知世间 |
知世間 |
122 |
one who knows the world
智相 |
122 |
discriminating intellect
直心 |
122 |
- Direct
- a straightforward mind
知行 |
122 |
Understanding and Practice
智证 |
智證 |
122 |
- realization through wisdom
- Zhi Zheng
- Chishō
知众 |
知眾 |
122 |
a sense of social gatherings
执藏 |
執藏 |
122 |
the process of storing
执持 |
執持 |
122 |
to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
制多 |
122 |
知法 |
122 |
to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
智慧力 |
122 |
power of wisdom
执见 |
執見 |
122 |
attachment to [delusive] views
知见 |
知見 |
122 |
- Understanding
- to know by seeing
制戒 |
122 |
rules; vinaya
智品 |
122 |
teaching of the one Spirit; jñānakāṇḍa
执受 |
執受 |
122 |
attaches to; grasps
智行 |
122 |
wisdom and cultivation; wisdom and practice
执着 |
執著 |
122 |
- attachment
- grasping
中根 |
122 |
medium capacity of each of the six organs of sense
中劫 |
122 |
intermediate kalpa
中品 |
122 |
middle rank
中善 |
122 |
admirable in the middle
种善根 |
種善根 |
122 |
to plant wholesome roots
众圣 |
眾聖 |
122 |
all sages
众同分 |
眾同分 |
122 |
same class
众缘和合 |
眾緣和合 |
122 |
assemblage of causes and conditions
种智 |
種智 |
122 |
knowledge of the seed or cause of all phenomena
重担 |
重擔 |
122 |
a heavy load
众经 |
眾經 |
122 |
myriad of scriptures
众苦 |
眾苦 |
122 |
all suffering
种性 |
種性 |
122 |
lineage; gotra
种姓 |
種姓 |
122 |
Buddhist lineage; gotra
中有 |
122 |
an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
助道 |
122 |
auxiliary means; auxiliary aid
诸法 |
諸法 |
122 |
all things; all dharmas
诸法实相 |
諸法實相 |
122 |
the actual nature of dharmas
诸法无我 |
諸法無我 |
122 |
all phenomena are without an independent self; the insubstantiality of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
诸法自性 |
諸法自性 |
122 |
the intrinsic nature of dharmas
诸佛 |
諸佛 |
122 |
Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸见 |
諸見 |
122 |
views; all views
诸漏已尽 |
諸漏已盡 |
122 |
outflows already exhausted
诸菩萨 |
諸菩薩 |
122 |
诸人 |
諸人 |
122 |
people; jana
诸如来 |
諸如來 |
122 |
all tathagatas
诸事 |
諸事 |
122 |
all things; everything
住世 |
122 |
living in the world
诸世间 |
諸世間 |
122 |
worlds; all worlds
诸天 |
諸天 |
122 |
诸仙 |
諸仙 |
122 |
group of sages
诸相 |
諸相 |
122 |
all appearances; all characteristics
住心 |
122 |
abiding in thoughts; abode of the mind
诸行无常 |
諸行無常 |
122 |
all conditioned phenomena are impermanent
助业 |
助業 |
122 |
auxiliary karma
助缘 |
助緣 |
122 |
- Supporting Conditions
- supportive conditions
诸缘 |
諸緣 |
122 |
karmic conditions
诸众生 |
諸眾生 |
122 |
all beings
转法轮 |
轉法輪 |
122 |
- to turn the Dharma Wheel
- Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
专精 |
專精 |
122 |
single-mindedly and diligently
专念 |
專念 |
122 |
to concentrate; to fix attention [on an object]
转识 |
轉識 |
122 |
- Transforming Consciousness
- evolving mind
专修 |
專修 |
122 |
focused cultivation
转轮王 |
轉輪王 |
122 |
a wheel turning king; cakravartin
转依 |
轉依 |
122 |
āśrayaparāvṛtti; transformation basis
住持 |
122 |
- 1. Abbot (male); 2. Abbess (female)
- the abbot of a monastery; the director of a monastery
- to uphold the Dharma
诸处 |
諸處 |
122 |
everywhere; sarvatra
诸法自在 |
諸法自在 |
122 |
浊乱 |
濁亂 |
122 |
corrupt and chaotic
住相 |
122 |
abiding; sthiti
住着 |
住著 |
122 |
to cling; to attach; to dwell
自力 |
122 |
one's own power
自内证 |
自內證 |
122 |
personal realization; inner understanding; pratyātmādhigama
自生 |
122 |
self origination
资生 |
資生 |
122 |
the necessities of life
自相惑 |
122 |
delusion from observing things as individual entities
自心 |
122 |
One's Mind
自依止 |
122 |
rely on the self
自摄 |
自攝 |
122 |
to act for oneself
自说 |
自說 |
122 |
udāna; expressions
自体 |
自體 |
122 |
oneself; ātmabhāva
自悟 |
122 |
self realization
自性 |
122 |
- Self-Nature
- intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
- primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
自言 |
122 |
to admit by oneself
自证 |
自證 |
122 |
宗委 |
122 |
Board Director
罪福 |
122 |
offense and merit
最上 |
122 |
最胜 |
最勝 |
122 |
- jina; conqueror
- supreme; uttara
- Uttara
罪业 |
罪業 |
122 |
sin; karma
尊胜 |
尊勝 |
122 |
superlative; vijayī
作佛 |
122 |
to become a Buddha
作善 |
122 |
to do good deeds
作根 |
122 |
an organ of action; karmendriya